Open-File Report 94-331




Gordon P. Eaton, Director

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District Chief U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Geological Survey Earth Science Information Center Box 25046, MS 415 Open-File Reports Section Denver Federal Center Box 25286, MS 517 Denver, CO 80225 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 CONTENTS

Abstract ...... ^ 1 Introduction...... 1 Purpose and scope ...... 1 Approach ...... 3 Acknowledgments ...... 4 Water-resources information published periodically...... 4 Federal agencies ...... 4 U.S. Geological Survey...... 4 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation ...... 8 U.S. Soil Conservation Service ...... 8 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ...... 8 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ...... 8 State agencies ...... 12 Colorado Division of Water Resources ...... 12 Mined Land Reclamation Division ...... 12 Colorado Department of Agriculture ...... 12 Other organizations...... 13 Organization of the bibliography...... 13 Selected references ...... 13 Author index...... 14 Subject index ...... 60 County index ...... 185 Hydrologic-unit index ...... 227


1. Map showing the Arkansas River basin and hydrologic units, Colorado...... 2


1. Bibliographic data bases used in retrieving titles relevant to water resources of the Arkansas River basin through 1985...... 3 2. U.S. Geological Survey publications containing water-resources data for the Arkansas River basin, water years 1975-84 ...... 5 3. U.S. Geological Survey water-supply papers containing surface-water and water-quality data for the Arkansas River basin, water years 1896-1969...... 6 4. U.S. Geological Survey publications containing surface-water and water-quality records for the Arkansas River basin, water years 1960-74...... 7 5. U.S. Geological Survey publications containing ground-water data for the Arkansas River basin, water years 1935-70...... 8 6. Publications by various Federal agencies containing water-resources information for the Arkansas River basin by water year through 1985...... 9 7. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration publications containing water-resources data for the Arkansas River basin through 1985 ...... 10 8. Publications by State and local agencies containing water-resources data for the Arkansas River basin through 1985...... 12 9. Hydrologic-unit codes for the Arkansas River basin...... 227


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iv CONTENTS Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985

£?KJohn M. Kuzmiak and Hyla H. Strickland


The Arkansas River basin composes most of southeastern Colorado, and the numerous pop­ ulation centers and vast areas of agricultural development are located primarily in the semiarid part of the basin east of the Continental Divide. Because effective management and development of water resources in this semiarid area are essential to the viability of the basin, many hydrologic data-collection programs and investigations have been done. This report contains a bibliography of selected water-resources information about the basin, including regularly published informa­ tion and special investigations, from Federal, State, and other organizations. To aid the reader, the information is indexed by author, subject, county, and hydrologic unit (drainage basin).


Major changes in the use of water and the quality of water in the Arkansas River basin (fig. 1) are affecting many water users in the basin. Surface-water supplies are provided by a com­ plex water-supply system of transmountain diversions, reservoir storage, and development of the hydraulically connected alluvial aquifer. To assess the effects of the changes in water use on the water quantity and quality in the basin, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the South­ eastern Colorado Water Conservancy District, in 1981 began the development of a model capable of simulating these effects. Because of the large quantity of hydrologic data and the many inter­ pretive reports that have been published about the water resources in the basin, a bibliography was needed to provide a better understanding of those resources. Therefore, in 1985, the U.S. Geo­ logical Survey began preparation of such a bibliography.

Purpose and Scope

This report provides a compilation of selected water-resources information about the Arkansas River basin that was available through 1985. The report includes tables listing the con­ tents and availability of periodically published information that relates to the water resources of the basin and a bibliography of other types of water-resources information about the basin. The bibliography contains information from Federal, State, county, and local governments and agen­ cies; engineering consultants; universities; industries; conservancy districts; irrigation companies; and water and sanitation districts. Subject matter includes only those topics directly related to water resources; topics about geology, for example, are not included unless the subject matter is partly related to water resources. As in any bibliography that consists of such a variety of topics, time period, and geographical extent, an exhaustive listing is not practically feasible. This report can help eliminate overlap of future hydrologic studies and indicate those areas in which further study is needed.

Introduction 1 10

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11020001 HYDROLOGIC UNIT Figure 1. The Arkansas River basin and hydrologic units, Colorado. Approach A computer search of numerous bibliographic data bases (table 1) was used to efficiently retrieve publications relevant to the water resources of the Arkansas River basin. Because of the f\ large areal extent of the basin (28,260 mi ), an initial search using geographic identifiers was used. This search provided titles of publications in Colorado; those associated with counties or hydro- graphic features outside the basin were excluded. In the relevant bibliographic data bases, sec­ ondary computer searches were done by using selected hydrologic terms. Because the listings of most of the bibliographic data bases began in the 1960's or 1970's, and because these data bases were not likely to contain some of the local water-resources information available, a manual search for relevant titles was necessary. Numerous inquiries were made to Federal, State, county, and local governments; universities; councils of governments; water and sanitation districts; private industries; and other organizations and private individuals to find additional sources of water-resources information.

Table 1. Bibliographic data bases used in retrieving titles relevant to water resources of the Arkansas River basin through 19851

Data base Contents Agricola Comprehensive worldwide journal and monographic literature about agricul­ ture and related subjects. Aquaculture Access to information about the growing of marine, brackish, and fresh-water organisms. Aquatic-sciences and Printed publications about life sciences of the seas and inland water and related fisheries abstracts legal, political, and social topics. Compendex Abstracted information from the significant engineering and technological lit­ erature of the world. Dissertation abstracts online American and some Canadian and foreign dissertations accepted at accredited institutions. GEOREF Comprehensive access to publications, dissertations, theses, and maps about geology and related subjects. Government Printing Office Records of reports, studies, fact sheets, maps, handbooks, conference proceed­ monthly catalogue ings, and so on, issued by all Federal agencies including the U.S. Congress. National Technical Unclassified government-sponsored reports and analyses prepared by contrac­ Information Service tors of grantees. Pollution abstracts References to environmentally related literature about pollution, its sources, and its control. Water-resources abstracts English-language materials on water-resources topics. Waternet Comprehensive index of publications of the American Water Works Associa­ tion (AWWA) and the AWWA Research Foundation. From Dialog Information Services, Inc.

Introduction Acknowledgments

Appreciation is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milenski for allowing access to their exten­ sive personal library. Additionally, the authors thank the numerous Federal, State, county, and local agencies and the many private and corporate entities for their contributions to the biblio­ graphy Special appreciation is extended to Gary Krammes and Eva Morrell for setting up the data base and to Janet Garoutte for data entry.


A number of Federal and State agencies and other organizations publish information rele­ vant to water resources. The following sections describe the various agencies from which these and other water-resources data are available.

Federal Agencies

Several Federal agencies regularly publish information relevant to the water resources of the Arkansas River basin. These publications are not included in the bibliography but are summa­ rized by agency in this section.

U.S. Geological Survey

The U.S. Geological Survey regularly publishes data (by water year, October-September) about surface water, water quality, and ground water of the Arkansas River basin. The surface- water data generally may include daily, monthly, and annual values of stream discharge at streamflow-gaging stations; month-end contents of reservoirs; miscellaneous measurements at ungaged sites; and monthly maximum discharges at partial-record (crest-stage) stations. The water-quality data generally may include the results of measurements and laboratory analyses of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water samples; the suspended-sediment con­ centration and suspended-sediment discharge of gaged streams; and the daily values of physical and chemical properties of streams at sites that are equipped with water-quality monitoring instruments. Ground-water data generally may include water-level measurements at wells, well descriptions, well logs, well yields, and information about water usage.

From water year 1975 to water year 1984, the U.S. Geological Survey published surface- water, water-quality, and ground-water data in a series of annual data reports that included the Arkansas River basin; these are summarized in table 2. Prior to 1975, these data were not pub­ lished by basin but were published by discipline (pre-1961), by State and discipline (1961-64), and by State (1965-74). Publications of surface-water and water-quality data (1896-1969) are summa­ rized in table 3; publications of surface-water and water-quality records (1960-74) are summa­ rized in table 4; and publications of ground-water data (1935-70) are summarized in table 5. The U.S. Geological Survey also publishes biannual reports, which often contain information relevant to the water resources of the Arkansas River basin, that summarize statewide water resources, hydrologic investigations, and ongoing hydrologic-data-collection activities. These publications are summarized in table 6.

Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Table 2. U.S. Geological Survey publications containing water-resources data for the Arkansas River basin, water years 1975-84

Water Publication year

1975 U.S. Geological Survey, 1976, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1975 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-75-1,260 p.

1976 U.S. Geological Survey, 1977, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1976 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-76-1,311 p.

1977 U.S. Geological Survey, 1978, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1977 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-77-1,369 p.

1978 U.S. Geological Survey, 1979, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1978 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-78-1,415 p.

1979 U.S. Geological Survey, 1980, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1979 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-79-1,499 p.

1980 U.S. Geological Survey, 1981, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1980 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-80-1,535 p.

1981 U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1981 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-81-1,487 p.

1982 U.S. Geological Survey, 1983, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1982 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-82-1,403 p.

1983 U.S. Geological Survey, 1984, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1983 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-83-1, 379 p.

1984 U.S. Geological Survey, 1985, Water resources data for Colorado, water year 1984 volume 1, Missouri River basin, Arkansas River basin, and Rio Grande basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report CO-84-1,409 p.

Introduction Table 3. U.S. Geological Survey water-supply papers containing surface-water and water-quality data for the Arkansas River basin, water years 1896-1969 Water Water-supply Water Water-supply Water Water-supply Water Water-supply year paper number year paper number year paper number year paper number


1896 11 1914 387 1932 732 1949 1147 1897 16 1915 407 1933 747 1950 1177 1898 28 1916 437 1934 762 1951 1211 1899 37 1917 457 1935 787 1952 1242 1900 50 1918 477 1936 807 1953 1281

1901 66,75 1919-20 507 1937 827 1954 1341 1902 84 1921 527 1938 857 1955 1391 1903 99 1922 547 1939 877 1956 1441 1904 131 1923 567 1940 897 1957 1511 1905 173 1924 587 1941 927 1958 1561 1906 209 1925 607 1942 957 1959 1631

1907-8 247 1926 627 1943 977 1960 1711 1909 267 1927 647 1944 1007 1961-65 1921 1910 287 1928 667 1945 1037 1966 2121 1911 307 1929 687 1946 1057 1912 327 1930 702 1947 1087 1913 357 1931 717 1948 III?


1941 942 1951 1200 J1264 1961 1884 a1886 1942 950 1952 1252 a1361 1962 1944 11946 1943 970 1953 1292 h380 1963 1950 J1952 1944 1022 1954 1352 a1430 1964 1957 H960 1945 1030 1955 1402 H465 1965 1964 H967

1946 1050 1956 1452 4485 1966 1994 1947 1102 1957 1522 H514 1967 2014 1948 1133 1958 1573 a!575 1968 2096 1949 1163 1959 1644 J1699 1969 2146 1950 1188 1960 1744 J1746 1 Quality of surface water for irrigation.

Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Table 4. U.S. Geological Survey publications containing surface-water and water-quality records for the Arkansas River basin, years 1960-74

Water Annual publication year


1961 U.S. Geological Survey, 1962, Surface water records of Colorado, 1961: 327 p. 1962 U.S. Geological Survey, 1963, Surface water records of Colorado, 1962: 335 p. 1963 U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Surface water records of Colorado, 1963: 335 p. 1964 U.S. Geological Survey, 1965, Surface water records of Colorado, 1964: 353 p. 1965 U.S. Geological Survey, 1966, Water resources data for Colorado, 1965 Part 1, Surface-water records: 353 p.

1966 U.S. Geological Survey, 1967, Water resources data for Colorado, 1966 Part 1, Surface-water records: 367 p. 1967 U.S. Geological Survey, 1968, Water resources data for Colorado, 1967 Part 1, Surface-water records: 391 p. 1968 U.S. Geological Survey, 1969, Water resources data for Colorado, 1968 Part 1, Surface-water records: 394 p. 1969 U.S. Geological Survey, 1970, Water resources data for Colorado, 1969 Part 1, Surface-water records: 394 p. 1970 U.S. Geological Survey, 1971, Water resources data for Colorado, 1970 Part 1, Surface-water records: 396 p.

1971 U.S. Geological Survey 1972, Water resources data for Colorado, 1971 Part 1, Surface-water records: 409 p. 1972 U.S. Geological Survey, 1973, Water resources data for Colorado, 1972 Part 1, Surface-water records: 391 p. 1973 U.S. Geological Survey, 1974, Water resources data for Colorado, 1973 Part 1, Surface-water records: 392 p. 1974 U.S. Geological Survey, 1975, Water resources data for Colorado, 1974 Part 1, Surface-water records: 396 p.


1960-62 U.S. Geological Survey, 1963, Chemical analysis of surface waters in Colorado, October 1959 to September 1962: 56 p. 1963 U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Quality of surface waters in Colorado, October 1962 to September 1963: 83 p. 1964 U.S. Geological Survey, 1965, Water quality records in Colorado, 1964: 84 p. 1965 U.S. Geological Survey, 1966, Water resources data for Colorado, 1965 Part 2, Water-quality records: 130 p.

1966 U.S. Geological Survey, 1967, Water resources data for Colorado, 1966 Part 2, Water-quality records: 100 p. 1967 U.S. Geological Survey, 1968, Water resources data for Colorado, 1967 Part 2, Water-quality records: 101 p. 1968 U.S. Geological Survey, 1969, Water resources data for Colorado, 1968 Part 2, Water-quality records: 97 p. 1969 U.S. Geological Survey, 1970, Water resources data for Colorado, 1969 Part 2, Water-quality records: 83 p. 1970 U.S. Geological Survey, 1971, Water resources data for Colorado, 1970 Part 2, Water-quality records: 70 p.

1971 U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Water resources data for Colorado, 1971 Part 2, Water-quality records: 72 p. 1972 U.S. Geological Survey, 1973, Water resources data for Colorado, 1972 Part 2, Water-quality records: 108 p. 1973 U.s. Geological Survey, 1974, Water resources data for Colorado, 1973 Part 2, Water-quality records: 120 p. 1974 U.S. Geological Survey, 1975, Water resources data for Colorado, 1974 Part 2, Water-quality records: 190 p.

Introduction Table 5. U.S. Geological Survey publications containing ground-water data for the Arkansas River basin, water years 1935-70 Water-supply Water-supply Water-supply Water year paper number Water year paper number Water year paper number 1935 777 1943 990 1951 1195 1936 817 1944 1020 1952 1225 1937 840 1945 1027 1953 1269 1938 847 1946 1075 1954 1325

1939 886 1947 1100 1955 1408 1940 910 1948 1130 1956-60 1760 1941 940 1949 1160 1961-65 1845 1942 948 1950 1169 1966-70 1980

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has several publications that contain general and detailed information about their operations in the Arkansas River basin, especially the Fryingpan- Arkansas Project. These publications are summarized in table 6.

U.S. Soil Conservation Service As an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Soil Conservation Service is the source for publications about soil, snow surveys, and water-supply forecasting. Because of the Service's involvement in watershed projects, a summary of statewide watershed operations also is published. The water-resources-related publications are summarized in table 6.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Com­ merce is the source for many publications containing predominantly weather and climatological data. However, some of the publications contain agricultural assessments, river forecasts, and atmospheric chemistry data. These publications are summarized in table 7.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Although the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not regularly publish water- resources information that is relevant to the Arkansas River basin, it maintains a computer-based storage and retrieval (STORET) information system for water-quality data. The U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Colorado Department of Health, among others, provide data to the STORET system.

Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 K^ 3 , "5

volumes,administrationalandofsummaries,projectactivitiessummary publicationincludesdescriptionoftheurrentconditions,trends,availabilil publicationincludesinformationgeneralabouttheurrentproject,project features,aboutduringtheoperationsandplaireportoperationwateryear, volumeofstatistics:VolumeLand,setI:Water,andRelatedDatasummary streamflowforecasts,water-supplyoutlook,measurements,snow-course publicationincludesforecasts,streamflow,shortandurrentabonarratives hydrologic-datanetwork,ofhydrologicnarrativesinterpretiveinvesti­ VolumePhysicalII:FinancesandFeatures,VolumeIII:ProjectData. publicationincludesofurrentlistingmeasurements,summarysnow publicationincludeslistsandofurrentlocationsandmapssnow-course quality,andofthebyState.Containsarticleswateruseresources,on ofgations,availabilityandlistingreleasedduringthereports,reports publicationincludes,additiontheinurrentAnnualReport,three-toa publicationincludesofU.S.SoilConservationurrentServicesummary publicationincludesinformation,generalofurrentprevioussummary publicationincludeslistofcooperatingurrentagencies,summary fortheandflowDiversiondatanextsummarized.wateryear.are itionfortheArkansasRiverbasinbythroughwater1985year

Contents selectedtopics.Publishedwater-supplyasapaper. basinconditionstheinWesternUnitedStates.


theprojectsinState. andoperations.


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Introduction Table 7. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration publications containing water-resources data for the Arkansas River basin through 1985

Frequency of Period of Publication Contents CD publication publication cr 5' Climatological Data Annually 1914-85 Monthly and annual summaries of climatological data. (Q co T3 Climatological Data [published as Climate and Crop Service Monthly 1914-85 Daily, monthly, and seasonal climatological data. Narrative of «< of the Weather Bureau (1896-1906); Climatological Service unusual or outstanding weather. June and December include of the Weather Bureau (1906 -09); and as Monthly Weather late reports and corrections. Review (1909-13)] Climatological Data, National Summary (pre-1950 in Monthly; 1950-85 Narrative summaries of weather conditions and special Monthly Weather Review, U.S. Meteorological "Yearbook, or annually storms. Selected climatological data not reported in other Report of the Chief of the Weather Bureau) publications. o (D Comparative Climatic Data Annually 1977-85 Tables of nationwide monthly and annual totals, averages, and (0 o extremes for selected climatological data. Form of publication c s enables easy comparison. (0 Environmental/Resource Assessment and Informa- Weekly 1980-85 Agriculture assessments, drought evaluations, and relevant o"ET -i tion [published as Weekly Weather/Crop Assessment climatic data. (1976-79)] CO Hourly Precipitation Data [published as Hydrologic Monthly; 1952-85 Monthly publications: daily, hourly, and monthly maximum Bulletin by drainage district (1940-48) and in annually short duration; precipitation data and station index. June and Climatological Data (1948-51). December have late reports and corrections. Annual publi­ (D cations: monthly totals of precipitation, annual maximum > precipitation by time interval, and station index. Local Climatological Data, Annual Summary with Annually 1966-85 Narrative climatological summary, tables of climatological data Comparative Data [published as Annual Meteorological for current year, statistical data for periods of record, and Summary (1909-48) and Local Climatological Data with station locations and detailed histories. Issues older than DJ Comparative Data (1952-65)] 2 years available on microfiche. CO (05' Local Climatological Data, Monthly Summary [published Monthly 1952-85 Basic climatological data, hourly precipitation, listing of data 5' as Monthly Meteorological Summary (1897-47) and collected at 3-hour intervals. Supplements contained detailed O o. Monthly Climatological Summary (1948-51)] hourly information and were published as special meteoro­ o logical summaries (1949-51) and as local climatological data, CO Q. monthly supplement (1952-64). O

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Introduction 11 State Agencies Several State agencies regularly publish or maintain information relevant to the water resources of the Arkansas River basin. This information is not included in the bibliography but is summarized by agency in this section.

Colorado Division of Water Resources The Colorado Division of Water Resources is responsible for the administration of water rights throughout the State. The Division maintains a network of streamflow-gaging stations on streams and diversions in Colorado and publishes hydrologic reports as needed. Surface-water data for stations in the Arkansas River basin, including Arkansas River daily reports, weekly res­ ervoir supplements, and the Biennial Report of the State Engineer (1931-64), are available at the Division office in Pueblo or the Office of the State Engineer in Denver. The U.S. Geological Survey also publishes some of the information in the annual water-data reports.

Mined Land Reclamation Division The Mined Land Reclamation Division does not publish water-resource or hydrologic infor­ mation relevant to the Arkansas River basin. However, as a regulatory agency, it does maintain files of mining and reclamation permits for sites within the basin, including those in the Canon City and Walsenburg/Trinidad coal fields. These permits contain site-specific data and interpre­ tations relevant to the surface-water and ground-water systems adjacent to the coal mines. Addi­ tionally, each mine has a "Finding of Compliance" document, which is an environmental assessment summarizing water resources, impacts, and proposed impact mitigation. This infor­ mation is available for public inspection at the Division office.

Colorado Department of Agriculture The Colorado Department of Agriculture regularly publishes a statistical summary of agri­ culture in the State, including topics relevant to water resources of the Arkansas River basin. This publication and its contents are summarized in table 8.

Table 8. Publications by State and local agencies containing water-resources data for the Arkansas River basin through 1985

Frequency of Period of Agency Publication Contents publication publication

Colorado Department of Colorado Annually 7-1985 District and county agricultural Agriculture Agricultural acreage and production, irrigated Statistics acreage, precipitation, and fertil­ izer statistics. Arkansas River Compact Annual report Annually 1949-85 Administration, finances, and Administration hydrologic summaries. Published yearly: November through October. Southeastern Colorado Annual report Annually 1967-85 Administration, finances, and Water Conservancy program summaries. District

12 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Other Organizations The Arkansas River Compact Administration publishes annual reports (November 1 to October 31), which summarize its operations in the basin. The Southeastern Colorado Water Con­ servancy District, the public administrator of water from the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, also publishes an annual report. The publications of both organizations are summarized in table 8.

ORGANIZATION OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by senior author; junior authors are referenced to the senior author. No routinely published data or reports are included in this section but are listed in the "Water-Resources Information Published Periodically" section. Some citations may be incomplete according to a strict bibliographic format, but they were included because of their relevant information for the user. Publications such as letters, memos, in-house publications, operating procedures, grants, and so on may not be available to the general public. The biblio­ graphy is divided into four indexes: author, subject, county, and hydrologic unit. The complete references are listed only in the author index. The remaining indexes have enough information to allow the reader to refer back to the author index for the complete reference.

SELECTED REFERENCES Butson, K.F., and Hatch, W.L., 1979, Selective guide to climatic data sources: Asheville, N.C., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration key to meteorological records documentation 4.11,142 p. Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1983, Colorado flood plain information index: Denver, 85 p. U.S. Geological Survey, 1982, A U.S. Geological Survey data standard Codes for the identifi­ cation of hydrologic units in the and the Caribbean outlying areas: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 878-A, p. A-A115. Water Resources Scientific Information Center, 1974, Abstracting and indexing guide: Washington, D.C., p. 5-7.

Introduction 13 AUTHOR INDEX

The bibliography is divided into four indexes: author, subject, county, and hydrologic unit. The complete references are listed only in the author index. The remaining indexes have enough information to enable the reader to refer back to the author index for the complete reference.

Abbott, P.O., 1976, Observed channel changes in a Alien, D.U., 1976, Engineering geology consider­ mountain stream due to increased flow from ations in the design, construction, and operation transbasin imports: Federal Inter-Agency Sedi­ of the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant mentation Conference, 3d, Denver, 1976, Pro­ and forebay dam, Colorado, in Depman, A.J., ed., ceedings, p. 5.25-5.36. Onshore and offshore problems, hazards, and environmental complications: Association of Abbott, P.O., 1985, Description of water-systems Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting, 19th, operations in the Arkansas River basin, Colo­ Cherry Hill, N.J., 1976, Proceedings, p. 8. rado: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4092, 67 p. Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of Colorado and Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1-1225, tain coal provinces, Colorado and : scale 1:250,000, 1 sheet. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investi­ gations Open-File Report 83-132, 99 p. Alien, E.G., DeCicco, D.A., and Lutz, G.A., compil­ ers, 1979, Leasable mineral and waterpower land Abbott, P.O. (see also Crouch, T.M., 1984; Geldon, classification map of the Leadville 1° by 2° quad­ A.L., 1985). rangle, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ laneous Investigations Series Map 1-1108, scale Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs 1:250,000, 1 sheet. Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Alther, G.R., 1977, Geohydrologic setting of the Investigations Series Map I-857-E, scale environment near Cotter Mill, Canon City, Colo­ 1:100,000, 1 sheet. rado: The Mountain Geologist, v. 14, no. 2, p. 69-73. Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map American City, 1971, Portable plant meets tertiary of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate requirements: v. 86, no. 3, p. 63. and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- American Water Works Association, 1985, Law and mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, Colorado: water Diversion considered noninjurious to U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-398, senior appropriators: Journal of the American 117 p. Water Works Association, v. 77, no. 5, p. 12. Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River Adrian, B.M. (see also Zimbelman, D.R., 1983). investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925: City and municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ publisher unknown, 1 v. ing: Washington, D.C., Office of Saline Water Amsley, H.D., 1926, The co-operative investigation Research and Development Progress Report 702, on the Arkansas River and certain tributaries for 114 p. the year 1925: City and publisher unknown, Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ Hydrographic Report 4, paging unknown. tional arrangements associated with ground Anderson, Richard (see also Nehring, R.B., 1981). water allocation in the Missouri River basin states: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Office of Anderson, R.L. (see also Rohdy, D.D., 1970). Water Research Report BU-REC-C-80138-P (3), 98 p. [Lincoln, University of , Nebraska Andrews, G.W., investigator, 1980, Travertine at Water Resources Center, 88 p.] Poncha Hot Springs, Chaffee County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research 1980: U.S. Geolog­ Allardice, D. (see also Radosevich, G.E., 1976). ical Survey Professional Paper 1175, p. 13.

14 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Anna, L.O., 1975, Map showing availability of Arnold, J.R., Brown, P.J., Driver, B.L., and Updike, hydrologic data published as of 1974 by the U.S. Lynn, 1981, Arkansas River study final report for Environmental Data Service and by the U.S. Geo­ project entitled "Measuring dispersed use and logical Survey and cooperating agencies, Colo­ visitor preferences on the Bureau of Land Man­ rado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range agement's national resource lands": Fort Collins, urban corridor, Colorado: U.S. Geological Sur­ Colorado State University, 1 v. [Available only vey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I- at the Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Man­ 857-D, scale 1:100,000, 1 sheet. agement Library, Fort Collins, Colo.]

Apel, C.T. (see also Planner, H.N., 1980). Aronson, J.T. (see also Jorden, R.M., 1980). Arthur B. Chafet and Associates, 1970, Woodmen Arbogast, B.F. (see also Zimbelman, D.R., 1983; Water and Sanitation District: Littleton, Colo., Adrian, B.M., 1984). 12 p. Arestad, J.F., 1977, Resistivity studies in the upper Arthur D. Little, Inc. (see also High Plains Associ­ Arkansas Valley and northern San Luis Valley, ates, 1982). Colorado: Golden, Colorado School of Mines, Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert Master's thesis, 129 p. pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado: Water Power, v. 26, no. 6, p. 197-204. ARIX Engineers, 1985, Water quality study, Arkan­ sas River above Salida, Colorado: Albuquerque, Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ N. Mex., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 100 p. lamation first: Civil Engineering, v. 45, no. 7, p. 70-73. Arkansas Basins Inter-Agency Committee, Compre­ Babcock, R.E., 1974, Industrial water re-use and hensive Planning Committee, 1978, Specific sewage sludge reclamation, in Energy, environ­ problem analysis summary report, 1975 national ment and water resources: Lincoln, Nebr., Uni­ assessment of water and related land resources: versity of Council of Water Resources, p. 272- Austin, Tex., 190 p. 276. Arkansas River Commission, 1948, Arkansas River Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, Compact Entered into by the States of Colorado M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis and Kansas, December 14, 1948: Denver, 15 p. of priority water resources problems to develop a comprehensive research program for the south­ Arkansas River Compact Administration, 1950, ern plains river basins region: College Station, Rules and regulations of the Arkansas River A and M University, Texas Water Compact Administration: Lamar, Colo., 5 p. Resources Institute Technical Report TR-61; 46 p. [Available from National Technical Information Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ tee, Colorado Coordination Committee, 1953, A field, VA 22161 as PB-282 563.] plan for the development, use and conservation of the resources of the Arkansas basin in Colo­ Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in rado: Denver, 228 p. water quality and use Seminar of the Great Plains Resource Economics Committee of the Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ Great Plains Agricultural Council: Stillwater, tee, 1955, Arkansas-White-Red River basin Part Oklahoma State University, Great Plains Agri­ 2, section 7, Hydroelectric power development cultural Council Publication 80, 280 p. and utilization: Austin, Tex., paging unknown. Bailey, E.W., 1971, Cathodic protection for coated steel pipelines: Journal of the American Water Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ Works Association, v. 63, no. 2, p. 85-88. tee, 1957, Development of water and land resources of the Arkansas-White and Red River Baker, D.R. (see also Kohler, M.A., 1959). basins: Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Baldridge, Duaina, compiler, 1982, Stream Printing Office, (U.S. 85th Congress, 1st session, capacity A comparison of in-stream water- Senate Document 13), 1,011 p. quality data to stream standards (Arkansas River basin within Pueblo County): Pueblo, Pueblo Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ Area Council of Governments, Division of Plan­ tee, 1976, State regional futures and problem lists ning, 181 p. (activity 2, phase II) 1975 national assessment, Arkansas-White-Red region: Technical Memo­ Baldridge, Duaina (see also Cain, Doug, 1980; randum, 489 p. Finley, C.J., 1981).

Author Index 15 Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the fer systems: American Society of Civil Engineers Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives Proceedings, Journal of the Water Resources (Ogallala-High Plains region): Western Journal Planning and Management Division, v. 107, of Agricultural Economics, v. 6, no. 2, p. 289-299. no. WR2, p. 563-577. Bedinger, M.S., and Sniegocki, R.T., 1976, Summary Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala appraisals of the Nation's ground-water aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in resources; Arkansas-White-Red region: U.S. Hope for the High Plains: Annual New Mexico Geological Survey Professional Paper 813-H, Water Conference, 27th, Clovis, N. Mex., 1982, 31 p. [Reprinted in 1980.] Proceedings, p. 8-25. Behre, C.H., Jr., 1933, Physiographic history of the Banta, E.R., 1983, Groundwater flow patterns in the upper Arkansas and Eagle Rivers, Colorado: Dakota Group aquifer in an area near Pueblo, Journal of Geology, v. 41, no. 8, p. 785-814. Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State Univer­ sity, Master's thesis, 48 p. Behre, C.H., Jr. (see also Powers, W.E., 1934).

Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ Colorado; faults and flow patterns: U.S. Geolog­ ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid ical Survey Water-Resources Investigations pressures: Stanford, Calif., Stanford University, Report 85-4186, 23 p. Ph.D. dissertation, 214 p. [Also abstracted in Barb, C.F., 1946, Selected well logs of Colorado: Dissertation Abstracts International Part B, The Sciences and Engineering, v. 46, no. 8, p. 2594-B.] Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, v. 41, no. 1, 435 p. Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ normal fluid pressures [abs.]: Bulletin of the cal Survey research 1979: U.S. Geological Survey American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Professional Paper 1150, p. 122. v. 67, no. 3, p. 422. Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Hydrogeological Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- data of thermal springs and wells in Colorado: stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver Denver, Colorado Geological Survey Information Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.]: Geolog­ Series 6, 124 p. ical Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 441. Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of geothermometer and isotope models in the Bell, B.A., date unknown, Concepts and operating Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.]: Geo­ experiences Advanced wastewater treatment logical Society of American Abstracts with Pro­ plants: Menlo Park, Calif., Envirotech Corp., grams, v. 8, no. 6, p. 768. Mimeographed Papers, 13 p.

Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1978, An appraisal of Bennett, G.L. (see also Finnell, L.M., 1973; 1974). Colorado's geothermal resources: Denver, Colo­ rado Geological Survey Bulletin 39, 224 p. Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Barrett, J.K., Pearl, R.H., and Pennington, A.J., 1976, Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of findings: Map showing thermal springs, wells and heat- Fort Collins, Colorado Cooperative Fishery flow contours in Colorado: Denver, Colorado Research Unit Report REC-ERC-82-8, 59 p. Geological Survey Information Series 4, scale 1:1,000,000, 1 sheet. Bergersen, E.P. (see also Gregg, R.E., 1980).

Barrett, J.K. (see also Pearl, R.H., 1975; 1976). Berry, G.W., Grim, P.J., and Ikelman, J.A., compil­ Bauer, D.P. (see also Little, J.R., 1980). ers, 1980, Thermal springs list for the United States: Boulder, National Oceanic and Atmo­ Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ spheric Administration, Key to Geophysical sion to reuse water: American Water Works Records Documentation Report 12, 59 p. Association Annual Conference, 97th, Anaheim, Calif., 1977, Proceedings, Paper 9-4, 20 p. Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ Baumann, D.D. (see also Dworkin, D.M, 1974; Sims, entations and apertures of fractures: Annals of J.H., 1974). Arid Zone, v. 8, no. 2, p. 231-245.

16 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Big Sandy Creek Conservation District, 1957, Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Watershed workplan for watershed protection Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of and flood prevention, Big Sandy Creek water­ Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for shed, Elbert and El Paso Counties, Colorado: Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ 20 p. trict: Denver, 157 p. Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, development and hydrologic conditions of the Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four leys, Colorado, 1972: Colorado Water Resources Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau Circular 16, 28 p. of Reclamation: Kansas City, Mo., 127 p. [Avail­ able from National Technical Information Ser­ Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level vice, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black VA 22161 as com-73-10356.] Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado: Colorado Water Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Resources Circular 23, 21 p. Report on costs and revenue requirements for Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1974, Water-level alternative water improvement programs: Den­ decline in the alluvial aquifer, spring 1964 to ver, 53 p. spring 1974, Upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey open-file map, Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ 1:24,000, 1 sheet. politan District: Denver, 17 p. Bingham, D.L. (see also Klein, J.M., 1975; Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1977, Livingston, R.K., 1976; Emmons, P.J., 1979). Water distribution for Colorado Springs: Kansas City, Kans., 34 p. Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a well near Colorado Springs, Colorado: American Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1979, Report on determination of economic values of Journal of Science, v. 245, no. 12, p. 733-753. improved water quality in the Arkansas River Bittinger, M.W., 1959, Colorado's ground-water basin: Kansas City, Mo., 320 p. problems Ground water in Colorado: Fort Col- Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1983, Clear lins, Colorado State University Experiment Sta­ Creek Dam and Reservoir study: Denver, 22 p. tion Bulletin 504-S, 28 p. Black and Veatch (see also High Plains Associates, Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management 1982). and administration of groundwater in interstate Blaney, H.F., and Criddle, W.D., 1949, Consump­ and international aquifers Phase I: Fort Col- tive use and irrigation water requirements of lins, Colo., Bittinger (M.W). and Associates, Inc., crops in Colorado: U.S. Soil Conservation Ser­ 157 p. [Available from National Technical Infor­ vice, 55 p. mation Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-197 592.] Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Bittinger, M.W., and Stringham, G.E., 1963, A study orado, 1978-82: U.S. Geological Survey Open- of phreatophyte growth in the lower Arkansas File Report 82-573, 28 p. River valley of Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, 31 p. Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Bittinger, M.W. (see also Trelease, F.J., 1963). orado, 1979-83: U.S. Geological Survey Open- File Report 83-253, 34 p. Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1951, Report on water pumping and distribution, Bliss, J.D., 1983, Colorado; basic data for thermal Northside Water District no. 1: Kansas City, Mo., springs and wells as recorded in GEOTHERM: paging unknown. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-429, 176 p. Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1953, Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and Report on water purification requirements: Kan­ Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- sas City, Mo., 49 p. bay, 1978-1979: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report REC-ERC-82-6, 21 p. Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1957, Report on the conservation of water at Pueblo, Boehmke, J.R. (see also LaBounty, J.F., 1980; Roline, Colorado: Kansas City, Mo., 40 p. R.A., 1981).

Author Index 17 Boettcher, A.J., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 measurements of selected wells and test holes water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ and chemical analyses of ground water in eastern rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado: Den­ to 1980, and 1975 to 1980: U.S. Geological Survey ver, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-670, scale Ground Water Basic-Data Report 13, 18 p. 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000, 1 sheet.

Boettcher, A.J., 1963, Prospects for irrigation in Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colo­ Rutledge, John, 1983, The in the rado: Denver, Colorado Water Conservation northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Board Ground-Water Series Circular 7, 12 p. thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ probable well yields: U.S. Geological Survey ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-0671, scale of the ground water, by C.A. Horr: U.S. Geolog­ 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000, 1 sheet. ical Survey Water-Supply Paper 1779-N, 32 p. Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on 1977-81: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert Report 81-637, 29 p. Brennan: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1819-1, 22 p. Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern Water-level records for the northern High Plains High Plains of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey of Colorado: Denver, Colorado Water Conserva­ Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-669, scale tion Board Ground-Water Series Basic-Data 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Release 20, 189 p. Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Col­ face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ orado: U.S. Geological Survey open-file report, urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 3 p. in the southern High Plains of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Boettcher, A.J. (see also McConaghy, J.A., 1964). Atlas H-673, scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Boone, S.G., 1985, Colorado River basin and water­ gation wells and application rates for irrigated shed summary: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains 21 p. of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-675, scale 1:500,000, Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the 1 sheet. northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-499, Borman, R.G. (see also Major, T.J., 1977; Lindner- 43 sheets. Lunsford, J.B., 1985).

Borman, R.G., 1979, Altitude and configuration of Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied waters: the water table and depth to water in the north­ Natural Resources Journal, v. 20, no. 1, p. 179- ern High Plains of Colorado, January 1978: U.S. 185. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investiga­ tions Report 79-54, scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Bredehoeft, J.D. (see also Konikow, L.F., 1972; 1973; 1974; Belitz, Kenneth, 1983; 1984). Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79: U.S. Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-5, 28 p. River: Arkansas-White-Red Basin Inter-Agency Committee Meeting, 8th, Granby, Colo., 1951, Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Proceedings, paging unknown. northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-438, 29 p. Brennan, Robert (see also McGovern, H.E., 1964).

18 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Bresler, S.A., 1972, Economics of ion exchange tech­ Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ nology applied to municipal water quality centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ improvement: New York, Bresler and Associ­ orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey ates, Inc., Office of Saline Water Research and research, fiscal year 1981: U.S. Geological Survey Development Progress Report 781, 181 p. Professional Paper 1375, p. 187. Britton, L.J., and Wentz, D.A., 1980, Water-quality Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and characteristics of selected lakes and reservoirs in irrigation return flows in the lower Arkansas Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File River Valley of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Report 80-436, 139 p. Water-Resources Investigations Report 84-4273, Brookman, J.A., 1968, Colorado ground-water lev­ 85 p. els, spring, 1968: Fort Collins, Colorado State University Experiment Station, 2 p. [Available as Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, Report CER67-68JB2.] Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the Brookman, J.A., 1969, Colorado ground-water lev­ Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it els, spring, 1969: Fort Collins, Colorado State relates to water-quality guidelines and stream University Experiment Station, 95 p. [Available classification: U.S. Geological Survey Water- as CER68-69JB39.] Resources Investigations Report 80-82, 104 p. [Available from the National Technical Informa­ Brookman, J.A., 1973, Colorado ground-water tion Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, trends: Fort Collins, Colorado State University Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-81 227 340.] Engineering Research Center, 104 p. Broom, M.E., and Irwin, J.H., 1963, Records, logs, Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected and water-level measurements of selected wells hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, water in Bent County, Colorado: Colorado Water 1975-80: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Conservation Board Ground-Water Series Basic- Report 80-1185, 233 p. Data Report 14, 40 p. Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, Brown, D.L., 1974, Resource management and envi­ Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water ronmental improvement plan for Pueblo Dam in Crowley County, Colorado: U.S. Geological and Reservoir: Fort Collins, Colorado State For­ Survey Open-File Report 80-681, scale 1:125,000, est Service, 155 p. 2 sheets. Brown, PJ. (see also Arnold, J.R., 1981). Cain, Doug (see also Mustard, M.H., 1981; Abbott, Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of P.O., 1983; Crouch, T.M., 1984; Edelmann, the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of Patrick, 1985). the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado: Golden, Colorado School of Mines, Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (see also High Plains Master's thesis, 123 p. Associates, 1982). Bryn, S.M. (see also Borman, R.G., 1983; 1984). Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ Bue, C.D. (see also Crippen, J.R., 1977). phyll fl concentration and distribution in Twin Burgess, L.T., 1951, Floods on the Arkansas River in Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert Colorado: Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter- pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81: U.S. Agency Committee Meeting, 8th, Granby, Colo., Bureau of Reclamation Technical Report REC- 1951, Proceedings, paging unknown. ERC-85-6, 42 p.

Burkhard, W.T., 1966, Stream fishery studies Campbell, S.G. (see also LaBounty, J.F., 1980). Statewide stream surveys: City unknown, Colo­ rado Department of Game, Fish, and Parks, 166 p. Cardwell, W.D.E., 1956, Report on an aquifer test at Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- Monument, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains open-file report, 8 p. region: Fort Collins, Colorado Water Resources Research Institute Technical Report 31, 98 p. Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ Burtis, V.M. (see also Lohman, S.W., 1953; opment Act of 1978, Colorado): Great Plains McLaughlin, T.G., 1961). Agricultural Council, Lincoln, Nebr., 1983, Pro­ Cadigan, R.A. (see also Felmlee, J.K., 1979; 1980). ceedings, p. 15-29.

Author Index 19 Carpenter, M.R., 1971, Distribution in Colorado, Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and community relationships, and preliminary life Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from history of the white sucker (Catostomus commer- small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 soni) July 1, 1969, to January 31, 1970, in Rearing through September 1977: U.S. Geological Survey bait fishes in the Rocky Mountain States: Fort Open-File Report 79-1261, 673 p. Collins, Colorado State University Subproject Cochran, B.J., Minges, D.R., Jarrett, R.D., and 6-2-D-8, p. 105-129. Veenhuis, J.E., 1983, Rainfall-runoff data from Center for Community Development, 1985, Mani- small watersheds in Colorado, October 1977 tou Springs flood hazard mitigation plan: Colo­ through September 1980: U.S. Geological Survey rado Springs, University of Colorado at Colorado Open-File Report 82-873, 748 p. Springs, 127 p. [E.C. Gruntfest, project director.] Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado: Fort Col­ CH2M-HU1, Inc., 1975, Water supply and effluent lins, Colorado State University, Colorado treatment for R.D. Nixon power-generation Agricultural Experiment Station Miscellaneous plant: Denver, 5 p. Series Paper 282, 23 p. CH2M-HU1, Inc., 1986, California Gulch remedial Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ investigation, Leadville, Colorado: Denver, EPA ern Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State Uni­ W.A. 25.8v29.0, 2 v. versity Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Chase, G.H. (see also McConaghy, J.A., 1964). 500-S, 34 p. Code, W.E. (see also Hamman, A.J., 1954). Chen, M.C., 1960, Effect of watershed characteris­ tics on peak rates of runoff in eastern Colorado: Coe, B.A., Dick, J.D., Galloway, M.J., Gross, J.T., Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Master's and Meyer, R.T., 1982, Geothermal potential for thesis, 94 p. commercial and industrial direct heat applica­ tions in Salida, Colorado Final report: U.S. C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering Department of Energy Report DOE/ID/12192-1, report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline 285 p. of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project: Denver, paging unknown. Coe, B.A. (see also Meyer, R.T., 1981). Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level Chronic, Felicie, and Chronic, John, 1974, Bibli­ measurements of selected wells and test holes, ography and index of geology and hydrology, physical properties of unconsolidated materials, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado: U.S. Geo­ chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- logical Survey Bulletin 1306, 102 p. flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley Chronic, John (see also Chronic, Felicie, 1974). in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ orado: Colorado Water Conservation Board Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Ground-Water Series Basic-Data Report 12, 25 p. water resources The Ogallala aquifer: v. 52, Coffin, D.L., 1967, Geology and ground-water no. 10, p. 14-17. resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, Clark, J.H., 1975, Management evaluation of Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a stocked northern pike in Colorado's small plains section on Chemical quality of the ground water, reservoirs: Fort Collins, Colorado State Univer­ by C.A. Horr: U.S. Geological Survey Water- sity, Ph.D. dissertation, 66 p. [Also abstracted in Supply Paper 1843, 49 p. Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 36, Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ no. 8-B.] tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research Clark, J.W. (see also Babcock, R.E., 1975). 1968: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper Clarke, F.W., 1914, Water analyses from the labora­ 600-B, p. B215-B218. tory of the United States Geological Survey: U.S. Coffin, D.L. (see also McGovern, H.E., 1963; Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 364, 40 p. Moulder, E.A., 1963). Clawson, Marion, 1949, Sequence in variation of Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, annual precipitation in the western United El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and States, in Proceedings of the Western Snow Con­ Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ ference, Reno, Nev., Apr. 15-17, 1948, 16th ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ annual meeting: Fort Collins, Colorado State rado: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 26, University, p. 92-96. p. 3-8.

20 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Colburn, G.W. (see also McConaghy, J.A., 1964). Colorado Land Use Commission, 1974, Colorado land use map folio: Denver, scale 1:500,000, Collins, D.B. (see also Reppleir, F.N., 1981). 12 sheets. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971, Colorado Soil Conservation Board, 1979, Agricul­ List and location of snow courses and soil mois­ ture water quality assessment of Pueblo County, ture stations: Fort Collins, 16 p. [Available from Colorado: Denver, 29 p. National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA Colorado Soil Conservation Board and U.S. Soil 22161 as N71-36756.] Conservation Service, 1977, Canon Watershed project, Fremont County, Colorado Reduction Colorado Department of Agriculture, various of flood water and sediment damages to Canon years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action: Den­ watershed, Canon City, Colorado: Denver, 2 v. ver, periodical. Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colorado: rado High Plains study Summary report: Den­ Department of Resources Planning and Develop­ ver, 46 p. ment, 60 p. Colorado Department of Health, 1980, Classifica­ Colorado Springs, Engineering Division, date tions and numeric standards Arkansas River unknown, Drainage studies on basins within and basin: Denver, Water Quality Control Commis­ near the city: Colorado Springs, 3 v. sion, 21 p. Colorado Springs Wastewater Division, 1980, Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1979, A Stream study: Colorado Springs, 6 p. statewide framework for water quality manage­ ment: Denver, 60 p. Colorado State Planning Commission, 1939, Water resources of Colorado Appendix 2, data on Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water stream-gaging stations of Colorado: Denver, quality management plan: Denver, 123 p. 112 p. Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water Colorado State Planning Commission, 1939, Water quality management plan for District 10: Denver, resources of Colorado Appendix 5, Statistics of 111 p. irrigated crops v. 3, Arkansas River basin: Den­ Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water ver, 1 v. quality management plan for the Upper Arkan­ Colorado State Soil and Water Conservation Needs sas Area: Denver, 75 p. Committee, 1969, Colorado conservation needs Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, inventory: Denver, Colorado State Soil Conser­ Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ vation Board, Colorado Association of Soil Con­ tee: Denver, paging unknown. servation Districts, and U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 111 p. Colorado Department of Public Health, 1973, Record of water quality and radium-226 data, Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in Greenhorn basin area: Denver, paging unknown. Las Animas County (Abandonment of water rights), 183 Colo., 135, 515 P.2d 456 (1973). Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, An investigation of Fort Carson Military Reservation Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water water rights status: Denver, Colorado Depart­ District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to ment of Natural Resources, 25 p. a city) outside the water district], 519 P.2d 339-41 (Colo. 1974). Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report on the ground water resources of the bedrock Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Southeastern Colo­ aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ rado Water Conservancy District v. Shelton mary: Denver, 28 p. Farms (water decrees bound to call of the river), Colorado 529 P.2d 1321 (1974). Colorado Game, Fish, and Parks Department, 1967, Effects of the proposed Arkansas River channel­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1970, Flood ization project on wildlife: Denver, 19 p. plain information Purgatoire River: Denver, paging unknown. Colorado Irrigation Centennial Committee, 1952, A hundred years of irrigation in Colorado; Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, 100 years of organized and continuous irriga­ Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ tion, 1852-1952: Denver, Colorado Water Con­ tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to servation Board, 111 p. 1970: Denver, 26 p.

Author Index 21 Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood plain information Arkansas River and Four- plain information Lake Creek: Denver, paging mile, Brush Hollow, and Eightmile Creeks: Den­ unknown. ver, paging unknown. Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1982, Flood Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood plain information Big Sandy and tributaries LI, plain information Cucharas River: Denver, L2, and L3: Denver, paging unknown. paging unknown. Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1983, Colo­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1974, Flood rado flood plain information index: Denver, 85 p. plain information Arkansas River and Wolf, Colorado Water Conservation Board (see also U.S. Two Butte, and Wildhorse Creeks: Denver, pag­ Soil Conservation Service,1981). ing unknown. Colorado Water Pollution Control Commission, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood 1967, Stream classification for surface waters of plain information Arkansas River: Denver, Colorado Stream quality standards, plan of paging unknown. implementation, enforcement procedures: Den­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood ver, Colorado State Department of Health, plain information South Arkansas River and unnumbered pages. Poncha Creek: Denver, paging unknown. Colorado Water Pollution Control Commission, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood 1971, Water quality standards and stream classi­ plain information Taylor, Swift, Texas, Spring, fications: Denver, 30 p. and Grape Creeks: Denver, paging unknown. Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, 1974, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1979, Flood Water quality standards for Colorado and classi­ plain information South Arkansas River: Den­ fication of inter-state and intra-state streams in ver, paging unknown. Colorado by river basin: Denver, Colorado Department of Health, paging unknown. Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood plain information Big Sandy Creek: Denver, Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, 1975, paging unknown. Colorado regulations for effluent limitations Treatment works site approval regulation, storm Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood sewer discharge regulations: 1975 BNA Environ­ plain information Chalk Creek: Denver, paging mental Report 726, p. 1141-1142. unknown. Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1974, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood Waste load allocation for the Arkansas River: plain information Sandy and Rush Creeks: Denver, Colorado Department of Health, paging Denver, paging unknown. unknown. Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1975, hazard delineation Cat Creek: Denver, paging Arkansas River basin [water?] quality manage­ unknown. ment plan: Denver, Colorado Department of Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Health, 5 v. hazard delineation Sand Arroyo: Denver, pag­ Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, 1978, ing unknown. Colorado's water A report of the Colorado Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Water Resources Research Institute: Fort Col- plain information Arkansas River: Denver, lins, 32 p. [Prepared by D.C. Flaherty.] paging unknown. Computer Data Systems Inc., 1985, Bureau of Recla­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood mation, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, water plain information Evans Gulch: Denver, pag­ accounting system, software user manual: Lake- ing unknown. wood, Colo., paging unknown. Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the plain information for Canon City, Colorado U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ Red Canyon, Northeast Canyon Draw, and tribu­ pacts, and treaties: U.S. Geological Survey taries: Denver, 62 p. Open-File Report 82-680, 28 p. Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ plain information in Colorado Index map: duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colorado: Denver, Colorado Department of Natural Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Cooper­ Resources, scale 1:633,600, 1 sheet. ative Extension Service Bulletin 523A, 59 p.

22 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Conklin, L.R. (see also Gardner, R.L., 1984). Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Com­ pany, 1921, The Arkansas flood, June 1921: Den­ Costa, J.E., and Jarrett, R.D., 1981, Debris flows in ver, 10 v. in 7 actual volumes. [Typewritten small mountain stream channels of Colorado and copy.] their hydrologic implications: Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, v. 18, Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Com­ no. 3, p. 309-322. pany, 1956, The case of train no. 3, with a chapter on The Arkansas flood June 1921, by A.O. Ridg- Crawford, I.C., 1956, Colorado's water resources way: Denver, Rocky Mountain Railroad Club (2d ed).: Denver, Colorado Water Conservation Publication 6, 68 p. Board, 39 p. Dick, J.D., 1976, Geothermal reservoir temperatures Crawford, L.C. (see also Williams, G.R., 1940). in Chaffee County, Colorado: Monroe, North­ east, Louisiana University, Master's thesis, 171 p. Criddle, W.D. (see also Blaney, H.F., 1949). Dick, J.D. (see also Meyer, R.T., 1981; Coe, B.A., Crippen, J.R., and Bue, C.D., 1977, Maximum flood- 1982). flows in the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1887, Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1960, Bentonite sealing investi­ 52 p. gations Third quarterly progress report: Fort Collins, Colorado State University Agricultural Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, Experiment Station, paging unknown. R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1961, Bentonite sealing investi­ Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado: U.S. Geological gations Final report: Fort Collins, Colorado Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report State University Agricultural Experiment Sta­ 82-4114, 123 p. tion, paging unknown. Curtis, H.A. (see also George, R.D., 1920). Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., and Shen, R.T., 1960, Bentonite sediment sealing of irrigation canals Report for Danielson, J.A. (see also Shafer, B.A., 1981). the three-year period of 1957 through 1959: Fort Dantin, EJ. (see also Babcock, R.E., 1975). Collins, Colorado State University [Agricultural Experiment Station?], paging unknown. Dardeau, E.A., Jr., and Zappi, M.A., 1977, Environ­ mental baseline descriptions for use in the man­ Doherty, T.J., 1966, Effects on farmers of change agement of Fort Carson natural resources, from dryland to irrigation in Baca County: Fort Reports General geology and seismicity: U.S. Collins, Colorado State University, Master's Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment thesis, 95 p. Station Technical Report M-77-4, 29 p. Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., Darton, N.H., 1906, Geology and underground 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map waters of the Arkansas Valley in eastern Colo­ or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate rado: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness 52, 90 p. Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Daubert, Henry (see also Agardy, F.J., 1971). Report 84-342, 22 p. Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions Dover, R.A. (see also Ficklin, W.H., 1984; Nowlan, between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent G.A., 1985). bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ puter model MINTEQ: Boulder, University of Dreesen, D.R., Williams, J.M., Marple, M.L., Glad- Colorado, Ph.D. dissertation, 214 p. ney, E.S., and Perrin, D.R., 1982, Mobility and bioavailability of uranium mill tailings contami­ Day, G.W. (see also Domenico, J.A., 1984). nants: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 16, no. 10, p. 702-709. DeCicco, D.A., Patterson, E.D., and Lutz, G.A., compilers, 1978, Leasable mineral and water- Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of power land classification map of the Raton quad­ the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front rangle, New Mexico, Colorado: U.S. Geological Range urban corridor, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-724, scale 1:250,000, Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map 1 sheet. I-857-B, scale 1:100,000, 1 sheet. DeCicco, D.A. (see also Alien, E.G., 1979; 1980). Driver, B.L. (see also Arnold, J.R., 1981).

Author Index 23 Duce, J.T., 1924, Geology of parts of Las Animas, Dumeyer, J.M., and Fisher, Gene, 1978, Pueblo West Otero, and Bent Counties: Denver, Colorado water supply Environmental assessment: Geological Survey Bulletin 27, part 3, p. 73-106. Pueblo, Hydro Engineering, paging unknown. Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Dunstan, E.R., Jr. (see also Mogck, L.G., 1982). runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, June 1968 through September 1971: Colorado Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and Water Conservation Board Colorado Water efficient management alternative for municipal Resources Basic-Data Release 27, 301 p. water supply: Water Resources Research, v. 11, no. 5, p. 607-615. Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ October 1971 through September 1974: Colorado uation of water reuse for municipal supply: Car- Water Conservation Board Colorado Water bondale, 111., Southern Illinois University, 266 p. Resources Basic-Data Release 38, 540 p. Dworkin, D.M. (see also Baumann, D.D., 1977). Dufford, R.G. (see also Michael, G.Y., 1980). Ebling, J.L. (see also McCain, J.F., 1979; Elliot, J.G., Duke H.R., 1967, Colorado ground-water levels, 1982). spring 1967: Fort Collins, Colorado State Univer­ Eddy, F.W., 1984, The cultural resource inventory sity Experiment Station, scale unknown, 2 sheets. of the John Martin Dam and Reservoir, Bent Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains County, Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., U.S. of eastern Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State Army Corps of Engineers, 541 p. University, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Edelmann, Patrick, 1984, Effects of irrigating with Station General Series 852, 9 p. wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Car­ Duke, H.R., and Skinner, M.M., 1965, Colorado son Military Reservation golf course near Colo­ ground-water levels, spring 1965: Fort Collins, rado Springs, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Colorado State University [Agricultural?] Exper­ Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4268, iment Station, scale unknown, 2 sheets. 32 p. Duke, H.R., and Sundaram, A.V., 1966, Colorado Edelmann, Patrick, and Cain, Doug, 1985, Sources ground-water levels, spring 1966: Fort Collins, of water and nitrogen to the Widefield aquifer, Colorado State University [Agricultural?] Exper­ southwestern El Paso County, Colorado: U.S. iment Station, scale unknown, 2 sheets. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investiga­ tions Report 85-4162, 81 p. Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado: Colorado Geo­ Edelmann, Patrick (see also Cain, Doug, 1980; logical Survey Map Series 2, scale 1:240,000, Abbott, P.O., 1983). 1 sheet. Edmison, M.T. (see also Babcock, R.E., 1975). Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality Elgin, R.A., Volin, M.E., and Townsend, J.W., 1949, data base, Pueblo County, Colorado: Pueblo, The Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, Hydro Engineering, 66 p. Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Inves­ Dumeyer, J.M., 1976, Summary of non-point source tigations 4493, 38 p. report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado: Elliot and Associates, Inc., 1969, Study and recom­ Pueblo, Hydro Engineering, 105 p. mendations concerning the water supply for Col­ Dumeyer, J.M., 1977, Analysis of stormwater flows orado City including the Wolf-Williams and Arkansas River water rights: Pueblo, Hydro acquisition: Pueblo, Colo., 43 p. Engineering, 6 p. Elliott, J.G., Jarrett, R.D., and Ebling, J.L., 1982, Dumeyer, J.M., 1978, Pueblo County 208 plan Annual snowmelt and rainfall peak-flow data on stream segment hydrographs: Pueblo, Hydro selected foothills region streams, South Platte Engineering, 13 p. River, Arkansas River, and Colorado River basins, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open- Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow File Report 82-426, 86 p. analysis and assessment of flow augmentation possibilities: Pueblo, Hydro Engineering, 26 p. Emery, P.A. (see also Zohdy, A.A., 1971). Dumeyer, J.M., 1980, Evaluation of exceedance of Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial proposed un-ionized ammonia limits, Arkansas aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado: River below Fountain Creek: Pueblo, Hydro U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investi­ Engineering, 6 p. gations Report 76-53, 124 p.

24 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Emmons, P.J., 1977, Artificial-recharge tests in Farnsworth, R.K., Thompson, E.S., and Peck, E.L., upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Jimmy Camp 1982, Evaporation atlas for the contiguous 48 Valley, and Fountain Valley, El Paso County, United States: Asheville, N.C., National Oceanic Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Water- and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA Tech­ Resources Investigations Report 77-11, 49 p. nical Report 33, 26 p. Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Fawcett, D.W. (see also Romero, J.C., 1977; 1978). Bingham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, 1979. Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geo­ Feast, C.N., 1951, Fish and wildlife and recreational logical Survey research 1979: U.S. Geological facilities, Arkansas River basin in Colorado: Survey Professional Paper 1150, p. 121. Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Com­ mittee Meeting, 8th, Granby, Colo., 1951, Pro­ Emmons, PJ. (see also Cain, Doug, 1980). ceedings, paging unknown. Engineering Science, Inc., 1980, Cost-benefit assess­ Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, ment of wasteload allocation and stream classifi­ Flood insurance study City of Canon City, Col­ cation alternatives: Denver, 106 p. orado, Fremont County: Washington, D.C., 18 p. Engineering Science, Inc., 1981, Recommendation for uranium standards for Arkansas River basin: Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, Denver, paging unknown. Flood insurance study Town of Buena Vista, Colorado, Chaffee County: Washington, D.C., Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/ 16 p. California Gulch remedial investigation: Den­ ver, paging unknown. Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1983, Flood insurance study City of Manitou Springs, Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, Levene, B.F., Colorado, El Paso County: Washington, D.C., and Tabor, W.H., 1978, Water and air quality 27 p. trends in Region VIII, U.S. Environmental Pro­ tection Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1984, Agency Report EPA/908/2-78/001, 148 p. Flood insurance study City of Florence, Colo­ rado, Fremont County: Washington, D.C., 20 p. Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1980, Region VIII (1978 data): U.S. Environmental Pro­ Water resources appraisals for hydroelectric tection Agency Report EPA-908-2-79-001, 215 p. licensing Upper Arkansas River basin, Colo­ rado, Kansas, and New Mexico: Washington, Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., D.C., Planning Status Report FERC-0060, 19 p. 1980. Aquatic toxicity review Final report: Fort [Available from National Technical Information Collins, Colo., 56 p. in various pagings. Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ Erickson, J.R. (see also Horton, J.S., 1973; 1974). field, VA 22161 as FERC-0060.] Ericson, R.K. (see also McKean, J.R., 1982). Federal Insurance Administration, 1973, Flood haz­ Erker, H.W., and Romero, J.C., 1967, Ground water ard boundary map Arkansas River: U.S. Department of Housing and Development, scale resources of the upper Black Squirrel Creek unknown, number of sheets unknown. basin, El Paso County, Colorado: Denver, Colo­ rado Division of Water Resources, 53 p. Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunate, 1966, Urban ard boundary map Arkansas River: U.S. water use study: American Society of Civil Engi­ Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ neers Conference Preprint 350, 38 p. ment, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown. ERT/Ecology Consultants, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fre- mont County 201 facilities plan, v. 2 Environ­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ mental analysis: Fort Collins, Colo., 268 p. ard boundary map Arkansas River and Foun­ tain Creek: U.S. Department of Housing and Evans, A., and Raley, W.L., 1984, Research in Urban Development, scale unknown, number of action Solving Colorado water problems, FY sheets unknown. 1983 annual report: Fort Collins, Colorado Water Resources Research Institute Annual Report 28, Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ 40 p. [Available from National Technical Infor­ ard boundary map Crystal Lake: U.S. Depart­ mation Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, ment of Housing and Urban Development, scale Springfield, VA 22161 as PB 85-214781/AS.] unknown, number of sheets unknown.

Author Index 25 Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Cucharas River and Bear ard boundary map Oak Creek: U.S. Department Creek: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban of Housing and Urban Development, scale Development, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown, number of sheets unknown. unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Wolf Creek: U.S. Depart­ ard boundary map Cucharas River and Middle ment of Housing and Urban Development, scale Creek: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban unknown, number of sheets unknown. Development, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Arkansas River: U.S. Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ ard boundary map Oak Creek: U.S. Department ment, scale unknown, number of sheets of Housing and Urban Development, scale unknown. unknown, number of sheets unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Big Sandy Creek: U.S. ard boundary map Purgatoire River: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ ment, scale unknown, number of sheets ment, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown. unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Cripple Creek: U.S. Depart­ ard boundary map Raton Creek: U.S. Depart­ ment of Housing and Urban Development, scale ment of Housing and Urban Development, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown. unknown, number of sheets unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Unnamed Tributary: U.S. ard boundary map Wild Horse Creek: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ ment, scale unknown, number of sheets ment, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown. unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Arkansas, Apishapa, and ard boundary map California Gulch: U.S. Purgatoire Rivers: U.S. Department of Housing Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ and Urban Development, scale unknown, num­ ment, scale unknown, number of sheets ber of sheets unknown. unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Arkansas River and Lake ard boundary map Cemetery Creek: U.S. Creek: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ Development, scale unknown, number of sheets ment, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown. unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Purgatoire River and Rule ard boundary map Coal Creek: U.S. Depart­ and Mud Creeks: U.S. Department of Housing ment of Housing and Urban Development, scale and Urban Development, scale unknown, num­ unknown, number of sheets unknown. ber of sheets unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Gonzales Creek: U.S. ard boundary map Trout and Fourmile Creek: Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ ment, scale unknown, number of sheets ment, scale unknown, number of sheets unknown. unknown. Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Greenhorn Creek: U.S. ard boundary map Arkansas River and Ander- Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ son and King Arroyos: U.S. Department of ment, scale unknown, number of sheets Housing and Urban Development, scale unknown. unknown, number of sheets unknown.

26 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970, ard boundary map Arkansas River and Currant Report on La Junta, Colorado, technical assis­ and Grape Creeks: U.S. Department of Housing tance project, September 21-October 4, 1970, and and Urban Development, scale unknown, num­ October 13-October 19, 1970: Kansas City, Mo., ber of sheets unknown. 31 p.

Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ Fellows, A.L., 1902, Water resources of the State of ard boundary map Arkansas River and Sand Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Creek: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Paper 74,151 p. Development, scale unknown, number of sheets Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and unknown. uranium concentrations and associated hydro- Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood geochemistry in ground water in southwestern insurance study Carbon Arroyo and Moores Pueblo County, Colorado [abs]: Geological Soci­ Canyon: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban ety of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, Development, city unknown, paging unknown. no. 6, p. 272. Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood uranium concentrations and associated hydro- insurance study Monument Creek and tributar­ geochemistry in ground water in southwestern ies: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Pueblo County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Sur­ Development, city unknown, paging unknown. vey Open-File Report 79-974, 59 p. Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, insurance study Town of Palmer Lake, Colo­ 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo rado, El Paso County: U.S. Department of Hous­ County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research ing and Urban Development, 20 p. 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1175, p. 56. Federal Insurance Administration, 1980, Flood insurance study Rocky Ford Ditch: U.S. Fenn, D.D. (see also Miller, J.F., 1984). Department of Housing and Urban Develop­ ment, city unknown, paging unknown. Ferrigno, C.F. (see also Luckey, R.R., 1982). Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Analytical results for 102 water samples from insurance study Arkansas River and Anderson sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness and King Arroyos: U.S. Department of Housing Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties and Urban Development, city unknown, paging Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File unknown. Report 84-3, 11 p. Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Ficklin, W.H. (see also Nowlan, G.A., 1985). insurance study Arkansas River and Willow Creek: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Finley, C.J., Baldridge, Duaina, and Nelson, B.N., Development, city unknown, paging unknown. 1981, 208 water quality plan Plan update, 1981: Pueblo, Colo., v. 4, 143 p. Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood insurance study South Arkansas River and Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish Arkansas River: U.S. Department of Housing research investigations: Denver, Colorado Divi­ and Urban Development, city unknown, paging sion of Wildlife Final Report F-52-R, 96 p. unknown. Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas research investigations, interim studies: Fort Collins, Col­ Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, orado Division of Wildlife, 37 p. 1968, Water quality control study, the Fryingpan- Arkansas Project, Arkansas River subbasin, Col­ Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ orado: [Dallas?], paging unknown. tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report REC-ERC-80-5, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, 47 p. 1968, Water supply and water quality control study, Arkansas River subbasin, Colorado A Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1973, Fryingpan- study for needs for municipal and industrial Arkansas Project fish research investigations: water supply and water quality control: Dallas, Fort Collins, Colorado Division of Wildlife, paging unknown. Project Report 2, 60 p.

Author Index 27 Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- Frederick, R.H., Miller, J.F., Richards, P.P., and Arkansas fish research investigations: Fort Col- Schwerdt, R.W., 1981, Interduration precipita­ lins, Colorado Division of Wildlife Project tion relations for storms Western United States: Report 3, 44 p. Silver Spring, Md., National Weather Service NOAA Technical Report NWS 27, 159 p. Fisher, Gene (see also Dumeyer, John, 1978). Fitch, H.R. (see also Trimble, D.E., 1974). Frederick, R.H. (see also Miller, J.F., 1973). Fletcher, L.A., 1975, Soil survey of Chaffee-Lake Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Office, 1950, Recon­ area, Colorado Parts of Chaffee and Lake naissance survey of Arkansas Valley: U.S. Counties: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 78 p. Bureau of Reclamation, paging unknown. Floy, H.M. (see also West, H.W., 1977). Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Office, 1962, Informa­ Follansbee, Robert, 1925, Variation in annual run­ tion summary of Fryingpan-Arkansas project: off in the Rocky Mountain region, in Contribu­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, paging unknown. tions to the hydrology of the United States: U.S. Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Office, 1964, Survey of Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 520, municipal water systems of the Arkansas Valley p. 1-14. [Also issued as a separate chapter towns that have indicated an interest in project 520-A.] water: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, paging Follansbee, Robert, and Jones, E.E., 1922, The unknown. Arkansas River flood of June 3-5,1921: U.S. Geo­ Fryt, M.S., 1979, Effects of turbidity on microbio­ logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 487, 44 p. logical analysis, in Advances in laboratory tech­ Follansbee, Robert, and Sawyer, L.R., 1948, Floods niques for quality control * * *: American Water in Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Works Association Water Quality Technology Supply Paper 997,151 p. Conference, 7th, Philadelphia, 1979, Proceed­ ings, Paper 4B-4, p. 287-294. Foreman, Joe, 1972, Analysis of Arkansas River dis­ solved solids by arc emission spectography: Fuka, M.A. (see also Planner, H.N., 1980). Pueblo, Colo., Pueblo Regional Planning Com­ mission, 45 p. Gahr, W.N., 1951, Domestic water supplies, quality of water and pollution abatement problems, Foreman, Joe, 1975, Evaluation of available com­ Arkansas River basin in Colorado: Arkansas- puter stream modeling systems for application to White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Committee the Pueblo 208 program: Pueblo, Colo., Pueblo Meeting, 8th, Granby, Colo., 1951, Proceedings, Regional Planning Commission, 19 p. paging unknown. Foreman, Joe, 1976, A summary of the report, Gale, Eleanor, 1965, Colorado's new future with the Pueblo Board of Water Works stream and point Fry-Ark [Fryingpan-Arkansas Project]: Reclama­ discharge, analytical reports: Pueblo, Colo., tion Era, v. 51, p. 33-36. Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 155 p. Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ Galloway, M.J. (see also Coe, B.A., 1982). native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo: Gannett, Henry, 1901, Profiles of rivers in the Pueblo, Colo., Pueblo Regional Planning Com­ United States: U.S. Geological Survey Water- mission, 25 p. Supply Paper 44,100 p. Foreman, Joe, 1976, The interpretation of the chem­ ical characteristics of natural water: Pueblo, Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., Colo., Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and 49 p. rate structures on electricity and water use on the Colorado High Plains: Fort Collins, Colorado Foreman, Joe, date unknown, Wastewater treat­ Water Resources Research Institute Completion ment by land application: Pueblo, Colo., Pueblo Report 134, 17 p. Regional Planning Commission, 25 p. Gaydos, M.W., 1980, Summary of water-quality Fred C. Hart Associates, Inc., 1982, Solid waste data for selected streams in Colorado: U.S. Geo­ management alternatives for Teller County, Col­ logical Survey Open-File Report 80-682,152 p. orado A technical assistance panels program report: Denver, 125 p. [Available from the Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood National Technical Information Service, U.S. control project on a meandering stream: Davis, Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 Calif., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hydrologic as EPA 908/6-82-001.] Engineering Center Technical Paper 97, 12 p.

