Francesco Guardi Oil Paintings

Francesco Guardi [Italian painter, 1712-1793]

An Architectural Caprice picture ID 35299-An_Architectural_Caprice.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35299 | Order the painting

Audience Granted by the Doge picture ID 35300-Audience_Granted_by_the_Doge.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35300 | Order the painting

Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo picture ID 35301-Campo_Santi_Giovanni_e_Paolo.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35301 | Order the painting

Capriccio with Venetian Motifs picture ID 35302-Capriccio_with_Venetian_Motifs.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35302 | Order the painting

Carnival Thursday on the Piazzetta picture ID 35303-Carnival_Thursday_on_the_Piazzetta.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35303 | Order the painting

Doge Alvise IV Mocenigo picture ID 35304-Doge_Alvise_IV_Mocenigo.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35304 | Order the painting

Fire in the Oil Depot at San Marcuola picture ID 35305-Fire_in_the_Oil_Depot_at_San_Marcuola.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35305 | Order the painting


Fire in the Oil Depot at San Marcuola picture ID 35306-Fire_in_the_Oil_Depot_at_San_Marcuola.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35306 | Order the painting

Gondola in the Lagoon picture ID 35307-Gondola_in_the_Lagoon.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35307 | Order the painting

Ladies Concert at the Philharmonic Hall picture ID 35308-Ladies_Concert_at_the_Philharmonic_Hall.jpg Oil Painting ID: 35308 | Order the painting

Total 5 pages, 1/5 | Page : [1] 2 3 4 5 Francesco Guardi (Nationality : Italian painter, 1712-1793) Francesco Lazzaro Guardi (October 5, 1712 - January 1, 1793) was an Italian painter of veduta, a member of the Venetian School. He is considered to be among the last practitioners, along with his brothers, of the classic Venetian school of painting. Francesco Guardi was born in into a family of lesser nobility from . His father Domenico (born in 1678) and his brothers Niccolò and Gian Antonio were also painters, the latter inheriting the family workshop after the father's death in 1716. They probably all contributed as a team to some of the larger commissions later attributed to Francesco. His sister Maria Cecilia married the pre-eminent -European painter of his epoch, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.

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