.,>-■■ .V ^ : *■ *«* ^ •\ " - y

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IT, IS ermm Daily ClreohtioB The Weather Kiirecast el L. M. vVeetber Bnreeu PAGE TWELV* Manchester Evening Herald be Mouth s t Nevtinber, 1944 Fair and colder tonIghL’ YTIday Aviation Cadet Franci.s Wyman An important ' meeting of all ^ Increasing rioiidinens followed by Sunset Circle of Robekah Past Private Duty Nurses will be held 9,016 Noble Grands will mod thl.s eve­ Bryan, of 180 Henry street, is now Gets Navy Promotion Derby Racers snow at nighL lecciving pre-flight training at the in the board rooni of the Memo­ Member ef the Andlt About Town ning at eight t»'c'lock with Mrs. rial hospital, tomorrow afternoon ______k______Hattie Grimes of Ik Rus.sell S;ii. Antonio, Texas, Aviation Ca­ B w o M e f < det Center. Ho is married to the at two o'clock, at which time a Rotary Guests Odd Fellows Bingo Manche»ter’—‘A City of Village Charm Street. The hostess .vill be aasisl- conference will be held with Su­ Ona eaaa of acarlet fever and one ed by Mrs. Emma Ndticlon, Miss former M,i»« Marjorie Inman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert perintendent William P. Slover. «;ase of meaalea developed in Man- Evaline Pcntland and Mi.ss Ruth (TEN PAGES) PRICE' THREE CENIB Inman, of 160 Henry street. (Classified Adverttflng oe Page $y MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1944 rheater during t|ie paat woek ac­ Porter. The election of officers The regular meeting of the Man- Yoiiiigtiters Are Told of fVOL. u n v ., NO. 74 cording to the Stale Health depart­ for m s will be a part of the busi­ I chi-ster Excliungc Club will be held Thursday Night ment bulletin issued today. ness, and a Christmas party will Technician, fifth grade, Paul M. Next Year’s Soap Box Buettel, of 35 1-2 W *lker street, Ihia evening at 6:30 at Hansen’s be enjoyed. ^■;rviugwith a signal company of Restaurant. William Spear, of Even!; W ar Vet Speaks AND EVERY THURSDAY EVENING The G Clef club will omit Ita .Middletown, who was recently Yank Mortar Crew Shells Germany weekly rehearsal tomorrow eve­ The Wednesday evening praise the 100th "Century" division "With AllJ^ingo Player* the Seventh Arm y in France was : elected Nalion.il Vice-President, Twenty-'nlne enthusiastic' young­ ning. , and prayer service at the Church i will seal the new offieers who were iMindoro Is Shelled recently promoted to that grade sters. contestants in the October Yanks Slash Flanks Cordially Invited to Attend I of the Nazarene will be held as 1 roeenllv elected. usual this evening at 7:30. The from private. The 100th division Soap Box Derby and {Prospective AUUB OOFBAN pastor. Rev. James A. Young will was activated at Fort Jackson, participants in next year’s event, S. C.. on Nov. I."), 1942. and ita per­ had a grand time at the Rotary (Hnuira Aa <|«eea Alice) be in charge. sPUtrruAt MEamm sonnel is representative of every False Fire Alarm Club's Christmas party at the i By Jap W ar^ips; Seventli Uaagliter of a Seveatb Son state lit th-’ union. Sheridan Restaurant last evening Of German Armies; Bom With n VoU. as movies of the Derby and oth- BonAIngo IMUy. Ineinding Snndsy, Is Turned in Here eia of animal life and sporting • A. N. to t P M. Or By Appolot- evenl.s were shown. Each Rotari- After Christmas ' Do Little Damage 2 niMit. In the Service of the Peo­ ASHES an pre.sent was '.ost to one or ple for N Yenm. A false Are alarm wa.s turned more of the boys at dinner and IM Choreh Street, Hartford, Conn. AN D RUBBISH in from Box 37 It Center and were responsible for furnishing Naval Task Forces in Only 20 Miles Apart Phone S-f0t4 We Sell Newman streets at 10:49 la-st trans|)ortation foi the boys to and Greeks Agree night. It railed out Companies 1 from the meeting. Clearance ’ Philippine Territories and 2 of the South End. Dr. Bernard Sheridan, chairman Whole Southern Side of REMOVED There have bfen an unii.sually of the paat Derby contest, made Trade Raiding Blows On a Regency; large number oY false alarms IJeut. !j. g.) W. r . .Davidson the welcoming address .and told Foes’ Salient from Bas* TELEPHONE 8962 turned In during the year and a about a few of th f phins under And Nipponese Suffer Siege of Bastogne LECLERC Texaco special effort Is now being made to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davklson. consideration for the 1945 event. togne to Reich Border Pfc. Thomas J. Dannaher, Jr.. Defeat; Three Destroy­ Snipers Busy FUNERAL HOME loonte the ,,er.sona responsible. A of 16 Laurel street, have received Gavello and stiff fine and JsH sentence goes of the Marines, recently returned Yielding Slowly to the news of the promotion of their ers Sunk by Yankees.; 2^ Main Street with conviction In a case of this from the South Pacific and a Told for First Time (^nstant( Hammering Phone 5269 E. Schulz kind. son, William F. David.son.' from guest -of Raymond Smith, s{>oke Believed First Step to the rank of ensign fo lieutenant, briefly, asking those present to C O A T S and General MacArthur’s Head-1 Of Americans; Tanks Crystalite Junior grade. write to the men -who are fight­ ! quarters, Philippines, Dec. End Strife Among Va­ Lieutenant Daviifcon. a gradu­ ing our war In the far-flung bat­ 28.— (/P)— Heavy guns of To A. P. Reporter And Doughboys Cross tlefields of the South Pacific, Eu­ rious Factions; Pre- ate of Manchester High school, Japanese and American naval class of 1941A, enlisted In the rope and Asia. He im press^ on lin e r Escapes Bullet. Sure River in 4 Places. WANTED! Navy Air Corps in September his listeners the lm{>ortance to the I task forces traded raiding By Edward D. Ball ; they had to have it if they were 1942. and trained at the Navy morale of our fighting men of re­ DRESSES blows Tuesday and Wednes- to keep going.” Athens, Dec. 28.—(,iP)—Warring With U. S. Forces, Dec. 28. Paris, Dec. 28.-^yP)— Pre-flight school. Chapel Hill, N. ceiving letters fegularly as this is Iday on island bases .1,500 When the German commander Antique-Modern C.. and Squantum, Maas. He re­ Greek political factions were —(/P)—The siege of the gal­ sent over his ultimatum, dated American forces cutting in­ Tonight’s The Night! the only direct contact many of [miles apart but the Nippon- Kerosene ceived his wings in September, them have with the outside world. agreed today to formation of a lant Baatogne garrison haa Dec. 22, he gave the Americana to both sides of the Von lese came two hours in which to decide. The •Furniture 1943, at the- Naval Air Base, Pen­ off worse, with three ’regency In a step toward.^ peace, been broken, and part of ita Rundstedt bulge at its thin­ sacola, Florida, and had eight Fur Trimmed ^ idestroyem lunk. • battleship and reply came in 30 minutes. as British military authorities re­ nest neck have fought to China - Glass - Bric-a-brac weeks' further training at Holly­ HAVE I cruiaer* damaged. .stdry can be told today. The Text of ritimatum wood, Florida. He was stationed YOUR HOT AIB FURNACE I Two United SUtea warships of ported a withdrawal of some Bias heroic American garrison The ultimatum said; within 20 miles of a junction, Sell Us Your Excess for some lime at N'orfolk, Va., and RBC'ON Din O N CD [undisclosed type were dealt slight forces from Athena to {jositlons pointed artillery, machine- "To the U. S. A. Commander of .36-hour-old reports from the FOR,WINTER! CAl.l. SOW. L T. Wood Co. Household Items. is now overseas. Friends wishing [damage. on highways leading into the city. guns and mortars in all direc­ the Encircled Town of Baatogne; front said tonight. The whole to write to him may reach him DRESS GOATS I The Japanese shelled Mindoro, The fortune of war is changing.. southern flank of the enemy ROBERT M. R EID & SONS by the following address: "V.P.B. NORMAN BENIY [central' Philippines. from the A majority of the conferees ex­ tions after their commander This time U. S. A. forces in and Phone 4496 pressed themselves In favor of an sent ■ curt one-word - reply— salient from Bastogne to the Ger­ 74, c-o k'leet Post Office, New The Local nnamlth Ichina sea Tuesday night, Gen. near Bastogne have been encir­ Phone 3193 Manchester Immediate regency while a mi­ "Nuts!"—to the Germans’ surren­ man border yieloed slowly to York, N. Y. Regular $69.95 [Douglas MacArthur announced A U. S. Seventh Arm y m ortar. crew piimps,shellx Into Germany from a {jo.sitlon Just off the cled by strong German armoretl hammering. Doughboys and tanks BINGO [today. nority favored {jostponement. It der iiltimatum. units. More German armored was announced by Archbishop main street of the Alsatian-German border town of Lauteruourg. Left to right are Pfc. Eugene Giles, crossed the Sure river at four Their Third .‘.ppesrance "W e were shooting like hell, all units have crossed the river COATS, N O W ...... Damaskinos, the chairman. Ithaca. N. Y.; Pvt. Joseph Bartanus, Avella, Pa ; C’pl. George Carlisle, Hender.son, N. C.; Pfc. Holly places and threw the enemy back (The Americans, making their the time," said Pvt. Leonard Can- Ourthe near Mourtheuville, have An Allied force headquarters Gobble, Pamplin, Va.; and Pfc. Dominico Rago, Philadelphia. into the Reich at two places in t ______Itblrd api>earaj>ce this month with- delora of 51 Pleasant street. taken Marche and reached St. communique said Insurgent troops the Echternach area at the east­ lln 760 miles a t Tokyo, bombarded Charlestown, Mass., who helped Hubert by passing through Regular $65.00 which entered the city appeared ern end of the wedge. |lwo Jima, Vodcano islands, from medical corps men when a sprain--nomoras-Sibret-Tillet. _ Libramont ST. BRIDGET’S to be evacuating and leaving the The razor-thin relief corridor to [the Pacific, Tuesday, U. S. date, ed ankle put him out of the flght- is in our hands You’ll Be Snug as a Bug Under a COATS, N O W ...... fighting In the "built up” areas to A. Ei Lavery epic Bastogne held firm against lAdmlrsl Chester W. Nlmitz an- Ing And the Germans were giv- "There is only one possibility to the original Athens Bias corps, Budapest’s Fall Nears; German Infantry and armored at­ [nounced yesterday at Pearl Har- ing It back with Interest." save the troops from total annihi­ concentrated at Piraeus and in tack. Ibor. That la Wednesday In the Dies at Home Tied Up Five Divisions lation: That is honorable surren­ CHURCH BASEMENT Regular $59.95 the northern and southern dis­ der. In order to think it over the Hammered Bark Further [tim e zone where the attack occur- (Supreme headquarters said the tricts of the city. term of two hours will bo giAulted The Germans were buffeted jred.) unsuccessful German siege tied COATS, N O W ...... Is Progressing Slowly’ Reds Extend Holdings beginning with the presentation back further in hard fighting near I The'enemy warships—a battle- up the better part of five divi­ Chatham or Kenwood ______S ■—II I I Former State Senator Grandmenil and Marche, pointa 2di' The communique said the proc­ [ship, cruiser ar.d six destroyers— sions, and that 87 German tanks of this note." ess of clearing Athens of the Elas miles away on the other aide o f 1 accomplished "some fruitless and a Long were knocked out In attempted Amerleane Answer PLAVINO STARTS AT 8tl5 was progressing slowly but satis­ Passes .4fter the bulge. Regular $39.95, $35.00 I inaccurate ihelling" of the Yank Nazi Garrison Doomed P J | « 0 g S t a r t e d penetrations of .Vmerican posi­ ■To the German commander, Part of the German spearhead I invasion scene on southwest Min­ factorily. Illness; His (jireer. tions. The Bastogne siege was In a prelude to the (jolitlcal As Russians Pour In; i .said the American reply. "Nuts!' which had driven deepest into Bel­ COATS, N O W ...... _ doro, MacArthur said. From the The last word was double­ discussions a sniper's bullet nar­ lifted after seven days when a U. gium at Celles was encircled and time the warships approached at Only One Airport U In ]\ip Capital Bridgeport, Dec. 28 (JPi-— Fdr- S. tank force blasted through to spaced, underlined and followed being hammered into disintegra­ Plus Tax dusk until they withdrew around rowly missed Prime Minister (Jhurchill yesterday mornipg as he nier Slate Senator Albert E. a link-up with the garrison, and by an exclamation point. tion by a ring of guns and armor, midnight, they were under attack Left to the Defenders. ------a firm but nar- tried another stood in front of the British Em­ now was holding a firm but nar- The Germans and another pocket along the un­ by Mindoro-based Mitchell bomb­ I.Avery dieil last night at his home row relief corridor, headquarters. trick on Christmas day. They Tuxedo and Fitted Models Trimmed-With Persian I..amb, bassy. . derbelly of the salient was receiv­ ers and Thonderbolt fighters and Siiper-FortresHet4 Report in Fairfield, after a long illness. said. I liombarded the Americans with BLANKET! British headquarters commented M0.SC0W, Dec. 28' -A doom­ Funeral services will be held Sat­ ing similar treatment HALE'S SELF SERVE Squirrel, Muskrat, Dyed Opossum. by sw ift patrol-torpedo boats. "No wonder the Germans j Christmas cards. On one side was this morning that sniping had been ed Nazi garrison reeled b.ackwarda A Surprised Tokyo; urday at a time yet to be announc­ The probing armor that had The Original In Naw England I You’ll need plenty of Blankets these cold nights, so hie yourself to Hale's (A Japanese communique today fairly continuous across the front fought so hard to gel Bastogne," j the picture of an American sol- pushed close to Clney, 15 milaa said the Naval units bombarded i- the smoke-filled streets of west­ ed. Blanket Department for the best in Blankets. Prices to suit every pocket- entrance o f the Embassy and that Industries Bombed. Candelora remarked. "Look at dier holding the hand of a litUe from Namur in the northwestern I "the enemy (San Jose) airfield and ern Budapest today but clung with Mr. Lavery . was born in Bridge­ there was no indication the sniper, port in 1871. He is survived by his the map. It’s the hub of seven] ------tip of the bulg'd, hkd been beaten book. munitions dump and left the near­ highways and one railroad and] (Continued on Fnge Six) who was maiining a machine-gun suicidal resisLance to positions in widow, Esther, and a daughter, back until the battlelinc ran seven by area in a veritable sea of fire.’’ 2_I.sl__Boniber Comm.md, Sai­ aimed especially at Churchill. the eastern sector of the capital. Mrs. E. Holbrook Bradley of to eight miles southesst of the ITHURSDAY SPECIALS The broadcast, recorded by the pan, Dec. 28— (JP) Superfortress I The prime minister and the Brit­ The German and Hungarian de­ Woodmere, L. I. village. i Federal' Communications commis­ ish commander, Lt. Gen. Ronald fenders were leportcd to have,al­ bombs, streaking out of a clear Mr. Lavery, after finishing The main fighting In the Oelles Domlaa Chesterfield and Fitted sion said one destroyer was "heavl- M. Scobie, watched British para­ ready been denied the use of one sky, pummelled a surprised Tokyo school here, becams messenger in area was now in the vicinity of The Best In BLANKETS! I ly damaged.” chute trtxjps. Infantry, tanks and 01 two remaining airports for evac- jo r an hour and a half Wednesday, Most of New England Verre, two .nd one half miles to Another Jap Claim armored cars begin driving the troop, nation of troop.i as Soviet f o r c e s'and 'Y „ , one__ui. returning pilot said hls the southeast. Ginger Ale 3 .n., 25c (The communique claimed that Elas from central Athens today. pounded toward the heart of the formation alone laid a pattern of .Are Gaining In Sooth I on the same night Japanese Naval once beautiful city. • See Stiff Fighting explosives two blocks wide and Along the southern flank- the COATS craft off San Jose attacked a Standing on FilopSppas (Monu.- With the Red Air Force holding Lashed by Snow, Sleet Americans continued to gain and. seven long across an important convoy, sinking four complete ffia.ttery in the skies Ger­ $ _ rnent) hill, they saw stiff fighting industrial area where no missile were across, up to or almost up t o , Diamond -Walnuts 47c trans{)orts, a torpedo boat and two waged in the narrow, winding man transports were able to on- 25% Wool Chatham er.ite only nt night from this Inst "could fail to hit a target." the whole line of the Sure river Regular $45.00 m A O smaller vessels). streets of the Iroon district north­ One giant American plane was from the Bastogne area to the (N im lU ssid the American task field, near Peat, and the casualties Ii. Northern ««<| the geizure west of the Acropolis and south of lost over Tokyo but the super­ German frontier Where they were COATS, N O W ...... force, coordinating its attack with were reported great. Cranberry Sauce Jar 21c Omonia Square. forts shot down perhaps the larg­ Western Sections High­ KifT 1 Thl m.' nol across stream they held the planes of the strategic airforce, The Elas fought back with mor­ Russian troops pushed across the ea.stem arm of the Danube est number of enemy planes yet tars. machine-guns and grenades ways Piled High With Of Ward Plant tru lfX T 10 “SUTTON” north of Budapest yesterday, split­ destroyed over the island of Hon- (Continued on Pnge Six) and before finally giving in they Regular $39.95, $35.00 m A n ting the Nazi troops and driving .«hu, oh which the imperial capital Drifts; Freezing Rains^ ------! miles southeast of Bastogne, i Can 3 5 c blew whole buildings into the Shrimp streets In many places. Teller part of them into the mountainous is .situated. The total bag has • . c? ivT ' seized in one crossing north of th« An exceptionally warm, 2.5''r wool, 25f}i COATS, NOW ,...... i N o a r : vniage of Bonnai. mines, were found sown in the area In the great Danube bend. The not been officially announced. Boston, Dec. 28—(^ )— Most of lOiirt Aftioii seen cotton and 50'v layon blanket. In solid remainder were pressed back into The Japanese apparently were debris. New Englarid was coated with shades of Rose, Blue, Cedar, and Green. $ i J. L. Sullivan Biida, where Soviet units engagcd^-aiight kw surprise. Early B-29 Over Labor Dispute i * v ' ‘f'^,-T h e Am^ericansjn 5.95 The British took 170 prisoners, fiesji snow today and highway con- Fillet of Anchovies Can 35c Regular $29.95 ^ AA most of them in civilian clothing. them in house to house fighting. formations found both anti-alr- Chicago; Union Claims u^eir^counte^^^^^^^^^ Over S.oSll« Nazis Killed I craft fire and interception light. d.tions w'fre made hazardous by a way faced formidable COATS, N O W ...... Senate Clerk A 15-mlle drive through the indica- southeastern suburbs last night by The cro.s8ing o f the river, which] but later arrivals encountered storm that left freezing slush on But there were clear British troops and Greek National resulted in ♦he Russian capture of | heavy opposition. hundreds of miles of southern and Bulletin! tions the bold Nazi bid for a great Kippered Snacks Can 17c Chicago, Dec. 28— iiPi— The Derembor victory had butted into Democrats Select New Szentendrei island and s juncture Great Fires Started coastal toads. Regular $25.00 A A I (Continued on Page Four)* of Red forces on the west bank, Tokyo’s bu.sy Industrial center .Army seized .Montgomery serious trouble...... 9 In northern and western sections ! Ward and Company properties A «n t Jemlmm Britain Man for the cost the Germans and Hungarians was swept by great fires, return- ; Held for 48 Hour* COATS, NOW ...... 3.000 killed, a Soviet, communique ing airnjen reported. Lt. Col. cnowplows struggled to keep traf­ In seven cities today under a The German army had been 25% Wool Chatham Post; Not Expected said. William McDowell. Brady, Tex., fic moving over highways piled 1 presidential ordei in a show­ licid for more than 48 hours up to Pancake Flour 2 Pkgs. 29c OF FINEST ALL- See Shortages Other Red Army troops stormed an ob.sei ver, said that on the re­ with drifts by increasing winds. down on the company’s refusal Wednesday dawn without a sig­ Albert R; Lavery to comply with War l-al>or Regular $22.98 ^ *4 A A Hartfotd, Dec. 28—{/f)— Demo- Into Buda from the west and south­ turn trip the smoke could be JWen Two dca.hs were attributed to ] nificant gain. . . Yea, they’re back again.. .Ibeautiful, new 100% west in numerous new penetra­ from 80 miles away. the Common Pleas Court, then a storm or cold since yesterday, I Board direetives. MaJ. Gen. German, pockets were sur­ OoMcb Glow COATS, N O W ...... Icrats in the S U te Senate have <)oseph W. Byron, director of [chosen a former colleague and In War Mel^ tions of the suburban arc. (A Washington communique court reporter on the old Bridge­ Falling temperatures, clearing rounded in the we.stern bead of wool blankets to dreaa your bedroom and keep “STANLEY” Simultaneously, Marshal Feodor the special service division. said»fires were started in the big port Standard and later for the weather and strong winds were the eiicnw olTciisivc and on toe veteran of three terns, John U Army service forres, Wash­ Pancake Syrup et. 22c you .enugly wahn . . . and this lovely Chatham Tolbukhin’s First Ukraine Army Miisashima plane plant.) Poft. He was a member of the forecast for sll New England southern flank illid were under Solid shades with contrasting colored Regular $19.95 IsulUvsin of New Britain, to M hammered out new gains north- ington, accompanied by hls Blanket is an outstanding value, too. AA [Senate clerk, a post p«;flng $3,- Copper and Lead in De­ The Nipponese tried out a new Laurel Club. staff, served the seizure or­ tonpc.sts oi shellfire. ^ borders. Rose, Blue, Green, and Cedar, defense ^ wrinkle, touching off Mr. Lavery’s flr.st venture into (Continued on Page Fwo) Sruthwest of Echternach the Juicy California $ 1800 . (Continued on Page I’w o) der on Sewell Avery. Ward's 4.98 COATS, N O W ...... politics was when he was elected I Goimati.s were retreating and The selection of Sullivan, who mand Now to Supply ■smiidgepots in an effort to lay a chairman of the hoard. In .Av- lorthwest of that soiitliern hinge I did not seek nomination for a smokescreen, but the attackers city clerk on the Refriblican I ery’a private office. .Avery Dor. 3 9 c Wants on W ar Front. ot the salie-it they were reparing Oranges fourth term ilBst fall, at a closed ticket. Later, he entered the in- ; greeted'Gen. Byron pleasantly 100% Wool Chatham i I caucus of Senate Democrats yes- (Continued on i*a; Six) surance field, leaving that to Join Patients Flee; ‘ and they shiMik hands. 1 terday ’vas tantamount to his elec- Washington, Dec. , ,28—(A*)— Priest Pleads the Bridgeport Hydraulic Com­ (tonl)iineil on I'age !4lx) Baldwin f pany, rising successively in^offlee Itlon when the General Assembly Shortages of two important war Chicago, Dec. 28. -J*' t:ouit [convenes Wednesday because thS until he became vice presicrent in metals, copper and lead, threat­ Treasury Balance Are Captured action leading to tha government's I.ba. 1 Democrata control the- upper For Two Lives 1920. Apples 4 25c “LAMSDOWN” ened today to cause further civil­ ------I second seizure thii year ot .Mont- I House by 21 votes to 15. ian belt-tightening in 1945. Washington, Dec. -28.