>>> Menas Focus 12 /15 Independent monthly news and analysis of economic, political and financial developments in the Sahara region

2 Coup d’état

1 · Number averted in Niger –

5 · Volume 1 5 · Volume Or was it? 1

0 NIGERIEN PRESIDENT MAHAMADOU ISSOUFOU 2 Political tensions in Niger have been rising party leaders have coordinated their campaigns According to local reports, those arrested another coup plot had been thwarted. Ten ahead of the 21 February presidential election, and as the local media have thrown increasing were air force General Souleymane Salou; military figures were arrested at the time, barely two months away. The incumbent, doubt on his record, especially on the economic Djibo Salou, a former chief of staff of the accused of attempting to overthrow the December Mahamadou Issoufou, has long been regarded front. Until this week, it seemed that his calami- armed forces under the previous military regime and assassinate the head of state. as the clear favourite, but that picture is tous economic record might well threaten his regime; Lieutenant Colonel Idi Abdou Dan changing. re-election and that he might have to resort Haoua, commander of the air base in Niamey; This time round, in his television address, to electoral dirty tricks – as several prospec- and Nare Maidoka, head of the 1st Artillery Issoufou called the coup attempt high treason Political tension has been increasing over tive opposition candidates were beginning to Battalion in the western town of Tillaberi. and asserted that the situation was under the past two years in the face of widespread accuse him of doing. control and all the main actors had been opposition to the poll calendar drawn up by Military coups d’état are no new thing in Niger. arrested, except one who had fled. Issoufou the national electoral commission. Opposition Then on the morning of 17 December, the Issoufou himself was first elected in 2011 in a said the objective had been ‘to overthrow the groups have criticised the constitutional court, president issued a statement on television that vote organised by a military junta that in 2010 democratically elected power.’ which validates candidacies and election the government had just foiled an attempted had overthrown President Mamadou Tandja, results, for its apparent allegiance to Issoufou. coup d’état. Issoufou told the country that who was seeking to stay in power beyond the He also averred, ‘They envisaged using aerial four senior military officers had been arrested two-term limit set by Niger’s constitution. firepower and they have for some weeks Opposition to Issoufou has been gathering and taken into custody two days earlier, on 15 deliberately blocked [the military assets] in pace, especially since the several opposition December. Later that year, Issoufou announced that Niamey that I was pressing them to send >>>

Spotlight The Maghreb 2 Mauritania 8 Western Sahel 9 Eastern Sahel 11

> Coup d’état averted in Niger > The Qatari role in > Headlines for the wrong reasons > Terrorist recruitment > Boko Haram fights on > The Zintan–Tebu partnership > Economy in brief > Whose hand is up? > Surgery for Déby > The demise of the DRS > Violence continues in Mali > US boosts Tunisian cooperation www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 2 Spotlight www.menas.co.uk [email protected] +44 Kingdom United 5HJ WC1B London Row 31 Southampton Ltd Associates Menas © 2015 reserved rights All ISSN 1751-4622 Editor: Production Charles Gurdon Director: Managing Consultants and staff Associates Menas by Produced only subscription by Sold Sahara Focus >>> taken asa result of usingthepublication. appearing inthispublication orfrom any actionordecision loss), however itarises,resulting from theuseof any material loss of profits, loss of businessorany indirect or consequential damage orloss(including,withoutlimitation, financialloss, by lawMenasAssociates Ltd shallhave noliabilityfor any responsible for inaccuracies. To thefullextent permissible Menas Associates Ltd cannot ensure against orbeheld Disclaimer publisher. any other means,withouttheexpress writtenconsent of the recording, taping,orbyinformation storage orretrieval, orby graphic, electronic ormechanical,includingphotocopying, resold inwholeor inany part,orusedinany form orany means publication may bereproduced, repackaged, redistributed, the nameof MenasAssociates Ltd andassuchnopartof this All information contained inthispublication iscopyrighted in Copyright ( 0 ) 20 3585 1401 3585 20


is published monthly Blakeley Words

Associates Associates + Pictures 1 The Maghreb on his re-election chances. chances. re-election his on have will coup foiled alleged the effect what say to early is too It closer. draws election the as campaign tricks adirty of part are arrests the whether or istrue events of account The real question is whether Issoufou’s might increase further. repression such if as looks now It vote. the of government of using repressive ahead tactics his and Issoufou accused recently has tion opposi The tense. as described isbeing sphere atmo political the and unclear isvery Niger in As mines du Niger des patrimoine du Société company mining dashed. The acquisition by Nigerien national revenues havegenerate much-needed been would sector mining the that Hopes fronts. all almost on gloom byeconomic shrouded increasingly become has concerns, security by overshadowed been has which record, His office. in term his for show to positive something with him provide would project high-profile the hoping been panic at the Nigerien presidency. Issoufou had caused reportedly Niger in Niamey and Benin Bolloré company byFrench led aproject on work ing halt court byaBeninese A 17 ruling November prospects Issoufou’s re-election Boko Haram against struggle the for front the to Diffa to Société des mines du Liptako has proved to be disastrous. disastrous. be to proved has Canadian-based Sahara Focus to build a rail link between Cotonou in in Cotonou between link arail build to .’ ( goes to press, the situation situation the press, to goes SEMAFO SOPAMIN 2 in December 2013 December in ) of 80% of the the of 80% ) of ( Mauritania SML ) from ) from - - - become something of a white elephant. awhite of something become has project self-sufficiency agricultural (3N) Nigériens les‘Les nourrissent Nigériens’ much-vaunted the is that consequence One Djibo Salou leader junta military of reign brief the during vodstroy Zarubezh Russian from away taken been has contract the drain, the down millions and delay of years two After soon. time any finished be to going year, is not this inauguration for scheduled Kandadji dam in southwestern Niger, originally the isthat Issoufou for all of worst Perhaps 2014. in US$21 of million losses posted which SORAZ its at difficulties internal of astring and prices oil falling with deal to had has government The successful. more no be to proven has sector oil country’s The Niger. in staff local its all off laid also has SA Imouraren 2018 to back earliest. the at pushed mine, initially planned for 2014, has been of the potentially giant Imouraren uranium 2011, in power to came fou opening the while Issou since fallen has cake yellow of price The materialise. to failed likewise have byuranium boosted be would revenues government that Hopes much. nothing with up come far so have SOPAMIN for buyer foreign suitable a find to efforts government’s the Moreover, , a subsidiary of French nuclear giant Areva giant nuclear French of , asubsidiary >>> ( ZVS . It has not yet been re-awarded. re-awarded. been yet not has . It

