WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Lowlands, Spring 2016

WASHINGTON NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY Native Plant Stewardship Training – Lowlands Spring 2016


Other field guides Camp, P., and J.G. Gammon (eds.). 2011. Field Guide to the Rare Plants of . University of Washington Press. 404 pp. Guard, B.J. 1995. Plants of Oregon and Washington. Lone Pine Publishing, Redmond, WA, , BC. 240 pp. Guttman, E., and R. Thurman. 1999. Winter in the Woods: A Winter Guide to Deciduous Native Plants in Western Washington. Native Plant Salvage Project, Washington State University Extension. 49 pp. Hitchcock, C.L., and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of the . University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 730 pp. [A detailed key to all the plants of Washington as of its publication date. A long-awaited update of this venerable volume may be available in the next year or two; see http://biology.burke.washington.edu/herbarium/waflora/checklist.php ] Hoag, J.C., D. Tilley, D. Darris, and K. Pendergrass. 2008. Field Guide for the Identification and Use of Common Riparian Woody Plants of the Intermountain West and Pacific Northwest Regions. U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service. 196 pp. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs144p2_045486.pdf Kozloff, E.N. 2005. Plants of Western Oregon, Washington & . Timber Press, Portland, OR. 608 pp. Lloyd, T.A., and F.H. Chambers. Wild Berries of Washington and Oregon. Lone Pine Publishing. 256 pp. Spellenberg, R., C.J. Earle and G. Nelson. 2014. Trees of Western . Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 560 pp. Turner, M., and E. Kuhlmann. 2014. Trees and Shrubs of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 448 pp. Zobrist, Kevin W. 2015. Native Trees of Western Washington: A Photographic Guide. Washington State University Press. 160 pp. Washington Natural Heritage Program. Field Guide to Selected Rare Plants of Washington. http://www1.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/refdesk/fguide/htm/fgmain.htm


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

WHERE TO LEARN MORE Puget Sound Lowland & Foothill Riparian & Wetland Habitats Literature on the ecology and restoration of riparian habitats is vast. This includes a great deal of material covering the harvest, salvage, and installation of riparian plantings, produced by NRCS and other acknowledged experts. What follows is just a sample; those who are interested can find a lot more.

Booth, D.B., and M.J. Fox. 2004. The Role of Large Woody Debris in Lowland Puget Sound Streams and Rivers. Center for Water and Watershed Studies. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 46 pp. http://www.stillwatersci.com/resources/2004boothetal_PugetLowlandLWD.pdf Erwin, K.L. 2009. and global climate change: the role of wetland restoration in a changing world. Wetlands Ecology and Management 17:71–84. http://www.wetlands.org/Portals/0/specialist%20groups/WRSG/Wetlands%20and%20Global%2 0Climate%20Change.pdf Klamath Resource Information System (KRIS). 2011. The Importance of Large Wood in Streams and Problems of Depletion. http://www.krisweb.com/stream/bigwood.htm Knutson, K. L., and V. L. Naef. 1997. Management Recommendations for Washington’s Priority Habitats: Riparian. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia. 181pp. http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/00029/wdfw00029.pdf Mapes, L.V. 2013. The Elwha: A River Reborn. Mountaineers Books, Seattle, WA. 176 pp. Michaud, J.P.. 2001. At Home with Wetlands: A Landowner’s Guide. 2nd edition. Publication 90-31. Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. 74 pp. https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/documents/9031.pdf Naiman, R.J., H. Decamps, and M. Pollock. 1993. The role of riparian corridors in maintaining regional biodiversity. Ecological Applications 3: 209-212. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/1941822.pdf?acceptTC=true Opperman, J., A. Merenlender, and D. Lewis. 2006. Maintaining Wood in Streams: A Vital Action for Fish Conservation. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8157. 11 pp. http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/pdf/8157.pdf Seavy, N.E., T. Gardali, G. H. Golet, F. T. Griggs, C, A. Howell, T. R. Kelsey, S. Small, J. H. Viers, J. F. Weigand. 2009. Why climate change makes riparian restoration more important than ever: Recommendations for Practice and Research. Ecological Restoration 27:330-338. http://er.uwpress.org/cgi/reprint/27/3/330 Society of Wetland Scientists. http://sws.org/. See especially the Education and Outreach page: http://sws.org/Resources/education-and-outreach.html U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2014. State of Washington 2014 Wetland Plant List. http://rsgisias.crrel.usace.army.mil/nwpl_static/data/DOC/lists_2014/States/pdf/WA_2014v1.pdf Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the National Wildlife Federation. 2011. Summary of Climate Change Effects on Major Habitat Types in Washington State: Freshwater Aquatic and Riparian Habitats. 44 pp. http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01201/wdfw01201.pdf