—(JFi The ■Active in Polltlwi A luxury blanket. Finely nap{>ed, DRESSES The choice of the New BrlUln- Because o f the sharply rising {josition of the Treasury Dec. 26: For more than 40 years Ml". State Police Finallv Lo- » soft and warm. In Blue, Rosa, Ce­ I ite came as soriewhat of it surprise army demands for bullets and ar­ Father Flanagan Goes Receipts $236,011,734.26; expen­ Lavery was active in Republican Flaslies! stln(lM"aD Page Two) B el dar, Green, and A ll Whits. jbecatise it bad been understood tillery shells, the Office of Civilian ditures $331,174,812.78; net bal­ cate Two Men (Ijitc Bulletin* « l the lAI W ire) Fresh Celery 21c To Southern City; Ask (C-ontlnned on Page Pwo) $15-98 Regular $12.98 Ittmt Cornelius Driscoll of Bran­ Requirements may be called upon ance $22^63,021.240.13. - Escape State Hospital. ford was the favored candidate. to give baOk half the tonnage of Mercy from Governor. Rail Target* Bombed „ I Sullivan won on a secret ballot by copi>er brass mill products allot­ DRESSES, N O ^ $ -«» '' r Russia R«adv London. Dee. 28— [a vote of U to 10. however, and It ted to it for the manufacture of Newtown, Dec. 2 8 .- (>P)—John 10 Jackson, Miss., Dec. 28.—(JP)— teen hundred heavy bombera Ham­ [was reported that his experience Kenneflc, 35, of Stamford, and civilian goods next qusrter,’ WPG The fate of two teen-aged sailors mered II rail target* In western as a Legislator was the factor officials revealed. Doctors Claim Penicillin John McGlynn, 20. o f Greenwich, Regular $10.98 ]^ which swung the tight coldest in for whose lives the founder of To Take Sidc> Gemianv today despite bad wenlh- HEALTH MARKET A 40 i>er cent cut' in civilian patients in the Fairfield state hos­ er whieh oiirtalled cloiw air sup­ 100% Wool Chatham Ihia favor. ^ Boys Town, Father E. J. Flana­ pital here, were back in the insti­ DRESSES, NOW $ use o f lead, required in . a war gan, came heie from Nebraska Cured Very Rare Disease port for A.ueriia^n irround forces. Boston Fish Pier will send us a good variety of Fresh He Supported Gaffney tution today, after .„a short lived 9.00 production board order announc­ to plead with Gov. Thomas U Considerations working to Sul- Di|>loiiiut<4 Believe That. Sea FiMid to arrive in the morning. You’re doing your ed last night, was explained as Bailey, was In the balance today. esca(>e last night, which ended N. Y. Meal Situation jlivan’s disadvantage were the fact when they were recaptured at gtin- Regular $8.98 necessary to- protect* the govern­ The two youths, Miirlce Shlm- considerable ’ stirred up dii.st, the ' Reds .\koiit to Recog- New York Deo. 28— !'7V-Fo»*l- family a f y o r if you have sea food regularly on your [that at the Democratic state con- Chicago, Dec. 28 <^)—■ A W is­ point by a |>osse of state {Kilice- “WOOLWICH” ment's stockpile of that metal, niok of Madison, Wis., and Joseph physician related. blr Improvement In New York menu. [vention laat August he supported w K f ^ has dwindled -to less than consin physician, reporting a case men from Ridgefield barracks un­ iiize Liihliii (xroiip. f ’ltv'* erltleal meal situation wan The most {mpular blanket this DRESSES, NOW : $ hia fellow townsman, Leo V. G aff­ M. Leemon of Maylene, Ala., are The virui of ornithasis was 7-00 one'Wonth's wartime consump- der Lieut. Harry T. Tucker which Keen lodav as .Markets CornmU- year. Made of choice wools by under sentence to die In the elec­ of pigeons causing human orni­ found in one of four pigeons taken ney, for the gubernatorial nom- trailed them -hrough the woods In sloner Henry M. Brundage eald Chatham it is warm and long wear­ Uort'. tric chair tomorrow for the slay­ thosis. said today that penicillin from the loft and examined at the Washington, Dfc. 28 -i/Pi—Word Haddock I Ination against Robert A.- Hurley ! To Hit Batteries Sandy Hook District for more more than 12.000.000 pounds of Quohogs ing. In Green, Cedar, Blue, and Regular $7.9iB choica of the present organization ing of Sheriff Thomas S. Boykin proved an effective treatment and Mayo clinic laboratories In Roch­ spread today that Russia is about $ The lead curtailment will affect 'Of Wayne county In December, than two hours ii a blinding snow­ ready to recognize the Polish com­ i meat wa* expected hera n « t w ^ k . Rose. 10-95 leaders. There was the added fact ester, Minn., Dr. Turgasen said, I storage batteries, 'paint, tetra­ that the virus disease "is prob­ storm. Normal consumption Is nbout DRESSES, NOW that Nefw BriUtn already la well 1943. and was found also in the pa­ mittee of Liberation at Lublin as ...... - Cod $ 6 - 0 0 ethyl for civilian gasoline, and At 7:45 p. m. Constable Preston the provisional government of Po- pound* a wwn. Little Necks r e p e n t e d in the sU te govern, The governor, after a long. In­ ably more prevalent than Is com­ tient’s blood when tested at the 000,000 other Important items. The coj)- terview yesterday with Father Beers, of Sandy Hook district, land. • • • |ment in the persons of Charles F monly recognized." University o f (California. Submarine Is Lost per deficit is ex|)ected to Flanagan, said he would announce He said the effectiveness of looking out of a window in his Prenner Stalin rcpoilediy coii- Boston Blue Oysters Regular $5.98 aud $6.98 Iprestia, secretary of the state-' WhP.t apparently was the first home u w two men enter hls auto­ Washington, Dec. 28;----- ^ elect, and Samuel Googei whom hooks, eyes, fasteners, an d~to a 1^ decision after "cont'.rring with {leniclIUn in this one case appears liiders this action necessary to mil­ us« M penicillin In • definitely mobile which *as parked in front text of N * '7 communique No. DRESSES, NOW ...... PresUa has appointed as his de- Severe degree— civilian shotgun in e more person," whom he did bear out the Mayo clinic’s ra? itary moves Imminent on the east­ 50% Wool 4 lb. Chatham . $ 5 - o » shells and cartridges used by not name. diagnosed case of human orni­ and drive off. In company of hie ern front. Fillets Mackerel cent experiments in which penl- . The submoriao I- 8- ^ . f “2 i awistant Senate clerk, who fanners and ranchers tq protect Death Sentence Uf^eld thosis. which is similar to psitta­ .cillln cured ornithosis infections brother, Irving, OonstHble Beers Both Wsahingten and London so livestock and crops. The boys killed Boykin aftar he cosis or parrot fever, was de­ gave chase in a commandeered ear far have recognized the Polish wolf to overdue from patrol OM 100% Wool Kenwood is paid 13,000, will be appointed by in a number of mice. presumed loot. ^ GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES! Aside from copi>er and lead, had picked them up and given scribed by Dr. F E. Turgasen of Dr. Turgasen concluded that for about two milea down Route government in e'xile et London, at Sulllgah- .. however, the metal picture was them .. ride. The death sentence Manitowoc, Wis., In the Journal of 34 on the Newtown-Derby road. the same time urging that it com­ Next of kla ef coaualtlee b*ra “MARLEY” 'y As human ornithosis "m ay be present beea Informed. /y. THURSDAY SPECIALS by a lower court was upheld by At a {trevlous caucus In Bridge- described as the ."easiest supply the American Medical Association. in a fairly high percentage of the Car la Abandoned pose ita differences with Russia Full four {joiinda of warmth and long the Mississippi Supreme Court, over the Russo-Polish boundary. ■ port the Senate Democrats picked situation” fn two years. He laid penicillin gave "favor­ recently increasing number of Aa the fleeing pair entered the wear. An exceptional blanket that wil| Father Flanagan said he did Found Dead la Plant “FAMOUS” I ^ n RisCasal of Hartford as ma- Steel Supplies Balsuced able resulte” find was discontinued cases diagne-sed as virus pneu­ vicinity of ItevetAon, they aban­ New Develo|nnenta give yea la of service. In Rose, Blue, Green, not pllan to go to Ueridan to see WalUagford. Defc Corned Ox Toil Lb.19c Ijority leader and Samuel Malkan Steel supplies were reported after a week, w)ien fever had eub- monia” but that physicians lack doned the car and fled Into the e Information In diplomatic quar­ and Cedar, • the youths in Jail there. I f the rad Poeluesay ef 1*1 »*I>*W ? $7.98 Woven of fine, long fibre wools to of New Haven ia president pro “ fairly well balanced.” with pros­ sided, and that the patient was convenient laboratory facilities woods. Oonstabli Beers and his ters here now uidicates the follow­ Ita JW KtlU^eoM governor does not‘ Intervene, the etreet a Janitor at «ka phw make a warm, long-wearing blanket. )tem|>oT«, ao that yesterday’s action pective demand, arid aluminum fully recovered within a month. brother started into the woode ing u probable, sltbough not cer­ Corned Beef Tongue__ Lb. 35c M j u k h i s t s * C o m m * prisoners will be removed to. for testing a. {laUent’e blood the WalUagferd Bteel n Soft and luaetous. In Rbea, Blue, [cotnplstas Uie filltag of major Seni- "relatively eaey.” Only about after them and Um men turned tain, ' developments; Waynesboro to be electrocuted IB The. patient was a man, 43 yea n serum. poay wae teoad M ad at i I At#- poolt1 Dili half the counties plant e^iacity and^*^wuted a warning for them 1. The Soviet-backed Lublin Oieen, and Peach. the state’s portable electric chair. old, who ha* kept ■ loft of hom­ HAABid tbat so fai*ae be could early today with a $1495 1 The caucus also approved con- .for producing Ingot ahimimim learn the University of Califor­ to turn back or they would ahoot. committee,-v’hlch Washington of­ ing pigeons in bis back yard. Smoked Beef Tongue Lb. 39c now is being used: - After the Interview Father ficials d^ not consider represents- bhi bead, aeqaedtaig Id I jtlnuatlon of the Joint committee Some pigeons took sick and died. nia’s laboratory la the only qne on One of the men, Constable B een The CORR . 1 . > r ...... The iteel plate supply was con Flanagan said he tame to Jack- F. Harvey of JW .IUU [■ystsm which was used In 1043 Several days before hie illness, the this cqntinent making the blood (Coatiaacd oa Pom Tw*> U’alUaeadrd wm Fresh Pigs'Heads ^ Lb. 15c M A H C H ts rm Co n n - . GRBEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES! Advertise in The Herald— R Pays cleaned the lof^ .'Inhaling teat for omitboals vinub (Ooatlaued ea Faga rwe| iCaottwMd aa Face ElgkU (ContlniMd on Png* U ck ti

■.if;.,: '■ V

MANCHESHa EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THUKiSUAY, UEUK.MBIOn ?S. 1044 EA<'B t h r e e / ■ HANCHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, c o n n , THUKSUAY, UiSUtiAlBEK 28, 1944 ft >t*AaE TWO "■ ') V' _ ------Church Plans trucks wore sent out to sand the Rockville incline streets which were hard to State Traffic Diunchestpr Liliiie Lodg^ Flying War Orphan Snow Removal negrrtiate in the early morning Local Soldier^Coolness ‘^Open House” hours. A predicted drop in the Dale Kook its Message temperature will require addition­ Outwits German Snipers Crawls Today X Names Staff I Thriving Quickly Done al sanding of sidewalk# after the NOW PLAYING Supper and Social Time big Job of snow removal from the Saturday, Dec. .30 rt.~. • From Germany New Year's liapt'c, Dilworth- American Grandmother-- Lavishes Love and At Center Church on streets is over. With the 4Sth Division of the gave away his position Then I)ozt?iis o f Pepsoiiti Are OfTierrs Elpcletl at ]\Ieel- uve - / " __ Town and Stale Ap^a- Manchester received about five he remembered the telephone he Comcll Post, A. L. at Legion Seventh Army, France Because Injured by Falls on Icy Honu'. ^ iiig ill Orange Hall (WAS Care on Baby Flown from England New Year’s Eve. inches of snow which fell from he kept his head while lying un­ was carrying and the wire that Sunday,. Dec. 31 IMXI iSarl St. W om an Re­ . ratus on Job Early to about 6:30 p. m. until 1 a. m. der the fire of German snipers on led back to his mortar squad. Wulkfi; Roads Slippery Last Eveuing* By Army Transport “ My fingers were all tiiumbs as Hock and Buskin reunion 3 to ceives Word from Plans have been made for a Meet Storm Ileaults. the Alsatian front. Sgt. Cloyce S in drnma room. High school. R. King, of Manchester. Conn., I connected the telephone on the buffet supper and social jtlme at' Hartford, Dec. 28.—(/P; Traffic .Saturday, ,laii. 14 The following officers were elect­ Relatives in Berlin. Patients Flee; is alive today to tell about a har­ line,'' the sergeant admit.s. “ When Center Congregational church, AU avallaWe>«now removal ap­ crswled on state highways today Religious (li.iina "I i n-s of Gali- ed by Linne Lodge No. 72. Knights rowing experience while fighting I finally got .someone on the other I l''('." Luther League, Emanuel Lu- Sunday night, December 31. The paratus owned by the town was ^ Rockville, Dec. 28—Mrs. Helga 22 Aire Captiiretl with the 17»th Infantry Regiment end. he thought it was a gag. But and dozens pf persons were under thcran church.. ol P*ythia.s at their meeting held ' entire church fam ily o f high school put Into operation last night, of the veteran 4!5th Divi.sion. when I did get It through to them treatment in Connecticut hospi­ Wednesday, Jan. 31 last night Irr-Crange Mali: th a n -I |luehler, of 6 Earl street, on Thurs- ^ Sgt, King was out in front of that I was in real trouble, some­ age and older and their friends are E. CENTER ST. working with the storm and as tals for fails after a snow and I I.,ecti:re by A. S. Bl'.ckington on cel lor Commander, Asher Millard; tlng.” there will be games led by the Rev. main streets and the majority of night. I pices Educational Chib. Hollister prelate, Raymond Kiilpln.-iky; mas- said, brandishec' what resembled could direct fire on the en­ King lay there, in the brush 1 street school. pan Red Cross from relatives in Clifford Simpson, minister. A t «S, the side streets were «esft-ed of A sequence o f weather changes ter of work, Edward Berggren; trenched Germans just ahead. As and gave the location of the snip­ Saturday. Feb. 10 •lerlln. Germany, which wa.s writ- a buffet supper will be served by the heavy wet snow before noon. a gun. com bing to make foot and auto­ 1 keeper of records and seal, Gus- 169 No. Main St. The storm began shortly after Call State Police he worked his way through the ers who had pinned him down. Firemen's Ladies' Night, Sports ! j 'en In September, 1944. T h e ’ mes- ladies of the church. mobile travel hazardous. ^ lave Gull; master of finance, | dark last night and continued Returning to the highway the thick underbrush he wa.s carrying Before long the mortars started l;age states that her i**Kitive8 are A Watchnight Candlelighting MANCHESTER Snow that had melted during j V\e.ls street, Charles Wennergren; master of through the evening. Sleet began pursuers went to a nearby farm­ a telephone and Isying wire to thumping in. and there wa.s no Line and have received two mes- Service will be held in the sanctu­ Groceriee and Produce Only the day froze as the temperature J exchequer, Alexander -Berggren: I falling about 11:S0 accompanied house where they summoned state keep up communications with his more trouble from the Kraut l^ages which she sent to them. ary at 11:30, as the group dedicate dropped at night, and on top o f ' master at arms, Harry Nellson; ' themselves to Christian living in by a . decided drop in temperature police and borrowed a gun and men behind him. rifles In that sector. When the Anyone wishing to write to rela- this ice came about five inches of inner guard. Robert. Venpart; out- ! W o wish to axprats our aincoro thunks for tho the storm ending with rain about resumed their pursuit. A .squad of "Suddenly a bullet (racked Infantry advanced later they [lives or close friends in occupied the year then beginning. The snow before the storm changed to Returned Vets er guard, Rayn.ond Jackson; trus- | pastor will lead in a meditation on w ay our cutlomors hava cooporutad with tha 3:30 this morning, coating the state police consisting of Lieut. right by me and then another and found four dead German snipers, I'ountries m.sy send a 2.3-word mes- Open Thurs. Until sleet and freezing rain about 11:30 tee, Alfred Johnson; representative the topic, “ It is Better to Light a Oovommont rationing program, tha Put Sol- snow with a crust of ice. As the Tucker, Troopers Kdward Giar- another. As I hit the ground to victims of Sgt. King's mortar .age through the Red Cross. Fur- I m. By mornirig. there was three- to Hall Association Svea, John Candle than to Curse the Dark­ voga, papar bem ahortoga and many other 9 p. in. storm moved east, the tempera­ dina, John T. Jones, William J. get out of the way. I knew there barrage. —ON THE SAME SHOW— J,her Inform.ation may be secured quarters of an inch o f icy crust Back on Jobs Wennergren; auditor to same, Carl ness." He will be assisted In the roquoat# oS nocosaory to help the war effort ture uropped several degree# re­ McNamara, Walter Foley, George were several snipers around,"' r*- Mrs. Gladys King, the soldier's I’hrough the Rockville Chapter of- CLOSED F R L and SAT. over the snow. Bolin. , ROBERT LOWERY in service by Mildred McNeill and PLEASE SHOP EARLY! fhiring the past year. maining at the freezing point at A. Noxon, Joseph Taylor, Ray wife, lives at 281 Center street. ' ice on Park place. lates King. Twelve Are Injured These officers will be installed Carl L. Hansen. First National Stores' managers and dorks A t Regular Hours daybreak. Keeler, John McCarthy and Phil The underbrush afforded .some Manchester. He is the son of Stale OfTiriuls Give Fig­ Nurses Aides Party wish you oN a HemPV N ew Year, and again .%U Prepared Mr. and Mrs. Alta King, 209 Sec­ Twelve persons were admitted by D. D. C. C. Robert Mitchell at The Niirsea’ Aide Corps held a After the service, tne groufi will OUR STORES WILL BE Mqnday rushed to the scene and concealment and King knew he to local hospitals after falls. Meri­ go to the banquet hall, where Gil­ thanke for yeur cooperation. A ll traffic schedules were main­ coipbed the woods under difficult was safe unless he moved and ond Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ures o f Those Giviiti the next meeting of Linne Lodge, |''uletide party nt the Bissell Farm tained throughout the night with den hospital reported three frac­ January 10. j n Wednesday. Miss Ann Rosezew- more Cole will lead square danc­ OPEN THURSDAY Until 9 P. M. conditions until shortly before 10 ture cases, and throughout the ki acted as Santa Claus, gifts ing. slight interruptions. Warnings o'clock, when Noxon and Mimday Work; Various Classk CLOSED SATURDAY at 6 P. M. To Broil or Fry from the weather bureau that this employes, was to force Wards to state the injuries were propor­ '/ere distributed and there were Reservations for the buffet sup- came across the two men. Russia Ready comply with the WLB orders pro­ tionate. l ames and caroling. Mrs. L. Bis- |ier should be made by Friday eve­ CLOSED MON. New Years Day 2rthold .WuyrimliT, KabM mith. Miss Phyllis Orlowska and Good eatin'! Kenneth takes on nourishment, aided by grand­ telephone 5576. The menu con­ EVANGELINt EVAPORATED-1 RED POINT EACH Lieut. Tucker reported, but were union leader* said are being vio­ ment to put their snow ploughs on roads, including the Merritt Park­ from the armed fbrees and wishing .Irs. Mildred Connors were guests mother, Mrs. William Maloney, of Grand Rapids. sists o f chicken a la king, waldorf ilnally subdued and taken back to lated. The first strike was for Starting: Sun.. Dec. .‘list the road at the beginning of the way, extremely slippery. employment go back to their old [f t)i.c.Aides. or tossed green salad, potato chips, the Institution. What Constable (L'sintinord from Page Oae) tile same objectives but the gov­ Friday, December 29; Scrvicc.s AI.SO PRESENTED ■The committee in charge of ar------^ " ‘ ^ cocoa, coffee, ice cream and MILK 3 ’^HOxTn.3^7* MILK FED-ALL SIZES LB storm, and emergency crews All state highway department Jobs, according to a recent com­ will be held at 8 p. m. The Rabbi Beers believed to have been s guh ernment relinquished control after '\T -niE OAIJI langements included Mrs. Cora By Kathryn Umpiirey s*f* s cookies. The cost will be moder­ Spom A HOUMfl MOOUCT 11 O I TIN 33* worked throughout the night and workers worked throughout the pilation at Stale Selective Service will speak on the subject “ How to : FOWL brandished by the men, proved to tive o f the people of Poland, is ex­ two weeks' operation when the NEW YEAR’S EVE kadelaki, chairman, Mro. Betty Grand Rapids, Mich.— Safe from , U U 1 i . . e r i l I l C a i e S ate. early morning hours. night and were still sanding thia headquarters. Included in the re- i Keep Faith in a Just God in a . Defense plant and Hartford be a door handle which they hdd pected to declare itself to be a pro­ CIO won a collective bargaining ftackofen. Mrs. Helen Jaklel, Mrs. buzz bombs and war dangers of i The Women's Federation of T rc c t tUNCHION MIAT 11 O l TIN 3 3 o morning. The Hartford Street De- maining .34 per cent are those who. j Cruel World" j .MIDNIGHT SHOW! workers found the roads harard- removed from his car. visional government. Moscow re­ vote. Trances Vaaselos and Mrs. Alda Center church is in charg« o f the 1 partment had ."iSO men on the Job. , because------—o f ...... school attendance.. or for Tuesday. January 2; H;idassah | Europe, eight-month-old Kenneth | Good Indefinitely P rc in SWIFT'S lUNCHlON MIAT II O l TIN 32* FRESH ou4 early this morning and there ports yesterday said this action Sewell Avery, company pebortoli. program, with the following com­ LB j Ash and rubbish collections were I other reasons, were not employed meeting at 8 p. m. at the Temple. Barry Maloney, the w3r orphan PORK were several minor accidents might be taken before the year- chairman, who was carried ____ _ . ■ at the time of induction "Hollywood Basketball mittee responsible: De«r Brand Bm U 2 <* o. t... 19c end. the plant by tw o soldiers on A p ril' suspended V> tret these workers The film “ Out of the Dark" with Tw o basketball games in the who recently was flown to this | Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Make­ SHOULDERS within the town limiU. Maiisfieltl Uiiils 27, the day after the government! storm ren.oval job. State Seli-ctive Service, head­ country from England, la thriving Main street store managers 2. Russia would then recognize Raymond Massey as narrator will Canfeen" Few Rockville Recreation Board Hartford, Dec. 28—(/P)—In re­ peace, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Mil­ B read Flour Hno#« is hiacUOS took control, had maintained that' The Weather Bureau predicted quarters .ow living in Connecticut. Very will be resumed in the Religious and Mr.s. Kenneth Downing and night on the calling of a second tures tomorrow, le Stolle A Gamble team will blue eyed youngster uttered vigor­ ager of the Office of Defense Trans­ SKINLESS FRANKFURTS their places of business and many Members of the Frank J. Mans­ sively by the Polish government clo.se to th'.s figure is that of 17,- School at 3:45 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Brown. Rep­ Vanilla Extract %?.' 29« strike. ------... Read Herald Advs. |lay Ellington A C at 8:45 p. m. ously baby gurgles and definitely a schoolboy earned extra money field Detachment were the guests at London. 