9960 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 7 May 26, 2006 PERSONAL EXPLANATION singlehandedly destroyed an attacking Ger- Somewhere out there is a little girl who suf- man Mark V tank with two hand-held gre- fered a spinal injury and is unable to walk. HON. JIM GERLACH nades. He then led the charge of his men and Therapy utilizing stem cells is her only hope. OF PENNSYLVANIA seized Herresbach, Belgium, during this fierce How much longer will she and millions of action of the Battle of the Bulge. Due to his others have to wait? IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aggressive, fearless and superior leadership, f Thursday, May 25, 2006 Lt. James Megellas inspired his men to excel. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, during consid- After serving 4 years as a rifle platoon lead- DESIGNATING ‘‘, JR. eration of H.R. 5427, the Fiscal Year 2007 En- er during World War II, including many combat POST OFFICE’’ ergy and Water Development Appropriations jumps into Italy and Holland, Megellas left the Act, I was not present for rollcall 196, 197, active Army and served for 16 years in the 198, 199, 200 and 201. Had I been present, Army Reserve. He retired after 20 years of HON. DENNIS MOORE on rollcall 196, I would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ on service as a lieutenant colonel. OF rollcall 197, I would have voted ‘‘nay,’’ on roll- His awards and decorations include the Dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES call 198, I would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ on rollcall tinguished Service Cross, two Silver Star Med- Thursday, May 25, 2006 199, I would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ on rollcall 200, als, two Bronze Star Medals, two Purple I would have voted ‘‘nay,’’ and on rollcall 201, Hearts, and he is credited with being the 82nd Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, joined I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Airborne Division’s most decorated officer. by my Kansas delegation colleagues—Rep- resentatives TIAHRT, RYUN and MORAN—I am f During World War II, Gen. James Gavin se- lected one 82nd officer—Lt. James Megellas— today introducing legislation to designate the TRIBUTE TO CAROL DAVIS to receive the Military Order of Willhelm Or- Postal Service facility located at ange Lanyard from the Dutch Minister of War 6029 Broadmoor Street in Mission, Kansas, as HON. RICHARD W. POMBO on behalf of his division. the ‘‘Larry Winn, Jr. Post Office Building.’’ Edward Lawrence ‘‘Larry’’ Winn, Jr., rep- OF To this day, James Megellas continues to resented Kansas’’ Third Congressional District IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES inspire. In February, 61 years since that mo- mentous battle, James ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas set in the U.S. House from 1967 to 1985. Born in Thursday, May 25, 2006 foot on a battlefield with fellow 82nd Airborne Kansas City, Missouri, in 1919, he was an Mr. POMBO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Division soldiers, this time in a current theatre Eagle Scout who attended public schools and recognize the achievements and hard work of of war—Afghanistan. Megellas was impressed received a B.A. from the University of Kansas Carol Davis. Carol is President and CEO of with what he saw of the paratroopers and their in 1941. Becoming an announcer for WHB Manteca’s Give Every Child a Chance Pro- work. He listened to their stories of their past radio, he later served as public relations direc- gram. Give Every Child a Chance is com- year of deployment and shared with them his tor for the local branch of the American Red mitted to developing and maintaining a quality own experiences during World War II. Cross. Returning to Kansas, he established mentor program that will have a positive im- Today, at 89 years old, James Megellas is and became vice president of Winn-Rau Cor- pact on the lives of children in our community. currently in the Netherlands, to be decorated poration, a private home builder. For 14 years, In 2005, the Association of California School by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix in a surprise he served as National Director of the National Administrators, ACSA, had selected the Give ceremony to once again receive the Military Association of Home Builders, and also served Every Child a Chance Program as the year’s Order of Willhelm Orange Lanyard for out- as President of the Home Builders Association Partners in Educational Excellence Award re- standing service. of Kansas City. cipient. I urge my colleagues to also recognize In 1962, the incumbent U.S. Representative Through Carol’s leadership, Give Every James ‘‘Maggie’’ Megellas by supporting this in the Third District, , asked Child a Chance has touched the lives of thou- bill to authorize and request the President to Winn, who had served as Republican Party sands of students throughout the San Joaquin award him the Medal of Honor for his acts of chairman in that district, to be his campaign area. The program provides innovative ap- valor on January 28, 1945, during the Battle of manager; he fulfilled that role in the 1962 and proaches to deal with the complex challenges the Bulge. As time goes by, true heroes 1964 campaigns. In 1966, when Ellsworth un- facing public education. Give Every Child a should never be forgotten, so please join me successfully challenged incumbent U.S. Sen- Chance was nominated by Manteca Unified in honoring this outstanding American hero. ator Jim Pearson in the Republican primary, School District Superintendent, Dr. Cathy f Winn won election as his successor, defeating Nichols-Washer and was selected by a panel Overland Park Mayor Marvin Rainey. In later of school administrators throughout the State. THE ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF contests, among eight successful re-elections, Carol’s dedication to the future of our chil- PASSAGE OF THE STEM CELL Winn would defeat Lieutenant Governor dren is one that has not gone unnoticed, and RESEARCH BILL James DeCoursey and Dan Watkins, the I would like to wish her many more years of former chief of staff to Governor John Carlin. continued success. HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Initially appointed to the House Committees f OF TEXAS on Space and Aeronautics [later renamed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Science and Technology] and the District of INTRODUCTION OF LT. COL. JAMES Columbia, Winn later was appointed to the Se- MEGELLAS MEDAL OF HONOR Thursday, May 25, 2006 lect Committee on Crime, the Veterans’ Affairs BILL Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Committee, and the International Relations Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of stem Committee, which was later renamed the For- HON. THOMAS E. PETRI cell research. eign Affairs Committee. Described by Con- OF WISCONSIN Last May, the House of Representatives gressional Quarterly’s Politics in America, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES narrowly passed H.R. 810, supporting feder- 1982 as a ‘‘quiet, unassuming man,’’ Winn ally funded embryonic stem cell research. eventually rose to the ranking Republican seat Thursday, May 25, 2006 My vote, recorded in support of this bill, re- on the Science and Technology Committee, Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- flects my strong views on the potential for where he was an active supporter of Amer- ducing legislation to honor a true American stem cell research to benefit society. ica’s space exploration program. As Politics in hero by awarding him the Medal of Honor. On Stem cells can mature into nearly any type America, 1982 noted, he also advocated re- January 28, 1945, during the Battle of the of cell, including nerve cells to repair damaged search into alternative energy sources such as Bulge, Lt. James Megellas led his platoon of spines or heart cells to pump blood through gasohol and solar and wind power, and tax the 82nd Airborne Division on a surprise and the body. credits for energy efficiency and conservation. devastating attack on a much larger advancing The therapeutic possibilities of stem cells Winn was appointed by President Carter German force, killing and capturing a large are endless. and confirmed by the Senate to serve as a number of the enemy and causing others to It is my hope that the other body will work member of the U.S. delegation to the United flee. In an act of fearless courage, Megellas with us to support stem cell research. Nations in 1979. He also was a member of the

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