inspiring CHANGE 2012–2013 • impact report

STAND! For Families Free of Violence Main Office: 1410 Danzig Plaza, Suite 100, Concord, CA 94520 Business Line: 925.676.2845 | 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1.888.215.5555

Additional locations 2086 Commerce Avenue, Concord, CA 94520 | 925.827.0212 3220 Blume Drive, Suite 177, Richmond, CA 94806 | 510.236.8972 315 G Street, Antioch, CA 94509 | 925.706.8477 Inspiring change: At home Inspiring change: Resilient and strong and in our community

Back in 2010, when we finalized the strategic decision to merge with the Family Stress One thing that has impressed me in my time as board chair is the incredible resiliency of Center, bringing together the complex issues of domestic violence and child abuse into the human spirit and the power each individual has within them to overcome, to grow, to one comprehensive agency felt, at times, like a giant leap of faith. Since the 1970s, each believe, and to love. agency had built its own knowledge, expertise, reputation, and leadership in its field. But because of that expertise, we knew that these inter-related issues can only be solved We see it in the people we serve. Women and men who are systematically beaten down together, by treating the family as a whole. by the person they love, yet who find the resolve to rebuild their lives, stronger and more confident in themselves than ever. Children who have been traumatized by abuse, neglect, We didn’t know exactly what the new, integrated agency would look like, and we didn’t or exposure to violence in their home, yet who will just be kids again when given safety, know how the uncertainties connected with government funding and the economic and who will not repeat their parents' mistakes when given the chance to heal. People who downturn would unfold, but we committed ourselves to leading a new path in our mission to end the cycle of have abused others — who in most cases were themselves traumatized as children — accepting responsibility family violence. for choosing violence and learning how to disrupt the cycle of abuse.

Today, we can look back at the past three years and see how far we have come in changing the way we work in The families and individuals behind our work inspire us to be the best organization we can be. The 10,000 order to best lead change in our Contra Costa community. This has been a time of learning, of looking in new individuals we served last year galvanized us to face proactively the changing tide of public funding for safety ways at what we know, of reflecting deeply on who we serve and how we serve them, and about the role each net services by trimming costs to preserve core, life-saving programs and seeking new sources of revenue. We member of a family plays in the dynamics of violence, abuse, and neglect. With the help of many generous restructured service delivery to make better use of trained volunteers — to answer the thousands of calls to our partners and supporters, we have navigated that uncharted territory. Today we know that we are stronger 24-hour help line, to lead our 272 support groups across the county, to provide 96 educational presentations in together. the community.

Our intentional work on change in our own agency reminds us of the powerful influence family violence has on Throughout this report, you will see glimpses of the many ways in which STAND! inspires change in individuals, other critical community issues. Beyond individual families, we see how healthy relationships affect community families, and the community. We look forward to engaging more people and organizations to respond to the safety, health, education, and local economies. Those ripple effects — from home, to neighborhood, to epidemic of violence by standing together with us. community, to region — begin with the individual families we serve. Sincerely, We know that STAND! cannot address all the challenges of safety and violence in our region, but the massive need compels us to do more. Our goal is to inspire more people to end the cycle of violence with us. Our history tells us that together, we can. Laurie Wolkow Chair of the Board of Directors In partnership,

Gloria J. Sandoval CEO INSPIRING CHANGE IN issue: 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. solution: 180 women and children who had nowhere else to turn found a safe haven FAMILIES at our emergency shelter.

With a limited income and scarce resources, Caratina supported her husband and their two young children. She met her husband shortly after moving to the U.S. A few years into their marriage, her husband began to physically, emotionally, and financially abuse her. Isolated from relatives, afraid of deportation, challenged by language barriers, Caratina tried to make it work.

One fall night, police responded to an abusive incident at Caratina’s home. They connected Caratina to STAND!’s 24-hour multilingual crisis line. She and her children were taken to a safe place for the night and then moved into our shelter the next morning.

Caratina found security, comfort, and resources with help from dedicated and skilled staff at The Rollie Mullen Center, which was a safe haven for her family. She was able to communicate with her Spanish-speaking advocate and work with a STAND! domestic violence liaison who partnered with Bay Area Legal Aid to help Caratina obtain her U-Visa. Caratina and her family also participated in therapy and staff helped her secure transitional housing so that the family could begin to rebuild their lives and find stability, free from abuse.

As any parent would understand, seeing your children happy and carefree is of utmost importance. Caratina credits the staff for making this possible despite all the changes that their family was going through. “The staff at STAND! have been supportive, friendly, and respectful, making it a safe place for the kids to play and for us to bond as a family.”

Beneath Caratina’s soft-spoken exterior lies a truly courageous woman, a survivor of vast and unimaginable challenges and a pillar of strength for her family. The services that she found at STAND! complemented Caratina’s resolve to move forward and brought hope for a peaceful future. When they are happy it means that they are forgetting why we are at the shelter and are simply being kids again. “ -Caratina“ 1 INSPIRING CHANGE IN issues:  Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to repeat the abuse as adults.  Every 10 seconds a report of child abuse is made. solutions:  DELTA project engages men in non-violent solutions. INDIVIDUALS  200 mothers and fathers learned non-violent parenting skills.

“It was love at first sight,” says Harold Blair when talking about his instant connection to STAND!. Nearly six years ago Harold became involved with STAND!’s DELTA project, a coordinated community response to family violence that focuses on engaging men and boys in preventing violence before it happens. When DELTA mentors commit to the group, they also take on a declaration that serves as the guiding principle for their interactions in the community and in their personal lives:

“I believe in treating women and girls with honor and respect. I know that violence is neither a solution nor a sign of strength. I believe that real men lead with conviction and speak out against violence against women and girls. I believe that I can be a role model to others by taking this pledge.”

