Only 20 Miles Apart Phone S-F0t4 We Sell Newman Streets at 10:49 La-St Trans|)Ortation Foi the Boys to and Greeks Agree Night
.,>-■■ .V ^ : *■ *«* ^ •\ " - y WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IT, IS ermm Daily ClreohtioB The Weather Kiirecast el L. M. vVeetber Bnreeu PAGE TWELV* Manchester Evening Herald be Mouth s t Nevtinber, 1944 Fair and colder tonIghL’ YTIday Aviation Cadet Franci.s Wyman An important ' meeting of all ^ Increasing rioiidinens followed by Sunset Circle of Robekah Past Private Duty Nurses will be held 9,016 Noble Grands will mod thl.s eve Bryan, of 180 Henry street, is now Gets Navy Promotion Derby Racers snow at nighL lecciving pre-flight training at the in the board rooni of the Memo Member ef the Andlt About Town ning at eight t»'c'lock with Mrs. rial hospital, tomorrow afternoon ___ _________________k____________________________ Hattie Grimes of Ik Rus.sell S;ii. Antonio, Texas, Aviation Ca B w o M e f < det Center. Ho is married to the at two o'clock, at which time a Rotary Guests Odd Fellows Bingo Manche»ter’—‘A City of Village Charm Street. The hostess .vill be aasisl- conference will be held with Su Ona eaaa of acarlet fever and one ed by Mrs. Emma Ndticlon, Miss former M,i»« Marjorie Inman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert perintendent William P. Slover. «;ase of meaalea developed in Man- Evaline Pcntland and Ruth (TEN PAGES) PRICE' THREE CENIB Inman, of 160 Henry street. (Classified Adverttflng oe Page $y MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1944 rheater during t|ie paat woek ac Porter. The election of officers The regular meeting of the Man- Yoiiiigtiters Are Told of fVOL. u n v ., NO.
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