2012 LGBT Community Survey®

U.S. Overview Report 6th Annual Edion July 2012

Enre contents © Community Markeng, Inc. CMI’s 6th Annual LGBT Community Survey

U.S. Overview Report

6th Annual Edition

LGBT is a market segment that simply shouldn’t be ignored. The social and polical landscape is evolving rapidly, and developing a clear, aconable understanding of this dynamic and influenal demographic has never been more important for your brand.

Ulizing quantave and qualitave market research methodologies, Community Markeng helps companies beer understand and more effecvely reach the LGBT community. Our consumer panel provides insights through online surveys, focus groups, intercepts and more.

CMI has been a leader in LGBT markeng and insights since 1992, and my team looks forward to being your strategic partners.

Thomas Roth, President Community Markeng, Inc. www.CommunityMarkengInc.com CMI’s 6th Annual LGBT Community Survey

Thanks to our 2012 Sponsors & Partners

Enre contents © Community Markeng, Inc. Use or distribuon by permission only. 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

In partnership with Rivendell Media, CMI’s 2012 LGBT Community Survey respondents were referred from 150+ global LGBT media partners, events and organizaons

103.9 PROUD FM Damron Travel Guides GLCCB/ OMG Blog Spartacusworld.com Adelante Magazine David Magazine Grab Magazine OneGoodLove SquareHippies Advocate.com De Magneet Greg in Hollywood Our Lives Magazine Squirt.org Affirmaons Delta Foundaon of Pisburgh Grindr Out & About Newspaper Staten Island LGBT Community aerellen.com DesiBoys GuideMag.com Center aerelton.com Downelink.com Hello Media Out In Jersey, Inc. Stonewall Columbus/ Columbus AMERICABlog Echelon Magazine Hotspots Magazine Out.com Pride Aqua Foundaon for Women EDGE Media Network Hunk du jour OutServe Sweet B Magazine (edgeatlanta, Insnct Magazine OutSmart Magazine TAG / TAG Approved Balmore OUTloud edgelosangeles,etc.) Internaonal Federaon of Outwords, Inc. Accommodaons BARtab Equally Wed Black Prides, Inc. Pink Banana Media Telluride Gay Ski Week InterPride Pink Pages The New Civil Rights Movement Bay Times Fab Magazine ION Arizona Magazine Pisburgh's Out / TLA Entertainment fabmagazine.com Just Circuit Magazine outonline.com Tom on Tour BBCM Foundaon FENUXE Magazine Just Out Newspaper Pride Card, The Towleroad Bey-Clarke Media Group FlawLes Media Kenneth in the 212 Pride Source Media Group Travel Gay Canada Bisexual Resource Center Froners Magazine LA PRIDE/Christopher St. West PurpleDrag.com Triangle Black Pride Bleu Magazine GA Voice Mom Today Q-Notes (Pride Publishing Unicorn Booty Boyculture Gay Ad Network Lesbian News (LN) & Typeseng) Utopia-Asia.com Brunos.de Gay Calgary Magazine Lesbian.com Queer.de Camp Magazine LGBT Community Center (NYC) Queerid Watermark Media, Inc. CenterLink: The Community GAY to Z Directory LGBT Weekly , Inc. of LGBT Centers Gay.com Logotv.com Rage Monthly, The Wisconsin Gazee Central Voice Newspaper Gay.net Männer Rainbow Times, The Women's eNews ChicagoPride.com Gayborhood Rainbow.travel Xtra! Oawa Clubsanook.com GayCies Magazine San Diego Gay & Lesbian News Xtra! Community Markeng, Inc. Gaynewsnetwork.com.au New Mexico GLBTQ Centers San Diego PIX Magazine Xtra! Vancouver Compete Magazine Gaypedia NewNowNext.com SheWired.com xtra.ca CUE MAGAZINE INC Gayromeo.com Next Door Magazine SoCal Social Club Curve Magazine GayWhistler NEXT Magazine Social House Media Group Voice Gayyellow.com noiZe Magazine Spartacus Traveler