However, violence was the norm in Harold's childhood—Harold's father would abuse whoever his girlfriend was at the time and would also turn to abuse Harold as well. At 10 years old, Harold witnessed his father severely injure a woman by pushing her down a steep staircase. Harold knew, even at such a young age, that relationships need not be this way. He tried to escape his abusive father, but without support and access to help, he was forced to endure the violence.

Harold eventually found his own way. After graduating from UC Berkeley, he become a dedicated social worker in San Francisco who met face-to-face with as many as 186 clients each week. Now retired, Harold is still as busy as ever, doing what he knows best—helping others. After joining DELTA, Harold crossed paths with James and Anthony, two young boys who, along with their mother, were being severely abused by their father.

Staying true to his DELTA pledge, Harold helped the boys escape. With Harold's help the boys found a new permanent and safe home with their current foster mom, Tanya Gonzalez. Harold also continues to help them navigate the challenges of young adulthood. The DELTA group provided valuable assistance, offering advice, teaching the boys important life skills, and helping them meet financial challenges.

Both Anthony and James have found healing and strength through support from their new family and from Harold, who is like a father to them. Today, Anthony has straight A’s, is on his high school wrestling team, and was offered a full scholarship to UC Berkeley. With his plans still in flux, he hopes to attend UC Santa Barbara to study robotic engineering. James joined the Marine Reserves and is now working full-time. Following Harold’s lead, James received extensive training from STAND!, became a mentor to other young men, and was the second youngest Men of Merit award recipient in its Harold was there when we needed him. seven-year history for his work in preventing violence among his peers. DELTA started nine-years ago as a federal project, which ended in December 2012. STAND!’s group has decided to continue their impactful work and the group continues to grow, proving that the multi-generational cycle of violence can -Anthony & James be stopped. “ “ 3 INSPIRING CHANGE IN issues:  1 in 3 teens reports knowing a peer who has been part of a physically abusive relationship.  Children who are exposed to violence are more likely to attempt suicide, abuse drugs and alcohol, run away from home, engage in teenage prostitution, and commit sexual assault crimes. COMMUNITIES solution: 25 YESS youth leaders educated more than 300 of their teen peers on healthy relationships.

With a range of services and locations across Contra Costa County, STAND! is making progress toward ending the cycle of violence not only through intervention services, but also through education and prevention programs. Youth Education and Support Services (YESS) works with teen boys and girls in Richmond to explore the dynamics of teen dating violence. With violent behavior typically beginning as early as 12 years old, engaging middle and high schoolers prevents destructive behavior, creates an open forum for shifting school culture, and encourages critical thinking about violence prevention.

On a Thursday night, a group of high school sophomores and juniors convened for their weekly YAV meeting. YAV, which stands for Youth Against Violence, is a leadership program that equips youth to educate their peers about healthy relationships and to advocate for policy changes that promote peaceful relationships. After munching on pepperoni pizza and trading stories about their week, the group dove into activities for discussing bullying, teen dating violence, and the outcomes of violent behavior. Aaliyah, who joined the group in March in hopes to end violence, says, “I don’t like violence. I think talking is better.” And this is just what they are able to do through this program. Members facilitate their own weekly support groups with peers where they inspire dialogue and lead hands-on activities around healthy relationships and gender roles.

The young leaders all agree that they enjoy the opportunity to discuss complex topics, work with diverse peers, and build meaningful friendships. Adieba, a high school junior who has been involved with the group for nearly three years, appreciates the feeling of acceptance, “You can speak freely here; it doesn’t matter who you are.” This sentiment carries over into the weekly peer-led support groups. As different as their personalities are, the students have built an environment of mutual trust and respect, an important exercise for the real world and vital for building healthy communities.

In addition to preparing students like Aaliyah and Adieba to lead solutions, STAND! also works with school faculty, staff, and Superintendent Bruce Harter to develop new and more effective responses to teen behaviors that stem from community and family trauma.

Working with the West Contra Costa Unified School District is one of the many ways STAND! is sparking community Violence is something people learn in the home and then it gets change. Other innovative collaborations include the County's Zero Tolerance Initiative, the West Contra Costa Family carried out onto the street. These are learned behaviors. If we can Justice Center, and the Partnership to End Domestic Violence. break that cycle of violence in the home, it benefits all of us. “ -Richmond Police Chief Chris Magnus“ 5 crisis line calls  1.888.215.5555 direct services STAND!’s toll-free, 24-hour, multilingual crisis line helped callers from across Contra Costa County and STAND! served nearly 10,000 women, men, and children throughout the region last year, helping them beyond connect with resources for finding safety. find healing, end destructive behavior, and build safe and strong relationships. Stage Gulch Rd


94525 Hercules 94569 94572 Martinez Pittsburg 94561 94525 94565 94569 94520 Pinole 94547 Hercules 94564 94519 94572 Martinez Pittsburg 94561 San Pablo 94806 94509 94565 Oakley Pinole 94520 94553 94547 Concord Antioch 94564 Richmond 94803 San Pablo 94806 94519 94509 94521 94553 Oakley 94801 Pleasant Hill 94531 Concord 94805 94518 Richmond Antioch 94523 94803 94521 ¨¦§580 94530 Clayton 94801 Pleasant Hill 94518 94531 94804 Brentwood 94805 El Cerrito 94598 94523 94597 580 94530 ¨¦§ Clayton 94513 94804 Brentwood 94549 El Cerrito 94598 Walnut Creek 94597 Orinda 94513 94549 Walnut Creek Lafayette 94596 Orinda ¨¦§80 94563 94517 Lafayette 94596 94595 80 94563 94517 94505 ¨¦§ 94507 94595 94505 Moraga Moraga 94507 94556 ¨¦§80 80 94526 ¨¦§ Danville 94514 94526 Danville 94514 Bay Brg 94506 Bay Brg 94506 ¨¦§680 ¨¦§680 94582 94582 ¨¦§580 ¨¦§580 94583 San Ramon I- 205 San Ramon