614. the tot.il of World War II vet­ portation, today said that certifi­ resentatives from the C YP Club, SPICED LI was more interested In his new NNAST SINT JAR this morning shoveling out walks, of the Auxiliary last night at the 3. Riisaia's deiiaration of recog­ Levy, however, in a statement I erans now living In Connecticut, Glee Club cates of war necessity issued to will as.slst with the punch at the Mayonnaise 24* LUNCHEON MEAT white shoes than in an account of llbes Good job Army and Navy Club at the unit s nition would be followed in short said the union members would! some of whom, of course, regis­ A meeting of the .Gl^e Club of these operators were good indefi­ dancing. A. E. Lavei-y his sensational flight, via array Stuffed Olives I OZ ITL 29c The highway deportment did a first Christmas party. After a order by declarations by various strike “ until tl ey obtained a : tered, with draft boards in other le Rockville Baptist church will nitely until cancelled and need not good Job on Main street last night short business w.ssion of the unit, European countries within the union contract from Sewell Avery j states. |e held this evening at 8:30 o'clock transport plane. be renewed on an annual basis. Stuffed Olives 3 OZ ITL 20* BFISH i FANCY MEqiUM SMELTS LB 26* Hit's at Hom e For the time when he will be pushing the wet mass of snow gifts were exchanged and refresh­ Russian sphere of influence, prob­ himself or by such action as the Thii.s far. headquarter.s. through , ; the church social rooms. Under ODT regulations, opera­ interested, however, his grandpar­ ichmono LB 1 3 * clear of the traveled portion of ments of assorted sandwiches, ably starting off with Czechoslo­ government undeitakes to obtain ; its draft boards, has listed 10,593 Form Credit Union tors do not have to have their cer­ Deaths Last Night Fruit Cocktail « '*,iS^19* , I ^ANCY MACKEREL cake and coffee were served. The compliance with the directive or­ The Rockville Cooperative Fcd- ents have a scrapbook ready for tificates reissued unless they pro­ the street Into the gutters. vakia. (Continned frtMn Page One) veterans as employed and of these Fruit Cocktail *ichmono 33c As soon as the snow was re­ party was attended by SO members PnsiUoB Is Frsnre ders of the War Labor Board. 6.2.31 have gone into industry, 1.936 [ral Credit Union has been or- liim along with one that belonged pose to change the character of of the two units and several guests. to his father, Lt. Kenneth Ma­ their aerviccs or the territories for New York- Mrs. H. H. A. Beach, Ltviih your labia with the moved from most o f the streets France ia reported to have ex-, politics He was Republican Town! into Commercial emnloyment. 330 ranized and Henry Weber, former Campbell's tomato s o u r 3 2 7 . Mrs. Martha Mansfield, first changed representatives with the i "hairnian of F a irtielT m m 192trTO*'i’'.to agricu'tnre^ aelf-cm- FRI.-SAT.-SUN. [resident o f the Consumers Co- loney, U. S. Arm y Airforce pilot, which the present certificates were 77, noted pianist and composer. A finest fresh fruits and vaga- president of the Auxiliary which Lublin committee already. - But i who was killed over England be- issued. native of Hennil;er, N. H.. she waa AAorvo sHoriiNiNo £ONi 63* cc>nt 22* New Eiiglaiid Hit 1937. In 1925 and 1927 he served p'oyed and '...367 are listed as mis­ jperative ha-s been chasen first tablas monay can buy , . was named for her Marine son, there are some reports that when ! [resident of the Credit Union. iore the infant was born; His Eng­ A t the same time, Richo called the former Am y Marcy Cheney. in the House a.s Representative cellaneous. Tile records show 331 O leo CLOVIROALI M l CTN Carafully salactad bV your killed m the South Pacific. Jan. 14. the question came up, between , brick in schni*! and .316 a.s Inmates Other member.' of the Board of lish mother died in childbirth, and attention to the fact that on last 1943, was presented a Past Presi­ from Fairfield, and in 1929 and iust like aU Oct. 15. ODT transferred to the - own e*part produce Stalin and Do Gaulle at Moscow ' B y Sleet Storm of veterans' horpitals. Irectors are vice president, his maternal grandparents were Loui.sville. Ky. — William H. l U CTN | 7 e 1931 he represented the 25th Dis­ P u re Lard buyers, and pricad right. dent's badge by President Emma recently. De Gaullo made It clear The United Slates Employment larold Staiger; treasurer, Ralph killed when bombs struck their Office of Price Administration the (Judge) .Shelley, 79, dean p f Am er­ Veen, the presiding officer. that he did not consider the Lublin ] trict in the Senate, in the latter home. handling of Certain of its gasoline ican Racing Secretaries,"*&rho .serv­ ".cs.sion he w.os Pre.sidont Pro Tem Service office here is plea.-ed at the. others -o "'V [nape; clerk, . Bertha Ludwig; at group repreoen'.atlve of the Polish | (ContlBiied FYeni Page One) employment record of returning Enough red tape to reach from ration functions relating to tem­ ed at trarks I throughout the coun­ RATURID THIl WUKI of the Senate. irge, Dorothy Stoneman. porary allotments of gasoline. Q—Name the five smalleat in­ people and therefore at the mo- : V' tcrans a.u! .‘'.ee.s po major prob­ England to America was entangled try, In Canada and in Mexico. of Coughing Mr. Lavery served for a mim- TTie Credit committee is com- "Under this transfer of duties.” dependent states of Europe. ment could not promise rerogni- ; .(detes by the Boston Weather Bu­ lem at present with respect to before the grandparents, Mr. and ber of years on the Republican fancied* |osed of Richard P. Graf, chalr- he said, “ O PA now is responsible A— Andorra, Vatkraa City, Mo­ tion. ; reau. tKo.se Coming back from the armed Mrs. Maloney, of Grand Rapids, Los Angeles —Dr. Ludwig B. FRESH McIn t o s h naco, San Marino, Ueebtenatein Southern Maine rheasured the State Central committee and In lan: Frank Irmischer. secretary; for the collection of gasoline sta­ Tha Russians themselves are forces. At II. S. E. S. headquar­ .ndrew Morgan. were able to have the baby Bernstein. 74, former president of APPLES 1936 was the party's candidate for tion coupons or checks in the said to be aware of the political de­ ai'ason'z heaviest storm, a nine- ters, it WHS staled that about 50 brought here. In just a few more the National Conference of Jewish In tbo Night lieutenant governor. On the supervisory committee ficiencies of the Lublin outfit and inch accumulation. Freezing rain per cent of the veterans, including months now he will be their legal­ hands of operators at tiic close of Social Work, a one-time college in­ CAKES On safety C'nnimlsaion (re Mrs. Louise Irmischer, chalr- the quarter for which they were for that reason alone have .spent fell in some Maine areas, making tho.se going buck to their old jobs, ly adopted son. structor and retired, executive MADI IN OUR SPOTLIiS KITCHINt FLORIDA How To Hold Mr, LavPi'V served for several lan and secretary, Mrs. Lydia Issued. For this reason, commer­ many months in dealing with the travel more dangerou.^, nnd in oth­ are necepting cmploiTnent In war In view of all his past excite­ director of the Pittsburgh Federa­ WITH dNLY THI PURIST mORiDKNTS iland, Joseph Lentocha, cial motor vehicle operators should ALL .SIZES -AetQnick! Polish . government at I^ondon. ers there was an Ice-cop.ting be- veal's on the .State Highv/ay Safe­ induslrie.s. They are fre« from any ment, sometimes Kenny will peer tion of Jewish Philanthropies. FALSE TEETH ncatl the new snow. Nevertheless, ty Commission, the former State Holy Innocents Day turn in all fourth quarter rationa ORANCES seeking a settlement of the bound­ war mannower commission restric­ over the edge of his bassinet and M omja n n g mothen now use Vicks More Firmly In Place H olv Innocents Day will bt ob- on hand at the end of this year to VapoRob when chUdicn have terrify­ ary dispute and a pro-Rusaian pol­ trains, and buses were nearly on nubliclty Commission, the Stale tions with respect to the type of yawn as if to say. "This la pretty SOUTHERN BELLE Dn your r«lne teeth aniuiy iiml em- schedule. '* Tuberculosisluoerrui^.s coii.iiiKia.u..commission «and m the ■•.ic zed today at St. John's Episco- their OPA local war price and ra­ Fforida ing h t t o f coughing that aometitnea harrsiw by alippinr. dropping or wiih- icy on the part of that government. aeeented. In most dull." But he is the only one in the YEUOW TYPE CAKE Now, hov^vo-r, Stalin has plan­ Falls Up lq,Elght Inches Merritt Parkway comm-sslon. of tt S K S does not see the |al church. There will be a church household who finds it so. Ever tioning boards instead of to the con* with ooUs^losi m bit on throat, blliig when you (Wt, laugh or lalk? ODT district office. Such sqrren- VANILLA ICING AND All Sizei diaae andiwrit. Right away VapoRob Just aprinkte a little FASTKBTH on ned winter offensives against Ger­ Snowfall ranging up lo eight which he was seco'etary for several veterans who go back to their old Chool carol festival and party at since his grandmother went tear­ inches was reporter! in parts of der must bo made not later than GLAZED CHERRY TOPPING 25< GRAPEFRUIT atatta to bring relief aa it voiir plalea, Thia alkallar (non-aclill many In which he intends to lib­ years. 1:30 p. m. In connection with the ing off to New York In October to ninlovment. Jan. 5, 1945.'' powder hold* falae teeth more nrinly erate groat new areas o*' western N-'W H*mn*hire. Road.* were being Throughout his life, Mr. Lavery In November 799 veterans regis­ Irogram. collect him from the Red Cross, CRAPES SM PER O R — CALIF. L I 23c CELERY LARGE, PASCAL ICH 33. and more comfortably. No guimny, pi'iwed bill many were very slip­ gooey, paaty taate or feeling. Doe* not Poland. was intimately concerned with the tered for new employment and the VFW Auxiliary things have been different. sour. Check* “ plate odor' (denturi' He wants them ruled by a Po­ pery' and t-mpemtures were far ivic development of Brldgeport^jj^ nfrj,.pa in the state placed .333 A meeting of the Frank Bad- Not that a baby in the Maloney APPLE SAUCE CAKE toufiper bronchial ^ below fre'-zing. CARROTS 2 »cHs 18< TURNIPS 3 l*s 9« tubes with its special j breath). tSet FASTEETH today at any lish government and having failed, and in later years extended his in­ In October there were 722 veterans tuebner AuxiliLry V F W will be house is a new experience. TTiey MADE WITH-fRfSM A^l'LES d|;uK store. apparently with finality, to conie A light fall of snow th.at was fol­ terest to take in Fairflelo as well. Packages on Way medidnol vapors. regi.stcreclRi.id 609 placements. |eld this evening at the home of have raised their own four children FULL OF RAISINS AND £a CELERY i^arge, white ICH 29* ONIONS «*^low 3 us * to agreement with the London lowed by rain and colder weather He served as '.iresident of the trs. M ary Sloan of East Main and at least five others. Kenneth SPICED JUST RIGHT 15 left freezing siu.ah and ice on roads Poles, is understood to be ready to Fairfield W elfare Society and a it. There will be a Christmas has his own room and a playroom To War Prisoners in eastern M-oasachnsetts and in WESTERN HUIIARD I-BS dicst and back accord governmental status to the director of the Bridgeport anh Oiir Ration Board rty with exchange of gift/)- for himself, his uncle John, aged 7. CAULIFLOWER 29< SQUASH 3 9* aurtMcaHkea Lubltn coniniittce. parts of Connecticut and Rhode Is­ Fairfield county Y. M. C. A. the land. Parts of Cape Cod and other Police Check Walka and his two-year-old cousin T erfv GOLDEN PECAN wanning poultice. Oil Burners Associated Charities, the Charity Captain Pete.' J. Dowgewicz of Michael Eardly, whose father is By The Associated Press FANCY SWEET POTATOES 3 ^23. and Eouthern coastal areas escaped organization,, and the Bridgeport F*>r ('oilpons LOAF CAKI As it brings reUef, VapoRub invites freezing we.'ither although roads le Rockville Police Department overseas. Japanese Dome! news agency testful, coadbctlng sleep. And remem­ Hiiil Seizure Hospital where he was on the having the members check the "H e is such a good baby, but he YELLOW POUND TYPE were wet. executive committee of the bo.ard. A ll holders of “T ” ga.soline ra­ said today the steamer Hoshi Maru FROSTED j BLACKBERRIES (FINAST Oft T A Ill TESTED) 160Z FKG 3 9 . ber. tnoriwr. . . in the city and call the has a lot of spirit,” Mrs. Maloney CAKE TOPPED WITH EA Furnaces From the warmer coastal areas, tion c.ards. that is for trucks, or will sail from Kobe Jan. 4 for ONLY VAPORUB GivasYoe thisspi^ Of Ward Plant I tr.e snow blanket increased in lers attention where it is neces- said while loosening Kenny's grip TOASTED PECANS FOODS I PEAS (FINAST OR TABLE TESTED) '" 12-OZ PKG 2 5 . ,\ Few Still Xvallable. buses on, “T ” cards, may receive JMIUWt China carryin the first instalment cial, penettatiiig-stiniuiating action, it depth to the north and westward iry. Property owners are remind- on the new kitten's tail. "Hie kit­ their first quarter allotments by ten, named LeRoy, ia Kenny's fa­ of comfort packages for Allied ia thne-ttsted and home-proved... the (Ciintinued from Page One) I acinsa southerr New England. Public Recortls to sand ^heii walks when the best known home lemecfy for I R.\CKLIFFE OIL CO. simply phoning the local office of leltlng snow causes s hazard, as vorite gift, presented by his great- war prisoners and Internees. ! State polics barracks in western the W ar Price and Rationing NimYnwiKiik qnams of coughing, Tel. lU rlfo rd 7-SIDl , is as Important to care for the great-grandmother, Mrs. Cynthia The packages were sent from cago properties and taking over Maaaarhusetts reported highway Board. Dial 5189. or mailing a card ROIUN BOHNEN *ALAN and other mneries 898 Maple Avenne Hartford of the big mail order firm's plants plows were struggling with 7 to 10 le after warm spells as it is to Maloney, 75. When he gets a lit­ the U. S. for war prisoners and M ltAlH. PUM ofcbikhcn'aooUa. Warrunter Deeilil ' to the office requesting the allot- NAPIER • TOM FADDEN tle bigger he will be able to play internees In Japan, China and •IG 1'/« LI LOAF in six other cities appeared Im- inches of drifting snow on slippery William ri. Jenea and A. D ! nients. On receipt of such a tele- tear the walks of the snow. (minent toriay as feleral official* roads. As far east as Worcester with his own dog, too— a collie pup southern regions, the report said. DUZ Jones to Carl and Anna S. Peter- ] phone cull or caitl the coupons will named Bonnie. In addition there On Dec. 22 Dome! quoted Sadao PRESERVES pressed for a showdown on the ! county, the state police reported a son, property on Crestwood drive, bo mailed to them. TO PPIN G O F F 1»44 W ITH A Daaa avgrythinf, try DUZ TOmpany's refusal.to comply with «cven-ir.ch snowfall, high winds SUPERB PICTURE — TERRIFIC are three other dogs and one more Iguchi, spokesman for the Japa­ 11^ , r ■ H and JELLIiS War Labor Board directives. i tem^ratuTOS In rte low 20 s. CAST — TERRIFIC STORY — fays Nazi Tactics cat in the household. nese Board of Information, as say­ an your wash day. The latest move In the lengthy ■ , Main Roads Open .AND NOT A FEW THRILLS! Sioce his arrival, Kenny has ing the Japanese government al­ CURRANT JEUY <> o.a>w. 20* controversy between the govern-1 coaefa in MasaachusetU IWroiig This Time learned to sit up and has added a ready had distributed relief pack­ GRAPE JELLY >i o. g.«.17* RANGE AND FUEL rolling creep to his accomplish­ ages to Allied war prisoners and nient and the firm came la.st night' “f*! New Humpshire ^n era^ On these hitler winter tlays, step into the 0 f| as fcileral officials arrived from | "e-e o^n ga the day advanced PLUS: BOB CROSBY in ments. internees In Japan and occupied New Hav* anou^h of this ELDERBERRY JEUY » oi oia» 19* Washington, presumably lo lay but snndors had to be sent out to "SINGING SHERIFF” Next to eating, his favorite Korea and Manchuria and that LGE PKG CALL Moscow. Dec. 28.— (/Pi— A Red H i m •niriclM d Finast PLUM PRESERVE a. 25* sport is splashing water all over war prisoners In southern China the groundwork for the seizure of warmth anil frieinlliiiess of the SHERIDAN rmy military commentator says Cream Deodorant WMtg Irpod evgr the Diants ' Boston Weather Bureau re- the person who bathes him— th and the Philippines would receive CRAPE PRESERVE • > 18* le Germans' strategy in their Sajtly helps Mi^time, a strike was called that "snow was — END TONIGHT — fact he enjoys his bath so much their share of the supplies “ in long wMk-and. BLACKBERRY PRESERVE i m.24* 8 5 0 0 at the Chicago properties, the sec- b-.^'ily^thls forenoon in nort^im , “ .lA M E ” estern front offensive violated that they often put him in the big unil enjoy a savory meal ami a wanning ilrink. (le elementary requirements of the very near future.” OIL- "CRI.ME BY NIOUT” tub so he can make more noise. The report. Intercepted by the Stop Perspiration MOBIL KEROSENE AND MOBILIIEAT FUEL OIL ilitary science. tail. WhoIcHale and D epartm en t____ „ A firm friend o f .photographers, Federal Communications commis­ 1. Does DOC irriette skin. Does aa T73 c\ ¥ Az-vvt noon, OiTicial reperts Oi snoAViail "That a decisive victory can be store Employes u^on Leom received the baby breaka out with a broad, sion, said that^ the Japanese not rot dresses or men's shins. "WHERE THE ihieved only by annihilating or IVORY MORIARTY BROTHERS "FRIENDLY grin whenever he spies a camera. steamer Kakusan Maru brought g . Prevents under-srm odor. NARISCO I (• res » n a s t m . *. ard l^\y. from psrts of all three northern ifeating the strongest enemy RITZ CRACKERS 23* PEANUT BUTTER 39* president. Mid picket lines would ^ng,„nd states. FA3in,Y DINES” It probably is this habit which has the packages from Vladivostok re­ Helps stop perspiration saieijr. ’Dn the Level” At Center and Broad StrMts HOSPITALITY” 'ouplng is axiomatic,” declared I on nMi*kHUkMcm Of ENnm m m i captivated so much of America, cently. S. Apurr,white,«ntiseptic,iuin- EDUCATOR CRAX . .**<> 20* CLOVER MAID HONEY < • a* 29* » H tV.i m Storm warnings remained dis- . Col. V. Kra.ytsov In today's less vinishing cream. FLAKES st^rlke-hour. A specia detail of p,„yed aioifg the New England for every mall brings letters and oscow news. ‘"iTie German com- gifts to the baby. SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKIRS ut rxG f9c APRICOTS WHOLE UNPEELtO lO OZ TIN 23* 100 policemen was ordered posted today for strong northwest Indiana Get Ptetea 4 , No waiting to dry. Can be For finar fabrics. CeiiMa and resot-ted again to its favo- used right after shiving. •t t^* properties. winds with gales Just off shore. ctn ctn 8 . Awarded Apptovsl Sell of TEA & T os°.* «« 19* H'L. 34, TOOTSIE V-M u. m. 47* out snew'^whHo. Strikes already are under wsy (-rhi, name wind condition over Jte but by now rather hackneyed ' Treat .r Tallahoasee, Fla., Dec. 28—(IPi tlethod of striking concentric American Institute of L*un^- RINNIT POWDIR nco g* among Ward s employes in De- interior." the weather bureau —Florida has Just made Its an­ JUNKET BORDEN'S HmO < • a« 59* FRIDAY] JO E UkfkmilmHAWAUANl^MiU lows at two points with the alm^ ; Geneseo, 111., Dec. 28.—<)P)— Last ing — harmless to fabric, use TO /O trolt, Kansas City and Baltinwre, “will cause drifting snow in nual gift of 100 automobile li­ Artid tegulsriy. ASSORTE,p FLAVORS - f i t THE SAME'PRtCI A NEW WAY TO DRINI^ YOUR VITAMINS AND Lik'EM SAVE FUEL! wJiile the firm s plants which aections but winds will di- DON DAVIS encirclement. But this chose ‘October George Patorle wrote his cense plates to the Seminole In­ would come under ^h e expected tonight.” tj)e object of encirclement a qame and address . on an egg he 3 9 ^ AhoWtel UN PKG AND ENJOY GREATER COMFORT NOV YEARiDAY! ZO AUURfNG MAIDS • 6 0 STARS dians. federal contrpl order are in Den­ ctor where the Allied troop con- was candling at a produce com­ It seems that the state officials DANCE TONIGHT pany. RtJSCO 3-WAY COM BINATION W INDO W S ver. St. Paul, Portland, Ore., San litratlon was lowest. went down to the Everglades BUY A GOODLY SUPPLY FOR THE HOLIDAY Rafael, Calif., and Jamaica, N. Y. AT “To strike at a weak spot can He found out where the- egg EXPEKTI,y INSTALLED Fall of Budapest about ten years ago for a pow­ May Take Over Storee c W A T f TICKETS NOW ON SUE effective only when devglop- went when he got a V-mail mes­ wow with the Seminolea. The WITH THE EXCLUSIVE STEEL SEAL Reports from Washington last I sage from Capt. E. H. Graven- ent of this blow brings the at- Indians said they didn’t want 'W c u l i VaAd/Uif ? night indicated that if the seiz- cking force in contact with the horst, with a depot repair squad­ aaillbRo o k 1.. No Uraft! No Bate VentUathwl Is Looming Toda^ S I ATI I '"'NEW THRS EVE mmtT anything but to be left alone and uree are effected, the Wgr Depart­ ron in Italy. Depot Square, Grill ain enemy force; oyierwlse, suc- given a hundred auto tags. TAKI YOU! PICK. LUX 2. Change Screen to Stum ttasfe te '/i Min-, ment will be the ageiKY desig­ Check H ARFO RD 12 HOUR STAGE SHOW ss may be na ...ore than tactical "As we seldom get fresh eggs. So the state’s been giving them ate From INSIDE Vmu Home! ' nated to carry out the orders, un­ (Contlnueif from Page One) LOOK oyie THtf l i s t , 14 DEPOT SQUARE TELEPHONE 18.15 id thus may lead to a majdr It sure was a treat,” the captain the tags ever since. CLUB 8. No Bulky Windows to Store m Dfellarl der White House authority. Lost tastrophe. The Germans not only v/rote. These April in the flrot atrike, the Chi­ west o f the capital along the Buda- The cost to the state? Seven extra cash • GOLDIN GINGBR A ll TOILET No Foss - No Lnddiers - U ltlc rtsMl pcst-Vienna railroad and captured DANCING EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY lied at complete encirclement dollars—the cost of making the cago properties were taken over, Oaptnros 34 Germans • PALI DRY GINGIR ALR 4. Pays lor Itsell In Fuel Saved! several localities in tUe great Dan­ NIGHTS it left a claw of their pincers tags. For Seasonal Needs F eatures at Preeidrat Roosevelt’a direction, t % aging in midair.” BEVERAGES 6. No Down Pnyment-—16 Moatfes to Fnyl by the Department of Commerce, ube bend. p PURI FRUIT ORANGI SOAP On Other Fronts The Home of Real Italian and American Food! W ith U. 3. Seventh Army, Dec. with the aid of troops, Student PHot Stranded • SPARKLING WATIR tart Os Show You • Bnaco 8-W «y Cnmblnatloa Wlndowl Marshal Rodion Y. Malinovsky's Specializing in Spaghetti. Ravioli, Chops and Steaks. Finders Keepers? 28.—M3—t t James Tower, a 6 r f a loon of 610 to Z300 U to AbaohitRly th« fiiMat Ruality th ^ W LB representatlvea and Jus­ foot 2^ 190-pounded from Grand your advantage, te mf wants 1 F. H. A. FIN A N C E D — 36 MONTHS TO P A T . tice department attomeya confer­ forces north of the Danube con­ Waterbury. Dec. 58.—M V -A fiMiMy con biiy''.. UHra V iolit lUiy • C O L A tinued preparations today to storm TRY OUR FAMOUS LA PIZZA Son Franctaqp, Calif., Dec. 28.— Island, N. T., hurled several gre­ 6o aerTa you. red during the night and early student pilot who took off from XiOans made promptly and p R O O T R H R CAKES the Hron JOaram) river line • Orders Put Up To Take Out. )—Seaman Richard B. McNealnades into a machine gun neat traotad far purity .. why pay mara morning, apparently mapping the Mount Tobe airport here to privately on signature alone. gifordlng Austria as Uie Russian Ilost a hotel. Before he .lould use his carbine Sensible teonttuy payments. • SARSAPARILLA BARTLETT-BRAINARD CO. court procedure and preparing a fly to Bethany airport, * matter whan wa hava tha bast. c^munique reported a drive to CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS 34 Germans single-filed fronr. .a Loana In 1-VUlt— phone ua. Its WOODBINE STREET HABTFOBD (S) complaint against the company iRegistering late one night, he of some 10 or 19 miles, landed tn clear the Germans from the area Budweiser BeSr On Draught and In Bottles. bidden culvert and surrendered. then atop tn by appointment TE1.BPHONB 3-1ZM to be filed at opening df Federal ft his money with the. clerk' a sno'vstorm late yerterday at to sign and plM up the cash, between the Hron nnd Ipoly riv­ Tower marched the Germans down , Evenings and Sundays — Hartford — t-8S76 court. Government attomeya, If [ille he went out again. Retum- Golden's bridge, Westchester come In, phone or write today. ers in the Czerhoslovakian-Hun- the road. WANT (OOD SPARKLING WATER? I r ; Mil iM,I— they follow elmilar procedure in , McNeal couldn't remember county, N. Y. A message from the ■ipay.at IdwM• ■ garian frontier region. "Don't look now,” said another the first seizure last spring, later hotel’s name or where It was. New York state police to Water­ • 10 u T h " communique, however, iH e still has the claim check, officer who Joined him. “ But you bury police identified the pilot os Aawaw at AAouMy MoNWy A ll OUR STORES ore now supplied IVORY would appear In court to ask that Fvyawate again emphasized the pjmportlons N a ty attll 1 hunting, and the haven’t any magazine in . your Anthony Mfclinevlch, 30, of Wa­ Papteoah the compBny be leatrained from o f the squeeze on Budapest, rejiort- $100 BIRAA $ii.n Bioes with Complete Fresh Ste^s. Interfering with federal operation [•rk still has the money. carbine.” terbury, and said he was unhurt, SOAP ing the capture of four fortified b’ >t that the plane’s landing gear MO $040 8$-lt 1974 oil ('omp.iMN of the plants. $00 BAAO BOO B9J7 suburbs on the east bank of the DANCING Greetings Menoofy was smashed. Levy said the second atri}ce at Danube and tw o on the west bank. «0e«e oAodBla ehawdoi praao* R f l T 1KNT\ the Chicago plant, affecting S.7S0 mmrnfnsnfmsm oidMdhdaoBoMR There was no clear delineation Ctnlcr ^(rvcl Every Thursday and Saturday Portland, Ore., Dec. 28.—td Into the cafe tad Pleer. Tel. ZtM W* wish to extend , our heartfelt eight places east o f IpolyM g in the “ hlrty-four blue stamps, 34 n. K. Rrawa Mgr OIL tbsaks to our many nelahbors snd drive on the key border m i! hub of li stamps, 15i pounds of sugar I After she nodded yes, RuJ said, kitchen through « trap door. t.lrvaae Na S#l triende who In awny vsy^ helpod to I