4 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Special thanks to some of our most producve community partners…

• Grindr • Curve • Towleroad and AskTell Media • Logo, aerelton.com, aerellen.com • Here Media (OUT, Advocate, gay.com, gay.net, shewired) • TLA Entertainment • Insnct • Queerty • GayCies • Squirt • Damron • Bisexual Resource Center • Pride • Los Angeles Pride • Unicorn Booty • Queer.de • Xtra! Canada • GayNewsNetwork.com.au

5 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion


• The Community Markeng, Inc. (CMI) LGBT Market Research + Development Lab® has been conducng LGBT consumer research since 1994. Our pracce includes online surveys, telephone interviews, intercepts, focus groups (on-site and online), and advisory boards in North America and Europe. Industry leaders around the world depend on CMI’s research and analysis as a basis for feasibility evaluaons, posioning, economic impact, creave tesng, informed forecasng, measurable markeng planning and assessment of return on investment.

• CMI’s research findings have been published in the Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Businessweek, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, CBS News, NPR, Associated Press and many other internaonal, naonal and regional media.

• CMI’s research clients include leaders from a wide range of industries. In the past few years, studies have been produced for these and many other clients: Wells Fargo Bank, Target Brands, ABSOLUT Vodka, MetLife, United States Census Bureau, Travelocity, American Cancer Society, Gallo Wineries, Kaiser Family Foundaon, Hya Hotels, Japan Naonal Tourism Organizaon and numerous other corporaons and organizaons across North America and around the world.

6 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Our 6th Annual LGBT Community Survey connues to be one of the most comprehensive studies available focusing on LGBT consumers

Who Did We Talk To? How Did We Talk To Them?

• Over 45,000 total respondents living in 148 countries. • 15 minute online survey conducted in The survey was available in English and German (with May - June 2012 addional languages to be added in 2013). • Our mobile-opmized survey was made available • This report focuses on U.S. data for over 11,000 self- through an email invitaon to CMI’s research idenfied gay men and 2,000 lesbian women panelists, as well via the publicaons, websites, email lists, instant messaging, mobile pop-ups, social media • Respondents were recruited from CMI’s proprietary and community events of this year’s 150+ partners. research panel and 200+ LGBT media outlets, events and partner organizaons • Importantly, our sample reflects the readership/ membership/involvement of this broad range of LGBT • Comparisons to CMI’s 2011 LGBT Community Survey focused media outlets, organizaons and events. This data are made where applicable means that the results summarized here are highly representave of LGBT consumers who are interacng • CMI also fielded a condensed survey to a naonally with LGBT community media and events; i.e. the representave sample of US consumers in June 2012; audience reached by “LGBT markeng.” comparisons are displayed where applicable to provide addional context to the LGBT results

7 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

In This Overview… Key Topics

Technology & Lifestyle

Brand Attitudes & Purchase Behaviors

LGBT Marketing & Messaging

Media Usage & Interaction With Advertising

Politics & Fundraising

8 1 How are gay men and interacng with technology?

Technology & LGBT Lifestyle 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Technology Ownership • Gay men and lesbians are avid tech users and are more likely to own a variety of devices – especially iPhones and iPads – compared to their straight counterparts.

Which of the following do you own? Total LGBT Index vs. Nat’l Average Gay Men Digital camera 112 Lesbians iPhone 174

Android smartphone 134

iPad 161

E-reader (Nook, Kindle, Sony, etc.) 106

Digital camcorder (Flip, HD, etc.) 75

iPod Touch 106

Blackberry smartphone 67

Other WiFi / HotSpot enabled device 130

Android tablet 57

Windows smartphone 85

Base: Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

10 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Technology & Lifestyle • LGBT’s – especially gay men – are more likely to say they rely on technology to help manage their hecc lifestyles • And, gay men (especially 18-29’s) are early adopters of new tech products within their networks

Atudes About Technology & Lifestyle

Index vs. Nat’l Index vs. Nat’l Gay Men Avg., Men Lesbians Avg., Women I carry my cell phone or PDA 79% 184 79% 132 everywhere I go

Technology helps make my life 59% 144 58% 109 more organized

It is important to juggle various 152 122 tasks at the same me 50% 47%

I am so busy, oen I can’t finish 193 131 everything I need to in a day 33% 35%

I'm among first of my friends to try new technology products 27% 133 18% 73

Especially true for younger gay men, age 18-29 Base: Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

11 2 What they are buying and what influences them?