94621 95376

¨¦§880 880 ¨¦§ Individuals Served

Crisis Line Calls 1 - 15 161 - 260 1 - 30 159 - 263 16 - 35 261 - 360 31 - 85 264 - 517 36 - 75 361 - 460 86 - 158 76 - 160 Family violence can happen to anyone, in any community. STAND! is there when you need us. 6 7 programs + services mission + values

Safe and Strong Families Mission We promote healthy parenting by helping families learn to communicate effectively and create strong bonds, as well as STAND! For Families Free of Violence is a catalyst for breaking the multi-generational cycle of violence, promoting safe provide shelter and resources for victims escaping violent homes. and strong relationships, and rebuilding lives. The Rollie Mullen Emergency Shelter • Emergency Response Team • Multilingual Toll-Free 24-Hour Crisis Line • Kinship Support Services • Bay Point First 5 Center • Proud Parenting Education Values Rebuilding Lives We are guided by our values of: We help victims heal the damage caused by abuse and create new lives for themselves and their families. Programs for abusers help them confront and change their destructive behavior. Integrity Peer Advocacy • County-Wide Support Groups • Transitional Housing • Vocational Services • We live our mission with one consistent voice through clarity, transparency, honesty, and trust. Court Accompaniment, Restraining Orders, and Legal Advocacy • Individual and Group Counseling • Anger Management and Domestic Violence Treatment Programs • Child Assessment and Treatment Services • Clinical Parenting • Family Case Management Passion We care deeply about what we do because we believe this work is transformative.

Catalyst for Change We aim to increase awareness of family violence and child abuse, inspire individuals to take actions to reduce violence Compassion in their relationships and communities, and encourage supporters to become advocates for violence-free relationships We serve our clients with dignity and respect. through a wide range of activities. DELTA Project (Compassionate Men, Empowered Bystanders) • Speaker’s Bureau & Community Trainings • Youth Education Support Services (YESS) • Promoting Gender Respect (Teen dating violence prevention) Safety We prioritize the physical and emotional safety of all.

Accountability We believe that accepting responsibility for one’s actions is critical.

Innovation We adopt promising practices and develop leading edge practices to address the complex issues of child abuse and intimate partner violence.

Collaboration We depend on one another and the community to achieve our mission. More than 80 dedicated and passionate staff members are committed to ending family violence.

8 9 statement of activities statement of financial position June 30, 2013 ASSETS June 30, 2013 PUBLIC SUPPORT TOTAL Revenue Current Assets BOARD OF DIRECTORS, Contributions $934,133 Other Contributions 2012-2013 17% Cash and cash equivalents $1,269,814 Special events 113,424 3% Laurie Wolkow, Chair Accounts receivable 786,936 In-kind donations 371,174 Colleen O’Brien, Vice Chair Special events Ground lease receivable 24,242 Total public support 1,418,731 2% Tim Truesdale, Treasurer Prepaid expenses 88,116 REVENUE Gary Snyder, Secretary Total current assets 2,169,108 Government grants and support 3,842,222 In-kind donations Linda Best, Assistant Secretary Fees and sales 75,811 Government 7% Property and equipment 2,081,918 Fred Boostani Rental income 44,554 grants and support Bill Brown Investment returns 22,857 Other 71% Nadia Costa Miscellaneous 4,739 Deposits 9,399 Kathryne Daniels Total revenue 3,990,183 Investments - restricted 124,171 David Dolder Use of Funds Investments 360,263 Cheryl O'Connor Total public support and revenue 5,408,914 Management & Total assets 4,744,859 Susan Rainey EXPENSES General 17% LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Gloria Sandoval Program services 4,177,538 Current Liabilities Roy Smart Supporting services 1,351,510 Fundraising Accounts payable 87,680 Michael Wojcik Total expenses 5,529,048 7% Accrued liabilities 242,048 Deferred revenue 24,574 SENIOR MANAGEMENT Change in net assets (120,134) Program Gloria Sandoval, services Advance from HUD 171,093 Net assets, beginning of year 3,609,871 Chief Executive Officer 76% Notes payable, Current 8,492 Net assets, end of year 3,489,737 Total current liabilities 533,887 Edna Hernandez, Director of Human Resources Program Expenses Long-Term Liabilities Dennis Newlin, Notes Payable 721,235 Clinical Director

Prevention Total liabilities 1,255,122 James Ogden, 23% Director of Finance Net Assets Treatment Reina Sandoval-Beverly, 40% Unrestricted 3,308,454 Intervention Services Director Temporarily restricted 57,112 Rebekah Truemper, Permanently restricted - Endowment Fund 124,171 Director of Development & Marketing Total net assets 3,489,737 Sharon Turner, Intervention Total liabilities and net assets 4,744,859 Director of Prevention 10 37% 11 Thank you for joining with us to end the cycle of family violence. STAND! has tried to recognize all who have contributed to our work. We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted or misspelled any name. Please advise us of any errors so that we may correct our community support records. Call us at 925.603.0120 or email [email protected]. Gifts received from July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