matters has been brilliant enough in the way of that success. 'Hiat Flight Officer Parents Told Air ISavigato^ Oldest Cigar 41'Wounded Hartford Aviator Tells Gives Ruling^ Manchester is the possibility that the Greek to compensate for hlS mlstakrf in Greeks Agi;;ee Allied Aviators Hailing factions should prove more inter­ letting the Germans surprise him Rationing Data Evening Herald ,ln the first place, it is 'Obviously Son Wounded Store Closed From Stale Qii Dischs^ges ested in factionalism itself than in On a Regency; Exploits of Elying Pole’ Real Flying Experience PTTMI IHH«m US XUS' -no time to hang him yet. PitfBillMd Df — »ij> pntOTiNa oo. nfc. Greece, the poesibllity that they should consider it a feather in Shut-Down at Pohlmai Office o f Price AdndiiifltntfoB a Bg i ^ Snipers Busy Pfc. Walter Adamy Is Included in List of Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 28.— (gl^^Jerrie# quickly jrecoversd and Llmpire Says That 53 their cap to have brought a Brit­ An Eighth A ir Force Flghtsr^after alt Francs had beeri occupied Bagtoosl Departaosot at XH< MAM rBBaWON by the Nazis, and then waa smug­ — A fiyer Isn’t actually fijdng un­ tossed everything In their : Casualty in Action in Place Temporary Du Base, England, Dec. 28— (JP— ^The 2,478 Announced To­ Of Men Should Be Put 66 Tremoat Stiwri, BbsI sb, 8. ish prime minister to Athens and gled to Britain. He joined the til the wings o f hU |dane fiap up arms arsenals at us HiMd>d Oetobw t H P (Continuad from Page One) explolU of Maj. MUce asdych, that U elr resultant vanity should Connecticut Germany on Dec. 12. To Shortages, "The Flying Pole,” are becoming R A F and fought In the Battle of day by War Dept. and down In true sfhn' ulatlon of "W e dropped our stuff from Back Into Plant. lead them to attitudes^ still more guardsmen had netted ISO. An­ legendary among Allied fighter Britain, later becoming a member the birds, according to First Lt. feet and were circling In a ^m b Meats, Fata, Eto *B -4 and C-4 •Ml Boll4*jr»b ■m **0 ■" **• swering fire by Elaa artillery, Brit­ The demand fo r cigars and clf of the. Pollah squadron formed by Alan N. Houghton, of 174 Four towards home when the a h ^ tore Kansas City, Dec. 28 — BSok 4 Red stamps Q5, R6 and Dac. 8L at Manchester, Ooofi„ •• uncompromising. Peace in Greece The War Department today noti­ pilots. Washington, Dec. 28— (/p—The UP — ish .guns heavily ahel^d Arlttos arets has been such at the Poh Cladych haa been serving with the British. Mile Road, West Hartford, Conn. between our numbers tlmSe and 86 valid indefinitely. Five new red F m I o e requires yielding on both sides. fied Mr. and Mrs. John A. Adamy Fifty-three of the 116 North Y an k ee hill In Zappion park. man cigar store on North Mai the famed 56th Thunderbolt group A year ago he waa aosignsd to names at 198 New Englanders are "I flew that way the time we four engines and passed/^through stamps will becoms valid Sunday, Old Period Four aad ftaa The Greek fsctlons must prove American aviation bomber plant pons and new Period One oad Twa,' BDBSCRIPTION RATB8 A dispatch to BrlUsh beadquar of 45 Goodwin street, that their atreet that the supply has been « — which haa a record of 800 Nazi the Eighth air force for detached included in a list of 2,478 United flapped across Holland and the the main wing spar. Immediately Dec. 31, on which date new point By A. H. o. employes who were fired by thi coupons good throughout the eur>' themselves as sincere as Mr. ters from the Epirus front said eon, Pfc. W alter Adamy. Arm y, hausted and having no cigars planes to its credit— for more duty. He asked to be sent to the States soldiers wounded In action Channel to England after German the Wing began to ria^and fall In values for meat become .effective rent heating year. Ih mldWMt SriS.X'ffii. ::;::::;:;;;:: » Churchill has now proved himself Gen. Napoleon Zervaa, commander clgarets to sell the owner than a year now without any offi­ 66th Thunderbolt group after hear­ ack-ack gunners had shot a 20 rhythmical motion—pxactly like company after a walkout here last and many cuts will be returned to was wounded In action In Germany in the Asiatic, European, Mediter­ and eouth period three coupons' Official and unofficial poliUcal of an Edes army reduced from 10,- found It necessary to close cial status. The American pilots ing of its reputation for knocking millimeter shell through our main that of a lazily e o a ^ g bird,” said Oct. 19 should be put back to rationing. Butter point value waa to be. Mr. Churchill's opening on Dec. 12. ranean and Southwest Pacific also good now and valid threagb> WaaUn BUUm AfO observers all through the state 000 to 5,000 by desertions, was store until January 3. chip In each month to give him enemy planes from the sky. wing spar.” said the lieutenant a t the bombardier. work, an umpire has ruled. Increased from 20 to 24 points a statement to them pledged them Pfc. Adamy attended Manches­ Cladych checked In with the out heating season. MBMfiEB o r volunteered an Incredulous *'J*^’*jI fighting a rear guard action The cigar store baa been In oj spending money, and meanwhile he areas, the W ar Department an­ the A A F redistribution station "Unlike the b lr^ , we had motors But he added that these em­ pound' on Dec. 26. m * A880CIATED PKESS the processes o f democracy. Now we imagine, at the news against Elas 'forces and falling ter schools and graduated from the eration at the North End for € goes on taking Thunderbolts over S6th for *48 hours, has stayed nounced today. here. on the wing aim prayed' that the ployes should receive no pay for Processed Foods Frances Burke Redlck, our van­ High school (n the Class of 1942 year and wants to stay another. the time they were out, although Following are the office hours r>. from 15,000 to 20,000 men. by the War department of any small arms ammunition filled back on a y/ing and a prayer,” con­ will be validtlted. Changes In the tragedy of Greece can have a motor vehicle commissioner. by bit by other filers. It forms one not talk of his exploits. Apparent­ diat university, who had been re­ Although all factions appeared He entered the service, Infantry eration. change in status. Liberator to the American troops cluded th f W est Hartford flyer. vegetable points became effective Thursday; 10 to 6 p. m. All rifftita of republtcRtloo ol finale In which the best Allied In the first place, of course, the The demand for smokes has be* o f the most fantastic Ules to come ly all he wants to do is 1:111 Nazism tained jointly by the company and dlsoetchea lMrtln« »l»o rwe^eo. agreed upon the proposal for a branch, In March, 1943 and trained New Englanders and next of of the first Allied airborne army The IF^utenant Is the son o f Mr. Dec. 26, when canned peas, corn, Friday: 10 to 6 p. m .' f^iU mttIo* 'dient ol M. BJ. 4. Sorvico principles will be redeemed, and is a woman, and the popular view i ,-„ncy, now or' later, divisions at Fort Jackson, 8. C„ and Camp such that on.several occasions out of the war. ‘ • but the men o f the fighter grou{^ that had landed behind the enemy and Mta. David Hazelton Hough­ the union— said the 63 others had green and wax beaiu, asparagus Saturday: 10 to 12:80 p. SL motor vehicle commissioner Intent upon keeping up their kin include from Connecticut: lae. of a persisted upon other points in the Atterbury, Indiana, and went over Lieut. John R. Tedford has been necessary to post notlc< Cladych, now 36. was a member lines at Groesbeek, Holland. ton. He wears the Distinguished been discharged legally. and spinach were added to ration strengthened for use elsewhere. is that of some burly gentleman F. O. Francis E. RIeder record of kills, have a hard time European area: The dispute was over the trans­ N ext W e ^ Greek crisis. The 10-point program seas In May, of this year. Last that there were no cigars or cl| of the Polish air force when the "Our men were holding a vital Flyl/g Cross, the A ir Medal with list. Other changes In processed pnDltabon aeproMnUtlFOO: Tbo who is s combination of sipping pumping from him the number of Avanzato, Pfc. Benjamin—Mrs. fer of employes from a modifica­ Monday (New Tear’s* Day)—• jQltiio lUthow* 8^lRJ Agon^—Now advanced by the Elas negotiators summer he was awarded the Bbc- Second Lieut. John R. Tedford, Breta to be sold. On Christmas Ci Nazis overran Poland, killing his communication bridge near Nijme­ oak leaf clusters and the food point values will take effect administrator and Immovable cop. Moore Field, Tex.—Aviation his ^ctories. Josephine Avanzato, mother, 183 tion center to the main plant (closed all day). Toi^ OhiGogo. Uotrolt and Bootoo* yesterday drew from Themistocles pert Infantry Combat badge for son o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ted­ the entire stock was sold and as parents, his sweethcan|-;and many gen and it was our job to para­ pean theater r:bbor. with 4 Dec. 31. Eisenhower On The Spot But that is, after all, merely Cadet Francis E. Rieder of Class “Maybe I get two planes," he Bristol street, Southington. Emery said those who walked out Tuesday: 10 to 4:30 p. m. Sophoulls, Liberal leader, the com­ special services. ford, 48 Academy atreet, was one was not possible to get an add o f his friends. He escaped by plane chute supplies to them,” explained ,«ign stars. He entered the Hugar iib m b b m a u d it mnuBAO ov the most minor and insignificant 44J received his wings this week says unconcernedly when asked to Bianchi, Pvt.. Alvetor-M rs. S were "extremely and Inexcusably Wednesday; Closed all day- It Is an InevlUble consequence ment: Another brother, Edward o f a large class to receive his tional supply In or to make suff to France and joined the French the lieutenant. ‘T ak in g the ene- /service In April, 1943 and waa sent Book Four Stamp No. 84 good CHUTn-ATluNa of the obstacles in the path of after graduation ceremonies at report on the outcome of a dog­ Rose Bianchi, mother, 114 Putnam wrong and there could hardly be a Thursday: 10 t o 5 p. m. 'When I heard the insurgents’ Adamy, Is also a member of an In­ wings and commission as an dent cigars to take care of tl air force. Shot down In a German- my by surprise when we sklmme<^ overseas in May, 1944 where he Indefinitely for five pounds; All of a great German vlctory^ that such a candidacy. The mere an­ this Central Flying Training fight. "But I cannot count be­ street. New Britain. more serious breach of the agree­ Friday: 10 5 p. m. TIM HeiMd Prtntini ‘ ‘it; terms I took my hat and went off. fantry regiment at present In Eng­ aerial navigator with the rank of trade the store Is closed until nej occupied area, he was hiddep by a other coupons have been cancelled. Agoumoo ao fliioociAi roopottotbillty fot public opinion, ranging from qual­ nouncement of such a candidacy Command Advanced Pilot School cause 1 am too busy shooting Brozowskl, Pfc. John J.— Mrs. acroBs Holland at 250 feet, completed 31 combat mlaslona. ment” between the company and Saturday: 10 tu 12:30 p. Sk land. week. French doctor In an Insane asylum Another sugar stamp wlU vali­ typogranhleal •rrorr eppearl^ '“ JSl and has been appointed a filght Second Lieutenant at graduation what's ahead of me instead of Ann Brozowskl, mother, 70 Birch the union, the United Automobile; Telephone 5189. ified military experts to the most . » n . exercises last Saturday at Selman while the gestapo searched for dated Feb. 1. aarSaamonla in The Mencheater —first that the post of motor ve­ ;? .rs; officer In the Army Air Forces looking back to see what I left street, Manchester. the basis of previous consump­ Aircraft and Agricultural Imple­ ------— J Blag HeralA harmless of arm chair generals, gotlations. Apart from 50 per cent Field, Monroe, Louisiana. The him. hicle commissioner Is now occu­ He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs Lister he waa waylaid in a Paris behind me.” Caputo, Pvt. Nicholas T.—Mrs. tion," he said. ment Workers (CIO). Shoe* should begin the always fascinat­ of the seats in the Cabinet, they graduates will go to other bases Spare the Rod Tliuradny, December 28 pied by one Long John McCarthy Frank J. Rieder of 49 Riverside Leaves His Estate alley by the Gestapo, who left him His wing cameras show he has Mary Caputo, mother, 433 Colum­ Meat Scarce His view was supported by Bar­ Emery said in a 26-page decision Book Three airplanes stamps 1, Engagements for combat training. In tbe same 2 and 3 valid indefinitely. ing task of second-guessing the . tenacl.... , g."ll.=rn»; r " ' ?. Drive. for dead after beating him over shot down at least 11 enemy bus avenue, New Haven. ney Rosenstein, secretary of the that while the union did not offi­ Harwich, England—(JP)-rA Hd»-* class with Lieut. Tedford was planes, but his huddle say he hks Crttelll, Pfc. Louie J.— Mrs. A n­ joint meat emergency committee, cially promote the work stoppage, T h e T id e B c r I i i s T o T u r n generals at the front. Defeat al- Whose staying power 'hw "?r“ : To Next Bisho the head w ith lead pipes, but th# Gasoline wich medical officer blames reluct­ quently been, under-estimated— emmeni. Lieut. Arthur '^E. Fisher, son of actually accounted for at least 19- gelina Critelli, mother, 21 Moss 111 New York who said ceiling prices “won’t get it should have been more alert and 14-A coupons good everywhere v'ays seeks its scapegoat. And. headed for another deadlock. French doctor managed to get him ance of parents toxmake children Today's batUefront Indlcatlona and second, the not insignificant Ohurchlll’s Opinion Keeney-Baker Mrs. Sarah L. Fisher, 121 Union more. During his time with four avenue, Danbury, • ------/■' dealers any more meat” aggressive In preventing the tor four gallons each through cat things they dislike for "whW-- in the present Instance, criticism Peace proposals offered by the back to the asylum and treated fact that the incoming state sen-1 Churchill said that the altema- street, Rockville. different air rorces his total Is be­ pybick, ETC. John C.— Mrs. strike. He added that he felt any March 21. B-S and .C-3 coupons spread dietary deficiency" among a n that a methodical, planned Left Wing Elas wer declared un Mrs. Frances C, Baker, o f 78 Hartford, Dec. 28.—OP)—Tl him there for months. Mayor F. H. LaGuardta, who automatically heads toward Gen­ ate which must confirm any new tlve to a peaceful settlement was lieved to run to perhaps 45. LyUia Dyblck, wife, 7 Baer street, Over 2,000 SHo|»h Are urged eating more fish, conferred violation o f a no strike pled good everywhere for ftvb gallons; schoolchildren. accep'able by members of the Cottage street, announces the en 1«ost Rev. Maurice F, McAuliff He did not fully recover until application of American atrength occupant of the post in question armed force by the British and a with Army officiale yesterday. He should be "dealt vjlth severely.” eral Elsenhower, the supreme Al­ Greek Populist party. However, gageraent of her daughter, Miss Kristoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul late bishop of Hartford, b Middletown. -• Clofied; Ma/or Trying against the German bulge has at Is decisively controlled by the possible three-power "Intemstional En^uist, Staff Sergt. William R. did not reveal the nature o f the Company officials said last night lied commander, who would be re­ other conference delegates said Jeanne Frances Baker, to Seaman Krlatoff of ISS School street. queathed hia est8te to the ue: last been oiganlsed and is now Democrats. thrust" to consider Greek affairs. 1-c. Wesley E. Keeney, son of.Mr, The ceremony will take place bishop of Harti’ord, according One Dead, 1 Dyiiig — Mrt- Slgne H. Enqulst, moth­ To Solve problem. conference, but said: they would abide by the decision. ceiving the praise Iff It had been The sheer confidence of expect- The regency issue was voted they would consider the Elas John Vinson, union president, said beginning to take effect. terms and present their reply and Mrs. Howard E. Keeney, of Saturday morning at 9 o’clock in ♦he terms of his will made publ Death Puzzles er, 9 Elih street, Rocky Hill. "We are working together. It’s we, and not the enemy, who had Ing that th«se Senate Democrats upon yesterday at an all-party todav in the Catholic Transcript Felber, '^ v t . Adam B.— Mrs. he wanted more time to analyze F or the moment at least ,we later. 612 Keeney street, a radio man at St. James’s church. New York, ,^ec. 28— (JP)—Meat such a big problem that we have suddenly achieved a conspicuous are going to be In joyous haste to conference, after which Churchill the Submarine Base in |few Lon­ The will was drawn In 1935, tl In Fall River Blaze Margaret Felber. mother, 163 Oak to know what each Other is doing. it before making a statement.” aeem to have the German offen­ oust one o f their own in favor o f announced that he. President was reporte^ increasingly scarce and Important success. Clang Went the Trolley don. NO Pretzels? year after Blahou McAullffe wi Police Heads street, Hartford. The situation looks brighter." sive checkmated in all directions one of the opposition leaves one 1 Roosevelt and Premier Stalin N o date has been set fo r the appointed to the Hartford See. Fisher. EM. Raymond A.— in today as the re­ The result Is that f^ears of pub­ would take up the Greek question Tile Impression Is that It cannot almost breathless. wedding. Provo, Utah, Dec. 28.—(ff)— Six The bishop’s perse nal effect Tiverton, R. L, Dec. 28— UP— Clarence A. Fisher, father, 38 ta’! dealers’ "holiday” entered its at a meeting In the near future. Denver, Oolo., Dec. 28.— {IP)— To ,qne Oovemment lic confidenc# In General Elsen­ Bat there, are arguments and T-bone steaks, three pounds o f Including books, . mlture. clot One man was dead and another Eteddlng street, Hartford. now turn In any direction and find Offered to Resign The unsuspecting motormon con Nude' Body of Enemy fourth dky In protest of OPA reg­ hower Is suddenly shaken, pages possibilities’on the other side of butter, two cartons of eggs, four Ing and sacred vessels at S Florczak, I*vt. Walter M.—Mrs. Hartford, Dec. 28.— — The J. During the session, which was tinned merrily ©n his way. his KristofT-Charbonneau was reported in critical condition ulations' not requiring ceiling UP an American soft spot. the case. Mrs. Redlck belongs to cartons of -igarettes, five boxes Thomas seminary where he mae Alien Found in Bath Catherine F. Florczak, mother. B. Williams Company, Glaston­ and pages of almost rapturous held in a tense atmosphere as streetcar motor ablaze. Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Char­ at St. Anne’s hospital. Fall River, prlces^n livestock. timle the forward progress of a great and distingnlshed class o f chocolates and considerable hla residence, were left to tl 136 Park street, Bridgeport. bury manufacturer of soap and fighting fiared up throughout the A fter a passerby turned In the bonneau of 542 East Middle Turn today In the wake of a fire which In Chicago yesterday a proposal ■ the German offensive has thus publicity about him are suddenly of public servants, the 1044 beer were the objectives of the seminary. Tub in a Hotel. Gmttter, Pvt. John A.— Mrs. tollrt preparations, filed suit city, Greek Premier George Pa- alarm, firemen chased the street pike, announce the engagement swept storehouse of the Pa­ came for a $1'7.50 a hundredweight discounted, and the experts who class of lame durka. None other burglcfflzlng raiders. The Rev. John J. Hayes, tl A Anna Gmltter, wife, 97 Prince against the United Statee in Fed­ ■ been checked, we are also begin- pandreou was said to have offered car four blocks before the motor- and coming marriage of their cific Oil company yesterday. cemng on live cattle, but John J. had previously discovered nothing than the DennicratB themselves They passed up the money in bishop's secretary, was designate^ N ew Orleans, Dec. 28.— UP— An street, Bamum Station; Bridge- eral Oiurt here yesterday, seeking . nlng to succeed in .that strategy have proclaimed and honored to resign as a means o f exi>editlng inan could be stopped— and the daughter. Miss Annette Charbon Stanley Kostka, 34, of 436 Mon- idigan, OPA assistant director the cash register. as executor of the will. attractive red-haired woman found to recover $30,498 which It said but virtues in him now suddenly the regency, presumably under fire quenched. ncau, to Staff Sergeant Raymond taup street. Fall River, died at porf. food prices, following a confer­ • which can eventually force the the policy that everj- lame duck Guertln, Pvt. Joseph R.— Mrs. was erroneously collected aa ex­ start talking about him as if he Archbishop Damasklnos of Greece dead under mysterioua circum­ St. Anne’s hospital few houra ence with 60 producers and slaugh­ withdrawal of the lifvadlng force. Is entitled to a job definitely a Marie Guertln. wife, 20 Nelson cise tax in 1939. bigger than the one lost In the (A Greek political communique stances in a hotel bathtub here after the fire broke out. terers, said he was "not in position " The most notable pkrt ,of this bad no qualification# whatsoever street. New Haven. . / past election. How, as sponsors broadcast by the Athens radio A companion, John Pitera, 48, to announce details” o f a price for his job. , Christmas eve has been identified Haddad, Pfc. Joseph C.—MtS. 5: strategy yet apparent la the re­ and defenders of auch a princi­ last night and reported by the of 68 Barracks street, Fall River, ceiling program oil live cattlei He by the Federal Bureau of Investi­ Nellie Haddad, mother, 147 Catfv-; lief of the Amertcan «^ s o n at It all thl^ seems somewhat ple, can they refuse a similar Federal Communlcatlona Commis­ suffered third degree bums and said a similar meeting was to be erine street,' Bridgeport. held In Kansas City today. cruel, hasty, and quite unbal­ and entirely reasonable request sion' said a majority at the con­ gation as an enemy alien, Austria- doctors said his condition was P Bastogne, a garrison Wlch had Jennings, Pvt. Leonard If. — The long-ferecasted "holiday” on tiMi part of Mrs. Redlck? ference had agreed on the eatab- born Laura Fischer. a critical. 