2014 Possibilities for early contractor involvement in infrastructure projects in the Netherlands C.C. van Huuksloot 4002547 30-5-2014 0 PROJECT DETAILS Master thesis project: Possibilities for early contractor involvement in infrastructure projects in the Netherlands. PERSONAL DETAILS Author: Carmen Cecilia van Huuksloot Student number: 4002547 Telephone number: +31 623493392 Email address:
[email protected] STUDY PROGRAM Study program: Construction management & engineering Graduation department: Building processes Faculty: Civil engineering University: Delft University of Technology GRADUATION COMMITTEE TU Delft Chairman: Prof. Dr. ir. M.J.C.M. Hertogh First supervisor: Ir.L.P.I.M. Hombergen Second supervisor: Dr. W.M. de Jong Ballast Nedam Content supervisor: Ir. C.Q. Klap General supervisor: E. Aal GRADUATION ORGANIZATION Ballast Nedam Infra Special Projects Ringwade 71 3439 LM Nieuwegein Tel: +31 30 285 30 60 1 Preface My name is Carmen van Huuksloot and I am a master student Construction Management and Engineering at the faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University in Delft. This report is written as part of my graduation research to the possibilities for early contractor involvement in infrastructure projects in the Netherlands. During my study I have always been interested in the procurement of major infrastructure projects and thus I was sure that I wanted to use this subject for my graduation research. Nowadays there are many different opinions on the tender procedure in the Netherlands, dependent on the interests of different parties. In addition, there are different approaches to procurement. Every time, something new is introduced to meet the needs of all stakeholders. There was the option to look at existing approaches, but to me it was more challenging to explore something for my graduation research that is uncharted territory in the Netherlands.