
n e t PBE8S BUN i AVERAGE DAILY OUtOtlLATION tor the Moqth of September, 1929 Partly cloudy, and cooler tonight; 5,357 ’ ^oim . State LiVjiaty— Comp. Friday fair. Hemben of tho Auilt Bnroaii of CIrcalatloM SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, (Claaslfled Advertising on I age 14) VOL. X U V ., NO. 15.


POSSIBLE MURDER Sirs SEEN IN WAPPING FOR HIRING AN EXPERT f a r m e r ; s d e a t h BOOZE R u m s VERBAL CLASHES Frederick Drake Found Dead With Deep Gashes on HADFDRTRESS FEATU^HEARING Head— Wife Reports Finding Body This Mommg in A S m B A S E Old Shack on Buckland Road— State Police Conduct­ ■ Senator Ringbam Admits He Possibly Made Mistake But ing Investigation— Man Had Been Reported Missing. Members of Million Dollar liiRKts He Saw Notbing Improper About It— Says He Syndicate (aught in Gi­ The oossibility of murder in connectwn with the mysteri­ Asked Connecticut Manufacturers’ Association for a ous deatlf of Frederick Drake, 51 years old Wapping farm ^ gantic Raid; Agents Find who was found dead this morning beside a bed a dilapidated Man Who Understood Rates and the Needs of the shack was being investigated today by State Police, Broadcasting Station. were several bad cuts and gashes on Drake’s head ^ Stale— Was Not Fanriliar With Situation— Eyansbn, belief that he had been assaulted. The rooms were in consid New York, Oct 17.— (A P )— A. erable disorder indicating a drunken b r a w l . ______fortified arsenal equipped with em­ GrlU Wife the Expert Never Cashed Check He Got from Senator \ placements for its battery of ma­ chine guns and used as headquarters barracks and Dr. H. J.sr-s« Onderdonk I HURT for $1 ,000,000 rum smuggling Washington, Oct. 17.— (A P )—One I On Stand of East Hartford, medical examiner date, was in the hands of Federal verbal clash after another develop- » for the town of South Windsor, agents today after a surprise attack questioned Mrs. Etta Drake, 45 on the syndicate, extending ed between Senator Bingham, Re­ year old second wife of the dead AYEARAGOAT publican, Connecticut, and members the Atlantic coast from New Yors man who said she found her to Atlantic City, N. J. of the Senate lobby committee as band dead when she visited me The raiders c^ tu red a hidu..p the former related his employment shack shortly before 10 o’clock this radio station from which orders 00 of Charles L. Eyanson, an officer of F TBAU.DIES c .f, Wool, riPt morning. The grilling took place i717.— _ r (AP) A P i—Weather permitting, the Russian aviators flying the “La^d of the in code were sent to the fleet oi in the home of Everett Buckland a , the Connecticut Manufacturers As­ Soviets” from Moscow to liquor ships and speed boats operat­ short distance from the Drake f^^m. sociation, to assist him on tariff When Mrs. Drake emerged from the long hop across the unitedUnited SUtee ember o£ tte crew -is not shown. Below -is ed by the syndicate. Use ISO Officers. room, she was crying. Paralysis Follows Injury Shestajov, and Navigator Boris F matters at the time the tariff bill Not Responsible, Belief their ship. A force of 130 special treasury was before the Senate finance com­ agents, deputy U. S. marshals a.nd However, both Dr. Onderdonk ^ d mittee. , Backiel said after quizzing Mrs. Suffered in His First New Jersey state police, '^to Bingham said he “possibly made a Drake that they did not believe she action simultaneously made 32 raids, mistake” in hiring Eyanson but in­ was responsible for her husbands Game; Was Talented and O m W A GREETS arrested 32 men and seized quanti­ sisted h^ saw nothing improper death. They announced for pimiica- SEVEN KILLED, 12 HURT ties of Imported liquor. about it but Chairman Caraway tion that they were satisfied Drake Among those' arrested were argued Eyanson had been serving died from natural causes despite ms Popular at North End. ^ BRITISH P R E M IE Emanuel (Mannie) Kessler and two masters, the government and head injuries which they said might Morris Sweetwood, both of the association. Replying, Bingham have occurred from falls while un­ WHEN OLD HOTEL BURNS have served terms in the federal said Eyanson had turned back all der the influence of liquor. After being confined to bed for prison at AUanta for large scale money received from the govern­ Wife’s Story. more than a year unable to use bootlegging operations. ment and the only reason he had Mrs. Drake’s story was that she either his arms or legs as the result I WAYS OF A WOMAN Enthusiastic Reception for Kessler and Sweetwood, however, been placed upon the pay roll was so had been living at the home of h?r of paralysis which developed from a Trapped by Flames, Victims , ARE QUEER INDEED. __ Ill* 11/1 / were released later at Trenton, tbe he would be under discipline of the husband’s brother, George Drake on football injury, Stanley Matthew Senate. the main Wapping road a short di.?- Jamroga, 24 years old, of 471 North New London, Oct. 17.— (AP)— MacDonald; Hold Confer- Walsh Sarcastic tance away for three weeks because Main street, died late last night at A brand new variety of spite act present operations. Were Smothered ia« Their developed here. A woman was Several times committee members her husband had made life the Memorial hospital here. It was The raids were based on secret in­ burning leaves in her yard when ence With MacKenzie King insisted on “yes and no” answers by Sen. Hiram Bingham able during his drinking spells. It on October 7, last fall that the dictments returned by a Federal an unfriendly neighbor tele­ the Connecticut Senator who at one had been reported that Drake had yovmg man met with the accident Rooms — Woman Leaps Grand Jury at Trenton N. J. phoned to fire headquarters that junction told Senator Walsh, Demo­ been missing for several days. Ihe which crippled him for more than a had an observer present at the hear- a serious blaze was in progress. crat, Montana, that if he would ’’not first information of his death came year and finally took his life. Jam­ Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 17.— (A P .)— BOTH MEN FREED. be so sarcastic” he would appreciate *ngs injine tiou e from Window. Two companies and a crowd re­ Ramsay MacDonald arrived in Ot­ Connecticut Interested when Mrs. Drake came running up roga had never played football be­ sponded, to the embarrassment of Trenton, N. J., Oct. 17. (A P )-— it. , the street to the Buckland residence fore in his life. Last season he re- tawa from Toronto today to dis­ Emanuel (Mannie) Kessler and The witness explained he- has asked “Connecticut is vitally interested the bonfire maker. in the tariff. Consequently, when I screaming, “ Fred is dead. pprted as a candidate for a line Seattle, Wash., Oct. 17.— (AP)— cuss with Premier MacKenzie King Morris Sweetwood, two of the men the association to “loan” him an ex­ position on the Cloverleaves of ^e taken into custody ih the raids on pert on tariff who understood the was put on the finance committee I Galled Local Police. Trappedflam es, seven persons Caiiada’s part the peace and north end. rum nmning headquarters during needs of Connecticut as he himself felt the great importance of having Mrs. Buckland said ,th^ ' naval limitations moves which he a knowledge of everything that Drake was trembling like a leaf and Hurt In First Game lost their lives and twelve others the night, were released after was qot familiar with the situation. The first two games of the season, were burned or otherwise injured in I Instituted with President Hoover lengthy conference with Philip Fore­ Walsh estimated the “people of state needed in the way of tariff that tears were streaming down her rates, not only for industry but for face as she exclaimed that she had Jamroga did not get into the line­ a fire that swept through the Port­ last week. man, United States district attar- America will contribute by tariff up, being held in reserve. Then came Brandegee ney, Douglas Hicks this morning taxes to the prosperity of Connecti­ agriculture. found her husband dead. Mr- Buck- The British prime minister’s con­ the third and his team rolled up a land hotel here early today. Neither of the men was mentioned cut $632,000,000” under the pending “Knowing some of our industries land notified Manchester Firemen believed that all bodies ferences with the premier will be needed help I decided to get the ^^c^t headquarters where he was told hov/ safe lead. (3oach Jerry Fay sent in in the indictments returned by the bill compared with $556,000,000 un­ Jamroga to one of the tackle posi­ had been recovered from the the last official sessions for Mr. expert I could find to help me.” to get in touch with state police. smoulding ruins. Several of the in­ Federal Grand Jury. der existing law. Bingham then read a letter he tions. On the very next play, the The authorities were satisfied the Two officers, Albin Backiel and jured were in a critical condition and MacDonald before he sails from Bingham’s Answer wrote to E. Kent Hubbard, presi­ first in which he had ever participat­ men had nothing to do with liquor Patrick O’Toole, came to the scene some were not expected to live. Murdered, Canada for home early next week. The answer to that, Bingham said, dent of the Connecticut Manufac­ ed, Jamroga was injured. As in most in an automobile. They, too, were operations unearthed at "the Man­ cases where a new player comes in, The cause of the blaze was un­ Great Welcome was that Connecticut contributed turers’ Association, asking him to strongly inclined to believe tha- sion” at Highlands, where they were the opposing team sent a play determined. Firemen said the seven The welcome extended by Ottawa more to the upkeep of the govern­ “loan” a man to assist him on the there had been foul play. who died probably had suffocated €irrcstcd. ment in Federal taxes than many tariff bill. through his position. The players to Mr. MacDonald, his daughter, The other 30 men, who were ar- Boom Upset piled up and when they were un­ while they slept. None could be Ishbel and their official party re­ western states. Letter to Hubbard Chairs were upside down, feath­ identified at once. The building was j The verbal exchanges between tangled, Jamroga was lying uncon­ Report sembled that given them in Toron- (Continued on I’age 3.) The letter to Hubbard read by ers from pillows were strewn all scious on the ground. For several an old brick structure. , to. After the party’s spe9ial train ] Bingham and the committee con­ Bingham to the committee, follows: over the tiny kitchen and bedroom months afterward he lay at death’s John Fitzhenry, who turned in the ______i had ended its overnight trip from j tinued up to the time he was ex­ “As you know, many matters of adjoining. There was blood on the door at hospitals in Hartford but alarm, said he saw the fire through I Toronto the visitors were greeted cused from the stand and Eyanson great importance to the manufac­ door leading from the kitchen into finally gained suffeient strength to a window of the hotel. He added that Washington, Oct. 17.— (AP) ;at the raUroad station by Premier called. Eyanson testified his salary turers of Connecticut and our citi­ the b-2droom where Drake lay kalf- make it advisable for him to be re­ it looked like it was burning on a I AMEICAN ENVOYS as assistant to the president of the zens generally will come up during kneeling against the side of the bed The Washington Evening Star I moved home. stairway. 1 association was $10,000 a year. Dur­ the extra session, particularly while as if saying prayers. He was fully Given Every Aid. Managed By Japs says today that benator 15lea.he | various legations, and Sir William ing hid stay in Washington, he^ saM the tariff is being discussed in com­ ‘ clothed except for right puttee, shoe said about his Hospital authorities said at the The hotel was operated by K. of South Carolina, had receiv-; clark, British high commissioner, nothing had been ‘ mittee and on the floor of the Sen- and stocking. They had been taken Mayeda, a Japanese, whose wife WIN BANK FIGHT salary but upon his return home he | g^^g time that he would never regain tlie j Through lines of policemen the par- off as if he were about to undress was critically injured when she leap­ ed a letter expressing the be- had received a check for $1,0QD from I am wondering whether there is for bed. Drake was a lover of horse- use of his limbs; that it was only a lio-p fhof tVio Ifltp Spnator i ty was taken to automobiles for the question of time before his injury ed from a third story window. The lief that the late ^^nator government house wherq the Senator which he had not cash­ any one from whom you could loan hack-riding and always wore leath­ me as an expert adviser on tariff would prove fatal. His family, how­ dead were all white persons FrEnk B- BrEndeges oi L^on-1 visitors will be guests for three ed. er putts. Federal Reserve Now Has “Why didn’t you cash it,” he was problems, particularly those in Assault Seems Positive ^ ever, refused to give up hope an.i neeticut, was murdered. days. which Connecticut is interested. kept a constant vigil at his bedside &slt6d.» Blood stains were also in evidence quarters of the proprietor’s were be­ At the time of his death in j From here the prime minister “I did not think I was entitled to “It seems to me that it would be of the bed clothes which Every possible medical aid was giv­ on some ing investigated by firemen. -ino/1 „ I’nvYY vonrirtpil' to Montreal, but Sir William Veto Power m h tem a - it and I did not want to take any advantageous if I could have some en the stricken young man and tor 1924, a coroner s jury reported vdred.city officials there that All Laborers death had resulted from sui­ pay from Senator Bingham and I one on whom I could rely for sum- (Continue on I’age *J) several months appeared to be hold­ Mr. MacDonald is “compelled at have Intended to return it to him 1 maries and briefs giving the facts Virtually all of the guests of the the end of his extended tour to re­ tional Bank Affairs. ing his own. hotel were laborers, living in the cide. . personally.” i and arguments in favor of such Then about two weeks ago, Stan­ strict public engagements to the rates as the neoplC of Connecticut Pacific northwest. The Star added Blease had Got Two Checks ley contracted a hard cold. He had The wife of the Japanese proprie­ received the letter from a narrowest limit,” and will be un­ ^den-Baden, Germany, Oct. 17.— believe should be adopted in the Insufficient strength to offset it. able to attend an official reception j In the course of Eyanson’s testi­ general interest. ' TAKEN FOR RIDE tor of the hotel was the first to be woman and proposed to place (AP)—The American delegation to mony it was developed that he re­ Simday his condition became critical brought to the hospital. Panic arranged, for his arrival Monday, j the Bank of International Settle- "There is no one in my office who it before a Senate committee ceived two checks as Bingham’s is famihar with thl.s general field. and Rev. C. T. McCann, pastor pf Montreal city officials, however, j. ments conference, led by M. A. secretary while he wfas in the capi­ “ Our hearings will probably begin St. Bridget’s Roman Catholic (Continued on I’nge ID investigating the Washington will greet Mr. MacDonald at the 1 Traylor, of (Chicago, today won Ita IS STILL ALIVE tal, but that he had turned the first about May 10. During the hearing.' church, was called to the home to railroad station. 1 fight for the adoption , of a veto police department. over to Bingham, and the second, many questions will arise on whiclix give the last rites of the church. The clause having particular bearing on At the time of Senator Bran-1 1 at Bingham’s suggestion, to the I should like to have exnert advice. \ next day when it became apparet't 1 the position of the Federal Reserve that the end was near at hand, deg^’s death a note was found ! Senator’s regular secretary. Then when the committee begins i bank. ^ , _ “How did you ever know BinghaSn considering the bill in executive ses­ “ Lncky” Lucania, Broadway members of the family were sum­ STATE BUSINESS in his home written on Sen-: The clause places the Federal Re- NEW TARIFF BILL wanted you to turn over your salary sion r ought to have a well prepared moned home from work. A false re­ ate stationery telling where j ] serve bank in the position of never port spread quickly about the nortn to some one else?” Walsh asked. brief bn every schedule in which Racketeer Was Stabbed his body could be found in aj having to assent to any intema- “It was just assumed,” Eyanson Connecticut is interested, can you end that Jamroga was dead. i ON THE INCREASE I tlofial bank operation pr of having Always Optimistic. bathroom on an upper floor. TO BE ACCEPTABLE answered. “Knowing the Senator, I help me out?” I to dissent unless it so wishes, and assumed he would give the money to and Thrown Out of Anto. Those who visited Jamroga said Asphyxiation by illuihinating 1 yet at the same time prevents the Referring to the pay of the ex­ that he had a World of courage vm- his regular secretary.” pert, Bingham said he always paid gas was the medical finding. bank from doing anything contrary While he was in Washington, the til the very last. Although he re­ his clerks an g,dditional salary to C. of C. Survey Shows Im- Financial difficulties were said ' to Federal Reserve policies. witness said, communications he re alized the seriousness of his condi­ Senator Borah Says MeaS' veto clause that provided by law. New York, Oct. 17.—(AP.)— by his.friends to have greatly =«>*«?. the pr«ldent of the “Incidentally, Mr. Chairman.” he tion, he was under the apprehension association were personal and urged CSiarles “Lucky” Lucania, 33-year- that he would eventually recover. He provements in Conditions worried him. International SetUements must con- continued, “I see statehients in the ure Will Be Approved by his return to Connecticut. papers quoting you as saying a law old Broadway racketeer, told police was ein unusually talented and wide­ Neither the authoritiesnor 1 form to the monetary policies of the The committee adjourned then un­ ly read young man and kept closely Central banks concerned. Before s r . y was violated by me in the personal today how he lived up to his name. friends of the late Senator til tomorrow. in touch with world affairs. He con­ Over Last Year. finsmeisd operation cah be carried payments to my experts.” He was "taken for a ride,” tossed ever have expressed any ;other President Hoover. versed eagerly with his many out by the international bank either BINGHAM ON STAND Bar Secretaries. out of a car in Staten Island for iielief than his death was by on a given market or on a given friends who came to visit him and Hartford, Oct. 17.—(AP)—Sur­ Washington; Oct. 17 — (AP) — Bingham then referred to various currency or before opening an ac­ dead, but got up and walked off. never once spoke of his own plight veyed from a statewide angle, busi­ suicide. Washington, Oct. 17.—(AP)— Senator Bingham, Republican, Con­ definitions of lobbyists and said he Lucania was found by a police­ in a serious light. Even when his ness conditions in Connecticut dur­ Senator Borah of Idaho said after a count In any country, the Bank of necticut, testifying today before the did not classify an “observer here to condition became grave, he did not International Settlements board man early today, blindly .groping ing September showed improvement call at the White House today he be­ Senate lobby committee regarding see that his interests grot a square hlB way along an unfrequented discuss the matter but bore up over September last year, it was an- 1(),000 ON STRIKE. must afford the Central hanks con- his employment of an official of the lieved a tariff bill would be passed Mmed an opportunity to dissent. deal before committees,” as a lobby­ Staten Island road, his face bruised bravely------. to the ..end, although .he nounced today by the Connecticut Connecticut Manufacturers’ Asso­ ist. He asserted he had asked per­ Brussels, Oct. 17.— (A P )—Twenty Central’s Powers and swollen smd several stab seemed to realize then that he dlda t gf commerce in its month- by Congress in shape w ych would ciation, said he had nevdr regarded mission to have “ one of my secre­ u. ai.T-YTotr Tn the manu-'coUeries employing 10,000 workers In event of disapproval, the pro­ wounds in his back. have long to live. 1 be acceptable to President Hoover. that body as a lobby organization. taries” accompany him to the secret Handcuff Him Shortly before midnight Tuesday fooinrino- Hnp limreases were dis-1 have been tied up by a strike of U,- The Idaho Senator is 6ne of the posed operation shall not take place. The official referred to, Charles meetings of the fihance committee The Central bank may limit ita as­ He told police three men had he was removed to the Memorial group of Republican Independents L. Eyanson, was expected to be and that shortly after that all “ sec­ hospital in W. P. Qulsh’s ambulance in total number of persons eriiployed,. whose demands for increased wage^ sent to a single operation or give a called later in the day. "As an em­ kidnaped him at 50th street and in total numoer oi pw f miners oa- opposing the bill in its present form. retaries” were refused entrance. and his death came a few minutes and In payroll figures He did not say whether he thought more general assent to carry on a ployee of Bingham he appeared at “He was on the government rolls Sixth avenue last night, handcuffed certain category of operations of a yiiTn, and taken him for a ride in before 11 o’clock last night. The More Telephones. talned increase of 3 per cent, and 5 the measure could be passed during the executive meetings of the Sen- one month and two days,” the Sen­ specified amount within a-certain ate^finance committee at the time New Jersey. When they stabbed funeral will be held at 8:15 Satur­ There were substantial increases per cent,, but they had asked for 5 the special session. ator added. “The first time ha day morning at Mark Holmes’ fun­ in the amount of gas and electricity per cent, and 10 per ,cent. His conference with the President time limit. The Central bank’s as­ the tariff bill was under considera­ turned the pay over to me and the him, he said, he lost consciousness sent need not be secured from the and awoke to find himself lying in eral parlqrs at 223 North Main used and In the number of ^telephones A serious coal shortage In Bel­ only lasted a short while. tion. second time I told him to give the street and at St. James’ church at gium is predicted unless the diffi­ withdrawal of funds to the deposit­ A t the outset of the day’s session. money to my clerk. So technical^ the Staten Island road. installed.' % Keeps l^lent Chairman Caraway asked Bingham 8:45. Rev. McCann will officiate and The total number of building per­ culty is settled Immediately, the coal Borah later said at the Capitol ing of which no objection ' has been he was on the government payroll Police said Lucania was a mem­ If he desired to make a statement ber of the Diamond'brothers gang, burial will be In St. James’ ceme­ mits issued was greater than during stocks now being less than 300,000 that the President had invited him r&lSBde although he drew no pay. September, 1928, but in six out of 13 tons. It is understood this careful phras­ and the < Connecticut Senator said “I want to say Mr. Bjyanson be­ and a friend of Thomas (Fatty) tery. Members of the Cloverleaves' to theYWhlte House but he did not the actlvltlea of the manufacturers’ football team are expected to act as communities reporting permit valua^ feel he could with propriety divulge ing of the veto clause resulted from haved in exemplary fashion. He did Walsh, former Rothsteln bodyguard Mr. Traylor’s opposition to a pro­ association chiefly had concerned who was killed in Miami last win­ bearers. The funeral parlors will tions were less. Stamford’s valuation what took pl^e at the ipeetings, no lobbying. He saw no Senat<^ of permits was 37 per cent greater; TREASURY BALANCE. posal whereby Federal Reserve as­ manufacturing problems. ter. Lucania was questioned i t the be open from 7 o’clock tonight un­ except that it had to do with the “The only time I knew of the He never spoke out loud in the Bridgeport had a 33 per cent gain tariff bill. It was recalled that it was sent or dissent would have been mittee room.” g time of- the Hotsy .Totsy murders, til the fimeral for those who Washington, Oct. 17.—(AP)— mandatory thus vlrtualiy placing organization being In Washington for which John “Legs” Diamond wish to view the body. While in New Britain the value of Mr. Borah’s first visit to the White when’ the tariff bill was before Bingham praised the work i permits was less than in September Treasury receipts for October 15 the American government in, the was indicted, but convinced the po­ The. Family. were, $8,478,084.28; expenditures, House since before the debenture the House ways and means commit­ Stanley Matthew Jamroga was 1928. Retail conditions appeared tee.” Bineham continued. “They (Continued on Pase 2.) lice he knew nothing of the killings. satisfactory with a slight Increase $12,582,951.79; balance, $831,096,-1 (Continned on Page 8 ) He said he did not know why he (Continued on Pace (|Phree.if: In the volume of sales. , 639.41. • i had been given the ride. (Continoe on Page 2 ) 'u.. <:r. T* a PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929. BINGHAM TAKES BLAME, PARKER SMITH CO. M ile MURDE SEEN FRANCE S n U SUCKS ASKS TEST CASE MAKING PLANS HERE JAMROGA, HURT IN WAPPING DEATH TO HER SUBMARINES FOR RED CROSS MEET FOR HIRING AN E»>ERT TRIAL CONTINUES TO TRY BUYERS AYEARAGOAT state Convention to Be Held (Oontiimed tmm 'Page 1) , bb of Louisville order transfering. jurisdiction over *’You came here to make a state­ ^ d John B. McColloch of St. Louis in a fist fight and Drake received a were among i^ues rallying a few ment,” continued Walsh. ing was fairly heavy in volume. the naval oil lands to the Depart­ Lowering of the call money rate and then overturned, Miss Griffin black eye. She said it was the same points. Bingham then stated that no black eye which still showed plainly ABOUT TOWN Several soft spots persisted, how­ ment of the Interior. from 7 to 6 per cent., coincident being killed. “I took the responsibility” Denby other secretaries were in the same TJhe coroner also held criminally today when he was foimd. dead, in ever, the report of the Public Serv­ position as his own and all were with the passing of the nfld-month James F. Griffin of 433 Middle ice Securities committee of the^ In­ said “and made the leases whether stringency, stimulated the recovery responsible Nimar Coury and Wal- addition there were , two ^long ^ gashes w 1. regularly on government pay. He Turnpike East, who haa been on the vestment ‘ Bankers Association, I wanted to or not.” in prices. The time money market ter Lyons of Torrington for the 1 on each side of the head which explained that the secretaries were ' might have resulted from a blimt in­ sick list for the past few days, is re­ soimding a warning against unre­ was dull but showed an easier ten­ death of Bertha Lyons, 18, sister of all ejected from the committee ported as much improved. strained. speculation, causing fur­ dency. Some nervousness was ap- WaU%', in an auto accident at Tor­ strument. In addition there were room because a Senator believed rington on Sept. 17. several other smaller cuts. ther nervousness over the high price one of them was “leaking” informa- 1 parent over the weeWy Federal Ke- Men representing the State Agri­ levels in this grroup of shares. Amer­ SEEKS PUBUCITY serve brokers loan statement to be . Both findings are the outcome of Had Recent Visitors. LAST TIMES TODAY During the lengthy questioning, cultural Experimentation station ican and Foreign Power Warrants, In view of the sharp rally and the inquests. “Then your secretary was no who have been at work locally Commonwealth Edison, Central Springfield, Mass;, Oct. 17.— In view of the sharp raly and the Mrs. Drake brought in the names of A Surprising Combination of different from the others and all a Mr. and Mrs. Payne of Providence searching for evidences of the States Electric, Hydro Electric Se (AP.)—That concentrated effort be calling for payment of a large stock NEW FERRYBOAT Surpassing Features! ^ere put out because of the ‘leak’ ?” New London, Oct. 17.—(AP)—■ who, she said, had been visiting her Japanese beetle are. at present ^ in­ curities, and American Gm and E ec- qjj part of every chapter asked Senator Walsh.- subscription in the period covered specting the Wilson Nurseries. All trie were among issues showing re- jq j^ggp before the public through H. B. WARNER by the statement most observers The second of two new ferryboats husband a few days ago and who “Yes, when the Senate bells rang nursery stock bearing evidences of newed heaviness. , i. „ , „i the medium of the press the vital looked for a moderate increase. built for the Department of Health left him after a quarrel. How she LOIS WILSON for a quorum call Chairman Cara­ of the state of New 'York, was knew they had been quarreling was the beetle is placed under quaran­ Industrials were^ largely e * patriotic work which the Daugh- way asked a clerk to report the ab­ Except for the placing of a large tine and thoroughly inspected before though Stpidard Screw, ,, ters of the American Revolution are JASON ROBARDS order for rails by the Pennsylvama launched at the Electric Boat Com­ not cttvulged. The genera, opinion sence of Senators at the commit­ pany plant here at 10 o’clock today. Expressed by Wapping people who it can be shipped. All the local broke 45 points to 125 in a sm all, doing throughout the country and in roalroad, and the passing of the In­ turnover yesterday, rebounded 36 tee. The new vessel was christened the learned of the death was that, if it nurseries are being given the same in this fashion to combat the ad­ ternational Combustion dividend, points to'160. Aluminum Co. lost 15 “I’ll go over soon for myself,” Tenkenas, the Indian name for was a case of foul play, Mrs. Dra.und! states.” tained by the police and will have a FRESIDENT INAUGURATED Masonic Social Club and it the tariff rates, B ingh^ said “Did Information you got from Madison, N. J„ Oct. 17.^(AP)— have to ask Mr. F^anson cdurt hearing tonight. Mr. Eyanson change your position ‘ As a result of the story told by Dr.- Arlo A. BroWn was inaugurated Tall Cedars o f Lebanon 0 It that and it was for just such Final Reckoning No. 3 on any questions?” asked (Jaraway. Mrs. Lonsdale to the State police,- president of Drey University today. 1 LATEST NEWS EVENTS bs that r had him.” “Undoubtedly,” replied Bingham. State Policeman Austin went to Eductors and delegates from thirty 1 “BLONDES BEWARE” "ALL Giro. REVUE”- Walsh’s Gha^'ge “Then he did help write the bill?” Simsbury and there found Lonsdale five etates were present at the cere- I Friday Eve. Oct. 25 1 A Laugh Proving Comedy. A Dazzling Vttaphbne Act. '#alsh estimated that the “people “Well, any one writing a letter to living with Marlon E. Wilson. They tdony and more than two hnu'dred Ailiiiission 50c. , Masimic Temple of America will contribute by tariff ^ d fifty marched in the academic I a Senator giving him information, were both arrested. ' The Wllsop j ...... — .1.^— taxes to the prosperity of CJonnecti- then helps to write leelslatlon ” woman has a child 18' months old. proeeaeion. cuC $632,(K)9,000 under* the proposed ’ u T - . .