28 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas Survey research, fiscal year 1981: U.S. Geological River in Pueblo County, Colorado: U.S. Geolog­ Survey Professional Paper 1375, p. 93-94. ical Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 80-38, 87 p. [Available from National Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected Technical Information Service, U.S. Department climatological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 as Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, PB-81 124 760.] and Colfax County, New Mexico: U.S. Geologi­ cal Survey Open-File Report 84-138, 268 p. Goddard, K.E. (see also Klein, J.M., 1978). Goeke, J.W., 1970, The hydrogeology of Black Geldon, A.L. (see also Abbott, P.O., 1983). Squirrel Creek basin, El Paso County, Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Master's George, R.D., Curtis, H.A., Lester, O.C., and others, thesis, 79 p. 1920, Mineral waters of Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 11, 474 p. Gollehon, N.R. (see also Supalla, R.J., 1982). Goslin, I.V., 1976, Interstate river compacts George, W.E. (see also Planner, H.N., 1980). Impact on Colorado: The Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, v. 6, Special Issue, Gerstel, WJ. (see also Nowlan, G.A., 1985). p. 415-439. Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ movement in the Central Great Plains, in nomic geology and hydrography, 1896: U.S. Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Geological Survey Seventeenth Annual Report, drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Part 2, p. 551-601. ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings): Worthington, Ohio, National Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1978, Cherokee Water Well Association, p. 176-181. water district-Chapel Hills water and sanitation Grandin, T.B. (see also Rohdy, D.D., 1970). district: Colorado Springs, 83 p. Grant, L.O., and Schleusener, R.A., 1961, Snowfall Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide and snowfall accumulation near Climax, Colo­ water quality management plan for the Pikes rado, in Washichek, J. N., and Hannaford, Jack, Peak region: Colorado Springs, paging eds., Proceedings of the Western Snow Confer­ unknown. ence, Spokane, Wash., Apr. 11-13, 1961, 29th annual meeting: Fort Collins, Colorado State Gildersleeve, R.M., 1951, Arkansas River in Colo­ University, p. 53-64. rado, tributaries, water supplies and history of development: Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter- Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ Agency Committee Meeting, 8th, Granby, Colo., ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council 1951, Proceedings, paging unknown. [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968]: Denver, 206 p. Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ Gish, W.B., Whittemore, T.R., Lennon, C.A., mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of and Stitt, S.C., 1984, Flatiron AGC interim the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual controller Volume IV: U.S. Bureau of Reclama­ Meeting: Fort Collins, Colorado State Univer­ tion Report WPR-PAI-81-22, 167 p. [Available sity, Great Plains Agricultural Council Publica­ from National Technical Information Service, tion 91, 88 p. U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161.] Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources Committee and Resource Economics Committee, Gish, W.B. (see also Skiles, D.A., 1981). 1971, The role of water resources in the economic development of the Great Plains Proceedings of Givens, W.D., Marotte, F.K., and Zeien, C.T., 1981, a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado: Zero-discharge in practice at Ray D. Nixon Lincoln, Nebr., Great Plains Agricultural Council power plant: Industrial Water Engineering, v. 18, Publication 54, 185 p. no. 5, p. 20-25. Greer, A.J., Jr. (see also Skold, M.D., 1969). Gladney, E.S. (see also Dreesen, D.R., 1982). Greet, M.J., 1971, Water supply study, Colorado City: City unknown, Great Western Cities, Inc., Glanzman, R.K. (see also Richards, D.B., 1968). 37 p.

Author Index 29 Greer, M.J, 1971, Water supply study, Hollydot Hall, R.W., and Robey, D.L., 1977, Preliminary eval­ Park, Pueblo County, Colorado: City unknown, uation of water quality of proposed Fountain [Great Western Cities, Inc.?], 5 p. Lake, Colorado: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Miscellaneous Gregg, D.O., Meyer, E.L., Targy, M.M., and Paper Y-77-4, 61 p. [Available from National Moulder, E.A., 1961, Public water supplies of Technical Information Service, U.S. Department Colorado, 1959-60: Fort Collins, Colorado State of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 as AD-A043 University Agricultural Experiment Station Gen­ 434.] eral Series 757, 128 p. Halstead, R.G., 1977, Canon watershed project, Gregg, D.O. (see also McGovern, H.E., 1964). Fremont County, Colorado Final environmen­ tal impact statement: U.S. Soil Conservation Gregg, R.E., and Bergersen, E.P., 1980, Mi/sis relicta Service Report USDA-SCS-EIS-WS-(ADM)-77-l- Effects of turbidity and turbulence on short-term (F)-CO, 55 p. survival: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v. 109, no. 2, p. 207-212. Hamburg, D.H., and Swick, L.L., eds., 1973, Colo­ rado statutes pertaining to water resources and Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ selected water cases: Denver, Colorado Division orado: Fort Collins, Colorado State University, of Water Resources, 278 p. Master's thesis, 68 p. Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control Grim, PJ. (see also Berry, G.W., 1980). and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley in Colorado: Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter- Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, Agency Committee Meeting, 8th, Granby, Colo., Colorado; geology and ground water: U.S. Soil 1951, Proceedings, paging unknown. Conservation Service mimeograph report, 19 p. Hamman, A.J., and Code, W.E., 1954, An irrigation Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ guide for Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan: University, Colorado Agricultural and Mechani­ Denver, 59 p. cal College Extension Service Bulletin 432-A, 78 p. Gross, J.T. (see also Coe, B.A., 1982). Hampton, E.R. (see also Romero, J.C., 1972; Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, Hershey, L.A., 1974). R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Hansel, J.M. (see also Planner, H.N., 1980). Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Hansen, E.M. (see also Miller, J.F., 1984). Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1400-B, 63 p. Hanson, R.L. (see also Martin, R.O.R., 1966). Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water Harbeck, E.G., Jr. (see also Thomas, N.O., 1956). table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts Harlin, J.M. (see also Phillips, P.J., 1984). of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, , Texas, and Wyoming: Harris, K.F., 1962, Inventory of published and U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80-50, unpublished sediment-load data, United States scale 1:2,500,000, 1 sheet. and Puerto Rico, 1950-60: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Water-Supply Paper 1547, 117 p. Gutentag, E.D. (see also Luckey, R.R., 1981; Weeks, J.B., 1981). Hatchett, J.L. (see also Krieger, R.A., 1957). Haynie, R.M., and Karaki, S.S., 1962, Model study Haglund, J.W., Werner, J.G., and Starks, M.A., 1979, of the Catlin Diversion Dam canal inlet: Fort Summary of snow survey measurements, Wyo­ Collins, Colorado State University, paging ming, and pertinent measurements in Colorado, unknown. Montana, and South Dakota (1919-1978): U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 189 p. [Report issued Healy, F.C., 1980, Colorado geothermal commer­ by R.M. Davis and released by Frank S. Dickson, cialization planning, semiannual progress in cooperation with George L. Christopulos.] report, January 1, 1980-June 30, 1980: Denver, Colorado Geological Survey and U.S. Depart­ Hall, A.P. (see also Abbott, P.O., 1983). ment of Energy Report DOE/ID/12018-7, 19 p. Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows Healy, F.C., 1980, Geothermal energy potential in zero power-plant wastewater discharge: Indus­ Chaffee County, Colorado: Colorado Geological trial Water Engineering, v. 18, no. 5, p. 26-30. Survey Open-File Report 80-10, 47 p.

30 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Healy, F.C. (see also Reppleir, F.N., 1981). Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colorado: empirical test of democracy in Great Plains Colorado Water Conservation Board Basic-Data resource districts: Lawrence, University of Kan­ Release 32, 17 p. sas, Ph.D. dissertation, 406 p. [2 v.]. [Available from National Technical Information Service, Hershey, L.A. (see also Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1960; 1965; U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA Richards, D.B., 1968; Zohdy, A.A., 1971). 22161 as PB 80-139587.] Hess, Earl (see also Longenbaugh, R.A., 1984). Heatwole, C.G. (see also Keller, L.F., 1979). High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Hedal, J.A. (see also Zimbelman, D.R., 1983). Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report: Austin, Tex., 156 p. in various pagings. Heidel, S.G. (see also Woodward, T.H., 1964). High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a methods for determining water use in the High report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, the High Plains Study Council (2d printing): New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Austin, Tex., 438 p. and Wyoming 1979: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 80-111, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, 118 p. [Available from National Technical Infor­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], mation Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-81 205 270.] environmental and socioeconomic assessment Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating resources study: Austin, Tex., 1 v. in various 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the pagings. High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, 83-4123, 36 p. local water supply augmentation assessment Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Heimes, F.J. (see also Gutentag, E.D., 1984). resources study: Austin, Tex., 35 p. Heinemann, T.J. (see also Lee, G.F., 1980). High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Helland, R.O. (see also Jones, B.E., 1926; 1948). 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, Hensley, W.K. (see also Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1980). institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- Ogallala aquifer regional resources study: Aus­ Henson, B.L. (see also Lee, L.J., 1978). tin, Tex., 253 p. in various pagings. Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, impoundment on water and sediment in the Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir: U.S. Bureau 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer of Reclamation Report REC-ERC-76-19, 159 p. regional resources study A report to the U.S. [Available from National Technical Information Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ Council (3d ed).: Austin, Tex., various pagings. field, VA 33161 as PB 269-664.] High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., date unknown, results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Water-quality studies, Pueblo Reservoir, Frying- with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ pan-Arkansas project: Pueblo, University of merce and Congress: Austin, Tex., 61 p. Southern Colorado, paging unknown. Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Depth to Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy- the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ southeastern Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey ridor, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ Water-Resources Investigations Open-File laneous Investigations Series Map I-857-H, scale Report 16-74, 1 sheet. 1:100,000, 1 sheet.

Author Index 31 Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Well Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the yields and chemical quality of water from water- Raton Basin, south-central Colorado: Blooming- table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle ton, Indiana University, Master's thesis, 95 p. Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- rado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton Investigations Series Map I-857-I, scale 1:100,000, Basin, Colorado [abs.]: Geological Society of 2 sheets. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, no. 7, Hillier, D.E. (see also Hutchinson, E.C., 1978). p. 451. Ho, P.P., and Riedel, J.T., 1979, Precipitable water Hurr, R.T., 1966, A new approach for estimating over the United States, v. 2 Semimonthly max­ transmissibility from specific capacity: Water ima: National Weather Service, NOAA Technical Resources Research, v. 2, no. 4, p. 657-664. Report NWS 20, 359 p. Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1966, Transmissibility Hodges, H.E. (see also Ducret, G.L., Jr., 1972; 1975; of valley-fill aquifer, Boone to Fowler, Colorado: Cochran, B.J., 1979). U.S. Geological Survey open-file report, scale Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, unknown, 1 sheet. Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic Plains of Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Open-File Report 72-166, 10 p. Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado: Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level U.S. Geological Survey open-file report, 9 p. records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1972, Hydrogeologic 1968-72: Colorado Water Conservation Board characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Basic-Data Release 24, 37 p. Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado: Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investiga­ records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the tions Atlas HA-461, scale 1:62,500, 2 sheets. northern High Plains of Colorado: Colorado Hurr, R.T., Moore, J.E., and Richards, D.B., 1966, Water Resources Basic-Data Release 28, 52 p. Contour of bedrock surface, Boone to Fowler, Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey open-file records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, report, scale unknown, 1 sheet. 1970-74: Colorado Water Resources Basic-Data Hurr, R.T. (see also Moore, J.E., 1966; Jenkins, E.D., Release 33, 36 p. 1969; Major, T.J., 1970; Welder, F.A., 1972; Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Crouch, T.M., 1984). Hydrogeolpgic data for the northern High Plains Hutchinson, E.C., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- of Colorado: Colorado Water Conservation logic data for the water table aquifers in the Col­ Board Basic-Data Release 23, 143 p. orado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range Hofstra, W.E., (see also Boettcher, A.J., 1969; urban corridor, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Luckey, R.R., 1973; Kapple, G.W., 1977). Open-File Report 78-948, 41 p. Holland, W.T., and Jarvis, C.S., 1938, Inventory of Hutchinson, E.C. (see also Hillier, D.E., 1980). unpublished hydrologic data: U.S. Geological Ikelman, J.A. (see Berry, G.W., 1980). Survey Water-Supply Paper 837, 77 p. Irwin, J.H. (see also Koopman, F.C.; 1962; Broom, Horak, Gerry (see also Nelson, Wayne, 1978). M.E., 1963). Horr, C.A., (see also Skougstad, M.W., 1963). Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1973, Salvage of Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin: U.S. water due to phreatophyte clearing, Shelton Bureau of Reclamation Report REC-ERC-71-18, Farms, Arkansas River valley, Colorado: Scotts- 16 p. [Available from National Technical Infor­ dale, Ariz., Water Resources Associates, Inc., mation Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 16 p. Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-204 882.] Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1974, Salvage of Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design water due to phreatophyte clearing, Spady for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ Brothers farm, Arkansas River valley, Colorado: ian zone restoration: Water Resources Bulletin, Scottsdale, Ariz., Water Resources Associates, v. 20, no. 5, p. 695-703. Inc., paging unknown. Jarrett, R.D. (see also Cochran, B.J., 1979; 1983; Hotchkiss, W.R. (see also McCain, J.F., 1975). Costa, J.E., 1981; Elliott, J.G., 1982).

32 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Jarvis, C.S., and others, 1936, Floods in the United Jenkins, E.D. (see also Koopman, F.C., 1962; States, magnitude and frequency: U.S. Geologi­ McGovern, H.E., 1966). cal Survey Water-Supply Paper 771, 497 p. Jensen, D.T. (see also Miller, J.F., 1984). Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Electric-analog and digital- J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance rate computer model analysis of stream depletion by maps (FIRM) and flood boundary and floodway wells: Ground Water, v. 6, no. 6, p. 27-34. maps (FBFM): Denver, paging unknown. Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Techniques for computing rate J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance and volume of stream depletion by wells: studies Douglas, Teller, and Arapahoe Coun­ Ground Water, v. 6, no. 2, p. 37-46. ties, final hydrology report: Denver, paging Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ unknown. tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Johnson, R.A. (see also Thelin, G.P., 1981). Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ junctive use of ground and surface water: U.S. Johnson, T.L. (see also Thelin, G.P.,1981). Geological Survey open-file report, 8 p. Jones, B.E., and Helland, R.O., 1926, Preliminary Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ index to river surveys made by the United States ning technique for stream-aquifer systems: U.S. Geological Survey and other agencies: U.S. Geo­ Geological Survey Open-File Report 74-242,16 p. logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 558, 108 p. Jenkins, C.T. (see also Moulder, E.A., 1963; 1964; Jones, B.E., and Helland, R.O., 1948, Index to river 1969; Moore, J.E., 1966). surveys made by the United States Geological Survey and other agencies revised to July 1,1947: Jenkins, E.D., 1956, Results of pumping tests in the U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 995, Widefield area, Fountain valley, Colorado: U.S. 145 p. Geological Survey open-file report, paging unknown. Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water development and management in the northern Jenkins, E.D., 1961, Records, logs, and water-level portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.]: Dis­ measurements of selected wells and test holes sertation Abstracts, v. 25, no. 6, p. 3450-3451. and chemical analyses of ground water in Foun­ tain, Jimmy Camp, and Black Squirrel valleys, El Jones, E.E., 1979, Unevaluated reconnaissance map Paso County, Colorado: Colorado Water Conser­ of the Arkansas River, Colorado, 1921: U.S. Geo­ vation Board Ground-Water Series Basic-Data logical Survey Open-File Report 79-901, scale Report 3, 25 p. 1:62,500, 4 sheets. Jenkins, E.D., 1964, Ground water in Fountain and Jones, E.E. (see also Follansbee, Robert, 1922). Jimmy Camp valleys, El Paso County, Colorado, Jones, R.A. (see also Lee, G.F., 1980; 1981). with a section on Computations of drawdowns caused by the pumping of wells in Fountain val­ Jorden, R.M., Aronson, J.T., Noblett, J.G., and ley, by R.E. Glover and E.D. Jenkins: U.S. Geo­ Rosain, R.M., 1980, Treatment of cooling tower logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 1583, 66 p. circulating water An EPRI project: Combus­ tion, v. 51, no. 11, p. 12-17. Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, Jorgensen, D.L., 1967, Climatological probabilities compilers, Guidebook for field conference H of precipitation for the conterminous United [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ States: U.S. Environmental Science Services tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress: Administration [ESSA] Technical Report WB 5, Lincoln, The Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 60 p. p. 100-101. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 1981, Operation reports City of Pueblo, Colo­ Jenkins, E.D., 1971, Test of the Stroebel Spring, a rado Department of Public Works: v. 53, no. 6, supplementary study of the Fort Carson Expan­ p. 1149-1150. sion Project, Civil Action No. 9820, Tract No. 202, El Paso County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Sur­ J.W. Patterson & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary vey open-file report, 20 p. study of the modification of water rights claimed by Wyoming Fuel Company: Denver, Job Jenkins, E.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1969, Hydrologic no. 0405, 11 p. investigation, Fort Carson, Colorado Expansion Project, Civil No. 8920-Tract 202, El Paso County, Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey open-file mountainous streams, Colorado: Geochimica et report, 38 p. Cosmochimica Acta, v. 40, no. 6, p. 581-582.

Author Index 33 Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molyb­ King, D.L., and Rhone, T.J., 1975, Physical and denum in stream waters and sediments, central mathematical model studies of pumped storage Colorado: Boulder, University of Colorado, reservoir hydrodynamics for determination of Ph.D. dissertation, 294 p. [Abstracted in Disser­ environmental effects: International Association tation Abstracts International, v. 38, no 5, for Hydraulic Research, 16th, San Paulo, Brazil, p. 2080B.] 1975, Proceedings, p. 150-157. Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochem­ Kirk, W.L. (see also Rehas, A.M.B., 1978). istry of molybdenum in some stream sediments and waters: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Kirkwood, C. (see also Radosevich, G.E., 1976). v. 44, no. 3, p. 447- 456. Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, Kapple, G.W., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, 1977, Digital ground-water model of the Ogallala 1973: Colorado Water Resources Circular 26, aquifer in parts of Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ 27 p. ties, northern High Plains of Colorado: Colorado Water Resources Circular 35, 20 p. Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park Karaki, S.S., and Sayre, W.W., 1961, Tailings dis­ and Teller Counties, Colorado: Colorado Water posal pipe lines of the Climax Molybdenum Plant Resources Circular 36, 79 p. at Climax, Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Preliminary Field Investigation Klein, J.M. (see also Hofstra, W.E., 1972; Bingham, Report, paging unknown. D.L., 1973; 1974; Livingston, R.K., 1975; 1976; Emmons, P.J., 1979). Karaki, S.S. (see also Haynie, R.M., 1962). Kletke, Darrel (see also Warren, John, 1982). Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1965, Hydrologic engi­ neering of the Peterson Field drainage basin: Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in Colorado Springs, 30 p. the southern High Plains ground water basin of Colorado: Boulder, University of Colorado, Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1967, Hydrological engi­ Ph.D. dissertation, 221 p. [Also abstracted in neering study for Stratmoor South subdistrict: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 46, no. 8- Colorado Springs, 10 p. A, p. 2404.] Kaufman, Alvin, and Nadler, Mildred, 1966, Water Kocerha, Bob [B.A.], 1972, Rx for sludge indiges­ use in the mineral industry: U.S. Bureau of tion Heat and vacuum filtration: Bulletin of the Mines Information Circular 8285, 58 p. California Water Pollution Control Association, Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on v. 9, no. 1, p. 11. the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ water at Colorado Springs: American Public ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings: Works Association International Congress and Victoria, Australian Water Resources Council Equipment Show, Denver, 1973, Paper, 4 p. Conference Series 1, p. 1-39. Kohler, M.A., Nordenson, T.J., and Baker, D.R., Keller, G.V., 1974, Geophysics of Colorado and geo- 1959, Evaporation maps of the United States: thermal energy, in Pearl, R.H., Proceedings of a U.S. Weather Bureau Technical Paper 37, 13 p. symposium on geothermal energy and Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 35, p.31-43. Konikow, L.F., 1973, Simulation of hydrologic and Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, chemical-quality variations in an irrigated Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River valley, ment options for groundwater mining in the Colorado: University Park, Pennsylvania State Great Plains: Lawrence, Kansas Water Resources University, Ph.D. dissertation, 78 p. [Also Research Institute Contribution 204, 195 p. abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts Interna­ tional, v. 34, no. 4, p. 1590B.] Kerbs, Lynda (see also Major, T.J., 1974; 1975). Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for models in the analysis of groundwater salinity the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ problems in agricultural areas, in Land and matical and physical models: U.S. Bureau of Rec­ stream salinity seminar and workshop: Agricul­ lamation Hydraulics Branch Report REC-ERC- tural Water Management, v. 4, no. 1/3, p. 187- 71-32, 18 p. 205.

34 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations preferences to groundwater depletion in the in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.]: Eos American High Plains: Geoforum, v. 15, no. 2, [Transactions of the American Geophysical p. 271-284. Union], v. 53, no. 11, p. 978. Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, preliminary report: Colorado Water Resources Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Circular 17, 43 p. Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-658, quality model to evaluate water management scale 1:2,500,000, 2 sheets. practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in Krothe, N.C. (see also Howard, W.B., 1980; water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Gutentag, E.D., 1984). ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceedings: Boulder, Colo., Merriman Publishing Co., p. 36- LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic 59. environment of Twin Lakes: U.S. Bureau of Rec­ lamation Report REC-ERC-76-42, 47 p. [Avail­ Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ able from National Technical Information ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ gated stream-aquifer system: Water Resources Research, v. 10, no. 3, p. 546-562. field, VA 22161 as PB 267-271.] Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped stream-aquifer system: Water Resources storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- Research, v. 21, no. 11, p. 1611-1624. son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings: U.S. Fish and of water wells, in Geological Survey research Wildlife Service Report FWS/OBS-80-28, p. 54- 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and 66. topography, articles 1-59: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Professional Paper 450-B, p. B108-B109. LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of Krassa, R.F.T., 1980, Legal assessment of low-flow drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ augmentation alternatives on the Arkansas River ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the at Pueblo, Colorado: Pueblo, Colo., O'Callaghan symposium on surface water impoundments: and Krassa, 22 p. New York, American Society of Civil Engineers, v. 2, p. 1451-1464. Krick, I.P., 1951, Snow pack increase in the Colo­ rado Rockies by artificial nucleation, in Proceed­ LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the ings of the Western Snow Conference, Victoria, effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- B.C., , Apr. 19-20, 1951, 19th annual meeting: Fort Collins, Colorado State Univer­ storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado sity, p. 108-110. 1980 report of findings: U.S. Bureau of Reclama­ tion Report REC-ERC-82-7, 56 p. [Available from Krieger, D.A., 1980, Ecology of catostomids in Twin National Technical Information Service, U.S. Lakes, Colorado, in relation to a pumped-storage Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA powerplant: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report 22161.] REC-ERC-80-2, 47 p. [Available from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1982, Effects of of Commerce, Springfield VA 22161.] operating the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage power- Krieger, R.A., Hatchett, J.L., and Poole, J.L., 1957, plant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1981 report of Preliminary survey of saline-water resources of findings: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Technical the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Report REC-ERC-83-2, 88 p. [Available from Supply Paper 1374, 172 p. National Technical Information Service, U.S. Krishnamurthi, N. (see also Longenbaugh, R.A., Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 1975). 22161.]

Author Index 35 LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., Campbell, S.G., Lester, O.C. (see also George, R.D., 1920). Boehmke, J.R., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- Levene, B.F. (see also Entzminger, T.A., 1978). storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado Lewis, Martin (see also Nelson, Wayne, 1979). 1979 report of findings: U.S. Water and Power Resources Services Report REC-ERC-80-7, 66 p. Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin [Available from National Technical Information Lakes, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ Report REC-ERC-82-21, 17 p. [Available from field, VA 22161.] Engineering and Research Center, U.S. Bureau of LaBounty, J.F. (see also Sartoris, J.J., 1977; Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO Boehmke, J.R., 1982; Campbell, S.G., 1985). 80225.] Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs Linam, J.H., Osborn, N.L., and Seilheimer, J.A., on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado 1976, Biological inventory of Pueblo County Canal, 1939-1940: [Denver] Office of the Colo­ waterways: Pueblo, Colo., 170 p. rado State Engineer, 145 p. Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of LaDelfe, C.M. (see also Morris, W.A., 1978). the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas Lansford, R.R. (see also Supalla, R.J., 1982). River valley of Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State University, 46 p. Lavelle, J.W., 1968, Primary and secondary produc­ tion in the headwaters of the Arkansas River: Lindner, J.B. (see also Borman, R.G., 1983). Boulder, University of Colorado, Ph.D. disserta­ tion, 89 p. Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Lavelle, J.W. (see also Pennak, R.W., 1979). the northern High Plains of Colorado: U.S. Geo­ Leaf, C.F. (see also Shafer, B.A., 1981). logical Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-685, scale 1:1,000,000, 1 sheet. League of Women Voters of Colorado, 1975, Colo­ rado water: Denver, 34 p. Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Lee, G.F., and Jones, R.A., 1981, An assessment of of floodflows along the Arkansas River without the impact of the Colorado Springs domestic regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John wastewater treatment plant discharges on Foun­ Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado: U.S. tain Creek: Fort Collins, Colo., Enviroqual Con­ Geological Survey Water-Resources Investiga­ sultants & Laboratories, paging unknown. tions Report 80-97, 36 p. [Available from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Lee, G.F., Newbry, B.W., Heinemann, T.J., Jones, Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 R.A., Tobita, S., and Psaris, P., 1980, Draft report as PB-81 216 632.] to Pueblo Area Council of Governments on dem­ onstration of hazard assessment for evaluation of Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel environmental impact of Pueblo County munici­ times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas pal wastewater discharges on water quality in River basin, Colorado: Colorado Water the Arkansas River: Pueblo, paging unknown. Resources Circular 20, 39 p. Lee, L.J., and Henson, B.L., 1978, The longitudinal Livingston, R.K., 1978, Transit losses and travel- river, valley, and regional profiles of the Arkan­ times of reservoir releases along the Arkansas sas River: Zeitschrift fuer Geomorpholosie, v. 22, River from Pueblo Reservoir to John Martin Res­ no. 2, p. 182-191. ervoir, southeastern Colorado: U.S. Geological Lennon, C.A. (see also Gish, W.B., 1984). Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 78-75, 30 p. [Available from National Technical Lennox, W.C. (see also Scares, E.F., 1982). Information Service, U.S. Department of Com­ Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources merce, Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-288 129.] at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling rado Springs, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey and preliminary regional flood characteristics of Water-Resources Investigations Report 83-4270, small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River 78 p. basin in Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Leopold, L.B., 1959, Summary of floods in the Water-Resources Investigations Report 80-112, United States during 1954 (chap. C), in Floods of 43 p. [Available from National Technical Infor­ 1954: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply mation Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Paper 1370, p. 201-259. Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-81 224 313.]

36 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit Londquist, C.J., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Water- losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, resources appraisal of the Wet Mountain Valley, Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., in parts of Custer and Fremont Counties, Colo­ Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ rado: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources agement of irrigation and drainage systems: Investigations Report 78-1, 56 p. American Society of Civil Engineers Specialty Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 1985, Proceed­ of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American ings, p. 123-128. Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1967, Proceedings: American Water Resources 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ Association Proceedings Series 3, p. 74-83. ern El Paso County, Colorado: Colorado Water Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Resources Circular 22, 75 p. Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., moisture data High Plains of Colorado: Fort 1976. Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ Collins, Colorado State University Completion ern El Paso County, Colorado: Colorado Water Report Series 64, 58 p. Resources Circular 33, 66 p. Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala rado: Colorado Water Resources Circular 32, aquifer: Fort Collins, Colorado Water Resources 85 p. Research Institute Information Series 54, 25 p. Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ Longmire, P.A. (see also Reppleir, F.N., 1981). cations in a mountain front environment; Front Lott, G.A., 1976, Precipitable water over the United Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs States, v. 1 Monthly means: Silver Spring, Md., area; water for new communities in El Paso National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra­ County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., tion, NOAA Technical Report NWS 20, 173 p. eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science maps applied to land and water management: Love, S.K. (see also Lohr, E.W., 1954). U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 950, Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical p. 42-45. methods for estimating groundwater with­ Livingston, R.K. (see also Luckey, R.R., 1975; Klein, drawal: Water Resources Research, v. 8, no. 1, J.M., 1978; Londquist, C.J., 1978; Cochran, B.J., p. 205-210. 1979; Emmons, P.J., 1979). Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing Logan, W.J. (see also Nelson, R.W., 1984). irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ Lohman, S.W., 1951, General geology and ground- rado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report water resources, Arkansas River basin in Colo­ 75-214, 26 p. rado: Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Committee Meeting, 8th, Granby, Colo., 1951, Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ Proceedings, Appendix E, p. 1-7. agement system for areal interpretive data for the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Lohman, S.W., and Burtis, V.M., 1953, Areas of Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South principal ground-water investigations in the Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Arkansas, White, and Red River basins: U.S. Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations 82-4072, 112 p. Atlas HA-2, scale 1:2,500,000, 1 sheet. Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, Lohman, S.W., Burtis, V.M., and others, 1953, Gen­ Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, eral availability of ground water and depth to predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ water level in the Arkansas, White, and Red fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New River basins: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Investigations Atlas HA-3, scale 1:2,500,000, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic 1 sheet. Investigations Atlas HA-652, scale 1:2,500,000, Lohr, E.W., and Love, S.K., 1954, The industrial 2 sheets. utility of public water supplies in the United Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital States, 1952, Part 2 States west of the Missis­ model of the hydrologic system, northern High sippi River: U.S . Geological Survey Water- Plains of Colorado A preliminary report: Colo­ Supply Paper 1300, 462 p. rado Water Resources Circular 19, 25 p.

Author Index 37 Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ release routing model for the upper Arkansas ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ River basin of Colorado: Colorado Water rado, 1970-74: Colorado Water Resources Basic- Resources Circular 27, 44 p. Data Release 34, 104 p. Luckey, R.R. (see also Hofstra, W.E., 1972; 1973; Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Taylor, O.J., 1972; 1973; 1974; Kapple, G.W., ers, 1975, Water-level records for Colorado, 1977; Heimes, F.J., 1980; 1983; Gutentag, E.D., 1971-75: Colorado Water Resources Basic-Data 1984). Release 37, 356 p. Lutz, G.A. (see also Decicco, D.A., 1978; Alien, E.G., Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and 1979). Zawistowski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data M & I, Inc., 1972, Master plan for water systems from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado: U.S. improvements for Canon City, Colorado: Fort Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-274, 425 Collins, Colo., 52 p. P- M & I, Inc., 1974, Report on storm drainage facilities Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level for the city of Canon City: Fort Collins, Colo., records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 81 p. 1972-76: U.S. Geological Survey open-file report, 29 p. M & I, Inc., 1974, Wastewater treatment master plan for Canon City metropolitan sanitation district: Major, TJ. (see also McConaghy, J.A., 1964; Fort Collins, Colo., 1 v. Boettcher, A.J., 1969; Hofstra, W.E., 1972; 1974; Hershey, L.A., 1973). M & I, Inc., 1975, Master plan for water system improvements for Rocky Ford, Colorado: Fort Malcolm, R.L. (see also Robson, S.G., 1981). Collins, Cdlo., 59 p. Mapp, Harry (see also Warren, John, 1982). M & I, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fremont County 201 facil­ ities plan, v. 1 Engineering analysis: Fort Col­ Mapp, H.P., 1981, The six-State Ogallala aquifer lins, Colo., 239 p. area study Baseline results for the agricultural sector: Stillwater, Oklahoma Agricultural Exper­ M & I, Inc., 1982, Environmental analysis for land iment Station Professional Paper 1065, 29 p. application of waste sludge in Fremont County: Fort Collins, Colo., 22 p. Marotte, F.K. (see also Givens, W.D., 1981). Mackin, J.H., 1953, Stream planation near Colorado Marple, M.L. (see also Dreesen, D.R., 1982). Springs, Colorado: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 64, p. 705-710. Martell, CJ. (see also Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1980). Magnuson, M.D., 1963, Snowfall extremes in the Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, western United States, in Western Snow Confer­ well and pump evaluations: Denver, 15 p. ence, 31st, Yosemite National Park, 1963, Proceedings: Fort Collins, Colorado State Uni­ Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, versity, p. 38-50. well rehabilitation: Denver, 16 p. Mahan, K.I. (see also Herrmann, S.J., 1976; 1977). Martin, R.O.R., and Hanson, R.L., 1966, Reservoirs in the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Maiolie, M. (see also Bergensen, E.P., 1981). Water-Supply Paper 1838, 115 p. Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado: Martinez, Fortunate (see also Ernest, F.J., 1966). Ground Water Management Districts Association Annual Conference, 4th, Lincoln, Nebr., 1977, Martinson, R.J. (see also Michael, G.Y., 1980). Proceedings, p. 5-6. Maslyn, R.M., 1979, Hot-spring-generated karst Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, features near Salida, Colorado [abs.]: Bulletin of Water-level records for the northern High Plains the American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ of Colorado, 1973-77: U.S. Geological Survey gists, v. 63, no. 5, p. 834. Open-File Report 77-160, 30 p. McCabe, R.D. (see also Melton, D.D., 1976). Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study valley, Colorado: Colorado Water Conservation of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ Board Ground Water Basic-Data Release 21, rado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 125 p. 79-1276, 29 p.

38 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin In Colorado Through 1985 McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study showing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs- of ground-water conservation for a municipal Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, development near Colorado Springs, Colorado Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., Investigations Series Map I-857-C, scale compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky 1:100,000, 1 sheet. Mountain ground water conference: Helena, State of Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology McCall-Ellingson (see also McDowell, Smith and Special Publication 91, p. 38-39. Associates, 1974). McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ McCarthy, K.P. (see also Pearl, R.H., 1981). nomics of desalination of brackish household water supplies: Journal of Environmental Eco­ McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use nomics and Management, v. 8, no. 1, p. 79-91. in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities: Hanover, McGuinness, C.L., 1963, The role of ground water in N.H., University Press of New England, p. 49-73. the national water situation: U.S. Geological Sur­ vey Water-Supply Paper 1800, 1121 p. McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, ver Basin, Colorado: Colorado Ground Water An economic input-output study of the High Basic-Data Report 15, 224 p. Plains region of eastern Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Colorado Water McConaghy, J.A., and Colburn, G.W., 1964, Records Resources Institute Technical Report 29, 106 p. of wells in Colorado: Colorado Ground Water Basic-Data Release 17, 384 p. McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big half empty?: Water Well Journal, v. 36, no. 7, Sandy Creek valley above Limon: Colorado p. 53-62. Water Conservation Board Bulletin 1, 139 p. McCutcheon, S.C., 1982, The evaluation of selected McLaughlin, T.G., 1953, Ground water in Colorado one-dimensional stream water quality models and the status of investigations: Colorado with field data: U.S. Geological Survey Open- Ground-Water Series Circular 4, 24 p. [2d print­ File Report 82-851, 182 p. ing 1956] McDonald, J.W., 1985, Report to Investigation Com­ McLaughlin, T.G., 1954, Geology and ground-water mittee of the Arkansas River Compact Adminis­ resources of Baca County, Colorado: U.S. Geo­ tration: City and publisher unknown. logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 1256, 232 p. McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Data on Fountain Creek Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load project, Colorado Springs, Colorado: U.S. Geo­ allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to logical Survey open-file report, 1 v. Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Geology and ground-water Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas River: resources of Baca County, Colorado: Colorado Boulder, Colo., 88 p. Ground-Water Series Bulletin 2, 231 p. McGovern, H.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Potential McLaughlin, T.G., 1956, Ground water in southeast­ ground-water development in the northern part ern Colorado, in Guidebook to the geology of the of the Colorado High Plains: Colorado Ground- Raton Basin, Colorado: Denver, Rocky Mountain Water Series Circular 8, 9 p. Association of Geologists, p. 82-83. McGovern, H.E., Gregg, D.O., and Brennan, Robert, McLaughlin, T.G., 1966, Ground water in Huerfano 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the alluvial deposits County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey in Pueblo and Fremont Counties, Colorado: Col­ Water-Supply Paper 1805, 91 p. orado Water Conservation Board Basic-Data Release 18, 27 p. McLaughlin, T.G., Burtis, V.M., and Wilson, W.W., 1961, Records and logs of selected wells and test McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground holes, and chemical analyses of ground water water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso from wells and mines, Huerfano County, Colo­ County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey rado: Denver, Colorado Water Conservation Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-236, scale Board Ground-Water Series Basic-Data Report 4, 1:100,000, 1 sheet. 26 p.

Author Index 39 McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of bility study report Leadville mine drainage Colorado: U.S. Environmental Protection tunnel: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Agency, 80 p. paging unknown. Miles, Donald (see also Longenbaugh, R.A., 1984). McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water Miller, D.L. (see also Michael, G.Y., 1980). administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.]: Ground Water, v. 17, no. 5, p.499-500. Miller, J.F., Frederick, R.H., and Tracey, R.J., 1973, Precipitation-frequency atlas of the western McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ United States, v. 2 Wyoming; v. 3 Colorado: cal logging potential for the Denver basin: Fort U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Atlas 2, Collins, Colorado State University, Colorado scale variable, 2 v. Water Resources Institute Completion Report 132, 16 p. Miller, J.F., Hansen, E.M., Fenn, D.D., Schreiner, L.C., and Jensen, D.T., 1984, Probable maximum Melton, D.D., and McCabe, R.D., 1976, Catlin trans­ precipitation estimates United States between fer plan and John Martin permanent pool opera­ the Continental Divide and the 103rd : tion: Denver, Colorado Water Conservation Silver Spring, Md., National Oceanic and Atmo­ Board, 55 p. spheric Administration, Hydrometeorological Report 55, 245 p. Meredith, T.S. (see also Borman, R.G., 1981; 1983; 1984). Miller, J.F. (see also Frederick, R.H., 1981). Meurer, Serafini, and Meurer, (MSM) Consultants, Milliken, J.G., 1980, Water and energy in Colorado's Inc., 1981, Floodplain information report future The impact of energy development on Arkansas River and Timpas Creek, Otero water use in 1985 and 2000: Golden, Colo., The County, Colorado: Denver, 23 p. Colorado Energy Research Institute, 50 p. Meyer, R.T., Coe, B.A., and Dick, J.D., 1981, Appen­ Minges, D.R. (see also Cochran, B.J., 1983). dices of an appraisal of the use of geothermal Miskel, H.E. (see also McCullough, J.A., 1974). energy in state-owned buildings in Colorado section 81-3a, Alamosa; section 81-3b, Buena Mogck, L.G., and Dunstan, E.R., Jr., 1982, Concrete Vista; section 81-3c, Burlington; section 81-3d, performance at Pueblo Dam, Colorado Initial Durango; section 81-3e, Glenwood Springs; sec­ core report: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report tion 81-3f, Steamboat Springs: Colorado Geolog­ GR-80-7, 38 p. ical Survey Open-File Report 81-3, 186 p. Moore, J.E., and Hurr, R.T., 1966, Water-table con­ Meyer, R.T. (see also Coe, B.A., 1982). tour map, Boone to Fowler, Colorado, March 15 to 30, 1966: U.S. Geological Survey open-file Meyers, J.S., 1962, Evaporation from the 17 Western report scale unknown, 1 sheet. States, with a section on Evaporation rates, by T.J. Nordenson [U.S. Weather Bureau]: U.S. Geo­ Moore, J.E., and Jenkins, C.T., 1966, An evaluation of the effect of groundwater pumpage on the logical Survey Professional Paper 272-D, p. 71- 100. infiltration rate of a semipervious streambed: Water Resources Research, v. 2, no. 4, p. 691-696. Michael, G.Y., 1981, Impact of the sulfur dioxide Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ dechlorination system on dissolved oxygen and ments and preliminary results of an analog- un-ionized ammonia in Fountain Creek: Colo­ model evaluation Arkansas River valley in rado Springs, Wastewater Division, paging eastern Colorado: Ground Water, v. 5, no. 1, unknown. p. 20-23. Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream study: Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of Colorado Springs, Wastewater Laboratory, 15 p. hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, ment: Annals of Arid Zone, v. 8., no. 2, p. 225- R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs 230. Wastewater Division stream study: Colorado Moore, J.E. (see also Moulder, E.A., 1963; Hurr, Springs, Wastewater Division, paging unknown. R.T., 1966; 1971; 1972; Major, T.J., 1970). Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water Moran, R.E., and Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effects of management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado: metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication, areas of Colorado, 1972-73: Colorado Water- v. 72, p. 105-113. Resources Circular 25, 250 p.

40 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Moravec, G.F. (see also Shafer, B.A., 1981). Myers, K.L., 1984, Case study; an investigation of shallow instability in low slopes: Annual Engi­ Moreland, R.E. (see also Washichek, J.N., 1972; neering Geology and Soils Engineering Sympo­ 1974). sium, 21st, Moscow, Idaho, 1984, Proceedings, Morrill, Inc. (see also McDowell, Smith and Associ­ p. 79-98. ates, 1974). Nace, R.L., and Pluhowski, E.J., 1965, Drought of Morris, W.A., LaDelfe, CM., and Weaver, T.A., the 1950's with special reference to the Mid- 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream continent: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply sediment reconnaissance of the Trinidad NTMS Paper 1804, 88 p. quadrangle, Colorado: Los Alamos, N. Mex., Los Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1978, River metamorphosis of the Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-7345- South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado: MS, 79 p. [Available from U.S. Department of Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Master's Energy, Washington, D.C., as Report GJBX-139- thesis, 151 p. 78.] Moses, R.J. (see also Bittinger, M.W., 1970). Nadler, C.T., Jr., and Schumm, S. A., 1981, Metamor­ phosis of South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, east­ Moulder, E. A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in ern Colorado: Physical Geography, v. 2, no. 2, the Ogallala and several consolidated formations p. 95-115. in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ ification and Research Studies Committee: Colo­ Nadler, Mildred (see also Kaufman, Alvin, 1966). rado Ground Water Series Circular 5, 8 p. National Climatic Center, various years, Local Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1964, Methods for climatological data Colorado Springs, annual controlling the ground-water regime exploita­ summary with comparative data: Asheville, tion and conservation [with French abstract]: N.C., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin­ International Association of Scientific Hydrology istration, published annually. Publication 64, p. 329-342. National Climatic Center, various years, Local Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- climatological data Colorado Springs, Colo­ digital models of stream-aquifer systems: rado, monthly summary: Asheville, N.C., Groundwater, v. 7, no. 5, p. 19-24. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra­ tion, published monthly. Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las 1973, Monthly normals of temperature, precipi­ Animas, Colorado: Colorado Ground-Water tation, and heating and cooling degree days, Series Circular 10, 20 p. 1941-1970 Colorado: Asheville, N.C., National Climatic Center, Climatography of the United Moulder, E.A. (see also Gregg, D.O., 1961). States 81, 1 v. Murphy, E.G., and others, 1905, Destructive floods Nehring, R.B., and Anderson, Richard., 1981, in the United States in 1904: U.S. Geological Sur­ Stream fisheries investigations Job progress vey Water-Supply Paper 147, 206 p. report: Fort Collins, Colorado Division of Wild­ Murphy, E.G., and others, 1906, Destructive floods life Federal Aid in Fish and Wildlife Restoration in the United States in 1905, with a discussion of Project F-51-R6, 161 p. flood discharge and frequency and an index to Nelson, B.N. (see also Finley, C.J., 1981). flood literature: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Supply Paper 162, 105 p. Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, Murphy, Mark (see also Palmer, S.D., 1984). Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and wastewater plan for Colorado City water and Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey County, Colorado: [Colorado Springs?], paging Water-Resources Investigations Open-File unknown. Report 81-1023, no scale, 2 sheets. Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1975, Myers, K.L., 1977, Subsurface hydrology study, Project Aquarius Recommendations for stream Fort Carson, Colorado: City unknown, Lincoln classification, Fountain/Monument subbasin: Devore Testing Laboratory, 19 p. Colorado Springs, paging unknown.

Author Index 41 Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1976, Nesler, T.P., 1982, The fish populations and fishery Report of investigation on water availability to of the upper Arkansas River, 1977-1980 Final Rock Creek Mesa water district: Colorado report: Fort Collins, Colorado Division of Wild­ Springs, 8 p. life, 41 p.

Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1977, Newbry, B.W. (see also Lee, G.F., 1980). Potable water facilities evaluation for the town of Limon: Colorado Springs, 158 p. Newell, F.H., 1891, Results of stream measurements of the United States Geological Survey: Transac­ Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, tions of the American Institute of Mining, Metal­ Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern lurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, v. 20, p. 547- Great Plains A characterization of habitat: 575. Washington, D.C., R. Wayne Nelson and Associ­ ates, Inc., Report FWS/OBS-83/28, 163 p. Newkirk, H.D. (see also Sartoris, J.J., 1977). Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Nobe, K.C. (see also Radosevich, G.E., 1976). Great Plains A guide to habitat management: Washington, D.C., R. Wayne Nelson and Associ­ Noblett, J.G. (see also Jorden, R.M., 1980). ates, Inc., Report FWS/OBS- 83/29, 91 p. Nordenson, T.J. (see also Kohler, M.A., 1959). Nelson, Wayne, Horak, Gerry, and Lewis, Martin, 1978, Instream flow strategies for Colorado: U.S. Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, Fish and Wildlife Service Report FWS/OBS-78/ Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo 37, 88 p. Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Nesler, T.P., 1979, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF- research investigations: Fort Collins, Colorado 1628-E, scale 1:100,000, 2 sheets. Division of Wildlife, several volumes. Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream- Nesler, T.P., 1980, Preoperational fishery investiga­ sediment and panned-concentrate geochemical tions of Twin Lakes, Colorado, in Clugston, J.P., maps of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study ed., Clemson Workshop on Environmental Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colo­ Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Oper­ rado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous ations, Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings: U.S. Field Studies Map MF-1628-B, scale 1:50,000, Fish and Wildlife Service Report FWS/OBS-80- 2 sheets. 28, p. 67-79. Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish Nowlan, G.A. (see also Domenico, J.A., 1984; populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake Ficklin, W.H., 1984). 1979-1980: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report Oblinger-Smith, Corp., 1972, Water and sewage REC-ERC-82-5, 31 p. [Available from the facility plan [Pueblo County, Colorado]: Denver, National Technical Information Service, U.S. 51 p. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161.] Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Nesler, T.P., 1981, The relative abundance of opos­ Works), 1984, Fountain Creek, Pueblo, sum shrimp, Mysis relicta, in Twin Lakes, Colo­ Colorado Phase 1, general design memoran­ rado, using a benthic trawl: U.S. Bureau of dum; communication from the Assistant Secre­ Reclamation Report REC-ERC-82-3, 22 p. [Avail­ tary of the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a able from the National Technical Information letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ the Army, dated December 23,1981, submitting a field, VA 22161.] report * * *: Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 695 p. Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of water-data activities in coal provinces of the pumped-storage power generation: U.S. Bureau United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and of Reclamation Report REC-ERC-82-4, 48 p. Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow [Available from the National Technical Informa­ and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water: tion Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Geological Survey Catalog of Information Springfield, VA 22161.] on Water Data, Book 1, 820 p.

42 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Pearl, R.H., 1972, Geothermal resources of Colo­ water-data activities in coal provinces of the rado: Colorado Geological Survey Special Publi­ United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and cation 2, 54 p. Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of Pearl, R.H., 1972, Geothermal resources of Colo­ ground water: U.S. Geological Survey Catalog of Information on Water Data, Book 2, 939 p. rado A summary, in Geothermal overviews of the western United States: Davis, Calif., Geother­ Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River mal Resources Council, Paper D, 6 p. basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965: U.S. Pearl, R.H., 1974, Geology of ground water Bureau of Reclamation, 56 p. resources in Colorado An introduction: Colo­ Okun, D.A., 1982, Feasibility of dual or multiple rado Geological Survey Special Publication 4, water supply systems Dual water supply sys­ 47 p. tems; special subject 25: International Water Pearl, R.H., 1979, Colorado's hydrothermal Supply Association Congress and Exhibition, resource base An assessment: Colorado Geo­ 14th, Zurich, Switzerland, 1982, Proceedings, logical Survey Resource Series 6, 144 p. [Up.]. Pearl, R.H., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ Oliver, J.W. (see also Krothe, N.C., 1982). rado: Colorado Geological Survey Map Series 14, Osborn, N.L. (see also Linam, J.H., 1976). scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Ostojic, N., 1975, Odor problems? Don't just hold Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State your nose: Water and Wastes Engineering, v. 12, of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., no. 5, p. 62-82. eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings): Worthington, the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in Ohio, National Water Well Association, p. 41-47. Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1975, Collection and ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., collation of geochemical and hydrological 1982, Proceedings): Worthington, Ohio, National parameters of geothermal systems in Colorado, Water Well Association, p. 77-91. and an evaluation of geothermal reservoir tem­ peratures A preliminary appraisal: Colorado Owens, W.G. (see also McNab, S., 1979). Geological Survey, paging unknown. Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, Program: U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 23 p. R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology: Palmer, S.D., and Murphy, Mark, 1984, Cumulative Golden, Professional Contributions of Colorado hydrologic impact assessment The effects of School of Mines 8, p. 439-445. coal mining on the hydrologic systems of the Pearl, R.H., Zacharakis, T.G., Repplier, F.N., and Raton coal field, north-central New Mexico: McCarthy, K.P., 1981, Bibliography of geother­ Albuquerque, New Mexico Bureau of Surface mal reports in Colorado: Colorado Geological Mining, Mining and Minerals Division, paging Survey Bulletin 44, 24 p. unknown. Pearl, R.H. (see also Barrett, J.K., 1976; 1978; Patterson and Associates, 1981, Water supply esti­ Zacharakis, T.G., 1982). mates, Appendix: Denver, paging unknown. Peck, E.L. (see also Farnsworth, R.K., 1982). Patterson, E.D. (see also Decicco, D.A., 1978). Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the Patterson, J.L., 1964, Magnitude and frequency of lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973- floods in the United States Part 7, Lower Mis­ 77: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77- sissippi River basin: U.S. Geological Survey 560, 57 p. Water-Supply Paper 1681, 636 p. Penley, R.D. (see also Major, T.J., 1974; 1975; Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities Crouch, T.M., 1984). for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta area, Colorado: Denver, Colorado Geological Pennak, R.W., and Lavelle, J.W., 1979, In situ mea­ Survey Bulletin 27, part 1, p. 1-58. surements of net primary production in a Colo­ rado mountain stream: Hydrobiologia, v. 66, Paulette, R.G. (see also Surland, L.P., 1979). no. 3, p. 227- 235.

Author Index 43 Pennington, AJ. (see also Barrett, J.K., 1976). Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado: Colorado Ground-Water Perrin, D.R. (see also Dreesen, D.R., 1982). Series Circular 3, 28 p. Person, Mark (see also Konikow, L.F., 1985). Powers, M.H. (see also Romig, P.R., 1983). Peterson, D.H. (see also Rohdy, D.D., 1970). Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the Petsch, H.E., Jr., 1979, Streamflow statistical sum­ upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal maries for Colorado streams through September Gorge, Colorado [abs.]: Geological Society of 30, 1975 Volume 1, Missouri River, Arkansas America Proceedings, 1933, p. 102. River, and Rio Grande basins: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-681, 519 p. Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Phillips, J.D., 1971, The Porteous process: Colorado Gorge, Colorado: Journal of Geology, v. 43, Springs, Department of Public Utilities, 9 p. no. 2, p. 184-199. Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ alpine stream: Journal of Hydrology, v. 71, no. 3- graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ 4, p. 277-283. ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.]: Annuals of the Association of American Geogra­ Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, phers, v. 24, no. 1, p. 64. Interim plan for water quality management El Paso and Teller Counties: Colorado Springs, 89 p. Powers, W.L. (see also Babcock, R.E., 1975). Planner, H.N., Apel, C.T., Fuka, M.A., George, Proudfit, D.P., 1968, Selection of disposal methods W.E., and Hansel, J.M., 1980, Uranium hydro- for water treatment plant wastes: Journal of the geochemical and stream reconnaissance data American Water Works Association, v. 60, no. 6, release for the Leadville NTMS quadrangle, Col­ p. 674- 680. orado, including concentrations of forty-two additional elements: Los Alamos, N. Mex., Los Proudfit, D.P., 1975, Parameters for determining Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report 8013, 185 p. adequacy of storage capacity for large and small [Available from U.S. Department of Energy, systems on the basis of peak demands and fire Grand Junction office, Grand Junction, Colo., as flow requirements, in Research Key to quality report number GJBX-13-81.] water service in the 80's: American Water Works Association Annual Conference, 95th, Minneapo­ Pluhowski, E.J. (see also Nace, R.L.,1965). lis, Minn., 1975, Paper 7-3, 16 p. Pointer, Vena, date unknown, Report to the Colo­ Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ rado Water Conservation Board concerning irri­ ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways: gation and water problems of the Arkansas Pueblo, Colo., Pueblo Regional Planning Com­ Valley, Colorado: Colorado Water Conservation mission, 162 p. Board, 14 p. Poole, J.L. (see also Krieger, R.A., 1957). Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ mended stream classifications: Pueblo, Colo., Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 121 p. River basin, Colorado-Kansas: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, paging unknown. Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream classifications and standards: Pueblo, Colo., Pope, D.L., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 92 p. rado: [Asheville, N.C.?] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, scale 1:500,000, Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, 1 sheet. Pueblo's water system: Pueblo, Colo., 32 p. Pope, D.L., 1985, Supplemental report to the Arkan­ Pueblo County Health Department, 1973, Water sas River Compact Administration regarding the quality data, Colorado City-Rye area: Pueblo, Article VIII (H) investigation of alleged viola­ Colo., paging unknown. tions of the Arkansas River Compact: City unknown, paging unknown. Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1962, Pueblo regional water study: Pueblo, Colo., 27 p. Powell, B.F., 1951, Proposed Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, Colorado: Arkansas-White-Red Basins Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1965, The Inter-Agency Committee Meeting, 8th, Granby, Fountain River flood problem: Pueblo, Colo., Colo., 1951, Proceedings, paging unknown. 27 p.

44 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, Raley, W.L. (see also Evans, A., 1984). Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ voir: Pueblo, Colo., Pueblo Regional Planning Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for Commission Report T-45, 22 p. determining areal distribution of natural recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1971, rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium: Lubbock, Pueblo metropolitan area interim plan for water Texas Tech University, International Center for quality management: Pueblo, Colo., 33 p. Arid and Semi-arid Land Studies Special Report Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 39, p. 165-181. water quality program Final plan and imple­ Reed, M.J. (see also Sorey, M.L., 1984). mentation schedule: Pueblo, Colo., v. 3, 120 p. Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Reed, R.L. (see also Borman, R.G., 1984). water quality program Point source subplans, Rehas, A.M.B., and Kirk, W.L., 1978, Environmental nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ baseline descriptions for use in the management management subplans: Pueblo, Colo., v. 2, 126 p. of Fort Carson natural resources Report 3, Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 inventory and assessment of current methods for water quality program Stream segment analy­ rangeland conservation and restoration: U.S. sis: Pueblo, Colo., v. 1, 427 p. and appendix. Army Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Technical Report M-77-4, 128 p. [Available from Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1980, Sum­ National Technical Information Service, U.S. mary report of Pueblo wasteload allocation stud­ Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA ies: Pueblo, Colo., 163 p. 22161.] Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1984, 208 Reid, G.W., 1976, Research to develop ecological water quality program Plan update, Report sec­ standards for water resources: 315 p. [Available tion: Pueblo, Colo., 147 p. from National Technical Information Service, Pueblo West Department of Public Works, date U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA unknown, Pueblo West metropolitan district 22161 as PB-260 488/2WN.] master plan for flood control and storm drainage improvement: Pueblo West, Colo., paging Repplier, F.N., Healy F.C., Collins, D.B., and unknown. Longmire, P.A., 1981, Atlas of ground water quality in Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium Map Series 16, scale 1:500,000, 7 sheets. hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ Repplier, F.N. (see also Pearl, R.H.,1981). orado, including concentrations of forty-three additional elements: Los Alamos, N. Mex., Los Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report GJBX- mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado: Syr­ 41(79), 142 p. [Available from U.S. Department acuse, N.Y., Syracuse University, Ph.D. disserta­ of Energy, Washington, D.C. Also available from tion, 201 p. [Also abstracted in Dissertation National Technical Information Services, U.S. Abstracts International, v. 35, no 2-B, p. 895B- Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 896B, 1974.] as Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA- Rhodes, D.D., 1975, Equilibrium conditions in two 7343-MS.] high-mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado, Radosevich, G.E., Nobe, K.C., Allardice, D., and in Northeastern section, 10th annual meeting Kirkwood, C., 1976, Evolution and administra­ [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts tion of Colorado water law, 1876-1976: Fort Col- with Programs, v. 7, no. 1, p. 110. lins, Colo., Water Resources Publication, 280 p. Rhone, T.J. (see also King, D.L., 1975). Rae, J.F., 1982, Algae and bacteria Dead end haz­ ard: American Water Works Association Water Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation modeling: Quality Technology Conference, 9th, Seattle, Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Ph.D. Wash., 1981, Proceedings, p. 233-244. dissertation, 328 p. [Also abstracted in Disserta­ tion Abstracts International, v. 42, no. 6-B.] Rafter, G.W., 1899, Sewage irrigation, Part II: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 22, 100 p. Rice, T.L., and Simons, D.B., 1982, Sediment depo­ Rasmuson, B.D. (see also Blattner, J.L., 1982; 1983). sition model for reservoirs based on the domi­ nant physical processes: Canadian Water Ray, Daryll (see also Warren, John, 1982). Resources Journal, v. 7, no. 2, p. 45-62.

Author Index 45 Richards, D.B., Hershey, L.A., and Glanzman, R.K., Robson, S.G. (see also Major, T.J., 1983). 1968, Hydrogeologic data for Baca and southern Rodriquez, B.D. (see also Romig, P.R., 1983). Prowers Counties, Colorado: Colorado Water Conservation Board Basic-Data Release 19,123 p. Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ Richards, D.B. (see also Hurr, R.T., 1966). orado High Plains: Fort Collins, Colorado State Richards, P.P. (see also Frederick, R.H., 1981). University Experiment Station Bulletin 543S, 41 p. Riedel, J.T. (see also Ho, P.P., 1979). Rold, J.W., 1974, Geothermal energy and Ringrose, C.D., 1980, Temperature-depth profiles in Colorado An introduction, in Pearl, R.H., ed., the San Luis Valley and Canon City areas, Colo­ Proceedings of a symposium on geothermal rado: Colorado Geological Survey Open-File energy and Colorado: Colorado Geological Sur­ Report 80-12, 18 p. vey Bulletin 35, p. 1-9. Rittenhouse, R.C., 1982, Developments in waste- Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals water handling at power plants: Power Engineer­ pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, ing, v. 86, no. 3, p. 34-42. and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic Robey, D.L. (see also Hall, R.W., 1977). macrofauna: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report REC-ERC-81-15, 71 p. [Available from National Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, Technical Information Service, U.S. Department and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161.] Denver basin, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-646, scale Roline, R.A. (see also LaBounty, J.F., 1980; 1:500,000, 3 sheets. Boehmke, J.R., 1982). Robson, S.G., 1983, Hydraulic characteristics of the Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground principal bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Denver Basin, Colorado: Colorado Department Investigations Atlas HA-659, scale 1:500,000, of Natural Resources, Division of Water 3 sheets. Resources, 109 p. Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1977, Geothermal basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources exploration in central Colorado [abs.]: Bulletin appraisal: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File of the American Association of Petroleum Geolo­ Report 84-431, 191 p. [Superseded by Profes­ gists, v. 61, no. 8, p. 1389. sional Paper 1257.] Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the resources of south-central Colorado and their study of hydrologic effects of ground-water relationship to ground and surface waters: Col­ development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ orado Department of Natural Resources, Final rado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report Technical Report, 111 p. 84-866, 33 p. Romero, J.C., and Hampton, E.R., 1972, Maps show­ Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ ing the approximate configuration and depth to tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver the top of the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer, Denver basin, in Geological Survey research 1981: U.S. Basin, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Miscel­ Geological Survey Professional Paper 1275, laneous Investigations Series Map 1-791, scale p. 102-103. 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Robson, S.G., and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic Romero, J.C. (see also Erker, H.W., 1967; Robson, structure, hydrology, and water quality of the S.G., 1981; Major, T.J., 1983). Dawson aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado: Romig, P.R., Rodriquez, B.D., and Powers, M.H., U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investiga­ 1983, Geophysical methodology studies for mili­ tions Atlas HA-643, scale 1:250,000, 3 sheets. tary groundwater exploration: Golden, Colorado Robson, S.G., Wacinski, Andrew, Zawistowski, School of Mines, Exploratory Research Labora­ Stanley, and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic struc­ tory Report 082-755, 94 p. ture, hydrology, and water quality, of the Rosain, R.M. (see also Jorden, R.M., 1980). Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Rostvedt, J.O., 1965, Summary of floods in the Investigations Atlas HA-650, scale 1:500,000, United States during 1961: U.S. Geological Sur­ 3 sheets. vey Water-Supply Paper 1810, 119 p.

46 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Rostvedt, J.O., and others, 1970, Summary of floods Schwerdt, R.W. (see also Frederick, R.H., 1981). in the United States during 1965: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1850-E, 110 p. Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in Arkansas River: Soil & Water Conservation Rought, B.C., 1984, The southwestern salinity situ­ News, v. 6, no. 4, p. 7. ation The Rockies to the Mississippi, in French, R.H., ed., Salinity in watercourses and reser­ Scott, G.R., 1972, Brief description as of April 1968 voirs: Stoneham, Mass., Butterworth Publishers, of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Min- p. 115-124. nequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested solutions for trouble caused by high water table: Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 72-344, dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer system [abs.]: Eos, [Transactions of the Ameri­ 9 p. can Geophysical Union], v. 56, no. 12, p. 1119. Scott, R.C., 1963, Radium in natural waters in the Rovey, C.K., 1975, Numerical model of flow in a United States, in Schultz, Vincent, and Klement, stream-aquifer system: Fort Collins, Colorado A.W., Jr., eds., Radioecology National Sympo­ State University Hydrology Paper 74, 73 p. sium on Radioecology, 1st, Fort Collins, Colo., 1961, Proceedings: New York, Reinhold Publish­ Rubingh, James (see also Longenbaugh, R.A., 1984). ing Corp., p. 237-240. Runnells, D.D. (see also Kaback, D.S., 1980). Scott, R.C., and Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1961, Radiochem- Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha ical analyses of ground and surface water in Col­ Springs, Colorado [abs.]: Geological Society of orado, 1954-1961: Colorado Water Conservation America Bulletin, v. 59, no. 12, part 2, p. 1400. Board Basic-Data Report 7, 27 p. Rutledge, John (see also Borman, R.G., 1983). Seilheimer, J.A. (see also Linam, J.H., 1976). Ryan, B.J. (see also Cain, Doug, 1980). Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Alternatives for Sadler, George, and Ward, B.D., 1977, Preliminary development, Fountain Creek: Lakewood, Colo., analysis of the feasibility of utilizing "waste heat 43 p. energy" discharged from Comanche Station, Public Service Company, Pueblo, Colorado, for Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Areawide water and agribusiness ventures, in Contribution toward waste-water planning study for the St. Charles and [sic] economic development for Colorado, Mesa, Rye-Colorado City, and Beulah sectors of phase I and II: Colorado Department of Local Pueblo County: Lakewood, Colo., 110 p. Affairs, 59 p. Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water Salisbury, M.H., 1956, Leadville drainage tunnel, quality management plan for Pueblo County, second project, Lake County, Colorado: U.S. Colorado: Lakewood, Colo., paging unknown. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 5284, 50 p. Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Preliminary report Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., on proposed levee and improvements to the 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ Fountain Creek channel through Pueblo, Colo­ rado: Lakewood, Colo., 25 p. ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report REC-ERC-77-13, 86 p. Shafer, B.A., Leaf, C.F., Danielson, J.A., and [Available from National Technical Information Moravec, G.F., 1981, Applications systems verifi­ Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ cation and transfer project, v. 4 Operational field, VA 22161.] applications of satellite snow-cover observa­ Sartoris, J.J. (see also LaBounty, J.F., 1980; 1981; tions, Colorado Field Test Center: Washington, 1982; Boehmke, J.R., 1982). D.C., National Aeronautics and Space Adminis­ tration, NASA Technical Paper 1825, 100 p. in Sawyer, L.R. (see also Follansbee, Robert, 1948). various pagings. [Available from National Tech­ Sayre, W.W. (see also Karaki, S.S., 1961). nical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161.] Schleusener, R.A. (see also Grant, L.O., 1961). Schley, W.E. (see also Surland, L.P., 1979). Shafer, B.A. (see also Washichek, J.N., 1977; 1978). Schreiner, L.C. (see also Miller, J.F., 1984). Shaner, James, and Zebroski, Robert, 1982, Agricul­ tural water quality assessment of lower Fountain Schulz, E.F. (see also Smith, G.L, 1962). Creek: Denver, Colorado Soil Conservation Schumm, S.A. (see also Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1981). Board, 86 p.

Author Index 47 Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Showen, C.R., and Williams, O.O., 1973, Index to and stream sediment reconnaissance of the water-quality data available from the U.S. Geo­ Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado: Los Ala­ logical Survey in machine-readable form to mos, N. Mex., Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory December 31, 1972; Central region: U.S. Geolog­ Report 7341, 77 p. [Available from U.S. Depart­ ical Survey Water-Resources Investigations 73- ment of Commerce, Grand Junction Office, 23, 954 p. [Available from National Technical Grand Junction, Colo., as Report GJBX-135-78.] Information Service, U.S. Department of Com­ merce, Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-232 922/AS.] Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Simi, O.R. (see also Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1980). Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ Simons, D.B. (see also Rice, T.L., 1982). ments: Los Alamos, N. Mex., Los Alamos Scien­ Simons, Li, & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary tific Laboratory Report 14079, 141 p. [Available assessment Development and administration of from U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, water resources of the Arkansas River: Denver, D.C.] 1 v., various paging. Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Sims, J.H., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, Renovated and stream sediment reconnaissance of the waste water The question of public acceptance: Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including Water Resources Research, v. 10, no. 4, p. 659- concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ 665. ments: Los Alamos, N. Mex., Los Alamos Scien­ tific Laboratory Report LA-7341-MS(Sup), 194 p. Skiles, D.A., and Gish, W.B., 1981, Analog model and evaluation of the Fountain Valley rate-of- Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical flow control station: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Report REC-ERC-82-10, 54 p. [Available from Lamar NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including National Technical Information Service, U.S. concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA ments: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX- 22161.] 64(79), 155 p. Skinner, M.M., 1960, Cottonwood Creek bentonite Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.R., Martell, C.J., Hensley, sealing investigation: Fort Collins, Colorado W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro­ State University, 5 p. geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, Skinner, M.M., 1962, Colorado ground-water levels, Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two spring 1962: Fort Collins, Colorado State Univer­ additional elements: Los Alamos, N. Mex., Los sity Experiment Station, 23 p. [Available as Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report 7345, 121 p. Report CER 62 MMS62.] [Available from U.S. Department of Energy, Skinner, M.M., 1963, Colorado ground-water levels, Grand Junction office, Grand Junction, Colo., as spring 1963: Fort Collins, Colorado State Univer­ Report GJBX-138-80.] sity Experiment Station, 11 p. [Available as Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ Report CER 63 MMS21.] sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C: U.S. region: Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Geological Survey Professional Paper 650-C, various paging. [Available as publication num­ p. C66-C70. ber CER 65 MMS20.] Sheaffer, J.R. (see also McGregor, F.R., 1984). Skinner, M.M., and Thomas, J.L., 1964, Colorado ground-water levels, spring 1964: Fort Collins, Shen, R.T. (see also Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1960). Colorado State University Experiment Station, Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to 74 p. [Available as Report CER 64 MMS9.] U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing Skinner, M.M. (see also Duke, H.R., 1965). daily values for water parameters to September 30, 1971; Central region: U.S. Geological Survey Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of Water-Resources Investigations 73-27, 442 p. agricultural change on a local economy in the [Available from National Technical Information Great Plains: Fort Collins, Colorado State Uni­ Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Spring­ versity Experiment Station Technical Bulletin field, VA 22161 as PB-232 790/AS.] 106, 24 p.

48 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Skougstad, M.W., and Horr, C.A., 1963, Occurrence S.S. Papadopalos and Associates, Inc., 1985, Report and distribution of strontium in natural water: to the Arkansas River Compact Administration U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper regarding the Article VIII (H) investigation of 1496-D, p. 55-97. alleged violations of the Arkansas River Com­ pact: [Lakewood?], paging unknown. Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ Stamm, G.G., 1973, Case histories of Bureau of Rec­ agement: Stillwater, Oklahoma State University, lamation tunnels, in Srivastava, L.S., ed., Sympo­ Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report sium on Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling P-761, 18 p. Problems, Kurukshetra, India, 1973, Proceed­ ings: Meerut, India, Sarita Prakashan, v. 1, p. 55- Smith, G.L., and Schulz, E.F., 1962, Normal monthly 69. and annual precipitation for eastern Colorado: Fort Collins, Colorado State Agricultural Experi­ Stanley, W.D. (see also Zohdy, A.R., 1971). ment Station, paging unknown. [Available as Starks, M.A. (see also Haglund, J.W., 1979). Report CER 62 EFS48.] Stearns, H.T. (see also Stearns, N.D., 1937). Sniegocki, R.T. (see also Bedinger, M.S., 1976). Stearns, N.D., Stearns, H.T., and Waring, G.A., Snipes, R.J., and others, 1974, Floods of June 1965 in 1937, Thermal springs in the United States: U.S. Arkansas River basin, Colorado, Kansas, and Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 679-B, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Water- p. 59-206. Supply Paper 1850-D, 97 p. Stierwalt, Lee (see also Weis, Ronald, 1980; Hall, Snow, D.T. (see also Bianchi, Luiz, 1969). B.B., 1981). Scares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, Stitt, S.C. (see also Gish, W.B., 1984). Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic models for predicting sediment storage in large Stoner, J.D., 1985, Dissolved solids in the Arkansas reservoirs Part 1, A stochastic sediment storage River basin, in National water summary, 1984 model: Journal of Hydrology, v. 59, no. 1-2, Hydrologic events, selected water-quality p. 49-82. trends, and ground-water resources: U.S. Geo­ logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 2275, p. 79- Scares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, 84. Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic models for predicting sediment storage in large Stringham, G.E. (see also Bittinger, M.S., 1963). reservoirs Part 3, Application of the two mod­ Stuthmann, N.G. (see also Showen, C.R., 1973). els in conjunction: Journal of Hydrology, v. 59, no. 1-2, p. 107-121. Sunada, D.K. (see also Waltz, J.P., 1972). Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Sundaram, A.V. (see also Duke, H.R., 1966). geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Sundaram, T.M. (see also Livingston, R.K., 1978). Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?: Journal of Soil 1982, Proceedings): Worthington, Ohio, National and Water Conservation, v. 37, no. 6, p. 310-314. Water Well Association, p. 169-175 p. Surland, L.P., Schley, W.E., and Paulette, R.G., Sorey, M.L. (see also Weeks, E.P., 1973). 1979, Wastewater treatment modified at wash- rack facilities: Industrial Wastes, v. 25, no. 5, Sotiros, Richard (see also Entzminger, T.A., 1978; p. 30-34. 1979). Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?: Sponsors of the Sangre de Cristo Resource and Civil Engineering [American Society of Civil Development Project, and U.S. Soil Conservation Engineers], v. 55, no. 8, p. 36-39. Service, 1973, Sangre de Cristo resource conser­ vation and development project Project addi­ Swenson, F.A., 1970, Meandering of the Arkansas River since 1833 near Bent's Old Fort, Colorado, tion for Chaffee and Lake Counties, Colorado: Pueblo, Colo., 39 p. in Geological Survey research 1970, Chapter B: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 700-B, Spronk Water Engineers, Inc., 1985, Evaluation of B210-B213. the Arkansas River winter water storage pro­ Swick, L.L. (see also Hamburg, D.H., 1973). gram in Colorado: City unknown, paging unknown. Tabor, W.H. (see also Entzminger, T.A., 1978; 1979).

