iOS 11 Release Updates

GPShopper Mobile Retail Experts Table of Contents

3 Typography 18 New Native Features 35 Leaks

4 San Francisco 19 One-Handed Keyboard 36 Full-Front Display

20 Offload Unused Apps 37 Facial Recognition 5 21 In-App Ratings & Reviews 38 Phone Size 6 Merged Locked Screen and Notifcation Center 22 Camera 39 Function Area

23 iMessage 40 Processor 7 UI Elements 24 Screen Recording 41 Charging 8 Home Screen 25 9 Control Center Redesign

10 Native App Titles 26 iOS 11 for Developers

27 ARKit 11 28 Depth Map API 12 Today 29 HomeKit 13 Games 30 Apple 14 Product Page 31 Core ML 15 Reviews and Ratings 32 Core NFC 16 In-App Purchases and What’s New 33 SiriKit 17 Search 34 Business Chat Typography TYPOGRAPHY San Francisco Update

SF Pro Text and SF Pro Display

In iOS 10, the San Francisco variants were SF UI Text and SF UI Display. It is a small update to their font.

Use SF Pro Text for text 19 points or smaller, and SF Pro Display for text 20 points or larger. When you use San Francisco for text in standard controls like buttons and labels, iOS automatically applies the most appropriate variant based on the point size and the user’s accessibility settings.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 4 Lock Screen LOCK SCREEN Merged Lock Screen and

The Lock Screen and Notification is now merged into one screen

When you pull down from the top of the iPhone or iPad's display to access your notifications, the Lock screen comes down instead of a separate Notification Center window. Once on the Lock screen, missed notifications are displayed, while recent notifications you've already seen can be accessed by an upward swipe in the middle of the display. A second upward swipe from the middle of the display brings you back to the Home screen. Swiping down on the screen now brings up the Lock screen. Today view continues to be available with a side swipe.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 6 UI Elements UI ELEMENTS Home Screen

Dock labels are gone

Apps and folders on the no longer have their names under them. Because of this, the dock itself has shrunk by a few pixels.

Small update to the bars and location services icon:

Status bar now has signal bars instead of dots. The location services icon is an outline instead of a solid icon.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 8 UI ELEMENTS Control Center Redesign

One page

Control Center is a single consolidated window and the buttons now have a dark background. Control Center now takes up an entire screen and comes with tiles that you can 3D Touch to expand for more information/options.

There are two top sections for basic networking options (Airplane Mode, Cellular Data, Wifi, and ) and controls. The section houses smaller icons for rotation lock, Do Not Disturb, and Screen Mirroring. Sliders for volume and brightness are to the right of them.


Because the Control Center is no longer restricted to half the display, it can offer access to a wider range of functions, which can be customized. In the Settings app, there's a section for choosing which features you want to be able to access in the Control Center. The following can be added or removed from the Control Center:

• Flashlight • Home • Timer • Low Power Mode • • Magnifier • Camera • • Accessibility Shortcut • Screen Recording • Alarm • Stopwatch • Apple TV Remote • Text Size • Do Not Disturb While Driving • Voice Memos • Guided Access • Wallet

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 9 UI ELEMENTS Native App Titles

Bigger and bolder titles

Native iOS apps have been redesigned to include big bold headers. Everything is more spaced out and clearer to read. This can be seen in apps like Phone, Notes, Settings, and Control Center.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 10 App Store APP STORE Today

Homepage redesigned

There is a completely redesigned homepage for the Apple app store called “Today”. Today features an App of the Day and a Game of the Day. It’s also a new platform for developers to share unique stories about their apps and how they impact our lives through different forms of pictures, videos, and more. In addition, it also includes how-tos, guides, tips, and interviews with developers and influencers.

Submitting content

From Apple: “If you are launching a new app or game, releasing a significant update, or have a great story idea for Today, we want to hear about it. To be considered for featuring on the App Store, please let us know 6-8 weeks in advance.”

Developers can submit info to the team on Apple’s dev site:

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 12 APP STORE Games

Apps vs. games

According to SensorTower, about 43% of the 48,231 new apps released in May 2016 were games. That’s almost 10 times more than each of the other categories including education, entertainment, and business. Which is why Apple decided to separate games from being part of the “Apps” category to having its own separate focused category. Apple calls its App Store “the world’s best game store”.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 13 APP STORE Product Page

Product page for both apps and games

Individual app have also been redesigned, with more of a focus on reviews and video overviews, and there are options that will let developers do things like highlight new in-app purchases or levels so users can be notified when their favorite apps gain new features. Star rating, overall popularity ranking, and age rating ranking is more visible.

App title and subtitle iOS 11 will reduce app names from 50 characters to 30 characters. There is a new option to add a short subtitle, also limited to 30 characters, giving you a chance to briefly describe what your app is all about. This, unlike the actual description, will be visible in the search results.