Platinum Circle Mary Ellen Browning Trust Fund Lawrence Livermore Clayton Business and Cynthia Attiyeh Private Eyes, Inc. Joanne E. Carroll Ralph and Loella Haskew Josephine Martinez Save Mart Supermarkets ($25,000 + ) Carolyn Butler National Laboratory Community Association, Inc. Joseph and Randi Ault Lee and Greg Reimers Harvey and Phyllis Ceaser Ellen and Allan Hauskens Lea Mason Ilene and Andy Scharlach Charles Schwab Lincoln Insurance Services Angie and Peter Coffee Cecily Barclay Alan E. Riffer and Caryl L. O’Keefe Adelaide Chavez Joyce Hawkins and John Sweitzer Byrne and Oystein Mathisen Louise Schine Blue Shield of California Foundation Penny Cortez Holly and Ryan Lindsay The Covello Group Kathryn Ann Barnhart and Ross Dress for Less Leisa Christensen Dorothy Hearst Robert Matthews Joseph A. Schlemmer III Chevron Corporation Mabel Horrigan Foundation Martinez Community Foundation David and Tracy Dachs John Lockhart McCarthy Rossmoor Red Hatters Tracy Clinton Edna and Miguel Hernandez Joshua and Juliana Matz Les Schmidt and Joanne Hattum East Bay Community Foundation Kaiser Permanente - Diablo Area Matson Foundation Katherine and Naozer Dadachanji Dr. and Mrs. Don Beerline The San Francisco Creamery Co. Dr. Ellen Codner Gayl and Harlan Hirschfeld Bryan and Susan Mc Caul Thomas Schulting The Dean & Margaret Lesher Kaiser Permanente Community Shirley and Francis McGuff Jodi Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blickensderfer William and Nathalie Schmicker Alan and Jan Coe Don and Sandy Hoffman Cheryl McCarthy William Sederowitz Foundation Giving Campaign Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Michelle and Steven Davis Boeing Employees Community Fund Elba Selby Seymour I. Cohen, MD Leslie Holm David McCosker Janet Selmek The Thomas J. Long Foundation Richard and Marty Lewis Miller Starr Regalia Richard and Joan Doust Peter and Dorothy Borg Marie Simons Sharon Collins HomeAid - Northern California Lorie McGuinness Joyce and Richard Shappee Helen O’Reilly Trust Mechanics Bank Emmet Monaghan Jim and Mary Drennan Janice Bowerman Gary S. Skrel Community Health Charities John Hoover Melissa McMillion Marcy Sharafian San Francisco Foundation Pacific Gas and Electric Campaign The Morrison & Foerster Foundation David and Cindy Durant David and Tracy Bowlby Doris A. Slater Concord Moose Lodge No. 567 William and Katherine Huckins Constance Menzies John and Carol Sherrill Women’s Foundation of California For The Community Awais Mughal Kevin and Theresa Easterly Joan and Conrad Breece Michael Sloan Concord Police Department Julie Hudson Valerie and Geoffrey Meredith Carrie Shields The Bonnie J. Wooldridge Charles Schwab Foundation Neil and Amelia McDaniel Fox & Bank LLP Cache Creek Casino Resort Theodore and Denise Spyrow Contra Costa Centre Association Marleen Huff Joan and John Merrill Yvonne Siebert 1998 Revocable Trust Shell Oil Company Charitable Trust Gap Foundation Gift Match Program Carol and William Chiasson UnitedHealth Group Employee Ann and Robert Cormack Carol and Bert Hughes Richard and Shannon Merrill Katherine and David Siegfried Spight Family Foundation Colleen O’Brien Carol Gilliland and Stacy Roach Kitty Cole Giving Campaign Michelle and Steven Cornelison Joan Hurd Hillary Metz and Todd Forbush Michael and Cathy Simmons Diamond Circle Orinda Community Church Sharyln and Todd Gritzer Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coleman Kathleen and John Urban Nadia Costa and Paul Davidson Margaret and Craig Isaacs Terri Mockler James Skelton ($10,000 + ) Benefactors Peet’s Coffee & Tea Scott and Beth Hicks Connoisseur Travel, Inc Valley Quail Chapter E.G.A. Pat Costello Kathy and James Jakel Manuel and Donna Moldes Dana Slauson Bank of America Foundation Pelican Communications Brian Hirahara Janice Cooper Chaowen Wang, DDS Constance L. Couts Cheryl Jennings and Ricky Pettibone John G. Mori Patricia Smith Chevron Employees’ People Making ($1,000 + ) G. Paul Abelson Richmond Community Foundation Fadhila Holman Patricia Costello Jill Wharton Kerry Dantzig Karen Johnson Victoria Moul Susan Snyder A Difference Campaign ACG Roberts Foundation Sandra Hoskin Teresa Countryman Gloria and Eugene Whitt Brenda Dietz Davis Patricia Johnson Scharlene Murray Jenene Sowell Peter and Jennifer Clauson Wendi and Gerald Alves Roxanne Ryan Karen Jachens Steve and Jean Cuff Mary Williamson and Juanita Dean Emma Jones Robert and Cecilia Murtagh Duane E. Spencer, DDS Crescent Porter Hale Foundation American Academy of San Ramon Valley United Methodist Los Medanos College Ralph and Diana Davisson Nicky Abdolhosseini Lara Delaney Rebecca Jones Jim and Gwen Neary St. Marks Lutheran Church The David B. Gold Foundation Matrimonial Lawyers Church Makoff Family Foundation Diversified Capital Andrea Wood Monika Deutsche John and Natalie Jordan Mandi Newton Tara