Author Index 49 Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and Thompson, A.H., 1893, Report upon the construc­ long-term viability of flood control projects tion of topographic maps and the selection and The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, survey of reservoir sites in the hydrographic Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- basin of the Arkansas River, Colorado, in Thir­ Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ teenth annual report of the United States Geolog­ tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the ical Survey, 1891-92, part 3 Irrigation: U.S. international conference held in Bangkok, Janu­ Geological Survey, p. 429-444. ary 7-9,1980: New York, John Wiley, p. 739-747. Thompson, E.S. (see also Farnsworth, R.K., 1982). Tanji, K.K., 1981, River basin hydrosalinity model­ Thorne, R.E., and Thomas, G.L., 1981, Hydroacous- ing: Agricultural Water Management, v. 4, tic surveys of fish abundance and distribution in no. 1/3, p. 207-225. Twin Lakes, Colorado: U.S. Water and Power Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ Service [U.S. Bureau of Reclamation] Report tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ REC-ERC-81-4, 14 p. [Available from National tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.]: Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.] Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 6. no. 5, p. 478-479. Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ County, Colorado: Colorado Water Resources rado: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 26, Circular 31, 28 p. p. 9-15. Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ Tobita, S. (see also Lee, G.F., 1980). nique for estimating recharge using a digital model: Ground Water, v. 10, no. 6, p. 22-26. Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water ties: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 27, levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ part 2, p. 59-72. orado, 1969-73: Colorado Water Resources Townsend, J.W. (see also Elgin, R.A., 1949). Basic-Data Release 29, 28 p. Tracey, R.J. (see also Miller, J.F., 1973). Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- management studies of a stream-aquifer system, Trauffer, W.E., 1975, Highly sophisticated water Arkansas River valley, Colorado: Ground Water, clarification system: Pit & Quarry, v. 68, no. 5, v. 12, no. 1, p. 22-38. p. 70-74.

Taylor, O.J. (see also Jenkins, C.T., 1972; 1973; Turk, Trelease, F.J., III, 1961, Effects and benefits of arti­ J.T., 1979). ficial recharge in Fountain Creek valley, Colo­ rado: Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Teilborg, J.R. (see also Washichek, J.N., 1972; 1977; Master's thesis, 100 p. 1978). Trelease, F.J., and Bittinger, M.W., 1963, Mechanics Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, of a mathematical ground-water model: Pro­ Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains ceedings of the American Society of Civil Engi­ using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., neers, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology: Annual Division, v. 89, no. IR 1, p. 51-62. [Paper 3461] William T. Pecora Memorial Symposium on Trescott, P.C. (see also Emmons, P.J., 1979). Remote Sensing, 5th, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 1979, Proceedings, p. 715-721. [Technical Publication Trimble, D.E., and Fitch, H.R., 1974, Map showing TPS81-1 of American Water Resource Associa­ potential sources of gravel and crushed-rock tion.] aggregate in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado: U.S. Thomas, G.J. (see also Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1980; Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Thorne, R.E., 1981). Series Map 1-857 A, scale 1:100,000, 1 sheet.

Thomas, J.L. (see also Skinner, M.M., 1964). Tudor Engineering Company, 1980, Western States inventory of low-head hydroelectric sites, v. 2, Thomas, N.O., and Harbeck, E.G., Jr., 1956, Reser­ appendix D Environmental screening: U.S. voirs in the United States: U.S. Geological Sur­ Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Bureau vey Water-Supply Paper 1360-A, 99 p. of Reclamation] Report WP-105-2676tc, 283 p.

50 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado: U.S. surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-1538, A-F [final report]: U.S. Air Force Environmental 28 p. Technical Applications Center Report USAFE- TAC/DS-80/053, 326 p. Turner, P.M., 1968, Annual report of phreatophyte activities, 1967: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Air Force, 1976, Fort Carson Buttes AAF, Colo­ Water Conservation Branch Division Research rado Revised uniform summary of surface Report WC-48, 38 p. weather observations (RUSSWO): U.S. Air Force Environmental Technical Applications Center Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte Report USAFETAC/DS-79/012, 439 p. activities, 1968: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report REC-OCE-70-27, 21 p. U.S. Air Force, 1980, Draft environmental impact statement, Consolidated Space Operations Cen­ United States, 1980, An act to authorize the Secre­ ter: Washington, D.C., 181 p. (various paging). tary of the Interior to design and construct a gunite lining on certain reaches of the Bessemer U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1936, Arkansas Ditch in the vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado, to pre­ River and tributaries Letter from the Secretary vent or reduce seepage damage on adjacent prop­ of War transmitting pursuant to the Flood Con­ erties, and for other purposes: Washington, trol Act of May 31, 1942, * * *: Washington, D.C., D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, Public U.S. Government Printing Office, [U.S. 74th Con­ Law 96-309, 1 p. gress, 1st session, House Document 308], 3 v. [paged continuously]. United Western Engineers, 1971, Water resources of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1940, Caddoa Reser­ Rancho, Colorado: Colorado Springs, 44 p. voir project, Arkansas River, Colorado: Little United Western Engineers, 1975, Water supply Rock, Ark., 1 v. investigation, La Mesa De Angeles Mobile Home U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1943, Fountaine Que Park: Colorado Springs, 8 p. Bonille (Fountain) River and its tributaries, Col­ University of Colorado (see also Center for Com­ orado: U.S. 78th Congress, 1st session, House munity Development and Design, 1985). Document 186, 44 p. Unny, T.E. (see also Scares, E.F., 1982). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1953, Report on sed­ imentation in John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas Updike, Lynn (see also Arnold, J.R., 1981). River basin, Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, 77 p. Planning and management, region 13: City U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1960, Report on sed­ unknown, 163 p. imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River basin, Colorado Resurvey of August Upper Arkansas River Investigations Field Branch 1957: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Report 219, (Pueblo), 1957, Data contribution of irrigated 33 p. areas to stabilize drought-stricken regions of the West: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, pag­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas ing unknown. River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and vicinity Interim report on review survey for URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study flood control: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado: Serial 87, 44 p. Denver, URS/KRW 4067, paging unknown. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Arkansas URS/Ken R. White Company, 1975, Arkansas River River and tributaries, Las Animas County, Colo­ basin water quality management plan: Denver, rado, and vicinity: Washington, D.C., U.S. Gov­ v. 1, 263 p.; v. 2,192 p.; v. 3, 295 p.; appendix, 689 ernment Printing Office, 96 p. P- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Report on sed­ URS/Ken R. White Company, 1975, Arkansas River imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas basin water quality management plan Appen­ River basin, Colorado Resurvey of March 1962: dix 21.1, Maps: Denver, scale unknown, 18 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Report 126, 26 p. sheets. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1966, Flood report URS/Ken R. White Company, 1975, Arkansas River Arkansas River basin Flood of June 1965, Colo­ basin water quality management plan, statement rado, Kansas, and New Mexico: Albuquerque, N. of the plan: Denver, 44 p. Mex., 32 p.

Author Index 51 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colorado: River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, Albuquerque, N. Mex., 45 p. Colorado: Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 666 p. [Also issued as House U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on Document 143, U.S. 93d Congress, 1st session.] review survey for flood control and allied pur­ poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Flood plain Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 1 Main report: U.S. information Fountain and Jimmy Camp Creeks, Army Corps of Engineers Serial 84, 76 p. Colorado Springs, Fountain, El Paso County, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 47 p. review survey for flood control and allied pur­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 2 Appendices: U.S. Manitou Springs, Colorado: Albuquerque, Army Corps of Engineers Serial 85, various pag­ N. Mex., 46 p. ination. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain information Purgatoire River and tributaries, information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado: Albuquerque, Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado: Albu­ N. Mex., 57 p. querque, N. Mex., 52 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Water U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood resources development by the U.S. Army Corps hazard information Arkansas River and Cad- of Engineers in Colorado: Omaha, Nebr., U.S. doa and Mud Creeks: Albuquerque, N. Mex., Army Corps of Engineers Water Resources paging unknown. Development Report, 22 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, rado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 35 p. Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 6 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Supplemental U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood report on Fountain Reservoir and re-evaluation hazard information Wolf Creek, Granada, Col­ of "Report on review survey for flood-control orado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 26 p. and allied purposes, Arkansas River and tribu­ taries above John Martin Dam, Colorado": Albu­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood querque, N. Mex., paging unknown. hazard information Arkansas River and Wild Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado: Albuquerque, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain N. Mex., 32 p. information, Monument Creek, Colorado Springs, Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 42 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain information Cottonwood Creek, El Paso U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas County, Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 31 p. River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain ELR-1894, 114 p. information Salt Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, Col­ orado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 30 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ information Six Mile Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, ment): Albuquerque, N. Mex., 115 p. [Available Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 28 p. from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Salt Creek- 22161 as PB-206 637-D.] Floods in vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado: Albu­ querque, N. Mex., 2 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain final environmental impact statement: Albu­ information Cucharas River and tributaries, La querque, N. Mex., 95 p. Veta, Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 26 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Flood insur­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain ance study for Fountain, Dry, and Wild Horse information Cucharas River and tributaries, Creeks Pueblo, Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Walsenberg, Colorado: Albuquerque, N. Mex., Mex., paging unknown. 24 p.

52 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Special flood U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- hazard information Arkansas River, Anderson, Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ and King Arroyos, La Junta, Otero County: rado Initial development: Project Planning Albuquerque, N. Mex., 29 p. Report 7-8.49-1, 126 p.; Appendices A-B [v. 1], 142 p.; Appendix D [v. 3], 169 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Arkansas River basin, Florence, Colorado Hydrology, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1953, Letter from Act­ part 1: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [General?] ing Secretary of the Interior transmitting report Design Memorandum 1, paging unknown. on the Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Review survey pursuant to section 9 (A) of the Reclamation for water resource development, Lamar, Colo­ Project Act of 1939 (53 Statute 1187): Washington, rado, and vicinity Hydrology: Albuquerque, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, paging N. Mex., paging unknown. unknown. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Trinidad Lake: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961 (Appendix A), Albuquerque, N. Mex., scale 1:13,000, 1 sheet. 1964 (Appendix A supplement), Irrigation report, Trinidad project, v. 2 Appendix A, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Welcome to Water supply and utilization; Appendix A sup­ John Martin Reservoir, Colorado: Albuquerque, plement, Revised water supply and utilization: N. Mex., scale unknown, 1 sheet. Denver, paging unknown. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Flood plain U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Drought in the information Arkansas River: Albuquerque, Arkansas Valley 1963 [Fryingpan-Arkansas N. Mex., paging unknown. Project]: Pueblo, paging unknown. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report Creek, [Pueblo County?], Arkansas River and on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin: Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 1 Denver, v. 1, 57 p. Main report and environmental impact state­ ment: Albuquerque, N. Mex., 280 p. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Area-capacity tables and curves for Turquoise Lake, Fryingpan- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain Arkansas project, Colorado, May 1968: Denver, Creek, [Pueblo County?] Arkansas River and paging unknown. tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 2 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Water quality Appendices A through F: Albuquerque, N. Mex., control study The Fryingpan-Arkansas project: various pagination. Dallas, paging unknown. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1969, Fryingpan- Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Arkansas Project, Colorado: Washington, D.C., Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary U.S. Government Printing Office, 12 p. report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1969, Report on the northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado, Kansas: D, and E: Omaha, Nebr., v. 1, 100 p.; v. 2, 88 p.; City unknown, paging unknown. v. 3, 410 p. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- orado, local protection project, phase 1 storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas Sediment investigation: U.S. Army Corps of project, Colorado: Washington, D.C., 40 p. Engineers General Design Memorandum Special U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and Projects Report 85-4, 79 p. Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1969, The rado (draft environmental impact statement): future of a river Choices and values, a report on Denver, 107 p. [Available from National Techni­ the proposed channelization of the Arkansas cal Information Service, U.S. Department of River above John Martin Dam: Denver, paging Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 as PB-206 272- unknown. D.] U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado: Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Special rado: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report ELR- Report, 66 p. 1723; DES-72-12, 107 p.

Author Index 53 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ tables and curves, Mt. Elbert forebay, Fryingpan- rado (final environmental impact statement): Arkansas project, Colorado: Denver, paging Washington, D.C., 148 p. [Available from unknown. National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity as EIS-CO-72-4620-F.] tables and curves, Turquoise Lake-Sugar Loaf Dam, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam Denver, paging unknown. and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado: U.S. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, date unknown, Arkan­ sas cooperative quality of water survey, 1952 to Bureau of Reclamation Report ELR-5495; DES-72- 1953: Denver, paging unknown. 105, 205 p. U.S. Congress, Committee unknown, 1961, Operat­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Draft environ­ ing principles Fryingpan-Arkansas project: mental statement Fryingpan-Arkansas project: Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Denver, 3 v. Office, [U.S. Congress, 87th], paging unknown. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Water for tomor­ U.S. Congress, House of Representatives Commit­ row; Colorado State water plan, phase 1 tee on Public Lands, 1949, A bill to grant the con­ Appraisal report on water and related land sent of the United States to the Arkansas River resources and their present utilization: Wash­ Compact (H.R. 4151), hearings before a subcom­ ington, D.C., 15 p. mittee on irrigation and reclamations: U.S. 81st U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Water for tomor­ Congress, 1st session, 50 p. row, Colorado State water plan, phase 2 A U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Energy and report on legal and institutional considerations: Natural Resources, 1980, Lining of Bessemer Denver, various pagination. Ditch, Colorado Report to accompany S.2546: U.S. 96th Congress, 2d session, Senate report 96- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ 750, 6 p. tal statement: U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Congress, Senate Subcommittee on Energy Report INT FES 75-43, 2 v., 1,060 p. Research and Water Resources, 1976, Leadville mine drainage tunnel act of 1976: U.S. 94th Con­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, [1976?], Report on gress, 2d session, 24 p. Leadville mine drainage tunnel: City unknown, 45 p. U.S. Department of Agriculture, [1966?], Summary of reservoir sediment deposition surveys made U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Area-capacity in the United States through 1965: U.S. Depart­ tables and curves, Pueblo Reservoir, Fryingpan- ment of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication Arkansas project, Colorado: Denver, paging 1143, 64 p. unknown. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Evaluation U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Report on the and effects of the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on Western energy expansion study: Washington, the administration, management, and use of the D.C., 66 p. San Isabel National Forest, section II Twin Lakes: Denver, paging unknown. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to final environmental statement, Fryingpan- U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Master plan Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley for the recreation management and development conduit: U.S. Department of the Interior, Techni­ of the Twin Lakes and Elbert Forebay composite: cal Report INT FES 78-29, 204 p. (various pag­ City unknown, paging unknown. ing). U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1981, Arkansas U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980, Standing operat­ River basin draft cooperative study report: Den­ ing procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin ver, paging unknown. Lakes: Denver, 83 p. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1971, 1968 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Specification for inventory of municipal waste facilities A coop­ Twin Lakes Dam modification, Fryingpan- erative state report [region 8?]: U.S. Environ­ Arkansas project, Colorado: Denver, paging mental Protection Agency Publication OWP-1, unknown. [v. 8?] 94 p.

54 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974, Final U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study environmental statement; Palmer Lake sanitation report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area district, Palmer Lake, Colorado: U.S. Environ­ Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado: mental Protection Agency Colorado Project Pueblo, Colo., 63 p. 080306, 413 p. 9 (various paging). U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1978, Pro­ report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study file of environmental quality Region 8, Colo­ area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado: rado, Montana, , South Dakota, Pueblo, Colo., 59 p. Utah, Wyoming: Denver, 28 p. U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1969, Fryingpan- Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ Arkansas project: City unknown, U.S. Bureau of bel and Rio Grande National Forests: Pueblo, Sport Fisheries and Wildlife Report, paging Colo., 105 p. unknown. U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ U.S. Forest Service, 1963, A multiple use survey of opment listing: Pueblo, Colo., paging unknown. the evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan- Arkansas project on the administration, manage­ U.S. Forest Service (see also U.S. Soil Conservation ment, and use of the White River National Forest: Service, 1981). Denver, paging unknown. U.S. Geological Survey, 1955, Compilation of U.S. Forest Service, 1968, Evaluation and effects of records of surface waters of the United States the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the adminis­ through September 1950 part 7, Lower Missis­ tration, management, and use of the San Isabel sippi River basin: U.S. Geological Survey Water- National Forest, section 1 Turquoise: Denver, Supply Paper 1311, 606 p. 131 p. U.S. Geological Survey, 1955, Plan and profile and U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ damsite of Arkansas River, vicinity of Bear Creek est, master plan for the recreation, management, to vicinity of Clear Creek, Colorado: scale and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. 1:24,000, 10 sheets. Elbert forebay composition: [Denver?], paging U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Compilation of unknown. records of surface waters of the United States, October 1950 to September 1960 Part 7, Lower U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel Mississippi River basin: U.S. Geological Survey National Forests, in Water uses atlas: Pueblo, Water-Supply Paper 1731, 552 p. [Prepared Colo., paging unknown. under the direction of E.L. Hendricks.] U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Draft environmental statement for the upper 1968-72: Colorado Water Conservation Board Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; Basic-Data Release 25, 28 p. v. 3, appendix: various paging. U.S. Geological Survey, 1974, Hydrologic unit map U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan 1974, State of Colorado: scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National U.S. Geological Survey, 1984, Land use and land Forests: Pueblo, Colo., 69 p. cover and associated maps for Leadville, Colo­ rado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning 84-321, scale 1:250,000, 4 sheets. [Available from unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests: U.S. Geological Survey, Mid-Continent Mapping Pueblo, Colo., 3 v. Center, 1400 Independence Road, Rolla, MO 65401.] U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron U.S. National Resources Committee, Drainage National Grasslands, Draft environmental Basin Committee, 1937, Reports for the Arkansas, impact statement: Pueblo, Colo., 1 v., [various Upper White, and St. Francis basins upper paging]. Arkansas; central Arkansas, Cimarron; Cana­ dian, upper White-Black-St. Francis; Neosho U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Spanish Peaks wilder­ (Grand)-Verdigris-Illinois; lower Arkansas: ness study area report San Isabel National For­ Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing est: Pueblo, Colo., 66 p. Office, 44 p.

Author Index 55 U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1978, Flood hazard Creek: Denver, PL 566 Watershed Plan, paging analysis Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of unknown. Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado: Denver, 44 p. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1960, Irrigation guide for southeastern Colorado, Arkansas River U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Wolf-Creek- watershed below 7,000 feet: Denver, paging Highlands: Denver, PL 566 Watershed Plan, pag­ unknown. ing unknown. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Irrigation U.S. Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Forest Service, guide for Colorado, elevations above 7,000 feet: and Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Denver, paging unknown. Arkansas River basin report Cooperative study: Washington, D.C., 150 p. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon: Den­ ver, PL 566 Watershed Plan, paging unknown. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Wilkes, S.G., and King, E.C., 1980, Procedures for determining U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1969, Canon City: peak flows in Colorado [incorporates and sup­ Denver, PL 566 Watershed Plan, paging plements technical release 55]: Washington, unknown. D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office, 84 p. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Crooked [Revised.] Arroyo: Denver, PL 566 Watershed Plan, paging U.S. Soil Conservation Service (see also Colorado unknown. Soil Conservation Board, 1977). U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Fisher Peak- U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Colorado v. Kansas Carbon Arroyos: Denver, PL 566 Watershed (Apportionment of water between upriver and Plan, paging unknown. downriver States), 320 US 383, 65 S CT 176-184 U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, List and loca­ (1943). tion of snow courses and soil moisture stations: U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Opinion of the Supreme Fort Collins, Colorado Agricultural Experiment Court of the United States, December 6, 1943, in Station, 16 p. the case of the State of Colorado, Complainant, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch vs. the State of Kansas, et al., defendants, con­ flood prevention project measure, Sangre de cerning the Arkansas River: Washington, D.C., Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ 10 p. ronmental impact statement): 14 p. [Available U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. from National Technical Information Service, Bureau of Reclamation], 1979, Preliminary U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA designers' operating criteria for Mt. Elbert 22161 as PB-199 654-F.] pumped-storage powerplant, including surge U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1972, RC and D tanks, Forebay Dam and Reservoir, and switch­ project [flood prevention?] measure plan, Forked yard: Denver, paging unknown. Gulch streambank stabilization: City unknown, paging unknown. U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973, Flood hazard operation procedures, Mt. Elbert Forebay Dam analyses Sand Creek, City of Colorado Springs, and Reservoir: Denver, paging unknown. and El Paso County: Portland, Ore., 18 p. U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1974, Flood hazard Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing analyses Update for Sand Creek: City operation procedures, Pueblo Dam and Reser­ unknown, paging unknown. voir: Denver, paging unknown. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and Bureau of Reclamation], [date unknown], Stand­ tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado: Washing­ ing operating procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and ton, D.C., 16 p. Twin Lakes: Denver, paging unknown. U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1976, Flood hazard U.S. Water Resources Council, 1977, Preliminary analyses Portions of Red Canyon Draw and water resources problem statements: National tributaries, Fremont County, Colorado: City Conference on Water, St. Louis, Mo., 1977, Pro­ unknown, 10 p. ceedings, 52 p.

56 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Weather Bureau, I960, Normal May-Septem­ Wacinski, Andrew (see also Robson, S.G., 1981). ber precipitation, 1931-1960 Colorado: City Walch, L.A., 1980, Movements of lake trout in Twin unknown, scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. Lakes, Colorado, in relation to the Mt. Elbert U.S. Weather Bureau, 1960, Normal October-April pumped-storage powerplant: U.S. Water and precipitation, 1931-1960 Colorado: City Power Resources Service [U.S. Bureau of Recla­ unknown, scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. mation] Report REC-ERC-79-17, 71 p. [Available from National Technical Information Service, U.S. Western Area Power Administration [U.S. U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA Bureau of Reclamation?], 1980, Briefing book on 22161.] Fryingpan-Arkansas project marketing program, public information meeting: Loveland, Colo., Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial paging unknown. contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium, Lub- bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings: Lubbock, Texas U.S. Western Area Power Administration [U.S. Tech University, International Center for Arid Bureau of Reclamation?], 1981, Fryingpan- and Semi-Arid Land Studies Special Report 39, Arkansas project Marketing plan and rate [cus­ p. 145-153. tomer brochure, public information meeting, April 8,1981]: Loveland, Colo., [various paging]. Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, D.K., 1972, Geohydraulics at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ Van Haveren, B.P. (see also Jackson, W.L., 1984). vial aquifers: Fort Collins, Colorado State Uni­ Vaudrey, W.C., 1960, Floods of May 1955 in Colo­ versity, Completion Report 30, 175 p. rado and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Wang, Charles (see also Warren, J., 1982). Water-Supply Paper 1455-A, 68 p. Ward, B.D. (see also Sadler, George, 1977). Vaught, K.D. (see also Major, T.J., 1976; 1977). Ward, J.V. (see also Michael, G.Y., 1980). Veenhuis, J.E., (see also Cochran, B.J., 1983). Ward, R.T. (see also Lindauer, I.E., 1968). Vinckier, T. A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont Waring, G.A. (see also Stearns, N.D., 1937). and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.]: Geologi­ Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, cal Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of v. 11, no. 6, p. 305. declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 ground-water management: Ground Water, content of its contained ground water Canon v. 20, no. 1, p. 73-79. City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, Warren, R.G. (see also Purson, J.D., 1979). Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Open- File Report 82-3, 80 p. Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1963, Ground water in Colo­ snow courses: Washington, D.C., U.S. Govern­ rado Its importance during an emergency: Col­ ment Printing Office, 59 p. orado Ground-Water Series Circular 9, 10 p. Washichek, J.N., Moreland, R.E., and Teilborg, J.R., Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1960, Records 1972, Summary of snow survey measurements and logs of selected wells and test holes, and for Colorado and New Mexico, 1936-1972: Den­ chemical and radiometric analyses of ground ver, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 208 p. water, Prowers County, Colorado: Colorado Ground-Water Series Basic Data Report 1, 52 p. Washichek, J.N., Shafer, B.A., and Teilborg, J.R., 1978, Summary of snow survey measurements Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology for Colorado and New Mexico, 1971-1977: Den­ and ground-water resources of Prowers County, ver, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 128 p. Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1772, 101 p. Water & Sewage Works, 1976, Colorado pumping station reaches new heights: v. 123, no. 5, p. 58- Voegeli, P.T., Sr. (see also Scott, R.C., 1961). 59. Volin, M.E. (see also Elgin, R.A., 1949). Water & Sewage Works, 1976, U.S. Air Force greens, Colorado: v. 123, no. 8, p. 62-64. Voynick, S.M., 1984, Yesterday's mines poison today's rivers (Water pollution from metal mine Water and Wastes Engineering, 1970, New sewage drainage, upper Arkansas River, Colorado): technology tested atop Pikes Peak: v. 7, no. 11, American Forests, v. 90, no. 2, p. 38-41. p. 54-55.

Author Index 57 Water Resources Consultants, Inc., 1979, Flood- Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of plain information report, lower Arkansas ground water in Otero County and the southern River Chaffee County, Colorado: Colorado part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on Conservation Booard, 42 p. Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. Jen- Water, Waste, and Land Inc., 1980, Hydrology, kins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bearing geology, and water quality in vicinity of the Max­ materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the well and Alien mines, Las Animas County, Colo­ ground water, by C.A. Horr: U.S. Geological Sur­ rado Final report to CF&I Steel Corp.: Pueblo, vey Water-Supply Paper 1799, 90 p. Colo., 60 p. Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of Weaver, T.A. (see also Morris, W.A., 1978). shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Depot, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open- Weber, J.C. (see also McKean, J.R., 1982). File Report 72-447, 90 p. Weber, Jim (see also Keller, L.F., 1979). Weller, E.G. (see also Nelson, R.W., 1984). Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- Welles, Peabody (see also Weis, Ronald, 1980). difference arrays of observation wells to estimate evapotranspiration from ground water in the Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effect of mine drainage on the Arkansas River valley, Colorado: U.S. Geologi­ quality of streams in Colorado, 1971-72: Colo­ cal Survey Water-Supply Paper 2029-C, 27 p. rado Water Resources Circular 21, 117 p. Wentz, D.A. (see also Britton, L.J., 1980). Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Werner, J.G. (see also Haglund, J.W., 1979). orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ West, H.W., and Floy, H.M., 1977, Environmental homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investiga­ baseline descriptions for use in the management of Fort Carson natural resources, report 2 tions Report 78-70, 32 p. [Available from Water-quality, meteorologic, and hydrologic National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161 data collected with automated field stations: as PB-284 668.] U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Exper­ iment Station Technical Report M-77-4, v. 2,17 p. Weeks, J.B., and Gutentag, E.D., 1981, Bedrock geol­ White, S.E. (see also Kromm, D.E., 1984). ogy, altitude of base, and 1980 saturated thick­ ness of the High Plains aquifer in parts of Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ precipitation: National Oceanic and Atmo­ homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming: U.S. spheric Administration, NOAA Technical Report Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations ERL 287- APCL 31, 43 p. Atlas HA-648, scale 1:2,500,000, 2 sheets. Whittemore, T.R. (see also Gish, W.B., 1984). Weeks, J.B. (see also Gutentag, E.D., 1980; 1984; Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management Lucky, R.R., 1981; Krothe, N.C., 1982). in the High Plains: Ground Water, v. 18, no. 3, Weis, Ronald, Welles, Peabody, and Stierwalt, Lee, p. 286-290. 1980, Design and operation of a cooling tower Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water sidestream treatment system: Annual Meeting of resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage: Den­ International Water Conference, 41st, Pittsburgh, ver, 64 p. 1980, Proceedings, p. 39-45. Williams, G.R., and Crawford, L.C., 1940, Maxi­ Weist, W.G., Jr., 1962, Records, logs, and water- mum discharges at stream-measurement stations level measurements of selected wells, springs, through December 31, 1937, with a Supplement and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground including additions and changes through Sep­ water in Otero and the southern part of Crowley tember 30, 1938, by W.S. Eisenlohr, Jr.: U.S. Geo­ Counties, Colorado: Colorado Water Conserva­ logical Survey Water-Supply Paper 847, 272 p. tion Board Basic-Data Report 11, 54 p. Williams, J.M. (see also Dreesen, D.R., 1982). Weist, W.G., Jr., 1963, Water in the Dakota and Pur- Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High gatoire Formations in Otero County and the Plains: Water/Engineering and Management, v. southern part of Crowley County, Colorado: 130, no. 3, p. 26-27. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1669-P, 17 p. Williams, O.O. (see also Showen, C.R., 1973).

58 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Wilson, H.M., 1893, Engineering results of irriga­ W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- tion survey, in Thirteenth annual report of the Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, part investigations for the Arkansas River basin in 3 Irrigation: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 351- Colorado, v. 1 Summary report: Denver, 16 p. 427. Wilson, W.W., 1965, Pumping tests in Colorado: W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Colorado Ground-Water Series Circular 11, Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation 361 p. investigations for the Arkansas River basin in Colorado, v. 2 Comprehensive report: Denver, Wilson, W.W. (see also McLaughlin, T.G., 1961). 48 p. Wood, B.D., compiler, 1912, Gaging stations main­ tained by the United States Geological Survey, Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and 1888-1910, and Survey publications relating to the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ water resources: U.S. Geological Survey Water- rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- Supply Paper 280, 102 p. logic impact forecasts (1979-2020): Fort Collins, Colorado State University, Colorado Water Wood, B.D., compiler, 1916, Stream-gaging stations Resources Research Institute, Technical Report and publications relating to water resources, 1885-1913: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply 34, 362 p. Paper 340, 195 p. Young, R. A. (see also McGuckin J.T., 1981; Gardner, Wood, L.A. (see also Moore, J.E., 1967; 1969). R.L., 1984). Woodward-Clevenger and Associates, 1972, Ground water investigation for Chapel Hills Zacharakis, T.G., and Pearl, R.H., 1982, Geothermal area: Denver, 17 p. resource assessment of Canon City, Colorado area: Colorado Geological Survey Resource Woodward-Clyde and Associates, 1969, Ground Series 20 (Report DOE/ET/28365-22), 81 p. water investigations, Williams and Wolf prop­ erty, Pueblo County, Colorado: Denver, 9 p. Zacharakis, T.G. (see also Pearl, R.H., 1981). Woodward-Clyde and Associates (see also W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1968). Zappi, M.A. (see also Dardeau, E.A., Jr., 1977).

Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983, Water supply Zawistowski, Stanley (see also Robson, S.G., 1981; and reservoir analysis studies, Raton Basin Major, T.J., 1983). project near Segundo, Colorado: Denver, 23 p. Woodward-Clyde-Sherard [Woodward-Clyde?] Zebroski, Robert (see also Shaner, James, 1982). and Associates, 1967, Analysis of water rights, Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ Zeien, C.T. (see also Givens, W.D., 1981). trict: Denver, 20 p. Zimbelman, D.R., Hedal, J.A., Adrian, B.M., and Woodward, T.H., and Heidel, S.G., 1964, Inventory Arbogast, B.F., 1983, Analytical data report for a of published and unpublished chemical analyses pilot-study of twenty stream-sediment, heavy- of surface waters in the continental United States and Puerto Rico, 1961: U.S. Geological Survey mineral concentrate, and rock samples from the Water-Supply Paper 1786, 490 p. Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, south- central Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open- Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee File Report 83-0925, 20 p. County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ tics, impacts, and management implementation: Zimbelman, D.R. (see also Adrian, B.M., 1984). Denver, various paging. Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary Zohdy, A.A., Hershey, L.A., Emery, P.A., and Stan­ report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas ley, W.D., 1971, Resistivity sections, upper River: Denver, 57 p. Arkansas River basin, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 71-0337, 21 p. Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1978, Water engi­ neering report, Security water district Wide- Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water field aquifer recharge program: Denver, 24 p. resources of Huerfano County: Denver, 2 v., W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water 151 p. availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado: Englewood, Colo., 54 p.

Author Index 59 SUBJECT INDEX

201 PLANS Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Plains.... ERT/Ecology Consultants, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fre- mont County 201 facilities plan, v. 2 Environ­ mental analysis.... ALLUVIAL AQUIFERS M & I, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fremont County 201 facil­ Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial ities plan, v. 1 Engineering analysis.... aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... Hurt, R.T., 1966, A new approach for estimating 208 PLANS transmissibility from specific capacity... Dumeyer, J.M., 1978, Pueblo County 208 plan Hurt, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1966, Transmissibility stream segment hydrographs.... of valley-fill aquifer, Boone to Fowler, Colo­ rado.... Foreman, Joe, 1975, Evaluation of available com­ puter stream modeling systems for application to Hurr, R.T., Moore, J.E., and Richards, D.B., 1966, the Pueblo 208 program.... Contour of bedrock surface, Boone to Fowler, Colorado.... Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1975, Project Aquarius Recommendations for stream McLaughlin, T.G., 1966, Ground water in Huerfano classification, Fountain/Monument subbasin.... County, Colorado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Moore, J.E., and Hurr, R.T., 1966, Water-table con­ water quality program Final plan and imple­ tour map, Boone to Fowler, Colorado, March 15 mentation schedule.... to 30, 1966.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments water quality program Point source subplans, in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ County, Colorado.... management subplans.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 ALLUVIAL CHANNELS water quality program Stream segment analy- Swenson, F.A., 1970, Meandering of the Arkansas River since 1833 near Bent's Old Fort, Colorado, Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1984, 208 in Geological Survey research 1970, Chapter B.... water quality program Plan update, Report sec­ tion.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- management studies of a stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... AGRICULTURE Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the ALLUVIUM Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives (Ogallala-High Plains region).... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level records for the northern High Plains Blaney, H.F., and Criddle, W.D., 1949, Consump­ of Colorado.... tive use and irrigation water requirements of crops in Colorado.... Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, in Crowley County, Colorado.... Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ tee.... Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy Colorado Land Use Commission, 1974, Colorado Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research land use map folio.... 1968.... Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the in Colorado.... Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado....

60 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, O.K., 1972, Geohydraulics Colorado Springs Wastewater Division, 1980, at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ Stream study.... vial aquifers.... Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., 1980, Aquatic toxicity review Final report.... AMMONIA Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish Dumeyer, J.M., 1980, Evaluation of exceedance of research investigations.... proposed un-ionized ammonia limits, Arkansas River below Fountain Creek.... Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas research investigations, interim studies.... Michael, G.Y., 1981, Impact of the sulfur dioxide dechlorination system on dissolved oxygen and Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1973, Fryingpan- un-ionized ammonia in Fountain Creek.... Arkansas Project fish research investigations.... Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- study.... Arkansas fish research investigations.... Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ ANALOG MODELS orado.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of ments and preliminary results of an analog- the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped model evaluation Arkansas River valley in storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- eastern Colorado.... son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... ment.... Lavelle, J.W., 1968, Primary and secondary produc­ tion in the headwaters of the Arkansas River.... ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES Linam, J.H., Osborn, N.L., and Seilheimer, J.A., Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses 1976, Biological inventory of Pueblo County of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas waterways.... River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs methods for determining water use in the High Wastewater Division stream study.... Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Nehring, R.B., and Anderson, Richard., 1981, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Stream fisheries investigations Job progress and Wyoming 1979.... report....

AQUATIC ANIMALS Nesler, T.P., 1979, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish research investigations.... Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake Meeting.... 1979-1980.... Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of macrofauna.... pumped-storage power generation.... Nesler, T.P., 1982, The fish populations and fishery AQUATIC LIFE of the upper Arkansas River, 1977-1980 Final report.... Burkhard, W.T., 1966, Stream fishery studies- Statewide stream surveys.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... Clark, J.H., 1975, Management evaluation of stocked northern pike in Colorado's small plains Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ reservoirs.... mended stream classifications....

Subject Index 61 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ County, Colorado.... ment).... Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1969, Fryingpan- and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa Arkansas project.... County, Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1983, Hydraulic characteristics of the AQUIFER CHARACTERISTICS principal bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of Colorado.... development and hydrologic conditions of the Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso leys, Colorado, 1972.... County, Colorado.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Weeks, J.B., and Gutentag, E.D., 1981, Bedrock geol­ in Crowley County, Colorado.... ogy, altitude of base, and 1980 saturated thick­ Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water ness of the High Plains aquifer in parts of resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... section on Chemical quality of the ground water, Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of byC.A. Horr.... shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Emmons, P.J., 1977, Artificial-recharge tests in Depot, Colorado.... upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Jimmy Camp Wilson, W.W., 1965, Pumping tests in Colorado.... Valley, and Fountain Valley, El Paso County, Colorado.... Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water AQUIFER MANAGEMENT table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, methods for determining water use in the High Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, ming.... New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy- and Wyoming 1979.... drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or southeastern Colorado.... half empty?.... Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High AQUIFER PROPERTIES Plains of Colorado.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water Hurr, R.T., 1966, A new approach for estimating level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data transmissibility from specific capacity.... for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1966, Transmissibility ground water in Otero County and the southern of valley-fill aquifer, Boone to Fowler, Colo­ part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on rado.... Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, Jenkins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bear­ Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing ing materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the of water wells, in Geological Survey research ground water, by C.A. Horr.... 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography, articles 1-59.... AQUIFERS Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ rado.... fer systems....

62 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, Colorado; faults and flow patterns.... R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ cal Survey research 1979.... Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions Bedinger, M.S., and Sniegocki, R.T., 1976, Summary between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent appraisals of the Nation's ground-water bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ resources; Arkansas-White-Red region.... puter model MINTEQ.... Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial and administration of groundwater in interstate aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... and international aquifers Phase I.... Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Bingham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ 1979, Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geo­ orado, 1978-82.... logical Survey research 1979.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and Water-level records for the northern High Plains uranium concentrations and associated hydro- of Colorado.... geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level Pueblo County, Colorado.... changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Col­ orado.... Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water movement in the Central Great Plains, in Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... 1982, Proceedings).... Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 probable well yields.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, 1977-81.... Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ Plains of Colorado.... centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, research, fiscal year 1981.... 1968-72.... Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- in Crowley County, Colorado.... geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton Basin, Colorado [abs.].... Cardwell, W.D.E., 1956, Report on an aquifer test at Monument, Colorado... Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1972, Hydrogeologic characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ Hutchinson, E.C., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- rado High Plains study Summary report.... logic data for the water table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report urban corridor, Colorado.... on the ground water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ mary.... ning technique for stream-aquifer systems....

Subject Index 63 Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ cal logging potential for the Denver basin.... ment options for groundwater mining in the Great Plains.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ ments and preliminary results of an analog- Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., model evaluation Arkansas River valley in 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park eastern Colorado.... and Teller Counties, Colorado.... Moulder, E. A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ the Ogallala and several consolidated formations tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... ification and Research Studies Committee.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ digital models of stream-aquifer systems.... gated stream-aquifer system.... Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated County, Colorado.... stream-aquifer system.... Pearl, R.H., 1974, Geology of ground water Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, resources in Colorado An introduction.... Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for determining areal distribution of natural Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ of floodflows along the Arkansas River without rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, Denver basin, Colorado.... Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ Robson, S.G., 1983, Hydraulic characteristics of the fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New principal bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Colorado.... Wyoming.... Robson, S.G., and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital structure, hydrology, and water quality of the model of the hydrologic system, northern High Dawson aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado.... Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Robson, S.G., Wacinski, Andrew, Zawistowski, Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... Stanley, and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic struc­ ture, hydrology, and water quality, of the Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in the Denver basin, Water-level records for the northern High Plains Colorado.... of Colorado, 1973-77.... Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ Zawistowski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data orado High Plains.... from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Denver Basin, Colorado.... 1972-76.... Scott, R.C., 1963, Radium in natural waters in the McGuinness, C.L., 1963, The role of ground water in the national water situation.... United States, in Schultz, Vincent, and Klement, A.W., Jr., eds., Radioecology National Sympo­ McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water sium on Radioecology, 1st, Fort Collins, Colo., administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.].... 1961, Proceedings....

64 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1978, Water engi­ fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ neering report, Security water district Wide- agement.... field aquifer recharge program.... Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water 1982, Proceedings).... resources of Huerfano County.... Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ ARKANSAS RIVER COMPACT tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ Arkansas River Commission, 1948, Arkansas River tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... Compact Entered into by the States of Colorado Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water and Kansas, December 14, 1948.... levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ Arkansas River Compact Administration, 1950, orado, 1969-73.... Rules and regulations of the Arkansas River Compact Administration.... Trelease, F.J., III, 1961, Effects and benefits of arti­ ficial recharge in Fountain Creek valley, Colo­ McDonald, J.W., 1985, Report to Investigation Com­ rado.... mittee of the Arkansas River Compact Adminis­ tration.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Pope, D.L., 1985, Supplemental report to the Arkan­ Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary sas River Compact Administration regarding the report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate Article VIII (H) investigation of alleged viola­ route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to tions of the Arkansas River Compact.... northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, S.S. Papadopalos and Associates, Inc., 1985, Report D, and E.... to the Arkansas River Compact Administration U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels regarding the Article VIII (H) investigation of in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, alleged violations of the Arkansas River Com­ 1968-72.... pact.... Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground U.S. Congress, House of Representatives Commit­ water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont tee on Public Lands, 1949, A bill to grant the con­ and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... sent of the United States to the Arkansas River Compact (H.R. 4151), hearings before a subcom­ Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial mittee on irrigation and reclamations.... contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium Lub- bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, D.K., 1972, Geohydraulics Bedinger, M.S., and Sniegocki, R.T., 1976, Summary at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ appraisals of the Nation's ground-water vial aquifers.... resources; Arkansas-White-Red region.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ County, Colorado.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Trelease, F.J., HI, 1961, Effects and benefits of arti­ Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of ficial recharge in Fountain Creek valley, Colo­ shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army rado.... Depot, Colorado.... Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High ATMOSPHERIC PRECIPITATION Plains.... U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Woodward-Clevenger and Associates, 1972, Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of Ground water investigation for Chapel Hills surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts A-F [final report]....

Subject Index 65 BACTERIA BENT'S FORT Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1978, River metamorphosis of the W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado.... Region VIII (1978 data).... Swenson, F.A., 1970, Meandering of the Arkansas LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic River since 1833 near Bent's Old Fort, Colorado, environment of Twin Lakes.... in Geological Survey research 1970, Chapter B.... Rae, J.F., 1982, Algae and bacteria Dead end haz­ ard.... BIBLIOGRAPHY Chronic, Felicie, and Chronic, John, 1974, Bibliogra­ BANK STORAGE phy and index of geology and hydrology, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel Pearl, R.H., Zacharakis, T.G., Repplier, F.N., and times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas McCarthy, K.P., 1981, Bibliography of geother- River basin, Colorado.... mal reports in Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir release routing model for the upper Arkansas BIOLOGY River basin of Colorado.... Burkhard, W.T., 1966, Stream fishery studies Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary Statewide stream surveys.... report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas River.... Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., 1980, Aquatic toxicity review Final report.... BASIC DATA Feast, C.N., 1951, Fish and wildlife and recreational facilities, Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 research investigations.... through September 1977.... Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas research investigations, interim studies.... Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1973, Fryingpan- Plains of Colorado.... Arkansas Project fish research investigations.... Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Arkansas fish research investigations.... 1970-74.... Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, orado.... Water-level records for the northern High Plains LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of of Colorado, 1973-77.... the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of daily values for water parameters to September Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, 30, 1971; Central region.... Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... Showen, C.R., and Williams, O.O., 1973, Index to Lavelle, J.W., 1968, Primary and secondary produc­ water-quality data available from the U.S. Geo­ tion in the headwaters of the Arkansas River.... logical Survey in machine-readable form to Linam, J.H., Osborn, N.L., and Seilheimer, J.A., December 31, 1972; Central region.... 1976, Biological inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ Nehring, R.B., and Anderson, Richard., 1981, orado, 1969-73.... Stream fisheries investigations Job progress report.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Nesler, T.P., 1979, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish 1968-72.... research investigations....

66 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish CANAL LINING populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake 1979-1980.... Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1960, Bentonite sealing investi­ gations Third quarterly progress report.... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1961, Bentonite sealing investi­ sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of gations Final report.... pumped-storage power generation.... Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., and Shen, R.T., I960, Bentonite sediment sealing of irrigation canals Report for Nesler, T.P., 1982, The fish populations and fishery the three-year period of 1957 through 1959.... of the upper Arkansas River, 1977-1980 Final report.... CANALS Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary mended stream classifications.... report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, BUENA VISTA D, and E.... Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of geothermometer and isotope models in the CANON CITY Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.].... Alther, G.R., 1977, Geohydrologic setting of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, environment near Cotter Mill, Canon City, Colo­ Flood insurance study Town of Buena Vista, rado.... Colorado, Chaffee County....

Meyer, R.T., Coe, B.A., and Dick, J.D., 1981, Appen­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood dices of an appraisal of the use of geothermal plain information Arkansas River.... energy in state-owned buildings in Colorado section 81-3a, Alamosa; section 81-3b, Buena Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Vista; section 81-3c, Burlington; section 81-3d, plain information for Canon City, Colorado Durango; section 81-3e, Glenwood Springs; sec­ Red Canyon, Northeast Canyon Draw, and tribu­ tion 81-3f, Steamboat Springs.... taries....

Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... puter model MINTEQ....

U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1978, Flood hazard Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, analysis Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of Flood insurance study City of Canon City, Col­ Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado.... orado, Fremont County.... Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on BUFFALO PEAKS WILDERNESS the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ STUDY AREA ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, M & I, Inc., 1972, Master plan for water systems Analytical results for 102 water samples from improvements for Canon City, Colorado.... sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties M & I, Inc., 1974, Report on storm drainage facilities Colorado.... for the city of Canon City.... M & I, Inc., 1974, Wastewater treatment master plan Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, for Canon City metropolitan sanitation district.... Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Flood plain Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... information Arkansas River....

Subject Index 67 U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch CHANNELS flood prevention project measure, Sangre de Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ Costa, J.E., and Jarrett, R.D., 1981, Debris flows in ronmental impact statement).... small mountain stream channels of Colorado and their hydrologic implications.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1976, Flood hazard Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood analyses Portions of Red Canyon Draw and control project on a meandering stream.... tributaries, Fremont County, Colorado.... Lee, L.J., and Henson, B.L., 1978, The longitudinal river, valley, and regional profiles of the Arkan­ CATLIN CANAL sas River.... Haynie, R.M., and Karaki, S.S., 1962, Model study Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1978, River metamorphosis of the of the Catlin Diversion Dam canal inlet.... South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado.... Melton, D.D., and McCabe, R.D., 1976, Catlin trans­ fer plan and John Martin permanent pool opera­ CHEMICAL ANALYSIS tion.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black CHANNEL GEOMETRY Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected Abbott, P.O., 1976, Observed channel changes in a hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo mountain stream due to increased flow from and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, transbasin imports.... 1975-80.... Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research in Crowley County, Colorado.... 1968.... Foreman, Joe, 1972, Analysis of Arkansas River dis­ Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design solved solids by arc emission spectography.... for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ Foreman, Joe, 1976, A summary of the report, ian zone restoration.... Pueblo Board of Water Works stream and point Lee, L.J., and Henson, B.L., 1978, The longitudinal discharge, analytical reports.... river, valley, and regional profiles of the Arkan­ Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.C., 1980, Well sas River.... yields and chemical quality of water from water- table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT rado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ 1973.... ment).... McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ ver Basin, Colorado.... taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, McLaughlin, T.G., Burtis, V.M., and Wilson, W.W., Colorado.... 1961, Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water CHANNELIZATION from wells and mines, Huerfano County, Colo­ rado.... Colorado Game, Fish, and Parks Department, 1967, Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology Effects of the proposed Arkansas River channel­ and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa ization project on wildlife.... County, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1969, The Woodward, T.H., and Heidel, S.G., 1964, Inventory future of a river Choices and values, a report on of published and unpublished chemical analyses the proposed channelization of the Arkansas of surface waters in the continental United States River above John Martin Dam.... and Puerto Rico, 1961....

68 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION COAL MINING Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, orado, including concentrations of forty-three and Colfax County, New Mexico.... additional elements.... Palmer, S.D., and Murphy, Mark, 1984, Cumulative Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical hydrologic impact assessment The effects of and stream sediment reconnaissance of the coal mining on the hydrologic systems of the Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including Raton coal field, north-central New Mexico.... concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ ments.... COAL PROVINCES

CLIMATE Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ matological data Colorado Springs, annual tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... summary with comparative data.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- water-data activities in coal provinces of the matological data Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and monthly summary.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1973, Monthly normals of temperature, precipi­ Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to tation, and heating and cooling degree days, water-data activities in coal provinces of the 1941-1970 Colorado.... United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, ground water.... Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts A-F [final report].... COLORADO CITY Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains Elliot and Associates, Inc., 1969, Study and recom­ precipitation.... mendations concerning the water supply for Colorado City including the Wolf-Williams acquisition.... CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA Greer, M.J., 1971, Water supply study, Colorado Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- City.... matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, and Colfax County, New Mexico.... Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and wastewater plan for Colorado City water and U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts County, Colorado.... A-F [final report].... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Areawide water and waste-water planning study for the St. Charles CLIMAX Mesa, Rye-Colorado City, and Beulah sectors of Pueblo County.... Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molyb­ denum in stream waters and sediments, central Woodward-Clyde and Associates, 1969, Ground Colorado.... water investigations, Williams and Wolf prop­ erty, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ try of molybdenum in some stream sediments and waters.... COLORADO HIGH PLAINS Karaki, S.S., and Sayre, W.W., 1961, Tailings dis­ Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- posal pipe lines of the Climax Molybdenum Plant economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains at Climax, Colorado.... region....

Subject Index 69 Colorado Department of Agriculture, various Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to a city) outside the water district].... Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ rado High Plains study Summary report.... Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and efficient management alternative for municipal Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., water supply.... 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and rate structures on electricity and water use on the Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ Colorado High Plains.... uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Edelmann, Patrick, 1984, Effects of irrigating with Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Car­ report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and son Military Reservation golf course near Colo­ the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... rado Springs, Colorado.... Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunate, 1966, Urban Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, water use study.... and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood aquifer.... insurance study Monument Creek and tributar­ ies.... Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... Fryt, M.S., 1979, Effects of turbidity on microbio­ logical analysis, in Advances in laboratory tech­ Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and niques for quality control.... the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.C., 1980, Depth to COLORADO SPRINGS the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- ridor, Colorado.... Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.C., 1980, Well Colorado.... yields and chemical quality of water from water- Anna, L.O., 1975, Map showing availability of table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle hydrologic data published as of 1974 by the U.S. Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ Environmental Data Service and by the U.S. Geo­ rado.... logical Survey and cooperating agencies, Colo­ Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- rado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range water at Colorado Springs.... urban corridor, Colorado.... Kocerh [B.A.], 1972, Rx for sludge indigestion Babcock, R.E., 1974, Industrial water re-use and Heat and vacuum filtration.... sewage sludge reclamation, in Energy, environ­ ment and water resources.... Lee, G.F., and Jones, R.A., 1981, An assessment of the impact of the Colorado Springs domestic Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ wastewater treatment plant discharges on Foun­ sion to reuse water.... tain Creek.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1977, Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ Water distribution for Colorado Springs.... cations in a mountain front environment; Front Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ area; water for new communities in El Paso centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science research, fiscal year 1981.... maps applied to land and water management.... Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ Mackin, J.H., 1953, Stream planation near Colorado torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ Springs, Colorado.... rado.... McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use Colorado Springs Wastewater Division, 1980, in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, Stream study.... J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities....

70 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain of ground-water conservation for a municipal information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, development near Colorado Springs, Colorado Manitou Springs, Colorado.... [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain Mountain ground water conference.... information Cottonwood Creek, El Paso County, Colorado.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Data on Fountain Creek project, Colorado Springs, Colorado.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973, Flood hazard analyses Sand Creek, City of Colorado Springs, Michael, G.Y., 1981, Impact of the sulfur dioxide and El Paso County.... dechlorination system on dissolved oxygen and un-ionized ammonia in Fountain Creek.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1974, Flood hazard analyses Update for Sand Creek.... Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard Wastewater Division stream study.... analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado.... Myers, K.L., 1984, Case study; an investigation of shallow instability in low slopes.... Weis, Ronald, Welles, Peabody, and Stierwalt, Lee, 1980, Design and operation of a cooling tower National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- sidestream treatment system.... matological data Colorado Springs, annual summary with comparative data.... COMPUTER MODELS National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- matological data Colorado Springs, Colorado, Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions monthly summary.... between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ Okun, D.A., 1982, Feasibility of dual or multiple puter model MINTEQ.... water supply systems Dual water supply sys­ tems; special subject 25.... Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas Ostojic, N., 1975, Odor problems? Don't just hold River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... your nose.... Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Phillips, J.D., 1971, The Porteous process.... of floodflows along the Arkansas River without regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John Proudfit, D.P., 1975, Parameters for determining Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... adequacy of storage capacity for large and small systems on the basis of peak demands and fire Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir flow requirements, in Research Key to quality release routing model for the upper Arkansas water service in the 80's.... River basin of Colorado.... Rae, J.F., 1982, Algae and bacteria Dead end haz­ Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ ard.... ing.... U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of CONJUNCTIVE USE surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts A-F [final report].... Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American U.S. Air Force, 1980, Draft environmental impact Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, statement, Consolidated Space Operations Cen­ 1967, Proceedings.... ter.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain management studies of a stream-aquifer system, information, Monument Creek, Colorado Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Springs, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Flood plain CONSERVATION information Fountain and Jimmy Camp Creeks, Colorado Springs, Fountain, El Paso County, Goslin, I.V., 1976, Interstate river compacts- Colorado.... Impact on Colorado....

Subject Index 71 Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and DAKOTA AQUIFER Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Banta, E.R., 1983, Groundwater flow patterns in the Animas, Colorado.... Dakota Group aquifer in an area near Pueblo, Colorado.... CONSUMPTIVE USE Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, Colorado; faults and flow patterns.... Blaney, H.F., and Criddle, W.D., 1949, Consump­ Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, tive use and irrigation water requirements of Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ crops in Colorado.... politan District.... Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunato, 1966, Urban Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and water use study.... uranium concentrations and associated hydro- geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of Pueblo County, Colorado [abs].... agricultural change on a local economy in the Great Plains.... Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... activities, 1968.... Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water movement in the Central Great Plains, in COOLING SYSTEMS Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... 1982, Proceedings).... Jorden, R.M., Aronson, J.T., Noblett, J.G., and Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in Rosain, R.M., 1980, Treatment of cooling tower the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in circulating water An EPRI project.... Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy­ drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Rittenhouse, R.C., 1982, Developments in waste- ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., water handling at power plants.... 1982, Proceedings).... Weis, Ronald, Welles, Peabody, and Stierwalt, Lee, Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State 1980, Design and operation of a cooling tower of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., sidestream treatment system.... eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... COSTS Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1979, geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Report on determination of economic values of Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy­ improved water quality in the Arkansas River drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ basin.... ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 merce and Congress.... content of its contained ground water Canon City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, Okun, D.A., 1982, Feasibility of dual or multiple Colorado.... water supply systems Dual water supply sys­ tems; special subject 25.... DAM CONSTRUCTION U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources River and tributaries above John Martin Dam Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary final environmental impact statement.... report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ D, and E.... rado (draft environmental impact statement)....

72 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971, Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ List and location of snow courses and soil mois­ tal statement.... ture stations.... Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- DAM EFFECTS matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, Soares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, and Colfax County, New Mexico.... Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic models for predicting sediment storage in large Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level reservoirs Part 1, A stochastic sediment storage records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, model.... 1968-72.... Soares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, models for predicting sediment storage in large 1970-74.... reservoirs Part 3, Application of the two mod­ els in conjunction.... Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, 1973.... DAMS Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ lamation first.... rado Springs, Colorado.... Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin.... model of the hydrologic system, northern High Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ voir.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and valley, Colorado.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ ments and preliminary results of an analog- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and model evaluation Arkansas River valley in Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ eastern Colorado.... rado (final environmental impact statement).... Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1975, Collection and U.S. Geological Survey, 1955, Plan and profile and collation of geochemical and hydrological damsite of Arkansas River, vicinity of Bear Creek parameters of geothermal systems in Colorado, to vicinity of Clear Creek, Colorado.... and an evaluation of geothermal reservoir tem­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch peratures A preliminary appraisal.... flood prevention project measure, Sangre de Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ DATA STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL ronmental impact statement).... Wilson, H.M., 1893, Engineering results of irriga­ Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to tion survey, in Thirteenth annual report of the U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, part daily values for water parameters to September 3 Irrigation.... 30, 1971; Central region.... Showen, C.R., and Williams, O.O., 1973, Index to DATA COLLECTION water-quality data available from the U.S. Geo­ logical Survey in machine-readable form to Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected December 31, 1972; Central region.... hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, 1975-80.... DAWSON AQUIFER Cochran, B.J., Minges, D.R., Jarrett, R.D., and Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Veenhuis, J.E., 1983, Rainfall-runoff data from Bingham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, small watersheds in Colorado, October 1977 1979, Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geo­ through September 1980.... logical Survey research 1979....

Subject Index 73 Robson, S.G., and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic Robson, S.G., 1983, Hydraulic characteristics of the structure, hydrology, and water quality of the principal bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Dawson aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado.... Colorado.... Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... appraisal.... Taylor, O J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Robson, S.G., and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic DENVER BASIN structure, hydrology, and water quality of the Dawson aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado.... Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the pressures.... Denver Basin, Colorado.... Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ Romero, J.C., and Hampton, E.R., 1972, Maps show­ dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ ing the approximate configuration and depth to normal fluid pressures [abs.].... the top of the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer, Denver Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- Basin, Colorado.... stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.].... Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in on the ground water resources of the bedrock Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy­ aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ mary.... ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Evans, A., and Raley, W.L., 1984, Research in 1982, Proceedings).... action Solving Colorado water problems, FY 1983 annual report.... DEPLETION Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ movement in the Central Great Plains, in tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in the southern High Plains ground water basin of Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Colorado.... Zawistowski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... DEPOSITION McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ ver Basin, Colorado.... ing.... Rice, T.L., and Simons, D.B., 1982, Sediment depo­ McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ sition model for reservoirs based on the domi­ cal logging potential for the Denver basin.... nant physical processes.... Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in DESALINIZATION Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy­ drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ 1982, Proceedings).... ing.... Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, Bresler, S.A., 1972, Economics of ion exchange tech­ and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the nology applied to municipal water quality Denver basin, Colorado.... improvement....

74 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Schwien, J.D. 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Arkansas River.... of floodflows along the Arkansas River without regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... DEVELOPMENT Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, waters.... and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic Reid, G.W., 1976, Research to develop ecological macrofauna.... standards for water resources.... Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary Tudor Engineering Company, 1980, Western States report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas inventory of low-head hydroelectric sites, v. 2, River.... appendix D Environmental screening.... DRAINAGE DISSOLVED SOLIDS Colorado Springs, Engineering Division, date Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and unknown, Drainage studies on basins within and Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- near the city.... bay, 1978-1979.... Elgin, R.A., Volin, M.E., and Townsend, J.W., 1949, Foreman, Joe, 1972, Analysis of Arkansas River dis­ The Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, solved solids by arc emission spectography.... Colorado.... Stoner, J.D., 1985, Dissolved solids in the Arkansas Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas River basin, in National water summary, 1984 River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... Hydrologic events, selected water-quality trends, and ground-water resources.... Salisbury, M.H., 1956, Leadville drainage tunnel, second project, Lake County, Colorado.... DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1951, Colorado.... Report on water pumping and distribution, Northside Water District no. 1.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Proudfit, D.P., 1975, Parameters for determining Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ adequacy of storage capacity for large and small rado Initial development.... systems on the basis of peak demands and fire Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee flow requirements, in Research Key to quality County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ water service in the 80's.... tics, impacts, and management implementa­ tion.... DITCHES United States, 1980, An act to authorize the Secre­ DRAINAGE BASINS tary of the Interior to design and construct a gunite lining on certain reaches of the Bessemer Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, Ditch in the vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado, to pre­ Colorado; geology and ground water.... vent or reduce seepage damage on adjacent prop­ Lohman, S.W., 1951, General geology and ground- erties, and for other purposes.... water resources, Arkansas River basin in Colo­ U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Energy and rado.... Natural Resources, 1980, Lining of Bessemer Ditch, Colorado Report to accompany S.2546.... Lohman, S.W., and Burtis, V.M., 1953, Areas of principal ground-water investigations in the Arkansas, White, and Red River basins.... DIVERSIONS Lohman, S.W., Burtis, V.M., and others, 1953, Gen­ American Water Works Association, 1985, Law and eral availability of ground water and depth to water Diversion considered noninjurious to water level in the Arkansas, White, and Red senior appropriators.... River basins....

Subject Index 75 DRILLING Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, of water wells, in Geological Survey research Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... topography, articles 1-59.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities Program.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ voir.... DRINKING WATER Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte Gregg, D.O., Meyer, E.L., Targy, M.M., and activities, 1968.... Moulder, E.A., 1961, Public water supplies of Colorado, 1959-60.... ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1977, Potable water facilities evaluation for the town of Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in Limon.... water quality and use Seminar of the Great Plains Resource Economics Committee of the Great Plains Agricultural Council.... DROUGHT High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... water at Colorado Springs.... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of ECONOMIC GEOLOGY drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, symposium on surface water impoundments.... 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo Nace, R.L., and Pluhowski, E.J., 1965, Drought of County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research the 1950's with special reference to the Midconti- 1980.... nent.... Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, Upper Arkansas River Investigations Field Branch Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of (Pueblo), 1957, Data contribution of irrigated declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, areas to stabilize drought-stricken regions of the in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on West.... ground-water management.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Drought in the Arkansas Valley 1963 [Fryingpan-Arkansas ECONOMIC IMPACT Project].... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, An economic input-output study of the High ECOLOGY Plains region of eastern Colorado.... Carpenter, M.R., 1971, Distribution in Colorado, Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of community relationships, and preliminary life agricultural change on a local economy in the history of the white sucker (Catostomus commer- Great Plains.... soni) July 1, 1969, to January 31, 1970, in Rearing bait fishes in the Rocky Mountain States.... ECONOMICS Krieger, D. A., 1980, Ecology of catostomids in Twin Lakes, Colorado, in relation to a pumped-storage Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ powerplant.... ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado nomics of desalination of brackish household 1980 report of findings.... water supplies....

76 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Meyer, R.T., Coe, B.A., and Dick, J.D., 1981, Appen­ ENERGY dices of an appraisal of the use of geothermal energy in state-owned buildings in Colorado High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, section 81-3a, Alamosa; section 81-3b, Buena Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer Vista; section 81-3c, Burlington; section 81-3d, regional resources study A report to the U.S. Durango; section 81-3e, Glenwood Springs; sec­ Department of Commerce and High Plains Study tion 81-3f, Steamboat Springs.... Council (3d ed)..... Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High long-term viability of flood control projects Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the D, and E.... international conference held in Bangkok, January 7-9, 1980.... ENGINEERING Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of Bell, B.A., date unknown, Concepts and operating experiences Advanced wastewater treatment declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, plants.... in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on ground-water management.... C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.... EFFLUENTS Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1965, Hydrologic engi­ neering of the Peterson Field drainage basin.... Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... M & I, Inc., 1972, Master plan for water systems improvements for Canon City, Colorado.... Sims, J.H., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, Renovated waste water The question of public accep­ M & I, Inc., 1974, Report on storm drainage facilities for the city of Canon City.... tance.... Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, Pueblo's water system.... ELECTRIC POWER PLANTS Pueblo West Department of Public Works, date Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ unknown, Pueblo West metropolitan district phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin master plan for flood control and storm drainage improvement.... Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Preliminary report on proposed levee and improvements to the Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ Fountain Creek channel through Pueblo, Colo­ tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... rado....

LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the Surland, L.P., Schley, W.E., and Paulette, R.G., effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- 1979, Wastewater treatment modified at wash- rack facilities.... storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of findings.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Arkansas River basin, Florence, Colorado Hydrology, Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin part 1.... Lakes, Colorado....

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ ENGINEERING GEOLOGY mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- Abbott, P.O., 1976, Observed channel changes in a storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas mountain stream due to increased flow from project, Colorado.... transbasin imports....

Subject Index 77 Alien, D.U., 1976, Engineering geology consider­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Forest Service, ations in the design, construction, and operation and Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, of the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant Arkansas River basin report Cooperative and forebay dam, Colorado, in Depman, A.J., ed., study.... Onshore and offshore problems, hazards, and environmental complications.... ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS Costa, J.E., and Jarrett, R.D., 1981, Debris flows in small mountain stream channels of Colorado and Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado their hydrologic implications.... Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ Elgin, R.A., Volin, M.E., and Townsend, J.W., 1949, ings.... The Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design bay, 1978-1979.... for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ ian zone restoration.... Gregg, R.E., and Bergersen, E.P., 1980, Mysfs relicta Effects of turbidity and turbulence on short-term Salisbury, M.H., 1956, Leadville drainage tunnel, survival.... second project, Lake County, Colorado.... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ Thompson, A.H., 1893, Report upon the construc­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ tion of topographic maps and the selection and sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of survey of reservoir sites in the hydrographic pumped-storage power generation.... basin of the Arkansas River, Colorado, in Thir­ teenth annual report of the United States Geolog­ Thorne, R.E., and Thomas, G.L., 1981, Hydro- ical Survey, 1891-92, part 3 Irrigation.... acoustic surveys of fish abundance and distribu­ tion in Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Wilson, H.M., 1893, Engineering results of irriga­ tion survey, in Thirteenth annual report of the Tudor Engineering Company, 1980, Western States United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, part inventory of low-head hydroelectric sites, v. 2, 3 Irrigation.... appendix D Environmental screening.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas ENVIRONMENT River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ Feast, C.N., 1951, Fish and wildlife and recreational ment).... facilities, Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains River and tributaries above John Martin Dam Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a final environmental impact statement.... report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ project, Colorado.... rado (draft environmental impact statement).... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1969, Fryingpan- Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Arkansas project.... rado (draft environmental impact statement).... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado (final environmental impact statement).... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1982, Effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage power- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- plant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1981 report of Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ findings.... tal statement.... U.S. Air Force, 1980, Draft environmental impact Walch, L.A., 1980, Movements of lake trout in Twin statement, Consolidated Space Operations Cen­ Lakes, Colorado, in relation to the Mt. Elbert ter.... pumped-storage powerplant....

78 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of STATEMENTS drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the U.S. Air Force, 1980, Draft environmental impact symposium on surface water impoundments.... statement, Consolidated Space Operations Cen­ Lee, G.F., and Jones, R.A., 1981, An assessment of ter.... the impact of the Colorado Springs domestic U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas wastewater treatment plant discharges on Foun­ River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, tain Creek.... Colorado.... Lee, G.F., Newbry, B.W., Heinemann, T.J., Jones, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain R.A., Tobita, S., and Psaris, P., 1980, Draft report Creek, [Pueblo County?], Arkansas River and to Pueblo Area Council of Governments on dem­ tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado onstration of hazard assessment for evaluation of Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 1 environmental impact of Pueblo County munici­ Main report and environmental impact state­ pal wastewater discharges on water quality in ment.... the Arkansas River.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Lakes, Colorado.... rado.... M & I, Inc., 1982, Environmental analysis for land U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Draft application of waste sludge in Fremont environmental statement Fryingpan-Arkansas County.... project.... Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... tal statement.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Draft environmental statement for the upper report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to v. 3, appendix.... northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch D, and E.... flood prevention project measure, Sangre de U.S. Forest Service, 1968, Evaluation and effects of Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the adminis­ ronmental impact statement).... tration, management, and use of the San Isabel National Forest, section 1 Turquoise.... ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS

ARIX Engineers, 1985, Water quality study, Arkan­ ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS sas River above Salida, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Coe, B.A., Dick, J.D., Galloway, M.J., Gross, J.T., River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, and Meyer, R.T., 1982, Geothermal potential for Colorado.... commercial and industrial direct heat applica­ tions in Salida, Colorado Final report.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Krieger, D. A., 1980, Ecology of catostomids in Twin rado.... Lakes, Colorado, in relation to a pumped-storage powerplant.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of flood prevention project measure, Sangre de Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... ronmental impact statement)....

Subject Index 79 EROSION Meyers, J.S., 1962, Evaporation from the 17 Western States, with a section on Evaporation rates, by Boone, S.G., 1985, Colorado River basin and water­ T.J. Nordenson [U.S. Weather Bureau].... shed summary.... Rittenhouse, R.C., 1982, Developments in waste- Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood water handling at power plants.... control project on a meandering stream.... Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control activities, 1968.... and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley in Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ Swenson, F.A., 1970, Meandering of the Arkansas rado Initial development.... River since 1833 near Bent's Old Fort, Colorado, in Geological Survey research 1970, Chapter B.... EVAPOTRANSPIRATION U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ orado, local protection project, phase 1 Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel Sediment investigation.... times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1981, Arkansas River basin draft cooperative study report.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy ment.... Creek.... Turner, P.M., 1968, Annual report of phreatophyte U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon.... activities, 1967.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1969, Canon City.... Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Crooked difference arrays of observation wells to estimate Arroyo.... evapotranspiration from ground water in the Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Fisher Peak- Carbon Arroyos.... FISH U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Wolf-Creek- Highlands.... Burkhard, W.T., 1966, Stream fishery studies- Statewide stream surveys.... EUTROPHICATION Clark, J.H., 1975, Management evaluation of stocked northern pike in Colorado's small plains Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado reservoirs.... Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ Feast, C.N., 1951, Fish and wildlife and recreational ings.... facilities, Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish River and tributaries above John Martin Dam research investigations.... final environmental impact statement.... Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas research investigations, interim studies.... EVAPORATION Finnell, L.M., and BenneU, G.L., 1973, Fryingpan- Brown, D.L., 1974, Resource management and envi­ Arkansas Project fish research investigations.... ronmental improvement plan for Pueblo Dam Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- and Reservoir.... Arkansas fish research investigations.... Farnsworth, R.K., Thompson, E.S., and Peck, E.L., Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ 1982, Evaporation atlas for the contiguous 48 orado.... United States.... LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of Kohler, M.A., Nordenson, T.J., and Baker, D.R., the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped 1959, Evaporation maps of the United States.... storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, River basin, Colorado.... Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings....

