strong. simple.successful.

this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 perfect mixlobbydesigner’s manual | issued:september 2010

| i this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 * the purchase andinstallation. must bepresented toandapproved byTheHamptonBrandDesignTeam priorto lobby andbreakfast areas. Allproposedthe design solutions for strategy FF&E the outlines following The use. contract for suitable be commercial qualityand established byHiltonDesignandConstruction.AllFF&Eitems andfinishesmust with theHamptonDesignandConstructionStandards andanyothercriteria this renovation byJanuary 1st, 2013*.Thismanualmustbeusedinconjunction properties openingasofJuly 1st,2008mustcomply. Allproperties mustcomplete relicensing, conversionandnewconstructionproperties. All renovation, all to applicable is It Worldwide. Hilton of Department Construction and Design the Design and FF&E selections in compliance withtheminimumrequirements of Interior the in guide consistently expressa as thebrand identityandtoserve environment. help designersinterpret thePerfectMixLobbyintobuilt This ,Fixture andEquipmentDesignManualisatoolto Hotelsunderchangeofownershiporre-licensing PIPswillhavedeadlinespriorto2013. This newconceptisintendedtoestablishuniformityofpractice, | issued:september 2010



| 1 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 appendix FF&E scope general contractorscope before &after graphics required elementschecklist circulation areas core designelements plan design design requirements design styleexamples brand direction brand personalityterms typical timelines required consultants project review andapproval process introduction


table ofcontents | issued:september 2010

55 51 50 43 42 41 27 19 14 10 58 9 6 5 4 3 1 | 2 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 manufacturers cutsheetsandcolorboards. The HamptonBrandDesignTeam. Submittals mustinclude:floorplans, goodsmustbeapprovedby soft and equipment, fixtures, furniture, existing any of renovations and ownership, of change re-licensing, Hampton standards,conversions, sectionconstruction, new 300). all In must befollowedfortheimplementationofPerfectMixLobbyconcept(see The standard Hilton Hotels Design and Construction approval process


project review andapproval process | issued:september 2010

| 3 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 not provide purchasing services. To purchase FF&E,ifyoudon’t doyourownpurchasing, orifyourInteriorDesignerdoes To oversee andprovide construction servicesforthenewlobbydesign. You mustuseaprofessional InteriorDesigner. interior designer general contractor purchasing agent and ifpermitdrawingsare needed. To provide permitdrawings,ifInteriorDesignerdoesnotprovide thatservice, architect

coderequirements. theproject. whenpermitdrawingsare required. suchastheCoffee Serving Table andCommunityTable. forcontractqualityitems.Residentialitemsare notacceptable. • • • • • • • Theyshouldalsohelpinsure thatyournewlobbydesignmeetsADA Typically there shouldbeminimalarchitectural workinvolved. SomeInteriorDesignersmaybeabletoprovide FF&Epurchasing servicesfor SomeInteriorDesignersmaybeabletoprovide permitdrawingsfortheproject Theyshouldbeabletoprovide youwithrecommended vendorsforcustomitems Theyshouldhelpensure that yournewlobbydesignmeetsADAcoderequirements. Theyshouldprovide design, documentation,andallfinishFF&Especifications

| required consultants | issued:september 2010

| 4 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 anywhere from 8to12weeksdependingonvendorsselected 1 to2weeksdependingonthescopeofyourlobbyrenovation Standards Manual will followthestandard review process asdescribedinSection300ofthe design &documentation hampton brandreview 4 to6weeksdependingonthescopeofyourlobbyrenovation location ofyourproject. Note: Thetimelinesare estimatesonlyandwillvarydependingontheactualscope installation construction ff&e procurement bidding average of4weeks,willdependontheconstructionmarketinyourarea 4 to6weeksdependingonthescopeofyourlobbyrenovation

| typicaltimelines | issued:september 2010

| 5 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 into physical space. space. physical into about selecting fabric and paint colors. about selectingfabricpaint and The process ofdesigningandspecifyingtheinterioraHamptonisnotjust A trustedpartnerwithaguarantee. count onus. Having vigorandspirit,stimulated toattackanew. refreshed andrecharged. Having apowerfuldesire andmotivationtogoabovebeyond. passionate. A claimedandverifiableorigin,bonafide,genuine, real. authentic. causes surpriseoramazement. Something thatgivesgreat pleasure orenjoymentthatisdelivered inwaythat unexpected delights. Feeling and/orrealizing beforehand, foresee. anticipatory. Possessing anextraordinary abilitytoattract. charismatic. Well informedandperceptive, exhibitingapracticalunderstanding. savvy. Itisaboutinterpreting theHamptonpersonality

| brandpersonalityterms | issued:september 2010

| 6 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3

designed to: It becomesalobbythatencouragesgueststomingleandis could potentially useourspaceanddesignittosuittheirneeds. guests our which in way the by understanding experience guest the enhance to is objective The a physically distinctive point of view for the guest. unique opportunitytogiveallHamptonlobbies The overalldesignconceptforthelobbyoffers a

• provide additionalseating oftheirroom appropriate moodsetting whoenjoyit compellingallday • • • • • UtilizeaZonedapproach todefineuniquespacesand Addanew, fresh appealforanextendedaudience Provide anaddedamenitybyproviding guestsanextension Transform thespaceduringdifferent timesofthedayto Create anatmosphere thatpromotes socializationforthose Extendaguestwelcomeexperiencethat’s equally


introducing theconcept | issued:september 2010

| 7 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 same consistency to the interior experience. experience. interior the to consistency same that bring to guideline a are points five following These followed. be should characteristics common some however represents theuniquenessofitslocation and personality, that Each property shouldchooseadesigndirection Hampton brandisourconsistencyofserviceandquality. One oftheprimaryreasons ourguestsare loyaltothe beiges andgraysisminimized. Hampton colorsare clean,clearandfresh, notmuddy;theuseof encourage use. seating options.Allshouldlookandfeelcomfortable and The brandisrelaxed andinformal,sothere are awidevarietyof of itslocation. the majorpiecewhichconveystoourguestsuniqueattributes The CommunityTable shouldbeunique totheproperty andbe an accenttotheoveralldesign. pieces shouldspeaktothelocalflavoroflocationas furnishing and A selectnumberofinteriordécoraccentelements,fabricsorfinishes, pieces shouldspeaktothespiritofbrand. All majorinteriordécorelements,fabrics,finishes,andfurnishing Brand Guidelines


introducing theconcept | issued:september 2010

| 8 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 provide the Hampton brand definition for commonly used strategies. designer. Whetherit’s traditional, contemporary or transitional, the interior personality terms step indeterminingthestylethatsuitshotelbestistodiscusseachcategorywithinterior of theHamptonbrand.Alltermsapplytoanydesigndirection. However, thefirst The Interior Personality termsbelowprovide thecore environmental qualities catalog collection. have an overly coordinated appearance that comes from selectingeachitemfrom thesame give eachspaceitsownpersonality. That is to say, everything works together but it does not that its location.Thatstrategyshouldincludeamixoffurnishings represents that strategy design interior out thought well a have should property Each throughenvironments. our Hampton isatrustedpartnertoourguestsandweextend comfortandfamiliaritytothem comfort andpersonal materiality. and detailing or reference to traditionalelementsbutarefor alwaysused withacontemporaryconcern The Hamptonbrandstyleisaneclecticmixofcolor, scaleandstylethatprovide pattern, clues timeless style they are appliedtocreate aneclecticenvironment. The relaxed nature iscreated through ouruseofcolor, contrast,texture,andtheway pattern same timebeingfriendlyandapproachable enhancedthrough ourcasualenvironment. be refreshed andrecharged inourguestrooms. Thebrandisalwaysprofessional whileatthe to. Thatenvironment should encouragethemtoparticipateinourpublicspaceactivitiesand Our guestsshouldbegreeted withtherelaxed andinformalenvironment theylook forward relaxed andinformal