New: Promotional text

Another new field that has been added above the description is promotional text, which is limited to 170 characters. Unlike the description, you can edit this at any given time without having to submit a new version of your app.

Up to three app previews

You can feature up to three app previews (short videos) each up to 30-seconds long. The app previews will autoplay with muted audio. If you have more than one app , your exta app previews will only be visible those using iOS 11 or later. You can still feature up to five .

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 14 APP STORE Reviews and Ratings

Ratings based on all versions

App ratings are now based on all versions, and not just the latest submitted one. Apple still gives the option to developers to reset their reviews and ratings.

Three review prompts per year

With the announcement of iOS 11, Apple stated that they will disallow custom review prompts in all apps. Now Apple provides their own API that you can add to your app to allow people to submit their review within the app, without ever leaving it. They also limited the number of times these prompts can appear to users to three times per year.

In addition, once a user submits a review, the prompt may never appear to them again even if you have a major update. However, the rating can now carry over across the updates, which means the ratings will be more of an indication of the overall state of your app, instead of just the last release.

Reply to reviews

You can respond to customers’ reviews of your app to directly address their feedback, questions, and concerns. When you respond to a review using iTunes Connect, the customer will be notified of your response and will have the option to update their review. Reviews and responses can be updated at any time, but only the latest review and response for each customer will display on your product page.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 15 APP STORE In-App Purchases and What’s New

Purchases right from the product page

Users can view and start an in-app purchase from your product page. Subscriptions and in-app purchases are shown on separate sections on your product page, and you can showcase up to 20 total items across both. Each item has its own display name, promotional image, and description. In-app purchases can also appear in search results and be featured on the Today, Games, and Apps tabs.

Your app must support the new SKPaymentTransactionObserver method to make in-app purchases available on the App Store. You can list in-app purchases in any order on your product page to help drive awareness for specific content. If users don’t have your app installed on their device when they make an in-app purchase, they will be prompted to download or purchase the app to complete the transaction.

Keep customers updated

When you update your app, you can use What’s New to communicate changes to customers. This text appears on your product page, and users can view a two-line preview below your app name and icon on the Updates tab.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 16 APP STORE Search

Optimize your search

Keywords are limited to 100 characters total, with words separated by commas.

The search function will be changing in terms of ASO (app store optimization) regarding which data will be indexed or not. Keep in mind the fields that will now appear in search results, like the new subtitle. However, the layout of how the search results are displayed haven’t changed very much.

Search results UI compressed

Apple also seems to have slightly compressed the search results to show more apps than before. This could be good because it allows users to see three app previews (up from two in iOS 10). However, this can also increase competition and the need to make your app pop out from among the rest.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 17 New Native Features NEW NATIVE FEATURES One-Handed Keyboard

Easier to type with one hand

If you tap the or globe icon on the iPhone's keyboard, there's an option to select a one- handed keyboard that shifts all of the keys either to the left or the right. This is designed to let you type one handed with just a thumb.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 19 NEW NATIVE FEATURES Offload Unused Apps

Automatically manage storage

In the Settings app, there's a new option that will automatically offload apps that haven't been used in a while when you’re low on storage. It’s not yet clear how long an app has to go unopened before iOS 11 decides it’s time to remove it. Documents and data for uninstalled apps will remain available in case the app is re-installed.

When an app is offloaded, it is still on the home screen but is colored in gray. This tells you that the app was offloaded and only the app’s icon is being stored on the device.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 20 NEW NATIVE FEATURES In-App Ratings & Reviews

Users can toggle on/off product feedback

In the Settings app, Apple now allows users to disable in-app ratings and reviews. The toggle is automatically set to allow feedback.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 21 NEW NATIVE FEATURES Camera

QR code scanning

The Camera app automatically detects QR codes and will respond appropriately, doing things like opening up to a specific website.

Live Photos update

Live Photos, the feature that adds a bit of magic to still photos, is even better in iOS 11. For the first time, you can use a slider to select a portion of the Live Photo that looks the best. Since Live Photos are essentially short videos, it's like pulling the best still shot out of a video.

There's also an option to crop Live Photos to keep only a portion of the motion recording, and there are new Loop, Bounce, and Long Exposure options. Loop causes a Live Photo to loop continually like a GIF, while Bounce is the same thing but forwards and then backwards. Long Exposure has a more limited use because it converts a the video portion of the image into a long exposure photograph, but it is useful where only a part of an image moves, like running water.

Better photo and video compression

For video, Apple is implementing HEVC or H.265 video encoding, which results in 2x better compression. The JPEG image format is also being changed to HEIF (High Efficiency Image Format), which also allows for photos that are half the size.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 22 NEW NATIVE FEATURES iMessage

App Drawer

In iOS 11, there's a new App Drawer located below the text entry in that's designed to make it easier to access apps and stickers. All installed apps and stickers are located in the App Drawer and can be selected with a tap and scrolled through with swipes. The first icon in the App Drawer opens the App Store for downloading new apps.

