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Tlbe Comentan JUNIATA MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY CO JOLT CRIDDERS tlbe Comentan JUNIATA MORAVIAN COLLEGE STUDENT WEEKLY Number 3 Volume LXIII Bethlehem, Pa., Friday, October 7, 1960 Rush Program Clark, Scott To Debate 39% CastCampaigVote A pre-election debate between the two United States senators from Pennsylvania, Joseph S. Clark, Demo¬ For Is Announced crat, and Hugh Scott, Republican, will be held in Grace Hall on the Lehigh University campus on Thurs¬ Secretary; day, Oct. 20 at 8 p.m. This was announced by Henry Cordray, president of the Political Activities Club of By l-F Council this college. 27 Write-ins This debate, which will be the Fraternity rushing rules were Thirty-nine percent of the two senators' only one of the student body including only 32 formulated for the fall semes¬ campaign, is being sponsored by freshmen cast their ballots last ter on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at the five area colleges, Cedar the first meeting of the Inter- Crest, Lafayette, Lehigh, Mora¬ Monday and Tuesday in the fraternity Council (IFC). vian and Muhlenberg, as well as primary election for a United Stu¬ the dent Government secretary to re¬ It was decided lay the council Lehigh "Valley Foreign Policy Association and the Lehigh Val¬ place Susan Wilbraham, who had that the invitation lists for indi¬ been elected last vidual rush parties were to be in ley League of Women Voters. year and did not return to the college. the office of Harvey T. D. Gilles¬ Members of these groups will The general election will be pie, Dean of Men, no later than form a seven-member panel to conducted on Monday and Tues¬ 8 a.m. this morning. The lists will question the senators, who will day, Oct. 10 and 11. The same be posted today in Comenius Hall. first present pointed speeches on procedure as was used in the pri¬ The fraternity rush parties will their respective subjects. mary election will be followed in take place next week, with Sigma Moravian College president, Dr. the general election. Phi Omega leading off on Tues¬ Raymond S. Haupert, will act as Candidates whose names will day, Oct. 11, Omicron Gamma moderator. appear on the ballot for the gen¬ HUGH SCOTT Omega on Wednesday, Oct. 12, JOSEPH S. CLARK A limited number of tickets will eral election are Jean Scott, who and Tau Kappa Epsilon on Thurs¬ be apportioned to the respective Pennsylvania and Randolph-Ma¬ collected 279 votes, and Paul day, Oct. 13. sponsoring organizations, stated con College, graduating from the Reinhard, who received five write- James Kritis, president of the Cordray. Seats which are not fill¬ latter in 1919. He received his in votes. ed IFC, announced that silent week 'International' by 8 p.m. will then be made law degree from the University Other people who received will start two days later on Satur¬ available to the public. of Virginia in 1922. day, Oct. 15 at noon, and will To Be Theme Clark, who was elected to the For 16 years Scott served as continue through Wednesday, Oct. senate in 1956, was borfi in Phil¬ United States Representative from 19 at noon. All fraternities will USG adelphia in 1901. He was gradu¬ the Sixth District of Pennsylvania. Agenda have to have their bids for pledg¬ Of Weekend ated magna cum laude from Har¬ He also served on the House Com¬ Tuesday, Oct. 11, 1960 es, and a list of their names in "International" will be the vard in 1924 and received his mittee on Rules, and was a mem¬ 1. Gillespie's office no later than 8 Reports by the grading theme or Moravian College's an¬ bachelor of law degree from the ber of the House Republican Pol¬ a.m. Monday, Oct. 17, stated Kri¬ system committee and the nual Homecoming weekend, Oct. University of Pennsylvania in icy Committee. tis. honor system committee. 21-22. Featured during the week¬ 1926. on p. 3, After this time, any rushees (Cont. col. 5) 2. Discussion and approv¬ end will be a dance, a football He was elected city comptrol¬ (Cont. on p. 6, col. 2) al of USG allocations for game with Lebanon Valley, a pep ler of Philadelphia in 1949 and 1960-1961. rally, a bonfire and two parades. mayor in 1951. Soon after he re¬ Weinlick Reviews Summer Session Alan Bornstein and David Coe, ceived honorary degrees from 3. Further discussion a- co-chairmen of the Social Activi¬ Temple and Harvard. Moravian History bout the possibility of estab¬ lishing a campus radio sta¬ ties Committee, have announced As a senator he strongly sup¬ Speaking on the "Religious and Program Expanded tion. that a Homecoming Queen will ported the Civil Rights Bill in Cultural Influences in the Found¬ George Tyler, professor of be chosen from twelve contest¬ 1957. He also demanded the re¬ ing of Moravian College," at yes¬ classics and