Starr-Keddle Jon Dickson Paul and Betty Baldacci Gloria J. Sandoval Nancy and Martin Mazzanti Edward Domning and Elise Marshall Amy and Tom Worth Patricia Deutsche Brian and Kathleen Kearins Janet Noonkester James and Barbara Stedman Giants Community Fund Family Foundation Margaret and Graham Seel Patricia McMahon Roger Douglas Eleanor and Stanley Zuckerman Ann Farrell Diemer Janet Keeter Melanie Norris Diana and Allen Stephens Kaiser Permanente East Bay Area Bank of America United Way Gary and Carolyn Snyder Laurel Merritt Deanna Drake-Copelan Patricia and Ted Dienstfrey Mary and Shane Kelley Sally and David Nosal Mary Stoddard Verizon Wireless - Hopeline Campaign St. Anselm’s Episcopal Church Mary and Ron Olowin Bernard and Athena Drury Supporters Marian Dobbelare Robert and Linda Kochly Jerry and Stacey Okimoto Jean E. Stone Wells Fargo Foundation Linda and Edward Best St. Perpetua Church Lawrence Peiros Jim and Cynthia Eiseman ($100 + ) Carl and Nancy Dolder Jacquline and John Kolander Lisa Olsen Tiffany Stuart Blue Shield of California Sybase, Inc. Randall and Cynthia Pond Jennifer Fisher Alice Affleck Bill and Carol Dunkle Laura Kostermans Darryl D. Ott Jim Sun Wong Gold Circle Suzanne and Kent Buckles Dorlee Taylor Robert Power Give With Liberty Employee Helen Ahrens Mary Dwyer Krista Kotz Pacific Telenet Farinaz Taidi ($5,000 + ) Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation Carole and Mike Temps Sue and Richard Rainey Donations Kristen Alexander Albert Dytch and Andrea Simms Charlotte and James Krejci Louise Panzarella Anne Marie Taylor Barbara Bentley and Rex Johnston Cars 4 Causes Toll Bridge Tolers Jean and Vincent Ricci Hair by Dallas & Company Joseph Allen Viretta and Edwin Edwards Carolyn Krieg Robert and Martha Paulson Glenda Taylor The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation, Paula Champagne Trucker Huss, APC Anthony and Lola Rohrs Emily Hook American Association of Louila Egle Patricia and Carrie Kroeger Daniel and Lucille Payne Deborah Tellier and Gregory Wikler Inc Kate Christensen Rebekah Truemper and Dan Seltzer Eric Rudney Virginia H. Hooper University Women Electronic Scrip Incorporated James and Judy Labbe Tom Pearson Third Legacy Motorcycle Club William and Betty Broll Clayton Valley Women’s Club Timothy Truesdale Scott Valley Bank JPMorgan Chase Candace Anderson Lynne and Albert Elizondo Lafayette Christian Church Pegnim & Ivancich Youth Eric Thorn Children’s Support League of the Cherida Collins Smith United Airlines Employee Giving Robert and Julie Shipp Barbara Karl Carol Anderson Charles and Mary Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Roger Lang Foundation Marilee Tiras East Bay Ken and Lynn Cox Valley Spokesmen Touring Club Elizabeth Simms Kiwanis Club of Martinez Paula Andrada Ronald and Linda Elsdon Susan and Marvin Larsen Virginia and Michael Peiser Stephanie and Mark Tristan Contra Costa County Brian Dantzig Visa USA, Inc. Charles Smith Knudson Family Trust Timothy and Petra Argenti Linda and Richard Ergo Olivia Larson Mrs. Peggie Peterson Pazzi Kathy and Gary Truitt Janice and Stephen Hamill Danville Congregational Church Westamerica Bank - Fairfield Soroptimist International of: Gregory and Kelsey Kobayashi Jenny Arias Robyn Evans Theresa Larson Penelope Peterson Elizabeth and John Tryon Heffernan Insurance Brokers David and Karen Dolder Margie Williams and Mark Anderson Benicia Patricia Kroeger Brian Baker and Linda Murphy Pedram Faed Law Offices of Joallyn Bohn Robert and Jacqueline Peyton Beth Tulley IBM Employee Services Center The Dow Chemical Company Rebecca Winthrop San Ramon Carol Lane Faith and Thomas Barnidge Krista Farey Marilyn Lawver Dr. Bruce Phelps and Lynne Phelps Sharon Turner Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Edward Downer Laurie Wolkow and Andy Steinberg St. Anne’s Society Joanne and Jim Larson Grace Barrett Elizabeth and Joe Field Alan W. Lazere Tristan Piper Pamela Tyson Church Jonas Dupuich David Sturgis Timothy Leach Roberta Barrett Maureen S. Fischl Mark and Katherine Lefanowicz Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce Laurie Umeh The Lowell Berry Foundation Ellen’s Guild Sponsors Monica Sullivan Mary-Anne Leontiades Julie Barron Alissa Friedman Hans and Dilly Lefnhoff Beverly Posner Earl Van Buskirk Joe W. Mullen Jr. Empire Realty Associates ($500 + ) Elaine and Barry Taylor Steven and Sandra Lepley Jane Bartke Virginia Fullarton Levi Strauss & Co. - (Your Cause, LLC) Thiruvelan and Bhavani Prembabu Carolyn Vierra T. Rowe Price Associates First Republic Bank The Registry Foundation J. Christopher Thompson, DDS Gail and Mark Levie Alison and Bob Baumann Marianne and Randall Gausman Devorah Levine and Michael Barbara and Edward Profe Ron and Sandi Wagner Foundation, Inc. Flying Colors Comics & Aetna Foundation - Jean Timken and Steven Cuny Emily