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

WHERE TO LEARN MORE Puget Lowland forests. Chappell, C.B. 2006. Upland plant associations of the Puget Trough , Washington. Natural Heritage Report 2006-01. Washington Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program, Olympia, WA. http://www1.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/refdesk/communities/ Elman, E., and N. Salisbury. 2009. The State of Seattle’s Conifer Forests. Seattle Urban Nature. 14 pp. http://www.seattle.gov/trees/docs/2009_State_of_Conifers.pdf Franklin, J.F., and C.T. Dyrness. 1973. Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-008. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. 427 pp. http://www.treesearch.fs.fed.us/pubs/26203 McPherson, E.G., and J.R.Simpson. 1999. Carbon Dioxide Reduction through Urban Forestry: Guidelines for Professional and Volunteer Tree Planters. General Technical Report PSW-GTR- 171. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA. 237 pp. http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/publications/documents/gtr-171/gtr-171.pdf Maser, C., and J. M. Trappe (technical editors). 1984. The Seen and Unseen world of the Fallen Tree. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-164. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. 56 pp. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/gtr164.pdf Maser, C., R.F. Tarrant, J.M. Trappe, and J.F. Franklin (technical editors). 1988. From the Forest to the Sea: A Story of Fallen Trees. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-229. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. 153 pp. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/publications/pnw_gtr229/ Sorenson, D.G. 2012. Puget Lowland Ecoregion. Pp. 43-50 in B.M. Sleeter, T.S. Wilson, and W. Acevedo (eds.), Status and Trends of Land Change in the Western —1973 to 2000. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1794–A. http://pubs.usgs.gov/pp/1794/a/chapters/pp1794a_chapter02.pdf Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the National Wildlife Federation. 2011. Summary of Climate Change Effects on Major Habitat Types in Washington State: Forest, Alpine, and Western Habitats. 65 pp. http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01202/wdfw01202.pdf