| branddirection | issued:september 2010

| 9

are comfortableandwelcomingwithoutbeingcluttered anddark. individual with elements thathaveanemotional appeal.Hampton’s contemporary interiors identify to guests of variety wide a allows style this styles, An artfulmarriageofelements thatcombinetocreate aneclecticmixof textured fabric sleek lines,simple dining seat uncluttered appearance clean andsmoothwithan accessories this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 clean andsimple library shelf with similarshape complimentary strikingcolors table topaccessories finishes andchrome orstainlesssteelmetaldetails small tomediumscalemultiplied.cleanlineswithsoft pendant straight legs,nocarvingdetails community table work togethertocreate atimelesseclecticmixofstyle. inspired stoolsandthesimplifiedversionofatraditional wingback chairall evident, additional layers like; contemporary pendants,themid-century The relaxed, casualandcontemporary clean andboldfabriccolors simple lineswithclean,crispedges. soft seating sculptural look to add minimal interest minimal add to look sculptural clean andsophisticatedlineswith decorative lighting to largescalewithtexture. medium minimal pattern, carpet inset branddesignplatformisclearly


lines, decorativedraperyhardware medium tolargescale,boldcolors,clean drapery contemporary decor | issued:september 2010 smooth surfaces. smooth and lines sleek table height tea

| 10

straightforward architectural forms, the simplified lines of traditional andfurniture forms,fabricswith uncomplicatedgeometricpatterning, traditional of lines simplified the forms, architectural straightforward The and contemporarynature oftheHamptonbranddesign platform. Suggestions ofatraditionalinteriorare layered overtherelaxed, casual casual withcurvedform dining seat this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 simple, curveddetail library shelf in mutedcolors comfortable andunderstated accessories in softtones classic, predictable items table topaccessories details andlines.elegant,cleanshades large curvaceoussilhouettewithminimal pendant lighting carving details curved lineswithlight community table will beappropriate tomanylocales. combine toreinforce both theHamptonbrandandatraditionalflavorthat contemporary light fixtures thatreferenceslightly more traditionalones all details andsoftedges classic lineswithcurved soft seating with softfinishes elegantly curvedfeatures decorative lighting “all-over” pattern small scaled carpet inset


colors withsmallpattern soft, plain,toneon drapery traditional decor | issued:september 2010 with fine details fine with lines curved graceful table height tea

| 11

Hampton brand design platform is always the basis of the design solution. The The solution. design the of basis the always is platform design brand Hampton a uniqueblendoftransitional design.Therelaxed, casualandcontemporary tailored lookoftraditionalhelpsdefinethemixing oftwostylestocreate The calmingandcleanaspects ofcontemporarywiththewarmandvery calm mutedfabric clean andsimplewith dining seat this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 minimal lines library shelf soft hintsofcolor minimal stylewith accessories tasteful signature pieces table topaccessories with naturalfinishes simple over-scaled style pendant lighting with smoothsurface classic yetcleanlines community table the locale. locale. the suggesting in role design big a play can items enhancing décor and materiality nature ofthelocaleisanimportantadditionalaccentlayer. Coloration, texture, with monochromatic textured palette timeless andsimplisticmixedtogether soft seating clean patterned gesturesclean patterned modest, solidcolorswith drapery moderately scaledpattern carpet inset soft, sweepingcurve straight withanoccasional decorative lighting


transitional decor | issued:september 2010 straight, refined style straight, table height tea

| 12

clean lineswithsoftcurves dining seat clean lines,simpledetail library shelf this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 simple andtimeless table topaccessories items withstrong localinfluence accessories of localstyleandmaterials lines anddetailscharacteristic community table classic localstyle pendant lighting minimal colorandpattern carpet inset Accessory itemscanbeamore literalinterpretation ofthelocale. contemporary interpretations (seethependantlampsinthisexample). be of relaxed, casualandcontemporary. elementsshould Majorvernacular elementscanbeoverlaidonbasicbranddesign platform Local vernacular of colorandpattern sophisticated interpretation drapery and materialsthatstaytruetolocalstyle mixture oflocalflare with clean,crisplines soft seating local flare |

spirited destinations simple lineswithnaturalfinishes decorative lighting | issued:september 2010 clean lines, smooth surfaces. smooth lines, clean table height tea

| 13

lobby floorplan this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 tile 1 carpet wood likefloor tile 2

built environment. Perfect MixLobbyconceptandtheHamptonbrandin The followingkeytermsare describedtohelpinterpret the finishes. different textures are required tobeused throughout theproject andappliestoall This isafundamentalpartoftheHamptonbranddesignvocabulary. Avarietyof texture • • • • carpet carry throughout themajority ofthepublicspaceonground . tile desk tocreate anddefine a relaxed, casualenvironment. wood likefloor floor typedefinesacertain area withinthePerfectMixlobby. flooring mustbeusedatthebreakfast servingarea. shouldbeusedindining,softseatingareas andinfront ofreception mustconsistofacombinationwoodlikefloor, carpetandtile.Each tobeginattheentranceandextendpastfront deskand


hampton designrequirements | issued:september 2010

| 14

alcvrn n an ape wallcoveringandpaintsamples coveringandpaintsamples solid textured fabric this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 patterned texturedpatterned fabric

key terms(continued) • • define anenvironment thatisuniquelyHampton. texture infabricisusedtocombatsoilandwearwhileatthesametime,helps are ahighqualityofdurabilityandhandthatourguestswanttotouch.The fabric additional layeroftexture. are tohaveafresh andupdatedlookusingwallcoveringtoaddan should consist of both patterned texture shouldconsistofbothpatterned andsolidtexture, bothofwhich


hampton designrequirements | issued:september 2010

| 15

color schemeexample2 color schemeexample1 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3

Mix Lobby concept and the Hampton brand in the built environment. the in brand Hampton the and concept Lobby Mix The following key terms (continued) are described to help interpret the Perfect number ofcolorsusedateachproperty andtocreate astrong andmemorable colorstory. Overall, colorsare encouraged torepresent thelocationofeachproperty. Thegoalistominimizethe color • • • Accent colorsare intended tohelpcreate focalpointsandafeelingofenergy. Accent colors Base colors crisp. Thesemaincolorsconsistofbaseandaccentcolors. Color Scheme should beconsistentthroughout andhelptietheroom together. canbedifferent witheachzone,butshouldcoordinate witheachother. iscreated byusing3-5main colorsthatare alwayssaturated,cleanand


hampton designrequirements | issued:september 2010

| 16

this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 contemporary patterns key terms(continued)

categories: contemporary, transitionalortraditional. design the on dependant are which spaces the of feel and look the defining in role huge a plays Pattern surroundings. and location its by up made characteristics unique own its has property Each pattern • • • traditional transitional contemporary traditional patterns classic, neutral,recognizable shapesandpatterning. contrast betweenthickandthin,minimalcasual. clean, crispboldcolorswithsimplecurves,linesorshapes.


