AVERAGE DAILT OlBCUt-ATlON THE WEATHER . ter the ahnth nf Beptmaber. 1N4 Forecast of U. 8. W M ttor Boreaa, Hartford

i 5,436 Cloady, slightly warmer toalghi; Membor of thn Audit Friday.fair. Pimnn nf Urenlnttens

VOL. LIV„ NO. 10. (llsssiard Advarttstag on Pago lA ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934, (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTH

Actual Assassination of Yugroslav Ruler



ON SWINDLE CHARGE BEUEVED ARRESTED Two Arrested and Man and! SAYS ^HOME WORK’ Passports Claim They Are of Woman Sought m Ca s e In- IN STATE GROWS Today^s Developments volving Qoarter Million Anstro-ltaiian Birth; Anti*

In the Lindy Case Dollars. Miss Wood, State Official, Italian Riots Break Ont in

By AS80C1.ATED PR E SS * w a s not near the scene at the time Yugoslavia; International Declares There Are No New Jersey authorities received of the kidnaping and slaying of the Hartford, Oct. 11.— ( A P ) — Bench setback In efforts for Immediate re- Lindbergh baby. arranta for the arrest of Frank A. moval of Bruno Richard Haupt- Complications Loom. Tillman, president of the Under- Laws to Protect Workers. mann to that state to face a mur- l Extortion case was removed from der Indictment, v hen Bronx Su- ; trial calendar In Bronx County writers Finance Company; Bliss This remarkable radiophoto pictures preme Court justice denied their re- ' Court and Hauptmann arrested on Beatrice Kauffman, formerly his the scene. In Marseilles as the assas- on extradition warrant charging he By ASSOCI.ATED PRESS Waterbury, Oct. 11— (A P )—Miss quest for an immediate hearing on executive secretary; Thomas J. sin of King Alexander and Louis application of defense for writ of Is a fugitive from Justice from New International complications broke Helen Wood, assistant state labor Loveday, treasurer and assistant Barthou climbed to the running habeas corpus to prevent cxlradl Jersey. out today following the assassina- commissioner addressing delegates board of the royal car. One of the secretary of the company and Louia tion. tion of King Alexander of Yugo- A. Garand, a director of the com- to the 67th annual meeting of the occupants bos thrust out his arm During the few seconds between to push away the assailant who es- removal of the case from the Bronx slavia at Marseilles by Petrus Kale- pany, were Issued this morning by state conference of Congregational Supreme sus- The warrants were Issued at the “home work” distributed from fac- by sabres and trampled to death. Defenne counsel said he would be gitive warrant, he was technically pected accomplices and took from request of State's Attorney Hugh M tories to the workers is on the In- prepared to Introduce "six or seven free, although surrounded, by city them psLssports purporting to show Alcorn, who told Judge O'Sullivan crease In this state; that there Is no witnesses." Including prisoner's and New Jersey state police and de- they were of Austro-Itallan birth. that defalcations totaUlng approxt state or Federal law protecting the tectives. An anti-Italian riot broke out in wife. In effort to prove Hauptmann Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, and a mob mately 8250,000 bad occurred, that domestic worker In regrard to both Tillman and Miss Kauffman bad the length of the day's work or FOUR DIE, 8 HURT attempted to attack the Italian con- RICH SOCIETY WOMAN sulate but was beaten off by police. fled the country but that Loveday standard wages; that there is no The rioters bad attended a meeting and Garand were here. protection for the withholding of Two Arrested wages by the employer; and there IN TRAIN WRECK at which speakers told them previ- Following the Issuance of the wrar- la still In existence the 55 hour STATE WIDE CAUCUSES ous attempts against King Alexan- KIDMPED IN KENTUCKY rants Loveday and Garand were ar- week for women and the 28 hour der’s life had been financed and pre- rested in the ball of the county week for children. pared In Italy, and that the assas- building. Ball was set at $25,000 Her Suggestion sination at Marseilles probably was Eugineer and Fireman Are FILL PARTY TICKETS inspired- by the same source. for each of the four persons who are She suggested that the state aUeged to have mulcted the automo- Legislature, rather that waiting Wife of Louisville Oil Mas t AIR COMPETITION Another woman spectator, wound-

bile financing company of a quarter for Federal laws, should enact such Among Victims; Train ed during the assassipation Tues- of a million dollars. laws as would help In Improving the day, died at MarseiUes, bringing Bmlali; Beaton and Hen (;q I)£ pQR NATIONS . Loveday and Garand were held at situation, and she called upon the Alcorn Calls Morris ^Titcher BOY CROWN PRINCE the death total to five. the county building while they made delegates as citizens to help by the Leaves Rails. The widowed Queen Marie of efforts to raise the ball. election of the proper state and Abducted Held for Yugoslavia arrived in Paris under

They had not yet made arrange- Federal officera, In remedying these Catcher and Umpire” of heavy secrecy, to join her son the PROCLAIMED KIND ments for counsel. Neither wa8 pre. conditions. Rev. Oscar Maurer of new King Peter II, to whom the $50,000 Ransom. Guttenberg, Iowa, Oct. ll.---(A P) ’ aented in court When arrested New Haven ^presented the annual Speaker TeUs Laborites the the Milk Control Board in Parliament of Yugoslavia, sitting they were at the county building general treasurer's report and fur- — Four persons were killed and as a National Assembly, swore an

for the purpose of listening to the ther presented recommendations eight seriously Injured when a Mil- oath of allegiance. report of Temporary Receiver Henry which were afterwards approved by Louisville, Ky., Oct. 11.— (A P )-^ Whole World Most Join to Scene of Sadness in Parlia- The body of Louis Barthou, slain waukee passenger train left the Speech. H. Hunt who appeared Judge the conference. Including the apon- foreign minister of France, waa laid before The law's every agency today hunt- rails near here thla morning and' sorlng by Congregational churches in state in the f-

day culminated an Investigation in that the budget has toen stead- ed him if he succeeded in making Establishment of an international man, of Dubuque. filled today as a result of conven- TERRORISTS ARRESTED into the affairs of the company by ily decreasing over the past few contact. Federal Officials all night The wrecked train, a local from (CopyriKlit. 1334 by Associated Press) code of fair competition Is neces- studied the little evidence they had tions and caucus held throughout Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct. 11— Paris, Oct. 11.— Two suspected County Detective Edward J. Hickey years and that several of the Con- sary to bring about world industrial Savanna, i.11., to Lacrosse, Wia., in- of the. kidnaping of Mrs. Alice Stoll, Connecticut. Terrorists, arrested today as accom- whose probe was Initiated by the necticut churches have In no way cluded among the 25 passengers in (A P) — The Boy Crown Prince 26-year-old Bryn Mawr graduate. recovery. Dr. Harold B. Butler of Republicans In state-wide caucuses plices of Petrus Kalcmen, assassin company being petitioned Into re- offered assistance to the state or- Its single coach several school chil- Peter was proclaimed King of Yugo- ceivership last week and the revela- ganization. Junior League member and wife of Geneva, director of the Internation- dren who boarded the train at Tur- held last night choose their nomi- ot King Alexander of Yugoslavia slavia today by )x>th Houses of tions which followed when Judge Rev. Oliver Huckel of Greenwich Berry V. Stoll, a leading Louisville al Labor Office, told the American key River shortly before the acci- nees for state representatives with and Louis Barthou, foreign minister Hunt took over the organizations oU man. Federation of Labor convention dent. the balloting resulting in many Parliament sitting as a National of France, were found to be carry- affairs . (Continued on Page Six) With stem Department of Jus- here today. Engine Explodes spirited contests. Assembly. ing passports Indicating they were

It w as learned today that the tice men directing their work city An effort is being made to set up Rounding a curve enroute to Gut- The Democrats completed their In a scene of sadness, and silence, ct Austro-Itallan origin.

story back of the missing president and county officers joined two state such a code by Increasing wages, tenberg, the train plunged from the list of Congressional nominees by broken only by the spoken pledges, France’s police, under nation-wide

and former executive secretary is police forces In searching out of reducing hours and improving work- creek trestle into the stream bed. nominating Major James A. Shanley the members sitting as a National lire because of the assassinations,

one- of a man who was building up a BANKS OF NATION this area, hoping to trap the man ing conditions throughout the The engine exploded and the cab of N ew Haven for the Third Dis- Assembly took tbe oaths to make questioned their suspects through- huge personal fortune through the and bis victim. world. Dr. Butler said. The 1. L. O., and tender were tom from the boil- trict seat held by Representative the 11-year-old son of the slain out the day in an effort to solve the diverson of funds from the Under- But splotches * f blood, the cul- to which 45 countries including the er as It struck the water. A mail Francis T. Maloney, now the Demo- Alexander, King Peter the Second. mystery of the double killing that writer’s Finance . Company into tured wording of the threatening United States belong. Is sponsoring dispatching car and the passenger cratic nominee for United States Eacb member took the oath In- to shaking the diplomatic founda- about ten other finance companies BACK U. S. CREDIT ransom note and the fallible mem- the move. , coach were both derailed and over- Senator. dividually to support ■ the King’s tions of Europe.