1 ^ held out against Nasi attacks anced, It Is nevertlieless part of Mrs. Elizabeth Jennings, / wife, began Christmas day after retail­ «0M Beyond whatever arguments! liahment of a regency "while the Circumstances of her death, How­ A third man, Patrick Me An­ WHITEHOUSE ^ stnee Doc. 18th. There is drama war. It has been a rare w ar In she may have, discounting Mrs. minority requested postpone- ever, continued to baffle the au­ Sherwood street, Norwalk., ors said lack of celling prices on t TANGERINES drew, 53, of 784 Broadway, Fkll j5 A TMY to thorities, who hunted a man regis­ Keemon, Pfc. Benjamin J.— livestock prevented them from op­ la the reUef o f such a brave which a democracy haa found the Redick Is a very dangerous bual- m ent” ) River, was treated for bums on SWEET FIRM tered with her at the downtown Mrs. Josephine T. Keembn, wife, erating at a profit- EVAP. MILK foroe; even more important, how­ generalship for its final victory ness. She was discounted when! ChuschlU was fired upon by an both hands. hotel aa her husband, D. J. Stafford 6 Slater avenue, Jewett/City. luu at ssefy Msuna LARGE SIZE I76's DOZ ' 1 4 H 0 Z A ^ § she sought the original nomina- Efiaa sniper yesterday morning as Fire Chief William V. O’Con­ iri'pr 2,000 Shops Closed ever, is the fact that Bastogne without painful and costly expe­ of Chicago. Kenny, I*vt. Joseph F.. Jr.— Is Plekoen. A«x* tion for the post she has now lost. I hs stood outside the British Em nell o f North Tiverton said the A police check of 6,088 shops CALIFORNIA - a Ae CANS 4 1 K ■ MOW constitutes a real wedge in rience. There Is no predestined The man left the hotel Friday Joseph F. Kenny, father, 405 Main She was a relative newcomer in bassy. He was with Foreign Sec oil-soaked clothing o f the men yesterday- showed 2,142 closed, ------tor this hsiipy Lettuce SOLID HEADS HEAD I J ONE3 RED POINT PCfl CAN ^ V to the German wedge. With the verdict in favor of General Elsen politics, and she was running retary Anthony BSden and Am after requesting that the room not street, Ansonla. .some for the lack of meat. - The S2B U. t , P. UNtTt IN Last two days of the burst into fiamea after they en­ EVERY TAU CAN be disturbed until Sunday because Liberator, Pvt. /William J aM o f this success, and with less bower in the present situation. smack up against a wise andlbassador Reginald W. A. L«eper. tered the warehouse to warm W ar Food Admlnis'wration reported JUMBO BCH 29< he and his wife were "going on a Mrs. Grace Liberator, wife, 352 Pascal Celery popular campaigner In Alice R u b s The bullet whistled close by the themselves over an oil stove. screral whiilpsalo meat houses F A N a EMPEROR substantial advances down on the It is the functlMi of a general party." Chicago police were un­ Arch street, New/Britain. Cochrane, and at first then, too, prime minister and struck a The storehouse burned to the closed for lack-,of supplies, but this LARGE CLUSTERS northern flank of the German of' to make plana which will work. able to find anyone who knew Lllley, ITc. Arthur J.—W alter Grapes her candidacy seemed merely a young woman 800 yards away, ground. ___ was denied by every bit as good on the diplo­ generalship. He obviously as­ Mrs. Lucy Karpinski, wife, 868 colonels to his staff—for a while by Greek poliUcal leaders. the Used Furniture Department took over, and has served Manchester well. Particu­ W illiam H. Devine, Jr., Second Hartford, Dec. 28.—WV-The matic and political aide o f tee war sumed that the enemy was going Before tbs vote on the regency Lieutenant, 7 Woodlawn avenue, way was cleared today for the Park street. New Britain. at leasL larly those transient workers who hesitated to invest in new furniture. MacAuley, Second Liieut. Irving FRESH SLICED LB as the news of the German offen­ to play his game, and discounted yesterday’s conference seemed Thompeonville. acquisition of 860 acres bordering STEAK COD 29* "Becauso of the present war P., Jr,—Mrs. Myriel Welton Mac­ sive is bad on the military side. the possibility that tbs enemy sltuaUon it seems appropriate to Now that plans are rapidly taking shape for our Post War Apiiliance Shop (which will Ralph E. Parker, Second Lieu­ on Lekb Zoar in Newtown to be tenant, 1735 Huntington, Bridge­ known as the Paugussett state Auley, mother, Glenvllle road, EQUIPMENT The trip Itself demonstrates might have a game of his own. He postpone action until we are a lit- have a wider scope J;han ever before) we need elbow room t<» lay out our displays. Greenwich. MACKEREL FANCY CAPE LB 15* tu farther out of the woods”, he port. 4 forest. many heartening things. The first was surprised; his very troop Richard J. Ilillbum, Staff Ser­ Martel, P v t Renald — .— Mrs. says. Accordingly, everything is radically reduced for immediate clearance. Useless to list Governor Baldwin yesterday Mary Martel, mother, 1 Pleasant- o f these, perhaps, is that in a de.^ disposition# revealed it. And be­ geant, 58 Meadow street. South OF ALL KIN JUMBO GREEN, t s 4 5 * Retiring Gov. Speasard Holland the values as any list is out of date in a few hours. But come prepared to pick up gave his approval to the state’s atreet Wauregsn. SHRIMP ' mocracy the sentiment of the cause he WM surprised, hs was appointed about 400 colonels— but Norwalk. purchase of the tract, owned by I George IC Cutler,' Sergeant, 650 Nichols, I*vt. Clarence B. —Mrs. people themselves is still all pow­ confronted with an emergepey of specifically requested that they re­ sensational values in good, used living room, diningroom and bedroom furniture. Harold C. Kimball of Yonkers, N. Laura Nichols, wife, 172 Hanover French strret, Oakville. Y „ and S. T. Georges of New frain from using the title or wear­ street. Bridgeport. BUV THE BIG 3-LB. ECOnomV BRC erful Mr. Churchill went to major proportions. Edward J. Sherwinsky, Ser­ York City, for 170,000. When the ing uniforms. Perreault, Pvt. Gerald — Mrs. Athens because he knew be could For a verdict on this phase of geant, 22 Woodslde avntue, Sey- deal la com plete, Mr. and Mrs. BOWLING^HOES Oommisaions in the atate militia Fern A. Perreault, wife, 604 High­ the Eisenhower generalship, for George C. Waldo o f Bridgeport find no peace, no security at home are issued to the honorary oolmwls. • mour. land avenue, Waterbury. ALLSIZES\ plan to present to the state 66 until the Greek situation had been an opinion as to the reaoufceful- # ------Richards, Pfc. Lawrence W. *— acres o f adjoining land. Waldo Is nesa and soundness with which he Mrs. Julia Richards, mother, 21 righted. Again Get "E” Pennant chairman of the State Park and V . ' Medford street, Glastonbury. The trip also demonstrates Mr. met this emergency, even the Forest commission and editor of BASKETBALL TRUNKS Southwest Pacific area: arm chair experts must wait. Stamford, Dec. 28—UP— Adm. the Bridgeport Post, and Tele­ Clmrchill's own stature. He has 'tlo u T u la : Belisle, Sergt. Paul E. — .MVs. C. C. Bloch, chairman of the Navy gram. AND JERSEYS hitherto been regarded as some­ They must wait to know how skil­ and *"Good Bye Antiques*^ too! Catherine Belisle, mother,' 45 Board fo r Production Awards, haa The governor said that the fully and effectively available Lawndale avenue, Bristol. thing of an Immovable 'rock. But 1874 notified the 4,000 employes and land, which has a frontoge of al­ be has now shown himself big forces were brought'to bear, with management of tbe Yale Sc Towne most three milea'along the lake. Dash, Tech. 4th Gr. Stanley A .— Mrs. AiAerlla Dash, mother, 476 enough to admit a mistake. And what coolness and intelligence “ In the rough” antiques are saying “Good Bye” too. These Manufacturing company, Stam­ Included tw o trout streams, was Helen street, Bridgeport. ford division, that they have been of excellent quality for growing M not only does be admit it, but he generalship functioned during un­ ^ are the choice.collector’s pieces we expected to'i^store and Gawrys’, Pfc. Stanley A. —Mrs. a»LSmONQ9 granted a renewal at the Army- timber and ba4 recreational value. EQUIPM ENT devotes his whole great energy to deniable confusion, to what extent .offer ready to use. But that’s before we figured on the It can be reached by short au­ Frances Norezyk, mother, 12 Bond 'manpower shortage. Watkins can no mure get along .with­ Navy "E,” originally awarded atreet. New Britain. METAL EDGED SKIIS ' the task of repairing it. German intentions were blunted i W QRBS WATKINS them on July 21 of this year, in tomobile trips from New Haven, out antiques than the Summer without flowers, but here­ Morse, Pfc. Edward E. — Mrs. POLES WAX . HARNESS WAVY KEO DEVlL'Sl A mere change of policy at Lion- or channeled out ol their most nn.n.., * ” r n ? RIlOTHKRSs INC. rMi^nitlon tor their "continuing Bridgeport, Danbury, Waterbury and all Naugatuck valley towns. Mtivina Morse, mother, 2497 Main ARCHERY SKI CARRIERS — FIT ANY CAR Mamalade FuraOrtno* don would have sufficed to repair dangerous course, whether the en­ after w e^ concentrate only on antiques we can prepare in splendid production of war ma­ street, Sti^itford.. FOOD TdOZAQtl his, own political position in Brit­ emy thrust was contained without ■■M B advance and offer fully restored, in t^ical Watkins fashion. terials,” Newell; Second UeiA. Willard G. OKE IOAFAO ^ FUNERAL Hils news is contained in a let­ SETS Mallo-Wheat greal 13* ain. But he has chosen to go be' dangerous weakening of our So. . . out go “ In-the-Rough” antiques at ridiculously low State Boada BefhMed ’—Arthur B. Newell, father, 57 Bow String • "Q »^ ty .’’ ” Servlce,” "Set- ter to WlUlam R. Hoyt, general HOLIDAY yond that, and to make a great strength In other sectors, ao that priceij LedgewtMMl road. West Hartford. JUST IN ! ! Grape 19* isfeciion.’’ Thonssnds of SERVICE mamager of tha Stamford divl- Hartford, Dec; 28.—(^)—Gover­ Arrows Targqt 0DFFB22OZt and affirmative personal contri- no further opportuniUea were pre­ merdumts hava used these alon, who made It pnbUc this nor Baldwin and other state at- Finger and Wrist SKI BOOTS CAKE CAKEi . tmUoR to the potalble solution of sented to the enemy. Any honeet words down through the afternoon at the plant here. flciala burned up securities repre- Shoot Yank Prlsoam Salad Dreising»%^19' Tears. But no pharmacy arse the crisis. judgment mfist wait the final out­ sentinfl 83,020,000 yesterday, but Guard had a more earnest* boosst Ormancf JeWesl W ith U. S. Forces In Belgium, Vaailla Extraet>«%31* Ia such respects, the Churchill come of the German offensive, determinatioa than wa to Dedicatee Hart Mnewmt it waa the proper thins to do. T >incior They were atate bonds which had Dec.-28.—UP—An Array investiga­ 2 Burner Electric Stove* MARVEL trip is a sign to all those who and a knowledge of what tcHl has tnaka them mean just whM tion has disclosed the second au­ K N IVE li you think they eagflt to OMaoi Los Angeles, Dec. S8— — ^WU- been reminded an<” canqsUed. Cake Flair ’VIS? "r^ 2 0 * may have despaired that the dip­ been taken on both sides, and, be­ UP thenticated case a t ' .Germans W ood and Stuffed Toys But... coma to thie pharasaw Uaih • . Hart, the cowboy actor The batch tncluded 82,886,000 in Hunting lomatic and political trends of (undins and buildins bonda; 880,- shooting American prisoners, six 1.09 yond- that, the most Important sad find out fo r yourself! who rede the range In many a si­ Commando Fully Fjim ^^o this war . bad got entirely out of 000 in Hartford-East Hartford being shot near Bastogne, it waa teat of all—the test of bow quick­ -'P h on e lent western film, came Into town announced today. STUFFWI hand, entirely beyond eorrectim 3196 from his NowhaU, Calif., ranch bridfe bonds: 860,000 In N ew Lon- Skinning ly our own striking forces can be don-Oroton bridge bonds; matt A survivor said that a lieutenant RIIM sMauLATCB soar ‘eaa 13* reach. It is dramatio proof thn yesteiday to dedicate hla form er JACK KNIVES made to recuperate from thia set- PRUG COMP Los Angeles homa os a ^ty mu- 846,000 In UUverMty at Otmlbctl- and five othar men, captured In an UfelnyStip |cAxta20* the principle for which this war back-^U teata which will reveal t R 6 T U g R S I N C - arum and paric. out donnltoiy bonds. ambush, were lined up and shot Preaeriptloa Phaimaaisto Helping the chief exeoutive toes after perfunctory questioning. 1 ^ NiFSSIFF ARMS SwnrtKSMp adS&IT* __ Is being fought have not been lost, how wtaaly-anA^aoundly Elsen­ The 74-year-old fonnar two-gun 901 Mala Streat . Tetephooe 8SS1 The Sign of a ths bonds Into tbs Q i^ to l buil4- lieutenant, badly wounded, wi hsas not lost their strength. hower fought once the emergency star donated the pnmerty t o w LEATHER SPORTING GOODS STORE city and gave |00,000,far its Im­ Ing furnace were State Treasurer kicked In the fa.- while he lay.on IN pw, o f course^ Mr. C9uirchUl was upon him.. Worthy Serviee provement. Many of the mementos M .' Sharpe and State Audi­ the ground, but played dead and WALLETS ' 995 MAIN STREET THE SREaT ATUNTIC fidtp deserves success in bis mis- Since It can be that General .e a • At 142 BAST CENTER 8T. r o f his film career will be placed on tors FVank Ml Lynch and Joseph after the Qermaiu left got baqk to All erieeieei aublact t* m«rk«t alianae^ W » rtiirva tsa riaa Mnb Only one possibility stands B, Downs. the American llnsa. ■^IsenhoweT'a conduct in these PRF5CRIPTI0H' display ■ the house.

/.If' W-- V. ’

BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. UANC^STER. 00NN„ ’THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28,1944 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28,1944 l.lxx of the salient, around Humain and companies was under vlrtuolly the Yiii».ks Are Culling Havrenne, six miles southwest of Dismiss Charges came set of facUr and thaj a sec- Big Ten's Big Shot Fires Slarjled Legion Closes Marche, and Liemeux, 20 miles •end procecution would not be nec- Today’s Radio w^in^tSS Faganis West Sides Moriarty Pin Topplers ouse to Back O bituary northfast of Marche. These were Against Bioff essa:^. In Nip Capital Into Both Flauks repulsed. Bioff, former representative la Eaatern War Ilina Sale Tonight In sdvsncM of two to four Hollywood for the president of In­ CounciP^ Plans (Oontlnned from Png* One) mUw on too south side of toe Los Angeles, Dec. 2S.— (JP)— ternational Alliance of Theatrical »:00—'w n c — Baclutage W ife ;.. Persons; WTH’’’—Arthur Hals; Tally Shutout Win Blank Chambers Five (Goatlaaed from Page One) bulge, the Amerlcane drove the and Stage Employes, and George WDRC — Afternoon MelocI WHTD—It’s Murder. D e a t h s Federal Judge Ralph E. Jenney Last Chance to Reserve an escape bridge under American Germans from the villages of has dismissed an indictment which Browne, the union’t president who News; WTHT — Newe; Music; 7:45—W T H T — Music; W H TD — described the technique as unsuc­ Hunter's Finish Strati r , State Republican Lead­ fire and were preparing to pull Bonnal, Insenborn, E ^h dorf 'tuid charged thirt Wllllaiyi Bioff, for­ also was convi 'ted on the extor­ W H TD —Time Views the News. Chester Bowles, O.P.A. Topplb Parachute Five cessful. ^ ’• Raymond E. Steams Tiek«^^ vfor Saturday back into Germany across the Lingel southeast of Bastogne and tion -charges, have been ordered 8;00— w n c — Frank Morgan Wolverines er Declares Legisla­ mer Hollywood union representa­ 4:15— W T IC — Stella Dallas; Beaii Jack Gets Defeat MflkuMi " Pariiament In Session Raymond E. Steams, of 83 Night’s Dance Party. Soure. began mopping up Berdorf, three tive, evaded some 685,000 in In­ released from Sandstone, Minn., W HTD— Parade of Stars. Show; WDRC — Suspente; To Keep Pace With (The raid caught the Japanese Starkweather/ street, died this A hit farther northwest 250 Ger- miles west of Echternach. come taxes' for 1936 and 1937. Federal prison. 1:30— W T IC — Lorenzo Jones; WTHT — Frank Bingiser; Billiard tors Agreed on This. tnahs were seen swimming toe Parliament In session, and' the morning at his home following a Elsewhere along the twisted A motion for dismissal was pre­ Bioff had served three years of WDRC — Ad Liner; WTHT — W H TD — To be announced. Tavern; Servicemen Top Billiards Members of Dilworth-Comell ■ Soure river, back Info Germany. Award of Year Domel news agency said the law­ short illness. He was employed as battlefront there was little action. sented by the United States at­ a 10-year senijnce and ' B r o ^ e Manchester Program. 8:15—WTHT — Sunny Skylsr; Motor An 80-man German patrol Score One-Sided Win. Butford. Dec. >8— VP) — R«P- makers ate their lunch before en­ a baker at the University of Con­ Post, American Legi<)n, ami their | • Gen. Patton’s Forces torney’s office here on instruc­ three, years of an eight-year sen­ 4:45—W T IC — Young W 1 d d e r W H TD — Lum and Abner, crossed the Roer river above Du- Herbert E. Wenderer, Bethel, who tering air raid shelters. Tokyo necticut, Stons, Conn. friends are reminded that reserva-1 Three of the American cross- tions from the office of Attorney tence. Federal Judge Frank C. Brown; WTHT—Music: WHTD' 8:30—WTIC— Dinah Shores Knights Wallop Jesters Moriarty Brothers blaak- ren on the Cologne front, and a Named by Ring Maga w ill be Republican leader of the said SO Snperforts participated in He is survived by his wife, An­ ing.s of the Soure, which Berlin General Francis Biddle. Knox 6f New York City last Fri­ -Hop Harrignn. Open House; W DRC — Death Pagani’s West -’Bides blasted (Jhambers' Movers and to * laag’ tions for the New Vcar!s' dinner-1 series of enemy patrol thrusts was In Rm League Clash; the raid, cl.aiming that itine were toinette; two sons. Corporal Rob­ broadrasts said were by the U. S. A letter from Biddle's office, day ordered theli release on the 5:00_W nC — When a Girl Mar­ Valley Sheriff; News; WTHT— whatever hopes toe Pioneer Para­ *ine as Fighter of Year leading Huntaria and BUUi:. Houae i t the 1M5 aesalon of the dance, at the Legion home on carried out against the Britlsh- shot down, and another flVe prob­ ert Stearns of the Army and Her­ Third Arm y under the command read to the court yesterday, said ground that they had aided the ries; W DRO- News; Ad Uner; Sammy Kaye ferenade; WHTD chute team had of capturing toe teams took two of to* tin** poii. y l/eglalsture, aald today that the Leonard street, Saturday night, Canadian forces above '8 Herto- —America's Town Meeting. Rec Bowling Lieague last night Lefty Halliday Stars. ably. It acknowledged some bert Steams, and one daughter. December 30, will close tonight at of Lieut. Got. George S. Patton, the prosecution should be dropped government In the trial a year W TH T— News; Music; W H TD —Pep Feather Qiamp from toe Milkmen and tos wov Houae would aupport the new genbosch, Geetruldenberg and ■ with 9:00—W TIC — Music HaU; when they took all four points damage to industrial areas.) Miss Bertha Steams, and two midnight. Only those who have were near Bonnal, 2 1-2 miles because Bioff’s conviction in N ew ! ago df seven men charged —^Terry and the Pirates. Sales last night in toe T Laagu* ‘ atreamllned machinery on proce- Roermond along the Maas In Hol­ from WDRC—Major Bowes Amateur from the Umbrellamen. In toe oth­ The Wolverines downed tos Cen­ “ I don’t think the fighters were grandchildren. He was a member made reservation.s by that time northwest of Eschdorf. The fourth York In 1941 on charges|Of extort- | conspiring to extort money 6:15—w n c — Portia Faces U fe ; New York, Dec. 28—(/P)— Ring Lose by One Fla ' dure recommended by the Legisla­ of Dilworth-Comell Post. Amerl- was at a place three, miles north­ land. Ing money from motion picture the film Industry. WDRC — E- V e I y n Winters; Hour: WTHT — G a b r 1 s ‘ er match, the Main Stree* Service­ ter Bllllarda 23-19 and the leading alerteo.” said Capt. Vance Black. will be served with the dinner. Artillery General Eric Branden- MagaZjn*' announcing its ranking Hunter’s lost tos first gama tive Council. can Legion, ot this town. east of Martelangc. All the cro.ss- WHTD—Dick Tracy. Heatter. men took three o f the four points of the World’s boxers for 1944, to­ Fairfax, Okla.. who flew the lead Chef Urbano O.sano who la to berger’s reformed Seventh Army, Kntghta found It easy pickings the narrowest of margins Thla atep was one of several de­ ings were within about 15 miles 5:30—w n c — Just Plain Bill; 9:15—W T H T — These Arp Your from the Warren and Jarvis team. day named Pvt. Sidney Walker of ship of the first formation. “We The funeral will be held Sunday cater will prepare a full course originally met in Normandy, was over the Jesters 53-16 in two one pin was toe dlfferanca to i veloping out o f last nlght'a closed of Bastogne. WDRC — War Commentary; Neighbors The West Sides paced by Char­ Augjxista, Ga., better known as opening game. Inability of t: usually see them climbing at a at 2 p. m. from the W. P. Quish dinner and will serve it at twelve meeting anew the shock of the meeting tof the Republican State Von Rundstedt’s armored patrol To be announced; W T H T — Su­ 9:30—W TIC-rJoan Davis, Jack ley Freheit and BUI Gees, proved Beau Jack, as toe "Fighter of the gam ^ played In the Intermediate usually reliable Custy Obright, i steep angle. We saw nothing Funeral Home, 225 Main street. o'clock midnight. American attack on the southern to have to much on toe ball for the Central committee in Hotel Bond Rev. Earl Furgeson. pastor of the probings toward the Meuse were perman: WHTD—Jack Arm­ Haley Show; WDRC — Ck)rUse Year.” Loop last night. The Marauders team’s anchor man and W alt C here, which Representative Wan- like that, and ridio Tokyo waa Music will be provided through­ flank. ANOTHER HOLIDAY Archer; WTHT—Treasury Hour once powerful Parachute workers. still on. Theie was no anti-air­ North Methodist church, will o ffi­ out the evening by a five-piece or­ being beaten up badly, though one strong. The former bootblack, now in go and Mickey McGuire to cc m - derer and Senator C. Raymond Two armored armies, the Fiftn And now New Year’s day is almost here. PInchurst will of Song: WHTD — ^Ulght Neither game waa cloee and it was took their game on a forfeit from craft fire until we were over the ciate and burial will be in the Wil- chestra. Dancing will start at nine did thrust out eight miles from 6:45_WTIC — Front Page Far­ the Army, fought six times in through, cost toe valuable po' Bitxdc o f Hamden, who will be Sen­ commanded by Lieut. Gen. Haaso close all day Monday. January 1st. Please do your shopping for rell; W DRC — Swoon or (Jroon; Bands; Coronet Story ’Teller. the consistant pinning o f the en­ the (Columbia Squires. target. We came In earlier than limantlc cemetery in the family o’clock. New 'Year favors will be the French border. Madison Square Garden this year, However, the entire team ea ate minority leader, attended. Eckhardt von Manteuffel and an­ .a double holiday Friday and Saturday. Pinehurst will be open WTHT—Tom Mix; WHTD — 10:00— w n c — Abbott and Coe- tire tea*) that carried It through usual and from a different direc­ plot. distrlbtited and a good time is in "The tide of battle east of the attracting 106,433 spectators for Roogh Contes* roaring back In the next two gan State ^airman Harold E. Meuse definitely has turned with other commanded by 88 Gen. Jo­ all day Friday and Saturday from 9:00 A. ,M. until 6:00 P. M. Captain Midnight. tello; WDRC — The Flrat Line; to the shutout win. In a rough and tumble affair to settle any doubt as to to* b tion. and it must have confused The funeral home will be open store for all who attend. Trail Tavern an average of 17,739. The first BUtcbell aam that general policy on depleted enemy’ armor almost seph Dietrich, one-time bartender Come in and use ,vour “ frt^ o m ot choice” t<* s)»end your food Evening W T H T — Henry Gladstone; toa Wolvertnee edged the Center ter team. In dropping a point, ' for friends from Friday evening The New Year committee is B y virtue of winning In such a five drew $460,630 for a $92,122 legialative party matters was dis- them." everywhere, on the defensive,” said turned Nazi strong man, also coupons for the better grades of ranned foods and meat. * 6:00— News on all stations. WHTD— Raymond Gram Swing Billiards who lost three men on Captain Black said his formation until the hour of the funeral. headed by Milton Hanson; as.sisting decisive manner, the West Sides average, and the last*—with Beau loop leaders maintained their f * euaaed, with Governor Baldwin a field dispatch. were, under heavy attack. Call orders will be ready If you ’phone them in the day be­ 6:15— WTIC!