hampton designrequirements transitional patterns | issued:september 2010

| 17

Example ofcontrast:neutralwalls,darkfloors this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 key terms(continued) the otherbeingdark. appealing contrast,flooringandwallsshouldcontrastwitheachotherbyonebeingneutral day. the Toan achieve throughout usage invites and quality casual the demonstrates Contrast contrast


hampton designrequirements | issued:september 2010

| 18 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 design areas: all lobbiesmustincludethefollowingcore renovation, centerload planorendloadplan, Whether thelobbyisanewbuildor 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 | | | | | | | | front desk breakfast servingarea breakfast servingarea focalwall softseating diningseating communitytableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable | issued:september 2010 plan design design | plan

| 19

6 5 4 3 2 1 focal wall soft seating dining seating community tableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable front desk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • represent localflavor accessories ofapproved scaleforthespaceandmust minimum of3different sizedframedpiecesofartwork three tofivefree floating libraryshelves view theTV located where amajorityofguestswillbeabletoeasily and teaheighttables should includeacombinationofsofas,loungeseating flooring material sits ontopofflooringdifferent from main complimentary styles. when inlargequantities,canbecomposedoftwo chairs tobebothwithandwithoutarms sits ontopofmainflooringmaterial accessories tobeplacedontable one largedecorativeaccessoryoraseriesofsmallscaled scale ofthespace)are locateddirectly overthetable. pendant fixtures, (determinedbyceilingheightandthe two largeceilingpendantsoraseriesof5-7smaller lobby areas sits ontopofflooringdifferent from surrounding focal pointofspaceandvisiblefrom front deskarea coffee graphicstobeplacedabove furniture-like piecewithanewspapershelfbelow sits ontopofwood-likeflooring front desk typically islocatedacross from the of awoodsurface. area rugislocateddirectly across from front deskontop welcomes guestswithafree standingupdateddesk.An this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 8 7 breakfast servingarea doors breakfast servingarea • • • • •

stained woodframedpanelwithfrosted glass patterned provided tocloseoff area whenit’s notinuse pendant lighting furniture stylebreakfast cabinets the woodflooring. colorsinacheckeredthat compliments alternating pattern area toconsistofrectangular shapeporcelain tileintwo 1 2 apo n etrla ln newbuild hampton inncenterloadplan– 6 3 note: planisfordesignintentonly. scale: nottoscale 4 5

8 8 7 | issued:september 2010 | plandesign

| 20

6 5 4 3 2 1 focal wall soft seating dining seating community tableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable front desk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • represent localflavor accessories ofapproved scaleforthespaceandmust minimum of3different sizedframedpiecesofartwork three tofivefree floating libraryshelves view theTV located where amajorityofguestswillbeabletoeasily and teaheighttables should includeacombinationofsofas,loungeseating flooring material sits ontopofflooringdifferent from main complimentary styles. when inlargequantities,canbecomposedoftwo chairs tobebothwithandwithoutarms sits ontopofmainflooringmaterial accessories tobeplacedontable one largedecorativeaccessoryoraseriesofsmallscaled scale ofthespace)are locateddirectly overthetable. pendant fixtures, (determinedbyceilingheightandthe two largeceilingpendantsoraseriesof5-7smaller lobby areas sits ontopofflooringdifferent from surrounding focal pointofspaceandvisiblefrom front deskarea coffee graphicstobeplacedabove furniture-like piecewithanewspapershelfbelow sits ontopofwood-likeflooring front desk typically islocatedacross from the of awoodsurface. area rugislocateddirectly across from front deskontop welcomes guestswithafree standingupdateddesk.An this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 8 7 breakfast servingarea doors breakfast servingarea • • • • •

stained woodframedpanelwithfrosted glass patterned provided tocloseoff area whenit’s notinuse pendant lighting furniture stylebreakfast cabinets the woodflooring. colorsinacheckeredthat compliments alternating pattern area toconsistofrectangular shapeporcelain tileintwo apo n n odpa–newbuild hampton innendloadplan– 7 8 8 5 4 1 note: planisfordesignintentonly. scale: nottoscale

2 3 | issued:september 2010 6 | plandesign

| 21

6 5 4 3 2 1 focal wall soft seating dining seating community tableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable front desk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • represent localflavor accessories ofapproved scaleforthespaceandmust minimum of3different sizedframedpiecesofartwork three tofivefree floating libraryshelves view theTV located where amajorityofguestswillbeabletoeasily and teaheighttables should includeacombinationofsofas,loungeseating flooring material sits ontopofflooringdifferent from main complimentary styles. when inlargequantities,canbecomposedoftwo chairs tobebothwithandwithoutarms sits ontopofmainflooringmaterial accessories tobeplacedontable one largedecorativeaccessoryoraseriesofsmallscaled scale ofthespace)are locateddirectly overthetable. pendant fixtures, (determinedbyceilingheightandthe two largeceilingpendantsoraseriesof5-7smaller lobby areas sits ontopofflooringdifferent from surrounding focal pointofspaceandvisiblefrom front deskarea coffee graphicstobeplacedabove furniture-like piecewithanewspapershelfbelow sits ontopofwood-likeflooring front desk typically islocatedacross from the of awoodsurface. area rugislocateddirectly across from front deskontop welcomes guestswithafree standingupdateddesk.An this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 8 7 breakfast servingarea doors breakfast servingarea • • • • • 1

stained woodframedpanelwithfrosted glass patterned provided tocloseoff area whenit’s notinuse pendant lighting furniture stylebreakfast cabinets the woodflooring. colorsinacheckeredthat compliments alternating pattern area toconsistofrectangular shapeporcelain tileintwo 2 apo n etrla ln renovation hampton inncenterloadplan– 5 6 4 3

note: planisfordesignintentonly. scale: nottoscale 8 8 7 | issued:september 2010 | plandesign

| 22

6 5 4 3 2 1 focal wall soft seating dining seating community tableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable front desk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • represent localflavor accessories ofapproved scaleforthespaceandmust minimum of3different sizedframedpiecesofartwork three tofivefree floating libraryshelves view theTV located where amajorityofguestswillbeabletoeasily and teaheighttables should includeacombinationofsofas,loungeseating flooring material sits ontopofflooringdifferent from main complimentary styles. when inlargequantities,canbecomposedoftwo chairs tobebothwithandwithoutarms sits ontopofmainflooringmaterial accessories tobeplacedontable one largedecorativeaccessoryoraseriesofsmallscaled scale ofthespace)are locateddirectly overthetable. pendant fixtures, (determinedbyceilingheightandthe two largeceilingpendantsoraseriesof5-7smaller lobby areas sits ontopofflooringdifferent from surrounding focal pointofspaceandvisiblefrom front deskarea coffee graphicstobeplacedabove furniture-like piecewithanewspapershelfbelow sits ontopofwood-likeflooring front desk typically islocatedacross from the of awoodsurface. area rugislocateddirectly across from front deskontop welcomes guestswithafree standingupdateddesk.An this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 8 7 breakfast servingarea doors breakfast servingarea • • • • •

stained woodframedpanelwithfrosted glass patterned provided tocloseoff area whenit’s notinuse pendant lighting furniture stylebreakfast cabinets the woodflooring. colorsinacheckeredthat compliments alternating pattern area toconsistofrectangular shapeporcelain tileintwo 7 apo n n odpa–renovation hampton innendloadplan– 8 8 1