in which he was personally Inter- ory of an almost hysterical maid, Through its N R A program the turned. M ajor Shanley, a member of the Constitution and the law of tbe Rumors spread that the govern- were all the sleuths had to go on In the excitement the less seri- ested, or which he established with United States already has brought staff of Governor Wilbur L. Cross, land. ment of Premier Gaston Doumergue for hours after the kidnaping, ously hurt crawled from the man- money belonging to Underwriters. into wide effect the 40-hoiir week, will have os his Republican oppo- A solemn scene w as presented by might resign In order to reorganize. The victim was seized in her home gled cars and began rescue work. , I t s C a sh Position which the I. L. O. hopes to have uni- nent, Joseph F. Morrissey. as the pale, nervous Prince Paul, The feeling of the French people Judge Hunt's report today show- More Than Half of Increase on Umer Kiln Lane, in the fashion- Aid was summoned from Gutten- verslally adopted. The Democratic nominee wa.s was ruuning high, not only because ed the cash position of the Under- able but remote Upper River road berg, and nearby farms. Describing the N R A as “a great beaten four years' ago by Colonel (Continued on Page Eight) Cl tbe assassinations but because of writers company to be about $75,- section of laOuiaviUe, eight miles concerted effort to readjukt the m Debt Has Been Absorb- John Q. TUson, Republican, who rep- previous alleged shortcomings of 000. He stated that TlUman bad from the city proper. The kidnaper economic life of the American peo- resented the district In Congress for police work. diverted about $300,000 Into per- came about 3 o’clock Wednesday ple to the new conditions of post many years. Two years ago Shan, The two arrested suspects Mid sonal channels during the past two ed by Banks. afternoon, saying he had come to re- war age," Dr. Butler stated: SCENES OF HORROR ley stepped aside In favor of Rep. CLAIM DIVIDENDS they were Wiadislav Benea and years. Of this amount it appears pair the telephone. “You are tackling the funda- resentative Maloney. that $100,000 Is definitely recover- * Admitted by Friend. mental problem of our age boldly Yaroslav Novack. The psssporta Several nominees for State Sena- able and there la a possibility that Ann Woolet, 24-year-old maid, and directly. But every nation has they carried were Czechoslovakian Washington, Oct. 11.— (AP) tor were also chosen last night, there may be additional recoveries. whose husband is a caretaker on the to solve the same problem. Its set- IN SPANISH W SERVED AS BAIT and showed Benea to have been born Federal Reserve board figures while Republicans, Democrats and Judge Hunt said. Stoll estate, admitted him. She said ting may vary with local condi- at Zara, Italy, In 1903, and Novack showed today that the Nation’s Socialists pressed their campaigns at Goritza, Italy, in 1900. Both of While It is difficult to ascertain be “looked and acted like a fiend.” tions, but X X X In the last analysis banks are supporting the govem- with speeches in various parts of the exact amount of cash which H e “fooled around with the wires,” it is a X X X world program. Ihese places then were Austrian ter» ment credit to an extent unparal- the state. ritory. Tillman took with him in hls flight she said, and then ripped away the ' Fair Competition Reporter Describes What He leled even during the period of Cross In N ew London Government Experts Read Judge Hunt estimated it at about connection. Mrs. Stoll, who had “It involves the whole question Caoght At Border World War borrowing. The Democrats concentrated their $25,000. The receiver said that of trade between nations, of fair They were arrested at Tbonon on More than half of the four billion (Continued on Page Six) Saw On the Varioos Bat- big political guns in New London the border of Switzerland shortly competition between naUoiut x x x. from Insnll Letters; Used (Continued oa Page Eight) Increase In government debt during where Governor Wilbur L. Cross, 8 (•Iter a third suspect, Sylvester the last 12 months was absorbed by “It involves not only an effort by eacb nation to attain In new econo- seeking re-election termed the cam- Chalny, bad escap^ from police the banking structure, the compila- tlefields; Hundreds Killed. paign of his Republican opponent, to Boost Up Sales. hands at Fontainebleau, (jbalny waa tion disclosed. In the preceding mic balance internally, but also a IdeDtlfled by a passport which he year the picture was different. In PRICES OF FISH cooperative effort between nations (Oontinoed on Page Eight) dropped, a passport which, like that FIVE MEET DEATH that 12 months the debt increased to set the world’s economic bouse in order. Madrid, Oct. 11.— (A P )— Scenes $3,000,000,000 and of these securi' Chicago, Oct. 11.— ( A P ) — A divi- of Kalemen, was purported to liave ‘There Is no short cut to Interna- ties only about one-third went to the DUE FOR UPTURN of horror In the isolated province of dend they claim was paid as bait for been issued by the Czecnoslovaklan banks. tional recovery, x x x The world as Asturias, now the center of a red investors was described by prosecu- Cionsulate at Zagreb. From (Chalny, INHALIFAX BLAST a whole is better off than it was CLERGYMEN TERM tors today to the jury t r^ n g Sam- before he escaped. In a fusillade ot Statistics of the Federal Deposit revolt which has raged for a week, 18 months ago.. But a great deal uel InsuII, Sr., and 16 associates for police bullets, was taken an auto- Insurance Corporation indicated that were described today in a message bank holdings of government securi- of reconstruction remains to b« mail fraud. matic pistol clip of the same type done before the retuiii of prosperity from a Spanish correspondent ac- ties— including those of the reserve Ranks of Striking Sailors In From tbe government sheaf of .os Kalemen us.ed in his sub-machiner Is achieved. It can only to worked com panjing government troops. WAR UNCHRISTIAN Woman and Poor Children bonks— amount to cme-half the debt Inaull correspondence, Leslie E. Sal- gun. out on democratic lines.” of approximately $27,000,000,000. The army encountered instances ter, special assistant attorney gen- The t'wo prisoners’ passports show- . creased as Vessels Reach Along PMuxifol Lines The figure Is accurate for 90 per where <3ivil Guards had been slain eral, lead one quoting Martin J. ed that they had been issued In Killed; BeUeve Two More Although the aim of the I. L. O. cent of the commercial bonks, and by overpowering forces, the c b ffi- Iheull, Samuers brother, as saying 'Triesta. 73 percent of mutual savings Instl is the removal of conditions of labor spondent reported. Episcopafians Urge a Special that without the dividend It would Part of Gang Port m Boston. “Involving injustice, hardship and tutlous, but represent! private esti- More than 1,000 armed retols at- be impossible to sell stock which The police said they believed Kalb- Bodies Are m Ruins. priv^lon to large numbera of peo- tacked the Civil Guard at Campom' InsuII's Corporation Securities Com- mates for the remainder. The re- men and the suspects were part o f a ple” and the removal of competi- ones and 15 guards from Leon who Board to Have All Chhreh- pany of Chicago was about to issue. serve banks hold approximately $4.- Boston, Oct. 11— (A P ) — Fish huge Terrorists gang determined to 230,000,000. tive advantage from those who attempted to relieve the post were The Insull family was split on Halifax, N . S., Oct. 11.— ( A P ) — prices were on tbo upturn today kill not only King Alexander but Comparison Made “fail to adopt humane conditions of killed. The Civil Guard quarters the question, the letter Indicated. l ^ e Ixxlles of one woman and four and a shortage appeared possible as labor,” Dr. Butler said the objective es Job Movement. Samuel Insull. it said, preferred not high military officials of France as A comparison of the present situ- were literally tom to pieces by bul Gdiildren were recovered today In crews of vessels arriving at the fish to pay a dividend so early In the wel.'. They said the two men they ation with that existing in 1918 the amouldering ruins of a &ree- pier continued to join the strike of company’s history. But Martin, held were to have remained in Paris 'shows that holdings of governments (Oontinoed on Page Six) (Oontinned on Page Six) atory building, wrecked by a mys- Boston fishermen and allied work- Atlantic aty , N. X, Oct. 11. — to make the second attempt at the by reserve member banks today according to a letter to H. L. terious explosion. ers. (A P )—A resolution calHng war Stuart, president of the banking King's life if Kalemen failed at amount to more than 90 percent-of The victims were Mrs. Robert Union officials claimed well over “Unchristian," and pledging the house of Halsey Stuart and Com- Marseilles. deposita, whereas In 1918, they were Crouse, her two children, Kathleen 3,000 men on strike, while the em- Episcopal church to unrelenting op- pany, thought it imperative. Benes, under a French police grill- less than 15 per cent. and Joseph, and Sonny, 6, and Pe- ployers set the number at not more position to the “w ar system," was “■to sum up Mr. Martin InsuII’s ing. told -his questioners that bis Even In 1910, when banks were ter, 1, children of Mr. and Mrs. than 1,000. The strike was called Secret Religious Cult placed before the House of Deputies Ideas,” said the letter, which bore i'iend Novack was really Nikomir forced to absorb large amounts of . D a n ie l Dudae. Monday but many vessels were out at the 51st triennial convention of the Initials of C. T. MacNcllle of Nalls, whom police had lieen seeking securities bought for the partial pay- , A search was continued fo r Mrs. on the fishing banks at that time the Protestant Episcopal Church In the Corporation Securities Com- ae a Terrorist agitator ever since ment accounts of customerji, hold- Dudas and an imidentified man be- and the first day or two of the Is Probed by the Police the United States, today. pany. “ he does not think we can get ings were less than one-fourth of Belgian authorities, two weeks ago, lieved trapped when the wooden movement failed to produce any Presented by the Rev. Elmore D the distribution we want without depoalts. told them he waa oa French aoU and structure collapsed this morning great number of strikers. McKee, of Buffalo, the resolution is paying a dividend on the common intending to assassinate Alexander. and burst Into flames. The part played by banka in Strike Ranks Swelled Los Angeles, Oct. 11— (AP) — A<^diately started an Investigation, one which w as adopted by diocese of government financing has been 11' stock.” ^ , But they were none too sure of Blown Acroas Street Yesterday however, twenty-one The stories of human sacrifice were Western N ew York at Its diocesan Stuart, according to a telegram luatrated further In the current con- secret Mexican rellglouB cult whose this Identification, for Sylvester Tw o other occupants escaped. vessels arrived at the pier with brought to him by policemen of convention. It cells for the appoint- also put Into evidence, had advised version of the 4th Liberty bonds leaders reportedly advocate human Chalny, in bis escape at Fontaine- Robert Crouse,, who was asleep in a nearly 700,000 poxmda of fish and Culver City, a Los Angeles suburb. ment of a special commission of the leaders of the new company to Into 8's. Nearly $600,00,000 had bleau, dropped another passport room on the second floor, said the the striking,ranks were swelled. At sacrifice la under Investlgqtlon by The Jurist refused to make public four presbyters and four laymen to w ait untU It had “a history." Mc- been offtred for an ioinie of four I'caring tbe name Sylvester Nalls. It exploelon blew him acroas the a meeting later In the day, it was authorities today. details of their stories. “explore the field of inter-church Nellle’B letter said “Junior,” Samuel year 3H per cent notea, now closed, appeared to be possible that the real streeL He offered no explanation of voted that the flahermen would They want to team whether tbev He said a thorough investigation co-operation In the cause of peace InsuU’s son, reported that bis father and Treasury officials said this rep- Nails was neither one of these men. the blast when taken to a hospital. henceforth aid in unloading their cult rites have ever claimed any would to made to determine with the hope that a North Ameri- also preferred to wait. resented largely bank holdings. Chalny’s passport showed ha waa Edna Dudas, 7, slater of two of catches. The action w as taken, an human victims. whether either children or adults can conference of churches or a Salter continued the government’s bom at Karlovacb, a Croatian city. the victims, apparently climbed official announcement said, "be- The leader of the virtually un- bad been sacrifices to the beliefs of world conference of churches i fUe of inside Insull mail today with from the debris b ^ o re : the flames' ;^ A 8 U R Y BAI.ANCE cause the dealers are securing non- New King Guarded known group, who obtained hls the cult war and peace might result.’’ a series of telegrams and letters ■prsad, Bhe was only aligbtly In- union men to do this w ork." The While tbe police InveaUgatlob title of “mlqister" solely because of Health officers found It necessary The resolution was placed on the concerning attempts to keep stock jured. Washington, Oct 11.— (A P )— The decision also w as brought about by went on, France prepared to bury hls “religious Inspiration’’ was to use force to get seven-year-old calendar for early action. at high market quotations while niw The axploalon rocked the north position of the Treasuagr October 8 on, agreement by which fishermen questioned but relea!^. Officers de- Dolores and four-jrear-old Teresa A second resolution, offered by selling campaigns were under way. her beloved atatesman, Barthou, end o f the city, awakening r o - was: Receipts, $30,621,747.53; ex- must aid In unloading their catches. illned to disclose hls name. Marquez away from their hoihe to the Rev. Dr. Howard Chandler Rob- Market Protectod even aa she guarded zealously tha dents, who were reminded of the penditures, $35,720,110.84; balance, If they would receive their full safety of the new king of Yugosla- Illness of two- children of a de- the GenerM hospital. Their mother bins of N ew York, would give con- In one, the Corporation Securities great Halifax explosion of 1617 $2,114,229,875.21; customs receipts share o f the profits of the catch. ceased cult leader and their moth- Insisted the cult “minister’’ would scientious objectors of any church Company agreed- to,‘ “protect the via, 11-year-oId Peter, and hls moth- which claimed 1,636 lives. E lam ite for the month, $10,033,152.27. A moderate advance in prices, er’s jamost frantic. belief the mys- cure them. the states of Quakers In time of war. market” on eecuritiea already out er, the widowed Queen Marie. Ma> . stored in the cellar was believed to Receipts for the flscxl year (since noted yesterday probably waa due teriouB rites of the sect would cure Both little girls were suffering Petition to Oong reaa while another Inaull company, the dome Lebrim, tbe wife of the Presi- have caused the blast. July 1), $1,085,99S,748A6; expendi- to the fact that the fish moved thblr tuberculosis, led to the dis- from advanced stages of tuberculo- A petition to Congress, under thla Utility Securities Company, was sell- dent of Prance, offered herself aa Flames shot 100 feet into the air tures, $1,725,234,487.72 (Including Blower than normally. covery of the group. Their father, sis. resolution, would be presented by a ing 1,250,000 shares of common pledge of Queen Marie’s safety fo r,:. and then the building collapsed. $984,254,022^1 of emergency ex- Boston’s loss was GIpucester’s Trinidad Marques, died last year of Dolores told officers about the special Episcopal committee, “for stock In "corp.” disguised with a heavy veil, aba Firemen battled flamee for three penditures); excess of expenditures, gain for many vessels were being the same disease. cult, explaining Its members believ- Bucb legislation as may be necessary An officer of Utility Securities rode through tbe atreeta of Paris m houre before rescue operations $039,240,888.76; gold asaeU, $7,984,- diverted to Gloucester and. smaller , Superior Judge Samuel R. Blacke, ed In curing sicknesa by prayer and could be undertaken. 2S5A09JL ports for unloading. In charge o f Juvenile eases, Imme- not by msdicins. f ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CUNN.. THUKSUAX, ^FU fiC K 11, IBM. - ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. OCTOfiER 11,19SL PAGE THKEei part in the various aetlvitle* to be outfit went to the boy and giri who offered by the Women’* division Kaight asuda A. MUla, WalUr R. for th* ensuing year. All members American Legion Auxiliary were in- keeping It soft, and apraytag th* WOMAN D IR EaO R Wednesday afternoon and evening SNEAKTHIEFSACTS ' ‘Murder Tree*on Union WhS) the Kallner, and WtUiam R. Dowding. Sr* lurged to be on..band. A social stalled last evening- in the G. A. R. NO COLUMBUS DAY ship foundered one young woman trees, a large grower said loot evs- baa been’reserved as befpre, for DEMOCRATS HERE Finds Pachaug Forest Firat Selectman Prichard, chair- hour will follow the meeting. hall with District President Mar- DAMAGED PEACH nlng. those ’ inferested in Bowling. Al- araa caught with her ^ jn curl ROCKVILLE man of the Republican toam com- Attending Conference guerite Hecky Of South Coventry ATTISNAMED ready a large'group has , signed up POINT TO KAMINSKI papsrs and her face well bandaged mittee and candidate for State Sen- Rev. Henry B; Olmstead, rector aa tbe instaillng officer. The cost o f' this work would be Street Being Removed with wrinkle tape. ator from the SStb Senatorial Dla- such that It was too much of a to meet next Wednesday'at 2:16 p OBSERVANCE HERE Ideal For CCC Work of St. John’! Epiicopal church left, The officers Installed wore as fol- chance if another cold weaUter aca- m. AH ladles who were members of The decorations and games wars PLAN NO RALLIES trict, addreaaed the meeting briefly, for Atlantic City yesterday to at- lows; President, Mrs.. Olive Leroux: TREES CUT DOWN nautical for tbs most p ^ . a series son comes and the tree* ar* ogats that group last year and any others One of the largest oak trees inwbaving been sawed close to endorsing the< state ticket. There tend the general conference of the first vlce.-prealdent, Mrs. Oscar Pqil- interested are asked to be on hand the of impromptu plsjm created hillar- ELUOTT AND SCHMIDT w-ere also a few words by both can- Episcopal church. He la accom- llps; second vice-president, Mrs. lost. If it happened that there ««a Miss U o rt Hibbard In Soiftb Windsor Area Is| town which has stood for years just ground when the final part was IJy, as each one of the four groups A Herald reporter made a vlsK The quota as in many of theae a good year the price, he said, that at that hour. tAk€i>. down* Most Italian Societies To to Camp Lonergan recently, the camps la exceeded just a t present. didates. panied by Mrs. Olmstead and will Lewl^ Chapman; chaplain. Mrs. R. Club and Graft work is being southwest of 39 Union street, has In which the company waa divided Job F. Lberick Says No The meeting adjourned at 8:46 p. remain In Atlantic City until Mon- J. Ackerman; historian. Mrs. Anna Growers Spray Some of would be paid for peaches would be Under this tree about 16 years tried to outdo th* other. Another CCC camp in the Pachau*' forest in I There are 254 boys, some of them NAMED BY REPUBUCANS so low that the loss of work and planned for the girl members. Searched as Reports of been cut down and is being split the Boutheostem part of the state apparently In their early teens at m. ^ te r empowering tbe toivn com- day. The services Sunday In St. Mae Plunder; sergeant-at-arm.*), Charge of Adhrities for Hours for these meetings will be ago a murder was committed. The Take Part in Parade m feaiiture which caused no end of ftm m i t s to fill vacancies. John’s church in Rockville will be Mrs. Augusta Pitkat; secretary, time waa not worth the chance. Into stove length*. The work took murderer then kUlad hlnoself. Slay was tbs use made of the early Effort Will Be Made to in Voluntown. This forest was pur- : tbe camp. Just two are there froin Trees Showing Life, Hop- announced shortly. There have been three days before the tree was fell-1 er and victim were found lying on Manchester. They have the Herald Much local interest ia being shoivn In charge of N.*R. Ashworth of, Mrs. Anna Trlnks; treasurer, Mr*. Women Members. a great many Inquiries about' danc- Burglar Persist. photographs or "passport pictures" chased by the state about five years Will Represent Vernon District in the Republican caucus to be” held Hartford. / Eileen Flaherty. ed, as.. tte*1,* branches------had------grown out- I g^und under the big tree when Hartford Tomorrow. which were projected upon a screen ago. It was believed to be part of i and keep in touch with what ia go- ing and it is expected that . these over the top of -the house and it was the police arrived. Bring Candidates. the early buxting grounds of. the ! lag on here. One boy we found In in General Assembly If in Ellington tonight with Carl A. Health Talk Addresses D. A. R. ing for Mild Winter. classes will begin bn. November 1st. necessary to uge much care Ih cut- and the gathering guessed their Goehring as the favored candidate Dr. C. B. Norton of the Cotincc- Mrs. Charles H. Allen delivered NOtV I EAT The bouse where the trssi stood Idsntity. Sandwiches, cake and Narraganaett Indians. The regioii I the hospital, which has a capacity Elected on November 6. over A. H. Hobro, present Incum- Miss Lsera Hibbard, has recently All club and craft work, with other Frequent reports received by ting away the limbs so as not to was one of those that was erected his long been a haven for fishermen ' of six beds. He was temporarily tiCUt State Department of Health an interesting talk on the topic regular activities of the "Y" will be All ttaUan societies in Manches- sweet eider was served by the com- bent, who seeks renomination. El- delivered an interoating address "Oriental Gardens” at the meeting CABBAGE been appointed director of the J)eputy Abeiiff C. Vinton BenJ&min damage the bouse. The work was in the days when the Union Ifanu- wlttae, and they received many AlUxragh the Republicans a n beoauae of the excellent trout out ot commission by too strenuous ■The cold weather of the past win- No Upset Stuiuacli for members, except dancing-^-that done by an out of town contractor ter are to participate in the parade brooks. It is reached by Route 138 football practice. ° lington has a split in tbe Republi- last evening at the meeting .of the of Sabra Trumbull Chapter, Daugh- Xanchester Y. M. C. A. Uiss Hlb-1 will be open to non-members. With of South Windsor front farmers liv- facturing Company was Manches- compliments for the success of the bringing tbe gubernatorial candi- RockvlUe, Oct. 11—The anticipat- can ranks at this time. ters of the American Revolution, ter that caused so much damage to rhanks to Bell-aas and it coat the owner of the tree ter’s largest mill and employed and celebration in Hartford tomor- party. from Jewett City. The boys look healthy and happy ed extended caucus of the Republi- Vernon pBU-ent'-teachers Association bard is well known here and has; Increased activities for the girls. It ing In the vicinity, ' that evidence 3166. This sum does not Include date into Manchester to address the as a result of their outdoor exer- The state election as far aa the, in Vernon. Dr. Horton took for his which was held yesterday afternoon peach trees that there was no crop the membership more people than any other'indus- row in observance of Columbus It is a particularly fertlld field can party for the naming of can- many friends who will be glad to Is expected that pointed to a man having slept in the removal of the roots, the tree try in town. ' ■ voters' a t wkarpromises to be a big for CCC forestry opeiatlona. ■ The cise In tbe woods. We happened to tpwh of Vernon and city of Rock- topic "Mental Hygiene and the at Maxwell Court, the home of Col. marketed, has resulted in many learn that ah* had been selected to will grow. their bams or attempting to Break Day. These organisations include i arrive near mess time and each boy didates for the Genera] Assembly ville arc concerned Is an uncertain- Schools"’ and told of the work being and Mrs. KranCls T. Maxwell on Qulclnr RilW tocanM It D lllO LV Ita la Mi.ss Hibbard, is planning to In- the Soiu of Italy, the DaughUrs of laUy at Cenur Park Saturday sftar- tree growth bad been cut again and peach orchard.s being cut down and w«t*r, ruchet tomach rasdr to act. lor* nil this Important place. She is a Into their garages, resulted yester- ALLEGED TRUCK THUGS 'again without regard to reproduc- I with his tin cup and deep oval Wednesday evening proved to be ty according to political leaders in done in schools hlong this line and North Park street. In. addition to tbe land put to some other u.sc. The RoUtif tiaco 1447 u 4 Trill I* ProoL J ib graduate of Connecticut State Col- struct several classes in the Adult day In the sheriff notifying the Italy, the Junior Sons of Italy and n.M>n,. the Democrats of this town : metal dish filed ih to the mess hail both the Republican and Democra- the possibilities in the future. Fol- the talk by Mrs. Allen there were Leisure Time School to be opened at tiooa that tha entire battle "wu tt* Socistor Magliano- Sabina. The are fitting suplfiely by mid making tion of favorable peciee, and the much shorter than expected. piano selections by Miss Herthu only way the trees could be saved .so lege and has studied at Teachers' state police to search the terrain In only politic*” were freely tossed soil had been depleted by repeated in military fashion. The noain dish Two ballots, one iifformal and tic ranks. Normally the community lowing the meeting Dr. Horton ns to prtxluco fruit next year, was CoUeg* at Columbia University. She the "Y" on Oct. ,22nd. Abnong the the Barber Hill section to determine Junior Sons drill teiun will occupy ARRAIGNED IN COURT r.o effort to whi.n up Intereet in the has been Republics and tbe G. O. smswered questions. Boyer of Stafford Springs. B el l -ans^^ COLUMBUS SOCIETY back and forth aa the debaU con- a prominent place in the line of Dcmocrat'c cause in this over- foreat fires. The preeeuce of pine was egg salad, or rather potato tbe other formal, proved all that to work the ground around the trees, FOR INDICeSTION received her B. 8, degree In 1930. subjects will be classes in '‘Making if Alexander Kaminski, fugitive tinued. and southern white cedar indicate salad with egg. Practically the were necessary to select Henry P leaders have hopes ot retaining May Improve Fountain Site Bine* graduating she has uught for Hooked Rugs," "Hejuvlhatlpn of Springfield killer, was lurking in the march during the parade. whelmingly Republican stronghold control at this year’s election. Harry C. Bates, acting prealdent The Christopher Columbus Socl- Its poaaibUitles when the soli Is whole regiment sat down at one Schmidt and James A. EHlIott for Po.ssibilitiea confronted the city three year* In Hartford schools. Dress" and “Individuality of Dress." locality. Bridgeport, Oct. 11;—(AP)_ According to John Limerick, gradually enriched, but its Immediate time at tables running tbe length the nominations. Three candidates Many feel that tho question local- officials late yesterday afternoon of Miss Hibbard is admirably fitted These oouraes will be free to mem- Comb the Area BANQUET P D A Y of the bricklayers, ebargsd th* •Ly will hold Its cslsbratlon Sunday Arrested in New York city Mveral honorary chairman of the Democra- ly la to hinge on tbe outcome of the "isck of leadership in th* dspart- at Keeney street. An account of tbte value is for fish and game purposes of the hall through the center, und were in the Held at the caucus but Improving the property In Central Overnight A, P. by training and experience to direct bers of the "Y.” It has been Sheriff Benjamin said today that days ago on charges of robbery with tic town committee, no ralUee have smaller tables at each aide. The popularity vote for either Governor Park about the old "Cogswell Foun- stressed that where ten or more msnt Is such as to miss doubt as to will b* found elsewhere in The Her- violence and kidnaping, three alleged and. for fuel wood. the prominent Republican leaders the activities for women and girls nt the posse combed the countryside whether the leader* ars thinvirn ud. been planned to tajie place in Man- An excellent' roadway has been meal over, they washed their uten- whose names were suggested as Cross or State’* Attonuiy Alcorn. tain.” This section is covered with the “Y.” She has been active In members request any activity that until darkness fell but that nothing thugs were arraigned befOrs Judge chester. Mr. Limerick sold that, sc Should the Democratic candidate, News more of furthering the interests of Special Dispeosation Iffit through the forest, and tbe sils and put them away for the next possible candidates would not allow tar at the present time and Is show- church and Olrl Scout work and Miss Hibbard will be willing to .see turned up positively coxmecting Osano to Cater at Sons of Allyn L. Brotvn in the criminal Su- far aa he knew, no effort bad b ^ summons to eat. Governor Cross, poll a strong vote ing signs of breaking up. that such activity la conducted. 8he the building trades department or of In recognition of Columbus Day forest commission has added picnic their names to stand. took part In athletics while In col- Kaminski with the depredations holding onto their jobs.” perior Court today and remanded to ’nade to bring the Democratic slatT ables and fireplaces In advantage- The boys are allowed occasional in Tolland County, it would un- „Wlth the completion of the aide- Hartford. Conn.—Pupils of the lege, having been the first girl at la In her office at the "Y" every af- committed during the past two Bishop Maurice 1. .’'cAuUffe, head jail in default of bonds of $25,000 candidates here. The caucus was called to order at doubtedly mean tbe election of Northeast Junior high school to VALUABLE Before the convention today is an- of the Roman Catholic Connecticut ous spot*. The Camp barracks are week-ends nt their homes. T he uni- 8 o’clock by First Selectman Fran- walks adjacent to Talcott'Park to- Storrs to receive her letter for ternoon and evening and would be week*. Italy Ciobhoase — Com each. locate in a naturally beautiful, high forms are not strictly demanded on State Senator Dr. Edwin R. Dithuck day, the FERX men could replace strike .for a new principal, shorter Archery. glad to have those Interested call j On* farmer la aald to have identl- otbA long list of resolutions, some dioceae, has granted a special dia- The three—Frank Paige, 25; Sam- cis J. Prichard, chairman of the Re- of Merrow. On the other hand school hours and no home work. • M 160 of which remain to be acted up- pensatlon permitting Italians and PYTHIAN PABAOE. location and'the grass plots sur- Sunday and quite a number of them pubtican toivn committee. the tar covering for a nominal cost. Oroups are being formed to take j and meet her. Sh* w-ill take an : fled a picture of Kamlnakl ae the uel Tomae, 20. and Joseph B. Russo, rounding them are edged with cob- appeared in civilian clothes. The should the territory again turn to- The only cost to the city of Rock- Holyoke, Mass.—Gordon Pcpplon, I PRIZES . ______I active part in the Financial Cam-1 youth who. aeveral day* ago, aeked mittee in Charge. on before the convention closet, ten- other Catholics to eat meat tomor- 28, all of New York—entered pleas Professor Philip M. Howe, prin- tatively set for Saturday. They row. HarUord, Oct. 11.—(AP)— Au- ble stones, flowers and evergreens. sheets and flat pieces are laundered cipal of the Rockville High school, ward the Republican side, tbe elec- ville would be the expense of the 21, of.Hartford, Conn., shot by. I p a i g n to be conducted next week, 1 permlaaion to dig potatoea on his of not guilty to the charges against thority was granted today by th* A tennis ground, ball nine, football outside by contract, but the boys at- tion of First Selectman Francis J. cement as the labor would be furn- bandits and dumped out of his ma- i OUA the women being well represented land. The farmer aald the youth Include eeveral on the recovery pro- There will be little observance of them. Thetr trial by jury was ten- was selected os permanent chair-> Prichard of Rockville, Republican gram, othera on compajy v nlona, in- the day in Manchester. The post state adjutant general to (Jompany field and other outdoor means of tend to their own laundry work in man and Arthur B. Hayward as ished by the FERA workers who chine in front of Holyoke hospllnl a I among the workers signed up to a>- had told him he waa unable to ob- Celebration of the 36th anniver- tatively set for a week from tomor- B, 169th Infantry to parade under recreation are supplemented by In- the washrooms. The barracks are candidate for S tate' Senator, would are on government pay. week ajgo, waa released, his wound.;; slnt In thla work. tain work and waa hungry. He as- sary of the Christopher Columbus dustrial or craft unlontsaUon. office and the public schools will row, October 19. clerk. be a certainty. healed. International Work. remain open as usual. Italian bar- arms in Middletown, October 16, In door basketball, billiard.'), and a comfortably, heated with wood-burn- The flrat nomination to be placed Alderman Kerwin Little, chair- people serted the youth took the potatoes society will take place on Sunday at It Is charged by the state that on connection with the exercise* of the spacious reading room for leisure ing stoves, and altogether they Tbe leaders also state that tbe man of the public works commit- n,e Sons of Italy clubhouse on iCee- Dr. Harold B; Butler, director-uf bers and cobblers have indicated was that of James A. Elliott, chair- Into the wood.1 to cook them. Warm the International Labor office at they )vlU close their shops. the night of August 16. in Westport, Knights of Pythias. hours. seemed to be a happy, carefree lot. man of tbe Board of Assessors, who popularity vote for the state ticket tee, conferred with Superintendent ST V -MIED 1 DISAPPEARANCE OF GIRL embers of a campfire which the po- r.ey street, opening with a banquet the trio held up a truck operated by will decide who will be the Rejire- of Public Works George B. Milne GlaMborp. N. J.—Harry Weiss, • ■ wanted j lice found gave rise to the auppoal- at 1 o'clock In the afternoon at Geneva, will tell the delegatee of tho The Savings Bank am’ the Trust Carl Carlson of Worcester, Mass., waa nominated by Roger J. Murphy. sentatives in the General Assembly am I work O'.’ his organization which rep- Company will not be open and the The United States Volunteer Life. Henry Schmidt was renominated and First Selectman Francis J. 22, of Phiaidclphia. sought by police | -^CO NTEST which 160 members of the society and drove off with the truck. Saving Corps was formed in 1870. many places, caused by unsettled from this community. The Demo- Prichard, local FERA administra- after they had found a 1.^6-gallqn ; ToFAT Reduco by Quick, New resents 45 countries including the Parochial and Trade schools will for Representative by James R. crats have made a play for • the REMAINS DEEP MYSTERY fh."wS^da':‘’'"‘°“* are expected to be present. Urbano United States. close. AUTOMOBILE DRIVING Industrial conditions and tbe usual Quiim. Mr. Schmidt furnished tor. yesterday afternoon on this still on the farm where b worked, I JAD Method For 2ff a Day I Hunters* Report Osano, popular and widely known seasonal fluctuation. printed ballots, bearli\g his name Labor vote in naming William J. project and visited the site. hid. Federal agents found him not , r, , * # , r-t J hunters who had their dogs Francis J. Gorman, of the United The local Sons of Italy Jolnsd the Dunlap and James Dick but to elect In the barn, but between two pigs i S o w i f jffvu a r« fa t yo u can oat yo u r local chef, will cater. Textile Workers, still rankled over national organlxatlon 'i 1919 with to- Representative. The name of Meat on Krloay f ill a n 4 y*t g ro w t h ln " ~ b y t h e ne w Department of Justice Finds!out for an airing prior to the hunt- During foe afternoon, games ana UCENSES INCREASED both candidates they must have con- In a sty. [ the remarks made Tuesday by Dan- 60 members. Today there are 186 Roland B. Usher was placed by siderable Republican support. In celebration of “Columbus Day” J l ^ M athod o f radu.elng- Ind e e d you No Clue aa (O Dorothy Dislel-! sea.-ion which opens October 20. cards will be enjo>ed and the pro- iel J. Tobin, head of the Teamsters’ members and the erd-r is consider- William Stengle. on Friday, all Catholics have been c a n toaa a t m uch an aeven f u ll pounda ^lam will also Include a bocce tour- Textile Workers Bally t h a flra t w e e k and lo o k pounda llrK t* hursfs Whereabouts._____ i they neared ‘S' ^iwamp off Barber Hill Union concerning the aimission of ed one of the moat active and flour- Recreation'(''enter Upon motion for a vote by ballot, granted dispensation to cat meat on To re lie v e • r fro m the v e ry flra t d ay. ney and tug-of-war Starting at 4 "rubbtsh" into labo** ranks, an- ishing In Manchester. The first Indicates Improved Economical the following tellers were appoint- A campaign to secure votes for Friday. Thla is a special order re- Ju a t t a k a a Il t t la ne w Cond enaad Nashville, Oct. ii._ (A P )— The o'clock, the Columbus orchestra will rounced he will again endeavor to prealdent was E. Paganl, while Conditions. Commissioner Items of Interest ed: Joseph Prichard, Albert S. Mc- the two labor candidates on the ceived by the pastors of St. Bern- Eczema Ja d fla lt a In a gla a a o f w a t e r before furnish music for dancing. Sand- b ra a k f a t t a n d m a k e t w o a m a ll disappearance of Dorothy Ann Dls- defgrow“ tmd i5^* * get those remarks taken from the Frank Scudleri heads the organiza- Connor Asserts. Lain, Orlando R. Ransom, and Democratic ticket for the General ard’s and St. Joseph’s 'Catholic ch a ng e a in y o u r die t aa e x p U tn e d In wiches and other refresuments will conven’lon records. tion at present. George B. Milne. Asembly Is now in progress. Rallies churches from Most Rev. Bishop Itchin*^ the fo ld e r th a t cornea w it h the C o n - tery t*c^a^"\“ t rer'jH^^ry refus^^^ tow!;°m.UinTuncrer3sh^''’i be served. He tried twice yesterday but Son* of Italy Alms Thursday. The foUoivlng Is the result of the are to be held by the members of Maurice F. MacAuliffe. and ^ive skin comfort d e n ie d Ja d ira lt a p a c k a g e . Now . t ry Bus service will be provided from failed, because Tobin was not pres- The purpose of the Sons of Italy An Interesting study of economic flret ballot which was Informal: Rockville Local No. 2012, the first Hospital Report ^ nurses use - t h la q u ic k , e a ay w a y o f t a k in g oft fat ‘o re^tore^m ^tLm* I Part of hla^Iunch L d be^n'take“n 10 o’clock to 11 o’clock from Oak la three-fold. It is a benefit society. Men’s boxing, 7 to 8; aivlmmlng Henry Schmidt, 106; James A. of which will be held In the Toivn Y O U ’L L S A Y i r S W O .V D E R F L'L . 80- .jo restored to them. from him recently. ent. President Green told the con- conditions In Connecticut is afford- classes for women, 7 to 7:45, ad- The report of the Rockville City KEITH'S D a y S u p p ly coa ts o n ly 60e a t a ll d ru g - It was three weeks ago yesterday Skinner' Informed the police that itrcet for membe-s and friends who vention there was room in the Fed- It cares for Orphaned Italian chil- ed by the report of operators’ exam|. vanced; 7:45 to 8:30, life saving; Elliott, 57: Roland B, Usher, 58; Hall Saturday afternoon at 2:30 hospital for the month of Septem- Resinol late. B e m a m b a r-* Cond ana e d Ja d Dorothy Ann went off to kindergar- a man with a gun came out of the ueslre tran.apor^tlon. Friend* are eration for "every man ana woman dren and it seeks to Instill In tha nations throughout tbe state, re- 8:30 to 9:15, private. Mrs. A. Heck, 1; total votes cast, o’clock. • ber has just been announced by Miss Sa l U la u rg e d aa a p o la o n -b a n lt h ln g ten like any little iflrl of six, wear- welcome to attend the dance In the who works for wages and we ex- minds of the members the princi- 217. The speaker on this occasion will Annie Hatheway Smith, superin- a g a n t—-t o e lim in a t e bo dy m o istu re wood* and, after taking three sand- leased today b}’ Commissioner of Friday. a n d u n h e a lt h y b*o a tln g-~n o t aa a r e ing a blue and white dress and car- wiches out of a lunch box, ran back afternoon. tend a hearty welcome.” ples of Americanization. Motor Vehicles Michael A. Connor. Tbe result of tbe formal vote was be John Dowe of Klllingly. candi- tendent. d u cin g . S p e c ia l ag*»nt W e ld o n D ru g The committee in charge of the Members are assessed on the 3:30 to 4:16, girls' swimming as follows: Henry Schmidt, 103: date for Congress In the Second The report is as follows :number ring her books* and lunch box. But Into the woods and disappeared. Tbe study covers the nine month class; 4:16 to 3, jimior life saving; -— — ------Co. ■slie never returned Somewhere on anniversary consists, of Jolin Rota, | basis of a per capita tax and the period from January to September, James A. Elliott, 78; Roland B. Congressional District, opposing of patients In hospital on Septem- Potato Digging . money is put into a- general fund 7 to 9, plunge periods for women. Usher, 63; total votes cost, 244. Congressman William L. Higgins, ber 1, 12; number admitted during her way home thut afternoon she Sheriff Benjamin said the potato John Corna John Plano, Amerigo ! Inclusive. More examinations were Frank Romsmo and his band will vanished. No clue to what happened Agostlnelll, Salvatore DePumpo.! which is .used entirely to care for Upon motion of . Sherwood C. Incumbent. month, 22; number of out patients, <>lBglng aea.son In South Windsor is GOULD’S POND JOB orphaned children under 15 years given during the three-quarter furnish the music for dancing to- QOliarf yt)u com o^orJ k) goaji jumiiurs to her has been found and no trace Joseph Monti, Pietro Cordera, Pietro I period of this year than during the Cummings the two highest, Henry The rally Is expected to be a big 13; total number of patients, 47. at Its peak ’•Ight now and that the of age. At the present time each morrow night. Schmidt and James A. Elliott were boom for William J. Dunlap and The cases were clasailled as fol- of the books or lunch box hn.s been mysterious stranger reported to L'lbanettl. Emlnlo Ventresca, Pas- ! entire twelve months of 1933 or Sattirday. lUPHERE d scovered. quale Onello, Ola.-andro Lupachlnl i child is allotted the sum of $10 declared elected by acclamation. James Dick, the Democratic candi- lows: discharged, 39'; number of x- have been seen at frequent interv-Hls monthly for his or her maintenance. 1932. A large percentage of tho ap- The boys’ swimming class will The following Justices of Peace dates, who will address the meet- raya taken, 17; number of acci- f o t ix p e t f t Agents of the United States De- might -have been a person looking ■Old Luigi DeSimone. ' AN EXCELENT ONE Good Italians Good American* plicants were previous holders of a meet as follows: 9:30 to 10:16, partment ot Justice are In control of were named; Lebbeus F. BIssell, ing. dents, 16; number of births during S £R \f lC i ! {ot work In the potato patches. Every.effoM Is made to persuade Coimecttcut license, indicating their beginners; 10:15 to 11, Intermediate; John E. Fisk, David L. Hondlow, Veterans to Elect month; 3; tiumber of operations per- the case and the theory held Is that It Is entirely possible that Kamin- Italians born in Italy to become Indlyidual economic condition had 11 to 11:45, Junior life saving. Waldo E. Tillinghast, OHn L. Frank Badstuebner Post. No. ’he child was kidnaped. ski Is in the vicinity of South formed, 16; largest number treated mml D o w n B u y s A n American citizens. Tlx. members Improved sufficiently to permit the The girls' dancing class will meet Brookes. Esther H. Newell, Ernest ’2012. Veterans of Foreign Wars, in any one day, 15; smallest number Lloyd Hamilton, uncle of Dorothy Windsor as he was beaded in that BUILDING TRADES Mosquito Eradication Crew abo are urged to become proficient required expend.ttire. An analysis of In the gym at the following time: Lyman, Heiyy Schmidt, Donald C ill hold the annual meeting Friday 7; daily average, 11. Arm says the famhy Is not resigned general direction after pilfering the In the Italian ' and English lan- the monthly totals shows a sharp 10:30 to 11. tiny tots; 11 to 11:30, Flak. Bernard J. Ackerm- .'cning in the G. A. R. hall at Auxiliary Installs to never finding her and they’re George Schwari pantry two weeks Completely Cleans Up guages. It is the feeling of the na- tapering off during September in intermediate; 11:30 to 12, advanced. Anthony N. Sadlack, CTifford B c. liich time officers will be elected The newly elected officers of the hoping for some, development every Ago — that Is, If the Schwarz SPLIT CONVENTION tional officers that if the members day. thief was Kaminski. State police at are "good Italians" they are pretty the time indicated, however, that Body of Water. certaii. to develop into "good Amer- the Schwarz bousebreak had all the icans." SOCONY earmarks of a Kaminski job. Executive Committee Rein- Mrs. Maria Catalano is the presi- RA.\G!': OIL Hickey .-\lds Search dent of the Daughters of Italy DA^Washer Coeity Detective Edward J. j Chester Likely and his crew of which functions alon^ practically me Hickey and state police from the states Three Unions Jq ; "’orkers engaged In the local moa- the aame lines as the .Sons of Italy. FUELOIL—6 lie. Stafford .Spring* barracks aided j quito eradication project have com- Christopher Columbus la not the Sheriff Benjamin and farmers In I pleted an excellent Job on Gould’s patron of any of the. Italian frater- BARLOW looking over the fields and woods In Present United FronL i Pond on South Main street. The nal organizations, b rt all Join In Tel. .*>401 the expectancy of coming upon the celebrating his l|^rthday on October man thought to have built the camp- water was drawn off and all debris 12 simply because he was a native Save Your Battery fire, slept In several bams and removed from the bottom of the of Italy. came out into the open to procure San Francisco, Oct. .11.—(a P)_ pond including several dead cats Nine times out of ten slow food recently. Tlie long and spirited internal bat- and dogs. starting is caused by burned tle In the building trades department Four truck loads of tree trunks Specialized A state policeman attached to the of the America.) Federation of La- and brush was taken out of the bot- COMISt Y PLAYERS distributor points. Have yours Stafford Springs barracks was In bor has ended .with three unions, la- tom of the pond and a long channel checked and save your bat- Beauty Service Manchester today. He said that no beled as "incorrlgibles" by their op* dug through the middle and all slit IN SHIPWRECK P A R H tery. concentrated search for Kaminski ponents, virtually in control of the and foreign matter taken out. BUTTERMILK would be reopened, as waa the case department. Objectlonal odors which had GENUINE POINTS two weeks ago, but that men would Backing President, William Green, come from the rank grasses at the Good Taste FACE PACK Business Meeting Followed by I be held In readiness to respond to the 64th annual convention of the east end ot the pond were effective- ! FOR ALL CARS will corrert Tan, any definite "tip" concerning the Unusual Type of Social—Set fugitive's whereabouts. A. F. of L. by an overwhelming vote ly stopped by filling In with over Line* and Blark- lost night supported Its executive 500 cubic yards of fill. The pond Another Play Date. ' ' head*. committee In declaring the recent has been refilled with clean water NORTON More than 30 attended the month- Mary EUzalieth’s building trades convention illegal be- and many compliments have been ELECTRICAL cau.se It refu.*od reafflliatlon of the given the workers for the fine job ly . business meeting and social of done. Many years ago, It was stat- the Manchester Community Players BEAUTY NOOK UNITED TEXTILE bricklayers, carpenter.s and electri- INSTRUMENT CO. Robinow Bldg. Phone 8011 cal workers unions. The vote sel- ed, an attempt was made to clean last night In the clubrooms in the \\ ith Hilliard S t Phone 4060 ling s problem which was rankled out the bottom of the pond. At that Balch and Brown building. Russell WORKERS OF AMERICA for years In the innnei councils of time several horses were injured Potterton presided at a brief busi- GERrtlUDE MICHAEL the Feileratlon was 19.398 to 3,926. and mired In the soft bottom and ness session, during which Karl PAUL CAVANAUGH LOCAL 212.’) Three Union* Reinstated. the job waa not a success. By using Keller, business manager, announc- The executive com.nlttce had or- modem methods of removing the ed that everything indicated a FRIDAY and—~ dered the Uiree unions reinstated In silt and tiling and draining the capacity house when the players NOTICE an effort to present a "united front brook above the pond, It is expect- present "Three Cornered Moon," to Industry’" In the formation of ed that the area will be sanitary Tuesday evening at Wblton Me- ©SlWE®= SATURDAY = The monthly membership meeting codes and settlement of disputes. and clean for a long time. morial hall under tHe auspices of LAST TIMES TONIGHT New Type Oil Burner will be held In the Odd Fellow's The three "incorrigible with the The job wae begun in connection the Manchester Mothers club. hall, Satiirda> morning at »:S0 support of a few of the lesser unions with the mosquito control project Mr. Keller also announced . that JEAN MUIR in “Desirable” and “Paris Interlude” o’liock. By-law books must be now affiliated with the department, and in addition to the removal of arrangements had been completed I LADIES! Be Sure and Get the First of the presented to gain admittance. .\ll )vlll bo able to control its policies, waste matter, the area aurroimdtng )vith the Manchester Girl Scout or- Brings Big Savings in members are requested to attend. delegates agreed during the six and the pond has been satisfactorily rid ganization whereby the tentative IVIACBETH TABLEWARE one half hour debate which preceded of mosquito larvae. Th* work on date of Monday evening, November the roll-call vote. Gould’s Pond was completed adthln 29, has been set for the perform- Given Out Tonigrht Unless the differences are com- onp month. ance by the Community Players of posed uithin the next 43 days a new the three-act _ play, "The Late Fuel Costs department contrentlon v)”!!! be held Christopher Bean.” Girl Scouts will assist in disposing of the tickets, UNITED TEXTILE In Washington, D. C., with the bricktayars, caimsiBUF* and aleetrl- BATTERSOP POLITICAL and their ehare of the profits will WORKERS OF AMERICA clans admitted to sleet officsr* and materially assist th* campaign for LATEST SILENT GLOW MODEL USES LESS FUEL transact business. ALLY R E S lilS FROM JOB funds which th* Scoiif Obtmeil is to Efforts to bring about a peaceable launch in the near future. AND CUTS ELECTRIC BILLS IN HALF IX)CAL 2125 setUemeat of the Internal fight were The committee in charge of the started immediately. Prealdent Kenneth F. Cramer to Succeed social last night included Mrs. J. L. TO-NIGHT Handley, chairman; Thomas Con- Jt you esa pletur* an automobile ioquently you tave over 505? on Green pledged all of hit efforts and Edward N. Allen aa G. O. P, with n Biotec m third smaller than NOTICE those of the executive council srould ran, J. L. Handley and Mist Flor- electric current biUa be devoted to an attempt to nego- Asaociation Chairman. ence Bieri. The jollification planned •onrsotloqsl engine*—yet thet U Any member who hae been took the form of a "shipwreck’’ A size for every need Other welcome advantages of this laid off since the strike la re- tiate a fair aattlement. Inf mors powerful and gives many Hopea for Settlement. party. The invitations in rhyme, more mile* on a gallon—then you newly perfected Silent Glow oil quested to report at the Union Hartford, Oct. 11.—(AP)— Giving closed with the following lines, "The nnd purse, Offico Immediately. It ie of ut- President .Michael J. McDonough ’’pre.isure of buaines.4” a.<) the reason Sdiool Auditorium asn form somt idea of the remerk- burner are ita ebeonce of noise and of the department, who led the fight ship )viU meet disaster, in the small most Importance that members for hi* action, Edward N. Allan of hours of the night, so wear what able fMturct of the new Saent Glow the fact that expense endlnuisance affected by a lay off report the against the reaSlUailon, said he thi* city, a political ally of former Model 800 oO burner. of frequent tervlclng becesne thinge same at onee. "still hoped for a settlement" al- Mayor Walter E. Batterson, has re- you would first pick up, were you from S54-S0 up though he could not predict what his forced to sudden DlgbL" The result 8:00 O’CLOCK Meeting experts have been amated of the past signed as chairman of the Hartford future actions would be. Declara- County Republican Association, it Showed that many on the ship elect- ) that n burnsr so smsU can generate While buying a product that it became known today. ed to stay up all night, other* ap- so much beat, and operate eo eco- peared in the latest thing in a robe year* in advance ©fits time usually Mr. Allen's resignation will be ac- de nult, while many had borrowed Beautiful color combinations—beige and warm gray—made of gleaming vitreous nomically. The lecrct lice in a revo- mean* paying a premium for it, cepted at a meeting of the executive from their grandparents the old- lutionary SUent Glow principle of committee in Room 63, Allyn House, James Hendrickson porcelain—equipped with mote exclusive features—designed in modern trend. this ia not true of the new Silent fashioned, long sleeved nightie of Just the type or washer you want, regardless of your need or the amouat you ooostriiction called "Progressive Glow burner. Because it i* built by TONIGHT— thla evening, and Senator Kenneth cotton or outing flaimel or the out- Notation," This mlxss the air with F. Cramer of Wethersfield, vice wish to spend. a company that are spedaliste in chairman, svlU automatically move moded night ahirt. Pajama* were and th* oil fan mors efficiently—iniuf- oil burning equipment, it hae been up to tha chairmanship. the favorites of the survivors, but the prize for the most grotesque We catty a complete stock of all models of America’s Leading Washing iog better combustion and more poetible to keep the initial prica DJNE AND DANCE Confirmation of this development Machines—ABC—on the floor at all times. Come in and see them de^nstrated. W t par gaUon of oiL Also, with remarkably low. Thrifty home- At the in the affairs of the coimty associa- Compare ABC's with, anything on the market—then decide. There is only on# "Pngnttlrt Notation" there it no tion was made b Frank J. Sparks Claire Bruce owner* will find they cen drastic- of West Hartford, sscretary, who answer—ABC need flar tha constant ute of elec- ally cut heating cost* by installing NEW tricity for ignition purposea Con- said that Mr. Allen submitted Ms * Silent Glow this yesir. resignation prior to the Congres- GEORGE J. SMITH in Call up today fot free demonstration in your own home without obligation. sional conttention, the letter stating Teacher of HOTEL SHERIDAN that "pressure of business" made it % ***“* Corporafion, Hutiord, Com. Main Dining Room impossible for Mr. Alien to continu*. Tenor Banjo and _9 P. M. Until Gosing Mr. Allen )vas one of the leading ■ r » 9iya.«gs 50c Mihlinbih Charge. Republicans in the county who fa- Guitar The ABC lOOK torn THIS SION Musio by vored the nomination of Mr. Batter- Instnmienta Furnished [the clean center leaves are used in Luckies-'be- Hotel Sheridan Orchestra son for Congress. Mr. ^ tta rso n To Beginner*. HAMLET waa defeated in a contest by Oqibnel •e’i. “ It*s toasted” iihs Ironer A pleasant place to spend the evening. Anson T. McCook. Mr. Batterson Private Leeeons Only. We ■ tkrmi fn ttcu A -a flm ti Hr Everyone bn* a good time at the Sheri- resigned aa town chairman before Refuse Be Teach In Clase Aa Admission: Students, 35c. Adults, 50c. cause the clean center leaves are the mildest It convert* into a HAROLD T. WEST, Inc. the Oongrassional convention. Progreea ta Net Satisfactory. —KotMt mrntt O pposite n i ^ Sdiool kitchen table. Also L S M t h . M a n d i e « t e r Choice Baer and Wines. available In conven- RlMell Street Tel. 5202— 8706 C3)ile is th* largest coal producer Stodle: Hotel Shertdaa Jeaves,.. they cost more... they taste better. tional model, wttli a qf any Latin-American nation, with Dial SIM Benefit Needy Children of Manchester. stand of Its omi. Mexico ranking second \ -