8 www.menas.co.uk ), which obtained the business business the obtained which ), Western Sahel refinery, refinery, - - , in which Qatar selected and invited Tebu invited and selected Qatar which in way the dispute also they but motives Qatari distrust they do only Not Qatar. of intervention Many Tebu are apparently hostile to the the Sahara to the other. of side one from stretch that records criminal have them of several fact, In credibility. little process the in involved people the of many because so more perhaps and contains it what ascertain to is difficult it because partly coverage, press little very got accord The than nothing. isbetter peace of talks even that anything nothing. one As Libyan analyst remarked, than better principle in least isat detail, on short although agreement, the value At face Tuareg delegation. Abu Bakr al-Faqi outlets, many NgdathnAbu-Bakr al-Fageh Adam Sidi byAli 22 November on Doha in signed was isworth, it what for agreement, That tribes. two the between agreement peace a initiate to Qatar in afoot were moves that was time Tuareg that at no knew almost What Fezzan. the in interests oil their expand to wanted claimed, they who, and some Tuareg blamed it on the French, the Tuareg and Tebu tribes in Libya, southern between developed conflict summer, Last Libya in role Qatari The THE MAGHREB 9 , the head of a Tebu delegation, and and aTebu of head delegation, , the Eastern Sahel (or, according to to (or, according ), the head of a a of head the ), > >>> 11 www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 3 answered. answered. being near nowhere isthus deal peace the promote to wishes Qatar why of question The An Algerian proxy? level. highest the from intervention political after proceed to allowed were funds the and courier the Ghardaia, at forces security bylocal intercepted inadvertently being After Mali. northern to bycourier across land over delivered was funds Qatari substantial containing asuitcase episode, plane the after Sahel receiving Qatari funding. Indeed, shortly the in Islamists of reports unverified largely other, several been have there then, Since it. saw they that insist sources local known well- several cargo, its and plane the of record Although there appears to be no photographic over Mali. northern taken had that groups Islamist the for cash of gadougou and airport off-loading vast sums Oua at landing aircraft aQatari of surfaced reports widespread 2012,In example, for agreement. any to party suspect extremely Qatari deeds in the Sahara make it an points. Tebu the those on with Tuareg concur fully Doha. to representatives Spotlight servic Find outmr Email: rk fle Pr o xible, c vidng alysow ide r e fr e [email protected] om Menas: onmical, dtr e abouthnwq ues o.uk 1 The Maghreb - - ange o ed t agreement. peace current the in have might Algeria or Qatar either interest what explain not do they however, diplomacy, of style Bouteflika’s about much say may deals these While desert. northern Algeria’s in rights hunting exclusive of acres and the al-Thani family granted him 10,000 Algerian money in Qatar’s sovereign fund; US$12 of estimated an billion invested also has he League; Arab the in embarrassment considerable from Qatar saved occasion on al-Thani ruling Qatari the Bouteflika Abdelaziz President Algerian that isknown It Libyan banking sector. the on hands its get to wants also it that and industry gas and oil Fezzan the for hub afuture as sees Qatar that speculatively, rather believe, they that than other rationale aconvincing provided not have they but Algeria, for aproxy as isacting country the that believe Ubari from Tuareg representatives agement and coordination of their intervention of intervention their coordination and agement man the plan to June in Algeria in talks secret held Qatar that allege Ubari in community Tuareg of the representatives Responsible Kanna of Ali return The o eachindvul f s ta w tion-adsw tes inaw has extremely close relations with with relations close has extremely .menasc 2 a o.uk family. Bouteflika y tha Mauritania t. t is er - for the Liberation of Azawad) in the Tuareg the in Azawad) of Liberation the for de l’Azawad the joined they and Mali to fled brigades two the of members most Qadhafi, of fall the With town. the in units fighting the renamed Maghawir original Brigade, the with was, and liberator town’s the considered was it 2011, September in Ubari entered brigade the Ténéré the as known Tripoli’s fall, after the first ‘revolutionary’ Tuareg armedgroup up set Brigade Maghawir the from Defectors origins. Nigerien Tuareg and Malian of of exclusively up made and Ubari in based 3,000-strong created newly the of command in him placed Qadhafi gave himthe rank of general and 2004, In Qadhafi. with relations close had who is aTuareg He Fezzan. the of future the in player amajor become could he history, quered che adecidedly has Kanna Ali though Even Muammar Qadhafi 2011 the after leader Libyan against rebellion byAlgeria protection given being after agent Algerian an being of Tuareg suspect now Ali Kanna General been have to seems talks these in key figure The Libya. in Mouvement national pour la libération Tende Brigade ( MNLA Maghawir Brigade 8 , one of the two largest largest two the of , one . Western Sahel , or National Movement Movement National , or , whom many many , whom , which was was , which . When . When - by anyone back in the Fezzan. the in back by anyone whichnotwas respected agreement, ceasefire of sort some conclude to 2June around or on US$22,000 given say, was sources each member,representation; so Tuareg credible no had delegation The Doha. to go to aTuareg delegation together put to backing Algerian received have to seems then Kanna there. haven asafe establish to attempting were that groups terrorist the of Libya assist France and Algeria in cleaning southern to it rebuilding began He brigade. former his of protection the under came he where Libya, to return to allowed was Kanna Libya, and Niger both in byFrance interventions Following Libya. in back Kanna having of value revolutionary justice. France, however, saw the Qadhafi family tomembers face andstalwarts, Niger from to Mali, along with being deported of brink the on was generals, Qadhafi’s of 2014, one as January however, Kanna, In them had receded. against retaliation of likelihood the because and MNLA, the overtaken had forces Islamist extremist because Libya, in stayed had ilies returned to the largely unit, because their fam had soldiers 2013, Maghawir By the of most aides. close and members family surviving Qadhafi’s of several with Niger to fled Kanna government. Mali the against rebellion its attempts to mediate. This time, it it time, This mediate. to attempts its repeated again by assisted Algeria, apparently Qatar, episode, botched first this After Alembo and Chafi in Calling 9 Eastern Sahel > >>> 11 - www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 4 Qadhafi very quickly turned him into a recruiter recruiter a into him turned quickly very Qadhafi leader. Libyan bythe him on lavished drugs and wealth, women, cars, of life fast the for fallen have to isreported however, he 2008, in Qadhafi from support Tripoli seek to visiting On Niger. in Tuareg 2007–08 rebellion the of leader as the was highly respected once Alembo home. new a build to trying clearly was he where Morocco, in daughter his for wedding a lavish holding reported last was he head, his on warrants 2012. of arrest crisis Mali several the With and 2008 between Sahel western the in flourished players in the hostage-taking business that key the of one was Chafi charges, various on Mauritania of country home his in Wanted Blaise Compaoré Faso ruler Burkina deposed now the to adviser former disreputable infamous the Kanna, byAli greeted be to surprised little a than more were they Doha in arrival On Council. Tuareg the of Social byamember Tuareg of headed agroup invited QADHAFI VERY QUICKLY TURNEDAGHALY ALEMBO INTO ARECRUITER OFMERCENARIES FROM NIGER Spotlight Aghaly Alembo Mustapha OuldMustapha Limam Chafi , and the equally . 1 The Maghreb , a , a been signed. had agreement an until home return to allowed second delegation was held in Qatar and not the that alleged have informants local Some shrift. short agreement 22 November resulting that neither the Tebu nor the Tuareg gave the surprising ishardly it Qataris, the for working Kanna and Chafi, like Alembo, men With reviled. became name his and out, petered lion rebel the home, return not did Tripoli. Alembo to Niger from business cocaine-trafficking successful aincreasingly develop to him ing encourag also while Niger from mercenaries of Reports fromReports Ubari around the beginning On the ground, however, littlehas changed. Ghat, and the exchange of prisoners. to Sebha from road the of reopening the Ubari, from groups armed of withdrawal the sawana), Al-Has (the force’ military ‘neutral -known or alittle-understood of deployment the for provided which agreement, the menting imple for conditions the negotiate to tried Sant’Egidio NGO Italian which at November 26 on Rome in held was meeting A further also intervenesSant’Egidio 2 Mauritania - -