80 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, Thorne, R.E., and Thomas, G.L., 1981, Hydroacous- R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs tic surveys of fish abundance and distribution in Wastewater Division stream study.... Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Nehring, R.B., and Anderson, Richard., 1981, Stream fisheries investigations Job progress FISHING report.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ Nesler, T.P., 1979, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- research investigations.... storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake 1979-1980.... FLOOD CONTROL Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ Boone, S.G., 1985, Colorado River basin and water­ sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of shed summary.... pumped-storage power generation.... Colorado Game, Fish, and Parks Department, 1967, Nesler, T.P., 1982, The fish populations and fishery Effects of the proposed Arkansas River channel­ of the upper Arkansas River, 1977-1980 Final ization project on wildlife.... report.... Colorado Soil Conservation Board and U.S. Soil Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas Conservation Service, 1977, Canon Watershed River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... project, Fremont County, Colorado Reduction U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas of flood water and sediment damages to Canon River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, watershed, Canon City, Colorado.... Colorado.... Colorado Springs, Engineering Division, date U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas unknown, Drainage studies on basins within and River and tributaries above John Martin Dam near the city.... final environmental impact statement.... Crawford, I.C., 1956, Colorado's water resources U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas (2ded)..... River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, Colorado.... Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1967, Hydrological engi­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- neering study for Stratmoor South subdistrict.... Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ tal statement.... Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), 1984, Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colorado Phase 1, general design memoran­ FISH POPULATIONS dum; communication from the Assistant Secre­ tary of the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a Carpenter, M.R., 1971, Distribution in Colorado, letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of community relationships, and preliminary life the Army, dated December 23,1981, submitting a history of the white sucker (Catostomus commer- report.... soni) July 1,1969, to January 31,1970, in Rearing bait fishes in the Rocky Mountain States.... Pueblo West Department of Public Works, date Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish unknown, Pueblo West metropolitan district populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake master plan for flood control and storm drainage 1979-1980.... improvement.... Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Preliminary report pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, on proposed levee and improvements to the and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic Fountain Creek channel through Pueblo, Colo­ macrofauna.... rado....

Subject Index 81 Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain long-term viability of flood control projects information Salt Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, Col­ The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, orado.... Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the information Six Mile Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, international conference held in Bangkok, Colorado.... January 7-9, 1980.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1936, Arkansas information Cucharas River and tributaries, River and tributaries Letter from the Secretary Walsenberg, Colorado.... of War transmitting pursuant to the Flood Con­ trol Act of May 31, 1942.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Arkansas River basin, Florence, Colorado Hydrology, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas part 1.... River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and vicinity Interim report on review survey for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain flood control.... Creek, [Pueblo County?], Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Arkansas Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 1 River and tributaries, Las Animas County, Colo­ Main report and environmental impact state­ rado, and vicinity.... ment.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain rado.... Creek, [Pueblo County?] Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 2 review survey for flood control and allied pur­ Appendices A through F.... poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 1 Main report.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ orado, local protection project, phase 1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain Sediment investigation.... information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- rado.... Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Supplemental rado Initial development.... report on Fountain Reservoir and re-evaluation U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report of "Report on review survey for flood-control on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of and allied purposes, Arkansas River and tribu­ Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... taries above John Martin Dam, Colorado".... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and information, Monument Creek, Colorado Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Springs, Colorado.... rado (draft environmental impact statement).... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Colorado.... rado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Creek.... Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ ment).... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1969, Canon City.... River and tributaries above John Martin Dam final environmental impact statement.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Crooked Arroyo.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Fisher Peak- Colorado.... Carbon Arroyos....

82 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch FLOOD DATA flood prevention project measure, Sangre de Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling ronmental impact statement).... and preliminary regional flood characteristics of small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973, Flood hazard basin in Colorado.... analyses Sand Creek, City of Colorado Springs, and El Paso County.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard Manitou Springs, Colorado.... analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado.... FLOOD FLOWS U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1978, Flood hazard analysis Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Arkansas Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado.... River and tributaries, Las Animas County, Colo­ rado, and vicinity.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Wolf-Creek- Highlands.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1966, Flood report Arkansas River basin Flood of June 1965, Colo­ rado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... FLOOD DAMAGE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain Follansbee, Robert, and Sawyer, L.R., 1948, Floods Creek, [Pueblo County?], Arkansas River and in Colorado.... tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 1 Murphy, E.C., and others, 1905, Destructive floods Main report and environmental impact state­ in the United States in 1904.... ment.... Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... Creek, [Pueblo County?] Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 2 information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ Appendices A through F.... rado....

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain FLOOD FORECASTING information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain information, Monument Creek, Colorado U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain Springs, Colorado.... information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ rado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain Manitou Springs, Colorado.... information, Monument Creek, Colorado Springs, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood hazard information Arkansas River and Wild U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ ment).... FLOOD FREQUENCY

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain Jarvis, C.S., and others, 1936, Floods in the United information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, States, magnitude and frequency.... Manitou Springs, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood 1976, Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ hazard information Arkansas River and Wild ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study Vaudrey, W.C., 1960, Floods of May 1955 in Colo­ of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ rado and New Mexico.... rado....

Subject Index 83 McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard showing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs- analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado.... Colorado.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1976, Flood hazard Patterson, J.L., 1964, Magnitude and frequency of analyses Portions of Red Canyon Draw and floods in the United States Part 7, Lower Mis­ tributaries, Fremont County, Colorado.... sissippi River basin.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain FLOOD-HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP information Purgatoire River and tributaries, Federal Insurance Administration, 1973, Flood haz­ vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... ard boundary map Arkansas River.... Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ resources of Huerfano County.... ard boundary map Arkansas River.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ FLOOD HAZARD ard boundary map Crystal Lake.... Center for Community Development, 1985, Mani- Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ tou Springs flood hazard mitigation plan.... ard boundary map Wild Horse Creek.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ plain information in Colorado Index map.... ard boundary map Arkansas River.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood ard boundary map Cripple Creek.... hazard delineation Cat Creek.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood ard boundary map Unnamed Tributary.... hazard delineation Sand Arroyo.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1983, Colo­ ard boundary map Arkansas, Apishapa, and rado flood plain information index.... Purgatoire Rivers.... Crippen, J.R., and Bue, C.D., 1977, Maximum flood- Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ flows in the conterminous United States.... ard boundary map Purgatoire River and Rule and Mud Creeks.... Follansbee, Robert, and Sawyer, L.R., 1948, Floods in Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Trout and Fourmile Creek.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood hazard information Arkansas River and Cad- Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ doa and Mud Creeks.... ard boundary map Arkansas River and Ander- son and King Arroyos.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, FLOOD HYDROLOGY Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1983, Clear Creek Dam and Reservoir study.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood hazard information Wolf Creek, Granada, Col­ Elliott, J.G., Jarrett, R.D., and Ebling, J.L., 1982, orado.... Annual snowmelt and rainfall peak-flow data on selected foothills region streams, South Platte U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Review survey River, Arkansas River, and Colorado River for water resource development, Lamar, Colo­ basins, Colorado.... rado, and vicinity Hydrology.... McCutcheon, S.C., 1982, The evaluation of selected U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1978, Flood hazard one-dimensional stream water quality models analysis Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of with field data.... Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado.... FLOOD INSURANCE FLOOD-HAZARD ANALYSIS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1943, Fountaine Que U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1974, Flood hazard Bonille (Fountain) River and its tributaries, Col­ analyses Update for Sand Creek.... orado....

84 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ plain information South Arkansas River and taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, Poncha Creek.... Colorado.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood plain information Taylor, Swift, Texas, Spring, FLOOD-INSURANCE STUDY and Grape Creeks.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1979, Flood Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood plain information South Arkansas River.... plain information in Colorado Index map.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1983, Colo­ plain information Big Sandy Creek.... rado flood plain information index.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood plain information Chalk Creek.... insurance study Carbon Arroyo and Moores Canyon.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood plain information Sandy and Rush Creeks.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood insurance study Monument Creek and tributar­ plain information Arkansas River.... ies.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood plain information Evans Gulch.... insurance study Town of Palmer Lake, Colo­ rado, El Paso County.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood plain information for Canon City, Colorado Federal Insurance Administration, 1980, Flood Red Canyon, Northeast Canyon Draw, and tribu­ insurance study Rocky Ford Ditch.... taries.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood insurance study Arkansas River and Anderson plain information in Colorado Index map.... and King Arroyos.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood plain information Lake Creek.... insurance study Arkansas River and Willow Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1982, Flood Creek.... plain information Big Sandy and tributaries LI, L2, and L3.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood insurance study South Arkansas River and Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1983, Colo­ Arkansas River.... rado flood plain information index.... J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance Federal Insurance Administration, 1973, Flood haz­ studies Douglas, Teller, and Arapahoe Coun­ ard boundary map Arkansas River.... ties, final hydrology report.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Flood insur­ ard boundary map Arkansas River.... ance study for Fountain, Dry, and Wild Horse Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Creeks Pueblo, Colorado.... ard boundary map Arkansas River and Foun­ tain Creek.... FLOOD-PLAIN INFORMATION Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Crystal Lake.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood plain information Arkansas River and Four- Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ mile, Brush Hollow, and Eightmile Creeks.... ard boundary map Cucharas River and Bear Creek.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ plain information Cucharas River.... ard boundary map Cucharas River and Middle Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1974, Flood Creek.... plain information Arkansas River and Wolf, Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Two Butte, and Wildhorse Creeks.... ard boundary map Oak Creek.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ plain information Arkansas River.... ard boundary map Purgatoire River....

Subject Index 85 Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood ard boundary map Raton Creek.... insurance study Monument Creek and tributar­ ies.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Wild Horse Creek.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood insurance study Town of Palmer Lake, Colo­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ rado, El Paso County.... ard boundary map California Gulch.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1980, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ insurance study Rocky Ford Ditch.... ard boundary map Cemetery Creek.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ insurance study Arkansas River and Anderson ard boundary map Coal Creek.... and King Arroyos.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood ard boundary map Gonzales Creek.... insurance study Arkansas River and Willow Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Creek.... ard boundary map Greenhorn Creek.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ insurance study South Arkansas River and ard boundary map Oak Creek.... Arkansas River.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain ard boundary map Wolf Creek.... information Cottonwood Creek, El Paso County, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Arkansas River.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain information Salt Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, Col­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ orado.... ard boundary map Big Sandy Creek.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ information Six Mile Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, ard boundary map Cripple Creek.... Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Salt Creek- ard boundary map Unnamed Tributary.... Floods in vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain ard boundary map Arkansas, Apishapa, and information Cucharas River and tributaries, La Purgatoire Rivers.... Veta, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain ard boundary map Arkansas River and Lake information Cucharas River and tributaries, Creek.... Walsenberg, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Flood plain ard boundary map Purgatoire River and Rule information Arkansas River.... and Mud Creeks.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ FLOOD-PLAIN ZONING ard boundary map Trout and Fourmile Creek.... McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ showing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs- ard boundary map Arkansas River and Ander- Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, son and King Arroyos.... Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain ard boundary map Arkansas River and Currant information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, and Grape Creeks.... Manitou Springs, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Arkansas River and Sand FLOOD PLAINS Creek.... McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood showing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs- insurance study Carbon Arroyo and Moores Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Canyon.... Colorado....

86 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Rostvedt, J.O., and others, 1970, Summary of floods FLOOD PROTECTION in the United States during 1965.... McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map Swenson, F.A., 1970, Meandering of the Arkansas showing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs- River since 1833 near Bent's Old Fort, Colorado, Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, in Geological Survey research 1970, Chapter B.... Colorado.... Trimble, D.E., and Fitch, H.R., 1974, Map showing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas potential sources of gravel and crushed-rock River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, aggregate in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... ment).... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1943, Fountaine Que U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Bonille (Fountain) River and its tributaries, Col­ River and tributaries above John Martin Dam orado.... final environmental impact statement.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and information Purgatoire River and tributaries, Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado.... vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... Albuquerque, N. Mex., 52 p. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain hazard information Arkansas River and Wild information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... rado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ information, Monument Creek, Colorado rado (final environmental impact statement).... Springs, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas FLOODS River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of ment).... area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, Arkansas Basins Inter-Agency Committee, Compre­ Manitou Springs, Colorado.... hensive Planning Committee, 1978, Specific problem analysis summary report, 1975 national U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain assessment of water and related land information Purgatoire River and tributaries, resources.... vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... Burgess, L.T., 1951, Floods on the Arkansas River in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood Colorado.... hazard information Arkansas River and Wild Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... Crippen, J.R., and Bue, C.D., 1977, Maximum flood- flows in the conterminous United States.... FLOOD PROFILES Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Com­ pany, 1921, The Arkansas flood, June 1921.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood Manitou Springs, Colorado.... insurance study Town of Palmer Lake, Colo­ rado, El Paso County.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain information Purgatoire River and tributaries, Follansbee, Robert, and Jones, E.E., 1922, The vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... Arkansas River flood of June 3-5, 1921.... Follansbee, Robert, and Sawyer, L.R., 1948, Floods U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood in Colorado.... hazard information Arkansas River and Wild Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood control project on a meandering stream.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and Jarvis, C.S., and others, 1936, Floods in the United tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado.... States, magnitude and frequency....

Subject Index 87 Leopold, L.B., 1959, Summary of floods in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain United States during 1954 (chap. C), in Floods of information Purgatoire River and tributaries, 1954.... vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ rado.... taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, Colorado.... Murphy, E.G., and others, 1905, Destructive floods in the United States in 1904.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood Murphy, E.G., and others, 1906, Destructive floods hazard information Arkansas River and Wild in the United States in 1905, with a discussion of Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... flood discharge and frequency and an index to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain flood literature.... information Six Mile Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, Nelson, Wayne, Horak, Gerry, and Lewis, Martin, Colorado.... 1978, Instream flow strategies for Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Salt Creek Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River Floods in vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado.... basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain Patterson, J.L., 1964, Magnitude and frequency of information Cucharas River and tributaries, La floods in the United States Part 7, Lower Mis­ Veta, Colorado.... sissippi River basin.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973, Flood hazard Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1965, The analyses Sand Creek, City of Colorado Springs, Fountain River flood problem.... and El Paso County.... Rostvedt, J.O., 1965, Summary of floods in the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard United States during 1961.... analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado.... Rostvedt, J.O., and others, 1970, Summary of floods in the United States during 1965.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1978, Flood hazard analysis Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of Snipes, R.J., and others, 1974, Floods of June 1965 in Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado.... Arkansas River basin, Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Wilkes, S.G., and King, E.C., 1980, Procedures for determining U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1943, Fountaine Que peak flows in Colorado [incorporates and sup­ Bonille (Fountain) River and its tributaries, Col­ plements technical release 55].... orado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1966, Flood report Vaudrey, W.C., 1960, Floods of May 1955 in Colo­ rado and New Mexico.... Arkansas River basin Flood of June 1965, Colo­ rado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... Williams, G.R., and Crawford, L.C., 1940, Maxi­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain mum discharges at stream-measurement stations information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ through December 31, 1937, with a Supplement rado... including additions and changes through Sep­ tember 30, 1938, by W.S. Eisenlohr, Jr..... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado.... FLOODWAYS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ studies Douglas, Teller, and Arapahoe Coun­ rado.... ties, final hydrology report.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas information, Monument Creek, Colorado River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Springs, Colorado.... Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, ment).... Colorado....

88 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 FLORENCE FOOTHILLS REGION

Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1984, Elliott, J.G., Jarrett, R.D., and Ebling, J.L., 1982, Flood insurance study city of Florence, Colo­ Annual snowmelt and rainfall peak-flow data on rado, Fremont County.... selected foothills region streams, South Platte River, Arkansas River, and Colorado River U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Arkansas basins, Colorado.... River basin, Florence, Colorado Hydrology, part 1.... McCutcheon, S.C., 1982, The evaluation of selected one-dimensional stream water quality models U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Flood plain with field data.... information Arkansas River.... FORT CARSON FLUMES LININGS Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, An investigation of Fort Carson Military Reservation United States, 1980, An act to authorize the Secre­ water rights status.... tary of the Interior to design and construct a gunite lining on certain reaches of the Bessemer Dardeau, E.A., Jr., and Zappi, M.A., 1977, Environ­ Ditch in the vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado, to pre­ mental baseline descriptions for use in the man­ vent or reduce seepage damage on adjacent prop­ agement of Fort Carson natural resources, erties, and for other purposes.... Reports General geology and seismicity.... U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Energy and Edelmann, Patrick, 1984, Effects of irrigating with Natural Resources, 1980, Lining of Bessemer wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Car­ Ditch, Colorado Report to accompany S.2546.... son Military Reservation golf course near Colo­ rado Springs, Colorado.... FLUVIAL FEATURES Jenkins, E.D., 1971, Test of the Stroebel Spring, a supplementary study of the Fort Carson Expan­ Behre, C.H., Jr., 1933, Physiographic history of the sion Project, Civil Action No. 9820, Tract No. 202, upper Arkansas and Eagle Rivers, Colorado.... El Paso County, Colorado....

Jones, E.E., 1979, Unevaluated reconnaissance map Jenkins, E.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1969, Hydrologic of the Arkansas River, Colorado, 1921.... investigation, Fort Carson, Colorado Expansion Project, Civil No. 8920-Tract 202, El Paso County, Nadler, C.T., Jr., and Schumm, S.A., 1981, Metamor­ Colorado.... phosis of South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, east­ ern Colorado.... Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the rado Springs, Colorado.... upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the rado Springs, Colorado.... upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Surland, L.P., Schley, W.E., and Paulette, R.G., Gorge, Colorado.... 1979, Wastewater treatment modified at wash- rack facilities.... Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ West, H.W., and Floy, H.M., 1977, Environmental ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... baseline descriptions for use in the management of Fort Carson natural resources, report 2 Rhodes, D.D., 1975, Equilibrium conditions in two Water-quality, meteorologic, and hydrologic high-mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado, data collected with automated field stations.... in Northeastern section, 10th annual meeting [abs.].... FOUNTAIN VALLEY PIPELINE Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C.... of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project....

Subject Index 89 Skiles, D.A., and Gish, W.B., 1981, Analog model FRYINGPAN-ARKANSAS PROJECT and evaluation of the Fountain Valley rate-of- flow control station.... C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.... final environmental statement, Fryingpan- Computer Data Systems Inc., 1985, Bureau of Recla­ Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley mation, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, water conduit.... accounting system, software user manual.... Crawford, I.C., 1956, Colorado's water resources FREQUENCY ANALYSIS (2d ed)..... Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Jorgensen, D.L., 1967, Climatological probabilities 1968, Water quality control study, the Fryingpan- of precipitation for the conterminous United Arkansas Project, Arkansas River subbasin, Col­ States.... orado.... Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish and preliminary regional flood characteristics of research investigations.... small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas research basin in Colorado.... investigations, interim studies.... Miller, J.F., Frederick, R.H., and Tracey, R.J., 1973, Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1973, Fryingpan- Precipitation-frequency atlas of the western Arkansas Project fish research investigations.... United States, v. 2 Wyoming; v. 3 Colorado.... Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow Arkansas fish research investigations.... frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Office, 1950, Recon­ snow courses.... naissance survey of Arkansas Valley.... Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Office, 1962, Informa­ FRONT RANGE URBAN CORRIDOR tion summary of Fryingpan-Arkansas project.... Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Office, 1964, Survey of Anna, L.O., 1975, Map showing availability of municipal water systems of the Arkansas Valley hydrologic data published as of 1974 by the U.S. towns that have indicated an interest in project Environmental Data Service and by the U.S. Geo­ water.... logical Survey and cooperating agencies, Colo­ rado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range Gale, Eleanor, 1965, Colorado's new future with the urban corridor, Colorado.... Fry-Ark [Fryingpan-Arkansas Project].... Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Depth to orado.... the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of ridor, Colorado.... impoundment on water and sediment in the Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... Hutchinson, E.G., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., date unknown, logic data for the water table aquifers in the Col­ Water-quality studies, Pueblo Reservoir, orado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range Fryingpan-Arkansas project.... urban corridor, Colorado.... LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- rado Springs, Colorado.... son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... cations in a mountain front environment; Front Nesler, T.P., 1979, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs research investigations.... area; water for new communities in El Paso County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake maps applied to land and water management.... 1979-1980....

90 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1969, Fryingpan- terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ Arkansas project.... sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of pumped-storage power generation.... U.S. Forest Service, 1963, A multiple use survey of the evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan- Nesler, T.P., 1982, The fish populations and fishery Arkansas project on the administration, manage­ of the upper Arkansas River, 1977-1980 Final ment, and use of the White River National For­ report.... est....

Powell, B.F., 1951, Proposed Fryingpan-Arkansas U.S. Forest Service, 1968, Evaluation and effects of Project, Colorado.... the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the adminis­ Shaner, James, and Zebroski, Robert, 1982, Agricul­ tration, management, and use of the San Isabel tural water quality assessment of lower Fountain National Forest, section 1 Turquoise.... Creek.... U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ Spronk Water Engineers, Inc., 1985, Evaluation of est, master plan for the recreation, management, the Arkansas River winter water storage pro­ and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. gram in Colorado.... Elbert forebay composition....

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1953, Letter from Act­ U.S. Western Area Power Administration [U.S. ing Secretary of the Interior transmitting report Bureau of Reclamation?], 1980, Briefing book on on the Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado, Fryingpan-Arkansas project marketing program, pursuant to section 9 (A) of the Reclamation public information meeting.... Project Act of 1939 (53 Statute 1187).... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Drought in the GAGING STATIONS Arkansas Valley 1963 [Fryingpan-Arkansas Project].... Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Area-capacity hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo tables and curves for Turquoise Lake, Fryingpan- and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, Arkansas project, Colorado, May 1968.... 1975-80.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Water Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and quality control study The Fryingpan-Arkansas Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from project... small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 through September 1977.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., rado (draft environmental impact statement).... 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Draft rado.... environmental statement Fryingpan-Arkansas Wood, B.D., compiler, 1916, Stream-gaging stations project... and publications relating to water resources, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- 1885-1913.... Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ tal statement.... GEOCHEMICAL METHODS U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980, Standing operat­ ing procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., Lakes.... 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ tables and curves, Mt. Elbert forebay, Fryingpan- derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre­ Arkansas project, Colorado.... mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, U.S. Congress, Committee unknown, 1961, Operat­ Colorado.... ing principles Fryingpan-Arkansas project.... Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Evaluation 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map and effects of the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate the administration, management, and use of the samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness San Isabel National Forest, section II Twin Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Lakes.... Colorado....

Subject Index 91 Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, Scott, R.C., 1963, Radium in natural waters in the Analytical results for 102 water samples from United States, in Schultz, Vincent, and Klement, sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness A.W., Jr., eds., Radioecology National Sympo­ Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties sium on Radioecology, 1st, Fort Collins, Colo., Colorado.... 1961, Proceedings.... Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo GEOHYDROLOGY Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream- beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern sediment and panned-concentrate geochemical High Plains of Colorado.... maps of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colo­ Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology rado.... and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa County, Colorado.... GEOCHEMISTRY Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., Denver basin, Colorado.... 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ tics, impacts, and management implementa­ derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- tion.... mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, Colorado.... GEOMORPHOLOGY Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map Behre, C.H., Jr., 1933, Physiographic history of the or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate upper Arkansas and Eagle Rivers, Colorado.... samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Mackin, J.H., 1953, Stream planation near Colorado Colorado.... Springs, Colorado.... Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1978, River metamorphosis of the try of molybdenum in some stream sediments South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado.... and waters.... Nadler, C.T., Jr., and Schumm, S.A., 1981, Metamor­ Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, phosis of South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, east­ Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo ern Colorado.... Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream- Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... sediment and panned-concentrate geochemical Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the maps of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colo­ Gorge, Colorado.... rado.... Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Rhodes, D.D., 1975, Equilibrium conditions in two ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., high-mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado, 1982, Proceedings).... in Northeastern section, 10th annual meeting [abs.].... Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1975, Collection and collation of geochemical and hydrological Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ parameters of geothermal systems in Colorado, sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ and an evaluation of geothermal reservoir tem­ rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in peratures A preliminary appraisal.... Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C....

92 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 GEOPHYSICAL Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, cal logging potential for the Denver basin.... R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, Ringrose, C.D., 1980, Temperature-depth profiles in Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains the San Luis Valley and Canon City areas, Colo­ using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., rado.... and Range, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... Rold, J.W., 1974, Geothermal energy and Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground Colorado An introduction, in Pearl, R.H., ed., water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont Proceedings of a symposium on geothermal and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... energy and Colorado.... Zohdy, A.A., Hershey, L.A., Emery, P.A., and Stan­ Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1977, Geothermal ley, W.D., 1971, Resistivity sections, upper exploration in central Colorado [abs.].... Arkansas River basin, Colorado.... GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Hydrogeological data of thermal springs and wells in Colorado.... Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water movement in the Central Great Plains, in Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1978, An appraisal of Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Colorado's geothermal resources.... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Barrett, J.K., Pearl, R.H., and Pennington, A.J., 1976, 1982, Proceedings).... Map showing thermal springs, wells and heat- flow contours in Colorado.... Ringrose, C.D., 1980, Temperature-depth profiles in the San Luis Valley and Canon City areas, Colo­ Berry, G.W., Grim, P.J., and Ikelman, J.A., compil­ rado.... ers, 1980, Thermal springs list for the United States....

GEOTHERMAL Bliss, J.D., 1983, Colorado; basic data for thermal springs and wells as recorded in GEOTHERM.... Coe, B.A., Dick, J.D., Galloway, M.J., Gross, J.T., Healy, F.C., 1980, Colorado geothermal commer­ and Meyer, R.T., 1982, Geothermal potential for cialization planning, semiannual progress commercial and industrial direct heat applica­ report, January 1, 1980-June 30, 1980.... tions in Salida, Colorado Final report.... Healy, F.C., 1980, Geothermal energy potential in Dick, J.D., 1976, Geothermal reservoir temperatures Chaffee County, Colorado.... in Chaffee County, Colorado.... Pearl, R.H., 1972, Geothermal resources of Colo­ rado.... GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Pearl, R.H., 1979, Colorado's hydrothermal Andrews, G.W., investigator, 1980, Travertine at resource base An assessment.... Poncha Hot Springs, Chaffee County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research 1980.... Pearl, R.H., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ rado.... Keller, G.V., 1974, Geophysics of Colorado and geo- Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1975, Collection and thermal energy, in Pearl, R.H., Proceedings of a collation of geochemical and hydrological symposium on geothermal energy and Colo­ parameters of geothermal systems in Colorado, rado.... and an evaluation of geothermal reservoir tem­ Meyer, R.T., Coe, B.A., and Dick, J.D., 1981, Appen­ peratures A preliminary appraisal.... dices of an appraisal of the use of geothermal Pearl, R.H., Zacharakis, T.G., Repplier, F.N., and energy in state-owned buildings in Colorado McCarthy, K.P., 1981, Bibliography of geother­ section 81-3a, Alamosa; section 81-3b, Buena mal reports in Colorado.... Vista; section 81-3c, Burlington; section 81-3d, Durango; section 81-3e, Glenwood Springs; sec­ Pope, D.L., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ tion 81-3f, Steamboat Springs.... rado....

Subject Index 93 Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ resources of south-central Colorado and their mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of relationship to ground and surface waters.... the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting.... Zacharakis, T.G., and Pearl, R.H., 1982, Geothermal resource assessment of Canon City, Colorado Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources area.... Committee and Resource Economics Committee, 1971, The role of water resources in the economic GRANADA development of the Great Plains Proceedings of a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Wolf Creek.... Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts hazard information Wolf Creek, Granada, Col­ of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, orado.... Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ ming....

GREAT PLAINS Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis ment options for groundwater mining in the of priority water resources problems to develop Great Plains.... a comprehensive research program for the south­ ern plains river basins region.... Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Hope for the High Plains.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Bedinger, M.S., and Sniegocki, R.T., 1976, Summary Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, appraisals of the Nation's ground-water Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil resources; Arkansas-White-Red region.... moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and probable well yields.... Wyoming.... Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ Water-level records for the northern High Plains face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ of Colorado, 1973-77.... urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of 1972-76.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... movement in the Central Great Plains, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ agricultural change on a local economy in the ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Great Plains.... 1982, Proceedings).... Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... agement....

94 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- (Ogallala-High Plains region).... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Bedinger, M.S., and Sniegocki, R.T., 1976, Summary 1982, Proceedings).... appraisals of the Nation's ground-water resources; Arkansas-White-Red region.... Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains pressures.... using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of normal fluid pressures [abs.].... declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver ground-water management.... Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.].... Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains precipitation.... Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ entations and apertures of fractures.... GROUND WATER Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1974, Water-level Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., decline in the alluvial aquifer, spring 1964 to and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of spring 1974, Upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ Colorado.... tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Bittinger, M.W., 1959, Colorado's ground-water Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ problems Ground water in Colorado.... tional arrangements associated with ground water allocation in the Missouri River basin Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management states.... and administration of groundwater in interstate Arkansas Basins Inter-Agency Committee, Compre­ and international aquifers Phase I.... hensive Planning Committee, 1978, Specific Boettcher, A.J., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level problem analysis summary report, 1975 national measurements of selected wells and test holes assessment of water and related land and chemical analyses of ground water in eastern resources.... Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado.... Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis Boettcher, A.J., 1963, Prospects for irrigation in of priority water resources problems to develop eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colo­ a comprehensive research program for the south­ rado.... ern plains river basins region.... Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality Hope for the High Plains.... of the ground water, by C.A. Horr....

Banta, E.R., 1983, Groundwater flow patterns in the Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in Dakota Group aquifer in an area near Pueblo, the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on Colorado.... Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert Brennan.... Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, Colorado; faults and flow patterns.... Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the Barb, C.F., 1946, Selected well logs of Colorado.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic Borman, R.G., 1979, Altitude and configuration of patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ the water table and depth to water in the north­ cal Survey research 1979.... ern High Plains of Colorado, January 1978....

Subject Index 95 Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; rado.... specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ probable well yields.... rado High Plains study Summary report.... Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ on the ground water resources of the bedrock face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 mary.... in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... Colorado Land Use Commission, 1974, Colorado Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ land use map folio.... gation wells and application rates for irrigated Colorado Soil Conservation Board, 1979, Agricul­ cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains ture water quality assessment of Pueblo County, of Colorado.... Colorado.... Broom, M.E., and Irwin, J.H., 1963, Records, logs, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, and water-level measurements of selected wells Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to water in Bent County, Colorado.... 1970....

Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from of Colorado.... Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... Darton, N.H., 1906, Geology and underground Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- waters of the Arkansas Valley in eastern Colo­ economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains rado.... region.... Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey puter model MINTEQ.... research, fiscal year 1981.... Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, of eastern Colorado.... Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Emmons, P.J., 1977, Artificial-recharge tests in in Crowley County, Colorado.... upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Jimmy Camp Valley, and Fountain Valley, El Paso County, Cardwell, W.D.E., 1956, Report on an aquifer test at Colorado.... Monument, Colorado.... Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Bingham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... 1979. Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geo­ logical Survey research 1979.... Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... Erker, H.W., and Romero, J.C., 1967, Ground water resources of the upper Black Squirrel Creek Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ basin, El Paso County, Colorado.... ern Colorado.... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and uranium concentrations and associated hydro- Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level geochemistry in ground water in southwestern measurements of selected wells and test holes, Pueblo County, Colorado.... physical properties of unconsolidated materials, chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley 1980. Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research orado.... 1980....

96 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], rate structures on electricity and water use on the 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, Colorado High Plains.... environmental and socioeconomic assessment Six-state High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in resources study.... Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1978, Cherokee results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, water district-Chapel Hills water and sanitation with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ district.... merce and Congress.... Goeke, J.W., 1970, The hydrogeology of Black Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Depth to Squirrel Creek basin, El Paso County, Colo­ the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado rado.... Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ ridor, Colorado.... Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water movement in the Central Great Plains, in Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Plains of Colorado.... ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level 1982, Proceedings).... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1968-72.... Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, Colorado; geology and ground water.... Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, 1970-74.... R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... of Colorado.... Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts Basin, Colorado [abs.].... of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1966, Transmissibility ming.... of valley-fill aquifer, Boone to Fowler, Colo­ rado.... Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1972, Hydrogeologic empirical test of democracy in Great Plains characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the resource districts.... Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating Hurr, R.T., Moore, J.E., and Richards, D.B., 1966, 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the Contour of bedrock surface, Boone to Fowler, High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Colorado.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Hutchinson, E.G., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- logic data for the water table aquifers in the Col­ Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy­ orado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, urban corridor, Colorado.... southeastern Colorado.... Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Electric-analog and digital- computer model analysis of stream depletion by Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level wells.... records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Techniques for computing rate rado.... and volume of stream depletion by wells....

Subject Index 97 Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern the southern High Plains ground water basin of Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ Colorado.... junctive use of ground and surface water.... Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Jenkins, E.D., 1956, Results of pumping tests in the salinity seminar and workshop.... Widefield area, Fountain valley, Colorado.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ Jenkins, E.D., 1961, Records, logs, and water-level tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations measurements of selected wells and test holes in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... and chemical analyses of ground water in Foun­ Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ tain, Jimmy Camp, and Black Squirrel valleys, El tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Paso County, Colorado.... tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A Jenkins, E.D., 1964, Ground water in Fountain and preliminary report.... Jimmy Camp valleys, El Paso County, Colorado, with a section on Computations of drawdowns Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- caused by the pumping of wells in Fountain val­ quality model to evaluate water management ley, by R.E. Glover and E.D. Jenkins.... practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ compilers, Guidebook for field conference H ings.... [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ Jenkins, E.D., 1971, Test of the Stroebel Spring, a gated stream-aquifer system.... supplementary study of the Fort Carson Expan­ sion Project, Civil Action No. 9820, Tract No. 202, Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment El Paso County, Colorado.... of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated stream-aquifer system.... Jenkins, E.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1969, Hydrologic investigation, Fort Carson, Colorado Expansion Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment Project, Civil No. 8920-Tract 202, El Paso County, preferences to groundwater depletion in the Colorado.... American High Plains.... Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, development and management in the northern Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Kapple, G.W., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South 1977, Digital ground-water model of the Ogallala Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... aquifer in parts of Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources ties, northern High Plains of Colorado.... at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on rado Springs, Colorado.... the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., ment options for groundwater mining in the 1976, Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ Great Plains.... ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, Lohman, S.W., 1951, General geology and ground- Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, water resources, Arkansas River basin in Colo­ 1973.... rado.... Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., Lohman, S.W., and Burtis, V.M., 1953, Areas of 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park principal ground-water investigations in the and Teller Counties, Colorado.... Arkansas, White, and Red River basins....

98 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Lohman, S.W., Burtis, V.M., and others, 1953, Gen­ McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study eral availability of ground water and depth to of ground-water conservation for a municipal water level in the Arkansas, White, and Red development near Colorado Springs, Colorado River basins.... [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky Londquist, C.J., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Water- Mountain ground water conference.... resources appraisal of the Wet Mountain Valley, in parts of Custer and Fremont Counties, Colo­ McGuinness, C.L., 1963, The role of ground water in rado.... the national water situation.... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, An economic input-output study of the High and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer Plains region of eastern Colorado.... recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala aquifer.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ McLaughlin, T.G., 1953, Ground water in Colorado fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New and the status of investigations.... Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1954, Geology and ground-water resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Data on Fountain Creek Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, project, Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River McLaughlin, T.G., 1956, Ground water in southeast­ valley, Colorado.... ern Colorado, in Guidebook to the geology of the Raton Basin, Colorado.... Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ McLaughlin, T.G., 1966, Ground water in Huerfano rado, 1970-74.... County, Colorado.... McLaughlin, T.G., Burtis, V.M., and Wilson, W.W., Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ 1961, Records and logs of selected wells and test ers, 1975, Water-level records for Colorado, holes, and chemical analyses of ground water 1971-75.... from wells and mines, Huerfano County, Colo­ Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and rado.... Zawistowski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.]....

Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ well rehabilitation.... cal logging potential for the Denver basin.... Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ ver Basin, Colorado.... Moore, J.E., and Hurr, R.T., 1966, Water-table con­ tour map, Boone to Fowler, Colorado, March 15 McConaghy, J.A., and Colburn, G.W., 1964, Records to 30, 1966.... of wells in Colorado.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ McGovern, H.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Potential ments and preliminary results of an analog- ground-water development in the northern part model evaluation Arkansas River valley in of the Colorado High Plains.... eastern Colorado.... Moulder, E.A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in McGovern, H.E., Gregg, D.O., and Brennan, Robert, the Ogallala and several consolidated formations 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the alluvial deposits in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ in Pueblo and Fremont Counties, Colorado.... ification and Research Studies Committee.... McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1964, Methods for water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso controlling the ground-water regime exploita­ County, Colorado.... tion and conservation [with French abstract]....

Subject Index 99 Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium digital models of stream-aquifer systems.... hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and orado, including concentrations of forty-three Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management additional elements.... on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Animas, Colorado.... Richards, D.B., Hershey, L.A., and Glanzman, R.K., 1968, Hydrogeologic data for Baca and southern Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology Prowers Counties, Colorado.... and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa County, Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the Myers, K.L., 1977, Subsurface hydrology study, Denver basin, Colorado.... Fort Carson, Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1983, Hydraulic characteristics of the Nace, R.L., and Pluhowski, E.J., 1965, Drought of principal bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, the 1950's with special reference to the Midconti- Colorado.... nent.... Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, appraisal.... Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and wastewater plan for Colorado City water and Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- study of hydrologic effects of ground-water lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ County, Colorado.... rado.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ water-data activities in coal provinces of the tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of Robson, S.G., and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic ground water.... structure, hydrology, and water quality of the Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in Dawson aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado.... the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in Robson, S.G., Wacinski, Andrew, Zawistowski, Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Stanley, and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic struc­ drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ture, hydrology, and water quality, of the ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in the Denver basin, 1982, Proceedings).... Colorado.... Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities Denver Basin, Colorado.... Program.... Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities resources of south-central Colorado and their for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta relationship to ground and surface waters.... area, Colorado.... Romero, J.C., and Hampton, E.R., 1972, Maps show­ Pearl, R.H., 1974, Geology of ground water ing the approximate configuration and depth to resources in Colorado An introduction.... the top of the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer, Denver Basin, Colorado.... Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State Romig, P.R., Rodriquez, B.D., and Powers, M.H., of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., 1983, Geophysical methodology studies for mili­ eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. tary groundwater exploration.... Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... Rought, B.C., 1984, The southwestern salinity situ­ ation The Rockies to the Mississippi, in French, Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the R.H., ed., Salinity in watercourses and reser­ lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973- voirs.... 77.... Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer Trinidad, Colorado.... system [abs.]....

100 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Scott, G.R., 1972, Brief description as of April 1968 Trelease, F.J., and Bittinger, M.W., 1963, Mechanics of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Min- of a mathematical ground-water model.... nequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested solutions for trouble caused by high water Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of table.... ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... Scott, R.C., 1963, Radium in natural waters in the United States, in Schultz, Vincent, and Klement, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High A.W., Jr., eds., Radioecology National Sympo­ Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources sium on Radioecology, 1st, Fort Collins, Colo., Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary 1961, Proceedings.... report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to Scott, R.C., and Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1961, Radiochem- northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, ical analyses of ground and surface water in Col­ D, and E.... orado, 1954-1961.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Skinner, M.M., 1962, Colorado ground-water levels, Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ spring 1962.... rado Initial development.... Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, agement.... 1968-72.... Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota 1982, Proceedings).... Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 content of its contained ground water Canon Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... Colorado.... Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1963, Ground water in Colo­ Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ rado Its importance during an emergency.... tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1960, Records tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... and logs of selected wells and test holes, and Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ chemical and radiometric analyses of ground nique for estimating recharge using a digital water, Prowers County, Colorado.... model.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water and ground-water resources of Prowers County, levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ Colorado.... orado, 1969-73.... Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, D.K., 1972, Geohydraulics Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains vial aquifers.... using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ ground-water management.... ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ rado.... Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- difference arrays of observation wells to estimate Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water evapotranspiration from ground water in the resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... ties.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains Trelease, F.J., III, 1961, Effects and benefits of arti­ regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ ficial recharge in Fountain Creek valley, Colo­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ rado.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming....

Subject Index 101 Weist, W.G., Jr., 1962, Records, logs, and water- GROUND-WATER BASINS level measurements of selected wells, springs, and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of water in Otero and the southern part of Crowley hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ Counties, Colorado.... ment.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1963, Water in the Dakota and Pur- Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and gatoire Formations in Otero County and the Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ southern part of Crowley County, Colorado.... orado High Plains.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground ground water in Otero County and the southern water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on Denver Basin, Colorado.... Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. Jen- Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial kins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bearing contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium Lub- materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... ground water, by C.A. Horr.... Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of GROUND-WATER DEPLETION shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or Depot, Colorado.... half empty?.... Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... Plains.... Wilson, W.W., 1965, Pumping tests in Colorado.... Woodward-Clevenger and Associates, 1972, GROUND-WATER LEVELS Ground water investigation for Chapel Hills Brookman, J.A., 1968, Colorado ground-water lev­ area.... els, spring, 1968.... Woodward-Clyde and Associates, 1969, Ground water investigations, Williams and Wolf prop­ Brookman, J.A., 1969, Colorado ground-water lev­ erty, Pueblo County, Colorado.... els, spring, 1969.... Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1978, Water engi­ Brookman, J.A., 1973, Colorado ground-water neering report, Security water district Wide- trends.... field aquifer recharge program.... Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water ern Colorado.... availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... Duke H.R., 1967, Colorado ground-water levels, Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and spring 1967.... the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ Duke, H.R., and Skinner, M.M., 1965, Colorado rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- ground-water levels, spring 1965.... logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... Duke, H.R., and Sundaram, A.V., 1966, Colorado Zohdy, A.A., Hershey, L.A., Emery, P.A., and Stan­ ground-water levels, spring 1966.... ley, W.D., 1971, Resistivity sections, upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water resources of Huerfano County.... Skinner, M.M., 1962, Colorado ground-water levels, spring 1962.... GROUND-WATER AVAILABILITY Skinner, M.M., 1963, Colorado ground-water levels, spring 1963.... Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa Skinner, M.M., and Thomas, J.L., 1964, Colorado County, Colorado.... ground-water levels, spring 1964.... Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Specification for in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso Twin Lakes Dam modification, Fryingpan- County, Colorado.... Arkansas project, Colorado....

102 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 GROUND-WATER MANAGEMENT GROUND-WATER QUALITY Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ Edelmann, Patrick, 1984, Effects of irrigating with fer systems.... wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Car­ son Military Reservation golf course near Colo­ McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or rado Springs, Colorado.... half empty?.... Reppleir, F.N., Healy F.C., Collins, D.B., and Long- Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground mire, P. A., 1981, Atlas of ground water quality in water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Colorado.... Denver Basin, Colorado.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management GROUND-WATER RECHARGE in the High Plains.... Emmons, P.J., 1977, Artificial-recharge tests in Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Jimmy Camp Plains.... Valley, and Fountain Valley, El Paso County, Colorado.... GROUND-WATER MINING Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ empirical test of democracy in Great Plains junctive use of ground and surface water.... resource districts.... Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... ment options for groundwater mining in the Great Plains.... Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital model of the hydrologic system, northern High Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... GROUND-WATER MOVEMENT Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water determining areal distribution of natural resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... section on Chemical quality of the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial County, Colorado.... aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Electric-analog and digital- GROUND-WATER RESOURCES computer model analysis of stream depletion by wells.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of development and hydrologic conditions of the Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Techniques for computing rate alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ and volume of stream depletion by wells.... leys, Colorado, 1972.... Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... salinity seminar and workshop.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... determining areal distribution of natural recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... methods for determining water use in the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Tanji, K.K., 1981, River basin hydrosalinity model­ New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, ing.... and Wyoming 1979.... Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium Lub- records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... northern High Plains of Colorado....

Subject Index 103 Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., HEAVY METALS 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Dreesen, D.R., Williams, J.M., Marple, M.L., Glad- ney, E.S., and Perrin, D.R., 1982, Mobility and Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., bioavailability of uranium mill tailings contami­ 1976. Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ nants.... rado.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital impoundment on water and sediment in the model of the hydrologic system, northern High Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Moran, R.E., and Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effects of Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, areas of Colorado, 1972-73.... 1972-76.... Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals McGovern, H.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Potential pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, ground-water development in the northern part and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic of the Colorado High Plains.... macrofauna....

McLaughlin, T.G., 1953, Ground water in Colorado Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effect of mine drainage on the and the status of investigations.... quality of streams in Colorado, 1971-72.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1963, Ground water in Colo­ rado Its importance during an emergency.... HEAVY MINERALS Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., and ground-water resources of Prowers County, 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map Colorado.... of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, Colorado.... GUNNISON-ARKANSAS PROJECT Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ of stream-sediment and panned-concentrate ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado.... samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Colorado.... Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ rado Initial development.... Zimbelman, D.R., Hedal, J.A., Adrian, B.M., and Arbogast, B.F., 1983, Analytical data report for a pilot-study of twenty stream-sediment, heavy- HABITATS mineral concentrate, and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, south- Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ central Colorado.... mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting.... HIGH PLAINS Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Arkansas Basins Inter-Agency Committee, Compre­ Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern hensive Planning Committee, 1978, Specific Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... problem analysis summary report, 1975 national assessment of water and related land resources.... HEAT FLOW Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on well near Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert Brennan.... Ringrose, C.D., 1980, Temperature-depth profiles in the San Luis Valley and Canon City areas, Colo­ Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the rado.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78....

104 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Borman, R.G., 1979, Altitude and configuration of Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ the water table and depth to water in the north­ agement system for areal interpretive data for ern High Plains of Colorado, January 1978.... the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, High Plains of Colorado.... Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, ern Colorado.... D, and E.... Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, D.K., 1972, Geohydraulics of eastern Colorado.... at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, vial aquifers.... R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Weeks, J.B., and Gutentag, E.D., 1981, Bedrock geol­ High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, ogy, altitude of base, and 1980 saturated thick­ Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South ness of the High Plains aquifer in parts of Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, in the High Plains.... Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, Plains.... local water supply augmentation assessment Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... HIGH PLAINS AQUIFER

High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... ming.... High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a methods for determining water use in the High report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of and Wyoming 1979.... results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or merce and Congress.... half empty?.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains 1968-72.... using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... HISTORIC FLOODS Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain development and management in the northern information, Monument Creek, Colorado portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... Springs, Colorado....

Subject Index 105 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood Stearns, N.D., Stearns, H.T., and Waring, G.A., hazard information Arkansas River and Wild 1937, Thermal springs in the United States.... Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... Zacharakis, T.G., and Pearl, R.H., 1982, Geothermal resource assessment of Canon City, Colorado HOT SPRINGS area.... Arestad, J.F., 1977, Resistivity studies in the upper Arkansas Valley and northern San Luis Valley, HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY Colorado.... Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the geothermometer and isotope models in the northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.].... thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1978, An appraisal of specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 Colorado's geothermal resources.... probable well yields.... Barrett, J.K., Pearl, R.H., and Pennington, A.J., 1976, Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of Map showing thermal springs, wells and heat- the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of flow contours in Colorado.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Berry, G.W., Grim, P.J., and Ikelman, J.A., compil­ of Colorado.... ers, 1980, Thermal springs list for the United States.... HYDRAULIC GEOMETRY Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a well near Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- Coe, B.A., Dick, J.D., Galloway, M.J., Gross, J.T., alpine stream.... and Meyer, R.T., 1982, Geothermal potential for commercial and industrial direct heat applica­ Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary tions in Salida, Colorado Final report.... report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas River.... Healy, F.C., 1980, Geothermal energy potential in Chaffee County, Colorado.... HYDRAULIC MODELS Maslyn, R.M., 1979, Hot-spring-generated karst features near Salida, Colorado [abs.].... Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin.... Pearl, R.H., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ rado.... King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1975, Collection and matical and physical models.... collation of geochemical and hydrological parameters of geothermal systems in Colorado, and an evaluation of geothermal reservoir tem­ HYDRAULICS peratures A preliminary appraisal.... Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas Haynie, R.M., and Karaki, S.S., 1962, Model study Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, of the Catlin Diversion Dam canal inlet.... R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... Pearl, R.H., Zacharakis, T.G., Repplier, F.N., and HYDROCHEMISTRY McCarthy, K.P., 1981, Bibliography of geother­ mal reports in Colorado.... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and Pope, D.L., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ uranium concentrations and associated hydro- rado.... geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Pueblo County, Colorado [abs].... Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1977, Geothermal exploration in central Colorado [abs.].... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and uranium concentrations and associated hydro- Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Springs, Colorado [abs.].... Pueblo County, Colorado....

106 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment Tudor Engineering Company, 1980, Western States of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated inventory of low-head hydroelectric sites, v. 2, stream-aquifer system.... appendix D Environmental screening.... Morris, W.A., LaDelfe, C.M., and Weaver, T.A., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado.... sediment reconnaissance of the Trinidad NTMS U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- quadrangle, Colorado.... Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, rado Initial development.... Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas Robson, S.G., Wacinski, Andrew, Zawistowski, project, Colorado.... Stanley, and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic struc­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- ture, hydrology, and water quality, of the Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in the Denver basin, tal statement.... Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Report on the Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Western energy expansion study.... and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado.... U.S. Western Area Power Administration [U.S. Bureau of Reclamation?], 1980, Briefing book on Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Fryingpan-Arkansas project marketing program, and stream sediment reconnaissance of the public information meeting.... Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ U.S. Western Area Power Administration [U.S. ments.... Bureau of Reclamation?], 1981, Fryingpan- Arkansas project Marketing plan and rate [cus­ Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.R., Martell, C.J., Hensley, tomer brochure, public information meeting, W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro­ AprilS, 1981].... geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two HYDROGEOLOGIC MAPS additional elements.... Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ HYDRODYNAMICS face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ normal fluid pressures [abs.].... gation wells and application rates for irrigated cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains HYDROELECTRIC POWER of Colorado.... Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver tee, 1955, Arkansas-White-Red River basin Part basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources 2, section 7, Hydroelectric power development appraisal.... and utilization.... HYDROGEOLOGY Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado.... Abbott, P.O., 1985, Description of water-systems operations in the Arkansas River basin, Colo­ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1980, rado.... Water resources appraisals for hydroelectric licensing Upper Arkansas River basin, Colo­ Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- rado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... King, D.L., and Rhone, T.J., 1975, Physical and mathematical model studies of pumped storage Alther, G.R., 1977, Geohydrologic setting of the reservoir hydrodynamics for determination of environment near Cotter Mill, Canon City, Colo­ environmental effects.... rado....

Subject Index 107 Andrews, G.W., investigator, 1980, Travertine at Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Poncha Hot Springs, Chaffee County, Colorado, Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ in Geological Survey research 1980.... face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 Anna, L.O., 1975, Map showing availability of in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... hydrologic data published as of 1974 by the U.S. Environmental Data Service and by the U.S. Geo­ Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ logical Survey and cooperating agencies, Colo­ gation wells and application rates for irrigated rado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains urban corridor, Colorado.... of Colorado.... Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Broom, M.E., and Irwin, J.H., 1963, Records, logs, aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in and water-level measurements of selected wells Hope for the High Plains.... and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water in Bent County, Colorado.... Banta, E.R., 1983, Groundwater flow patterns in the Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of Dakota Group aquifer in an area near Pueblo, the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of Colorado.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, of Colorado.... Colorado; faults and flow patterns.... Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey cal Survey research 1979.... research, fiscal year 1981.... Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Hydrogeological Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and data of thermal springs and wells in Colorado.... irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas River Valley of Colorado.... Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water pressures.... in Crowley County, Colorado.... Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ Cardwell, W.D.E., 1956, Report on an aquifer test at dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ Monument, Colorado.... normal fluid pressures [abs.].... Chronic, Felicie, and Chronic, John, 1974, Bibli­ Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- ography and index of geology and hydrology, stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.].... Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of measurements of selected wells and test holes, crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ physical properties of unconsolidated materials, entations and apertures of fractures.... chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ well near Colorado Springs, Colorado.... orado.... Boettcher, A.J., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level Coffin, D.L., 1967, Geology and ground-water measurements of selected wells and test holes resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, and chemical analyses of ground water in eastern Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado.... section on Chemical quality of the ground water, Boettcher, A.J., 1963, Prospects for irrigation in by C.A. Horr.... eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colo­ Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ rado.... tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and 1968.... Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ probable well yields.... rado....

108 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy­ on the ground water resources of the bedrock drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ southeastern Colorado.... mary.... Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ pacts, and treaties.... rado.... Duce, J.T., 1924, Geology of parts of Las Animas, Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Otero, and Bent Counties.... Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial 1968-72.... aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the Bingham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, northern High Plains of Colorado.... 1979, Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geo­ Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, logical Survey research 1979.... Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains Erker, H.W., and Romero, J.C., 1967, Ground water of Colorado.... resources of the upper Black Squirrel Creek Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the basin, El Paso County, Colorado.... Raton Basin, south-central Colorado.... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- uranium concentrations and associated hydro- geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Basin, Colorado [abs.].... Pueblo County, Colorado [abs].... Hurr, R.T., 1966, A new approach for estimating Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and transmissibility from specific capacity.... uranium concentrations and associated hydro- geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic Pueblo County, Colorado.... characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1972, Hydrogeologic Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the Hurr, R.T., Moore, J.E., and Richards, D.B., 1966, Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ Contour of bedrock surface, Boone to Fowler, nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... Colorado.... Goeke, J.W., 1970, The hydrogeology of Black Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ Squirrel Creek basin, El Paso County, Colo­ tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern rado.... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water junctive use of ground and surface water.... movement in the Central Great Plains, in Jenkins, E.D., 1956, Results of pumping tests in the Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Widefield area, Fountain valley, Colorado.... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Jenkins, E.D., 1961, Records, logs, and water-level 1982, Proceedings).... measurements of selected wells and test holes and chemical analyses of ground water in Foun­ Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, tain, Jimmy Camp, and Black Squirrel valleys, El Colorado; geology and ground water.... Paso County, Colorado.... Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, Jenkins, E.D., 1964, Ground water in Fountain and R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Jimmy Camp valleys, El Paso County, Colorado, High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, with a section on Computations of drawdowns Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South caused by the pumping of wells in Fountain val­ Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... ley, by R.E. Glover and E.D. Jenkins....

Subject Index 109 Jenkins, E.D., 1971, Test of the Stroebel Spring, a Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, supplementary study of the Fort Carson Expan­ Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, sion Project, Civil Action No. 9820, Tract No. 202, predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ El Paso County, Colorado.... fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Kapple, G.W., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., Wyoming.... 1977. Digital ground-water model of the Ogallala aquifer in parts of Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital ties, northern High Plains of Colorado.... model of the hydrologic system, northern High Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... 1978. Appraisal of the water resources of Park Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... and Teller Counties, Colorado.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations valley, Colorado.... in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Zawist- Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ owski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data from tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A preliminary report.... Maslyn, R.M., 1979, Hot-spring-generated karst Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ features near Salida, Colorado [abs.].... ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and gated stream-aquifer system..., Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment ver Basin, Colorado.... of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated McGovern, H.E., Gregg, D.O., and Brennan, Robert, stream-aquifer system.... 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the alluvial deposits Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment in Pueblo and Fremont Counties, Colorado.... preferences to groundwater depletion in the McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground American High Plains.... water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, County, Colorado.... Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Data on Fountain Creek Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South project, Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Geology and ground-water Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in McLaughlin, T.G., 1956, Ground water in southeast­ the northern High Plains of Colorado.... ern Colorado, in Guidebook to the geology of the Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., Raton Basin, Colorado.... 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ McLaughlin, T.G., 1966, Ground water in Huerfano ern El Paso County, Colorado.... County, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1976. Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ McLaughlin, T.G., Burtis, V.M., and Wilson, W.W., ern El Paso County, Colorado.... 1961, Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water Lohman, S.W., and Burtis, V.M., 1953, Areas of from wells and mines, Huerfano County, Colo­ principal ground-water investigations in the rado.... Arkansas, White, and Red River basins.... McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water Lohman, S.W., Burtis, V.M., and others, 1953, Gen­ administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.].... eral availability of ground water and depth to water level in the Arkansas, White, and Red Moore, J.E., and Jenkins, C.T., 1966, An evaluation River basins.... of the effect of groundwater pumpage on the infiltration rate of a semipervious streambed.... Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ rado.... ment....

110 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Moulder, E.A., I960, Occurrence of ground water in Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ the Ogallala and several consolidated formations dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ alpine stream.... ification and Research Studies Committee.... Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1964, Methods for Trinidad, Colorado.... controlling the ground-water regime exploita­ Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for tion and conservation [with French abstract].... determining areal distribution of natural Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ digital models of stream-aquifer systems.... rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and Richards, D.B., Hershey, L.A., and Glanzman, R.K., Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management 1968, Hydrogeologic data for Baca and southern on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Prowers Counties, Colorado.... Animas, Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the Myers, K.L., 1977, Subsurface hydrology study, study of hydrologic effects of ground-water Fort Carson, Colorado.... development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1978, River metamorphosis of the rado.... South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado.... Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Robson, S.G., and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic Newell, F.H., 1891, Results of stream measurements structure, hydrology, and water quality of the of the United States Geological Survey.... Dawson aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado.... Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in Robson, S.G., Wacinski, Andrew, Zawistowski, the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in Stanley, and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic struc­ Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- ture, hydrology, and water quality, of the drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in the Denver basin, ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Colorado.... 1982, Proceedings).... Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1977, Geothermal Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities exploration in central Colorado [abs.].... for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta Romero, J.C., and Hampton, E.R., 1972, Maps show­ area, Colorado.... ing the approximate configuration and depth to Pearl, R.H., 1972, Geothermal resources of Colo­ the top of the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer, Denver rado A summary, in Geothermal overviews of Basin, Colorado.... the western United States.... Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- Pearl, R.H., 1974, Geology of ground water dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer resources in Colorado An introduction.... system [abs.].... Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., Springs, Colorado [abs.].... eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Scott, G.R., 1972, Brief description as of April 1968 Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Min- coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... nequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal solutions for trouble caused by high water resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas table.... Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the agement.... lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973- Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature 77.... geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Petsch, H.E., Jr., 1979, Streamflow statistical sum­ Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy­ maries for Colorado streams through September drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ 30, 1975 Volume 1, Missouri River, Arkansas ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., River, and Rio Grande basins.... 1982, Proceedings)....

Subject Index 111 Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... Weeks, J.B., and Gutentag, E.D., 1981, Bedrock geol­ Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ ogy, altitude of base, and 1980 saturated thick­ nique for estimating recharge using a digital ness of the High Plains aquifer in parts of model.... Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., ground water in Otero County and the southern and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ Jenkins; Hydraulic properties of the water­ ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ bearing materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of rado.... the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... Trelease, F.J., and Bittinger, M.W., 1963, Mechanics Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of of a mathematical ground-water model.... shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Depot, Colorado.... Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ Woodward-Clevenger and Associates, 1972, ties.... Ground water investigation for Chapel Hills area.... Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville Zohdy, A.A., Hershey, L.A., Emery, P.A., and Stan­ drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... ley, W.D., 1971, Resistivity sections, upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado.... Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... resources of Huerfano County.... Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 HYDROGRAPHS content of its contained ground water Canon City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Colorado.... runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1960, Records June 1968 through September 1971.... and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical and radiometric analyses of ground Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- water, Prowers County, Colorado.... runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, October 1971 through September 1974.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology and ground-water resources of Prowers County, Dumeyer, J.M., 1978, Pueblo County 208 plan Colorado.... stream segment hydrographs.... Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial Follansbee, Robert, and Jones, E.E., 1922, The contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium Lub- Arkansas River flood of June 3-5, 1921.... bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, D.K., 1972, Geohydraulics times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ River basin, Colorado.... vial aquifers.... Rostvedt, J.O., and others, 1970, Summary of floods Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- in the United States during 1965.... difference arrays of observation wells to estimate evapotranspiration from ground water in the Vaudrey, W.C., 1960, Floods of May 1955 in Colo­ Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... rado and New Mexico....

112 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 HYDROLOGIC DATA Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of 1972-76.... development and hydrologic conditions of the alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ McGovern, H.E., Gregg, D.O., and Brennan, Robert, leys, Colorado, 1972.... 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the alluvial deposits in Pueblo and Fremont Counties, Colorado.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing daily values for water parameters to September Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1974, Water-level 30, 1971; Central region.... decline in the alluvial aquifer, spring 1964 to spring 1974, Upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Showen, C.R., and Williams, O.O., 1973, Index to Colorado.... water-quality data available from the U.S. Geo­ logical Survey in machine-readable form to Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, December 31, 1972; Central region.... Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and County, Colorado.... Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water through September 1977.... levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ orado, 1969-73.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- 1968-72.... matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of and Colfax County, New Mexico.... shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Depot, Colorado.... Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy- drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, southeastern Colorado.... HYDROLOGIC MAPS Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level U.S. Geological Survey, 1984, Land use and land records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, cover and associated maps for Leadville, Colo­ 1968-72.... rado.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the HYDROLOGY northern High Plains of Colorado.... Abbott, P.O., 1985, Description of water-systems Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level operations in the Arkansas River basin, Colo­ records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, rado.... 1970-74.... Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ ern El Paso County, Colorado.... tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- 1976. Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical Alther, G.R., 1977, Geohydrologic setting of the methods for estimating groundwater with­ environment near Cotter Mill, Canon City, Colo­ drawal.... rado.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ valley, Colorado.... cal Survey research 1979....

Subject Index 113 Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1979, Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ Report on determination of economic values of try of molybdenum in some stream sediments improved water quality in the Arkansas River and waters.... basin.... Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ and Teller Counties, Colorado.... rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas stream-aquifer system.... River Valley of Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ pacts, and treaties.... rado.... Costa, J.E., and Jarrett, R.D., 1981, Debris flows in small mountain stream channels of Colorado and Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital their hydrologic implications.... model of the hydrologic system, northern High Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Zawist- appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from owski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data from Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... Follansbee, Robert, and Jones, E.E., 1922, The Arkansas River flood of June 3-5, 1921.... McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study of ground-water conservation for a municipal Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, development near Colorado Springs, Colorado Colorado; geology and ground water.... [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Mountain ground water conference.... High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.]....

Healy, F.C., 1980, Colorado geothermal commer­ Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1978, River metamorphosis of the cialization planning, semiannual progress South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado.... report, January 1, 1980-June 30, 1980.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ Newell, F.H., 1891, Results of stream measurements ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... of the United States Geological Survey.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ Palmer, S.D., and Murphy, Mark, 1984, Cumulative tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern hydrologic impact assessment The effects of Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ coal mining on the hydrologic systems of the junctive use of ground and surface water.... Raton coal field, north-central New Mexico.... Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, Petsch, H.E., Jr., 1979, Streamflow statistical sum­ compilers, Guidebook for field conference H maries for Colorado streams through September [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ 30, 1975 Volume 1, Missouri River, Arkansas tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress.... River, and Rio Grande basins.... Jones, E.E., 1979, Unevaluated reconnaissance map Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ of the Arkansas River, Colorado, 1921.... dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- alpine stream.... Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in mountainous streams, Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molyb­ study of hydrologic effects of ground-water denum in stream waters and sediments, central development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ Colorado.... rado....

114 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Scott, G.R., 1972, Brief description as of April 1968 Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Min- methods for determining water use in the High nequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, solutions for trouble caused by high water New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, table.... and Wyoming 1979.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ nique for estimating recharge using a digital INTERSTATE COMPACTS model.... Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ Vaudrey, W.C., 1960, Floods of May 1955 in Colo­ fer systems.... rado and New Mexico.... Goslin, I.V., 1976, Interstate river compacts Water, Waste, and Land Inc., 1980, Hydrology, Impact on Colorado.... geology, and water quality in vicinity of the Max­ well and Alien mines, Las Animas County, Colo­ INVERTEBRATES rado Final report to CF&I Steel Corp..... Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Meeting.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, HYDROSTRATIGRAPHY and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ macrofauna.... ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid pressures.... IRRIGATION Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- Arkansas Basins Inter-Agency Committee, Compre­ stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver hensive Planning Committee, 1978, Specific Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.].... problem analysis summary report, 1975 national assessment of water and related land INFILTRATION resources.... Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Moore, J.E., and Jenkins, C.T., 1966, An evaluation aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in of the effect of groundwater pumpage on the Hope for the High Plains.... infiltration rate of a semipervious streambed.... Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives determining areal distribution of natural (Ogallala-High Plains region).... recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of development and hydrologic conditions of the alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ INPUT-OUTPUT ANALYSIS leys, Colorado, 1972.... Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir Blaney, H.F., and Criddle, W.D., 1949, Consump­ release routing model for the upper Arkansas tive use and irrigation water requirements of River basin of Colorado.... crops in Colorado.... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, Boone, S.G., 1985, Colorado River basin and water­ An economic input-output study of the High shed summary.... Plains region of eastern Colorado.... Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the INSTRUMENTATION northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 entations and apertures of fractures.... probable well yields....

Subject Index 115 Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of gation wells and application rates for irrigated results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ of Colorado.... merce and Congress.... Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High River Valley of Colorado.... Plains of Colorado.... Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... J.W. Patterson & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary study of the modification of water rights claimed Colorado Irrigation Centennial Committee, 1952, A by Wyoming Fuel Company.... hundred years of irrigation in Colorado; 100 years of organized and continuous irriga­ Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in tion, 1852-1952.... mountainous streams, Colorado.... Colorado Land Use Commission, 1974, Colorado Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, land use map folio.... Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ ment options for groundwater mining in the Colorado State Planning Commission, 1939, Water Great Plains.... resources of Colorado Appendix 5, Statistics of irrigated crops v. 3, Arkansas River basin.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- quality model to evaluate water management Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ 1970.... ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ Fellows, A.L., 1902, Water resources of the State of ings.... Colorado.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and gated stream-aquifer system.... rate structures on electricity and water use on the Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, Colorado High Plains.... Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Gildersleeve, R.M., 1951, Arkansas River in Colo­ the northern High Plains of Colorado.... rado, tributaries, water supplies and history of Livingston, R.K., 1978, Transit losses and travel- development.... times of reservoir releases along the Arkansas Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water River from Pueblo Reservoir to John Martin Res­ table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts ervoir, southeastern Colorado.... of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John ming.... Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control rado.... and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, in Colorado.... Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River Hamman, A.J., and Code, W.E., 1954, An irrigation valley, Colorado.... guide for Colorado.... Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-State Ogallala aquifer area study Baseline results for the agricultural Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An sector.... empirical test of democracy in Great Plains resource districts.... Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating methods for determining water use in the High Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, ments and preliminary results of an analog- New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, model evaluation Arkansas River valley in and Wyoming 1979.... eastern Colorado....

116 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Nace, R.L., and Pluhowski, E.J., 1965, Drought of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report the 1950's with special reference to the Midconti- on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of nent.... Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Pointer, Vena, date unknown, Report to the Colo­ rado (final environmental impact statement).... rado Water Conservation Board concerning irri­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam gation and water problems of the Arkansas and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- Valley, Colorado.... bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ Rafter, G.W., 1899, Sewage irrigation, Part II.... tal statement.... Skinner, M.M., 1960, Cottonwood Creek bentonite U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to sealing investigation.... final environmental statement, Fryingpan- Spronk Water Engineers, Inc., 1985, Evaluation of Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley the Arkansas River winter water storage pro­ conduit.... gram in Colorado.... U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Energy and Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments Natural Resources, 1980, Lining of Bessemer in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso Ditch, Colorado Report to accompany S.2546.... County, Colorado.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1981, Arkansas Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R. A., 1981, River basin draft cooperative study report.... Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, United States, 1980, An act to authorize the Secre­ 1968-72.... tary of the Interior to design and construct a U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1960, Irrigation gunite lining on certain reaches of the Bessemer guide for southeastern Colorado, Arkansas River Ditch in the vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado, to pre­ watershed below 7,000 feet.... vent or reduce seepage damage on adjacent prop­ erties, and for other purposes.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Irrigation Upper Arkansas River Investigations Field Branch guide for Colorado, elevations above 7,000 feet.... (Pueblo), 1957, Data contribution of irrigated U.S. Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Forest Service, areas to stabilize drought-stricken regions of the and Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, West.... Arkansas River basin report Cooperative U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1936, Arkansas study.... River and tributaries Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting pursuant to the Flood Con­ Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, trol Act of May 31, 1942.... Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, ground-water management.... Colorado.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado.... orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ rado Initial development.... Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Plains.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961 (Appendix A), 1964 (Appendix A supplement), Irrigation Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and report, Trinidad project, v. 2 Appendix A, the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ Water supply and utilization; Appendix A sup­ rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- plement, Revised water supply and utilization.... logic impact forecasts (1979-2020)....

Subject Index 117 IRRIGATION CANALS Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied orado High Plains.... waters.... United States, 1980, An act to authorize the Secre­ IRRIGATION WELLS tary of the Interior to design and construct a gunite lining on certain reaches of the Bessemer Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Ditch in the vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado, to pre­ Water-level records for the northern High Plains vent or reduce seepage damage on adjacent prop­ of Colorado.... erties, and for other purposes.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Energy and northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... Natural Resources, 1980, Lining of Bessemer Ditch, Colorado Report to accompany S.2546.... Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... IRRIGATION FARMING Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ Water-level records for the northern High Plains duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ of Colorado, 1973-77.... rado.... Doherty, T.J., 1966, Effects on farmers of change JOHN MARTIN RESERVOIR from dryland to irrigation in Baca County.... Eddy, F.W., 1984, The cultural resource inventory of the John Martin Dam and Reservoir, Bent IRRIGATION SYSTEMS County, Colorado.... Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Arkansas River.... of floodflows along the Arkansas River without regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, rado.... D, and E.... Melton, D.D., and McCabe, R.D., 1976, Catlin trans­ fer plan and John Martin permanent pool opera­ IRRIGATION WATER tion.... Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Col­ ing.... orado.... Rice, T.L., and Simons, D.B., 1982, Sediment depo­ Dreesen, D.R., Williams, J.M., Marple, M.L., Glad- sition model for reservoirs based on the domi­ ney, E.S., and Perrin, D.R., 1982, Mobility and nant physical processes.... bioavailability of uranium mill tailings contami­ nants.... Soares, E.F., Unny, T.E., and Lennox, W.C.,. 1982, Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating models for predicting sediment storage in large 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the reservoirs Part 1, A stochastic sediment storage High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, model.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Soares, E.F., Unny, T.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, models for predicting sediment storage in large Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, reservoirs Part 3, Application of the two mod­ 1973.... els in conjunction.... Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1940, Caddoa Reser­ water at Colorado Springs.... voir project, Arkansas River, Colorado....