— Prof. Andre Schen- 10:15—W T H T — Dale Carnegie; Isid a pattern seven blocks long him are John Gordon, Max Bengs, are now only a few percentage Jack and New York'ligh tw eigh t personals In the final minutes of game advantage over the sect, 1 outlining "an affirmative, positive" (The Germans In their commu­ lt fore. ker; WDRC — Headliners C3ub: W H TD — Andy Russell Show. place Billiard team. Cargo g I and two wide “ in the northeast John F. Moriarty and Raymond J. One German pocket of armor points out of first place behind the champion Bob Montgomery ap­ play. It waa a close game with all legislative program to be presented nique today said an armored bat­ WTHT — Music; Oncert Hour; 10:30 — w n c — Rudy Valles Obright paced toe wlnnera w i part of the city between two major Fogarty, They will hold a meeting and infantry was being pounded to league leading Hartford Road Tav­ pearing “for free”—sold $35,864,- players taking part In the scoring. in hla Inaugural message January tle ” of the greatest possible scale” WHTD — Digest of toe Air; Show; W DRC — Here’s to Ro­ Harold Burr and Hank Skoog ^ About Town at the Legion Home this evening at pieces by encircling American ern team. 900 In W ar Bonds. The accurate foul shooting of tos rivers.” was raging on both sides of the PINEHURST QUALITY MEATS Sports. mance! WTHT — Connecticut to.t limelight for toe Milkmen. S. ’"rhe bomb train started at a 7:30 to complete the final details. tanks and artillery pieces between The other match found Mickey The bounding boy from toe winners proved to be the deciding Mareh as Speaker Celles, deepest western penetra­ penetration.) With points goinR on many meat items, Monday, 6:30—w nc — Bob Steele; Forum of the Air; WHTD factor In toe victory. Noren's five Moriarty’s jumped out o f toe c^ - railway junction where a bridge March of Time. Katkaveck and Cliff Keeney lead­ Southland appeared in three Gaw Republican party leaders have crossed the river, and extended to­ tion of the enemy, and Rochefort, which are now ration free, we hesitate to list individual WDRC— Jack Stevens; WHTD ing the Servicemen to an unex­ for five at the charity line was the lar when toey whitewashed Chr* - 'The Ladies’ Aid Society of the 11:00— News on all stations. den main events in March, attract hers’ Movers. Paced by Gyp Zac: > klao agreed on Representative B. ward the waterfront in an area Covenant - Congregational church 10 miles to the southeast. About — Answer Man. pected win. Art Pongratz of the ing gates of $11,954 In losing his outstanding feature of the game. Siege of Ba8togiie items, as we do not know how, lonp stock will last. 6:45—WTIC — Lowell Thomas; 11:15—WTIC — H a rk n esso f and Lanky Wafckowskl, the C r I.ea Marsh, Jr„ Old Lyme, leader where no bomb could fail to hit a two enemy battalions were in the losing Warren and Jarvis team lightweight laurels to Montgom' Lana kept the Billiards up in will hold its annual business nicet- When this advt. goes to press, we havq plenty of Washington; WDRC — Danny Housers took..the first and to I of the 1943 House and Legislative target," he asserted. trap. WDRC—News; WHTD — Pa­ took off all honors for toe night the score by sinking a total of ing tomorrow evening at 7:45 at Th^ Home Nurse O’Neil; WTHT — Music You ery; $132,823 In defeating AI Dick Ives is the main reason why Iowa 1s Ohio State’s principal games In a breeze while toe sect I Council chairman, as Speaker. It was the fifth time In a little Story Is Now Told On the southern flank another meat to take care o f a heavy holiday week-end. rade of Stars. with a high single of 125 and a (Bummy) Davis, who less than four hoopa. the church. By Lona L. Trott 7 :00— w n c —Music Shop; W DRC Want. challenger for Western Conference basketball championship. Sopho­ contest found them on the wlnnk ; The council’s program for sim­ more than a month th.at the B-29s German pocket waa surrounded at I f you want point free items for one or two meals, triple of 849. month before had knocked out —I Love a Mystery; WTHT — 11:30—WTK3— Music of toe New more topped Big Ten scorers as freshman with 208 points, set In­ In toe last g^me of the evening side by a four pin margin. plification o f legislative machinery. had hammered Tokyo iri force. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campoeeo Beaufort, six miles northwest of Asst. Dir„ Nursing Servic* Plonper Parachute (0) Montgomery in one round; and (Cootinoed frnnn Page One) we suggest: Fulton Lewis, Jr.; WHTD — World; W DRO- Viva America; dividual single game record at 43. the high-powered Knights led by Finish Strong In leapect to rules alone, will be of 141 Center street, are ylrtually Echternach. American Red Cross Angelo . 92 92 100—284 Zurita of Mexico, holder o f the Had Narrow Escape FRESH SPARE RIBS Fred Waring Program. WTHT — Guy Lombardo’s Or­ Lefty Halliday. sunk the Jesters The Billiards after dropping ^ '! supported in toto, but no commit­ holding “ open house” this week. Von Rundstedt’s hopes of ex­ Hence ...... 77 83 88— 248 A superfort commanded by girl, who was saying, “Daddy, I’m 25c pound. 7:15—w n c ; —News of the World; chestra. N.B.A. lightweight crown. The under a heavy basket barrage by first game to the Motor Sa” ’, ment is being made in the an­ The occasion is the annual oppor­ Frightened.” On the other side panding his salient westward had Maasaro .... .103 116 103— 822 three March shows drew the big­ nouncement o f the caucus action. Lieut. A1 Williams. Dallas, Tex., When Baby Cries, Mother W DRC — Music That Satisfies; 1 1 :45—WHTD — Norman Gordon a score of 53 to 16.Toop again bounced back to capture toe n c hsd a narrow escape. Near the tar­ tunity the Camposco family afford was a Santa CHaus saying: “Come been blasted by two developments. Must Understand HU Wants GROTE’S Anniello .... .102 101 100—303 gest gates of the year in the Gar A proposal that a separate com- W TH T— Musical Quiz. Sings; News. > tried vainly to pull an upset but two. Pop Gleason enjoyed hla b* t get, one engine caught fire. It was all Interested to Inspect the won­ on over, boys, just 300 yards from The first waa the push northward Schubert . . . . .102 110 122— 334 den. Harry Wills Changed From m lttM be created to handle all FRANKFURTS 7:30— w n c — Bob Burns; WDRC 12:00— w n c — News; Design his teammates failed to get their night of the season on the all<' .'* extinguished, and the ship flew on derful lUlinn creche, which Mr. where you are. You will get a by a powerful armored force A healthy, comfortable baby sel­ for U8tenlng:^W HTD— Music. Leading active fighters In the liquor bills, which, in the past, 43c pound. — Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost eye on toe hoop. when he registered a three-otr.' ; three engines until another start­ Caipposeo began to arrange as Me Ty Christmas here." which blasted Its way to a link­ 476 502 618 1401 various divisions, named by Ifiie total of 399 and clipped high ain*: : have gone to the judiciary com­ dom cries, but when he does It The summary: ed to fail just off Honshu. eaily as October. Those who view Lieut. Charles Phalen of Spar­ up with the Bastogne garrison at Polish Rings Paganl’s («) Ring In a copyrighted story to be Promoter to Ring Fame for the night with a 143 gar . mittee, U reported to have opposU it for the first time, and particu­ means something. It is the only Wolverines Limping along on t^ o engines, ta. Wis., a medical administration a point three rtdles south o f that D ri^ Beef Oess ...... 94 140 lOft—’“■549 published In its February issue, p_ » B. F. TI. Frank Keye and the Barton bro’ - . tlon among some DemocratiC’'sena- with a third cutting on and off, the larly children, are profoundly im­ officer who was in Bastogne nerve center. Bastogne had been way he has of tellint his mother Pagan! ...... 97 98 120—315 were: era lent considerable help In be*- - tors, but Republicans say the pressed with its beauty and sig­ Soup Bones Would Perfect Television By Billy Roche 1 Noren, rf ...... 1 5‘ 5 3 plane was In the last formation throughout the siege, told of the denied to the Germans for seven that something is wrong, and that C. Freheit .. .117 111 123— 361 Heavyweight — Jimmy Bivins, ing their team in the thick of t- j eouncll's recommendations w eK Famous Referee 0 Schmidt, If . •. • 1 J over Tokyo. It was attacked re­ nificance. The story of the nativ­ heroism of the medicos: days by the stout-hearted Ameri­ Swift’s Premium A. Freheit .. . 93 114 12(7—827 Cleveland; Light Heavyweight pennant scrap. Fred McCui ’ improved unanimously. ity arid of Bethlehem which it rep- he needs attention. | Harry Wills changed overnight 0 A. Carlson, e .. 0 0-0 0 peatedly by enemy Interceptors. “ W e were pressed for medical cana who although surrounded SMOKED TONGUES Hanson ---- - .121 83 90—294 U oyd Marshall, Sacramento, again led the Motor Sales in a 1- - Mr. Mitchell said that the Stete rcsenU has been illustrated and Careful mothere and home 2 Zanis, c ...... 7 J Approximately 60 passes were supplies. A handful of medic aids had replied "Nuts” when served Before Release to Public Calif.; Middleweight — Holman from promoter to boxer in order ing cause. O enb^' committee did not discuss described several times in this pa­ nurses soon learn,./to understand 51c pound. 1 R. Carlson, rg. • 2 " fended off by the B-29’s gunners, did wonderful work there.” an ultimatum dernanding their 522 555 550 1636 Williams, Detroit: Welterweight- to save money. He’s been saving D’Amico's (2) A jobs or patronage but confined its per. the meaning of edch type of cry 0 McCurry, Ig ... 1 1-2 3 the last on the home trip by a The GI’s caught some Germans surrender. Our supply of Table Ready Meats is Fresh and all Ray Robinson, New York; Light­ it ever since. He starved bis way Keye ...... 98 129 119— r 1 talk to a legislative program. greup of fighters waiting over toe wearing American uniforms. The and can quickly relieve the trouble. New York. Dec. 28.— OP)— Paul i.concert on NBC New Year’s night weight— Beau Jack, Augusta, Ga N. Barton . . .116 102 129— : \ Staff Sergeant Francis K. Gre­ Tne second development was a ' . . . Radio, getting ready to cele- Main Street Service (8) to stardom. Totals ...... 7 9-12 23 Honshu coast to pick off cripples. Americans made the enemy swap, The baby may cry because he is from quality manufacturers. Keston, CBS executive vice presi­ 111. 105 331 and U, S. Arm y; Featherweight ^ 4 Gleason .... . ,11’. 139 143—f \ gor, who waa wounded In action In series of crushing tank and in­ bi:ate 1945 as its twOTty-flfth an. Keeney ...... 116 Not that there was anything Canter BlIMards The plane was the last one to re­ tired, or his sleep has been disturb­ Liverwurst — Pressed Ham — Spiced Ham — Thuringer — — 91 Willie P ot, Hartford, CJonn.; Ban H. Barton .. , l110 123 112—r ’) Germany* on November 14, and has explaining that they were “re­ fantry battles in the Celles area dent, restating his network’s po­ nlversaryy will start things mov S ob lesk i___ . 91 parsimonious about the Black B. F. turn, ending a trip of 16 hours, 25 ed. He may be tired because he .106 -- • 118 224 tamwelgllt—Manuel Ortiz, El Cen Panther, who, like Peter Jackson, W. Hillnsk! 1 90 111 — -r Mindoro Shelled been hospltoUsed has written claiming goyernment property." in which the Germans collided Salami — Tongue — Corned Beef — Etc. sition on television in year-end ing in the Arm y Hour on NBC Prlskwaldo Martin, r f ... 2 0-0 minutes. „ has been Handled too much, has 112 88 116 316 tro, C^Iif.; Flyweight — Jackie was denied the big chance— a Low Man .. 1 I friends here ns of December 8 that ‘Til never forget that place,” head-on with strong Allied forces, Sunday whsn Brig. Gen. David QuagUa ---- Cordero, If .••• 1 5'? — ■ 98— A plane piloted by Capt. Harold said an American soldier from been too long in one po.sitlon, or SMALL SAUSAGE BAG SAUSAGE comment, declared it 1s toe inten­ Katkaveck .. 111 125 102 338 Paterson, Scotland. crack at the heavyweight cham­ he soon expected to return to ac- A fter hanging on to the flank.1 his blankets have been tucked in Samoff is guest. He is to discuss Struff...... 0 0-1 By Jap Warships F. Schramm, SL Louis, Mo„ whose Mississippi, spefiking through a tion ” to follow the same courae in Brown ...... -- 117 107 224 Pep, Ortiz and Paterson were pionship. 531 604 590 1'. wife lives at Aransas Pass, Tex., Uon. He was hit by a German of the German thrust for 10 days too tightly and restricted his Freshly Chopped Pinehurst 1945,” that is, advocating higher the progress of radio from the be­ Jackson, rg . • • • 3 bandage. “ I left part of my nose Walker ...... -- 84 — 84 recognized as World Champions of In partnership with Gus Gomez, Motor Sales (1) also came home on two engines sniper’s bullet. He Is with a motor­ the Americans at last had beaded movements. He is asking to be HAMBURG ...... pound 29c definition pictures and wave band ginning. Lanz, Ig ...... < _ there.” their clashes. The other champs, a Frenchman, and W alter C!horen, H a i r ...... 108 105 08—;. •3 (Oontlnned from Page One) when forced to feather toe other ised chemical warfare battalion. off Von Rundstedt. picked up and turned over, or to chauiges to higher and wider fre­ 0^l^ Famous “ Old Homestead” Totals ___ _ 636 525 548 1619 all in the services and their titles a Negro, 17-year-oId Harry W ills Totals ...... 9 1-5 19 Bohadik . . . . .121 104 two propellers to conserve fuel. He He was formerly manager of the A wounded n.an from New Jer­ Pulling Back His Tanks have his blankets adjusted so that quencies to make them possible T*alks tonight, (Thursday): BLU 18 108—C Facifio ocean areas, pounded sey’s Pocono hills said German LAM B PATTIE S ...... pound 35c Warren and Jarvis (1) “frozen," are: Heavyweight, Joe promoted a fight between John Score at Half •nme: Wolverines ifcCJurry . . . ..117 126 184— J traveled the last 160 miles In this produce department of the First he can move freely. before full___ ^public______re-introduction,______7:45 Chester Bowles of O PA; BLU « Coastal and airstrip installations tanks and artillery had his unit As a result the German com­ plenty of Utility Short, Porterhouse and Sirloin Pongratz ... 117 107 125 349 Louis, Detroit and Army; Light Tholmer, a colored giant recog­ Tanner ...... 117 97 100— i fashion, and landed 15 minutes af­ NaUonal Store at the center and mander was reported pulling back He may cry because bis band Is He s^d toere are ’’good pros-| 8:30 Town Meeting from Montreal 123 91 87 310 Heavyweight, Gus Lesnevich, Clll- nized as heavyweight champion at Iwo Jims, set a landing ship cut off and it was saved by anoth­ Steaks. A limited stock of Utility Rib and Pot Roasts. ' Should A ll Germans Be Punished W. Jarvis .. W lrtella and Bailey. Mazzoli ... ..139 108 ter he had about decided to aban­ his wife, the former Helen Bailey, into the center of his bulge, a too tight, his sleeves twisted, or pects that 1945 will aee success- j 110 102 109 321 ton, N. J,, and Coast Guard; Mid­ of the south, and Nat Dewey at afire and blew up a gunboat. Ene­ er unit which charged across an for Nazi CMmes and Atrocities? O. Jarvis ... Howard ...... '— — 129— T 1 don ship. lives at 37 Jordt street large part of his tanks support­ the seams of his clothing Irrita­ Customers wbo tenderize Utility Beef have good luck ful demonstration of the kind of i Sullivan . . . . . 98 110 106 314 dleweight—Tony Zale, Gary, Ind, the Negro ball park in New Or­ my ooastal guns scored the hits When Lieutenant Williams’ open field to divert enemy fire. Other programs; NBC K n ig tU (5S) ing the force of perhaps 250,000 ting or chafing his skin. A ll he with it. Ask us about Tenderizing when you buy this television we can endorse” and Marco ...... 101 08 04 29'l and Navy; Welterweight Freddi) leans in the fall of 1911. ^ B. F. T. on the warships). plane got In Its jam, a B-29 com­ Seaman 2-c Julia Kearns who Navajo Indian Talks that "high frequency, wide-hand | Frank Morgan; 8:30 Dinah Shore P, 509 549 ’ 1 men in three armies wdtb which wants is to have his clothing ad­ Chchrane, Elizabeth, N. J., and There was a large, advance sale, 1 Hubbard, r f ... . 6 0-0 10 H m Tanks have an air base on manded by Lieut. Charles W. Mor­ was graduated Saturday from the A Navajo Indian who stopped a grade. television, as a world standard. Is Show; 9 Bing Crosby; 9:30 Joan 21 he started his smash Dec. 16. justed so that It Is straight, loose Totals .... .548 508 521 1578 Navy: Lightweight, vacant. but on the day of the fight Thol­ 2 Halliday, if 10 1-2 Cbambera (8) Ifiadono within a half hour’s fly' gan, Oklahoma City. Okla., turned Bethesda. Maryland Naval Hospi­ bullet shivered under a stack of Genuine English Mutton Legs and Chops. (N o ine'vitable at whatever sacrifice It Davis: 30 Abbott and Costello 0-0 6 There was a possibility that he and smooth under him. mer got cold feet. Rather than 0 Moriarty, c ... . 8 Wltkowskl ... 77 106 tag tim e o f Manila whose airfields, b?ck to help and almost met disas­ tal, Is home on a seven-day leave, Arm y blankets. points). may mean of present day equip­ 10:30 Rudy Vallee . . . CBS — stand certain loss by calling the 1-1 9 believed Eisenhower had massed There’s A Reason 1 Duffy, rg ...... 4 Palmer ...... 108 190 ICacAithur disclosed today, were ter itself. 'The ship was caught In on toe completion of which she "I’d like to have a real Navajo ment.” Ida Lupino In “Thing of Beauty; whole thing off, Willis went In ns 1-1 7 Williams’ slipstream and fell out enough strength to try to smash He may cry because his diaper 9 Red -Oos show. Vox Poppers 1 Knofla, i g ...... 8 Keish ...... 96 115 Maatsd ’Tuesday for the fifth will report to Long Island. She blanket. It would keep me warm,’ POINT FREE! Then he 'concluded: "Television a substitute, not only saving the of control for 4,000 feet. Morgan the bulge, and intended to save Is. v/et or soiled^ Babies very 9:30 Corliss Archer: 10 First Line S. Hlllnskl ...114 137 mraight^day by land-based bomb­ is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. he said. Frosted Foods, Pinehurst Fruits and Vegetables, are can become one of America’s lead­ Windsor High Beats day, but surprising toe crowd by 25 8-4 53 escorted Williams most of the way his armor while leaving Infantry 6 T. Chambers. .100 111 ers with a fighter escort. Lawrence Kekrns of 68 West Another GI from South A la­ qtiickly become sensitive to thla ing post-war Industries, and we (Karts fourth year; 10:30 lA rry clearly outpointing Dewey. The m —E ^ and Volkssturm units to hold toe discpmfbort. The diaper should be all point free. Douglas and Joan Eklwards Jesters (19) Its 30th Boniimrdnient home. bama lay wounded In a cut-off intend to do everything possible following day young Wills was F. T. street. gains. But there also was a pos­ changed promptly and toe parts Tangerines Florida Oranges B LU —7 Fred Waring Music; 8:15 P, B. 495 588 829 15 2 (Iw o Jima, taking its 30th pocket four days. in the coming year to hasten Its equally amazed to find himself . 0 0-0 0 sibility he Intended to reform i tteee raiders downed. day morning, Dec. 23, In St. 12 Moore street. mas" at the masthead. ing mines. Chicken a la King Boned Chicken in glass Among his patrons was C. A. - ■St-f. ■> Twaronlte stances permit. hamton, N. Y „ choir, carols . . . scored a 41 to 12 win. * the 20th annual East-West foot­ 1 i The Naval move against Mln- James’s church. Rev. Frederick « ____ “ W hat’s merry about all this, 'The situation in this southwest' pain. Gas in his stomach and Canned Sausage Meat Deviled Ham Chandler, wealthy railroad man. O’Bright . ___ 97 129 126—3 em tip of the German saliefit yraa.. bowels may cause him to cry BLU— 0 a. m. Breakfast C31ub; The locals were able to score ball classic only five days away. Chandler went to Battle Creek in By The Associated Press devo represented the enemy’s first McLean, curate, officiated at the Albert W. Harrison, Jr„ son of you ask?” said the front page edi­ Flaked Haddock 3 2:30 p. m. Farm and Home Mak­ Harry Wills fought Sam lAtng- described as still somewhat fluid, sharply and to draw his knees Minced Clams ~ Fritz Krelsler, noted violinist. Is only four points In the enUre first However, both Horvath, whose 1914 for a physical check-up, took New York, Dec. 28—Becauae of 528 607 678 17 5 such offensive effort in battleship double ring cei-emonj. They were Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Harrison torial. “Wetre fighting. It’s cfld, to make this third guest appear­ ers; 3:15 Appointment with Life, ankle Is damaged, and Jack Mead, ford 15 times. stxength since Nippon’s disastrous with small groups of enemy tanks up to his abdomen. Holding Him Turkey a la King Armour’s Chopped Ham half as the Windsor combine com­ Harry with him. The medicos put the Orange Bowl kickoff time set Br.'i'ant Chsptnan (1) attended by Miss Eleanor Struff, of Linden street, who waa home we aren’t home. A ll’ true— but ance In a series of five at periodla . . . MBS— 12:15 Music Mixers; 206-pound end from Wisconsin who dtfeat in late October in the sec­ roaming the triangle between over the shoulder and patting pletely dominated all phases of Chan Her on a strict diet, and to for 2 p. m. on New Year’s Day, Wilson ---- ..107 114 87— r i niece of the bride, and Mario Pan- for cnirlstmaa, has resumed his what have we arcomplished ? Intervals for the Don Voorhees 2:30 Johnny Neblett Open House. has a knee ailment, worked out knocked out the Boston Tar Baby ond battle of the Philippines seas. Beauraing, St. Hubert and Roche­ him on toe back until he “ bub­ the game. The scoring among keep his employer-fi lend com­ Tropical Park will start its nine- ..110 96 105— C. 1 dozzi of East Hartford. work at Bellevue Naval Research "W e have stopped cold every­ with their East teammates in an once, won five decisions and Vlttner .... MacArthur said the enemy fort. but apparently no thrust in bles” gas will often bring quick the vlsltora waa equally divided pany. Wills, too, went on a 30-day r.ico program at 10 a. m. Director ..106 122 106— ! The bride wore a powder blue Laboratory. Washington, D. C. thing that had been thrown at us RADIO SALE! indoors practice yesterday at the fought seven no-decislon bouts Burr ...... force, spotted before it got within fi.rce was shaping up here. relief. I f not, try laying him on Tjdth team play playing an Im- of Racing Jerry Brady announced ..107 113 in —£. ' dress and matching hat, .and the as a radio technician 3-c. Fol­ University of Santa Clara gym­ starvation diet. with his foremost rival. Skoog ...... Miolllng range, “was immediately from the north, east, south, west The enemy’s heaviest attacks his stomach over a well-wrapped THE MARJORIE MILLS HOUR SPECIALS! ^ t a n t part In the final point there will be a 25-m(lnute interval attendant was attired In a cerise lowing his gpraduatlon from Man­ nasium. Francis Brogger, Michi­ “ It really did me good, and I’ve or Har’ finally caught up with Low Man .. ..94 108 105—r., ' attacked by our medium bombers . . . -how effectively this was done were directed in the northwest tip hot water bottle. So. Cal. Banks tabulaUon. between races with the last post dress with hat to match. Both wore Local, Sport gan State wingman, was on the continued toe practice ever since Ol’ Tham. ’ , and fighters and our P T boats.” chester High school he was at will be written in history, not The locale showed a distinct im­ time 1:20 p. m. This will give pa­ corsages of white camellias. Fol­ T u ffs College Engineering school sidelines with an injured ankle. until this year," says OI’ Har'. Wills lloiimled Dempsey 524 552 513 1.' > Warships Discovered alone in the history of our glorious provement in their play over that trons ample time for the trip to the lowing the ceremony a reception 2 Pounds 87c The West players worked out in Rationing had nothing to do with Wills became Jack Dempsey’s (George Folster, NBC corre­ for a year. He received hla boot units, but in the history of the I COiOMtUL ««MOCN* MO< On Passing Ace bowl for the Georgia Tech-Tulsa was held at the home of the bride. 