AVERAGE DAILT OlBCUt-ATlON THE WEATHER . ter the ahnth nf Beptmaber. 1N4 Forecast of U. 8. W M ttor Boreaa, Hartford i 5,436 Cloady, slightly warmer toalghi; Membor of thn Audit Friday.fair. Pimnn nf Urenlnttens VOL. LIV„ NO. 10. (llsssiard Advarttstag on Pago lA ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934, (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTH Actual Assassination of Yugroslav Ruler HOLD HARTFORD MEN ASSASSIN’S FRIENDS ON SWINDLE CHARGE BEUEVED ARRESTED Two Arrested and Man and! SAYS ^HOME WORK’ Passports Claim They Are of Woman Sought m Ca s e In- IN STATE GROWS Today^s Developments volving Qoarter Million Anstro-ltaiian Birth; Anti* In the Lindy Case Dollars. Miss Wood, State Official, Italian Riots Break Ont in By AS80C1.ATED PR E SS * w a s not near the scene at the time Yugoslavia; International Declares There Are No New Jersey authorities received of the kidnaping and slaying of the Hartford, Oct. 11.— ( A P ) — Bench setback In efforts for Immediate re- Lindbergh baby. arranta for the arrest of Frank A. moval of Bruno Richard Haupt- Complications Loom. Tillman, president of the Under- Laws to Protect Workers. mann to that state to face a mur- l Extortion case was removed from der Indictment, v hen Bronx Su- ; trial calendar In Bronx County writers Finance Company; Bliss This remarkable radiophoto pictures preme Court justice denied their re- ' Court and Hauptmann arrested on Beatrice Kauffman, formerly his the scene. In Marseilles as the assas- on extradition warrant charging he By ASSOCI.ATED PRESS Waterbury, Oct. 11— (A P )—Miss quest for an immediate hearing on executive secretary; Thomas J. sin of King Alexander and Louis application of defense for writ of Is a fugitive from Justice from New International complications broke Helen Wood, assistant state labor Loveday, treasurer and assistant Barthou climbed to the running habeas corpus to prevent cxlradl Jersey. out today following the assassina- commissioner addressing delegates board of the royal car. One of the secretary of the company and Louia tion. tion of King Alexander of Yugo- occupants bos thrust out his arm During the few seconds between A. Garand, a director of the com- to the 67th annual meeting of the to push away the assailant who es- removal of the case from the Bronx slavia at Marseilles by Petrus Kale- pany, were Issued this morning by state conference of Congregational Supreme <?ourt Justice Ernest E. Superior Court Judge P. B. O’Sulli- caped the vigilance of nearby police. L. Hammer fixed Monday morning trial calendar and discharge of men— of whose identity authorities and Christian Churches in this city van, charging conspiracy to defraud A few seconds later the murderer, at 11 o'clock for argument on writ. Hauptmann's $100,000 bail require- are not certain. today, asserted that the so-called hls deed accomplished, was cut down ments, and hls re-arrest on the fu- the company and Its stockbolden. French police arrested two > sus- The warrants were Issued at the “home work” distributed from fac- by sabres and trampled to death. Defenne counsel said he would be gitive warrant, he was technically pected accomplices and took from request of State's Attorney Hugh M tories to the workers is on the In- prepared to Introduce "six or seven free, although surrounded, by city them psLssports purporting to show Alcorn, who told Judge O'Sullivan crease In this state; that there Is no witnesses." Including prisoner's and New Jersey state police and de- they were of Austro-Itallan birth. that defalcations totaUlng approxt state or Federal law protecting the wife. In effort to prove Hauptmann tectives. An anti-Italian riot broke out in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, and a mob mately 8250,000 bad occurred, that domestic worker In regrard to both Tillman and Miss Kauffman bad the length of the day's work or FOUR DIE, 8 HURT attempted to attack the Italian con- RICH SOCIETY WOMAN sulate but was beaten off by police. fled the country but that Loveday standard wages; that there is no The rioters bad attended a meeting and Garand were here. protection for the withholding of Two Arrested wages by the employer; and there IN TRAIN WRECK at which speakers told them previ- Following the Issuance of the wrar- la still In existence the 55 hour STATE WIDE CAUCUSES ous attempts against King Alexan- KIDMPED IN KENTUCKY rants Loveday and Garand were ar- week for women and the 28 hour der’s life had been financed and pre- rested in the ball of the county week for children. pared In Italy, and that the assas- building. Ball was set at $25,000 Her Suggestion sination at Marseilles probably was Eugineer and Fireman Are FILL PARTY TICKETS inspired- by the same source. for each of the four persons who are She suggested that the state aUeged to have