Apple Pay: peer-to-peer payments

Messages is the home of a major new feature - peer-to-peer payments. Using an Apple Pay Messages app, you can now send and receive money using Apple Pay and a connected debit or credit card, similar to apps like Square Cash or Venmo. Money can be sent in Messages using standard fingerprint authentication, and funds received are available in a new Apple Pay Cash card that's located in Wallet. This card can be used to make Apple Pay purchases where Apple Pay is accepted (similar to any other credit or debit card stored in Apple Pay), or it can be transferred to a bank account.

Sending money using Messages requires an Apple Pay-compatible device, which includes the iPhone SE, iPhone 6 or later, iPad Pro, iPad 5th generation, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 or later, and . Person-to-person payments are limited to the United States at the current time.

Like many peer-to-peer money transferring services, sending money will be free when a debit card is used, but will incur a 3 percent fee when using a credit card.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 23 NEW NATIVE FEATURES Screen Recording

Record your screen with or without sound

There's a Control Center option that will automatically capture a screen recording of what you're doing on an iPhone or iPad.

To record with sound, hard-press on the Screen Recording shortcut in Control Center with a 3D Touch-enabled iOS device or a long-press on an iOS device without 3D Touch. At the bottom of the additional toggles for Screen Recording is a button to turn Microphone Audio On or Off.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 24 NEW NATIVE FEATURES Files iCloud Drive app expanded

There is no iCloud Drive app in iOS 11, because it's been expanded into a more comprehensive "Files" app that's designed to mimic the app on the Mac. Files houses all of the content stored locally on the iPhone or iPad, iCloud content, app content, and content stored in other cloud services like , Box, One Drive, , and more.

Files is well-organized and offers up quick access to all content that's stored on an iOS device. Like Finder for Mac, it's searchable, has a section for viewing all recently accessed files, and it supports tags, spring-loading, nested folders, and favorites. Adding a tag to a for organizational purposes is as simple as dragging the file to the tag of your choice.

Apps can intergrate Files

Developers are able to add Files integration into their apps, so individual apps will also be listed in the Files app, making it simpler than ever to transfer documents, photos, videos, and other content between apps.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 25 iOS 11 for Developers IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS ARKit

Apple bursts onto the scene

Apple developed a new ARKit API for developers that is designed to allow them to create high- quality augmented reality apps by taking advantage of all of the sensors and cameras built into the iPhone. ARKit will allow developers to leverage motion tracking, surface detection, and ambient light scaling capabilities using the camera, CPU, and GPU, with no additional hardware necessary. ARKit will also support Unity and Unreal engines.

With ARKit, an iOS device is able to identify a surface like a table, and then virtual objects can be added to it. ARKit uses ambient light to estimate scale.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 27 IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS Depth Map API

Portrait Mode technology

The technology that powers Portrait Mode in the iPhone 7 Plus is being expanded to developers, enabling a range of new camera apps and depth of field object placement. Developers have access to the depth information captured by the two cameras in the iPhone 7 Plus and can use it to create fun and artistic photo editing tools.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 28 IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS Homekit

Experiment with Homekit

Developers can now experiment with HomeKit without needing to apply for Made for iPhone (MFi) approval from Apple. That means developers can start creating and testing products before bringing them to market and Apple is even permitting experimentation for popular custom-fit boards like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

HomeKit products also no longer need a hardware authentication chip, which means new and existing product manufacturers will be able to add HomeKit support to devices through a firmware update.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 29 IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS Apple Music

Developers and Apple Music

In iOS 11, Apple has made Apple Music available to developers to give them full access to Apple Music, iCloud Music Library, For You, Recommendations, Featured Music, and Charts, all of which can be built into apps.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 30 IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS Core ML

Machine learning framework

Core ML is a machine learning framework that's designed to let developers build apps with intelligent features using a few lines of code. Core ML includes deep neural networks, a vision API for things like face tracking, face detection, text detection, object tracking, and more and a Natural Language API for language identification and other related features.

With Core ML you can provide your apps with machine learning that runs locally and is optimized for on-device performance, minimizing memory footprint and power consumption.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 31 IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS Core NFC

NFC chip

Developers have access to a new "Core NFC" framework that allows apps to read Near Field Communication (NFC) tags. According to Apple, this lets developers create apps that can read tags to "give users more information about their physical environment and the real-world objects in it."

Core NFC within apps works similarly to Apple Pay. When holding an iPhone near an item with an NFC tag, iPhone users will see a "Ready to Scan" dialog box, and then a checkmark will be displayed on the screen once a product is detected.