VAOB f*OUft MAimamrrB* BVENTNO RBKAU>. MAyCHgaiTO. OONN.. THtJRSDAY, OCTOBER 11,1984. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOHElfb ER. CONN- THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11.1984. at tbs slhlos of poUUesl dsbsts, with It is to have' a managament that tflutirlffitrr Absoluts fsiattjr SMsrU. will "raUroad.'’ ‘ There He Goes— He's Oflf Aflrain, Folks! I Orange, with Franklin, Echo IMans- In l^akespearean Role Here affecting the American JUerchant WbAt Is bo dona with a Oovernor RAGGEDPARENTS fleld) and Glastonbury Invited. FALLCONFERENCE STATE CHAMBER NAMES Marine: current foreign credit and DEMOCRATS NOMINATE €pnttng fifralil wtio tmaflaas that In poUtica and WOULD SHE FIB? Ne w Y o r k Mrs. Ethel Colburn, teacher o f tbe exchange) banking and finance to govarnment there n e ^ be no aucb Center school, sras a supper guest foreign trade; and the future o f the rOBUBHiiO JIT TUC It la atated that Mrs. Margaret at the PorsoniiMre Tueeday nlghL THREE TO C O b lH E E S cotton Industry. SHANLEY FOR CONGRESS RXHJIUD pr in t ing COMPANT. INC. thing aa common honesty? Tbere'a II aiM*ii aim t CAmpbell Goodman of Brooklyn, N. By PAUL HARRUON HELDFORUSING The children o f the Old Hop River OF T SATURDAY To represent the Connecticut MknehMtar Conn. one answer only. Retire him. He ^enteentb street and Im n g Place,! T-, said to be the only sromon deep school will bold a food oale cn chamber on the Advisory Cooperat- TROilAB PBROUBON haa been sold by the patriotic ao-| President Albert E. Layery An- ing committee of the New England Member of Military Staff of UoaernJ Mnananr doesn't belong. New York, Oct. 11— All aiouad elety that owned It. and now con-| Thursday afternoon of this week at eea diver In the world, la about to nounces Appointments— Del- Regional Planning Commission, Gov. Cross Is Named at tbs town; A name that gives me the tains a baaement restaurant and| CHILD3J0BEG the school from 3:30 to 4:30. E very- Poandnd Oetebnr I, 1111 undertake the salvaging o f a wooden one ia cordially Invited to attend. egates to Conventions. President Lavery has apuplntcd Pobllnbnd Rmry Evnninc Eaetpt fidgete la ExedUent-Ooody Shoppe. private apartmente upstairs. Charles S. House of Manche^ Convention. WHERE HE LOST schooner that sank In Lake Ontario The Columbia Athletic Aasoclatlon William L Slate'df New Haven who Saqdayn and Hotidnya. Eatortd at thn . . For an apt title, I like the Poll Offic* at Maocbaater, Conn., aa aeventy-flve years ago. First she Famous Tlrats** 13 sponsoring a ping pong tourna- Hartford.' Oct. 11.— Announce- Is the Connecticut member of the Eiast Haven, Conn., Oct, 11.— (A P ) Saeond Claaa MaU Mattar. Alexander I, King of the Serbs, Orabb Cafeteria. . . . And, by the ment for boys and girts. Tbe boys ter on PabDicity Commit- Commission. SUBSCRIPTION RATES has to find It and in this prellmlnaiy History department; The first ment has been made by Albert E. —Democrats have chosen Major Croats and Slovenes, whose assas- way, there are dentiate in Manhat- riave to New York was named Qi3dreD*8 Society AOeges will practice at the hall Monday eve- The pujijose of this New ^nglano James A. Shanley as their candidate Oaa Taar, by mull ...... |A()d tan named Finder, Gasser and Lavery. president of the Connecti- Par Month, by nail ...... I It sination has been followed by so work two 'airplanes arc to be used- 8m Frandaco . . . Tho first elsct- nmgs and the girls Tuesday eve- Planning Commlsslon-is lo study and' In their fight to retain control of the thiUer. cut Chamljer of commerce of three Sinaia Ooplaa ...... I OS like a crow or a seagull an aviator M mayor was hanged by the Brit- nings. m aboui. two weeks the tee of County Group. plan for the better utilization of the Third Congressional District. . much frightened speculation ever Father Spams Jobs for appointments by the' directors of Oal'rarad. oaa yaar ...... IS 00 Maybe it's time we stopped ex- ijb . . . Ths first suggestion that tournament will start, continuing on land, water, and other natural re- Major Shanley, a member o f ths can see a deal more under water claiming over the tall buUoIngB In another great European war, was New York City should secede from Monday and Tuesday evralpga. The that association. sources to cooperation with State military staff of Gov. Wilbur L. MEMBER or THE ASSOCIATED than can be seen from tlie surface. New York. Height Isn't every- In response to a sp ecif invitation PRESS not the only monarch left In Europe *“• Union was made by Fernando lost week the bint team of girls The annual fall planning confer- and local fan n in g ^ a r d s and other Cross, waa nominated by acclama- thing— look , at Primo Camera; Moire Profitable Career. Tba Aaaoclatad Praaa la axeluaimr After that Mrs. Goodmsm has her V, ood, mayor when the Civil War will play the beat team o f boys, and eSiCe o f the County Y. M. C. A. leceived from the National head- •agencies according to a well con- tion last night at the district con- aatUlad to lha uaa Tor rapubllcatlon and be was not the only absolute look at Napoleon. There are Iota boffaa.. He tried to make the then the last games will be mixed. quarters of the American Red Cross. ceived- balanced program which will vention. Hls Republican opponent ol all Bawa diapatchaa orOdltad to It ruler, but he was the only person own plana for raising tba vessel but of buildings which are structur- Board of Directors, county commit- or not otbarwiaa craditad la thia tow a n ^ ^ p e n d e n t repubUc , . . Major Frank H. Johnston, President insure proper development o f New for the seat to Congresa occupied she Isn't telling anybody what they ally remarkable without being New York, Oct. 11.—A shabbily With prizes for the winners. A ll the tee, and chairmen of local commit- paper and alao lha locai nawa pub- who Was both monarch and dictator. iT. ^ 5 ?J**«® ** estate boom the voung folks of the community are it the City Ctoal A Wood Company England and protection of its in- for many years by Ck)l. John Q. H l- llahad barain. are. " cloud-touchers. Most o f them, for site.of the Brooklyn Navy Yard clad couple leading a three-year-old tees, will be held this week-end at ot New Britain, h.".i been designated All risbta ot rapubllcatlon or Alexander was a strong man and cordially invited to take part In this Iciest as part of the whole National son will be Joseph F. Morrissey. ' Bh'e does tell, however, why she la example, are built far down Into woa sold for 3S . . . .boy wearing a ragged white dreaa MooSehorn Farm, summer home of to represent the Connecticut Cham- apaclal diapatcbea haraln are alao ra- ali Intelligent one. It was not stu the Island's famous bedrock.- The tournament. Resources Board Plan. • ' Four years ago. Colonel 'hlson de- oarTed. going scouting 'after the remains of The flrat liquor law, prohibit- appeared before Magistrate August Mr. and Mrs. G. Blume and aon Sherman W. Ed f t East Hart- ber at the annual convention of Con- This Special Advlsoiy committee feated Major Shanley by about 5,000 pld obstinacy that made him resist Empire State building baa two ing sale to bonded servants, necticut Red Cross Chapters, which Tull lam ea ellant of N X A Bare- ths ones good ship New Bnraswick. stories below ground, the Equit- Dreyer in West Side Ckwrt yeaterr Gary of New Rochelle, N. Y., have land. Saturday's program, which is being formed to represent local votes. In 1932, however, the Dem- lea. Inc. the advice of many wise Serbs that brought about tba opening o f ths day on a charge of using the child is to be held In Middletown on governmental unite and public and ocrats gained control of the district, She wants Its cargo. And if you able three. Down on South Street, first spaakeoslsa . . . 'his first min- been guests at the home of Mrs. begins at 3:30 p. m., v lll be devoted ht abandon bis efforts to meld to beg. Blume’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ckm- to consideration i ' the fall and win- Thursday. October 25. private organizations to New Eng- electing Francis T. Maloney, who is Publlahar'a Repraaantatlva: The the New United Btotes Assay Of- strel show was held In the IVall Willis F, Hobbs, president of the Yugoslavia Into a concordant en- want to believe that this little flve has five underground floors— Magistrate Dreyer peered over rad Schriefer. ter policy of the association, with land and will assist with technical now the party's nominee tor United Jullua Matliewa Special Asaney—.Vaw Street slave market . . The first Bridgeport Hardware Manufactur. rork. Chlaasu. Oatrolt and Boaton woman— she stands four feet ten all below water level and capable the bench at the apparently poverty A party of six young people from reports on studies made on publici- and non-technical advice and aid to States Senator. tity by the sheer power of auto- street lights were candles placed mg. Corporation, ha'j been appointed ______and weighs under a hundred—ex- o f being flooded In case an enemy in the windowa of .every i stricken family u two agents from here went to Hartford Monday eve- ty and public relations problems '.)uilding a body of citizens who arc .VIE.MBER AUDIT bur eau o T cratic will and. Instead, strive to the Children’s Society told a story CIBCULAT10.N-& ever tries to seise the gold stored house . . . The first show wi ning to the Parsons' theater to see and on financial potitlea. ? V o com- a delegate from the Slate Chamber j interested in- promoting sound plan pects to salvage a schooner load of . of four months of profitable beg- jLo attend the Tv.enty-Flist National build . up unity by permitting bis there. one-man circus; he stood on Walter Hampden play "Maclieth’' mittees will report their findings at mng In connection with local, state. The Herald Prlntlns Company, Ine.. white oak and black walnut Umbers ging In tube trains, subways and Foreign Trade convention of ine strange federation of turbulent little Note to Mr. Hoover: On East back o f a galloping horse Pupils from the Windham ' High this time, the county finance com- and national public works develop- ; Stops aaaumea ho flnanclal reaponalblltty the Wall street district. The fa- NationsJ Foreign Trade Council, to under water since 18AP, which Is Nlnety-nlneth street, grass Is grow- played a French horn . . . The school and their friends bad pur- mittee through its chairman, Spen- ments. i for tvpoyraphleal errora appearlns In states to rule themselves In all their i firs? ther inalated be merely had brought be held In New York, October 31, advertlaementa In the Uaneheatar ing between the cobblestones. detectives were called "shadows' chased a large 'oiuck of seats for this cer Gross t f Hartford, and the com- home affairs. It was the natural how she describes it, you are at lib- hls family from New Jersey to tbe EvenIns Kerald. production. mittee and publicity and public re- November 1, and 2. Included In the KILLED IN ACCIDENT Toothache reault of bis upbringing. erty to do BO. Frankly we are Jlist Rural Gotham city on a shopping tour. lations composed of Pomeroy Day list of speakers for the convention l No matter how hard It threbe THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11 Good. Clean Fun Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hunt re- mite skeptical. During the rush hours Fifth Tbe couple, Flosrd Knapp, thirty- o f Hartford, John E. Ellsworth of are Honorable Co'.dell Hull, Secre- I Putnam, Oct. 11— (A P ) — Milton 1 E-Z Tooth Filler will stop that For while king Peter, Alexander's The first athletic games were two years old, an unemployed atove turned Monday night after a four toothache tnetantlr. The pain will Mrs. Goodman accounts for the Avenue buses move so slowly held on what la now called Simsbury, R. M. Grant of South tarj of State and the Honorable [ Foster, of Moosup, was fatally In-1 stop ao qulckljr you'll eay It’s royal father, was a sovereign widely poltah salesman, and Mrs. Cora days visit in Lancaster, Pa., at tbe Windsor, and Charles S. House of HE D O E S I^ BELONG that it's possible to leap from one Bowling Green, the small triangle home o f their cousin, Mrs. Mildred Daniel C. Roper, Secretary ot Com- i jured |n an automobile accident near \ maslo. E-Z Tooth Filler harden* logs not floating away by the state- go Into a restaurant, down a cock- Knapp, of 210 Garden street. Hobo Manchester. quickly mo you can chew on It, known for his leanings to liberalism, at the extreme lower end of Hughes. During their stay there merce. A t this confei once there is . here early today, Foster, employed ' seals the cavity air tight and This newapaper has remarked ment that they were chained down tail, and catch the same bus at the ken, N. J., were held In ball of 3500 On Sunday morning a report on 5 expected a -eprc.sentatlon from , In a Willlmantic public market, waa the boy, at the age of 11, was sent Broadway. Some leading citizens each for a hearing on Monday. they also visited the beautiful Du- often stops decay. A perfect tem- heretofore that Governor Crosn came to the deck—which is all right so far next comer. . , , They’re going to leased the plot from the city for study made of the place occuplelf by Canada through a delegation from : alone. He suffered a fracturoi skull porary flllinx that will last for, to St. Petersburg—now Leningrad— build a S-and-lO-cent store on the Their aon, George, was sent to the pont gardens near Wilmington, Del. the laymen In as.soclation work will months. Oet a bottle today and Into politics too late In life and with os Its logic goes. But what nobody an annual rental of one pepper- the Canadian Chamber of Com- and other injuries. The accident oc- j try It. 26c a bottle at drug storea for his education and spent the ten .■rite of the fabulous old Wendel Children's Soclet^a shelter, 2 East bo given by the committee on lay- too little of a history of Interest In corn. which is a small berry from merce; and as well there Is to be j curred at 2:25 a. m., while he was j apparently saw fit to ask the lady house . . . New York City has 105th street men study, composed of George A. driving toward Willlmantic. Sold by Arthur Drug Stores most Intensely formative years of a pepper bush . . . On the city’s Agenta Describe Hoax James Hendrickson of the Hendrlckson-Bruce Players whp plays held a European se.s.slon to coopera- i public, affalri to get any true picture was what mads the N ew BruBsarlek more than 300 farms — all truck first park they laid out coureea Marsh o f Bristol, member of the *v.on with chambers of commerce his life, imtll he was 31, In the poi- OVER 75,000 CHILDREN National Council o f ■(?. M. C. A., Dr. “ Brutus” in "Julius Caesar” in High School Hall tomorrow night. "The of the activity In which he was em- sink at all If she was lumber laden. fkrms, of courae, and small, • but for the game of bowlt, which was Edward W. Stein and Frank from European countries, and other sonous atmosphere of the riiartst O. E, Street of Windsor, and O. M. tremendously valuable . . , Next played on the turf and was not Amendola, agents for the society, Merchant of Venice.” was presented this afternoon and tonight’s offering (lade conferences with rraresenta- barking. He has never been able We seem to have heard of every said they bad been investigating the Baker of Plalnville. Russian court. door to a dog-and-cat hospital on much like modem bowling. RECEIVE COMMUNION will be the tragic "Ham let” . The proceeds will go towards the fund for t.vcs from Latin American Repub- | to undcrstaml that In poittica, even conceivable kind of a ahip going fam ily for four months. They had A service of worship will be In Sixth Avenue la a taxidermist's When the British moved In lies, Japan, and China. Some of the i BEFORE BEDTIME CHECK THAT Reared In that terribly false and shop. Just In case anything goes received compIaUita, they said, from charge of Rev. Elmer T. Thlencs, shoes and underwear for local children in needy families. at Its cbcapeat and' lowest plane, down to visit Davy Jones except a they grabbed Bowling Green as a subjects to which special sessions cruel environment, where substan- wrong. .. . persons who had tided the family, executive secretary of the County there are things to which nobody wooden ons loaded with lumber. site for the city's first statute. A Four Cardinals and 250 Priests will be devoted w1l. be the problems tially every social outlook was com- On Central Park South la a new pretty good precedent It was too, only to meet them again a few daye Assist at Unusual Church Y, M. C. A., and will be followed by descends, not even the type of rowdy Scores, hundreds, probably thou- skyscraper apartment building later dressed In the same alms-en- an address by N. Searles Light, di- IRRITATING BRONCHIAL COUGH pletely perverted and where every they got advance pledges on the for tbe artistic atrocities which Service. member of the County Y . M. C. A. Boys and widely known in the mid- heeler like those whom Mr. Alcorn sands of wooden ships carrying lum- Norris antl-injunctlon bill, did which recently was sold for <36 have been installed around town ticing costumes. rector o f field service, State Board Board of Directors. west. real fact of life was missed and of Education, on the topic: “ Meet- hn.s been sending to jail. It Is not, they work In the present way. cash. Some mortgages went with in later years. This one waa made Knapp, a thin-faced man with a Pasadena, Calif.—Alexander Mc- DONT GET UP NIGHTS coughs that nothing seems to help— ber have been wrecked, one time and it, though, and the new owners drooping loutb, wore a black ahlrt ing the Problems in the Town and Sleep Sound All Nifflit every political res|)onslblllty utterly Most of the replies thus far of lead and ha been modeled Clurg Drake. 75, founder of the Enjoy a coughlcss night—sleep often one sip stops on ordinary for example, permitted to tell llee another. But they didn't sink. HEALTH-DIET ADVICE are having besdacbea . . . Swank- and ragged trouseia. He had no Buenos Aires, Oct. 11.— (A P )— County C?ommunltl s of Hartford misconceived, It Is little wonder that have beea favorable right down the from a statute of Marcus Aurelius city o f Bend, Ore. IF YOU ARE OVER 40 sound and awake refreshed—Just be cough—it Is also good for tight old about your.opponent unless you can iest restaurant on the Bowery coat, no tie, and his a'loes had holes More than 75,000 children congre- County.” Thsy became waterlogged, went Une o f queettoas on old age pen- BY UR. FRANK McCOY —but was labeled "K ing George Deaths Last Night If *o, riNiurfi Is wrirnlnR you of .dan* wise enough to take 2 or 3 doses of chest colds. the Serirlan prince should devslop these days Is Cook’s. It's the ren- In their uppers. He had not shaved’ gated today for communion before In order that the closest possible Stockholm—Count Anton Her- K<®r abend (Jet rid of your trouble be smart about It—permitted even awash, some of them were known alona, nnemployment Insnranee, OusaHona la rsgard lo Hooltb and Diet ni’’. In 1776 American patriots Buckley's Mixture (triple acting) Important: Bucldey's Mixture ia Into - the kind of sovereign whose dezvous o f all the best panhand- in several days. Mrs. Knapp wore the 105-foot cross in Palermo park, contact may be kept with the inter- man Wrangel, 77, former foreign early. Make this 25o test. (Jet Jjjntper to the political thug of the bark work security, health protection, 110- will be aaawervd by Ur. Hoiloy wbe eaa hauled it down and melted It Into oil. Duchu leavcF, etc., In jfreen before .rou go to bed—It’s safe for not offered aa a cure for Bronchitis to have drifted derelict for years; lers and other transient business- a tattered akirt, frayed Jacket, run- center of the tbiry-second Interna- ests of youth about the county, five minister. alleys: while-decent men In politics subjects deem him a tyrant— even hoiir week In codes, and public be addreoaed to core ol this paper. En- exactly 33,084 bullets. A wag of Clean, N. YI—Gilmore S. Russell. tahletif. A«k for BLKKTS. the blad- the kids also. — 2 or 3 doses Just before retiring they probably all broke up sooner men. Whiskey, 10 cents; free over shoes and decrepit hat. By the tional Eucharistic Congress. representative older boys and der laxative. Take 13 of them In four though .by heredity and nature be works appropriations. oloee alamped, aelf-addroaaed envelope^ the day remarked that "H lz Maj- 90, organizer and former vice pres- For bronchial coughs— for tough, will usually ensure a good night's do not descend to Ilea nt all. Ob- or later. But they dliln't sink — lunch , . ... The depression spoiled time she reached court she had Four cardinals presided at the younger men from various sections days: if not plenued i;n back and iR;et The national Association of for reply. esty's statute was to be returned to ANGELO VAU J your money. BLMvKTS work on the old. persistent coughs take a few rest. viously the governor has never un- was prompted lo seek their well a set o f "open questions" to con- plans for restoring many an his- Hls Majesty’s troops with the changed her skirt for a cleaner communion service, in which 250 of the county have been invited to ident of the Producers Gas Co. nut unles.s there wa.s something be- white one which ahe carried in a attend the conference and share Miami, Fla.—I'rs. Hlllyer East- bladder similar to castor oil on the doses of Buckley's and feel as good iH'Ing. gressional eandidates which, toric building. For instance, the compliments o f the brave' men of priests assembled to distribute the bowels. Flushes out excess adds and derstood this. He must have read aides lumber to carry them down Torrington, Oct. 11— (A P) —.An- as ever again. At DRUMISTS 4 B^S though more general than the WHEN THE HE.YRT BEATS tease o f simple tacliycardia does not Washington Irving home, on Sev- New York.” bundle. communion. with the group the problems which man, 69, Missouri poetess, whose other impurities which* cause Rettinft « book before he got into the politi- Alexander might very 'well have gelo 'Valli, 59, building contractor or unless the ship got rid of Its specific A. F. of L. queries, plainly TOO FAST I indicate a very aerloua condition Their aon. George, who has blond The children for more than a year they know from first-hand knowl- verses have appeared In many na- up nlffhts, frequent desire. scnnt.\ Get a 45 cent bottle at Arthur edge to be confronting young peo- tional magazines. here for nearly 30 years, died sud- flow.. burninir. hncknchc or lejr pains. Drug Store, 845 Main St., or any cal gnme— one of Uioso book.s writ- been ns profoundly beloved, even by seeks to Influence candidates and this alarming symptom may be hair reaching almost to bis shoul- have engaged In their owm Juvenile PUCKLEVie burden. denly at hls home today. Death was You are bound to feel better after the non-Serblan elements among against the "social security'’ pro- Upon looking over the letters on ■ entirely overcome ders, wore a trailing flowered dress, crusade of prepeuatlon, and during ple tod. y. Cincinnati—The Rev. Francis dnig store—"it acts like a flash” ten by someone who knew no more Perhaps a good cross examiner due to angina pectoris. Hls widow this flushinfa and you get your regu- gram and other New Deal meas- my desk today, I find that one of ___ ELEANOR ROOSEVELT 50 TODAY! Its bottom in shreds. He had on the last few months have been re- The closing summary of the con- Solanus Schaeffer, 71. chaplain of lar sleep, (tuaranteed by J. H. Quinn and Is mighty effective for those D a \ ix t u r e < about politics that the sleepy old b is people, os w h s the late King and a daughter survived. could And out from Mrs. Goodman ures. the symptoms most often mentioned Ql'ESTIONS AND ANSWERS long stockings, but no ahoes. Hls hearsed by Eucharistic processions ference will be made by Lewis Fox, the Mount Alverno Institute for & *Co. Druggists. dangerous bad-acting bang-on A siNOLK n p pRovis rr/ mother, the agents said had been Yale dean him.self bub who imagined Albert by the Belgians, for he too Just what It Is that the believes con- Denying any IntenUon to In too rapid beating of the heart. in their respective parish churches Examination Advisable canylng the child’s shoes hidden in that politicians were all liars, mostly was handsome and very brave—the pledge specific candidates to *pe- Too rapid beating of the heart.also Is Pleased To Find That Women Are Taken and Catholic schools. stltiiles the real cargo of the called tachycardia, la present when Question: Mrs. T.J. writes: 'Ts It a bundle. George looked like a very thieves and engaged In an activity clflc measures, the chamber ques- ppssible for a patient to have tuber- Services were held In all Buenos Ideal of a soldier king. But he bad schooner. For Granted. CflpnKht, IM L B. J . Bnvoldi TobtoM p—y tionnaire takes a back-handed there Is an increase in the number untidy little girl. Aires church this morning, with each about as honorable and mannerly ns the hard luck to get h is training for culoeia of tho lungs without a The agents testified they had ob- slap at the A. F. of L. poll by re- of times the heart beats per minute, cough of the more than thirty foreign na- above the normal. Usually, the pa- The President's wife who * retiring—well tained the Knapp address, waited those of Blackboard and Captain his Job In the House of Romanoff. ferring to Buch tactics as "un- Answer: While aa a general rule, I don’t think retlr- tionalities represented In the con- A FINE IDEA tient becomes aware of the fast p r o l^ ly Is and has been more T in g Is a mattmatter of planning .either. outside the house yesterday .morn- gress meeting In a separate church Kidd; so that Uncle Toby, when he Aroeiicon and unwholesome dom- coughing is present in pulmonary In the public eye than any ing and followed the three to a bus. ination by maneuvered minori- heart rate. In a normal person the I t ’s a question of the individual. for national services. took the plunge, niuit have done lo Wa And our agreement with the heart beats about 72 to 78 times a tuberculosis, this symptom may he First Lady In American historv The Knapps boarded a Hudson NEW HAVEN’S HEAD ties.’’ entirely absent, or unnoticed, In the Some day when you can no longer In the queer belief that It was editor of the Waterbury Republican minute. A t rest, the pulse rate presents a human self-revealing do, you retire— that 1j all there is to Tube train and at Thirty-third early stages. If you have any rea- Interview to 5lary- 5Iargaret .street changed to a Six*', avenue necessary for him to cut loose from There arc a great many people In on one particular point to be little drops-con.sfderably and may vary that.” Trouble for Coughlin between 50 to 70 beats. In a grown son to believe that there Is the AfcBrlde, noted new-spaper "El” train, where they were arrest- every rule of bc'liavior obtaining In Connecticut who hail no difficulty short of sheer enthusiasm. In what slightest possibility that you may woman and author. Wateh for the report at the A. F. person a pulse rate over 100 which Schedule ed. WAPPING his scholastic life, under the Impres- In restraining their grief at the de- seems to us to bo an unnecessarily of I . eonvention on the controverav continues indicates tachycardia. have developed tuberculosis o f the The child, the agenta related, was lungs, I strongly advise that you se- The next questions. too. brought seated between hls parents and in- sion that when you go among the parture of Mr. Pelley from the head- a|>oIr)getic tone he expresses the with Father Coughlin over hls ni- This rule does not hold good for in- By .MARY 5I.YRG.\RET .MfBRIDE ! Trumpeter Howard F. Berger, legwl employment of non-union cure a doctor'.-) examination aa soon ! a smile and a shake of the head. structed to hold out Ms hand. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander 21 OUT OF 23 ST. LOUIS CARDINALS fants, in whom the normal rate wild men of Borneo you must become ship of the New Haven road, though "sneaking’’ wish that when a drunk- printers and builders at hU Royal runs up to 130 or over. An Increase as possible, whether or not a cough I New Y'ork, Oct. 1 1 .-Life for "Can , -you give a workable formula------woman passenger handed the baby Berger of VVapping, is residing at they are not at all convinced that is present. a murderer too. en driver escapes punishment by the thik Shrine of the Little Flower. of about 30 beats in the pulse rate a coin which the father took and Paris Island, South CaroUna. He is the welfare of the coimtry la going The unions, many of whose niem- put nto hia purse, according to the staying there as an Instructor at Nothing but a complete abandon- connivance or assistance of others, is perfectly normal after exercise, I r."'Ti""nor Roosevelt, It simply and picas- | down and plan out exactly what yo»i to be greatly enhanced by the na- liers sent rontribulions to Coughlin, but the heart rate should return to Diet for Athletes agenta. the Field Music School, of the Unit- ment of ethical restralnta and of alt and If he subsequently gets drunk were very sore over th<- reverend Question: Mr. F. H. F. a.sks antly and energetically goes right ' “ ■'c Folng to do every hour? Do you Have Four Other Children ed States Marines. tionalization of hti activities. These the average number of beats wHhin regard for the truth could poaalbly again and kills somebody with his rudlonun's unwillingness to go two minutes. "Could you take the time to tell me on its u.-ieful. Interesting way ' regular exercise to keep fit? Mrs. Knapp, the agenta told the The Oakland Neighborhood CHub same people are likely to receive court, was twenty-five years old and will meet this afternoon at the have prompted the Governor, In his automobile, the victim will be a down the line with them on hls liihor Too rapid beating of the heart something about a diet to follow "Whether existence holds more | w a tc rv o u r“dte?-°‘^^® with some reservations the news of pollry. may .be a temporary symptom last- while I am training for athletics?” for tho woman of fifty than It used • the mother of four other children, home of Mrs. Franklyn G. Welles, New London speech, to make the member of the family of the person The answer to all these, it ing for a short, time, or may be Answer: The instructions about to do, depends of course upon the Harold, Floyd, Jr., Glenn and Marie, Jr., at Talcottville. the election of Howard Shirley seems, is no. Mrs. Roosevelt has utterly distorted statements that he who helped him squirm out of hls Real Kick In ThU Kick I present most of the time, even dur- which you Inquire are too lengthy woman,” Mrs. Roosevelt told me ranging in age from eleven to foui. Mrs. Harry P, Flies and son, Har- Palmer lo the New Haven's presi- no set formula for anything: she did In a futile attempt to discredit llrst cose. ing sleep. It is a symptom which to be given in this space and I be- in her own unruffled, poised fashion On her da.vs out with her hus- ry, have been visiting Mrs. James One of the more effective of the Just uses all her moments to the SMOKE CAMELS dency. Mr. Pelley was one of th(>se lieve tho beet plan is for you to “I am sure many women of fifty band and baby George, the agents M. Sullivan of this town. Harry the legal activities o f the Alcorn For our part we make no apology rising number of plea.s for the alarms and dismays the patient. best advantage; she eats what she railroad executives whose conerp- consumer was made here by Prof, When tho heart beats too fast this write again, requesting my article look upon it and find it good. I am said, the other children are cared Files, formerly of the University of by F R A N K F R I S C H family In the milk controversy. at all for cheering for this Idea. The called "'Training Diet for AthleUc one who does.” likes, though she Is not intensely In- fo r by a maid who receives $6 a Maine, ia now engaged by the Port- tloD of management la to keep the Joseph M. Klamon, adviser to may be due to disease of the organ terested in food os food: and aha Pointing out that the Milk Control only thing about It that dampens Missouri's Atty. Gen. Roy McKit- but in most cases Is not in the Contests.’’ This Iz a two-paged ar- It was characteristic of her that wcdc. land Sagamores, a semi-pro football They su^m ade it hot for us this year, but the,Cardinals outgo imallcr than the Income trlck. ticle, giving you some rules to fol- this talk about her fiftieth birthday doesn’t take regular exercise be- Knapp had 33.18 In hls purse yes- team, which last season suffered Board had ordered a large Hartford our ardor for It ts that there Is no heart, but elsewhere. Many times cause she moves about so actively came through in great style clear to the end when we rather than to make the income Professor Klamon is also a when the palpitation induces the pa- low and I will be glad to send it to should take place in the midst of a terday. He said he waa able to pay only one defeat in .twelve games dairy company to pay M milk pro legitimate way of arranging such a you If you will write to me in care big, informal dinner that was being that she feels she doesn’t need it. only 39 a week for hls Hoboken played. larger than the outgo. There Is member of the consumers' coun- tient to believe he has a heart dis- She sees one great change In needed every ounce of energy to win. W e needed it— and dueers in or near - Suffleld approxl sequel lo one of those frequent and cil out there, but iminted out order, he is mistaken. o f this newspaper enclo.sing 1 large given in her honor by the execu- home and it was only a large room. Miss Sophia Kupchunos, who ia a considerable difference In these the position of women in the past The Children’s Society reported It mately 16,000 due them, the Govern acidly that he couldn't appear a-s Some of the conditions which may self-addressed, stamped envelope. tives and exhibitors of the Women’s on the staff at the Hartford hospi we had it. There's the story in a nutshell. It seems as flagrant miscarriages of Justice ten years— they are being t ^ e n had information that several benev- two objectives. Under Mr. Pelley's such because N R A wasn't backing cause the heart to palpitate are; The stamp will help to pay the Exposition of Arts end Industries. tal la enjoying a month'a vacation or went on to relate how one of the which bear the euphonious name of more for granted. And that she olent persona had offered Jobs to at her home to Wapplng. administration the New Haven did up the councils with hard cosh anemia, excessive use of tobacco', mailing charges. Dessert and coffee had been fin though the team line up just as well on their smoking producers collected the company's feels Is all to the good. Knapp and that he had accepted “fixings." when it came to sending delega- coffee, or tea; emotional abock; dis- Eczema ished when Mrs. William Dick Spor- The Board of Aasessors have an- n torilflc amount of cheeseparing, Her ..heory la that che less publie readily, each time giving a fictitious habits as they do on the ball field. Here’s our line-up on checks, got the producers to endorse tions to Wa.shlngton to make their orders of tho thyroid gland which Question: Miss "Snapdragon” borg, who was presiding at the nounced that they will be at tbe Regrettably It is almost certain surprise expressed when the.v do address. On another occasion, it one of the effects of which Is the protests. may Increase the rate to aa high aa writes: "Is there anything to do for gathering, moved over to let me sit Wapplng school hall October 20 and them and deposited them with the to be somebody’s else wife or broth- something worth while, the faster was reported, a wealthy woman had 21, and at the Town Hall October smoking: 21 out o f 23 o f the Cardinals prefer Camels. present extremely low estate Into Though the protest waa made 180 beats; excitement will also in- eczema? I have it aa do all the beside Mrs. Roosevelt, for as long 19^4 Intention "o f having them given they, will get ahead. taken the child to a department 30 and 31 and November 1. from 9 PtAYER-MMIAQEll-Frankie Frisch er or little son who Is knocked oft to Deputy Administrator Frank crease the heart rate; any condition members o f my fam ily." as It would take to answer ten which railroad service has fallen In store and bought clothing for him. in the morning until 8 in the eve- back as a present to the company on by the dnmk-drtver who has discov- Hecht of the coal code, over coal which produces pus in the body, Answer: The general Instructions questions that I had prepared In o f tbe World Champion Cardinals. this town o f ours. Prophecy The next day the child was in his ning to receive Hats of the property The World Series is over. The Cardi- thia Cardinal team by heart and ap- the groun^, I understand, that price-fixing in the St. Louis area, such as tubriculosls, or chronic in- which wilt probably prove most advance. ered that the taw against alcoholic • As for the ten years ahead :' ‘T m old clothes again. owners. The lists must be filed on nals are on the top. Their astoimding plauds its stiiring victory. WORLD It It altogether possible that Mr. Klamon rapped the N R A aa coun- helpful are to take a short fruit Somebody on the other aide mur- would be rbally unjust for the dairy driving wasn't meant for him and fection of the teeth, tonsils, sinuses, no prophet," Mrs. Roosevelt pro- or before Novembei 1, or an addi- achievement will g»d ow n in history— “ What do the World Championa tenancing the spending of thou- or pelvic organa may also influence Juice fast, using the enema each mured that It was time to get on company to cough up this 10,000 Palmer may be a ver>' different kind test I, "but If I were to guess any- tional charge of 10 per cent will be a sensational charge from 7 games smoke?” A naturaE question. And who. In bibulous consclousnes.s of sands by code authorities to raise the heart beat. A very common day. Follow this with a restricted with the evening's program. Mrs. Then he continues: "In a hearing of a railroad administrator. He and fix prices, but allowing the diet. I f yours is a chronic case, try Roosevelt, who heard the murmur, thing about what women may ex- added. Forma may be obtained at behind to win the pennant...and then above you get Frank Frisch’s answer. Immunity, goes tearing about the cause of palpitation is Indigestion, COLUMBIA the post office or from the town may have the klnil of vision and the consumers' councils to decline to to secure local treatment given 6vcr looked around to suggest mildly. pect In the next ten years, I should > tbe series! The preference is overwhelmingly for before the Milk Board on this curi- country expecting all cars, all pedes- and whenever there Is great pres- say that they would go on being clerk. mere window dressing" and the sure of gas against the heart you the affected area wdth the ultra “ You go ahead. I ’ll come when The annual three score and ten They are champions —and popular Camels. ous transaction, a son of the candi- kind of enterprise and courage trians and all trees to get out of his taken more and more fo r granted— The Pleasant 'Valley baseball status of a Missouri mule "with- will find the heart beats more rapid- violet ray Urap aa this type of have finished this.” party was held at the parsonage last champions. Frankie Frisch, Carleton, The Cardinals’ virtually unanimous .date to,- governor and a lawyer In which. It la conceivable, might re- that is, being lets and leas dis- team defeated the New Etogland way. out pride of ancestry or hope of ly. Increase In the heart rate la treatment la of benefit Rothrock, Orsatti, Leo Durocher, Bill preference for Camels is worthy of Doer criminated against and less and Friday afternoon with 17 present, Colored Giants at Nevers field last his oira office, appeared as counsel store the New Haven to something progeny." also seen in such heart disorders as whose agas totaled over 1300 years. Walker, Medwick—all America knows every smoker’s attention. Be guided That little by-play tqjls In minia- less made the object o f special Sunday afternoon, the score being for tbs producer who would present like Its old time status throughout valvular leakage or myocarditis. (Egg Plant) Mrs. Lucy Cla;-ke. who will be 87 by their experience. Enjoy Camel’s QuesUon: F. L. J. Inquires: "Do ture the whole democratic, kindly privileges and concessions.” 17 t o 1. the dairy company with la.OOO.” all of southern New England. Sin- More Freaks for CongreM Palpitation ig the most outstanding next January received a bouquet o*' Miss Anna Turosky, daughter of "energizing effect” which science has BEHIND TH E SCENES IN symptom in' heart neuroses, when you recommend cooking egg-plant story of the moat extraordinary Perhaps the great secret of Mrs. cerely It Is to be hoped so. He la, Tho capital will tee quite an ilowera from Mrs, Hattie Johnson's Mr. and Mrs, Georgs Griffin o f East **pUCKY” .MCDWICKi atudied and confirmed-.darnels are. And this statement la what the the patient has a great fear of with tomatoes?’’ woman America haa ever seen In Roosevelts almost superhuman rec- Influx this winter of the type public life. garden as a prize for being the old- Windsor Hill, became the bride of "A Camel takei awajK the tired milder—made from a matchless blend jCovemor was leading np to; however, an sccountont. Ha has heart trouble and the fear “serves Answer: Yes, Uris la a healthful ord of accomplishment Is her amaz- of legislator,' d u es'' hibre M ni- ■way to prepard thla vegetable. Not one ilhgle thing la done ing good hewUi^ She la never sick Mt pfcaenl. The three next oldest Joaepb Krist, ton o f H r. and Mrs. freiing as” sran aa I leave the nf .finer, MORE E X PE N S IV E . TQr. hM h'ah accountant practically all nin.n than today, whose idea of a to cccentuate the wild Irregularity were Mrs. Abbis Lym u, 87, Mrs: John K rllt (ft SofitS WlbOKir, Holi- fields tufhVoh my'pep’ alDili" ' One member of the Alcorn linn, of the heart. Before beoomlng un- by this- President's wife accord- kn'd she never'seems to require time BACCOS. They never get on your you see. Is hot on one side while his life. And accountancy Is not great contribution, to national Kmlly Cobb, 86, and Mrs. Grooms, day at 10 a. m., at Holy 'Trinity duly frightened over rapid beating (Catarrh) ing to tbe formula that some for rest. She can manage to get nervesI LEAF-TOBACCO another member Is hot on the precisely ths kind of. training out problems was to stalk about wear- QuesUon: MUs L. E. W. aaya: " I atlckler for what la correct baa rid of any number of chores at one 81. ^ g a r Newberry and Mra. Con- church. Mr. Griffin gave his step- of the heart It la a g o ^ plan to daughter In marriage) Mlea Veron- other side. One member gets a During the ohsenee on vacation of ing long hair, a Henry Clay coat, have a pain between my eyea apd 1 worked out. She accompllahes time without neglecting any. Dury, rad Schriefer were the babies of the o f which, aa a rule, sprang those a five-gallon black hat, unpresaed have an examination in order to ica Turosky waa maid of honor for fee as champion for the farmer Rodney Duteher, Herald Wash- swallow a thick diaebarge which more In one day than most wom- ing one interview that I had party, this being the first year they EXPERTS AGREE: geniuses o f the rail who In the pa.-t trousers, and a pontifical air. find out if the palpitation la caused her sister. The bridesraaida were and the other gets a fee as cham- ington eorrespondent, the daily seems to come from the throat or en get done in a week, and her in her own room at the were eligible to attend. In addition made this the greatest railroad coun- One Percy J, . Gassaway an- by a disturbance of the heart or ts Miss Vera Krlat and Miss Anna pion for Uie dealer. If l may Washington enlnmn will be writ- due to Borac other condition. nose. I also catch cold easily.' yet she never shows a trace of Houto. she had her hair -aved, ’ to those already mentioned the fol- Camels are made from nounces that he will wear cow- hurry or flurry. She cares pas- lowing were present; _ Mrs. H. W. Krlst, alatera of the bridegroom, use a favorite Alexim word it try on earth and llie New Haven ten by Willis Thornton. Some of the other symptoms like- Answer: It ia quite likely that manicured, greeted a newly-arrived wtuild seem to be a "consplracv"’ boy chaps and spurs about tho yt-u have developed a catarrhal to- sionately for many causes, better guest, talked over the telephone, Porter, Mrs Jennie Hunt, Mrs. Hat- Mtaa Anna Pugles and Mias Kath- finer. More Expensive one of the greatest railroad prop- Gapltol. The eminent 'Theodore ly to be associated with tachycardia ryn Marcinek. Simon Linavlch "BIP* COLUNS THE to shake down both parties. By WII.LIA THORNTO.V are fluttering and pounding of the fiammatlon affecting the note and children, more education, .better dictated two Invitations and gave tie Johnson. Mrs Harriet Fuller, erties. Bilbo, with hU promise to "raise homes, women's progreda — and some orders for dinner. And never seiwed as best man. The ushers ( Right )u y t :" A Tobaccos—Turkish and These statements constitute ac- Herald Washington f'orres|M>ndent he^rt. a throbbing aenaatlon through ibroat. O f course, it ia impossible Henry laham, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. moio hell than Huey.” U tho fel- for me to attempt to diagnoaa your haa never felt that-being in the once d '' abe lose the thread o f what Tcham, Mrs. Wm. Lyman, Miss Edith were Joseph Baranaski of Thorap- Camel has a way Domestic — Ilian any tionable slander, ■ Ihmigh of What the New Haven needs at the ears or temples, slight dizziness, aonville, Jamea Nichols of Manches- DEANS! Washington, Oct. II rongrea- low who believes he can tell ccbe by mall and I auggest that you White House should restrict her she waa saying to me. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad of 'turning on’ ! its head Is somebody who Is a bit or the k-art may .seem to slow- down ter, Nicholas Nichols ' Warehouse eour.-e the license granted slonul candidates this fall an‘ going whether a man la a Republican or cmisulf your doctor. If you will actIviUea in their behalf. She had Being fifty won’t change Eleanor Schriefer and Mrs. Julia Little. my energy. And other popular brand. a Democrat by the bumps on hls and start again with a loud thump. I Point and Charles Turosky, brother to political candidates by cour- of -a genius, who Is original enough to suffer from chronic curvature of scnil tnt a copy of hia report, 1 will come all the way from Washington Roosevelt— and all those mllliona Special guests who came with some when I'm tired I head. The supposition being- that In correcting rapid beating o f the o f the bride. The bride wore a gown to sea its problems In large, who ths spine from holding their ears forward to you any helpful infor- to apeak at the Women’ Ehcposltlon who have felt her magnetic, gra- of the older ones were Mrs. Sim- notice they help tc.sy o f their opponents makes right now tho one with the most heart it Is not necessary to use any of white satin and carried white •*PEPPER” MARTINi fSigit) to the ground. mation. because she approvet 'heartily of cious charm, or known the fine In- mons, Miss Florence Jones, Miss Lil- " I like Cameb because when me to snap back the governor practlcaUy Immune. once In a while can get up into the bumps U a Republican, treatment, directed toward the pal- what it has done In the thirteen telligent help ahe has given to doz- chrysanthemums A gown of char- I f you are secretary of a So- pitation, as when the Cause o f tbe lian Lorman, and Mrs. Hazen. Mrs. 1 light one I can actually quickly.” Nobody would sue Uncle Toby even helghts'^of Imagination far enough .Ynyway, the point la, don’t pay (Boy Pleks Nose) years It had been held, to raise tbs ens o f vital human projeete, are treuse moss crepe waa worn by ! - : clty for the Building of 'Public condition Is removed the tachy Hazen, who la visiting relatives to the maid of honor, who carried la- feel |U1 tiredness slip asray.” to get a bird's eye view o f the New Roads to the Doors o f Men Who miK h attention to this sort of thing. Quastion: Mrs. Pauline I. asks: prestige of wmmen. in the business heartily glad of It! If he should assert that Hugh M, Washington doesn't. cardia vanishes. I f you afe dls- town, sang two songs, accompanied vender chrysanthemums. T b e Have Invented Better Mou.setraps, "W hat do you aupposs is the causa wrorld. The ideal of the late Julia Alcorn made It a regular practice England railroading situation and Those who hare seen ererv con- treaaed by an Irregular and rapid on tbe piano by Mrs. Hattie John- brideamalds wore dreszea o f gold 1 you'll get an attentive car for of a boy always picking at hia Almira Itlmball, who • -hen she was not one whooa range of view it lira- (oivabk. sort of freak come to Con- heart beat I would suggest that you son. (Twenty nine years ago last mosa- crepe and carried yellow to eat a roasted negro baby for din- your plan from your congres- nose? I have given him the worm approaching eighty, made the Ex- HITLER'S ADOPTED TONGUE IA TIP TO THE; PANS gress from tbe odd eomers of the have an examination of your heart. p ^ tlo n flaanelally possible, appeals June Mrs. Hazen was visiting here chrysanthemums. A reception fol- ner every Sunday—which would be tied to fourteen Inches from the sional candidate. remedy, but still he picks at each TRIPS HIM ON GRAMMAR eoustry know that such leave anmil You will find that a curative diet, side." to Mrs. Roosevelt. and sang to church at which time lowed at the Monte Carlo, Eaat Juet as good a story to catches pages of a ledger. The ruth of responses to ths avoldtag heart stlmulante such sts marks on nattonal leglalatlon. Answer: Your boy may be trou- ahe was also accompanied by Mrs. Windsor Hill. Mr. and Mra. Krlst \fHEN Y O U ’RE TIRED American Federation of Labor's coffea and ualng moderate meala Berlin — (A P ) — Austrion-bom colored vote as the "conspiracy'' one Perhaps Mr. Palmer may be ex- Huey Long may . have come to bled with adenoids or chronic ca- ReUref Johnson, who waa the church organ- left for a wedding trip to Wash-, questionnaire on labor legislation which do not overload the stomach, Adolf Hitler finds the quirks o f the ington. Mrs. Krlst wore a brown Is to catch the farmer vote. actly that kind of a person and |>er- is a gtKMl index of this receptive Washington to raise heU in Lou tarrh. In oome cases, the nose pick- ist at that time.) Other songs were will be of value. I would also sug- "I have totiTaU who have asked German language troublesome. traveling suit trimmed with beaver. frame of mind. Islana style, hut where are hU ing la simply a habit which you can sung by all present, including Old Of course everybody knows that haps he may prove to be exactly gest that you begin to exercise, ua- about my birthdays that I wish to Whenever the official news agency The funeral of Nicholas J. Mad- Within a week of send out laws? The real wxirk la lione and correct by having him wear mittens disregard them os much aa possi- Long Bynf, and Mr. Newbeiry, Mrs. the Suffleld farmer-dealers rsfused lng slow, easy movements at flrat d'stributes advance copies of Der sen o f South Windsor was held at that kind of a head of the New lattera to ths 8O0-odd coitgrea- the enduring laws are usually or gloves as much o f the time as ble,’’ Mrs. Roosevelt continued, her Hunt and Miss Sawyer spoke. Sand- and gradually Increasing the num- Fuehrer's addr-xss to newspapers U the funeral rooms of Taylor and 3- G O *'• those checks as aa affscUvs step in Haven. Certainly a*lot of Connec- atonal eandldatea In the November made by the Norrises and W ag- possible. gray eybs thoughtful. ‘T do not wiches, cookies, tea. and a big birth- ber o f times you do each one and Modeen, with Rev. H arry S. Martin, M election, more than 100 replica ners. whose dreaa and manner like to think In te n r i of years, and almost invariably follows them with day cake with 70 candles gave the VJlTH ^ their war with the mllk-truet-Mllk ticut people, thousands o f them adding harder ones until you pastor of the South Windsor church bad been received, and they're would never single them out of FATAL DECOY’ I do not believe It nscesaary that a list of corrections, mostly gram- last touch of enjoyment to the M U L MEAN says: "Smoking a Camel • m m * * DIANi "A Csmel sure brings Board combine; that the prcluccr- stockholders, wlU hope so. The any crowd. strengrthen the heart muscles to conducting the service. The bear- flooding to at the rate of 30 or Uarrisvitle. W. Va.—O r v I I 1 e niatical but others clearly due to party. gives toe the feeling of having more bsde your energy sftcr s hard game, or such a degree that the heart action anybody should.i It wrould be better ers -vere Charles Joqgerzen, Henry dcalere' Sgbt Is a fanners' Ogbt and New Haven has suffered terribly for more a da.v. < Autos have to have homa. but Knott’s ability aa a squirrel decoy if wa ra t less streaa on age, any- stenographers' aiipo. Rev. and Mrs. Uellinger attended energy. Camels never give me jumpy la strong and ateady aa in trained Jorgersen, Earl Abbe, Alexander C a NVE'-* any time when you’re tired, sod Camels that ths Aleoms* lafal aetlvlUss an ThU U a new departure In A. the motor la what makat them go. led to hia death. PoUce reported wray. llie thing Is to k .-ep on do- Eighteen faults reeded changing the monthly meeting of tbe WUil- a long Urns at the bands ot raanoffa- athletes. It It beneficial to use the Dezxo, Raymond W inter and Carl asm s or leave a 'dgaretty* aftertaste I” never fiszzle the nerves." F. of L. taettos — getting pledget that Knott. 30, of Fairmont, W. Va.. ing!" tt onef of Hitler's Numberg party toontlc Pastors 'Union brid at all on the side o f the producer and menU that mUkad It and manage- fast at the beginning of the treat- Winter. Burial waa to ■ the South member o f a party o f hunters, bid I asked about Mis. Roosevelt's congress speeches, for example, and Ubrarty Hill Monday. in advanet to oupport specific Of the 0.6S4.(KiO persons aged ment as the fasting regimen ae- Windsor cemetery. the GooBumer and against the milk ments thgt chiseled and cheese- bfbind a bush on the George T. personal plans for the next teh 14 In another. These inelud^ puncj things. Formerty the A. F, of U 05 or more residing In the United slste In the dUroinsttlon o f any poi- Rev. and Mrs. Mellinger and ten ' trust and 14 cent milk: not, as the pared. It would'-be a blessing In- scanned a candidate's past record, Layfleld farm, chattered like a years. She laughed at that. tuation, the use o f the indicative for States at the time o ' the lfl3o sonous wnate.s'w!hich* may be pre.s- young people from here attended tbe The pistol used by Charles J. squirrel and was accidentally shot "t have no plana; I never nlan the subjuncllve mode, non-agree- I ^ Seirmor, in bis straaf* ooseaptloa datd U at last It should prove that and supported or opposed him on j census, nearly half. « • S.307.000. ent and causing ^lT(^Uon. Tri-County Union social held at Guiteau to maaaasinate Preaident that Only aaca. bafert. wbaa '.J death by Ernest Haahman, also ahead,” Sbt declared.- "1 Just keep Aa a gsqarsJ nda,\tha nient of adjectlveg and articles, and Hebron last Saturday evening. Garfield, together with his (xtnfes- -A averaga of Fairmont^ on doing wbat Is to be done. Aa for incorract pl'jrala. Neighbors Night will be observed sion. haa become the property of Wedneaday' evening at the local the U. 8. National Muaeuai. PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. ICANCHESl’BR. CONN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,19S4. MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALU. MANGHBaT EK. UtJNN- THURSDAY, OtnUBER H , 1983. PAGESXVltr-