118 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1953, Report on sed­ Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium imentation in John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ River basin, Colorado.... naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ orado, including concentrations of forty-three U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1960, Report on sed­ additional elements.... imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River basin, Colorado Resurvey of August U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Special flood 1957,... hazard information Arkansas River, Anderson, and King Arroyos, La Junta, Otero County.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Report on sed­ imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River basin, Colorado Resurvey of March LA VETA 1962.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Welcome to ard boundary map Cucharas River and Middle John Martin Reservoir, Colorado.... Creek.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain JUDICIAL DECISIONS information Cucharas River and tributaries, La Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in Veta, Colorado.... Las Animas County (Abandonment of water U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain rights).... information Cucharas River and tributaries, Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water Walsenberg, Colorado.... District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to a city) outside the water district].... LAKE MINNEQUA U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Colorado v. Kansas Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial (Apportionment of water between upriver and aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... downriver States).... Scott, G.R., 1972, Brief description as of April 1968 LA JUNTA of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Min­ nequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving solutions for trouble caused by high water municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ table.... ing.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ LAKE TROUT ard boundary map Arkansas River and Ander- son and King Arroyos.... Nesler, T.P., 1980, Preoperational fishery investiga­ tions of Twin Lakes, Colorado, in Clugston, J.P., Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood ed., Clemson Workshop on Environmental insurance study Arkansas River and Anderson Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Oper­ and King Arroyos.... ations, Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970, Walch, L.A., 1980, Movements of lake trout in Twin Report on La Junta, Colorado, technical assis­ Lakes, Colorado, in relation to the Mt. Elbert tance project, September 21-October 4, 1970, and pumped-storage powerplant.... October 13-October 19, 1970.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ LAKES ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ gated stream-aquifer system.... Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and Colorado.... Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of Animas, Colorado.... the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial area, Colorado.... aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado....

Subject Index 119 Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ LAS ANIMAS mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving Meeting.... municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ ing.... Hall, R.W., and Robey, D.L., 1977, Preliminary eval­ uation of water quality of proposed Fountain Bresler, S.A., 1972, Economics of ion exchange tech­ Lake, Colorado.... nology applied to municipal water quality improvement.... Holland, W.T., and Jarvis, C.S., 1938, Inventory of unpublished hydrologic data.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1970, Flood plain information Purgatoire River.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Federal Insurance Administration, 1973, Flood haz­ River and tributaries above John Martin Dam ard boundary map Arkansas River.... final environmental impact statement.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Purgatoire River and Rule LAMAR and Mud Creeks.... Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing ing.... of water wells, in Geological Survey research 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood topography, articles 1-59.... insurance study Arkansas River and Willow Creek.... Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer Animas, Colorado.... system [abs.].... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... vicinity Interim report on review survey for flood control.... LAND USE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Arkansas River and tributaries, Las Animas County, Colo­ Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of rado, and vicinity.... the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... LEADVILLE Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, CH2M-Hill, Inc., 1986, California Gulch remedial Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern investigation, Leadville, Colorado.... Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood plain information Evans Gulch.... LARAMIE FORMATION Elgin, R.A., Volin, M.E., and Townsend, J.W., 1949, Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ The Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver Colorado.... basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/ Robson, S.G., Wacinski, Andrew, Zawistowski, California Gulch remedial investigation.... Stanley, and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic struc­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ture, hydrology, and water quality, of the ard boundary map California Gulch.... Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado.... McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ bility study report Leadville mine drainage Romero, J.C., and Hampton, E.R., 1972, Maps show­ tunnel.... ing the approximate configuration and depth to the top of the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer, Denver Salisbury, M.H., 1956, Leadville drainage tunnel, Basin, Colorado.... second project, Lake County, Colorado....

120 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado.... Wyoming.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, [1976?], Report on Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the Leadville mine drainage tunnel.... lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973- 77.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1984, Land use and land cover and associated maps for Leadville, Colo­ Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- rado.... difference arrays of observation wells to estimate evapotranspiration from ground water in the Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... LEGAL ASPECTS LIMNOLOGY Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ fer systems.... Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in Colorado.... Las Animas County (Abandonment of water rights).... Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Southeastern Colo­ Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ rado Water Conservancy District v. Shelton ings.... Farms (water decrees bound to call of the river).... Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and Roline, R. A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Colorado v. Kansas bay, 1978-1979.... (Apportionment of water between upriver and Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ downriver States).... phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert LEGAL REVIEW pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in impoundment on water and sediment in the Las Animas County (Abandonment of water Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... rights).... LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Colorado v. Kansas environment of Twin Lakes.... (Apportionment of water between upriver and downriver States).... LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- LEGISLATION son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... and administration of groundwater in interstate LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of and international aquifers Phase I.... drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ symposium on surface water impoundments.... pacts, and treaties.... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado LEVELS 1980 report of findings.... Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Bing- LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1982, Effects of ham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, 1979, operating the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage power- Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geological plant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1981 report of Survey research 1979.... findings....

Subject Index 121 Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology/ fish Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ 1979-1980.... ment options for groundwater mining in the Great Plains.... Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic preferences to groundwater depletion in the macrofauna.... American High Plains.... Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ cations in a mountain front environment; Front ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs area; water for new communities in El Paso County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., LIMON eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science maps applied to land and water management.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1982, Flood plain information Big Sandy and tributaries LI, Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, L2, and L3.... Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, ard boundary map Big Sandy Creek.... Interim plan for water quality management El Paso and Teller Counties.... LOW FLOWS U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality Creek.... data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, analysis and assessment of flow augmentation in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on possibilities.... ground-water management.... Krassa, R.F.T., 1980, Legal assessment of low-flow augmentation alternatives on the Arkansas River MANITOU SPRINGS at Pueblo, Colorado.... Center for Community Development, 1985, Mani- tou Springs flood hazard mitigation plan.... LYSIMETERS Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1983, Turner, P.M., 1968, Annual report of phreatophyte Flood insurance study City of Manitou Springs, activities, 1967.... Colorado, El Paso County.... Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain activities, 1968.... information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, Colorado.... MANAGEMENT MANZANOLA Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in ard boundary map Arkansas River.... Hope for the High Plains.... Meurer, Serafini, and Meurer, (MSM) Consultants, Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and Inc., 1981, Floodplain information report efficient management alternative for municipal Arkansas River and Timpas Creek, Otero water supply.... County, Colorado.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... MARINE BIOLOGY Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... symposium on surface water impoundments....

122 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- ing.... bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Rovey, C.F.K., 1975, Numerical model of flow in a stream-aquifer system.... MATHEMATICAL MODELS Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of nique for estimating recharge using a digital crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ model.... entations and apertures of fractures.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ management studies of a stream-aquifer system, tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research Trelease, F.J., and Bittinger, M.W., 1963, Mechanics 1968.... of a mathematical ground-water model.... Computer Data Systems Inc., 1985, Bureau of Recla­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ mation, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, water orado, local protection project, phase 1 accounting system, software user manual.... Sediment investigation.... Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, D.K., 1972, Geohydraulics efficient management alternative for municipal at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ water supply.... vial aquifers.... Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Bing- Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains ham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, 1979, regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geological orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Survey research 1979.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood control project on a meandering stream.... MAXIMUM PROBABLE FLOOD Kapple, G.W., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain 1977, Digital ground-water model of the Ogallala information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ aquifer in parts of Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ rado.... ties, northern High Plains of Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado.... matical and physical models.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ quality model to evaluate water management rado.... practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in METALS water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ ings.... try of molybdenum in some stream sediments Livingston, R.K., 1978, Transit losses and travel- and waters.... times of reservoir releases along the Arkansas Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., River from Pueblo Reservoir to John Martin Res­ 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ ervoir, southeastern Colorado.... ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil METEOROLOGICAL DATA moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... Miller, J.F., Hansen, E.M., Fenn, D.D., Schreiner, Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for L.C., and Jensen, D.T., 1984, Probable maximum determining areal distribution of natural precipitation estimates United States between recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ the Continental Divide and the 103rd meridian.... rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- matological data Colorado Springs, annual mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado.... summary with comparative data....

Subject Index 123 National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- MODEL STUDIES matological data Colorado Springs, Colorado, monthly summary.... Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of relates to water-quality guidelines and stream surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts classification.... A-F [final report].... Foreman, Joe, 1975, Evaluation of available com­ MINE DRAINAGE puter stream modeling systems for application to the Pueblo 208 program.... CH2M-HU1, Inc., 1986, California Gulch remedial investigation, Leadville, Colorado.... Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/Cali­ River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... fornia Gulch remedial investigation.... Haynie, R.M., and Karaki, S.S., 1962, Model study Karaki, S.S., and Sayre, W.W., 1961, Tailings dis­ of the Catlin Diversion Dam canal inlet.... posal pipe lines of the Climax Molybdenum Plant at Climax, Colorado.... Kapple, G.W., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ 1977, Digital ground-water model of the Ogallala bility study report Leadville mine drainage aquifer in parts of Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ tunnel.... ties, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Moran, R.E., and Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effects of Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected quality model to evaluate water management areas of Colorado, 1972-73.... practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado.... ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, [1976?], Report on ings.... Leadville mine drainage tunnel.... Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling Voynick, S.M., 1984, Yesterday's mines poison and preliminary regional flood characteristics of today's rivers (Water pollution from metal mine small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River drainage, upper Arkansas River, Colorado).... basin in Colorado.... Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effect of mine drainage on the Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation quality of streams in Colorado, 1971-72.... of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, MINERAL INDUSTRY 1967, Proceedings.... Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Las Animas County (Abandonment of water model of the hydrologic system, northern High rights).... Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Kaufman, Alvin, and Nadler, Mildred, 1966, Water Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir use in the mineral industry.... release routing model for the upper Arkansas River basin of Colorado.... MINING Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ ARIX Engineers, 1985, Water quality study, Arkan­ ing.... sas River above Salida, Colorado.... Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in agricultural change on a local economy in the mountainous streams, Colorado.... Great Plains.... McLaughlin, T.G., Burtis, V.M., and Wilson, W.W., Scares, E.F., Unny, T.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, 1961, Records and logs of selected wells and test Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic holes, and chemical analyses of ground water models for predicting sediment storage in large from wells and mines, Huerfano County, Colo­ reservoirs Part 1, A stochastic sediment storage rado.... model....

124 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Scares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic geothermometer and isotope models in the models for predicting sediment storage in large Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.].... reservoirs Part 3, Application of the two mod­ els in conjunction.... MOUNT ELBERT FOREBAY Tanji, K.K., 1981, River basin hydrosalinity model­ U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Master plan ing.... for the recreation management and development of the Twin Lakes and Elbert Forebay compos­ MODELS ite.... Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. geothermometer and isotope models in the Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.].... operation procedures, Mt. Elbert Forebay Dam and Reservoir.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... MOUNT ELBERT POWER PLANT Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado.... preliminary report.... Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... digital models of stream-aquifer systems.... Gish, W.B., Whittemore, T.R., Lennon, C.A., and Stitt, S.C., 1984, Flatiron AGC interim MOLYBDENUM controller Volume IV.... Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of mountainous streams, Colorado.... the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molyb­ son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of denum in stream waters and sediments, central Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, Colorado.... Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin try of molybdenum in some stream sediments Lakes, Colorado.... and waters.... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ MONITORING sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, pumped-storage power generation.... W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity Region VIII (1978 data).... tables and curves, Mt. Elbert forebay, Fryingpan- Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment Arkansas project, Colorado.... preferences to groundwater depletion in the U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ American High Plains.... est, master plan for the recreation, management, and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. MONUMENT Elbert forebay composition.... Cardwell, W.D.E., 1956, Report on an aquifer test at U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Bureau of Reclamation], 1979, Preliminary Monument, Colorado.... designers' operating criteria for Mt. Elbert U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain pumped-storage powerplant, including surge information, Monument Creek, Colorado tanks, Forebay Dam and Reservoir, and switch­ Springs, Colorado.... yard....

MOUNT PRINCETON HOT SPRINGS MULTIPLE PURPOSE RESERVOIRS Arestad, J.F., 1977, Resistivity studies in the upper U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and Arkansas Valley and northern San Luis Valley, Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Colorado.... rado....

Subject Index 125 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and NORTHERN HIGH PLAINS Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado (final environmental impact statement).... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam orado, 1978-82.... and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ MUNICIPAL WASTES orado, 1979-83.... Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970, Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Report on La Junta, Colorado, technical assis­ northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... tance project, September 21-October 4, 1970, and Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the October 13-October 19, 1970.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1971, 1968 Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 inventory of municipal waste facilities A coop­ water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ erative state report [region 8?].... rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... MUNICIPAL WATER Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ 1977-81.... ing.... Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water gation wells and application rates for irrigated District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains a city) outside the water district].... of Colorado.... Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, efficient management alternative for municipal Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in water supply.... the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunate, 1966, Urban water use study.... NUTRIENTS U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and Britton, L.J., and Wentz, D.A., 1980, Water-quality Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ characteristics of selected lakes and reservoirs in rado (final environmental impact statement).... Colorado.... MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLIES Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo Fryingpan-Arkansas Project Office, 1964, Survey of and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, municipal water systems of the Arkansas Valley 1975-80.... towns that have indicated an interest in project water.... Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities.... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado NITROGEN 1980 report of findings.... Edelmann, Patrick, and Cain, Doug, 1985, Sources LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., Campbell, S.G., of water and nitrogen to the Widefield aquifer, Boehmke, J.R., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of southwestern El Paso County, Colorado.... the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in 1979 report of findings.... Region VIII (1978 data).... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake study.... 1979-1980....

126 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 OGALLALA AQUIFER Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala rate structures on electricity and water use on the aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in Colorado High Plains.... Hope for the High Plains.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ orado, 1978-82.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ environmental and socioeconomic assessment orado, 1979-83.... Six-state High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... local water supply augmentation assessment Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, resources study.... 1977-81.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], probable well yields.... 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, regional resources study A report to the U.S. altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface Department of Commerce and High Plains Study beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern Council (3d ed)..... High Plains of Colorado.... High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of merce and Congress.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water of Colorado.... development and management in the northern Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains Kapple, G.W., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., region.... 1977, Digital ground-water model of the Ogallala Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited aquifer in parts of Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... ties, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, ern Colorado.... Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ ment options for groundwater mining in the Colorado Department of Agriculture, various Great Plains.... years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains the southern High Plains ground water basin of of eastern Colorado.... Colorado....

Subject Index 127 Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment ORGANIC MATERIALS preferences to groundwater depletion in the American High Plains.... Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala aquifer.... PALMER LAKE McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or half empty?.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood insurance study Monument Creek and tributar­ Moulder, E.A., I960, Occurrence of ground water in ies.... the Ogallala and several consolidated formations U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974, Final in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ environmental statement; Palmer Lake sanitation ification and Research Studies Committee.... district, Palmer Lake, Colorado.... Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ PEAK DISCHARGE agement.... Elliott, J.G., Jarrett, R.D., and Ebling, J.L., 1982, Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, Annual snowmelt and rainfall peak-flow data on 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... selected foothills region streams, South Platte U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High River, Arkansas River, and Colorado River Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources basins, Colorado.... Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Follansbee, Robert, and Sawyer, L.R., 1948, Floods report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate in Colorado.... route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance D, and E.... studies Douglas, Teller, and Arapahoe Coun­ ties, final hydrology report.... Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of McCutcheon, S.C., 1982, The evaluation of selected declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, one-dimensional stream water quality models in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on with field data.... ground-water management.... Murphy, B.C., and others, 1905, Destructive floods Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains in the United States in 1904.... regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Murphy, E.G., and others, 1906, Destructive floods orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ in the United States in 1905, with a discussion of homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... flood discharge and frequency and an index to flood literature.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management in the High Plains.... Rostvedt, J.O., 1965, Summary of floods in the United States during 1961.... Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Plains.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain information, Monument Creek, Colorado Springs, Colorado.... OPTIMIZATION U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation hazard information Arkansas River and Wild of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, 1967, Proceedings.... Williams, G.R., and Crawford, L.C., 1940, Maxi­ mum discharges at stream-measurement stations Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and through December 31, 1937, with a Supplement Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ including additions and changes through Sep­ orado High Plains.... tember 30, 1938, by W.S. Eisenlohr, Jr.....

128 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin In Colorado Through 1985 PERMEABILITY Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1973, Salvage of water due to phreatophyte clearing, Shelton Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ Farms, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid pressures.... Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1974, Salvage of water due to phreatophyte clearing, Spady Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of Brothers farm, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ rado.... entations and apertures of fractures.... Konikow, L.F., 1973, Simulation of hydrologic and Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ chemical-quality variations in an irrigated tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River valley, Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research Colorado.... 1968.... Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for Linam, J.H., Osborn, N.L., and Seilheimer, J.A., determining areal distribution of natural 1976, Biological inventory of Pueblo County recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ waterways.... rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas PESTICIDES River valley of Colorado.... Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, 1975-80.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- management studies of a stream-aquifer system, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1978, Pro­ Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... file of environmental quality Region 87 Colo­ rado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Turner, P.M., 1968, Annual report of phreatophyte Utah, Wyoming.... activities, 1967.... Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte PETERSON FIELD activities, 1968.... Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1965, Hydrologic engi­ neering of the Peterson Field drainage basin.... PHYSICAL PROPERTIES U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of Mogck, L.G., and Dunstan, E.R., Jr., 1982, Concrete surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts performance at Pueblo Dam, Colorado Initial A-F [final report].... core report....

PH PIKE NATIONAL FOREST Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ Region VIII (1978 data).... sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream Forests.... study.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... PHREATOPHYTES Bittinger, M.W., and Stringham, G.E., 1963, A study PIKES PEAK of phreatophyte growth in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado.... Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Southeastern Colo­ entations and apertures of fractures.... rado Water Conservancy District v. Shelton Farms (water decrees bound to call of the Water and Wastes Engineering, 1970, New sewage river).... technology tested atop Pikes Peak....

Subject Index 129 PLANKTON McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ bility study report Leadville mine drainage LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the tunnel.... effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado Moran, R.E., and Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effects of 1980 report of findings.... metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected areas of Colorado, 1972-73.... Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado.... PLANNING U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, [1976?], Report on Leadville mine drainage tunnel.... Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... regional resources study A report to the U.S. Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effect of mine drainage on the Department of Commerce and High Plains Study quality of streams in Colorado, 1971-72.... Council (3d ed).....

Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1971, POLLUTION CONTROL Pueblo metropolitan area interim plan for water quality management.... Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Alternatives for zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... development, Fountain Creek.... Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ agricultural change on a local economy in the tics, impacts, and management implementa­ Great Plains.... tion.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- management studies of a stream-aquifer system, POLLUTION SOURCES Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide water quality management plan for the Pikes PLAYAS Peak region.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, B.C., 1984, Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern water quality program Point source subplans, Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, B.C., 1984, management subplans.... Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... PONCHA SPRINGS POLLUTION Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood plain information South Arkansas River and Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions Poncha Creek.... between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha puter model MINTEQ.... Springs, Colorado [abs.].... Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ try of molybdenum in some stream sediments POPULATION and waters.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1953, Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on Report on water purification requirements.... the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76....

130 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE Sadler, George, and Ward, B.D., 1977, Preliminary analysis of the feasibility of utilizing "waste heat Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, energy" discharged from Comanche Station, Pub­ R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources lic Service Company, Pueblo, Colorado, for agri­ appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from business ventures, in Contribution toward and Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... [sic] economic development for Colorado, phase I and II.... Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in Weis, Ronald, Welles, Peabody, and Stierwalt, Lee, Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- 1980, Design and operation of a cooling tower drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ sidestream treatment system.... ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... PRECIPITATION Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Brown, D.L., 1974, Resource management and envi­ POWER GENERATION ronmental improvement plan for Pueblo Dam and Reservoir.... Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado.... Clawson, Marion, 1949, Sequence in variation of annual precipitation in the western United Healy, F.C., 1980, Colorado geothermal commer­ States, in Proceedings of the Western Snow Con­ cialization planning, semiannual progress ference, Reno, Nev., Apr. 15-17, 1948, 16th report, January 1, 1980-June 30, 1980.... annual meeting....

POWER PLANTS Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, CH2M-HU1, Inc., 1975, Water supply and effluent June 1968 through September 1971.... treatment for R.D. Nixon power-generation Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- plant.... runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1980, October 1971 through September 1974.... Water resources appraisals for hydroelectric licensing Upper Arkansas River basin, Colo­ Frederick, R.H., Miller, J.F., Richards, P.P., and rado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... Schwerdt, R.W., 1981, Interduration precipita­ tion relations for storms Western United Givens, W.D., Marotte, F.K., and Zeien, C.T., 1981, States.... Zero-discharge in practice at Ray D. Nixon power plant.... Ho, P.P., and Riedel, J.T., 1979, Precipitable water over the United States, v. 2 Semimonthly max­ Gregg, R.E., and Bergersen, E.P., 1980, Mysis relicta ima.... Effects of turbidity and turbulence on short-term survival.... Jorgensen, D.L., 1967, Climatological probabilities of precipitation for the conterminous United LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1982, Effects of States.... operating the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage power- plant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1981 report of Lott, G.A., 1976, Precipitable water over the United findings.... States, v. 1 Monthly means.... LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., Campbell, S.G., Miller, J.F., Frederick, R.H., and Tracey, R.J., 1973, Boehmke, J.R., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of Precipitation-frequency atlas of the western the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- United States, v. 2 Wyoming; v. 3 Colorado.... storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1979 report of findings.... Miller, J.F., Hansen, E.M., Fenn, D.D., Schreiner, L.C., and Jensen, D.T., 1984, Probable maximum Rittenhouse, R.C., 1982, Developments in wastewa- precipitation estimates United States between ter handling at power plants.... the Continental Divide and the 103rd meridian....

Subject Index 131 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ 1973, Monthly normals of temperature, precipi­ native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo.... tation, and heating and cooling degree days, Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 1941-1970 Colorado.... 1981, Operation reports City of Pueblo, Colo­ Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, rado Department of Public Works.... Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Works), 1984, Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Smith, G.L., and Schulz, E.F., 1962, Normal monthly Colorado Phase 1, general design memoran­ and annual precipitation for eastern Colorado.... dum; communication from the Assistant Secre­ tary of the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of nique for estimating recharge using a digital the Army, dated December 23,1981, submitting a model.... report.... U.S. Weather Bureau, 1960, Normal May-Septem­ Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, ber precipitation, 1931-1960 Colorado.... Pueblo's water system.... U.S. Weather Bureau, 1960, Normal October-April Scott, G.R., 1972, Brief description as of April 1968 precipitation, 1931-1960 Colorado.... of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Min- Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains nequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested precipitation.... solutions for trouble caused by high water table.... PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado.... phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ rado.... LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., Campbell, S.G., Boehmke, J.R., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado.... 1979 report of findings.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Flood insur­ Pennak, R.W., and Lavelle, J.W., 1979, In situ mea­ ance study for Fountain, Dry, and Wild Horse surements of net primary production in a Colo­ Creeks Pueblo, Colorado.... rado mountain stream.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain information Six Mile Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, PUEBLO Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Salt Creek- Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1951, Floods in vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado.... Report on water pumping and distribution, Northside Water District no. 1.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain Creek, [Pueblo County?], Arkansas River and Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1953, tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado Report on water purification requirements.... Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 1 Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Main report and environmental impact state­ Report on costs and revenue requirements for ment.... alternative water improvement programs.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Creek, [Pueblo County?] Arkansas River and ard boundary map Arkansas River and Foun­ tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado tain Creek.... Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 2 Appendices A through F.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Arkansas River.... PUEBLO DAM Foreman, Joe, 1976, A summary of the report, Pueblo Board of Water Works stream and point Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ discharge, analytical reports.... lamation first....

132 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the PUMPED STORAGE Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin.... Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado.... the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ matical and physical models.... Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- Mogck, L.G., and Dunstan, E.R., Jr., 1982, Concrete bay, 1978-1979.... performance at Pueblo Dam, Colorado Initial core report.... Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... rado (draft environmental impact statement).... Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado.... King, D.L., and Rhone, T.J., 1975, Physical and mathematical model studies of pumped storage U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and reservoir hydrodynamics for determination of Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ environmental effects.... rado (final environmental impact statement).... LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. environment of Twin Lakes.... Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing operation procedures, Pueblo Dam and Reser­ LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the voir.... effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado PUEBLO RESERVOIR 1980 report of findings.... Nesler, T.P., 1980, Preoperational fishery investiga­ Brown, D.L., 1974, Resource management and envi­ tions of Twin Lakes, Colorado, in Clugston, J.P., ronmental improvement plan for Pueblo Dam ed., Clemson Workshop on Environmental and Reservoir.... Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Oper­ Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of ations, Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... impoundment on water and sediment in the Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, 1979-1980.... Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ Nesler, T.P., 1981, The relative abundance of opos­ voir.... sum shrimp, Mysis relicta, in Twin Lakes, Colo­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Area-capacity rado, using a benthic trawl.... tables and curves, Pueblo Reservoir, Fryingpan- Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ Arkansas project, Colorado.... terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing pumped-storage power generation.... operation procedures, Pueblo Dam and Reser­ voir.... Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... PUEBLO WEST Thorne, R.E., and Thomas, G.L., 1981, Hydroacous- Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, tic surveys of fish abundance and distribution in Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ Twin Lakes, Colorado.... politan District.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ Dumeyer, J.M., and Fisher, Gene, 1978, Pueblo West mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- water supply Environmental assessment.... storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Pueblo West Department of Public Works, date unknown, Pueblo West metropolitan district Walch, L.A., 1980, Movements of lake trout in Twin master plan for flood control and storm drainage Lakes, Colorado, in relation to the Mt. Elbert improvement.... pumped-storage powerplant....

Subject Index 133 PUMPING Colorado Department of Public Health, 1973, Record of water quality and radium-226 data, Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1951, Greenhorn basin area.... Report on water pumping and distribution, Northside Water District no. 1.... Vinckier, T. A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota Jenkins, E.D., 1956, Results of pumping tests in the Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 Widefield area, Fountain valley, Colorado.... content of its contained ground water Canon City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, Jenkins, E.D., 1964, Ground water in Fountain and Colorado.... Jimmy Camp valleys, El Paso County, Colorado, with a section on Computations of drawdowns caused by the pumping of wells in Fountain val­ RAINFALL HYDROGRAPHS ley, by R.E. Glover and E.D. Jenkins.... Elliott, J.G., Jarrett, R.D., and Ebling, J.L., 1982, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Annual snowmelt and rainfall peak-flow data on Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources selected foothills region streams, South Platte Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary River, Arkansas River, and Colorado River report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate basins, Colorado.... route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to McCutcheon, S.C., 1982, The evaluation of selected northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, one-dimensional stream water quality models D, and E.... with field data....

PUMPING PLANTS RAINFALL-RUNOFF RELATIONSHIPS Skiles, D.A., and Gish, W.B., 1981, Analog model Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and and evaluation of the Fountain Valley rate-of- Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from flow control station.... small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 Water & Sewage Works, 1976, Colorado pumping through September 1977.... station reaches new heights.... Cochran, B.J., Minges, D.R., Jarrett, R.D., and Veenhuis, J.E., 1983, Rainfall-runoff data from PURGATOIRE FORMATION small watersheds in Colorado, October 1977 through September 1980.... Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Colorado; faults and flow patterns.... runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and June 1968 through September 1971.... uranium concentrations and associated hydro- Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- geochemistry in ground water in southwestern runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, Pueblo County, Colorado [abs.].... October 1971 through September 1974.... Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling RADIOACTIVITY and preliminary regional flood characteristics of Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River uranium concentrations and associated hydro- basin in Colorado.... geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Rostvedt, J.O., and others, 1970, Summary of floods Pueblo County, Colorado [abs.].... in the United States during 1965.... Scott, R.C., and Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1961, Radiochem- ical analyses of ground and surface water in Col­ RATON BASIN orado, 1954-1961.... Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological RADIUM Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- uranium concentrations and associated hydro- matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, Pueblo County, Colorado.... and Colfax County, New Mexico....

134 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of Raton Basin, south-central Colorado.... ground water in Otero County and the southern part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. Jen- Basin, Colorado [abs.].... kins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bearing materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the Palmer, S.D., and Murphy, Mark, 1984, Cumulative ground water, by C.A. Horr.... hydrologic impact assessment The effects of coal mining on the hydrologic systems of the Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1978, Water engi­ Raton coal field, north-central New Mexico.... neering report, Security water district Wide- field aquifer recharge program.... Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983, Water supply and reservoir analysis studies, Raton Basin RECREATION project near Segundo, Colorado.... Feast, C.N., 1951, Fish and wildlife and recreational facilities, Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... REAERATION Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it pumped-storage power generation.... relates to water-quality guidelines and stream Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, classification.... Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ voir.... Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, Colorado.... RECHARGE U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Master plan for the recreation management and development Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ of the Twin Lakes and Elbert Forebay compos­ tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern ite.... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ U.S. Forest Service, 1963, A multiple use survey of junctive use of ground and surface water.... the evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan- Arkansas project on the administration, manage­ Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, ment, and use of the White River National For­ and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer est.... recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala aquifer.... U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ est, master plan for the recreation, management, Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... Elbert forebay composition.... Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources RECREATION AREAS appraisal.... McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities.... Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ Works), 1984, Fountain Creek, Pueblo, tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... Colorado Phase 1, general design memoran­ dum; communication from the Assistant Secre­ Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ tary of the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a nique for estimating recharge using a digital letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of model.... the Army, dated December 23,1981, submitting a report.... Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium Lub- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Trinidad bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... Lake....

Subject Index 135 REGIONAL ANALYSIS Wilson, H.M., 1893, Engineering results of irriga­ tion survey, in Thirteenth annual report of the Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, part and preliminary regional flood characteristics of 3 Irrigation.... small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983, Water supply and reservoir analysis studies, Raton Basin Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-State Ogallala aquifer project near Segundo, Colorado.... area study Baseline results for the agricultural sector.... RESERVOIR CAPACITY Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Area-capacity ment.... tables and curves for Turquoise Lake, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado, May 1968.... Tudor Engineering Company, 1980, Western States inventory of low-head hydroelectric sites, v. 2, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Area-capacity appendix D Environmental screening.... tables and curves, Pueblo Reservoir, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado.... REGRESSION ANALYSIS U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity tables and curves, Mt. Elbert forebay, Fryingpan- Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Arkansas project, Colorado.... of floodflows along the Arkansas River without regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... tables and curves, Turquoise Lake-Sugar Loaf Dam, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical methods for estimating groundwater with­ drawal.... RESERVOIR OPERATION Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir REGULATION release routing model for the upper Arkansas River basin of Colorado.... Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ tional arrangements associated with ground Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- water allocation in the Missouri River basin management studies of a stream-aquifer system, states.... Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980, Standing operat­ U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ ing procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin pacts, and treaties.... Lakes.... U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. RESERVOIRS Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing operation procedures, Mt. Elbert Forebay Dam Clark, J.H., 1975, Management evaluation of and Reservoir.... stocked northern pike in Colorado's small plains reservoirs.... U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of operation procedures, Pueblo Dam and Reser­ impoundment on water and sediment in the voir.... Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., date unknown, Bureau of Reclamation], [date unknown], Stand­ Water-quality studies, Pueblo Reservoir, Frying- ing operating procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and pan-Arkansas project.... Twin Lakes.... Thompson, A.H., 1893, Report upon the construc­ tion of topographic maps and the selection and RESERVOIR RELEASES survey of reservoir sites in the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas River, Colorado, in Thir­ Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs teenth annual report of the United States Geolog­ on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado ical Survey, 1891-92, part 3 Irrigation.... Canal, 1939-1940....

136 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel King, D.L., and Rhone, T.J., 1975, Physical and times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas mathematical model studies of pumped storage River basin, Colorado.... reservoir hydrodynamics for determination of environmental effects.... Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir release routing model for the upper Arkansas LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of River basin of Colorado.... the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of RESERVOIR SEDIMENTAION Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... ing.... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of Scares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the models for predicting sediment storage in large symposium on surface water impoundments.... reservoirs Part 1, A stochastic sediment storage model.... Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John Scares, E.F., Unny, T.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic rado.... models for predicting sediment storage in large reservoirs Part 3, Application of the two mod­ Martin, R.O.R., and Hanson, R.L., 1966, Reservoirs els in conjunction.... in the United States.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1953, Report on sed­ Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish imentation in John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake River basin, Colorado.... 1979-1980.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, RESERVOIR STORAGE Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ voir.... Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ ing.... Rice, T.L., and Simons, D.B., 1982, Sediment depo­ sition model for reservoirs based on the domi­ Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to nant physical processes.... U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing daily values for water parameters to September Skiles, D.A., and Gish, W.B., 1981, Analog model 30, 1971; Central region.... and evaluation of the Fountain Valley rate-of- flow control station.... RESERVOIRS Thomas, N.O., and Harbeck, E.G., Jr., 1956, Reser­ voirs in the United States.... Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ Thorne, R.E., and Thomas, G.L., 1981, Hydroacous- cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, tic surveys of fish abundance and distribution in Colorado and Kansas.... Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1960, Report on sed­ Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas bay, 1978-1979.... River basin, Colorado Resurvey of August Britton, L.J., and Wentz, D.A., 1980, Water-quality 1957.... characteristics of selected lakes and reservoirs in Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Report on sed­ imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of River basin, Colorado Resurvey of March the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front 1962.... Range urban corridor, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ matical and physical models.... ment)....

Subject Index 137 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High RESOURCES Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate measurements of selected wells and test holes, route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to physical properties of unconsolidated materials, northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- D, and E.... flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Area-capacity orado.... tables and curves for Turquoise Lake, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado, May 1968.... Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and efficient management alternative for municipal U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and water supply.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado (draft environmental impact statement).... Lohman, S.W., 1951, General geology and ground- water resources, Arkansas River basin in Colo­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Area-capacity rado.... tables and curves, Pueblo Reservoir, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado.... Rold, J.W., 1974, Geothermal energy and Colorado An introduction, in Pearl, R.H., ed., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980, Standing operat­ Proceedings of a symposium on geothermal ing procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin energy and Colorado.... Lakes.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity and ground-water resources of Prowers County, tables and curves, Mt. Elbert forebay, Fryingpan- Colorado.... Arkansas project, Colorado.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1966, Summary of RETURN FLOW reservoir sediment deposition surveys made in the United States through 1965.... Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunato, 1966, Urban water use study.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1955, Plan and profile and damsite of Arkansas River, vicinity of Bear Creek Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- to vicinity of Clear Creek, Colorado.... mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado....

U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing operation procedures, Pueblo Dam and Reser­ Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, voir.... M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. of priority water resources problems to develop Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing a comprehensive research program for the south­ operating procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and ern plains river basins region.... Twin Lakes.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT tal statement....

Healy, F.C., 1980, Colorado geothermal commer­ RIVER BASINS cialization planning, semiannual progress report, January 1, 1980-June 30, 1980.... Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir release routing model for the upper Arkansas Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-State Ogallala aquifer River basin of Colorado.... area study Baseline results for the agricultural sector.... Tanji, K.K., 1981, River basin hydrosalinity model­ ing.... Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1964, Methods for controlling the ground-water regime exploita­ tion and conservation [with French abstract].... RIVER FLOW Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of agricultural change on a local economy in the hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ Great Plains.... ment....

138 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals Lee, L.J., and Henson, B.L., 1978, The longitudinal pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, river, valley, and regional profiles of the Arkan­ and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic sas River.... macrofauna.... Leopold, L.B., 1959, Summary of floods in the United States during 1954 (chap. C), in Floods of RIVER VALLEYS 1954.... Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the Newell, F.H., 1891, Results of stream measurements upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal of the United States Geological Survey.... Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal alpine stream.... Gorge, Colorado.... Reid, G.W., 1976, Research to develop ecological standards for water resources.... RIVERS Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ lamation first.... rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C.... Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ Swenson, F.A., 1970, Meandering of the Arkansas cal Survey research 1979.... River since 1833 near Bent's Old Fort, Colorado, in Geological Survey research 1970, Chapter B.... Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High River Valley of Colorado.... Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, 1968.... D, and E.... Gannett, Henry, 1901, Profiles of rivers in the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and United States.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado.... Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood control project on a meandering stream.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ ROCKY FORD mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Meeting.... ard boundary map Arkansas River.... Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, Federal Insurance Administration, 1980, Flood Colorado; geology and ground water.... insurance study Rocky Ford Ditch.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ M & I, Inc., 1975, Master plan for water system ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... improvements for Rocky Ford, Colorado.... Jones, B.E., and Helland, R.O., 1926, Preliminary Meurer, Serafini, and Meurer, (MSM) Consultants, index to river surveys made by the United States Inc., 1981, Floodplain information report Geological Survey and other agencies.... Arkansas River and Timpas Creek, Otero County, Colorado.... Jones, B.E., and Helland, R.O., 1948, Index to river surveys made by the United States Geological Survey and other agencies revised to July 1, ROYAL GORGE 1947.... Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the Jones, E.E., 1979, Unevaluated reconnaissance map upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal of the Arkansas River, Colorado, 1921.... Gorge, Colorado [abs.]....

Subject Index 139 Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1979, Flood upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal plain information South Arkansas River.... Gorge, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ insurance study South Arkansas River and graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ Arkansas River.... ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... SALINE WATER RUNOFF Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin quality model to evaluate water management Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Chen, M.C., 1960, Effect of watershed characteris­ ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ tics on peak rates of runoff in eastern Colorado.... ings.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, Colorado.... Rought, B.C., 1984, The southwestern salinity situ­ ation The Rockies to the Mississippi, in French, RYE R.H., ed., Salinity in watercourses and reser­ voirs.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Greenhorn Creek.... SALINITY Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1979, wastewater plan for Colorado City water and Report on determination of economic values of sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- improved water quality in the Arkansas River lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo basin.... County, Colorado.... Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and Pueblo County Health Department, 1973, Water irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas quality data, Colorado City-Rye area.... River Valley of Colorado.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Areawide water and Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ waste-water planning study for the St. Charles els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ Mesa, Rye-Colorado City, and Beulah sectors of lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Pueblo County.... salinity seminar and workshop....

SAINT CHARLES MESA Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado.... preliminary report.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Areawide water and Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- waste-water planning study for the St. Charles quality model to evaluate water management Mesa, Rye-Colorado City, and Beulah sectors of practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, Pueblo County.... in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ SALIDA ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ ings.... Arestad, J.F., 1977, Resistivity studies in the upper Arkansas Valley and northern San Luis Valley, Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment Colorado.... of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated stream-aquifer system.... Coe, B.A., Dick, J.D., Galloway, M.J., Gross, J.T., and Meyer, R.T., 1982, Geothermal potential for Krieger, R.A., Hatchett, J.L., and Poole, J.L., 1957, commercial and industrial direct heat applica­ Preliminary survey of saline-water resources of tions in Salida, Colorado Final report.... the United States....

140 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources information for the Arkansas River Basin in Coiorado Through 1985 Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, SANGRE DE CRISTO MOUNTAINS Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Phillips, PJ,, and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... alpine stream.... Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Zimbelman, D.R., Hedal, J.A., Adrian, B.M., and Colorado.... Arbogast, B.F., 1983, Analytical data report for a pilot-study of twenty stream-sediment, heavy- Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in mineral concentrate, and rock samples from the the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, south- Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- central Colorado.... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... SATURATED THICKNESS Rought, B.C., 1984, The southwestern salinity situ­ Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles ation The Rockies to the Mississippi, in French, Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado.... R.H., ed., Salinity in watercourses and reser­ Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and voirs.... the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ Tanji, K.K., 1981, River basin hydrosalinity model­ rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- ing.... logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ SEDIMENT tal statement.... Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of SALT BALANCE area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Tanji, K.K., 1981, River basin hydrosalinity model­ Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ ing.... ings.... Colorado Land Use Commission, 1974, Colorado SAMPLING land use map folio.... Colorado Springs Wastewater Division, 1980, Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, Stream study.... W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in Nesler, T.P., 1981, The relative abundance of opos­ Region VIII (1978 data).... sum shrimp, Mysis relicia, in Twin Lakes, Colo­ Harris, K.F., 1962, Inventory of published and rado, using a benthic trawl.... unpublished sediment-load data, United States and Puerto Rico, 1950-60.... SAN ISABEL NATIONAL FOREST Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning impoundment on water and sediment in the unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... Draft environmental statement for the upper Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ v. 3, appendix.... ian zone restoration.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ mountainous streams, Colorado.... sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molyb­ denum in stream waters and sediments, central Colorado.... SAND AND GRAVEL PLANTS Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ Trauffer, W.E., 1975, Highly sophisticated water try of molybdenum in some stream sediments clarification system.... and waters....

Subject Index 141 Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ ing.... naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1953, Report on sed­ orado, including concentrations of forty-three imentation in John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas additional elements.... River basin, Colorado.... Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1960, Report on sed­ ing.... imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas Rice, T.L., and Simons, D.B., 1982, Sediment depo­ River basin, Colorado Resurvey of August sition model for reservoirs based on the domi­ 1957.... nant physical processes.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Report on sed­ Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas and stream sediment reconnaissance of the River basin, Colorado Resurvey of March Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado.... 1962.... Surland, L.P., Schley, W.E., and Paulette, R.G., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ 1979, Wastewater treatment modified at wash- rado Initial development.... rack facilities.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ orado, local protection project, phase 1 tal statement.... Sediment investigation.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, [1966?], Summary Zimbelman, D.R., Hedal, J.A., Adrian, B.M., and of reservoir sediment deposition surveys made Arbogast, B.F., 1983, Analytical data report for a in the United States through 1965.... pilot-study of twenty stream-sediment, heavy- mineral concentrate, and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, south- SEEPAGE central Colorado.... Fellows, A.L., 1902, Water resources of the State of Colorado.... SEDIMENT DEPOSITION Skinner, M.M., 1960, Cottonwood Creek bentonite Scares, E.F., Unny, T.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, sealing investigation.... Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- models for predicting sediment storage in large Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ reservoirs Part 1, A stochastic sediment storage rado Initial development.... model.... Scares, E.F., Unny, T.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, SEWAGE Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ models for predicting sediment storage in large centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ reservoirs Part 3, Application of the two mod­ orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey els in conjunction.... research, fiscal year 1981.... Rafter, G.W., 1899, Sewage irrigation, Part II.... SEDIMENTATION Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood SEWAGE TREATMENT control project on a meandering stream.... Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of sion to reuse water.... impoundment on water and sediment in the Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970, Report on La Junta, Colorado, technical assis­ LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic tance project, September 21-October 4, 1970, and environment of Twin Lakes.... October 13-October 19, 1970.... Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of American City, 1971, Portable plant meets tertiary Colorado.... requirements....

142 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Kocerha, Bob [B.A.], 1972, Rx for sludge indiges­ Proudfit, D.P., 1968, Selection of disposal methods tion Heat and vacuum filtration.... for water treatment plant wastes.... Water & Sewage Works, 1976, U.S. Air Force greens, Colorado.... SMALL WATERSHEDS Water and Wastes Engineering, 1970, New sewage technology tested atop Pikes Peak.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974, Final small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 environmental statement; Palmer Lake sanitation through September 1977.... district, Palmer Lake, Colorado.... Cochran, B.J., Minges, D.R., Jarrett, R.D., and SIMULATION Veenhuis, J.E., 1983, Rainfall-runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, October 1977 Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ through September 1980.... tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling preliminary report.... and preliminary regional flood characteristics of small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, basin in Colorado.... Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- SNOW dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer Colorado Land Use Commission, 1974, Colorado system [abs.].... land use map folio.... SIMULATION ANALYSIS Grant, L.O., and Schleusener, R.A., 1961, Snowfall and snowfall accumulation near Climax, Colo­ Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and rado, in Washichek, J. N., and Hannaford, Jack, efficient management alternative for municipal eds., Proceedings of the Western Snow Confer­ water supply.... ence, Spokane, Wash., Apr. 11-13, 1961, 29th Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation annual meeting.... of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American Krick, I.P., 1951, Snow pack increase in the Colo­ Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, rado Rockies by artificial nucleation, in Proceed­ 1967, Proceedings.... ings of the Western Snow Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, Apr. 19-20, 1951, 19th annual SLUDGE meeting.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Magnuson, M.D., 1963, Snowfall extremes in the Report on costs and revenue requirements for western United States, in Western Snow Confer­ alternative water improvement programs.... ence, 31st, Yosemite National Park, 1963, M & I, Inc., 1982, Environmental analysis for land Proceedings.... application of waste sludge in Fremont Shafer, B.A., Leaf, C.F., Danielson, J.A., and County.... Moravec, G.F., 1981, Applications systems verifi­ Proudfit, D.P., 1968, Selection of disposal methods cation and transfer project, v. 4 Operational for water treatment plant wastes.... applications of satellite snow-cover observa­ tions, Colorado Field Test Center.... SLUDGE DISPOSAL U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of 1981, Operation reports City of Pueblo, Colo­ surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts rado Department of Public Works.... A-F [final report]....

SLUDGE TREATMENT SNOW SURVEYS Kocerha, Bob [B.A.], 1972, Rx for sludge indiges­ Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971, tion Heat and vacuum filtration.... List and location of snow courses and soil mois­ Phillips, J.D., 1971, The Porteous process.... ture stations....

Subject Index 143 Haglund, J.W., Werner, J.G., and Starks, M.A., 1979, SPILLWAYS Summary of snow survey measurements, Wyo­ ming, and pertinent measurements in Colorado, Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ Montana, and South Dakota (1919-1978).... lamation first....

Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin.... snow courses.... Washichek, J.N., Moreland, R.E., and Teilborg, J.R., 1972, Summary of snow survey measurements SPORT FISHING for Colorado and New Mexico, 1936-1972.... Nesler, T.P., 1980, Preoperational fishery investiga­ Washichek, J.N., Shafer, B.A., and Teilborg, J.R., tions of Twin Lakes, Colorado, in Clugston, J.P., 1978, Summary of snow survey measurements ed., Clemson Workshop on Environmental for Colorado and New Mexico, 1971-1977.... Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Oper­ ations, Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings....

SOIL MOISTURE Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971, sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of List and location of snow courses and soil mois­ pumped-storage power generation.... ture stations.... Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil SPRINGFIELD moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood hazard delineation Cat Creek.... SOIL PROPERTIES Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Fletcher, L.A., 1975, Soil survey of Chaffee-Lake hazard delineation Sand Arroyo.... area, Colorado Parts of Chaffee and Lake Coun­ ties.... SPRINGS Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley Andrews, G.W., investigator, 1980, Travertine at in Colorado.... Poncha Hot Springs, Chaffee County, Colorado, Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, in Geological Survey research 1980.... Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of geothermometer and isotope models in the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Specification for Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.].... Twin Lakes Dam modification, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado.... Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a well near Colorado Springs, Colorado....

SOUTHERN GREAT PLAINS Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, in Crowley County, Colorado.... Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ Jenkins, E.D., 1971, Test of the Stroebel Spring, a urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 supplementary study of the Fort Carson Expan­ in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... sion Project, Civil Action No. 9820, Tract No. 202, El Paso County, Colorado....

SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION Keller, G.V., 1974, Geophysics of Colorado and geo- Thorne, R.E., and Thomas, G.L., 1981, Hydroacous- thermal energy, in Pearl, R.H., Proceedings of a tic surveys of fish abundance and distribution in symposium on geothermal energy and Colo­ Twin Lakes, Colorado.... rado.... Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains Maslyn, R.M., 1979, Hot-spring-generated karst precipitation.... features near Salida, Colorado [abs.]....

144 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, O.K., 1972, Geohydraulics Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ wastewater plan for Colorado City water and vial aquifers.... sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains County, Colorado.... precipitation.... Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas STATISTICS Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ Rold, J.W., 1974, Geothermal energy and rado.... Colorado An introduction, in Pearl, R.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on geothermal National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- energy and Colorado.... matological data Colorado Springs, annual Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1977, Geothermal summary with comparative data.... exploration in central Colorado [abs.].... National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha matological data Colorado Springs, Colorado, Springs, Colorado [abs.].... monthly summary....

STABILITY STILLING BASINS Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1983, Clear Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ Creek Dam and Reservoir study.... lamation first.... Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the ian zone restoration.... Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin....

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS STOCHASTIC PROCESS Crippen, J.R., and Bue, C.D., 1977, Maximum flood- Scares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, flows in the conterminous United States.... Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and models for predicting sediment storage in large uranium concentrations and associated hydro- reservoirs Part 1, A stochastic sediment storage geochemistry in ground water in southwestern model.... Pueblo County, Colorado [abs].... Scares, E.F., Unny, I.E., and Lennox, W.C., 1982, Follansbee, Robert, 1925, Variation in annual run­ Conjunctive use of deterministic and stochastic off in the Rocky Mountain region, in Contribu­ models for predicting sediment storage in large tions to the hydrology of the United States.... reservoirs Part 3, Application of the two mod­ els in conjunction.... Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin.... Jarvis, C.S., and others, 1936, Floods in the United STORAGE States, magnitude and frequency.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1951, Petsch, H.E., Jr., 1979, Streamflow statistical sum­ Report on water pumping and distribution, maries for Colorado streams through September Northside Water District no. 1.... 30, 1975 Volume 1, Missouri River, Arkansas River, and Rio Grande basins.... Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1980, Water resources appraisals for hydroelectric Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ licensing Upper Arkansas River basin, Colo­ dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- rado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... alpine stream.... Rostvedt, J.O., 1965, Summary of floods in the United States during 1961.... STORM DRAINAGE Smith, G.L., and Schulz, E.F., 1962, Normal monthly M & I, Inc., 1974, Report on storm drainage facilities and annual precipitation for eastern Colorado.... for the city of Canon City....

Subject Index 145 Pueblo West Department of Public Works, date STREAM GRADIENT unknown, Pueblo West metropolitan district master plan for flood control and storm drainage Lee, L.J., and Henson, B.L., 1978, The longitudinal improvement.... river, valley, and regional profiles of the Arkan­ sas River.... STORM RUNOFF Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- Cochran, B.J., Minges, D.R., Jarrett, R.D., and alpine stream.... Veenhuis, J.E., 1983, Rainfall-runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, October 1977 through September 1980.... STREAM SEDIMENT Livingston, R.K., 1981, Rainfall-runoff modeling Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., and preliminary regional flood characteristics of 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map small rural watersheds in the Arkansas River of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate basin in Colorado.... and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, STREAM CLASSIFICATION Colorado.... Colorado Department of Health, 1980, Classifica­ Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., tions and numeric standards Arkansas River 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map basin.... or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Colorado Water Pollution Control Commission, 1971, Water quality standards and stream classi­ Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, fications.... Colorado.... Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, 1974, Morris, W.A., LaDelfe, C.M., and Weaver, T.A., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream Water quality standards for Colorado and classi­ sediment reconnaissance of the Trinidad NTMS fication of inter-state and intra-state streams in Colorado by river basin.... quadrangle, Colorado.... Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream- Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo.... sediment and panned-concentrate geochemical maps of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colo­ water quality management plan for the Pikes rado.... Peak region.... Planner, H.N., Apel, C.T., Fuka, M.A., George, Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream W.E., and Hansel, J.M., 1980, Uranium hydro­ classifications and standards.... geochemical and stream reconnaissance data release for the Leadville NTMS quadrangle, Col­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 orado, including concentrations of forty-two water quality program Stream segment analy­ additional elements.... sis.... Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ STREAM DISCHARGE naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow orado, including concentrations of forty-three analysis and assessment of flow augmentation additional elements.... possibilities.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Nelson, Wayne, Horak, Gerry, and Lewis, Martin, and stream sediment reconnaissance of the 1978, Instream flow strategies for Colorado.... Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ Tanji, K.K., 1981, River basin hydrosalinity model­ ments.... ing.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Wilkes, S.G., and and stream sediment reconnaissance of the King, E.C., 1980, Procedures for determining Lamar NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including peak flows in Colorado [incorporates and sup­ concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ plements technical release 55].... ments....

146 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.K., Martell, C.J., Hensley, STREAMFLOW GAGING STATIONS W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro- geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ Colorado State Planning Commission, 1939, Water sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, resources of Colorado Appendix 5, Statistics of Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two irrigated crops v. 3, Arkansas River basin.... additional elements.... Rostvedt, J.O., and others, 1970, Summary of floods in the United States during 1965.... STREAMFLOW Wood, B.D., compiler, 1912, Gaging stations main­ Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and tained by the United States Geological Survey, irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas 1888-1910, and Survey publications relating to River Valley of Colorado.... water resources.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from STREAMS small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 through September 1977.... Behre, C.H., Jr., 1933, Physiographic history of the upper Arkansas and Eagle Rivers, Colorado.... Fellows, A.L., 1902, Water resources of the State of Colorado.... Costa, J.E., and Jarrett, R.D., 1981, Debris flows in small mountain stream channels of Colorado and Holland, W.T., and Jarvis, C.S., 1938, Inventory of their hydrologic implications.... unpublished hydrologic data.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ Leopold, L.B., 1959, Summary of floods in the tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern United States during 1954 (chap. C), in Floods of Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ 1954.... junctive use of ground and surface water.... McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ showing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs- tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... Colorado.... Mackin, J.H., 1953, Stream planation near Colorado Petsch, H.E., Jr., 1979, Streamflow statistical sum­ Springs, Colorado.... maries for Colorado streams through September 30, 1975 Volume 1, Missouri River, Arkansas Pennak, R.W., and Lavelle, J.W., 1979, In situ mea­ River, and Rio Grande basins.... surements of net primary production in a Colo­ rado mountain stream.... Rostvedt, J.O., and others, 1970, Summary of floods in the United States during 1965.... Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing orado, including concentrations of forty-three daily values for water parameters to September additional elements.... 30, 1971; Central region.... Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1969, Fryingpan- dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer Arkansas Project, Colorado.... system [abs.].... U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Compilation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas records of surface waters of the United States, River and tributaries above John Martin Dam October 1950 to September 1960 Part 7, Lower final environmental impact statement.... Mississippi River basin.... Williams, G.R., and Crawford, L.C., 1940, Maxi­ SURFACE RUNOFF mum discharges at stream-measurement stations through December 31, 1937, with a Supplement Cochran, B.J., Minges, D.R., Jarrett, R.D., and including additions and changes through Sep­ Veenhuis, J.E., 1983, Rainfall-runoff data from tember 30, 1938, by W.S. Eisenlohr, Jr..... small watersheds in Colorado, October 1977 through September 1980.... Wood, B.D., compiler, 1916, Stream-gaging stations and publications relating to water resources, Dumeyer, J.M., 1977, Analysis of stormwater flows 1885-1913.... and Arkansas River water rights....

Subject Index 147 SURFACE WATER Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., compilers, Guidebook for field conference H and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ tion of Quaternary Research, VHth Congress.... tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Jenkins, E.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1969, Hydrologic Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ investigation, Fort Carson, Colorado Expansion tional arrangements associated with ground Project, Civil No. 8920-Tract 202, El Paso County, water allocation in the Missouri River basin Colorado.... states.... Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and mountainous streams, Colorado.... irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas River Valley of Colorado.... Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molyb­ denum in stream waters and sediments, central Colorado Springs, Engineering Division, date Colorado.... unknown, Drainage studies on basins within and Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ near the city.... try of molybdenum in some stream sediments Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, and waters.... R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... 1973.... Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ Range urban corridor, Colorado.... gated stream-aquifer system.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ June 1968 through September 1971.... rado Springs, Colorado.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, October 1971 through September 1974.... Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ analysis and assessment of flow augmentation agement of irrigation and drainage systems.... possibilities.... Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., Fellows, A.L., 1902, Water resources of the State of 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ Colorado.... ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Follansbee, Robert, 1925, Variation in annual run­ Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., off in the Rocky Mountain region, in Contribu­ 1976. Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ tions to the hydrology of the United States.... ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Follansbee, Robert, and Jones, E.E., 1922, The Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., Arkansas River flood of June 3-5, 1921.... 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ rado.... Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, Londquist, C.J., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Water- Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, resources appraisal of the Wet Mountain Valley, and Colfax County, New Mexico.... in parts of Custer and Fremont Counties, Colo­ rado.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of impoundment on water and sediment in the Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Zawist- Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... owski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, rado.... environmental and socioeconomic assessment Six-state High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water resources study.... administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.]....

148 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Milliken, J.G., 1980, Water and energy in Colorado's Wood, B.D., compiler, 1912, Gaging stations main­ future The impact of energy development on tained by the United States Geological Survey, water use in 1985 and 2000.... 1888-1910, and Survey publications relating to water resources.... Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- digital models of stream-aquifer systems.... Wood, B.D., compiler, 1916, Stream-gaging stations and publications relating to water resources, Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, 1885-1913.... Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and wastewater plan for Colorado City water and Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- resources of Huerfano County.... lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo County, Colorado.... SURFACE-WATER MANAGEMENT Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Arkansas River Commission, 1948, Arkansas River water-data activities in coal provinces of the Compact Entered into by the States of Colorado United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and and Kansas, December 14, 1948.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow Arkansas River Compact Administration, 1950, and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... Rules and regulations of the Arkansas River Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas Compact Administration.... River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... Computer Data Systems Inc., 1985, Bureau of Recla­ Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal mation, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, water resources of south-central Colorado and their accounting system, software user manual.... relationship to ground and surface waters.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961 (Appendix A), 1964 (Appendix A supplement), Irrigation Scott, R.C., and Voegeli, P.T., ST., 1961, Radiochem- report, Trinidad project, v. 2 Appendix A, ical analyses of ground and surface water in Col­ Water supply and utilization; Appendix A sup­ orado, 1954-1961.... plement, Revised water supply and utilization.... Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to U.S. Congress, House of Representatives Commit­ U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing tee on Public Lands, 1949, A bill to grant the con­ daily values for water parameters to September sent of the United States to the Arkansas River 30, 1971; Central region.... Compact (H.R. 4151), hearings before a subcom­ Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ mittee on irrigation and reclamations.... nique for estimating recharge using a digital model.... SURFACE- AND GROUND-WATER U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning RELATIONSHIPS unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial Draft environmental statement for the upper aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; v. 3, appendix.... Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the U.S. Geological Survey, 1955, Compilation of Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... records of surface waters of the United States through September 1950 part 7, Lower Missis­ Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Electric-analog and digital- sippi River basin.... computer model analysis of stream depletion by wells.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Compilation of Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Techniques for computing rate records of surface waters of the United States, and volume of stream depletion by wells.... October 1950 to September 1960 Part 7, Lower Mississippi River basin.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Vaudrey, W.C., 1960, Floods of May 1955 in Colo­ Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ rado and New Mexico.... junctive use of ground and surface water.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ of floodflows along the Arkansas River without orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado....

Subject Index 149 Livingston, R.K., 1978, Transit losses and travel- Erker, H.W., and Romero, J.C., 1967, Ground water times of reservoir releases along the Arkansas resources of the upper Black Squirrel Creek River from Pueblo Reservoir to John Martin Res­ basin, El Paso County, Colorado.... ervoir, southeastern Colorado.... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research rado.... 1980.... Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation Gannett, Henry, 1901, Profiles of rivers in the of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American United States.... Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, 1967, Proceedings.... Jones, B.E., and Helland, R.O., 1926, Preliminary Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- index to river surveys made by the United States mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado.... Geological Survey and other agencies.... Rovey, C.F.K., 1975, Numerical model of flow in a Jones, B.E., and Helland, R.O., 1948, Index to river stream-aquifer system.... surveys made by the United States Geological Survey and other agencies revised to July 1, Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water- 1947.... management studies of a stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Jones, E.E., 1979, Unevaluated reconnaissance map Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary of the Arkansas River, Colorado, 1921.... report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas Keller, G.V., 1974, Geophysics of Colorado and geo- River.... thermal energy, in Pearl, R.H., Proceedings of a symposium on geothermal energy and Colo­ SURVEYS rado.... Abbott, P.O., 1985, Description of water-systems Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment operations in the Arkansas River basin, Colo­ of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated rado.... stream-aquifer system....

Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- Lohman, S.W., 1951, General geology and ground- Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, water resources, Arkansas River basin in Colo­ Colorado.... rado.... Alther, G.R., 1977, Geohydrologic setting of the environment near Cotter Mill, Canon City, Colo­ Lohman, S.W., and Burtis, V.M., 1953, Areas of rado.... principal ground-water investigations in the Arkansas, White, and Red River basins.... Banta, E.R., 1983, Groundwater flow patterns in the Dakota Group aquifer in an area near Pueblo, Lohman, S.W., Burtis, V.M., and others, 1953, Gen­ Colorado.... eral availability of ground water and depth to water level in the Arkansas, White, and Red Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic River basins.... patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ cal Survey research 1979.... Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado....

Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ of ground-water conservation for a municipal normal fluid pressures [abs.].... development near Colorado Springs, Colorado Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Col­ compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky orado.... Mountain ground water conference.... Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Data on Fountain Creek centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ project, Colorado Springs, Colorado.... orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Geology and ground-water resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water pacts, and treaties.... administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.]....

150 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream- Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte sediment and panned-concentrate geochemical activities, 1968.... maps of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colo­ rado.... TEMPERATURE Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Region VIII (1978 data).... Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of matical and physical models.... Trinidad, Colorado.... Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1975, Collection and Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical collation of geochemical and hydrological and stream sediment reconnaissance of the parameters of geothermal systems in Colorado, Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including and an evaluation of geothermal reservoir tem­ concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ peratures A preliminary appraisal.... ments.... Thompson, A.H., 1893, Report upon the construc­ tion of topographic maps and the selection and THERMAL SPRINGS survey of reservoir sites in the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas River, Colorado, in Thir­ Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Hydrogeological teenth annual report of the United States Geolog­ data of thermal springs and wells in Colorado.... ical Survey, 1891-92, part 3 Irrigation.... Barrett, J.K., Pearl, R.H., and Pennington, A.J., 1976, Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of Map showing thermal springs, wells and heat- Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., flow contours in Colorado.... and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ Dick, J.D., 1976, Geothermal reservoir temperatures ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ in Chaffee County, Colorado.... . rado.... Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of Healy, F.C., 1980, Geothermal energy potential in ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville Chaffee County, Colorado.... drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... Pearl, R.H., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973, Flood hazard rado.... analyses Sand Creek, City of Colorado Springs, and El Paso County.... Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal resources of south-central Colorado and their Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of relationship to ground and surface waters.... shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Depot, Colorado.... Stearns, N.D., Stearns, H.T., and Waring, G.A., 1937, Thermal springs in the United States.... TAILINGS THERMAL STRATIFICATION Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- puter model MINTEQ.... bay, 1978-1979.... Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81....

TAMARISK King, D.L., and Rhone, T.J., 1975, Physical and mathematical model studies of pumped storage Turner, P.M., 1968, Annual report of phreatophyte reservoir hydrodynamics for determination of activities, 1967.... environmental effects....

Subject Index 151 THERMAL WATER Rold, J.W., 1974, Geothermal energy and Colorado An introduction, in Pearl, R.H., ed., Andrews, G.W., investigator, 1980, Travertine at Proceedings of a symposium on geothermal Poncha Hot Springs, Chaffee County, Colorado, energy and Colorado.... in Geological Survey research 1980.... Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1977, Geothermal Arestad, J.F., 1977, Resistivity studies in the upper exploration in central Colorado [abs.].... Arkansas Valley and northern San Luis Valley, Colorado.... Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha Springs, Colorado [abs.].... Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of geothermometer and isotope models in the Sadler, George, and Ward, B.D., 1977, Preliminary Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.].... analysis of the feasibility of utilizing "waste heat Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1978, An appraisal of energy" discharged from Comanche Station, Pub­ Colorado's geothermal resources.... lic Service Company, Pueblo, Colorado, for agri­ business ventures, in Contribution toward and Barren, J.K., Pearl, R.H., and Pennington, A.J., 1976, [sic] economic development for Colorado, phase Map showing thermal springs, wells and heat- I and II.... flow contours in Colorado.... Stearns, N.D., Stearns, H.T., and Waring, G.A., Berry, G.W., Grim, P.J., and Ikelman, J.A., compil­ 1937, Thermal springs in the United States.... ers, 1980, Thermal springs list for the United States.... Zacharakis, T.G., and Pearl, R.H., 1982, Geothermal resource assessment of Canon City, Colorado Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a area.... well near Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water movement in the Central Great Plains, in TRACE ELEMENTS Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate 1982, Proceedings).... and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ Healy, F.C., 1980, Geothermal energy potential in derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- Chaffee County, Colorado.... mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, Colorado.... Keller, G.V., 1974, Geophysics of Colorado and geo­ thermal energy, in Pearl, R.H., Proceedings of a Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected symposium on geothermal energy and Colo­ hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo rado.... and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, 1975-80.... Maslyn, R.M., 1979, Hot-spring-generated karst features near Salida, Colorado [abs.].... Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., Pearl, R.H., 1972, Geothermal resources of Colo­ 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map rado.... or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Pearl, R.H., 1972, Geothermal resources of Colo­ Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, rado A summary, in Geothermal overviews of Colorado.... the western United States.... Dreesen, D.R., Williams, J.M., Marple, M.L., Glad- Pearl, R.H., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ ney, E.S., and Perrin, D.R., 1982, Mobility and rado.... bioavailability of uranium mill tailings contami­ Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal nants.... resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, Analytical results for 102 water samples from R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Pearl, R.H., Zacharakis, T.G., Repplier, F.N., and Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties McCarthy, K.P., 1981, Bibliography of geother­ Colorado.... mal reports in Colorado.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of Pope, D.L., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ impoundment on water and sediment in the rado.... Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir....

152 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, try of molybdenum in some stream sediments Pueblo's water system.... and waters.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ TRANSFER rado Initial development.... Shafer, B.A., Leaf, C.F., Danielson, J.A., and Moravec, G.F., 1981, Applications systems verifi­ TRANSPORT cation and transfer project, v. 4 Operational applications of satellite snow-cover observa­ Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows tions, Colorado Field Test Center.... zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources mountainous streams, Colorado.... Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate TRAVELTIME route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected D, and E.... hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, TRANSIT LOSS 1975-80.... Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it Canal, 1939-1940.... relates to water-quality guidelines and stream Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit classification.... losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado agement of irrigation and drainage systems.... Canal, 1939-1940....

TRANSMISSIVITY TRENDS Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, Levene, B.F., centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ and Tabor, W.H., 1978, Water and air quality orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey trends in Region VIII, U.S. Environmental Pro­ research, fiscal year 1981.... tection Agency.... Hurt, R.T., 1966, A new approach for estimating Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, transmissibility from specific capacity.... W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in Region VIII (1978 data).... Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... TRINIDAD Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Trinidad, Colorado.... Depot, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain information Purgatoire River and tributaries, TRANSMOUNTAIN DIVERSIONS vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of TRINIDAD PROJECT Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961 (Appendix A), trict.... 1964 (Appendix A supplement), Irrigation report, Trinidad project, v. 2 Appendix A, Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ Water supply and utilization; Appendix A sup­ orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... plement, Revised water supply and utilization....

Subject Index 153 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report TURBIDITY on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in Region VIII (1978 data).... TRINIDAD SANDSTONE Fryt, M.S., 1979, Effects of turbidity on microbio­ Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in logical analysis, in Advances in laboratory tech­ Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological niques for quality control.... Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... Gregg, R.E., and Bergersen, E.P., 1980, Mysis relicta Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- Effects of turbidity and turbulence on short-term geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton survival.... Basin, Colorado [abs.].... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ TROPHIC LEVEL sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of Britton, L.J., and Wentz, D.A., 1980, Water-quality pumped-storage power generation.... characteristics of selected lakes and reservoirs in Colorado.... TURQUOISE LAKE Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... 1979-1980.... TROUT U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Area-capacity tables and curves for Turquoise Lake, Fryingpan- Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado Arkansas project, Colorado, May 1968.... Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ tables and curves, Turquoise Lake-Sugar Loaf ings.... Dam, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... U.S. Forest Service, 1968, Evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the adminis­ Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin tration, management, and use of the San Isabel Lakes, Colorado.... National Forest, section 1 Turquoise.... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ TWIN LAKES sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of pumped-storage power generation.... Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Thorne, R.E., and Thomas, G.L., 1981, Hydroacous- Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ tic surveys of fish abundance and distribution in ings.... Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin TUNNELS Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert Elgin, R.A., Volin, M.E., and Townsend, J.W., 1949, pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... The Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Colorado.... plain information Lake Creek.... Salisbury, M.H., 1956, Leadville drainage tunnel, Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ second project, Lake County, Colorado.... tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... Stamm, G.G., 1973, Case histories of Bureau of Rec­ Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- lamation tunnels, in Srivastava, L.S., ed., Sympo­ Arkansas fish research investigations.... sium on Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Problems, Kurukshetra, India, 1973, Proceed­ Gregg, R.E., and Bergersen, E.P., 1980, Mysz's relicta ings.... Effects of turbidity and turbulence on short-term survival.... Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... orado....

154 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Krieger, D.A., 1980, Ecology of catostomids in Twin U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Evaluation Lakes, Colorado, in relation to a pumped-storage and effects of the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on powerplant.... the administration, management, and use of the San Isabel National Forest, section II Twin LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic Lakes.... environment of Twin Lakes.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Master plan LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of for the recreation management and development the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped of the Twin Lakes and Elbert Forebay compos­ storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- ite.... son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... est, master plan for the recreation, management, LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ Elbert forebay composition.... ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. symposium on surface water impoundments.... Bureau of Reclamation], [date unknown], Stand­ LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the ing operating procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- Twin Lakes.... storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado Wilson, H.M., 1893, Engineering results of irriga­ 1980 report of findings.... tion survey, in Thirteenth annual report of the LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1982, Effects of United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, operating the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage power- part 3 Irrigation.... plant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1981 report of findings.... URANIUM Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... Engineering Science, Inc., 1981, Recommendation for uranium standards for Arkansas River Nesler, T.P., 1980, Preoperational fishery investiga­ basin.... tions of Twin Lakes, Colorado, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clemson Workshop on Environmental Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Oper­ uranium concentrations and associated hydro- ations, Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Pueblo County, Colorado [abs].... Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and 1979-1980.... uranium concentrations and associated hydro- geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ Pueblo County, Colorado.... terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical pumped-storage power generation.... and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ ments.... ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam URANIUM DEPOSITS and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980, Standing operat­ naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ ing procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin orado, including concentrations of forty-three Lakes.... additional elements.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Specification for Twin Lakes Dam modification, Fryingpan- Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Arkansas project, Colorado.... and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including U.S. Congress, Committee unknown, 1961, Operat­ concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ ing principles Fryingpan-Arkansas project.... ments....

Subject Index 155 URBAN AFFAIRS VEGETATION Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunate, 1966, Urban Konikow, L.F., 1973, Simulation of hydrologic and water use study.... chemical-quality variations in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River valley, Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, Colorado.... Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ voir.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern URBAN CORRIDOR Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, WALSENBURG Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Chronic, Felicie, and Chronic, John, 1974, Bibliogra­ ard boundary map Cucharas River and Bear phy and index of geology and hydrology, Front Creek.... Range urban corridor, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain information Cucharas River and tributaries, URBANIZATION Walsenberg, Colorado.... Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front WASTE DISPOSAL Range urban corridor, Colorado.... Babcock, R.E., 1974, Industrial water re-use and Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Well sewage sludge reclamation, in Energy, environ­ yields and chemical quality of water from water- ment and water resources.... table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in rado.... mountainous streams, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in rado.... Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Proudfit, D.P., 1968, Selection of disposal methods for water treatment plant wastes.... Anna, L.O., 1975, Map showing availability of hydrologic data published as of 1974 by the U.S. Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains Environmental Data Service and by the U.S. Geo­ regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ logical Survey and cooperating agencies, Colo­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ rado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... urban corridor, Colorado.... Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the WASTE LOADS U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1974, pacts, and treaties.... Waste load allocation for the Arkansas River.... UTILIZATION Engineering Science, Inc., 1980, Cost-benefit assess­ ment of wasteload allocation and stream classifi­ Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala cation alternatives.... aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in Hope for the High Plains.... WASTEWATER Meyer, R.T., Coe, B.A., and Dick, J.D., 1981, Appen­ dices of an appraisal of the use of geothermal Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ energy in state-owned buildings in Colorado sion to reuse water.... section 81-3a, Alamosa; section 81-3b, Buena Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- Vista; section 81-3c, Burlington; section 81-3d, water at Colorado Springs.... Durango; section 81-3e, Glenwood Springs; sec­ tion 81-3f, Steamboat Springs.... Rafter, G.W., 1899, Sewage irrigation, Part II....