tire you can iuy f^ood jumtiurij. Mexico City I Oct. 17.— (A P )— Among signs of the approaching | (Furnished by“niuiain & Co.) presidential election:— ^ Central U o w .' Hartford, Conn. Partisans of Jose Vasconcelos, Five ItaliaAi Societies to Be . anti-reelectionist nominee, pur­ . 1 f. M. Stocks. r Clearance Sale ■ Present When Howell Che­ chased by subscription a, tullet Police Commissioner and B an k S t ^ B Jast Retiumed from Orient ney Makes Presentation. proof vest to project their leader , :'-c v B ld ;v Asked •I against attack. Senor Vaconcelos nST’P ! Bankers Trust Co. Five Italian societies of Manches­ 1 rejected the gift. . ■ I'City Bank and 'Trust . 635. 650:^; ot Sample Furniture W. C. Cheney WiB Ad­ ter will have representatives at the Cap Nat B&T ...... 475 Christopher Col\imbus .Essay Con­ Antique Collection, 11lonn. River 425■ test exehcises at the High School First Bond' & Mtg .. 48 dress First Meeting. Auditorium, Sunday afternoon at IRREGULAR HABITS Htfd C T C ($25 p a r). 170 180 o’clock when Howell Cheney, chair­ First Nat Htfd ...i.. 255 man of the school board, virill present KEEP KING; WELL I In the window, of Edward J. Land Mtg and 'Title' y.. 40 Colonel w n uam C. Cheney, who the teh prize essayists viith silver ! Murphy’s d ru g , store on Depot Mutual B&T 240 i Square is a most interesting exhibit do, vtc ...... 240 has ■ just recently returned from a medals. The I^lian club will be repre­ Alfonso’s Personal Physician in connection with the Golden New Brit Trust'..., — 200 co^^ined business and pleasure trip sented by Joseph Naretto, John Says Monarch is Regular in Jubilee Celebration of'Edison’s in- Park St. B a n k ...... i .1400. W^tlie Orient, will be the speaker at Vicki; Daughters of Italy, Mrs. Nothing. iTention of the inc&descent fight. rts W . L . 325 the first meeting of the season of Mary Della Fera, Mrs. Paul Cor- Most of the articles exhibited are Riverside Trust .,.. i 675 from the collection of Mr. Murphy West Htfd Trust -.. .. 475 members of Cheney Brothers Get renti, and Mrs. Anna Della Fera; Chicago, Oct. 1 7.--(A P ) — who for a number of years has col­ I Bonds. Christopher Columbus society, John King Alfonso of Spain is in Together Club. The-dinner and en­ lected antiqufes as a hobby. Htfd & Conn West 95 Rota, Joseph Borello; Sons of Italy, “beautiful health,” his personal tertainment program will be held on The development of fighting de­ Bast Conn Pow 5s . 100 103 Ugo Pagani, Joseph Barto, Thomas physician. Viscount Aguilar, Sapienza, and Louis Genovesi; Sub- vices is forcibly demonstrated by the Conn L P 7 s ...... 116 118 Tuesday evening, Oct 22, at sis said today, because “he has Alpine club, John Andisio, Battista exhibition of an old fashioned Conn L P 5Vis ...... 105 108 I o’clock in- Cheney Hall. never been a man of regular candle mould, obtained , froin the Conn L P 4V^s 98 100 r • Ansaldi. , ^ habits.” Viscount Aguilar is at­ 1 The Weaving and Throwing de­ The ushers wU be, Madeline home of one of Connect!cuts earli­ Htfd Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 tending the American College partments will be in charge of the Vesco, Josephine Sapienzo, Teresa est settlers, the method of preparing Insnrance StocKs. ! dinner and it will feature products Della Fera,p.Jna Gatti, and Alba of surgeons. the candles being the placing nt Aetna Caslty ($10 p ^ ) 248 258 ’ “My sovereign has never been Aetna Insurance ...... 765 ' 780" of the harvest season with turkey as Cignetti. v cotton wicks in the center of the a slave to regular diet, 140 ’ the main coiurse. The Weaving and Each of the ten essays on ‘ 'The mould, and pouring, of tallow while Aetna Life ($10''parJ, ;137 ’ regular sleep, regular exer­ 61 Throwing departments have . a life and Achievements of Christo­ hot, around the /wiCks, later expos­ Automobile. ($10.par) . 57 cises, or ' regular anything 2540 reputation for putting on a, fine din­ pher Columbus”' will be read by the ing the mould to cold temperature, Conn. General ...... 2490 else. He is not so stupid,” the 85 ner each time it comes their turn. W ters. There will be two speakers which would allow the easy removal do, rts ...... 81 physician ''said. “Consequently 180 A turkey dinner always brings out and an orchestra will provide musi­ of the candles. A handmade wrought do, ($10 par) W - I- 170 at the age of 43 he is in beauti­ Hartford Fire ...... 1065 1080 a large attendance and with added cal numbers. irion .candle stick of colonial hi.s- ful health, and he'has never had Htfd Steam Boiler ... 770 790 attraction of a talk by ‘.Billy tory is shown with an elevator slide a serious illness in his-life. Lincoln N at L i f e ...... 123 127 Cheney the dining hall should b on the side to raise the candle as it “The only worry he causes me. National ($10 par) 97 101 filled to capacity Tuesday night. TELL SCHOOL, PUPILS burned down into the holder. Next arises from the fact he is so Phoenix ...... ,1030 1045 Preceding Mr. Cheney’s talk a came the whale oil or sperm oil type busy he does not get enough ’Travelers ...... 1805 1825 short entertainment program will be lamps and two very interesting ABOUT nRE nGHTlNG sleep— in my opinion. Even Public Utility Stocks. offered. Edward Taylor is chairman types of this lamp are shown, one a kings should sleep eight hours, Conn Elec Sve ...... 135 140' in charge of this part of the evening so-called-V, “parlor lamp”lamn” with tWOtwo but he only gets six and a halt. Conn. P o w e r ...... 132 136 and a most amusing half hour is as­ wick attachments and “snuffers” Chief Albert Foy and L. N. “Perhaps it Is his moderation do, pfd ...... 110 sured. Members who have not ai for burning the sperm oil and a ready secured tickets are urged to Heebner, superintendent of the in eating and drinking which Hart E L (par 25) .. 136 140 colonial “Betty lamp” made of brass South Manchester fire alarm system counteracts the bad effects ot do, rts ...... 17% .18% see their mill secretaries right away. with handle and base all hand ijiade. spoke to the children of the South insufficient sleep. He eats less Greenwich W & G pfd 94 98 A n antique “candle snuffer” witli and Keeney street schools ttinn half the amount the aver­ do, vtc ...... 130 140 brass tray completes this period of EVANGELIST CJ^eT gETS this morning on the subject of fire age man does and he drinks very Htfd Gas ...... 90 94 prevention and kindred subjects. lighting' history. The introducti''n do. pfd ...... 50 W hat does your home need? lightly.” The workings of the modem fire of coal oil and later kerosene as a S N E T C o ...... 192 202 LARGE ATTENDANCES alarm box was explained in detail lighting agent is represented in a Manufacturing Stocks. with especial emphasis laid on the rare type of “snow drop” glass, of a Acme W ire ...... 63 68 need of care in breaking the glass in collection found in an early Pennsyl­ do, pfd ...... 112 Rev. A. B. Carey of Beacon, N. Y., the alarm box. The Chief warned BOOZE RUNNERS 68 vania home and added to this col­ Am Hardware ...... 66 continues to fill the Nazarene the children to use care while play­ lection. Amer Hosiery ...... 27 church each evening with those de­ ing in the vicinity of the alarm Then is exhibited a reproduction American Silver .. 27 — siring to hear him preach. Mr. lights on the streets. HAD FORTRESS of the first Edison lamp made fifty Arrow H&H, pfd .. 103 V2 106 NDOORS Fall speaks of new things Carey’s stories of his actual exper­ A general picture was drawn be­ years ago and then one of the c.d do, com ...... — 44 decorative and useful. It is the time iences, and his interpretations of ginning with the moment of the “Mather lamps” made, first on Shei- Automatic Kefrlg ---- 10 I when one’s thoughts are turned to­ many things that hitherto have been fires discovery and through to its don street in Hartford in 1883 a."-! Bigelow Htfd, qom 91 93 ward planning a few changes here and i in doubt in the minds of Ws hearers, termination, showing the proper AS THEIR BASE do, pfd ...... 100 later removed to Manchester, whsie have created a profound interest in action of children of school age on th e re to make the’home more beautiful the factory now housing the Bon Billings and Spencer 11 11% this series of revival meetings. ‘the streets at the time with refer­ Ami plant was built to accom­ Bristol Brass ...... 35^ 39 and liveable. ' A new suite for the living Many of the Nazarene church peo- ence to safety. 'These talks given in (Continued from Page 1.) do pfd ...... 108 A . Ojdd all Manchester schools, while deal­ modate the growing industry. room. few distinctive pieces. A fi pie beUeve him to be one of the best Case, Lockwood & B .. 550 ing with matters of common knowl­ rested in the raids from New Y opk type of lamp used in the local 3liK| new lamp or rug. Watch these trans­ o f,the many ev^gelists toey have Collins Co ...... 120 130 edge, are intensely interesting .to to Atlantic aty. wiU be arraigned in mills about 1877, a lamp of large ever had here. \ ♦ Colt’s Firearms ...... 33 36 form yrour home and create a new air of A cordial Invitation i^ extended to school children. The demonstrations Federal Court today. , " bulb dimensions, is shown as the Eagle Lock ...... 46 49 life' townspeople who have not al­ lead the yoimgsters to look at the Hicks stated that Malcolm Mc- next step in lighting and even harmony and comfprt. Kafnir Bearings ...... 100 11.0 ready heard him to do so before it littie red box on the street comer Masters, who was arested as opera­ though one may consider that wc Fuller Brush A ...... — . 18 But that isn’t all. Those things s.o is too late. The last of this series in a far more intelligent light. The tor Of the radio.shack at “the Man­ progress, it is interesting to note do. Class A A ...... 72 of revival meetings will be held Sun­ incidental talks show the dangers sion,” faced a sentence of five years that this bulb, hxe the radio tube necessary and desirable to your home can H art & Cooley ...... 160 day. evening -at 7:30. . It was an­ of jaywalking while the apparatus in Federal penitentiary on a charge of today, took twelve or fourteen be purchased, at a fraction of their regu­ nounced that no meeting would be Hartmann Tob 1st pfd 70 is enroute to a fire. of operating an unlicensed station. minutes to “heat across” before it 30 lar cost during- the Clearance Sale of Sam­ h d d Saturday evening, but in com- do, com ...... 25 gave light. inter Silver ...... 137 145 ple Furniture at our Uptown Showrooms. pHance with the desire of many it INTERNATIONAL RING Next is shown the modern type ot Landers, Frary and Clk 66 69 has been decided that Evangelist New York, Oct. 17.—Foreign lamps found today everywhere ami We are forced to discontinue them be­ Mannibg & Bow A ... 16 18 CaJrey preach as usual Saturday ABOUT i m agencies, in England and in Cana­ in completion a very new type ot cause other arrangements have been made Beautiful, and usefifi , this do. Class B ...... 10 12 lovely spinet desk in lus­ ni^ht at 7:20. da, were linked today by federal at­ flashlight Which in reality is a port­ for the use of the building. Rather than New Brit Mch., pfd .. 100 trous mahogany is but one A number of the members of Or- torneys with the $1,000,000 rum able electric light plant. From Che - 7 dp. com ..... ,3§ 41 move the. sample furniture on display \ \ ;e of the many similar - values. ‘ smuggling syndicate whose forti­ ■ candle mbulds of more than 15!» ford Parish Chapter, Daughters ot Nils Bern Pond ...... 44 46 prefer to clear it out quickly at bargain Formerly $36.50. Now $23.59. MIERICAN ENVOYS fied arsenal, radio station, and yeafs ago ktid including; the set of the American Relolution are in Nor­ North & Judd ------25 prices. Everything goes at a big reduc­ t. wich today for the 36th annual warehouses extending all; the w a y ! candie sticks known to be 150 years 11 13 Peck, Stow and Wil tion for either cash or, credit. Come m * WIN BANK HGHT state meeting at the, Masonic from Highlands, N.. J., to Atlantic old, Mr. Murphy has assembled a Russell M fg Co ...... — 145 Temple, with Faith Trumbull Chap­ City were simultaneously raided by most interesting exhibit of the pro­ Scoville ...... 61 65 today and select those, .things for your federal agents and- New Jersey 100 ter of Norwich as hostess. gress of lighting as well as bringing rvnythe. Mfg Co. pfd , home. (Cootinoed from Page D state troopers last night. to the surface another citizen wiLh 1 1 *.h Thom Co., com 38 North Methodist Ladies Aid mem­ Both U. S. Attorney Charles Ham an (musual hobby. do. pfd ...... 25 %>osition of assuming responsibility bers are making plans for their fa.i Tuttle and Assistant U. S. Attorney Standard Screw ...... 160 170 for International bank operations. rummage sale, to be held Thursday, Robert W atts referred to the syn­ do, pfd ...... 100 rA s matters stand, if the Federal October 24 in the Buckland building dicate as “an international ring, SALVATIONIST WOMEN Stanley Works, com 57 59 Reserve does not desire to asisent or on Depot Square. with agencies in England, Canada Taylor & Fenn------140 dissent, it need not reply and re- and elsewhere.” , Torrington . ------81 83 s^nsibility for the given operation A t the same time they revealed • PLAN BIG MUSICAL 165 Mrs. Frederick J. Bendall of : Underwood ...... 163 825 would rest on the International Chestnut ‘street has bought the that the syndicate operated not I Union Mfg Co ...... ■ 17 20 UPTOWN bPTiir On the contrary whenever the only along the Jersey coast, but dwelling house on Main street just U S Envelope; pfd ... 113 MAIN STREET proposed operation seems harmful north of Campbell’s Filling station. practically controlled all illegal im­ Prominent Vocalists and In­ I do, com...... 225 SHOWROOMS to: the Federal Reserve, it can either The house was built by Mrs. Ben- portation of liquor from Maine strumentalists on Program; signify opposition 4o the Americans dall’s father, the' late Charles H. the Virginia Capes. Principal Quimby in Charge. on the directorate, or communicate Bloom, well known Manchester Connected With Banlcs | directly with the .Bank of Interna­ building contractor who died in Oct­ Mr. W atts said the ring had Women’s Home Leaguers of the tional Settlements. “financial connections with Ameri­ n : y . ober of 1926. Salvation Army have plans well un­ The conferees also adopted the can banks,’ but whether this meant der way for their grand musical en- j ------fwki text of the permissive Intema- The Manchester Green Commun­ that the banks were actually en­ tertainment to be given on Tuesday!' pnm tibnal bank functions, but the press ity club will holds its regular busi­ gaged in financing its operations or . . . 4478 sub'Committee has not divulged the ness meeting in the Green- schno! merely carried its accounts was not|evemng. Jlj® I Am Bosch Mag '. 6378 I details, saying the provisions gen- assembly hall tomorrow evening at 8 ■..-.168’/2 Radio Keith . s'*...... '.. i... -34% ' eraHy are those already contained in o’clock. "^ ■ S iifr^ n g not only was conduct- so p r^ o : “ t | f ^ o r p ! i .7.. 144 ; . .. . ‘.:V..^.129 the annex to the Young plan out­ Reading .. ; ing smuggling of contraband on an i baritone of this town, and; Am Internatl ...<.. ..1 79 Remington Rand '55% THE SA YIHGS AND DO!HES OF SPEFB O DAY CF lining the bank’s proposed functions. . . 66% The confirmation classes of boys enormous______scale, with ramifications j master of ceremonies. Principal : ------Rep Iron and Stl ...... 122 It was denied today that the In- j C..L2378 and girls at St. M ary’s church will I England,------Canada ana .inowhor.elsewhere. p Quimby of the High school. Sears Roebuck - .^ 148% temational bank would speculate in . . . 45% meet in the parish house on Eriday said Mr. Tuttle, “but was, by prac­ The committee has also engaged j Am ^ d Stead San Simmons , ...... 168 exchange.. ...131 afternoons at 4 o’clock instead of tices which wifi be revealed in the Miss Carlisle of Hartford, a skilled j Am RoU M ill ...... Sinclair Con Oil f.. r... 34% W . T. Layton, British delegate, ...109% Wednesdays beginning this week. course of prosecution, virtually Skelly O i l ...... vi'i. i .. •'• 40% said: “The Ban.; 'of International banjo player and the M a x i^ ll Man- I ^ rj," ‘ ...2901^' monopolizing this business 'of ille­ dolin club of this town. They arel- Sou P a c ...... 140% Settlement is not primarily a bank Andrew Fiedler of 366 Hilliard Am er \Vater W ks . ,...1567 ;^;:.'ii.^”V.i49% gal importations. corresponding with an out of town Sou R'fhf ^ * (' for making profits on exchanges, street has reported to the police Andes C o p ...... ■ 49% 37% Mr. 'iuitle said prosecution of elocutionist and a pianist but have Stand Brands- ..... but to facilitate exchange. The mere that two dogs have killed 22 of his 57% . . . '•. •.194 % more than a dozen prisoners ar­ not definitely decided upon these Atl R e f ...... ; Stand G a i afid^Elec ". mutuafi knowledge of the Central rabbits, of which he raises a large B and O ..-,.132% 74% ! rested in connection with last entertainers. Stand O Calif when transfers occur should Bendix Aviat ...... 62 number. . night’s raids would be carried for­ Tickets are now on sale for the Stand Oil N ...... 80 tend to stabilize exchanges.” Beth Stl ...... '...... 114 ward at once. concert and may be obtained at Stand Oil N Y ^ • r • • V.;.. 437s Bill Waddell’s orchestra and Har­ Burroughs Add M ch ...... 89% Inquiry today at the local offices Kemp’s Music House, or the store of Stewart Warner ; . I’.:'.: 57% old Gates will be at the Rainbow to­ Can Pac ...... 216 of the Coast Guard and the Cus­ Edward Hess, and members of the Texas Corp. \ . 68 NEW TARIFF BILL night. On this Saturday night the Cannon Mills ...... 42% toms Bureau revealed that neither committee of arrangemexts, Mrs. Timken Det 'Axle . vr;:. 26% Commanders will present a special Cerro De Pasco 89% office had been told in advance what .John Lyons, Mrs. Rebecca Wright, .^railscont Oil..... • > 12% program. Both orchestras are ex­ Chi Mil St Paul and P p f ------60%. TO BE ACCEPTABLE the program of last night’s raids MTs. Thomas Maxwell and Mrs. Ar­ Union Carb . T...... 1 1 8 % tremely popular with patrons of the Chic and Nortew • 98%' .....lei was to be. United Aircraft night club and a large crowd is ex­ thur Kittle. Chrysler 58 Six Coast Guard cutters, which United Corp '• • ■ 59 Don’t let your car hand you any pected to attend. Col Gas and Elec ...... 112% 5ATTEI0I TOWINQ (rontiiinwl from Pace 1) worked during the raids in pairs off -U S Realty and Imp , 89% spock surprises. See that it is in Coml Inv T m st ...... 71% Sandy Hook, City Island and Mon- U S Rubber .. i..... ■ ,.53% good working oisder before it hits 2 4 H R . Helen Davidson Lodge, No. 98, CAR BARN FOUNDATION Consol ^5as ..142^ -.217 :,K-i contest over the farm bill. tauk Point, were dispatched out of U S Steel' . ; •.. SERVICE tee road. Let Speed O’Day look it Daughters of Scotia, will hold its j Contin Can ■., ...... 82 S E R V IC a The Idahoan did say he thought the N ew London, Conn., base, un- j Util Pow and jt A.,. '46% over. He knows a car, like a book regular meeting in 'Tinker ball to­ ! CoiTi Prods . . . - ...... *'. * .123% 1.1. :i the Senate would pass the tariff der sealed orders that had come j STONE USED ON BRIDGE W arner l4c' ; • 5 3 - morrow evening at 7:30. The busi­ j Curtiss Wright ...... 15' ..... % measure this session, perhaps by from Washington. Westingbouse Air . • ■ 59 ness will include the election of of­ I Dupont de Nem ...... * .186% ...225 ' November 20, but believed final ac- The sealed orders assigned the Westingbouse E3 and Mfg tidn on the conference report would ficers and a report of the national In Ie Ibc P ow and L t 63 * 9 2 ■ convention held this fall in PhUadel- destroyers to assist 10 Customs Sandstone Blocks Come Woolworte ” ■. - /.rti-i'i • b e delayed until the regular session ijlrie 80- Yellow 'Truclt 22% phia by Mrs. Margaret Sutherland,. Bureau speed boats, carrying' .LOO Handy in Repair Work at ,Auier Tank ...... 117^^ iU December. w ho’w M sent as a delegate by the agents, in intercepting any. small “W e want to see a bill passed in Bridge Street Structure. Gen Elec ...... i.... *..•••• .*.351 locsd lodge, craft enroute to shore with Ijqiior Foods 62^2 the shape we want it and we think ______from the larger ships outside the CONTRACTS APPRWED w e <*aTi shape it,” he asserted. 'r h e 'r e d sandstone blocks that Gen Gas and Elec A,.-;...... 95’% MA UTATEDGUIin DED1I harbor. The Customs boats were formed part of the foundation for Glen Mot , 6 4 “Do you believe it will satisfy the nU W Alllllw IlIiy I tlllL stationed also off Coney Island the car bam s when they were built Graham Paige iV.... .'•.‘.I ’.', .'i 17 Washington, ’ Oct. -T7.—'-(A P ) farm er?” he was asked. creek, Atlantic Highlands, . and ‘T think it will if it ever passes,” and which were left standing when Hershey Choc ...... 137 Cohstructioii^ contracts for tee new Jlockaway Beach. The destroyers the barns were tom down, are be­ Inter Combus ...... 22 % he replied. Borah reiterated that the The conflict of viejvs between R. North station and othcrir terminal and customs boats got nothing, ing used'to' good advantage in the Inter Harv . . . /...... 112% western Republicans would do all A. Simonson of Lake street, town facilities a t Bostdri a v ^ d e d Dwight however. work that is being done on the Inter Hydra Elec . ■.;... 53 % they could to hasten action by the of Vernon, and the Manchester P. RobliAon Company by the Bostou Bridge street bridge. The stone W ater company, over the latter’s Inter Match Pet pf ...... 80' • & Maine raaitcraid,'w6re held today Senate. from which the bridge was i "built Inter Nickel of Can 51% by the Ihtetstace Gominerce Com­ desire to enter upon Simonson’s came originally from, the Wolcott property for health inspection pur­ SEVEN KILLED, 12 HURT., Inter T .and, T ...... 124% mission to be. not in violation of the quarry in Buckland. 'The stone that Johns M an sville ...... A ...... 201 PLANE TEST FAILS poses, has been amicably adjusted. was used in the foundation “for the Clayton Anti-Trust Act. ‘ The inspection was finsdly arranged Keneqott Cop ...... j. 80% Edmund D. Cddmafi, • in bringing BLIMP DAMAGED WHEN OLD HOtEL BURNS car bam also*came from the same itreuger and Toll ...... 37 • W A N T E D and disclosed that conditions .on the complaint, charged teat at tee quarry, but had been used in tee T-ipLi Valley ...... i...-83% Butler, Pa.,' Oct. 17.— (A P .)— Montecello, Italy, Oct. 17— (A P) Simonson’s f^ m were sanitary and time tee railroad awarded tee con­ Old Hugs and —Major Maddalenk, Italian ace who building of tee Union, njill on Union May Dept Stores ...;...... i • • 89 i The Goodyear Tire and Rubber' Co. that there was no danger of con­ (Conilnaed from Page I tracts, appipxlmatipg $50,000, Honi- started from the air field here at street. When tee mill was being Miami Cop ...... - 40 blimp, tee VigUamt was deflated and tamination of the watershed. < er Losing was chialrn(iM,of its exec­ Carpets 7122 a. ifi-, (1:22 a. m-,.E. S. T.) to torni;doMi tee stone was, taken part Mo Kan and Tex ...... *... 58 prepared for shipment, by truck-to stricken and choked by snaoke;^ ^ e from' the mill; aud part., ftem 'tee utive ■ conunlttee .rjid' _wh$ also suu- Akron, Ohio, today after a high try for a new endurance'flight re­ opened a window on the third ‘floor- Mont W ard /...... 106 % Old Clothing cord, was obliged to land after .nine quarry which was teen 'being used ...;... .^y.T19% Btantlally lfitereated as, a sfockhoid-" wind had damaged it at tee Pitts- !»UBUC RECORDS pf the hotel and leaped to the street* -Natl Cash Reg A To Make Into Beaiififnl hours in the air owing to a break in to some extent.. Natl Dairy Prod ...... 68 erf iff tee, construCtibn c o m p ly . , ,,, burgh-Butler airport near here. . . An awning broko her fall but ^ e The town highway department is *1116 commis^on^ held that / ,LQrlng Plain Color Rugs . ^ water pump of his engine. Natl Pow and.Lt .’. ...a...... 50 The blimp was on its way back suffered a ‘broken leg and other in* having tee sides of tee bridge rais­ H « will resume his flight as, soon Building Permit Nev Con Cop . . , 44 was Interested in the consiructl.on Please Write juries. - ed about three feet and are.,extend­ to Ohio affter a cruise over Pennsyl­ BS r e p ^ r s have been made to his A permit was issued this morning N Y Cent'...... a...... 224 , company prior to June,4^ pot P. 0. Box 247 Three firemen w ere, overcome,by ing wings on either side of the vania and in New York. It becaune Savoia-Marchetti S-64. to Cheney Brothers for the erection, N Y N H and H ...... 128! % found that pe haul disposed ,of his smoke..There waS very little blaze bridge to a height, of eight feet. The lost twice ilaat night and again to­ South Manchester * of a sedimentation plant west of North'Amer ...... a •'0, • |0 a * . .14,1 Interest before the awarcttng.^o.f* the but the dense smoke made fire fighte stone hsis been removed from tee day., I t finally was directed to. th e' BRIEF SESSION Pac Gas and El ...... 68^4 contract June 16, 1926^ ■ OJeott street. cai;bam baseinent apd is njaking a Pittsburgh-Butler airport by an ECONOMY R li^ €0. Marriage Intentions ing' difficult. ' ' Packard M otor ...... a...... a*. 25^4 Firemen; succeeded in extinguish­ ■nerfect match^ with'' tee. addition to escort plane. The craft was tlednip ^Washington, Oct. 17. (A P .)— ^The Applications were filled yesterday Pan Am Eet B ...... 65% ing the flames in less than half an tee bridge. ' at tee airpoiit and later attempts E^use met today in a four-minute afternoon for marriage licenses by Para Fam Las,,.,...... ;,.v 7 2 % “There fufe' two kinds of f^Ueges hour. The old building was said by The wings that are ; being built were ffiade to take off again. The Lingering coughs and coffla on ' and ‘ adjounjed without James J. Connors of Hartford and ...... 10 1% iitt America.*’ a noted educator says. will keep back tee washouts teat |»enn ...... t^y. . \ . wind prevented a taike-off and the dangerous. 'llinMLt affii 'Bcozichw. any 'bustoess. Represen Miss Alice V. Edgar of .Spruce ooTice to be a fire trap,. ....;. 25%% PJndoubtedly. 'Those who wish they Joe McNamee. a fireman .who was- ocour» on Bridge street *'each“' time Phiia Read C and"! . ship rolled over, damaging the bated Balsam, for q u ^ Republican, Rhode street, daughter of, William EMgar. Pub Sve N J . ..‘....113% had fired the coach last faU, and at Maameil D nir Town E2ngLn- teose who wish they hadn't. rails.' r t S a of Speaker lougworUi. ; • Ml»a ElBaBeth Reilly, of tlito i>l»c«. a okyllfat. , oer Bo«n »ol» today. ■V


