Number 2016$ Author Title hc/pb/etc Date 1 $ 10.00 Brown, Delores C. Yukon Trophy Trails hc 1971 2 $ 10.00 Cassell, Jerry Canoe & Kayak books-Guide to 1000 Eng. Bks pb 1 $ 10.00 Choque,Charles Guy Mary-Rousseliere 1913-1994 pb 1 $ 10.00 Clark, Donald Fort Reliance, Yukon: Archaeological Assessmenmt 2 $ 10.00 Ferguson, M., & R.M. Saunders Canadain Wildflowersthrough the Seasons hc 1982 2 $ 10.00 Fisher, Marnie (Ed.) Expedition Yukon hc $ 10.00 Hunkin, Harry Story of the Group of Seven, Intro by Casson hc 1979 2 $ 10.00 Jackson, A. Y. A Painter's Country 1 $ 10.00 Jaeger, Ellsworeth Wildwood Wisdom (14t h Ed.) hc 1966 2 $ 10.00 Jaques, Florenc e & Francis Canoe Country-( Beautiful Ills. 7th prtng.) hc 1967 2 $ 10.00 Klein, Clayton & Verlen Kruger One Incrdible Journey-7000 m. trip across N. Am. pb 1987 2 $ 10.00 MacGregor, James G Paddle Wheels to Bucket Wheels on the Athabaska 2 $ 10.00 MacGregor, James G Edmonton, Trader, story of J.A McDougall 2 $ 10.00 McGillen, Pete Outdoors hc 1955 2 $ 10.00 Mead, Robert Doulas Ultimate North: Canoeing the Mackenzie hc 1 $ 10.00 Metayer, Murice ` hc 1966 1 $ 10.00 Milligan, S. & W. Kupsch (Eds.) Living Explorers of Canadain - 1978 Sym. hc 1986 1 $ 10.00 Mirsky, Jeanette To the Arctic hc 2 $ 10.00 Money,Anton & Ben East This was the North 2 $ 10.00 Moore, Joanne Nahanni Trailhead hc 1 $ 10.00 Morse, Eric Fur Trade Canoe Route of hc 1971 2 $ 10.00 Nault, Andy Staying Alive in Alaska's Wild pb 1980 2 $ 10.00 Neatby, L. H., translator Frozen Ships - Miertsch Diary ; 1850-1854 hc 1967 2 $ 10.00 Neatby, Leslie H. In Quest of the North West Passage hc 1958 4 $ 10.00 Norment, Christopher In the North of our Lives- Year In wilderness of Ca. hc 1989 2 $ 10.00 Oswalt, Wendell H. Eskimos and Explorers hc 1979 1 $ 10.00 Pecher, Kamil Lonely Voyage by Kayak to Adv. and Discovery hc 1 $ 10.00 Renison, Robert John One Day at a Time, Autobiogrphy hc 1 $ 10.00 Robertson, Heather A Gentleman Adventurer;Diaries of R. Bonnycastle hc 1984 1 $ 10.00 Scott, Peter Wild Geese and Eskimos hc 1951 1 $ 10.00 Sherwood, Morgan B. Exploration of Alaska 1865 - 1900 pb 1 $ 10.00 Spargo, John 2 Bennington Explorer & Modern Makers of Canada hc 1950 2 $ 10.00 Spears, Borden Wilderness Canada hc 1970 1 $ 10.00 Sutton, George Miksch High Arctic-Expedition to the Unspoiled North pb 1971 1 $ 10.00 Tolboom, Wanda N. Arctic Bride hc 1956 1 $ 10.00 Tranter, G. J. Plowing the Arctic hc 1945 1 $ 10.00 Tranter, G. J. Link to the North hc 1946 1 $ 10.00 Tryck, Keith Yukon Passage-Rafting 2000 m. to Bering Sea hc 1980 2 $ 10.00 West, Bruce The Firebirds- How Bush Flying Won its Wings hc 1974 2 $ 10.00 Wild, Roland Arctic Command- Story of Smellie of the Nascopie 