- - reports from Tuareg region. the from in reports verbal by only verified been has massacre That Ubari. from km 40 approximately avillage in 18 innocent Tuareg farmers and their families killing homesteads, and raiding farms outlying resistance, Tebu fighters allegedlystarted Tuareg overcome to failed again Having town. the enter to unsuccessfully trying and aggression their continuing Tebu the were that suggested December of 2014, following the establishment of two two of establishment 2014, the following September in 120 over in came years treaty Midi–Midi the of breach serious first The cohesion. national Libyan for stood that Tebu Forum 2013 March in aTuareg– in together standing tribes both with Qadhafi, of fall the after Tebu Tuareg byboth and 2012 in celebrated and reconfirmed was treaty Midi–Midi The Katrun. through north–south less or more running isaline That 1893 of 0815:3–7). SF (see treaty Midi–Midi the in agreed originally positions territorial the should leave and the Tebu should return to Tebu Ubari all in forces simple: very are Ubari the Tuareg, whose conditions for peace in Those conditions are quite unacceptable to Tebu their militia base in Ubari. the allow and fields, oil Sharara El and Feel El nearby the to access full permit road, the open evacuate their military camps and positions, weapons, Tuareg their the lay down that The Tebu are demanding as basic conditions peaceSetting conditions 8 Western Sahel traditionally Tuareg territory around Ubari. into push to east the from forces’ ‘third call Tuareg the what of support the on reliance Tebu and Libya northern in governments rival Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). (UNSMIL). Libya in Mission Support Nations United bythe backed process peace current the to outcome asuccessful following government as unity a Libyan salvation realistic only their Tuareg The see one. of signs few far so are lead to a ceasefire, temporary althoughthere The Qatari and interventions Sant’Egidio may Ubari. into force third the of entry the in resulting as ultimately Misratans the from support of acceptance see therefore They region. Ubari the into third-force behind support the Tebu advance the offset to enough strong isnot case any Tuareg in which and aspirations, and values fundamental with compatible isnot which Islam, political aregional promoting as forces Misratan the and Dawn Libya the see They 2014. July in formed was which Dawn), (Libya Fajr of Libya forces Misratan predominantly the from pressure under are they believe also They France, although that is questionable. by orchestrated isbeing alliance supposed that Tuareg The believe Algeria. Niger, and Chad, in forces of array an and Tobruk government the by Tebu, the backed from threat under selves ficult and dangerousposition. They seethem dif very in a themselves Tuareg find The now the for Difficulties Tuareg 9 >>> Eastern Sahel