Harry A. Gajrfield of Williams col­ Ling^ing coughs colds J. P. MORGAN TO HEADj GARFIELD HEADS M ARD lege, but this was said at the White dangerous. Throi^ and G A^iliiAL " House \o Aave been nn erroneous Balsam for quick reOefi Only sol^ harvard ASSOCIATION iQipUcation. at Magnell Drug Cd.-fAdv^ 283—WTIC,-HARTFORPr’1060. ^ Leading PX Stations. Washington, Oct. l7. — (AP) — "" THtirstoyi'’October 17. 6:30—Heimhei^r'li'tribi ■' TO START SOON James R. GaiiHeld secretary of in­ Eva La GaUIcnne, director of the 7:00—Music memory contest. '405;S—WSB, ATLANTA—74Cfc terior ixL’i the Roosevelt administra­ :30—WEAP orchestra, songs. 7;0(li_Poniar’s dinner orciiestra. Civic Kepertory theater, trill present a 422.3—WOR, NEWARK—710. 7:30—Myer’s dance music. . Cambridge, Mass., Qct; 17.— (AP) tion was designated today by Presi­ scene from Ibsen’s “ H ^ d a Gabler” at 6:30—Uncle Doii's hour. 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) Pierpont Morgan,j Harvard '89 dent Hoover to be chairman of the C;30 Thursday night, to* be broadcast 7:00—Midshipmen; travel talk. 11:00—Entertainers; organ recital. and hea^ of the New York bank­ 'commission on conservation and 7:30—^Aviation elements talk. 293,9—KYW, .CHICAGO—1020. la of by WABC and associated stationa 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) Way Qeared for Action on ing firm of J. J*. Morgan and com­ management of the public domain. A S ilW 8:00—Salon orchestra with Virginia The scene takes place between Hedda Newbegen, soprano. 11:15—Dance music to 2:30. pany, has beep elected president of Mr. Garfield was one of the lead­ 1 ^ ^ N e w Gabler, trho will! be played by Miss Le 9:00—Repertory; artists; trio.; 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770. 7:00—Orchestra; organisL the Harvard-Alumni association for ers in the conservation movement c Gallienne. and Judge Brack, as inter­ 11:05—Dalley’a dance music. Kidaping of Striking MiU 11:30—Moonbeams concert. 7:30—Two dance orchestras. the current year in succession to under the Roosevelt administration. preted by Sayre Crawley. They ere 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 8:00—WABC programs (4 hrs.) Allston Burr, '89, of Boston, accord- It had first been Indicated that the '^VraRA-CONTROL ia the sitting room of Hed^a’s 7:00—Two piano boys, twins. 12:00—Studio frolic, dance music. I ing to an announcement at the uni- chairman would bO'-his brother, Dr, oheSh discovers that - ■ Judge- Brack knows 7:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 4 ■ 254.1—WJJD, CHICAGO—1180. Workers In Sonth.' that the pistols ^scovered near the 8:30—Sandy MarFariand’s hour. 9:09'-Mooseheart children’s honir. ; versity office today. O nly in Fada Sets dead body of Lbvborg are hers. If g;00—WJZ programs (2^i hrs.) 9:30—Studio- bub music hour. Mr. Morgan waa a member of the ho exposes her, there will.be a scan­ 348.6—WABC, NEW YORK—860. 10:30—Dance orchestra; artists. dal which she could not endure. If 6:30—Civic Repertory play, "Hedda 12:00—Artists; concert trio. Concord, N, C., Oct. 17.— (AP)— board of overseers of Harvard col­ lie respects lier secret, she will w- Gabler.” 416.4— WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—720 The way apparently was clear to- lege from 1909 to 1915, and from 10:30—Middlesex band concert. This new design principle ways be at his mercy. She solves her 7:00—Runback's .orchestra; songs. . day for earlyiiction by a grand jury 1916 to 1922. His election as presi­ problem by taking her life. The cur­ 8:15—Washington political talk. 11:20—Quintet; dance music, For all Colds tain falls with ■ the line by J'^dge 8:30—United States Army band. 12:00—Dream ship: dance music. ^ on charges of kidnaping, false arrest dent of the alunmi took place this amazes even the experts and- Brack. “ People don’ t do such things. 9:00—Detective story drama. 202.6—WHT, CHICAGO—1480. and assault with a deadly weapon, week at the annual October meeting Franz Schubert’S musical query, 9:30—Feature music hours. 10:b0—Studio concerL brought agaipst seven Gastonia men of Its directors, who selected as the will astound you too when “ tVho Is Sylvia?” will be sung by 10:30—Washington national forum. 11:00—Tour hour league. James Melton, tenor, during uie con­ liSOP—1 ^ 0 dance orchestras. 344.5— WLS, CHICAGO—870. as a result of an anti-Communist two vice-presidents, James M. ifor- you hear it. The most revo­ cert to be presented by the Revelers 12:00—Midnight reveries. 8;46_Three hired men; music. demonstration and disorders the ton, '91, of Fall River, United States OVERVfflMILliONr JARS USED YEARLY 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—660 g;30-^WJZ music hour. male quartet over the WEAF network 10:00—Symphony orchestra, tenor. night of September 9. 1 District Judge in Massachusetts, and lutionary achievement since at S. .. 6:00—Dinner dance music. 7 :00—Mid-week hymn sing. 11:15—Russo’s orchestra; quartet. The regular court docket, was I Albert A. Sprague, ’97, of Chicago. .)>■ 11:45—Studio dance music. the advent of the eledxic Wave lengths in meters cii left of 7:30—Comfort hour music. practically cleared last night and Henry C^ Clark, ’ll, of Prides’ station tiUe. kilocycles on the nj-hL. 8 :00—Sunshine hour with 1\Jplcome 447.5_WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. Crossing, who has been acting gen­ 'rimes are ail Eastern Standard. Black Lewis and Jessica Dragonette, 8:3()—Music hour; trio. solicitor Zeb V. Long and said he sets^come in today. face typo indicates best features. 9 :00—Revelers male quartet. 9:30—Concert orchestra. would present papers in the cases to eral secretary of the association, 9:30—Concert, drama settings. lOiOO—Concert; music hour. was made general secretary and ll:00i-WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. the Grand Jury this morning. Leading,East Stations. 10:00—Orel)estra, old counsellor. Kidnaping Charge treasurer, while George Whitney, Vibra-Controlled Screen 10:30—Feature musical program. 11:30—Dance orchestras. Aerials. • ’07, of New York Ciity, partner in J 272.6—W fG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 11:00—Concert Bureau program. . 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260. The charges grew from the alleg­ Grid Fada 2Sydth dynamic 8:00-»-Hymn' sing; organ recital. xi';30—iSvo dance orrfiestras. 7:00—WABC programs (3 hrs.) P. Morgan and company, was elected 10:00—Merry, ramblers dance. ed kidnaping of C. M. ^11, C. D.- OlOO—UlUe Club, entertainers. 933.5—WJZ,------NEVIiNEW YORK—760. Saylors and Ben Wells and flogging chairman of the standing committee speaker in a cabinet of burl 9:30—Soprano: songs, eaxophonist. 7:00—Talk, Mary E. Woolley. 11:00—Studio music hour. to nominate overseers of Harvard 10:00—Contralto; Subway Boys. 7:15—Three kings, a queen. 288.3— WFAA. DALLAS—1040. of Wells. Lell and Saylors, both of college, directors of the Alumni As walnut. N ew245 power tubes 10:30—Nicherson three; revelers. 7:30—Lopez dance orchestra. 7:30—WEAF orchestra, songs. Gastonia, are members of the Na­ 11:00—Follies Bergere orchestra. 8 :00—Serenade, with male trio and g;30—WJZ concert program. sociation and members of the Har- tional Textile Workers Union while 283—WBAL, —1060. ' Andy Sanelia, guitarist. 361.2—KOA, DENVER—830. ” '” -d Fund Council. in push puli. $165 less tubes. Msiequeradcrs orchestra. 8:30—Sports event dramatized. 9:00—Brown dance orchestra. Wells, who claims to be a British 7:30—^IVJZ programs (3V4‘ hrs.) 9:00—Male trio, tenor, music, 9:30—NBC programs (m hrs.) subject, is an organizer for the I “Tpur other members of the stand- M liere 11:00—Musical memories. 9:30—Rosario Bourdon’s orchestra. 299.8— WHO, DES MOINES—1000. ' ing committee who were named at 11:30—Peabody organ recital. 10:00—Mid-week dance program. 8:00—NBC programs (4 hrs.) Union, 645.1—WGR, BUFFALO—550. 11:00—Amos 'n' Andy, comedians 12:00—Favorite melodies hour. Fourteen men^ were arrested in the same time were, Edgar C. Fel­ IDM Ef|KlAlJTY 7:00—Van Surdam’s orchestra. 11:15—Slumber music. 374.8— WBAP, FORT WORTH—800. connection with the flogging. After ton, ’79, Haverford, Pa.; Dr. Eu­ 7:30—Charles music hour. 535.4— WFI, PHILADELPHIA—560. 8:30—Songs, instrumentalists. gene H. Pool, ’95, New York City; MAGANELL DRUG CO. 8:00—WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 6:00—Automobile club feature. 491.5— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. a preliminary hearing Judge 333.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—990. 7:15—Topics in season. . 9:00—NBC programs (1 hr.) Thomas J. Shaw released seven, but Joseph O. Proctor, Jr., ’01, Milton o fig in a te s 1095 Main Street, South Manchester 10:30—Band concert 8;00-tWEj\JP programs (3% hrs.) 10:00—Favorite: musical hour. and Samuel H. Wolcott, ’03, of Bos­ 243.8—WNAO. BOSTON—1230. 491.5— WIP, PHILADEDPHIA—610. 11:00—WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. ordered O. G. Morehead, William 6:45—Dinner dance music. 6:30—Oppenhelm’^s dinner music. 11:50—Orchestra: variety hour. Pickering, Carl Holloway, Dewey ton. 7:10—Mike and Myer. 7:00—Birthday list: piano solos. 12:4.5—Nighthawk frolic. Carver, Smiley Lewis, Tom Carver, 8:00—WABC programs (3% hra) 305.9—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. 11:30—Pearl's dance orchestra. 6:00—Little Symphony orchestra. 10:30—Standard S.vmphony orchestra. and Horace Lane^ all Gastonia cot­ 428.3—WLW, —700. 7:30—WJZ programs (4 hrs.) 12:00—Moore’s concert orchestra. ton mill employes, held under bonds J. A. Baugh, resident manager for a di o SjOO—WJZ programs (2 hrs.) l«;0n—Bestor’s dance music. 1:00—Slumber mtt.sic. of $7,500 each for Grand Jury ac­ the Loray mill of the Manville • kOO—Hall; Fillmore’s band. ^4.g_WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND—790. Jenckes Company, end they have 11:00—WJZ Amos 'n’ Andy, 0:00—Dinner dance music.'—' 12:00—Memory Lane: artists. tion. * 11:15—Ti-io: Latin-America hour. 7.-OO—Pianist; music-hour. 1:00—Slumber music hour. Bonds for tho men were signed by been at hberty." 12:00—Orchestra: artists hour. 8:00—WEAF programs (4 hrs.) 2:00—Musical mu.sketeers i;00—Little Jack Little, artist 12:00—Tracy Brown’s orchestra. 370.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 260.7—WHAM, ROCH ESTER—1150. 8:30—WABC programs (3 hrs.) 8:00—Invisible chorus. 7:00—Skiiltety’s dance orciiestra. 11:00—Politicians entertalnmenL 8:30—WEAP programs (I’ i hrs.) 7:30—WJZ programs (3% hrs.) 11:1.5—Two dance orchestras. 10:00—Smiling Ed; niusicale. 11:15—Theater organ recital. • 4461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—650. 11:00—Ramblers; harmony team. 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 7:00—String quartet, contralto. 11:30—Variety feature hour. 11:.5.i—Time; weather; ni.arkels. 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) 12:30-Two dance orchestras. 6:30—jidain’s dance orchestra. 11:00—Violin, tenor, piano, orchestra. 399.8—W eX-W JR, DETROIT—750. 7:00—-Quaker boys program. 309.1—KJR, SEATTLE—970. 8:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 7:30—.'Lgricultural program. 10:00—Artists en.semhle; soloists. 11:00—Egyptian serenaders. _ 8:00—V/EAP programs (.I’ i hrs.) ll:00-r-Sa1on orchestra, artists. 12:00—Organist; dance music. 11:30—Thcaicr organ recital. 12:00—Viv Mycr’s orchestra Secondary Eastern Stations Secondary DX Stations. No More “ ^Iron Maidens” ! 508.2—WEEi, BOSTON—590. 9:00—Canadian concert. 344.6—WENR, CHICAGO—870, 7:00—Big Brother club. - , i0:l!>—Ottawa dance music. 8:15—Farmer Rusk’s talk. 7:30—^WEAF programs (2^hrs.) 296.9—WHN, NEW YORK—1010. 12:00—Parade; comedy teams. 8:3(1—Melody men’s recital. 5:30—Y. W. C. A. entertainment. 1:00—DX air vaudeville. ■ 10:00—WEAR, musical program. 6:00—American Legion program. 374.8—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—800. 374.S—WSAL CINCINNATI—GOO, 7:15—Reformed Rabbis association. 9:30—Dance band,' soprano. 8:30—WEAF programs- (1 hr.) 272.6— WLWL, NEW YORK—1100. 1:00—rStudlo entertainment. 9:30—Minstrel’s frolic. 6:00—Paulist choristers recital (2 hrs) 333.1— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—900, PREJUDICE 10:00—W EAF‘ programs (1 hr.) 525—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 70;00—Orchestra; songs; artists. 11:0O—Footlights; orchestra. 7:35—Air college lectures. 11:00—Dance orchestras. AN 215.7—WHK, CLEVELAND—1390. 8:15—Baritone, talk and tenor. 270.1— WRVA, RICHMOND—1110. 7;00—I. B. S. A. mid-week service. 8:45—Minstrels; dance orchestra. 7 :3 0 -Studio music hour. S':00—WABC programs (3 hrs.) 315.6— WRC. WASHINGTON—950 8:30—NBC programs' (3 hrs.) ll;00—Two dance orchestras. 9:30—WEAF programs (VA hrs.) 11:30—Studio dance music. 365.9—CNRT, TORONTO—840. 11:15—WJZ Slumber music. 440,9—KPO,'SAN FRANCISCO—€80i. 8:00—^French Canadian concert 12:00—^Daugherty’s orchestra. IROO—NBC dance orchestras. H A S BEEN REMOVED tional church at Hebron center will W««r again need research grope in darkened cettare behind door, bolted o g o iyt tor^re. I take place Saturday evening, Octo- HEBRON jber 19, at 6:30, at the parlors of the CENCEho, «vept before it the ignorant barrier which etopidly impeded men of gemu, and wnence marchee proudly on. W T 1 C i Congregational church. PRlKiRAMS Mr. and Mrs, William Horton and ! The Rev. T. D. Martin officiated niece of Hackensack, N. J., were on Monday at Colchester at the fu­ Travelers, Hartford week-end giiests of Mr. and Mrs. neral services of the late Mias Edmund Hortoru Elizabeth Bigelow. Mr. Martin offi­ SOO m. . 600 &. C, , Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Holcombe, ciated at Christ Church, Westpott and twin Igons, Of Simsbury, Mr. Hol- on Sunday last and has beett en­ coml^’s mother of Grim^, a- -i Miss gaged to take charge of the services » Prograin for. Thursday Cflive'Smith of Hartford spent Sun­ g:00 p. m. Radio Keith Orpheum there next Sunday. day here calling on relatives and Helen, daughter of Mrs. Truman Kour. N.RC. Feature. friends, F. R. Post and family, Elton m. United States Daily News C. Ives, was taken home from school p. Po^t and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- BoUetins from Washington, D. C., one day this week,: Seriously ill. Her mimd Horton, ahd Mr. and Mrs. Hartford Courant News Bulletins. condition for a time was alarniing Howard Thompson. 6:80 p. m. Benrus Correct Time. but she Is reported as improved. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Buell and 5:il p. m. Hotel Bond Trio—Emil son, Clarence, of Bedford Hills, N. Sunday ■visitors at the home of ^ Helmberger,' Director, in a pro­ Y., were Sunday visitors at the home Mr. and Mrs. George Kibbe were gram of request music. Mrs. Harrison Foote and son Elmer of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lord. '7:00 p. m. Silent.' Mrs. Truman C. Ives' and four of of Colchester, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. her children, also Mrs., Georgia Per­ Brown aM daughter Arlene of kins of Willimantic, motored to the Rockville, Inred Stevens of K en^g- • GIRL SCOirr NEWS Berkshire Hills on Sunday to see ton, and Miss Martin of New Brit­ their aged relative, Mrs. Selindo ain. ) Ives, aged 87, at her home in Tol- Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Pofter Girl Scout Week jland. Mass. . > •have moved to Hebron Green for the October l3-20'ifl Girl Scout Week. ’The prayer _ meeting committee winter. They will occupy rooms at At tho rally October 11 Commis­ made up of Miss Edna Latham, H. the Colonial Airline Tea Shop with sioner Brownell Rsked all 'the Man­ Clinton Porter and Mrs. Merton jMr. and Mrs. Herbert Porter. chester Girl Scouts to attend church Hills, took charge of the Christian i in uniform, Sunday^ October 13, and Endeavor meeting Sunday evening' to make October 14 a home service at the Center Congregational church. day. The Girl Scouts are asked to Special 'Ihusic included a vocal solo wear their uniforms as much as pos­ by Herbert Porter. - sible during the week. Girl Scout Mr. and Mrs. H. Clinton Porter LISTEN IN Week should emphasize the regular motored to Berwich on Sunday ,to and constant practices of thq Girl FIUDAV^ see their daughter. Miss Eunice, at evenings. Scouts in ca rr^ g out. their Laws. the sanitorium at ’Uncas-on-Thames. Field Captain Mr. and- Mrs. Leslie Ward and The Manchester Girl Scout Coun­ children of West Hertford and Mr. cil is very glad to. aniioimce that and Mrs. Reginald Ward of Nor­ WBZ and WBZA toasting did i f captain Gertrude Reinartz has con­ wich, were Simday -visitors at the 8:45 P. M. sented to act as Field Captain for home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. P ort*. Eastern Standard Time. the Girl Scouts imder the jurisdic­ Mr. and Mrs. Daviil Waldo of Gone is that ancient prejudice against cigarettes-^^gress tion of the Council. • Kingston, N. Y., spent a day the Troop 2 first of the week in Hopevale as the "NATURAL BRIDGE': has been made. W e removed the prejudice against cigarettes ' Monday night Troop 2 met at the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coates. usual’ time with 10 new members MarshaU Miner of Deep River PROGRAM p resen t,.making a troop.of 19 girls. when we removjsd harmful cdrrosiveACRIDS {pungent tm r was a recent visitor .at the home of j 'They are planning to have a Hal­ his brother and sister-in-law, _ Mr. Listen in, then step lowe’en party the last week in Octo­ into .a- pair of these tants) from the tobaccos* ber. Ruth Crough, scribe. and Mrs. Sherwood Miner. Troop 5 ’The committee for the.- every smartlysensible shoes. LUCKY ’ Our meeting opened by forming member canvass of the Congrega­ tional church at the center this year ‘‘Qood to the foot— e a r s ago, when cigarettes were matJe without ths aid of n half-c’lrcle and singing “ We’re All good to the eye—good Together Again.’\ We had pesfect is. composed as follows: Edward A. attendance’. Lieutensmt Parker Smith, Lucius Robinson, George A. to the pockethook” modern science, there ori^nated that ancient prejudite against Little, H. Clinton- portej, Albert HIKE read us a story, “Being Poor,” Y which Ulustrated'.the eighth law. A Hilding, Robert Porter, Philip Clark, all cigarettes. That criticism is no longer justified LUCKY STRIKE, ITY TOASTEO" surprise hike was planned for Octo-| and Clarence Jones. 'They called on ber 19. Each girl is asked to bring each member of the church, making MATURAL BRIDGE the finest cigarette you ever smoked, made of th« choicest tobacco, a fork qr spoon and a cup. We will a thorough survey of the field. leave the'Hollistef Street school at The annual church meeting,' roll ARCH SHOES * 5 properly aged and skiUfully blended” ” Its Toasted 10:30. Troop 5 won the October call and banquet for the Con^ega- Danner at the first rally. Pearl Martin, scribe; W. H. GARDNER *‘T 0 ASTING,” the most modem step in cigarette manufac Troop 7 For that little repair 847 Main S t/ 'The meeting was opened with a removes from LUCKY STRIKE harmfiil irritants which are pres- story read by, Jane Grant and a job or that larger coitr game. Two girls joined the troop. ent in cigarettes manufactured in the old-fashioned way. Tenderfoot teats were passed. There trsicting job don’t for­ will be a hike Saturday, Octob r FOR. RADIO 19th, Tbey will meet back of the get to call . ^ SERVICE Everyone knows that heat ,pnirifies, and so “'TOAS'nN(3”— t school house at 10 o’clock. The ^fnecting 'dosed with taps blown on PHONE 8160 LUCKY STRIKE’S dxtra secret proce^--renioves hamiful cor­ the bugle. Suzanne Batson, scribe. 7773 Have yon heard the nei« Majestic Electric Radio? ' rosive ACRIDS l^iui^ent^^iinimis^^ which in the - WM. KANEHL Toasted**"” the phrase that describes'the KING TO BE ABSENT Barstow Radio ol4-forfi;nneH cause throat irritation, and * ■ extra “ toasting” process applied in the numu* General Contractor and Builder Service r.».,gaing- 'Ihus “TO .^'riN G ” has destroyed that ancioit p r ^ - Londmif O ct..l7.—For , the first 519 Center St. / Aothorlzed Dealer facture o f Lucky Strike CigaretteSr The finest tinrift since the erection of the ceno­ 'Bfajeatic, Phtlco i c e against cigarette smoking hjy n^n and by womea taph commemorating. Britain s war ^ Bissell St. tobaccos—the Cream of the Crop-*’« e scien­ Next dcibr to Kittle’s Market dead in WhltehaU, ign g George will / be absent from the iArniistice Ds^ tifically sui3jected to penetrating beat at mmx- seiVices on NovemlWr '. T1 of this; /Typewriters yea r.. ’ -v'; mum, 260®—maximum, 3j00®, Fahrenheit. The It was aunoimced today that the makes, sold, rented, ex* RADIO exact, expert regulation of siidi high tem p^« Prihese of Wales woiiliJ represent the changed and overbanled. King and Iky a •wreath on the ceno- BAi;.ES AND SBBVICiG tures removes impuriti^. More than a Skis^in, taph for him. Special rental rates to sta* Prompt' Attention to Phone Galla. A court-official who recently saw lents. Kebnllt machines *‘It’s Toasted” is recognised by tnitlinn? ' tix .His Majesty, . said he wap looking fgO.OO andiop;’ . DIAL'4949 Iveiy W«a aiBfl to lact, 1^^ imver looked better. Although no definite / Standard Accessories. N o Throat Irritatibn- N o Cou^h* pliahs h i# . the lOng’e Atwiater fte&t, Stromoerg-Garlson. futnre movements, hf is expected to. KEMP'S Majestic,-tfOsch, Pbllco. Xm iE IN—The L ad y Strike Dance Orchestra, every Saturday night, over a coast-to-coaet network of the N. n C remain at Sandri^^^m, his country 763 Main St. Phone 821 sojourn in Norfoli/for some time to WMvE.lCRAH 0 1929, The American Tobacco Co., MT.“ 669 Tolland Turnpike •i -wH F A 6 g r a V B

Howard B. Lord and son. ■ Robert, Stiles, 60, ^Ve4 and Miss Clara J. were callers in Middletown On Tues- Huno; 70, both of ’ Sudbury, fat^i.>. injured when’ ’ \their automobde Vf Doircas society . m et.at the Overnight crashes through "'. lowered crossing Miss Fanny A. Blish, ,: whb is atub'rairy on ^®‘^ ^ ‘^ ^ S u o o e r \ cates into: Boston and Main ex- teacher in GiastonbW spent near fu- pites train. ^ ^ week-end at her home here. ^ [ which wll^ be .W 1 Ensign George A. Sh^rp who has | Salem; ^Mass—“Salem trade ’ The Misses, Lydia'' T. Lord ^ d jtu r e , - been stationed aboard the U. s. | A . P. Emma P. Lord' bave.ret^ed after I .. v__^__ oanf Utah since his graduation from the j school’’ hoax-exposed as members . Invitations are aow being sent out Naval Acadeihy, last June, has been j __ —_ ----- , j of football team disband after six spending a week in Philadelphia, to the next nayia.dis&rm^ent con­ ordered to report next Tuesday at. York.— t'ortified arsenaJ and years of successful deception of Penna., and in l^ashin&ton, D. C. < ■ Miss Grace \Kierstead who is a ference, in London,. At the moment the Naval • Air Station. Hampton ] pia^t seized by feder^ .ig^ta___ leacUng high schools of Eastern New of going to- press,'it was reported teacher at the Rockville High school Roads, ya., for six weeks training in j wid^pread ^liquor^ raids alongalong, i Eingland. u that Mr; Wilfiam B. Shearer was of Sarber B roth ersY ^!^ ' Rutland, VL—JTidgp Hmiand B spept the week-end , >_ at her home aviation Jeraev cbast: 32 wrested. - I Rutland, VL—Jlioge still waiting; for,’his. Wflffhin^nn.—Senate overwhelm- Howe .in United States Oistnct Miss Edith A. Berger,'who is a inelv confirms Hoover norninees for court, scores indiscriminate use of ^^Mrs.'Alice Brown of East .Wilton, .s' ■» C Today’! Choice nurse, is enjoying her vacation at FederaliTo/iorni Farm Board. 1 firearms by * customsCustoms officers, m Maine, is visiLng her daughter, Mrs. Chippendale... by Bermuda. - . * , , . Kenedy, - Tex.—Nine-ton etep^t j congratulating jury, on acqmttai of yy, p. Kierstead. Riakeslee' There will be a food sale at the THEODORE G. executed by firing squad fo r .killing 1 d en n Parker of Westminster -Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. B l^eslee. Wood Memorial Ubfary of South w o S spectator in circus. chafes groW^rowine g out o'urof of battle witclhav' wit.h|hav** returned frrfrom...... a motor trip.. to. Wing Chair , b il b o Windsor next Thursday afternoon at ^ Washington.—Federal trade com- three o’clock, imder the auspices of | mi^rorrepb^ts faiuTre'of Companies ^®Bm-Sngton,%t.—Daignauit factio.n Samuel Horowitz^ P^?chester has^ Governor of the United Workers. Miss K a to e ^ e Solid Mahogany ? Mississippi to supply records is holding up util- L’Union St. Jean Baptiste insists at Bacon an' That is the joyful cry of thous^ds King, Mrs. Ruth Jones and Mrs. ny investigations. . , on noibinating partial slate of gon- been at home for two weeks with an , Emily Newbury will be in charge. since Dr. Edwards product OUve Claw and Ball Feet Miss Lydia Jones and Miss Hanley Charleston, HI.—Sheriff’s eral officers despite reported truce infected ^8®^- ^ iRlieb have- Tablets, the substitute for calomel. _ \ shoots one prisoner and helped hold, administration forces. -• ) Mr. and ^s. Bred . jq ; 1 spent the week end e.c Miss Hanley s Dr. Edwards, a practicing physi­ 28 others at bay in unsuccessful jail | Newnort, R I.—Big war-Ume been spending a week in AmhersL N. cian for 20 years, and calpmd s old- And ye shall know the truth, and home min Webster, Mass, Mass. bfeKtem pt , | navmTaimng staSon at Coddington H., wito h« parents. Rev. and Mrs. ^ time enemy, discovered the formula the truth shall make you free.— I Miss Marion HillsHUia and MisSALsS Ellen^ e n - Washington.—Fall, trial ^™®f® j turned over to salvage’ firm wreck- George Sibley. for Olive Tablets while treating pa­ $27.50 John 8:32. ^ ^ * . J. Foster, who are students at tn® says Doheny took Pearl Harbor-Elk, . A meeting of the Fair association i tients for chronic constipation , and New Britain State Normal school, Hills contract after being urged tOj g^ngor. Me.—'Two deer reported was held Thursday evening at th e! came to their home on Thursday last torpid livers. ^ . , An authentic reproduc­ So when they contin,ued asking accept as patriotic duty. i killed as himting i.eason opens in six library. ' . tt t i Olive Tablets do not contam cdp- him, he lifted up himself, ^ d said week for the week end. Los Angeles.—P a n tie s defense | couiities of the state. Mrs. E. E, Hall and Miss H. J.i mel, just a healing, soothing vegetable tion—so beautiful and Mr. and Mrs. Robert ]^erce are unto them. He that is without sin witness indicted ou perji^ Charge. , Nayatt, R. I.—Connecticut turns Buell ha've returned to their hoipes; laxative safe and pleasant." - so comfortable. Durably among you,’ let him first cast a planing to move their family to Ver­ Memphis.— American ^ r Associa-^ 7 to 2, In second here after spending a few days with j No griping K the “keynote of these stone.—John 8:7. mont, the last of this month. friends in Worcester, Mass. • little sugar-coated, olivq-colored tal> constwicted of fine up- ♦ # » tion official says '>®a'^r®aucracy ^ t r i - s t a r e MiR.q Lillian E. Burger spent the Wasfiington is menace to U. S. .orm, ^ matches at Rhode Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. ^ r d and. lets. They hdp cause the bowds and holsterings and covered But cometh,- and now week-end with friends at Coventry son Robert, called on friends in | liver to act normally. They never of government. ^ =ifHne-! Island Country Oub. !.s, when the true worshipp^s sh^l I^&k6e Los Angeles.—Prosecutor sifung I ^ ■> , East Hampton the fii^t of the week.: force them to unnatural action. with an attractive pat- • If you have a “ dark brown mouth worship the Father in spmt and in Mias Harriett Sharp was the only disappearance of six cultists, says i ------Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hale of tern of denim. . A ?40 3 nth:?or the Father seeketb such Middle Haddam called on her par­ —bad breath—a dull, tired feding-:- J one from “ Ifj* hISSS “«Trob--wrwMi*» rtrobablv was killed.Mle-l- i . to worship him. God is a Spirit. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Weir , dck headache—torpid liver^—consti­ TvX 'thoSf“ ri?Uan“ M“°=a- wUl.frton,-Ta,i«Washington.—Tariff bill "amend-1 |>B. BLUNT’S'ENGAGEMENTS. value. they that worship him ment asks abandonment of com-1 , ------the first of the week. • pation, you should find quick, sure and pleasant results from one or two ^m. in spirit and in truth.—John tion which was held at the Central mercial reciprocity treaty with i New London, Oct. ,17.-—lA P )—A Miss Mildred Hough, teacher atj Baptist (iiurch last Monday evening. Qulja, iduty which’ devolves on a newly the North School spent.the week-end! o f Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. . Cuba. Thousands take them every mght ‘ (Compiled by the Bible GuUd) This course of lessons will be given i New York.—Court throws out ■ chosen president of a college is that at her home in Hebron. i Coxwell Chair in York.—Court to keep right. Try them. 15c, 30c, 60c. \ # ♦ ♦ each successive Monday evening for - woman’s charges that Dudley ^eld i qj making a round of addresses to Leon L. Buell and Mr. and Mrs.; Friday: Daniel C. French, famous ten weeks from October 14 to De­ Malone feloniously appropriated | groups and organizations which are * Tapestry. . «ulptor. ______cember 16th. $15 000 of her money. j anxious to see smd hear A newcoi^r George Dewey aged 72, pwsed Rome —Five large Italian planes i ^nd t# s duty has come to D r.. away at the home of his daughter, reported prepared for simultaneous j Katherine Blunt, president of Con- $ 1 9 . ^ n atu r al h isto ry b o o k Mrs. Kimberly of Norfolk on flight to America in November._ jnecticut College for Women. I * nesday morning, October 16. The Shanghai.—Officers and | tations to her to speak are in h^d i A good-sized: chair. covered I fimeral will be held from W ilte d rushed to various points to uphold i over Connecticut and other with tapestry—: in a-pattern ON THIS STATE IS READY ' next Friday morning at ten o clock President Chiang Kai-Shek’A author- j jjew England states. As her presi- - I to harmonize well with .other the burial will be in Canton. jfY. • . j dential duties permit, • Dr. Blunt is London. — Government projmscsaccepting these calls to service and Y V ^ i t h sales breaking all previous furniture m the livihg room. miners half-hour cut in working j gmong engagements she has ac- Subs’tantidly constructed ^ d Can Be,S.ecurea froni State uvcu lu ••<**'*'—e>- I hours early next year. ' 1 cepted are these: Dinner in her records—with new Frigidaires offering an exceptional value at this Librarian at Small Cost, Is WiUiam Forsythe a brother of ] ^^gcow.—Joseph Stalin, “ strong; Hartford 'Town and Coun- price. Mrs. Eugene Bentley passed away at, Russia, resumes.work after j October 28; at Bristol greater beauty, greater power and the . \ Valuable Book. the hospital last Monday, . ®^ jYgcationvacation torfor health. uca.icn. ^ ^ j} CollegeL/Ouege k club.iu.u October 21; lufacheon funeral was held on Wednesday. | Philadelphia.— California’s foot-, uo».«-fnr,i i/assar club. Nov. 4, - The State. Geological aud Natur^ Philadelphia.— Califorma s cOOt- , ^ Hartford Vassar club, Nov. 4, i “ Cold Control” at no increase in price Mr. and Mrs. Bentley and daughter . wistorv Survey hsis just published Mr. ana mi a. ****- — o — ball squad arrives to play University. Vi* sameo«****w date, afternoon,--- at Double S ’ S e S n . bienm.l report which Miss Elizabeth Bentley motored out of Pennsylvania Saturday. Hartford Women’s club. ,. .with values greater than ever before S^eimemoratee to a c M ll degree there on Wednesday morning. Los Angeles.—Vic ^ f Day-Bed Mrs. A. Miekolite has taken rooms Dutra, tie for lead in first 18 ho'es of the passing of the twenty-fifth an- in a tenement on Oakland street, ■ S?e?sary of the estabUshment of Southern California open golf cham- WE CAN SOLVE YOUR and is keeping house there. MONEY PROBLEMS! Wrigidaire Corporation the Surrey. This report Miss Eleanor Stoughton is ill at ^^New^ York, — Winston Guest j portrait and biological note of the LOANS UP TO $300 $21.50 her home and will not be able to ranked as first American lO-goal, Quick—Courteous—Private late Professor Win. teach at the Buckland school this A most remarkable value first Superintendent of the Su^ey, plaver for indoor polo. Small payments monthly— $2 to Boston—Federal Grand Jury $5, plus lawful interest only, on $10 announces n —this day-bed — attrac­ who di^ in 1928. It also mcludes All of the teachers of the local opens opens probe, of white slave to $100 loans. Larger sums in tively covered in colorful portraits of two other former Su- schools attended the lectures l^t Mrintendents, Professor H. E. proportion. Call—phone— or write. cretonne. Takes’ up so little Friday evening, which was given by Boston—Cardinal Rouleau, arch­ “file only charge three and one- Gregory and Dr. H. H. Robinson, A j Dr. Rugg on the social sciences. bishop of Quebec, visits Car^nsi room and is so useful. Svlew le glyen of tte w o* half per cent per month on unpaid There will be eight lectures in this O’Connell and inspects grounds of Opens up into a full sized Of the Survey, mcludmg a letter amount of loan.’’ __ course. The next one will be on St. John’s Seminary. ^ , p e r s o n a l f i n a n c e CO. bed. This offer includes from Professor Gregoiy, and a November 18, at the Weaver High Concord, Mass.—Miss Mabel Room 2, Second Floor, the mattres's. Bcription and list of the injdetos, school, Hartford. State Theater Building, A- -. * together with an enumeration of Kenneth a" I Henry Rodean of 753 Main St., South Manchester ^ V I thi projects, both under way and New Britain were guests at ine Phone 3430. those contemplated. It is a pam- home of Wilbur C. HUls last Mon- Licensed by the State. ohlet of 32 pages and three plates. Let Us Invest ^ 1 iSpinet ^ This bulletin will be distribut^ /^^Mrs. Alice (Loomis) Barber and Desk by the State Ubrarian. George daughter Helen and two sons of a l l c a s h G^ard, Hartford, ConnecUcut. It i^ Brooklyn, N. Y., came last Monday Your Money tended to follow a liberal policy m for a week’s vacation at the Henry NOTICE! gratuitously distributing Survey friends of this place on Weitoesday. publications to public libraries, col­ In Mortgages SCHALLER’S CIDER $19. leges, scientific instotutions, and to r- ■ - ■ . . scientific men, teachers, and others f i r e o n c o a s t g u a r d . On good reliable-loc^jproper^ M IM i N Constructed of waliiut ye- t who require particular bulletins for CIDER MADE THURSDAYS, neeijs in combiihatjpn,, ydfb Detroit, Oct. 17.— (A P )^ ^ a s t ties. We handle d ! the de­ ^ e ir work, especially to those who CIDER MADE THURSDAYS gum wood. ' Spaeioua’writing are citizens of ConnecticuL Post­ Guards reported today they were tails. puts any F r i g i d a i r e age .05c. Price to others .10c post- fired on shortly after, 4:30 a. m-. af­ AND SATURDAY EVENINGS bed and compartments. ■ A ter they had seized a beer laden row­ We Buy Apples. $35 value. ’ ” boat'and arrested its alleged owner ^^Applications 'W e sen Cider. in your home • • • halnnee be addressed to GEORG^ b. at Grassy island, opposite Wyan- ARTHUR A. KNOFLA GODARD, State Librarian, Hart­ dote in the Detroit river. The ofti- “ Service That Satisfies” 352 Woodlaiid St. ford. . ______ccrs were unable to