note: planisfordesignintentonly. scale: nottoscale 2 3 5 | issued:september 2010 4 | plandesign 6

| 23

6 5 4 3 2 1 focal wall soft seating dining seating community tableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable front desk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • represent localflavor accessories ofapproved scaleforthespaceandmust minimum of3different sizedframedpiecesofartwork three tofivefree floating libraryshelves view theTV located where amajorityofguestswillbeabletoeasily and teaheighttables should includeacombinationofsofas,loungeseating flooring material sits ontopofflooringdifferent from main complimentary styles. when inlargequantities,canbecomposedoftwo chairs tobebothwithandwithoutarms sits ontopofmainflooringmaterial accessories tobeplacedontable one largedecorativeaccessoryoraseriesofsmallscaled scale ofthespace)are locateddirectly overthetable. pendant fixtures, (determinedbyceilingheightandthe two largeceilingpendantsoraseriesof5-7smaller lobby areas sits ontopofflooringdifferent from surrounding focal pointofspaceandvisiblefrom front deskarea coffee graphicstobeplacedabove furniture-like piecewithanewspapershelfbelow sits ontopofwood-likeflooring front desk typically islocatedacross from the of awoodsurface. area rugislocateddirectly across from front deskontop welcomes guestswithafree standingupdateddesk.An this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 8 7 1 breakfast servingarea doors breakfast servingarea • • • • •

stained woodframedpanelwithfrosted glass patterned provided tocloseoff area whenit’s notinuse pendant lighting furniture stylebreakfast cabinets the woodflooring. colorsinacheckeredthat compliments alternating pattern area toconsistofrectangular shapeporcelain tileintwo apo n n utscne odpa–newbuild|plandesign hampton innandsuitescenterloadplan– 2 5 4 6 3 note: planisfordesignintentonly. scale: nottoscale

8 8 7 | issued:september 2010

| 24

6 5 4 3 2 1 focal wall soft seating dining seating community tableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable front desk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • represent localflavor accessories ofapproved scaleforthespaceandmust minimum of3different sizedframedpiecesofartwork three tofivefree floating libraryshelves view theTV located where amajorityofguestswillbeabletoeasily and teaheighttables should includeacombinationofsofas,loungeseating flooring material sits ontopofflooringdifferent from main complimentary styles. when inlargequantities,canbecomposedoftwo chairs tobebothwithandwithoutarms sits ontopofmainflooringmaterial accessories tobeplacedontable one largedecorativeaccessoryoraseriesofsmallscaled scale ofthespace)are locateddirectly overthetable. pendant fixtures, (determinedbyceilingheightandthe two largeceilingpendantsoraseriesof5-7smaller lobby areas sits ontopofflooringdifferent from surrounding focal pointofspaceandvisiblefrom front deskarea coffee graphicstobeplacedabove furniture-like piecewithanewspapershelfbelow sits ontopofwood-likeflooring front desk typically islocatedacross from the of awoodsurface. area rugislocateddirectly across from front deskontop welcomes guestswithafree standingupdateddesk.An this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 8 7 breakfast servingarea doors breakfast servingarea 1 • • • • •

stained woodframedpanelwithfrosted glass patterned provided tocloseoff area whenit’s notinuse pendant lighting furniture stylebreakfast cabinets the woodflooring. colorsinacheckeredthat compliments alternating pattern area toconsistofrectangular shapeporcelain tileintwo 2 apo n n utscne odpa–renovation hampton innandsuitescenterloadplan– 9 5 6 4 3 note: planisfordesignintentonly. scale: nottoscale

8 8 9 7 • • closest tothefront desk no TVisallowedontheside (if existing) | issued:september 2010 | plandesign

| 25

6 5 4 3 2 1 focal wall soft seating dining seating community tableandpendantlighting coffee servingtable front desk • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • represent localflavor accessories ofapproved scaleforthespaceandmust minimum of3different sizedframedpiecesofartwork three tofivefree floating libraryshelves view theTV located where amajorityofguestswillbeabletoeasily and teaheighttables should includeacombinationofsofas,loungeseating flooring material sits ontopofflooringdifferent from main complimentary styles. when inlargequantities,canbecomposedoftwo chairs tobebothwithandwithoutarms sits ontopofmainflooringmaterial accessories tobeplacedontable one largedecorativeaccessoryoraseriesofsmallscaled scale ofthespace)are locateddirectly overthetable. pendant fixtures, (determinedbyceilingheightandthe two largeceilingpendantsoraseriesof5-7smaller lobby areas sits ontopofflooringdifferent from surrounding focal pointofspaceandvisiblefrom front deskarea coffee graphicstobeplacedabove furniture-like piecewithanewspapershelfbelow sits ontopofwood-likeflooring front desk typically islocatedacross from the of awoodsurface. area rugislocateddirectly across from front deskontop welcomes guestswithafree standingupdateddesk.An this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 8 7 breakfast servingarea doors breakfast servingarea • • • • •

stained woodframedpanelwithfrosted glass patterned provided tocloseoff area whenit’s notinuse pendant lighting furniture stylebreakfast cabinets the woodflooring. colorsinacheckeredthat compliments alternating pattern area toconsistofrectangular shapeporcelain tileintwo apo n n utsedla ln renovation |plandesign hampton innandsuitesendloadplan– 7 8 8 2 1 note: planisfordesignintentonly. scale: nottoscale 3

5 4 | issued:september 2010 6

| 26 | design elements

All lobbies must include the following core design elements:

core design elements:

a | community table and stool seating

b | pendant lighting

c | flooring

in addition, the following design elements must be included:

d | front desk

e | coffee serving table

f | dining seating

g | soft seating

h | focal wall

i | breakfast serving furniture

j | breakfast serving doors

k | drapery

l | accent lighting

m | accessories

n | graphics

Review the following pages for details on each core design element.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 27 | design elements the community table and stool seating

This is the place where our guests can meet and greet each other and should serve as the main focal point of the space. It is also a space to read the newspaper, work on your laptop, or hold an informal business meeting.

• Purchasing the table from a local vendor is a good way to reflect the local flavor of the property. The length of the table must seat approximately 10 to 12 guests or 30% of the total seat count in new construction properties.

• Older properties where space is limited and does not allow for 10 stools, the table should comfortably seat as many guests as possible, with no less than 8 stools, while still allowing sufficient space for circulation.

• New construction must always provide 4 to 6 power and data outlets at the Community Table location so guests can plug in their laptops when desired.

• Power and data grommets need to be incorporated into the table top, or apron of table. To be U.L. listed and meet U.L. spill test • Stools are armless and may either be fully upholstered or upholstered seats with wood requirements. Plug-in type grommets, not hardwired, are required. framed backs. The upholstered fabric may not be the same as other seating fabric. Seat Be sure to conceal all power and data cords. height should be 30”-31” in height.

• Community Table must be at least 36” wide and 42” inches high, • Foot rest of the stools must be metal to help prevent wear and tear. length of table will vary based on availability of space. • Pendant lights are required. Refer to the pendant lighting section of this manual.

• Top cannot be cultured marble or tile but must be a solid surface material: quartz, natural granite, laminate with solid wood edge, or a premium wood with protective polyurethane finish.