45c lb. Chattef displayed last week against Mer­ the rain yesterday and scheduled W ills cutting out his fast for the Nemesis after the Manassa Maul­ spondent, reported that a Navy training at Great Lakes and pre- world.” c o f T e e football game. Mrs. Morrow was grraduated. iden Tech, but the more experi­ a ful' scrimmage session today. first time in 31 years. ‘T h e r e was er flattened Luis FiriM) at the patrol plane luckily dii^covered the raulio at Oklahoma A. A M., Still­ Had .'Ammunition For the second time in a month from the local High school with Pasadena, Calif., Dec. 28— (JPi— Hunter’s lost the toughest of enced Windsor cagers had too The West coafties dlscovrt*cd they too much sic'incss around," he 1 olo Ground.^, Sept. 14, 1023, West Side Rec task force while the plane was off water, Okla. 'The pocketed Americans were EVnYTHINfi COMES CLEAN WITH racing fans witnessed a three- the class of 1941 and is employed Southern California’s pass-con­ games last night In tos Y bowl­ much savvy for tbe local tossera. had a good field goal kicker In Jim explains. hounded him continually. Its course. Although already in the found plentifully supplied with horse spill when the horses ridden in the local office of the Southern . . . H a 1 scious Trojans are not overlooking ing league when, they dropped toe Orisel paced toe locals with Kekeris, 270-pound Missouri tac­ Over a period of 17 years. Wills He was denied the big oppor­ Junior League air 10 houi's, it raced to Mindoro, Miss M argaret Donahue, 82 ammunition and food for the most Gala La Rosa \ by jockeys Buddy Mills, George New England Telephone Co. The 1000 the Importance of kicking, which first Of three games by a single five points while Jones and Rus­ kle. He consistently kicked the fought all-w ho would meet him. tunity. and It wap because of this picked up bombs and joined in the bridegrfHjm was graduated from years of age, and Miss ■ Susan oart. The supplies had been para­ McMullen and Ekldle Yocum col­ U » « « l may prove a.vital factor in their pin. They can’t be any closer. sell starred for toe winners. pigskin through the uprights from IJe battled Sam Langford 15 that Dempsey and Gene Tunney attack.) Norwich Free Academy and I^ t- Donahue, 84 years of age. sisters, chuted by planes. ’The area about MACARONI RENUin lided and fell while rounding into Thunderbolts (18) New Year’s Day* Rose Bowl foot­ The locals play New Britain times, was knockr 1 out twlee. The warships kept on until they of 90 Chestnut street, were admit­ 36 yards. were forced out of .New York-for the stretch in the fourth race st B F nam Trade School, and before ^Is Bastogne was d^iitted with red and New Year's Eve Party ball game with Tennessea. Tech here Friday afternoon at the their memorable battles in Phila­ fRiNCH OR) Pagani’s Weat Sides gave the Tropical Park. could loose salvos by moonlight on enlistment in the N avy in 1942 waa ted to the hospital yesterday for yellow cargo j^rachutes. '* 17c package The Trojans were to devote moet Martin, If ...... 2 0 observation and treatment. Pioneer Parachute a bad beating Rec. delphia and Chicago. McMullen and Yocum were tak- toe coast but withdrew after sev­ employed by the Southern New Among th^vehicles which en­ o f their practice eeasion today to Windsor Pagani, rf ...... 2 0 eral hours under “ repeated a.ssault 65c Gallon. last night. In taking four points (41) ■Tex Rickard and th# undertow en to the University Hospital at .1 2 England Telephone Co. He is now tered with toe relieving tank col­ SUNDAY EVE. 11 TO 3 2 for 33ci punting and place-kicking. Jim 0 Dillon, rf ...... 3 1-4 7 were against a Qempsey-Wllls Falon, c ...... Bcrties by our air elements.-’’ The from the Umbrellamen, the Weat Coral Gables Fla., the former with .2 0 stationed in Virginia having re­ umn were tour ambulances led by Hardy, field general and passer de 2 Bonner, r f ... ..0 0-0 0 n»atch.-.OI' .Hnr’ came along a few Frey, rg ...... action waa broken off shortly be­ cently returned to thla country af­ Sides climbed within a few per- a possible fractured collarbone and .0 0 ' > a medical /orpsman who had made 13 e S S2 S3 SS S S3°S S3 S3 S3 luxe, waa in charge o f punting 0 Dixon, r f ...... 0 0-0 0 Sports Roundup Tears too soon for the big chance,, Flaveli. Ig ...... fore midnight but the pursuit ter four months’ active service Hospital Notes .centage points of toe leading too latter with possible torn liga­ .1 0 a getaw ^ whei. his medical com­ S3 t e ^ MILKBONE chor^ while Pat Weat, reserve 1 Mackey, ... . .4 0-0 8 but has no kick coming.' Few ments. Mills was unhurt, though Jones, ig ...... across the China sea w r .r resumed overseas. pany W8® surrounded, shot up and a , ««wAi0 S a fullback, was working on conver­ Hartford Road Tavern team. y-sterd-y morning. 0 TomoIonW, If . ..1 1-1 3 By Hugh Fullerton, Jr, ** Shorts and Shells fighters dirt ns well financially. shaken up. captuFM a w'ek ago Monday. DEPOT SQUARE G RIIl 2 tm mmU mm mrmam ML sions. ; 8 2 i 0 Huntington, If ..0 0-0 0 When Dempsey lost the title to Eddie Coates, whq has nine (’The warshin bombardment of Admitted yesterday: Mrs. An- t i n x j i i t s 'West has made 17 of 23 point- The Pep Boys, gunning for New York, Dec. 2 8 - m —The | *^tzy Fitzpatrick, the West Vir- OeltloB (40) McCann-Haberern Thla officer was (3apt. Jacob 1 Russell, e ...... 4 1-2 9 liKht heavyweight wHo has Tunney, Wills lost Interest in horses quartered at Tropical Park, Iw o Jima announced bv N'm itz nabelle Adolf, 111 Drive B. Silver after-touchdown attempts. their objecUve game of toe sea­ Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Habei^em PearX 6<7 Wyona street. Brooklyp. 14 DEPOT SQUARE TEL. 3835 0 Forbes, e ...... 0 0-0 0 football bowl gamM this week-«m , going strong around^Loa An- fighting and on Oct. 12, 1926, lost waa the first owner to state, defi­ B -T ” .quickly followed one on Pec. 23. A Lane Homes; Mrs. Shirley Relg, 17c-37c The Trojans hsd their last intep; son with Meriden High Friday .1 (» of 97 Blssell street announce toe n ; ■yC He and ot^er medical officers ° 6 R«6W i s 8 Chagnot, a . . . ..0 1-1 1 w lli. require, something .■over 7,000 gpip8_ kaa bought a cow pony and to Jack Sharkey on a foul in nite Intentiona of shipping to Mex­ Kearns, rf ...... Similar warshln-niane pounding 784 Middle Turnpike, east; Mrs.* sive Bcrlmmage yesterday. The night at Meriden, held a two hour .6 0 . ■ marriage of their daughter. Anna had tomalr.eJ! at Baslognj: lui- 1 Jones, rg ; ...... 8 2-4 8 nllles of travel by squads of about Is practirtng to enter a rodeo one Brooklyn in 13 rounds. A K. O. ico City. Several others have made Finnegan, If ...... was given Iwo on Dec. 7. War.4klps Merta Polyott 245 Not;th Main squad, with the exception ot end foul shooting drill this afternoon. 2 » have shelled Iwo five times, deliv­ Margaret Haberem. to PyU Woqd- fediately began organizing a con-^ A GOOD^IME FOR EVERYONE » ® M 4 9 S T E R h 0 Kauris, Ig ... . .2 1-2 5 35 men each— and that’s not count- , ol theEe days. . . . Wyoming is the defeat by Pard.tno Uzeudun, and tijquiries about trensportatlon and Behrend, c ...... •4 , atreet: Miss Olivia Cote. 64 Pleas­ ASSURES GOOD GRAVY Don |lardy. flu victim, appeared Coach C31ark’s boys have been .1 2 ering their first punch I.nst .luly 3.1 row H. McCann, son of .Mr, and ly to remove toe wounded. TETLEY 1 Murphy, Ig ... ..0 0-0 0 ing the mileage.for tndl*ndual play- | only basketball visitor that has W ills hung up his gloves. It Is expected that several hundred McCurry, rg ...... ant street. Hartford: Arnoldeen ^ r«r 9«M U i« Nnr la RmIpw. wriM ^ in top 'ahape, and' he should,^ be scrimmaging against toe Grads 0 Report Ground Aetiiiii Mrs. James McCann, of 91 Weth- W ith his four ambulances and ers li| the eaat-west and blue-gray played more than three games in While he was In there— and in­ horses will leave the three tracks Brown, Ig ...... 6 Thompson, 112 W ^ d e ll road: Mrs. CHOICE WINES, BEERS AND UQUORS IlMlar. Laai I,laa4 Cltr, N.Y. S3 ready by game time! the past two days and toe team .0 0 1 Reports of ground action were crolL street. others, plus a number of trucks 9 IT 7-14 41 games. . . . Some 250,000 specta- the Garden without losing one, terested—Harry Wills gave more In this area for racing across the Fallon, rg ...... Lenore Brown, 362 ^oodbrldgr S3: TEA Kicking is being etreeaed be­ has been pronounced lit for toe limited to the killing of 827 more The ceremony took., place De­ already In . Herb Kopf, the Boston Yanks the" useful strings how quartered Richard LUko, rf . . . 4 2' Clark Field while their gunners Barkley, Abilene, Texas. the Germans surrounded our medi­ 2 Sacharek,' Ig . ..0 « 2-8 2 Discharged yesterday:/ George New Year’s Party Over Station Vi^IC and affiliated stations. phenson, Wingback, shuttling on ing and before long they will 2,300-milc journey taken by the coach has bought a hotii^^n W a -. at Tropical Park, plans an. early Hewitt, c ...... S 0 : i and escorting fighter planes shot cal company and poured In ma­ Bingham, 44 North a t^ t; Mrs. off-tackle slants and end sweeps, come up with a win. departure (or the north. He will 1 ' down 13 out 01 20 enemy Intercep­ New Haven R. R. Report chine-gun are fo r 15 minutes.” Tennessee vols, beating by a few ban, Mass., only three doors from Mullen. I g ...... 0 : ■ Helen Boland, 4 Salem ioad; Mai^ the VolB worked on their running 11 2 8-18 12 miles the combined distance from where Frank Leahy lived when he ship 20 head, owned by several ■Vesco, rg ...... 7 2 tors. In thrw days, through Tues­ said (Sipt Pearl. "The place was day. 124 enemy planes have been ilyn Joyce, 15 Victoria road; prams, rated tops In the Southeast. Meriden High, Uke Manchester, Score at half time, 17-4, Wind- Tulsa and Atlanta to Miami’s coached Boston college. . . . After By Ilow aid G. Cana owners, to Pimlico as soon after New Haven, Dec. 28.— (/P)— The lit up like a ChrUtmaa tree and Saturday Nighty Dec. THOSE LOST COUPONS ahot out of the skies over that big David Russell, Mountain road. 30 All of their backfleld regulars av­ does not have a single veteran ir. Refaraa, Blssell. Orange Bowl. two seasons with the Dodgers, New York University Coach toe meeting’s flnsl transportation Totals ...... 22 ~4 ‘ i New York, New Haven and Hart­ they couldn’t .help seeing our red W e know Joat bow jroa feel nbont those lost ration coupons, airfield. ford railroad reported a Novem­ Discharged today: Miss Doro­ eraged better than five yards a try from last yaar’s toam. The Sil­ Hamline’s Stretch Schultz admits New^ork University did not ex­ is available. BoUsnnakera but before you get too provoked at O. P. A., Just think how Mg thla year. Stephens, the work­ Beinrito Ratnma to New York In other attacks southward to ber net Income yesterday of 6478,- thy Wltkowskl, 119 Benton street; crosses. '' ^ i ver City court, toe state armory, PIgsIdn Pickin’* he’s nervous about playing basket­ pect to give Kentucky’s vaunted A. Skorooskl, something Of a B. "After toe shooting stopped the \ end hard a Job It la to cM trol food end prices for a conntrjr as horse, clicked off a S.25-yard av­ Mindanao, airdromes were bomb- 372, a decrease o f 61.088,274 un­ Mrs. Rbgar Mossione and son, 35 is like toa local’s court, a large, (Southern California vs Tennes- ball ' bcfofc those big Garden Wildcats too strenuous a battle in sensation In.the Chicago area last Pagani. r f ...... 2 0 ,;i Germans-sent over sn officer who Urge ae the United Stnteik ghe bad turn In the war no doubt'hnd - e r s e In 110 carries. -New York, Dec. 28— (/Pj-rHowle ad, a harbor waterfront hit. a jet­ der the November, 1943, net. The Middle turnpike, east. wide floor with plenty of room to crowds. Madison Square Garden in 1935.. cummer and leading veteran rider Fallon, If ...... 2 a lot to do with this lateot ruling. All In all, O. P. A. is doing , 'rile Vols also worked on pass de­ Schulta, toe Brooklyn Dodgers’ ty destroyed, three small freight- net income for to* first 11 months Births today: A son to Mr. and gave us 30 minutes to load up the run. Meriden High will use a The .Volunteer* will be KO'dV^hen The Violet hardly expected to keep at GuKstream Park, has severed McVeigh, ...... 2 wondetfu).,^ work. WItkout thio agenc)-, prices would be high fense. They’re up against Jim Har­ ■ix-foot-six-lnch first baseman, art, a coastal 'Vessel and barge of this year was 612,415,519, a de' Mrs. Henry Pasquallnl, Avery wounded and gc with them. After Legion Home zone defense against toe Red and Southern Cal count* up to Tenp. Hervice Dept. th# score close. his connection with the Brollte Doggart. r g ...... 0 0 • •> and dletributlaa wild. dy who has pitched eight touch­ aunk. cfease of 610,521,888 for the same street; a son to Mr. and Mrs. completing the loading two felloVv i will return to New York tonight % C ap t Waddy Young, OklaWoma’s With the count 22-22 and only Stable. Finnegan, I g ...... 2 downs while completing 52 per White Friday night 2 -1 A t Halmahera. 300 miles south- period a year ago. Ralph Sturgeon, 133 Summit medics, (3apL John Brlner, of the In boaketball togs, serving as cen­ (Texas Christian vs. Oklahoma A ll America end o f 1038 who pilot­ two seconds to play, however, Charles FeirettL General Mana­ McCurry, i g ...... 2 WE APPRECIATE IT cent o f his toeses. ter to t Hamllne University when ger of Oriental I^ k at Havana, weat o f Mindanao, and close' by street: and'a daughter to Mr. and Bronx, and Capt. Roy H. Moore, For Legionnai;^ and Their Friends Look a minute at Manchester A ggies): t ed a Super-Fortress on the first Capt. Sid Gross waa picked off. St Paul five meets City College I shut my eyes as he tessed from snid ha w ill go to Miami to see Totala ...... 10 toe Americ:’.n air ba.se on Morotal, News to Recipient Mrs. Otto' Geisler, 30 Litchfield a tennesseean v/ho attended Van- ' You certainly have been helping us, and the paper Higfa’a cage team. ThtM ton’t Plunging into a coma bombing’ of Tokyo, serids back Hockey Chief Speaks in toe first game of a Madison the free throw line. what can be dwe about attracting Referee, Brown. XM tona of oxplosivc.s were dump- street. derbilt, and I decamped into toe shortage by bringing your own shopping bag, by return­ any Individual star, there la no W e emerge with OlUahoma, word that He won two gallons of fid on airdromes and bivouacs. i Square Garden twin-bill. Wyo­ catsup from Col. “Pelly” Oiltman, The roar of toe crowd told ms Idle tooroughhreda to r the Havana Arkansas City., Kans.— t/P) woods. We walked ail night and Ug six footer, toe team M ■ )—Ten Tulsa * ^ l bat toe eara ing.” . . . Lieu t Mike Kochel. one k . Balmaoera to Morotal and alao la toe articles were to replace some many. rufessoinal enoct* w ill net affect been iood. John’s university, New York’s lOff Georgia’s Engineers. of Fordham’a “aeven blocks of ment in basketball. to American horsemen. that were lost or broken during The broadcast said toe situation American lleutanants. Aog prlsogir Dinner 12 Midnight— Osauo, Caterer ' fatatwing nuisance air mids against the N. H. U only undefeated baaketball team, granite” has piloted toe “Spirit of * N.Y.U. wound up toe campaign ' T ia Atklnaon. the eountiy’s A ''Uw American positions.) tbs 'employment, and toe money waa particularly serious In toe era in Germany, have at least one “Every m*n we have In- the Na­ Tbe winner of Friday night’s hqa been featured In 16 o f the 19 (Alabama va. Duke): Bloomfield.” a fortreos bought by with toe splendid record of 19 leading jockey rode his 284tti ^ P A,a ,••••••*•«- F ■' Uberatora plaatered Japanese waa to cover any Incidentals that southern sections o f the Reich, postwar plan made. A, New York ^ Reservations Close JHdnlitht Tonleht.. IPi ncfiu Tj t Grocerace n/ru meync tional Hockey League b^a been clash may well serve notice a* games each attracting over 18,000 (The Crimson Tide will (ind Its Bloomfield, N. J„ school oblldren, games won and 1 lost. Kentucky 285th winners whan hs brought Hollows 8 'MtlBslds and railroad shops on had been forgotten. It waa news where the cold weather and shoj^t- hotel reports t h ^ have filed a I O Ali,” ' ’ MA N '-T'-'E.tT';T■•'ELT (iiecharged from toe arm'ed forces the CCIL champion of the year. fans. During theee games toe level on more than 1$ missions over Eu­ compiled 19 vletoriea so against horns Quick Draw $6.20 In toa fifth City Cah •■••••••« 2 • putcl, Bonieo Vito Ifll tons. Pa­ to Mrs. Oldroyd. She hadn’t ages of food, doctors and medicine standing order for reservations for i?r la i»t physically lit for aerv Both Meriden and toe/ocala are Brooklyn five Ijas played before When It bumps against the Duke rope and has received an A ir Med­ only 2 reverses. raoa and Liiht Relgh $8.70 la the A lK ra ft '2 ' Call Legion Home, Telephone 3642 BapBiaa #••«•«••• V lp a l plaaaa tank two freighters known anything had been lost or have been fed acutely. It aald there use' as soon as they reach toe lea.” Ued fo r first placa. 270 ans iMaWatheU u^dlate. Blue Devils. al o »d Oak Loaf rgiistaz. I t couldn’t have keen aloaer. nlath raos at TraaieaL I Biead aaetoar to be beached. broken. have .been ssaagr deaths M Munidi. Unttod ataUs. • ■ * 1 k- I

MANCHP^SIEK EVBININW HEKALU, MANIJHESTEK, 1NN., TMURSDAT, DECEMBER 28, 104l MANCHESTEK EVENING HEKALD. MANCHESTER WNN*. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1944 - - - — w ' ,, , ^...... , ...... r— RfMims Without Board 59 Wife—What’s wrong, George? Army Medical Doctor— Have I • K ffY 'H M M ; Heating— Plumbing— Help Wanted— Male 36 Household Goods 51 : i Lost and Pound 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 George—My rssor won’t cut at you any physical defects? Rooftng 17 WANTED—MAT TO WORK In HEADVtllAK'rEKi FUR all types 1 ROOM, CENTRALLY located. au: 3 Recruit Yes. s'>r no guts. LOST—BLACK WALLET, on Oak 1938 OLDSMOBILE 6 cylTndef' of new and usee stovea. combi­ For 'married couple or 2 girls. < Classified Wife—Don't be slUy. Your Ro o f s Ob a l l t y p e s - replaced super service station, knowledge Sense and Nonsense street, between St. James ami sedan, new paint, dark green, in­ nation rangeb ^ a rlo i healeni. on Phone 2-1614 or 47 Cottage St. %L-WAY OUR ^ beard can’t be tougher then linol­ She Heavens! I'm losing my Classified side clean and neat. Heater and or repaired including slate, com­ of tire and battery RUrtness pre­ Cottage, containing bills, draft ferred. good opportunity and best burnera and oil burner s'lppiies, eum. skirt! card, operator’t license. Social g < ^ tires. Price below celling. position. shingle or tin Also val­ furnaces and furnace supplies FURNISHED ROOM for 1 or 2, Advertic?m. its Did you ever notice that the that's Just what I am going to but you came home In Just the Soldier—Liiitcn, flrti*. Fas not Cole Motors— 4164. leys, flashings, gutters, chinineys of working conditions in a busi- on Main street Continuous hot same state in November,. 1916. Security card and other personal neas with an excellent post-war The iSrgest .uppiy of known used ® ® P E C P L E L I V E D bigger the truck is sometimes, the tell you next week. I'm not one Something else to worry about: so dumb, so don’t try to pull any­ Advertisements E. V ikiughlln. 390 Woodland. water. Call 6803. of the women that says one thing effects. Please ret\im to owner FOB SALE— 1933 Chevrolet sedan, future. 649 Main street. Tel. 4047. stoves In town Jones I’urniiure For ffenl For Sifle more It bugs the center of the "What will the spellbinding thing off. whose name appears In wallet. Phom 7707 and Heating Store. .>6-38 oak road T We have noticed thia par­ one week and something else the Before the automobile young "eommentator*” rave about when F o r R e n t For Sale heater, fairly good tires con­ FOR RENT—HEa TED room, con­ To Buy f men had to do their worshipping Liberal reward, - dition. Price fl40 cash. Inquire WANTED COirNTER MAN. Ex­ street, 8234 (jpen every evening tinuous hot water. Centrally To S II ticularly on highways. next th* war la over? Com Belt Sumilc: No more ToSeU perience beneflcibl biit not neces­ in a hammock, so they proposed T o B o y LOST—MONDAY in or aroupd Tom DInga, 36 Apel Place. Moving— Trucking— DUO-'THERM ol' he^ater with elec- located. Tel. 3129. sooner. need lor It then a hog has for a sary. Steady Job. 'Apply Tip Top A few crooks who hitch-hike Fatber-What do you want Net OhrMi Vhr IT* •* Btoeer State theater. brown billfold. Storage 2U .tijlc air blower for trallei use, necktie. A PorMsa Village la 1650 I Whenever bones were encoun^ are making it tough for the hon­ now? Haven't I Just set your Finder please keep money and Garages^r-^ervices— compact size. Benson's, 713 Main I tered. as In a turkey or a piece of Teacher—How have I wish that I could understand AUS'HN A. CHAMBERS Com­ Wanted— Rooms->Board 62 est people who want to travel that husband up in business? Why all our Modem Misses Foreman—What's up, return billfold to name and ad­ 10 street. Hiiuses for Sale 72 IV ! pork, both hands were used. In lilarried Daughter— Yes, Dad, studied. Junior? dreaa inside. Papers and pictures Storage pany. 'Trailer van service. Local Poultry and Supplies 43 WANTED- BOAfib^!ifSr£» room The basic principles of human the course of an ordinary meal way. No driver feels like pick­ Junior. - Just aa far as the book Are *o afrsib o f liUle mice. yourself? Loat and Foimd ing up a crook. but now he wants you to buy him Workman- No, I gotta nail valued. Call 2-0191. moving, packing and storage. HOSPITAL BEDr FOR SALE or for middleaged. well educated 6 ROOM CAPE COD. neat Wash- duct In the Puritan civlli-1 the hanj^ becam soiled several Is dirty. And give Big Wolves their klasea. Dial 5187. FOR SALE—20 DRESSED chick­ ington school, modern in every ou t my boot. t|- I/J8T—SATURDAY N ia H T , gold GARAGE FOR RENT at 118 Main rent, fully adjustable, ratesflrea- woman. For particulars call 8867. stlon were Work and Piety, but times. Bcr»re each person at the * — Unw'ood L. Russell WORKING GIRL lost black ens. 1 1-2 years old. heavy weight. way, hot watei heat, extra large Don’t Jay-walk between parked Foreman —Why doheha take brmcelet, set with ametbyat be- street. Telephone 2-1613. sonable. Call Keith's .Fiimiture, hey were fneeparrfble and bad to table stood a small ewer of wa- Contentment.... change purse at North End post NORTH AMERICA Van Lines Phone 6839. 