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

WHERE TO LEARN MORE Oak woodland and prairie habitats Video: Oregon’s Oak: A Vanishing Legacy. Yamhill Watershed Stewardship Fund, McMinnville, OR. 00:08:28. https://vimeo.com/144947937 Video: Oregon’s Oak: Caretakers in Time. Yamhill Watershed Stewardship Fund, McMinnville, OR. 00:03:28. https://vimeo.com/145186635 Altman, B. and J. L. Stephens. 2012. Land Managers Guide to Bird Habitat and Populations in Oak Ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. American Bird Conservancy and Klamath Bird Observatory. 82 pp. http://abcbirds.org/results/publications/#special-reports or http://www.klamathbird.org/images/kbo/pdfs_dsts/Altman_and_Stephens_2012_Land_managers _guide_to_oak%20ecosystem%20%28Web%29.pdf Bachelet, D., B. R. Johnson, S. D. Bridgham, P. V. Dunn, H. E. Anderson and B. M. Rogers. 2011. Climate change impacts on western Pacific Northwest and savannas. Northwest Science 85:411–433. http://www.bioone.org/doi/pdf/10.3955/046.085.0224 Chappell, C.B. 2006. Plant Associations of Balds and Bluffs of Western Washington Washington Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program, Olympia, WA. 70 pp. http://www1.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/refdesk/communities/pdf/balds_veg.pdf Chappell, C.B. 2006. Upland plant associations of the Puget Trough ecoregion, Washington. Natural Heritage Report 2006-01. Washington Department of Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program, Olympia, WA. http://www1.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/refdesk/communities/ Hosten, P.E., O.E. Hickman, F.K. Lake, F.A. Lang, and D. Vesely. 2006. Oak woodlands and savannas. Pp. 63-89 in D. Apostol and M. Sinclair (eds.), Restoring the Pacific Northwest: The Art and Science of Ecological Restoration in Cascadia. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Klamath Bird Observatory and Lomakatsi Restoration Project. 2014. Restoring oak habitats in southern Oregon and northern California: a guide for private landowners. Rep. No. KBO-2014- 0005. Klamath Bird Observatory, Ashland, OR. 53 pp. http://www.klamathbird.org/images/kbo/pdfs_dsts/KBO_and_LRP_2014_Landowner_oak_guid e_1.0%20%28Print%29.pdf Northwest Scientific Association. 2011. Cascadia Prairie-Oak Partnership Special Issue. Northwest Science 85 (2): 429 pp. See the Cascadia Prairie-Oak Partnership website [http://cascadiaprairieoak.org/] for online access to many of the articles in this issue. Sinclair, M., E. Alvorson, P. Dunn, P. Dunwiddie, and E. Gray. 2006. Bunchgrass prairies. Pp. 29-62 in D. Apostol and M. Sinclair (eds.), Restoring the Pacific Northwest: The Art and Science of Ecological Restoration in Cascadia. Island Press, Washington, D.C.


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

WHERE TO LEARN MORE Invasive plant species identification and management Boersma, P.D., S.H. Reichard, and A.N. Van Buren. 2006. Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 285 pp. City of Portland, Parks and Recreation. No Ivy League. Portland OR. http://www.noivyleague.org A fabulous website full of information about English ivy and invasive species management. See especially the tabs “Know Ivy League” and “The Ivy Files.” Ditomaso, J.M., and E.A. Healy. 2003. Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 3421. 442 pp. DiTomaso, J.M., G.B. Kyser, et al. 2013. Weed Control in Natural Areas in the Western United States. Weed Research and Information Center, University of California. 544 pp. [See: Weed Research and Information Center, University of California Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station. http://wric.ucdavis.edu/information/natural%20areas/natural_areas_common_A-B.htm This excellent resource contains individual species treatments from DiTomaso et al (2013), above] Dlugosch, K.M. 2005. Understory Community Changes Associated with English Ivy Invasions in Seattle’s Urban Parks. Northwest Science 79:53-60. Gray, A. N. 2005. Eight nonnative plants in western Oregon forests: Associations with environment and management. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 100:109–127. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/journals/pnw_2005_gray002.pdf King County Noxious Weed Control Program. http://www.kingcounty.gov/environment/animalsAndPlants/noxious-weeds.aspx Pierce County Noxious Weed Control Board. http://piercecountyweedboard.org/ Scigliano, E. 2012. Poison ivy, unholy holly, and lax weed laws. Crosscut: News of the Great Nearby. http://crosscut.com/2012/04/poison-ivy-unholy-holly-lax-weed-laws/ Taylor, R.J. 1990. Northwest Weeds: The Ugly and Beautiful Villains of Fields, Gardens, and Roadsides. Mountain Press, Missoula, MT. 177 pp. Whitson, T.D., et al. 1992. Weeds of the West. Western Society of Weed Science, Newark, CA. 630 pp. Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board. Washington State Department of Agriculture, Olympia, WA. http://www.nwcb.wa.gov/ Zika, Peter. 2010. Invasive Hollies (Ilex, Aquifoliaceae) and Their Dispersers in the Pacific Northwest. Madroño 57(1):1-10. http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/41425841.pdf?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents [Article can be read online – but not downloaded – by opening a free JSTOR account]