NFC tags can be used in a number of ways, such as providing information on an item that's being scanned. In a museum, for example, an iPhone user might scan a tag to learn more about an exhibit.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 32 IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS SiriKit

Integrate into your apps

SiriKit enables your iOS apps and watchOS apps to work with Siri, so users can get things done with your content and services using just their voice. In addition to extending Siri’s support for messaging, photo search and phone calls to more apps, SiriKit also adds support for new services, including ride booking and personal payments.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 33 IOS 11 FOR DEVELOPERS Business Chat

Connect with customers with Business Chat

Business Chat is a powerful new way for businesses to connect with customers directly in Messages. Using Business Chat, your customers can get answers to questions, resolve issues, and complete transactions on their iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. Customers can find your business and start conversations from Safari, Maps, , and Siri. The following customer service platforms that have already integrated with Business Chat — LivePerson, Salesforce, Nuance and Genesys.

GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 34 Leaks LEAKS Full-Front Display

A new edge-to-edge display with no home button

In a late July firmware release for the upcoming HomePod, an iPhone 8 image was found featuring full-front display with thin bezels, no Home button, and a notch at the top for the earpiece and sensors.

The iPhone 8 is expected to feature an edge-to-edge display, a glass body, and no visible Touch ID button anywhere on the device, pointing towards an iPhone 8 with Touch ID located under the display or no Touch ID functionality at all.

On each side of the cutout, Apple may put status bar items like connection strength, battery, Bluetooth, and time, and these may be interactive in some way.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple. GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 36 LEAKS Facial Recognition

Facial recognition potentially replacing TouchID

There are multiple references to infrared face detection in the BiometricKit framework that's used for Touch ID, confirming rumors suggesting the iPhone 8 will rely either partially or entirely on new facial recognition capabilities.

"FaceDetect" methods inside of BiometricKit address face detection circumstances like faces being too far or too close to the camera, the presence of multiple faces, and more, while additional references are made to infrared functionality, which confirms it will use new infrared sensors for facial recognition even in low light. Apple is said to be using a high pixel density front- facing camera and other advanced sensors.

Based on additional information found in the firmware, the iPhone 8's facial recognition capabilities are likely to work with Apple Pay, perhaps allowing facial recognition to replace a fingerprint as an authentication method.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple. GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 37 LEAKS Phone Size

A larger display

With an edge-to-edge design, the iPhone 8 may be similar in size to the 4.7-inch iPhone, but with a display the size of the 5.5-inch iPhone. Rumors suggest it will feature a 5.8-inch display with 5.15 inches of usable area, with the rest dedicated to virtual buttons that will replace the existing Home button. Apple is rumored to be planning on debuting three devices, one premium model with an OLED display and two standard models that use traditional LCD panels. While there is confusion over the size and curvature of the OLED panel, the LCD are expected to be 4.7 and 5.5 inches, the same size (and design) as the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.

Change from 16:9 aspect ratio to 18.5:9

According to information said to be shared by a source at Apple supplier TSMC, the iPhone 8 will feature a 18.5:9 aspect ratio instead of a 16:9 aspect ratio. That's the same aspect ratio the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus use.

MacRumors has been receiving visits from devices with a display resolution of 375 x 812, which translates to 1125 x 2436 using pixel tripling. The devices appearing do not correspond to any known devices and are believed to be iPhone 8 models.

Tap to wake

A "Tap to Wake" option is hinted that would allow the display of the iPhone to be activated through a double tap on the screen.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple. GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 38 LEAKS Function Area

Status bar and function area

At the bottom of the device, we're also expecting to see a function area that houses a virtual home indicator button along with other navigation controls that are normally located at the top of the iPhone.

Mockups of what the function area and status bar might look like are to the left.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple. GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 39 LEAKS Processor

A11 Chip

All iPhone models coming in 2017 are expected to use Apple's A11 chip, including the OLED iPhone 8 and the more modest 4.7 and 5.5-inch iPhones (which could be called the iPhone 7s and the iPhone 7s Plus).

TSMC began production on Apple's A11 processor in May 2017. TSMC initially wanted to start production in April, but production was reportedly delayed due to issues with the 10-nanometer FinFET manufacturing process. The A11 chip is expected to be both faster and more power efficient than the current A10, manufactured on a 16-nanometer process. It could introduce speedier performance and better battery life.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple. GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 40 LEAKS Charging

Wireless or inductive

Early iPhone 8 rumors suggested Apple was working on long-range wireless charging technology that could be implemented as soon as 2017, but more recent information and speculation suggests that instead of long-range wireless charging techniques, Apple will instead use an inductive-style wireless charging solution (similar to the Apple Watch) for the device, and Apple supplier Wistron has accidentally confirmed that wireless charging is planned for at least one iPhone model.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple.

Leaks have been gathered from MacRumors and other blogs speculating on features of the new iPhone, and these have not been confirmed by Apple. GPShopper iOS 11 Overview 41