156 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 WASTEWATER TREATMENT Sims, J.H., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, Renovated waste water The question of public accep­ Arthur B. Chafet and Associates, 1970, Woodmen tance.... Water and Sanitation District.... Trauffer, W.E., 1975, Highly sophisticated water CH2M-HU1, Inc., 1975, Water supply and effluent clarification system.... treatment for R.D. Nixon power-generation Water and Wastes Engineering, 1970, New sewage plant.... technology tested atop Pikes Peak.... Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ Weis, Ronald, Welles, Peabody, and Stierwalt, Lee, uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... 1980, Design and operation of a cooling tower ERT/Ecology Consultants, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fre- sidestream treatment system.... mont County 201 facilities plan, v. 2 Environ­ mental analysis.... WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS Foreman, Joe, date unknown, Wastewater treat­ Bell, B.A., date unknown, Concepts and operating ment by land application.... experiences Advanced wastewater treatment Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, plants.... 1981, Operation reports City of Pueblo, Colo­ Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows rado Department of Public Works.... zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- Ostojic, N., 1975, Odor problems? Don't just hold water at Colorado Springs.... your nose.... Lee, G.F., and Jones, R.A., 1981, An assessment of Surland, L.P., Schley, W.E., and Paulette, R.G., the impact of the Colorado Springs domestic 1979, Wastewater treatment modified at wash- wastewater treatment plant discharges on Foun­ rack facilities.... tain Creek.... M & I, Inc., 1974, Wastewater treatment master plan WATER for Canon City metropolitan sanitation district.... Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ M & I, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fremont County 201 facil­ tional arrangements associated with ground ities plan, v. 1 Engineering analysis.... water allocation in the Missouri River basin states.... McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities.... Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Michael, G.Y., 1981, Impact of the sulfur dioxide Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... dechlorination system on dissolved oxygen and Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ un-ionized ammonia in Fountain Creek.... tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and wastewater plan for Colorado City water and WATER ALLOCATION sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, County, Colorado.... M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis of priority water resources problems to develop Oblinger-Smith, Corp., 1972, Water and sewage a comprehensive research program for the south­ facility plan [Pueblo County, Colorado].... ern plains river basins region.... Proudfit, D.P., 1968, Selection of disposal methods Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the for water treatment plant wastes.... Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives Rittenhouse, R.C., 1982, Developments in wastewa­ (Ogallala-High Plains region).... ter handling at power plants.... Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied waters.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Areawide water and waste-water planning study for the St. Charles Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water Mesa, Rye-Colorado City, and Beulah sectors of District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to Pueblo County.... a city) outside the water district]....

Subject Index 157 Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Southeastern Colo­ Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1957, rado Water Conservancy District v. Shelton Report on the conservation of water at Pueblo, Farms (water decrees bound to call of the Colorado.... river).... Colorado State Soil and Water Conservation Needs Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ Committee, 1969, Colorado conservation needs uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... inventory.... Goslin, I.V., 1976, Interstate river compacts Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1960, Bentonite sealing investi­ Impact on Colorado.... gations Third quarterly progress report.... Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1961, Bentonite sealing investi­ WATER AVAILABILITY gations Final report.... Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., and Shen, R.T., I960, Bentonite Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1976, sediment sealing of irrigation canals Report for Report of investigation on water availability to the three-year period of 1957 through 1959.... Rock Creek Mesa water district.... Evans, A., and Raley, W.L., 1984, Research in United Western Engineers, 1975, Water supply action Solving Colorado water problems, FY investigation, La Mesa De Angeles Mobile Home 1983 annual report.... Park.... Goslin, I.V., 1976, Interstate river compacts Impact on Colorado.... WATER BALANCE High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Colorado.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources appraisal.... Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1973, Salvage of water due to phreatophyte clearing, Shelton Farms, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... WATER BUDGET Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, water at Colorado Springs.... Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas 1970.... River valley of Colorado.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or ground water in Otero County and the southern half empty?.... part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. Jen- Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ kins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bearing orado High Plains.... materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the Sadler, George, and Ward, B.D., 1977, Preliminary ground water, by C.A. Horr.... analysis of the feasibility of utilizing "waste heat energy" discharged from Comanche Station, Pub­ WATER CONSERVATION lic Service Company, Pueblo, Colorado, for agri­ business ventures, in Contribution toward and Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ [sic] economic development for Colorado, phase tee, Colorado Coordination Committee, 1953, A I and II.... plan for the development, use and conservation of the resources of the Arkansas basin in Colo­ Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of rado.... agricultural change on a local economy in the Great Plains.... Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, Turner, P.M., 1968, Annual report of phreatophyte M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis activities, 1967.... of priority water resources problems to develop a comprehensive research program for the south­ Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte ern plains river basins region.... activities, 1968....

158 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ Plains.... fer systems.... Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied WATER DEMAND waters.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of River.... Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, An trict.... investigation of Fort Carson Military Reservation water rights status.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ Colorado Soil Conservation Board, 1979, Agricul­ ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four ture water quality assessment of Pueblo County, Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau Colorado.... of Reclamation.... Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, Las Animas County (Abandonment of water Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ rights).... politan District.... Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Southeastern Colo­ water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... rado Water Conservancy District v. Shelton Farms (water decrees bound to call of the Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in river).... Las Animas County (Abandonment of water rights).... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ 1970.... ment options for groundwater mining in the Great Plains.... Hamburg, D.H., and Swick, L.L., eds., 1973, Colo­ rado statutes pertaining to water resources and Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- selected water cases.... water at Colorado Springs.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., Krassa, R.F.T., 1980, Legal assessment of low-flow 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ augmentation alternatives on the Arkansas River rado.... at Pueblo, Colorado.... League of Women Voters of Colorado, 1975, Colo­ WATER DEVELOPMENT rado water.... U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas National Forests, in Water uses atlas.... River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Radosevich, G.E., Nobe, K.C., Allardice, D., and Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ Kirkwood, C., 1976, Evolution and administra­ opment listing.... tion of Colorado water law, 1876-1976.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Water for tomor­ WATER LAW row; Colorado State water plan, phase 1 Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ Appraisal report on water and related land tional arrangements associated with ground resources and their present utilization.... water allocation in the Missouri River basin U.S. Congress, House of Representatives Commit­ states.... tee on Public Lands, 1949, A bill to grant the con­ Arkansas River Commission, 1948, Arkansas River sent of the United States to the Arkansas River Compact Entered into by the States of Colorado Compact (H.R. 4151), hearings before a subcom­ and Kansas, December 14, 1948.... mittee on irrigation and reclamations.... Arkansas River Compact Administration, 1950, U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Colorado v. Kansas Rules and regulations of the Arkansas River (Apportionment of water between upriver and Compact Administration.... downriver States)....

Subject Index 159 U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Opinion of the Supreme Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Court of the United States, December 6, 1943, in model of the hydrologic system, northern High the case of the State of Colorado, Complainant, Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... vs. the State of Kansas, et al., defendants, con­ cerning the Arkansas River.... Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Water-level records for the northern High Plains Woodward-Clyde-Sherard [Woodward-Clyde?] of Colorado, 1973-77.... and Associates, 1967, Analysis of water rights, Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, trict.... Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ investigations for the Arkansas River basin in terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of pumped-storage power generation.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground investigations for the Arkansas River basin in water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Colorado, v. 2 Comprehensive report.... Denver Basin, Colorado.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water WATER LEGISLATION levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ orado, 1969-73.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation investigations for the Arkansas River basin in WATER LEVELS Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- development and hydrologic conditions of the Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ investigations for the Arkansas River basin in leys, Colorado, 1972.... Colorado, v. 2 Comprehensive report.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1974, Water-level decline in the alluvial aquifer, spring 1964 to WATER-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS spring 1974, Upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado Colorado.... Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ ings.... orado, 1978-82.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... orado, 1979-83.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Water-level records for the northern High Plains orado, 1978-82.... of Colorado.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level records for the northern High Plains Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level of Colorado.... changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Col­ orado.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... Borman, R.G., 1979, Altitude and configuration of the water table and depth to water in the north­ Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, ern High Plains of Colorado, January 1978.... Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80....

160 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River 1977-81.... valley, Colorado.... Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, rado, 1970-74.... Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ ming.... ers, 1975, Water-level records for Colorado, 1971-75.... Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy- drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level southeastern Colorado.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1972-76.... Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for McConaghy, J.A., and Colburn, G.W., 1964, Records Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ of wells in Colorado.... rado.... Moore, J.E., and Hurr, R.T., 1966, Water-table Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, B.C., 1980, Depth to contour map, Boone to Fowler, Colorado, March 15 to 30, 1966.... the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ ridor, Colorado.... ments and preliminary results of an analog- model evaluation Arkansas River valley in Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level eastern Colorado.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1968-72.... Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level County, Colorado.... records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Nace, R.L., and Pluhowski, E.J., 1965, Drought of the 1950's with special reference to the Midconti- Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level nent.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Richards, D.B., Hershey, L.A., and Glanzman, R.K., 1970-74.... 1968, Hydrogeologic data for Baca and southern Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Prowers Counties, Colorado.... Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground of Colorado.... water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... Hutchinson, B.C., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- logic data for the water table aquifers in the Col­ Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water orado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ urban corridor, Colorado.... orado, 1969-73.... Kapple, G.W., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels 1977, Digital ground-water model of the Ogallala in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, aquifer in parts of Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ 1968-72.... ties, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium Lub- Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ ment options for groundwater mining in the Great Plains.... WATER LOSS Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1960, Bentonite sealing investi­ of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American gations Third quarterly progress report.... Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1961, Bentonite sealing investi­ 1967, Proceedings.... gations Final report.... Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., and Shen, R.T., 1960, Bentonite Water-level records for the northern High Plains sediment sealing of irrigation canals Report for of Colorado, 1973-77.... the three-year period of 1957 through 1959....

Subject Index 161 Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1973, Salvage of Lee, G.F., Newbry, B.W., Heinemann, T.J., Jones, water due to phreatophyte clearing, Shelton R.A., Tobita, S., and Psaris, P., 1980, Draft report Farms, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... to Pueblo Area Council of Governments on dem­ onstration of hazard assessment for evaluation of Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1974, Salvage of environmental impact of Pueblo County munici­ water due to phreatophyte clearing, Spady pal wastewater discharges on water quality in Brothers farm, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ the Arkansas River.... rado.... Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel 1975, Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas ern El Paso County, Colorado.... River basin, Colorado.... Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of Interim plan for water quality management El hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ Paso and Teller Counties.... ment.... Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... WATER POLLUTION Stoner, J.D., 1985, Dissolved solids in the Arkansas Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, River basin, in National water summary, 1984 M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis Hydrologic events, selected water-quality of priority water resources problems to develop trends, and ground-water resources.... a comprehensive research program for the south­ ern plains river basins region.... Surland, L.P., Schley, W.E., and Paulette, R.G., 1979, Wastewater treatment modified at wash- Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, rack facilities.... Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- relates to water-quality guidelines and stream Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ classification.... rado Initial development.... Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1978, Pro­ phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin file of environmental quality Region 8, Colo­ Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert rado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... Utah, Wyoming.... CH2M-Hill, Inc., 1986, California Gulch remedial Voynick, S.M., 1984, Yesterday's mines poison investigation, Leadville, Colorado.... today's rivers (Water pollution from metal mine Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/Cali­ drainage, upper Arkansas River, Colorado).... fornia Gulch remedial investigation.... Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, Levene, B.F., WATER-POLLUTION CONTROL and Tabor, W.H., 1978, Water and air quality Lee, G.F., Newbry, B.W., Heinemann, T.J., Jones, trends in Region VIII, U.S. Environmental Pro­ R.A., Tobita, S., and Psaris, P., 1980, Draft report tection Agency.... to Pueblo Area Council of Governments on dem­ Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, and Tabor, onstration of hazard assessment for evaluation of W.H., 1979, Water and air quality trends in environmental impact of Pueblo County munici­ Region VIII (1978 data).... pal wastewater discharges on water quality in the Arkansas River.... Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... Sims, J.H., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, Renovated waste water The question of public accep­ Krieger, D.A., 1980, Ecology of catostomids in Twin tance.... Lakes, Colorado, in relation to a pumped-storage powerplant.... WATER-POLLUTION EFFECTS LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado impoundment on water and sediment in the 1980 report of findings.... Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir....

162 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1979, pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, Report on determination of economic values of and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic improved water quality in the Arkansas River macrofauna.... basin.... Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water WATER-POLLUTION SOURCES resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... of the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... Edelmann, Patrick, 1984, Effects of irrigating with Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Car­ the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on son Military Reservation golf course near Colo­ Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert rado Springs, Colorado.... Brennan.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of Britton, L.J., and Wentz, D.A., 1980, Water-quality impoundment on water and sediment in the characteristics of selected lakes and reservoirs in Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... Colorado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ water quality program Point source subplans, centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey management subplans.... research, fiscal year 1981....

WATER QUALITY Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., River Valley of Colorado.... and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- relates to water-quality guidelines and stream Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, classification.... Colorado.... Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, ing.... 1975-80.... ARIX Engineers, 1985, Water quality study, Arkan­ sas River above Salida, Colorado.... CH2M-Hill, Inc., 1986, California Gulch remedial investigation, Leadville, Colorado.... Babcock, R.E., 1974, Industrial water re-use and sewage sludge reclamation, in Energy, environ­ Clarke, F.W., 1914, Water analyses from the labora­ ment and water resources.... tory of the United States Geological Survey.... Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water water quality and use Seminar of the Great resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, Plains Resource Economics Committee of the Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a Great Plains Agricultural Council.... section on Chemical quality of the ground water, Baldridge, Duaina, compiler, 1982, Stream by C.A. Horr.... capacity A comparison of in-stream water- Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, quality data to stream standards (Arkansas River Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ basin within Pueblo County).... tee.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of development and hydrologic conditions of the Colorado Springs Wastewater Division, 1980, alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ Stream study.... leys, Colorado, 1972.... Colorado Water Pollution Control Commission, Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level 1967, Stream classification for surface waters of declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black Colorado Stream quality standards, plan of Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... implementation, enforcement procedures....

Subject Index 163 Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, B.C., 1980, Well R.D., and Hurt, R.T., 1984, Water-resources yields and chemical quality of water from water- appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ rado.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Hutchinson, B.C., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- logic data for the water table aquifers in the Col­ Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source orado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... urban corridor, Colorado.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1977, Analysis of stormwater flows Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from and Arkansas River water rights.... Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, compilers, Guidebook for field conference H Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress.... Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/Cali­ Jenkins, E.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1969, Hydrologic fornia Gulch remedial investigation.... investigation, Fort Carson, Colorado Expansion Project, Civil No. 8920-Tract 202, El Paso County, Entzminger, T.A., Sotiros, Richard, Levene, B.F., Colorado.... and Tabor, W.H., 1978, Water and air quality trends in Region VIII, U.S. Environmental Pro­ Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, tection Agency.... Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, 1973.... Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ 1968, Water supply and water quality control tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations study, Arkansas River subbasin, Colorado A in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... study for needs for municipal and industrial water supply and water quality control.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ Foreman, Joe, 1976, A summary of the report, gated stream-aquifer system.... Pueblo Board of Water Works stream and point discharge, analytical reports.... Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated Foreman, Joe, 1976, The interpretation of the chem­ stream-aquifer system.... ical characteristics of natural water.... Krieger, R.A., Hatchett, J.L., and Poole, J.L., 1957, Gahr, W.N., 1951, Domestic water supplies, quality Preliminary survey of saline-water resources of of water and pollution abatement problems, the United States.... Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment Gaydos, M.W., 1980, Summary of water-quality preferences to groundwater depletion in the data for selected streams in Colorado.... American High Plains.... League of Women Voters of Colorado, 1975, Colo­ Givens, W.D., Marotte, F.K., and Zeien, C.T., 1981, rado water.... Zero-discharge in practice at Ray D. Nixon power plant.... Lee, G.F., and Jones, R.A., 1981, An assessment of the impact of the Colorado Springs domestic Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ wastewater treatment plant discharges on Foun­ orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... tain Creek.... Hall, R.W., and Robey, D.L., 1977, Preliminary eval­ Lee, G.F., Newbry, B.W., Heinemann, T.J., Jones, uation of water quality of proposed Fountain R.A., Tobita, S., and Psaris, P., 1980, Draft report Lake, Colorado.... to Pueblo Area Council of Governments on dem­ onstration of hazard assessment for evaluation of Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of environmental impact of Pueblo County munici­ impoundment on water and sediment in the pal wastewater discharges on water quality in Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... the Arkansas River.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., date unknown, Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources Water-quality studies, Pueblo Reservoir, at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ Fryingpan-Arkansas project.... rado Springs, Colorado....

164 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and ern El Paso County, Colorado.... wastewater plan for Colorado City water and sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo 1976. Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ County, Colorado.... ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., water-data activities in coal provinces of the 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and rado.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... Lohr, E.W., and Love, S.K., 1954, The industrial utility of public water supplies in the United Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to States, 1952, Part 2 States west of the Missis­ water-data activities in coal provinces of the sippi River.... United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and ground water.... Zawistowski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... Palmer, S.D., and Murphy, Mark, 1984, Cumulative McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- hydrologic impact assessment The effects of Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load coal mining on the hydrologic systems of the allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to Raton coal field, north-central New Mexico.... Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas Interim plan for water quality management El River.... Paso and Teller Counties.... McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... County, Colorado.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso mended stream classifications.... Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... water quality program Stream segment analy­ McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ sis.... bility study report Leadville mine drainage Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- tunnel.... mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado.... Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream study.... Richards, D.B., Hershey, L.A., and Glanzman, R.K., 1968, Hydrogeologic data for Baca and southern Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, Prowers Counties, Colorado.... R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs Wastewater Division stream study.... Robson, S.G., 1983, Hydraulic characteristics of the principal bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver Milliken, J.G., 1980, Water and energy in Colorado's basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources future The impact of energy development on appraisal.... water use in 1985 and 2000.... Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the Moran, R.E., and Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effects of study of hydrologic effects of ground-water metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ areas of Colorado, 1972-73.... rado....

Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology Robson, S.G., and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa structure, hydrology, and water quality of the County, Colorado.... Dawson aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado....

Subject Index 165 Robson, S.G., Wacinski, Andrew, Zawistowski, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, date unknown, Arkan­ Stanley, and Romero, J.C., 1981, Geologic struc­ sas cooperative quality of water survey, 1952 to ture, hydrology, and water quality, of the 1953.... Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer in the Denver basin, Colorado.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1981, Arkansas River basin draft cooperative study report.... Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1978, Pro­ pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, file of environmental quality Region 8, Colo­ and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic rado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, macrofauna.... Utah, Wyoming.... Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Denver Basin, Colorado.... Draft environmental statement for the upper Scott, R.C., and Voegeli, P.T., Sr., 1961, Radiochem- Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; ical analyses of ground and surface water in Col­ v. 3, appendix... orado, 1954-1961.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan Showen, C.R., and Williams, O.O., 1973, Index to Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ water-quality data available from the U.S. Geo­ sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National logical Survey in machine-readable form to Forests.... December 31, 1972; Central region.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... Sims, J.H., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, Renovated waste water The question of public accep­ U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel tance.... National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron National Grasslands, Draft environmental Skougstad, M.W., and Horr, C.A., 1963, Occurrence impact statement.... and distribution of strontium in natural water.... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Spanish Peaks wilder­ Stoner, J.D., 1985, Dissolved solids in the Arkansas ness study area report San Isabel National For­ River basin, in National water summary, 1984 est.... Hydrologic events, selected water-quality trends, and ground-water resources.... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado.... tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.... of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, bel and Rio Grande National Forests.... Colorado.... Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado.... and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... content of its contained ground water Canon City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and Colorado.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado (draft environmental impact statement).... Water, Waste, and Land Inc., 1980, Hydrology, geology, and water quality in vicinity of the Max­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- well and Alien mines, Las Animas County, Colo­ Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ rado Final report to CF&I Steel Corp..... tal statement.... Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, [1976?], Report on shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Leadville mine drainage tunnel.... Depot, Colorado....

166 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effect of mine drainage on the Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream quality of streams in Colorado, 1971-72.... study.... Woodward, T.H., and Heidel, S.G., 1964, Inventory Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, of published and unpublished chemical analyses R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs of surface waters in the continental United States Wastewater Division stream study.... and Puerto Rico, 1961.... Pueblo County Health Department, 1973, Water Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee quality data, Colorado City-Rye area.... County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ Skougstad, M.W., and Horr, C.A., 1963, Occurrence tics, impacts, and management implementa­ and distribution of strontium in natural water.... tion.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, date unknown, Arkan­ Zimbelman, D.R., Hedal, J.A., Adrian, B.M., and sas cooperative quality of water survey, 1952 to Arbogast, B.F., 1983, Analytical data report for a 1953.... pilot-study of twenty stream-sediment, heavy- mineral concentrate, and rock samples from the U.S. Geological Survey, 1974, Hydrologic unit map Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, south- 1974, State of Colorado.... central Colorado.... Woodward, T.H., and Heidel, S.G., 1964, Inventory Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water of published and unpublished chemical analyses resources of Huerfano County.... of surface waters in the continental United States and Puerto Rico, 1961.... WATER-QUALITY CONTROL WATER-QUALITY MANAGEMENT Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and efficient management alternative for municipal Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ water supply.... tional arrangements associated with ground water allocation in the Missouri River basin Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, states.... Interim plan for water quality management El Paso and Teller Counties.... Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1979, A statewide framework for water quality manage­ ment.... WATER-QUALITY DATA Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water Clarke, F.W., 1914, Water analyses from the labora­ quality management plan.... tory of the United States Geological Survey.... Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water Colorado Department of Public Health, 1973, quality management plan for the Upper Arkan­ Record of water quality and radium-226 data, sas Area.... Greenhorn basin area.... Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1974, Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality Waste load allocation for the Arkansas River.... data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1975, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Arkansas River basin [water?] quality manage­ 1968, Water quality control study, the Fryingpan- ment plan.... Arkansas Project, Arkansas River subbasin, Col­ orado.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1980, Evaluation of exceedance of proposed un-ionized ammonia limits, Arkansas George, R.D., Curtis, H.A., Lester, O.C., and others, River below Fountain Creek.... 1920, Mineral waters of Colorado.... Engineering Science, Inc., 1980, Cost-benefit assess­ Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide ment of wasteload allocation and stream classifi­ water quality management plan for the Pikes cation alternatives.... Peak region.... ERT/Ecology Consultants, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fre- Harris, K.F., 1962, Inventory of published and mont County 201 facilities plan, v. 2 Environ­ unpublished sediment-load data, United States mental analysis.... and Puerto Rico, 1950-60.... Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Krieger, R.A., Hatchett, J.L., and Poole, J.L., 1957, 1968, Water quality control study, the Fryingpan- Preliminary survey of saline-water resources of Arkansas Project, Arkansas River subbasin, Col­ the United States.... orado....

Subject Index 167 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Water qual­ 1968, Water supply and water quality control ity control study The Fryingpan-Arkansas study, Arkansas River subbasin, Colorado A project.... study for needs for municipal and industrial water supply and water quality control.... West, H.W., and Floy, H.M., 1977, Environmental baseline descriptions for use in the management Finley, C.J., Baldridge, Duaina, and Nelson, B.N., of Fort Carson natural resources, report 2 1981, 208 Water quality plan Plan update, Water-quality, meteorologic, and hydrologic 1981.... data collected with automated field stations.... Foreman, Joe, 1975, Evaluation of available com­ Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee puter stream modeling systems for application to County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ the Pueblo 208 program.... tics, impacts, and management implementa­ Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide tion.... water quality management plan for the Pikes Peak region.... WATER-QUALITY STANDARDS Gahr, W.N., 1951, Domestic water supplies, quality Colorado Water Pollution Control Commission, of water and pollution abatement problems, 1971, Water quality standards and stream classi­ Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... fications.... M & I, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fremont County 201 facil­ Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, 1974, ities plan, v. 1 Engineering analysis.... Water quality standards for Colorado and classi­ M & I, Inc., 1982, Environmental analysis for land fication of inter-state and intra-state streams in application of waste sludge in Fremont Colorado by river basin.... County.... Colorado Water Quality Control Commission, 1975, Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1975, Colorado regulations for effluent limitations Project Aquarius Recommendations for stream Treatment works site approval regulation, storm classification, Fountain/Monument subbasin.... sewer discharge regulations.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1971, Engineering Science, Inc., 1980, Cost-benefit assess­ Pueblo metropolitan area interim plan for water ment of wasteload allocation and stream classifi­ quality management.... cation alternatives.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Engineering Science, Inc., 1981, Recommendation water quality program Final plan and imple­ for uranium standards for Arkansas River mentation schedule.... basin.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, water quality program Point source subplans, 1968, Water quality control study, the Fryingpan- nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ Arkansas Project, Arkansas River subbasin, Col­ management subplans.... orado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1980, Sum­ Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, mary report of Pueblo wasteload allocation stud­ Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and ies.... wastewater plan for Colorado City water and Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1984, 208 sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- water quality program Plan update, Report sec­ lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo tion.... County, Colorado.... Shaner, James, and Zebroski, Robert, 1982, Agricul­ Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream tural water quality assessment of lower Fountain classifications and standards.... Creek.... Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, WATER REQUIREMENTS Planning and management, region 13.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1953, URS/Ken R. White Co., 1975, Arkansas River basin Report on water purification requirements.... water quality management plan.... Rought, B.C., 1984, The southwestern salinity situ­ URS/Ken R. White Company, 1975, Arkansas River ation The Rockies to the Mississippi, in French, basin water quality management plan, statement R.H., ed., Salinity in watercourses and reser­ of the plan.... voirs....

168 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 WATER RESOURCES Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and efficient management alternative for municipal Abbott, P.O., 1985, Description of water-systems water supply.... operations in the Arkansas River basin, Colo­ rado.... Elliot and Associates, Inc., 1969, Study and recom­ mendations concerning the water supply for Col­ Alien, E.G., DeCicco, D.A., and Lutz, G.A., compil­ orado City including the Wolf-Williams ers, 1979, Leasable mineral and waterpower land acquisition.... classification map of the Leadville 1° by 2° quad­ rangle, Colorado.... Evans, A., and Raley, W.L., 1984, Research in action Solving Colorado water problems, FY Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert 1983 annual report.... pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado.... Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 1980, Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Water resources appraisals for hydroelectric aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in licensing Upper Arkansas River basin, Colo­ Hope for the High Plains.... rado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... Bedinger, M.S., and Sniegocki, R.T., 1976, Summary Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1978, Cherokee appraisals of the Nation's ground-water water district-Chapel Hills water and sanitation resources; Arkansas-White-Red region.... district.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Givens, W.D., Marotte, F.K., and Zeien, C.T., 1981, Water-level records for the northern High Plains Zero-discharge in practice at Ray D. Nixon of Colorado.... power plant.... Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied Goslin, I.V., 1976, Interstate river compacts waters.... Impact on Colorado.... Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ Committee and Resource Economics Committee, opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... 1971, The role of water resources in the economic development of the Great Plains Proceedings of Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, a seminar, July 22-23,1971, Denver, Colorado.... El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ Greer, M.J., 1971, Water supply study, Colorado ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ City.... rado.... Greer, MJ, 1971, Water supply study, Hollydot Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report Park, Pueblo County, Colorado.... on the ground water resources of the bedrock Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy- aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, mary.... southeastern Colorado.... Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], rado.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, 1978, environmental and socioeconomic assessment Colorado's water A report of the Colorado Six-state High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Water Resources Research Institute.... resources study.... Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... Decicco, D.A., Patterson, E.D., and Lutz, G.A., com­ pilers, 1978, Leasable mineral and waterpower High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, land classification map of the Raton quadrangle, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], New Mexico, Colorado.... 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer regional resources study A report to the U.S. Duce, J.T., 1924, Geology of parts of Las Animas, Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Otero, and Bent Counties.... Council (3d ed).....

Subject Index 169 High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Geology and ground-water results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, resources of Baca County, Colorado.... with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ merce and Congress.... ments and preliminary results of an analog- Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ model evaluation Arkansas River valley in tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern eastern Colorado.... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, junctive use of ground and surface water.... Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ wastewater plan for Colorado City water and ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ County, Colorado.... ment options for groundwater mining in the Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities Great Plains.... for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., area, Colorado.... 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities and Teller Counties, Colorado.... for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of area, Colorado.... drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ Pearl, R.H., 1974, Geology of ground water ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the resources in Colorado An introduction.... symposium on surface water impoundments.... Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1976. Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1962, rado.... Pueblo regional water study.... Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ Reid, G.W., 1976, Research to develop ecological cations in a mountain front environment; Front standards for water resources.... Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver area; water for new communities in El Paso basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., appraisal.... eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science maps applied to land and water management.... Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Lohman, S.W., 1951, General geology and ground- Denver Basin, Colorado.... water resources, Arkansas River basin in Colo­ rado.... Simons, Li, & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary assessment Development and administration of Londquist, C.J., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Water- water resources of the Arkansas River.... resources appraisal of the Wet Mountain Valley, in parts of Custer and Fremont Counties, Colo­ Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ rado.... fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ agement.... Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-State Ogallala aquifer area study Baseline results for the agricultural Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of sector.... Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ of ground-water conservation for a municipal rado.... development near Colorado Springs, Colorado [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ Mountain ground water conference.... ties.... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, Tudor Engineering Company, 1980, Western States An economic input-output study of the High inventory of low-head hydroelectric sites, v. 2, Plains region of eastern Colorado.... appendix D Environmental screening....

170 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Turner, P.M., 1968, Annual report of phreatophyte Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ activities, 1967.... tee, 1957, Development of water and land resources of the Arkansas-White and Red River Turner, P.M., 1970, Annual report of phreatophyte basins.... activities, 1968.... Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, United Western Engineers, 1971, Water resources of El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and Rancho, Colorado.... Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ Planning and management, region 13.... rado.... URS/Ken R. White Co., 1975, Arkansas River basin Colorado State Planning Commission, 1939, Water water quality management plan.... resources of Colorado Appendix 2, data on stream-gaging stations of Colorado.... U.S. Air Force, 1976, Fort Carson Butts AAF, Colo­ U.S. Geological Survey, 1964, Compilation of rado Revised uniform summary of surface records of surface waters of the United States, weather observations (RUSSWO).... October 1950 to September 1960 Part 7, Lower U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas Mississippi River basin.... River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water Colorado.... resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources WATER-RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to tee, Colorado Coordination Committee, 1953, A northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, plan for the development, use and conservation D, and E.... of the resources of the Arkansas basin in Colo­ rado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ tee, 1976, State regional futures and problem lists U.S. National Resources Committee, Drainage (activity 2, phase II) 1975 national assessment, Basin Committee, 1937, Reports for the Arkansas, Arkansas-White-Red region.... Upper White, and St. Francis basins upper Arkansas; central Arkansas, Cimarron; Cana­ Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ dian, upper White-Black-St. Francis; Neosho fer systems.... (Grand)-Verdigris-Illinois; lower Arkansas.... Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of Crawford, I.C., 1956, Colorado's water resources declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, (2ded)..... in Lehr, J.H., Ed., Proceedings of a symposium on ground-water management.... Gildersleeve, R.M., 1951, Arkansas River in Colo­ rado, tributaries, water supplies and history of Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of development.... shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ Depot, Colorado.... orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... Woodward-Clyde and Associates, 1969, Ground Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ water investigations, Williams and Wolf prop­ tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern erty, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... WATER-RESOURCES DATA Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River water at Colorado Springs.... investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Amsley, H.D., 1926, The co-operative investigation on the Arkansas River and certain tributaries for Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, the year 1925.... well and pump evaluations....

Subject Index 171 Milliken, J.G., 1980, Water and energy in Colorado's U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Water for tomor­ future The impact of energy development on row; Colorado State water plan, phase 1 water use in 1985 and 2000.... Appraisal report on water and related land resources and their present utilization.... Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1976, Report of investigation on water availability to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to Rock Creek Mesa water district.... final environmental statement, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1977, conduit.... Potable water facilities evaluation for the town of Limon.... U.S. National Resources Committee, Drainage Basin Committee, 1937, Reports for the Arkansas, Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas Upper White, and St. Francis basins upper River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... Arkansas; central Arkansas, Cimarron; Cana­ Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and dian, upper White-Black-St. Francis; Neosho Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ (Grand)-Verdigris-Illinois; lower Arkansas.... orado High Plains.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Forest Service, Simons, Li, & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary and Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, assessment Development and administration of Arkansas River basin report Cooperative water resources of the Arkansas River.... study.... United Western Engineers, 1975, Water supply Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983, Water supply investigation, La Mesa De Angeles Mobile Home and reservoir analysis studies, Raton Basin Park.... project near Segundo, Colorado....

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1936, Arkansas W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water River and tributaries Letter from the Secretary availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... of War transmitting pursuant to the Flood Con­ trol Act of May 31, 1942.... WATER-RESOURCES MANAGEMENT U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Water resources development by the U.S. Army Corps Arkansas Basins Inter-Agency Committee, Compre­ of Engineers in Colorado.... hensive Planning Committee, 1978, Specific problem analysis summary report, 1975 national U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas assessment of water and related land River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, resources.... Colorado.... Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Review survey tee, 1976, State regional futures and problem lists for water resource development, Lamar, Colo­ (activity 2, phase II) 1975 national assessment, rado, and vicinity Hydrology.... Arkansas-White-Red region.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ Bittinger, M.W., and Stringham, G.E., 1963, A study rado Initial development.... of phreatophyte growth in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ orado, 1978-82.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado, Kansas.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ orado, 1979-83.... mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer project, Colorado.... study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited rado (draft environmental impact statement).... water resources The Ogallala aquifer....

172 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water Sponsors of the Sangre de Cristo Resource and resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, Development Project, and U.S. Soil Conservation Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a Service, 1973, Sangre de Cristo resource conser­ section on Chemical quality of the ground water, vation and development project Project addi­ by C.A. Horr.... tion for Chaffee and Lake Counties, Colorado.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... analysis and assessment of flow augmentation Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1974, Water-manage­ possibilities.... ment studies of a stream-aquifer system, Arkan­ Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and sas River valley, Colorado.... efficient management alternative for municipal U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas water supply.... River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ ment).... uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Water for tomor­ Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1974, Salvage of row; Colorado State water plan, phase 1 water due to phreatophyte clearing, Spady Appraisal report on water and related land Brothers farm, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ resources and their present utilization.... rado.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1981, Arkansas Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization River basin draft cooperative study report.... of floodflows along the Arkansas River without regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Draft environmental statement for the upper Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; v. 3, appendix.... McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities.... Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study Forests.... of ground-water conservation for a municipal development near Colorado Springs, Colorado U.S. Water Resources Council, 1977, Preliminary [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., water resources problem statements.... compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial Mountain ground water conference.... contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium Lub- Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Plains.... Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources appraisal.... WATER REUSE Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ study of hydrologic effects of ground-water sion to reuse water.... development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ Bell, B.A., date unknown, Concepts and operating rado.... experiences Advanced wastewater treatment Rohdy, D.D., Anderson, R.L., Grandin, T.B., and plants.... Peterson, D.H., 1970, Pump irrigation on the Col­ Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and orado High Plains.... efficient management alternative for municipal Simons, Li, & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary water supply.... assessment Development and administration of Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ water resources of the Arkansas River.... uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use agricultural change on a local economy in the in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, Great Plains.... J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities....

Subject Index 173 Rittenhouse, R.C., 1982, Developments in wastewa- J.W. Patterson & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary ter handling at power plants.... study of the modification of water rights claimed by Wyoming Fuel Company.... Sadler, George, and Ward, B.D., 1977, Preliminary analysis of the feasibility of utilizing "waste heat Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, energy" discharged from Comanche Station, Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ Public Service Company, Pueblo, Colorado, for ment options for groundwater mining in the agribusiness ventures, in Contribution toward Great Plains.... and [sic] economic development for Colorado, phase I and II.... Melton, D.D., and McCabe, R.D., 1976, Catlin trans­ fer plan and John Martin permanent pool opera­ tion.... WATER RIGHTS U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado.... tional arrangements associated with ground water allocation in the Missouri River basin U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- states.... Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ rado Initial development.... American Water Works Association, 1985, Law and water Diversion considered noninjurious to U.S. Supreme Court, 1943, Colorado v. Kansas senior appropriators.... (Apportionment of water between upriver and downriver States).... Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives (Ogallala-High Plains region).... WATER STORAGE Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water and administration of groundwater in interstate resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, and international aquifers Phase I.... Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, section on Chemical quality of the ground water, Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of by C.A. Horr.... Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... trict.... Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... waters.... Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, An 1968, Water quality control study, the Fryingpan- investigation of Fort Carson Military Reservation Arkansas Project, Arkansas River subbasin, Col­ water rights status.... orado.... Colorado Supreme Court, 1973, In Re CF & I Steel in Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ Las Animas County (Abandonment of water ing.... rights).... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado.... a city) outside the water district].... Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Southeastern Colo­ rado Water Conservancy District v. Shelton WATER SUPPLY Farms (water decrees bound to call of the Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving river).... municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ Dumeyer, J.M., 1977, Analysis of stormwater flows ing.... and Arkansas River water rights.... Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Commit­ Gildersleeve, R.M., 1951, Arkansas River in Colo­ tee, Colorado Coordination Committee, 1953, A rado, tributaries, water supplies and history of plan for the development, use and conservation development.... of the resources of the Arkansas basin in Colo­ rado.... Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An empirical test of democracy in Great Plains Arthur B. Chafet and Associates, 1970, Woodmen resource districts.... Water and Sanitation District....

174 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis 1968, Water supply and water quality control of priority water resources problems to develop study, Arkansas River subbasin, Colorado A a comprehensive research program for the south­ study for needs for municipal and industrial ern plains river basins region.... water supply and water quality control.... Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ Follansbee, Robert, 1925, Variation in annual run­ sion to reuse water.... off in the Rocky Mountain region, in Contribu­ tions to the hydrology of the United States.... Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives Gahr, W.N., 1951, Domestic water supplies, quality (Ogallala-High Plains region).... of water and pollution abatement problems, Arkansas River basin in Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of Greer, M.J., 1971, Water supply study, Colorado Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for City.... Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ Greer, MJ, 1971, Water supply study, Hollydot trict.... Park, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Gregg, D.O., Meyer, E.L., Targy, M.M., and Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ Moulder, E.A., 1961, Public water supplies of ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four Colorado, 1959-60.... Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.... Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An politan District.... empirical test of democracy in Great Plains resource districts.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1977, Water distribution for Colorado Springs.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1967, Hydrological engi­ resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ neering study for Stratmoor South subdistrict.... ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality of the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ Bresler, S.A., 1972, Economics of ion exchange tech­ ment options for groundwater mining in the nology applied to municipal water quality Great Plains.... improvement.... League of Women Voters of Colorado, 1975, Colo­ CH2M-Hill, Inc., 1975, Water supply and effluent rado water.... treatment for R.D. Nixon power-generation plant.... Leonard, G J., 1984, Assessment of water resources at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ Colorado Land Use Commission, 1974, Colorado rado Springs, Colorado.... land use map folio.... Lohr, E.W., and Love, S.K., 1954, The industrial Colorado Water Pollution Control Commission, utility of public water supplies in the United 1967, Stream classification for surface waters of States, 1952, Part 2 States west of the Missis­ Colorado Stream quality standards, plan of sippi River.... implementation, enforcement procedures.... McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, half empty?.... R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources McGuinness, C.L., 1963, The role of ground water in appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from the national water situation.... Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1954, Geology and ground-water Elliot and Associates, Inc., 1969, Study and recom­ resources of Baca County, Colorado.... mendations concerning the water supply for Col­ orado City including the Wolf-Williams McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ acquisition.... cal logging potential for the Denver basin....

Subject Index 175 Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ County, Colorado.... rado (draft environmental impact statement).... Nadler, C.T., Jr., 1978, River metamorphosis of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and South Platte and Arkansas Rivers, Colorado.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado.... Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1976, Report of investigation on water availability to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and Rock Creek Mesa water district.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ rado (final environmental impact statement).... Patterson and Associates, 1981, Water supply esti­ mates, Appendix.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to final environmental statement, Fryingpan- Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley Pueblo's water system.... conduit.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1981, Arkansas Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ River basin draft cooperative study report.... voir.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Forest Service, Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Areawide water and and Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, waste-water planning study for the St. Charles Arkansas River basin report Cooperative Mesa, Rye-Colorado City, and Beulah sectors of study.... Pueblo County.... Water & Sewage Works, 1976, Colorado pumping station reaches new heights.... Sims, J.H., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, Renovated waste water The question of public accep­ Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains tance.... regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Skold, M.D., and Greer, A.J., Jr., 1969, The impact of homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... agricultural change on a local economy in the Great Plains.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1963, Water in the Dakota and Pur- gatoire Formations in Otero County and the Trauffer, W.E., 1975, Highly sophisticated water southern part of Crowley County, Colorado.... clarification system.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of United Western Engineers, 1975, Water supply ground water in Otero County and the southern investigation, La Mesa De Angeles Mobile Home part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on Park.... Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. Jen- Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, kins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bearing Planning and management, region 13.... materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High ground water, by C.A. Horr.... Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Woodward-Clyde and Associates, 1969, Ground Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary water investigations, Williams and Wolf prop­ report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate erty, Pueblo County, Colorado.... route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to northeastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983, Water supply D, and E.... and reservoir analysis studies, Raton Basin project near Segundo, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1949, Initial develop­ ment, Gunnison-Arkansas project, Colorado.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ WATER-SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT rado Initial development.... Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961 (Appendix A), water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... 1964 (Appendix A supplement), Irrigation report, Trinidad project, v. 2 Appendix A, Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water Water supply and utilization; Appendix A sup­ District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to plement, Revised water supply and utilization.... a city) outside the water district]....

176 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin In Colorado Through 1985 Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and Pearl, R.H., 1972, Geothermal resources of Colo­ efficient management alternative for municipal rado A summary, in Geothermal overviews of water supply.... the western United States.... Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ Showen, C.R., and Stuthmann, N.G., 1973, Index to uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... U.S. Geological Survey computer files containing daily values for water parameters to September 30, 1971; Central region.... WATER SYSTEMS Walch, L.A., 1980, Movements of lake trout in Twin M & I, Inc., 1972, Master plan for water systems Lakes, Colorado, in relation to the Mt. Elbert improvements for Canon City, Colorado.... pumped-storage powerplant.... M & I, Inc., 1975, Master plan for water system improvements for Rocky Ford, Colorado.... WATER TRANSFER Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, Computer Data Systems Inc., 1985, Bureau of Recla­ Pueblo's water system.... mation, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, water accounting system, software user manual.... WATER TABLE Melton, D.D., and McCabe, R.D., 1976, Catlin trans­ fer plan and John Martin permanent pool opera­ Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, tion.... Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 WATER TREATMENT in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts ing.... of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ ming.... ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Depth to Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado of Reclamation.... Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, ridor, Colorado.... Report on costs and revenue requirements for Hurt, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic alternative water improvement programs.... characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, Jorden, R.M., Aronson, J.T., Noblett, J.G., and Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Rosain, R.M., 1980, Treatment of cooling tower the northern High Plains of Colorado.... circulating water An EPRI project.... Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil nomics of desalination of brackish household moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... water supplies.... McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1977, water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso Potable water facilities evaluation for the town of County, Colorado.... Limon.... Scott, G.R., 1972, Brief description as of April 1968 Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, of the geology and hydrology of the Lake Min- Pueblo's water system.... nequa area, Pueblo, Colorado, and suggested solutions for trouble caused by high water Sims, J.H., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, Renovated table.... waste water The question of public accep­ tance.... WATER TEMPERATURE U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to final environmental statement, Fryingpan- Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley study.... conduit....

Subject Index 177 W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... WATER USE Milliken, J.G., 1980, Water and energy in Colorado's Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., future The impact of energy development on and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of water use in 1985 and 2000.... area 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Moun­ Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology tain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa Arkansas Basins Inter-Agency Committee, Compre­ County, Colorado.... hensive Planning Committee, 1978, Specific Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, problem analysis summary report, 1975 national Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and assessment of water and related land wastewater plan for Colorado City water and resources.... sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in County, Colorado.... water quality and use Seminar of the Great Plains Resource Economics Committee of the Pointer, Vena, date unknown, Report to the Colo­ Great Plains Agricultural Council.... rado Water Conservation Board concerning irri­ gation and water problems of the Arkansas Bittinger, M.W., 1959, Colorado's ground-water Valley, Colorado.... problems Ground water in Colorado.... Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Rought, B.C., 1984, The southwestern salinity situ­ River Valley of Colorado.... ation The Rockies to the Mississippi, in French, Colorado Irrigation Centennial Committee, 1952, A R.H., ed., Salinity in watercourses and reser­ hundred years of irrigation in Colorado; voirs.... 100 years of organized and continuous irriga­ Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, tion, 1852-1952.... project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley region.... Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ Spronk Water Engineers, Inc., 1985, Evaluation of rado.... the Arkansas River winter water storage pro­ gram in Colorado.... Colorado State Planning Commission, 1939, Water resources of Colorado Appendix 5, Statistics of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, Gunnison- irrigated crops v. 3, Arkansas River basin.... Arkansas project, Roaring Fork diversion, Colo­ rado Initial development.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report methods for determining water use in the High on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming 1979.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado, Kansas.... Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1974, Salvage of water due to phreatophyte clearing, Spady U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Water for tomor­ Brothers farm, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ row; Colorado State water plan, phase 1 rado.... Appraisal report on water and related land resources and their present utilization.... J.W. Patterson & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel study of the modification of water rights claimed National Forests, in Water uses atlas.... by Wyoming Fuel Company.... U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Kaufman, Alvin, and Nadler, Mildred, 1966, Water Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ use in the mineral industry.... opment listing.... Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1960, Irrigation the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas guide for southeastern Colorado, Arkansas River River valley of Colorado.... watershed below 7,000 feet....

178 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Irrigation Hurt, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic guide for Colorado, elevations above 7,000 feet.... characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Zorich-Erker Engineering, Inc., 1978, Water Water-level records for the northern High Plains resources of Huerfano County.... of Colorado, 1973-77.... Major, T.J., Hurt, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, WATER USE PROJECTIONS Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... 1972-76.... Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ WATER WELLS rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... Aiken, J.D., 1984, Evaluation of legal and institu­ tional arrangements associated with ground water allocation in the Missouri River basin WATER USERS states.... Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water Alien, D.U., 1976, Engineering geology consider­ District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to ations in the design, construction, and operation a city) outside the water district].... of the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Southeastern Colo­ and forebay dam, Colorado, in Depman, A.J., ed., rado Water Conservancy District v. Shelton Onshore and offshore problems, hazards, and Farms (water decrees bound to call of the environmental complications.... river).... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of Rought, B.C., 1984, The southwestern salinity situ­ development and hydrologic conditions of the ation The Rockies to the Mississippi, in French, alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ R.H., ed., Salinity in watercourses and reser­ leys, Colorado, 1972.... voirs.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level records for the northern High Plains WATER UTILIZATIONS of Colorado.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the development and hydrologic conditions of the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ leys, Colorado, 1972.... Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to probable well yields.... a city) outside the water district].... Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunato, 1966, Urban gation wells and application rates for irrigated water use study.... cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating methods for determining water use in the High Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey and Wyoming 1979.... research, fiscal year 1981.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water northern High Plains of Colorado.... in Crowley County, Colorado....

Subject Index 179 Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.C., 1980, Well WATER YIELD yields and chemical quality of water from water- table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ development and hydrologic conditions of the rado.... alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ leys, Colorado, 1972.... Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Water-level records for the northern High Plains Plains of Colorado.... of Colorado.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Col­ 1968-72.... orado....

Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 ment options for groundwater mining in the probable well yields.... Great Plains.... Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, in Crowley County, Colorado.... Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing of water wells, in Geological Survey research Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geohy- 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and drology of Baca and southern Prowers Counties, topography, articles 1-59.... southeastern Colorado....

Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, model of the hydrologic system, northern High Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Plains of Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... 1975, Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Water-level records for the northern High Plains Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical of Colorado, 1973-77.... methods for estimating groundwater with­ drawal.... Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the release routing model for the upper Arkansas Denver Basin, Colorado.... River basin of Colorado.... Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments valley, Colorado.... in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso County, Colorado.... Reddell, D.L., 1970, A mathematical model for determining areal distribution of natural Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water recharge in the northern High Plains of Colo­ levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ rado, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium.... orado, 1969-73.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Forests.... 1968-72.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army National Grasslands, Draft environmental Depot, Colorado.... impact statement....

180 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Spanish Peaks wilder­ Colorado Soil Conservation Board and U.S. Soil ness study area report San Isabel National For­ Conservation Service, 1977, Canon Watershed est.... project, Fremont County, Colorado Reduction of flood water and sediment damages to Canon U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study watershed, Canon City, Colorado.... report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado.... Colorado Springs, Engineering Division, date unknown, Drainage studies on basins within and U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study near the city.... report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, June 1968 through September 1971.... Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ bel and Rio Grande National Forests.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of October 1971 through September 1974.... shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy Depot, Colorado.... Creek.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon.... WATERSHED MANAGEMENT U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1969, Canon City.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Crooked Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... Arroyo.... Boone, S.G., 1985, Colorado River basin and water­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Fisher Peak- shed summary.... Carbon Arroyos.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Wolf-Creek- tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Highlands.... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... WATERWAYS Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- Abbott, P.O., 1976, Observed channel changes in a quality model to evaluate water management mountain stream due to increased flow from practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, transbasin imports.... in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ control project on a meandering stream.... ings.... Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ showing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs- ian zone restoration.... Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... WEATHER Pope, D.L., 1969, Report on the upper Arkansas U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, River basin, Colorado-Kansas.... Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of U.S. Forest Service, 1968, Evaluation and effects of surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the adminis­ A-F [final report].... tration, management, and use of the San Isabel Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains National Forest, section 1 Turquoise.... precipitation....

WATERSHEDS WELL DATA Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, 1971, Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- List and location of snow courses and soil mois­ level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ ture stations.... orado, 1978-82....

Subject Index 181 Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Well Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, yields and chemical quality of water from water- Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle politan District.... Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ rado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level orado, 1978-82.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1970-74.... Boettcher, A.J., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level measurements of selected wells and test holes Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level and chemical analyses of ground water in eastern records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado.... 1972-76.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Taylor, O.J., 1975, Artificial-recharge experiments records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, in the alluvial aquifer south of Fountain, El Paso 1977-81.... County, Colorado.... Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Ground-water Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Col­ in Crowley County, Colorado.... orado, 1969-73.... Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... WELL LOGS Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level Boettcher, A.J., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for measurements of selected wells and test holes Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ and chemical analyses of ground water in eastern rado.... Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, measurements of selected wells and test holes, 1968-72.... physical properties of unconsolidated materials, Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley of Colorado.... in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ orado.... Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Electric-analog and digital- computer model analysis of stream depletion by Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Zawist- wells.... owski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Techniques for computing rate and volume of stream depletion by wells.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... rado, 1970-74.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Specification for Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Twin Lakes Dam modification, Fryingpan- ers, 1975, Water-level records for Colorado, Arkansas project, Colorado.... 1971-75.... Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont well and pump evaluations.... and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ WELLS ver Basin, Colorado.... Barb, C.F., 1946, Selected well logs of Colorado.... McConaghy, J.A., and Colburn, G.W., 1964, Records of wells in Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for ments and preliminary results of an analog- Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ model evaluation Arkansas River valley in trict.... eastern Colorado....

182 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ of ground-water conservation for a municipal coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities development near Colorado Springs, Colorado Program.... [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky Richards, D.B., Hershey, L.A., and Glanzman, R.K., Mountain ground water conference.... 1968, Hydrogeologic data for Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colorado.... Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1978, Water engi­ neering report, Security water district Wide- U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels field aquifer recharge program.... in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1968-72.... WILDERNESS STUDY AREAS Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Spanish Peaks wilder­ difference arrays of observation wells to estimate ness study area report San Isabel National For­ evapotranspiration from ground water in the est.... Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study Weist, W.G., Jr., 1962, Records, logs, and water- report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area level measurements of selected wells, springs, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado.... and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study water in Otero and the southern part of Crowley report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study Counties, Colorado.... area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.... Wilson, W.W., 1965, Pumping tests in Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ bel and Rio Grande National Forests.... WET MOUNTAIN VALLEY Zimbelman, D.R., Hedal, J.A., Adrian, B.M., and Londquist, C.J., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Water- Arbogast, B.F., 1983, Analytical data report for a resources appraisal of the Wet Mountain Valley, pilot-study of twenty stream-sediment, heavy- in parts of Custer and Fremont Counties, Colo­ mineral concentrate, and rock samples from the rado.... Sangre de Cristo Wilderness Study Area, south- central Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the study of hydrologic effects of ground-water WILDLIFE development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ rado.... Colorado Game, Fish, and Parks Department, 1967, Effects of the proposed Arkansas River channel­ ization project on wildlife.... WETLANDS Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting.... WITHDRAWAL Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Water-level records for the northern High Plains Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... of Colorado.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ WIDEFIELD AQUIFER tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey methods for estimating groundwater with­ research, fiscal year 1981.... drawal.... Edelmann, Patrick, and Cain, Doug, 1985, Sources Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial of water and nitrogen to the Widefield aquifer, contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium, Lub- southwestern El Paso County, Colorado.... bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings....

Subject Index 183 YAK TUNNEL YIELD CH2M-HU1, Inc., 1986, California Gulch remedial Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, investigation, Leadville, Colorado.... Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/ Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ California Gulch remedial investigation.... trict.... McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of bility study report Leadville mine drainage the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of tunnel.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado.... Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, [1976?], Report on of water wells, in Geological Survey research Leadville mine drainage tunnel.... 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography, articles 1-59.... McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ cal logging potential for the Denver basin....

184 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 COUNTY INDEX

BACA COUNTY Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas.... Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Rut- ledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, of priority water resources problems to develop predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; a comprehensive research program for the south­ specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 ern plains river basins region.... probable well yields.... Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level water quality and use Seminar of the Great records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Plains Resource Economics Committee of the 1977-81.... Great Plains Agricultural Council.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface fer systems.... beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Hope for the High Plains.... Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... (Ogallala-High Plains region).... Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management gation wells and application rates for irrigated and administration of groundwater in interstate cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains and international aquifers Phase I.... of Colorado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of orado, 1978-82.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- of Colorado.... level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- orado, 1979-83.... economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in region.... the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ Brennan.... opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Water-level records for the northern High Plains water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... of Colorado.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High- small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 Plains of Colorado.... through September 1977.... Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... ern Colorado.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Colorado Department of Agriculture, various northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... rado High Plains study Summary report....

County Index 185 Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating hazard delineation Cat Creek.... methods for determining water use in the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, hazard delineation Sand Arroyo.... and Wyoming 1979.... Condes de la Torre, Alberto, 1982, Support by the Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating U.S. Geological Survey for adjudications, com­ 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the pacts, and treaties.... High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Doherty, T.J., 1966, Effects on farmers of change Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South from dryland to irrigation in Baca County.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geo­ runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, hydrology of Baca and southern Prowers Coun­ June 1968 through September 1971.... ties, southeastern Colorado.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for October 1971 through September 1974.... Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains rado.... of eastern Colorado.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains rate structures on electricity and water use on the Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a Colorado High Plains.... report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... movement in the Central Great Plains, in High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., environmental and socioeconomic assessment 1982, Proceedings).... Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ resources study.... ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of local water supply augmentation assessment the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Meeting.... resources study.... Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Committee and Resource Economics Committee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], 1971, The role of water resources in the economic 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, development of the Great Plains Proceedings of institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South regional resources study A report to the U.S. Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Council (3d ed)..... Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ ming.... merce and Congress.... Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, empirical test of democracy in Great Plains Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High resource districts.... Plains of Colorado....

186 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Water-level records for the northern High Plains 1968-72.... of Colorado, 1973-77.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ northern High Plains of Colorado.... rado, 1970-74.... Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1970... 1972... Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer development and management in the northern area study Baseline results for the agricultural portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... sector.... Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ half empty?.... ment options for groundwater mining in the McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, Great Plains.... An economic input-output study of the High Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in Plains region of eastern Colorado.... the southern High Plains ground water basin of McLaughlin, T.G., 1954, Geology and ground-water Colorado.... resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Geology and ground-water preferences to groundwater depletion in the resources of Baca County, Colorado.... American High Plains.... Moulder, E. A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, the Ogallala and several consolidated formations Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, ification and Research Studies Committee.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., aquifer.... 1982, Proceedings).... Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, agement system for areal interpretive data for 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... pre-development to 1980, in the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources and Wyoming.... Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ model of the hydrologic system, northern High eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... and E....

County Index 187 Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of ard boundary map Purgatoire River and Rule declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, and Mud Creeks.... in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on ground-water management.... Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Givens, W.D., Marotte, F.K., and Zeien, C.T., 1981, homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Zero-discharge in practice at Ray D. Nixon power plant.... Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains precipitation.... Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley in the High Plains.... in Colorado.... Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1974, Salvage of Plains.... water due to phreatophyte clearing, Spady Brothers farm, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and rado.... the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... BENT COUNTY Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1972, Hydrogeologic Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... ing.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, junctive use of ground and surface water.... Colorado and Kansas.... Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... salinity seminar and workshop....

Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations cal Survey research 1979.... in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ River.... tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Bresler, S. A., 1972, Economics of ion exchange tech­ tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A nology applied to municipal water quality preliminary report.... improvement.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- Broom, M.E., and Irwin, J.H., 1963, Records, logs, quality model to evaluate water management and water-level measurements of selected wells practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in water in Bent County, Colorado.... water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas ings.... River Valley of Colorado.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ Eddy, F.W., 1984, The cultural resource inventory ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ of the John Martin Dam and Reservoir, Bent gated stream-aquifer system.... County, Colorado.... Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment Federal Insurance Administration, 1973, Flood haz­ of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated ard boundary map Arkansas River.... stream-aquifer system....

188 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, Rice, T.L., and Simons, D.B., 1982, Sediment depo­ Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing sition model for reservoirs based on the domi­ of water wells, in Geological Survey research nant physical processes.... 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography, articles 1-59.... Rovey, C.K., 1975, Numerical model of flow in a stream-aquifer system.... Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in River valley of Colorado.... Arkansas River.... Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ of floodflows along the Arkansas River without sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C.... Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, region.... 1967, Proceedings.... Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical long-term viability of flood control projects methods for estimating groundwater with­ The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, Pisi- drawal.... dhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok-Nukul- chai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protection Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing from natural disasters Proceedings of the inter­ irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John national conference held in Bangkok, January 7- Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ 9, 1980.... rado.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, nique for estimating recharge using a digital Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River model.... valley, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1940, Caddoa Reser­ Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ voir project, Arkansas River, Colorado.... ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ rado, 1970-74.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1953, Report on sed­ imentation in John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ River basin, Colorado.... nomics of desalination of brackish household water supplies.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water vicinity Interim report on review survey for management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... flood control.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ ment.... rado.... Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and Cof­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas fin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management on a River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Colorado.... Animas, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the ment).... lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973-77.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- final environmental impact statement.... mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ hazard information Arkansas River and Cad­ ing.... doa and Mud Creeks....

County Index 189 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Coe, B.A., Dick, J.D., Galloway, M.J., Gross, J.T., hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ and Meyer, R.T., 1982, Geothermal potential for taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, commercial and industrial direct heat applica­ Colorado.... tions in Salida, Colorado Final report.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Review survey Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water for water resource development, Lamar, Colo­ quality management plan for the Upper Arkan­ rado, and vicinity Hydrology.... sas Area.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Welcome to Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ John Martin Reservoir, Colorado.... torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ rado.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood 1968-72.... plain information South Arkansas River and Poncha Creek.... Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1979, Flood difference arrays of observation wells to estimate plain information South Arkansas River.... evapotranspiration from ground water in the Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood plain information Chalk Creek.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, investigations for the Arkansas River basin in R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... CHAFFEE COUNTY Dick, J.D., 1976, Geothermal reservoir temperatures in Chaffee County, Colorado.... Alien, E.G., DeCicco, D.A., and Lutz, G.A., compil­ ers, 1979, Leasable mineral and waterpower land Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., classification map of the Leadville 1° by 2° quad­ 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map rangle, Colorado.... or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Andrews, G.W., investigator, 1980, Travertine at Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Poncha Hot Springs, Chaffee County, Colorado, Colorado.... in Geological Survey research 1980.... Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, Arestad, J.F., 1977, Resistivity studies in the upper Flood insurance study Town of Buena Vista, Arkansas Valley and northern San Luis Valley, Colorado, Chaffee County.... Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood ARIX Engineers, 1985, Water quality study, Arkan­ insurance study South Arkansas River and sas River above Salida, Colorado.... Arkansas River.... Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of Analytical results for 102 water samples from geothermometer and isotope models in the sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.].... Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties Behre, C.H., Jr., 1933, Physiographic history of the Colorado.... upper Arkansas and Eagle Rivers, Colorado.... Fletcher, L.A., 1975, Soil survey of Chaffee-Lake Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, area, Colorado Parts of Chaffee and Lake Coun­ Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of ties.... Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... trict.... Healy, F.C., 1980, Colorado geothermal commer­ Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1983, Clear cialization planning, semiannual progress Creek Dam and Reservoir study.... report, January 1, 1980-June 30, 1980.... Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas Healy, F.C., 1980, Geothermal energy potential in River.... Chaffee County, Colorado....

190 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal ian zone restoration.... Gorge, Colorado.... Krick, I.P., 1951, Snow pack increase in the Colo­ Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ rado Rockies by artificial nucleation, in Proceed­ graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ ings of the Western Snow Conference, Victoria, ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... B.C., Canada, Apr. 19-20, 1951, 19th annual Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal meeting.... resources of south-central Colorado and their Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs relationship to ground and surface waters.... on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha Canal, 1939-1940.... Springs, Colorado [abs.].... Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel Skinner, M.M., 1960, Cottonwood Creek bentonite times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas sealing investigation.... River basin, Colorado.... Sponsors of the Sangre de Cristo Resource and Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit Development Project, and U.S. Soil Conservation losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, Service, 1973, Sangre de Cristo resource conser­ Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., vation and development project Project addi­ Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ tion for Chaffee and Lake Counties, Colorado.... agement of irrigation and drainage systems.... Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir Planning and management, region 13.... release routing model for the upper Arkansas U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1969, Fryingpan- River basin of Colorado.... Arkansas project.... Maslyn, R.M., 1979, Hot-spring-generated karst U.S. Forest Service, 1963, A multiple use survey of features near Salida, Colorado [abs.].... the evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan- Meyer, R.T., Coe, B.A., and Dick, J.D., 1981, Appen­ Arkansas project on the administration, manage­ dices of an appraisal of the use of geothermal ment, and use of the White River National energy in state-owned buildings in Colorado Forest.... section 81-3a, Alamosa; section 81-3b, Buena U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ Vista; section 81-3c, Burlington; section 81-3d, est, master plan for the recreation, management, Durango; section 81-3e, Glenwood Springs; sec­ and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. tion 81-3f, Steamboat Springs.... Elbert forebay composition.... Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Draft environmental statement for the upper Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; v. 3, appendix.... Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream-sedi­ ment and panned-concentrate geochemical maps U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel Planner, H.N., Apel, C.T., Fuka, M.A., George, National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron W.E., and Hansel, J.M., 1980, Uranium hydro- National Grasslands, Draft environmental geochemical and stream reconnaissance data impact statement.... release for the Leadville NTMS quadrangle, Col­ U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study orado, including concentrations of forty-two report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area additional elements.... Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado.... Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... opment listing....

County Index 191 U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1978, Flood hazard Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, analysis Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado.... Plains of Colorado.... Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... snow courses.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the tics, impacts, and management implementa­ northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... tion.... Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment River.... to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... CHEYENNE COUNTY Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, of priority water resources problems to develop predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; a comprehensive research program for the south­ specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 ern plains river basins region.... probable well yields.... Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level water quality and use Seminar of the Great records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Plains Resource Economics Committee of the 1977-81.... Great Plains Agricultural Council.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface fer systems.... beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Hope for the High Plains.... Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... (Ogallala-High Plains region).... Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management gation wells and application rates for irrigated and administration of groundwater in interstate cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains and international aquifers Phase I.... of Colorado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of orado, 1978-82.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- of Colorado.... level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- orado, 1979-83.... economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water region.... resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality of study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert Brennan.... Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level records for the northern High Plains Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ of Colorado.... ern Colorado....

192 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, measurements of selected wells and test holes, R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the physical properties of unconsolidated materials, High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water orado.... table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts Coffin, D.L! 1967, Geology and ground-water of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a ming.... section on Chemical quality of the ground water, Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An by C.A. Horr.... empirical test of democracy in Great Plains resource districts.... Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research methods for determining water use in the High 1968.... Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Colorado Department of Agriculture, various and Wyoming 1979.... years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the rado High Plains study Summary report.... High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains rado.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... of eastern Colorado.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], ard boundary map Wild Horse Creek.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, environmental and socioeconomic assessment Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and resources study.... rate structures on electricity and water use on the Colorado High Plains.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, movement in the Central Great Plains, in local water supply augmentation assessment Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ resources study.... ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, 1982, Proceedings).... Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual regional resources study A report to the U.S. Meeting.... Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Council (3d ed)..... Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources Committee and Resource Economics Committee, High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of 1971, The role of water resources in the economic results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, development of the Great Plains Proceedings of with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... merce and Congress....

County Index 193 Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, Plains of Colorado.... predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Wyoming.... 1968-72.... Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level model of the hydrologic system, northern High records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... northern High Plains of Colorado.... Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level Water-level records for the northern High Plains records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, of Colorado, 1973-77.... 1970... Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains rado, 1970-74.... of Colorado.... Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, development and management in the northern 1972... portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer area study Baseline results for the agricultural Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, sector.... Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ ment options for groundwater mining in the McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or Great Plains.... half empty?.... Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, the southern High Plains ground water basin of An economic input-output study of the High Colorado.... Plains region of eastern Colorado....

Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment Moulder, E.A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in preferences to groundwater depletion in the the Ogallala and several consolidated formations American High Plains.... in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ ification and Research Studies Committee.... Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, B.C., 1984, High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, B.C., 1984, Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, 1982, Proceedings).... and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... aquifer.... Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ agement system for areal interpretive data for Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology....

194 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route junctive use of ground and surface water.... A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ and E.... els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, salinity seminar and workshop.... Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... ground-water management.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ preliminary report.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated precipitation.... stream-aquifer system.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of in the High Plains.... the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado.... Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High rado, 1970-74.... Plains.... Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and well and pump evaluations.... the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall-Ell- logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... ingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load alloca­ tion for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain Creek, CROWLEY COUNTY Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas River.... Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, nomics of desalination of brackish household Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... water supplies.... Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water River.... management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Colorado.... River... Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities in Crowley County, Colorado.... for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood area, Colorado.... plain information Arkansas River.... Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the 1973-77.... Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado.... Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in in Colorado.... Arkansas River....

County Index 195 Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ ground water in Otero County and the southern rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C.... Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, Jenkins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bear­ project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley ing materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the region.... ground water, by C.A. Horr....

Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and CUSTER COUNTY long-term viability of flood control projects The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, Pisi- Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., dhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok-Nukul- 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map chai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protection of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate from natural disasters Proceedings of the inter­ and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ national conference held in Bangkok, January 7- derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- 9, 1980.... mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, Colorado.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood nique for estimating recharge using a digital plain information Taylor, Swift, Texas, Spring, model.... and Grape Creeks.... Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... rado.... Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the study of hydrologic effects of ground-water Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ rado.... ties.... Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas resources of south-central Colorado and their River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, relationship to ground and surface waters.... Colorado.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1969, The Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including future of a river Choices and values, a report on concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ the proposed channelization of the Arkansas ments.... River above John Martin Dam.... U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Draft environmental statement for the upper 1968-72.... Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; v. 3, appendix.... Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite-dif­ U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning ference arrays of observation wells to estimate unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... evapotranspiration from ground water in the Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron Weist, W.G., Jr., 1962, Records, logs, and water- National Grasslands, Draft environmental level measurements of selected wells, springs, impact statement.... and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, water in Otero and the southern part of Crowley Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ Counties, Colorado.... bel and Rio Grande National Forests.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1963, Water in the Dakota and Pur- U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San gatoire Formations in Otero County and the Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ southern part of Crowley County, Colorado.... opment listing....

196 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow Barb, C.F., 1946, Selected well logs of Colorado.... frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ snow courses.... sion to reuse water.... ELBERT COUNTY Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ pressures.... gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy normal fluid pressures [abs.].... Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- 1968.... stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.].... resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso Bell, B.A., date unknown, Concepts and operating Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big experiences Advanced wastewater treatment Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... plants.... Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities entations and apertures of fractures.... Program.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy development and hydrologic conditions of the Creek.... alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon.... leys, Colorado, 1972.... Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... EL PASO COUNTY Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1974, Water-level decline in the alluvial aquifer, spring 1964 to Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- spring 1974, Upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... Colorado.... Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a Alther, G.R., 1977, Geohydrologic setting of the well near Colorado Springs, Colorado.... environment near Cotter Mill, Canon City, Colo­ rado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1977, Water distribution for Colorado Springs.... American City, 1971, Portable plant meets tertiary requirements.... Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ Anna, L.O., 1975, Map showing availability of orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey hydrologic data published as of 1974 by the U.S. research, fiscal year 1981.... Environmental Data Service and by the U.S. Geo­ logical Survey and cooperating agencies, Colo­ Cardwell, W.D.E., 1956, Report on an aquifer test at rado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range Monument, Colorado.... urban corridor, Colorado.... Center for Community Development, 1985, Mani- Arthur B. Chafet and Associates, 1970, Woodmen tou Springs flood hazard mitigation plan.... Water and Sanitation District.... CH2M-HU1, Inc., 1975, Water supply and effluent Babcock, R.E., 1974, Industrial water re-use and treatment for R.D. Nixon power-generation sewage sludge reclamation, in Energy, environ­ plant.... ment and water resources.... C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering Bailey, E.W., 1971, Cathodic protection for coated report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline steel pipelines.... of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.... Banta, E.R., 1983, Groundwater flow patterns in the Chronic, Felicie, and Chronic, John, 1974, Bibliogra­ Dakota Group aquifer in an area near Pueblo, phy and index of geology and hydrology, Front Colorado.... Range urban corridor, Colorado....