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

WHERE TO LEARN MORE Climate change and the Pacific Northwest The scientific and science-based popular literature on climate change in the Northwest and beyond is vast and growing. We offer the following selected resources, some of which we have already seen in other portions of the course, as only a sample of this growing body of work. WNPS encourages you to keep abreast of emerging scientific and political information regarding this critical subject. This list contains references that apply to either Eastern or Western Washington or similar , along with some that are relevant to both. Choose the references that apply to your ecoregion or area of interest. Literature Bachelet, D., B. R. Johnson, S. D. Bridgham, P. V. Dunn, H. E. Anderson and B. M. Rogers. 2011. Climate change impacts on western Pacific Northwest prairies and savannas. Northwest Science 85:411–433. http://www.bioone.org/doi/pdf/10.3955/046.085.0224 Chambers, J.C., and M. Pellant. 2008. Climate change impacts on northwestern and intermountain United States rangelands. Rangelands. 30(3): 29-33. http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs_other/rmrs_2008_chambers_j001.pdf Carswell, C. 2013. The Tree Coroners. High Country News, December 9, 2013. Pp. 12-18. http://www.hcn.org/issues/45.21/the-tree-coroners [Listen to related audio: KDNK Radio (Carbondale, CO) speaks with Cally Carswell (00:05:09), December 12, 2013. http://www.hcn.org/issues/45.21/the-tree-coroners/kdnk-radio-speaks-with-cally-carswell ] Dalton, M.M., P.W. Mote, and A.K. Snover [Eds.]. 2013. Climate Change in the Northwest: Implications for Our Landscapes, Waters, and Communities. Island Press, Washington, DC. 230 pp. http://cses.washington.edu/db/pdf/daltonetal678.pdf Diaz, D.D., S. Charnley, and H. Gosnell. 2009. Engaging Western Landowners in Climate Change Mitigation: A Guide to Carbon-Oriented Forest and Range Management and Carbon Market Opportunities. . General Technical Report PNW-GTR-801. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. 81 pp. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw_gtr801.pdf Dunwiddie, P.W., S.A. Hall, M.W. Ingraham, J.D. Bakker, K.S. Nelson, R. Fuller, and E. Gray. 2009. Rethinking Conservation Practice in Light of Climate Change. Ecological Restoration 27: 320-329. http://faculty.washington.edu/jbakker/publications/Dunwiddie.et.al.2009.pdf Dunwiddie, P.W., T.N. Kaye, and J.D. Bakker. 2015. Is Restoration Dead? The Future of Prairie Conservation in the Pacific Northwest. Cascadia Prairie-Oak Partnership 2015 Conference, Tacoma, WA. October 26, 2015. Abstract at: http://cascadiaprairieoak.org/wp- content/uploads/2015/10/CPOP-2015-Conference_Abstracts_final.pdf (p. 12). Erwin, K.L. 2009. Wetlands and global climate change: the role of wetland restoration in a changing world. Wetlands Ecology and Management 17: 71-84. http://www.wetlands.org/Portals/0/specialist%20groups/WRSG/Wetlands%20and%20Global%2 0Climate%20Change.pdf