A Short Block From Main St. ’ PAUL HILLERY Inc. HARTFORD ' ' ’ M.H. I . . . • 749 Mayi Street' • Telephone 4328 ’ - So. Manchester - . - ’ 882 Main St. Dial 3768, Next Door to Montgomery Ward & Co., 'The Maiichester Electric Company So. Manchester 773 Main'Street V '.t : OPITN EVE.N,INGS

ki-j ' vA ; : . I ■■vj'’’' •’--- -’ S'


fight, put up by Mr. Whalen in his by .a “large” herd. There la no dia-1 — . ■!' ' «' ...... "• • flanriiesl^r official capacity, to have the city puting the fact that' the Waln-| erect -an East River bridge with wright grroup, said to contain now j H eM b Diet fEwnlng-B^alb its Manhattan entrance at Astor 12,000 head, is the la tg M t, awem- j blage of these animate anywhere; | PUBLiISHED BT THE Place and its actuating Impulse in ; Advice HERAIiD p r in t in g c o m p a n y , INC. the fact that Astor Place'Is, so to but as ther^ were 4,000 head in .13 Blssell Street the United ’States five years ago, South Manchester, Conn. speak, the very back yard of the Ify DR..PkANK McCOX ' ] .;■>,# "m- THOMAS FERGUSON Wanamaker stores. The . bridge and as the natural increase has un­ General Manager "would have brought all Brooklyn doubtedly added fifty per cent to ’t h Founded October 1. 1S81 in at the Wanamaker back door.' the number in. the Interim, it is PAlk IN THE LARGEST NEBVU probable that at present there are I V E R S Unfortunately for the project a Published Every Evening Except Tl^e,sciatic nerve, which is .the' Sundays and Hplidays. Entered at the feud developed between Whalen and not less than 6,000 buffaloes in the large &rve going into the lejp; te. Post Office at South .Manchester, Comptroller Craig which prevented country, most of them embraced Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter. in a small number , of herds. So the largest nerve in the l ^ y . When SUBSCRIPTION RATES; the building of the bridge. Such was pain occurs iii this'really a form, of One Year, by mall ...... i...... J600 .that bodies of a good many him- Per Month, by mall ...... » -ou the gratitude of the Wanamaker neuralgia of the sciatic nerve. ' It Delivered, one year ...... concern for the commissioner’s' ex­ dred buffalo each must be in ex­ may occur with those of a rheumS- Single copies ...... * istence on this side of the border. tic tendency,, those ha-ving pelvic, cellence of intentions and enthusi­ tumors, pr in case of either a nerve There must be pretty nearly 200 MEMBER.OF THE ASSOCIATED asm of effort, however, according injury, nerve Infikminatioh, '^and in. Q u b Chair. PRESS to Mr. Thomas, that it made him of the Einlmals in Yellowstone Park certain spinal diseases, " a Sofa The Associated Press is exclusively Sciatica is usually‘'characterized .V general manager of its business. alone—not Included in the above entitled to the use for republlcatlon by sharp stabbing pains or a 'burn­ of all news dispatches credited to |t All of which would be lovely am­ estimate. Anyone who had the hard or not otherwise CMdlted In this ing pain about the hl]i region. These paper and also fhe#bcal news pub­ munition for any anti-administra­ luck to have a herd of even a cou­ pains are usually very severe. $ lished herein. ple of hundred bison step on him One form of sciatica is caused by 59-50 All rights of republlcatlon or tion candidate running for a strong in one of their stampedes would os an inflammation of the nerve caused special dispatches herein are also re­ party—especially if he had as good through a deposit of rheumatic served. ______• ______a reputation for truth smd accuracy liable to conclude that it was en­ poisons. The pain may start in the SPECJAD ApVERTlSlNG REPRE­ as has Mr. Thomas. titled to be called quite large. back of the sacrum and extend W in g SENTATIVE: Hamilton - UeUlsser, down the leg in both the front and Inc.. 285'Madison Ave.. New York. N. back. Thls^iorm of sciatica is easily Y.. and 612 North Michigan Ave.. Chair. Chicago. Ills. ______TAKES WRONG SIDE cured through a-dietetic treatment The governor of Massachusetts which will eliminate the'rheumatic The Herald Is on sale dally at all poisons. Another, form of sciatica Schultz and Hoatllng news stands In and the motor vehicles director of may be from any pressure ixL-thh New Vork City.______■ that state are both profoundly con­ pelvis, such as from a packed rec­ cerned over the steadily increasing tum due to constipation. The pres­ '' Full service client of N E A Service, sure may- also comie^during the lat­ Ihc. • , flaughter of the population in auto­ \ Member. Audit Bureau of Circula­ ter months of pregnancy, or be due tions. ______mobile accident. The former has to the growth of pelvic tumors. If the tomor presses toward the right appointed a commission which is BY RODNEY DUTCHER The Herald Printing Company. Inc., I side of the abdomen, the pain nuty assumes no llnanclal responsibility inaugurating a safety drive, oper­ NEA Service Writer for typographical errors appearing in i shoot down into the right leg, Md advertlsments In the |flanchester ating through some 200 local com­ fin the case of certain kinds of cystic Evening Herald._____ »_____ mittees. It has just begun op­ Washington, Oct. 17.—-Unless the tumors where the tumor changes its dry organizations develop cold feet, erations—coincidentally with a new position from one side of the pelyic THURSDAY, OCT. 17, 1929 which they seldom do, Senatof Shep­ to the other, the pain may change record for a Saturday and Monday pard’s bill to brand the buyers of from one leg to the other,' accord­ of nineteen deaths on the road. This liquor as equally guilty with the ing to whether the tumor is press­ NO USE sellers probably will turn out to be may be a good sign. ing to the right or to the left. Bruce Catton, syndicate editori- the issue m the most Important pro- Another form of sciatic is caused aUst,'begs for pity for the poor edi­ But there is one sign which hibition fight for several years. from a malposition of the lower The 55 th Anniversary torial writer when the month of not so good. The director of motor If the bill is made a law there lumbar vertebrae or the sacro-illac will be virtually nothing left for the October comes along. “ There is vehicles, striving to awaken the bones of the pel-vis. Such faulty drys to ask for in the way of legis­ positions often cause a pressure on soipe sort of unwritten law in this consciousness of the people to the lation excepting measures so ex­ branches of the sciatic nerve and Living Room Ensemble country,”'he says, "that every edi­ gravity of the situation, recently treme that no one has previously the pain will continue imtil the pro­ torial writer, aimually, must write used some pretty strong language considered them advisable to press. per treatment is given to adjust the The days experimented with heavier bones to their normal positions. M artha - Coxwell an editorial about October. There's —but. not a whit stronger, it seem­ penalties when they put over the One form of sciatica is caused ERE is the modern, 1929 way to select a liv­ ed to us, than the circumstances W ashington $43 nothing formal about this fiat; co Jones law, "but hardly anyone argues from either tuberculosis of these ing room ^ouping! Choose just as many justified. He said that automobilisls that the "five and ten” act has. had same spinal or pelvic bones or from taskmaster outlines the job, no 4 3 7 _ pieces as you like from this special 55th editor storms out of his sanctum whose excessive speed, careless­ any particular effect on the enforce­ a localized case of rheumatoid arth­ ment situation. ritis of these joints. Sometimes the Anniversary ensemble. Just a davenport...... a ness or drunkenness caused motor­ to demand it. It's just one of those It May Not Pass hip joint may alone be affected with cnair or two___ or more! Every piece is of ex­ ing' fatalities .were “murderers.” It things that must be done." 'There is some chance that the arthritis or tuberculosis and the in­ cellent design. Every requisition of the modem , Then the experienced Mr. Catton might have even been inferred Sheppard bill will be allowed to die flammation from this one joint may affect the sciatic nerve in such a living room is met by one of the pieces... .com­ described the writhings.vthe sweat­ from his statement that those who a quiet death. It does not appear to represent the considered program way as to cause sciatica. fort, style and lasting beauty. ings and the losses of temper that indulged in excessive speed, reck­ of the dry organizations, though it A careful diagnosis is usually nec­ go with the imdertaking, and con­ lessness or dnmkenness, and at the has the approval of Bishop Cannon, essary in order to arrive at a cor­ For comfort, there is the full length sofa, the same time escaped killing any­ w h o is the strongest individual rect conclusion, concerning the exact tinues: * causes of any specific case of scia­ wing chair; club chair and button-back chmr to "The poor man, in reality, has an body, were potential murderers. figure among them. Some of the most' impor^nt dry leaders are tica. One of the simplest tests for match.. The Colonial reproduction^----- Chippen­ impossible job. For how can any­ Instead of receiving the applause going• cautiously, explaining that the patient to use at home is to try dale Wing Chair and Martha Washington chair one get October down on paper? of the safe and sane majority of they’ desire first to, observe the gene­ a fast for about a week to see bow ___ add variety and lightness to the room! The How can anyone distill the essence drivers, this utterance was greeted, ral reaction toward the measure. much effect this will, have. If there is not a decided change within a pieces aS shown, are covered with denim, but can of hazy autumn landscapes, wild amazingly, by an angry protest In this connection it is interesting to note that some of the strongest week on an orange juice fast, the be covered in your own selection of upholsteries at fiaming forests, crackling starlit from the largest and most infiuen- | Congress are oposed patient may rest assured that there the extra cost of tjie fabrics! Colonial W ing nights and hushed farmland noon­ tial organized body of motorists in to the bill. Although a few of those is either an inflammatory condition Button Back of the pel-vic bones — that these $39.50 tides eind put it into half a column the state. This organization issued who have already declared against it. may change their, minds under Anti-; bones or those of the lower spine ?39 a formal reply in which the stric­ of hard type? It simply can’t be Saloon League pressure, a vote in are out of position *— or that there done. October has to be felt. It tures of the director were de­ either house is likely to roll up the is some definite pel-vic pressure, pos­ sibly caused from constipation or a cannot be described. nounced with great violence. “We largest “wet” minority vote since the passage of the Volstead act. tumor formation. “For October is prodigal of those are not murderers!” it cried, in ef­ A careful diagnosis will always The effect of such a law is the moments when the veil that sur­ fect. “We protest against being most important point for everyone disclose the real cause or causes, rounds our workday universe is called murderers.” and this, of course, suggests the concerned to . think about' and there proper procedure to follow in bring­ you have -views diametrically op­ tom, so that toiling men can peer By this act the organization defi­ ing about a cure. through smd get a hint of unim- nitely aligned itself, on the side of posed. Articles on similar subjects which WATKINS BROTHERS, Some drys believe that millions Ine. aginable glory lying beyond. There the speed maniac, the ruthlessly I have prepared for free distribu­ of Americans would stop patroniz­ tion. Please send 2 cent stamp for come moments in the brief spaqe of ( reckless and- the drimken driver, ing bootleggers, unwilling to join a each article you desire. This is to FURNITURE AND INTERIOR DECORATIONS, SO. MAN OH’S STER Indian summer, when the blue} for it was these, people and these class at Isist recognized as criminal partially pay for postage and pre­ murk drifts over pasture and corn­ only against whom the thunders by the statutes. paration. Others fear that it would have no field smd woodland like the smoke of the motor vehicle chieftain were Three on Rheumatism ------; Find­ such effect and that, on ,the con­ ing the Cause of Neuritis------; Diet from vanished campfires of legend­ directed. trary, it would tend to stiffen re­ for Neuralgia ------; Arthritis------); ary red men, in which all that we If this body fairly represents sistance to the prohibition laws by Deceptive Bladder Pains ResemWe automatically creating the largest shall ever know nbout life, death, public opinion in the Bay State, Rheumatism ------: Cause and Cure class of lawbreakers with which any of Lumbago -----Tri-Facial Neu­ the present smd the future is made safety drives up there are not go­ government ever had to deal. ralgia ------; 4 on Rheumatic Fever plain to us. ing to get far. Legal experts of the Prohibition “Back of the glory of October kre Bureau say that while such a law QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS might result in more convictions, its profound secrets. October’s trap­ PARTING OF WAYS Attacks of Numbness principal effect upon the community Question: Mrs. G. writes:— “On Closing Out On# pings—her scarlet pennons, her We tsLke it that Senator Shep­ would be as a method of moral sua­ toree occasions during the past n -fi'aJ mystic fields, her nights of yearn­ pard, extra dry who is straining sion. Some of them are convinced year I have been awakened from Dry Goods Dopari^iiit ing moonlight—are nothing but i every nerve to bring about the suc- that it would result in a large re­ sleep with a numbness creeping New York OcL 17.—The Utle o ff without further compUcating mat- duction of the amount of liquor con­ over me. Have tried to call for help, jymbols. They stsmd for things that | cessful prosecution of the buyer as ’ ...... ♦•Orel'?ters - sumed and that, it would tend im­ but could not move my lips, neither “world's tallest' building” has be­ Sooner o r later Manhattan i s We want to dispose o f the following stock Rt .onee^ we can only dream of. Behind them well as the seller of bootleg liquor, portantly to make abstinence “re­ could I raise my hand or any part of come as fragile and transient as a going to have to face a few such Every item is a real value not to, be dupliieat^-agaiik there stretch all the tragedy, all j ig a practising teetotaler—that ne, spectable.” my body for what seerns like a min­ tennis record, a golf champiortship problems—and even I may yet wind All sales are for cash. No exchanges. ; \ . .... the heart-break, all the magnifi- I unlike so many of his political fel- Both the drys and the prohibition ute. I would appreciate if you up on a-Connecticut farm before it’s enforcers are empha.tic in the con­ would inform me of the Cause, and or'a pugilistic leadership. cence and all -the splendor of life— j low drys, does not hanker after thhjugh. tention that the purchaser is mor­ if there is danger of paralysis. U Hardly has a new record been es­ Genuine Car}wille Chinchilla Coat and Cap . ordinary human life, which is booze. That, we’ll say, is not only ally as guil^ as the vendor. “The am thirty years old and weigh 130 tablished before a “bigger and bet­ No season is complete without mystery and a portent,. a defeat commendaWe but his good luck into difference,” rays Pussyfoot Johnson, pounds^ ter” building is announced. some new item anent Peggy. Joyce, Men’s Fancy Hose, 6 pairs for ..;..., ,$1.0(K “is the difference between the in­ Answer:—The numb attacks you 'The Woolworth, farfapoed as a and a triumph, a failure and a the bargain. Personal freedom that smart' little barber’s daughter mate and the frequenter of a ^s- have at.flight are probably cause ’ tourist attraction, fast threatens to from the insistent nagging of John from Virginia. And the latest con- Boys* Suits, sizes 5 to 1 0 ...... 50c, $14.5 dazzling success. orderly house.” ' from nejrvousness and would be join. the pigmies , inects her name with that of, one -“Those are the hints October Barlycom is a blessing, particular­ But in the past the drys haven't classed under the name of hysteria. Within the past couple of weeks, | pumess, quite a noble Brit- There is no reason for suspecting Boys’ Woolen Slip-on Sweaters ...... 9 ^ $lt(49,- $1*8(9- fives out. But how can an editorial ly in these days of very bad liquor. felt that a law covering purchasers I have watched this race for the j jgjjgj has been seen here and was worth fighting for. Wayne B. you are subject to paralysis because skies g r c i’ into an elimination con- i about the Riveria and writer get them down on paper?” But, like msmy another blessing, of this, hilt you certainly should Boys’ Knicker Pants, lined, witk elastic, t (^ , dp Wheeler and hia companions de­ test. I had just become accustomed.^ points sizes 8 to 1 6 ...... $1,75 Lovely! But just what Brother it is not always wise or even kind cided to let it ride when they have a good diagnosis made, and to watching the Chrysler building study how to rembve the cause of In the event anyone has lost coimt Catton admits it is, a writhe, a to exploit this gift. And Senator framed the Volstead Act and ptissed soaring to a* height- of 808 feet, on her husbands— everyone, I teke Boys’ Knicker Pants, sizes ? to 14 ...... /75c it. The act provide that no one your nervousness. beyond the record of the Woolworth, prayer and a lucky conmption of Sheppard, in his relations as an ar­ Wholewheat. Muffins it, has forgotten her last ten shall buy liquor without obtaining a, when along came the announcement episodes—there were Everett Arch­ Boys’ Long Pants, sizes 9 to 14 ...... •;.... $149 the typewriter i keys. For firmly dent friend of prohibition-plus, permit, and of course the permits Question: Mother asks: — “Will you kindly print again your recipe that the City: Bank and Farmers er, Shelbourn Hopkins, Jr.', Philbnck we disbelieve that Mr. Catton, with seems likely to put his foot in it are unobtainable. The act doesn’t Trust, which is to build on the old Hopkins, James Stanley Joyce and make the pro-vision stick by apply­ for wholewheat muffins?” Boys’ Sailor Suits with two pair tronseis, all his genius and his erudition, very seriously before he gets Answer:— To a well beaten egg site of the Waldorf-Astoria, would C?oimt Godta Morner. one long and one short ...... -...... * $3f.98 knows th? first darned thing abouc through. It Idoks very much as ing any penalty. add one cup of sweet milk. Then climb to 925 feet, making all others What, only five of them! Concentrate on Bootleggers look meager and stunted in growth. the esotoric fascination of October though he were going to force stir in one cupiftil of genuine whole­ Girls’ Dresses, 6 different styles 50c, 85c, 99ft $l*75ii $2.98 It does provide against transpor­ wheat flour and bent until smooth, Now there comes ah ordinary •Just by way oi passing mention— —be never even hints that be ever many of his Congressional allies in tation and possession with penalties, mimeograph announcement that this the swankier girlies on f4fUi avenue BO much as heard about October the dry cause either to split openly i d th, d^ysddiv. idwayi Hgured N“‘ Si’' Will be a mere stripUng when A. E. are wearing feather and Irather that buyers could beh* adequatelyn.d*ouatelv wheat-nour inw? wmc« ^ CHILDREN’S COAT SWEATERS^ smelt fishing. If he had, he would with hliA and his handful of bona thoroughly mixed one level t«- Lefcourt starts at 49tb and Broad­ beads from Paris. Gent s winter prosecuted for illegal possession or way oh a puny little 80-story build­ hats ruh '-to deep gray and hajf * have stood dumb in the presence of g^e zealots or else vote themselves spoonful of baking powder. Bake TEDDY BEAR SUITS transportation. They would rateer in muffin tins in * moderately hot ing .which will rise, to a height of dozen barbers who majored in nmr the task of even one-half-of-one per | personally as arid as their present convict one bootlegger than a dozen oven imtU brown. The quantity 1050 feet. The present occupant of bobbing are looking around for jobs CHILDREN’S FANCY BERETS cent expression. Like us. pretenses. ” customers, although they believe ex­ makes six medium or eight small this space comes under the heading amples should be made of some of A Chinaman’s chance a dry Con- muffins. of "landmark” since it was built in INFANTS’ FLANNEL UNDiSRWEAR the wealthy and more prominent Loop in Colon 1908 and has the rare old age' of MR. WHALEN’S JOB gfressman would have of wetting scofflaws. ' Question: M. K. R. asks:— “ Can a 21 years to its credit. It will cost What a pity that Norman Thom­ his whistle, -with malicious wet They are now giving serious con­ loop in tiie colon be cured by diet­ a mere thirty imllions, or there­ SHIP PARLEY RESUMED And many other goW values' not men­ as isn’t running for mayor of New spotters ready to put Wm in jail sideration to the Sheppard bill and ing?” What would you advise:?” abouts. promising among other things that Answer:—A looji, in the colon can York on some other than the So­ for buying booze and so 'show him if passed it will provide an Immunity be corrected through propiu: naani- Consideration of such gargantuan tioned here. Call anid see them. cialist ticket—one ‘where he would up as a hypocrite! bath for government witnesses, in­ pulative treatments, ' supplemented Geneva, Oct. 1 7 .-(A P ) - The competition causes even a hard- ship-owners’ delegates • today return­ have a living chance of election. If No, when it comes to the ques­ cluding prohibition agents. in some (tesea by certain electrical boiled New Yorker to breathe rapid­ This is our first sale. But none of them seem wildly ex­ ed to participation in the interna­ he were, then the local campaign in tion of individual privilege, Shep­ treatments. If thepe treatments are ly. Up in the Adirondacks, a 1000- cited about it. They are pinning not taken we cannot expect diet to foot mil is considered something of tional maritime conference, the pro­ the big city, lively even now, would pard and many of his hitherto al­ their faltb much more on changes produce a cure, although one with gress of which had been virtuaUy a mouatairil is thus catalogui^ halted by. controversy over the sea­ be a sizzler. Because Mr. Thomas lies have come to a parting of the in enforcement personnel and on a kinked or looped colon ydll cer­ in the summer,, folders—though a men’s representatives since the ses­ seems to know more about what is ways. He cannot get Congress tO-_their belief that President, Hoover tainly be in better health on a well- westerqer -.murt laugh up 1^ sleeve ^ __fv,- will force more honest and efficient bcdanced diet than when eating sions began a week i^o. L . P O I . A going on in his town and to be more at such a claim. ' The return followed conferences travel with him m putting mto ^aministr&tion of the law.>. . haphazardly. . But what causes the shivers t^ 55 School Street, • • South Manchdste# willing to tell what he knows, than prohibitory law teeth long enough start creeping is not so much the and the adoption of a comproinise any political candidate who has to reach clean down to the Con- OUST ALL OFFICIALS. height of the forecasted building,' resolution which invites the govern­ PRESIDEN'nAL APPOUmniNT. Borger, Tex. Oct. 17.— appJy foot bufldlng. or a 925-foot building; OPENING STOCKS phohe and Geh«rtd .Ritiliray Signal preme (Jourt as Federal judge for martial law.after the. assasslimtion Much smaller’ skyscrapers boast shipowners’ abstention on the how Police (Commissioner Grover York newspaper this week, an­ the district of* Kansas was an­ yielded a p(flht tut of District Attorney , Jolm A. that three or four thousand people ground that the British seamen’s nouncing the forthcoming ship­ nounced today by Presidimt Hoover: Andior Cxp opened’4 1 -3 poteto 'i^^balen came to get his high priced pass through their doors dally. delegation did not truly ' represent New York, Oct 17.—(AP)—The higher, Atphteon S 1*9* American jo^ as general manager of the ment of a number of American The last of the county officers un-. Mow will the people who occupy British seafarers. The shipowners of NEW PASTOR. thirty over countries supported the Stock Market which terake sharply Water w q ^ 1 Sri fn i JBOe Coih' Wanamaker stores. Before he ever bison to a zoo in South Africa, der the old civil regime, Cojostable these new plaices.find transit to and yiesterday, opened irregular today. <1 't'. C. M. Cummings, quit bis office (at 3 from their homes? Again, the nar­ British contention, the seamen’s xaoa l.. ; >11^ that job Whalen was com- makes the statenient that the herd Hartford, Oct. 17.—(AP)—Bishop but the ma^in tendency appeared to Wt. row streets have never bten ^ridened representatives opposed today’s ac­ Nilan has appointed thfe Rev.' Ed­ last night Cummings was not be downward. o f pUmts and structures from which these buffalo come, at to accommodate the growth of traf­ tion the voting being,64 to 19. The ward L. Morrisson of. Naugatuck to suspended by .Governor Moody’s Standard Gas & Electric dropped Get lid . of a Cki^tpe doM In a day ofltthe big cityT That te^an import- Wainwright, Alberta, is the "only proclamation of niartial law but was fic which must, ineritably, follow. votes of the governmrat delegates the pastorate of (Colchester made va­ carried the resolution, the shipown­ 3 1-4 points, Misrouri Pacific Cpm-s with Fim Aid OoM^Talileto and responsible position. And large herd” in the world. disarmed by state'rangers when it With congtetion already at its peak, only by MagneH D n f XSa,t^-rjm4- cant by the death of the Rev. P. J. how can the materialii ha 'handled ers not voting. mon 3'1-4 and ConsoUdated Gas,. idr. Thomas asserts a very earnest This depends on what you mean Moonev;. became effective.:, •

^ 4 ' ..•,•• '4 ..«je.~.. ^ .<•■-'*■» **!,*. ► *• ; . . • j— ^t'' ' r* ^., ^' ,. • •».. •••'. '< ■ ji-i - f •*> ■;•. '• "'Vv*! tft; . • rk • .-■• ••' r- ^ ^ ■ .-•, -v;-. ■ - ■ -._ '■M...... -