County Index 197 Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunato, 1966, Urban gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... water use study.... Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ Evans, A., and Raley, W.L., 1984, Research in tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy action Solving Colorado water problems, FY Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research 1983 annual report.... 1968.... Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1983, El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and Flood insurance study City of Manitou Springs, Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ Colorado, El Paso County.... ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood rado.... insurance study Monument Creek and tributar­ Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report ies.... on the ground water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood mary.... insurance study Town of Palmer Lake, Colo­ rado, El Paso County.... Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ Fryt, M.S., 1979, Effects of turbidity on microbio­ rado.... logical analysis, in Advances in laboratory tech­ Colorado Springs, Engineering Division, date niques for quality control.... unknown, Drainage studies on basins within and Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1978, Cherokee near the city.... water district-Chapel Hills water and sanitation Colorado Springs Wastewater Division, 1980, district.... Stream study.... Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water water quality management plan for the Pikes District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to Peak region.... a city) outside the water district].... Dardeau, E.A., Jr., and Zappi, M.A., 1977, Environ­ Goeke, J.W., 1970, The hydrogeology of Black mental baseline descriptions for use in the man­ Squirrel Creek basin, El Paso County, Colo­ agement of Fort Carson natural resources, rado.... Reports General geology and seismicity.... Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of Colorado; geology and ground water.... the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and efficient management alternative for municipal Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows water supply.... zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.C., 1980, Depth to uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado Edelmann, Patrick, 1984, Effects of irrigating with Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Car­ ridor, Colorado.... son Military Reservation golf course near Colo­ rado Springs, Colorado.... Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.C., 1980, Well yields and chemical quality of water from water- Edelmann, Patrick, and Cain, Doug, 1985, Sources table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle of water and nitrogen to the Widefield aquifer, Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ southwestern El Paso County, Colorado.... rado.... Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Bing- ham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, 1979, Hutchinson, E.C., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geological logic data for the water table aquifers in the Col­ Survey research 1979.... orado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colorado.... Erker, H.W., and Romero, J.C., 1967, Ground water resources of the upper Black Squirrel Creek Jenkins, E.D., 1956, Results of pumping tests in the basin, El Paso County, Colorado.... Widefield area, Fountain valley, Colorado....

198 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Jenkins, E.D., 1961, Records, logs, and water-level Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ measurements of selected wells and test holes cations in a mountain front environment; Front and chemical analyses of ground water in Foun­ Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs tain, Jimmy Camp, and Black Squirrel valleys, El area; water for new communities in El Paso Paso County, Colorado.... County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science Jenkins, E.D., 1964, Ground water in Fountain and maps applied to land and water management.... Jimmy Camp valleys, El Paso County, Colorado, Mackin, J.H., 1953, Stream planation near Colorado with a section on Computations of drawdowns Springs, Colorado.... caused by the pumping of wells in Fountain val­ ley, by R.E. Glover and E.D. Jenkins.... Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Zawist- owski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data from Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map show­ compilers, Guidebook for field conference H ing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs-Castle [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress.... rado.... Jenkins, E.D., 1971, Test of the Stroebel Spring, a McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use supplementary study of the Fort Carson Expan­ in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, sion Project, Civil Action No. 9820, Tract No. 202, J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities.... El Paso County, Colorado.... McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1965, Hydrologic engi­ ver Basin, Colorado.... neering of the Peterson Field drainage basin.... McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1967, Hydrological engi­ Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load neering study for Stratmoor South subdistrict.... allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado, ... River.... McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground Kocerha, Bob [B.A.], 1972, Rx for sludge indiges­ water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso tion Heat and vacuum filtration.... County, Colorado.... Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study water at Colorado Springs.... of ground-water conservation for a municipal development near Colorado Springs, Colorado Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Mountain ground water conference.... salinity seminar and workshop.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso Lee, G.F., and Jones, R.A., 1981, An assessment of Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big the impact of the Colorado Springs domestic Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... wastewater treatment plant discharges on Foun­ tain Creek.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Data on Fountain Creek project, Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.].... rado Springs, Colorado.... McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., cal logging potential for the Denver basin.... 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ Michael, G.Y., 1981, Impact of the sulfur dioxide ern El Paso County, Colorado.... dechlorination system on dissolved oxygen and un-ionized ammonia in Fountain Creek.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1976. Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream rado.... study....

County Index 199 Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., Wastewater Division stream study.... eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ Myers, K.L., 1977, Subsurface hydrology study, coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... Fort Carson, Colorado.... Phillips, J.D., 1971, The Porteous process.... Myers, K.L., 1984, Case study; an investigation of shallow instability in low slopes.... Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, Interim plan for water quality management El National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- Paso and Teller Counties.... matological data Colorado Springs, annual summary with comparative data.... Proudfit, D.P., 1968, Selection of disposal methods for water treatment plant wastes.... National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- matological data Colorado Springs, Colorado, Proudfit, D.P., 1975, Parameters for determining monthly summary.... adequacy of storage capacity for large and small systems on the basis of peak demands and fire Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1975, flow requirements, in Research Key to quality Project Aquarius Recommendations for stream water service in the 80's.... classification, Fountain/Monument subbasin.... Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1976, and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the Report of investigation on water availability to Denver basin, Colorado.... Rock Creek Mesa water district.... Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources water-data activities in coal provinces of the appraisal.... United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to water-data activities in coal provinces of the Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of Denver Basin, Colorado.... ground water.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ Okun, D.A., 1982, Feasibility of dual or multiple ments.... water supply systems Dual water supply sys­ Skiles, D.A., and Gish, W.B., 1981, Analog model tems; special subject 25.... and evaluation of the Fountain Valley rate-of- Ostojic, N., 1975, Odor problems? Don't just hold flow control station.... your nose.... Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- Trauffer, W.E., 1975, Highly sophisticated water drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ clarification system.... ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... Trelease, F.J., and Bittinger, M.W., 1963, Mechanics of a mathematical ground-water model.... Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ United Western Engineers, 1971, Water resources of coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities Rancho, Colorado.... Program.... United Western Engineers, 1975, Water supply Patterson and Associates, 1981, Water supply esti­ investigation, La Mesa De Angeles Mobile Home mates, Appendix.... Park....

200 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium, Lub- surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... A-F [final report].... Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, D.K., 1972, Geohydraulics U.S. Air Force, 1976, Fort Carson Buttes AAF, Colo­ at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ rado Revised uniform summary of surface vial aquifers.... weather observations (RUSSWO).... Water & Sewage Works, 1976, U.S. Air Force greens, U.S. Air Force, 1980, Draft environmental impact Colorado.... statement, Consolidated Space Operations Cen­ Water and Wastes Engineering, 1970, New sewage ter.... technology tested atop Pikes Peak.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain Weis, Ronald, Welles, Peabody, and Stierwalt, Lee, information, Monument Creek, Colorado 1980, Design and operation of a cooling tower Springs, Colorado.... sidestream treatment system.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Flood plain West, H.W., and Floy, H.M., 1977, Environmental information Fountain and Jimmy Camp Creeks, baseline descriptions for use in the management Colorado Springs, Fountain, El Paso County, of Fort Carson natural resources, report 2 Colorado.... Water-quality, meteorologic, and hydrologic data collected with automated field stations.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water Manitou Springs, Colorado.... resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain Woodward-Clevenger and Associates, 1972, information Cottonwood Creek, El Paso Ground water investigation for Chapel Hills County, Colorado.... area.... Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1978, Water engi­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to neering report, Security water district Wide- final environmental statement, Fryingpan- field aquifer recharge program.... Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley conduit.... FREMONT COUNTY U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974, Final environmental statement; Palmer Lake sanitation Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., district, Palmer Lake, Colorado.... 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- Draft environmental statement for the upper mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; Colorado.... v. 3, appendix.... American Water Works Association, 1985, Law and U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning water Diversion considered noninjurious to unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... senior appropriators.... U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of opment listing.... Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy trict.... Creek.... Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973, Flood hazard River.... analyses Sand Creek, City of Colorado Springs, and El Paso County.... Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1974, Flood hazard and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, analyses Update for Sand Creek.... 1975-80.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and quality management plan for the Upper Arkan­ tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado.... sas Area....

County Index 201 Colorado Soil Conservation Board, and U.S. Soil Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ Conservation Service, 1977, Canon Watershed orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... project, Fremont County, Colorado Reduction Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design of flood water and sediment damages to Canon for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ watershed, Canon City, Colorado.... ian zone restoration.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on plain information Arkansas River and Four- the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in mile, Brush Hollow, and Eightmile Creeks.... Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... plain information Arkansas River.... Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado plain information for Canon City, Colorado Canal, 1939-1940.... Red Canyon, Northeast Canyon Draw, and tribu­ Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel taries.... times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, River basin, Colorado.... R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent agement of irrigation and drainage systems.... bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ Londquist, C.J., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Water- puter model MINTEQ.... resources appraisal of the Wet Mountain Valley, Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1960, Bentonite sealing investi­ in parts of Custer and Fremont Counties, Colo­ gations Third quarterly progress report.... rado.... Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1961, Bentonite sealing investi­ Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir gations Final report.... release routing model for the upper Arkansas River basin of Colorado.... Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., and Shen, R.T., I960, Bentonite sediment sealing of irrigation canals Report for M & I, Inc., 1972, Master plan for water systems the three-year period of 1957 through 1959.... improvements for Canon City, Colorado.... ERT/Ecology Consultants, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fre­ M & I, Inc., 1974, Report on storm drainage facilities mont County 201 facilities plan, v. 2 Environ­ for the city of Canon City.... mental analysis.... M & I, Inc., 1974, Wastewater treatment master plan Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, for Canon City metropolitan sanitation district.... Flood insurance study City of Canon City, Col­ M & I, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fremont County 201 facil­ orado, Fremont County.... ities plan, v. 1 Engineering analysis.... Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1984, M & I, Inc., 1982, Environmental analysis for land Flood insurance study City of Florence, Colo­ application of waste sludge in Fremont rado, Fremont County.... County.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ McGovern, H.E., Gregg, D.O., and Brennan, Robert, ard boundary map Oak Creek.... 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the alluvial deposits Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ in Pueblo and Fremont Counties, Colorado.... ard boundary map Coal Creek.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ water-data activities in coal provinces of the ard boundary map Oak Creek.... United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... ard boundary map Arkansas River and Ander- Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to son and King Arroyos.... water-data activities in coal provinces of the Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and ard boundary map Arkansas River and Sand Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of Creek.... ground water....

202 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Pennak, R.W., and Lavelle, J.W., 1979, In situ mea­ U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San surements of net primary production in a Colo­ Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ rado mountain stream.... opment listing.... Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1969, Canon City.... upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... flood prevention project measure, Sangre de Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal ronmental impact statement).... Gorge, Colorado.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1972, RC and D Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ project [flood prevention?] measure plan, Forked graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ Gulch streambank stabilization.... ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1976, Flood hazard Ringrose, C.D., 1980, Temperature-depth profiles in analyses Portions of Red Canyon Draw and the San Luis Valley and Canon City areas, Colo­ tributaries, Fremont County, Colorado.... rado.... Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont resources of south-central Colorado and their and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... relationship to ground and surface waters.... Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 and stream sediment reconnaissance of the content of its contained ground water Canon Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado.... City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, Colorado.... Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, Planning and management, region 13.... Water & Sewage Works, 1976, Colorado pumping station reaches new heights.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary Colorado.... report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas River.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Arkansas River basin, Florence, Colorado Hydrology, Zacharakis, T.G., and Pearl, R.H., 1982, Geothermal part 1.... resource assessment of Canon City, Colorado area.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Flood plain information Arkansas River.... HUERFANO COUNTY U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Report on the Western energy expansion study.... Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of area U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Draft environmental statement for the upper Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., v. 3, appendix.... 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre­ sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, Forests.... Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron through September 1977.... National Grasslands, Draft environmental Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood impact statement.... plain information Cucharas River.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, bel and Rio Grande National Forests.... June 1968 through September 1971....

County Index 203 Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, information Cucharas River and tributaries, October 1971 through September 1974.... Walsenberg, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning ard boundary map Cucharas River and Bear unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Creek.... Draft environmental statement for the upper Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ v. 3, appendix.... ard boundary map Cucharas River and Middle Creek.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- National Grasslands, Draft environmental matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, impact statement.... Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Spanish Peaks wilder­ and Colfax County, New Mexico.... ness study area report San Isabel National For­ Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the est.... Raton Basin, south-central Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.... rado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall-Ell- Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ ingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load alloca­ bel and Rio Grande National Forests.... tion for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to Rocky U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain Creek, Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas River.... opment listing.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1966, Ground water in Huerfano Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow County, Colorado.... frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico snow courses.... McLaughlin, T.G., Burtis, V.M., and Wilson, W.W., 1961, Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water KIOWA COUNTY from wells and mines, Huerfano County, Colo­ Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, rado.... M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis Morris, W.A., LaDelfe, C.M., and Weaver, T.A., of priority water resources problems to develop 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream a comprehensive research program for the south­ sediment reconnaissance of the Trinidad NTMS ern plains river basins region.... quadrangle, Colorado.... Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in water quality and use Seminar of the Great Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Plains Resource Economics Committee of the water-data activities in coal provinces of the Great Plains Agricultural Council.... United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... fer systems.... Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in alpine stream.... Hope for the High Plains.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.R., Martell, C.J., Hensley, Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro­ Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ (Ogallala-High Plains region).... sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two and administration of groundwater in interstate additional elements.... and international aquifers Phase I.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- information Cucharas River and tributaries, La level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Veta, Colorado.... orado, 1978-82....

204 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ orado, 1979-83.... face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 Boettcher, A.J., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... measurements of selected wells and test holes and chemical analyses of ground water in eastern Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado.... gation wells and application rates for irrigated cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains Boettcher, A.J., 1963, Prospects for irrigation in of Colorado.... eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colo­ Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of rado.... the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water of Colorado.... resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality of Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains region.... Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Brennan.... Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High ern Colorado.... Plains of Colorado.... Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the measurements of selected wells and test holes, northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... physical properties of unconsolidated materials, chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ orado.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ section on Chemical quality of the ground water, rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment by C.A. Horr.... to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the 1968.... northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, Colorado Department of Agriculture, various predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ probable well yields.... rado High Plains study Summary report.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, plain information Sandy and Rush Creeks.... 1977-81.... Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, rado.... altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains High Plains of Colorado.... of eastern Colorado....

County Index 205 Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], rate structures on electricity and water use on the 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, Colorado High Plains.... environmental and socioeconomic assessment Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water resources study.... movement in the Central Great Plains, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, 1982, Proceedings).... local water supply augmentation assessment Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ resources study.... ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... Meeting.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Committee and Resource Economics Committee, 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer 1971, The role of water resources in the economic regional resources study A report to the U.S. development of the Great Plains Proceedings of Department of Commerce and High Plains Study a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... Council (3d ed).....

Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South merce and Congress.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water Plains of Colorado.... table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, ming.... 1968-72.... Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level empirical test of democracy in Great Plains records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the resource districts.... northern High Plains of Colorado....

Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level methods for determining water use in the High records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, 1970... New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, and Wyoming 1979.... Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating of Colorado.... 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, development and management in the northern Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... ment options for groundwater mining in the Great Plains.... High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the southern High Plains ground water basin of the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... Colorado....

206 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, preferences to groundwater depletion in the An economic input-output study of the High American High Plains.... Plains region of eastern Colorado.... Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, Moulder, E. A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the the Ogallala and several consolidated formations High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South ification and Research Studies Committee.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in County, Colorado.... the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature aquifer.... geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- agement system for areal interpretive data for drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South 1982, Proceedings).... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains Wyoming.... using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital model of the hydrologic system, northern High U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, Water-level records for the northern High Plains and E.... of Colorado, 1973-77.... Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, rado, 1970-74.... in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level ground-water management.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains 1972... regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... area study Baseline results for the agricultural sector.... Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains precipitation.... McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or half empty?.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management in the High Plains.... McGovern, H.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Potential ground-water development in the northern part Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water of the Colorado High Plains.... resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage....

County Index 207 Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Plains.... plain information Lake Creek....

Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and Costa, J.E., and Jarrett, R.D., 1981, Debris flows in the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ small mountain stream channels of Colorado and rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- their hydrologic implications.... logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, LAKE COUNTY R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Abbott, P.O., 1976, Observed channel changes in a Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... mountain stream due to increased flow from transbasin imports.... Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map Alien, D.U., 1976, Engineering geology consider­ or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate ations in the design, construction, and operation samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness of the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, and forebay dam, Colorado, in Depman, A.J., ed., Colorado.... Onshore and offshore problems, hazards, and environmental complications.... Elgin, R.A., Volin, M.E., and Townsend, J.W., 1949, Alien, E.G., DeCicco, D.A., and Lutz, G.A., compil­ The Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, ers, 1979, Leasable mineral and waterpower land Colorado.... classification map of the Leadville 1° by 2° quad­ rangle, Colorado.... Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/Cali­ fornia Gulch remedial investigation.... Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Behre, C.H., Jr., 1933, Physiographic history of the ard boundary map California Gulch.... upper Arkansas and Eagle Rivers, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado ard boundary map Arkansas River and Lake Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Creek.... Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ ings.... Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, Analytical results for 102 water samples from Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Colorado.... Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ trict.... Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and research investigations.... Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- bay, 1978-1979.... Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas research investigations, interim studies.... Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas River.... Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... CH2M-Hill, Inc., 1986, California Gulch remedial investigation, Leadville, Colorado.... Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1973, Fryingpan- Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water Arkansas Project fish research investigations.... quality management plan for the Upper Arkan­ sas Area.... Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- Arkansas fish research investigations.... Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ Fletcher, L.A., 1975, Soil survey of Chaffee-Lake rado.... area, Colorado Parts of Chaffee and Lake Coun­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood ties.... plain information Arkansas River.... Gish, W.B., Whittemore, T.R., Lennon, C.A., Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood and Stitt, S.C., 1984, Flatiron AGC interim con­ plain information Evans Gulch.... troller Volume IV....

208 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Grant, L.O., and Schleusener, R.A., 1961, Snowfall LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1982, Effects of and snowfall accumulation near Climax, Colo­ operating the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage power- rado, in Washichek, J. N., and Hannaford, Jack, plant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1981 report of eds., Proceedings of the Western Snow Confer­ findings.... ence, Spokane, Wash., Apr. 11-13, 1961, 29th Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs annual meeting.... on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado Gregg, R.E., and Bergersen, E.P., 198Q,Mysisrelicta Canal, 1939-1940.... Effects of turbidity and turbulence on short-term Lavelle, J.W., 1968, Primary and secondary produc­ survival.... tion in the headwaters of the Arkansas River.... Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin orado.... Lakes, Colorado.... Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in River basin, Colorado.... mountainous streams, Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molyb­ release routing model for the upper Arkansas denum in stream waters and sediments, central River basin of Colorado.... Colorado.... McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ bility study report Leadville mine drainage try of molybdenum in some stream sediments tunnel.... and waters.... Moran, R.E., and Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effects of Karaki, S.S., and Sayre, W.W., 1961, Tailings dis­ metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected posal pipe lines of the Climax Molybdenum Plant areas of Colorado, 1972-73.... at Climax, Colorado.... Nesler, T.P., 1979, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish King, D.L., and Rhone, T.J., 1975, Physical and research investigations.... mathematical model studies of pumped storage Nesler, T.P., 1980, Preoperational fishery investiga­ reservoir hydrodynamics for determination of tions of Twin Lakes, Colorado, in Clugston, J.P., environmental effects.... ed., Clemson Workshop on Environmental Krick, I.P., 1951, Snow pack increase in the Colo­ Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Oper­ rado Rockies by artificial nucleation, in Proceed­ ations, Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... ings of the Western Snow Conference, Victoria, Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish B.C., Canada, Apr. 19-20, 1951, 19th annual populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake meeting.... 1979... Krieger, D.A., 1980, Ecology of catostomids in Twin Nesler, T.P., 1981, The relative abundance of opos­ Lakes, Colorado, in relation to a pumped-storage sum shrimp, Mysis relicta, in Twin Lakes, Colo­ powerplant.... rado, using a benthic trawl.... LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ environment of Twin Lakes.... terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped pumped-storage power generation.... storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- Nesler, T.P., 1982, The fish populations and fishery son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of of the upper Arkansas River, 1977-1980 Final Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, report.... Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... symposium on surface water impoundments.... Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream- LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the sediment and panned-concentrate geochemical effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- maps of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colo­ 1980 report of findings.... rado....

County Index 209 Planner, H.N., Apel, C.T., Fuka, M.A., George, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Draft W.E., and Hansel, J.M., 1980, Uranium hydro- environmental statement Fryingpan-Arkansas geochemical and stream reconnaissance data project.... release for the Leadville NTMS quadrangle, Col­ orado, including concentrations of forty-two U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- additional elements.... Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ tal statement.... Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980, Standing operat­ Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... ing procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin Lakes.... Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Specification for Gorge, Colorado.... Twin Lakes Dam modification, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado.... Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... tables and curves, Mt. Elbert forebay, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado.... Rhodes, D.D., 1975, Equilibrium conditions in two high-mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity in Northeastern section, 10th annual meeting tables and curves, Turquoise Lake-Sugar Loaf [abs.].... Dam, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Salisbury, M.H., 1956, Leadville drainage tunnel, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Evaluation second project, Lake County, Colorado.... and effects of the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the administration, management, and use of the Sponsors of the Sangre de Cristo Resource and San Isabel National Forest, section II Twin Development Project, and U.S. Soil Conservation Lakes.... Service, 1973, Sangre de Cristo resource conser­ vation and development project Project addi­ U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Master plan tion for Chaffee and Lake Counties, Colorado.... for the recreation management and development of the Twin Lakes and Elbert Forebay compos­ Stamm, G.G., 1973, Case histories of Bureau of Rec­ ite.... lamation tunnels, in Srivastava, L.S., ed., Sympo­ sium on Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1969, Fryingpan- Problems, Kurukshetra, India, 1973, Proceed­ Arkansas project.... ings.... U.S. Forest Service, 1963, A multiple use survey of Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of the evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan- ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville Arkansas project on the administration, manage­ drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... ment, and use of the White River National Forest.... Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, Planning and management, region 13.... U.S. Forest Service, 1968, Evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the adminis­ URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study tration, management, and use of the San Isabel of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado.... National Forest, section 1 Turquoise.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Area-capacity U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ tables and curves for Turquoise Lake, Fryingpan- est, master plan for the recreation, management, Arkansas project, Colorado, May 1968.... and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Water qual­ Elbert forebay composition.... ity control study The Fryingpan-Arkansas U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning project.... unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final envi­ Draft environmental statement for the upper ronmental impact statement, Mt. Elbert Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; pumped-storage powerplant, Fryingpan- v. 3, appendix.... Arkansas project, Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... Forests....

210 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning LAS ANIMAS COUNTY unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of area National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain National Grasslands, Draft environmental coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... impact statement.... Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado.... Colorado and Kansas.... U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from opment listing.... small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 through September 1977.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1984, Land use and land cover and associated maps for Leadville, Colo­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1970, Flood rado.... plain information Purgatoire River.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1974, Flood hazard Decicco, D.A., Patterson, E.D., and Lutz, G.A., com­ analyses Update for Sand Creek.... pilers, 1978, Leasable mineral and waterpower land classification map of the Raton quadrangle, U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. New Mexico, Colorado.... Bureau of Reclamation], 1979, Preliminary designers' operating criteria for Mt. Elbert Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- pumped-storage powerplant, including surge runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, tanks, Forebay Dam and Reservoir, and switch­ June 1968 through September 1971.... yard.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. October 1971 through September 1974.... Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing operation procedures, Mt. Elbert Forebay Dam Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ and Reservoir.... ard boundary map Purgatoire River.... U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Bureau of Reclamation], [date unknown], Stand­ ard boundary map Raton Creek.... ing operating procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin Lakes.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Gonzales Creek.... Voynick, S.M., 1984, Yesterday's mines poison Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood today's rivers (Water pollution from metal mine insurance study Carbon Arroyo and Moores drainage, upper Arkansas River, Colorado).... Canyon.... Walch, L.A., 1980, Movements of lake trout in Twin Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in Lakes, Colorado, in relation to the Mt. Elbert Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological pumped-storage powerplant.... Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, snow courses.... Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effect of mine drainage on the and Colfax County, New Mexico.... quality of streams in Colorado, 1971-72.... Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the Raton Basin, south-central Colorado.... Wilson, H.M., 1893, Engineering results of irriga­ tion survey, in Thirteenth annual report of the Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton part 3 Irrigation.... Basin, Colorado [abs.].... Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary J.W. Patterson & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas study of the modification of water rights claimed River.... by Wyoming Fuel Company....

County Index 211 McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study Water, Waste, and Land Inc., 1980, Hydrology, of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ geology, and water quality in vicinity of the Max­ rado.... well and Alien mines, Las Animas County, Colo­ rado Final report to CF&I Steel Corp.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to water-data activities in coal provinces of the Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983, Water supply United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and and reservoir analysis studies, Raton Basin Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow project near Segundo, Colorado.... and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to LINCOLN COUNTY water-data activities in coal provinces of the Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 ground water.... through September 1977.... Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... Palmer, S.D., and Murphy, Mark, 1984, Cumulative Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level hydrologic impact assessment The effects of measurements of selected wells and test holes, coal mining on the hydrologic systems of the physical properties of unconsolidated materials, Raton coal field, north-central New Mexico.... chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ Trinidad, Colorado.... orado.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.R., Martell, C.J., Hensley, Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro- resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, section on Chemical quality of the ground water, Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two by C.A. Horr.... additional elements.... Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy information Purgatoire River and tributaries, Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... 1968.... Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Trinidad El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and Lake.... Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961 (Appendix A), ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ 1964 (Appendix A supplement), Irrigation rado.... report, Trinidad project, v. 2 Appendix A, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood Water supply and utilization; Appendix A sup­ plain information Big Sandy Creek.... plement, Revised water supply and utilization.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1982, Flood U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report plain information Big Sandy and tributaries LI, on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of L2, and L3.... Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron June 1968 through September 1971.... National Grasslands, Draft environmental Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- impact statement.... runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Fisher Peak- October 1971 through September 1974.... Carbon Arroyos.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Cemetery Creek.... Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ snow courses.... ard boundary map Big Sandy Creek....

212 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso ard boundary map Arkansas, Apishapa, and Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big Purgatoire Rivers.... Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1977, ard boundary map Arkansas River and Currant Potable water facilities evaluation for the town of and Grape Creeks.... Limon.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1980, Flood Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ insurance study Rocky Ford Ditch.... ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Program.... insurance study Arkansas River and Anderson and King Arroyos.... Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970, and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ Report on La Junta, Colorado, technical assis­ ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ tance project, September 21-October 4, 1970, and rado.... October 13-October 19, 1970.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon.... Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water control project on a meandering stream.... resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ OTERO COUNTY nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley ing.... in Colorado.... Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, Haynie, R.M., and Karaki, S.S., 1962, Model study Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ of the Catlin Diversion Dam canal inlet.... cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas.... Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1973, Salvage of water due to phreatophyte clearing, Shelton Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River Farms, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ of Reclamation.... els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas salinity seminar and workshop.... River.... Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations River Valley of Colorado.... in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A 1970.... preliminary report.... Duce, J.T., 1924, Geology of parts of Las Animas, Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- Otero, and Bent Counties.... quality model to evaluate water management practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in ard boundary map Arkansas River.... water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ ard boundary map Arkansas River.... ings....

County Index 213 Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ gated stream-aquifer system.... ment.... Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and Cof­ of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated fin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management on a stream-aquifer system.... reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of Animas, Colorado.... the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River River valley of Colorado.... basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities of floodflows along the Arkansas River without for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John area, Colorado.... Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973- of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American 77.... Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, 1967, Proceedings.... Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ methods for estimating groundwater with­ orado, including concentrations of forty-three drawal.... additional elements.... M & I, Inc., 1975, Master plan for water system Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- improvements for Rocky Ford, Colorado.... mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River Arkansas River.... valley, Colorado.... Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in rado, 1970-74.... Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C.... McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to region.... Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and River.... long-term viability of flood control projects The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- nomics of desalination of brackish household Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ water supplies.... tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the Melton, D.D., and McCabe, R.D., 1976, Catlin trans­ international conference held in Bangkok, Janu­ fer plan and John Martin permanent pool opera­ ary 7-9, 1980.... tion.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ Meurer, Serafini, and Meurer, (MSM) Consultants, nique for estimating recharge using a digital Inc., 1981, Floodplain information report model.... Arkansas River and Timpas Creek, Otero Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water County, Colorado.... resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water ties.... management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado.... Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ ment).... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ ments and preliminary results of an analog- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas model evaluation Arkansas River valley in River and tributaries above John Martin Dam eastern Colorado.... final environmental impact statement....

214 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map Colorado.... or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Special flood Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, hazard information Arkansas River, Anderson, Colorado.... and King Arroyos, La Junta, Otero County.... Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ Analytical results for 102 water samples from orado, local protection project, phase 1 sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Sediment investigation.... Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1969, The Colorado.... future of a river Choices and values, a report on Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., the proposed channelization of the Arkansas 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park River above John Martin Dam.... and Teller Counties, Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, National Grasslands, Draft environmental Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo impact statement.... Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream- 1968-72.... sediment and panned-concentrate geochemical maps of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Crooked Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colo­ Arroyo.... rado.... Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite-dif­ Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to ference arrays of observation wells to estimate water-data activities in coal provinces of the evapotranspiration from ground water in the United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow Weist, W.G., Jr., 1962, Records, logs, and water- and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... level measurements of selected wells, springs, U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, water in Otero and the southern part of Crowley Draft environmental statement for the upper Counties, Colorado.... Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; Weist, W.G., Jr., 1963, Water in the Dakota and Pur- v. 3, appendix.... gatoire Formations in Otero County and the U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan southern part of Crowley County, Colorado.... Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National ground water in Otero County and the southern Forests.... part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. National Grasslands, Draft environmental Jenkins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bear­ impact statement.... ing materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado.... Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation investigations for the Arkansas River basin in U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ opment listing.... PARK COUNTY PROWERS COUNTY Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... ing....

County Index 215 Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and of priority water resources problems to develop Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the a comprehensive research program for the south­ northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated ern plains river basins region.... thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 water quality and use Seminar of the Great probable well yields.... Plains Resource Economics Committee of the Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Great Plains Agricultural Council.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ 1977-81.... fer systems.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in Hope for the High Plains.... High Plains of Colorado.... Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geological face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ Survey research 1979.... urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ (Ogallala-High Plains region).... gation wells and application rates for irrigated cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management of Colorado.... and administration of groundwater in interstate and international aquifers Phase I.... Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas River.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of orado, 1978-82.... the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- of Colorado.... level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- orado, 1979-83.... economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in region.... the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Brennan.... River Valley of Colorado.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer Water-level records for the northern High Plains study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ of Colorado.... opment Act of 1978, Colorado)....

Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Plains of Colorado.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... through September 1977.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... ern Colorado.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Colorado Department of Agriculture, various northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action....

216 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water rado High Plains study Summary report.... table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1974, Flood Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ plain information Arkansas River and Wolf, ming.... Two Butte, and Wildhorse Creeks.... Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ in Colorado.... rado.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, empirical test of democracy in Great Plains June 1968 through September 1971.... resource districts.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, methods for determining water use in the High October 1971 through September 1974.... Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains and Wyoming 1979.... of eastern Colorado.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the ard boundary map Wolf Creek.... High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South insurance study Arkansas River and Willow Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Creek.... Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geo­ Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., hydrology of Baca and southern Prowers Coun­ 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and ties, southeastern Colorado.... rate structures on electricity and water use on the Colorado High Plains.... Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ rado.... nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... movement in the Central Great Plains, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and 1982, Proceedings).... the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ environmental and socioeconomic assessment mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual resources study.... Meeting.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Committee and Resource Economics Committee, 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, 1971, The role of water resources in the economic local water supply augmentation assessment development of the Great Plains Proceedings of Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... resources study.... Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study....

County Index 217 High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], quality model to evaluate water management 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, regional resources study A report to the U.S. in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in Department of Commerce and High Plains Study water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Council (3d ed)..... ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ ings.... High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated merce and Congress.... stream-aquifer system.... Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High preferences to groundwater depletion in the Plains of Colorado.... American High Plains.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the 1968-72.... High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level River valley of Colorado.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1970... Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Lohman, S.W., Burtis, V.M., and others, 1953, Gen­ eral availability of ground water and depth to Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ water level in the Arkansas, White, and Red tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern River basins.... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer development and management in the northern recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... aquifer.... Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ methods for estimating groundwater with­ ment options for groundwater mining in the drawal.... Great Plains.... Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in agement system for areal interpretive data for the southern High Plains ground water basin of the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Colorado.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, salinity seminar and workshop.... predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations Wyoming.... in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ model of the hydrologic system, northern High tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A preliminary report.... Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado....

218 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in Water-level records for the northern High Plains Arkansas River.... of Colorado, 1973-77.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River Lamar NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including valley, Colorado.... concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ ments.... ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ rado, 1970-74.... sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C.... 1972... Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley area study Baseline results for the agricultural region.... sector.... Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ half empty?.... agement.... McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature nomics of desalination of brackish household geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in water supplies.... Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ An economic input-output study of the High ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Plains region of eastern Colorado.... 1982, Proceedings).... Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?....

Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Colorado.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of nique for estimating recharge using a digital hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ model.... ment.... Moulder, E.A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, the Ogallala and several consolidated formations Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., ification and Research Studies Committee.... and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Colorado.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, Colorado.... Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the hazard information Wolf Creek, Granada, Col­ lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973- orado.... 77.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- hazard information Arkansas River and Wild dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... system [abs.].... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Review survey Rovey, C.K., 1975, Numerical model of flow in a for water resource development, Lamar, Colo­ stream-aquifer system.... rado, and vicinity Hydrology....

County Index 219 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, PUEBLO COUNTY and E.... Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... National Grasslands, Draft environmental impact statement.... Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ lamation first.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Baldridge, Duaina, compiler, 1982, Stream capac­ 1968-72.... ity A comparison of in-stream water-quality data to stream standards (Arkansas River basin U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Wolf-Creek- within Pueblo County).... Highlands.... Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1960, Records Colorado; faults and flow patterns.... and logs of selected wells and test holes, and Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1951, chemical and radiometric analyses of ground Report on water pumping and distribution, water, Prowers County, Colorado.... Northside Water District no. 1.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1953, and ground-water resources of Prowers County, Report on water purification requirements.... Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1957, Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, Report on the conservation of water at Pueblo, Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of Colorado.... declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, ground-water management.... Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite-dif­ Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ ference arrays of observation wells to estimate trict.... evapotranspiration from ground water in the Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ of Reclamation.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains Report on costs and revenue requirements for precipitation.... alternative water improvement programs.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, in the High Plains.... Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ politan District.... Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... waters.... Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas Plains.... River.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water Brown, D.L., 1974, Resource management and envi­ availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... ronmental improvement plan for Pueblo Dam and Reservoir.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and investigations for the Arkansas River basin in irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Colorado, v. 2 Comprehensive report.... River Valley of Colorado....

220 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, Dumeyer, J.M., 1980, Evaluation of exceedance of Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the proposed un-ionized ammonia limits, Arkansas Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it River below Fountain Creek.... relates to water-quality guidelines and stream Dumeyer, J.M., and Fisher, Gene, 1978, Pueblo West classification.... water supply Environmental assessment.... Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo Elliot and Associates, Inc., 1969, Study and recom­ mendations concerning the water supply for Col­ and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, orado City including the Wolf-Williams 1975-80.... acquisition.... C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.... aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Engineering Science, Inc., 1980, Cost-benefit assess­ Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from ment of wasteload allocation and stream classifi­ small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 cation alternatives.... through September 1977.... Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, 1980, Aquatic toxicity review Final report.... Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ tee.... ard boundary map Arkansas River and Foun­ Colorado Department of Public Health, 1973, tain Creek.... Record of water quality and radium-226 data, Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Greenhorn basin area.... ard boundary map Greenhorn Creek.... Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1974, Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Waste load allocation for the Arkansas River.... ard boundary map Arkansas River.... Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources uranium concentrations and associated hydro- appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from geochemistry in ground water in southwestern Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... Pueblo County, Colorado [abs].... Dreesen, D.R., Williams, J.M., Marple, M.L., Glad- Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and ney, E.S., and Perrin, D.R., 1982, Mobility and uranium concentrations and associated hydro- bioavailability of uranium mill tailings contami­ geochemistry in ground water in southwestern nants.... Pueblo County, Colorado.... Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1972, Rainfall- Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo June 1968 through September 1971.... County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research Ducret, G.L., Jr., and Hodges, H.E., 1975, Rainfall- 1980.... runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, Finley, C.J., Baldridge, Duaina, and Nelson, B.N., October 1971 through September 1974.... 1981. 208 water quality plan Plan update, Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles 1981.... Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Foreman, Joe, 1972, Analysis of Arkansas River dis­ Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality solved solids by arc emission spectography.... data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Foreman, Joe, 1975, Evaluation of available com­ Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source puter stream modeling systems for application to report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... the Pueblo 208 program.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1977, Analysis of stormwater flows Foreman, Joe, 1976, A summary of the report, and Arkansas River water rights.... Pueblo Board of Water Works stream and point discharge, analytical reports.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1978, Pueblo County 208 plan stream segment hydrographs.... Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow anal­ ysis and assessment of flow augmentation possi­ Foreman, Joe, 1976, The interpretation of the chem­ bilities.... ical characteristics of natural water....

County Index 221 Foreman, Joe, date unknown, Wastewater treat­ Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ ment by land application.... tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood preliminary report.... control project on a meandering stream.... Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... stream-aquifer system....

Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses Krassa, R.F.T., 1980, Legal assessment of low-flow of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas augmentation alternatives on the Arkansas River River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... at Pueblo, Colorado.... Greer, M.J., 1971, Water supply study, Colorado City.... Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado Greer, M.J, 1971, Water supply study, Hollydot Canal, 1939-1940.... Park, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ Linam, J.H., Osborn, N.L., and Seilheimer, J.A., orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... 1976, Biological inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... Hall, R.W., and Robey, D.L., 1977, Preliminary eval­ uation of water quality of proposed Fountain Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of Lake, Colorado.... the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control River valley of Colorado.... and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley in Colorado.... Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization of floodflows along the Arkansas River without Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John impoundment on water and sediment in the Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., date unknown, Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel Water-quality studies, Pueblo Reservoir, Frying- times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas pan-Arkansas project.... River basin, Colorado.... Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the Livingston, R.K., 1978, Transit losses and travel- Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin.... times of reservoir releases along the Arkansas Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ River from Pueblo Reservoir to John Martin Res­ tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern ervoir, southeastern Colorado.... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ compilers, Guidebook for field conference H agement of irrigation and drainage systems.... [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress.... Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical Jorden, R.M., Aronson, J.T., Noblett, J.G., and methods for estimating groundwater with­ Rosain, R.M., 1980, Treatment of cooling tower drawal.... circulating water An EPRI project.... Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, release routing model for the upper Arkansas 1981, Operation reports City of Pueblo, Colo­ River basin of Colorado.... rado Department of Public Works.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ valley, Colorado.... matical and physical models.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... rado, 1970-74....

222 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load classifications and standards.... allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas Pueblo's water system.... River.... Pueblo County Health Department, 1973, Water Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of quality data, Colorado City-Rye area.... Colorado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1962, Mogck, L.G., and Dunstan, E.R., Jr., 1982, Concrete Pueblo regional water study.... performance at Pueblo Dam, Colorado Initial Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1965, The core report.... Fountain River flood problem.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, ment.... Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ voir.... Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- digital models of stream-aquifer systems.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1971, Pueblo metropolitan area interim plan for water Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, quality management.... Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and wastewater plan for Colorado City water and Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- water quality program Final plan and imple­ lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo mentation schedule.... County, Colorado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1975, water quality program Point source subplans, Project Aquarius Recommendations for stream nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ classification, Fountain/Monument subbasin.... management subplans.... Oblinger-Smith, Corp., 1972, Water and sewage Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 facility plan [Pueblo County, Colorado].... water quality program Stream segment analy­ sis.... Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), 1984, Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1980, Sum­ Colorado Phase 1, general design memoran­ mary report of Pueblo wasteload allocation stud­ dum; communication from the Assistant Secre­ ies.... tary of the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1984, 208 the Army, dated December 23,1981, submitting a water quality program Plan update, Report sec­ report.... tion.... Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River Pueblo West Department of Public Works, date basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... unknown, Pueblo West metropolitan district master plan for flood control and storm drainage Packard, Wilbur, 1939, Report of test drilling oper­ improvement.... ations and investigations in Elbert, El Paso, Lin­ coln, and Pueblo Counties by the Water Facilities Sadler, George, and Ward, B.D., 1977, Preliminary Program.... analysis of the feasibility of utilizing "waste heat energy" discharged from Comanche Station, Pub­ Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the lic Service Company, Pueblo, Colorado, for agri­ lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973- business ventures, in Contribution toward and 77.... [sic] economic development for Colorado, phase Pennak, R.W., and Lavelle, J.W., 1979, In situ mea­ I and II.... surements of net primary production in a Colo­ Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Alternatives for rado mountain stream.... development, Fountain Creek.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Areawide water and waste-water planning study for the St. Charles Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ Mesa, Rye-Colorado City, and Beulah sectors of mended stream classifications.... Pueblo County....

County Index 223 Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on quality management plan for Pueblo County, review survey for flood control and allied pur­ Colorado.... poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 2 Appendices.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Preliminary report on proposed levee and improvements to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain Fountain Creek channel through Pueblo, Colo­ information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and rado.... Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado....

Shaner, James, and Zebroski, Robert, 1982, Agricul­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain tural water quality assessment of lower Fountain information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ Creek.... rado.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Supplemental and stream sediment reconnaissance of the report on Fountain Reservoir and re-evaluation Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including of "Report on review survey for flood-control concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ and allied purposes, Arkansas River and tribu­ ments.... taries above John Martin Dam, Colorado"....

Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.K., Martell, C.J., Hensley, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro­ River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ Colorado.... sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, additional elements.... Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ Skiles, D.A., and Gish, W.B., 1981, Analog model ment).... and evaluation of the Fountain Valley rate-of- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas flow control station.... River and tributaries above John Martin Dam Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, final environmental impact statement.... project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Flood insur­ region.... ance study for Fountain, Dry, and Wild Horse Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and Creeks Pueblo, Colorado.... long-term viability of flood control projects U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- Colorado.... Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain international conference held in Bangkok, Janu­ information Salt Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, Col­ ary 7-9, 1980.... orado.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain nique for estimating recharge using a digital information Six Mile Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, model.... Colorado.... United States, 1980, An act to authorize the Secre­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Salt Creek- tary of the Interior to design and construct a Floods in vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado.... gunite lining on certain reaches of the Bessemer Ditch in the vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado, to pre­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain vent or reduce seepage damage on adjacent prop­ Creek, [Pueblo County?], Arkansas River and erties, and for other purposes.... tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain Main report and environmental impact state­ information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ ment.... rado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on Creek, [Pueblo County?] Arkansas River and review survey for flood control and allied pur­ tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 2 Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 1 Main report.... Appendices A through F....

224 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1969, The Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota future of a river Choices and values, a report on Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 the proposed channelization of the Arkansas content of its contained ground water Canon River above John Martin Dam.... City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- rado (draft environmental impact statement).... difference arrays of observation wells to estimate U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and evapotranspiration from ground water in the Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... rado.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ rado (final environmental impact statement).... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Area-capacity Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of tables and curves, Pueblo Reservoir, Fryingpan- shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Arkansas project, Colorado.... Depot, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to Woodward-Clyde and Associates, 1969, Ground final environmental statement, Fryingpan- water investigations, Williams and Wolf prop­ Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley erty, Pueblo County, Colorado.... conduit.... Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Energy and report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas Natural Resources, 1980, Lining of Bessemer River.... Ditch, Colorado Report to accompany S.2546.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation National Forests, in Water uses atlas.... investigations for the Arkansas River basin in U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Draft environmental statement for the upper TELLER COUNTY Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; v. 3, appendix.... Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ National Grasslands, Draft environmental ard boundary map Crystal Lake.... impact statement.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study ard boundary map Cripple Creek.... report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.... ard boundary map Unnamed Tributary.... U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ opment listing.... ard boundary map Trout and Fourmile Creek.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels Fred C. Hart Associates, Inc., 1982, Solid waste in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, management alternatives for Teller County, Col­ 1968-72.... orado A technical assistance panels program report.... U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide operation procedures, Pueblo Dam and Reser­ water quality management plan for the Pikes voir.... Peak region.... Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance rate water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont maps (FIRM) and flood boundary and floodway and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... maps (FBFM)....

County Index 225 J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical studies Douglas, Teller, and Arapahoe Coun­ and stream sediment reconnaissance of the ties, final hydrology report.... Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., ments.... 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park and Teller Counties, Colorado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Comanche and Cimarron Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, National Grasslands, Draft environmental Interim plan for water quality management El Paso and Teller Counties.... impact statement.... U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ opment listing.... Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado....

226 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 HYDROLOGIC-UNIT INDEX

In 1974, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Water Resources Council, produced maps and identification codes for hydrologic units throughout the United States. The hydrologic units, usually named for a principal hydrologic feature within the unit are a unified identification method for use by numerous agencies (U.S. Geological Survey, 1982). The modified hydrologic-unit codes and names for the Arkansas River basin are listed in table 9; the location of each unit is shown in figure 1. Information about the large regional hydrologic units in the Arkansas River basin (11000000 and 11020000) are not included in this index.

Table 9. Hydrologic-unit codes for the Arkansas River basin (modified from U.S. Geological Survey, 1982) Hydrologic-unit code Name 11020001 Arkansas River headwaters 11020002 Upper Arkansas River 11020003 Fountain Creek 11020004 Chico Creek 11020005 Upper Arkansas River Lake Meredith

11020006 Huerfano River 11020007 Apishapa River 11020008 Horse Creek 11020009 Upper Arkansas River John Martin Reservoir 11020010 Purgatoire River

11020011 Big Sandy Creek 11020012 Rush Creek 11020013 Two Butte Creek 11030000 Middle Arkansas River Lake McKinney and Whitewoman Creek 11040000 Cimarron River headwaters, Sand Arroyo, Bear Creek 11080000 Canadian River headwaters

11020001 Alien, E.G., DeCicco, D.A., and Lutz, G.A., compil­ ARKANSAS RIVER HEADWATERS ers, 1979, Leasable mineral and waterpower land Abbott, P.O., 1976, Observed channel changes in a classification map of the Leadville 1° by 2° quad­ mountain stream due to increased flow from rangle, Colorado.... transbasin imports.... Andrews, G.W., investigator, 1980, Travertine at Poncha Hot Springs, Chaffee County, Colorado, Adrian, B.M., Arbogast, B.F., and Zimbelman, D.R., in Geological Survey research 1980.... 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate Arestad, J.F., 1977, Resistivity studies in the upper and rock samples from the Sangre de Cristo Wil­ Arkansas Valley and northern San Luis Valley, derness Study Area, Saguache, Alamosa, Fre- Colorado.... mont, Custer, and Huerfano Counties, ARIX Engineers, 1985, Water quality study, Arkan­ Colorado.... sas River above Salida, Colorado.... Alien, D.U., 1976, Engineering geology consider­ Arthur, H.G., 1974, Progress at the Mt. Elbert ations in the design, construction, and operation pumped-storage powerplant in Colorado.... of the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage powerplant and forebay dam, Colorado, in Depman, A.J., ed., Barrett, J.K., and Pearl, R.H., 1976, Utilization of Onshore and offshore problems, hazards, and geothermometer and isotope models in the environmental complications.... Buena Vista thermal area, Colorado [abs.]....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 227 Behre, C.H., Jr., 1933, Physiographic history of the Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, upper Arkansas and Eagle Rivers, Colorado.... R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Bergensen, E.P., and Maiolie, M., 1981, Colorado Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... Cooperative Fishery Research Unit studies at Twin Lakes, Colorado 1980 report of find­ Dick, J.D., 1976, Geothermal reservoir temperatures ings.... in Chaffee County, Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Domenico, J.A., Day, G.W., and Nowlan, G.A., Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of 1984, Analytical results and sample locality map Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for or stream-sediment and panned-concentrate Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ samples from the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness trict.... Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1983, Clear Creek Dam and Reservoir study.... Elgin, R.A., Volin, M.E., and Townsend, J.W., 1949, The Leadville drainage tunnel, Lake County, Boehmke, J.R., LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., and Colorado.... Roline, R.A., 1982, Limnology of Mt. Elbert Fore- bay, 1978-1979.... Engineering Science, Inc., 1986, Yak Tunnel/Cali­ fornia Gulch remedial investigation.... Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas River.... Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, Flood insurance study Town of Buena Vista, Campbell, S.G., and LaBounty, J.F., 1985, Chloro­ Colorado, Chaffee County.... phyll a concentration and distribution in Twin Lakes, Colorado, prior to operation of Mt. Elbert Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ pumped-storage powerplant, 1977-81.... ard boundary map California Gulch.... Coe, B.A., Dick, J.D., Galloway, M.J., Gross, J.T., Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ and Meyer, R.T., 1982, Geothermal potential for ard boundary map Arkansas River and Lake commercial and industrial direct heat applica­ Creek.... tions in Salida, Colorado Final report.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 1980, Water ard boundary map Arkansas River and Ander- quality management plan for the Upper Arkan­ son and King Arroyos.... sas Area.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ insurance study South Arkansas River and torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ Arkansas River.... rado.... Ficklin, W.H., Nowlan, G.A., and Dover, R.A., 1984, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood Analytical results for 102 water samples from plain information South Arkansas River and sites draining the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Poncha Creek.... Study Area, Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties Colorado.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood plain information Taylor, Swift, Texas, Spring, Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish and Grape Creeks.... research investigations.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1979, Flood Finnell, L.M., 1977, Fryingpan-Arkansas research plain information South Arkansas River.... investigations, interim studies.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Finnell, L.M., 1983, Results of fisheries investiga­ plain information Arkansas River.... tions at Twin Lakes, Colorado, 1973-76.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1973, Fryingpan- plain information Evans Gulch.... Arkansas Project fish research investigations.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Finnell, L.M., and Bennett, G.L., 1974, Fryingpan- plain information Lake Creek.... Arkansas fish research investigations.... Costa, J.E., and Jarrett, R.D., 1981, Debris flows in Fletcher, L.A., 1975, Soil survey of Chaffee-Lake small mountain stream channels of Colorado and area, Colorado Parts of Chaffee and Lake Coun­ their hydrologic implications.... ties....

228 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Gish, W.B., Whittemore, T.R., Lennon, C.A., and Krieger, D. A., 1980, Ecology of catostomids in Twin Stitt, S.C., 1984, Flatiron AGC interim control­ Lakes, Colorado, in relation to a pumped-storage ler Volume IV.... powerplant.... Grant, L.O., and Schleusener, R.A., 1961, Snowfall LaBounty, J.F., coordinator, 1976, Studies of benthic and snowfall accumulation near Climax, Colo­ environment of Twin Lakes.... rado, in Washichek, J. N., and Hannaford, Jack, LaBounty, J.F., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of eds., Proceedings of the Western Snow Confer­ the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped ence, Spokane, Wash., Apr. 11-13, 1961, 29th storage powerplant, in Clugston, J.P., ed., Clem- annual meeting.... son Workshop on Environmental Impacts of Gregg, R.E., and Bergersen, E.P., 1980, Mysis relicta Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Operations, Effects of turbidity and turbulence on short-term Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... survival.... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Effects of Griest, J.R., 1976, The lake trout of Twin Lakes, Col­ drought on Colorado and Wyoming impound­ orado.... ments, in Stefan, H.G., ed., Proceedings of the symposium on surface water impoundments.... Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1981, Studies of the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- Healy, F.C., 1980, Colorado geothermal commer­ storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado cialization planning, semiannual progress 1980 report of findings.... report, January 1, 1980-June 30, 1980.... LaBounty, J.F., and Sartoris, J.J., 1982, Effects of Healy, F.C., 1980, Geothermal energy potential in operating the Mt. Elbert pumped-storage power- Chaffee County, Colorado.... plant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1981 report of Jackson, W.L., and Van Haveren, B.P., 1984, Design findings.... for a stable channel in coarse alluvium for ripar­ LaBounty, J.F., Sartoris, J.J., Campbell, S.G., ian zone restoration.... Boehmke, J.R., and Roline, R.A., 1980, Studies of Kaback, D.S., 1976, Transport of molybdenum in the effects of operating the Mt. Elbert pumped- mountainous streams, Colorado.... storage powerplant on Twin Lakes, Colorado 1979 report of findings.... Kaback, D.S., 1977, The geochemistry of molybde­ num in stream waters and sediments, central Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs Colorado.... on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado Canal, 1939-1940.... Kaback, D.S., and Runnells, D.D., 1980, Geochemis­ try of molybdenum in some stream sediments Lavelle, J.W., 1968, Primary and secondary produc­ and waters.... tion in the headwaters of the Arkansas River.... Karaki, S.S., and Sayre, W.W., 1961, Tailings dis­ Lieberman, D.V., 1983, Common plankton of Twin posal pipe lines of the Climax Molybdenum Plant Lakes, Colorado.... at Climax, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel Kaufmann, R.F., 1981, Hydrogeologic influences on times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas the long term disposal of uranium mill tailings, in River basin, Colorado.... Lawrence, C.R., ed., Groundwater Pollution Con­ Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit ference, Perth, Australia, 1979, Proceedings.... losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, King, D.L., and Rhone, T.J., 1975, Physical and Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., mathematical model studies of pumped storage Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ reservoir hydrodynamics for determination of agement of irrigation and drainage systems.... environmental effects.... Londquist, C.J., and Livingston, R.K., 1978, Water- resources appraisal of the Wet Mountain Valley, Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., in parts of Custer and Fremont Counties, Colo­ 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park rado.... and Teller Counties, Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir Krick, I.P., 1951, Snow pack increase in the Colo­ release routing model for the upper Arkansas rado Rockies by artificial nucleation, in Proceed­ River basin of Colorado.... ings of the Western Snow Conference, Victoria, B.C., Canada, Apr. 19-20, 1951, 19th annual M & I, Inc., 1972, Master plan for water systems meeting.... improvements for Canon City, Colorado....

Hydrologlc-Unit Index 229 Maslyn, R.M., 1979, Hot-spring-generated karst Ogilvie, J.L., 1967, Report of upper Arkansas River features near Salida, Colorado [abs.].... basin flood, Colorado-Kansas, June 1965.... McLaughlin Water Engineers, 1985, Update feasi­ Pearl, R.H., and Barrett, J.K., 1976, Geothermal bility study report Leadville mine drainage resources of the upper San Luis and Arkansas tunnel.... Valleys, Colorado, in Epis, R.C., and Weimer, Meyer, R.T., Coe, B.A., and Dick, J.D., 1981, Appen­ R.J., eds., Studies in Colorado field geology.... dices of an appraisal of the use of geothermal Pennak, R.W., and Lavelle, J.W., 1979, In situ mea­ energy in state-owned buildings in Colorado surements of net primary production in a Colo­ section 81-3a, Alamosa; section 81-3b, Buena rado mountain stream.... Vista; section 81-3c, Burlington; section 81-3d, Durango; section 81-3e, Glenwood Springs; sec­ Planner, H.N., Apel, C.T., Fuka, M.A., George, tion 81-3f, Steamboat Springs.... W.E., and Hansel, J.M., 1980, Uranium hydro- geochemical and stream reconnaissance data Moran, R.E., and Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effects of release for the Leadville NTMS quadrangle, Col­ metal-mine drainage on water quality in selected orado, including concentrations of forty-two areas of Colorado, 1972-73.... additional elements.... Nesler, T.P., 1979, Fryingpan-Arkansas fish Powers, W.E., 1934, Physiographic history of the research investigations.... upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Nesler, T.P., 1980, Preoperational fishery investiga­ Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... tions of Twin Lakes, Colorado, in Clugston, J.P., Powers, W.E., 1935, Physiographic history of the ed., Clemson Workshop on Environmental upper Arkansas River valley and the Royal Impacts of Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Oper­ Gorge, Colorado.... ations, Clemson, S.C., 1979, Proceedings.... Powers, W.E., and Behre, C.H., Jr., 1934, Physio­ Nesler, T.P., 1981, Studies of the limnology, fish graphic history of the upper Arkansas River val­ populations, and fishery of Turquoise Lake ley and the Royal Gorge, Colorado [abs.].... 1979... Rhodes, D.D., 1973, Geomorphology of two high- Nesler, T.P., 1981, The relative abundance of opos­ mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado.... sum shrimp, Mysis relicta, in Twin Lakes, Colo­ rado, using a benthic trawl.... Rhodes, D.D., 1975, Equilibrium conditions in two Nesler, T.P., 1981, Twin Lakes studies A charac­ high-mountain streams, Lake County, Colorado, terization of the Twin Lakes fishery via creel cen­ in Northeastern section, 10th annual meeting sus, with an evaluation of potential effects of [abs.].... pumped-storage power generation.... Ringrose, C.D., 1980, Temperature-depth profiles in Nesler, T.P., 1982, The fish populations and fishery the San Luis Valley and Canon City areas, Colo­ of the upper Arkansas River, 1977-1980 Final rado.... report.... Robson, S.G., 1985, Proposed work plan for the Nowlan, G.A., Ficklin, W.H., and Dover, R.A., 1985, study of hydrologic effects of ground-water Maps showing water geochemistry of the Buffalo development in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colo­ Peaks Wilderness Study Area, Lake, Park, and rado.... Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... Roline, R.A., and Boehmke, J.R., 1981, Heavy metals Nowlan, G.A., and Gerstel, W.J., 1985, Stream-sedi­ pollution of the upper Arkansas River, Colorado, ment and panned-concentrate geochemical maps and its effects on the distribution of the aquatic of the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness Study Area, macrofauna.... Lake, Park, and Chaffee Counties, Colorado.... Romero, J.C., and Fawcett, D.W., 1978, Geothermal Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to resources of south-central Colorado and their water-data activities in coal provinces of the relationship to ground and surface waters.... United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Russell, R.T., 1948, Fluorine hot springs at Poncha Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow Springs, Colorado [abs.].... and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... Salisbury, M.H., 1956, Leadville drainage tunnel, Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to second project, Lake County, Colorado.... water-data activities in coal provinces of the United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Sartoris, J.J., LaBounty, J.F., and Newkirk, H.D., Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of 1977, Historical, physical, and chemical limnol­ groundwater.... ogy of Twin Lakes, Colorado....

230 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1983, Specification for and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Twin Lakes Dam modification, Fryingpan- Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado.... Arkansas project, Colorado.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity and stream sediment reconnaissance of the tables and curves, Mt. Elbert forebay, Fryingpan- Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including Arkansas project, Colorado.... concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1984, Area-capacity ments.... tables and curves, Turquoise Lake-Sugar Loaf Skinner, M.M., 1960, Cottonwood Creek bentonite Dam, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... sealing investigation.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Evaluation Sponsors of the Sangre de Cristo Resource and and effects of the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on Development Project, and U.S. Soil Conservation the administration, management, and use of the Service, 1973, Sangre de Cristo resource conser­ San Isabel National Forest, section II Twin vation and development project Project addi­ Lakes.... tion for Chaffee and Lake Counties, Colorado.... U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1968, Master plan Stamm, G.G., 1973, Case histories of Bureau of Rec­ for the recreation management and development lamation tunnels, in Srivastava, L.S., ed., Sympo­ of the Twin Lakes and Elbert Forebay compos­ sium on Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling ite.... Problems, Kurukshetra, India, 1973, Proceed­ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1969, Fryingpan- ings.... Arkansas project.... Turk, J.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1979, Appraisal of U.S. Forest Service, 1963, A multiple use survey of ground water in the vicinity of the Leadville the evaluation and effects of the Fryingpan- drainage tunnel, Lake County, Colorado.... Arkansas project on the administration, manage­ Upper Arkansas Council of Governments, 1985, ment, and use of the White River National For­ Planning and management, region 13.... est.... URS/Ken R. White Company, 1974, Pollution study U.S. Forest Service, 1968, Evaluation and effects of of the Yak Tunnel discharge, Lake, Colorado.... the Fryingpan-Arkansas project on the adminis­ tration, management, and use of the San Isabel U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Area-capacity National Forest, section 1 Turquoise.... tables and curves for Turquoise Lake, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado, May 1968.... U.S. Forest Service, 1968, San Isabel National For­ est, master plan for the recreation, management, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1968, Water qual­ and development of the Twin Lakes and Mt. ity control study The Fryingpan-Arkansas Elbert forebay composition.... project... U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1969, Report on the National Forests, in Water uses atlas.... upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado, Kansas.... U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Final environ­ unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, mental impact statement, Mt. Elbert pumped- Draft environmental statement for the upper storage powerplant, Fryingpan-Arkansas Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; project, Colorado.... v. 3, appendix.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Twin Lakes Dam U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan and Reservoir enlargement and Mt. Elbert fore- Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ bay, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colorado.... sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Draft Forests.... environmental statement Fryingpan-Arkansas U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning project.... unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1975, Fryingpan- U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study Arkansas project, Colorado Final environmen­ report, Buffalo Peaks wilderness study area tal statement... Pike and San Isabel National Forests, Colorado.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1980, Standing operat­ U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, ing procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Twin Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ Lakes.... bel and Rio Grande National Forests....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 231 U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Wright-McLaughlin Engineers, 1974, Chaffee Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ County drainage study Criteria, characteris­ opment listing.... tics, impacts, and management implementa­ tion.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1955, Plan and profile and damsite of Arkansas River, vicinity of Bear Creek Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary to vicinity of Clear Creek, Colorado.... report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas River.... U.S. Geological Survey, 1984, Land use and land cover and associated maps for Leadville, Colo­ Zacharakis, T.G., and Pearl, R.H., 1982, Geothermal rado.... resource assessment of Canon City, Colorado area.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, List and loca­ tion of snow courses and soil moisture stations.... 11020002 U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1978, Flood hazard analysis Cottonwood Creek in the vicinity of UPPER ARKANSAS RIVER Buena Vista, Chaffee County, Colorado.... Alther, G.R., 1977, Geohydrologic setting of the U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. environment near Cotter Mill, Canon City, Colo­ Bureau of Reclamation], 1979, Preliminary rado.... designers' operating criteria for Mt. Elbert American Water Works Association, 1985, Law and pumped-storage powerplant, including surge water Diversion considered noninjurious to tanks, Forebay Dam and Reservoir, and switch­ senior appropriators.... yard.... Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... operation procedures, Mt. Elbert Forebay Dam Arthur, H.G., 1975, Pueblo Dam A Bureau of Rec­ and Reservoir.... lamation first.... U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. Banta, E.R., 1983, Groundwater flow patterns in the Bureau of Reclamation], [date unknown], Stand­ Dakota Group aquifer in an area near Pueblo, ing operating procedures, Twin Lakes Dam and Colorado.... Twin Lakes.... Banta, E.R., 1985, The Dakota aquifer near Pueblo, Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground Colorado; faults and flow patterns.... water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... Barb, C.F., 1946, Selected well logs of Colorado.... Voynick, S.M., 1984, Yesterday's mines poison Bell, B.A., date unknown, Concepts and operating today's rivers (Water pollution from metal mine experiences Advanced wastewater treatment drainage, upper Arkansas River, Colorado).... plants.... Walch, L. A., 1980, Movements of lake trout in Twin Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1951, Lakes, Colorado, in relation to the Mt. Elbert Report on water pumping and distribution, pumped-storage powerplant.... Northside Water District no. 1.... Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1953, frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Report on water purification requirements.... snow courses.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1957, Washichek, J.N., Shafer, B.A., and Teilborg, J.R., Report on the conservation of water at Pueblo, 1978, Summary of snow survey measurements Colorado.... for Colorado and New Mexico, 1971-1977.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1968, Water & Sewage Works, 1976, Colorado pumping Water storage and treatment for Pueblo Board of station reaches new heights.... Water Works, and Arkansas valley pipeline for Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy Dis­ Wentz, D.A., 1974, Effect of mine drainage on the trict.... quality of streams in Colorado, 1971-72.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Wilson, H.M., 1893, Engineering results of irriga­ Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ tion survey, in Thirteenth annual report of the ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau part 3 Irrigation.... of Reclamation....

232 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Report on costs and revenue requirements for plain information for Canon City, Colorado alternative water improvement programs.... Red Canyon, Northeast Canyon Draw, and tribu­ taries.... Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1975, Report on water supply for Pueblo West Metro­ Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1974, politan District.... Waste load allocation for the Arkansas River.... Bowman, S.K., 1980, Clearing the muddied Crouch, T.M., Cain, Doug, Abbott, P.O., Penley, waters.... R.D., and Hurr, R.T., 1984, Water-resources appraisal of the upper Arkansas River basin from Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas Leadville to Pueblo, Colorado.... River.... Brown, D.L., 1974, Resource management and envi­ Davis, A.O., 1985, Geochemical interactions ronmental improvement plan for Pueblo Dam between uranium tailings fluids and subjacent and Reservoir.... bedrock, Canon City, Colorado; use of the com­ puter model MINTEQ.... Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., I960, Bentonite sealing investi­ River Valley of Colorado.... gations Third quarterly progress report.... Cain, Doug, Baldridge, Duaina, and Edelmann, Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., 1961, Bentonite sealing investi­ Patrick, 1980, Waste-assimilation capacity of the gations Final report.... Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado, as it Dirmeyer, R.D., Jr., and Shen, R.T., 1960, Bentonite relates to water-quality guidelines and stream sediment sealing of irrigation canals Report for classification.... the three-year period of 1957 through 1959.... Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected Dreesen, D.R., Williams, J.M., Marple, M.L., hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo Gladney, E.S., and Perrin, D.R., 1982, Mobility and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, and bioavailability of uranium mill tailings con­ 1975-80.... taminants.... C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrogeology of St. Charles report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado.... of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source through September 1977.... report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, Dumeyer, J.M., 1977, Analysis of stormwater flows Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ and Arkansas River water rights.... tee.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1978, Pueblo County 208 plan Colorado Department of Public Health, 1973, stream segment hydrographs.... Record of water quality and radium-226 data, Greenhorn basin area.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow anal­ ysis and assessment of flow augmentation possi­ Colorado Soil Conservation Board, and U.S. Soil bilities.... Conservation Service, 1977, Canon Watershed project, Fremont County, Colorado Reduction Dumeyer, J.M., 1980, Evaluation of exceedance of of flood water and sediment damages to Canon proposed un-ionized ammonia limits, Arkansas watershed, Canon City, Colorado.... River below Fountain Creek.... Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ Dumeyer, J.M., and Fisher, Gene, 1978, Pueblo West torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ water supply Environmental assessment.... rado.... Elliot and Associates, Inc., 1969, Study and recom­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood mendations concerning the water supply for Col­ plain information Arkansas River and Four- orado City including the Wolf-Williams mile, Brush Hollow, and Eightmile Creeks.... acquisition.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood Emmons, P.J., 1976, Waterlogging in an alluvial plain information Arkansas River.... aquifer near Lake Minnequa, Pueblo, Colorado....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 233 Engineering Science, Inc., 1980, Cost-benefit assess­ Foreman, Joe, 1972, Analysis of Arkansas River dis­ ment of wasteload allocation and stream classifi­ solved solids by arc emission spectography.... cation alternatives.... Foreman, Joe, 1975, Evaluation of available com­ Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., puter stream modeling systems for application to 1980, Aquatic toxicity review Final report.... the Pueblo 208 program.... ERT/Ecology Consultants, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fre- Foreman, Joe, 1976, A summary of the report, mont County 201 facilities plan, v. 2 Environ­ Pueblo Board of Water Works stream and point mental analysis.... discharge, analytical reports.... Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1982, Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ Flood insurance study City of Canon City, Col­ native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo.... orado, Fremont County.... Fred C. Hart Associates, Inc., 1982, Solid waste Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1984, management alternatives for Teller County, Col­ Flood insurance study City of Florence, Colo­ orado A technical assistance panels program rado, Fremont County.... report.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood ard boundary map Arkansas River and Foun­ control project on a meandering stream.... tain Creek.... Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas ard boundary map Oak Creek.... River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Greer, M.J., 1971, Water supply study, Colorado ard boundary map Coal Creek.... City.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Greer, M.J, 1971, Water supply study, Hollydot ard boundary map Greenhorn Creek.... Park, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, ard boundary map Oak Creek.... Colorado; geology and ground water.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control ard boundary map Cripple Creek.... and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley in Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Trout and Fourmile Creek.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., 1977, Effects of impoundment on water and sediment in the Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ Arkansas River at Pueblo Reservoir.... ard boundary map Arkansas River and Ander- son and King Arroyos.... Herrmann, S.J., and Mahan, K.I., date unknown, Water-quality studies, Pueblo Reservoir, Frying- Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ pan-Arkansas project.... ard boundary map Arkansas River and Sand Creek.... Isbester, T.J., 1971, Hydraulic model studies of the Pueblo Dam spillway and plunge basin.... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and uranium concentrations and associated hydro- Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ geochemistry in ground water in southwestern tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Pueblo County, Colorado [abs].... Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., 1979, Radium and uranium concentrations and associated hydro- Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ geochemistry in ground water in southwestern ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... Pueblo County, Colorado.... Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo compilers, Guidebook for field conference H County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ 1980.... tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress.... Finley, C.J., Baldridge, Duaina, and Nelson, B.N., J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance rate 1981. 208 water quality plan Plan update, maps (FIRM) and flood boundary and floodway 1981.... maps (FBFM)....

234 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance M & I, Inc., 1972, Master plan for water systems studies Douglas, Teller, and Arapahoe Coun­ improvements for Canon City, Colorado.... ties, final hydrology report.... M & I, Inc., 1974, Report on storm drainage facilities Jorden, R.M., Aronson, J.T., Noblett, J.G., and for the city of Canon City.... Rosain, R.M., 1980, Treatment of cooling tower M & I, Inc., 1974, Wastewater treatment master plan circulating water An EPRI project.... for Canon City metropolitan sanitation district.... Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, M & I, Inc., 1977, Eastern Fremont County 201 facil­ 1981, Operation reports City of Pueblo, Colo­ ities plan, v. 1 Engineering analysis... rado Department of Public Works.... M & I, Inc., 1982, Environmental analysis for land King, D.L., 1971, Selective withdrawal studies for application of waste sludge in Fremont the fish hatchery outlets at Pueblo Dam Mathe­ County.... matical and physical models.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Klein, J.M., Goddard, K.E., and Livingston, R.K., Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River 1978, Appraisal of the water resources of Park valley, Colorado.... and Teller Counties, Colorado.... Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations rado, 1970-74.... in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain preliminary report.... Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment River.... of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated McGovern, H.E., Gregg, D.O., and Brennan, Robert, stream-aquifer system.... 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the alluvial deposits Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs in Pueblo and Fremont Counties, Colorado.... on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Canal, 1939-1940.... Colorado.... Linam, J.H., Osborn, N.L., and Seilheimer, J.A., Mogck, L.G., and Dunstan, E.R., Jr., 1982, Concrete 1976, Biological inventory of Pueblo County performance at Pueblo Dam, Colorado Initial waterways.... core report.... Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ River valley of Colorado.... ment.... Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog-dig­ of floodflows along the Arkansas River without ital models of stream-aquifer systems.... regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1973, Upper Greenhorn basin regional water and Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel wastewater plan for Colorado City water and times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas sanitation district, including Colorado City, Hol- River basin, Colorado.... lydot Park, Rye, and Rye environs, Pueblo Livingston, R.K., 1985, Quantification of transit County, Colorado.... losses, and its effects on surface-water resources, Oblinger-Smith, Corp., 1972, Water and sewage Arkansas River basin, Colorado, in Keyes, C.G., facility plan [Pueblo County, Colorado].... Jr., and Ward, T.J., eds., Development and man­ agement of irrigation and drainage systems.... Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), 1984, Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical Colorado Phase 1, general design memoran­ methods for estimating ground-water with­ dum; communication from the Assistant Secre­ drawal.... tary of the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a Luckey, R.R., and Livingston, R.K., 1975, Reservoir letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of release routing model for the upper Arkansas the Army, dated December 23,1981, submitting a River basin of Colorado.... report....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 235 Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water water-data activities in coal provinces of the quality management plan for Pueblo County, United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Colorado.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ 1973-77.... ments.... Pennak, R.W., and Lavelle, J.W., 1979, In situ mea­ Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, surements of net primary production in a Colo­ project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley rado mountain stream.... region.... Pope, D.L., 1980, Geothermal resources of Colo­ Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and rado.... long-term viability of flood control projects The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the mended stream classifications.... international conference held in Bangkok, Janu­ ary 7-9, 1980.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream classifications and standards.... Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ nique for estimating recharge using a digital Pueblo Board of Water Works, date unknown, model.... Pueblo's water system.... United States, 1980, An act to authorize the Secre­ Pueblo County Health Department, 1973, Water tary of the Interior to design and construct a quality data, Colorado City-Rye area.... gunite lining on certain reaches of the Bessemer Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1962, Ditch in the vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado, to pre­ Pueblo regional water study.... vent or reduce seepage damage on adjacent prop­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1969, erties, and for other purposes.... Potential economic impact of the Pueblo Reser­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain voir.... information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1971, rado.... Pueblo metropolitan area interim plan for water U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1969, Flood plain quality management.... information Goodnight Arroyo, Dry Creek, and Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Wild Horse-Dry Creek, Pueblo, Colorado.... water quality program Final plan and imple­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, Flood plain mentation schedule.... information St. Charles River, Pueblo, Colo­ rado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 water quality program Point source subplans, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, management subplans.... Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 ment).... water quality program Stream segment analy- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam final environmental impact statement.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1980, Sum­ mary report of Pueblo wasteload allocation stud- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Flood insur­ ance study for Fountain, Dry, and Wild Horse Creeks Pueblo, Colorado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1984, 208 water quality program Plan update, Report sec­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas tion.... River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, Colorado.... Pueblo West Department of Public Works, date unknown, Pueblo West metropolitan district U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain master plan for flood control and storm drainage information Salt Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, Col­ improvement.... orado....