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

Field, C.B., G.C. Daily, F.W. Davis, S. Gaines, P.A. Matson, J. Melack, and N.L. Miller, 1999. Confronting Climate Change in California: Ecological Impacts on the Golden State. Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA and Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC. 62 pp. http://www.ucsusa.org/sites/default/files/legacy/assets/documents/global_warming/calclimat e.pdf Glick, P., J. Clough, and B. Nunley. 2007. Sea-level Rise and Coastal Habitats in the Pacific Northwest: An Analysis for Puget Sound, Southwestern Washington, and Northwestern Oregon. National Wilflife Federation. 94 pp. http://www.nwf.org/pdf/Wildlife/PacificNWSeaLevelRise.pdf Harris, J.A., R.J. Hobbs, E. Higgs, and J. Aronson. 2006. Ecological Restoration and Global Climate Change. Restoration Ecology Vol. 14: 170–176. http://nctc.fws.gov/courses/csp/csp3132/resources/Climate%20Change/Ecological%20restoratio n%20and%20CC.pdf Ingerson, A. 2009. Wood Products and Carbon Storage: Can Increased Production Help Solve the Climate Crisis? The Wilderness Society, Washington, D.C. 46 pp. http://www.issuelab.org/resource/wood_products_and_carbon_storage_can_increased_productio n_help_solve_the_climate_crisis Keller, S.J. 2016. Re-engineering the ranch: A Montana rancher looks to the past to prepare for tomorrow’s climate. High Country News 48 (1): p. 9. http://www.hcn.org/issues/48.1/montana- rancher-looks-to-the-past-to-prepare-for-tomorrows-climate Lawler, J.J., T.H. Tear, C. Pyke, M.R. Shaw, P. Gonzalez, P. Kareiva, L. Hansen, L. Hannah, K. Klausmeyer, A. Aldous, C. Bienz, and S. Pearsall. 2010. Resource management in a changing and uncertain climate. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8: 35–43. http://climate.calcommons.org/sites/default/files/climatechange.pdf McDowell, N. 2012. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Hearing on Current and Future Impacts of Climate Change on the Intermountain West; Focusing on Drought, Wildfire Frequency and Severity, and Ecosystems. 8 pp. http://www.energy.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve?File_id=5249e432-0a79-4068-929f- a09991f3f073 Mauger, G.S., J.H. Casola, H.A. Morgan, R.L. Strauch, B. Jones, B. Curry, T.M. Busch Isaksen, L. Whitely Binder, M.B. Krosby, and A.K. Snover. 2015. State of Knowledge: Climate Change in Puget Sound. Report prepared for the Puget Sound Partnership and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle. http://cses.washington.edu/picea/mauger/ps-sok/PS-SoK_2015.pdf Pellatt, M., S. Goring, K. Bodtker, and A. Cannon. 2012. Using a down-scaled bioclimate envelope model to determine long-term temporal connectivity of Garry oak (Quercus garryana) habitat in western North America: Implications for protected area planning. Environmental Management 49: 802-815. Peterson, D.L., J.L. Innes, and K. O’Brian (eds.). 2001. Climate Change, Carbon, and Forestry in Northwestern North America: Proceedings of a Workshop November 14 - 15, 2001, Orcas Island, Washington. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-614. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. 117 pp. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw_gtr614.pdf Shafer, S.L., P.J. Bartlein, and R. S. Thompson. 2001. Potential changes in the distributions of western North America tree and shrub taxa under future climate scenarios. Ecosystems 4:200- 215. http://geog.uoregon.edu/envchange/reprints/pdfs/Shafer-etal-Ecosys-2001.pdf Seavy, N.E., T. Gardali, G. H. Golet, F. T. Griggs, C, A. Howell, T. R. Kelsey, S. Small, J. H. Viers, J. F. Weigand. 2009. Why climate changes makes riparian restoration more important than ever: Recommendations for practice and research. Ecological Restoration 27:330-338. http://er.uwpress.org/cgi/reprint/27/3/330 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the National Wildlife Federation. 2011. Summary of Climate Change Effects on Major Habitat Types in Washington State: Freshwater Aquatic and Riparian Habitats. 44 pp. http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01201/wdfw01201.pdf Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the National Wildlife Federation. 2011. Summary of Climate Change Effects on Major Habitat Types in Washington State: Forest, Alpine, and Western Prairie Habitats. 65 pp. http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01202/wdfw01202.pdf Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the National Wildlife Federation. 2011. Summary of Climate Change Effects on Major Habitat Types in Washington State: Shrub-steppe and Grassland Habitats. 63 pp. http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/01203/wdfw01203.pdf

Web pages Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: http://ipcc.ch/ Real Climate: www.realclimate.org University of Washington Climate Impacts Group: https://cig.uw.edu/ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Climate Change in the Pacific Northwest. http://www.fws.gov/pacific/Climatechange/changepnw.html Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Climate Change page: http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/climate_change/ Access WDFW’s own climate change summaries and other materials, along with many links to additional sources.