2 $ 5.00 Anderson, J. W. The Fur Trader Story hc 1 $ 5.00 Birket-Smith, Kaj Eskimos hc 1971 2 $ 5.00 Brown, Bern Will Arctic Journal hc 1998 1 $ 5.00 Clay, Charles Muskrat Man hc 1946 2 $ 5.00 Darroch, Lois A Time Between Akuningini pb 1 $ 5.00 de Poncins, Gontran The Ghost Voyage- Out of Eskimo Land hc 1954 2 $ 5.00 Diubaldo, R. Stefansson and Canadian Arctic 2 $ 5.00 Dodge,Ernest Northwest by Sea 2 $ 5.00 Dorais, Louis-Jacques Quaqtaq-Modernity & Identity in Commuity pb 1997 1 $ 5.00 Dymond, J. R., Ed. Fish and Wildlife, Mem to J. Harkness 2 $ 5.00 Ellsberg, Edward Hell on Ice: Saga of "Jeannette" hc 3 $ 5.00 Enns, Richard A. A Bibliography of Northern Manitoba pb 2 $ 5.00 Fairley, T. C. Sverdrup's Arctic Adventure hc 1 $ 5.00 Freuchen, Peter Peter Freuchen's Book of the Eskimos hc 2 $ 5.00 Gapen,Sr., Dan Fishing Rivers of the Far North 1 $ 5.00 Glover, Richard A Journey to the Northern Ocean of S. Hearne pb 1958 2 $ 5.00 Godsell, Philip H. Arctic Trader 2 $ 5.00 Gould, Ed Ralph Edwards of Lonesome Lake hc 2 $ 5.00 Harrington, Lyn The Luck of the Verendryes hc 1 $ 5.00 Hodgins, B & Hobbs, M. Nastawgan pb 1987 2 $ 5.00 Houston, James The White Dawn hc 2 $ 5.00 Houston, James Running West hc 1989 2 $ 5.00 Hunt, Barbara (ed.) Rebels,. Rascals and Royalty 1 $ 5.00 Large, R.G. The Skeena River of Destiny 2 $ 5.00 Litteljohn, B., & W. Drew Superior: the Haunted Shore 1 $ 5.00 Long, Wilaim J Northern Trails hc 2 $ 5.00 MacGregor, James G Father Lacombe hc 1975 1 $ 5.00 McTavish, George Simpson Behind the Palisades hc 1963 3 $ 5.00 Merrick,Elliott True North hc 1 $ 5.00 Montagne, Bruce Lake Superior Secrets hc 2009 1 $ 5.00 Morse, Eric Fur Trade Canoe Route of Canada hc 1971 2 $ 5.00 Myles, Eugenie Airborne from Edmonton 2 $ 5.00 Nickerson, E. B. Kayaks to the Arctic hc 1970 6 $ 5.00 Norment, Christopher In the North of our Lives hc 1989 1 $ 5.00 Nuttall, Mark Arctic Homeland; Greenland pb 1992 2 $ 5.00 Osler, E. B La Salle hc 2 $ 5.00 Pain, S. A. The Way North 3 $ 5.00 Price, Ray Yellowknife hc 1967 2 $ 5.00 Rae, John No Ordinary Journey- Arctic Explorer pb 1 $ 5.00 Reid, R. & Grand, J. Canoeing Ontario Rivers pb 1989 1 $ 5.00 Richards ,Eva Alvey Arctic Mood hc 1949 1 $ 5.00 Rivett-Carnac, Charles Pursuit in the Wilderness hc 1965 1 $ 5.00 Roberts, Leslie The MacKenzie; Rivers of America hc 1949 1 $ 5.00 Ross, Alexander Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon hc 1969 2 $ 5.00 Ross, Eric Beyond the river and the Bay hc 2 $ 5.00 Rowland, John North to Adventure, Voyage to Labrador hc 1963 1 $ 5.00 Rowley, Graham Cold Comfort hc 1996 1 $ 5.00 Smith, Donald B. From the Land of Shadows hc 1990 1 $ 5.00 Stone, Joyce Allene Muskeg, Mosquitoes and