www.menas.co.uk 11 >>> - - www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 5 situation on the border and around the oil The Tuareg explanation of the current security Resisting Zintanis the be but true, not necessarily in practice. may that theory In Tuareg of militia. hands the in –as Ghat to down Ghadames –from Algeria with border Fezzan western the show Libya of maps militia international in Most guards. field oil and border both provides currently that Zintan–Tebu partnership complex isthe reason unstable, insecure, and chaotic, and a key remains Libya southern of region Fezzan The partnership Zintan–TebuThe off. way some be still may comes, lifeline, but one whose if effectiveness, it their as mission UN the see therefore They concessions. make to expected not are who others of hands the in being as rights these all Tuareg the perceive At present, rity. integ cultural their of recognition and making, decision in participate to right the through resources (notably oil), political empowerment natural region’s the of development and tion protec ownership, of right the demand They in and the south, Ubari in the east. Ghat north, the in Ghadames between triangle approximate an covers which domain, ancestral their to rights with but been, always have they army,as Libyan official aprofessional of part be to instead aspiring Libya, afragmented in tia mili another just become to want not do They Spotlight 1 The Maghreb - - - to that effect was signed on 28 October 2011. October 28 on signed was effect that to ousted from Ubari, and an official agreement were who Zintanis, the fought therefore They army. national official an of part be to instead however, preferring TuaregThe refused, into their militia. and Ubari, where they tried to recruit Tuareg fields, oil Sharara El and (Elephant) Feel El the brigades to protect the Algerian–Libyan border, sent immediately and south their to region the control to opportunity their saw Zintanis Qadhafi Muammar of fall the to days, these Libya in everything almost like back, goes fields In practice, the border extreme southern of Tuareg ancestral territory. on operating are they as insofar unsustainable clearly is that –asituation fields oil Fezzan the at and border Algerian the along guards field oil and border both as brigades Zintani the with Tebu working that now are result the with allies, Tebu and became Zintanis the north, the in governments two of establishment the With Control of the border own ancestral territory. their within solidly Tuareg falling as the saw that oil over control and power for war Arab Arab– an but nothing was what in tribes Arab from emanating as militias Libyan all saw They plan. that of part their militia, but again the Tuareg wanted no Tuareg to recruit to opportunity an as Zintanis the of rejection this saw Misratans The Misratans the And in September 2011. September in the time, At that 2 Mauritania taking control of it. of control taking is unclear, with the Algerian army, in practice, border of side Libyan the on situation the Ghat, and Alaatshan byTebu. Between assisted now brigades byZintani iscontrolled border the of side Libyan Tarat, the and Amenas In between roughly Alaatshan, as locally is known what to In sector, the northern from Ghadames south have secured that sector. claiming to Barkhan belonging to Operation Sahel the in forces French of spite in jihadists, and traffickers both to open wide is still region Ghat the to Salvador San of west from Libya perpetually releasing videos of drug hauls they they hauls drug of videos releasing perpetually are and them stopping at gestures token than more little making are brigades Zintani The part. most the for north to south from travelling jihadists militant and traffickers drug of aconduit than more little be to appears now border the of side Libyan – the Libya in Awaynat Al from launched been have 2013 to isbelieved January of –which attack terrorist Amenas In the since reinforced heavily now border the of side Algerian the With trafficking Drug FRENCH FORCES INTHESAHEL CLAIMTO HAVE SECUREDTHEEXTREMESOUTHERNBORDEROFLIBYA 8 Western Sahel cocaine route from Niger through to Tripoli. Tripoli. to through Niger from route cocaine to become a lucrative business, thanks largely have to seems area this guarding fact, In have supposedly captured. they traffickers the of pictures with never –but burned and intercepted allegedly have the Djebel Chaambi area of Tunisia. of area Chaambi Djebel the to way their on and Mali from returning fighters al-Qa’ida in the for Islamicter Maghreb ( ashel become has Ghadames of town old the that report people local Indeed, Libya. northern Tunisia in or groups jihadist join to north elled trav or dislodged been either have extremists many that seems it 2013,early then, since but in intervention French the of start the after immediately case the been have may That military intervention Mali. in northern French fled have whom of most jihadists, for haven safe isathriving mountains, Acacus the around and in especially Libya, of southwest and analysts that assert security the extreme reports media clear. Many so isnot region this through movements jihadist of question The Jihadist movements and links Aghaly Alembo 9 Eastern Sahel ’s establishment of a major amajor of ’s establishment >>> AQIM 11 - - ) www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 6 sécurité duDépartement renseignement et de la Algerian bythe protected and supported is route this that report sources same The THE RADISSONBLU HOTEL INBAMAKO Tuareg in Ubari deny emphatically that these these that emphatically deny Tuareg Ubari in Radisson Blu the on attack 19 terrorist the in November is incriminated Ghali Omar al-Ansari head of one Tuareg brigade, Cheikh Ahmed the example, For Mali. in jihadists known and operating in the Ghadames–Ubari–Ghat triangle links between several Tuareg militia groups are border Algerian–Libyan the of side Libyan the on insecurity potential the to Adding government. new the destabilise to trying of Tunisian sources by various was suspected dismemberment Spotlight , the leader of the Ansar al-Din the of leader , the ( DRS ), which at least prior to its recent recent its to prior least at which ), Iyad Ag Ag of Iyad cousin first , isthe hotel in Bamako. 1 , who , who The Maghreb the concern. concern. the to add only Ajdabiya, on attack IS anticipated an of support in allegedly Kufra to Chad from Boko of Haram members be to thought Nigerians that reports Indeed, remains. it nevertheless reasons, strategic other and political for overblown as threat IS Menas both Although southwest. troubled Libya’s into possible of question disconcerting the isalso There the question raised. and identified been has link the Nevertheless, jihadists. support to used actively are links issue remains Fezzan’s oil resources. If the goal goal the If resources. oil Fezzan’s remains issue Given all these potential insecurities, the big to oil down comes all It analysts and many local sources see the Islamic State group ( State Islamic 2 have travelled travelled have IS Mauritania ) incursions ) incursions their incursions into Fezzan. the incursions their from acquired have they influence and incomes substantial the of them strip probably will that government aunity in interest any have to Tebu nor likely are Zintanis the ever, neither backed peace negotiations. On the score, how UN- the to outcome asuccessful for need urgent the underscores it case, is the that If day. the of order and increased instability are likely to be the Fighting naught. to come to islikely agreement peace Qatari recent the Tuaregthe maintain, French, Qatari, Algerian, or other interests, as for force proxy as a presumably fields, oil its control isto Fezzan Tebu the into the of push sécurité duDépartement renseignement et de la service secret the of generals top the which at rate extraordinary isthe month last the over Algeria of out coming story main The DRS the of demise The The court sessions are being held behind behind held being are sessions court The wash. car asupermarket than more little were process legal due if –as sentences prison rushed through secret into military courts ( DRS 8 ) have been dismissed and and dismissed been ) have Western Sahel - unreliable. thoroughly demonstrated, as In Amenas and, state the within astate become had that changes be made to an intelligence service that Algeria of demanded have to alleged are the US, and UK, France were not impressed and notably allies, Western regime’s way, the Either wrong. disastrously went that operation an in attackers the with colluded it because believe, to inclined more now are or, some as attack Amenas In the enabled which intelligence, in failure its of because either undermined isbeing command DRS The Amenas. In near facility gas Tiguentourine sive mas the on attack terrorist the after months mid-2013, since on six going some been – has minister defence deputy and staff general the presidency and General Gaïd Salah Bouteflika Abdelaziz the of axis power new bythe –effected DRS the of structure command the dismantling of process The charges being made public. of the public present, and without the specific members any or members family no journalists, closed with doors, no defence witnesses, no Service de Service coordination the both headed Ouarabi Abdelkader Aït General 27 August, on Then security. Bouteflika’s President the of vice, and General Djamel Medjdoub Bendaoud Ali General of dismissal the with July late in began dismantlement of stages final The top atthe Dismissals 9 , known as General Hassan General as , known Eastern Sahel , head of the internal security ser security internal the of , head , chief of of , chief – who – who , in charge charge , in