Loeb, PhD Bay Area Legal Aid Joseph Gerhards Hinckley Judy Putman-Fenz Aileen Jayne Wallace The TJX Foundation, Inc. Other Cool Stuff Partners In Community Giving Robin Townley Barbara and Chris Lofton Bayview Doll Club GFWC Danville Women’s Club Robert Lewis Ron and Janice Reese Jacqueline and Karl Wandry Wells Fargo Bank John and Traute Greene Bank of America Matching Gifts Christian and Sara Truebridge Macerich Company Colleen P. Benatar Jeanne Gianakos Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon N. Lewis Seth and Kay Reid John Wang Wells Fargo Community Januth Hayashi Bank of the West Employee Underground Construction Peggy and Marty Mancebo Marcia Bender Girl Scout Troop #30794 Christina Ligare Hubert Rible Justin Wedel Support Campaign Carle Hirahara Giving Program Company, Inc. P.J. Manzon Noel and Valerie Benkman Patricia Gonsalves-Shaner Delores and John Loague Richmond Police Department John and Rose Weil Dina Honda Bay Alarm Evie Viera Steven Morger Kurt and Tricia Benner Bonita Granlund James and Barbara Lockie-Brown Kathy Rinetti and Brian Christopher Jodi Weis Silver Circle IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign Kathryn Beck and Sean Buckley John and Judith Wagner Janice and Daniel Murphy James Bolovich Marian and Roger Gray Deborah Long Sue Rinetti and Lorrie Hedges Andy and Teresa Wenzel ($2,500 + ) Kris A. Jachens and Jonathan T. Helen Benjamin Melody and Jerald Weintraub Lisa Noble and Jeff Arnold Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla’s James and Barbara Griffin Magda Lopez and Daniel Reich Diane Ringue Jannie Wessell Alamo Women’s Club Gritzer Anthony and Angela Bilich Leonard Whorton Orinda Women’s Club Office Robin and Robert Griffiths Jennifer Luk Sharon and Don Ritchey West Contra Costa AT&T John Muir/Mt. Diablo Health System Jeannette and Brian Blomquist Janet and Julian Xavier Mary Lou Osur Fred Boostani Sylvia and Erhard Hack Theodore and Barbara Lynch Calvin and Cathy Robie Family Justice Center AT&T United Way Employee Kaiser Permanente Community Lucia Brandon Denise Pare-Muirhead and Rob Bramson Nancy and Gavin Hammon Brad Macy Maynard Rotermund Bob and Mona Whitley Giving Campaign Giving East Bay Spencer and Tracy Brog P aTRONS Bruce Muirhead Ronald and Sharon Brown Louise Harbinson Diane and Bob Malucelli Fran Rothman Roberta Whitman William and Elizabeth Brown Kathleen Kingsley and Scott Clark Carolyn and Douglas Brown ($250 + ) Patxi’s Pizza Buchanan for Assembly 2012 Edward and Marolyn Hartman Nathan Manzon Betty Russell Merideth Wieland Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley Julia Burbank Apple Matching Gift Program Joan Pieri Robert and Priscilla Buchman Dr. Ann Harvey and James and Claire Marchiano Duane and Theresa Rustad Phyllis Willett 12 Mary Jane and Rich Laufenberg Camellia Tea Room Carol E. Arabian Nancy Prescott John Byas Francesca Cunningham Elizabeth Martin Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox H.D. Williams 13 Victims of domestic violence need a safe place to seek help and supporting STAND! community support provides a variety of services for them to access the assistance they need. “ - B. Bentley, STAND! Supporter John and Elsie Witt Nazia Chand Stan Ginn Michael and Darlene Lucia Merle and Edward Ritchie Visa Givingstation Joanna Burgarino Half Price Books Panama Red Coffee Company The San Francisco Creamery“ Co. Losa Wong and Larry Mar Usha and Om Choudhary Robert and Devra Gladstone Janell Lumley Keith and Sheri Robb Susan and Daniel Wagner Lori Ann Butler Hammons Supply Company panCoast Pizza The Sideboard Cafe Richard A. Woodman Sherry Christian Catherine and David Glasgow Jon-Erik Magnus Tracee Roberson Mary Wall C & T Publishing Hanabi Sushi Panera Bread Touch Tone Massage Betty and Jim Wyrick Ann Christofferson Joyce and Thomas Glidden Ray and Elizabeth Mahoney Cynthia Rodriguez Kimberly Walsh Cafe Esin Restaurant Louise Harbinson Papa Murphy’s Pizza UC Berkeley - Student Center Linda Yaniger Diane and Donald Clements David and Lorna Golick Thomas Maiorana Ramon Rodriguez Wanda Ward Karol Callaway David and Peggy Hartwig Past President’s Club - Uncle Yu’s Roberta and Leonard Cohn Patrick Gonzalez Melanie Marcell James Roemmich Jamie Waterman Canvas and Cabernet Ralph and Loella Haskew Mt. Diablo District Unity Center of Walnut Creek Rosemary and Douglas Corbin Google Matching Gifts Program Rita Maria Diane Rosenstine Francine Weinberger Beverly Carter Terry Haugen Julia and Michael Pattinson Valley Medlyn’s Restaurant Friends Kathleen Costa Joanne and Herbert Gordon Scott Martinez Laurel Ross Walter Welti Castle Companies Helen and Ronald Hender Peet’s Coffee & Tea Odette Vandaveer Badi Abhasakun Charles and Susan Couch Elaine and Dale Grothmann Kelly Masegian Faye L. Rubio Petter and Cerrissa Westby Castlewood Country Club Alison Hill Mary Peloquin