MAiicHEStEft EVENING HERAUI^W m .M A N t^ ?t;(!< y ^ ?^ ^ ...... - - ...... —— ' "' ■". ' ' 1' ■ • --■• b-:*'’■<-■.-•:?. - vT*.** *rr»- •<• TheolSgleal v Sinlnar^- - t: r.S.’fc - *“ " ' i fcode,;adopted .by^the^ ' w ise c r a c k s FEATURE day, will be subimtted to tb« - - Presbyterian General Assemb y. '■'V.'-li ■■ H'-i - UOTAJIO NEW YORK CAMPAIGN Dr. W. M. Mc^wm was chbs^ o);r- !■ Queer Twists president of toe i^o^d. y>- ^ With J. Ross^teVenson, Bridgep6|^^^§t . t- 1. ■ ■■‘iv’/ Deputy S h e ^ i ^ i ^ ^ In D a y ’s l^aws,,4 New York, Oct. 16.—-(AP)-^WO" of toe geminaiY;- h ^ .w as i, represehtative of \tfte ■Trumbull r .:■ 1 '■ rello H. L .f J;: “Labor, if it were wise, would see S S o r James j": Walker’s ^ce^t terian theological seminaries at itound' yesterd^ „ S.-.- .''V ' V ‘ New York.—Joseph A. Ruddy, 51, that a tariff policy which would address at Tammany rally as a i^SG to?at Ute New yotk AtUebc multiply exports and imports would p .« « be .Senator King of Utah. ■ub for bis Sdth year, of amateur passed."— "S lu 'C S iiro r’s sUtemeut Ihut reconstruction’ of various buUdli^ on which 2 • wildfire •_ '-%X- -.I. * .. ■A,^ f Wpetition. He has beep a Bhot- La Guardla was not r ^ y a RfPuJ- of toe seminary. ’■ lo ; uttM hammer-thrower, baseball liola d r i ^ ’ thtP^b “I never have believed that toe Ucan but “a transient SoclaUst, he }* .1 ' iaver.l discus-thrower, water polo- Federal Farm Board will kccompUsh chargb On daver and swimmer. In competi- a s k s $2,00d,0(M)" ALDWONY'. I v ^ l i tw^ve guage, abw anA empty! anything to help toe farm«. : “Weil he is a transient mayor." _ *■ tl Sot he’ has' scored lj650 .poihtB for __Senator Blease of South Carolina. When asked what he thought o i|ih^ bok/ ^ ® h^ club.-H e has 978 prizes in a Mayor Walker’s spee^h he «P “ ^g Cincinnati, Oct. M fe deposit___ vault. And he __ has will do more to control “ I don’t thing-much of it. It i? tne manent alimony of H bS K ’lefi-the; sought by Mrs. Roberta Mosby f r ^ .feedsed a family of athletes. Three man than any other thing. usual mammy speech- All he has to tupdng it' c —® ,S l 2d Ethyl ,is and two girls have their names )Uia ^antWJmt to admit au***,- he^v^ - - y — do is to Uck his thumb 1GUbert H. Mosby, president record books. hiring a lobbyist and —no ifvKViviatlobbjdst on his knees and he will have A1 j Mosby Medicine Co., who is su ii, v i ^ t y (ot dpwg :U> fW ^ W n g to m ^ ^ Harriet Chal­ would be willing to f disclose toe toe story hitched up ^ th ’ tbe blood ^^MSby'Siarges his wife ^ t o n<|- mers Adams, president of the ^oci- source from which he, received his ^ e y ioubd .'HIS .is',the story the dealer Ttv of Woman Geographers, has just that 99 3-5 per cent of^ the clt^ys lect. Her cross petition charges n « day he failed tp find bmpletedimpietea a tour tuuj. of every country ™*^^^nator Caraway of Arkansas. 123,000 employees are, GuarSl lect.nnd cruelty. -They wounded pp'rstm bad.receiyed -^tlat; , ^ .tells* In the six weeks that, iftt ever belonged -to- Spain or Por- service and that toe^ La Guarma in '1921. There are no children. meat ; inltbkt gectiOn^^ - • al!l20 in 111 Invofving seven | charges of payroU ^Hding could not !.! Socony Special-plus Ethyl has- More ^ a ^ niDiuon uuc Tvw — - — ~ affect them, he eaio: been Hh'the market, sales have kr OXM a « century E*t,w aro_sbe ---- * JS * ^4. ' “ anvthing worth while„nlle we must de^de “Of toe 123,000 employes, you Uds of South America on foot, on S a t i l e toe whole subj;^ect, ^ d have school teachers, firemra, street been climbing rapidly.: ten . . . ^rseback and in canoes. She is am­ cle^ers, index and file clerks,, and each state must be free from the fifteen . ..tw en ty ... twenty-five otions to reidsit those places by coercion of otber states. bSkeepers. They are "“ot charged l!^ v e m o r Ritchie of . with gr^t. Let me be specific, Mn Spedal Fcff I , ^ highelr. From ^^ockholm . — Prince Gustavus Mavor^ I am charging toe elected Idolplius, who will be lung some and appointed officials with taking "ay, has enroUed as a student at Up “Culture is vague ^ d f°r e i^ to the majority of us, brought up on graft. Defend that if you can. ale University. . is New York.—Irene Franklin, act- Sunday comics, movies, and Satur e2r;.einnented5MO,OOOf^knr has inherited $500,000 irom an ^ay. Evening Posts, m drab n e w c o d e f o r s e m i n a r y . ■ ■ ;p\c sameV.*%ocony' Special plus K^e"who“ ^ e S 'ia a d Nation.) ^ kthyl is going like wildfire.” jd made a fortune raising shei^un j __e . C. warn, Princeton, N . J., Oct. 17. MAGNELL tenance of a high ’ 'H^re’ dre the’ reasons: Socony 'LSldon.-General von “i maintain that golf is about as ing and continuance of if® historic Agawl^fliS sl^^ c ’(^ e c k who made a stubborh_de- a way for an in doctrinal position are Feenamint..... Speciy., always was a superior m?e o?Germ an East Africa agptost |.,ggj^^ to spend his-leisure as in toe set of by-laws adopted by the \ .hjgh-cQmpression premium gaso- iperior B r itis h forces, ^^to^atten^^ co^dcoma deviseaevise. Lew bowd of Control of Princeton Mavis Talcum .. Itc Epsom Salt^. lb« xof Briu^veter —Christopher Morley. (Forum) PoinpeiaitT^ce : line, tiien we did the one thing UJS of toe African campaign- Gen- Fletcher’s i, Powder / .. . 5. 37c ' we could do to make it better. ^ ^ Jan Christian Smuts will pre­ Castorii^,. . . . • 2tc side and propose a toast to his o! Ex Lax . i.»* • • • 'vWe added Ethyl fluid—at no I York—Tlie pdds agmnst twins Bromo Quinine ifc extra-cost to you—making the 'r e ^ to l y ^ i ^ t triplets 10,000 Papes Sloan’s Liniment 21c 0^1 The Unitod.hospital fund had Bayer’s; Aspirin j first high-compression gasoline made some dfeductions from birth 24s ..... •• 2tc Phenolax ’plus Ethyl ever offered in these itatistics of 13 hospitals I ‘ Bloemfontein, Souto T^® COLD Wafers b..... 17c 'parts;,The result is just about [pana Tooth 'tjj notor car evil, in the words of Prime COMPOUND ^ IsteTnertzog, is Ahreatemng to Paste — •. • 31e Freezone ... ..V .iperfcction. Read some of the a farmers. He tdd toe Orange 'comments on Socony Special STANDARD-OIL COMPANY OF NEW ^YORK Eee State Cong^ress That something Seidlitz Powders itc Palmolive Shaving S h t have to be done about it. ss t O ^ ^ a Cream ...... 19c plus Ethyl: irmers are buying expensive cars Vick’s Vapo Rub 221c I •; . 4 • . ing when your re’presentarive suggested . credit and such persons are not on any of the hills in this section with ^ tified in seeking aid fr°™ , Beaume “ A few days ago, while on a tjip through 1I try Soconyowwu/ Special plus Ethyl - before--- Merck’s Sugar ^ Socony Special plus Ethyl.” _!___ ..k:.. the fifst l^em m ent vsdien financial diffiail- ^ C o \ 6 northern-New York, I had a good op- t f * going to this expense. Before the first Analgesic---- 47c to give Socony Spedal plus M ilk...... 3TXJ ' portunity. “ The clean condition o f my spark plugs tankful was used, my car was taking the ” 5 w S 2 S g t o S -I n 78 cities from Ethyl a good trial. When I left home, hills without the slightest knock and it ''- Lhlch toe Department °f Commerce Mentholatum . RJe Vapex ...... ^7c after 2,ooo miles of driving is a clcy the tank was full o f ordinary gasoline. indication o f complete combustion in now operating as quietly and smoothly- • ^ eceives figures motor Before.! started back, I filled up with as it was when I first bought it.” ni t 07 persons in the year ended Oct. eo through the winter without any White Pine and the cyUnders.” T • • Hindis Honey your licw Special. I noticed a big dififer- V * ’ l a ^ an increase of 897 over the trouble from coldS. It’s a compound “ To me Socony Special plus Ethyl that comes in little white tablets. Tair...... :V 17c ence. The motor ran much more “ I have been driving one o f the new _ Almond Cream 3|c is the best yet. I have used other • Drives Away ' Take one, and that first snuffle is smoo.thly, had more power and speed Model A Fords for some time, buying brands since they have ^ e n on thft'fCi just about toe last; or several tab­ and a quicker pick-up. On this trip I my gasoline at the first convenient ion that she ;1b ,capable of earning market; but Socony Spedal seems t? i l Thoughts o f Cold! lets if you’ve let toe cold go until m Ag n e l l rfeuG c o m p a n y used a full tank going north, while I pump that would sell it to me at the 5 000 a week as an actress is ue- have the better pick-up and more real - lied by toe libs Angeles rmlway cor- it’s serious, had nearly two gallons of Special left lowest price. In course of time the car prescription d r u g g is t s power. Personally I am pleased that ^ratiM in its answer to her suit fo. He thought he couldn’t play that Pape’s Cold Compound is all you when 1 reached home.” developed a severe knock on the slight- 1095 Main Street you have added this fuel to your °the* night, but the TOld be d ciugbt t o t est grade and I was just about to have b^sonal injuries. «nbng tad departed. ^ M on t^ ask for; and the druggist charges i H a r r is K . Pa— The Rev. Dr. 35c for a package, and it never fi ! ...... it pulled down for thorough overhaul- dependable products.” fessional people know what really “ It is not necessary to retard the spark >OiJ L ? c y ^ S m m erer, Episcopal, dean seems to fail for anybody.—Adv. -I^ ity cathedral, Pittsburgh, is knocks a cold in a few hours; many jr toe opinion that inhere there ere ilus lo children there is no reason why ■i,6-3 divorce should not be granted by ttutual consent. He gave his views So c o n y Sp e c i a l ® E t h y l 1; an address before the synod of lie Province of Wsishii^tpn. i


\ b u r g o y n e s u r r e n d e r s ^ British General Burgoyne’s cam- OFFERS YOU A NEW laign into New York state from l ^ a d a ended cfisastrously on OcL im on Sr^l'777. Wh6n he surrendered with then to American Gene- _ _ HE parade of progress cannot be halted The best muswal «ai Gates at Saratpgra. , BurigqyneTtodedto Anaenca early show you have yet seen on Broadway, regardless , who Hawng been placfti ^ teharge of a powerful ^pedition of i p r S d it, will seem an amateurish effoft after th ^ to t Ihout 10,000 m e n .^ th or*^®” Itenetrate into New .'tork state showing of “GOLD DIGGERS OF BROADWAY^ at the- State r^ a d a , march south along toe val- ifev of toe Hudson-and jdm General iowe’s forces, so as to-divide toe Theater Sunday night. Lmerican confederacy in half. The British general captured ii- What we said about shows also goes for pictur^. onderoga on July 6, .but on Aug. 16 a detachment of his army was ^ think you have good pictures the past, then all Almost anhilated. He was decisively - seen in we can ssy Sefeated on Oct. 17. i s , * Burgoyne’s surrender was an im- j —“You ain’t seep nothin’ yet.” Sortaht victory for toe colonists and j *aa beenv termed toe turmng point Warner Bros., who gave you something ^ new the revolution. a Washington permitted Burgoyne me - Id return to England, but he was pictures and then with singinfe pictures and then with color pic . refused an audience with toe king “ iid was denied a courtmartial. turGS,— now givG you.RnothGr thrill! e Burgoyne weat over to the Op­ position party and resigned his ap- ointoents; but on a change of A tvoical Winter Garden show, plus Avery Hopwood’s play wilnistry at the close of toe Amen- S i war he was appointed com- as s u j ^ " David Bdasco. Plus a - : |nander-in-chief in Ireland. 100 Hollywood beauties. Plus costames |EV. m e e k e r CALHOUN woman with thirteen children forget her troubles.^ dozen Witmark songs that you will have to I RESIGNS FROM YALE Plus dances as only Ann Pennin ^ n can ^anc® . 5 New Haven, Conn., Oct. 17.—Revj love scenes as only Conway Tearle^can play t h e m .f lu s M > '•f Newell Meeker Calhoun, of Orange, fconn.. Senior Fellow of toe Yale as onlv Nick Lucas can croon them. Plus wise cracks as on Y , • 1 Corporation has resigned. President NOW James Rowland Angell announced Winnte Lightner ban pull them. Plus perfect dialo^e as oH^ , Boday. Mr. Calhovin was elected one Unta November 1 you can buy this gen* M the successors of the original Vitanhone records it. Plus all the colors of the rainbow. ^ Plus- , - Trustees of Yale in 1899,- when toe nine No. 8 Crawford for only $69.75 (in Rev. Timothy Dwight was President all the unlimited resources of Warner Bros., showmen- e ^ ra ^ », of toe University. He i served gleaming gray enamel the price is slightly higher) ' toroughout President Arthur T. dinary. And the entire production in 100% Natural Color by t ^ ; ^ J . . » The Union is a genuine Crawford with all the fea- Ijadley’s administration, "and ^ dght years of President Angell’s. Technicolor process; tnres .m d advantages that have made the name ♦"Craw­ T Mr. Calhoun, who ' was born in i S847 in Warren, Conn., is a mem- ford” 'synonymous with ♦♦qaaUty.” A coal range— that Ifer of toe Class of 1872 of Yale i Put these all together and you have merely an idea of :‘!GQpi, may be equipped with a gas end oven when yon buy, or (Sollege, and received toe degree of •Bachelor of Divinity from the Yale DIGGERS OF BR0AE)WAY.” ikter, at a slight a d a tio ^ cost— built for a lifetime of • fittvinity School in 187A Jn 1887 iW e conferred upon Wm the hon- good cooking. Easy to buy by our easy payment plan. It-ary degree of Master’of Arts. He SEE IT AT LEAST ONGEl ’ 2ks held' pastorates in Ohio and 1 Uk ' Do come and see it. ' 5 ^ .York, and was pastor of the nrATie-e Congregational Church from -inclualve. He is toe / g u W fnOi ^‘‘picturesque TLitehfield S S t y , ” a n d “Litchfield Comty WATKINS BROTHERS Sketches.”, - He has ^ e n Pres^ent d£ ' tiie Connecticut ;branch of the 54 ^EAKS A1 SOUTH MANUlfi-SlLR Yale Divinity School Alumni Asso- dation. AT THE STATE 3 I -.t.- -1

T p iS E i DAMAGES CHURCH. STARTING SUNDAY NIGITT nr ,t i -xu'. - ' r’l". ■ . gpringfield, Mass, Oc^ \ » i ^ t « —Fire blamed to wiring .defe^ did . .,7- y.vi'-hs ■K.'-.i'’. I... ''■• ' 'I damage amounting ^ the. E v a n g e U c a l^ ^ c h ^ Indian.Orchard, early S WM virtuaUr burned off. MANcniajtBB B V IS ^ C H E R A li: S O im i M A B iaiB aTER .'^N N , THUKSDAY. OCTCfBER 17, 1929. iiitiP A G B E IG E r

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GETTING BAD BREAKS. USING MORE GASOLINB. NEW BUSES TO CARRY PAINTING 100 PASSENGERS. A Miss in the Motor Gasoline consumption in toe Unltc long, seven feet eight Inches wide motive world. The W - W of the entered toe first American front of this year. W. I. MKSSIRU Phone 5585 front drive goes back to 19^- drive In 1924. With this model. and 12% feet-high. Four sections, containing a During that year c e r ^ indi Dave Lewis, at toe 1925 Indianap­ TAKING THEIR TIME. smoking room parlor compart­ viduals specified in olis Speedway races, placed second ment, open observation platform TWO THINGS TO REMEMBER France and Ge>-®“ y* !

tened by Mrs. Herbert Hoover, two k iu b by auto will serve dinner at one dollar a HAINES PICTURE TELLS weeks ago, at a ceremony in which plate, with Francis S. Nettleton in the heads of the diplomatic mis­ chiprge of tickets. • sions of 21 Latin A^nerlcan nations Chicago, Oct. I’T—(AP) --J^hli^ The president of the Union Church OF SPEED CLASSICS participated. Thompson Benedict; son-ln-jaw or ROCKVILLE Missionary society, Mrs. Chwles N toe lato Dr. John B. Murray, wd The Whole Town’s Redfield, Invites all women of the WANTS WARSHIP NAMED well-known In Chicago’s club l«e, L______church to be present at 7 :S0 to hear “Speedway” at Stpte Friday was kUled by a hit-and-run motorist Mrs. Jackson Honored these speakers. last night. His woman companion, Mrs. Edward Jackson of E:aEt and Saturday— Has Remark­ I Washington, Oct. IT.— < A P )— Past Chiefs To Meet . Mrs. Wava Rex Hyde, a divorcee, street, a member of Kiowa Council There will be an important meet­ able Cast. 1 President Hoover was asked today I by Representative Wlgglesworth, of was severely injured. Talking No. 26 of this city was honored at ing of the Past Chiefs club of Kiowa William Haines steps on toe gas Massachusetts, to use his influence Mrs. Benedict made the identifi­ the Great Council Session, ^gree Council, Degree of Pocahontas in i cation of her husband’s body. of Pocahontas held yesterday at the Red Men’s hall’and all members are and roars to victory in love, if not in having one of the new cruisers in an auto race, in “Speedway, a Mrs. Hyde was knocked down, Hotel Bond, Hartford, when she was requested to be present. There will named Quincy. ^ suffering a broken arm, scalp N elected Great Minnehaha. This office be several matters lor the winter s 'thrilling drama of the American The Congressman then went to wounds and possibly a spinal injury. sp e ^ classic, filmed at the Indian­ will make it possible for f^rs. Jack- activities discussed, followed by a Secretary Adams pf the Navy and Bene'dlct’s body was carried a con­ son to be elected Great Pocahontas social hour and refreshments. apolis races, which opens a two-my presented a petition bearing the siderable distance before, it dropped In two more years at which time To' Inspect Home f engagement at the State Friday. signatures of 33,000 citizens of from toe front bumper and was run It is expected the State Session i^rtll It-ls expected Rockville's Modern “Speedway” is not only a perfect Quincy, asking that one of the over. Physicians believed he mlgbt be held in this city. She w m also Economicsd Home located on Or­ chronicle of the great speed classic, cruisers bear their city’s have escaped death if » - • motorist appointed Deputy of Simset Coimcll chard street, will be open for in­ which is shown in its entirety, ac­ Quincy is in toe district Mr. Wlg­ ■ had made an effort to stop the car. of Manchester. spection, Monday, Tuesday and cidents and all, but is a vivid story glesworth represents. There were twenty-five members of the “ inside” of the lives of the • Wednesday, Oct. 21-22-23. It will be The title Rabbi is accorded Jewish from Rockville attended the Gwat speed demons who yearly engage The Suez Canal has 'no locks. It open during the afternoons and eve­ scholars of eminence as well as to Session and everyone gave their in toe gruelling contest. was originally 26 feet deep, but has nings of these dates and it is ex­ toe ministry. hearty support to Mrs. Jackson, who pected hundreds of people will visit Haines is seen as a wise-crack­ been deepened 40 feet. Is very active in Pocahontas work. toe place. The home is owned by ing m e c h ^ c who gets his big chance as a race-driver—and uses She won out by a big majority of William Schaeffer. the chance to aeWeve one of the Funeral Of Mrs. Riley most dramatic of sacrifices. It is a Mrs. Mary Johnson of Hartford, The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Great Pocahontas, was unable to at­ role in which his whimsical humor lllley, who died at her home on Rau is at its best iid is contrasted with tend the convention, due to illness, street early Monday morning, was and the representative of the Great some really fine serious acUng. held from St. Bernard’s church on Anita Page is cast as the berotoe Incohonee went to her home and in­ Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. stalled her to that important office. and acquits herself in a decidedly She was well known and toe church creditable manner. Emesi Torrence Mrs. Johnson is Deputy of the local was filled with sorrowing relatives C^ouncil. , . „ is seety as an old Scotch auto racer and friends. A t toe offertory Mrs. who 1 ^ 'tried for years for victory. The large wreath used at tne Anna Mae Plunder sang “Salve Karl Dane supplies the comedy re­ memorial service was carried to Regina” . She also sang toe waiting RockvUle to be placed on the grave hymn which was “The F*rlceless lief as the stolid auto mechanic, of Mrs. Fred Siegfried, who held an Love of Jesus” . As toe body was be- *‘Stev6.*’ Others In the cast include appointed office in the Great Council I ing borne from toe church, the Polly Moran and John Mlljan. at the time of her death. organist. Miss Margaret McGuane It is fast and furious fun, with Mother’s Club Hold Tea rendered “The Dead March” from no little drama Included, prese^ed More than one hundred mothers fioral tributes. Interment was in the with a thrilling sound score. The About The Wonderful Merchan^sc were present at a tea party ^ven floral tributes. Interment was in the program wiU also include chapter by the Mother’s Club of the Gnlon family plot in St. Bernard’s ceme­ two of “The Final Reckoning,” a Congregational church yesterday serialization of the story of the tery. To Be Sold At The Next Great afternoon at 3 o’clock. M ^y of the Notes same name by G. A. Henty, ^^ne older women were present and were Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Lanz have of the most popular boys’ stones conveyed to the party by automo­ announced the engagement of their ever written. Every boy and girl bile. Among the oldest women pres­ ! daughter, Clara, to Werner Kuper- will want to follow the plcturiza- ent were Mrs. Elizabeth Barber, 91, schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred tion of this old classic. A comedy, and Mrs. WiUiam Jones, 89. Both are Kuperschmldt of Efillngton. “Blondes Beware,” the latest news among the oldest members of the Miss Margaret Furfey is ill at her events and a Vitaphone Vaudeville church and have not been able to at­ act, "The All-Girl Revue” com Duo-Dollar Auction home on Prospect street. tend the regular Sunday church ser­ Miss Mary Weber of toe Rock­ pletes toe bill. vices for several years. It was indeed ville National Bank, was a recent a most pleasant afternoon for all guest of Mrs. Gorden Andrews of Unnecessary who attended. Mrs. George H e^g, Cranston, R. I. nresident of the organization, ^ t \TiaH Emma Knofia of Manchester, NEW AIR MAIL ROUTE, President. Mrs. Ethel Leonard, Mrs. Wednesday Night, October 30 who hM been a patient at toe Rock­ P ain! Thomas Nell, and Rev. George S. ville Private Home, has returned to* Brookes were in the receiving line N. Y. TO BUENOS AIRES her home. and cordially greeted the guests. Miss Alice McClusky of South Nowadays, people take Bayer Aspir­ The entertainment program which Manchester has returned home after in for many little aches and pains, VSN'T that cutel I’d love that! Boy, isn’t that a was in charge of Mrs. tieorge Waln- several days visit with her sister, Washington, Oct. 17.—(AP.)— and as often as they encounter any wright, Mrs. Ethel Leonard and Mrs. 1 peach! I’m going to bid!—exclaim the young and Mrs. Fred Keime and Miss Hattie The giant flying boat “Buenos pain. Thomauj Nell was held in the chapel Gross of Windemere avenue. Aires” of the New York, Rio and old of Manchester when inspecting the Duo-Dollar mer­ as follows; Buenos Aires line, took off from the Why not? It is a proven anti­ Prayer—Rev. George S. Brookes. Naval Air Station here shortly be­ dote for pain. It works! chandise now on display in the Duo-Dollar stores. See Poem—“Mother” — Mrs. Thomas BACKS ARCHITECT fore 6 o’clock on the first stage of And Bayer Aspirin tablets are it for yourself. Save y o u r Duo-Dollars—borrow some a flight of which Buenos Aires is utterly harmless. You have the Organ Selections—Mrs. F. H. Holt. Brussel, Belgium, Oct. 17—(AP) the ultimate destination. from your neighbors— and bid! It doesn’t tako luck to Songs—Junior Girl’s Choir. Accom­ —The Louvain tribunal today pro­ Lieutenant William S. Grooch, medical profession’s word for that; panist, Mrs. Walter Draycott. nounced judgment in favor of Whlt-^ first pilot, just before swinging tlie they do not depress the heart. Address—“Gathering Sticks”—Rev. ney Warren, New York architect, win— it simply takes Duo-Dollars. great craft out onto toe Potomac So, don’t let a cold "run its / George S. Brookes. who designed the reconstructed for toe beginning of its maiden you can always turn to Bayer Aspir­ Following the progn'am .all the Louvain University in his dispute course.’’ Don’t wait for a head- voyage said he expected to refuel in for relic/. guests and members were Invited with toe university over an inscrip­ at Charleston, South Carolina, and ach^ to "wear off.’’ Or regard tion placed on a balustrade of toe Bayer Aspirin is always av^- to the dining room, which represent­ take off Impiediately for Jackson­ neuralgia, neuritis, or even rheum­ Library. The Inscription which com­ able, and ilf ^ways helps. Paaiil- ed a pretty tea parlor. It was very ville, reaching the Florida city by atism as something you must en­ attractive in Hallow’een colors and memorated toe destruction of the iarize yourself with its many uses, university by “teutonic fury” was night. dure. Only a physician can cope the napkins corresponded with the The twenty-passenger flying boat and avoid a lot of needless suffering. These Are The Rules decorations. Sandwiches, fancy considered objectionable by the uni-, with the cause of such pain, but with its load of four passengers cakes and tea served by the follow­ verslty because it tended to revive ing committee was very delicious. memories of wartime hatred. company officials, and extra gear Mrs. Fred Kuhnly, Mrs. Dora will not attempt to maintain a Read Them Carefully Preusse, Mrs. Emily Liebe, Mrs. Why go to toe zoo to see the ele­ schedule but November 10 has been Richard Blankenburg, assisted by phants when you can hear them set as a tentative date for its ar­ BAYER ASPIRIN Mrs. Walter Draycott. Mrs. Charles walking around in the flat just rival in Buenos Aires. Aeplria U the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaddmter of Bdicyll««ld Before Filling Out Your Auction Bid Slip. The “Buenos Aires” was chris- P. Redfield and Mrs. Charles Bett- above? man, poured. The decorations were in charge of All DUO-DOLLAR Auctions are der. If neither are present" the Mrs. John Zimmerman, Mra Ethel silent. Bids must be written on article will be sold by toe Auction­ Leonard smd Mrs. Herbert Cockayne. DUO-DOLLa R Bidding Slips (ob­ eer at Open Auction. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Brookes tainable- at all DUO-DOLLAR You can bid more than once on were in charge of transportation, Stores.) each article. Only toe last bid on and through the kindness of Luther each article counts. H. White and Mrs. Waiter Draycott, The Bidder must place his written they had little trouble in conveying bid in toe DUO-DOLLAR Auction Only the highest bidder pays. If V T« \ ■3’^ the members to the social on time. Box at toe State Theater lobby at you are not the highest bidder Keep least twenty-four hours before the your DUO-DOLLARS and j)ld again Attend Pythian Concentlon ...... Auctk>n. next month or toe month afte.*. Rev. George S. Brookes gavo a — • very inspiring memorlfid address at ...... The Bidder or his representative Tie bids will be rebld at toe Auction the annual state convention of the with the Bidding Slip stub must be on DUO-DOLLAR Bidding SUps. Knights of Pythias held in West at toe Auction to pay for the You and your friends may comWna Haven on Tuesday of this week article won with DUO-DOLLARS your DUO-DOLLARS and take James R. Quinn and Bert Schuey, SHEKWIM-WILLIAMS when his name is called. Past Chancelors of Damon Lodge turns at.bidding. The highest bidder wins, but If the attended the convention as dele­ Merchants and clerks are not per­ highest bidder or his representative gates.The Pythian Sisters conven­ mitted to participate In toe auction tion was also held in West Haven HEADQUARTERS is not in toe theater to pay. toe in any way. and delegates from-Damon Temple article goes to toe next highest bid­ were Mrs. Sadie Nutlgnd, Mrs. Har­ Now is the time to paint for real economy. All wood riet Nutland and Mrs. Mlimle Dowd- Ing. There were about four hundred is thoroughly dried and seasoned by summer’s delegates at both conventions and blistering sun. The balmy fall weather is ideal for dinner was served to these people at the Methodist and Episcopal church­ ; painting. And most important of all—yoi; obtain es in West Haven. ; full protection during the winter months when it On the night preceedlng the con­ : i s vention an entertainment was held needed most. Neglect nothing. Your house, the at the West Haven High school. ; garage, fences, shutters—every exposed surface , You Will Receive Duo-Dollars Heard On The Air “ should receive an armor-like coating of SWP. Frederick Kuhnly, son of Mr. and T»de-iiurk RWMend Mrs. Fred Kuhnly of Rau street, S-W Paint PraSutU art taU Btt , With Every Cash Purchase or Payment Made at sang several songs from Station aorld OMT tm itr thil b(ada-mark WEAF this afternoon shortly after 4 o’clock and many people from this ♦ the Following Stores: section enjoyed the program. Mr. SWP is the Kuhnly is fast becoming a real favorite with the radio fans and he Sportman’s Accessories C. E. House & Son, Inc. is making good in musical circles in world’s best . The Ladies’ Shop New York City and vicinity. EVERYTHING FOR THE SPORTSMAN G; E. Keith Furniture O . Men’s Dinner Tonight George H. Williams Several hundred men from twenty paint bargain AND OUTDOOR MAN. Congregational churches about Tol­ Fradin’s Campbell’s Filling Station land County will be present at a If jour house were mine, the dinner meeting to be held at Union only paint used would be SWP. AMERICAN GUNS Rubinow’s Center Auto Supply Co. Congregational church tonight in Long experience with all kinds the social rooms. John G. Talcott Single Guns, as low as The Blish Hardware Co. will preside and A. E. Waite will be has convinced us that it is the May Jewelry Co. . the song leader. Three great speech­ world’s best house paint. Specify SWP and engaga a good painter Wm- H. Gardner Glenney’s es will be delivered free of charge A nd it costs less on you r $8.90 and there virill be no solicitation of Manchester Electric Co. money whatsoever. The speakers of home—remember that. Of The Textile Store (Merchandise Sales Only) the evening are Dr. Brewer Eddy, course you c^ b u y painta at a Double Baker Double Dr. George L. Cady and Rev. Ansel lower cost pe?|ldlon. But you Edward Hess Milikowski, the Florist Johnson. Hammerless Guns Hammerless Guns The Ladles Aid of Union church are not intereated in gallon N . Marlow & Co. Princess Candy Shop price. The one thing ^ im, $35.00 portance to you is, *'how much $23 00 Manchester Plumbing & F. E. Bray Notice of the Tax Collector will it cost to paint my houae?” L. C. Smith Double Ithaca Double / Supply Co. ^ Hyman’s Men’s Shopr All persons liable by law to pay SWP costa less per job be­ HammerlesSi Guns Hammerless Guns ^ Miner’s Pharmacy taxes in the cause few gallons are needed. ' Kemp’s, Inc. EIGHTH SCHOOL AND > Its wonderful body thoroughly $47.50 Arthur L. Hultman Nelleg’s u t i l i t i e s d i s t r i c t covers more square feet of aur- $40.00 Watkins Bros., Inc o f Manchester are hereby notified face per gallon. The Smart Shop that I shall, on October 1. 1929, And when the job is com­ Hunting Clothes U. S. Climax and Defiance j. W. Hale Co- Dewey-Richinan have a rate bill for toe collection (Except Food Dei^t) of 5 milles on toe dollar, laid on the pleted you have the best pro­ list of 1928, due the Collector Octo­ tection and clean, true colors Loaded Shells ber 1, 1929. that retain their beauty to the Catridges in All Standard Sizes and Loftds. Taxes may be paid at Blacksmith Shop, Allen Place, every work day yery last. till Satiirday noon; also every work ^The best way to prove the can be tdentUM day and evening at 47 Main street. economy of SWP is to get our Dno-Dollar And Ion Take Notice: All taxes unpaid Manchester Plumbing and Supply Co. Merchandise wlU he D no-D ollar November 1, 1929, will be charged estimate. Come in and see how '*N ___ m W P O L L A B ] th is 'Seal convincing our figures are. 877 MAIN STREET em display at aU in their interest at the rate of 9 per cent IMo-BoUar Stores. from October 1, 1929 to April 1, You’ll enjoy looking over our “If IPs Hardware V/c Have It” S T o S ^ L 1980, and 10 per cent for balance big, new l^ok showing the of yMr, and 12 per cent on all liens Use It filed. latest color suggestions, too. Do Phone 4425 ( JOSEPH CHARTIER, it before ruinous winter doub­ Collector. les the coat .of repainting. Manchestre, Conn., Sept. 18, 1929.

A r " I • »*•


Beat V;..