Brand Attitudes & Purchase Behaviors 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Brand Atudes • are movated more by trust and quality over brand names, and they’re willing to pay more for it. • And for brands that get it right, LGBTs are much more likely to become advocates and share with their friends. Atudes About Brands & Shopping

Index vs. Nat’l Index vs. Nat’l Gay Men Avg., Men Lesbians Avg., Women If a company or brand impresses 132 me, I will make a point of telling 64% 139 65% friends about it

I'll pay more for a product made by 154 129 a company I trust 62% 58%

Price is more important to me than 107 75 brand names 32% 30%

It is generally worth paying extra 26% 126 18% 98 for top-of-line or cung edge

Brand name is the best indicaon 15% 8% of quality 57 49

I am influenced by what's hot and 15% 7% what's not 135 51

Base: Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

13 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Past Year Purchases • Gay men and lesbians connue to lead the way on the technology front, increasing purchases of smartphones and tablets vs. last year. Interesngly, laptop purchases are down slightly, suggesng a potenal substuon effect. Top Purchases, Past Year arrows indicate notable shis vs. 2011 + 4 + 5 Gay Men Lesbians 40% 39% + 7 30% 31% - 5 23% - 4 + 5 + 9 22% 21% 22% 22% 20% 20% 19% 15% 15%

Smart Phone Major Vacaon HDTV Furniture Laptop Car Tablet

Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976 Base: 2011 Gay Men n=10,019; Lesbians n=3,427

14 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Average Spend – New Clothing • Gay men and lesbians spend more on new clothing than the average for men and women naonally; the highest-spending segment is gay men age 30-44 (58% spent $500 or more)

About how much have you spent on new clothes in the past 12 months?

$500 or more

54% 47%

Index vs. Nat’l Index vs. Nat’l Avg., Men Avg., Women 135 121

Base: Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976; U.S. Gen Pop Males n=150; Females n=150

15 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Self Improvement Products & Services • Gay men and lesbians show a strong interest in self improvement products. • Age plays a bigger role than gender in the type of self improvement products purchased.

Top 10 Self Improvement Products or Services Past Year

Gay Male Gay Male Gay Male Lesbian Lesbian Lesbian 18-29 30-44 45-59 18-29 30-44 45-59

Vitamins 56% 65% 74% 60% 66% 70% Gym membership 49% 46% 37% 35% 32% 29% Spa treatments / massages 26% 43% 36% 35% 50% 48% Paid educaonal classes of any kind 40% 26% 20% 43% 33% 27% Paid or counseling 12% 14% 14% 19% 26% 23% Bicycle 15% 13% 10% 16% 13% 15% Paid online dang service 12% 16% 11% 5% 10% 7% Personal trainer 9% 14% 11% 5% 7% 9% Yoga studio classes (outside of gym) 9% 10% 7% 13% 13% 10% Paid weight management program 3% 7% 7% 7% 11% 15%

Base: Gay Men 18-29 n=2,260, 30-44, n=3541 45-59 n=4,802; Lesbians 18-29 n=354, 30-44 n=688, 45-59 n=935

16 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Self Improvement Products & Services • LGBTs over index vs. the naonal average across a wide range of self improvement products and services, especially personal training, paid therapy and spa treatments

Top 10 Self Improvement Products or Services Past Year Total LGBT Index vs. Nat’l Average