> >>> 11 - - www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 7 unknown charges that most of the press were were press the of most that charges unknown on imprisonment years’ three to sentenced through a Constantine military and court notice short such at rushed was Medjdoub General November, later, 30 on days Four years’ imprisonment. five given and court military asecret through whisked was Hassan General November, 26 On army. the of morale the destroying for sentence aone-year given was president, Hocine Benhadid General outspoken The began. trials court summary way, the the of out Mediène With Let the trials begin DRS. the at Mediène from over take to him for arranging before adviser, security president’s the as presidency the into Tartag took immediately Saïd and gatekeeper, Bouteflika Saïd brother younger president’s the with dealings business corrupt in involved was son Tartag’s that discovery Mediène’s of and Amenas In of wake the in dismissed was but deputy Mediène’s been earlier had he files; its and DRS the around way his knows Tartag bars. behind it put and brass top DRS the of rest the out Mediène’s evidently replacement, to help clear General Mohamed ‘Toufik’ Mediène General boss DRS of 13on September dismissal the for precursor the clearly was That detained. and charged, arrested, –was Forces Intervention Special DRS the and service antiterroriste opérationnelle et de renseignement Spotlight Athmane Tartag ( SCORAT , merely a critic of the the of acritic , merely ) counter-terrorism ) counter-terrorism was named as as named was . . 1 The Maghreb and Sahel – and perhaps even afield. farther ramificationsthrough the rest ofthe Maghreb regional widespread have to islikely DRS Focus Security and Politics Algeria Menas in Associates detail in covered being is and issue anational course, of is, story The ajoke. as off himself behind can bars no longer be written find might Mediène General even whether of question the while procedure, Stalinist almost an isbecoming 2013, what for line in is next in back (DCSA) Security Army for Directorate Djebbar M’henna General isthat speculation latest The prison. in years 20 least at get him see could that offences with charged been had ago, years ahalf and two chief propaganda and media DRS the as Colonel As 3December. until case the on report not did and proceedings the of unaware not only appointed and controlled most of of most controlled and appointed only not DRS the because neighbours Algeria’s all for repercussions major have will answer The DRS. the of function and nature fundamental the of restructuring acomplete seeing are we whether or clans, betweenvendetta the Bouteflika andMediène a in act last the be to isunlikely what in punished being are colleagues senior his The big question is whether Mediène and DRS of the reach long The went to press, the infamous infamous Sahara the Focus press, to went . Nevertheless, this demise of the the of demise this . Nevertheless, , dismissed Abdelkader ‘Fawzi’ Lounis, dismissed , who was dismissed as head of the the of head as dismissed was , who 2 and Algeria Mauritania