• A large scale decorative accessory, such as a bowl of fruit, or a series of three to five decorative accessories, such as hurricane style candle holders, must be present on the center of the Community Table. power supply on top surface of power supply on the side • Apron height of the table must be coordinated with the seat community table of table height of the stools to allow for adequate leg clearance.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 28 | design elements

pendant lighting

The use of decorative fixtures such as pendants, sconces, or table top sources is required. All pendant and accent lighting must be dimmable.

• Community Table either 2 large scale pendants or a series of 5-7 smaller pendant fixtures to hang directly over table.

• Two story lobbies are required to implement pendant lighting over the community table. The pendants must be a minimum of 36” in diameter at two story lobbies.

• Breakfast serving area: decorative pendants must be incorporated in new construction properties and whenever possible in renovations and conversions.

• Bottom of pendants should be no lower than 6’-0” AFF.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 29 | design elements


Flooring should consist of a combination of wood look flooring, carpet and tile. Each flooring type defines a certain area within the Hampton Lobby and creates a feeling of warmth and welcome.

• Wood look hard surface flooring occurs in the lobby and and extends past the front desk and throughout the majority of the public space on the ground floor. Wood look flooring should be either acrylic-impregnated, engineered wood flooring with a minimum of 5 wear layers, wood look porcelain tiles, or high pressure wood laminate flooring.

• Inset carpet or area rugs of the entry vestibule should have our Make it Hampton red carpet either as a loose laid rug or inset per the Design and Construction Standards.

Area rug or carpet inset must be in front of the reception desk.

Inset carpet must be located under the soft seating areas to create and define a relaxed, casual environment.

• Tile must occur within the breakfast serving area.

Rectangular shape porcelain tile must be laid in two alternating colors in a checkered pattern which compliments the wood flooring.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 30 | design elements

the front desk

Proceeding into the reception area, the guest walks along the carpet that extends across a hard surface wood or wood-like floor which helps create a warm welcome. This wood look floor extends throughout the public spaces on the ground floor helping to create a relaxed, informal feel. The base throughout the reception area, and where the wood look floor occurs, should be either stained wood to match the color of the floor, or a wood-like base such as Johnsonite’s Millwork Vinyl base (

• Desk face of the Front Desk should be designed to give it the appearance of a piece of furniture rather than a typical wall to wall front desk. Special attention should also be made to incorporate ADA access into the design.

• Computer monitors should not be seen above the top of the guest side of the desk.

• L-shape desk should be created for a more “open” design for all hotels under a PIP, and when possible in existing hotels.

• New construction properties must not design the front desk to be attached to a wall but free floating like an island. This will then allow team members quicker access from behind the desk to our guests.

• Counter top of the front desk must be a solid surface material, quartz or stone. The counter top cannot be cultured marble or tile. Examples of acceptable quartz would be Cambria Stone or Zodiaq.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 31 | design elements

the coffee serving table

The Coffee Serving Table is where the coffee zone servers, cups, condiment display etc. are located. The table should be separated from the enclosed Breakfast Serving Area to allow guests easy access and located across from the front desk.

• The table must sit on a wood-like floor. If the table cannot be placed in front of a wall, the property must reuse their existing coffee graphic zone sign. Refer to the graphics section of this manual.

• Size must be a minimum of 30” deep by 34” high by 72” long.

• Top, a solid surface material, quartz, natural granite, laminate with solid wood edge, or wood with protective polyurethane finish are acceptable.

• Shelf or shelves for newspapers must be provided below the top. The shelf must able to hold a 4” high stack of newspapers.

• If the table base is wood, provide a metal cap detail on the legs to help protect them when the hard surface flooring is cleaned.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 32 | design elements

dining seating

• Dining seating is required to make up 35% of the seat count and is meant to communicate a multi-function mix of 2 tops and 4 tops. Two 2 tops placed together and pulled apart offer more flexibility than a 4 top.

• Dining chairs are wood construction both with and without arms and when in large quantities, it must be composed of two complimentary furniture styles. When using two complimentary chairs, use two different fabrics so each chair type remains unique. Both fabrics must be different from community table stool fabrics. Small scale patterned fabrics should be used to create texture to help hide soil and wear.

• Dining table bases can be wood or metal with tops of solid wood or high pressure laminate with wood edge. The height of the dining tables must be a minimum of 30” in height.

• Chair seat and arm height must coordinate with the dining table height. There must be 8” to 10” of height between the top of the seat and the underside of the table top for comfortable use.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 33 | design elements soft seating

This type of lobby/breakfast seating is meant to communicate a comfortable, relaxed lounge atmosphere.

• Soft seating must make up roughly 35% of the breakfast seat count.

• Seat height must be coordinated with the table height. The height should range from 7 1/2” to 8 1/2” between the top of seat and underside of table top for comfortable use while eating breakfast or working.

• Flooring under soft seating is a different flooring material from the main traffic area in the lobby.

• Upholstered pieces must have a sufficient density of foam to provide a supportive yet comfortable seat. Textured fabric helps to fight soil and wear. Use one to two accent color fabrics that coordinate with the overall color palette.

• Furniture mix must include a combination of sofas, lounge seating and tea height (27”) table tops.

• End table and tea table bases can be wood or metal with tops of solid wood or high pressure laminate with wood edge.

• Natural stone tops must have a protective sealer finish applied.

• Variety of materials is required to be used to enhance the overall eclectic feel.

• Lighting for this area should be dimmable and a combination of spill light from floor lamps and sconces, up lighting on architectural elements and focused lighting on artwork.

• Rechargeable candles are required per tabletop in the evenings both at the soft seating and dining seating. Candles must be battery powered and turned on from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 34 | design elements

focal wall

• Focal wall is composed of 3 to 5 free floating wood shelves, stained to match the furniture in the .

• Library shelves are to be arranged as an asymmetrical composition as well as provide a ledge to display framed black and white photographs from the Hampton Image Bank, accessories and a 42” flat panel TV. The bottom shelf must be mounted at 27” or below and the shelf must not exceed 12” in depth. Shelves mounted above 27” must not exceed 4” in depth. Coordinate shelf depths with TV and accessory depths.

• Framed black and white photographs should be displayed on bottom shelf with a minimum of 3 different sizes. Frames are to be fastened at the top and blocking at bottom. The frames are to have the appearance of leaning against the wall.

• Photographs and television should be sitting on the shelf and be secured to the wall.

• Accessories should be of appropriate scale for the space and represent the local flavor. Accessories must be high quality, refined and sophisticated. flat panel tv

One 42” minimum flat panel TV with remote control must be incorporated into the Focal Wall and appear to be sitting on a shelf.

• Shelf composition should consist of the flat panel TV and should be located where a majority of the guests are able to easily view the TV. • If you are an existing Hampton Inn & Suites with a fireplace, the TV may be mounted

• TV cannot be wall mounted if the wall adjoins a guestroom. above the fireplace. As with library shelf composition, a TV may only be mounted above the fireplace if the majority of the guests are able to easily view the TV.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 35 | design elements

breakfast serving area doors furniture style breakfast cabinets

• Sliding doors are to be added to the Breakfast Serving • Serving counters are composed of stained wood cabinets with a solid surface material, quartz, Area to close it off when it is not in use. or a natural granite top. The top material should be the same coloration of what is used at the

• Breakfast doors must be stained wood with full panel Front Desk. frosted glass with proprietary pattern. • Stain color of the cabinets should complement that of the wood floor in the dining area.