LGBT 69% 127 Vitamins 54% Nat'l Avg. 38% 158 Gym membership 24% 35% 204 Spa treatments / massages 17% 27% 195 Paid educaonal classes of any kind 14% 16% 263 Paid therapy or counseling 6% 13% 69 Bicycle 18% 11% Paid online dang service 4% 275 10% Personal trainer 3% 320 9% Yoga studio classes (outside of gym) 7% 133 7% Paid weight management program 4% 168

Base: Total LGBT n=19,555; Nat’l n=300

17 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Tobacco Use • 27% of gay men indicate smoking at least somemes and 23% of lesbians smoke somemes. • In comparison, the U. S. CDC esmates that 22% of US adult men and 17% of US adult women smoke every day or some days.

Do You Use Tobacco Products?

Gay Men Lesbians

73% 77%

9% 9% 18% 14%

Base: Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

18 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Alcohol Consumpon • Gay men – especially 18-29’s – tend to drink more spirits compared to other alcohol types.

Average # of Drinks Consumed Past 7 Days

Gay Men Gay Men Gay Men Lesbian Lesbian Lesbian

18-29 30-44 45-59 18-29 30-44 45-59

Beer 4.8 4.4 3.0 3.5 3.2 2.6

Wine 2.4 2.9 3.2 1.7 2.0 2.4

Sparkling Wine/ Champagne 0.8 0.8 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.4

Spirits/ Cocktails 5.9 5.0 3.9 3.4 2.4 2.4

Base: Gay Men 18-29 n=2,260, 30-44, n=3541 45-59 n=4,802; Lesbians 18-29 n=354, 30-44 n=688, 45-59 n=935

19 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Alcohol Consumpon • Gay men drink much less beer and drink more spirits and cocktails compared to men naonally • Lesbians’ alcohol consumpon is comparable to the naonal average for all women

Average # of Drinks Consumed Past 7 Days

Gay Men Nat’l Avg., Men Lesbians Nat’l Avg., Women

Beer 3.9 9.1 3.0 2.6

Wine 2.9 2.3 2.1 1.7

Sparkling Wine/ Champagne 0.7 1.1 0.5 0.7

Spirits/ Cocktails 4.7 3.3 2.5 2.5

Averages shown are esmates calculated from scaled survey data with a maximum of 25 drinks factored Base: Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976; U.S. Gen Pop Males n=150; Females n=150

20 3 LGBT Markeng & Messaging

Brand & Purchase Impact 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Response to LGBT Terms in Corporate Markeng • ‘LGBT’ and ‘Gay & Lesbian’ are the most preferred terms used in corporate markeng • Popularity of ‘GLBT’ has decreased significantly over the past few years

How you feel about each term when you see it used by a corporaon? (% Favorable)

Gay Men Lesbians


76% 75% 74% 75% 71% 69% 65% 60% 59% 58% 57% 58% 51% 52% 47% 43% 42% 43% 38% 32% 30% 20% 13% 15% 9%

LGBT Gay & Gay- GLBT Lesbian & Rainbow Gay- Everyone- LGBTQ Straight ally "Rainbow" (t Queer LGBTQQIA Lesbian friendly Gay (the image / welcoming welcoming he word) graphic)

Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

22 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Influence on Purchase Decisions • Companies adversing in the LGBT media and sponsoring LGBT charies favorably influences 70% to 80% of LGBT consumers When a company adverses in LGBT media or sponsors LGBT charies, has it influenced your purchasing decisions? Past 12 Months

Adverses in LGBT media Sponsors LGBT charies Strong Influence

Gay Men 18-29 30% 43% 38% 35% Some Influence

Gay Men 30-44 31% 47% 41% 40%

Gay Men 45-59 31% 51% 39% 43%

Lesbian 18-29 36% 44% 45% 35%

Lesbian 30-44 38% 48% 48% 40%

Lesbian 45-59 41% 43% 50% 35%

Base: Gay Men 18-29 n=2,260, 30-44, n=3541 45-59 n=4,802; Lesbians 18-29 n=354, 30-44 n=688, 45-59 n=935

