Thai Appriasal Foundation Seminar Series Bangkok 24 Th August 2005
THAI APPRIASAL FOUNDATION SEMINAR SERIES BANGKOK 24 TH AUGUST 2005 DEVELOPMENT, MANAGEMENT , MARKETING AND APPRAISAL OF LEISURE DESTINATIONS AND ATTRACTIONS by GURJIT SINGH DIRECTOR - PROPERTY SENTOSA LEISURE GROUP SINGAPORE Note : The views and opinions reflected in this paper are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Sentosa Leisure Group. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this paper) without the written permission of the copyright holder. copyright 2 ABOUT THE AUTHOR/SPEAKER Gurjit Singh F.Land Inst. FISM, MSISV, MAPFM, MMIM, MSIM, B.Surv, M.Phil(Cantab ) Gurjit Singh , Director- Property, for the last ten years, has been with the Sentosa Leisure Group, which is involved in the development, management and marketing of the Sentosa Resort in Singapore. Gurjit is responsible for the implementation of the US$2 billion master plan for Sentosa which is currently in its second year of implementation. He has been active in the real estate industry for more than two decades, having been involved in the development of resort, commercial, retail, leisure and residential township development in Malaysia and Singapore. On the professional front, he is a Member of the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers, a Member of the Association of Property and Facilities Management Singapore, a Fellow of the Land Institute United Kingdom, Fellow of the Institution of Surveyors Malaysia and a Registered Property Valuer and Estate Agent in Malaysia.
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