Havard Is Lona BRONKE’S FIVE LOSES. Winning two out of three games, pitched balls.. . . . "Rajah the . toe South Ends of Hartford avenged 3 - i Great” Hornsby struck out eight a previous beating here when they Of ‘Big Three’ times In the-series. . . . Ehmke took toe Bronke’s Five Into camp'at apd Foxx pulled the heroic stuff In Hartford last night by a margin of thb first game by pitching and bat­ 81 pins. The scores follow: Local Schoolboys Can F^e- ting feats. . . . Hitting by A1 Slm- South Ends. Situation Three Years Ago FOOTBAlt GROWTH- fanned J13 Cqbs to >■■■■ mons, Mule Haas and Stefano ...... 122 125 1] 316; Spme people are moved by . get a ..jiew. .sepitpeoulj;, .Jimmy Dykes . placed Crolle ...... 121 101 L 334' music— others leave of , vent SSVer City from (^p* " them . on the pedestal Will Be Repeated if Army record to f a.'fi«icb broke vanfi’vand’ ofioe a place In the series Yash ...... 107 109 119 335' iqhaled the 'worlia"*se» i spotlight. . . . Last Sapdella ,... .108 96 100 304 Out With Injured Moul­ Ties record of putouts ^ half of the seventh In­ Wilke ...... 107 105 96 308 By W nX IA M J. CHIPMAN Starting With Litde Material for a catcher In a sin* '. s ning of toe fourth game, Hebert ...... 138 99 111 348 der, Mozzer to Play. gle game. . . . A1 $■ when the Athletics came Kebert ...... 128 99 111 348, New York, Oct. 17.—(AP.)— , Simmons equaled the feat from behind with that smashing Three years ago Harvard, Prince­ or Equipment Six Years o f Ross Young In ;1921, of^? 10-run rally. . . . Jimmy Dykes’ Totals ...... 558 511 555 1624 Like a prizefighter clinching and ton and then,Yale fell from toe hitting for a total of five great diving stop, Wilson’s shoe­ stalling to shake off toe ill effects 'I Fm EM EN’S LEAGUE. football march during October. The bases In one inning. . . s string catch and Simmons’ one- of a damaging blov/ content to gain Ago, Steady Improvement The Athletics #et a new mark band stab to pluck,a fly out of annihilation of .toe ancient trium­ draw decision, Maincbester High’s iror-^iruns scored in one- I n n in g ,. the left field boxes In the first There was plenty of enthusiasm virate was accomplished by Geneva, Has Been Made. counting 10 to shatter the record ' ■_ contest. . . . Ear - splitting coupled with mlicb rooting by toe football eleven will face its main ob­ toe Navy and Brown. Princeton o f eight set In 1912’ by toe Giants. roar of the grandstand and gallery when toe Bowling League jective of the season tomorrow at- of Hose and Ladder Co. No. 1 pried braced up in 1927 and 1928, and t ‘ , , They also registered 10 kite bleacbers that acclaimed the ternoon when Meriden High comes •Athletics the world champions toe lid off its season ’Tuesday nlgnt to the West Side field to do battle. carried its colors each time to with­ Manchester High has showed one Inning to seta new record...... iM B CAJ^’rau B Scoring 18.runs in the fourth game, .the, In the fifth game. . Great Most of toe players pleaded an The game ydll start at 2:45. in one scant stride.of the.promised slow but continued improvement Cubs and A’s equaled the record wtabllshed running catch' of Ktkl Cuyler that,, off night” and after toe regular NoO (3Aio»T L i e To make a long story shox.t, Meri­ land, only to. stymble atithe, finish. since it''re-adopt^'football‘ ht toe by toe two New York teams In robbed A1 Simmons of a home run games proceeded to roll toelr real den has won the C. C. I. L. league good scores. Capt. Montie had the Bui the current campaign holds an local institution^six-. years .ago un­ Cubs were guilty of istrlking out^ab ttoes.'ln.v^^ In the final game.'* • Charley . (^ A H V ^ U ? title on two occasions sinde to© cir­ u i^ d begint^, for the founders five games, breaking the mark of f l i ’Stnlmq’t**,';)/'! Grimm proved hla-clajs a» a high single and high three string for cuit was foimded in 1926 and Man­ der the Joint direction t o f Jack the night while Pete Hansen fur­ chester has captured toe pennant of'dntcrcollegiate footb^li- Dwyer and Wilfred Clarke. Sr by the Giants in six games, . . . great first baaeman by his With toe Tigers shaded and too nished toe high opposition. once. That was last year when toe Facing many sv handicaps 'frbm a mons, Jimmy Foxx and Jimmy D ^ e s ‘edoh r capable fielding through­ E3u troimced, Harvard will take The rule for gutter balls and for strongest gridiron team which ever standpoint of equipment as wbll as made two hits In one Inning t* equal.;the p - out the series. . . . Heart­ tro^4^ against the Navy at Cam- breaking effort of Pat Ma­ scores of 66 holds this year and toe represented Manchester High material,, toe ^chooVa gridiron- re­ record of Ross, Young, New York ■ Glints. > marched roughshod over all league bridg^atoday, a lone defender of presentation has gnrown until last . . . Simmons and Pbxx tied Frank Prll^h’s • lone, holding the Ath­ first three games produced consid­ •the tradiUori" Grove, or whether Root and Malone of toe Cubs might Manchester seeks to do tomorrow. when Earl Sprackling led a favor­ Total ...... 382 389 393 rules. Loose impediments, such 1924 SEASON not display more zip. Before the assembled board of critics Grove put as twigs or matches, on toe putt­ The Kellevites beat Middle town; ir. to ed Bruin eleven to its first ■victory Won 2; Lost 5; Tied 0 Charlie Varrick, local basebaJi Reo ing green must be removed ^ by 0 and tied Bristol 0-0 whije MeiidqQ over toe Blue. 0—Torrington ...... 28 on an exhibHloh that settled all this* " pitcher, won considerable fame in trounced Lewis High of Southing­ Holland ...... 78 74 ^ The defense which held a poten­ 6—Weaver ...... 0 Is difticult to convince aiiy number of old timers that Grove Willimantic Sunday afternoon then hand. ton 38 to 0 and beat Bucklev High tially strong Princeton attack on he pitched toe Majors to a 5-2 vic­ Ferine ...... 90 98 105 Tracing toe line of a putt with 0—Bristol ...... 1’^ is as fast as Walter Johnson or Cy Young or Amos Rusie or Rube Wad­ Gibbon ...... 93 92 lOD a club thus is a forbidden practice. of New London 7.-to 0. Both of the one-yard mark could easily 6—Middletown ...... 20 tory over toe Rossie Velvet tear: these teams are on' Manchester’s dell or Dazzy Vance, when toe dnzzler was in his prime a few years ago. Morse ...... 83 102 92 Rubbing toe club along in toe wreak havoc upon a new sweeping 0—East Hartford ...... 6 in the deciding game of toe city schedule. assault which the Blue has not yet 0—W illim antlc...... 14 ••Grove is different from aU toe rest in. toe way he shoots toevl)aU, championship series. The veter.Hn grass in toe line of toe putt is Totals ...... 344 355 381 There will be onlv one new face begun to master. 12—West Hartford ...... 0 without any .exaggerated windup or appearance of bearing do’wn or side- “Woody” Wallett, also of Manches forbidden. in the local lineup fo f toe Meriden Essex On Bunker and in Ditch. arm motion, such as Johnson used,” declared George Moriarty, toe old ter, caught his delivery. 93 game. Young Art Dh'vis ■ w ill'te 81 Varrick was badly injured in the Von Hone ...... 95 9 A player’s rights where to^ 24 Detroit star, and now an umpire. Moriarty batted against most of toe A nderson...... 104 11 84 absent from his post at center due first of the ninth inning when 93 I lies on toe edge of a to a sprained shoulder. McKinney 1925 SEASON old-time American League speed kings but he hesitates to say which struck side of the head by a fast R o t h ...... 93 9 hazard, or toe slope of a bunker will take his place with Mozzer go­ AMERICAN LEAGUE Robinson ...... H2 i ____122 ' ■ Won 0; Lost 8; Tied 1 was toe taster. , . , ball pitched by “Lefty” Curtis, rte or ditch, often occasion confusion. ing to toe latter’s stall at guard. A player is all-wed to ground 0—West H a rtford ...... 7 “1 batted against Cy Young when he was, supposed to be nearly was knocked to toe ground and Total ...... 404 419 392 The rest of toe lineup will be intact. 7_W ilbv ...... • 20 through but he tossed a few past me before .1 knew it,” said Moriarty. blood trickled' from his left ear. It his club in address the oa'J It is expected that conMderable im­ 2 0 PER CENT BETTER 0—Middletown ...... 9 on toe side of a bunker because provement will he noticed in toe ••If he was that good then, I wondered what he might have had in his was feared at toe time that he was Cheney 0—Bridgeport ...... 1'^ seriously injured. under toe definition of a bunker, selection of plavs which was poor Reubln ...... 78 82 83 last week resulting in Manchester 6— Bristol ...... ^ DriziTG* The plucky north end youth re Tucker ...... 116 91 101 toe sloping sides are. not tech­ 0—Torrington ...... 7 failing to score all of toe four times Chicago, Oct. y 17.— (AP)—Presi­ ‘•Waddell had tremendous strength, broad shoulders, and more of a fused to quit and after his team had mchards...... 92 96 100 nically a part of toe bunker. 0—W illim antic...... 7 batted in two runs in this frame, to This is not true where the ball it brought toe ball inside of Bristol’s dent E. S. Barnard of the American sweeping delivery than Grove, who seems to snap toe ball. Johnson Durfee ...... 103 98 101 ten yard Une. In that game Quar­ 6—East Hartford ...... 7 increase a 3-2 lead to 5-2, came lies on the slope or a ditch or threw bullets past the boys for a long time.” terback Ernie Dowd repeatedly sent League believes the American is 20 3—Alumni ...... 7 T otal...... 389 367 385 creek. Most clubs however have Vance has lost some of the hop on his fast one but as recently as back and atood toe Velvetmen on toe plavs through the heart of toe per cent stronger than the National 84 their heads in toe final half of Uie local rules covering the playing of 22 two years ago Rogers Hornsby told me there was no doubt whatever a ball out of a ditch or creek. Bristol line in preference to circling League and he credits the New York inning during which he struck out Burke ...... 78 84 83 toe ends which had resulted in most Yankees for the showing. 1926 RECORD in his mind that when toe Dazzler turned it on, he had more speed than “Lefty” Dugas, hard-hitting Taft Stevenson...... - 8 0 82 86 of the yardage. However j Its “The persistent domination in our Won 3; Lost 6; Tied 0 any other twirler in the National League. ■ville slugger. Schieldge ...... human to err and dl'vine to forgive, league has served to set such a 2—Bulkeley (New London) ------7 N e lso n ...... 100 105 96 so supporters of toe teams have al­ pace that other club owners were 0—Bridgeport ...... 19 Tommy Loughr'an was in toe press-box the day that toe athletics 368 355 353 BOB MEUSEL SOLD ready forgotten toe'Bristol game compelled to buy better players” 36—West Hartford ...... 6 BIG LOADING SPACE Total and are looking forward to tomor­ Barnard said today. “As a result toe 0—Meriden ...... 28 gave their famous “count of ten." toe knockout to the Cubs at Shibe AT CASINO. row’s battle. entire league is stronger.” 13—East Hartford ...... ‘ Italian Stars. OUTRIGHT TO REDS 7—Bristol ...... 13 “I know how groggy the Cubs must feel after that one,” said ’Tom­ ON NEW G. M. C. TRUCK 21— ^Middletown...... ® Paganl ...... ' ” .1^ 0_ W n ih n a n tic...... 12 my as he recalled toe wallop that had him dazed and ‘‘out on his feet Agnostinelli ...... 194 EXTRA POINT CHANGE “ the Yankee 0—Alumni ...... 20 the night he fought Jack Sharkey in another ball park, Pontiac, Mich., Oct. 17—Special Della F e r a ...... • • 77 New York, Oct. 17.— (A P )—Bob Football announcement that a new deluxe Detro ...... 98 Stadium. Meusel, veterantera outfielder who has VALUE QUESTIONABLE 79 112 nine-foot panel body, for light duty, Mazzola ...... 97 been with toe New York Yankees is now available on toe General since 1920, has been sold outright to B riefs 452 464 482 1927 SE.ASON Befor,© this gridiron season is over, toe combination of Red Cagle Motors Trucks’ famous Model T-19 the ancinnati Reds after all duos Won 5; Ix)8t 3; Tied 1 iand John Hertz Murrel of the Army likely will be as famous m toe chassis with a 133 1-2 inch wheel­ Y. JJ. H. A. in the American League had waived 'Cambridge, Mass.—Injuries are Moving Ball Yard Closer to 6—West Hartford ...... 24 'crange-Britton duo that starred'for lUinols' a few years ago. Murrel, base, was made here today. ' The Selwltz ...... 74 on his services, it was announced to­ gi'ving Coach Arnold Horween of Goal Line Not Expected to 19—Bristol ...... ® addition of this extra-length bo^ ^ Greenberg ...... 121 day at toe office of toe Yanks. ^plunger, punter and interferer, has been fitting in as effectively with the Harvard a lot to think about. He 6— Bulkeley (New London)- 0 to toe great General Motors Truck ! Orenstein ...... Ill Meusel, toe oldest member of toe Prove Team Superiority. 7— Bast Hartford ...... 6 more elusive Cagle as Britton did in teaming with toe Illustrious Illinois line, is toe result of toe insistent de- ‘ Barrabee 129 95 107 had to shift his whole lineup yester­ .109 92 102 Yankees in point of service, is toe 6— ^Meriden ...... 20 readhead in 1923, ’24 and ’25. . . . mand among truck operators in Cargoski second American League veteran to day when Talbot, right guard was Editor’s Note: This is the fourth 0—^Middletown ...... 9 ■Dne -of to© main-differences is that .Cagle has a distinct aversion to m.any lines for a factory built body be sent to Cincinnati in as many injured 0—New'Haven((Hillhouse) ------27 with greater -loading space • for 544 518 483 of a series of seven articles explain­ days. Harry Heilfaiann, Detroit ■West Point—Army’s hopes for a 19_Wllllmantic ...... 6 iscorttig touchdowns,-linless there'is no other way to avoid It on a long handling large, bulky loads. Tbe heavy hitter, •was released to toe victory over Harvard are Using nrtth ing the new footbaU rules. ^run. The Army redhead and captain apparently has no ambition to see entire unit ready for the road 7— Alumni ...... 9 Reds on Tuesday as toe first move toe improvement of the cadet pass­ weighs 4,000 pounds and toe total ing game: It worked beautifully There has been more or less agi­ 89 his name In the list of high-scorers, even though it might be easy for Last A’lght Fights in Dan Howley’s program of reor- 70 allowable gross weight including yesterday and toe regulars went tation for years to abolish the extr.a him to do it..'.Repeatedly he ha.s called on Murrel to carry toe ball oyer maximum load is 6,000 pounds. ) geinization at Cincinnati. dash over the Chicago—Lope Tenorio, -Philip­ Although always a good hitter, saUing right through a team of point after touchdown. We have it 1928 SEASON , after himself pitting it in a convenient position for the With an Inside length of 108 scrubs and first string'subs. pines won on foul from King ’rut, Meusel was benched late this season Won 7; Lost 2; Tied 0 inches, inside width of 51 3-8 inches Providence — John Ferrebee, with us again this fall, but -in a [final stripe. , . , , and inside height of 55 inches this i in favor of young Sam Byrd. His 12—East Hartford ...... 0 Minneapolis, one. Brown sophomore. Is learning toe slightly altered form. body provides the usually large Winnipeg, Can.—Frankie Battaj,- passing as a member of toe Yanks 12—^Middletown ...... ® ups and downs of football. Just when Opponents of toe seventh point 6—Bristol ...... 0 loading space so greatly needed by lia, Winnipeg, knocked out Vince caused little ^rprlae, but it had been he seemed to be developing* Into a declare it is unfair, in that whl'e 12—^Meriden ...... 9 many bakeries, laundries, cleaners expfected IM ^ was to go, he would Jelinek, La Crosse, Wis., two. read star he received a dislocated el­ 11 men are needed to score the 26—^We.st Hartford ...... 8 and dyers, retail stores, food mak- I be used In a trade calculated to strengthen toe former champions bow In scrimmage yesterday and six points which are won with a 0—Warren Harding ...... 24 OldSUppery Uniforms ers, and other operators of light * BOXING WRANGLE. touchdown, making the extra one 18—^Buckley (New London) .... 6 duty fleets. * | for the next campaign. will be out for several weeks. New York—Ofick Meehan seems generally falls upon toe shoulders 12—^Windham...... 0 New York, OcL 17.— (AP) Ae- of one player or, at the most, 0—Naugatuck ...... 45 GOLDEN BEARS ARRIVE. otoer "Battle of Miami Beach” tola to be worried about the result of the Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 17.— (AP) game between N. Y. U. and Penn two. They contend that the win­ 87 Bii winter may help the untangling oi AL DOWD TO MEET ning or losing of a game should 106 __Big and rangy and exponents of a the heavyweight booting situation State. He made his second change not depend upon which eleven system of football that combines and provide Max Schmeling with a in toe violet lineup yesterday, send­ power, speed and smartness, toe ing Dave Meyers to quMterback. has toe most ‘accurate kicker. h o p e t o h e a l b r e a c h . I New York," Oct. 17.—(AP) , S) "I use these rough -and ready uni­ means of evading toe suspension im­ PITTSFIELD BOXER That it does help do away with forms because you can’t get hold of Golden Bears of toe University of Princeton—Bill Roper has become iciotoes may not make toe ipan but California are here for their battle posed upon his manager, Joe JacQOs tie games is toe chief claim ad­ them.” by toe New York State Athleti': A1 Dowd, local Jimlor lightweight one of football’s leading experi­ Burlington, Vt., Oct. 17.—(AP)— with the Uni-verslty of Pennsylvania menters this week. He has to find vanced by its proponents. The hope that a secret meeting b.i- they make toe Fordham University boxer, will box in aa eight rouud Saturday. The squad arrived last Commission. ^ » a team which can beat Cornell ftom In an effort to discourage toe tween leaders of toe two divergent itootball team perhaps toe slipperiest The manager said he did not semi-final bout with Young Chamo- PRIZE CATTLE. night. among the members of a squad that kick as a means of adding toe factions within L'Unlon St. Jean to be found anywhere. ■ “ think toe ban placed on him . and ney of Pittsfield, Mass., In this city 1 Many of toe 60,000 persons vdio next Monday night. Dowd has been didn’t beat Brown. point, toe rules committee some Baptiste D1 Amerlque had heated CUBS ARE GENEROlfS Schmeling by toe New York govern­ time ago agreed that toe ball the breach which has caused so Watched Fordham upset New York St. Loyls, ■ Oct. 17.— (A P )—Tbe ing body woul'd be effective in working out steadily In preparation •U. 26'to 0 at toe'Polo Grounds, Sat­ Lippit farm of Robert Llppet should be placed on toe three- much tension at • toe quadrennial Chicago, OcL 17.—(AP)—B ;cause Florida. They were suspended for for bis next fight. He tipped the yard line from "whence it could be convention of toe organization here, urday,, .wondered at the ancient as­ Knight,-of Providence, R. I., won tlio Schmeling's refusal to go through ©coles at 134 pounds this morning. pect of toe Fordham players, who following awards in toe Ayrshire of their generosity in spliftin„ their kicked or rushed. From there, seemed to have deceived a jolt today shares with bench warmers. Cub with a bout for which his German This will be toe first fight, since BUSCH’ S CLASSES they argued, mtiny teams would with toe proposal by toe sorcalle^ took to,e field garbed in canvas cattle exhibit at toe National dairy Mailager Arthur Below, had signed last summer when he won a four tk^"tbat ^ere;Wo^ way back in regulars expect to receive but $3500 be impelled to try running plays Dsdgnault w l ^ of .to© partial, ©late fe shqw.her©: as .tlielr world series coin. Each Schmeling was to meet Piill Pcott at round decision in a Bridgeport fight. e age^of toe^game. • ' ; Fi^jst and nlnto cow five years or instead of chancing toe hazards of general ofticers indu^g .a cai^ regular was entitled to receive $4,- Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. BEGIN SATURDAY over; ^urth young herd, females of a kick from placement or a didate for toe presidency. * The myatery was elided today by 002 under toe regulations. TUT FACES SUSPENSION. Major Frank Cavanaugh himself. bred by exhibtor; eight get of sire drop kick. McCa r t h y b u y s o a r . The Junior swimming and life- The vsat majority, however, The picturesque'coach of toe Ford­ four animals; fifth produce of cow; Chicago, Oct. 17.—(AP)—King DENIES INTERVIEW Chicago, Oct. 16.— (AP)-^-“The sa'ving classes at th© School. . Street continued to kick, so toe powers TO VISIT U. S. ham team Alleged that “not” ostoetic tw o.anin^; second dairy .herd, four Tbit, M innellis challenger for the home town boy” who didp’t do well Rec will begin Saturday inornirg last winter decided to move the ut purely utilitarian motives led to cowisT 'h Bucharets,-' Rumania, Oct. 17.— in the world series .is-going home in world lightweight championship, to­ j Octj'i 17.— © resurrectioi^'pf toe o%fashloned day faces a suspension ©md a pos­ with'Frank C. Busch, Globe Hollow baAl a yard closer--to toe two- Hamburg, Gcr: S V,-;' IJ:' (AP)—CourtiChamberlain Hiott to­ elegance and comfort anyway. (AP)—A party of ^aberifOf toe b that ottl% coUegeA’ithreW' on sible fine for fouling Lope Tenorio, lifeguard, in charge. The swimndrg yard line. day denied the.,, authenticity of an Manager Joe McCarthy of the class wiU bb In seaaioh from lOflS Whether or not toe move w<.ll German Paper Manufacture!)©' As- « ie scrap heap year© ago. T^ ta^ff Is a ^eory which fillplno'in the first round of a ten- both pentobrats and Republicans are alleged Inteiwiew with Queen Marie Chibs bought a $5,000 automobile, .until 11 vdhen lifesaving will be have a tendency to bring about sociation sailed today on to© Bteam^«Jf^ "The wad i«,j)retHer.,” ob­ published in toe newspaper Univer­ and a new suit and started back to round bout in the Chicago stadium served the major, "but- that’s all. always positively wrong and abso­ ^taught until quarter'of twelv*. the desired result is probleinaticai er Reliance to visit American aitd sal regarding the regency question. Buffalo N. Y- today. last night. < .—and extremely doubtful. Canadian paper, centera, , .The wbsMh U)c4. better. I don’t. lutely right. V- ( ■txJ.'. ' ) i •’ 'r/‘ ’ ‘ ' . "'ti .'-V _ - ■ • * % PAGE £l.EV£r«t MANUHKSTKK K V ^IN G HUIKALU, SO tm i MANCH^TER, (X)NNm THURSDAY; OCTOBER .17, 1W9. • ( ' r r


The war, for all the pacifists wilH geant, a newspaperman who en­ tell you and all the beauti­ listed at 38 because he was patriotic. ful Btrcngth of the anti-war novels He still is. So was and is his wife. that flood the world nowadays, was They are willing to give their lives Sot a total loss in human virtue. to their country. But he earns his A few million men who bore arms living playing toe stock market. in the late conflict will be glad to Some of them were technically \- see a book which bears tha- out. "good soldiers” and some wep not. A few million more who found Descriptively, toe whole lot could I in the war the only really good have been matched in an outfit you It Gave These Home-fawn Pnends And Neighbors A Koen time they have ever had in, their wllU flame. Descriptively, toe whole lives will be glad of a book which lot could be matched in any Ameri­ shows their memories are decent. can Legion post now. Appetite—Restful Sleep—Active Days, Full Of Life And \ A few million bereaved should But their exploits were all glori­ find comfort in a book which shows ous., They were heroes, all right. that their dead did not meet death Don Marquis’ New Tales Are His Vigor—Good Blood—Steady Nerves And To Sum \ quite in the fashion of a steer in a Best to Date slaughterhouse. The heroic virtues "A variety of people," Don we heard of while fhe war was on Marquis calls his latest col­ '■r \ lection of short stories (pubUshed were real. It A lt Up—Health And Strenght If the heroic virtues were prac­ by Doubleday, Doran & Co. at ?Z), ticed in a fashion spectacular You may have read a good many of enough, and the incident of pr^- them in toe magazines; I have; tice was seen, and the officers who but I enjoyed reading them agmn. SO. NORWALK LADY 96 saw were not killed and were hon­ They seem to me the best collec­ OLD NORWALK RESIDENT ANOTHER HARTFORD est enough to make a report, the tion Marquis ’'as put out in a Wd m . hero, if he was an American, re­ DoubUess that is because toe RESIDEN'T PRAISES'THE YEARS YOUNG TELLS THE ceived the Congressional Medal of stories do make a variety. The Old TELLS OLD FRIENDS AND Soak appears, of course, with some Honor. ^ ,, NEW MEDICINE iRBJUS PUBLIC HOW TO FEEL WELL Ninety men, out of the two mil­ of his curlQus transmutatlonj of NEIGHBORS ABOUT ERBJUS lion Americans who bore arms in Bible tales. So does Tim O’Mearp, t Mrs. M. J. Slauson of IS Taylor Avenue, South Norwalk, Conn., Telia \ whose ancestor, Tim O’Meara, ap­ Miss Edith Wallwork of 878 Broad Street, Hartford, Conn.—Did-Suller France, so far have been award^ Mr. Charles Hyatt/.\n Old-Tiber in Norwalk Who Formerly Lived on VVIth Stomach, Troiible, Headaches and Dizzy Spell*— She Does How the Tonic ERBJUS Gave Her Strength and Helped Her that medal— the most difficult hero pears this time as the greatest dip­ _ More Than Anything She Ever Used. lomat of all Ireland in an intrigue Neivtown Avenue, and Was a Pattern Maker for the Not Now Because She Took ERBJUS (Herb Jnioe.V medal in the world to win. Twenty- * . N^walk Lock Co., Indorses ERBJUS. i . eight of them died in the exploit which involved two red-headed wo­ men, Queen Elizabeth and Mary turn to gas which would press, up that won it. The exploit which around my heart. 1 would have won each medal was one to carve Queen of Scots. ' But Marquis is best, I think, not sharp shooting pains in my chest. glorv on the skies. “1 suffered with hea.daches and But were these Medal of Honor as a funny man, but id a of pure drama, or of dramatic very bad dizzy spells, 1 would get men supermen, courageous sports, so dizzy at times I would have to different from the persons you and ^ "The Strong Grasses,” which sit down before falling. I knew in the various services, dif­ •T read of ERBJUS (Herb Julcej ferent from those you and I know opens the volume, is one of these^. and of toe many people it bad help­ now? If they were, how did they Here Marquis has tried his hand at the hardest thing a short-story ed—also that it was just herb juice differ? James Hopper, who saw the WM writer can try: Writing toe artlw- diluted in glycerine and so i made as a war correspondent, set out to late story of the inarUculate. He up my mind to give it a trial, too. find out. His book is Medals of succeeds* __ “I have now taken two bottles Honor" {Day, $3). It gjves the en- This Spanish Satire Is Finely and toe results 1 received are won­ Ure history, based on the citation, Written Book derful—I eat anything now and on Hopper’s investigation, and on Difficulties of translatibn have never have a sour stomach or a gas an interview, “10 years after, with hitherto kept out of English tr^s- pain; Indigestion is a thing of the each of the medalholders, of a lation every book but one o* Don past. dozen Medal of Honor men picked Ramon del Valle-Inclan, leader of "I never have a headache or a at random from the 50-odd who are that famous* group of Spanish dizzy spell—that tired worn-out writers called toe Generation of • still alive. , , - ______feeling has disappeared and I feel The Iwok is as noble a volume of 1898 MISS EDITH WALLWORK full’ of ambition. pure adventure as one will find In Primarily a poet, his prose style I "I am happy and pleased to en- is generally regarded as the toest a very long search. Miss WaUwork says: “I suffered wonderful medicine now in his country. Now Heury I"' Holt & Co. publishes a translation greatly with stomach trouble and ERBJUS (Herb Juice) as it has * s The dozen men portrayed in this of what has been hailed, since 1926, indigestion for the past year. made me free from all aches and book pretty nearly cross-section as his finest novel and one of the “Everything I ate would sour and pains.!’ the American population. finest of contemporary Europe. One was a Texas lad, cowpuncher, V N -.V •• ^ ^ It is published here as The Ty­ halfback for a college which did not rant” (its Spanish title was require that he had gone to high Banderos,” 'since toe Tyrant Band school, regular army sergeant be­ eros is the hero—or villian). . fore the war, a hard-boiled soldier Whatever toe difficulties of the who-now, terribly maimed from Thousands of People Everywhere Speak translation may have been, here is ills wounds, is a professional re­ a book of uncommon crispness ana in Highest Terms of ERBJUS and its MRS. M. J. SLAUSON ceiver in New York. gusto, and as beautiful satire as one MR. CHARLES HYA-TT • Another was a Cornell student, could ask. Marvelous Efficiency On Oct. 19, 1923, just very near could almost feel the new health now a juvenUe-book pubUshM v it t 'Two .years ago. Uncle Charlie better. My trou^Te seemed to van­ flowing through my veins. I do not It is satire, directed mostly Hyatt, who now resides at 160 W. ish and you can see today as I and six years ago, Mrs. Slauson gave his father. Another was an English against the Latin-American Repub­ hesitate to Indorse this remedy ami landscape gardener, now a florist Church street, Seymour, Conn., posing for this picturethat I am lic’s Mother Country — if it were us the following testimonial: I trust my friends and neighbors In- Stamford, Conn. Another w a s ^ ,and is 94 years of age, gave us the quite hale and hearty for my years, “I have suffered a great deal will try ERBJUS as it ccrtainlji not there it is directed more against and I do not hesitate to say that Irish kid from back of the yards in these republics themselves. There following testimonial: Chicago—^before the war, during ERBJUS is helping me over the with bladder trouble and consti­ helped me.” are some jibes at the United States, "I never saw anything like ERB­ ^In July, 1929, the writer called the war, and still, spoiling for a rough spots. HEADACHES AND dYz ZT pation. I gfuess a great deal of it and at the diplomatic corps, and at JUS. Owing to my age I was natu­ because of my age. I feel weak on Mrs. Slauson and found hei rally constipated and rheumatic The writer called on Uncle Char­ ^Another was a Jewish top ser- everything else in sight and nm down after my attacks of bright and happy. She easily walk­ and seemed to be getting worse. I lie at his home in Seymour in July, SPELLS MADE HARTFORD ed down the stairs and on to toe , 1929, and the old gentleman was indigestion. I have been and now tried many ways and many sys­ am a believer in herbs and after i front porch and had the pliotc tems to get relief, but none came still spry and still says that it was LADY VERY MISERABLE taken that accompanies this article. ERBJUS that got him through last finding out that ERBJUS contain- | UNION TRUCKMEN through. I would have a great deal ed no alcohol I felt that it must be She is still a strong jndorser ol ‘ NEW DECIMO CLUB of . distress after eating and had winter and he doesn’t know how Mrs.-Mary Cross of 146 Francis Ave., Hartford, Conn., Tells How ERBJUS and has had no return of he could get along without it Many quite a medicine. I have taken three some bladder trouble. ERBJUS (Herb Juice) Dispelled Her Troubles. bottles and it steadied my nerves [ the former trouble. Mrs, Slauson la "The hot weather bothered me of the old Norwalk residents will today as spry as most women at NOT TO WALK OUT remember Mr. Hyatt and feel glad Mrs. Cross says: “For the pasih and -gave me a great appetite and m a k e s it s d e b u t a great deal. I heard of ERBJUS I feel better in every way. To talk sixty. Her one desire is to reach that he has reached such an ad­ four years I have suffered with my j and started taking it. It surely . is plainly, it braced me up and 1 the century mark. a great tonic and I began to feel vanced age and still in good health. stomach and it was always sour Leaders Decide Not to Join and acid after eating. Old Founder Organizes Se­ "G&s would press up around my “ERBJUS HAS DONE heart giving me intense pain and I cret Association Among Gas Truckmen in Present had headaches and. dizzy spells so MR. BENEDICT PUBLICLY SO MUCH FOR ME” badly that everything would tui*n TH ANKS THE CITIZEN WHO Yonths of Two Cities. New York Strike. black before me. SAYS MR. REMSEN “My back would ache so I could TOLD HIM'ABOUT ERBJUS hardly bend over and at times 1 New York, Oct. 17— (APy —The New York, Oct 17.—(AP)—The Mr. Du Bois Bem,e« «l 10 WelMtet Street, South Nonrolk, Indorees could har New York, Oct. 17.— (a I»)—The pounds and do not know what it^is candidates seeking to be accepted downward movement in stock prices my back, and it seemed that i just and you tire out easily and your “I had rheumatism in my arms I could not relief. The hot weather system feels below par, ERBJUS •—still remains FIVE YEARS after­ so badly that I could not raise |to have an ache or a pain.” for membership. was halted late this forenoon when This testimonial was given by The Declmo Club which was in­ seemed to affect me and what food will give you a surprise. It will tbem, even toe . slightest move | large buying orders appeared for wards. ■ , . Mr. Beneuict li.^Nov. 1926,'and he vestigated by the state in 1927 oper­ I would eat would turn sour and tone up your system, keep your would give me terrible pains. One j influential shares, such as U. S. is still without 'rheumatism and ated somewhat along toe same gen­ acid. heard of ERBJUS through bowels open and stimulate toe kid­ of my feet was also affected and j Steel, American Telephone and In­ SUCH GLOWING TRIBUTES MUST still enthusiastic' over ERBJUS. eral lines as toe present organiza­ a friend of mine and started tak­ neys. It will create a healthy ap­ when walking it would seem as if 1 vestment Rails. The old adage that says:' "The tion. A temporary injunction against Steel, which had sagged 3 1-4 ing it. The first dose or ^wo re­ petite qiBd you will digest your BE WELL MERITED. my toes were being crushed and ■ lieved my sour stomach and with­ food properly. ERBJUS is a tonic my entire foot was numb and had proof of the pudding is in the eat­ ■ toe Decimo Club was obtained re­ points to 210 1-4, rebounded to 215, ing” certainly applies to ERBJ17S. straining it from doing business. It National Biscuit was raised 6 points in a day or two the gas and bloat and should be taken by anyone that a cold feeling. ' was later vacated by Supreme Court above yesterday’s close, American and also the pains in my back dis­ does not feel as they should. Justice Riegelmann in Brooklyn. Telephone 6 1-4, S)t./Joseph Lead 4, , The club was also investigated in Johns-ManvHle 5 1-2, Chicago, Massachuetss, New Jersey and else­ Northwestern, Atchison, New Ha­ where. ven, U. S.Tndustrlal Alcohol, Gen-, ERBJUS IS ON SiLE IN MANCHESTER AT eral Electric and Western Union 3. Early declines, which ran from 1 to 4 points in a number of instances, VALUABLE APPLES. establishing new lows for toe year, were made up by midday. - Redding, Oct. 'l7.—(AP)—Three Call money renewed unchanged Apple* cost John H. Crosby of Nor- at 7 per cent. / >wslk 125 here last night. Justice of Peace .Lloyd Blackman fined Lingering coughs and colds arc Crosby that amo,unt when he was ar­ dangerous. Throat and Brouchial raigned for taking toe three apples Balsam for quick relief. Only sold AND at.t. o t h e r LEADING DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. from a tree on a farm near here. at Magnell Drug Co.—Adv. Y