23 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Influence on Specific Category Purchase Decisions • Corporate LGBT outreach has a large impact on purchase decisions for gay men for travel related purchases such as hotels and vacaons. Clothing, chain restaurants and personal care items also stand out

In my purchasing decisions, a company's LGBT outreach influence was… Among those who say they are strongly influenced Among Gay Men No Lile 11% 15% 17% 10% 14% Moderate 13% Significant 14% 19% 21% 26% 17% 28% 27% 31% 16% 15% 19% 23% 14% 20% 20% 20% 18% 18% 19% 17% 39% 37% 32% 32% 29% 28% 27% 25% 20% 19% 19% 17% 17%

Vacaons / Hotel room Naonal chain Personal care Airline cket Clothing brand Vodka brand Fast food My bank Insurance Beer brand Smart phone Automobile cruises / booking restaurant (pain relief, purchase purchase purchase restaurant selecon services purchase purchase purchase tours lubricants, etc.)

Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963

24 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Influence on Specific Category Purchase Decisions • Among lesbians, corporate LGBT outreach impacts categories such as insurance, cars and beer more than gay men; interesngly other categories such as travel and personal care items are impacted much less compared to gay men

In my purchasing decisions, a company's LGBT outreach influence was… Among those who say they are strongly influenced Among Lesbians No Lile 10% Moderate 9% 12% Significant 11% 16% 20% 17% 23% 15% 12% 11% 12% 20% 11% 12% 13% 15% 22% 12% 18% 18% 17% 20% 40% 39% 12% 16% 33% 13% 28% 23% 19% 18% 18% 16% 15% 15% 12% 12%

Automobile Insurance Clothing brand Beer brand Naonal chain Smart phone Vodka brand My bank Airline cket Fast food Personal care Hotel room Vacaons / purchase services purchase purchase restaurant purchase purchase selecon purchase restaurant (pain relief, booking cruises / lubricants, etc.) tours

Base: 2012 Lesbians n=1,976

25 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Brands Supported For Pro-LGBT Policies • JCPenney’s partnership with Ellen DeGeneres, as well as recent LGBT Mother’s Day and Father’s Day ads, has translated into strong support among gay men and lesbians; Starbucks and Target round out the top 3 brands among both groups Which companies or brands have you made a conscious decision to purchase from because of their pro-LGBT policies or pracces? Past Year (OPEN-END VERBATIM WRITE-IN RESPONSES) Among Gay Men Among Lesbians 34% 47% 16% 18% 15% 15% 14% 5% 12% 4% 10% 4% 7% 7%


6% Note that the survey was fielded just as the JCPenny campaigns were launched, 4% which may have influenced the favorability ranking.

Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

26 4 How do you reach them most effecvely?

Media Usage & Interaction With Advertising 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Interacon with Adversing • Facebook adversing response has now overtaken tradional banner ads among most gay and lesbian age groups • Mobile app adversing is parcularly effecve among gay men 18-29

In the past week, have you... ?

Base: Gay Men 18-29 n=2,260, 30-44, n=3541 45-59 n=4,802; Lesbians 18-29 n=354, 30-44 n=688, 45-59 n=935

28 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Media Consumpon • The LGBT audience’s media consumpon habits between mainstream and LGBT media are complex, and communicaons through both are important • Significant generaonal differences exist in viewing print media. In the past week, have you read, viewed, or listened to…?

Base: Gay Men 18-29 n=2,260, 30-44, n=3541 45-59 n=4,802; Lesbians 18-29 n=354, 30-44 n=688, 45-59 n=935

29 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Media Consumpon • When we asked LGBT consumers directly, most said their LGBT media consumpon was mostly unchanged over the last 12 months Has your interacon with LGBT media (newspapers, websites, etc.) changed over the past 12 months?

