SPECIES GUIDE species, thisisnotanexhaustive list. Like thebrochure onthetablelands sawn productmay besourced locally. their distributionasaguidetowhere in thisbrochure, withabriefnoteon product. These speciesaredescribed marketed asagenerichardwood certain regions,ortheytendtobe their distributionismorelimitedto commonly available, eitherbecause coastal speciesthatareless T guides. described inindividual species forests ofNewSouth Wales are hardwood speciesfromthecoastal T Species Other Coastal y T western andnorthern Victoria. Queensland andalsoincentral the adjacentareasofsoutheastern edge ofthewesternplainsNSW, on thewesternslopesandeastern Queensland. E.microcarpaisfound and intosoutherncentral central andnorthcoastareasofNSW E. moluccanaisfoundmainlyinthe Eucalyptus moluccana Eucalyptus microcarpa Grey Box A ellowish brown, withthesapwood here arehowever anumberofother he mostcommonlyavailable he heartwood isapalecoloured USTRALIAN HARDWOOD AND CYPRESS Gray Box,ClearCoated Gray Box,Dressed about 3.5%radial, 7.5%tangential. is very durable (Class1).Shrinkageis flooring anddecking. The heartwood framework, panelling,cladding, engineering, marinestructures, Applications includeheavy generally freeofgumvein. interlocking. The timberisalso with thegrain having characteristic texture isgenerally fineandeven, being distinctlylighterincolour. The r and decking. Shrinkageisabout4.5% engineering, poles,sleepers,flooring Applications includeheavy resistant tolyctidborerattack. marked withgrubholes.Sapwood is is very dense. The timberisoften grained withsomeinterlocking, and applications. The timberisclose allows abroadrange ofexterior is highlydurable (Class1),which paler inbothvariants. The heartwood colour. The sapwood isdistinctly fruited variety beingslightlylighterin deep redincolour, withthesmaller in Queensland. The heartwood isa New South Wales uptoMaryborough between Jervis Bay inthesouthof T Small-fruited Grey Gum Grey Gum adial, 7%tangential. he distributionofGreyGumsranges Grey Gum,ClearCoated Grey Gum,Dressed

APPLICATIONS MARINE POLES LANDSCAPEFENCINGJOINERY FIT-OUT EXTERIORFLOORINGSTRUCTURAL SG17 SG17 AUSTRALIAN HARDWOOD AND CYPRESS Yellow Stringybark Red Mahogany Eucalyptus muellerana Yellow Stringybark is found in the coastal plains Red Mahogany is found in the coastal forests of and adjacent ranges of Victoria and southern the NSW mid north coast and north coast, New South Wales. The heartwood is yellowish extending into south east Queensland and brown with a pinkish tinge. The sapwood is further north. The heartwood is dark red, with a slightly paler. The texture is medium and even, distinctly paler sapwood. The texture is medium with the grain often being interlocked. The and even, with the grain slightly interlocked. timber resembles Blackbutt in colour and Pin holes can be a distinctive feature. The texture. Yellow Stringybark is probably the best of heartwood is durable (Class 2) and the the commercially available stringybarks in terms sapwood is susceptible to Lyctid attack. Whilst of properties. The heartwood is durable (Class 2) it is a much sought after species for its colour and the sapwood is not susceptible to Lyctid and grain, it is not available in large quantities. attack. The timber’s working characteristics are The timber’s working characteristics are good good and applications include framing, decking, and applications include framing, decking, flooring, sleepers, poles, piles and crossarms. flooring, panelling and general construction. Shrinkage is about 4.5% radial, 7.5% tangential. Shrinkage is about 4% radial, 6% tangential.

Red Mahogany, Dressed Red Mahogany, Clear Coated

The heartwood of Red Bloodwood is pink to dark Bloodwoods red, with a distinctly paler sapwood. The texture gummifera is course and the grain is often interlocked. A Corymbia intermedia feature of the timber is the presence of gum veins, which often limits its suitability for sawn timber There are number of Bloodwood species found in (gum veins may also open up in drying). NSW, but the two most common coastal species However a good piece of sawn Red Bloodwood are Red Bloodwood (C. gummifera) and Pink is prized for its attractive grain. The heartwood is Bloodwood (C. intermedia). Red Bloodwood is very durable (Class 1) and shrinkage relatively distributed in the coastal forests from north low (about 3% radial, 4% tangential). The eastern Victoria to south eastern Queensland. sapwood is susceptible to Lyctid attack. Pink Bloodwood is found from the NSW mid north coast to north Queensland. Bloodwoods Red Bloodwood is used for sawn timber are most easily distinguished by their persistent, production if the presence of gum veins is not rough, tessellated bark. limiting. Its durability makes it ideal for in ground uses such as posts. Pink Bloodwood is generally not regarded as a commercially valuable species for sawn production but is suitable for posts.

For additional assistance please contact the Timber Advisory Service T DA 1800 044 529 Timber Development or visit the following websites: Association (NSW) Ltd www.timber.net.au www.australianhardwood.net

Sponsored by the NSW Native Timber Industry Marketing and Development Fund SPECIES GUIDE