236 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels information Six Mile Creek, vicinity of Pueblo, in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Colorado.... 1968-72.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Salt Creek- U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1969, Canon City.... Floods in vicinity of Pueblo, Colorado.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1971, Mud Gulch U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Arkansas flood prevention project measure, Sangre de River basin, Florence, Colorado Hydrology, Cristo, RC and D project, Colorado (final envi­ part 1.... ronmental impact statement).... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Flood plain U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1972, RC and D information Arkansas River.... project [flood prevention?] measure plan, Forked U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1971, Pueblo Dam and Gulch streambank stabilization.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1976, Flood hazard rado (draft environmental impact statement).... analyses Portions of Red Canyon Draw and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and tributaries, Fremont County, Colorado.... Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ U.S. Water and Power Resources Service [U.S. rado.... Bureau of Reclamation], date unknown, Standing U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1972, Pueblo Dam and operation procedures, Pueblo Dam and Reser­ Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas project, Colo­ voir.... rado (final environmental impact statement).... Vinckier, T.A., 1979, Radium-226 content of ground U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Area-capacity water from the Dakota Group aquifer, Fremont tables and curves, Pueblo Reservoir, Fryingpan- and Pueblo Counties, Colorado [abs.].... Arkansas project, Colorado.... Vinckier, T.A., 1982, Hydrogeology of the Dakota U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1977, Report on the Group aquifer, with emphasis on the radium-226 Western energy expansion study.... content of its contained ground water Canon City embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to Colorado.... final environmental statement, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- conduit.... difference arrays of observation wells to estimate evapotranspiration from ground water in the U.S. Congress, Senate Committee on Energy and Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Natural Resources, 1980, Lining of Bessemer Ditch, Colorado Report to accompany S.2546.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Colo­ National Forests, in Water uses atlas.... rado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of Draft environmental statement for the upper shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; Depot,Colorado.... v. 3, appendix.... Woodward-Clyde and Associates, 1969, Ground U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Land-management plan water investigations, Williams and Wolf prop­ Interim management direction for upper Arkan­ erty, Pueblo County, Colorado.... sas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary Forests.... report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning River.... unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study investigations for the Arkansas River basin in area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.... Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San Zacharakis, T.G., and Pearl, R.H., 1982, Geothermal Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ resource assessment of Canon City, Colorado opment listing.... area....

Hydrologlc-Unlt Index 237 11020003 Center for Community Development, 1985, Mani- FOUNTAIN CREEK tou Springs flood hazard mitigation plan.... CH2M-Hill, Inc., 1975, Water supply and effluent Adams, D.B., 1976, Lakes in the Colorado Springs- treatment for R.D. Nixon power-generation Castle Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, plant.... Colorado.... C.H. Hoper and Associates, 1975, Engineering American City, 1971, Portable plant meets tertiary report on feasibility of Fountain valley pipeline requirements.... of Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.... Anna, L.O., 1975, Map showing availability of Chronic, Felicie, and Chronic, John, 1974, Bibliogra­ hydrologic data published as of 1974 by the U.S. phy and index of geology and hydrology, Front Environmental Data Service and by the U.S. Geo­ Range urban corridor, Colorado.... logical Survey and cooperating agencies, Colo­ rado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, urban corridor, Colorado.... Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ tee.... Arthur B. Chafet and Associates, 1970, Woodmen Water and Sanitation District.... Colorado Springs, 1974, Water resources and his­ torical water use for Colorado Springs, Colo­ Babcock, R.E., 1974, Industrial water re-use and rado.... sewage sludge reclamation, in Energy, environ­ Colorado Springs, Engineering Division, date ment and water resources.... unknown, Drainage studies on basins within and Bailey, E.W., 1971, Cathodic protection for coated near the city.... steel pipelines.... Colorado Springs Wastewater Division, 1980, Barb, C.F., 1946, Selected well logs of Colorado.... Stream study.... Baumann, D.D., and Dworkin, D.M., 1977, The deci­ Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water sion to reuse water.... District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to a city) outside the water district].... Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid Dardeau, E.A., Jr., and Zappi, M.A., 1977, Environ­ pressures.... mental baseline descriptions for use in the man­ agement of Fort Carson natural resources, Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ Reports General geology and seismicity.... dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ normal fluid pressures [abs.].... Driscoll, L.B., 1975, Land-use classification map of the Colorado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- Range urban corridor, Colorado.... stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.].... data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Bianchi, Luiz, and Snow, D.T., 1969, Permeability of Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source crystalline rock interpreted from measured ori­ report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... entations and apertures of fractures.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1979, Arkansas River low-flow anal­ Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of ysis and assessment of flow augmentation possi­ development and hydrologic conditions of the bilities.... alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ leys, Colorado, 1972.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1980, Evaluation of exceedance of proposed un-ionized ammonia limits, Arkansas Birch, A.F., 1947, Temperature and heat flow in a River below Fountain Creek.... well near Colorado Springs, Colorado.... Dworkin, D.M., 1975, Water reuse A flexible and Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1977, efficient management alternative for municipal Water distribution for Colorado Springs.... water supply.... Cain, D.L., investigator, 1984, Elevated nitrate con­ Dworkin, D.M., and Baumann, D.D., 1974, An eval­ centrations in the Widefield aquifer south of Col­ uation of water reuse for municipal supply.... orado Springs, Colorado, in Geological Survey Edelmann, Patrick, 1984, Effects of irrigating with research, fiscal year 1981.... wastewater on ground-water quality at Fort Car­ Cardwell, W.D.E., 1956, Report on an aquifer test at son Military Reservation golf course near Colo­ Monument, Colorado.... rado Springs, Colorado....

238 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Edelmann, Patrick, and Cain, Doug, 1985, Sources Gronning Engineering Company, 1986, City of Col­ of water and nitrogen to the Widefield aquifer, orado Springs Arkansas River exchange plan.... southwestern El Paso County, Colorado.... Hall, B.B., and Stierwalt, L., 1981, Recycling allows Emmons, P.J., 1977, Artificial-recharge tests in zero power-plant wastewater discharge.... upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Jimmy Camp Hall, R.W., and Robey, D.L., 1977, Preliminary eval­ Valley, and Fountain Valley, El Paso County, uation of water quality of proposed Fountain Colorado.... Lake, Colorado.... Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Bingham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Depth to 1979, Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geo­ the water table (1976-77) in the Colorado logical Survey research 1979.... Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range urban cor­ ridor, Colorado.... Ernest, F.J., and Martinez, Fortunato, 1966, Urban water use study.... Hillier, D.E., and Hutchinson, E.G., 1980, Well yields and chemical quality of water from water- Evans, A., and Raley, W.L., 1984, Research in table aquifers in the Colorado Springs-Castle action Solving Colorado water problems, FY Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ 1983 annual report.... rado.... Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1983, Hutchinson, E.G., and Hillier, D.E., 1978, Hydro- Flood insurance study City of Manitou Springs, logic data for the water table aquifers in the Col­ Colorado, El Paso County.... orado Springs-Castle Rock area, Front Range Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ urban corridor, Colorado.... ard boundary map Arkansas River and Foun­ Jenkins, E.D., 1956, Results of pumping tests in the tain Creek.... Widefield area, Fountain valley, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Jenkins, E.D., 1961, Records, logs, and water-level ard boundary map Crystal Lake.... measurements of selected wells and test holes Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ and chemical analyses of ground water in Foun­ ard boundary map Unnamed Tributary.... tain, Jimmy Camp, and Black Squirrel valleys, El Paso County, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood insurance study Monument Creek and tributar­ Jenkins, E.D., 1964, Ground water in Fountain and ies.... Jimmy Camp valleys, El Paso County, Colorado, with a section on Computations of drawdowns Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood caused by the pumping of wells in Fountain val­ insurance study Town of Palmer Lake, Colo­ ley, by R.E. Glover and E.D. Jenkins.... rado, El Paso County.... Jenkins, E.D., 1965, Summary of hydrology from Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, Pueblo to Denver, in Heindl, L.A., and others, 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo compilers, Guidebook for field conference H County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research [southwestern arid lands], International Associa­ 1980.... tion of Quaternary Research, Vllth Congress.... Foreman, Joe, 1972, Analysis of Arkansas River dis­ Jenkins, E.D., 1971, Test of the Stroebel Spring, a solved solids by arc emission spectography.... supplementary study of the Fort Carson Expan­ Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ sion Project, Civil Action No. 9820, Tract No. 202, native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo.... El Paso County, Colorado.... Fryt, M.S., 1979, Effects of turbidity on microbio­ J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance rate logical analysis, in Advances in laboratory tech­ maps (FIRM) and flood boundary and floodway niques for quality contro.... maps (FBFM).... Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1978, Cherokee J.F. Sato and Associates, 1985, Flood insurance water district-Chapel Hills water and sanitation studies Douglas, Teller, and Arapahoe Coun­ district.... ties, final hydrology report.... Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, water quality management plan for the Pikes 1981, Operation reports City of Pueblo, Colo­ Peak region.... rado Department of Public Works.... Griswold, D.H., 1948, Fountain River watershed, Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1965, Hydrologic engi­ Colorado; geology and ground water.... neering of the Peterson Field drainage basin....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 239 Karcich and Weber, Inc., 1967, Hydrological engi­ McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study neering study for Stratmoor South subdistrict.... of ground-water conservation for a municipal development near Colorado Springs, Colorado Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., 1975, Water quality, [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., Fountain and Jimmy Camp valleys, Colorado... compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky Kocerha, Bob [B.A.], 1972, Rx for sludge indiges­ Mountain ground water conference.... tion Heat and vacuum filtration.... McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water Kocerha, B.A., 1973, Land application of waste- resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso water at Colorado Springs.... Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big Lee, G.F., and Jones, R.A., 1981, An assessment of Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... the impact of the Colorado Springs domestic wastewater treatment plant discharges on Foun­ McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water tain Creek.... administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.].... Leonard, G.J., 1984, Assessment of water resources McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ at Fort Carson Military Reservation near Colo­ cal logging potential for the Denver basin.... rado Springs, Colorado.... Michael, G.Y., 1981, Impact of the sulfur dioxide Livingston, R.K., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., dechlorination system on dissolved oxygen and 1975. Appraisal of water resources of northwest­ un-ionized ammonia in Fountain Creek.... ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., Michael, G.Y., 1981, Winter low-flow stream 1976. Appraisal of water resources of southwest­ study.... ern El Paso County, Colorado.... Michael, G.Y., Ward, J.V., Miller, D.L., Dufford, Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., R.G., and Martinson, R.J., 1980, Colorado Springs 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ Wastewater Division stream study.... rado.... Myers, K.L., 1984, Case study; an investigation of Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ shallow instability in low slopes.... cations in a mountain front environment; Front Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- area; water for new communities in El Paso matological data Colorado Springs, annual County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., summary with comparative data.... eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science maps applied to land and water management.... National Climatic Center, various years, Local cli- matological data Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mackin, J.H., 1953, Stream planation near Colorado monthly summary.... Springs, Colorado.... Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1975, Zawistowski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data Project Aquarius Recommendations for stream classification, Fountain/Monument subbasin.... from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... McCain, J.F., and Hotchkiss, W.R., 1975, Map show­ Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1976, ing flood-prone areas, Colorado Springs-Castle Report of investigation on water availability to Rock area, Front Range urban corridor, Colo­ Rock Creek Mesa water district.... rado.... Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil McCauley, D., 1977, Water reclamation and re-use Works), 1984, Fountain Creek, Pueblo,Col- in six cities, in Kasperson, R.E., and Kasperson, orado Phase 1, general design memorandum; J.X., eds., Water re-use and the cities.... communication from the Assistant Secretary of McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a letter Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ from the Chief of Engineers, Department of the ver Basin, Colorado.... Army, dated December 23, 1981, submitting a report.... McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to water-data activities in coal provinces of the Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow River.... and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water....

240 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Robson, S.G., 1983, Hydraulic characteristics of the water-data activities in coal provinces of the principal bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Colorado.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of groundwater.... Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources Okun, D.A., 1982, Feasibility of dual or multiple appraisal.... water supply systems Dual water supply sys­ tems; special subject 25.... Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver Ostojic, N., 1975, Odor problems? Don't just hold basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... your nose.... Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in Denver Basin, Colorado.... Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Romero, J.C., and Hampton, E.R., 1972, Maps show­ ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., ing the approximate configuration and depth to 1982, Proceedings).... the top of the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer, Denver Basin, Colorado.... Patterson and Associates, 1981, Water supply esti­ mates, Appendix.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1973, Alternatives for development, Fountain Creek.... Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. quality management plan for Pueblo County, Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ Colorado.... coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Preliminary report Phillips, J.D., 1971, The Porteous process.... on proposed levee and improvements to the Fountain Creek channel through Pueblo, Colo­ Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments, 1971, rado.... Interim plan for water quality management El Paso and Teller Counties.... Shaner, James, and Zebroski, Robert, 1982, Agricul­ tural water quality assessment of lower Fountain Proudfit, D.P., 1968, Selection of disposal methods Creek.... for water treatment plant wastes.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical Proudfit, D.P., 1975, Parameters for determining and stream sediment reconnaissance of the adequacy of storage capacity for large and small Pueblo NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including systems on the basis of peak demands and fire concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ flow requirements, in Research Key to quality ments.... water service in the 80's.... Skiles, D.A., and Gish, W.B., 1981, Analog model Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ and evaluation of the Fountain Valley rate-of- ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... flow control station.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and mended stream classifications.... long-term viability of flood control projects The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- classifications and standards.... Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1962, tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the Pueblo regional water study.... international conference held in Bangkok, Janu­ ary 7-9, 1980.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1965, The Fountain River flood problem.... Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... water quality program Stream segment analy- Trauffer, W.E., 1975, Highly sophisticated water clarification system.... Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the Trelease, F.J., and Bittinger, M.W., 1963, Mechanics Denver basin, Colorado.... of a mathematical ground-water model....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 241 United Western Engineers, 1971, Water resources of U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1978, Supplement to Rancho, Colorado.... final environmental statement, Fryingpan- Arkansas project, Colorado, Fountain Valley United Western Engineers, 1975, Water supply conduit.... investigation, La Mesa De Angeles Mobile Home Park.... U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974, Final environmental statement; Palmer Lake sanitation U.S. Air Force, 1970, Colorado Springs, Colorado, district, Palmer Lake, Colorado.... Peterson Field Revised uniform summary of surface weather observations (RUSSWO), parts U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel A-F [final report].... National Forests, in Water uses atlas.... U.S. Air Force, 1976, Fort Carson Buttes AAF, Colo­ U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning rado Revised uniform summary of surface unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, weather observations (RUSSWO).... Draft environmental statement for the upper Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1943, Fountaine Que v. 3, appendix.... Bonille (Fountain) River and its tributaries, Col­ orado.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1966, Flood report Arkansas River basin Flood of June 1965, Colo­ U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San rado, Kansas, and New Mexico.... Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ opment listing.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Flood plain information Fountain Creek, Pueblo, Colo­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1973, Flood hazard rado.... analyses Sand Creek, City of Colorado Springs, and El Paso County.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on review survey for flood control and allied pur­ U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1974, Flood hazard poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John analyses Update for Sand Creek.... Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 1 Main report.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1975, Flood hazard U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1971, Flood plain analyses Portions of Jimmy Camp Creek and information, Monument Creek, Colorado tributaries, El Paso County, Colorado.... Springs, Colorado.... Water & Sewage Works, 1976, U.S. Air Force greens, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Flood insur­ Colorado.... ance study for Fountain, Dry, and Wild Horse Water and Wastes Engineering, 1970, New sewage Creeks Pueblo, Colorado.... technology tested atop Pikes Peak.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Flood plain Weis, Ronald, Welles, Peabody, and Stierwalt, Lee, information Fountain and Jimmy Camp Creeks, 1980, Design and operation of a cooling tower Colorado Springs, Fountain, El Paso County, sidestream treatment system.... Colorado.... West, H.W., and Floy, H.M., 1977, Environmental U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain baseline descriptions for use in the management information Fountain Creek, Colorado Springs, of Fort Carson natural resources, report 2 Manitou Springs, Colorado.... Water-quality, meteorologic, and hydrologic U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1976, Flood plain data collected with automated field stations.... information Cottonwood Creek, El Paso Woodward-Clevenger and Associates, 1972, County, Colorado.... Ground water investigation for Chapel Hills U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain area.... Creek, [Pueblo County?], Arkansas River and Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1978, Water engi­ tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado neering report, Security water district Wide- Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 1 field aquifer recharge program.... Main report and environmental impact state­ ment.... 11020004 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1981, Fountain CHICO CREEK Creek, [Pueblo County?] Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Colorado Belitz, Kenneth, 1985, Hydrodynamics of the Den­ Phase 1, general design memorandum, v. 2 ver Basin An explanation of subnormal fluid Appendices A through F.... pressures....

242 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1983, Hydro­ Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1978, Cherokee dynamics of Denver Basin, an explanation of sub­ water district-Chapel Hills water and sanitation normal fluid pressures [abs.].... district.... Belitz, Kenneth, and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1984, Hydro- Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide stratigraphy and hydrodynamics of the Denver water quality management plan for the Pikes Basin and adjacent Midcontinent [abs.].... Peak region.... Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Extent of Goeke, J.W., 1970, The hydrogeology of Black development and hydrologic conditions of the Squirrel Creek basin, El Paso County, Colo­ alluvial aquifer, Fountain and Jimmy Camp val­ rado.... leys, Colorado, 1972.... Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1971, Hydrogeologic Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1973, Water-level characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the declines and ground-water quality, Upper Black Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... Squirrel Creek basin, Colorado.... Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., and Bingham, D.L., Bingham, D.L., and Klein, J.M., 1974, Water-level 1976, Water resources of El Paso County, Colo­ decline in the alluvial aquifer, spring 1964 to rado.... spring 1974, Upper Black Squirrel Creek basin, Livingston, R.K., and Sundaram, T.M., 1978, Appli­ Colorado.... cations in a mountain front environment; Front Range urban corridor, in the Colorado Springs Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, area; water for new communities in El Paso El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and County, in Robinson, G.D., and Spieker, A.M., Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ eds., Nature to be commanded; earth-science ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ maps applied to land and water management.... rado.... Major, T.J., Robson, S.G., Romero, J.C., and Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, Zawistowski, Stanley, 1983, Hydrogeologic data Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ from parts of the Denver Basin, Colorado.... tee.... McConaghy, J.A., Chase, G.H., Boettcher, A.J., and Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1978, Report Major, T.J., 1964, Hydrogeologic data of the Den­ on the ground water resources of the bedrock ver Basin, Colorado.... aquifers of the Denver Basin, Colorado A sum­ mary.... McGovern, H.E., and Jenkins, E.D., 1966, Ground water in Black Squirrel Creek valley, El Paso Colorado Supreme Court, 1974, Cherokee Water County, Colorado.... District v. Colorado Springs [Supplying water (to a city) outside the water district].... McGregor, F.R., and Sheaffer, J.R., 1984, Case study of ground-water conservation for a municipal Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality development near Colorado Springs, Colorado data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... [abs.], in Moreland, J.A., and Van Voast, W.A., compilers, Abstracts from the 13th annual Rocky Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source Mountain ground water conference.... report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... McNab, S., and Owens, W.G., 1979, Ground-water Emmons, P.J., Livingston, R.K., Klein, J.M., Bing­ administration; Denver Basin, Colorado [abs.].... ham, D.L., and Trescott, P.C., investigators, 1979, Dawson aquifer model converted, in Geological McWhorter, D.B., 1984, Specific yield by geophysi­ Survey research 1979.... cal logging potential for the Denver basin.... Erker, H.W., and Romero, J.C., 1967, Ground water Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to resources of the upper Black Squirrel Creek water-data activities in coal provinces of the basin, El Paso County, Colorado.... United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of Evans, A., and Raley, W.L., 1984, Research in groundwater.... action Solving Colorado water problems, FY 1983 annual report.... Ottman, J.D., 1984, Evolution of formation fluids in the "J" sandstone, Denver Basin, Colorado, in Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., 1980.... 1982, Proceedings)....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 243 Pearl, R.H., 1984, Dakota aquifer system in the State Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, of Colorado, in Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ eds., Geohydrology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, Theis Conferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lin­ Colorado and Kansas.... coln, Nebr., 1982, Proceedings).... Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ Black and Veatch, Engineers-Architects, 1972, mended stream classifications.... Report on Arkansas valley conduit for Southeast­ Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream ern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Four classifications and standards.... Corners Regional Commission and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 water quality program Stream segment analy- Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas River.... Robson, S.G., 1981, Geologic structure, hydrology, Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and and water quality of the Denver aquifer in the irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Denver basin, Colorado.... River Valley of Colorado.... Robson, S.G., 1984, Bedrock aquifers in the Denver Cain, Doug, and Edelmann, Patrick, 1980, Selected basin, Colorado; a quantitative water-resources hydrologic data, Arkansas River basin, Pueblo appraisal.... and southeastern Fremont Counties, Colorado, 1975-80.... Robson, S.G., Malcolm, R.L., and others, investiga­ tors, 1981, Ground-water resources of the Denver Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, basin, in Geological Survey research 1981.... Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water in Crowley County, Colorado.... Romero, J.C., preparer, 1976, Report on the ground water resources of the bedrock aquifers of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, Denver Basin, Colorado.... Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water tee.... quality management plan for Pueblo County, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, Colorado.... Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ Taylor, O.J., 1974, Hydrology of the Dawson Forma­ tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to tion, El Paso County, Colorado, in Rocky Moun­ 1970.... tain section, 27th annual meeting [abs.].... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1978, Flood U.S. Air Force, 1980, Draft environmental impact plain information Arkansas River.... statement, Consolidated Space Operations Cen­ Colorado Water Quality Control Division, 1974, ter.... Waste load allocation for the Arkansas River.... Waltz, J.P., 1970, Water transfer at bedrock-alluvial Duce, J.T., 1924, Geology of parts of Las Animas, contacts, in Ogallala Aquifer Symposium, Lub- Otero, and Bent Counties.... bock, Texas, 1920, Proceedings.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality Waltz, J.P., and Sunada, O.K., 1972, Geohydraulics data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... at the unconformity between bedrock and allu­ vial aquifers.... Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... Welder, F.A., and Hurr, R.T., 1972, Appraisal of shallow ground-water resources, Pueblo Army Dumeyer, J.M., 1977, Analysis of stormwater flows Depot, Colorado.... and Arkansas River water rights.... Dumeyer, J.M., 1978, Pueblo County 208 plan 11020005 stream segment hydrographs.... UPPER ARKANSAS RIVER- Engineering Science, Inc., 1980, Cost-benefit assess­ LAKE MEREDITH ment of wasteload allocation and stream classifi­ cation alternatives.... Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., ing.... 1980, Aquatic toxicity review Final report....

244 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin In Colorado Through 1985 Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ ard boundary map Arkansas River.... tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... ard boundary map Arkansas River.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1974, A special plan­ ard boundary map Arkansas, Apishapa, and ning technique for stream-aquifer systems.... Purgatoire Rivers.... Konikow, L.F., 1973, Simulation of hydrologic and Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood haz­ chemical-quality variations in an irrigated ard boundary map Arkansas River and Currant stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River valley, and Grape Creeks.... Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1980, Flood Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ insurance study Rocky Ford Ditch.... els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream insurance study Arkansas River and Anderson salinity seminar and workshop.... and King Arroyos.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1972, Simula­ Federal Water Quality Administration, 1970, tion of hydrologic and water-quality variations Report on La Junta, Colorado, technical assis­ in an irrigated stream-aquifer system [abs.].... tance project, September 21-October 4,1970, and October 13-October 19, 1970.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo preliminary report.... County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research 1980.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- quality model to evaluate water management Finley, C.J., Baldridge, Duaina, and Nelson, B.N., practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, 1981. 208 water quality plan Plan update, in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in 1981.... water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ Foreman, Joe, 1975, Evaluation of available com­ ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ puter stream modeling systems for application to ings.... the Pueblo 208 program.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ Foreman, Joe, 1976, Stream classification and alter­ ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ native facilities planning for the City of Pueblo.... gated stream-aquifer system.... Gee, D.M., 1984, Prediction of the effects of a flood Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment control project on a meandering stream.... of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the stream-aquifer system.... Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... Lacey, G.F., 1941, Investigations of reservoir runs on Arkansas River from Twin Lakes to Colorado Goddard, K.E., 1980, Calibration and potential uses Canal, 1939-1940.... of a digital water-quality model for the Arkansas River in Pueblo County, Colorado.... Linam, J.H., Osborn, N.L., and Seilheimer, J.A., 1976, Biological inventory of Pueblo County Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control waterways.... and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley in Colorado.... Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of Haynie, R.M., and Karaki, S.S., 1962, Model study the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas of the Catlin Diversion Dam canal inlet.... River valley of Colorado.... Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1973, Salvage of Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization water due to phreatophyte clearing, Shelton of floodflows along the Arkansas River without Farms, Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... Horton, J.S., and Erickson, J.R., 1974, Salvage of water due to phreatophyte clearing, Spady Livingston, R.K., 1973, Transit losses and travel Brothers farm, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ times for reservoir releases, upper Arkansas rado.... River basin, Colorado....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 245 Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las 1967, Proceedings.... Animas, Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical Patton, H.B., 1924, Underground water possibilities methods for estimating groundwater with­ for stock and domestic purposes in the La Junta drawal.... area, Colorado.... M & I, Inc., 1975, Master plan for water system Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the improvements for Rocky Ford, Colorado.... lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 1973-77.... Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ valley, Colorado.... ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ mended stream classifications.... rado, 1970-74.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, classifications and standards.... well and pump evaluations.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1962, Martella, T.K., 1985, Crowley County water system, Pueblo regional water study.... well rehabilitation.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1971, McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- Pueblo metropolitan area interim plan for water Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load quality management.... allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain water quality program Final plan and imple- Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas menta tion schedule.... River.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ water quality program Point source subplans, nomics of desalination of brackish household nonpoint source subplans, and institutional/ water supplies.... management subplans.... Melton, D.D., and McCabe, R.D., 1976, Catlin trans­ Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1977, 208 fer plan and John Martin permanent pool opera­ water quality program Stream segment analy- tion.... Meurer, Serafini, and Meurer, (MSM) Consultants, Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1980, Sum­ Inc., 1981, Floodplain information report mary report of Pueblo wasteload allocation stud­ Arkansas River and Timpas Creek, Otero ies.... County, Colorado.... Pueblo Regional Planning Commission, 1984, 208 Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water water quality program Plan update, Report sec­ management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... tion.... Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium Colorado.... hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ Moore, J.E., and Hurr, R.T., 1966, Water-table con­ naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ tour map, Boone to Fowler, Colorado, March 15 orado, including concentrations of forty-three to 30.... additional elements.... Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1967, Data require­ Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in ments and preliminary results of an analog- Arkansas River.... model evaluation Arkansas River valley in Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water eastern Colorado.... quality management plan for Pueblo County, Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of Colorado.... hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ ment.... sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog- rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in digital models of stream-aquifer systems.... Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C....

246 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, region.... 1968-72.... Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Crooked long-term viability of flood control projects Arroyo.... The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ difference arrays of observation wells to estimate tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the evapotranspiration from ground water in the international conference held in Bangkok, Janu­ Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... ary 7-9, 1980.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ nique for estimating recharge using a digital orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ model.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water Weist, W.G., Jr., 1962, Records, logs, and water- resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ level measurements of selected wells, springs, ties.... and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water in Otero and the southern part of Crowley Toepelman, W.C., 1924, Underground water Counties, Colorado.... resources of parts of Crowley and Otero Coun­ ties.... Weist, W.G., Jr., 1963, Water in the Dakota and Pur- gatoire Formations in Otero County and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas southern part of Crowley County, Colorado.... River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and vicinity Interim report on review survey for Weist, W.G., Jr., 1965, Geology and occurrence of flood control.... ground water in Otero County and the southern part of Crowley County, Colorado, with sections on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on Hydrology of the Arkansas River valley in the review survey for flood control and allied pur­ project area, by W.G., Weist, Jr., and E.D. poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Jenkins; Hydraulic properties of the water-bear­ Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 1 Main report.... ing materials, by E.D. Jenkins; and Quality of the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, Wright Water Engineers, Inc., 1970, Preliminary Colorado.... report on traveltime and transit losses, Arkansas River.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation ment).... investigations for the Arkansas River basin in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... River and tributaries above John Martin Dam W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- final environmental impact statement.... Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1973, Arkansas investigations for the Arkansas River basin in River and tributaries, above John Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 2 Comprehensive report.... Colorado.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Special flood 11020006 hazard in formation-1 Arkansas River, Anderson, HUERFANO RIVER and King Arroyos, La Junta, Otero County.... Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of area orado, local protection project, phase 1 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Sediment investigation.... coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1969, The Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and future of a river Choices and values, a report on Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from the proposed channelization of the Arkansas small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 River above John Martin Dam.... through September 1977....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 247 Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... tee.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1973, Flood mended stream classifications.... plain information Cucharas River.... Crippen, J.R., and Bue, C.D., 1977, Maximum flood- Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream flows in the conterminous United States.... classifications and standards....

Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... quality management plan for Pueblo County, Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source Colorado.... report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.R., Martell, C.J., Hensley, Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro­ ard boundary map Cucharas River and Bear geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ Creek.... sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two ard boundary map Cucharas River and Middle additional elements.... Creek.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain Felmlee, J.K., and Cadigan, R.A., investigators, information Cucharas River and tributaries, La 1980, Radioactivity in water wells, Pueblo Veta, Colorado.... County, Colorado, in Geological Survey research 1980.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977, Flood plain Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the information Cucharas River and tributaries, Raton Basin, south-central Colorado.... Walsenberg, Colorado....

McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Pike and San Isabel of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ National Forests, in Water uses atlas.... rado.... McDowell, Smith and Associates, and McCall- U.S. Forest Service, 1979, Upper Arkansas planning Ellingson, and Morrill, Inc., 1974, Waste load unit; Pike and San Isabel National Forests v. 1, allocation for the Arkansas River, Pueblo to Draft environmental statement for the upper Rocky Ford Monument Creek, and Fountain Arkansas planning unit; v. 2, Land management; Creek, Greenhorn Creek and the Cucharas v. 3, appendix.... River.... U.S. Forest Service, 1980, Upper Arkansas planning McLaughlin, T.G., 1966, Ground water in Huerfano unit, Pike and San Isabel National Forests.... County, Colorado.... McLaughlin, T.G., Burtis, V.M., and Wilson, W.W., U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Spanish Peaks wilder­ ness study area report San Isabel National For­ 1961, Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water est.... from wells and mines, Huerfano County, Colo­ rado.... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Wilderness study report, Greenhorn Mountain wilderness study Morris, W.A., LaDelfe, C.M., and Weaver, T.A., area San Isabel National Forest, Colorado.... 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the Trinidad NTMS U.S. Forest Service, 1982, Wilderness study report, quadrangle, Colorado.... Sangre de Cristo wilderness study area San Isa­ bel and Rio Grande National Forests.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to water-data activities in coal provinces of the U.S. Forest Service, date unknown, Pike and San United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Isabel National Forests, in Water use and devel­ Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow opment listing.... and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... Phillips, P.J., and Harlin, J.M., 1984, Spatial depen­ Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow dency of hydraulic geometry exponents in a sub- frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico alpine stream.... snow courses....

248 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 11020007 Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to APISHAPA RIVER water-data activities in coal provinces of the United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of area and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... water-data activities in coal provinces of the United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from groundwater.... small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 through September 1977.... Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... Colorado Department of Natural Resources, 1984, Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1976, Biolog­ Report of the Groundwater Legislation Commit­ ical inventory of Pueblo County waterways.... tee.... Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1980, Recom­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1971, mended stream classifications.... Progress report, Oxford Farmers Company sys­ tem investigation, irrigation seasons, 1968 to Pueblo Area Council of Governments, 1982, Stream 1970.... classifications and standards.... Sellards and Grigg, Inc., 1976, Areawide water Dumeyer, J.M., 1975, Hydrology and water quality quality management plan for Pueblo County, data base, Pueblo County, Colorado.... Colorado.... Dumeyer, J.M, 1976, Summary of non-point source Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.R., Martell, C.J., Hensley, report inventory Pueblo County, Colorado.... W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro­ geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, ard boundary map Purgatoire River.... Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ additional elements.... ard boundary map Gonzales Creek.... U.S. Forest Service, [1982?], Spanish Peaks wilder­ ness study area report San Isabel National For­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ est.... ard boundary map Arkansas, Apishapa, and Purgatoire Rivers.... Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in snow courses.... Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... 11020008 Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- HORSE CREEK matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, and Colfax County, New Mexico.... Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water in Crowley County, Colorado.... Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the Coffin, R.C., 1921, Ground waters of parts of Elbert, Raton Basin, south-central Colorado.... El Paso, and Lincoln Counties in Coffin, R.C., and Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ Basin, Colorado [abs.].... rado.... Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ County, Colorado.... rado.... Purson, J.D., and Warren, R.G., 1979, Uranium Morris, W.A., LaDelfe, C.M., and Weaver, T.A., hydrogeochemical and stream sediment recon­ 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream naissance of the La Junta NTMS quadrangle, Col­ sediment reconnaissance of the Trinidad NTMS orado, including concentrations of forty-three quadrangle, Colorado.... additional elements....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 249 Tieje, A.J., 1921, Underground waters of parts of Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- Lincoln and Crowley Counties, in Coffin, R.C., level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ and Tieje, A.J., Preliminary report on the under­ orado, 1979-83.... ground water of a part of southwestern Colo­ Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water rado.... resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality of River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... vicinity Interim report on review survey for flood control.... Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985, La Junta, Col­ Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert orado, local protection project, phase 1 Brennan.... Sediment investigation.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level records for the northern High Plains 11020009 of Colorado.... UPPER ARKANSAS RIVER- Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, JOHN MARTIN RESERVOIR Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Agardy, F.J., and Daubert, Henry, 1971, Improving municipal water supplies in Colorado by desalt­ Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the ing.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... Amsley, H.D., 1925, Reports of Arkansas River investigation from Pueblo, Colorado, to Holly, Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 Colorado, in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925.... water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis of priority water resources problems to develop Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and a comprehensive research program for the south­ Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the ern plains river basins region.... northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; water quality and use Seminar of the Great specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 Plains Resource Economics Committee of the probable well yields.... Great Plains Agricultural Council.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, fer systems.... 1977-81.... Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface Hope for the High Plains.... beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern Barker, R.A., investigator, 1979, Changes in historic High Plains of Colorado.... patterns of a stream-aquifer system, in Geologi­ Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, cal Survey research 1979.... Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 (Ogallala-High Plains region).... in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ and administration of groundwater in interstate gation wells and application rates for irrigated and international aquifers Phase I.... cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Breitenstein, J.S., 1951, The law of the Arkansas orado, 1978-82.... River....

250 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Bresler, S.A., 1972, Economics of ion exchange tech­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1982, Flood nology applied to municipal water quality insurance study Arkansas River and Willow improvement.... Creek.... Broom, M.E., and Irwin, J.H., 1963, Records, logs, Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., and water-level measurements of selected wells 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground rate structures on electricity and water use on the water in Bent County, Colorado.... Colorado High Plains.... Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of Gilbert, G.K., 1896, The underground water of the the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of Arkansas Valley in eastern Colorado, in Eco­ the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains nomic geology and hydrography, 1896.... of Colorado.... Givens, W.D., Marotte, F.K., and Zeien, C.T., 1981, Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- Zero-discharge in practice at Ray D. Nixon economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains power plant.... region.... Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water Cain, D.L., 1985, Quality of the Arkansas River and movement in the Central Great Plains, in irrigation-return flows in the lower Arkansas Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- River Valley of Colorado.... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Cain, Doug, Ryan, B.J., and Emmons, P.J., 1980, 1982, Proceedings).... Hydrology and chemical quality of ground water in Crowley County, Colorado.... Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Meeting.... Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources ern Colorado.... Committee and Resource Economics Committee, Colorado Department of Agriculture, various 1971, The role of water resources in the economic years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... development of the Great Plains Proceedings of a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ rado High Plains study Summary report.... Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1974, Flood High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, plain information Arkansas River and Wolf, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Two Butte, and Wildhorse Creeks.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts rado.... of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ of eastern Colorado.... ming.... Eddy, F.W., 1984, The cultural resource inventory Hamman, A.J., 1951, Soils, crops, erosion control of the John Martin Dam and Reservoir, Bent and agricultural problems of the Arkansas Valley County, Colorado.... in Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1973, Flood haz­ Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An ard boundary map Arkansas River.... empirical test of democracy in Great Plains resource districts.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1975, Flood haz­ ard boundary map Wolf Creek.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating methods for determining water use in the High Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, ard boundary map Purgatoire River and Rule New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Mud Creeks.... and Wyoming 1979....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 251 Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geo- 1970.... hydrology of Baca and southern Prowers Coun­ Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, ties, southeastern Colorado.... Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level of Colorado.... records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1972, Hydrogeologic Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ characteristics of the valley-fill aquifer in the rado.... Arkansas River valley, Bent County, Colorado.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Jenkins, C.T., and Taylor, O.J., 1972, Stream deple­ Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... tion factors, Arkansas River valley, southeastern High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Colorado, a basis for evaluating plans for con­ junctive use of ground and surface water.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... development and management in the northern portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ environmental and socioeconomic assessment ment options for groundwater mining in the Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Great Plains.... resources study.... Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, the southern High Plains ground water basin of Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Colorado.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, Konikow, L.F., 1973, Simulation of hydrologic and local water supply augmentation assessment chemical-quality variations in an irrigated Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River valley, resources study.... Colorado.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Konikow, L.F., 1981, Role of solute-transport mod­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], els in the analysis of groundwater salinity prob­ 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, lems in agricultural areas, in Land and stream institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- salinity seminar and workshop.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1973, Simula­ High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, tion of hydrologic and chemical-quality varia­ Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], tions in an irrigated stream-aquifer system A 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer preliminary report.... regional resources study A report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, A water- Council (3d ed)..... quality model to evaluate water management practices in an irrigated stream-aquifer system, High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of in Flack, J.E., and Howe, C.W., eds., Salinity in results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, water resources, Annual Western Resources Con­ with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ ference, 15th, Boulder, Colo., 1973, Proceed­ merce and Congress.... ings.... Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Konikow, L.F., and Bredehoeft, J.D., 1974, Model­ Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High ing flow and chemical quality changes in an irri­ Plains of Colorado.... gated stream-aquifer system.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Konikow, L.F., and Person, Mark, 1985, Assessment records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, of long-term salinity changes in an irrigated 1968-72.... stream-aquifer system....

252 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Koopman, F.C., Irwin, J.H., and Jenkins, E.D., 1962, Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Use of inflatable packers in multiple-zone testing model of the hydrologic system, northern High of water wells, in Geological Survey research Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... 1962 Short papers in geology, hydrology, and topography, articles 1-59.... Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, preferences to groundwater depletion in the Water-level records for the northern High Plains American High Plains.... of Colorado, 1973-77.... Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, Major, T.J., Hurr, R.T., and Moore, J.E., 1970, Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the Hydrogeologic data for the lower Arkansas River High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, valley, Colorado.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ Lindauer, I.E., and Ward, R.T., 1968, A survey of rado, 1970-74.... the woody phreatophytes in the lower Arkansas Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level River valley of Colorado.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, 1972.... Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer the northern High Plains of Colorado.... area study Baseline results for the agricultural Little, J.R., and Bauer, D.P., 1980, Characterization sector.... of floodflows along the Arkansas River without McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or regulation by Pueblo Reservoir, Portland to John half empty?.... Martin Reservoir, southeastern Colorado.... McGovern, H.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Potential Longenbaugh, R.A., 1967, Mathematical simulation ground-water development in the northern part of a stream-aquifer system, in Annual American of the Colorado High Plains.... Water Resources Conference, 3d, San Francisco, 1967, Proceedings.... McGuckin, J.T., and Young, R.A., 1981, On the eco­ nomics of desalination of brackish household Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, water supplies.... Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, An economic input-output study of the High Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, Plains region of eastern Colorado.... and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala McLaughlin, T.G., 1954, Geology and ground-water aquifer.... resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., 1972, Analyses of selected statistical Miles, D.L., 1974, Recharge Its role in total water methods for estimating groundwater with­ management, Arkansas Valley of Colorado.... drawal.... Miles, D.L., 1977, Salinity in the Arkansas Valley of Luckey, R.R., 1975, Hydrologic effects of reducing Colorado.... irrigation to maintain a permanent pool in John Moore, J.E., and Wood, L.A., 1969, Interpretation of Martin Reservoir, Arkansas River valley, Colo­ hydrogeologic data for groundwater manage­ rado.... ment.... Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ Moulder, E.A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in agement system for areal interpretive data for the Ogallala and several consolidated formations the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South ification and Research Studies Committee.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Moulder, E.A., and Jenkins, C.T., 1969, Analog-dig­ Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, ital models of stream-aquifer systems.... Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ Moulder, E.A., Jenkins, C.T., Moore, J.E., and fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Coffin, D.L., 1963, Effects of water management Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Wyoming.... Animas, Colorado....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 253 Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology Tai, K.C., 1980, Assessment of the short-term and and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa long-term viability of flood control projects County, Colorado.... The southeast Colorado case, in Karasuhdi, Pisidhi, Balasubramaniam, A.S., and Kanok- Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Nukulchai, Worsak, eds., Engineering for protec­ Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern tion from natural disasters Proceedings of the Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... international conference held in Bangkok, Janu­ ary 7-9, 1980.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.C., 1984, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Taylor, O.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, A new tech­ Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... nique for estimating recharge using a digital model.... Penley, R.D., 1977, Water-level records for the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, 1973-77.... Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., Rice, T.L., 1981, Reservoir sedimentation model­ and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... ing.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1936, Arkansas Rice, T.L., and Simons, D.B., 1982, Sediment depo­ River and tributaries Letter from the Secretary sition model for reservoirs based on the domi­ of War transmitting pursuant to the Flood Con­ nant physical processes.... trol Act of May 31, 1942.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1940, Caddoa Reser­ Rovey, C.K., 1974, Computer simulator for three- voir project, Arkansas River, Colorado.... dimensional, transient flow in a stream-aquifer system [abs.].... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1953, Report on sed­ imentation in John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas Rovey, C.K., 1975, Numerical model of flow in a River basin, Colorado.... stream-aquifer system.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1960, Report on sed­ Schwien, J.D., 1985, Irrigators reducing salt in imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas Arkansas River.... River basin, Colorado Resurvey of August 1957.... Shannon, S.S., Jr., 1979, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas Lamar NTMS quadrangle, Colorado, including River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and concentrations of forty-three additional ele­ vicinity Interim report on review survey for ments.... flood control.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Arkansas Sharps, J.A., 1969, Lateral migrations of the Arkan­ River and tributaries, Las Animas County, Colo­ sas River during the Quaternary Fowler, Colo­ rado, and vicinity.... rado, to the Colorado-Kansas State line, in Geological Survey research 1969, chapter C.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Report on sed­ imentation, John Martin Reservoir, Arkansas Skinner, M.M., 1965, Water utilization study, River basin, Colorado Resurvey of March project no. Colorado P-30/Arkansas Valley 1962.... region.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1968, Report on Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ review survey for flood control and allied pur­ fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ poses, Arkansas River and tributaries above John agement.... Martin Dam, Colorado, v. 1 Main report.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Colorado.... Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972, Arkansas ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., River and tributaries above John Martin Dam, 1982, Proceedings).... Colorado (draft environmental impact state­ ment).... Supalla, RJ. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood hazard information Arkansas River and Cad­ Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... doa and Mud Creeks....

254 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ precipitation.... taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, Colorado.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management in the High Plains.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood hazard information Wolf Creek, Granada, Col­ Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High orado.... Plains.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1975, Special flood W.W. Wheeler and Associates, Inc., 1979, Water hazard information Arkansas River and Wild availability for the city of Lamar, Colorado.... Horse Creek, Holly, Colorado.... W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1978, Review survey Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation for water resource development, Lamar, Colo­ investigations for the Arkansas River basin in rado, and vicinity Hydrology.... Colorado, v. 1 Summary report.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Welcome to W.W. Wheeler and Associates, and Woodward- John Martin Reservoir, Colorado.... Clyde and Associates, 1968, Water legislation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High investigations for the Arkansas River basin in Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Colorado, v. 2 Comprehensive report.... Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... and E.... U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, 1969, The 11020010 future of a river Choices and values, a report on the proposed channelization of the Arkansas PURGATOIRE RIVER River above John Martin Dam.... Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., U.S. Geological Survey, 1972, Ground-water levels and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of area in the lower Arkansas River valley of Colorado, 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain 1968-72.... coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon.... Alien, E.G., and DeCicco, D.A., compilers, 1980, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Wolf-Creek- Leasable mineral and waterpower land classifi­ Highlands.... cation map of the La Junta 1° by 2° quadrangle, Colorado and Kansas.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1960, Records and logs of selected wells and test holes, and Broom, M.E., and Irwin, J.H., 1963, Records, logs, chemical and radiometric analyses of ground and water-level measurements of selected wells water, Prowers County, Colorado.... and test holes, and chemical analyses of ground water in Bent County, Colorado.... Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology and ground-water resources of Prowers County, Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Colorado.... Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, through September 1977.... Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1970, Flood in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on plain information Purgatoire River.... ground-water management.... Decicco, D.A., Patterson, E.D., and Lutz, G.A., com­ Weeks, E.P., and Sorey, M.L., 1973, Use of finite- pilers, 1978, Leasable mineral and waterpower difference arrays of observation wells to estimate land classification map of the Raton quadrangle, evapotranspiration from ground water in the New Mexico, Colorado.... Arkansas River valley, Colorado.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1973, Flood haz­ Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains ard boundary map Arkansas River.... regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... ard boundary map Raton Creek....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 255 Federal Insurance Administration, 1977, Flood haz­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1963, Arkansas ard boundary map Purgatoire River and Rule River and tributaries, Las Animas, Colorado, and and Mud Creeks.... vicinity Interim report on review survey for flood control.... Federal Insurance Administration, 1978, Flood insurance study Carbon Arroyo and Moores U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1965, Arkansas Canyon.... River and tributaries, Las Animas County, Colo­ rado, and vicinity.... Geldon, A.L., investigator, 1984, Ground water in Raton basin, Las Animas County, in Geological U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Flood plain Survey research, fiscal year 1981.... information Purgatoire River and tributaries, vicinity of Trinidad, Colorado.... Geldon, A.L., and Abbott, P.O., 1985, Selected cli- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980, Trinidad matological and hydrologic data, Raton Basin, Lake.... Huerfano and Las Animas Counties, Colorado, and Colfax County, New Mexico.... U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1961 (Appendix A), 1964 (Appendix A supplement), Irrigation Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the report, Trinidad project, v. 2 Appendix A, Raton Basin, south-central Colorado.... Water supply and utilization; Appendix A sup­ Howard, W.B., and Krothe, N.C., 1980, The hydro- plement, Revised water supply and utilization.... geochemical effects of past mining on the Raton U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1964, Irrigation report Basin, Colorado [abs.].... on the Trinidad project, Colorado A Corps of Engineers project, upper Arkansas River basin.... J.W. Patterson & Associates, Inc., 1984, Preliminary study of the modification of water rights claimed U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1970, Fisher Peak- by Wyoming Fuel Company.... Carbon Arroyos.... McCain, J.F., and Ebling, J.L., 1979, A plan for study Washichek, J.N., and Moreland, R.E., 1974, Snow of flood hydrology of foothill streams in Colo­ frequency analysis for Colorado and New Mexico rado.... snow courses.... Morris, W.A., LaDelfe, C.M., and Weaver, T.A., Water, Waste, and Land Inc., 1980, Hydrology, 1978, Uranium hydrogeochemical and stream geology, and water quality in vicinity of the Max­ sediment reconnaissance of the Trinidad NTMS well and Alien mines, Las Animas County, Colo­ quadrangle, Colorado.... rado Final report to CF&I Steel Corp.... Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1983, Water supply water-data activities in coal provinces of the and reservoir analysis studies, Raton Basin United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and project near Segundo, Colorado.... Rocky Mountain provinces Part A, Streamflow and stage; and Part B, Quality of surface water.... 11020011 Office of Water Data Coordination, 1980, Index to BIG SANDY CREEK water-data activities in coal provinces of the Boettcher, A.J., 1963, Prospects for irrigation in United States, v. 3 Northern Great Plains and eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colo­ Rocky Mountain provinces Part C, Quality of rado.... groundwater.... Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water Palmer, S.D., and Murphy, Mark, 1984, Cumulative resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ hydrologic impact assessment The effects of ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality of coal mining on the hydrologic systems of the the ground water, by C.A. Horr.... Raton coal field, north-central New Mexico.... Code, W.E., 1945, Report on ground water for irri­ Powell, W.J., 1952, Ground water in the vicinity of gation of Big Sandy Valley, Colorado.... Trinidad, Colorado.... Coffin, D.L., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level Shannon, S.S., Jr., Simi, O.R., Martell, C.J., Hensley, measurements of selected wells and test holes, W.K., and Thomas, G.J., 1980, Uranium hydro­ physical properties of unconsolidated materials, geochemical and stream sediment reconnais­ chemical analyses of ground water, and stream- sance of the Trinidad NTMS quadrangle, flow measurements in the Big Sandy Creek valley Colorado, including concentrations of forty-two in Lincoln, Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Col­ additional elements.... orado....

256 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Coffin, D.L. 1967, Geology and ground-water 11020013 resources of the Big Sandy Creek valley, Lincoln, TWO BUTTE CREEK Cheyenne, and Kiowa Counties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality of the ground water, Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, by C.A. Horr.... M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis Coffin, D.L., 1968, Relation of channel width to ver­ of priority water resources problems to develop tical permeability of streambed, Big Sandy a comprehensive research program for the south­ Creek, Colorado, in Geological Survey research ern plains river basins region.... 1968.... Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood water quality and use Seminar of the Great plain information Big Sandy Creek.... Plains Resource Economics Committee of the Great Plains Agricultural Council.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood plain information Sandy and Rush Creeks.... Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1982, Flood fer systems.... plain information Big Sandy and tributaries LI, Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala L2, and L3.... aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in Federal Insurance Administration, 1974, Flood haz­ Hope for the High Plains.... ard boundary map Wild Horse Creek.... Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the Federal Insurance Administration, 1976, Flood haz­ Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives ard boundary map Big Sandy Creek.... (Ogallala-High Plains region).... Gilbert, Meyer and Sams, Inc., 1981, Areawide Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management water quality management plan for the Pikes and administration of groundwater in interstate Peak region.... and international aquifers Phase I.... Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- McLaughlin, T.G., 1946, Geology and ground-water level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ resources of parts of Lincoln, Elbert, and El Paso orado, 1978-82.... Counties, Colorado, with special reference to Big Sandy Creek valley above Limon.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology orado, 1979-83.... and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa County, Colorado.... Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on Nelson, Haley, Patterson and Quirk, Inc., 1977, Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert Potable water facilities evaluation for the town of Brennan.... Limon.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1958, Big Sandy Water-level records for the northern High Plains Creek.... of Colorado.... Willard Owens Associates, 1971, Ground-water resources of the Big Sandy Creek drainage.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High Plains of Colorado.... 11020012 RUSH CREEK Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... through September 1977.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1980, Flood northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... plain information Sandy and Rush Creeks.... Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 Mustard M.H., and Cain, Doug, 1981, Hydrology water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ and chemical quality of ground water in Kiowa rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment County, Colorado.... to 1980, and 1975 to 1980....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 257 Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the movement in the Central Great Plains, in northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 1982, Proceedings).... probable well yields.... Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... 1977-81.... Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern Meeting.... High Plains of Colorado.... Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, Committee and Resource Economics Committee, Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ 1971, The role of water resources in the economic face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ development of the Great Plains Proceedings of urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, gation wells and application rates for irrigated R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, of Colorado.... Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts of Colorado.... of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- ming.... economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains region.... Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An empirical test of democracy in Great Plains Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer resource districts.... study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited methods for determining water use in the High water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ and Wyoming 1979.... ern Colorado.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating Colorado Department of Agriculture, various 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... rado High Plains study Summary report.... Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geo­ duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ hydrology of Baca and southern Prowers Coun­ rado.... ties, southeastern Colorado.... Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- of eastern Colorado.... Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a rate structures on electricity and water use on the report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Colorado High Plains.... the High Plains Study Council (2d printing)....

258 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin In Colorado Through 1985 High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, environmental and socioeconomic assessment Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... resources study.... Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], the northern High Plains of Colorado.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, local water supply augmentation assessment Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... resources study.... Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, aquifer.... institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ agement system for areal interpretive data for High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Inc.],1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... regional resources study A report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, Council (3d ed)..... Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ Wyoming.... merce and Congress.... Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, model of the hydrologic system, northern High Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... Plains of Colorado.... Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Water-level records for the northern High Plains 1968-72.... of Colorado, 1973-77.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, northern High Plains of Colorado.... 1972.... Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, area study Baseline results for the agricultural 1970.... sector.... Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or development and management in the northern half empty?.... portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, An economic input-output study of the High Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ Plains region of eastern Colorado.... ment options for groundwater mining in the McLaughlin, T.G., 1954, Geology and ground-water Great Plains.... resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Geology and ground-water the southern High Plains ground water basin of resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Colorado.... Moulder, E.A., I960, Occurrence of ground water in Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment the Ogallala and several consolidated formations preferences to groundwater depletion in the in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ American High Plains.... ification and Research Studies Committee....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 259 Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Plains.... Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ agement.... 11030000 MIDDLE ARKANSAS RIVER- Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in LAKE MCKINNEY AND Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- WHITEWOMAN CREEK drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, 1982, Proceedings).... M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis of priority water resources problems to develop Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, a comprehensive research program for the south­ 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... ern plains river basins region.... Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R. A., 1981, water quality and use Seminar of the Great Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains Plains Resource Economics Committee of the using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., Great Plains Agricultural Council.... and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1974, Special flood fer systems.... hazard information Arkansas River and tribu­ taries, Great Bend, Kansas, to John Martin Dam, Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Colorado.... aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Hope for the High Plains.... Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ (Ogallala-High Plains region).... eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management and E.... and administration of groundwater in interstate U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1961, Limon.... and international aquifers Phase I.... U.S. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, Wolf-Creek- Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Highlands.... level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Voegeli, P.T., Sr., and Hershey, L.A., 1965, Geology orado, 1978-82.... and ground-water resources of Prowers County, Colorado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, orado, 1979-83.... Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, Boettcher, A.J., 1962, Records, logs, and water-level in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on measurements of selected wells and test holes ground-water management.... and chemical analyses of ground water in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colorado.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ Boettcher, A.J., 1963, Prospects for irrigation in orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Counties, Colo­ homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... rado.... Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains Boettcher, A.J., 1964, Geology and ground-water precipitation.... resources in eastern Cheyenne and Kiowa Coun­ Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management ties, Colorado, with a section on Chemical quality of in the High Plains.... the ground water, by C.A. Horr....

260 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Boettcher, A J., 1966, Ground-water development in Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Brennan.... Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Water-level records for the northern High Plains Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ of Colorado.... ern Colorado.... Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, Colorado Department of Agriculture, various Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... Plains of Colorado.... Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the rado High Plains study Summary report.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... rado.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... of eastern Colorado.... Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment rate structures on electricity and water use on the to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... Colorado High Plains.... Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the movement in the Central Great Plains, in northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Jorgensen, D.G., and Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 1982, Proceedings).... probable well yields.... Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, [Denver, Aug. 1-2,1968].... 1977-81.... Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface Meeting.... beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources Committee and Resource Economics Committee, Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, 1971, The role of water resources in the economic Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ development of the Great Plains Proceedings of face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, gation wells and application rates for irrigated Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... of Colorado.... Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ of Colorado.... ming.... Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains empirical test of democracy in Great Plains region.... resource districts....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 261 Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level methods for determining water use in the High records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, northern High Plains of Colorado.... New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level and Wyoming 1979.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating 1970.... 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the Hofstra, W.E., Major, T.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Hydrogeologic data for the northern High Plains Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South of Colorado.... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level development and management in the northern records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ rado.... Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- ment options for groundwater mining in the Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... Great Plains.... High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a the southern High Plains ground water basin of report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and Colorado.... the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, preferences to groundwater depletion in the Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], American High Plains.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, environmental and socioeconomic assessment Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the resources study.... High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, local water supply augmentation assessment Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional the northern High Plains of Colorado.... resources study.... Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], moisture data High Plains of Colorado.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, aquifer.... Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer agement system for areal interpretive data for regional resources study A report to the U.S. the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Council (3d ed).... Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ merce and Congress.... fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, Wyoming.... Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High Plains of Colorado.... Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital model of the hydrologic system, northern High Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1968-72.... Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado....

262 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Water-level records for the northern High Plains Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources of Colorado, 1973-77.... Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, rado, 1970-74.... and E....

Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of 1972.... declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer ground-water management.... area study Baseline results for the agricultural Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains sector.... regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... half empty?.... Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains McGovern, H.E., and Coffin, D.L., 1963, Potential precipitation.... ground-water development in the northern part of the Colorado High Plains.... Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management in the High Plains.... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, An economic input-output study of the High Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High Plains region of eastern Colorado.... Plains.... Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and Moulder, E. A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ the Ogallala and several consolidated formations rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... ification and Research Studies Committee....

Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, B.C., 1984, 11040000 Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern CIMARRON RIVER HEADWATERS, Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... SAND ARROYO, BEAR CREEK Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, B.C., 1984, Babcock, R.E., Clark, J.W., Dantin, E.J., Edmison, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern M.T., and Powers, W.L., 1975, Systemic analysis Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... of priority water resources problems to develop a comprehensive research program for the south­ Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ ern plains river basins region.... fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ agement.... Badger, D.D., ed., 1976, Conflicts and issues in water quality and use Seminar of the Great Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Plains Resource Economics Committee of the geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in Great Plains Agricultural Council.... Jorgensen, D.G., and -Signer, D.C., eds., Geohy- drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Banks, H.O., 1981, Management of interstate aqui­ ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., fer systems.... 1982, Proceedings).... Banks, H.O., 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, aquifer regional resources study; an overview, in 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... Hope for the High Plains.... Beattie, B.R., 1981, Irrigated agriculture and the Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... Great Plains Problems and policy alternatives (Ogallala-High Plains region).... Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains Bittinger, M.W., and Moses, R.J., 1970, Management using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., and administration of groundwater in interstate and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... and international aquifers Phase I....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 263 Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1982, Water- Bryn, S.M., 1984, Determination and distribution of level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of orado, 1978-82.... the Ogallala aquifer in the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Blattner, J.L., and Rasmuson, B.D., 1983, Water- level records for the northern High Plains of Col­ Burns, Robert, 1982, Community and socio- orado, 1979-83.... economic analysis of Colorado's High Plains region.... Boettcher, A.J., 1966, Ground-water development in the High Plains of Colorado, with a section on Carlson, D.L., 1983, High Plains-Ogallala aquifer Chemical quality of the ground water, by Robert study (Legislations, Water Research and Devel­ Brennan.... opment Act of 1978, Colorado).... Civil Engineering, 1982, Managing our limited Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, water resources The Ogallala aquifer.... Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado.... Cochran, B.J., Hodges, H.E., Livingston, R.K., and Jarrett, R.D., 1979, Rainfall-runoff data from Boettcher, A.J., Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1969, small watersheds in Colorado, October 1974 Water-level changes, 1964-1968, northern High through September 1977.... Plains of Colorado.... Code, W.E., 1958, Water table fluctuations in east­ Borman, R.G., 1978, Water-level records for the ern Colorado.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1974-78.... Colorado Department of Agriculture, various Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the years, Ogallala aquifer A time for action.... northern High Plains of Colorado, 1975-79.... Colorado Department of Agriculture, 1983, Colo­ rado High Plains study Summary report.... Borman, R.G., 1980, Water-level records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1976-80.... Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood hazard delineation Cat Creek.... Borman, R.G., 1983, Predevelopment and 1980 water table in the northern High Plains of Colo­ Colorado Water Conservation Board, 1981, Flood rado; and water-level changes, predevelopment hazard delineation Sand Arroyo.... to 1980, and 1975 to 1980.... Conklin, L.R., 1982, Costs and returns for crop pro­ Borman, R.G., Lindner, J.B., Bryn, S.M., and duction, Ogallala-High Plains, eastern Colo­ Rutledge, John, 1983, The Ogallala aquifer in the rado.... northern High Plains of Colorado; saturated Doherty, T.J., 1966, Effects on farmers of change thickness in 1980; saturated-thickness changes, from dryland to irrigation in Baca County.... predevelopment to 1980; hydraulic conductivity; specific yield; and predevelopment and 1980 Duke, H.R., 1967, Ground water in the high plains probable well yields.... of eastern Colorado....

Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1981, Water-level Gardner, R.L., Young, R.A., and Conklin, L.R., records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, 1984, Effects of alternative electricity rates and 1977-81.... rate structures on electricity and water use on the Colorado High Plains.... Borman, R.G., and Meredith, T.S., 1983, Geology, Gosnold, W.D., 1984, Heat flow and ground water altitude, and depth of the bedrock surface movement in the Central Great Plains, in beneath the Ogallala Formation in the northern Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- High Plains of Colorado.... drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Borman, R.G., Meredith, T.S., and Bryn, S.M., 1984, ferences on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Geology, altitude, and depth of the bedrock sur­ 1982, Proceedings).... face; altitude of the water table in 1980; and sat­ Great Plains Agricultural Council, 1968, Proceed­ urated thickness of the Ogallala aquifer in 1980 ings of the Great Plains Agricultural Council in the southern High Plains of Colorado.... [Denver, Aug. 1-2, 1968].... Borman, R.G., and Reed, R.L., 1984, Location of irri­ Great Plains Agricultural Council [Forestry Com­ gation wells and application rates for irrigated mittee], 1979, Riparian and wetland habitats of cropland during 1980 in the northern High Plains the Great Plains Proceedings of the 31st Annual of Colorado.... Meeting....

264 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985 Great Plains Agricultural Council, Water Resources High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Committee and Resource Economics Committee, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.]/ 1971, The role of water resources in the economic 1982, Final report, regional study element B-6, development of the Great Plains Proceedings of institutional assessment Six-State High Plains- a seminar, July 22-23, 1971, Denver, Colorado.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study.... Gutentag, E.D., Heimes, F.J., Krothe, N.C., Luckey, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, R.R., and Weeks, J.B., 1984, Geohydrology of the Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, 1982, Six-State High Plains Ogallala aquifer Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South regional resources study A report to the U.S. Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... Department of Commerce and High Plains Study Council (3d ed)..... Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1980, The water table in the High Plains aquifer in 1978 in parts High Plains Study Council, 1982, A summary of of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, results of the Ogallala aquifer regional study, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyo­ with recommendations to the Secretary of Com­ ming.... merce and Congress.... Heatwole, C.G., 1979, The politics of irrigation An Hofstra, W.E., Klein, J.M., and Major, T.J., 1972, empirical test of democracy in Great Plains Water-level changes, 1964-71, northern High resource districts.... Plains of Colorado.... Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1980, Evaluating Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1972, Water-level methods for determining water use in the High records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, 1968-72.... New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming 1979.... Hofstra, W.E., and Luckey, R.R., 1973, Water-level records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for the Heimes, F.J., and Luckey, R.R., 1983, Estimating northern High Plains of Colorado.... 1980 ground-water pumpage for irrigation on the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Hofstra, W.E., and Major, T.J., 1974, Water-level Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... 1970.... Hershey, L.A., and Hampton, E.R., 1974, Geo­ Jones, E.B., 1964, Some aspects of ground-water hydrology of Baca and southern Prowers Coun­ development and management in the northern ties, southeastern Colorado.... portion of the Colorado High Plains [abs.].... Hershey, L.A., and Major, T.J., 1973, Water-level Keller, L.F., Heatwole, C.G., and Weber, Jim, 1979, records, 1969-73, and hydrogeologic data for Preliminary assessment of policy and manage­ Baca and southern Prowers Counties, Colo­ ment options for groundwater mining in the rado.... Great Plains.... High Plains Associates, 1979, Six-State High Plains- Knollenberg, R.W., 1985, Deep-well irrigation in Ogallala aquifer area study Interim report.... the southern High Plains ground water basin of High Plains Associates, 1982, Six-State High Plains Colorado.... Ogallala aquifer regional resources study, a Kromm, D.E., and White, S.E., 1984, Adjustment report to the U.S. Department of Commerce and preferences to groundwater depletion in the the High Plains Study Council (2d printing).... American High Plains.... High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Krothe, N.C., Oliver, J.W., and Weeks, J.B., 1982, Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the 1982, Final report, regional study element B-4, High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, environmental and socioeconomic assessment Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... resources study.... Lindner-Lunsford, J.B., and Borman, R.G., 1985, High Plains Associates [Camp Dresser & McKee, Potential well yields from the Ogallala aquifer in Inc., Black and Veatch, and Arthur D. Little, Inc.], the northern High Plains of Colorado.... 1982, Final report, regional study element B-5, local water supply augmentation assessment Longenbaugh, R.A., and Krishnamurthi, N., 1975, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala aquifer regional Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil resources study.... moisture data High Plains of Colorado....

Hydrologic-Unit Index 265 Longenbaugh, Robert, Miles, Donald, Hess, Earl, Sloggett, Gordon, 1977, Mining the Ogallala aqui­ and Rubingh, James, 1984, Artificial aquifer fer State and local efforts in groundwater man­ recharge in the Colorado portion of the Ogallala agement.... aquifer.... Sorey, M.L., and Reed, M.J., 1984, Low-temperature Luckey, R.R., and Ferrigno, C.F., 1982, A data man­ geothermal resources in the Dakota aquifer, in agement system for areal interpretive data for Jorgensen, D.G., and Signor, D.C., eds., Geohy- the High Plains in parts of Colorado, Kansas, drology of the Dakota aquifer (C.V. Theis Con­ Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South ference on Geohydrology, 1st, Lincoln, Nebr., Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... 1982, Proceedings).... Luckey, R.R., Gutentag, E.D., and Weeks, J.B., 1981, Supalla, R.J. Lansford, R.R., and Gollehon, N.R, Water-level and saturated-thickness changes, 1982, Is the Ogallala going dry?.... predevelopment to 1980, in the High Plains aqui­ Sweazy, R.M., 1985, Can we save the Ogallala?.... fer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Thelin, G.P., Johnson, T.L., and Johnson, R.A., 1981, Wyoming.... Mapping irrigated cropland on the High Plains using Landsat, in Deutch, Morris, Wiensnet, D.R., Luckey, R.R., and Hofstra, W.E., 1973, Digital and Rango, A., eds., Satellite hydrology.... model of the hydrologic system, northern High Plains of Colorado A preliminary report.... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1982, Six-State High Plains-Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Major, T.J., 1977, Ground water use in Colorado.... Study Water transfer element v. 1, Summary Major, T.J., Borman, R.G., and Vaught, K.D., 1977, report; v. 2, Reconnaissance study alternate route Water-level records for the northern High Plains A, Water transfer from Missouri River to north­ of Colorado, 1973-77.... eastern Colorado; v. 3, Appendices A, B, C, D, and E.... Major, T.J., Kerbs, Lynda, and Penley, R.D., compil­ ers, 1974, Selected water-level records for Colo­ Warren, John, Mapp, Harry, Ray, Daryll, Kletke, rado, 1970-74.... Darrel, and Wang, Charles, 1982, Economics of declining water supplies in the Ogallala aquifer, Major, T.J., and Vaught, K.D., 1976, Water-level in Lehr, J.H., ed., Proceedings of a symposium on records for the northern High Plains of Colorado, ground-water management.... 1972.... Weeks, J.B., 1978, Plan of study for the High Plains Mapp, H.P., 1981, The Six-state Ogallala aquifer regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Col­ area study Baseline results for the agricultural orado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Okla­ sector.... homa, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.... McCray, Kevin, 1982, The Ogallala Half full or Whiteman, C.D., 1973, Variability of high plains half empty?.... precipitation.... McKean, J.R., Ericson, R.K., and Weber, J.C., 1982, Wickersham, G., 1980, Ground-water management An economic input-output study of the High in the High Plains.... Plains region of eastern Colorado.... Williams, J.O., 1983, Buried treasures of the High McLaughlin, T.G., 1954, Geology and ground-water Plains.... resources of Baca County, Colorado.... Young, R.A., 1982, Energy and water scarcity and McLaughlin, T.G., 1955, Geology and ground-water the irrigated agricultural economy of the Colo­ resources of Baca County, Colorado.... rado High Plains Direct economic and hydro- logic impact forecasts (1979-2020).... Moulder, E.A., 1960, Occurrence of ground water in the Ogallala and several consolidated formations in Colorado A report to the Ground-Water Cod­ 11080000 ification and Research Studies Committee.... CANADIAN RIVER HEADWATERS Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Abbott, P.O., Geldon, A.L., Cain, Doug, Hall, A.P., Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern and Edelmann, Patrick, 1983, Hydrology of area Great Plains A characterization of habitat.... 61, northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain coal provinces, Colorado and New Mexico.... Nelson, R.W., Logan, W.J., and Weller, E.G., 1984, Playa wetlands and wildlife on the southern Howard, W.B., 1982, The hydrogeology of the Great Plains A guide to habitat management.... Raton Basin, south-central Colorado....

266 Bibliography of Selected Water-Resources Information for the Arkansas River Basin in Colorado Through 1985