Translated & Annotated under the Guidance of Dharma Master Hsuan Jung by Minh Thành & P.D. Leigh HAN DD ET U 'S B B O RY eOK LIBRA E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. D. T. Suzuki, Manual of Zen Buddhism (p. ): Yakushi (the Medicine Buddha) is the Bodhisattva doctor. He holds a medicine jar in his hand and is attended by twelve gods each of whom represents one of his twelve vows. Th e main object of his appearance among us is to cure us of ignorance, which is the most fundamental of all the ills the fl esh is heir to. May the merit and virtue accrued from this work adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land, repaying the four great kindnesses above, and relieve the suff ering of those on the three paths below. May those who see or hear of these eff orts generate Bodhi-mind, spend their lives devoted to the Buddha Dharma, and fi nally be reborn together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Homage to Amita Buddha! Taisho XIV, Translated and annotated under the guidance of Dharma Master Hsuan Jung By Minh Th anh & P.D. Leigh International Buddhist Monastic Institute Th e Sutra of the Medicine Buddha is among the most popular texts in East Asia, along with the Amitabha, the Ksitigarbha and the Lotus sutras. Th is new translation, freely available to all seekers, includes the oral comments of several contemporary senior monks. Second edition International Buddhist Monastic Institute Columbus Avenue North Hills, CA (USA) tel.