to be ooncsntrating virtually all at- this veteran has done for his bud- well-being of tbe men under him. tention upon the domeatie eeene. ^ *• Murl*y, N.R.A. la Connecticut, Mf*. JCar- RIDE TO PRIZES Manchester Girls Go To Bermnda chief of LoulsvUIa acanU dies. Hs dsservsB tbs support not The writer was in direct contact DEMOCRATIC WOMEN Jori* Woolridg* »of OloetonbufY. PRICES CONHNUE Word from Waahlngton that Pre- ALGORN TO DISCUSS MANCHESTER WOMAN MONSTER DEPOSITS OPEN FORUM only of the vsterang. but tbs vet- with the work carried on by Colonel feaeor Warren, who wee active in charge. A t ttis Btidl bom* hi* DAILY RADIO PROGRAM State Central eomnUttaawonan, rrons wife, mother, sister and McCook and wishee to dto one in- advising the administration aeveral deputy, E. J! Wynn set up headquar- and Mr*. Augusta Burke of Rock- ters and questioned H u d u /ld r a HURT1NHAR1T0RD THURSOaV, OCTOBER 11 (Central and Esiteni Standard Time) brother. stance. TO MEET WEDNESDAY ville, Tolland County leader. Dr. E. TO PUSH FORWARD montba ago on Its gold prlce-flxlng ON A BICYCLE After the Armistice bad ended the program, waa a luncheon gueat of IMPORTANT ISSUES Woolqt, her husband, Fttwier Wool- N*t*i All procram* to k*y and basic chain* or eroup* th*r*of nnics* rp*«l- OF ALUNITE FOUND cites number of vets Tbe next man we find on the G. Dolan will also b* a guiat. et, Stoll's neighbor* and ssrvu U war. Headquarters Co. 161 Infantry, the President, gave rise to further fled; eooat to coaat (e to e) d**ttn*tlon Inelud** all ayallabl* *4*1100*. ticket, running fot re-election it Weleher Callopy, of Hartford, M ra Marjorie Taylor Nelson of conjectures In the financial district Wynn refused to say anythin* MIm Elinbeth O’Neil] dt Dem- SroerSm* aubjeet to ch«n**. S. M. Cant Seat State Senator Kenneth F. Cramer of to which 1 was assigned together Windsor will slag a number of regarding the poasiblllty of some publicly about tbe case. ing Street Falls from Trolley N8C-WEAF NETWORK 4:S0— t:S0—Eddl* Oaolty, Pcotball— „. , ON REPUBUCAN TICKET WeUiergfleld, a past department with other detachments, were oillet- Fonntr Head of NBA in aongg, accompanied by Mra. Arlyn* aatt; Happy Ortan — watt: Jack ed outside of th* town Of Montri- Mirket Experiences a Mild new step being taken in relation to Races and Various Otiier Omdidate for Governor To StoU issued a sUtement saying he Car— Bones Broken. BASIC — Eatti «*af wlw w*«t wtic Armctreng--mldw*at repeat Discovery of a Basis for commander of tbe American Legion, Connectient to Speak. Oanity. had "Just found the note regardlag wjar wtsa wc*h wfl wiit wn>r wre way 0:40— 0:40—Beauty Program—batia; cha'rd. This particular camp con- the monetary policy. wtan won* wtam wwj wsal; Midi kid “Veteran” Says Ex-Service one. of the men who worked with MOmbers should make raoerva- Considerable Interest was ex- the ransom and that arrangemenu wmaq wctl woo-who wow wdnf wkbf To a* Announced—watt McC^jok on the v.-terans hospital tained between 1,000 and 2,000 men. The Democratic Women’s club of tions as soon aa possible to any one Inflationary Thrill; Trad* Contests to Promote Pic- ar* bein^ made accordingly.” There MUa EUizabeth R. O’Neill, 66, of 0:50— •:0S—Preat'Radlo Newt—aaat Sicicneas such aa the flu wiu very pressed in the announcement that Talk on Old Age Pensions, 39 Demlng street sustained a frac- NORTHWaST a CANADIAN — irtjnJ dd)0— 7KM — Myrt and Marge-aaat; Making Aluminom Inter- Men Should Look Into Rec- project, a member of the Veteran* Manchester will hold 1ta regular of tbe following committee: Mrs. the floating supply of U. 3. Steel' was no hint what tbe arrangemenu wita k*tp w*bo wday kfyr cret efcf Dan Ruaae Orchaatra—waat i. prevalent In this camp and seemed Ruth Nelson, M m Edward Murphy, ture of the collarbone and aeveral tilO— 7110—Juat Plain Sill—«aat: Th ords of the Candidates, Home Commission, chairman of the to get beyond the bounds -of those meeting at the - Hotel Sheridan, Common stock, on Sept. SO, totaled were. Schmidt said the noU prom- SOUTH — wrva wptf wwno wi* wjax legion’s rebabllitatiub committee and M m Rena Rylander. f Lhrely at Opening. tore at State. Taxes and Labor. ised tbe kidnapera would conUcf the fractured riba when she fell from a wfla-wiun wlod w*m wmo i\->b wapt 8* Announced-watt: Oreh.—dixla ests Business World. In camp, to control and diminish We()nesday, October 17 at 6 O’clock. l,S9d,109 shares, or a decline of 0O<- trolley car when it was leaving thw wjdx w*mb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpru t;00— 7:00—Whiegaring Jack Smith— .-.I present a cgptoin in tha NationA This will be followed by a supper at 630 from the aggregate of June 30, family within five days. woel ktba ktb* wioo wav* wtar aaat; Buck Rcgara—mldwaat rpt Editor, The Herald: It ^ Hartford at 3 t:40— 7:45—Boi/k* Carter, Talk—ba- W'tb the atate election less than Guard. Cramer enlisted In the army Colonel McCkiok was detailed 6:40. The principal apeakere win -According to eati mates, France's last. In '-ome quarters this was William Stoll issued tbe following 0 Clock 3feiterday afternoon. She MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kzir kzhl ale: Batwaan tha Backtnda—waat and MW many neonths service in be Wsicher Callopy of Hartford, New York, Oct. 11.— (A P )— *T)n a blcj^e built for two" or on Salt lAke a ty . Oct. H .— (A P )— a month away we find that little has from Headquarters to inveatigate Mrth mte ia decreasing at th* seen as an Indication of recent State's Attorney Hugh M. Aleom, statement: ^ Hartford hospiUl WACISIC COAST—kfo k(l kzw komo 7nx>— lrt)0—Saty Acaa — aait; Tall Fiance. Ht Is Weil verced on vet- who at one time had charge of tbe Itoet fliwnciel market* apparently liquidation of speculative holdings a single seaiter, local bpya and girts kbq k(*d ktar kzu kpo Slatara—dixla: Orchaatra—waat Vast deposits of alunitc in the been said of the Republican nomi- conditions and the'Vvriter knows for rate of 80,000 annually. who will b* the principal speaker at "It is our desire that every oppor- 7i10— S;10—Th* Waller Rhythm Club ctans fegisiatlon and a true booster in the hands of brokers. In other Ray rid* to ten valuable prizes to the big RepubUcan raUy in Center C*nt. Boot. Tuehar mountains In southwestern nees, what has been their attitude a posltiva fact tliat Colonel McOook aspeiienced mild inflationary thrills tunity be kept open for Mrs. Stoll's :h ? ",!Iin%!^,rre^Tae^H^-ur^^‘ ’ 4:$0— SitO—Tal** of Courait—baato 7:00— S:00—Kata Smith'* Program Pro tor the veteran. He deserve* tbe words, it was thought the decrease park suiting at' 2:30 Saturday SrflO— trilo— Walter O’Kaafa’tI’ t thaw, Utah, some 200 milea from here, toward the veteran to the past and worked day and night, going wUhout today and price*, generally, contin- •be given in the "Quaker 0 *t Boy" safe return.' To that end we wrtll 4i4a— Ii4a—Danny Malona, Ttnar support of bis comrades. sleep or change of clothing, to carry in the supply may have been the re- afternoon, announced today that he appreciate phone Uhec of my resi- SiOO— dHO—Heraolo Zito'a Orchaatra SdO— *:K4—Waring'* Panntylvanlan* await developmimte that may revo- what will their attitude be if elect- ued their forward puah begun on hike context sponsored Jointly by the aait; Dick Staal*—midwast *:007-10:00—40 m. In Hollywood-baiio lutionize the aluminum industry. And the fifth veteran on tbe ticket out the task to which be was assign- sult of the stock being withdrawn will devote the greater part o f the dence and those of other members 0:40— 10:45—CBS Plano Taam — baato; ed. Wednesday. f-tate Theater and The Herald on HOSWmNO^ SiSO— tilO—Praat-Sadio Nawa—woof ,s County Detective Edward J. ed. There waa no man In military from brokerage offices and placed time given for his address to Old of the family be kept as free as pos- 61U— diSft—Mary amall a Orchaatra Haldalbarg gtudonte—mldwaat A recent, statement by Senator C. From th« veterim’B standpoint It Overnight study of the Presi- "in the box" for long-term hold- Saturday. October 27. Age Pensions, Taxation and the La- 5:44— t;4 ^ B llly Batehalor'a Skatch 10:00— 11:00— Vara Van, Sanaa—baate; C. Dill j f Washing on t- the effect IS lotereating to note that on the Hickey, who mw service with the life who left such an everlasting im- Every one is eligible and there sible and therefore, it is requesUd SiOIV- 7:1X1—To Ba Announead Myrt and Margo— repeat for waat pression on the writer’s mind as did dent's remarks on higher price lev- ing. bor situation. Mr. Alcorn said that 10:15— 11:15— Henry Sue** Ore.— baale that the mount tins of high-grade Republican ticket which wiU be pre- Intelligence Department during tbe Trade reports furnished no new wil* be opportunities for the speed that only necessary calls be made. Mrs. Alice Palmer of 583 Parker d:IS— 7i1d—Sana a Olan—aaat a aou (Tolonel McCook in Jiis treatment ef els led various observers to con- he believed these subjects would be "Our chief concern is, of course S;IO— 7:10—Al Barnard, Paul Dumont 10:00— 11:00—Jo* Haymat Orchaatra alunite deposits,-estimated at from sented to the electorate on Novem- war. an efficient and capable law impressive stimulua. Dun and Brad- demons and the fancy riding ex- atreet and Victor Black oP Cumber- a:4t— 7:4»—Prank Suck, Junflo Sarlal 11KX4—12:00—Carle* Melina Ore.— baile 20 to 30 million tons, presents a ber 6tb there are no less than five • nforcement officer and a man well th* men entrusted to his care. clude that, in the absence of anoth- Of paramount interest to Manches- for the safety of Mrs. Stoll.’’ land street. Elmer kupferachmid of 11:00—12:00— tnoch Light Orehaatra— street estimated bank clearings In perts Frank Busch of the Recrea- ter people. 7:00- 1:00—Rudy tfallaa’a Hr—e to e potential use for power to be gener- World War veterans. Men who have fitted for the office be seeks, that of TTie writer deems it an honor and er dollar devaluation, drastic cred- Tbe StoU home on Lime Kiln Lane Rockville and Mra. John Hutchin- S:d0— (:00—Capl. Honry’a Showboat baale; Bari Hina* Orch.— mldwaat a prIWIegg to support and vote for it expansion might be utilized to the principal cities of the country, tion Center will be in charge of the Mr. Alcorn’s opinions on these *:00—10:00—Whltaman'a Muale Hall ated at the Grand Coulee Dam in served their country well in time of sheriff of Hartford County. during the week end^d Oct. 10, to- is a mile and a half from the Ohio son of 73 Linden street were dis- NBC-WJZ NETWORK Colonel Anson T. McCook for Con- Age 13 achieve the desired results. (ontests and entry blanks may be three subJecU wlU be awaited with 10:00—lliOlh-Ragara a Vanoa. aong* that state, has attracted new atten- war and are stiU in a peace time And in conclusion might I urge taled $4,016,129,000, or a decline of filed with him or at the State tbea- river. A Coast Guard cutter and charged yesterday. 10:14—11.10—Jack Sargar Orehaatra- SASIC — Batti wla wba-wbta wbal ion to their posslbilitlea. gres*. Stocks enjoyed a lively first hour, keen interest not only by Republlcasi the county police patrol boat took wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wayr wmal; r«rvlce, not only t::, the atate and all veterans to Journey to the O n - 3.9 pgr cent under the figure for itr. Raymond Pinkln of 478 North asat: Dana and Olan—repeal waat Mldwaat! weky kyw wanr wla kwk Aluminum manufacturing Inter- FRANS EDMUNDS. Old anough for strong drugs? moving at the rate of around 2.000,- adherents, but by the opposition. It officers to^ lx Mile Island which lies 10:t0—11:10—Deraay Brea. Orobaatra .lation, but to their leas fortunate tei Park on Saturday afternoon the corresponding week a year ago. The first contest win be a race at Main atreet, Harry O’Connell of 4 ij 11:0(4—ItiOO—a. Madriguara Orahaatrt kwer koll wTtn wmaq kao wkbf ests of Detroit also are reported to October 11, 1934. 000 shares a day with gains of frac- it expected he will set forth some off the shore near the home, last N O R TH W B ST A C AN AD IAN - wtin] bud(Ues. vhere oil tlie ab-jve mentioned men d o'clock from the south terminal to Prospect street, Blmei* Vennart 11:10—12:M4-Sh*p Flaida a Orchaatra be considering ihelr development on tions to a point OF more The ac- entirely new ideas in relation to all night They hoped the kidnaper j '.r street, Ra)rmond Luc wlba katp wabo wday kfyr cret cfef Heiullng the state ticket ia tbe ylth the exception of Mr. Wilcox, the Depot Square "dummy cop,'* three topics. CBS-WABC NETWORK SO U TH — arrva wptf wwno wla wJax a large scale. tivity tapered off later, however, might have hidden tbers, but found e f 30 Williams street and Raimnonl wfla-w’aun wlod warn wmo wab wapi Diirfrovered id 1911 by Tom Gil- eminent atatea attorney, Hugh M. will tell you In their own words their ENGINEERS KILLED when moderate profit-taking ap- ; SAYS “ HOME WORK” back to the termmal and to the Judge William S. Hyde, chairman I norblng. .i.-oa of 140 South Main atreet' SASIC—Eaaii wabe wado weko wcao wjdx wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre Alcorn. WhUe not a veteran, his attitude toward the veterans. IFkaf ths doctors ss^t about giving SlBtd theater under police escort. Iwaab wnao w«r wkbw wkro whk cklw woal kiba ktba waoo wava len, a gold prospector, the alunite pcared. Some traders showed an j of the Republican town committee, I Officers were placed in the Har- were adinilted today. ,wdro wcau wjaa waan wtbl wapd ariir position in respect to the veteran • A V E T E R A N . St. Johnaburj’, Vt„ Oct. 11.— (AP) The race Is open to boys or girls and MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kelr kchl deposit* were worked during the children c modicino of adult IncUnatlon to even up commitments j wlll preside and the other speakers rods creek phone exchange, which A daughter waa bom today to . ;1rnia* wbna; MIdwaati wbbm wfbm PACIPIC C O A S T -k g o kfl kfw komo World War for their potash content. was clearly outlined in his speech of —H. H. Squires, of Watjerbury, and IN STATE GROWS there is no age limit. The first prize ikmbo kmox wowo wbaa v kbq kfad ktar kiw for ths Golumbus Day holiday to- wiU be 0>unty DeUcUve Edward F. served the Stoll’s neighborhood. AU Mr. and Mrs. George Jones of 247 lEAST—wpz-whp wlbw wbao wlba wfaa Government reports show that la acceptance when he said "the vet- PRAISES .Mc Cook Joseph Burnat, Jr., of Mtddleboro, strength, — morrow when the leading markets > for this event will be a sliver loving Hickey, (3omptroUer Anson F. Keel- calls to homes of any of the family Brewer street, East Hartford. won wico efrb okao Cant Bait cian should and wUI be taken care Mass., forest engineers at the CCC cup, second a three months pass to 4:00— *:0^ Tha Slnelng Lady— aaat 1917 and 1918 more than 8,000 tons Editor of Tbe Evening Herald; win be closed. er, 8UU Senator Kenneth F. O a - were checked. .DIXIE—artat wafa wbre wqam wdod of potash, valued at 32,169,500, were of.” camp at Ricker Mills, 'were Mlled as (Continued from Page One) tbe theater, fourth a one montba 'klra wrao wlao wdau wteo krld wrr 4i45— 5:45—Orphan Annia—aaat only At tbe Republican rally to be held Secondary bonds developed ^ mer and Lieut. <3ol. Anson T. Mc- PASTOR ACCEPTS CALL :ktrb ktaa waeo koma wdbo wodx wbt 5:00— f:0O—Tom Ceakicy’c Ofehcatra ptoduced. Next In line comes Lieutenant in the Center Park Saturilay after- their automobile akidded, left the pass. There will be fifteen special 5:00— 0:00— Praat-Radie New* Period •twngth, but U. S. C^vemment » e -; rtiscussed the topic "The Present Cook. There will be an entertain- >wdae whig wdbl wwra wmbf araja Regarded by their discoverer as Governor Roy Wilooic, who has serv- noon among the speakers will be highway and atru(fi( a tree on Wells JMSwd e I ASS A 1AA 41 essvs A^ ASifA-AlT A VlaAAA. ..V prizes of two guest tickets each to ment program also and if stormy wmbr wala ktnl ligke 5:05— •:05—W aKir Practan, Barlten* eurltlea also firmed de’spitc the re- Day Problems of the Ministry" and Greenwich. Oct. 11-^(AP) — The MIDWBaT—weak wgl wmt annbd arlan 5:45— 5:45—Lewall Thoma* — aaat; a “freakish pink spar," the deposits ed the state weU and who i» a can- Colonel Anson T. McCook, candidate River-Groton road thii morning. vival of inflation sentiment Grains advocated that there be higher see Joe E. Brown, the original "Qua- the rally wUl be in High school hall. SCENES OF HORROR Rev. H. B. Kirkland of New York wibw kfh kfab wkbn wcoo wabt kae) Orphan Annia— repast td mldwaat near Maryivale now atv retognlzed didate for re-election. Mr. Wilcox for Congress. The writer would like Squires leaves a widow and tlx and cotton Improved along with ker Oat Boy”, In his newest hit pic- Mr. Alcorn will be glad to meet wntx sao— 7:00—Amo* 'n* Andy—aaat only children. qualiflcatlona for ordination. has accepted a call by tbe North MOUNTAIN—kaor kl* kob kal dt15— 7:15— FreddI* Martin Orehat. by. metallurgista as the only known enlisted at the outbreak of tha war to see a vast outpouring of the elec- rubber. The dollar lost ground in ture, "6 Day Bike Race", for the any voters after the rally and dis- Phoenix Congregational church 0:00— 7:10—Armand Otrard, Barltons large body of pure alunite In the .ind aervad in France long before torate to see and hear this fine gen- It is wise te give a laxatim The two day meeting is scheduled —® la Barnett Photo. IN SPANISH “WAR" COAST — khl kola kfro kol kfpy krl not Semothing te terms of the European gold ciirrrn- first fifteen entries filed. The second cuss any issues in which anyone here, church officials said today. Ha hfbk kmf kwg karn kdb kgmb kib *:45— 7:45—Sanaa by Shlrlay Howard world. out own eduntry entered tha con- tleman of excellent character and of adult strength te a child, just dea, but was a little higher against to close late this afternoon, follow- contestBt Is for the fancy riders and . “ '»* Cl*™; Mias Syea, and M lu Ann Llndberg, siaters, of 47 MyrUe may be keenly Interested. 7:00— 1:00—0. Htnry Dramatliatlena .... — Jhip was built and suc- ing a final business session. succeeda the late Rev. Morgan D. Cent, Beat, 7:00— 1:00—Tha Remanea of Mtlody Alunite, containing alumina, pot- flict Since his return to private firm believer in representative gov- cessfully piloted by Dr. Soi.imon beetuie yeu ^ve it lees often or Think About sterling. will bi held at the East Side play- *^''**.V “ >e Swedlsh-Americsn liner, 8.S. Kungsholm, bound for I (OODttnned troni Page One) Van Valkenburgh. 4:10— 0:30—Jaak Armatrang, gkll—«* tM — 0:0(4—Daalh Valley Oaya, Play ash and sulphuric acid, forms the ernment. Approximately 400 delegates and only; Organ and tpaakai—waat 0dl4— *:0O—Haadbargar Bavarian Or. life be 'has been Actively connected Andrews bCTore the Wright broth- in lest amounts. Doctors advise Ii(iuid laxatives, Shares of Homestake Mining grouniT! Three prizes will be ^ven Bermuda. Dr. Kirkland has been connected basis for the manufacture of alumi- Harking back to the war days In ers were born. The ship was rnany visitors have attended the 4i4S— 1:46 — Reblnaen Cruaoa, Jr. — S:00—10:014—Farad* of th* Previncaa with aeveral veteran organizations Stomach uptett and bowel trouble* and hospitals use the liquid form. Jumped IS points on a single trans- conference. RICH SOCIETY WOMAN lets.' Campomanes was retaken by with churches in Essex, Providence N. 7.: T* a* Announead—watt *:0I4—10:0(4—DIacuaalon ef Beonomitt num, potaah fertilize; and s ^ u m promoting the Interest of the vet- France when political ambitions built In 1863 and flew over New fer, while U. P. Smelting. O rro dc f the army Sunday. and Pawtucket, R. 1., and Philadel- smo— tnx) — Buck Rostra, Skatch — 10;(X4—1l!(l0 — Dal Camp* Orehaatra— nitrate. never entered his mjnd, he was giv- of growing children can often be And a child'who has been con- York City in 1866 with several test: Th* Man of Notaa Trio—waat eaat: Amt* ’n’ Andy—watt repeat eran. valescing in the hospital usually Pmmc o , Howe Sound and Ameriaan Used Artillery. phia. Btia— mIO — Bobby Sanaon — aatt; 10:0(4—11:0(4—Charlla Oavla Orehaatra To demonatrate tbe commercial Anson Keeler enUsted in tbe army ing every thought to the care and passengers aboard. traced to this tingle mistaJee. Smelting were vip 1 to sround 3. SCHOOI. STRIKE nZZIJCS. KIDNAPED In KENTUCKY Many were slain on both sides Skigpy — mldwaat; Theta McCarty 11:00—10:00—Oaerat Otaan’a Orchcati feaalbillty of Utah alunite deposits romea out with bowels working McRory Stores gained more than 4 airlc watt; Hal and Murray-^lxts 11:0>-12:00—Dancing In Twin Cltlea in the manufacture of aluminum, at the beginning of the war as a and hundreds of cattle In the region buck private and worked bis way up WhottoOlv* lika a wxll-regulated watch. and Union Pacific was 2 higher. Hartford. Oct. 11.— (A P )— Re- Local Stocks^N. Y. Stocks were killed by flying bullets. In- ma/SHE TOLD public and private interests of the Others, fractionally to a point or so (Continned from Page One) atate have offered to make 1 OOU to tbe rank of major when the a Child Give that headachy, bilfous child ports of a "strike" at the Northeast surgents were equipped with light 0:10—New England Agriculture firmer. Included U. S. Steel, Chrys- artillery. tons of ore available to the govern- Armistice was signed and is agam There it a better way to relieve California Syrup of Figs when Junior High school today were un- (Furnished by Putnam g Co.) ! been ill aeveral days, came down WORN-OUT HUSBAND Markets. the party’s choice for state control- constipated, and a little let* each ler, Du Pont. Consolidated Gas. Adain Exp ...... In one bombardment near Cam- OH£ ffu U h a ^ reproaebad him ment for treatment at the Muscle To All Who Suffer Stomach oecasional tlu^ihnesi, or consti- fulfilled as classes began In their Central Row', Hartford, Conn. stairs when.she beard the noise. 0:80—Kellogg Binging Lady. ler, a position be has flUed in an able time until bowels seem to be pose, Loew'a, Columbian Carbon, customary manner this morning, Air Reduc . . . ; ...... 1 pomanes. more than 180 rebels were for hit fits of temper—hi* Shoali power plant. pation in a child of any age; Ifaey, Sears Roebuck, Montgomery The man menaced Mrs. Woolet in compUintt. But wiaaljr the wnc 0:40—^Little Orphan Annie. Presetit Soorae manner for the past few years, it moving regularly and thoroughly I P. M. Stocks killed, tbe newspaperman reported. aaw in hit frequent cold t. hit and no more than the usual number Alaska Jun ...... wrlth a gun, forced her to tape the HartfeotL Ueaut 0:00—Air Adventures of Jimmie Tbe preaent source of aluminum has been the privilege of tha writer Avoid all use ef mineral drugs, Ward, Santa Fe and N. V. Central, of piipil.s was ab.scnt. No substan- Vega and Del Rey have Just been * fagged ouu" '^oq edM*‘ condi- without need of help. Allegheny ...... hands of her mistress. Then he tied tion t ^ verr tnnihie the bertelf 30,M W. 1030 K. O. S8LB M. Alien. is bauxite, deposits of which, gov- to have beard several addresses by Distress, Gas and Indigestion whether they are salts, pills, tab- Coincident with a sharp advance tiation of the reports of the "strike", Bank Stocks overcome after'a terrific bombard- Allied Chem ...... 1 the maid to a chair, gagged her and had whipped. Comtipatiool Tha TrovWerB BraoduaatlaB Barvloe 6:10—RepubUcan Stata Committee. emn.ent reports say, are being this able statesman who has always lets, or "candy” form. Even once in London, foreign bar silver In that were considered at a board of Bid Asked ment. An advance from two direc- eery morning tf* 6:30—Press-Radio Newt. New York was raised 2 ^ cents an Am C a n ...... 1 told Mra. Stoll he was going to kid- tions on a Red stronghold at Micres heavily depicted. defended the veteran. B month is too often to give any education meeting yesterday could Cap Nat Bank A Trust — .18 nap her. 6:30—^Tlme, weather. Money Back If One Bottle of Dare’s Mentha Pepsin Doesn’t Do ounce to 88 S cents, another new Conn. River ...... 460 Am ComI AIco ...... is now planned. Timrada^ October U, 1934 "Alumina stand to aluminum in And next we come to the party’s child a cathartic strong enough be found. The oniy outward indi- Am Fgn Pow ...... ; ...... Bits Her On Head aa abe ad> 6:40—Lowdl Thomas. the earns relation as Iron ore stands choice for Congressman, an able You More Good Than Anything You Ever Used, for adults. high since 1929, and one of the most cation of anything extraordinary was Htfd. Conn. Trust . . . . 50 Autogyros are being used for the L / y ie ^ he felt like 4;00 p. m.—« u e Room Ekrhoes, with 7:00—Amo* ‘n’ Andy. THE “ LIQUID TEST" pronounced gains for a single day Am Rad St S ...... They talked about the matter for first time in actual Spanish combat. himself again— to pig iron,” Paul J. Fox. for sever- lawyer, a square shooter and truly a handful of parents standing out- Hartford National___ 16 sonfe time. Mrs. Stoll offered the »Jert. peppy, cheerful. Robert Staoaley, baritone. 7:10—Joe and Bateese. al years technologist in the United Um b litniid laxative containing on record. Phoenix St. B. and T. 163 Am Smelt . ; ...... Twd are operating with the army in HH—^ ^ e . dependable, all* . 4:80—Program from New Yorli. a friend of the veteran. Anson T. Ton etn be so distressed irlUi gss dition of faulty digestion thst Icseps Constipation in children can be side the school. man a check If he would let her go. 7:30— College of Surgeon*— "Giv- States Department of Agriculture, and fullnese and bloating from sn senna (t natural laxative). Cali- The markets appeared to be view- Insurance Stocks Am Tel and Tel ...... 1 Asturias on patrol duty and canylng wge t al4e 1 a xati v« a ^ correc* 4:48—Morin Sisters. McCook left.bis law practice in 1917, the stomacli In constant rebellion and relieved, in this manner; Teachers and school authorities Am Tob B ...... He replied by hitting her on the tiye ~works gently, thorr ing Yourself the Once Over,’ reported after a three months study over-worked, xbuied or week etom- one bottle will prove it. fornia Syrup of Figs hat the right the potentialities of the Europe- Aetna Casualty ...... 