Creating Innovative Steel Solutions
CREATING INNOVATIVE STEEL SOLUTIONS AKAK Steteel’elel ssn neww ResRReeeseareaara chch andannd InInnovnovvatiationn CenCeC terteter ANNUAL REPORT AND FORM 10-K 2017 2017 AK STEEL ANNUAL REPORT AND FORM 10-K steel solutions provider. productpp capabilitiesp for the manufacturing These solutions leverage our of our stainless products.p All of these broadening portfolio of stainless, projects were completed safely, on electrical, and carbon steels, as budget, and on time. Roger K. Newport well as tubular carbon and stainless Chief Executive Officer steel products.p We also took a Progress in Trade Support transformational step to expand our Duringgg 2017, we continued our fight products and services with the to ensure fair trade in the steel industry strategic acquisition of Precision Partners, in the United States. I joined other steel with their advanced capabilities in industry leaders at the White House as A Message From Roger K. Newport tooling and complex hot- and cold- President Trumpp initiated the Section 232 I am pleased with the great progress stamped components. Investigation, and I testified about the we made in 2017 to strengtheng the Over the pastpy two years, we have unfair globalg trade issues that the steel overall foundation of our company and meaningfullygy enhanced our portfolio p industry faces related to the dumping of drive a longg term, sustainable increase of products,pp production capabilities, p steel into the U.S. in shareholder value. Our performancep and facilities, while at the same time We supported President Trump’s bold was veryyp solid in terms of operational strengthening our capital structure. action in early 2018 to impose global, execution, employee safety, product broad based trade actions, includingg quality, and environmental compliance.
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