, ‘

PAGE riUH I EEN THURSDAY, OCTOBER^ 17, 192^ MANCHESTER E V E N I N G HERALU, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CO^N^ 1 oven, preneac. oven to' 500 degr^es. Distinctive F, This is hot* enough-for pastry. A t'toe' end' Of 15 minutes,- toe sur^ face of toe roast is well sealed to Y O U R . prevent toe escape of the flavor­ some juices. Reduce heat to 350to i ‘i'i CHILDREN 376 degrees F . and roa^t for ^ 7 TOtere are, It Aiay be,’.pd, many required length of tij&®x ^ ®' ®®^* pices in the f%y0rjd, and ^Ruth.Deiu{u6iDUE6 ered roaster is used, do oot put-on Qf!. L is without iiig^cance. NBI.SERVICEINC AUTW ^ Q P * B'CH Q « L - poor eiRUT ETC* O liv e Ib^ertsBarhtt toe cover until *ihef heat is reduced. mme of d?»cv2ft U >*EA S«rviceJn« Rub roast wftli’-saH. and pepper Ians 14:10. f , » i ! I getting? He never eats and when Miss IshbeT'MacDonald showed mixed with Jlittae.^#Djur when. ' '■ ’ ;FVn THIS'HAS HAPPENED bVeiij ------, j j ♦« ' he isn’t working or studying he s her interest in and friendliness for ready to put P_‘•Forword a man; ;ii often ..HELEN PAGE feels indebted to Miss Morris, and it’s just ^'deemed t o ie wise", and for O^e word the children’s cause yben she visited % i the mad scramble for seats on i and in love with 1 to get his mind off you; I know it FRIENDSttlPTfiW^Y !<;-shack flaring cuffs. Long after these ambitious traffic roast it is called a “standing rib these things are the dead cepter of experts have learned, all there is to p u t « .nt» Style No. 721 is easily made and roast.” Scraping toe meat from the copied at a small outlay. know about busses and transporta­ bones and rolling and tying toe meat come ^ — ----- .. gestlons are merely suppl^ntory. words. ^ It is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 tion. they may still find themselves in toape produces toe popul^f She herself tried to keep the con­ him time to wonder about her visu (‘Bob,” she began in a tense, sub­ mere Home to Bl«^^ and'42 inches bust. |;^derirrduates ^til they learn de- “ rolled roast.” The rolled roast is versation going by talking of toe ChUdren who reach_toe^_juyemle. yrara un e g . . ------dued voice, “ tell me, you^b^vent Black crepe satin, ^ ack finitely that the passenger is always easier to carve, but the hones flavor show at toe 'Garden, but S^Uamar courts almost invariably have ms^ crepe with jabot and cuffs of egg- right no matter how wrong she may got yourself tangled up with Shalli­ tressing home conditions or have toe m«at and gravy. kept interrupting to tell of the sheU shade, bottle green crepe be A middle cut of toe sirloin, toe wl^re- she and Bob had spent toe mar Morris, have you?” had them during their early forn»- Bob sat up and frovraed at her. Marocain, tobacco brown sheer vel-| According to toe “New Yorkw, back of toe rump and the chuck tive years. Incorrigible children who vet, printed sheer velvet in wine red conductor ends his apprentoesmp *^^ce when ShalSimar reached out “What toe deduce is toe matter with give ^school authorities toe most rib all are used and make excellent tones, and printed rayon crepe in with a seven-day training period m roasts of varying prices. a hand and laid it possessively on you?” he asked in reply. r r - ^ " “Never mind me,” Eva Insisted. toouble are not usually ^®^ capucine. tones on dark ground are which a conductor may be submitted Before putting 'a roast in toe one of Bob’s Helen flinched. cause they aren’t drilled in most attractive combinations. are visited upon him, and if, on the oven, wipe it well with a damp The gesture seemed somehow to “I want to know' about you and havior but because home isn t what Shallimar.” „ It’s exceptibnally smart for seml- seventh day. he is still giving soft cloth—but do not put it in water,' upset Bob too. He looked itoross aports wear .in Matoer-we^ht. wool­ answers, toe diploma is nis. “Well, there’s nothmg to know. ^ s ^ MacDonald in a few words Cold water has a tendency to draw the table at Eva. “Let’s go home, en in tiny self-checked pattern in But it is usuallv durmg this out the juices and also toughens the IM sis,” he said; “you look Ured. cocoa brown shade., with toe jabot persecution week toat most of Eva jumped to her feet without fibers of the meat. and cuffs cut on the bias for con­ them decide to be policemen, war- An oven toat is hot when the /ri.iav “Do you mind if we run, care of themselves; dens, highwayman—or to follow him. trasting effect, and worn with roast is first put in sears toe entire Helen?” she begged. “I am tired.” he began but Mothers may ^welcome toe mqtrhing browu suede belt. some other occupation that does not surface of toe meat and prevents “So am I.” . Shallimar chimed im “ Look (here . . gestions of behaviorists (who ra^ly Eva stopped him. • Pattern prige. 16 cents; to stamps- require a muzzle. the escape of toe meat juices. The “ Bob, you simply exhaust me. very Ire sorting many or coin (coin lis preferred). Wrap There are those who can maintain intense heat hardens toe protein on ' “ Get up and dress,” ehe com­ lems for us where our cbil^cn are THE ONLY GLEANING ^prettUy she suppressed manded, “and go right over, t.o coin carefully.. , a Buddha’s calm when a 240-pounder toe outsidx of toe roast. though her eyes were wtde.-iwake. concerned), but they “ ««OaY® We suggest that when you send chooses - to stand on. the condurior s ANi) DYEING ESTABLISH- Bramblewood.” ^ „ u of failuBB or incompetency A self-basting or open roaster can They seemed to be, for pattern, you enclose 10 cents foot in preference to the hard floor, be used. No water should ever be was interested in reading their ex­ Her seriousness convmced B od .WENT IN SOUTH l i a S iS v S 't Ume to go tato t b . « additional for a copy of our new or who can open and slose a window added during the cooking process. pression, sharing a secret with Bob. that the need of his presence at Helen’s home was urgent. “Whats things seriously. , . ^ Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine. ten times a minute and not forget The meat itself furnishes plenty MANCHESTER, ^ Helen appealed to Eva. You Truly toe hand that rocks toe to smile between each operation, nut of moisture and water causes loss promised to stay here tonight, sue w rong?” he demanded. cradle ^ e s the-'wcrld whether, there Scientific methods employed un­ “Helen wants you,” Eva told him. fall and spoil all when it qomes lo of flavor. is a book on chUd traimng on toe der direct supervision of Mr. Dou- s&id. “ She wants you. Bob, more than Mancheste.r Herald keeping toe arms straight at toe Weight of Roast Important Eva hesitated for half a moment. gan. Perfect workmanship by she wants anything else in the mantlepiece or not.., Pattern Service • side and toe face forward while It is Important toat the weight Would Bob go at once if she stayed, some irate passenger gives him a assistants thoroughly trained and world.” of the roast is knowm. Seasoning she wondered ? For Helen s sake ♦ * ♦ PATTERN NO, 721. slap across the face with the gloved capable. she wanted to break up toe party. and time of roasting areVeckon|6d As «»ur' piillernj' are mailed mitt when he tries to restrain tWs according to weight'. Allow 1 tea­ Anyone with any sense at all could Bob uttered a short, harsh laugh. from New Vork I'll.! please ml- passenger from alighting when toe spoon salt and teaspoon pepper The flimsiest of chiffon, to the see that Helen was on toe ragged “So that’s it, is it? Just some of Vs Daily Hectlth low live days." car is moving. for each' pound of meat. Fifteen, to iieaiHest of winter garments, re­ edge, she thought furious with her little Eva’s ravings!” t * * 30 minutes are allowed to the pound ceive individual .--attention as re­ \ brother for having come at all. But “Don't be a fool, please. - “N o? I should hope not. One in Service Price 16 tents The CourtesjyRacket for roasting. A rolled roast which quired. ; Helen would not have asked her lo \ It is one of the ironies of life stay imless she really needed a con- the family is enough.” is more compact than a cut con­ “Stop talking about me\ana get hy \Vtsl yearned to offer comfort to. toe her. “Mother will heaij us. She’s Men are usuafly hot so much trou- worried nearly to death about you as friend who had done so much for bled, because they have tougher c- her. But Helen’ s sUence was some­ it is. Don’t let her know.toat you’ve thing to be respected. fallen for that dirty'dog.” ^*^Manufacturers o f, cosmetics have The room was softly d'a r k , But Eva would not be quieted, prepared aU sdrts of creams' to be fragrant with the perfume of an imtil Bob suggested that she go to beared on the 'face to prevent exquisite person’s belongings. Eva Helen and ask her outright if Brent chapping, such as occurs durmg \ thought of her own little room at had not been her. affianced husband. m oto:^ or during exposure on toe home, but there was envy in. her “No, no,” Eva choked. “I can’t. footoaU bleachers. Any good cold Precious, lovable little fellow. Tenderly nourished and carried in to manhood by heart-—only an ache that made her I couldn’t bear .it if it were true. cream win serve the purpose. Since kin to aU toe suffering souls And I wouldn’t want. Helen to. toe cream , has a tendency to wear the kindly magie.ef M ILK .-:,w ith traditional faithfulness, mother watches each feed­ throughout the universe. off, it Is probably best to greMe, toe Softly as rose petals falling she ‘•But can’t you see toat it is?’' pvtn once or twice during the day ing. making certain that baby receives exactly the required measure of mdk at regular Bob pressed. “You’re noti d^ylog frit Helen’s hand touch hers, take and before going to bed at night. intervals. W y'W d night. i'B ^ y’s health, however, is not so easdy satisfied as his appe- ‘ it. and suddenly grip it convulsivriy. tokt you and Brent . . . ^ If the chapping is very severe Md ' lie r e was a stifled sob, that echoed he berii open about it, - painfull It Is probably wise for i o « 2 w S ^ tite, unless QUALITY be as definitely assured as quantity. . In Eva’s torment, foUowed by toe hasn’t he come here? Amd ^ b o ^ womeri* to virear gloves invariably t Helen been seeing besides him? and to wear a Ught veil to break Children will fret, often for no words: “Eva, 1 love him so much,” apparent reason. But there s al­ Eva •knew. She sUpped an arm Hiere isn’t anyone, is there. the force of toe wind and to holdj Give your child Bryant & Chapman’s milk safeguarded by strict laboratoiV control one sure way to comfort a under Helen’s head and eroded •It miebt be Someone she knew in the moisture ways wet • * wordlessly over the sob-racked girl. befSe the came to Yonkers.” Eva restless, fretful child. C a s s ia I at every step from the farm to When her strength was complete­ offered hopefuUy: “someone who is ^ BANS SMOKING GIRLS. Harmless as the recipe on the ly spent Helen lay for a whUe ^ p - filwfty*** wrappef; mild and bland as it ing brokenly. Then she told l^ b s “No, he is here, where she c^ Lynn, Mass., , Oct, 17.— (A P )— tastw. But its g«tle action see him. She was going to see him Ralph S; Bauer, Lynn’s moral cru­ understand. A coated tongue calls sister of their quarael and how soothes a youngster more surely fbr a few drops to ward off .c y Vw ^^WUHESIBK HEKAUU. »n J l H MANUhEi^rER. C O N ^ THURSDAY. OCTOEEKJ^, 19gj. 1 7 t>AGB FOURTEEN


B i n i ' A N P NOTEFOUNOINCAN ■ HEIJI- WANTEl]^^ SCHUBERT EVENING HEADLESS BODY ' FEMALE^'‘^|f-::^J5 / •ytnT.T. THE P E ^ O N vyhio found box A- y ' TO HONOR COMPOSER Manchester containing Airway-iSanitary Sys- WANTED — COM PETEil^^^ f , G ; OF WOMAN FODND temtSerlal Nij. 68SM5 in vicinity of n t Evening Herald V a,/. Ji Kinkawlage, Donegal, Irish Free Miditte TuinpiKl^ p S ^ e notify H. South Methodist Choir Assist­ State, Oct .17.—(AP)—A pencyedl . CLASSIFIED -M .. Juul,;55 iJelnwmt, and receive street, m - ^ ! .7,- "~ These :1 ed by Miss Gladys Hahn to advertisements reward. j*hone 9d5&.-;' '? le i^ V '*■• - - • Render Kis Works. Mysterious Mnrdei wbouseworlftI n T E ^ ^ ^ ^ fe ^ e B m5 n " c 5 ^ Tand^ADle-w .w-awastr, the Donegal ..Coast in a rusty tin yes-1 LO ST^PAIR o f ^tipeman’s gray terday la believed here to be that of suede fur lUiedlgloy^S, between Sel- qook. Telepbroe ■ / r • In view of the fact that it is just COLUMNS one hundred years since the death Lieutenant. Commander H. C. Mac­ Whhin a Menlli in Towh -ords as two words. Minimuiii, vu witz'Eloc)^ and'C^t?r. Will WANTED-i»SGli^ TO f- b ^ price of three l^nes. please dial 8192 and receive r^r housewori;‘ nSdinnflgs//and^^e ,of j of the great composer Schubert, the. Donald, who was ^ lost in an vinsuc- transient program of his works to be present- cessful attempt to fly from-Harbor Near Yonkers. Line rates per day for war^'.?----- ’ ’ 3 vear o i e ^ l, odd who co«d stay are your I ed next Sunday night by the South Grace to London just a year ago. ads. KffocUve March 1SS7 afternoons desired, CaU 8270. j Methodist Choir will lend an espec- The note has been sent to Mrs. MacDonald, for possible identifica­ 7 ctsl cts PERSONALS W A N T E D -- GIRL, for general t; Consecutive Days n cts tion. Yonkers, N. Y., Oct. 17— (AP)— :; Consecutive Lays ..j ■I ctsl housework. Generous allowance of ctsl 13 CIS PALMISTRY—Your fortune in you^ "Servants Lieutenant Commander MacDon­ Greenburgh police today were fac­ ' A?l^ o r d e r s 'fo r ‘ li-rVijular ‘ '1®®^/'°” “ hand. Have your palm read' by time off, but must stay nights. Tel. ald left Harbor Grace in a tiny Moth ed with their‘ second mysterious Madam Wald. Cali 4675; Tor ap­ 7536. plane October 17,1928. He was last murder within a month In discovery •-V'Tor term..'r every last night of the badly decomposed upon reQuest- pointment. J______seen about 700 miles out at sea after day advertising g iv ^ They will perform most and headless body of a woman in a Aa;'c.ra.r.a for bis take-off, apparently all well. Va. - ’■'^®'-®d^f°,’:^ 7 ,;;“u r,rd 'or Bftn HELP WANTED— MALE 36 Tbe note found yesterday *was clump' of woods near the St. AI I'miVIOBI LES FOR s AliE 4 any task— ;they’ ll help you written on tbe leaf of a dairy from Andrews Gplf Club at MouUt Hope. WANTED—PIN boys. Must be 14 A wedding ring, set with a dia­ years of age. Charter Oak Bowling wbicb tbe date had been obliterated. 1926 Essex Ctoach. find a house*; a flat, or a • - , It was signed by what appeared to mond and another ring froni which Alleys. ^ 1928 Essex Coach. he “McDonnell.'______a stone had been removed from its 1928 Chevrolet Coach. room. They will locate New-York'police had turned over {setting are the only clues., " 's o “ "ml forbids"; dlsblsr H"=» 1923 Willys-Knight Roadster. POULTRY ANDSUI»PLIES 43 to them late In last October* ■ ‘ a note Dead Long Time 1927 Ford Coupe. lost articles or sell’ them, found near Staten Island which read County Medical Examiner Squire 1926 Ford Coupe. I “Down off coast of Ireland, Captain said the woman had been dead FOR SALE—BARRED Rock Pul­ whichever you choose. Let 1926 Nash Sedan. lets, ready to lay November 1st. MacDonald.” They considered that sometime. No clothing was #*und f ' f * ■' near by. Police are now searching "‘"The^lrdvmenroncss.on of -ncor 1925 Fordor Sedan. Telephone 7280. ______[message a hoax. 1923 Ford Coach. these servants help you I British officers at Fort Lenan and for the head as a possible means of MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES r'entification. FOR SALE—A FEW good White daily. The cost is small. civic guards who have seen ihe note 1069 Main S t Tel. 5462 Rock and Rhode Island Red Pul­ declared they were satisfied as to its Less tham a month ago Mrs. Elsa must conform Thomas E. Donahue, Mgr. lets. H. E. Keeney, 612 Keeney St authenticity. Marshall, 24. was slain by an un- ■ All advertisements with knovim assailant at KnoUwood in in style, copy «"'• typography ' gra . _,ced by the publish- FOR SALE — 1927 CHRYSLER regulatio* ; euL- right to (Treenburgh; reserve the roadster with rumble seat ?200. e l e c t r ic a l APPLIANCES DIAL 5121 PRISONER KIui'SELF Within the last few months sev­ !d!t 1-ev.se-^or « je c t any opy con- 1927 Chevrolet sedan $250 at \ eral violent crimes have occurred in RADIO 49 the town of Greenburgh.' *'closino®hour^^^ Durant Sale & Service, 149 Bum- side Ave., East Hartford or Tel. FOR SALE—MAJESTIC A and B ------fo r ------Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 17— (API — Last April the charred body of ------4 4 3 9 . ______' eliminator, reasonable price. In­ George Bemdt, £0, awaiting trial on Dorothy Peacox-was found In the a charge of manslaughter for beat­ woods off Ardsley road. t e l e p h o n e y o u r quire Kemps, Inc. FOR SALE!— 1926 JEWE3TT coach, CLASSIFIED Miss Glayds Hahn ing his 81-year-old wife to death, >15,000 miles, at good price. Party W A N T A D S . ■1 ended his long life today by hangar.-g going out of town. Inquire Pagam FUEL AND FEED 49-A ial note of interest; and be a wortoy himself in his cell in Erie county OLD ESTATES ON MARKET Brothers Store. continuance of the many beautiful jail. musical services rendered by this 1929 Willys-Knight Standard 6 HARD WOOD $6 per load. Hard The old man had knotted his un­ organization during the past five derwear about a screen and looped Roadster. slab wood $5.00 load. Wm. J. Mc­ ness o*^,**^®lEllVr ^u- first InsertionS.“. of Kinney., Pbone'Rosedale 28-2. years. .. . ^ the ends about lua neck. Seyei-ai ' London, Oct. 17.—(AP.i—Two 1929 Whippet 4 fourdoor sedan. Schubert, during his brief thirty mo^e famous British estates are day f°“ °'’'‘"€*Jw1se the CHARGE Cole Motor Sales APARi’lViENrS— FLATS— weeks ago he admittc'^ having beat­ r a t e will be collected. No responsi- f o r SALE—HARDWOOD $8 load, r o o m s w it h o u t BOARD 59 years of life, created an incredible going on the market. 91 Center S t Tel. 8275 TENKMKtVTS 6 3 ______en his wife to death with his fisr. Kim^ for errors In telephoned ads hard slabs $7, selected fire place. number of works in every form and while in a rage after she had refus­ The Duke of Leeds. John EVancis win ^ e assumed and their accuracy Charles Psdmer. Telephone 6273. TO RENT — FURNISHED room ------;———.. . r r I style of composition. The complete Osborne, who is 28 years of age and 1928 BRSKINE COACH. with all modem improvements. In­ THREE ROOM suite in North jehn- l musical works has ed to give him money. .cnffot b. ^ J J f g f f o F 1927 OLDSMOBIL9} SEDAN. succeeded to the tiOe^ only two FOR SALE—1000 CORD hard wood son Block. All moQcm im prov®'Lever been definitely fixed. A great 1927 DODGE COUPE. quire 44 Pearl street Phone 6989. NOTED ARTIST COMD«G HERE.' years ago, has decioed ■ to sell CLASSIFICATIpNS and slabs. Price $10 cord for slabs, ments. Also single room. many were unearthed after his Homeby castle and the. surrounding A I 1927 CHEVROLET COACH. Aaron Johnson 3726 or janitor, and to this day an occasionaJ^ Births ...i....* B I $11 for wood. Slabs extra fine estate in North Yorkshire. The Engagements ;. • Iff other good used cars. 7635. ~ ____'authenticated piece is brought to Bremen, Germsuiy; Oct. 17.—^(AP) C Crawford Auto Supply Co. - quality.’-Call 6991. bo a r d e r s WANTED 59-A —The beautiful 24-year-old Barou-- Duke of Buccleuch is selling John­ Marriages ...... D ______„ 1 lip-ht His works embrace nine Deaths ...•••••• B ' Center and Trotter Sts. FOR SAUE3—-THE FOLLOWING FOR REOT—FIVE ROOM 6'’®^ "symphonies, five overtures, , much ess Barbara van Kalckreuth saili'd stone house in Dumfriesshire. Card of Thanks ...... P Tel. 6495 or 8063 ~ \ r o o m a n d b o a r d .with home floor, with garage, on Eldridge today for New York where she '■-x- At the same tim'?, Old Hurst In Memoriam -...«***»••••••••* 11 kinds, of wood, sawed to order; privUeges, price $9.00 week, 80 chamber music, twelve sonatas, Ijost and Found ...... hickory, hard, white birch, slab and street. James J. Rohan. Telephone seven masses, and over six hundred nects to do a portrait of Ma,v .» .« • « > « Dial 6148. fertile; it is hard to conceiye how A.uto*” For Hire .» OFFERED 13 ment of 2 rooms, with garage. In­ ment. all modem injprovemenls. in­ ,;«2igea—S«rvlce—Storage 10 one man could, in so short a life­ quire 109 Foster street.______cluding heat, at 169 Summit street. time. put forth such an enormous WELDING, "bracing, carbon burn­ GARDEN—FARM- Phone 5987. ^ im tS A u to i—Motoroyclee . ” 1* ing and blacksmltidng. Cbas. O. W, quantity of almost uniformly im- (♦^Stoees Pyofeeelonal Services FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM up- Nelson, 277 East Middle Turnpike. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 stairs flat, on Ridge street, aU mod­ — portant and beautiful music. i*nelneie Service* Offered ..•••« i* ■' ■ The choir vyill sing, next Simday WHY DO YOU PAY,BENT? ■iR qMliold Service* Offered » 13-A em improvements, steam heat, also HOl'SKS KOK KKN'I 65 • WHEN YOU CAN BUY a nice, cottage of 5; rooms, cozy and BoUtoS—ContractlnB w 14 f o r s a l e — POTATOES $1.90 night. “Miriam’s Song of Triumph” 15 1 bushel, carrots $1.50 bushel, red extra finished room in attic. In­ ! OV.U “TVio Omnipotence.” both of comfortable and a garage throwm in for^ $5,200. five minutes’ walk i&orlst*—Nurseries BL«. • • Mi • 16 BUILDING- quire 79 Ridge street, upstairs. fihmeral Director* »v*•’**■*“ onions $1.25 and $1.75 bushel, cab­ ^roLs^^Th'^^ra^. on“" V a T k e '! I S ch 'S iv e very important sop^no to Main street. • „ _ I ■wJPlumblng—Roofing 17 CONTRACTING 14 How wouin you like to own a brahd new house, b room^ ana IS I bage $1.00 dozen. Will deliver. FOR RENT—eltOOM tenement, all ■esoraoe* n.M*******^**?******* Jame, J. Roban. Te,. 7433. s * | . S sun parlor, fireplace, colored tile bath' and shower, front and real eiuv—Dree snaking 19 CARPENTER WORK, garages, Phillip Hoffman. Jr.. 460 Hillstown improvements, with or without 20 halls. Plenty of closet space, oak floors and stairway, ana a ghl/Truoking^torage roofing, repairs and alterations. T. Road.' Telephone 8326. -garage. Apply 14 Spruce street or ■ ------^------1 Hahn has been heard bv many in jnfjngu—Papertng 211 garage tor $7,500 with a few hundred dpn,ars cash Now is y ur 22 Nielsen, telephone 4823. F A R M S A N D L A N D KOK tManchester before, and the remem- efesslonal Service* FOR SALE—EXTRA NICE cooking dial 4545.V _ . I 1^, nt brance of her lovelv voice, together opportunity. ’ . , ,, 23 1 Before buying the site for your new. home take I'-^t ore .iook fcODldrlnff' eve• * r ” 24 potatoes; pumpkins for pies and o A l.r . Iwitb the fact that in add'tiori to the j S^ortng—Dyeing—Cleaning ie>« f o r 'RE3NT— 6 ROOM tenement, at the wonderful building lots aa Henry street and on lanner 25 MOVING— TRUCKING— HafioWe’eh, 5 cider vinegar. E. W. with all improvements and garage, RiITl DING SITES in.j Choir, the Men’s Choral Club will ' Collet Good* and S^srvice 26 streets. Elizabeth Park. Sewers, gas. water.- sidewalks, clec- ■ranted—DuBlness- Service. ap..AjK« Atwbod, Lake street. Telephone on Maple street. Inquire 138 Maple ?varv iouob J V T t o ^ Low atos, shou'd edsure a large aad ap- ” - Rdncatlonal STORAGE 20 ^tricity and mail delivery Some priced as low as $oa0. Other* Rosedale 32-4. street. ■ ______prices and easy terms. Now d e -| preciatwe au dien ce.____ iltoem* classes ^ 27 PERRETT & GLENNEY—Impress higher. ea.sy terms. . 'M w t* Kstructlott FOR SALE—BALDWIN and Green­ veloping "Clearview.’’^ Arthur A .; Corner lot on Pitltin street .a. very desirable, site on tarn jbaaclngf * oo and freight service; local and FOR RENT—NOVEMDBR 1st, 6 13X*staal—Dramatio 29 ing apples, $1.00 ^ basket at the room flat, all modern improve­ Knofla. 875 Main street. Tei. 5440. | oeauliful residential street. Owner desires irnmediate sale. Tj 30 long distance. Expert furniture HEIRESS AN ACTRESS you are interested in this locality act quick if you waht a good • jynTi¥4d—Instruction ..- o u a *.u « moving. Sendee any time by call­ place; this : week only.,' Eldgewood ments. Inquire at 25 Spruce street. Financial Fruit Farm. W. H. Cowles. Tele- bargain - . - Bond*—Stocks—Mortgages 31 ing 3063. .WHISKS WK S.Al.li 721 ocr7^--.AP,-Laura Business Opportunities im .w w 33 -,phone 5909. , _ _ _ _ _ f o r RENT^FOUR r o o m tene­ 33 merchandise ordered by ypttio* ment A-l condition, all, improve­ ! PKOSPEtn STREE'l on high eleva-i Harding, daughter of the late .1. MoneyWioaojr, to Loan aitnatlon* ' SALE— GREEN, Mountain ROBERT J. SMITH day In New York* or to be seht;to ments, 240 Oak street. i' tlon, near beaAtlfui Rogers ami j Horace Harding. New> York banker. Phone 35 ..^tatoes, $2.00 bii^el, deliyered. Hein Wanted—F M w a i. •••••• «• 36 New York, plckied , up by u« td? is playing a minor role in “Thunder HelD Wanted—Stale ^T^dinas-'Burgess, -Wrapping; Conn. 4 ROOM TENEMENT, all improve- I Plnney homes, close to bus service, Help Wanted—Male or Female , 37 night and delivered the in the Air,” which opened. at a ments, at 95 Charter Oak street. new English type home, 6 well ar­ Agents Wanted:^.. . . i .v . morning via Manchester and' New ^-2.^ ranged rooms, sun parlor, break­ downtown theater Monday as the Situations Wanted-rFemale i.... 3 Apply 701 Main street. Tel. 5425,^ first offering of the Dramatic Situations Wanted—Male ...... York Motor Detspatch. DallyLer- fast nook, hot watei heat, hre Employment Agencies vice and reasonable rates. Os'll HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 f o r RENT—2 FOUR room tene- place, tile oath with shower, nrass League of Chicago. She is the re­ Live stock— Pets—Poultry—Vehicles 3063, 8860 or 8864. m ^ ts with ail Improvements and plumbing throughout, attached puted heiress to'a $7,000,000 share m Logs—^Birds—^Pets 42 garage at 5 Ridgewood street. In­ heated garage. Price low. Terms. the estate of her father, who was Live Stock—Vehicles chairman of the board of the Amer­ Poultry and Supplies,... • •»• v 43 FOR SALE— VULCAN gas range quire 178 Parker street. Dial 5623. Faulkner t:o., 64 Pearl street. Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 REPAIRING rs 1TI gq^d, contfition, cheap. Dial 5570. Hartford. Telephone ’2-2‘241. ican Railway Express company, For Sale—MlseeUaneoii* i Miss Harding had not wished her 45 t O RENT—3 ROOM tenement at Articles for Sale ’.’.i;., TYPEWRITBRSr^ILED, 28 Church street. Inquire on FOR SALE—NEW 4 room house on identity known. The news leaked Boats and Accessories 46 Man- and overhauled. Telephohe MUSICAL I n s t r u m e n t s 53 premises or telephone 3867. Benton street, all improvements. out today through ah anonymous Building M^erials 4g Chester. Dial 4008. telephone call to the newspapers. Tt Diamonds—^Watches—Jewelry 48 BRUNSWICK console phonograph Tel 8713. ______Electrical Appliances—Radio f o r RENT— 4, 5. AND 6 ROOM was confirmed by Miss Laura MATTRESSES, box Bprlngs, pil* $30. Few used radios $16 up. rents. Apply Edward J. Holl. 865 F O R SALE—$800 DOWN buys new Wilck, producer of the play. Miss Garden — Fafm—Dairy Products 50 lows and cushions made over ‘ WATKINS Main street. Telephone 4642, colonial home. Six rooms, tile bath, Harding, reached at her hotel, said HA\/E just come AHEM/ Household Goods ...... “J equal to new. 1 day service. Phone f u r n i t u r e EXCHANGE oak floews, fireplace. Mortgages ar­ HUS.W HUSHES’. ; Machinery and T ools ...... she had been playing a part in the FROM A M££T/ri& OF VES.SIf?. Musical Instruments ...... ""6448 Manchester DpbolBterlng Co. FOR RENT—4 and 5 room tene­ ranged. Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main production for the three opening 331, Center' street. Established ments' on Walnut street, near THE Office and Store Equipment .54 WANTED—TO BUY/ 58 street. Tel. 5440. nights but that she was leaving to­ th e leag u e o f WOW WHAT Specials at the Stores o5 since 1922. Cheney mills, modem improve­ Wearing Apparel—Purs 57 FOR SALE—NEW BEAUTIFUL day for New York. TIONS AT G-EAJOA. IT U VO YOV 58 ments, very, reasonable. Inquire Miss Harding’s role required the Wanted—^To Buy VACUUM CLEANER, phonograpli. WANTED—ABOUT 4 to 6 acres of iting-iiHh type home. 6 rooms, fire­ th in k of Ilooms— Board—Hofei*—Rejiort* Tailor Shop, 5 Walnut street. Tel. rt/ warmest FELlEf^ IS SIR EVELYN ' clock, gun repairing, key fitting. land on road between WiUimantic speaking of only three lines, and the Restauranta - 5030. ______place, steam heat. Small amount PROHI- PARTR(0GE,IHE Bralthwaite, 62 Pearl .Btreet. " ' and Hartford. Call-3320. young actress was understood to be THAT ■ D(5ARNAMEWT— Booms Without B o a r d ...... •*ro a down. Terms. Price only $7500. leaving tbe company to seek a BiTtoN? ^ 6'REAT Boarders Wanted ...... TO RENT—5 ROOM flat, steam GO .qF.T.T. Y d U ^ JUNK , to a reliable Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main street. larger part on a New "York stage. Country Board—Resorts ...... CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ heat, all modetnr- improvements, Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 I dealer for price*. Wm Ostrin- Tel.’ 5440. This was said to be her first profes­ Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 I ed, key fitting', safes ppeined, saw. garage. Apply 108 Ridge street. Real Estate For Rent filing and grinding. Work called ' sky; Tel. :5S79>’ ,91 0 ^ 0 % Used sional venture in the theater. • Apartments. Flats, Tenements ... 63 fo r. Haroid Clemson, 108 North • furniture; wood, coal 5>atoyes for LOTS FOR SALE 73 64' Business Locations for Rent' .... Elp street. Tel. 3648,______sale. Call aiijrltoeiin; FOR RENT—FIVE rom fiat at 21 TOMMY IN KJLTS Houses foa Rent...... 65 HOME BUILDERS—We have a ! ------Suburban for Rent ...... 66 Cambridge street. .Teli^hone 3025., 67 SEWING MACHINE rfepairtilg of all WILL PAYjnGHB^?qiSuMi Paces' few choice building Tots on Pros- London.—The English army is Summer Homes for Rent ...... ' for rafes, . p a ^ , : urngfaktoes and Wanted to Rent ...... 68 makes, oil*, needles >and sdpfiliea. f o r r e n t —6 ROQI4 tenement on; pect street, close to bus service, j^ited. Shorts have been adopted Real Estate For Sale R. W. Garrard, 87 Edward atreet. metalA AJsb' buy.j,al^/kinds of Edgeirton street,, all modem im-; convenient to mUls; price low. ^jy j-hg army as a popular form of 69 Chickens;-Morris Learner. Dial Apartment Building for Sale .... Tql. 4301. : >v» “ ' ^ ; provenients; also five room flat -ofi; ^i^erms. Faulkner Company, 64 ggryice dress. They are cut so as Business Property for Sale ..... 70 6389 or 3886. ^ Farms and Land for Sale 71 Newman. Inquire 147 Bast Cent^r- y;PearJ street, Hartford. Tel, 2-2241. { allow about four inches to ovei- Houses for Sale 72 : street; TeL 7864. — ------^ ------lap the top of puttee. ''^When the Lots For Sale ...... 73 CO iijp^ ANG CLASSES 27 74 RMOMS WITHQUt BOARD 59 Rose leaves were used exten­ wearer sits they do not get baggy Resort Property for Sale ...... f o r RENT—4-room flat; all im­ at the knee in the same way as Suburban for Sale ...... 75 BARBER TRADE taught in _ day— _ provements, ifiduding bot water sively for medicines and ointments Real Estate for Exchange ...... •76 and evening classes. Low tuition |^0 M N T—TWO rool^ tor gentle- trousers do. Hot weather brought 77 heat. 170 Oak street Inquire centuries Ago, while rose water Wanted—Real Estate ...... rate. Vaughn Barber ■ School, men, in private family. Inquire 28 and rose wine were used as drinks. on ibis form of dress. AnctloD—Legal Motlcea Laurel stf eet. . 164 Oak street or call 8241. Legal Notices Maiket street, Hartford. . Legal Notices By FRANK BECK