Moose pb 1992 1 $ 5.00 Tolboom, Wanda N. Arctic Bride hc 1956 1 $ 5.00 Tranter, G. J. Plowing the Arctic hc 1945 2 $ 5.00 Tweedsmuir, Lord Hundson's Bay Trader hc 1952 1 $ 5.00 Weber, Richard Polar Bridge - An Arctic Odyssey 2 $ 5.00 Whyte, David C. Hummingbird from Resolute pb 1997 2 $ 5.00 Wilkinson, Douglas Land of the Long Day hc 2 $ 5.00 Wilson, Amy No Man Stands Alone-; Nurse along Alaska Highway hc 3 $ 5.00 Wilson, Clifford Campbell of the Yukon hc 1 $ 5.00 Wynne, John J. The Jesuit Martyrs of North America hc 1925 2 $ 5.00 Young, Delbert A. According to Hakluyt 1 $ 3.00 Briggs, Jean L. Never in Anger- portrait of Eskimo Family pb 2 $ 3.00 De Boilieu, Lambert Recollections of Labrador Life hc 2 $ 3.00 Duncan, Norman Doctor Luke of the Labrador 2 $ 3.00 Francis, D. & Michael Payne History of Fort Dunvegan pb 1 $ 3.00 Francis, D. & T. Morantz Partners in Furs 2 $ 3.00 Francis, Daniel A History of World Whaling 1 $ 3.00 Franklin, John; Intro. by B. GilbertThirty Years in the Arctic Regions pb 1988 2 $ 3.00 Gillis, E. & Myles, E Boarding House 2 $ 3.00 Goodsell, John W. On Polar Trails: Peary Expedition to N. Pole 1908-09 1 $ 3.00 Goudie, Elizabeth Woman of Labrador hc 1973 1 $ 3.00 Hall, Donald Here at Eagle Pond hc 1990 3 $ 3.00 Hall, Sam The Fourth World 2 $ 3.00 Harold, Harwood White Eskimo, Novel of Labrador hc 2 $ 3.00 Hildebrand, John Reading the River, A Voyage Down the Yukon 2 $ 3.00 Hinds, Margery High Arctic Venture 1 $ 3.00 Hodgind Bruce & Carol Hodgins Paddling Partners; 50 yrs of Northern Canoe Travel pb 2008 2 $ 3.00 Horwood, Harold White Eskimo, Novel of Labrador hc 1972 1 $ 3.00 Hume, Mark The Run of the River pb 1992 2 $ 3.00 Iglauer, Edith Denison's Ice Road hc 2 $ 3.00 Irwin, David Alone Across the Top of the World/ Arctic Journey told to J. O'Brienhc 2 $ 3.00 Jaques, Florenc e & Francis As Far as the Yukon hc 1951 2 $ 3.00 Leechman, Douglas Eskimo Summer hc 2 $ 3.00 Lower, Arthur Unconventional Voyages 1 $ 3.00 Luard, G. D. Fishing Adventures in CA. and USA hc 2 $ 3.00 MacMillan, Miriam Green Seas and White Ice 2 $ 3.00 Mallet, Cap. Thierry Glimpses of the Barren Lands 2 $ 3.00 Marsh, Winifred P. People of the Willow hc 2 $ 3.00 McDougall, John Parsons on the Plains hc 1971 2 $ 3.00 McKinlay, William L. Karluk 2 $ 3.00 McLuhan, T.C. The Way of the Earth hc 2 $ 3.00 Merrick,Elliott True North pb 2 $ 3.00 Murie, Adolph A Naturalist in Alaska hc 2 $ 3.00 Nanton, Paul Arctic Breakthrough, Franklin Expeditions 1819-1847 1970 1 $ 3.00 Nute, Grace Lee Voyageur hc 19055 2 $ 3.00 O'Brien, Jack Alone Across the Top of the World hc 1 $ 3.00 Richards ,Eva Alvey Arctic Mood hc 1949 2 $ 3.00 Schaffer, Mary T. A Hunter of Peace pb 2 $ 3.00 