49 81 dispatches in the moimtalnous ter- oughly, Mturally.it ttim' 8:00—Studio Program. enlisted in the army and served for ach thxf you think your heart Is *o- generally were inclined to discount Am Wat W k s ...... Robert Jolly, Superintendent, Me- of..Utah alunite deposits. Over 1.000 bottles sold in one small' amount for children’s use, and First; select a liiiuid laxative of an flareup with little concern and the whole matter as Idle talk. Aetna Fire ...... 40 42 head ^tlu.piece-of^lron'-pipe. Her-pritory— ulatetthe eliminativa B;80-^Allyn Tlieater Program. morial hospital; President, Am- tbe duration of Uie war, and since InK to etnii bsatlng. ttit head was cut and began to bleed but ^ ract toconplete*rtffular "The great difference to the two New Jersey - town in one'TWT^Tnr this rich, fruity syrup does not the proper strength for children. Aetna Llfe.,.^^...... !.•) Anaconda ...... 0:40—Buddy and Blake. nil return has been actively connect- Your stomach may bs so distsnded the best druggists ths country over 17 Armour 111 ...... the maid said she was not uncon- functlorting.T^on-habit. _ _ erican Hospital Association. cases is that while iron can be pro- that your breathing is short and harm or upset a child’s system. Second: give the dose suited to Automobile ...... 20 22 forming. Try a 6:00—Wrightvllle Clarion. 7:45—Song—Shirley Howard. ed laith the American Legion in re- gaspy. concede that Ita pheiiomenat aalet Atchison ...... i scious. duced by smelting iron ore with are due to the fact tha'. moat caaea the child’s age, and condition. Conn. General...... 24 26 NTATE TAXES DUE. 6:30—Prgu-Radio News. 8:00—Florence Rangers. habilitation work. Probably tbe You think perhapi you are euiroeat- When yon change to California Auburn ...... ; Allowing her a checked blue and coke and tlmestone in a blast fur- ing. are promptly relieved. Aek for Dare's Third: reduce the dose if repeated, Hartford Fire ...... 54 56 6:30—Laurel Trio. 8:15— "Under Your Balcony” —Or- moat outaUindlng bit of work ac- Mentha Pepsin, a pleasant to take Syrup' of Figs instead of harsh Aviation C o rp ...... white coat to cover her negligee the | Hartford, Oct. 11.— (APJ State nace, tbe reduction of alumina to You are disiy and pray for quick until the bowels are mosing with- Hartford Steam Boiler 61 63 I a a C " Quick reiki for indkr» 6:40—Billy Batchelor. rin'White, tenor. make aluminum requires electric complished by McCook and several health-building atomacli elixir that medicines, you risk no more vio- Balt and O h io...... ] kidnaper then forced his victim to j T.ix CX>mmissioner William H. Hack- *c\A relief—whttl'e to be done? Arthur Drug Stores and regular out any help at all. National Fire ...... 64 56 I U fV l9 lion, hortbunw Only 10c. 7:00—Neal O’Hara. 8:30— "Maseachusetta Bay Colony’ power in quantity. other leading ex-servicemen of our Juet one tablespoonful of Dare's lence to your child’s appetite, di- Phoenix F ir e ...... 65 Bendix ...... j go with him. Mrs. Wooiet caught | ett has notified the treasurers of the 7:10—Concert Miniatures. pharmaclita anywhere in America LEISURE TIME CLASSES 67 —Gleason L. Archer. “The new and preaent importance olate was their winning fight to Msntha Pepsin and spoadlly the gat guarantee. gMtion, and general p h ^ ca l con- An ideal laxative for this pur- Travelers ...... 400 Beth S te e l...... j a glimpse of his car, a late model 169 towns of the state of the amount 7:30—Dr. J. 8. PaUadlno. diaappears. ths pressing on ths hssrt Joe E. Brown 410 coach or sedan. 8:45—Eklmond Boucher, basso. of al:mite as a source of alumina in have the government erect a vet- dition. You’ll ha've a siffer, more pose is California Syrup qf F i^ Public UtIUtiee Stocks Borden ...... j of state /ind military taxes due for 7;4lt-Blg Preddl* MUler. erans hospital in Connecticut Noth- esases and you can brsathe desp and FOR ADULTS Can P a c ...... ] He said, "If Berry comes I'll kill 9:00—Death Valley Days. view of the huge power develop- naturally. Mtisfaetory raault. Those little which every druggist keeps in tj the winners of this event; first Conn. Elec S e r v ...... 39 43 the year 1934. Notices were mailed 8:00—;Rudy Vallee’g Variety Show. 9:30—Musical Keys. ing more trust be said about the Case (J. I.) ...... 4 him," the maid said. today and the tax will be payable to ment at Boulder Dam and else- Oh! What blssssd rsUst: but why upsets and coroplainta just dis- stock. Be certain that it is the Beginning M onday Eve., 7.30 O'clock prize, a three months pass to the Conn. P o w e r...... 36 38 A TYPEWRITER 0:00—Captain Henry’s Showboat. 10:00—NBC Artlsta Revue. where In the west near the alunite, hospital, it spesJu for itaself. A fine not gst r’d of such attacks altogsth- Greenwich, WAG, pfd. 40 Cerro Ds Pasco ...... j The man was in the house about the state treasurer on or before 10:00—Paul Whiteman’s Music Hall er? Why have them at ail? appear as a rule and the child is genuine product, with "Cali- theater; second pHze. a two months 50 an hour and a half in all. The two 10:30— "The Economics of Free is too obvious to need more than institution, ask some of'tb e boys Hartford Elec ...... 8114 Chos and Ohio"...... 4 November 10. SENSATION Show. Ckimpetition," Paul H. Douglas, With this wonderful msdlolne yon soon normal and happy again. fornia” blown in the bottle. October 22,1934 liass; third prize, a one month pass. 83 ns G a s ...... was working In a nearby field. He the three fiscal years next prior to . North Main Street a special contest la going to be held. Am Hardware 17t4 19'i 11:18— Ciaaimdeg Orcbeetra. Am Hosiery ...... Cons o n ...... had a rifle, as h« was killing dogs July 1, bears to the total receipts of In an early edition of the Herald a 35 that had been giving trouble. Sisrnet 11:30— Rockefeller Center Rainbow RAPS BOTH PARTIES Pinal adjustment of hours and meeting places will be Arrow H and H, com .. 9 11 Oont Can ...... all towns in the state for such three j Room OrcbestrA Heals Eczema picture of Joe E. Browrn the "6 Day do., p f d ...... Corn Prod ...... Big Dog Nearby year period. ' Now on Display. made by- clas.ses themselves. B'ke Rider" will be published. Three 97 12:00—College Inn Orchestra __ or Your Money Back Billings and Spencer.. Del L and Wn .. The Stoll's 140-pound great done Come In and try It. Ethel Shutta, soloist. prizes wdll be given to the .persons >4 —Bruno—played nearby. Senator Advises Republicans to Bristol Brass ...... 19 21 Du Pont ...... WDRC 13:30 a. m.—Dancing in the Twin Her*’* a lurffton’i wonderful pre- I Cost: .?1.00 (bourse of 10, One-hour Lessons submitting the best copies of this Hardin said he saw the kidnaper Kemp’s’, Inc. Take Up a Bold Fight do., pfd ...... 95 Eastman Kodak TRE.YSUKY’ DEPARTMENT, Pro- atles. scrlptlon.~not a patent m edicine^ I flcture. The copy must be a free drive up to the house but suspected 763 Main St. Phone 8680 880 Bartfoid Ooaa. that will do more to help you rtd The following course.^ will be offered If a sufficient Case, Lockwood and B — 300 Elec and Mus .. - , curena-nt Division, Public Works Against Monopoly. hand drawing, no tracings will be Collln.s Co...... Elec Auto Lite . nothing wrong, The...... kidnapng was Branch, Washington* D. C.* October yourteU of unelghtly spots and com« number de.sire them. Suggestions may be made for considered. First prize In the draw- 62 — discovered by Stoll when he went mon *kin troubles than anythin*: Colt's Firearms ...... 19 21 Gen Elec ...... " " 10. 1934. Sealed Bids in dupUcate, Thursday, October 11 Welser, Idaho, Oct. 11— (AP) — you’ve ever trtadi other courses. ing contest will be a one month home at 5:30 last night. He tele- nUST LADY 50 TODAY; Eagle Lock ...... 18 23 Gen F o o d s ...... subject to the conditions of Execu- A challenge to take up a “bold fight Go to J. W. Hale Co. Druff Dept, or I J ass, second prize a two three week I Fafnir Bearings...... Gen M otors...... phoned police from a neighbor’s tive Order No. 6646 dated March 14, P. M against monoply" was laid before any druxgiet you can trust and got L Advertising and Salesman- 11. Hookc-d Hugs SO 60 home. a bottle of Moone’a Emerald OIL Ap> ship pass and third prize a one week i Fuller Brush,' Class A . Gillette ...... 1934, will be opened In this office, at 4;0O-lAIong the Volga. HOLDS NO CELEBRATION the Republican Party today by 12. Indian Lore paa.s. Gold Dust ...... Mrs. Stoll is a daughter of Mr. Senator William E. Borah of Idaho. ply a Httle at Intervale as directloni 3. Amateur Photography 15. Individuality In Dress Gray Tel Pay Station. 10 10 a. ra., October 31, 1934, for paint- 4:10—Round Townere. advlie; with the very flrit application Joe E. Brown tbe original "Qua- Hart and cColey Hudson Motors . and Mrs. William Speed of a family He sounded bis challenge in a Itching ceaeee and with continued us« 3. -Angling 14. Interior Dct'oratlon 125 ing plaster, etc., in the V. 8. post 4:80—Dick Meaener’g Orchestra. ker Oat Boy" will be seen in "6 Da.V j Hartmann Tob, com. Int Harv ...... prominent in Kentucky for genera- 0:00—Loretta Lee. Her Theory. ‘‘The More You speech to a Republican political you'll suon eee a rapid change for the 4. Buainesa Law 1.1. .Municipal Government 5 office at Manchester, Conn. Spe^ft- better. If you don’t get complete sot- [ Bike Rider" at the State theater do., pfd Int N ick ...... tions. Her husband is vice-president ratlons may be obtained from the 0:10— Bkippy. Forget Your Birthdays, the meeting here laat night in which he 8. Cooking 16. Mualr .\pprerlatlon 15 20 of the StoU Oil Refining company. iafaction your money will be cheer> frlday and Saturday, October 26 Int. .Silver ...... Int Tel and Tel .. custodian of the building, or at this 0:80—Jack Armstrong, All-Amer- asserted that "if the RepubUcan ful'y refunded. 6. Current Events n . NeciHecratt 21 26 She 1s a niece of Frederic M. Sack- Younger You Stay.” T. Current Literature and 27. do., pfd ...... 64 68 Johns Manvllie ... office in the discretion of tbe assist- ican Boy. Party is going to have a place in 18. I*uhllc S|M-aklng Kcnnccott ...... ett, former Senator and ambassador the politics of the future, It must 8. Economic Forum 19. Ilejuwmitimi of A Dress Landers, Frary A cik. 314 33 ant director o f procurement, public 0:40—Miniatures by Franklin Mc- Waahln^on, Oct. 11.— (A P )—It’s New Brit. Mch. com .. Lehigh Val Coal . to Germany in the Hoover adminis- Cormack. get back to the policies and princi- ^ MOONE’S 9. General Sketching 20. W orlil Fellowship a n d 3 5 tration. works branch. \V. E. Reynolds, As- Mrs. Franklin P. Rooseyelt’* fiftieth 10. Hand Wrought Jewelry do., p f d ...... 30 Lehigh Val Rd . .. sistant Director of Proenrement, 6:00—Everett D. Dow—The Fact ples upon which it once held the Christianity. Llgg and Myers B Having telephoned, Stoll returned Finder. birthday today but Sistle and Buzzy confidence of tbe people of this Mann A Bow, Class A. 3 7 Public Works Branch. < Get Yoor Supply of BOLTON do.. Class B ...... Loew’s ...... home and on his wife’s bed on the 6:10—Bobby Beneon and Sunny Pall are much more excited over it country." m emer al d OIL With the excepMon of Current Event* and Hand Wrought Jeuclrv — 1 than is the First Lady. courses are FREE TO MK.MHEKs. .North and Judd . Lorlllard ...... second floor found the Icldnap note Jim. The Senator, a RepubUcan, de- 16)j 1S>, in a sealed envelope. The authorl So that tbe grandchildren might if interested, plense lill out the following blank and The Bolton Orioles will hold a card Niles, Bern Pond 8 10 McKeasp Tin . . . . GREEN MOUNTAIN 6:80—Football Reporter Eddie Doo- clared political parties "indispensa- Monsanto Chem .. ties refused to tell what it said. But ley. blow out the birthday.(uuidles, the ble," but asserted that “neither one mall to C. P. Tha.ver, Y, M. .V. party Wednesday evening at the | , f ‘?^_*” ** Wilcox 2'g 5H ceJebratlon was fixed for tea time Russell Mfg IT . Mont W a rd ...... Major William Schmidt, night chief POTATOES 6:40—Beauty Program. of the old parties in recent years basement. The proceeds will go t o -' 24 of police revealed It was perfectly instead of dinner. And the cake waa ward buying suits. ScovlU ...... 17), 19 >4 Nat B iscu it...... FREE 6:50—Preea-Radio Newa. has been willing to grapple with typed on two sheets of legal cap about all the festivity Mrs. Roose- Miss Lydia Young, Mrs. Lillian Stanley Works 17 19',3 Nat Cash Reg . . . 7:00—Myrt and Mar .-. monopoly.” HELPFUL I am interested in courses No. and No. Nat Dairy ...... mostly In black, but some parts In 7:10—Adventures of Jimmie Allen. velt would permit, for her tlieory is: He asserted that both Democra- ?Jack, Miss Amelia Palmer and Miss Standard Screw ...... 48 08 PHONE P«y Iheie bock Nat Distillers ..... red ink. .7:80—Whispering Jack Smith and "The more you forget your blrth- tic and Republican parties bad Catherine Shea are taking the do., pfd„ guar...... 100 __ toaeiond eld debt* Name...... N Y C en tral...... Details Secret. tala Orcbestrs. the day to allde over with as little pledged before the last election to course on education and social re- Smythe Mfg. Co...... SI — Taylor and F e n n ...... NY NH and H . .. It was understood the note first T:45—a w t ei you stay.” oustaln tbe anti-trust laws and now. W e cen lend Addretis...... construction by Dr Msrsden of New — 85 you the money In 24 Torrlngton ...... 64 66 Noranda ...... warned the family not to notify 3310 T:00—^Phll Boudlnl, accordionist Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of fight monopoly, and added that "if LOANS \ork University. This course is Federal officers. The note also waa 8:00—President Jamea L. McCon- the time ever comes when political hevrt--witheut red Underwood Mfg. Co. . 48 H 48H North Am . . . „ . the President, who celebrated her flven in Wlllimantic two afterncxins Packard ...... understood to have advised the fam- and Louie Andlslo will deUver to augby of Wesleyan University— SOth birthday at Hyde Park party parties refuse to accept vast con- tope. Toko 3* 6*1D— up to $300 a week from 4 unll! 6. Union Mfg. Co...... — 10 your cellar from one to lOQ U 8 Envelope, co m ... __ Penn ...... ily to contact certain Individuals of Under auipices • f Conn. State Col- few weeks ago, v/aa expected for tributions from great corporations even20monthaterepoy.Onetmolilnflellmenl Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Young of 80 bushels. do., p f d ...... 103 — Phlla Rdg C and 1 national Importance. No intima- -lage Alumni. lea. and monopolies, the people will get eoch month cover* everything. Fall River. .Mass., spent the week- tion of their names was forthcoming. 8:10—Fata Waller’s RLythm aub. Veeder Root ...... 26 H 28'a Phil Pete ...... Mr. and Mrs. EUlott Roosevelt after the election what they were The only efeargn la three poreont per | end with their daughter, Mi.ss Lydia Whitlock Ck)ll Pipe . . . Pub Serv N J ___ The note was directed to "StoU” ; 8:30—Leith fiteven’a Harmonies, who live nearby In VlrglnlA planned promised before tbe election. I pro- Npooth on unpaid amonat of loan Young, _ - 2 'j It contained abuse of the family and f;0 6 —Walter.....O’Keefe. Aosette poae, so far aa it ia within my How many times a week will you lug J.B.WU’na Co. 310 par 40 Radio----- Extractions to drop to, EUlott said:------r Durlhg. tha-of fleptenitor PERSONAL FINANCE COMPANY •"T Rem'Rand hint that Mrs.-BtoH-e brether-ie-' Houhaw, Caaa Lopui Orchestra. .. .-"Mother'a., a .diffinult. -.pagaBiB to limited power, tf>; bring this lesue __ Dm»ia A i f t a ...... the pupIlB aTlKe Center school took _ ____ and ‘ W ed TVarinife* "Penniylvanl-' ^y Tob B law, WlUlam A. StoU "would be LLleUratf blrtta(}ayi with. Stag wants back to ebnaideration cmd to force 7SS Mala B t m t Telegkoae Sean I Sears Roebuck . . . . next." ..... KHB. partieg to fulfill their pledgei.** " 10:00—Forty-flv* Mlnut** in Holly- «he day to slldt over with aa UtUe COMPETITION Bocony V a c ...... igw 'It’s my opinion that the man X-Ray fuss as poaalble.” WRY OVER 70.0M CORRECTICHT teacher, Ml.sa Young, for ' the best Bouth P a c ...... ipu who wrote the note was an educated wood. out ASHES when cold INKS NRE RSIR6 KOPfERS COKE FRESH SEA FOOD poster made by the girls and tbe man.” Schmidt said. On AH 10:45—Fray and BragglotU. Mra. Roosevelt’s daUy calendar Sou P Rlc S ...... 80 waa poeuUarly clear o f public ap- best bird house made by the boys. CODE FOR NATIONS There waa a typed demand for Plate and Bridge Work 11:00—Vara Van. Dial South Rwy ...... J71- pearance for the day—perhaps she Fancy Fresh Filet The Judges were Elizabeth Grover 330,000 ransom. That was scratched 11:10—Henry Busae’s Orchestra. SAVES WORK .21c lb. St Brands ...... | ‘ High Quality Work didn’t, wish the public to make a 3895 or 3817 ( lark. Mrs. Wiltz, Mrs. Jones and (CeallaiMd from pago One) out and 350,000 Inserted. 11:45—Joe Haymes’ Orchestra. h’a eoneentrated Fancy Freah Mackerel PLATE, BRIDGE WORK fuss over it either. But the First weather comes? yon have to carry out only one Mrs. Swanson. First prize W'u given Maid’s Description. For I S e l b . l ^ y 's friends remembered the date. '..o Angela Sillano for the poster and must b* obtained along peaceful at OUN J ...... 4^5 Mrs. Woolet described the kidnap- and FILLINGS small palifni of aahea a week from er as 80 or 38 years of age. weigh- l'’ *owera filled every V(ue, telegrams New Yorit, Oct. H .— (A P )— Per- ee Delivery Swordfish — Freah Scallops. ijonorabl* mention to Helen Wlp- lias* and not through violence. Tex C o r p ...... 2 lS PLATES REPAIRED mission to broadcast the - Pitt- an average furnace. pert. Lenord Le Barron won first "Th* whole of our discussions are ing about ISO' pounds, with dark stacked up: gifts and good wishes '^ O U inay not know It, but there ore And because idiere*a leoa waste, fewer Timken Roller B e a r ...... !!! 29H 8-HOUB SERVICE poured into the White House. Southern California game Saturday Frsah Stewing Oysters ..., prize In the bird house contcaL founded In the belief," he continued, Trans Am erica...... 51* hair, slicked back and dark com- ihouMnda o f Cksnnecticut fomiliee SAVES TRQRILE . .29c pint plexion. /C M a t t e r afternoon caused an almost last min- WELDON esheo, there’ir mere hoot fas every tea. Chowder Clama...... The annual chuich meeting will "that tha right way will be found Union Carbide ...... 45 ^ Amazingly Low Prieefl! ute change in the networlcs football Leae ashee mean leas aTialclng^. A .2qts. 2Sc The Department of Justice enter- with house* the eke of youre, that rsin I ht held October 25 in the evening. through tbe prevailing of ideas of Union P a c ...... joo No Appointment Necessary schedule for this week end. DRUG CO. Isn’t that aomething to think about child esm handle a Koppers Qske [ Professor Maicborn Dance of Yale right and Justice, not through Unit Aircraft Corp ...... lOH The lUlnols-Oblo State homecom- carry out a whole wesk's ashes in a Ora. Shaking oaee a day is plenty. Steaming Clama. methods of violence. Unit Corp ...... 374 of Convenience WAU ST. BRIEFS before you order your fud bin filled University and the Hartford Semi- Thnreday, October 11. 1084 ing battle will go out on both little pall about ai foot high. nary will be present. "The spirit of our constitution la Unit G u I m p ...... 141^ Broadway at 34th Street U a loca- New •Yorit, Oct. 11.—Bituminous WABC, CBS and WEAF-NBC. The for the winter? SAVES MOHEY FRESH IN TODAY! utterly opposed to arbitrary and op- rummage sal e 4:00—Betty and Bob. October 26 at 2:30 p. m„ Miss tion that save* dme, effort and mb 4:10—Edwin OUs, baritone. coal producUon in the United States broadcast for the WJZ-NBC group is Yon ean treat the family to a pressive action, whether from the U 8 Rubber...... ?7u DR.XH0RNEy They have plenty of heal all day long. 2 * 5 " ***** Salmon, sliced to fi-y or bake . . . .29c lb. Ruth Seabury will meet at the Sat, Oct 13,9 a. m. on due for McAlpin guetts. Such con- 4:80—Palmer Clark and his Or- for the 'weA ended Oct. 8 Is esU- to be the Ctarnegie' Tech-Miebigan Talk it over with some ef your show often on yonr savlnga be- church to discuss many problems. right or from th# left.” U 8 Smelt...... ^ DENTIST mated by the NaUonal (3oaI Assocl- State affair. o or in piece to bake...... 15c lb. venicaca, plus hixurioui accommo- cbeetra. ' They have a warns house at breakfast, cause you get more heat from less The Democratic probata conven- TOe objecUvea of the I. L. O’, are U S s t e e l...... 84 u 104 Asylum Street, Hartford xL 7,000,000 tone compared Trying the Air Tonight! ALFRED A. friends. There’a probably somdsody Small Fresh Cod to bake (whole), 2 to 3 Ibo. each, 14c lb. social and economic, and the’ oresn- Store 805 Main Street 4:40—Hotel Commodore Orchestra. and yet aleep half an hour later than fwuH. Uon will b* held at the Andover Vick caiem ...... gjv Phone 6-5785 dations and the finest eervlc* 0 :00—News. with 0,660,000 tone in the same WEAF-NBC: 8—Rudy VaUee; D— right In your neighborhood using jzaUon Is in no way a poUUcal body. Wastera Union ...... 35 MmiB Ypres Aux„ B. W. V. axpUins why so many thooghtfti] week a year ago- Show Boat: 10—Whitman. you do. And they aave money on the AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT Town Hall next Wedneaday evening Dr. Butler aald. Each member coun- Open All Day Friday. ihi* modem fu d . at 8 o’clock. The delegates art: West El Md M fg ...... 32-4 New York vlslton Invariably make WABC CBS: 9—Walter O’Keefe; GREZEL try Is entitled to four delegatee, two Wqolworth ...... 4gi year’* fuel bill— off because they have I George Rose and R. Kneel and ths Hotel McAlpin their NewYotk *od Bradstreet’s weekly fd 9:80—Waring Pennsylvanians; 11— 100 Porter Street KOPPESS Range COKE representing the government, one Klro Bond and Share ((iurb). 11 index decUned another 3 cents dur- Y. M. C. A. program. Bob Ripley. found out altaut high^tett fuel. If yon don’t know anybody offhand, Jones. The Republican probate con- representing labor and one the em- Hcadtpurten. «tl fee home ceoUagi ia the haagjr-i*«arry venUon waa held last Wedneaday ployers. ing tha week ended Oct. 9 to 33.39 WJZ-NBC; 7:10—Freddy Martin Tel. 4605 bere’e a tip. Look for the house with ...... 2 dozen for 29c FORGERY CHARGE. JOHN W OBULZ. 1 BAR8TOW compared with 32.41 on Oct. 3 and You can figure it out for youraelf. I afternoon. Orchestra; 8—"Steel,” Dramatic UNITEO DlSTRmUIVIC CO. Torrlngton. Oct. 11__ (AP) —iBx- 31.03 in the same w e ^ last year. musical; 10—n 4w Canadian series, the smsilest ash eeis—and you’ll find ...... 19* dozen The title of tbe sermon at the kilijkd by fall. ROOMS WITH BATH Koppera Coke la concentrated. It ia a Maw Bav a^ C n e e . o t n w Freah Large Pullet E g g s...... *. .39c dozen I Congregational church Sunday will Senator John N. Brocka of Torrlng- Roads that move. a Koppera Coke user. SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION JMm I« D nU * Twi».a«JJlJ mad»looader fuel— fuel prepared be "The Second Coming of ChrlsL ” ton at tbe Republican caucus here City Bank Farmers Trust Co. as What to Expect Friday: Flavored Mild Cheese...... 25c lb. BUmford, Oct. n .— (A P )— Dan- /•—*' from from “Bring In your Radio Tuba trustee, is InviUng tenders for sale Mis# Eva Jones of Hartford li lost night aUeged that hU own name Comer East Center and Walker Streets WBAP-NBC: 11 a. m.—Henry eapeclally for uae In heating plant* Better yet, ask yonr ftiel dealer, or p y n -N u t Spaghetti. Macaroni or Elbow Macaroni, made I iel Brendler, 40. of the Bronx, N Y and the namee of many other Tor- tu 470 Main Street for Free to the sinking fund o f 3300,084 Penn Oil Burner sp ending a few days at the bom* of <2 ^® *400 6450 Morgan, Buccaneer, dramatic musi- Just like yours. a vMIroad painter, died in a stam- rington voters had been forged on NOW OPEN UNDER NEW MAN-^GEMENT! Test or ’phone 3234 for Free Mary Coal <3o. 5 per cent gold bonds cal; 0—From London; talk on call na, and let oe put in a trial order. I her tnother. R. K. Jones. ford hospital yesterday from a the petition prepared here for the AU former customers and those who wish to try our eervtoe a n Test in .your home.” at a price not to exceed 103H of par 'Causes of War.” broken neck and severe bums re- Independent atlnena Ucket Pbo- Invited to vtait our station. and accrued interesL ceived after falling from a pole near HOTEL WABC-CBS: 1 p. m.—George HaU Service 11 BeUef that white elephanta ara tostatie o ^ a s o f the petition FILYNas BARLOW Orchestra; 8—Philadelphia orches- •13.25 fS tha Glenbrook east-bound railroad The governing committee of tbe On All Makes This Price CaU Y ou r Dealar c»r Phona lucky spread fipm the cult of th* station. showed |(r. n o o k s ' name but It waa BARSTOW*S tTA Leopoiq Stokowski conducting. white elephant, a religious order. not bl* handwriting. Mr. Brooks Gasoline — Oil — Battery Recharging New York Stock Exchange h(M ap- WJ2S-NBC: 10 a m.—Inaugura- WUl Advisnee ENTERPRISE Brendler, police said, had touched RADIO SHOP proved an appUeaUon o f tbs , Con- LOS* , 5 0 c ^ dial sill In Slam, it is believed that a white said that it waa obvious that hla Accessories — Retreaded Tires — Tubes MCALPIN tion of President of Union College Plumbing* Heating a live electric wire, while palnUng own and other names had bean 470 Main St Est 1922 tinental Can Co. to Ust an addi- 25c Ton ielephant contains th* soul of a dead the top the pole. ’lire contact "The Centre ttf Convenience” (also WEAF-NBC at 10:30). 6 p. person. writUn by tba same hand thinly dis- Range Oil Delivered. tional 888,307 shares of common ,m.—Eupharistie Ckmgres* from and Jobbing $10.75 knocked him from hia parch. OCTOBER 15 iS o S e guisad. SRoapwar st aatb strbk* atook of 380 par valuA Buenos AItsa XdU inrrcAsn X 4 5 0 t /