director of the col¬ ants, representing the various moval of Secretary of State John terdays Founder's Day Convoca¬ write-in votes were James Mc- lege's summer session program, classes. Her court will com¬ be Foster Dulles. tion, The. Rev. John Weinlick, Crudden with stated this week that the 1960 four, and James posed of the other semi-finalists. Ph.D., of Moravian Theological Clark was among those sena¬ Gano, Thomas Schmoyer and Judy program was greatly expanded An all-student election for the tors who proposed a change in Seminary, reviewed the history of Studwell with three. Those who over last year. queen and her court will be held the college beginning in 1742. Senate rules to try to curb fili¬ received two write-ins were Georg- One hundred forty-two students on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 17 Weinlick called the Moravian bustering. ene Billiard, Judy Laning Cava- were enrolled in the course, rep¬ and IS, in the lobby of Comenius heritage "invaluable to education, The senator is a member of the nagh, Jean Friedman, and Ruth resenting an increase of 34 over Hall, according to the Social Ac¬ Senate Banking and Currency symbolic of dedicated living, with Welch. last year. Nine additional courses tivities Committee. no demarkation between the se¬ Committee, the District of Colum¬ Carol Altemose, Susan Beitel, were offered, bringing the total to The Homecoming Queen will cular and the sacred." bia Committee and the Post Office F. Castro, Susanne Clowry, Henry 30, and six additional instructors reign at a dance to be held Satur¬ and Civil Service Committee; he (Cont. on p. 3, col. 1) (Cont. on p. 6, col. 5) were added, making 17. day night, Oct. 22. Matt Gilles¬ was appointed to these in 1957. pie's orchestra will provide the Tyler expressed the hope that Clark and several colleagues, the enrollment and curricula music for the dance. in May 1959, offered several bills would continue to increase in suc¬ Bornstein further announced to make taxation fairer and add Cordray, Stupak cessive that dress for the dance will be years, possibly to the point two and a half billion dollars a where resident students would be suits for men and cocktail dresses year in revenue at the same time. Of Candidates F accepted in the program. for women. He also announced Scott, a senator since 1958, was Debating Tuesday on the quadrangle behind Comenius Hall, Wil¬ Fourteen Moravian instructors that refreshments will be served born in 1900 in Fredericksburg, liam Cordray and Ronald Stupak addressed an estimated crowd of 250 served on the summer faculty. (Cont. on p. 3, col. 1) Va. He attended the University of students on the candidates and personalities in the current political campaign. First Audubon Tour Speaking extemporaneously for Program the Republican Party, Cordray stressed "cool, calm, collected To Feature Jungle Wildlife leadership," with "experience in John Moyer, author, lecturer and wild-life photographer, will pre¬ the executive branch." sent the first in a series of Audubon Screen Tours tomorrow at 8 p.m. Richard M. Nixon is "the best in Johnston Hall. Moyer has traveled 19,000 miles throughout India qualified candidate ever in the and has spent three years preparing the film which he will narrate. history of this nation," a man The film, entitled "Jungle Trek who "understands the world sit¬ in Colonial Hall, North Campus, In India," features the most dan¬ uation," he stated. or at the door. Single admission gerous of game, India's big the a tickets are also on sale. Cordray, junior business ad¬ wild buffalo, and includes many The ministration major, went on to shots of other wild life, such as program is presented by the Moravian College Conserva¬ point out that Nixon helped to flying foxes, gibbons, elephants "settle tion Association and the National the steel strike with James and tigers. Audubon Society. Mitchell." Of Henry Cabot Lodge, Moyer has travelled extensively he said, "he is a great statesman throughout the world. During who has led the United States NEW World War II he served in the COMENIAN in the U. N." United States Navy in charge of Students listen to the remarks of William Cordray, speaking for FOOTBALL CONTEST Cordray centered his closing Field Photography. the Republican Party, at last Tuesday's debate between him and Ron¬ remarks on the need of this coun- SEE STORY ON PAGE 4 ald Season tickets for students are Stupak, Democrat. Moderator was John Pasco of the Veterans' (Cont. on p. 3, col. 4) one dollar, and may be purchased Organization, sponsor of the event. Photo by Stoddard Page 2 THE COMENIAN October 7, 1 960 (il tj p (E n nu n i a n Heard Published On Freedom Of Choice weekly at Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pa.
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