Scherman, Katherine Spring on and Arctic Island hc 1956 1 $ 3.00 Schroeder, A., & Rudy Wiebe Stories from Pacific & Arctic Canada hc 1974 2 $ 3.00 Shipley, Nan The James Evans Story hc 1966 2 $ 3.00 Sissons, Jack Judge of the Far North hc 2 $ 3.00 Stager, J.K. & H. Swain Canada North- Journey to the High Arctic pb 1 $ 3.00 Steger, Will & Schurke, Paul North To the Pole hc 1987 1 $ 3.00 Stimpson, R. & C. Thompson Artist & Photographer's guide to Wild Ontario pb 2007 1 $ 3.00 Sundman, Per Olof The Flight of the Eagle hc 1970 1 $ 3.00 Swayze, Carolyn Hard Choices, Life Of Tom Berger hc 2 $ 3.00 Turner, Dick Wings of The North pb 1980 2 $ 3.00 Wallace, Dillon The Lure of the Labrador Wild hc 1 $ 3.00 Weems, John Edward Race fo the Pole hc 1960 1 $ 3.00 Wenger, Ferdi Wild Liard Waters pb 1998 2 $ 3.00 Wilkinson, Douglas Arctic Fever - Search for the Northwest Passage hc 2 $ 3.00 Wismer, Cathy Faces of the Old North hc 1974 1 $ 3.00 Wright, Rear Admiral Noel Quest for Franklin hc 1959 1 $ 3.00 Wright, Theon The Big Nail- Story of Cook & Perry Feud hc 1970 2 $ 2.00 Hildebrand, John Reading the River, Voyage on Yukon pb 1 $ 1.00 Bastedo, Jamie Reaching North -Celebration of the Subarctic pb 2 $ 1.00 Bockstoce, John Arctic Passages- small boat voyage hc 1991 2 $ 1.00 Decoursey, Duke The Yellowknife Years pb 2 $ 1.00 Denison, Merrill Klondike Mike, Alaskan Odyssey 2 $ 1.00 Eames, H. Winner Lose All 2 $ 1.00 Finnie, Richard Canada Moves North 2 $ 1.00 Flemming, Archibald L. Archibald The Arctic 2 $ 1.00 Fredrickson, Olive A. The Silence of the NORTH 3 $ 1.00 Freeman, M.A Life Among the Qallunaat 2 $ 1.00 Guillet, Edwin Pioneer Travel in Upper Canada pb 2 $ 1.00 Helmericks, Constance We Live in The Arctic 2 $ 1.00 Hinds, Margery High Artctic Venture 2 $ 1.00 Inglis, Alex Northern Vagabond, J. B. Tyrrell 2 $ 1.00 Leising, William A. Arctic Wings 1 $ 1.00 Loomis, C. Weird and Tragic Shores-Story of C.F.Hall hc 3 $ 1.00 Lopez, Barry Arctic Dreams, Imagination & Desire in 2 $ 1.00 Lyall, Ernie An Arctic Man 2 $ 1.00 MacInnis, Jeff Polar Passage 2 $ 1.00 MacIver, Angus & Bernice Churchill in Hudson Bay pb 2 $ 1.00 Madsen, Marius Shipwreck and Struggle 2 $ 1.00 Marty, Sid Men for the Mountains hc 1978 2 $ 1.00 McCourt, Edward The Yukon and Northwest Territories 2 $ 1.00 McGinniss, Joe Going to Extremes hc 1980 2 $ 1.00 McGuffin, J. & G. Where Rivers Run hc 2 $ 1.00 Nickels, Nick Canoe Canada pb 2 $ 1.00 Perkins, Robert Into the Great Solitude, an Arctic Journey hc 1991 1 $ 1.00 Price, Ray The Howling Arctic hc 1970 3 $ 1.00 Pryde, Duncan Nunaga, Ten years of Eskimo Life hc 1 $ 1.00 Richardson, Boyce Strangers Devour the Land 1 $ 1.00 Roberts, Kenneth Northwest Passage