FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the period ending 31st MAY 2014 SHIRE OF NGAANYATJARRAKU STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 May 2014 2012/2013 2013/2014 Annual Annual $ NOTE $ CURRENT ASSETS 2,174,110 Cash 2,609,027 1,106,825 Receivables 818,468 49,899 Inventories 49,899 3,330,834 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 3,477,394 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 46,778,328 Property, Plant and Equipment 47,793,499 46,778,328 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 47,793,499 50,109,162 TOTAL ASSETS 51,270,893 CURRENT LIABILITIES 636,841 Payables 4,109 122,942 Provisions 122,942 759,783 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 127,051 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 61,632 Provisions 61,632 61,632 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 61,632 821,415 TOTAL LIABILITIES 188,683 49,287,747 NET ASSETS 51,082,210 EQUITY 48,359,299 Accumulated Surplus 50,258,348 928,448 Reserves 823,862 49,287,747 TOTAL EQUITY 51,082,210 This Statement to be read in conjunction with accompanying Notes. SHIRE OF NGAANYATJARRAKU STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 May 2014 2012/2013 2013/2014 $ ACCUMULATED SURPLUS NOTE $ 45,073,712 Balance as at 1 July 48,359,299 3,093,841 Changes in Net Assets resulting from Operations 1,794,462 191,747 Transfer from/(to) Reserves 104,586 (1) Rounding 1 48,359,299 BALANCE AT CLOSE OF PERIOD 50,258,348 RESERVES 1,120,195 Balance as at 1 July 928,448 (191,747) Amount Transferred (to)/from Accumulated Surplus (104,586) 928,448 BALANCE AT CLOSE OF PERIOD 823,862 49,287,747 TOTAL EQUITY 51,082,210 SHIRE OF NGAAYATJARRAKU STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME BY PROGRAM FOR THE YEAR ENDED
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