Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 3rd April 2019 at 7:30pm in the All Saints Church Hall, Mattersey

Present:- Cllrs. Kendall, (Chair), Walker, Hunt, Doughty, Saint, Skelton, Cty Cllr Taylor, Dist Cllr Gray, A. Haddon (clerk), 3 members of the public

4/19/236 Public Forum Residents raised the following: • Increase in precept, cost of village maintenance • Need more affordable housing for young people • Offered to help with maintenance of Mattersey Millennium Gree Chris Bailey, Chair of Governors of Mattersey Primary School gave an update: • £4,000 deficit was excellent outcome in view of financial restrictions • School numbers were now 34 plus 5 in nursery • One teacher was returning from maternity leave and will be job sharing • There are discussions taking place regarding early years provision • Collaboration with Everton will continue and may consider having one Governing body Two Parish Councillors had attended school and were very impressed with the School Council. One had offered to work on the school garden and bring it back into use.

4/19/237 To receive apologies for absence Apologies were accepted from Cllr Wilson.

4/19/238 To receive any new declarations of interest or dispensation requests No declarations were made.

4/19/239 To receive reports from County & District Councillors District Cllr Gray stated that he would be standing as an independent candidate at the forthcoming election. He felt that the Police alert system was not local enough and he hoped to start a new system at which could be rolled out to other villages in the future. County Cllr Taylor reported on the following: • Decisions on the grants from the Local Improvement Scheme should be made in June • Via (Highways) was now under full ownership by Notts County Council. Mattersey had 2 projects on the Highways listings for 2019/20 financial year • The Lengthsman Scheme should continue in the existing cluster • The young people’s facility in the Community House in would continue • There had been a report to the Children & Young People’s committee regarding traffic around local schools and a copy would be sent to the Parish Council Enquiries were made as to the criteria for speed signs and the Parish Council enquired if it was possible to pay and install their own. Notts County Council insist on the style and quality of the signs and it was unlikely that Mattersey would meet the volume of traffic criteria. She would request that Mattersey be put on the list for short term signs which are installed at random.

4/19/240 To approve Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th March 2019 Resolved: That the minutes be approved.

4/19/241 To receive reports on items in the minutes, for information only No matters were raised.

4/19/242 Cemetery Work had been done by the Chair and a Councillor to remove lower growth around trees. It was suggested that a new ‘hut’ for the tap and watering cans should be arranged.

4/19/243 Millennium Green Trust Two new signs required putting up. The Church were given approval for the use of the site for some of their celebration events Page 1 of 3 Initials …………

The clerk had applied for funding for the footpath from Calor Gas which involved people voting for the project for 8 weeks and also had set up a crowd funding account.

4/19/244 To receive a report on Neighbourhood Plan The inspector’s official report had been circulated. Council had to formally approve the Plan which was expected to be done in June after which they would arrange the referendum.

Cllr Hunt left the meeting

4/19/245 Highways issues A resident had raised a query about the lack of events for Speedwatch despite having been trained. Details are to be passed on to the responsible Parish Council and PC David Airey.

4/19/246 Utilising facilities at the Bible College The clerk to send a letter and a meeting with Councillors to be arranged.

4/19/247 Welcome booklet A draft was being prepared and would be circulated for consideration.

4/19/248 Village Events Suggestions for events were put forward for consideration and would be brought to the next meeting. It was also felt that more signage advertising village events.

4/19/249 Everton Youth Club This had re-started and young people from Mattersey were permitted to attend.

4/19/250` To consider a response to Audit Code of Practice consultation The issues highlighted by NALC to the proposals were agreed together with additional comments regarding timescale guidelines and agreed rates to be included in the next audit contract. In addition there were recommendations on materiality to avoid trivial/vexacious objections.

4/19/251 Correspondence a) Entry to Best Kept Village competition – resolved not to enter b) Partnership newsletter c) Police Commissioner’s update d) Mayflower Legacy oaks project e) Minutes of River Idle Management Partnership

4/19/252 Correspondence received after agenda was printed a) Police Stakeholder Updates .

4/19/253 Finance a) To authorise expenditure:

Date Payee & Purpose Amount VAT Power 1/3 – 31/3 Salary & Admin 362.22 - LGA1972s111 5/4/2019 Hirst Signs 54.00 9.00 Highways Act Resolved: Payments authorised. b) To receive a report on the current financial status and reconciliation of accounts Resolved: Noted.

4/19/254 Planning Applications 19/00264/HSE Erect single storey side extension and fuel store and detached double garage at Ponderosa, Abbey Road, Mattersey – no objections were raised.

4/19/255 Planning determinations and correspondence None received.

4/19/256 Members reports and exchange of information on matters of concern

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• Some kerbs had been repaired on Road but many still remained damaged – query replacement criteria • Cemetery – request to plant primulas under the hedge – referenced to rules of the cemetery. • Suggestion for flower tubs at the village entrances

4/19/257 To determine the contents for the next meeting of Idle Talk • Sponsor or volunteer to maintain flower tubs • Clarification of budget • Election • Annual meeting

4/19/258 To confirm the next meeting Resolved: To confirm the next meeting as 8 th May which will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and commence after 7.30pm following the Annual village meeting.

Signed ...... Date ...... (Chairman)

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