• Design the doors in such a way that a guide track in the floor • Detailing on the cabinets should make them appear to be a freestanding piece of furniture is not required. rather than a built-in unit. However, they should have a recessed kick plate with the actually sitting on the floor.

• Checkerboard patterned tiles that compliment the wood flooring, with rectangular shaped porcelain tiles in two alternating colors must be used throughout breakfast area and underneath furniture-like cabinets.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 36 | design elements


Draperies located at lobby and breakfast or wherever are in public space need to be addressed. The design intent of the room should continue with the drapery style so the room/ have an overall cohesive feel.

• Sheer to span the entire distance both vertically and horizontally across the windows

• Overdrape is meant to give a comfortable and casual look but remain open to allow the day light to come in.

• Decorative Rod finish must be consistent with all other metal finishes within the room.

• Valances/cornices must be installed with drapery if a decorative drapery rod is not used.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 37 | design elements

accent lighting

The use of decorative fixtures such as pendants, sconces, or table top sources is required. All pendant and accent lighting must be dimmable.

• Lighting should be on dimmers and light levels lowered when not in use.

• Focal Wall there should be accent lighting such as wall washers or adjustable downlights added as needed.

• Soft seating area lighting should be a combination of spill light from floor and table lamps.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 38 | design elements


Accessories play a critical role in the overall design. Information about all accessories must be submitted to Hampton Brand Design Team as part of the project review and approval process. They must be incorporated into the Library Shelves and tabletop elements.

• All accessory items must be high quality, refined and sophisticated. Thematically, they should be representative of the local flavor.

• Library shelf accessories must fill the shelves and have a scale and silhouette that allow them to be recognized across the lobby.

• The Community Table should have one singular large scale accessory, such as a bowl of fruit, or a repetition of similar medium-scaled accessories, for example hurricane style candle holders.

• One battery operated candle must be displayed per all standard height dining tables. They must be illuminated from 5:00 PM to 5:00 AM daily.

• Apples (plus other optional whole fruit) must be displayed in a decorative container on the Community Table after breakfast hours. The wire basket used during breakfast may not be used.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 39 | design elements


Graphics are an integral part of the Hampton brand personality and these elements are required to be incorporated at key points in the lobby space. For specific graphic items and their locations, refer to the graphics section of this manual.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 40 | circulation areas

Circulation areas include public restrooms, lobbies, business centers, ice and vending areas, suite shop and elevator cabs. Simply, the goal is to extend the public space scheme into these areas as appropriate. Some of these areas may require coordination with the guestroom corridor scheme. It is important to consider the coloration of the guestroom corridors when developing the lobby color scheme to make sure that they complement one another. The lobby hard surface flooring and base will continue into the area as appropriate. This area will also have continuation of the lobby wall finish. Decorative lighting should be provided. We also strongly recommend renovating the public restroom finishes to work with the new lobby scheme.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 41 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 All itemsmustbesubmittedtothebrandandapproved before finalizingwithcontractor. item community table pendant lightingatcommunitytable wood lookflooring carpet orarea rugs tile flooringatbreakfast serving front desk coffee servingtable dining seating soft seatinggroups, i.e.sofa/loveseat counter heightstoolsatcommunitytable furniture stylebreakfast cabinets breakfast servingarea doors pendant lightingatbreakfast serving accessories atcommunitytable accessories atdining&softseatingtables framed coffee graphics library shelves accent lightingatlibraryshelves accessories atlibraryshelves flat paneltvonlibraryshelves black &whiteartworkatlibrary shelves new build must seat10to12 required required required required required required required required 10 to12 required required required required required required required required required required required renovation orconversion must seat 8 or more [when feasible] required required required required reclad atminimum required required required 8 ormore required required required required required when notatawalluseexisting required required required required required


required elements | issued:september 2010 7 feetormore] [if ceilingheightis

| 42 18"

14" | graphics


18" breakfast information graphics

14" • Previously existed in the breakfast newspaper kiosk. Moving forward properties should remove the existing newspaper kiosk and retain only the top “on the ” breakfast panel and the bottom breakfast hours panel. The magnetic panel will no today's weather: cold and windy longer be used. today's breakfast special: toast of the town • These (2) panels are reusable and will slip into the new frames that will mount in a savory sausage with piping hot cinnamon french toast & syrup 14" 18"

breakfast hostess: vertical to the wall directly adjacent to the breakfast serving area. nancy • If there is no wall directly adjacent, or if other conditions prohibit this placement, the property must identify a wall for these that will best signal to guests the breakfast offering.

Vendor ordering information:

today's weather: Artonomy (Attn: Ed Slater / Jayne Menke) cold and windy 544 W. Liberty Street l Cincinnati, OH 45216 l 513.651.2787 today's6-10 breakfastA.M. DAILY special: toast of the town JOIN US savory sausage with piping hot cinnamon french toast & syrup

breakfast hostess: nancy

GR-2.15.2 scale: 1” = 1’-0”

6-10 A.M. DAILY


this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 43 installation guide | graphics

breakfast information graphics installation instructions:

1. Hang the “on the house” frame first. This frame should be positioned 5’-1” action step: from the finished floor (See figure 1).

Property to install one set (two frames) 2. The top of the “6-10 am” frame should be hung 3” below the bottom of the of breakfast information graphics. If your “on the house” frame. 18" property has an existing14" newspaper kiosk, 3. The frames should align vertically on their left and right sides. remove the kiosk and keep the “On the

House” panel and the “hours”14" panel.18" The frames are to be mounted in a vertical column, adjacent to the breakfast serving area. If there isn’t a wall directly adjacent to the serving area, you must identify a wall that will best signal the breakfast offering 3" to the guests.

6-10 A.M. DAILY


tools needed: • tape measure and/or ruler • level • drill and drill bit • locking frame mounting kit/anchor system (supplied by Artonomy) 5’-1"

GR-2.15.2 Figure 1

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 44 | graphics

coffee cup framed artwork

These three frames should be installed in a horizontal row on the wall behind the coffee serving table. They should be spaced closely and hang together as one artwork installation, centered behind the coffee display. When these frames are installed, they will replace the current coffee zone sign. Each property will receive (3) frames. If the coffee serving table cannot be placed in front of a wall, the property must reuse their existing coffee graphic zone sign.

Vendor ordering information: Artonomy (Attn: Ed Slater / Jayne Menke) 544 W. Liberty Street l Cincinnati, OH 45216 l 513.651.2787



GR-2.47A GR-2.47B GR-2.47C

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 45 installation guide | graphics

coffee cup framed artwork installation instructions:

action step: 1. The coffee cup framed artwork should be aligned horizontally, centered above the Property to install one set (three frames) coffee serving table. of coffee cup framed artwork horizontally 2. Vertically, the bottom of the frames should be no more than 6” above the coffee above the coffee serving table. The frames shuttles. If there are low , make necessary adjustments (see figure 2).

should be spaced closely and hang together 3. GR-2.47A should be on the left, GR-2.47B should be in the center and GR-2.47C as one artwork installation. should be on the right (see figure 2).

