The Oxford Companion to English Literature, 6Th Edition
p Pacchiarono and How He Worked in Distemper: With PAGET, Violet, see LEE, V. Other Poems, a collection of 19 poems, in various PAINE, Thomas (1737-1809), son of a Quaker stay- metres, by R. *Browning, published 1876. The title maker of Thetford, who followed various pursuits poem, the three which follow it, and the epilogue, were before being dismissed as an exciseman in 1774 for directed at Browning's critics, in satirical or serious agitating for an increase in excisemen's pay. At the vein; the remaining poems are a miscellany on topics of suggestion of his friend Benjamin *Franklin he sailed religion, love, and art. 'Numpholeptos', 'St Martin's for America, where he published in 1776 his pamphlet Summer', and 'A Forgiveness' deserve particular men Common Sense and in 1776-83 a series of pamphlets, tion. The most unusual poem in the volume is, The Crisis, encouraging American independence and however, the ballad 'Hervé Riel', about the heroic resistance to England; he also wrote against slavery exploit of a French sailor in a fight against the British. and in favour of the emancipation of women. In 1787 PADEL, Ruth (1946- ), poet and classical scholar, he returned to England (via France), and published in born in London and educated at the Sorbonne, the Free 1791 the first part of *The Rights of Man in reply to University, Berlin, and Oxford University. Her vol Burke's Reflections on the *Revolution in France. The umes of poetry are Alibi (1985), Summer Snow (1990, second part appeared in 1792, when, alerted by *Blake with poems invoking Crete and the 'summer snow of an impending arrest, Paine left for France, where he deep in the mountain' of Mount Ida), Angel (1993), was warmly received and elected a member of the Fusewire (1996), and Rembrandt Would Have Loved You Convention.
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