4159. lot, garage spac, for 2 cars. Price cars, one of them may hav* e Marine's' Girl Friend— I^t’s out then ? twoen 1S2 Washington and Bast Inc. Coast to iloast moving serv­ practlced together. If you had ter in which he would dip hie A man Is gay when he p»its his First Actor— I’m getting on. office, Saturday. Contains *21. Apartments. Flats, $6,000, or will sell fumlsheo for t-vPuritan of the 17th cen- hands and wipe them with a nap- driver In it reedy to back out wait until tomorrow. I don't be­ Somebody has named s gigsr Work What? In roy dinner i Middle Turnpike. Finder please ice. Dial 5187 FOR SALEl— WALNUT FOUR lieve In hasty marriages. heart into his work and does some odd change and stamps. Wanted Autos— Tenements 63 $7,000. For appointment 'writ* ttiry you might have been po»- kin. As a re.sult many napkins after me. hour? can 8808.______2______Articles for Sale 45 poster bed. dresser, vanity, bench Box Q, Her Id. his best. Otherwise his short­ Call 8139. Reward. Motorcycles 12 >lbly one of the most willing, in- were used at each meal, Oerage Man—Now. Mrs. Smith, comings mnke him the victim Second Actor I hope It draws U. S. ARMY SURPLUS coaU, and chair, good condition. Tele­ 3 ROOM HEATED apartment and ustrlous and capable workers in; waitstill's wife Rebecca, a I must have a definite word es to First a man buys a bom* end better than you do. Self-CDntrol. . . . IXjgT—PASS BOOK NO. 13505. Painting— Papering 21 phone 4613, 47 Clinton street. lO R SALE—A WELL built hous* of his own discontent. Manchester Building and Loan. V. ANTED USEI> (;a KS—Will buy gloves shoes, tackets. rain coals, ______garage, all modern conveniences, he colony. But if you had lacked piump and blooming matron, was when you will pay this account then buys a car to get away Can be one of ywir greatest as­ /2 -lS Announcements 2 private entrances. Available of 6 rooms with all modern im­ Application has been made for any year or moaei. We will pay PAINTING, PAPERHANGING cars, trucks, airplanes, houses, ] p o R SALE INLAID linoleum. iety. If you had neglected the i,„,y every day from morning to for repelling jrour car. from It Mabel—Was the wedding a sur­ There’s only one person who sets In time of trouble. .Remem­ January 1st. Adults only. 86 provement* Including steam heat ber that people, like' pins, are payment. top prices for well kept cars. tk>le and interior corating, canvas tanks and machine guns. If you ' ^hurdi. if you had played games night with househidd tasks. Be- Mrs. Smith—Next week! prise? can’t say good things shout your "He takes his bath willingly AM GETTING UP a spare time Full rolls, new patterns. 99 cents Birch street, 1st. floor. Phone with either coal or oil burning usele.<«s when they lose their Motors at Center Phone 4164. i.elllngs. Fred E. Lauritzen, 35 vish to receive our circular on square yard. For a short time Sunday. if ’ you had observed sides her grown daughter she had Garage Man— That’s not defi­ Hubby Agnes- -I’ll -say it was. Every­ work and get away with iL That's sine* I started calling It am­ writing team, as a hobby. Inter­ 5363. equipment; Jreplace and two car iristmaa as a holiday andjLtlme heads. Durant street. Tel. 2-1888. these Items, Phor.e 5191 and give only. Montgomery Ward and t«M~^niaids to help her, and at! of nite eno’jgh. You told me 'the many: body was surprised be showed up. jrou. phibious training!” ested ? Please address Herald Box SELL YOUR CAR NOW. Cash on garage. Housv Is located in a ' merrymaking, the heavy hand them had as much as they could Wifie—If It were the first time, your name and address. Brun­ company, 82'-828 Main street. LARGE LIGHT Housekeeping quiet neighborhood, near school, same last week. D. ths spot for cleai. ‘36-'42 models. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING, authority would have fallen in do. Cooking stoves did not exist Mrs. Smith—I know. that, .and Arcbibald, I could forgive you ner's. 80 Oakland street. Man­ room, near ous line, well furnish­ bus and stores For price and Brunner's. 80 Oakland street. Tel ceilings and floors installed and ou and most of your holidays —nobody had ever heard of such WANTED— BY ACTIVE man, 40 chester. FOR SALE—FOUR POSTER ma­ ed and heated, also garage. terms call McKinney Brothers, BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Face to Face MALE 5191-4485 Open Monday, Tues­ unlshed. electric and water sys­ vould have been spent in the a thing--and the huge meals were years old, ,>artnerahlp in small day. Wednesday evenlnga, 'till hogany bed; 9x12 green wool nig Working , >uple preferred. Call *505 Main street. Phone 6060 or tems repaired, also carpenter FOR SALE— LADY'S chrome and mat, also woolen blankets. litocUs. cooked on an open fire. ,In the busineaa gas station, dairy, etc. nine. 6951. evenings 6394. But on the other hand. let '.is >ard back of the kitchen there FUNNY BUSINESS Cardroom Help work. B. S. Porterfield. Tel. 4752, tubular hockey skates, size 9, Tel. 3258. Box S, Herald. 2-0967, 8746 or 4894. two tone. Brand new, 18.95. Tel. suppose that you were as pious wa.s a brick oven for baking bread •3WL V lP sU W ? CASH WATTING fpr cara, motor­ FOR SALE—UNUSUALLY i^ l Cotton Mather, that you never and roasting venison. All the wa Wanted 3006. Wanted to Rent 68 built house at 564 Bush Hill cycles, any year, make or model, PAINTING AND paperhanging. Machinery and Tools 52 Irailed ‘ bo pray and to attend ter used In the house had to oe regardless of condition. Will buy Road, four rooms and bath down, Good Wages! Canvas ceilings and wall paper. FOR SALE—BOY'S hard toe WANTED TO RE.VT five or six church, to read the Bible and to brought by hand from a well In t over phone. Tlrelli Motors. 225 tubular hockey skates. Size 6. LIME SOWERS tractor portable 2 unfinished up. Insulated, built keep the holy commandments; the barnyard. Park street. Hartford. Phone John P. Sullivan. Phone 4260. room flat >r house, near school. In 1940 by owner, 3 1-2 acres of Apply: ^Telephone 8401.______sawrigs, silo fillers, Dublin Trac­ Write Box T, Herald. but, let us suppose further, that In addition to the oi-dinary M A LE H ELP 6-8295 or 32-6805. Open evenings. PAINTING AND paper hanging, tor Company, Willlmantic. land. $7,000. le i. 5383. rou never get out of bed until 10 household activities there were ALDON SPINNING MILLS good work. Reasonable. Raymond FOR SALE- PAIR of girls white tlic morning, that yo»i never others which arc entirely im- FOR SALE— 4 ROOM single, on* jdid a stroke of work and scorned known to the Aodem housekeep­ Talcottvlllc, Conn. Business Services Otfered 13 Flake 3384. ice skates, siz' 6. In good condi­ WANTED tion, $5. Phone 4361 after 5 p. m. Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 See Shortages story house in Vernon, seven llndustry of dll kinds. In that er, such as candle molding, soap An hiring done In accordance miles from Manchester. Wired for though . your Piety would making, weaving and dyeing, the RANGE BURNERS cleaned, In­ FOR THE LADIES or men. U. S. electric stove, garage and two with area stabillEation plan. Full or Part Time. stalled and serviced. Satisfaction Repairing 23 Ihav* been commendable you making of brooms and the brew­ Fuel and Feed 49-A Aviator large white dress muf­ 111 War Metal acres ol land, ii.quirc 99 Norman Iwould have found yourself in the ing of beer for the household. guaranteed. Also good used burn­ flers. Regular price $3.50 each; street, Manchester. Apply PIANO n ... .. and repairing; Istocks. side by side with the athe- Another of her Jobs was the ers for sale. Call 2-1309. EXCELLENT SEASONED ' hard ou price 2 for $3.. or 4 for $5. |lst who made work his religion. c<)mpoiindlng of household reme­ player piano specially. John wood, cut any I^gths, delivered. (Continued froni Page One) FLOOR SANDING Cockerham. 28 Bigelow street Four to a customer. Brunner's 80 The Walling family combined dies. Every girl, before h e r ^ s r - Telephone East Hampton 161-2. Oakland street. Phone 6191 Open Lots for Sale 7S Colonial Boord^ Laying ana Finishing Tel 4219 siderably eased by a big drop In ■Work and Piety hi such sound riage, was trained to make palsy Monday, 'I'uesday, Wednesday J. E Jensen Phone 2-U920 maritime commission require­ FOR SALE— LOT 75x150 at Man­ Iproportlons that the two parts drops, mlthrldate, Venice treacle, WANTED , evenings 'till 9. snail water and pokeberry plaster, Company ^ If No Answer—53'29 Garden— Farm— Dairy ments for the January-February- chester Green section. Phon* I fitted together perfectly. Private Instrurtiona 28 Hartford 5-321T: Every member of the family— beside^a long list of other salves All types of city homes "615 Parker Street Products 50 March quarter. / and ^ lo n s . There were no physi­ ALLEY OOP No Use Rushing Away WASHER, v a c u u m s . Electric 58 Nevertheless, the carbon steel I except the very young children— from singles up. Also late motors, etc., repaired. All parts ELOCUTION—SPEECH problems Wanted to Buy I had some kind of work to do. cians in Sudbury and the nearest QUALITY GREEN MOUNTAIN allotment to Office of Civilian apothecary was In Boston, so the roperty, farms and wood- available 24-nour service Charg­ —Foielgn accents deleted - Pri­ Requirements, for consumer [Even little daughter Patien'.-e. vate tutoring in rear ing, writing, potatoes in 50 pound bags. Also housewife had to be prepared lo es C. O D. Maifehester 2-1439 WANTED- PORTABLE Victrola goods manufacture and other Priest Pleads I who was only 8, had been taught Einds and commercial prop­ arithemtic. .e.lei writing, pho­ Hubbard squash. 2nd size pota­ to embroider samplers and to meet sickness In the family with mornings or evenings. with volume control. Call 8098. civilian activities, has also been I erty. JUNES has eustom- netic spelling rti White Studio, toes $1.10 per bushel. Frank V Inem table napkins. remedies from her own medicine •rs waiting and he also buys Range Oil BOOKKEEPING done com^etely . Williams, Buckland, Conn Phone cut rather deeply—from 228,000 For Two Lives closet. 709 Main street Phone 2-1392. tons this qimrter to 163,800 tons at the highest prices for all on weekly schedule. Balanced i 7997. Rooms Without Board 69 Henry, the oldest son—he was monthly. Single or double entry next quarter. Be. CostiaDed) property. If yon have prop­ In addition, 250,000 ton* have (Conttnoed From Pag* Obs) 2—was employed by hia Truck Driver bookkeeping systems set up Help Wanted— Female 35 BEAUTIFUL SINGLE ROOM. I uncle in Boston. This relative been allotted for civilian goods erty to sell. All out the cou­ Phone 3627 Household Goods 51 Weekly or night rates. Well heat­ son at his awn expense "to speak I owned * number of vessels that pon below and mail it to WANTED GIRLS AND WOMEN i ed. Continuous hot water with m.'’.nufactured under the “spot” CHILDREN S NEW furniture, I word in behalf of two youths Inisde trading voyages to the Weat Jones Realty. .88-88 Oak RADIQS REPAIRED and checked for Dench wui k Steady work. I shower. Near t'9enfey's. Central. authorization plan—where individ­ who have committed a terrlbl* I Indies. Young Henry did not ex- Wanted at home, Batterj packs, home ap­ tables and chaiis, rocking chairs, I ual plants may apply to make Street, Manchester, or Dial good pay Ponei Baseball Com- { lOl Chestnut street. tragedy that is Inexplainable.' Ipect to remain permanently in pliances, lamps, vacuums, irons, , pany. Elm slr^jl I swings. Also i leu furniture, j ______civilian items if they can prove steady Work Now and dinette set, '. hairs, rockers, tables. 1 ------He added he believed that "th* I the shipping trade. His father 8254. coasters repaired. Pick-up serv­ they have machinery and labor boy* themselves are Ignorant of {wanted him to pass a few years ‘I just luippened lo think— have you got gas cou|>ons7^ SPLENDID PART-TIME position bedroom suit and various odd | ^ Post-War. ice. Manchester Radio Service. 73 not needed for war work. WPB why they did It.” I in that occupation, and to make Name Birch, mornings 2-0840 tor bookkeeper In progressive pieces. Telephone 5187. Austin ' T S l l l l l V l l l l t fficial-s frankly stated, however, "Who can say whether they ar* I voyages in the shins *o that he Q—What was the name of North End esti blUshmcnt. Phone Chambers '.Varehouse, Manches- they did not believe half the ton­ responsible for their acta? 1 cer­ ■ might learn something of the first ocean-going steampshlp? BY GALBRAITH Write Box C, Herald. WANTED—ALL KINDS of elec- 2-1255. tei Green. Ope. daily 3-5, Satur­ SIDL GLANCbS nage would be used, because of tainly would not want to be the ' a t first band. After his ex- A —The Phoenix. It plied be­ Addreaa ' trie wiring and repairing. Any day 8-12. Evenings. Monday. Senate (^lerk limitations placed on the spot one to convict them and say they Iperlence in business and travel he tween New York and Philadelphia. size Job given prompt attention. WANTED-VJN9 EXPERIENCED Wednesday and Friday, 7;30-9. program U) cjjjjrffkTve minipowcr. should die In the electric chair. I was to come home and give bis Call 3975 before 7 p. m. .sti nographer ano. one girl for FULY KLES AND HIS FRIENDS 1940 WESTINGHOUSE electric lOintlnued from Page One) "I realize the great responsibil­ I time to the Walling farm and Q How does the area of the typing and general clerical work {other propertiea. stove. 41 Strant street or call ity of the governor and realize U. S. S. R. compare with that of RANGE BURNER SERVICE. TaL Apply Chene. Brothers Employ­ vv.ien both branches of the Gener­ the many requests made upon The second- son. who had the continental United States? ment Office, 146 Hartford Road. 3258. No RTM POL*! 6940 after 5 p. m. al A.>i.sembly were controlled by him for Justice. But justice is a {Puritan name of Feargod, worktxl A —The U._^.S. S. R. Is sbout 2t» HAVe YOU A RELATIVE OR Lllinffton I on the farm under Samuel Gay- n o ba-Y o U PRE-WAR A-B C oil burners for Republicans, but with re.servations word oftentimes abused." times larger.** REFRIGERATOR SERVICE. We ranges and heaters, doubt 7" and designed to assure the Senate "I have my doubts that Justice I lord. He was not a laborer but leave repair and rebuild any type of LAUNDRESS WANTED. To come Perry Lathrcjp and his Installing I a kind of student, learning what FRIEND 9" types. Benson's. 713 Main St. Democrats an opportJin'tv for In­ will best be served for them to Q -How word dunce ^C O L D - refrigeration equipment. We ex­ in by hour. CiJl 25 Park .street. dependent action In cases where .staff ir.stalled the officers In El- die In the electric chair," he con­ he could. Feargod Walling cher* change sea.ed units with factory llngtor. Grange tor the coming [IShed a deep and rankling discon* originate ? WANTED-WOMAN not over 50, they dilTer with their political Op­ year at the regular meeting Wed­ tinued. ^ \ — It comes from Duns ^cota* IN THE ARMED FORCES? guarantee. Scientific Refrlgera* ponents. •T feel rather that it *-Quld be tent which broke out occasion­ to care for Infant in my home, l„eKal Notices nesday night. Th" charter ally In tantrums, or fits of temper. (T-1.308), an Englishman who ar­ tlon Co., ^6 Cottage street. Phone school hours beginning January Under the proposed plan. Senate draped In memory of Brother Ber­ better if they were given time t gued that it was Impossible to rehabilitate, meditate and lo He did not want to be a farmer; 2-1226. 3. Telephone 2-1982. AT A COURT OF PROBATK HKI.D and House members of coinmiUees prove by reason the existence ol nard A Kc'Iey Following the In- think over the terrible trage*; he had no interest in the soil, in fit CovFntry w'lthin amj for tli#* Dis­ would be empowered, in the event .stallntion wvpntr>* In .««ald District. dorcn.'»cd. intellectual. In 17th-century New modeling. Kitchen remodeling and Joint Committees Mr. ard Mrs. James Wmans on England tb* only pursuits open to first steamboat ? The tremendous struggles now going on In Europe and W AN TED - WOMAN to clean pro- Huth Gohrinif. Rockvllo. R. F. D.. Easf street. Monday' evening. Jan. cabinet work a specialty. Will fe.sslonal office 1 day a week. .\dnilnlRtrntrix. Joint committees usually consist Mrs. Elizabeth Hildebrand. 23, an intellectual were the ministry .V—The Charlotte, which plied in the Pacific should make all of us realize that the wars help you plan and give estimates ORDKFiED: —That six months from 1, at 8 o'clock. After the regular a l-' the Firth of Clyde Canal in Brit­ Phone 8436. of 15 rcprc.sentatives and five of the Balch* and Brown Block, and schoolteaching. Feargod, are not over, nor does anyone know when they will be. free. A. R. Charon .5825. the dat#* hereof b»*. and thp same arc Senators, and RepuhHwaijs would business a soda hour with refresh­ though a faithful Puritan, was not ain In 1802. linitted and allowed for the creditors ments will follow. Depot Square was flried $25 by The men and women taking part In these struggles are WANTED—WHITE WOMAN for to hrhiff In their claims apainst estate, be in a majority sin-o'that party Judge Raymond R. Bowers in town sufficiently theological in tem­ Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Cordtsen perament to pass hi* life pfeacta- Q—How many merchant ves­ sacrificing everything to aeWeve victory. general housework. In family of and the Administratrix ts directed to controls the House. Committee of East street hav* been at Day­ court yesterday on charges of for­ RED RYDER jrlve public, notlee, to the creditors of ing on Biblical texts. As to sels did Japan have at start of 2. No laundry o> cooking. Inquire members are appointed by the tona B>ach, Fla., for a few days gery and theft of a personal check. 519 Adams street. .laid estate to brlntr In their claiina Speaker of the house and the presi­ Mrs. Hildebrand was also given a schoolteaching—that was impossi­ the war? within said time allowed, by posting and th ' last report from them they ble. In all colonial communities a ropy of this order on the public slpn dent I'ro tern of the Senate were going tr Bradenton, Fla. 60-day Jail sentence,. suspended by A—2487 ( » e bad 2445). By post nearest the place where the de­ The* Senate Democrats also vot­ the courL the schoolteacher stood low in tbe Oet. 18, 1944, we had sunk 1,747. lOU’ KE LJ5 THESE MEN.AND WOMEN NEED Th" Rev. Glenn T. Eno will take social scale, and usually With CAN YOU OPERATE ceased last dwelt, within the same ed approval of eight legislative for hin subject Sunday morning at Lieut. William Barron testified but the Japs have Aplaeed many. Town, and by publishlnir the same 'measures, most of which were em­ that Mrs. Hildebrand stole a $10 good reason. He was often a once in some newspaper having a cir­ the worship service. "1 Am Re drunkard, or ne’er-do-well, and YOUR HELP! A S\SirCHBOARD? culation In said Probate District, and bodied in their party platform. check from Mrs. Lena L., McCarthy Q—What scientist refused WANTED solved.” his pay was so small that he had return make to this Qourt of the no­ They called for a state Labor Re­ The Gil-Loa Society will meet in of the same building, from the Nobel Prize? You can give this help by taking part in the production to live in a state of perpetual tice fflven. lations Act, four-year terms for the social rooms at 7 p. m. latter’s mail box and signed Mrs. A —Nikola Tesla, Yugoslav em­ of urgent war materials. We are producing such mate* 6*R(«om Single A tte st: shabbinesa. No, Feargod Walling The Manelio*t»T MeinorlHl. Hoa- lower court Judges, consolidation Mrs. Raymond CHark of HIU Top McCarthy's name to the check and ployed by Edison in the field of rials and you can help those in the service by helping us. EUGENE W. LATIMER did not want to be a schoolmas­ pltal needs four volunteer , 5 or 6-Room Duplex Judire. of the State Development Commis­ avenue, has r* celved a letter of cashed IL electrical research. Work is available on three shifts; 7 a. m. to 3 p. ni^ swlleliboard n;>rrBlora, each to | IM 2-28-44. sion and the Postwar Planning cent date from her son Seaman 1-c. ter. 3 p. m. to 11 p. m.. and 11 p. m. to 7 a. m. w-ork one Sunday per * month > 5 or 6-Room Flat Board, a State hospital for In­ Raymond (^ark. Jr., who Is some­ Q What do the German abbre­ MARGARET McCAUl.L Jumper Jackets Harriet, the Wallings’ oldest from 7 to 9 a. ni. If you can | vn. ebriates, authorization for the where in the Pacific that he has viations Ofiag. and Stalag. mean? Should you be unable to work any of these regular shift help pleaNO eall MIria .lohnson j CATHERINE ALLEN state and municipa.itles to buy been hospitalized with bones bro­ daughYer, bad been, taught to JARVIS RKALTY CO. do everything tbet belonged to A—Ofiag. — Offlzierselager, L‘ - a hours, come in anyway. Every effort will be made to nt the lloapital. * I surplus war properties by direct ken in his foot but has so far r*- prison camp for officers; Stalag. OOFR. BY WtA MRVICt. tWC- T. M. RtO U. 9 F*T. OFF tX-X9 Office 4112 ReMldenee 7275 Town Court of Maiichrstcr. Town of purcha.se. amendment of the Work­ covered as to have the cast remov­ th* dutiea of a Puritan 1)ou8ewife. place you for the hours you have available. Weekday* and Sunday* M*nche»trr. Deoenibrr 11. 1944. Part of each day she spent in the — Stammflager, a prison ramp tor OSOKB NOTICr, men’s Compensation Act to pro­ ed. Tuesday morning mall brought ealUted men. The abbreviations ■■ lie's lalkiiig abuiil u helicopter after the war, but I ni or vide for a so-called "second injury spinning and weaving room in the YOl) can help us meet production requlrempnls. Will Upon rompUInt In said cauae liroiiRlit a letter from another son Richa^ are to be u*ed la wrtUag te prU* not wurrie'l lie got excileil about electric dishwashers to said Qourt, at Manshester, In Hart­ fund" and a ban on political ac­ who is In the Navy and stationed leanto, where ab* spun flax and you? ford County, on ths Fourth Tuesday tivity by any employe or officer of nt a Navy base In Virginia, that he wadi and wove them into cloth. 'luring Ihe last war hut never got around to buying on e!’ of December, A. D.. 1944. and now the state's judicial departmenL is In quarantine with scarlet fever. Among other occupatlona was the pending, claiming a^ Judgment declar­ accumulation of linen for her own HELP WANTED ing a certain Judgrhehf Lien dated BY FONTAINE FOX May 18, 190B, and Recorded in Man- hope chest. She had already lOUNERVlLLE FOLKS Apply at ('heiiey Brotlirrs EniployiiiFiit Office cheater Land Records. Vol. 87. Psge 12 pairs at linen sheets. She had ,1 1 6 Hartford Road. Manchester, Conn. WANTED 94 to be Inralld. It appearing to the also 21 towels and 46 table nap- 2 Truck Drivers subscribing authority that the resi­ Knitted Mittens Idna All hiring in accordance with Area Stabilization Plan. Paper Machine Tender*— Male. dence of the defendant* la unknown to. Th* large number of napkins Apply In Person. the plaintiff. Paper Mechanic Helpera— Male. ORDERED;—That notice of the In- was due to the fact that forks had Dry Lot Warkers— (»*• •••. ■titution and pendency of said com­ not come Into use aa table Imple- plaint ahall b* gtven said defendant* tT, •*vv