PAGE BlCnrr MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,19B« MANCHESTER EV ENTNG HCRALJJ, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11,1984. PAGE N IN t both sides of the casket abed two., of Kalemen's nllegcd neoom- mitoD Foster, son of Ur. and Mrs. SDSPEC1B ACCOMPLICES fluttering light through a room pllces listed as their birthpUces Morris Foster of Muosup and nephew v-tr. SOOWOMENGET darkened wdtli crepe that covered olUes which a.'« now Italian ^but AARON COOK FALLS, of L c^s Foster, proprietor of Flvery- SIGNED AFFIDAVIT; ID iii tbe windows and obKured the greht Mere, a t the times of t{ieir birth, body's Market at Main and Park OF ASSASSIN ARRESTED masses of tbe glittering gold trim Austrian. streets, Manchester, was killed in ^eek ^ FREECAKEPLATE of the famous bigh-cellinged salon The French and Yugoslav govern- SNAPS ANKLE BONE an automobile accident near Put- DDNOTREADIT (Oonttnned from Page One) Premier Gaston Doumergue came ments were cooperating, ofndals num early yesterday rooming. He there to be present when Barthou’a said, to remain calm and to trace M-as alone at that time and was re- DEATHS casket was brought from the train down the Terrorist band quickly. It an automobile with her husband, sit- in a massive hearse. He was the luming from Putmim to Willlman- Ahnun Matchett ting in the piece of honor that spec- was said that the most serioiu con- Chahrman of the Board of tic where he is connected with (W ltk mt I t M s « J « t t y t b u r c at T tnn 8 ta u Rrst of Set 52 Dishes first to bow In prayer before hia sequences uf the assassination might Abram Matchett. well known Steel Worker Had Sworn He So. C&llforaiA a*. Pitt ...... ILLINOIS TO HONOR tators might think she was the foreign minister. Until noon Satur Everybody’s Uiirket in that city. FRIDAT. OCTOBER II Wllllami at Prtne«ton ..... -41 Charter Oak Girls Hold Yugoslavian queen. be tbe revival of Croat and Serb ■The car overturjsd and death came north end resident, died suddenly Af. //• 5. Gridders, Booters PANTH^ TROJANS day the public wrill be allowed to this afternoon at 2 o’clock at hia I C i t y a t P r o v l d # n o t Ghren to Patrons of Thea- Queen Marie, meanwhile, was pass through the room before the animosities since the Croates stlU Selectmen Injnred This 'tour hours later. His grandparents Had to Vote as the Com- EAST ! K«nyo'n at Roeheatar ...... 30- rraart under what they considered a live on Park street In Manchester as ’lome, 60 Oakland street. Mr. [Indiana at TempU ...... Bowling Tryouts Tonight bmuggLed from the Marseilles train casket Matchett who reached the age of 84 f D r a k A a t A r m y IMNORTAL'GRANGE And Harriers See Action to the. Yugoslav Legation where she Guard of Honor . lepresdlve and unjust government does his uncle, Louis. The funerdl tordham a^ Boston CpiU«a ....32- « ...... MEET IN HEADLINE ter Last Night. in the early days of Yugoslavia. Morning. xtui held yesterday afternoon, the iaat March had lived In the vicinity pany Wished. Bucknell a r Duqueens ...... o- • | ...... it med her con. Secretaries of the foreign office of the house where be died for more alternated in maintaining a guard of French officials claimed, however, burial being in Mansfield. .HIDDLC WEST The (i%arter Oak Girls bowling, .managed the team when It Aral be- A ahakeup of the French Cabinet that King Alexander realized there Uian 50 years. Bom in - County MIDDLE W EST AT OHIO CONTEST Manchester High's eporta seheduls-^that Leonard NIese. varsity tackle appeared increasingly probable as honor beside their late chief. On tbe loam, which in the three years of Ita gan. has returned to that position for this week-end will send all three on the grid team, suffered a com- GAME OF SCHEDULE raght hundred women patrons of wall behind the head of the casket had been such injustice and had been Chairman Aaron Ctook of the Jack Oawford of 78 Linden Armagh. Ireland, he came here as a Wilmington. Dab, Oct. 11.—(AP)— Hald4lbsrff at Ashland ...... existence has gained a high place End will be In charge of the team of Ita teams into action, ths cross the public denunciation of police winning the Croates. Loyally, the young man with-bis wife and older W. & Jv a t D o i r o i t ...... D-U Bluftton a' Baldwin-Wallaea ... pound fracture of tbe index finger the State theater last night were tailure.yarose to a storm of protests. in an enormous green wreath, Board of Selectmen suffered a frac- streetr well known local musician, A witness in,the government’s in- Cornell College nt SeloU ...... in state pin-toppling circles, will oe tbis season. country squad opening Ita season of the left hand in the game with King’s death. It was feared, removes is seriously ill at hia home following children. In his youth he learned the Carleion at Grinnel ...... 18- Kent af Bow'llng Green... recipients of a beautiful cake plate Newspapers and members of Parlia' fifteen feet In diameter, wdtfa ture of his right leg this morning junction aiilt against the Weirtom Adrian at John C arroll...... back again this season to bid for It la expected that the regular against Glastonbury High tomor- HaiA'ord High last Saturday and broad, black band across Its top. On tae most quieting influence in Yugo- an attack suffered laat evening. His Isker'a trade but the confinement Marietta ai Capitol ...... i: the State League title, and tryouts members of tbe (^barter Oak team Noted Grid Ace to Be Feted of Uacbeth Monax tableware, the | ment widely demanded the resigna- at 9 o'clock at his home when he Kansas St. at &lAigu«tt« ...... Wooster at Case ...... row afternoon away, the soccer will be out of the lineup for at Intersectional 'Hits Dot Pro- the'casket Is a cushion bearing the slavia. slipped down the banking near his condition was such that his daugb •mpaired tiis healtb and he was ad- Steel Company tesUfled today that .Mt. Union at Mtjbkinffum . . . for tbe team will be held at tbe wVl seek to keep their places, these teSm facing Bristol In the Bell City least two weeks. When Niese’a in- first of 82 pieces to be glvan away t;on of Albert Sarraut. minister of vised to seek outdoor employment. he signed an affidavit against the- Morninasidf at .V, Dakota .... .Michigan at Chicago ...... eater the inteiipr. former minister's many decorations. home, turning bis right ankle be- ter. Mrs. Samuel' J. Turklngton, Vanderbll* at Cincinnati ...... Charter Oak alleye on Oak street to- including Mae Sherman, CHara JacK- on Saturday, while tbe football jury was first treated it waa to all women guests of the-^' Across the great room there waa a neath him as hq fell. who with her husband has been He went to London, Blngland, and company without knowledge of ita So. DakotfY at Ns. Dak. St. .Mommouth at Coe ...... O-I fifine Years A fter Taming until a complete set is made up.; .pjjj C X U X U oppeoiag line guouiag me to By THOMAS I. OHARA In the center of the dining room began to search Cbalny. -They ex- Mr. Hunt said action was In line measure to this affliction. Harry R. Rbeel He said he Justified bis signing be- 17 6 1 18 7 5 SHOOTING HONORS Athens, Ga., Oct. 11.—With the ! Punts«>^ son and West Virginia ended with a tracted from his pockets a ticket to Barthou. attend. Speakers will be delegates to InCnllliUI S oystein Not new i Ju»t who this guy wm be, and who Bfectricid Dep’L (3) pair of 27-6 decisions for P itt Pop table was a three tier-wedding cake Tuesday's strict censorship to with the usual methods pursued by the recent Concord conference: Mias Funeral services for Harry Roy cause be was told to vote or he will carry the boll. The Electrical Department went rumblings of southern football war- I containing favo.s for each guest. Evian and then he suddenly broke investigators who were endeavoring Rheel were held at his home at 49 would lose his Job. down to Its second con-iecutlve de- AB. R. H. PO. A. B. far. Just beginning Its annual ere- j Warner’s Temple outfit either is very loose, ran across, the tracks, Jumped prevent critical comment from be- Evelyn Tedford, Miss Alice Aitkin, Flower street Tuesday evening at Tbe system Is not new to HcMU' ,'4mltb, p-3b . . . ..3 0 0 0 0 0 good-or Virginia Polytech and Texas The trimmings of this tabic were in ing sent abroad, was followed by an to trace any channel to which fund;; William Davis and Stewart Ken- The witness also said the company to Big Ten Football; Bo lin and his teanu. He has been using feat in the local Trade School's two scendo. It seems a bit early to make ' ^Passes a color scheme o f, brown, yellow a fence and disappeared Into the might have been diverted. 8:30 o'clock. There was a profusion asked him to sign an affidavit re- out of three World Series by tbe Bissell, c-lb . . . ..1106 0 3 pany certain predictions concerning . A A M aren’t, for Temple beat that darkness. absolute prohibition against show- ABOUT TOWN nedy. It for five years and, while with Storm, 2b ...... Lonis C. Dimock Qnalifies As pair 34-0 and 43-7 respectively. and light red crepe paper. with ing movies of the as.sassinatlon or of flowers and the bouse was filled pudiating the information. Al- comparatively small margin 8-3 ..3211 1 0 what wdll happen. j B.V ASSOCIATED PRESS The other two men ran away In with friends and neighbors and Kansas State, brought it to Purdue Babiel, s s ...... 3011 2 0 W, A J., beaten by Pitt, should favors of nut cups made from crepe the exportation of any photographs though conceding that he bad no Dispbyed It Twice Before after a 3-aIl deadlock at the close And y et a long glance through Cambridge, Mass.—The Harvard pape: maple leaves and napkins to the resultant confusion. Jumped a Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meyer of Mrs. Minnie Oo.slee of Madl.son members of the various organiza- knowledge of foremen and police and demonstrated it twice to tbe Cook, c-p ...... 1000 3 0 the sports binoculars shows some-1 give toe first real hint as to toe moving train, and eventually gain- of the killings or the scenes of dis- street left this morning for South Boilcrmakeis. No question was rais of the fifth frame yesterday after- Disringnished Rifleman in and Princeton teams have decided strength of toe Detroit team which match. order which followed. LAIM DIYIDENDS Fremont Center. Sullivan County. tions of which he was a member. herding workers to the polls he re- noon at Mount Nebo and In so do- Hagenow, 3b-lf ..2000 1 0 thing of a mountain looming on the ed the frontier, where they were ar- N. Y„ are visiting Mrs. Meyer’s sis- Orange, N. J„ to spend ten days Rev. Watson Woodruff of the Cen- to Pardoe; How It Differs ed concerning Its legality then. horizon—a mountain that bears to celebrate their game Nov. 3 , has whipped two minor opponents. Games and music was enjoyed Seven motion picture films sent fused to repudiate the Information ing not only crowned the Textile de- h. StaklinskI, lb .8 0 0 7 0 0 which marks the resumption of their during the course of the evening. rested. ter. Mrs. Elizabeth Palller of 14 with her daughter Miss Ethel Gos- ter Congregational church officiat- when asked to do so. C'lson, cf ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Jnnior Class. tha p-oud lettering of Georgia Tech. Drake with a very weak record so Drops Poeketbook to Cherbourg yesterday for trans'- SERYED AS RAIT Ice. Tomorrow they expect to go to partment xrith the .Trade School In- football relations after several years far, can be rated as only a minor The four prire games were won by portatlon aboard the S. S. Bremen West Middle Turnpike. ed. The body was taken to Pitts- Arner, r f ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 This team was mighty good last Mrs. A. Ma.<)on. Miss Gertrude Klsa- In his flight, Chalny dropped his Jewett Heights in the Catsklll field, Mass., yesterday for burial In from Others. terdepartment League championship year, but old man hard luck by having dinner together aft- opponent for Army while (3olum- poeketbook. The gendarmes opened were seized when they arrived but also brought to an end all base- er toe game and talking things bta’s victory over Yale last Satur- mann, -Mias Elsie Keish and Miss there, ostensibly because the films (CoDtlnoed from Page One) Miss Gladys McNeill was elect- Mountains for a 10 days vacation. the Pittsfield cemetery. McaUSKEY16RACE 22 8 2 15 7 3 Washington, D. C., Oct. 11.—(Spe- backed it down the line with great It and found inside a passport bear- ball activities for the Trade's out- regularity. over. Tbe laat time they met there day baa made the Lions overwhelm- Anna Bengston. helped In the police Investigation of ed president of Shining Light Cir- door recreation season of 1934. Electrical Dep'L 000 120—3 cial)—Louis C. Dimock, 88 Porter waa no dinner but the talking over Miss Bengston received many ing his name which was, like that cle, Junior King's Daughters, at Walter Saunders won both the door John S. Haberem SIX PRIZES SATURDAY By JIMMY DONAHUE That tl. 1 team was better than ing favorites over the twice defeat- of Kalemcn, purported to have been the crime. Company Itself was appointed to Textile Dep't. ____ . 300 0 0 2 - h street, Manchester, Conn., has quali- didn't die down for three or four ed Virginia Military team. pretty and useful gifts. handle these market ventures, said its annual meeting at the Center prize and first prize In tbe setback The funeral of John Simonis.Hab- NEA Service Sporfa Writer Four successive posses and an un- Two base hits. Storm; hits, off fied In the Junior dlvtsidn of the Na- ita record showed needs little prov- issued by the Czechoslovakian con- Congregational church last qlght. match held in the Masonic Temple er cm was held Tuesday afternoon CERATITHIRDTIME fortunate error by Blssell at first ing since Georgia Tech smashed years. Mid-West Slate sulate at Zagreb. It gave Chalny's RUMORS OF UNREST another letter. He was F. H. Scheel, IN DOG HELD TRIALS Bloomington, Ind„ Oct. 11.— Cook 1 in 8 1-2 innings, Saverick 2 tional Rifle Association U a distin- As for the teams which are bat- one of the defendants^ Other officers named were as fol- last Saturday night. Fred Thayer Hi Watkins Brothers, 11 Oak street. was the combination which brought guished rifleman, the highest grade unbeaten Ddl.e out of the national resldenre as Praha and. like that of Rome, Oct. 11.—(AP)—Italian lows: Mary Donnelly, vice presi- When Bo McMlllin was one of the on a t]hree-nm accumulation'for tbe rts from Yugoslavia today. paign brought the company 531,250,- tary; Marion Weir, treasurer. lege, sub, he becamb knon-n as quite taliating with a counter in tbe tric 6. Textile 6; base on balls, off ander may have bad hia team show (Alcago plenty of speed If ne different matter. The mldwestcm through Vallorbe on the .Swiss fron- 000 In the spring of 1930, it was tes- in the Temple Saturday night be- bearers were: Michael, John and Sportsman’s Club to Sponsor Renews Duel With Italian Smith 3, H Stakl'nskl 1, Saverick Dimock is a member of the Klngs- program Inciudcs Ohio State-IIllnols II Tevere' headlines said “An un- ginning at 8:15. All setback players Samuel Haberem, Jacob Kotch and an original individual when he took fourth, the Electricians added two wood Sc':ool Rifle Club, of H art- pointing for tho tobacco/ltings, but can only be shaken loose, Willis AS MAIL CARRIER HERE tier. certain situation exists in Yugo- tified by V. I.,amont, still on the Mrs. E. P. Walton of Strong Event at Coventry — Local his band of warriorn east and sound- 4; hit by pitcher, Weiss by H. Stak- the team led by the brilliant and Nebraska-Iowa as games of Meanwhile, police said they were stand ns the government’s first wit- are cordially Invited to attend. Steven Gambofski, all of this town, more In the folluv/lng inning to tie ford. • Ward, negro sprint star, ha.s been slavia following an uprising of street has as her guc.st for two ' Champion in Trials. ly drubbed staid old Harvard. Ace at 3,000 Meters; Has up the ba'i game 3-3. Hnski, Staum by Cook, Hagenow by Shorty Roberts fimetionet like a shifted from end to the backfield. major Importance; in the Southwest hunting for two o' ler men. Nikomir ness. Lamont, formerly comptroller and Percy Jones of Bloomfield Saverick; struck out. by Saverick 4. Of a total of 32,715 Junior shoot- are Texas-Oklahoma and Rlcc- Approachintf Airc Limit of fi.5; Croats." II Piccolo reported an anti- weeks .Mrs. Alice Oakes of Range- Burial was in East cemetery. Bo still is an original individual — According to the rules and regula- ers of tho country who have quali- well-oiled watch. Nalls, a Terrorist .-igitator and sus- Italian demonstration was held in of Halsqy Stuart and Company, was' ley, Me. so much so that while the rest of Cook 6. Time 2 hrs. Umpires, Frank Discussion o$^eorgla Tech must Southern Methodist The South Was One of First Three Car- pected leader of th- band, and Egon Belgrade. for a time an officer of the Cor- Six prizes, three in each class will Been Beaten Twice. tions governing the regular Interde- Crowley, plate; Ernest Panceira fied so far this year in all grades of Pittsburgh—The Pitt coaches ap- presents Tulane and Florida and Kramer, who accompanied Kalemcn STATE-WIDE CAUCUSES be awarded to tbe winning dogs in the football squads in the country partment games as well as the Trade shooting proficiency from the begin- inevitably bring up the subject of riers in Town. In an editorial II Tevere said: poration Securities Company. Juniors of the American Legion ere laboring with tbe ancient Notre bases. Duke. Puke would have gone parently believe their charges are ■Tennessee and Mis-sissippi, all un- to Alx-en-Provencc. enroute to Excitement in Court the first annual field trial of ths School World Series, a provision has ning grade of pro-marksman to the able to learn quickly. Assistant beaten, and Louisiana State-Auburn; "The personal dictatorship of Alex- held their meeting Tuesday after- Tame balai.ced line or the Warner been made limiting each game to highest grade of distinguished rifle- througlvdast season undefeated had A Henry Simonson, one of the MarMcillcs. The Marseilles police ander was the I on hand that press- The first demonstration of feeling noon at the Stixte Armory. ' was FILL PARTY TICKETS ™ C E Manchester Sportsman's Club New York. Oct. 11—(AP)—Lulgu Coach Bill Kern spent two weeks Georgia-North CkiroUna, Duke-(3cor- were advised by the Belgian police against Insull caused a flurry short- shooting dog trials at Coventry Sat- 'unbalanced line, bis Indiana team, ti\e innings, the leading team at man. only 52 have succeeded In at- It n^'been for Georgia Tech. And .scouting Southern California then first three letter carriers named for ed Into unitary political formation voted to hold future Junior meet- with ita new five-man backfield, is Beccall, Italian champion at 1800 D ^ e figures to have an edge on gia Tech., Kentucky-Clemson. and two weeka ago that Nalls had pass- divers and recalcitrant nationali- ly before noqn. A heavy set woman, urday afternoon. There will be first, that time being declared tbe winner. NEW HAMPSHIRE GETS taining the diatingulshed rating and returned this week with only a few others. the South Manchester postoffice, ings at the homes of members, also PROCLAIMED KING getting itself Into official harangues, meters, whose effort to lower the 256 the expert rating, the next high- jnost southern and far southern when the free delivery of mails was ed through Belgium on the way to ties. With the supreme custodian of past middle age, walked to the rail- to have a Hallowe'en party at the (Continued from Page One) second and third prizes in the Junior In the event of a tie at the close of 'teams. days in which to teach the sqiind The Oregon-Wasblngton clash France, apparently with the Inten- the formation gone, the danger of ing of the courtroom, shook her fin- and ail-age stakes. The beautiful big type in newspapers, and attract- world record for that distance at five scheduled innings, the contest est grade. what he found out. represents the west coast slate. In started on February 1, 1900, Is now tion of murdering Alexander. Armory on October 30 at 4 o'clock, . . . __ i. . . . . prizes to be awarded are being ing more attention than The Citadel $675,000 ON BETTING rounding out his last year of serv- disintegration is not imaginary." ger angrily at the aged defendant, All Juniors are expected to con- ! Hugh M Alcorn (Continued from Page One) Boston last week failed, is slated is considered “no game." Cornelius a Wow the East, Boston College and Ford- Warning Spread T he Italian navy will send a light sitting 50 feet away beneath Judge tribute a dime towar.' the expenses, misrepresentations," shown in the window of the F. T. will if it defeats Army this year. Insist On Playing Hanover, N. H.—The Dartmouth ham battle and Connectlcut-Syra- ice, since on August 31, 1935 he will The .Marseilles police, who said i Blish hardware company. You didn't hi-aY a lot about Mc- for another shot at Bill Bonthron's Barring toe position of right have reached the age limit of 05 and cnil.ser flying an admiral's flag and •lames H. Wiikorson's bench. The next regular mooting will be I "He now shows,” .said the Gov- Alexander's cousin and head of the mark of 3:48 8-10 at the Yankee In accordance with tbis ruling, the ALL IS IN R E A D IN G tackle, Duke already has a team team has new uniforms this season cuso; Han-ard-Brown; Monbattan- will be retired with a pension. Nails was convicted of robbery one squadroii of destroyers to es- Content with this, the woman held at the home of (jertrude Bail- | ernor In criticizing Alcorn, "that newly appointed regency, looked A large attendance of deg- owners Millin's new departure in football Textile Department at the end of Ctoncord, N. H., Oct. 11.—(AP)— but they haven't been shown to toe Georgetown, and I'nle-Penn Satur- there Dec. 12. 1933. were unable to despite all hi.s professions of inde- anu sportsmen are expected at the systems until Indiana snowed under Stadium tomorrow. Bec9all beads that would warm the heart of any Of the first three employed in the cort the body o. King Alexander walked back to her seat. She was sola of Ford street. down from the royal enclosure at a team of 30 Italian athletes which the fifth cbaptei immediately and Sportsmen who wagered their dol- coach. Defensively, this team public yet. The squad has been day are tbe leaders despite toe de- pick up his trail although a warn- when It passes through the Strait of not detained. Attorneys were study- pendence he is only the mouthpiece hundreds of sad-visaged deputle.s, first event of tbe local sportsmana Ohio University, a team It had Just ightfuily vacated the field of play-h delivery of malls In South Manches- ing was spread among all the local will encounter a picked American lars on horses at Rockingham Park FOR FIRST p i i O R CARD might not meet toe standard, but waiting for fair weather to don toe feats suffered by some of toe teams. ter one was retired a year ago and Messina. The ships will accompany ing a document in the case, and the Thirty-five Chevrolet dealers and of that discredited Republican or- as each raised his right hand and club on the 500 acre preserve locat- managed to beat 7-0 last year, to A hoarse, bellowing protest to "come Ita baelcfleld can go places. Corky new costumes with brlghtsr green police of France. They learned, the Yugoslavian destroyer Dublov- woman held the trial stage momen- ganization which among other with the left on the Bible pledged ed on tbe Willtmantic road, about a the tune of 27-0. squad in v> international meet. this summer aided, at least Indirect- George Smith, who with Mr, Simon- however, that Kalemen with "a salesmen from this vicinity will at- Other featured races Include a 3,' on and finish It out” arose from the ly, New Hampshire’s Jobless on re- OorneltuB hss sbout everything s Jerseys, gray sHk pants and striped { son. and Richard Allen, made up the nlk as far as the end of Italian ter- tarily. the jurors craning to ace tend a special banquet this evening things has attempted to pass to me himself to the new regime. half-mile east of the North (Coven- Question of legality of Bo’s sys- throats of a highly enthused Elec- green and silver bead gears and It < mysterious, thin-haired foreigner," What phe did. the responsibility for Republican try church. An opportunity will be 000 meter duel between Umberto lief rolls. Approximately 8673.000 Martfoya;Oct. ll.—Everything is coseh or a tsam could desire. Hs trio, will rontinue in the service s.s ritorial waters. at the Hotel Sheridan. Prince Paul himself, dramatical- tem then was raised by Don Peden, Ceratl and Joe McCluskey former trical nine. A conference was held, can place kick in a manner that rained for the first two games. HOUSE-HALE BOWLERS had a noisy dispute with a cafe While spectators are not allowed policlc.s and Republican failures. ly won the heart of Parliament by given those attending to watch the Ohio’s coach, and a lengthy investi- was rolled up this year as New in reaejihess for ths first amateur the lost of the three original ca»-- waiter Sept. 29 In Marseilles over Fordham star. but nothing but a profound dis- Hampshire’s share from pari mutual boxipg' card of tho indoor season to- makes one think of Wisconsin's Pat rlers after August 31 of next year. SIXTH VKTIM to carry bundles Into the court, on Center church people and those Meanwhile at Avon, the Republi- a simple laconic speech. large field of dogs in the trials. gation was conducted by' the Uig agreement resulted between the O’Dea, and he can run and pass in their Insbillty to vnderstand each Marseilles, France, Got. t l —(API the chance that weapons might be can gubernatorial nominee con- Simple Speech There are 30 entries to date and receipts. night at Foot Guard armory hero University, Ala.—Here's s coms- WIN AT NEW BRITAIN Mr. Simonson came to Manches- other. The waiter and a Paris archi- from other churches will be ' wel- Ten. This will be McCfiuskey's third oich rivals. Wadter E. Sebober, tbe and Pete Perone has lined up some the bargain. back record of some sort, in its first ter from Hartford and was em- — Yolande Parlsis, a 14-year-old smuggled in. no other precautions tinued his attack on the Governor’s After swearing faithfully to serve many more are expected before Sun- The comp.aint was made that Mc- The state treasurer announced the tect recognized Kalemen'a photo- come to attend the ur.usiially fine day noon. meeting with Ceratl at the 3,000 ‘Kenesaw Mountain Landis" and money waa "ear marked" for tke of the best talent In Connecticut arid (!!ornellus, who may wall be an game of toe season, Alabama missed ployed by the Hartford. Manchester girl wounded by stray bullets In have been taken to guard Insull, S r , illustrated lecture on "The Life of stand on milk and on Charles G. his country and to preserve the Mlllin should have listed seven men All-America selection, will be con- graph as that of one of the men. Tuesday’s assassinations died today, against the wrath of a disgruntled Morris, chairman of the state milk "Silk City Girl” and SUk O ty meter distance, the former Ford- •sthletlc adviser of the Manchester state sinking fund which takes jeire Massacliusctts. four straight attempts at making Defeat Parker-Buckley Team and Rockville Tramway Comiiany All the suspects were believed by Christ" at the church tomorrow unity of Us people, be said. on the line in nanding bis official ham Flash and Olympic runner Trade school, advised tbe partici- served and aided by an exceeding- before taking up the duties of a let- bringing the total number of deaths InVestor or a crank. Until todav's control board. "Thank you for your confidence Bob," local prize winning pointers ot the interest and princip^xtMnda Kingflsh Balesano and Ritchie Gib- toe extra point after touchdowns. by 61 Pins in Wild Match; the police to be' members of a evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Laurence I'jieup to tbe referee, whereas Bo having bowed in both previous pants that an additional inning be such as relief, and state Inetltutionr, bons arc battling it out in the main ly fast blocking back named Elmer Against Sewanee In the second con- tbr carrier. to six. incident nothing had disturbed the A. Lambert of New York will also Alcorn's Charge In me. I think you have not made a owned by Mrs. Wilbur T: Little of Tarrnll. Tarrall is a track man. Book Return Clash, Macedonian revolutionary ring of The condition of General Alfonse tranquility of the trial. Alcorn called Morris the “pitcher, mistake in me." Spencer street were recent winners listed only six linemen, leaving out races. Ceratl defeated Joe when played to settle the dispute for once armories and hospitals. ' bout and there will be eleven other test the Tidesmen were successful Terrorists. Their ability to elude be pre.scnt to give the prdlude and one guard, and mertlonlng two full- the latter toured Italy last year and and for all time. This proposal being Wagers were $9,182,539 duiing high class three-rounders. Tho card weighing 170 pounds.aqd ho la a five times in a row. Georges of the French Superior War to sing several baritone soIo.s. A catcher and umpire” of the milk ad- The deputies then broke into pro- In field trials in Bondsvtlle and Lud- curtain and deadly blocker. the police was attributed by the in- Council was described as satisfac- ministration and asserted the people longed and excited cheers such as low, Mass. "Silk City Girl" won sec- backs. Some of the scribes who fail- also turned in a victory last week agreeable to both Captain Bill Keish the July meeting at Rockingham will get under way at 8:30 and pop- In one of the wildest and most vestigators to frequent changes of silver offering will be received. ed to diagnose Bo’n system correct.’ at the Harvard,^tadlum when he end Captain Mitc)iell Babiel, play and 89,598,308 during the complete ular prices of 40 and 75 cents qdll It may seem that undue emphssla Lafayette, Ind.—Purdue may not DORCAS MEMBERS ENJOY tory today. His temperature and ASKS HARTFORD C. OF C. of the state have a right to criticize have seldom been won by a care- ond prize at BondaviUe, Mass,, at a Is being placed upon these two Interesting matebss New Britain stopping places and to the falsified pulse were normal. the Governor for the "iniquity, un- fully worded oration in the Parlia- meet sponsored by the Swift River ly. listed one of the fullbacks In the unleashed a terrific burst of speed was resumed as both aggregations meeting. prevail. be proud of toe fact but it seems to has witnessed In years, toe House passjKiris which appeared to be The Young People’s society of ylher guard position. in the home stretch to finish in teams while, as a matter of fact. have the only two-man football team A Serbian decoration which the the Swedish Congregational church fairness and hardship done to the ment where the ceremony took 'Rod and Gun Club on Sept. 30 and marched boldly upon the diamond to Dixie football Is stronger than ever A Hate bowlers defeated toe Itarkey THEIR BIRTHDAY PARTY genuine general wore over his heart saved TO LOCATE MARY BURKE dairy interests by the milk control place. . "Silk City Bob" also placed second However, there was no qucstioti 8.32.8, it time that set a new track do or die in the attempt. on the list. When Duane Purvis Buckley five by the m a li^ 'Of 61 The seeming laxity In the protec will hold their regular monthly raised concerning the legality ot record and also eclipsed Ceratl's before. Probably it ts safe to aay and Jim Carter are in action the his life, doctors said, by deflecting business and social session at the board ■ The Senators and Deputies, still in the Ludlow field trial run by the During the Electrical half of the that at no time has toe south as pins. The local boys took the first tion of Alexander at Marseilles was the bullet which entered hia breast. Ludlow Fish and Game club. the shift before the Ohio State Italian mark by four-fifths of a sec- Boilermakers have been showing attributed in Informed quarters ta Hartford, Oct. 11—(AP) — "I home of Miss Jennie Johnson at The Socialist campaign was given feeling the shock of Alexander's ond. sixth semester. Savvy Saverick was a whole been able to boast such game by toe slim margin Of but five Dorcas members gave a delightful The five other victims of the Hop River tomorrow night at 8 morts momentum by an address by assassination at Marseilles, obvious- Manchester's champion bird dog, game—and that 33-0 score that successful in holding his opponents great form; without that pair they pins and received a lecture from the authorities’ belief fhat the a t- have never quite forgotten her" Ohio ran up indicated It was not Hardage Lists Requisites prospects. have looked bad. entertainment entitled "Birthdays tempt on the King's life would be tragedy in addition to King Alexan- WTites John O'Grady of Cleburne, o’clock. Important business will be the party’s United States Senatorial ly were reassured by the Prince's ■'Silk City Girl" will be entered in at bay, but when the Fabricators their captain which prompted them and How They Grtiw," at Emanuel made in Paris. Elaborate precau- der and Foreign Minister Barthou Texas, in a letter to the Hartford transacted and all members are nominee, Devere Allen. He critic- words, and the sincerity of a mild- the New England Grouse Cham- necessary. took to the willow It required but Muddy'Mississippi Mud to capture toe second game by .24 church last evening under the di- wore a policeman, a widowed spec- urged to be present. ized the alleged armament profiteer- mannered young man who simply pionship in Scotland, Conn., Oct.. 27- Princeton. N. J.—Tbe Prlnoeton pins. Knowing toe caliber of toejr tions had been taken to safeguard Chamber of Commerce asking aid YALE GRIDMEN SEEK three relatively weak stieknieii to Of Ideal Football Player Bob Neyland will havo no bed of freshman of two yeara ago who rection of Mrs. K E. Erickson. It him after his arrival In the capital tator, and the assassin, Petrus Kalc- in locating Mary Burke who came ing in Connecticut and the "myth and courageously accepted a grave 28. The winner ol this event is re- "The formation is entirely legal, sfttle the Issue. Weiss and Vojeck, roses at Tennessee, since most of opponents they hit on alt four to Tuight also be called a "Guest" night men, himself. Mrs. Mary fieaatrand of Jbe of recovery.” responsibility he never had sought. garded as the best bird dog in the as far as I can see,” McMlllin de- first two of the trio to taco Cook In went on to become toe stars of last take toe final game by 31 pins and from tbe Mediterranean port where, to America In 1928. Alary U about east— — . .. "''' c,...... l;'B better players have passed ysar'a undefeated team hid batter pugtmm-fior ttaaidy-reeita- ■however, no attack was expected r- 22 or 33 years old. Beauty Nook and Miss Frances "The Whole BiesSj’' be wrtd of the All were aware Prtsce Paul is claj'es. “One of the.live man who TO PERFECT DEFENSE the coDcludiBg name, tecluilcally By LEWIS HARDAGE .xpertcct in . all depsitmenta of timmtb toe portals of isarnlng. Tu- toe watch. ikma and poems used were by IBigat -NATIVES o r ITALT Hanson of Hackmatack itraat, loft armament situation "smells to high much mors the scholar, and the art ■ ars back of the hut steps Into the look to toeir laurels. One of ths The local team was Inspired by Tbe Terrorist gang, according to Paris, Oct. n —(AP) —PAssports Tbs writer told the Chamber that wsrs .struck out but were awarded ^ sa d Coach, University ot i'plsy Is another Important req^- tane may ba weaker then In former nser erop of .our BiaseU the goat, but with that player, in my opinion. Attitude Is very important, too. (Jarl Snavely at North Carolina nesota coach, has decided to take The tableaus began with the to come with Alexander or later waa asked to send a list of all the ning at 7 o’clock. The Waltber Women Nominees King and Constitution after the and I expect no further trouble. at the bowl he was pretty well satis- I've never seen a really . great The ideal player should be loyal should be heard from. Georgia Is to ths fine manner in which the lo- was not revealed. Benes and Yaroslav Novack. League meeting which was to have Several representatives who President, in a clear confident voice. final smash by Demko came the be- athlete who didn't have indomitable some ot toe scouting duties upon cal delegation were treated. Di- ' mother and babe, childhood and col- According to their passports, of Mary Burkes in Hartford. There The Selectmen and Town Clerk of "There Is one other rule which fied with the team’s offensive moves inning of the end of the moat hec- to his school, team, and coaches. up to par, and Alabama, with Its himself. While the (tophers are idle lege days tollowed and commence- The C^echo Slovakian passports are nine. followed this rehearsal will be post- served in the last (Teneral Assembly While the other two members of the the Town of Manchester hereby give might affect our formation. It reads; but the defense needed some Im- f-:SUng spirit, coupled with, an in- In selecting players at Okla- wealth of material, might well be rectly following toft, match they which both Bcncs and Novack car- apparent Czecho Slovakian issu- poned because of the absence of the fell by the wayside at the Republi- Regency Council were signing the tic ball games where blood tempera- Saturday, Blerman Is going to see ment, presen UUon of diplomas and ance, Benes was born at Zara, luiy. notice that they will be In session at " 'A player ordinarily occupying provement. tense desire to win. homa we are interested only In one of the surprise* of southern were taken out to a nearby cafe- ried showed they were born in ter- president. can caucuses although many in- oath on black-bordered paper. Paul the Town O erk’s Office In the Muni- lurta reach new highs and throat Ty Cobb had this quality to the boys who make good grades. A football. 1 Pitt play Southern Califor^ and teria where the Parker Buckley offi- college songs, one of them a Swedish In 1903, and Novak at Gorltza, Italy, cumbents were re-nominated. Wom- the position of center, guard, or Using Penn plays the scrubs got gargles could be sold at most any get some dope for next week's game. aud^nt air.g. Then came the choice ritory which is now Italian but be- In 1900. GOY.BRAUM MAY CALL moved about the platform as if suf- cipal Building for the purpose of tackle on offense (iinlcs.s permanent- nowhere in yesterday’s workout with nth degree as he once showed us player who Is continually behind Moreover, .he Mississippi teams cials had prepared coffee and sand- fore the war waa Austrian. They Manchester L. L. O. L. No. 99 en nominees were generously sprin- fering from stage fright. examining the qualifications of elec- premium. at old Curry Field. Nashville. The In bis class w'ork or fails in his have come Into their own, and will He feels sure Pitt won't be holding wiches after which they signified of careers, with 10 different profes- listed Benes as haring been bom at Both passports w ere Issued by will hold its regular monthly meet- kled throughout the list. ly shifted into the backfield) may the Varsity scoring 20 to the gray Savvy Saverick again hurled a anything back to spring by surprise , tions appropriately represented. the Czecho Slovakian consulate a!t tors and admitting to the ELEC- rot be behind the line of scrimmage team's 0. Along tbe lines to be Georgian had a fierce pride In his 'school assignments is a constant be fighting a bitter . battle with toe their desire to pay a return visit to Zara in 1903 and Novack at Gorltza LEGISUHYE SESSION ing this evening at 8 o'clock in William Hanna of Bethel, Speaker TOR'S OATH those who shall be masterful six. innings, aUowing but ability to do anything better than worrj’ to his coach and cannot be teams along the great river. It on Minnesota. Manchester, ^ e result of a con- The days of Romance were usher- in 1900. Trieste, according to the stamps on Orange ball. In the 1933 House, waa reiiominated on offense at the time the ball is put taken by the team today, Pond said ,wo bingica. Issuing four free passes ed In by a solo by Miss Berggren, them. found qualified on the following in play unless he Is at least five the reminder of the week would see anybody else, not only baseball, but classed as a perfect player no mat- would not be at all surprising if ference of captains resulted In a Both passports were stamped by in Bethel without opposition as was CLERGYMEN TERM days; and retiring an entire Electrical quail bunting or even mountain ter bow good he is on toe field. these teams ahould run away with Newton, Mass.—Coach Jos Me- match being arranged here ope week than followed the Impressive wed- tbe Czecho Slovakian consulate at A third suspect, who got away, AugusU, Me., Oct. 11—(AP) — Tbe Joint Installation of Dll' yards back of bis line.' a devotion to defense work rather Kenney of Boston College la having ding scene with the bride in full John 8. Thornhill of Brookfield, who than offense. ;artet via the strike out route. climbing. Ty, who had never play- toe greater Share of toe glory In from Friday. Tbe scries now Trieste. was Sylvester Chalny, but befora he Governor Louia J. Brann declared worth-Comell Post, American Le- bos served six terms. SATURDAY, OCT. IS AND "Interpreted, this means that Frankie Smith, who started on the a hard time restraining bis optimism itgaUls and her attendants, and ap- eecaped police took from him today he believed the present Maine WAR UNCHRISTIAN Jerry Roacoe injured lij yester- ed football, was a friend of Dan Mc- Pansze Fine Example that sector. stand two to one tn New Britain's Benes carried a new billfold bear- gion and auxiliary will be held at Representatives who ware not re- there must be five men who stay m n,ound for tha Wiremen yeaterday Gugin, Vanderbilt coach. The ideal player should have a Last year they served full notice over toe Fordham game tomorrow. favor but toe local boys say It wlU . proprlate music. Tbe singers render- ing's price tag .of the same depart- automatic pistol clip which cor- Legialature ahould be convened Im- the Center Churrt house, October nominated included E. P. Rowland SATURDAY, OCT to, Hie line all the time and do not shift day*! scrimmage was expected to be "They've shown us ui practioa what ed "O Blest the House,” and “Home responded to that found in Kale- mediately to enact hard liquor con- in Saturday’s game, as Pond denied afternoon, was disheartening from One day Cobb visited McGugln hustling spirit, give hip best of their coming worth, and unques- be tied in a knot next week. ment store in Paris where Kale- 32 at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Margaret of Oxford; F. H. Race of Franklin, (CoDttnoed from t-age One) -from • a. m. nntil 8 p. m. back and forth into the backfield. tbe very beglnuing. who brought him out to the foot- at all times, and build up a spirit tionably will make their Louisiana they can do and they've had tbeir House and Hale, ;8weet Home", as the Ublesu de- men's new suit, which he wore at men'a aub-machlne gun. trol and sale measurea. Palmer of East Hartford, district William Oreenbacker ot Middlefield; Nothing is said anywhere in tbs bis varsity quarterback waa seri- good moments in toe games." said JdcUng the growing famUy was ously injured. Working under a fearful strain, baU field to see toe VanderbUt of hustle ta toe entire team. colleagues come to attention. Suble...... 117 113 114—343 the time of the asaasalnatlon, waa He added be would not isaue the president, will be the installlhg of- A. L. Mills of Hampton; Isaac C. Said first session may be publicly rules about tha ends. Joe. Then be bad to admit that toe 1 . enacted by Mr. and Mrs. John Ben- SEE NO DANUBR call until oaaured the Legialature to secure the status unofficially pre- Smith walkod the first .three Tax- team practice. I bsllcvs Spears. All-American Madrn...... N 114 96—803 purchased. ficer for the unit. She will be as- Platt of Southbury and. Bernard H. pared to risk their Uvea in non-com- adjourned from time to time but no "With this interpretation, it tilers to face bLm. Relieving SmlUi "Ty, here's one game you don't quarterback of 1927, cam* nearer two games were played In tbs rain Russell ...... 108 97 181— 336 _ SOB and family of Cooper HUl street. Before his escape from their Ports, Oct. 11.—(AP)— French la ready to enact such legislation sisted by Mrs. Pearl Lord of Elast Allen of Eiast Hartford. doesn't matter whether the five men and his team wss limited to four , ..Mr. and Mrs. August Casperson ap- batant service, are prevented by session shall be held later than Sat- OPEN HOCKEY SCHOOL on the rubber, Henry StakUnski know anytoing a)iout. Let’s sss fitting this Ideal than any player Detro ...... 121 118—318 hands, the Fontalnbleau police found and Yugoslav officials said today and for that purpose he called three Hartford, district aergeant-at-arros. In Newington a tie-up between their conscience from serving In thif urday Oct. 20, except a session to who stay In the line all the time are you kick tola football,” hs told simple plays in each and scored 82 peared in the final scene and the a cartridge clip on Cbalny, a clip they were confident Premier Mus- public meetings, the first at Bangor made matters even worse. I ever say Altoougb Spears Wrestling Twarnlte ....100 111-^21 Gueata have been invited from the Harold O. Lucas and B. Leroy Pond. combatant forces of the United examine and admit those whoso placed as In the balanced line, the Winnipeg, Man.. Oct. II.—(AP)— With a 3-0 tally staring him in tbe toe baseball player., achieved toe very highest honors points despite these handicaps.' - oouble quartet sang “Sunset and for Identically the same kind at bolinl of Italy would ignore momen- next Monday, Augusta, Tuesday and neighboring posta and auxiliarlee The caucus will reconvene tomor- XrcBing Star.” Portland, Wednesday. States." qualifications mature after Oct. 20. unbalanced line, or the Bo HcMillin Tbe first school of hockey instruc- eyen to say nothing of the loaded Ctobb'a first effort flew back In football and Was offered sev- By ASSOCIATED PRESS 639 645 567 1651 automatic pistol as that of the tary outbursts of antl-ltallon hos- and other, patriotic organizatlona row to choose tbe nominee. This resolution was referred to and on or before Nov. 6, 1934, which line. tion on record was begun In connec- awkwardly over bis bead. Than ersl motion picture cootraots, he /. Iteftsahmenta were served et weapon found on the body, of Kale- tility in Yugoslavia and that danger Voters repealed consUtutional In town. The regular meeting which bays in the midst ci tbe initial in- Reading,mi, Pa.—Oenro Garbaldi, Vie Parker Buckley, New Britain. Senatorial nonfinatloos made last committee. session shall be held Saturday, Nov, "Neither does it make any differ- tion with the New York Rangers ning, Otto Cook took tbe pitching be got MeOugln to sMow him bow remained the sanM naodest, un- Christyr dre drew, both knocked uncon- MAY TRADE HALLAHAN Hannigan...... 109 96 80—289 ': tour appropriately decorated booths, men at Marseilles. waa remote of intemetional compu- prohibition lost month. would fall on Monday, October IS, night were; Seventh District Repub- The plea for reinstatement of training activities here. Twenty to kick and for 30 minutes ha Lying In State Liquor for Maine people before 8 from 9 a, m. until 6 p. m. ence whether you identify your men problem Into hand and quite uncere- epoUed boy he was when he first sciotui In collision. Rondo ...... 91 08 108-^292 r Spring, Bununer, Autumn. Winter. tations resulting from the assassi- will be omitted in favor of the Joint licans nominated Fred M. Colton of William Montgomery Brown, de- Signed, liy the way they line up on defense, amateurs, all but four from Western went off by himself in one cor- ceme to school as a freshman. Chicago, O ct. 11.—(AP) — Tho Arcand ...... 06 133 182— 360 Oueeta were supposed to visit tbe Meanwhile the dead foreign min- nation of King Alexander of Yugo- Thanksgiving Day appeared to be installation. Granby; First District. James E. posed bishop of Arkansas, met with moniously fanned Zybk, Butler, and ister, Barthou, lay In a silver-trim- slavia. the Democratic executive desire, os Aaron Cook, which I have done, as long as five Ckmada attended tbe first session Staum liT that order to retire the ner of tbe field and practiced Spears and Art Penese of Oklaho- SET ATTENDANCE MARK echoes of tbe world's series haven’t Andres ...... 106 05 112—3: ’ Uble nearest to the date of their BresUn of Hartford was chosen by rebuff, meanwhile. In the House of Sherwood G. Bowers, of these men comply with the rules conducted by Alex Patrick Ranger kicking. "All right, bring on ma are splendid examples of toe New York. Oct. n . —(AP)—At- died away yet but tbe fall trading Smokey David . .138 09 104 birthday and make the rounds until med oak casket completely covered It was admitted that Itolian- well as the "sorely needed” revenue The Doughnut club will meet to- Republicans; Thirteenth District, side. Cook unquesUonaoly was m It might bring to state coffers. Bishops. Joseph Pero, of sticking in the line all the time manager yesterday. your best punters," be said, as be ideal player. tsndsnee at Belmont Park during its season la on. 'they were eerved with whatever re- with a flag in the vast clockroom of Yugoolav friction was feared but morrow evening at 7:30 at the Sec- Wayne C. Robison nominated by There, the Committee on Canons, brilliant form yesterday and had it came back . and to everybody's tbe foreign office. He rests In the "I believe." he said, "such legisla- James H. Johnston, on offense.” cot been for weak bltUng and sour The Ideal ptaver tan't a good autumn racs meet waa mors than Bill HsUahan. the world champion 6S4 'freahmeats they desired. At the svln- hope was expressed that It would be ond Oongregationol church. Thia Republicans. . The four Senatorial to whom Brown'a petition was re- David Chambers, smasement be began booting long loser, although he doesn’t com- double that of the fall of 1933, tbs Cardinals Uttle southpaw, according place in which waa signed .the averted. tion con be framed and enacted club Is composed of young men of districts in New Haven chose these Bo points out the advantage ot Arletgh wtuiams, 160 poi fielding—a combination that seldom ite r booth coffee was served; spring. Brland Kellogg pact to lns\ife peace. within a few daya and be placed in ferred >*esterday. reported that so John Jensen, his system la thai any ouc of the spirals fivs ysrds fsrtoer than the plain about defeat publicly. And report of toe Westchester raring to the first of the rumors will be a Sports writers of toe Pseifle summer, cake; and au- In government quarters it was the church who meet seml-occaslon- Republican nominees: Eighth Dis- far as the committee was concerned, Frank V. Williams. left halfback of the University of makes for success—on the part of best kicksrs we had. what ts far harder, hs eonducta Barthou'a great ideal. “prratlon in a very suDstaotiat olly for a social time and any form three men In the front of his back- California var'sity team has played hl3 Uammatss, tbe Trade School ssaoriatlon rsvSala. A total of 70,- member of toe Cblesgo (hibe next voted Frank Ptmarse, Los ‘ I J ’■aid the hotheadc in Yugoslavia trict, Edward J. Lynch; Ninth. Har- the action of the church in dismiss- Board of Selectmen. lUraasU mcdsstly . while wining 012 paid admissiens were rscordsd eeason and pat Maicns, big right csnterlleLdsr. toe 'r.ost Oandlea in huge candelabra on -fight Uy to aaplrtt'Hha fact that measure before the next Legialature of church improvement work they old L. BlakeplM: tenth, Ehigene j. field Unsup can shift into ths Uns la every game on the eobedulo for Wortd 'S a n u might hava possibly UMinblea to Juuaiy”. ora obla to do. ing Brown after his heresy trial in Samuel J. Turkinitoa, St th* stgaal, sad th st this Itaaps tosus Worksd Hours and is act a ^ a d hy aay suecssa dvga^ tb8 ^ d8ys s$ semparsd ta hjU)^ wui 46 MS pitttia# tos tbs ths Pseifle Coast Ronan: olcveaUi. Joseph Della VaUe. 1928 is “flnaL” Town Clark. atbre tbea two Mere. )X4A stretahsd a third Mizaa. An ujMusaebkbls smbtriof) ts k* ha sMffht ha'M. MANCHESTER fcVENINU HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11.1984.

Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE A unt Eppie Hosa gratifies her uttl e nephew '8 every su» hte8 t whim ^

Did this day get the better of* In business a man can be depend- youT Well, you’re going to have u - able but In love he is u hard to itber chance tomorro / morning. i handle as a car on n slippery pave- T H <&UY W ANTED 4 1 5 0 ...... j ment. rfLL SPARKLE TW' L r a t E 11 Sometimes a girl has a magnetic j • FOR IT, B U T I HAULED m i s ' MORE,IF YOU personality because everything she i SAIL^S D O W N T O 4 ^1 0 / KNOW ABOinr w-esrs is obaigsd. |______TELL SOME OLD LOSXj-AND POUND )MOBlLES DIAMONDS. APARTMENTS—FLATS— APARTMENTS— FLATS— • »et. trim face toward Bleeker. I tvag .N'eejct'ii.ty aftemixxn. tn the (uomtng. No one knows '5 0 ^ ' it 's NEAR iy -two CAR^CTe * )R SALE '*Poor devU.** he said. , awmln^ if |>059ihie> but iu the after- MINSTREL JOKESfj LOST— 6R0W N thepherd dog, TENE.MENTS 8ii TENEMENTS , 6ii shout how he got there." W if»—Tbs nsw maid has bumsd A N ' IT'-S P E R P E C T-^S O 1 CAN TELL. Bleeker made a ftit. pounded It | r*»on for certain. I want to know the bacon sad tfcs, darling. Would -u-YpTHATlS A*, female. Ucenee No. 37079. Reward. WE PAY HIGHEST prices tor FOR RENT—FI\*E ROOM flat, FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flkt, at TWs telephone on Kenney's desk d o n t v o u FROM HERE. FOR SALF,—OAK GROVE street. slowiy on the desk. every move.he made. You can go 'o rKrillrd Into sound. Kenney frowiied you be satisfied with a couple of ' MLk&S START Phone 6679. used can from 1930 up. Rtley steam heat, ga'-age. all modem Im- 138 West Center street, with ga- 10 acre farm, 7 room house,, bam, DIAMOND, “I.” he said alowiy, "Bent that boy any necessary expense and send the and pulleci the f>*eelver to hts ear. sisses-tor breakfast T D R A S 6 1 N ' O UT T H ' AN VIL, that <&EM Cherrolet Company. 60 Wells St. provements. practically hew house. rage. in good condition. Inqulrg 439 garage, fruit orchard. C. Porter- to hla death I didn't know it. and hF t 111 to me. He's wh.xl. . .. ? Are you Husband—Bure thing. She isn't THERE'S A Inquire 118 Maple street or phone fceflter. field. 88 Spmee street. "Kenney H|ieakbig," he said me- S A V IN 'T H IS D IA M O N D WAS MINED , PERSONALS 8 didn't know It. but U.at'8 what kcrtaln. .. . ? Cheek that, will you? -'hanlcally, ihen nodded to Bleeker. sad. Bring her right in! "Phe New Deal is no revolution. •FORTUNE IN 3449. fmounted to. Poor devil: Just Under it, economic, political and WITH A , HOUSEHOLD SERVICES FOR RENT—FrV*E ROOM flat, ala: rind out about the doctor. See ir • ir * for jxiu." he said. U S E D T O H O LD NMLKA •BROKEN WE BUT LINCOIJC HEAD pennies, newspaper man working on a case Nsw Dan<»r—Why, Pm the Best social power reside exactly where OFFERED 1.3-A six rmim . tenement, with all Im- LEG AL NOTICES ' 7S y-ou can bpproach the nurse Thev Bleeker tiwk the receiver, said hm set that HEADUSWTS/j'^ , • B R O O M f 'Win pay up to $2.00 ea6b If over FOB RENT—4 ROOM tenement, at He found out something and they probably hava two or thrt>e. Gel all lancer you've got. rm a itep ahead they did beiore—in the bands of - TLASH* 170 Oak street, all Improvements, provements. Inquire at 147 ^ East "Hello, this .la Bleeker," a»d then ten years worth up to $.*11.00 each. Send 10c impulse to attack the dreary and nt Columbia within gntl for tha I'la- "Can wo get any clews from what phone it in Just .as quickly a.s .\tiu Dancm Director—Yes, that’s ex- —Charles Solomon. Socialistic Maple Hospital Telephone 8241. trict of'AnUovar bn the 5th Uav of "Till* Is long dtstanee." he said. for' Bu}'lng Catalog., Continental the drab, but hepptly start fall FOR RENT—FOUR p^OOM tene- Uoti>b«r. 1534. he was working onT" Kenney a.sked t;4i. That nwy Ih' a liiattef of mayor "Rlveniew ealluig They'rs, coming actly why Pm firing you. gubernatorial candidate in New Coin Co. Inc., Box 1213 Chicago. York. cieaning oy having us reuphotste. KENT HUNTI-Va? Tell us What ment. with all modem improve- I*r4*a»^nl CLAYTON E HUNT, Judga. • The body was found 20 'minutes ImiHirlanee. 'I'm ralUiig on ,\mu be- *r now .... Hello, Heckley.... yes of J. Whfta 5umnar of rauso I know where you stand on Man—I bear your friend Henry your worn or. moth eaten , up- you want Well take care ol It for ments anc garage at 3 Ridgewood .igo. He’d been dead 24 hours. The . .. you're eertam . . . . there's' no holstereii ^lrniture, and add one of Boiion In aald Dlatrlct. decrasrd. back of his head was smashed Ho d the city election. I'm Just miking .vou was badly gassed the other night, In the end. a hard skull and a A L l ’O.MOHJLES you witnout charge. t\ I. McCann. £‘ rcet Telephone 5023. Th»» Adminlatrator d, b. n.. c. t, » chance of a mistake .'..,1 see . . . . Did he mix up in a strike? our new beaiitif'i: fall coverings. havint; mado wrltt«*n apitUrutlon to been taken out- there and dumped.' to extend nie a g*nirte.sy which we I'kay. 3'liatikn ever so much. It strong will must conquer. FOR SAL^ 69 Center Street Dial 'i .'OO. aald Court, fn aucordanor . with tha Friend—No, he went to a politi- What wr do. Build upholstered "He telephoned yestenlay," Blee- have extendi'd you tn times past. j u.akes .1 good story for you at that cal meeting. —Chancellor Adolf Hitler of H L S I N E S S L O C A T I O N S Rtatuta. f »r an onl^r of »aU of the Germany. , furniture to order. Mattress and FOR RE.NT—FIVE ROOM tene- whola or part oft ih^ rtal fiiigie de- ker said, "that he was working on a "You call mo back Just a.-* s*Hm I > i>d anyw.iv Huh---- ,vea, we'll run 1982 FORD COUPE $275, 1931 Ford box spring renovating, equal to FOR RENT 64 live lead. He had to play around with at you and out. If I'm i)ol hero you ;-onietliing *>n It ilown here, Tels- 1930 Essex $130, 1930 ment, with garage, modern Im- •crlhed theraln, L la ordarad that We believe that a record in do- new. One day service. Reflll cush prr'vements. Call at 15 Ashworth aald .application be heard at*the Pro- some womr-n to cultivate It. He taji, ^ v e any Infoimatlon with ' phone us a oomplete rei'ort.-I prs-^ mestic service has been created by Agriculture is taking charge of Chevrolet coach 1150, 1929 Buick Ions of 3 piece sets. Manchester FOR RENT— large OFFICE bate Office In Columbia on the 15th didn't mention names, Y'ou go ahead production. Just - as industry . has street Telephone 3022. day of October, l&Sl. at 10 o'clock In Elhgt West, m'y secretary." | •>.ime there'll be quite a senmial in the personal tiald of a film star aedan $150. Cole Motors. Telephone Upholstering Co. 218 North Elm rodpi, second Boor front, Purnell and handle thl.i thfng, Kenney. Put _ _ _ ' I Rlveniew. All right. If .vxni’U senl done for years; 6tAl. the forenoon, andthat notice thereof |,w’ho has served under her mistress street. Bii/iy s’nce T922. Geo. FOR R E N T-SIX RObM tenement, block. 829 Main street, reasonab.ie be given, by publlahlnic n copy of this as many men on the Job as arc, , , , 1 1.S tn the stow we'll give tl a aooj ' for flve different husbands. —Edward A. O'Neal, president J. Holmes, decorator, iiphol.«tercr, all modem irnpiovements. flve min- r.ate on lease. Inquire Geo, E. Keith, i*rd$r In the .Mnnrheeter KvenInK rceessary. Morilon was one of o Bleeker dropped t ie recelyer Iw k I American Farm Bureau Fed- ito {Kisltlon. left ManChe.ster, Conn. utes to mills, throe to trolley. In- Keith Furniture Co. Herald, a newspaper having a clei'u- boj-s. He WHS biimpiHl off. W't'rp^ get eration. latlon In sold District, and that re- *uul pounded UiruughI the outer uffl -t> a-'' "('o'l ns vou get lliem. Within Wife (frantically)—Jack, quick! quire 82 Garden street. Tel. 6723. Ing to avengo his mui'dery-^lore an hour If po.ssiblc. You can get us Baby's swallowed ink I I-'OR RENT—OFFICES at 885 Main t»irn bo-made to thia Court* with swift, nervous slrldea. Ho turn- Attoiat, than that. It’s an insult to the paper the fads and well |mt a rewrlts Husband (absently)—I suppose My dear madam, your teeth are Manchester FOR RENT—4 ROGERS Place, flve street (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ed- ed to the right m the corridor, walk- MOVLV.— IKIJCKINU— ^ CLAYTON E. HUNT We're going to cle.an thlA thing up, .iiah on It." that means you want to borrow my placed in yoiir mouth to clamp your rooms, all Imprcvementa. rent rea- ward J. Holl. Tel. 4842 and 8025. Evening Herald STOKACE 211 Judge. If we have to move>iieaven and ed down a long, musty passageway, Ho handed Hie telephone liae,k to fountain pen. tongue down. sonable. Apply on premises. H-10.il.84. earth. I'm going t o ^ e Sidney Griff with- a stiH-k room ocriipying the Kenney. Kenney i-epia.-eil the ro- —Justice John F. Carew of New CLASSIFIED I pace on the. left, a photographer’s I'KKKtrn A UtE.NNEY INC local, AT A COtHlT OK PROHA+F: IlFLn the crlmlnologis .•'Iver, tlrojip*ni .Hi- leleidione Into A person clothed only in his own Y'ork Supreme coiirL berating F OR RENT—FI\*E rooms complete- HOUSES FOR RENT 6.H at Columbia within and for the Dis- room with a scrieii i>f ilai k r*Hinis on ADVERTISEMENTS boa long distance moving Uau> p'l.slllon on the *ll•^K, and raised hi* righteousness Is usually Juct one witness in Gloria VandCrbilt dspres-s to Harltoro Ovemigm ly furnished, excellent location, trict of Ar.dover on the 9th day of 'he right. He passed a room from cust(xly trial. FOR RENT—SEVERAL Desirable October. 1934. eyebrows at Bleeker, degree removed from a nudlit. Count «U V ^ M • I lM service u. and rrora New York. Tei winter only. Adults. Tel. 5988. Kenney iatled. which canio the li.ick ol pounding ^B LL. lainaU ou<^h*rt and ab^roTtattono flve, six and seven room bouses, present CLAYTON E. HUNT. Judge. "Then more to this case," Blee- "What did you flii*l out?" hg ilHtt 8861 OI 8864 Estate of Clement M. 8umner late l.STiewiiters driven at high speed, Human rights have taken flrst It is absurd, this talk of romance. •aeb count a* a- ort and eo m ^ n ad FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room flat, single ana dousle App'y Edward I. ker wefit on, "than appeara on the sokeil,’ THERE 60ES wordc a* two wurda Uintmofr c<»oi to of Bolton In said District, deceased. and pushed hla way Into Dick Keii- place ever property rights In the Only people with much leisure all newly redecorated, with garage Holl, Phone 4842 and 8026, surpfee (To Ho I'.iiillniioil) prica of (h r»« itupa The ICxecutor'ImvtnK made written nc.v'a private olTlee New Deal and all that It pretends. have time for thought of love. OF HIS Inquire 67 BenWn street. Phonr nptdlcatlon li> sold t'ouri. In accortl- 10-11- LIb # rataa pat da| toi iran olM t PUHI.K I'A.SSENGEH 'Of course there Is," Kenney .said. I telep'ionoil Berkley of The —Francis Lederer, movie star. ftdo 3307 * nnee with Hie sti’tute. for an order of 'Yon know what it Is luid so do I. Dun llloi'krr \Utln .Sldiioy GrllT, L_#3 oo« KlTaetlr* Marwb t7. IMI sale of th*» wiiole nr part of the i.ivervlew Chronicle," he sahl, "for The persim In a mental fog usu- SERVICE 20A W A N T E D TO RENT 6h Morden was getting dope on F'ran'.i III*' fiuiHiiis I'rhulmiloglnt, in the C«ab ^:r»i phor^a FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat on estate described therein. It Is t n rgporl on Cathay. H*i tolhs me that ally is the one who ,. terms. • OoB«»ouClv« Uayt 1 MB •‘ ou that said appMoaion he heard (.'sthay.'' next liislalliiieiil. IN ADDITION TO Silver Lane Bus Ridge street. Inquire 25 Spruce WANTED TO RE.NT tenement of Cathay was- taken very suddenly I (^BBWeutlT* •« I BtB 1) tu. four or flve rooms, by small family Piobale Office In Columbia on JJte 19Hi CoJeea For Everyone I Dai ...... I II fta II eta Line, De Luxe Bin, for lodge party street. day o f t*rf4*ht»r. It»3l, at I0>>clock In "But,” Bleeker pointed out, "We and serloinly ill ye.sterday inornliig xM i ) K ( H V S i V l i T H J} ordart for irrafutof lfta»ruooo ->r team mps, we also offer 7 pas Write Box R, Herald. the forenoon and that m i^ e ihorrof made our peace with Cathay. The and ha.s been Ir. be*l over since. I For— The Old South By John C. Terry V ill oa obargad at tba (»aa tlm« rato senger sedan livery. Phone 3083, FOR RENT—4 ROOM FLAT on be sfvpTi. by puhllHhliiKof this libel ault was called off.' told hini to verify It. Illnens Is some- CURB QUOTATIONS Mae West—Mock Angel Cake. A Thought Spaeial rata* for loag tar» aaor? 8880 8884. Clinton street. Ail Improvements. MIDDLE AGED COUPLE would nnler in the .V.anoh>)»ter K w n ln n Mills Brothers—Chocolate Cake. C mkv N orr mo r ning , doopsvR Aite dtoy advaMtain* fiv # oi»«fa ragoaai like house of 5 or 8 roHms, on Man- Herald, a nowsp ip»*;^h«vlii»r a cheu- "That doesn’t mean tliat Morden thing that can be faknl very easily. Ada ordarad fot tbraa oi all days Garage. The Manchester Tni.st Co. latlon In said District and that re- .bad to forget what he'd found out, 'Ve can't even be certain of the Marx Bi others—Cocoanut Cake. Verily, verily, I say unto you. ^ 6AB (WO bt*rtloB repairing, vacuum cleaners, and there was any revenge, gain or Jeal- "I'm not thinking aiiylhlng Just F'ord Liiiilted ...... Husy Long—Apple Sauce Cake. •f any adv«rt|B*m»ni ord*rod fwp electrical appliances. Oil hurners ^he Clew e.isy. Therefore, we Jump at the yet," Bleeker told him. "f'm getting Mavis Bottling A ...... mor* Umo oa« (im * serviced..'!', A. Llnncll, Blr.sell St cc.nclusion It's fear and immediate- arts..! have an appointment for Nliig Hud Pow ...... Wife—Harry, how is it there Is a T b « iDAdvfrivni umiaaiwa •! loowr* rpct publtc*(t«D of •dv«rttoittf will ba Telephone 5.508 of the ly llgufe '.'nthny wi.s mixed up In It. 8:30 tonight with Sidney GrllT, What Penn Roa*l ...... golden hair on your coat, when Flapper Fanny Says: raetiAa' pniy by oanoaliaMoe of tba But Cathay is a prominent eltlr.en. hivve .vou foiin*l out from lieiiilqiiiio- niilte*l Foiinder.s ...... mine is dark brown? f*ca.u.s.i»Ar.o*r. •bara* inada for ib* a*rvla« raadarad. If there are any skeletons in his Icrs? Anything?" ltiiHe*l (ins ...... Husband (thinking quickly)— All 0dv9riii*m anta muai aopforis HELP WANTED— MALE 16 Forgotten closet they’d be buried so deeply a It's Morden all right," Kenney I'liHeil Lt iind Pow A ., Dearest, you forget I haven’t worn U atyla eop) and typography wllb e !•> n. X 4. U ne« Iim4 ^IfM H F o r HUNPR60S (3f WllEC raaulatinnt anforcad by ih* pubtlab> ixsiuil Investigation wouldn't have sahl grimly. "Tliey eiin’t tell the PHI Pow and Lt ...... this coat since last winter.' •rt and , thay ratarva tba fif h l to WANTED -.MAN with small capital Murder lilseloscd them In three days." xnct time of d*'Uth yet, but It wiis • me / SW6P ACROSS TME Jout he r n •dU. raviaa oi lajwc' any eopy ooa* to operate estahllshod gasoline sta We are told that there are fewer RADIO drCARLCTOIS WCNDRAKC "Well," Kenney roraarked, "Grill omc time yesleiilav aflernoon iiroli- H ouk iATeB,THey Roar OMCR-oie Mississippi riwcr,.. COASTAL PtAIN ... •tdarad objacUunabla A iiniqiio copy of lui. F'onlnliio'a /J tloh good loc.atlon. Aildre.ss Op can tell us more about It. He’s ■ibly the early part of the afternoon. Jokes written about the good old CLOtilNQ HOUIlH-ClaaatOad tea to pHirtunlty, Herald Office. •*4)1 all Sn.xr he Fables. I.llimtrnlcd with 57 olig- game of baseball than any of the ba publlahad tama day muol bo good tlu>. best criminologist In .the He wn.-i diiiiiped UPHOLSTERER. Must lor The Blade, telephones his iiews- Youth—What did you do when ------Sff Aa Mn dO tAliSSVV CCAANN QG6ET AWAY ------^Q U W ANT?; K 6 F , ROAST PORK,LAMB W ANT ADS. be fairly experienced. Apply per the name of Thomaa Decker. Deck- you got your first kiss? p:i|>er an exclinlvo story alKi'it er was a witness to the niiirdcr of WITH IT, SO C A N I .J ^ •^ C H O P S - d o u b l e OftOBRS, Ada aro auc«piad ovoi tba tolapboAt sonnet office, The Neuro-Psychla FRANK B. CA’n iA Y of Itiveralew, Girl Friend—Nearly fell out of At tba CHAROE KATE ahovo trie Institute and Hospital, of the F'.dwnrd Shillingl’y, a private dc- the crib. PLE A S E — AMD P O R wealthy and pniiuliient, lirmight to aa a oonvanian « (o advartraara but Hartfonl ItetreHt, 400 Washington itctlve. I’lilllp Lan.p.son—the gung- (^ E S S E R T r a HAVE STB A i O tba CASH K ates win b« a<*oaptad aa I'oliee headquarters on Niispirion of ! ter they call 'Cincinnati Rc-d'—Is T rV D L PAYMIirNT If paid al iba bual* street, Hartford. A hick-town is a place where the Aaaa offlca on or hafo^a tba aavaotb driving while lntoxlmti*d nnd aeeoin- held under arrest. The story goes only day-time loafers are people day folloariof tb* drat (aaarlloB of piuiled by a pretty yoiuig woiiuin that Decker was frightened bccau.se you don't care to loaf with. •aob. ad otbarwtaa tha C H A R iiB who calls herself^ .3IAUY BRIGGS, he was a witness. He went to Griff RATE will ba obllaelad Na raaponat* hiteh-hiker. Mllty for arrora U lala^honad ada and Griff has buried him somcwiicre Wlfe—You said you liked pota- w ill ba aaaumcd and tbalr AoOAraey FUEL AND FEED 49-A Next dny It Is leuriieil that the He .says he'll produce Deeker at the toes baked in their coats. AABOOt ba duaranfaad nun WHS an lni|>ostor. The rent time of trial, but that’s all he'll say. Husband—Yes, but I didn't mean INDEX OF KOK SALF, -H ARIi wood flreptace Cathay denunds diinioge* uiid a There's a story in It It we could get their storm-prixif leather overcoats. wood, rnrnace wo*id, and oak alabs. ntriuUon. D.AN BLEEKER, Junior Griff to Ulk." CLASSinCATlONS Telephone 3149 Chas. Staye, E publisher of The Blade, ronvinred "He won't,” Bleeker said. You can also Judge people by the ElPtba .••«.•••• s ■•••••• s •••• A ('.enter street. tnnt ‘'something In fishy'', sends Congressmen they keep. SAsagamanta .« "nicre's no harm In trying," Ken- Ifarriagaa ...... c Ylorden to KIverviow to learn nil he ney Insist* (I. "If yon work on this Daalha ...... ran ulioiit Cnthnv. Joey—How Is this, Bobbie: 'He •••••••••••••••• 0 GARDEN— FARM - .Morden case with him you’ll get Card ol Tbanka ••••••••••••••a ■ MK.S. C A T I I . a 'y eidN on Bleeker ihumniy with hl«* Remember to who courts and docs not wed has to I a Uamorlam •aaaaaae******** r DAIRY PRODUCTS 5(» and Likes him to the i'uluee hotel go to court instead.' Loat and Found saa9aaaaaaaaa«aa 1 ask him about Decker. In the mean- A good pose often.leads a man AABouncamanto •aa«aaasaa«aaa*a I for II rnnferenre with her hiiebund's time I'm giing to w*irk and *lig out Bobbie—Like this better, Joey: Paraonaja > • • • • • • . FOR SALE—CONOORD GRAPES ‘He who courts and runs away lives to propose. I and Green Mountain potatoes. An lawyer, ftllARLE.S F'ISlIEIt. Fisher scune more faet.s." AofoninMIao say* fYithuy will forget his grlev- He left the room with quick. Im- to court another day.’ Atttomubtlaa for Halt 4 gelo I’nsqimllnl Avery street Wap- ' • ' ' f P006V.OM AutoifiobUaa for Eicnanga ••••• t plng. Phone Roscdulc .30-2. nnre If The BInde piiTillshes n rr- patient strides. p ^ ly Tl^EIR I D ^ f ; A^tita Accaaaorlaa—Ttraa •••••• I traeUon. Bleeker agrea to do this. Auto Rapairing—‘Painting ••••• t Over the telephone next dnv FRECKLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser Auto Scbbola 1-A Dan Bleeker. seated at his desk, Autoa— Ship by Trocb ...... * I HOUSKHOI.D GOODS KENNEY, elly (^itor, lenrns that got Ethel Wc*t on the telephone Autoo— For Hlra ...... • .Morden has lM-Atoraga I* ONE FLOOR SA.MPLK regular Uotnreyclaa—Ricyclaa ...... 11 $35.00 studio couch $24 75, one lln- NOW <10 O.V W in i THE HTOKV c Imlnologlal. Tell him that 1 want Wantad Aut4>a •^Motorcyelaa ... II •uig room ret, 4 chairs, table buffet t<) see him upon a matter of major Ilnaliiaa* and Pmfraainnal farotroo CHAPTER VII $10.50. Take It away. Wanted—few 'mportnncc I probably won't have Buainaaa Itarvicaa Offarad ...... II There was no answer from Bleck- Houaahold Sarvtcaa Crffarod •••%.11-A children's citba and high chairs all the facts nece.ssary to make a ei, piibll.sher of Tt.e Blade, but an tlutldlng-—Cuniracting U must be clean na a whip. Benson’s Model No. .176-K6— .571.90 prc.senlatlor of the case until after Ftorlaia—NuravrUa ...... 1ft— J o h n s o n R I o c k . .ibriipf, negative nod of the head. clnner tonight. I'd like to see him Punaral Diractora ...... 1ft Kenney, the city editor pre.ssed the llaatin g —Plum bing— Roofing IT llil.s evening.” Inauranp# |ft FOR SALE RUDD Instantaneous i*;celver .support down into place, Bleeker sat perfectly motlonles.s. ftillllnary— Draacmaking II hot water heater, prartically new. Buy with confidence— then raised It again. Hi.s body seemed relaxed. Hla atti- (B E A D T H E STO K V , r i l K N < filAIK T H E | l(m;ltK | ftlovIng-^Trucklog—S.orago 10 "Mls.s West," he went on, "thiii *• PubUe Paaaangar Aarvlea •••••.|o-A capacity 3 gallons iicr minute. Tel. tude might have been mistaken for 6723. Dick Kenney. Will you get ine Bill ■'•ne of calm meditation upon some "'Fhls frosting cupcakes Is real time we're fed." Then Duncy Painting —Paparlni ...... i.*...,. II nnswer*-d. "Gather 'round, and ProfaaaUmal Sarvlcaa .••••••«,•• It own with pride Osborne on the line right awBy" peaceful subject. fun, but there are many to be done, we will dive rlgbl In." Rapalfing || FOR S A L E - BARSTOW parlor Yes,, I’ll h*)l*I the line___ Hello, Bill, The telephone rung. Bleeker snap- and I am getting rather tired," said TaiIorlng--Dralng—Cleaning ft heater with oil burner. Also coal What followed was ii funny T oilet Gooda and Sarvtca ..•••• tft Ihla Is Kenney. Nixon hn.,s Just tele- ped the rc'-elver from its rest and Dotty. "I most rest. lOril hot water heater. Inquire 88 High phoned In from he idquaiters. He's scene. They licke'l until the boWl Wanted—nii»inan» ''ico.Ift heard Ethel West .say. "Mr. Griff "Who’ll lend a han*l, a lltllc VWIL WA M S street. picked up a radio call. Hie police was clean; "(ie<-, you iruinl liiive BORM THIRTY VERRS TOO SOON KdarnilHOot '.vill sec you nt 8:,30 tonight If that while?" "I will," said Duncy, ts-eii biingry,'' cri*-*! a cupcake, Coursas ens CUiaas •••• IT Trades Terms Free Trial have found a body out on the out- is convenient." Frivsi* InairttcflpQ .... tl BARSTOW SEZ range burners at with a smile, "Give me that Isiwl with 11 giin. JSALESMAN SAM 'J'he Store Still Keeps' ”Em! Dsneint ...... skirta of town. Sanborne and 192d "Quite," Bleeker said. "Now get of frosting, nnd I’ll do ray very ______By Sma . ....I* A $8.06, ch"oper, cleaner, hotter than '' h e V .M ISTB R ,'d o t 's DIS Mutlealv-Dramatle , .... It streets. It’s a suhdivi.slon that's r-e the editor of The RIvervlew best." "And now we must be packed THINfi r W sn iH l—Ins* ru(-*!on .... I* I'oal, Hundreds In town. Barstow gene sour. There are only a few K E B P B O K IN' O L O V e S ? THERE/ ( TOLDJA I COULD UCK YA t C'MONii> Radio, 470 Main a.reet. Chronicle, In RIvervlew. Rush the "Ha, hal’ laughed Coppy, iiway. In big * ak*i boxes we Klnniirlat houses out there. The police think call." "Tills should be a funny sight. will stay until we're taken Into NOW, SIUETH ' GLOVES B ACK Tfl D 'Q U V f BuDda— Hiock* ~ Mnrigagaa the body Is that of Charles Morden BUBlfiaai Opporfunlllaa Cl He dropped the receiver back 1n- Just wall and see. I'll bet that town, Wliii’ll pa* k us In real Iteaa^' • i-i"* jrs.Ti-: •• WEARING APPABEIi— Take RarnrLane with ymi; t!o Ui iHit field Ills haml on, It Duncy "pllla .the frosting 61) ligUl?"— ' Itrip aaa FI'RS 57 down to he.iiiqu.ii tefa 'and- get on ;...il when, within a matter of a mln- around the place. '■| will,” said Co)t|)y. "Twill Hals W»nl.d-l''*,««U ...... II the Job. Contact the homicide H«lr w.ni»d ...... n lite anal* ... || on hla face.” Sltualloni W'ani.d -Halt ...... It Economy Hosiery Co., Asheboro, Where radio is understood** and earth to get the thing cleane*! r f The Itivervtcv/ Chnmlclc? This The tsixes shortly were hroiight * Kmpl.'rm.n* Asrpcle* 44 N. C. ip. You can pa-ss the word anJund 1.S Dan Bleeker of The Blade. We out and Ihen Hie bunch hrardg Llaa tiaek—rna—r*altT)s—Tdllrlmi that The Blade Is going to expect However. Duncy fooled the' Coppy shoot, "Kurin In a line, Oeg* -Blr*l4—Pdf We .service all mtilies of radio. bent a man up to look over your 41 results. You And out ail the facts clippings on Frank B. Cathay. A crowd, and soon said, "f should be you cuijcakes, so Hiers won't be {J»t Slock-VahlriM 4t WANTED—TO HUY 5!^ Poulirj (Dd aupplUt ...... and then report back, on*! I'll give chap named Morden. Did you give allowed to lick this bowl, liecause I much delay," 41 Best equipped repair laitoralor.v in town. didn't spill a single drop. tVani»*1 - P.i. -Ppultrr—kiaek 44 you a line on the stuff Ylorden was h;m any Informatlcn ?” The Tlnles watched him work "Each cupcake, now, is quite a while, nnd then wee (Joldy, with T**, WANTED TO BUY second hand Completely Overhauled Used Sets For Sale. working on. You ■ pick up F’red Bleeker listened for a ahoi^t time, Artici., foi gale ^1 Nixon and the three of you drop then nodded his head. ail right, and really quite a pretty a smile, said, "0*-e, they're packed Boats end Aoc*4cf*rl44 41 ; football equipment. Phone 6112. sight." A cake then said, "Okay, In dnn'ly. floppy's done fine work Butldius UeicrinlB T At the Center Phone .173.3 verything else to get this thing "Now," he said, "I want you to 4 son, lick me until you want to to9 He nodded his head and dropped rod and paad ...... , 4 t - A a big story in It, I want you to find "Hey. give iia all some," Dotty the receiver back Into place, turned (The Tinie* see a funny hnk- Oardar - Fare*—Dalrr ProdoeU 44 FOR RENT—O.NE; FURNISHED out fqr me where F'rank B. Cathay said. ‘'Wc share with you, each .J Bousalluld 0«i'>ta ...... ^ . •ry wngnn in the next story.) Marhlna*-T and T. ol4 .,....,..1 loom. Als*i two unfurnished rooms —ii:______' ^ AS BIK.'IHES Muaiea) Instrumap*a steam heated. Write Herald Box O Easier Said Than Done By Frank Beck OTlca and Start BquipmtSI ... AI.I.KY OOP Royalty Gets A Surprise! • URELY M V BIG ^ Bpariala at lha Wnraa ...... FOR RENT— large SINGLE By H AM LIN R U N LIKE •njT-TUT.._. WaarlBs Apparal—rors . * B A R B A R A I 5 N T 0 0 » M I5NT MOMMYS Wantad-Ta Pua Pot ...... ''’’'V rooms. A heaven for bachelor girls U m PATEEOL^ oh. v o O T l t f b O T / f LISTEN,DCD0! EVERY B V E R YTH IN S . > T O C R Y OVBR A (UKl boys where you can be Chet W ELL. IF MJO YX>0 V . t'M RIG HT mo -BOY • I* COMPLAINT I QET.I L ITT L E BUM P.. SWirB ENOUGH n and chamrer maid Jensen—Phone \ YA SETTEC 8E (jITTIN' YEffSELVES I DDNT PIPE DOWN C A N ’T B E H IN D A O tf*ABK«.. C O M B K»«i«aniBto IWRITE ON A SLIP OP .C ATC H NVHAT Twg- PRACTICE DB$C WllhuVIl Bn»r4) . ... It 6070—7635. IN H E C e.'’ ALLEY OOP WILL / N OW ,l V*5NT EVEN , Y O U . O N . . . . Y O U CHASE Burdtre Wauled ...... ll-A /baper and PUTITINTO M E . O A O O V . . . MVHAT HE ^aatrs Board—Haaerts ,, ■___ t* ' PUT YbURs' IN THE DAOdY. PREACHBS lioltls—Hattaaraata I A HAT...AT TWE END 1 ' V bueV tV Ii h a t ! n o w . o e t i n Wastad— H»»i e»-B o a td .T? .!!! M APARTMENTS— FLATS— OF THE MONTH, I ■1=fT TENEMENTS 6.1 DRAW ONE OUT AND Y o u r p o s i t i o n !! P^Uli' TaaalSnu.. irr Sislsadt LMailona ret Bael ANSWER it ! eCE? Boeaaa fo, Ram . FDR RE-NT— I WO, THREE aqc .BMPFIE •eberhaa tea Baal four room furnished or uoturoisQeo SNWTLe] apartments. Manchester Construe .Waau« la lUai ...... 0 (Vn Co Telepnone 4131 or 4359 dJ itaM r*4 tala Atenai4ni B alM Iss for Ik la . . . KefseeI*** Frep*rty fat Bal* w%nmk i •»» ■•I* - . . . . tor ■al4 »rl Prapsrn to PBkfiTbaa for «*U Buats ter Ksehaiun —a— .WaBts6— Baa) to t a u mVr .