OlM E G A|R1R|R|R ItV a puztle to ewrybo^

There are at. least four mistakes In the; Above picture. T^ey may per­ tain to gftimmar: history, etiquette, drtl'whi$ or whatnot. See R can find them; Then look at the scrambled word below—and u n scr^ b le iL by switching the letters around. Ghade yourself. 20 for each of^ m;?- takes you find, and 20 for the word If you unscramble it. CX)BBBCTIQNS' V . • CORRECTIONS . (11 The League of Nations meets at Genexa, not Genoa. diaa is spelled Inaorroctly. (31 Sir Hugh hgs pn bnt wg photogn^ihee has only three finge»s :*n t o Wl* U n * (5) ^vord is BRRORtiRAM- / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1929. PAGE K fF l EEKf By l^crcy L Oiwby flapper. FANNT SAYS: SKIPPY SI NONSl ■UK .o.’* rnr,otr.____. - •. A ': C What Have Ton Done To SKippy. THCfie soex ^ VT Pay For life T h € S C h o o c 6 C cc.! T O W 6 ^ .'CAuge i'v£ seaN Have you dene a piece of work that will live after you to benefit Tr“ gkP eccepV the vrorW? . . ^ Have 3TOU planted a tree? Have you trained , a child to be an ornament ‘ and a - bleisinir fo man­ kind? Have you built a house strong enough to survive you and benefit the next generatfon? Have you gtven the world a use­ ful idea? If you have done none of these things, what is your excuse for liv­ ing?

Seven Wonders of the Whirl At five years he wonders why! grownups get cross. . At ten years he wonders why his) older brother is crazy about’ the) girls. I #Kio9a J P«icy b. Crosby, Great Britain rightt reserved la./> At fifteen years he wonders why ® \ ,.Inc. " ----- /U -f ^ his younger brother is not crazy about the girls. oimK-. OUR BOARDING HOUSE At twenty-four he wonders why Pennants are missing in some By Pontaine F he ever lived without his twins. sorority houses ’cause the girls Mickey (Himself) McGuire 02 ^y Gene Ahem At twenty-eight*he wonders why don’t ^ve a hang. he ever got nmrried. At forty-one he wonders if he will would like to know—-is ho'w do you T H e u i r r u K .^cof^pioN s' f o o t 0 a u .l, T e A r ^ w a s FoRdrp -ro ever get a raise. tell the two of them apart?” am ■BUs-ref? X,. I MAv/e a MATo R AUVaJAVS 1 A K £ 5 h At seventy-five he wondere why “Well,” to tell the truth,” replied p o s t p o n e : TAdKiHiNeS. ppAdTiciE UNt i WAj t h r o u g h TH ’ Me l p - vJAMT p a r t o u t ^ he wonders. John, “I don’t try. ’The wrong twin VJMo LE LO AP o f "BAP LliCK J U5|N<^\THE PiFPg<=^Er^T POf=^Po^g. Q-pTM" PAPER- SA \R\vie, other. THE BACKSET have quit wearing fur neckpieces CAN AVERT A CATA^TR09HE‘. and are taking up bead necklaces. HURRSiHCi UQUiO OOlO TO A HUNCiRT MARVLUT, PlEAD VitTrt THERE IS NOT A MOMENT Wash i<> s a w To LOSE* ' OIL WELLS. PUKE MUST PXY $ 1 9 0 ,0 0 0 KANSOM m BY MlOMl&HT, OH mwotnrJir ivSceo A m ENTtRC PIELP TO 6E BURNED. FttLO, R6U0 BV Ba m o its, To J3J3JS Be. CrtVEM >NASV\ OM G oon OLD DEPEHDABLG yltOplMG VAY. HIS OWN $15,000,000 MEWING GIFT ll^ U T ME MUST LOAN WLSHtC! iOBEW «£ WllL NOT d0lH6 UP SI^0Kt««fTmb is t h b vision wash ^ PUKE $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 , FAIL IN TmS ORAV/E CRISIS. 6 g e s OF v m w WILL HA9PEN IF lA£ KCePS HlS MONEY. 0 19881. ar wttswvicE'aw. 't v By Blosser FRECKLES ANU HIS FRIENDS Oscar Has Them Guessing! .

NNELL, VNE sotta 1 VMObJOER-M4UAT OSCAR MEANT DIO OSCM2 SAV VEAW- BOT ■mAT'S AE m o st b e V65, AN’ UE ITP BE jo sr R)iO OOT IP TU\S . YCfSTERPAy BY SAYIli-\NUEN A^^^/7W\^iS ABOUT A ALL UE.SWD-pioWfT TEU-ll^ TUE u s e p s Lookihi' iri UVlE I4IM - L A IS s o m e JOW.E 1 1 COME Ba c k f c o m ___ r -i TRIP TO you SAV VNUERE VMWOlE TcNMM CAAiT IMASWE A>i’ LAOfiUlMS UES PLAYlf^S ^ fAV *m\P‘ ?? VWAS 60!bl®, II AU. TUE VWUECE UE’O BE ■mTi TUOUSU!! OM O S - ■t i m e ! TAWMfi A T O

% tgjjxv, _ 'raauiaMT.err. rO'MSl av MCA SCKVICft MC.

taa.u.s.PAT.orr. . By Small JO itt* BY MU mmSt. I SALESMAN SAM Sam Didn’t Muff This One! TbVJM 0ANO (BEAU 'THE S’TOEY, THE N COLOR IHE PICTURE) MUFFS ARE OtfTA ^TVLe AM')TeAN? WELL, 70ST S T eP T h e r e v a a r €.\ v T o l o 1 ( SAY. &OZ7., I'D LIKE. TA ©ST V a ABOUT OUR (AUFFS AN* (e I0€A WENT The bird that tucked the Weeones awake and find all of you^ Weeones &UOCS 1 OIOM’T PULL A e-OMCR WHGM I v o u 'l l MeVCR ALL. THERe (S / DUT IN T^lOMT QF S loR e lb TNeiR. HEIADS i high up in the tree stump heaved a gone. Oh my, won’t toey^ be mad. T b \T^ t h e m FORK OVER. tH ’ Then they may hear yqu, if you call, I HAD A LOT OF FUR. MUPFS MAOS' UP “ (feN S P o T l sigh. “Now there,” he very loudly but that will do no good at all. ’EM said, “I guess you’re safe and sound. They’re all too short to reach you .1 PoscTTVLee Take my advice and keep real'still. lads. Now isn’t tlikt too. bad?” NO If you should move, you’d likely And then the queer bird fiew SMCXMOUK I spill, I promise you ’twill be no fun away. A Weeone loudly shouted, to drop down to the ground.” “Hey!” This woke the snoozing One of the Weeones raised his ’Tinymites. Then Scouty, with a head, looked at the bird and prompt­ frown, said, “Look! The Weeones ly said, "Well, tell us why you’ve are up high within that tree. 'Oh put fls here. This isn’t any fim. me, oh my!. What are we going to And also tell us, who are you? We do? I fear we cannot get them If might forgive you if we knew. down.” There seems no real good reason for - Soon caine a noise up in the air. the silly thing you’ve done.” A bird went swishing here and there “ Ohi I’m the little chicken bird. and then it perched, beside the, tree. I’m certain that yoq all have b^rd •"Wee Scouty said, “ What gall! ’That about the funny tricks I play on ‘ big woodpecker’s pecking now and tiny little tots. It makes me laugh goodness, but he sure imows bow. to see yom high up in the tree.^ Oh The Weeones are in danger ’cause me, oh my, I know a lot of o ^ r he’ll make the big tree fall.” tricks. Yes, lots and lots and lots. “Now lots of noise Tm going to (W ell find ont what the Tiny- xnake. The ’Tlnymltes will t h e n mites do to help, In the next story.)

r / ■ -■ Kl - '■ THURSDAY, page sixteen jianfl|r0tfr €tirain0 HARTFORD 1.0.0.FJE A II MODERN “ ED” TURKINGTON GOES TAYLORFLOOD a n d WIRTALLA r v OLD FASHIONED TO WORK 4TH DEGREE BACK TO FLORIDA JOB Edward R. Taylor, son of Mr. and DANCING SCHOOL Mrs. WUliam Taylor of 46 Cottage DANCING street, and Miss Anna Marie Flood, Has Had Varied and Interest­ daughter of Mrs. Maria Flood, of Unusual Ehtertainment Pro-, ORANGE HALL ing Experiences in South, 1886 Stanley street, - New'Britain, gram at Odd Fellows’ Hall D E P A R TM E N T STORE SO. MANCHESTEI?.,CONH, At the r a i n b o w Meeting Famous Personages were married this morning at 9 On Octobier 25. Fridays 8:30, Beg^ers undef 8 o’clock at St. Mary’s church in that ------' ...... years. Saturdays 1:80, all other city. The ceremony was performed ASK FOR AND SAVE YOUR DUO-DOLLAR COUPONS DANCE PALACE classes In Toe, TSp, Aesthetics and E. Edward Turkington of 145 Cen­ An entertaimnent of extraordin­ ter street, has returned to St. Peters­ by Rev. Walter J. McCann, in the ary Interest will be staged by King Ballroom. Work. presence of a large number of rela­ New Pupils'May Now Join Any of burg, Florida, after cojning to Man­ David Lodge I. O. O. F. on Friday, chester last June to visit his g;rand- tives and friends. The church was October 25 at 8:15 p. m. At that Every Thursday Night the Above Classes artistically decorated with palms Private Lessons by Appointment mother, the late Mrs. F. M. Atkin­ time Hartford Lodge No. 82 will be Bill Waddell’s Broadcasting and white chrysanthemums. Dial 5287 for Further Information. son, arriving a few days before her present to exemplify the fourth de- Orchestra death. Mr. Turkington had made The bridai attendants were Miss CTee. All Odd Felows, their wives jMary Flod^ sister of the bride as Prof. Gatos, Prompter •M-iaa Bveljm Beer and Wilbert his home from' childhood with his ^ d friends are cordially invited. imaid of honor; Donald Mackinnon Light refreshments will be served Tedford are in charge of arrange­ g^randmother until 1925 when he I of this town, best man and William went to pilorida, and located in St. following the degree work. Fall Housecleaning Sale ments for the Hallowe’en social WHIST i Flood and Joseph Taylor, ushers. This degreels put on by the Hart­ which young people of the Soutii Petersburg. ]' The bride was gowned in white Methodist Jj^worth League will have Mr. Turkington has had some | ford Lodge only once or twice each CITY VIEW DANCE HAEL transparent velvet, with veil of tiille year and up to the present time has Monday evening at the Highland very interesting experiences while in Keeney Street and duchess lace caught with been witnessed by only a few in this Park Community clubhouse. • Florida, haying had the pleasure of orange blossoms. Her shower bou­ Reconditioned Electric Auspices Goodwill Community Club vicinity. King David Lodge con­ driving some very distinguished quet w as-of bridal roses and lilies Friday, Oct. 18, 8:1/5 P. M. siders itself very fortunate in secur­ Miss Florence A. Risley of 151 visitors around, including Honorable of the valley. The. bridesmaid’s dress Admission 35c , John H. Trumbull, the Governor of ing this excellent form of ^ter- Refreshments and Dancing Center street entertained a party of was of pink chiffon velvet with hat tainment and hoped that many will her friends last evening at a bridge Connecticut, George Bacon of Bos­ to match and her arm bouquet ton, an attorney, who was campaign show their appreciation by taking Vacuum Cleaners at her home. Premier roses. advantage of this exceptional op­ manager for ex-President Coolidge The ceremony at the church was ABOUT T0WN“ when he was a candidate for Gov­ followed , by a wedding breakfast portunity and be present on that HOOVER EUREKA WON’T SEE COLHMBUS ernor of Massachusetts, ana Nor­ and reception for sixty at the home evening. ______Clarence R. Heritage of Grand man Brown, a noted sports w^ter, of the bride’s mother. Guests were View avenue had a birthday this Mr. Turkington, had the pleasure of present from this town, Hartford, an unannounced wedding, trip. On week. Mr. and Mrs. Heritage were NEGLECTED N E H YEAR being introduced by Mr. Brown, to New Britain, and Farmington. The their return in about ten days they about to leave home that evening | Connie Mack, manager o f the Phila­ home was tastefully decorated with will occupy their newly furnished when about 40 friends arrived, took delphia A ’s, together with the mem­ vari-colored chrysanthemums and home at 17 Willard, street, Hartford. bers of the team, shaking hands with possession of the house and made a Neglect of any advance £. ■- palms. The bride’s traveling costume in­ $19.50 pleasant evening of the event. They Lefty Grove, Mickey Cochrane, and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left today on cluded a dress of black velvet and . j.ngements for a celebration of Col- others. He, along with Mr. Brown, brought along several presents in-1 urhbus day this year by Manchester crepe, black coat with grey sqmrrel had their photos taken with the eluding a table lamp. Friends were residents of Italian origin and the collar, grey hat and stockings and team, when they vWere in spring present from New York and New failure of any general observance of black suede shoes. The fact that these vacuum cleaners have been rebuilt Jersey as well as from Manchester. the day has aroused the Italian pop­ training. Mr. Turkington also ' SHOE ItEI’AlltlXG The bride is a graduate of the spent several days on the A ’s bench, In their own factories is your assurance of ;:atisfaction. ulation to a determination not to Ladies’ Flexible Soles and New Britain High school and of St. Each cleaner has been rebuilt with new parts, new cord, The Good WiU club, the Parent- let the same thing happen again. sitting alongside of Sammy Hale, Uiibber Heels a SjioclaHy. Francis Hospital Training School who was unable to play at the time, new brushes, etc. Hence at the price we offer these famous Teacher association in the Fifth Dis­ Next year it is proposed to have a for Nurses at Hartford. Mr. Taylor makes—Hoover and Eureka—for this sale they are truly big and acted as Tjat boy’ arranging the SAM VLI.VKS is a graduate of the Manchester trict, will conduct a whist and dance real celebration. values. at the City View dance hall on It is planned to have each of the bats some of which were used in the 701 Main Si..,So. Manchester High school and is employed by Dil­ Keeney street tomorrow evening. several Italian societies make small World Series this season. lon & Douglass of Hartford. Six prizes will be awarded the win­ periodic. contributions to a general Herman Dann, Mr. Turkin'gton’s $5 Down—Balance Monthly ners and refreshments and a general fund for that purposes, to get the employer, is a personal friend of good time will follow the card arrangements under way well in Governor Trumbull, and attended the wedding of Miss Trumbull and John games. advance of the anniversary and put rraST on a celebration program that will Coolige, when they were married- in Tea Cups and Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ be worth while. P l^ v ille recently. Mr. Dann is ranth, will have its usual business e x ite d to be a candidate for Gov­ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. Saucers 15c Set session in the Masonic Temple to­ RATES UNREASONABLE ernor of Florida, when the next The popular blue Willow morrow evening. It will be “ad­ campaign gets under way, and his eii rrj.n;i pattern. A set that is es­ vance night.” The business will in­ Washington, Oct. 17— (AP)—The chances of winning the race, are Funeral Directors • pecially suitable fo r . daily clude the initiation of candidates. Interstate Commerce Commission very good. He has taken a personal . Curtain Stretchers use. Refreshments and a social hour will today held rates of the New York, mterest in Mr. Turkington, and ESTABLISHED 54 YEARS follow the meeting. New Haven and Hartford Railroad upon his request for Mr. Turkington on lumber from vessels from^ the to return to Florida, the local yovmg $2.25 and $3.75 Clan MeLean, Order of Scottish Pacific coast to points,in Massachu­ man left immediately. CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. Hinged and adjustable frames Clans will meet tomorrow evening at setts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and fitted with pins close together. Two styles. 7:30 in Tinker hall. It is important New York to be imreasonable. Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 5171 Garbage Pails that every member make an effort A new scale of rates was pre­ Residence 7494 to attend as election of officers will scribed by the commission and re­ Funeral Director $1.00 be held, and the re-rating of the be- parations for the past awarded '■j Galvanized iron garbage queathment certificates will be dis­ the complainants. Door Mats pails with deep fianged cov­ cussed and explained. Floor Brushes ers. 8 gallon size.. Get rid of a Grippe cold in a day 69c Second Congregational Men’s club with First Aid Cold Tablets. Sold $1.00 vill meet tomorrow evening at the only by Magnell Drug Co.—Adv. Cocoa fiber door mats of a me­ ij STO R AGE dium brush quality. Size 14x24 Soft black and white hair Ruhhish Burners church at 7:30. The members are brushes with assorted color­ requested to note the hour of Inches, ed backs and handles. $1.49 $1.00 meeting. There will be no supper as quality. is the custom as these monthly get- Heavy wire, welded rub­ togethers, although light refresh­ bish burners. Raised bot­ ments will be served after the en­ tom, fitted with tight cover. tertainment, and all men of the LONG Clothes Dryers church will be welcorhe. The pro­ gram will include a debate and three $2.98 reels of motion pictures. One reel, Hardwood clothes dryers, “ King of the Rails,” will show the LIFF progress in land transportation; an­ 3 fold dryer. Stands four other. “ Queen of the Waves,” tells feet high. the story of American navigation, and still another reel, “ Conquest of O’Cedar Mops the Forest,” will give a comprehen­ Smoky^ The Fire a NEW HOUSE Window sive picture of the lumber industry POWER $1.19 of the Northwest. Prevention Clown Ventilators Large, triangular oil mops A Mr. and Mrs. Chilton W. Sadd of ^moky** Harry Rogers popular fire TO mop that cleans as well as it pol­ 39c prevention clown and known by rao8t- Are you dissatisfied with the appearance of your house? ishes. $1.50 grade. EarlviUe, N. Y., are.guests of Mrs. achool children throughout the West, has Louver style metal win­ Sadd’s imcle, J. D. Lapp of North done more constructive work than any Is it “ old fashioned”— ugly-*—out of step with the times dow ventilators with wood Main street. Mr. Sadd is a son of text>book Oil fire prevention. or the neighborhood? You. can have it remodeled ^tid frames. Size 8x33 inches. SPARE 50c grade. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sadd, formerly **5moky*' U a unique entertainer, but improved at small cost. Let us estimate on the m a-' of Wapping but who now live in his real work is to prevent fire and save Cedar Oil Polish Virgima. ^ human life. **Smoky** is doing his best terials. We can help you. to show you how to safeguard your in* 21c and 42c Liquid Veneer terests but he can't insure you— ade* J. S. L. Batteries are Colored Dust Pans The Nutmeg Trail Union will hold qnale« sound stock insurance gives you Regular 30c and 60c Cedar Oil its first fall meeting tomorrow eve­ that needed protection and it is our job 21c and 42c turnished as stand­ polish. 10c ning at 7:30 at the North Methodist to provide it for you. Let ns help you. W . G. Glenney Co. Regular 30c and 60c grade church. The imion includes the ard equipment by the In colors that ' will har­ Liquid Veneer. leagues from the two Methodist makers of over 75% Coal, Lumber,’ Masons’ Supplies. monize with your kitchen churches in this town, Burnside, 6 4 7 MAIN color scheme. East Hartford, Hockanum and Rock­ STREET of the automobiles in Allen Place, Phone 4149 Manchester ville. A social time with light re­ the United States. freshments will follow the meeting. fiMFNf:EH.ANnFAm They cost no more Step Ladder Stools Charles W. Holman, of this town, TELEPHONE and give you the best member of the National Coimcil of 8348 Wire Beaters Hand Brushes/ the Y. M. C. A. will attend the possible service. $2.98 Coimcil meeting in Chicago, Octo­ 25c Kitchen step ladder 39c ber 21 to 24. Inquire about our Twisted wire carpet beaters stools; strong and well Black an/" white hair that win get the dirt out of your made. Each step has rub­ hand brushes on red and exchange prices. rugs. ber treads. Gay colors. black handles. 50c quality. E. A . Lettney FILMS Hale’s Housefurnishing Department— Basement DEVELOPED AND 38 Main St., Manchester PRINTED 24 HOUR SERVICE PLUMBING and Film Deposit Box at Store Entrance HEATING Norton Electrical Instrument Co. SPECIALIZING IN KEMP'S Hilliard Street, Manchester Sheet Metal Phone 4060

Work 7a Now is the time to have heat­ For Economy’ s S$ke ers cleaned and repaired. Give MON us a call. Prompt service. Phone 3036. Order The No. 642 Screeo-Grid T h a t GOOD THINGS TO EAT WILLIS COAL! Visit the A w k w a r d FRESH FISH AT PINEHURST, Dial 4151 Stram ber^”Cails(m There’s no waste to it!___ It’s all pure McGovern We will have 200 poonds of very nice burnable, heat-packed solid coal! Any With its matchless Tone and Beauty will bring a L e n g t h size.... any quantity. ABSOLUTELY FRESH MACKEREL newenjoyment— a new thrill to your radio hours. Granite G ).’ s weighing 1 1-2 to 2 lbs. each. This will probably be the last shipment of fresh mackerel this year. Do not confuse these We are fashionably apace of each OIL vagary of the vogue and hence of­ MASON with the small tinker mackerel— they are a mnch better variety M AT’-AIALS And If You Want Memorial of mackereL fer a very special and appreciated iui>C8« r j'o w c r u c ic c u o n axiti service to the woman who is letting Exhibition Swordfish Halibut Steak Cod cally baflBied bnilMn Dynamic Speaker, Strom- her hair grow and is now in the The Best Salmtm Butterfish Filet of Haddock berc-Carlson has been able to achieve a tone throes of “that awkward length.” of q ^ t y never before known inradio reproduction. We offer many adept devices in hair In Building Materials » Dressed Haddock Rowe’s Oysters dressing that develop grace and Clams for Chowder Price, without tubes $247,50 loveliness in effect. Deft motifs in Monuments and Forty Fathom Salt Cod in 1 lb. boxes. rolls, twists, waves, swirls and em­ Give us a trial----- brick, plaster. Lime, pire curling that develop grace from Forty Fathom Smoked Filet of Haddock. Cement, Flue and Drain Tile. Markers No. 3-A Magnetic Pick-np Outfit chaos—convert ragged contrary MEADOWBROOK FRESH E G G S ...... 63c dozen m.lcen possible electrical repro­ ■wisps into cunningly conceived Original in Conception ringlets. A flattering hairdress. These are very good eggs (not local)—i^very egg gnaranteed. duction of records. Price $30.00. Moderate in Price Now that local eggs are hard to get, and' high, the demand for. these fre ^ Meadowbrook eggs Is capidly Increasing. 147 Ail3m St., Hartford LAMB PATTIES, 4 fo r ...... 33c Let US demonstrate both Receiver and Pick-up The State 2 M ain DEMONSTRATION OF WONDER BREAD Local Representative The demonstrator will be here all day Friday w d will give Mandiejster - - Conn ’^ every customer a special sample loaf of -Wonder Bread to take ! Beauty Parlor Mr. J. Fuller Mitchell home vHth them. In addition to this will serve sandwiches In 'TeieffAone 33i9 the store. Come In and get your sample. KEMP’S, m e. State Theater Building Phone 2-4129, Hartford Phone 7266


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