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

WHERE TO LEARN MORE Miscellaneous course topics and general references Apostol, D. and M. Sinclair. 2006. Restoring the Pacific Northwest: The Art and Science of Ecological Restoration in Cascadia. Island Press, Washington, D.C. 506 pp. Arno, S.F., and R. P. Hammerly. 1977. Northwest Trees. The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA. 222 pp. Bohan, H. 2009. People of Cascadia- Pacific Northwest Native American History. 180 pp. Chalker-Scott, L. No date. Fact Sheet: Horticultural techniques for successful plant establishment. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Puyallup Research and Extension Center, Puyallup, WA. 1 pp. http://puyallup.wsu.edu/lcs/wp- content/uploads/sites/403/2015/03/Planting-fact-sheet.pdf Cahill and L. Chalker-Scott. 2002. Fact Sheet: Does mulch improve plant survival and growth in restoration sites? Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Puyallup Research and Extension Center, Puyallup, WA. 2 pp. http://puyallup.wsu.edu/lcs/wp- content/uploads/sites/403/2015/03/Mulch-fact-sheet.pdf Devine, W. D., and C.A. Harrington. 2008. Influence of four tree shelter types on microclimate and seedling performance of Oregon white oak and western redcedar. Research Paper PNW-RP-576. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 35 pp. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw_rp576.pdf Devine, W. D., C.A. Harrington, and L.P. Leonard, Lathrop, P. 2007. Post-planting treatments increase growth of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook.) seedlings. Restoration Ecology 15(2): 212-222. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/olympia/silv/oak- studies/Planting_Oregon_white_oak.pdf Hoag, J.C., and T. D. Landis. 2001. Riparian zone restoration: Field requirements and nursery opportunities. Native Plants Journal 2: 30-35 Kruckeberg, A. 1982. Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 252 pp. Leigh, M. 1999. WACD. 2015. Grow Your Own Native Landscape: A Guide to Identifying, Propagating, and Landscaping with Western Washington Native Plants. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Thurston County Native Plant Salvage Project. 116 pp. http://jeffersoncd.org.s13831.gridserver.com/wp/wp- content/uploads/2014/05/Grow-your-own-native-landscape.pdf Link, R. 1999. Landscaping for Wildlife in the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 320 pp. McDonald, P.M., G.O. Fiddler, and H.R. Harrison. 1994. Mulching to regenerate a harsh site: Effect on seedlings, forbs, grasses, and ferns. Research Paper PSW-RP-222. U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA. 10 pp. http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/publications/documents/psw_rp222/psw_rp222.pdf Natural Resources Conservation Service. PLANTS Database. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. http://plants.usda.gov/java/


WNPS Native Plant Stewardship Training South Puget Sound Lowlands, Spring 2016

Society for Ecological Restoration International. 2004. SER International Primer on Ecological Restoration (Version 2). Society for Ecological Restoration Science and Policy Working Group. http://www.ser.org/resources/resources-detail-view/ser-international-primer- on-ecological-restoration Washington Association of Conservation Districts. 2015. Bareroot Planting Guide. Washington Association of Conservation Districts, Plant Materials Center, Bow, WA. http://www.wadistricts.org/plant-materials-center.html Washington Association of Conservation Districts. 2015. Live Stakes. Washington Association of Conservation Districts, Plant Materials Center, Bow, WA. http://www.wadistricts.org/plant-materials-center.html Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2008. Priority Habitat and Species List. Olympia, Washington. 177 pp. http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/phs/list/ Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2005. Ecoregions: Washington’s Ecoregional Conservation Strategy. Chapter 6, pp. 257-555, in Washington's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/00727/chapter_vi.pdf