.1 PAGE TWEL'VR manrbfBtrr Ewnbig finsUi

The first of a aeries of setback The W. B. A'. Guard club will All members of M• Scallopa, pint 89c. A n l^ flsb of the Cod fam ily... tober 22, instead of the 27th. The Pound psekags. Special for hospital nurses and staff hope that The offices of the Personal 1 Friday afternoon only! BatterSah. lb. 19e. called Hake or "W hltlnf”—1.5c O c t o b e r i 3 t h -2 0 t h Filet of Haddock. fylends will flil their tabiea for their nance Company will be closed Filet of Mackerel. lb., 2 lbs. 29c. favorite card game. Friday, Columbus Day. Three to four bonclea* Filets Fresh steak nr bolllnf piece of Gelatine . ^ . .pkg. 6c to a pound. BED SALMON, lb. 85c. Royal gelatine dessert. Aa- Filet of Sole. sorted. Whole Haddock. lS

SUced or crushed. 3‘ellow Globe Turnips, 1-2 spot proof velvet. peck ir>c. Biiffel Slice*...... ,S r a n * .SOn

8 -0 7 . ( ru«h«l or Tidbit* ...... Idlrge White CAl'LIFI.OW-

...... 3 ran* 2.5c ER, each 1.3c. VELVET—REMNANTS JOHNL.JENNEY

10 Depot Square ^ o n e 8880

.Fall Colors Exceptional Yonr wheels for To 4 yd. Lengths Quality per yd. Insurance

Life, Accident and Health, Fire Insurance, Fidelity and Surety Banda—Auto- CHENGOR YARN DRESS SILKS mobile sad Other

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Our new “Rabbit Hair • Canton Crepes

Yam ” is rapidly be- a Satins

coming one of the q Sheer Crepes

leading yarns. Ask our * Novelty Crepes TH IS »L L

instructors to show Suitable for evening, FRIGIDAIRE

JUVD W IM T B R I you our display of street or afternoon Exclusive Agents knitted garments. wear. Skids cause 5Vi times more

THE GLENNEY CO. accidents than blowouts— Coal, LiimlH*r, Ma»on'H Suppllrn, I'ulnt. and smooth tires skid 77% KEMP’S, Inc. 356 No, Main St, Tel. 41 tD .Mnnche»lcr mora milM of non- skid safety at no extra cost farther, other new tires skid CHENEY BROTHERS REMNANT SALESROOM Registered Frigidaire ' because o} 14 to 19% farther, than new Week days 9 A. M. - 6 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. - 5 P. M. Service Dept Maintained Flatter wider tread— “G-3” Goodyear All- Remnants and Imperfects 16% more non-skid Weathers. This “ Goodyear Hartford Road Manchester, Conn. Beauty blocks— Margin of Safety’’ costs you Wider riding libs— nothing extra—let us quote Read The Herald Advs. Heavier tougher on your size “ G -3” I At Your tread— * Also you get

the blowout protection of It’s Doubly Guaranteed! Superrwist Cord In every ply. 1. Against road hazards. ' Window 2. Against defects for life.


Fall Housecicaning is now going on in many

homes. I-et us clean your drapes and make Schaller Motor

them look as good as new. HEAR ALCORN

Matt Merz Sales, Inc.

DOUGAN DYE WORKS «S4 O uter Street, Mantheslrr Manchester PHONE 7158

Other Other

Speakers: Our New Speakers:

Enjoy the entertaining new

Low Price

Edward F. Anson T. Programs on the air with a No. 2, 3 and 4

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New Models -F - F

At a Sensationally Low Price!

Now Kenneth F. AnsoiT"F.


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Fourth District Comptroller




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Go. No Carring Charges

51 Bissell Street

II Tel. 4496

r.. Center Park—Saturday—2.30 p. m.

(If Sformy In High School Hall)

Kerosene and Range Oil A NEW TABLE M ODEL.

Hear Hugh M. Alcorn’s Own Views On— startling In perfomiance and new in appearance, this in- i.’- gaL expensive Grunow, it has an exceptionally large s p ^ e r , 85 gallcMM or over. ; , and excellent distance range. Old Age Pensions— Taxation—Labor Situation Fnel Oil, 2-S-4 $ |. 22*50


6V^e gal.

Free meaanrlBg atteka. I Come To Chet^s^TorjCompli^ AUSPICES REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE

1 JUDGE W IL U A M S. HYDE, Chairman. Porterfield’s CHET’S RADIO AND SERVICE STA-nON — 84 OAKLAND STREET — DIAL .IlSl 68 Sprace S t TeL 6584