trafficking networks. trafficking value trans-Saharan and other cross-border high more the from acut taking and protecting in involved been has DRS the Similarly, another. or way one in DRS the to linked been –have incidents such more many 2013, in Amenas In on and attack recent more the 2003, in Sahara the in tourists European 32 of kidnap 1996, in the monks Tibhérine of murder and kidnap the border, Moroccan Algerian– the of closure the to led 1994 that Atlas Hotel the Asni on attack –the region the across acts terrorist Many other. the to Sahara the of side one from network criminal and jihadist, militant, every almost with associated was it but Sahel, the in especially countries, those in services diplomatic the THE ATLAS ASNI HOTEL INMARRAKESH WAS ATTACKED IN1994 been decapitated, most of its operational operational its of most decapitated, been has leadership DRS the Although both. of abit suggest signs early The ways. old its continue or activities these of all or some from withdraw will DRS new the whether wonder therefore will countries Neighbouring homefront to the Paying attention 8 Western Sahel in Marrakesh in in Marrakesh in meddling in affairs. their meddling damaging the from freed themselves find not may or may neighbours Algeria’s which to extent the to clues offer probably will months few next the over developments Regional past. the in countries neighbouring lise destabi to much so done have which groups, criminal and extremist of management and fewer infiltration going towards resources the meaning future, immediate the in domestic predominantly be to likely are structures or structure DRS new any of concerns The regime. the of powers repressive massive already the these same units are being used to increase that evident isalready however, it crisis, cal politi internal adeepening facing Algeria With forces. conventional the and services intelligence the both of power operational and notional control of the political, administrative, has he that in Algeria, of history the in leled unparal power has now Salah Gaïd means That command. high army the to have transferred simply units and directorates 9 Eastern Sahel 11 - - - www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 8 Spotlight PATCH BARRACKS NEARSTUTTGART, GERMANY SERVES AS THEEUROPEAN COMMAND CENTRE OFUSSOCOM to rent fast, secure Internet connections to to connections Internet secure fast, rent to planning isreportedly forces, armed US the of infrastructure IT the runs which (DISA), Agency Service Information Defense US the isthat development Tunisia. latest The in embassy US the for set-up intelligence African North US the in role important more ever byan isaccompanied trend This Algeria. of expense the at seemingly Tunisia, to links military US in shift going on- and anoticeable been has there then, 2013. January in Since Amenas In on attack terrorist bythe displeased highly was ton Washing that known isgenerally it publicly, anything said never has US the Although cooperation TunisianUS boosts 1 The Maghreb - ( sécurité la de et unreliable relations with the Algerian regime and its as of a trying result increasingly certainly –almost Tunisia to isshifting Algeria from operations counter-terrorist, also perhaps and military, African North US of gravity of centre the that suggests development This Operations Command (USSOCOM). Special the of centre command European munications interception and serves as the telecom for has which responsibility tion, opera European biggest Agency’s Security National the to home are Barracks Patch all, Patch Germany. near Barracks Stuttgart, Sigonella and Capodichino in Italy and, above in bases Navy US the are These Europe. in bases military US three to embassy the link Département duDépartement renseignement DRS ). 2 Mauritania - - wrong reasonswrong the Headlines for MAURITANIA Abderrahmane Ould Ahmed either being as outlets media different in quoted federation, football nian Maurita the of head the immediately, Almost arematch. demanding Ksar ACS and uproar of astate in fans football Mauritanian the shootout and lifted the trophy, leaving Tevragh-Zeina won Nouadhibou. in Ksar ACS Tevragh-Zeina and FC between played being Final, Cup Super Mauritania’s was match The cricket-playing nation. a isnot Mauritania that ablessing is perhaps It 1–1, at tied ended. be to it ordered so and was which attending, was he match the of president apparently got bored with the pace the reports, media worldwide the to According penalty shootout. a to straight go and amatch end to referee ball foot a order to state of head first the became president the November, 28 On reasons. wrong the all for month, last headlines news both himself and Mauritania into the global President An alternative account of the incident, which which incident, the of account alternative An teams.’ two the of coaches the and presidents the with accordance in issues organizational to due made was decision The Republic. the of President the of intervention the terms strongest the in deny ‘I a statement: Mohamed Ould Aziz Abdel 8 Ahmed Ould Ahmed Yahya or Western Sahel

has put put has , issued , issued - - Mauritania’s vast ungoverned spaces spaces ungoverned vast Mauritania’s see powers Western acorner. into country the backing are economy, Mauritanian the of mainstay the commodities, of prices falling The slowly unfolding. is story serious more afar headlines, making match has been football truncated the While Falling revenues commodity to the COP 21 climate change conference. change 21 COP climate the to Aziz Abdel taking plane presidential the board on Paris to back brought were they it, cap to And headlines. global the in shared too they as done, have should They visit. their enjoyed tors sena the reports, media French to According match. the short cut apparently running The solution out. was to were daylight and time both match, football the and visitors, French his for meal tory Day Independence the celebrations, a celebra Somehow, with the official militaryparade, bay. at terrorism Islamic ing keep of job agood doing been has Aziz Abdel straits, dire in economically be may Mauritania although that was across get to hoped had ers advis his and president the message main The senators and journalists. French of agroup of visit important the with coincide to celebrations and match the hosting by victory aPR score to hoped had doctors spin his and Aziz Abdel celebrations. country’s the of part as Day Independence on held being was had an overly demanding schedule. The match president the isthat truth, the be even might which and broadcast widely been not has 9 Eastern Sahel > >>> 11

- - - - www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 9 of the economy gives him ‘less flexibility to to flexibility ‘less him gives economy the of weakness the that consider analysts Now, spending. high defence maintaining and ranks senior in allies close bykeeping balance in relations a delicate civil–military maintain to able been has Aziz far, Abdel So 2008. and 2005 in as d’état, coups of byway largely tics, poli in intervening of history along has tary weak and fractious political system. The mili a for consequences destabilising potentially having as revenues mining of loss prolonged Mauritania’s vulnerability. It sees the current PGI Intelligence analysts risk The latest outlook brief from London-based of acoup risk The difficulties. 2012, since similar prices faces gold in drop 30% the of Tasiast aresult as its mine of 20% Kinross which in sector, mining 2011. US$190of February in gold atonne The high arecord to compared atonne, US$43.89 at trading was ore November, of end bythe but profitable, be to mining US$100 its for atonne over of price ore iron an needs Mauritania deteriorating. is economy the sector, mining the of rest the and ore iron from coming revenues export nian Maurita of 70% some with But high. salaries, keeping defence spending, particularly military that: just doing been has Aziz Abdel d’état, acoup of back the on power to coming Since military and defence. on heavily spend to Aziz Abdel President encouraged have and terrorism against fight in the locations important as strategically Spotlight highlights highlights has laid off off laid has 1 The Maghreb - - - ballot box, that conclusion seems conservative. conservative. seems conclusion that box, ballot the at than rather means bythis governments Given Mauritania’s penchant for changing ‘moderate.’ at years four next the within coup a of risk the puts assessment Intelligence’s PGI process.’ succession the to tensions relating to exploit attempt opponents his as acoup of possibility the increasing military, the within rivals potential co-opt minière et Société nationale industrielle the to Sheraton new Hotel NouakchottThe Day celebrations. Aziz Abdel President Nouakchott. in hotel, five-star first country’s the commissioning from ties authori the stop to enough not but times hard for heading be may economy Mauritanian The first A five-star brief in Economy and a car park. agarden, courts, tennis two pool, a swimming feature also will It guests. 700 to up modating accom of capable halls concert two and rooms, meeting 39 suites, ordinary 20 12 suites, VIP suite, 127 have will apresidential ing rooms, modernisation programme. The six-floor build announced, but it is of part Nouakchott’s been not has date opening expected The hotelglobal chain. Sheraton the with partnership in million US$60 to up financed is being and Company) Mining laid the cornerstone during Independence ( SNIM , or National Industrial and 2 Mauritania belongs belongs - - - President President plant energy Wind commissioned opment the and byMauritania funded jointly was million, US$51 cost to estimated 2016.in project, The needs 13.6% to power up national of contribute –will 33 of each kV lines voltage medium two 33 of kV, and transformer avoltage system, control and amonitoring each, 2MW of bines 15 of up tur ismade wind –which plant The ‘clean, safe, and affordable energy production.’ Minister Energy what of source anew Mauritania giving 24 on November, Nouakchott in plant energy wind MW a30 of commissioning the over initially budgeted. (US$11.55 Energy) Sterling to net million million US$77 the than less substantially be to islikely well the of cost gross the conditions, 2017 in market given that and prospect this test to well exploration an drill to expects venture joint the that said has Sterling de minier patrimoine Société mauritanienne des hydrocarbures et 13.5%, with and Sterling 76.5%, with operator) The stakeholders are now Tullow C-10. block offshore Mauritania’s for contract production-sharing in the interest working a13.5% of acquisition the completed had it that Sterling Energy astake buys Sterling Arab Fund for Economic and Social Devel Social and Economic for Fund Arab ( Mohamed Salem Ould Bechir >>> AFESD Mohamed Ould Aziz Abdel