4. The frames should be 3” apart from each other (see figure 2). tools needed: • tape measure and/or ruler • level 3" 3" • drill and drill bit • locking frame mounting kit/anchor system (supplied by Artonomy)

GR-2.47A GR-2.47B GR-2.47C 6"

top of coffee table

Figure 2

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 46 | graphics

breakfast serving area graphics

This frosted pattern graphic plus a solid translucent vinyl must be applied to the serving area doors to visually close off the breakfast serving area when it is not in use. This pattern is used to add a layer of brand personality to the area.

Vendor ordering information:

Harlan Graphics (Attn: Jeff Ehrman or Jenny Marsh) 4752 River Road l Cincinnati, OH 45233 l 513.251.5700 main l 513.251.5703 fax Or go to: and click “online ordering” for access to the Hampton portion of the ordering site

For installation instructions, refer to the graphics installation guide.

GR2.48B If glass panel is not frosted, a full panel of frosted vinyl is to be applied to second surface (inside of breakfast serving area room).

GR2.48A Hexagon pattern vinyl applied to first surface (outside of breakfast area room, facing lobby).

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 47 installation guide | graphics

breakfast serving area door graphics installation instructions: action step: 1. You must assume all surfaces are dirty. Clean windows well. Clean with a non-amonia Approved graphic vendor or local installer based cleaner or alcohol and dry well. to install one graphic per and/or 2. The hexagon pattern graphic will be installed on the outside of the breakfast serving area. door inside and outside of the breakfast If the glass is not pre-frosted, the full panel of frost vinyl will be installed on the inside of the serving area. Please read installation breakfast serving area (see figure 3). instructions carefully. Once graphic is 3. Use a ruler or a level to make sure that graphic is centered and straight. This is placed, it cannot be removed. critical! If graphic is not applied level you will not be able to pull up and reposition. 4. Cut excess hexagon pattern prior to application. Before you install your graphic, you tools needed: must cut the graphic accordingly to ensure proper usage of the hexagons (see figure • spray bottle with soapy water 4). The left and right edges of the hexagon pattern must always end on the center • paper towels points of the hexagons. However, the top and bottom rows of the graphic must always • masking tape end in a full hexagon (see figure 4) • ruler and/or level 5. Tape graphichow to areato install by adding vinyl a piece graphics of masking tape to the top edge of the  • non-amonia based glass cleaner graphic and mounting surface. This will act as a hinge and will hold graphic in place. • vinyl application squeegee 6. Remove back liner from sticky graphic. Squirt a mist of water on glass. 7. Use a squeegee1. Clean to area apply well. graphic. Application to glass: clean with windex or water and dry well. 8. Start at the top center of the graphic and squeegee straight down. Continue on 2. Use a ruler or a level to make sure that graphic is centered and straight. This is critical! either side untilIf graphic total is graphic not applied is levelmounted. you will Pushnot be outable excessto pull up water and reposition. and air Oncebubbles. graphic is applied it cannot be reused! 9. Once graphic is mounted, slowly peel the top carrier tape off the top of the graphic. 3. Based on this diagram, cut chevron pattern prior to application. Use squeegee to push out excess water and air bubbles and ensure adhesion.

on left and right edges, pattern always ends on center point of hexagon

GR2.48B If glass panel is not frosted, a full panel of frosted vinyl is to be applied to second surface (inside of breakfast serving area room). top and bottom rows always end in a full hexagon

Figure 3 GR2.48A Hexagon pattern vinyl applied to first surface (outside of breakfast area room, facing lobby). Figure 4

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 48 4. Tape graphic to area by adding a piece of masking tape to the top edge of the graphic and mounting surface. This will act as a hinge and will hold graphic in place.

5. Remove back liner from sticky graphic.

6. If mounting to glass squirt a mist of water or windex on glass.

7. Then use squeegee to apply graphic.

8. Start at the top center of the graphic and squeegee straight down. Continue on either side until total graphic is mounted.

9. Once graphic is mounted, peel the top carrier tape off the top of the graphic. | graphics

b/w framed art for library shelving

Black and white framed art should follow the same black framing and matting as the Front Desk framed artwork. Frames are available in the following sizes: LB18 (17.5” x 18.5”), LB24 (23” x 24”), LB36 (33.5” x 34.5”), LF43 (28” x 43”), LF50 (32” x 50”), LF64 (44” x 64”). A minimum of (3) different sized framed pieces must be displayed on the library shelving. At least (1) of those must be a large format frame (LF43, LF50 or LF64). For the small format frames, properties will choose images from the lobby area image banks - LB18, LB24, LB36 accordingly. For the large format frames, properties can choose from the “LF-” (large format) image bank*. All images should be representative of the property’s local flair or culture.

*All image banks are available on OnQ Insider

Vendor ordering information: Artonomy (Attn: Ed Slater / Jayne Menke) 544 W. Liberty Street l Cincinnati, OH 45216 l 513.651.2787

alternate image submission

Properties have the opportunity to submit alternate images for the brand team’s review and approval. Properties will be responsible for any photographer fees or any other costs associated with the alternate image submission. For more information, please refer to the alternate image submission form located

on the OnQ Insider website. 44" 30"

32" 21.5" 28" 15.5" 33.5" 21.5"

23" 64" 49" 12.5" 17.5" 50" 38"

8" 43" 29.5" 34.5" 21.5" 24" 12.5" 8" 18.5"

LBLB1818 LB24LB24 LBLB3636 LFLF4343 LF50LF50 LFLF6464 small format frames large format frames

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 49 | before & after

austin, texas | television before & after rogers, arkansas | dining seating before & after

rogers, arkansas | lobby entry before & after madison, wisconsin | breakfast area before & after

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 50 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3


note: thisisnotacomprehensive list Removeexistingbreakfast cabinets Removeexistingtilebase Removeexistingtile Removeexistingdecorativelightfixtures Removefront desk Removeceilingsoffitsif required toaccommodatelayout Removeportionoffront deskand/orwalltocreate openenddesk Removeexistingtileand/or carpet floorfinishandbaseSub circulation areas Removevinylwallcovering breakfast area Removevinylwallcovering Removeexistingtilebase Removeexistingtileandcarpetfloorfinish vestibule/lobby/seating area permits category Removevinylwallcovering

and/or breakfast doors


Ifbeingreplaced withnewfixtures. Only to extent to work appropriately with new lobby finishes. Floor andwallsmayneedprep toreceive newfinishes. Floor andwallsmayneedprep toreceive newtile. Walls mayneedprep toreceive newbase. Sub - floor may need prep to receive new tile. Walls mayneedprep toreceive newwallcovering. millwork front deskunit. walls andfloorarea may need repair to receive new be bettertoreplace thefront deskcompletely. Adjoining If openingdeskarea requires significantchange,itmay Walls mayneedprep toreceive newwallcovering. remarks Sub-floor may need prep to receive new wood look floor. Walls mayneedprep toreceive newbase. Only to extent to work appropriately with new lobby finishes. Walls mayneedprep toreceive newwallcovering. |

overview documents | issued:september 2010

| 51 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3


LibraryShelves NewFront Desk NewADATransaction Top atFront Desk NewFront DeskMillwork Face Installnewdrywallceilingsand/oracousticaltileceilingasrequired Paintexistingceilingsand/orreplace acousticaltiles Paintexistingdoorsandframesasrequired Patch,repair, andinstallnewvinylwallcovering Installcarpetinsetinfront offront deskandatseatingareas