hc 1937 1 $ 1.00 Scott, Alastair Tracks Across Alaska pb 1 $ 1.00 Symington, Fraser Tuktu pb 2 $ 1.00 Tener, J. S. Muskoxen pb 1 $ 1.00 Theriault, Yves Agaguk hc 1963 3 $ 1.00 Turk, Jon Cold Oceans - Adv. In Kayak, Rowboat, Dogsled hc 1998 2 $ 1.00 Zaslow, Morris The Opening of the Canadain North 1870-1914 hc 1971 1 $ 0.50 Airhart, Philip NWT Decade of Progress hc 2 $ 0.50 Anderson, William Ashley Angel of Hudson Bay, Maud Watt Story pb 1 $ 0.50 Berton, Pierre The Klondike Fever hc 1 $ 0.50 Berton, Pierre Drifting Home (hc) hc 2 $ 0.50 Brody, Hugh Living Arctic- Hunters of Canadian North 1 $ 0.50 Brooks, Paul Roadless Area, hc 1964 1 $ 0.50 Byers, R. B. & Slack, M.; Ed. Strategy and the Arctic pb 2 $ 0.50 Calder-Marshall, A The Innocent Eye 1 $ 0.50 Carlson, William S. Lifelines Through the Arctic 1 $ 0.50 Carrighar, Sally Moonlight at Miday, Alaska hc 1 $ 0.50 Dacks, Gurston A Choice of Futures, Politics in CA North pb 1 $ 0.50 Dagg, Anne Innis Canadain Wildlife and Man hc 1 $ 0.50 Dosman, Edgar The National Interest pb 1 $ 0.50 Ferber, Peggy; Ed. Mountaineering, Freedon of the Hills 1 $ 0.50 Fulham, Stanley In Search of a Future pb 1 $ 0.50 Graham, Angus the Golden Grindsotone, ex lib. hc 1 $ 0.50 Hamelin, Louis-Edmond Canadain Nordicity, It's Your North, Too pb 1 $ 0.50 Harcombe, A. & Cyca, R. Exploring Manning Prov. Park, BC pb 1 $ 0.50 Hing, Robert Tracking MacKenzie to the Sea pb 1992 2 $ 0.50 Kauffmann, Flow East, North Atlantic Rivers hc 1 $ 0.50 Keithahn, Edward L. Eskimo Adventure hc 1 $ 0.50 Kennedy, Howard Angus The Book of the West pb 1925 2 $ 0.50 Kent, Rockwell N by E hc 1930 2 $ 0.50 Kesselheim, Alan Water and Sky 1 $ 0.50 Kingsford, M. R. Life of W. H. G. Kingston hc 1 $ 0.50 Lawrence, R.D. Wildlife in Canada pb 1970 2 $ 0.50 Lindbergh, Ann Morrow North to the Orient 3 $ 0.50 Lotz, Jim Northern Realities hc 1 $ 0.50 Lucas, Jeremy Fur hc 2 $ 0.50 MacDonald, Malcolm From Lakes to Northern Lights pb 1951 1 $ 0.50 McCourt Edward Remember Butler hc 2 $ 0.50 Metcalf, Vicky Journey Fantastic, with Overlandes to the Cariboo 1970 1 $ 0.50 Mottola, Kari The Arctic Challenge pb 2 $ 0.50 Mowat, Farley Tundra hc 1 $ 0.50 Nat. Research Council US Resources and Man pb 1 $ 0.50 Nold, John Willing Victims 1 $ 0.50 Office of Quebec, Editor The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement pb 1 $ 0.50 Pimlott, Douglas (ed.) Arctic Alternatives 1 $ 0.50 Richardson, Boyce James Bay pb 1 $ 0.50 Schafer, Ann Canoeing Western Waterways, The Coastal States hc 1 $ 0.50 Wilson, Clifford North of 55 hc 1 $ 0.50 Wonders, William, (ed.) Studies in Canadain Georgraphy pb 1 $ 0.50 York, Thomas We, the Wilderness a Novel hc 2 $ 0.50 York, Thomas Snowman