Gay Men Lesbians Reading LGBT newspapers Increased 9% 13% Same 77% 77% Decreased 14% 10%

Reading LGBT naonal magazines Increased 9% 11% Same 76% 78% Decreased 15% 12%

Vising LGBT websites Increased 26% 28% Same 65% 65% Decreased 9% 8%

Reading LGBT email newsleers Increased 12% 20% Same 75% 72% Decreased 13% 8%

Reading LGBT blogs Increased 18% 18% Same 69% 72% Decreased 14% 11%

* Not tracked in 2011 Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

30 5 Polics & Fundraising 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Presidenal Candidate Preference • Overwhelmingly, gay men and lesbians plan to vote for President Obama – at nearly twice the levels Mi Romney holds among these groups (an even greater factor among lesbians)

Who do you intend to vote for in the November presidenal elecon?

Gay Men 77% 18% 5%

Lesbians 84% 14% 2%

Ohio 79% 16% 5% LGBTs in…

Florida 78% 17% 5%

Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976; LGBTs in Florida n=1,518; LGBTs in Ohio n=600

32 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Obama Campaign Support • Approximately 1 in 4 gay men and lesbians plan to donate cash to the Obama campaign; 1 in 5 already have. Overall about half say they they’ll donate cash, or volunteer at some point

How likely are you to support the 2012 Barack Obama presidenal campaign? Gay Men

Lesbians 25% I plan to give a cash donaon 25%

22% I have already made a cash donaon 19%

15% I plan to volunteer my me for the campaign 18%

4% I am already volunteering my me for the campaign 3%

48% None of the above 48%

Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

33 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

LGBT Fundraising • Gay men and lesbians over 30 are most likely to aend cketed LGBT fundraising events

Have you aended an LGBT fundraising event with a cket price of $100 or more? Past 12 Months

Gay Men Gay Men Gay Men Lesbian Lesbian Lesbian 18-29 30-44 45-59 18-29 30-44 45-59

8% 17% 18% 4% 12% 16%

Base: Gay Men 18-29 n=2,260, 30-44, n=3541 45-59 n=4,802; Lesbians 18-29 n=354, 30-44 n=688, 45-59 n=935

34 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

LGBT Charitable Giving • Almost half of gay men and lesbians have donated to an LGBT non-profit within the last year; those who didn’t indicated that they weren’t asked, or don’t have enough informaon

Have you made a financial contribuon to an LGBT-focused nonprofit organizaon during the past year? 60% or more of annual $1000 yearly giving is for Top Reasons to NOT Contribute or less LGBT Gay Men Lesbians 44% Nobody asked me 40% 46% 73% 43% I’m not familiar enough with LGBT nonprofits 40% 36% Gay Men I don’t feel connected to the LGBT community 23% 16% 56% Other cause(s) are more important to me 20% 20%

Top Movators to Contribute

Gay Men Lesbians 47% LGBT causes are important to me 57% 67%

It’s important to give back to the community 49% 52% 78% 37% The organizaon is well-managed / will make 45% 46% Lesbians 53% good use of the money LGBT people have an obligaon to support 40% 38% LGBT causes

Does not include contribuons made as entrance fees to events like Pride, bar fund-raisers, sports teams, or other informal mean Base: 2012 Gay Men n=10,963; Lesbians n=1,976

35 2012 LGBT Community Survey US Overview Report | 6th Edion

Find out more…

CMI has over 20 years of experience in the LGBT market research and communicaons specialty.

Contact us to learn more about acquiring analysis and reporng on the variety of topics explored in our Community Surveys, including:

Occupaon Travel Behavior

Media Consumpon Movaons

Living Environment Networking Habits Community Markeng, Inc. 584 Castro St. #834 • , CA 94114 Terminology Sports and Recreaon Tel +1 415/437-3800 • Fax +1 415/552-5104 info@CommunityMarkengInc.com Social Circle Custom Surveys, Focus Visit www.communitymarkenginc.com Groups, Advisory Boards Brand ‘LGBT friendliness’ and other research methodologies Community Markeng, Inc. is an NGLCC Enre contents © Community Markeng, Inc. Cerfied LGBT Owned Business Enterprise. Use or distribuon by permission only.