Laurie Visperas AFSCME Local 2700 Douglas and Virginia Cowden Sydney and Helen Hammill Sarah Matthews Agnes Rucker June Westenrider Chameleon Consignment HomeAid - Northern California Martin Peters We Olive Michael and Catherine Ahr Nancy and Larry Crevin Mary Hannah Ann McBride Jan and Richard Rudolph Eva Westerlin Scott Chavez Lorraine Horst Joan Petersen John and Colleen Weems Rita-Maria Alfaro Cherylyn Crill-Hornsby Ms. Hanzel Meryl McCormack Mary Jane Ryan Gloria Weston City of Orinda Nancy Howe Piatti Ristorante Wells Fargo Bank Elsie and James Allen Alida Crowder Lura Ann and Dale Hatfield Patricia McGinnis Andy and Suzanne Salmon Donna White Classic Catering Il Gioiello Winery and Morse Wines Dana Piercy Mary Williamson and Allstate Giving Campaign Linda Da Re Shelley Cathy Hay Mark McKamey Amber Sandoval-Sullivan Joanne and William Wilkinson Peter and Jennifer Clauson Kris A. Jachens and Jonathan T. Presence Gift Shop Nicky Abdolhosseini Sarah Alves Dorothy D’Ambrogia Margaret Heimann Joan McNaught Madeline Savit Ellen Williams Helen Coleman Gritzer Primo’s Pizza and Pasta Wilma Lott Catering Craig Andersen Jessica and Philip Datte Sonia Henderson Sally and Robert Mehaffey Peter and Charna Schakow Dale Wolfe Karla and Ray Conner Karen Jones Professional Paint Center, Inc. Jill Wise Francene Anderson Louise and Paul Daum Ed and Donna Henney David and Laura Meiser Lynette and Alan Scharlach Clark and Marilyn Wollenweber Consignment Plus Kaiser Permanente - Oakland Lisa Ravazza Women’s Group Holly Anderson Mildred Davidson Charles Henry Kay Menacho Gloria and Bob Schiller Constance Wong Contra Costa County Karden Automotive, Inc. Ravioli’s Italian Market Place Lisa Wood Bryan and Elizabeth Andrews Dmitri and Marilyn De Denko David Henry Midnight Basketball League Bonnie Schmidt Brandon Wood Convergence Vineyards Nanette and Patrick Kearney Republic of Cake Phil Wood Michelle Anstead Kay and Gunther de Groot Mickey and Eileen Heo Program Jim Schmidt Dee Wood Marilyn Cooper Donna Kimmel Hubert Rible Yan’s Garden Lois Arthur Ann De Yoe Jessica Hess Diane Miller Kate Schmidt Elizabeth Wood Costco Kinder’s Meats Deli & BBQ Richard’s Yeddi’s Styles Pam Ascatigno Jobyna and John Dellar Lauraette Hinshaw Dawn Ming Jeff Schnepple Wood Smith Henning & Berman Cotyledon Hair Studio Lloyd and Jody Kitazono Rick Steves’ Europe Through The YLI St. Francesca Cabrini #173 Karin Aune Susanne Della-Rocco Tast Steve and Gloria Hobaugh Delores Moore Kathleen Schreiner Myra Wright Pam Cox Kitchen Table Back Door, Inc. Yogurt Shack Asha Bajaj Veronica Devlin Linda and William Holmberg Dorothy Morgan Joanne Schulman Emily and Danny Wu Crogan’s Sports Bar & Grill KoBe Sushi Brenda and Scott Righter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baldacci Diablo Valley Hui-O-Aloha Lydia Holmes and Andrew Salveson Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Evalyn Segal Rebecca Yturregui Crooked Vine and Stony Ridge Lynn Koolish Jeanne Riley James L. Ball Dickey’s BBQ Pit Ann Holzhueter Silvia Murphy David and Maureen Seiden Zachary’s Chicago Pizza Winery Phil-Anne Krogman Ripley’s Believe It or Not gifts in honor of Grace Barrell Donald Dircksen Victoria Howard-Yarber Armanda and James Nakaya Kay Seybert Gayle Zeigler Crow Canyon Country Club La Mediterranee Kathy Roberts Parandis Banifatemi Ken Bartizal Lynn Disharoon Mary Howden Dennis Newlin Marnie Sheehan Carter Eugene Zinovyev D & D Jewelers Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Ernie Rodgers Linda P. Best Kenneth A. Bartsch Steve Disharoon Nancy Hunter Helen Newman Shelter Alliance Dallimonti’s Restaurant Church Anthony and Lola Rohrs Bill Brown Barry Baumgartner and Felicia Adler Hilary Dito Cathleen and Denis Huston Rosemarie Nial Stephen Shepard In-Kind DeNova Homes Le Jardinet Home and Garden Decor Johanna Rosenthol David Dolder Daniel and Shirley Beatty Margaret and Richard Divine Kerri Jamison Edith Norby Lani and Lawrence Shepp Fedra Deyhim Rachel Lee Rotary Club of Martinez Betty Chuck Felicia Bell Daniel Donahue Jacqueline Jarrell Courtney O’Brien Mery Lynn Shuer, LCSW Contributions Diablo Foods Like New Jewelry Repair Center Rusher Loscavio Executive Search Mari Cyphers Shelby and Henry Belmonte Mary Helen Donovan Paula and Rod Johnstone Dorothy O’Hare Joanne Sidwell Accent Wall Customs Diablo Publications Tracy Lindow Safeway Marilyn Hirsch Muriel and Donald Bentsen Anne Doran David and Eileen Jones Bonnie and Clifford Okamoto Richard Silbert Affare Arts & Custom Framing Dobra Zemlja Winery Los Medanos College San Ramon Valley United Karen Jachens Patricia Best Maurene Drew Meredith Jones Gloria Oliver Myra Silverman Stephanie Albonico David and Karen Dolder Gordon Lucas Santorini Marion Johnson Nancy Bissell C.M. and J.P. Duffy Shawna Jordan Sandra Oliver Susan and Durward Skiles Claudia Alfaro Douglas