Newfurniturestylebreakfast cabinets Install new drywall ceilings and/or acoustical tile as required Paintexistingceilingsand/or replace acousticaltilesas required Paintexistingdoorsandframes asrequired SlidingBreakfast Entrydoorswithvinylfrost-look graphic Newdrywallpartitionsand/orsoffitsas required toallow Patch,repair, andinstallnewvinylwallcovering Installnewtileandbase breakfast area Installnewtileandbaseinvestibule vestibule/lobby/seating area category lobby/seating areas for breakfast doors


Doorsare tohaveglassinserts. If yourdeskdoesnothaveanADAaccessibletop. Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout. Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout. Can bearea rugsifwoodlook floorfinish continues underneath. Base canbevinylorstainedwood. Engineered wood, or laminate flooring. or loose-laid. The Welcome matsmuststill beusedeitherinset remarks |

overview documents | issued:september 2010

| 52

this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3


Installneworrelocate ExitSignsandSmokeDetectors Reconnect/extendwaterline forJuiceMachine Installneworrelocate existingpower Provide powerandinstallnewhardwired decorative Relocateexistingceilingdiffusers/HVAC grills breakfast area Installneworrelocate ExitSignsandSmokeDetectors Installneworrelocate existingpowerandcablefortv Installnewelectricaloutletsasrequired fornewlayout Install new electrical outlets and/or power supply for Community table Installneworrelocate existing poweranddatafortheFront desk Provide powerandinstall newhardwired decorative Relocateexistingceilingdiffusers/HVAC grills vestibule /lobbyseatingarea Paintexistingceilingsand/orreplace acousticaltiles Paintexistingdoorsandframesasrequired Patch,repair, andinstallnewvinylwallcovering Installnewwoodlookfloorandbaseorcarpet circulation areas category light fixtures, downlighting, anddimmingcapability


Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. remarks May beabletoreuse existingpowerlocationsfor Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnew If powersupplyisnotnearcommunitytablelocation. Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. May beabletoreuse existing powerlocations. Only ifneededtoworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only toextentworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only toextentworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only toextentworkappropriately withnewlayout. Only toextentworkappropriately withnewlayout. light fixtures, downlighting,anddimmingcapability. layout, i.e.forplug-inlamps,convenienceoutlets,etc. be vinyl,stainedwood,orcarpet. Engineered wood,orlaminate flooring.Basecan |

overview documents | issued:september 2010

| 53 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3


freight Provide powerandinstall newhardwired decorative Relocateexistingceilingdiffusers/HVAC grilles circulation areas category tax gc profit construction contingency light fixtures, downlighting, anddimmingcapability.

generalcontractorscope May be able to reuse existing power locations. Only if needed to work appropriately with new layout. Will varydependingonproperty location. Will Will varydependingonproperty location. Will To bedeterminedbyOwner, commonlyseenat10%. 5 –10%,willvarydependingonproperty location. Nationwide rangeisanywhere from remarks |

overview documents | issued:september 2010

| 54 FF&E scope | overview documents

vestibule/lobby/seating area remarks Coffee Serving Table 2-Top & 4-Top Dining Height Tables 2-Top Tea Height Tables Community Table This item could also be bid by the Millwork Contractor. End Tables Console/Sofa Table

breakfast area casegoods 2-Top & 4-Top Dining Height Tables Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout.

circulation areas Console Table Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout.

vestibule/lobby/seating area Bench Sofas or Loveseats with throw pillows Counter Height Stools Dining Chairs Armchairs at Sofa

seating Upholstered Chairs at Sofa Ottomans

breakfast area High Back Sofa with throw pillows Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout. Dining Chairs Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 55 FF&E scope | overview documents

category cost implication remarks

vestibule/lobby/seating area remarks Lamp at Front Desk Pendant Lights at Lobby Pendant Lights at Community Table Floor or Table Lamps at Seating Wall Sconces Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout.

lighting breakfast area Pendant Lights

circulation areas Pendant Lights Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout and if ceiling height allows.

Vestibule / Lobby / Seating Area Drapery Treatment at Lobby windows

breakfast area drapery Drapery Treatment

circulation area Drapery Treatment

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 56 FF&E scope | overview documents

category cost implication remarks

vestibule/lobby/seating area remarks Carpet or Area Rug at Front Desk Install costs typically in GC scope. Carpet or Area Rug at Sofa Seating or Community Table Install costs typically in GC scope.

breakfast area

carpet Not required

circulation areas Carpet or Area Rug Only to extent to work appropriately with new layout.

vestibule/lobby/seating area Black & White Framed Art at library shelves Uses the Hampton Image Bank. Accessories at library shelves Accessories at tables Other Black & White Framed Art 42” Flat Panel TV If property does not currently have one. Coffee Graphics Breakfast Door Graphics mirrors / art accessories mirrors freight Will vary depending on property location. tax Will vary depending on property location. installation Will vary depending on property location.

this is a design guide, please refer to the Hampton Standards Manual for specific requirements | hampton perfect mix lobby designer’s manual V3 | issued: september 2010 | 57 this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3

daily (hamptonteammembers) should beplacedinitsoriginal location. If accessoriesare moved,theaccessories maintained daily. and checked be to need oranges), Bowls withfresh fruit,(suchasapplesor should bemaintained. water andthephysicalstateofflowers may beused(suchasagerberdaisy).The an accessory, onlysinglestemmedflowers If yourlobbydesignsolutioncontainsvasesas CNN orprofessional sportingevents. lobby, the television should be changed back to selected adifferent program, andhasleftthe requests specificprograming. Ifaguesthas professional sportingevents, unlessguest Televisions shouldbetunedtoCNNor place orworkarea. permitted toutilizethespaceasameeting area existswithinbreakfast area, guestsare non breakfast hours(10am-6am). Ifseating Breakfast area doorsshouldbeclosedduring if needed. table andrecharge orreplace batteries At 5am,remove batterypower candlesfrom seating tablesfrom 5pm-5am. tabletop inboththesoft seating anddining each on Illuminate onebatterypowered candle the coffee servingtable. Place newspapersontheshelforshelvesbelow of dayandnight. Maintain acleanandtidylobbyspaceallhours

pre-open (generalmanager)

accessories thatrepresent localflavor. Confirm thatinteriordesignerhasincorporated the statusofthatitem. present, please contact your interior designer for note: ifanyofthesedesignelementsare not breakfast servingdoors. graphic (ifnecessary)were installedonthe graphicandsolid frostedhexagon pattern Confirm thebreakfast servingdoorvinyl graphic frames. into thenewbreakfast information they aren’t damaged)shouldbeincorporated panel andthebreakfast hours panel(if removed from thelobby. The“onthehouse” The existingnewspaperkioskshouldbe their existingcoffee graphic. of awall,theproperty must continuetouse serving table.Ifthetableisnotplacedinfront frames) shouldbeinstalledbehindthecoffee The coffee cupframedartwork (seriesof3 on thecenterofcommunitytable. hurricane stylecandleholders,tobedisplayed medium sizeddecorativeelements,suchas as abowloffruit,orseriesthree tofive singular largescaledecorativeelement,such Confirm thatinteriordesignerhasincluded a operational checklist | issued:september 2010 |


| 58 strong. simple.successful.

this isadesign guide,please refer to theHampton Standards Manualforspecific requirements | hampton perfectmixlobbydesigner’s manual V3 perfect mixlobbydesigner’s manual | issued:september 2010

| 59