This is to certifz that

was admitted to

of Master of Information Tbchnologt


7s May,2015


held in Colombo on the 02'd day of December, 2015

Wibress our hands this Second day of December in the year Two Thousand and Fifteen. 4r{ hce- w-=t- Registrar @l UniuerciU oI Golom[o $ch00l 0l Gomruting tfie force iefiin[ ICt lEducation in Sri f,anfuz. 35, Reid Avenue, Colombo 7, . UG$G 18th November 2015 ThiS iS tO CCTtifY thAt RAJAPAKSE KARUNANAYAKE MUDIYANSELAGE SAMPATH MANGALA DARSHANA RAJAPAKSE bearing Index No: 12550398 and Registration No. 20l2t%tTl039 appeared for the DEGREE OF MASTER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (2012-2014) conducted by this Institution, and was awarded the DEGREE OF MASTER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY with effect from 01't May 2015, by the "

The candidate appeared the following courses at the above examinations and obtained the grading indicated against each course:

SEMESTER I Subiect Code Subiect Name 2013 MIT 1010 Program Design and Programming C MIT 1020 Computer Systems C MIT 1030 Fundamentals of Information Technology B- MIT 1040 Systems Analysis and Design B. SEMESTER II Subiect Code Subiect Name 2013 MIT 2010 Database Systems C MIT 2020 Software Engineering C. MIT 2030 Internet Programming D+ MIT 2040 Rapid Application Development C SEMESTER III Subiect Code Subiect Name 2014 MIT 3010 Project Management and Professional Issues in ICT B- MIT 3020 Individual Projecr C MIT 3030 Data Communication and Networks C+ MIT 3070 Management and Organizational Behavior C+ MIT 3080 Business Information Systems B-

SEMESTER IV Subiect Code Subiect Name 2014 MIT 4050 e-Business and Computational Finance B MIT 4060 Business Statistics and Operational Research D+

The title of the project is "Blood Bank Management System (BBMS)."

Final Result: Pass

The medium of instruction of the programme is English.

This transcript is issued at the request of lVIn R. K. M. s. M. D. Rajapakse.

.a-t 9. lt tt.'-fi/-2r.-^ Mrs. D.K.M Rathnayake Senior Assistant Registrar / Examinations

Key to Grading 4+=90-100, 4=80-89, A-=75-79,8+=70-74, 8=65-69, 8-=60-64, C+:55-59, C:50-54, C-:45-49,D+=40-44, D:30-39, D-=20-29, E=00-19, ab=Absent; MC=Medical Certificate; NA=Not Applied;

Key to Final Result: Pass: =>50; Not Complete: Fail

Tel: +94-11-2581245 F'rx: +94-11-2581239 e-meil: [email protected] Web: Over 25 years of innovation in the ICT Education landscape of Sri Lanka