Morrisson Theatre/H.A.R.D. Linda and Gordon Lucas Carole Schmitt Krista Kotz Catherine Bleecker Meredith Elgin Grace and Edward Kaplan Charles R. Olson and Yoko Watanabe Jim Smith Algentis East Bay Flower Co. Mangia Mi Italian Restaurant Select Comfort Hannah Peavler Carolyn and Kenneth Bonner Clayton Englar The Rev. John Kasper Addison Owensby Jon Smith Allied Waste Services East West Gourmet Afghani Foods Marble Canyon Design Nona Senasac Dana Piercy James Boots Virgelo Esteban Stuart and Victoria Kelman Katie and Heath Owensby Roger L. Smith Altair Global Relocation Encore Gymnastics Marin Shakespeare Co ServiceMaster Restoration Services Mary Alice Pinkham Harold Boscovich Lisa Evaristo Fran Khalas Julia and Michael Pattinson Willard and Ruth Smith AMERITAC, Inc. Environmental Health Cathy Markey Shalom Bayit Kerry Silverstone Richard Boyer Diane and Gerald Fay Wanda King Jeanette Peavler Richard and Chihoko Soloman Carol E. Arabian Extreme Pita Barbara Matheney Stephanie Shedd Ying Stroebe Mae Bragen Geraldine Ferri Carol Kirk Ms. Alice Peiler Vicky Sprague Maxine Rose Arton Hetty Fan Missy McCroskey Jeanne Shikany Sharon Turner Riley Brant Nancy Fitzgerald John and Susan Klein Sandra Peixoto Beverly Spurs Sue Ashtroth Fashion Nails Patricia McKay Silk Road Bob and Pat Breedlove Robert and Ann Fletcher Mary Knodt Marion Peterson Lalin St. Juste Asian Art Museum Fat Maddie’s Grill Cecily McMahan Skin Ovations gifts ON BEHALF OF Sandra Brittan Cathy Florian Ruth Koehler Sandra and Philip Pettus Kiki Stack Autopia Beth Ferree Patricia McMahon Sleep Train Arnold and Jeanne Brown Lawanna Baird Elizabeth Coleman Fred and Helen Fong John and Linda Komisar Patricia and W. Alan Pfeiffer Glenn and Karen Stephenson First Christian Church Gwen McNeilus Sons of Thunder Nancy Lewis-Becerra Richard and Betty Burkhalter Paul Fontes Alan Korn Scott Phillips Ying Stroebe Justin Banton Maureen S. Fischl Mel-o-dee Cocktails St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Susan Burpee Amy Foscalina Wayne Korsinen Barbara Piepho Teresa Stubblefield Stephanie Barclay Jorge Flores Methodist Church Starbucks Annette Cahill Carolyn Foster Robin Krutzsch Ken and Betty Purchase Marites Baliling Ta Michael Batiller Forbes Mill Steakhouse Kristin Miller Marlena Stell gifts in memory of Anne Cahn T. Frane Amber Kulasingam Jeff Quinn Arrian Taylor Rogene Baxter Elaine Frank Martha Miller Stelle Bistro James P. Butler California Pizza Kitchen Frederick and Elaine Franklin Wei-Tai Kwok and Violet Hsu Stephanie Radosevich David Teegarden Bay Books - San Ramon Fregosi & Co. Paints, Inc Misto Lino Diana and Allen Stephens Kevin Dorrian Adrienne Calomino Jerome and Lynn Frantz Angelo LaCourt Pamela Rafton Claire Tevo Bay Commercial Bank Nellie Fry Mt. Diablo Business Women Jessica and Mike Stokes Keri Hitcher Long Carol Cardona Anthony Fredericks Alexia Lamarque Judith Raiskin Brian and Carolyn Thiessen Roberta Bednar Games Unlimited Naan n Curry Teresa Stroin Dorothy Jongeward Marcia Carlberg Susan Fredley Claudia Laughter Rakestraw Books Caroline Thomas Berkeley Ironworks Tineka Gibbs Alice Naknishi Studio 7 Hair Design Tari La Court Phyllis Carvalho Kathleen Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Anne Rebzlaff Glenn Thomas John and Louise Borton Peggy Gierke Navlet’s Sugar Plum Amber Seymore Patrick and Colleen Cassidy Jack and Christine Galeotti Lynn and Charles Leavitt Dana Reedy Toni Tighe Boy Scout Pack 248 Gina Gotsill Nick Abdo Tennis Sushi Bar Hana Alice and Robert Winthrop, Jr. Angelica Castro Ann Galindo Larry S. Lee John and Deborah Rego Tomatina Restaurant Bray Vineyards Giorgio’s Italian Nick’s Shoe Repair Sweet Street Victims of the Sandy Hook Raol Castro Katherine Galvin Levi Strauss Company Rudolph and Laurie Reich Edward and Barbara Tonningsen Bridges Restaurant and Bar Karen Goldberg Lucy Onetto Take Five Travel Club Elementary School Tragedy Janice Cattolica Violet Garcia Stuart Lichter Linda Reinhardt Ruth Tyson Molly Ten Broeck Ron Grant Orinda Hardware Tart Outlet Carol and Robert Chamberlin Jeanne Gibson and Esther Harri Carmen Llau Neotha and Jerry Richardson Paulo and Lucila Ucio Elizabeth Bronson Green Light Carpet Cleaning Outback Steakhouse Carole and Mike Temps 14 Kevin Gillispie Robert and Lori Lott Michael and Karen Riley Van Gelder Enterprises, Inc. Yasmeen Brown Robin and Robert Griffiths Katie and Heath Owensby The Cheesecake Factory 15 inspiring CHANGE 2012–2013 • impact report

STAND! For Families Free of Violence Main Office: 1410 Danzig Plaza, Suite 100, Concord, CA 94520 Business Line: 925.676.2845 | 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1.888.215.5555

Additional locations 2086 Commerce Avenue, Concord, CA 94520 | 925.827.0212 3220 Blume Drive, Suite 177, Richmond, CA 94806 | 510.236.8972 315 G Street, Antioch, CA 94509 | 925.706.8477