8 www.menas.co.uk ). confirmed on 30 November November 30 on confirmed Western Sahel ( SMHPM ) with 10%. ) with (the (the presided called called - - WESTERN SAHEL dents and senior members of the security security the of members senior and dents business and political elites, including presi regional and traffickers drug between collusion of level isahigh there that –namely problem serious more even an mention not did she but true, isdepressingly said Sellassie what of All money.’ for exchange in passage safe them grant who movements terrorist and groups armed with colluding ingly increas traffickers bydrug compounded ‘was Sellassie, said problem, The people.’ young ing affect issues for money little leaving threats, security growing on budgets their of centage per asignificant spend to forced being ‘are governments region’s the explained Sellassie groups and individuals.’ terrorist of training and recruitment of and migration, mass of ahub become ‘will Sahel the and other for opportunities youths,’ she said, employment, education, increase to is done nothing ‘If write. or read can population the of 36% only and education primary to access lack region the in children of 44% that noted She organisations.’ terrorist for hub arecruiting become will region ‘the the that Mauritania, and Niger – ‘face hopelessness’ and Mali, Chad, Faso, –Burkina Sahel the 25of in age the under 41 people that million saying November, of end the at Council Security UN Guebre Sellassie Hiroute Sahel the for Envoy Special UN Terrorist recruitment 9 Eastern Sahel gave a grim warning to the the to warning agrim gave > >>> - 11 - - - 10 www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 Europeans, were killed at a popular restaurant restaurant apopular at killed were Europeans, two including people, five country, the in somewhere week per attack jihadist militant one least at of average an to addition In in the entire Sahel. Radisson Blu was probably the biggest target the that fact the and warnings of years despite attack an such face to up geared not was Mali negligent. woefully was hotel the at Security organisation. terrorist professional a of hallmarks the of none carried attack The died. gunmen, including people, Twenty-two isknown: what is following The clearer. much isnot incident later, the Sahara Amonth Focus published. was month’s last before just broke November Blu Radisson the on attack aterrorist of News hand isWhose up? movements.’ ‘terrorist the of some to extended long also has collusion such that Nor forces. UN SPECIAL ENVOY FOR THESAHEL HIROUTE GUEBRESELLASSIE GAVE AGRIMWARNING TO THEUN SECURITYCOUNCIL Spotlight hotel in Bamako on the morning of 20 20 of morning the on Bamako in hotel 1 The Maghreb week’s Paris attacks. It was almost certainly certainly almost was It attacks. Paris week’s ( State Islamic the to connection no had attack the that AQIM al-Murabitoune the that said message aTwitter hours, afew Within > > > > > > > > > follows: as were gunmen, two the to addition in killed, were who people 20 The non-existent? almost Blu Radisson the at security was then Why August. Sevar of town central the in siege a hotel in 12 died while people 7March, on Bamako in one Burkinabehotel employee. one Lebanese hotel employee one Senegalese one Israeli one USaidworker two Belgians Corporation owned three Chineseexecutives from thestate- Airlines six Russianemployees of Volga-Dnepr hotel workers six Malians,includingonegendarmeandthree ,’ was responsible. It seems most likely likely most seems It responsible. ,’ was China Railway Construction IS ) group or to the previous previous the to or ) group 2 group, ‘helped by by ‘helped group, Mauritania

