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Red Mass 2014

Notre Dame Law School

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Recommended Citation Notre Dame Law School, "Red Mass 2014" (2014). The Red Mass. 1.

This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Conferences, Events and Lectures at NDLScholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Red Mass by an authorized administrator of NDLScholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Red Mass of the Holy Spirit

October 6, 2014 5:15 pm Basilica of the Sacred Heart University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana The Red Mass is a traditional way of beginning the judicial term by asking God's guidance for all the members of the . Dating back to the thirteenth century, this Mass invokes the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom in upholding justice by the Bench and Bar. The red and gowns worn by the priest and the attending justices centuries ago gave this Mass its name. Today, the Red Mass is attended by , , and of all paths asking God to bless, strengthen and enlighten all servants of the law in order to better achieve "the blessings of liberty and justice for ourselves and our posterity. "

Lawyer s Prayer to St. Thomas More St. Thomas More, be our advocate and counsel before the Divine tribunal that alone is without error. Bespeak for us the wisdom to apply the precepts of God's eternal law to the problems of our daily practice. Intercede for us that we may emulate the sense of humor which made your heart echo with the mirth of heaven. Pray that we may spurn false oaths and live as you did, faithful to our trust as members of the bar, even though by doing so we may be called upon to sacrifice our lives as you sacrificed yours. These things seek for us through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. THE INTRODUCTORY RITES

Opening Hymn LI an fair

X -V. 1 P""^ l 1 r — i , k ft I m J \• m J V \J WJ J0 • m A * m r p\) * m 2 ° & 1 V 1. Ho - ly Spir - it truth di - vine, Al le - lu - ia! 2. Ho - ly Spir - it love di - vine, Al le - lu - ia! 3. Ho - ly Spir - it font of light, Al le - lu - ia! 4. En - ter each a - spir -ing heart, Al le lu - ia! 1 | 1 r*i i <£ — ~~-^ i r*^ , L_ J J W-' m 5d J K * 0 i* j j I n * * a C • r o J c t) V Dawn up - on these souls of thine, Al le - lu ia! Glow with - in these hearts of thine, Al le - lu - ia! Fo - cus of God's glo - ry bright, Al le lu ia! Oc - cu - py its in - most part, Al le lu ia!

A 1 r-i i 1 L 1 /VL b J \ m r» * J J r\' J am P P />H z * < ' \ * G *• J ' • Hr 3 **J ^ "* Word of God and in - ward light, Al le - lu - ia! Kin - die ev - 'ry high de - sire, Al le - lu ia! Shed on us a shin - ing ray, Al le - lu ia! En - ter in and be our guest, Al le - lu - ia!

* 1 P*i i \J 1 - — - "^ i r*i i i ^K L» J J W m 1*' » J 1 mr^\ m m f f, m 9 m J 1 532 * 1 * o ) u n 1 t) I 7 Wake our spir - it, clear our sight. Al le - lu - ia! Per - ish self in your pure fire, Al le - lu ia! Come and touch our hearts to - day, Al le lu ia! In our la - bor in - ward rest, Al - le - lu - ia!


Reading I 1 Corinthians 12: 4-13

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 104 Guimont

fib Lord, send out your Spir - it, and re - new the face of the earth.

Gospel Acclamation Hughes, SM

Cantor: All: :

Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. All: Cantor: All: J J Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia. Al - le - lu - ia.

Gospel Matthew 6: 31-34



Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts Stanford

Beati quorum via Integra est: Blessed are the undefiled in the way: Qui ambulant in lege Domini. who walk in the law of the Lord.

Prayer Over the Offerings

Sanctus Proulx

ZL=mtza • i j ~ .1

Ho - ly, Ho - ly, Ho - ly

-• M i j ja ^Ji J.T^J Lord God of hosts. Heav - en and earth are full of your J J glo-ry. Ho - san - na, ho - san -^ na, ho - san-na in the high - est. m JU-TJ J LJ m Bless - ed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Ho-

Ipjn=—J -J—J bfcE^E €J M^^M san - na, ho - san - na, ho - san-na in the high-est. Ho - san - na, ho-

san - na, ho - san-na in the high - est. Proulx

When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we pro- p J r '"r PJ r claim your death, O Lord, un - til you come a - gain.

Great Amen Proulx s m A - men, a - men, a - men.


The Lord's Prayer

Sign of Peace

Agnus Dei Proulx

i i r

Lamb of God, you take a - way the sins of the

ffT\ r * j

world: have mer cy on us. S Lamb of God, you take a- way the sins of the fe world: grant us peace, grant us peace. Communion Antiphon Willcock, SJ

the good - ness of the Lord;

taste and see the good - ness of the Lord.

Communion Anthem Friedell

Draw us in the Spirit's tether; For when humbly, in thy name, Two or three are met together, Thou art in the midst of them: Alleluya! Alleluya! Touch we now thy garment's hem.

As the faithful used to gather In the name of Christ to sup, Then with thanks to God the Father Break the bread and bless the cup, Alleluya! Alleluya! So knit thou our friendship up.

All our meals and all our living Make as sacraments ofthee, That by caring, helping, giving, We may true disciples be. Alleluya! Alleluya! We will serve thee faithfully. THE CONCLUDING RITES Blessing of Lawyers, Judges, Civic Government Officials and Students of the Law

Blessing of the Assembly


Closing Hymn Lambillotte • i j \ V 1 *4 f, h O i J a- 0 m 0 VS.imU £ ^4 c m 0 0 ™ Sr ¥ ¥ ¥ 1. Come, Ho - ly Ghost, Cre - a - tor blest, And in our 2. O Com - fort er, to thee we cry, Thou hieav'n - ly 3. O Ho - ly Ghost, through thee a lone, Know we the 4. Praise we the Lord, Fa - ther and Son, And Ho - ly i i , 1 '"* ~~*X t v • i J J • v f m 0 0 P • d' o- 1 1 r • 0 » hearts take up thy rest; Come with thy grace gift of God most high; Thou fount of life, Fa ther and the Son; Be this our firm Spir it with them one; And may the Son

, i ^-, 51 000 r 0m J • J o- ri ir ir r r f- J and heav'n - ly aid To fill the hearts whic\ 1 h thou hast and fire of love, And sweet a noint - ing from a - un - chang - ing creed, That thou dost from them both pro - on us be stow All gifts that from the Spir - it

l . r) ^ * 00m P 0 + P* r r r r r a J tt) i i i made, To fill the hearts whic-—h thou hast made. bove, And sweet a noint - ing from a bove. ceed, That thou dost from them both pro ceed. flow, All gifts that from the Spir - it flow.

Acknowledgments: The setting of the Gospel Acclamation by Howard Hughes, SM, the setting of Mass for the City and the setting of the Lamb of God by Richard Proulx, the setting of Psalm 104 by Michel Guimont © GIA Publications, Chicago, IL. Reprinted under M-702876. All rights reserved. The setting of Psalm 34 by Christopher Willcock, SJ, b. 1947,© 1997, 1990, published by The Liturgical Press. All other music in the public domain.