mulcted the automo- Legislature, rather that waiting Wife of Louisville Oil Mas t AIR COMPETITION Another woman spectator, wound- bile financing company of a quarter for Federal laws, should enact such Among Victims; Train ed during the assassipation Tues- of a million dollars. laws as would help In Improving the day, died at MarseiUes, bringing Bmlali; Beaton and Hen (;q I)£ pQR NATIONS . Loveday and Garand were held at situation, and she called upon the Alcorn Calls Morris ^Titcher BOY CROWN PRINCE the death total to five. the county building while they made delegates as citizens to help by the Leaves Rails. The widowed Queen Marie of efforts to raise the ball. election of the proper state and Abducted Held for Yugoslavia arrived in Paris under They had not yet made arrange- Federal officera, In remedying these Catcher and Umpire” of heavy secrecy, to join her son the PROCLAIMED KIND ments for counsel. Neither wa8 pre. conditions. Rev. Oscar Maurer of new King Peter II, to whom the $50,000 Ransom. Guttenberg, Iowa, Oct. ll.---(A P) ’ aented in court When arrested New Haven ^presented the annual Speaker TeUs Laborites the the Milk Control Board in Parliament of Yugoslavia, sitting they were at the county building general treasurer's report and fur- — Four persons were killed and as a National Assembly, swore an for the purpose of listening to the ther presented recommendations eight seriously Injured when a Mil- oath of allegiance. report of Temporary Receiver Henry which were afterwards approved by Louisville, Ky., Oct. 11.— (A P )-^ Whole World Most Join to Scene of Sadness in Parlia- The body of Louis Barthou, slain waukee passenger train left the Speech. H. Hunt who appeared Judge the conference. Including the apon- foreign minister of France, waa laid before The law's every agency today hunt- rails near here thla morning and' sorlng by Congregational churches in state in the f-<rcign ministry and Arthur F. Ells in Superior Court ed the lone kidnaper who slugged Improve the Conditions. of the federation of such churches plunged into a creek. ment as Members Take the Ambassador Jesse I. Straus of the concerning the affairs of the Under- By ASSOCIATED PRESS writers Finance Company. with those of other denominations a slender society beauty and dragged Among i.he Identified dead were United States waa the first foreign the Long Proto if local situations so warrant. He her off in a negligee, demanding a Charles Strazinsky, 69, engineer, of Many gaps In the tickets of diplomat to pay homage at bis bier. San Francisco, Oct 11— (AP) — Oath o f Allegiance. The Issuance of the warrants to- also asked for better support of the $50,000 ransom. The ransom await- Dubuque, and Frai.k Mann, 55, fire- two major political parties were ed him if he succeeded in making Establishment of an international man, of Dubuque. TERRORISTS ARRESTED day culminated an Investigation in that the budget has toen stead- filled today as a result of conven- into the affairs of the company by ily decreasing over the past few contact. Federal Officials all night code of fair competition Is neces- The wrecked train, a local from (CopyriKlit. 1334 by Associated Press) studied the little evidence they had tions and caucus held throughout Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Oct. 11— Paris, Oct. 11.— Two suspected County Detective Edward J. Hickey years and that several of the Con- sary to bring about world industrial Savanna, i.11., to Lacrosse, Wia., in- of the. kidnaping of Mrs. Alice Stoll, Connecticut. Terrorists, arrested today as accom- whose probe was Initiated by the necticut churches have In no way cluded among the 25 passengers in (A P) — The Boy Crown Prince 26-year-old Bryn Mawr graduate. recovery. Dr. Harold B. Butler of Republicans In state-wide caucuses plices of Petrus Kalcmen, assassin company being petitioned Into re- offered assistance to the state or- Its single coach several school chil- Peter was proclaimed King of Yugo- Junior League member and wife of Geneva, director of the Internation- dren who boarded the train at Tur- held last night choose their nomi- ot King Alexander of Yugoslavia ceivership last week and the revela- ganization. slavia today by )x>th Houses of Berry V. Stoll, a leading Louisville and Louis Barthou, foreign minister tions which followed when Judge Rev. Oliver Huckel of Greenwich al Labor Office, told the American key River shortly before the acci- nees for state representatives with Hunt took over the organizations oU man. Federation of Labor convention dent. the balloting resulting in many Parliament sitting as a National of France, were found to be carry- affairs . (Continued on Page Six) With stem Department of Jus- here today. Engine Explodes spirited contests. Assembly.
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