on 8 8 e on the Islamic Maghreb ( safe and sound.’ away got had who others ‘three were hotel the in killed gunmen two the besides that noted It Ansar al-Din with collaboration in attack the undertaken it had sayingresponsibility, that claimed FLM the 22 November, on and it, with AQIM participated had that claimed responsibility for Al-Murabitoune the attack. claimed since have groups other three At least 2013. early in region the in intervention military French bythe tered Macina du libération de Force the of bymembers out carried likely mostly and locally together put Mauritanian Al Akhbar byAl Jazeera issued later Statements as as identified and days afew after arrested were police bythe sought accomplices suspected fighter. three local of or Two indigenous an al-Ansari al-Ansari Abdelhakim as gunmen dead two the of identities the gave both Mokhtar ben Mokhtar because true be to unlikely is but verified The claim by al-Murabitoune has still not been to take wants credit Everyone en Afrique de l’ouest Mouvement of pour l’uniciténexus et le jihad the of out emerging fighters of groups small many for afranchise than more little become in August 2013. The name Murabitoune has so before he allegedly founded the group 2012 May in Gao at killed or –ayear been both residents of the Bamako area. Bamako the of residents both Adama Maïga Adama ( FLM , with the name ‘al-Ansari’ being being ‘al-Ansari’ name the , with , or Macina Liberation Front). Liberation Macina , or 8 and Seidou Diepkilé Western Sahel ( AQIM ( MUJAO on-line news service MBM ) after it was scat was it ) after ) may well have have well ) may ) and al-Qa’ida) and in Moez and Moez and the , who are are , who . - small group of extremists responsible for for responsible extremists of group small a 2015 FLM, the of January in leader as scene the on 2013. January in reappeared He Konna fighting againstthe Malian army in and around the in participated have to isknown Kufa attack. the in FLM with collaborated have to claims which al-Din, Ansar of Tuaregthe leader Ghali Ag Iyad of contact aclose be to known is also He sermons. virulent his for region Bend throughout much of central Mali and the Niger known is who preacher (Peul) Fulani a fiery isHamadoun Kufa leader Diallo FLM The opportunity. month’s newspapers and thinking it was an previous the reading to around got just having of impression the gave Droukdel MBM. jointly by AQIM with al-Murabitoune, led by conducted was said, he which attack, the for his responsibility shared confirming recording Droukdel Abdelmalek On 4 December, alleged AQIM leader 9 Eastern Sahel issued an audio audio an issued > >>> , 11 , 11 www.menas.co.uk December 2015 · Volume 11 · Number 12 killed in a rocket attack on their base in Kidal, Kidal, in base their on attack arocket in killed were soldiers UN three November, of end At the killed soldiers UN and civilians being attacked and killed. destabilising violence, bothUN with soldiers of range awide subject be to continues Mali Mali in continues Violence group. the of members Dia Bocari Allaye financier, alleged its of capture the in resulted had which week, the in earlier FLM the on assault army Malian areported for retaliation in possibly haste, in out carried been have may it suggests hotel, the in targets high-value possible into research or planning any of evidence no showing and gunmen two only involving attack, of the nature amateurish The Faso.Burkina and d’Ivoire Côte with borders the as south far as and Mali central throughout posts, police 2015, on during mostly attacks of a number AT THEENDOFNOVEMBER, THREEUNSOLDIERSWEREKILLED INAROCKET ATTACK ONTHEIRBASE INKIDAL Spotlight , and six to eight other other eight to six , and

1 The Maghreb Hamadou Ag Khallini Ag Hamadou 14 20. and between vary seriously, some injured, number the on Reports 56. to Mali in killed peacekeepers UN of number the bringing the wider region with such apparent ease. ease. apparent such with region wider the and Mali about travel to able isstill terrorist, wanted and recognised internationally an Iyad, why about raised be to continue Questions and IEDs. charges, remote-controlled belts, suicide with infidels bythe offence this to respond to them urged has Iyad people, young to especially himself Addressing them. against ajihad launch to followers his exhorting Sahel, the and Mali in troops foreign other and French Ghali Ag Iyad leader al-Din Ansar years, two last the In Islam.’ of enemies bythe lands our of violation the to aresponse as camp Kidal against attack the for mujahedeen all of name the in responsibility claim ‘We attack: the for Agence France Press Ansar al-Din group jihadist the has frequently denounced the presence of >>>

www.menas.co.uk , a spokesperson for for , aspokesperson to claim responsibility to claim responsibility 2 Mauritania , telephoned , telephoned nationals. Nigerians, Nigerians, and other West African Guineans, Malians, carrying was truck The aGuinean. fourth the Malians, were dead the of Three helicopter. by Gao to flown wounded The dead were buried on site and the the and site on buried were dead The fled. then attackers The six. then the passengers, killing four and wounding and tyres truck’s the at first shot motorcycles, Tabankort andFour Anefis. armedtwomen, on between bybandits attacked was Algeria to Gao from migrants 30 than more carrying truck a camp, UN the on attack the after day The attacked Migrants when when 25–27 November over Timbuktu in reunion atribal at shock received tribesmen Berabiche AQIM in Timbuktu Islamic Maghreb ( impact of French the intervention. impact by various forces security and, above all, the patrols the of effectiveness the question to beginning are people local region, the around attacks terrorist bycontinued Overwhelmed successful. isproving campaign His it. prove to pictures audience his showed then and wrong, unbelievers the prove to fight their continue would and well doing were fighters his that declared He AQIM. weakened not has France that tribesman fellow his to prove The purpose of Talha’s appearance was to recent in and attacks around Timbuktu. the of many for responsibility claimed and region the in fighters jihadist of brigade mixed a leading was he that announce to up showed Abu Talha Abu 8 al-Qa’ida in the the in al-Qa’ida , alocal AQIM Western Sahel ) fighter from Ber, from ) fighter

commented that he looked tired. looked he that commented had week previous the N’Djamena in summit G5 Sahel the at Observers check-ups. for Apparently, Déby regularly visits the hospital well.’ ‘went it that and check’ a‘routine was it that entourage his from acomment than other given were details no but operation, an for admitted was Déby say sources Diplomatic November. 26 to up days several for stayed he where Neuilly, in Hospital American Déby Zakaria byson, accompanied early days eral Idris Déby President mit, sum change 21 COP climate the for November 30 on Paris in be to scheduled Originally Déby for Surgery State Islamic support and with up join to Chad through transiting be may Nigeria from fighters Haram Boko that suggest Libya from reports unverified Meanwhile, were responsible. women three police, to According wounded. were others 80 least at and killed were 27 people Areported Chad. Lake the on island Koulfoua of island the on market aweekly at bombings suicide three were month last the in incidents Boko of Haram insurgency northwards the from suffer to continues Chad Boko Haram fights on EASTERN SAHEL 9 , so that he could undergo surgery at the the at surgery undergo could he that , so Eastern Sahel of Chad arrived sev arrived Chad of ( . The worst worst . The IS ) fighters in Libya. in ) fighters 11 - -