Subject Survey on lifeboat on-load release mechanisms (Lifeboat Release and Retrieval Systems: LRRSs) for ships flying Bahamian flag Technical Information No. TEC-0982 Date 6 February 2014 To whom it may concern With regard to survey on LRRSs, it had been notified by the Technical Information (No.: TEC-0966, Date: 3 October 2013), and the Bahamian Government's instructions have been given, which is summarized as flows of actions for ships flying Bahamian flag in the Attachment 1. Ships flying Bahamian flag are required to follow the flows. In the Case 1 and Case 2 of the flows, a copy of evaluation report by the Recognized Organization (the Attachment 2) of the LRRS type registered to IMO GISIS is acceptable to us, and the copy is supplied by the lifeboat maker or the service provider. IMO GISIS is web page ( that evaluation results of LRRS types are registered to. For any questions about the above, please contact: NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI (ClassNK) Material and Equipment Department, Administration Center, Head Office Address: 4-7 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8567, Japan Tel.: +81-3-5226-2020 Fax: +81-3-5226-2057 E-mail:
[email protected] Attachment: 1. Flow of actions for the lifeboatVoid release and retrieval system to comply with SOLAS III/1.5 amended by MSC.317(89) 2. INFORMATION BULLETINE No. 03, The Bahamas Maritime Authority NOTES: ClassNK Technical Information is provided only for the purpose of supplying current information to its readers. ClassNK, its officers, employees and agents or sub-contractors do not warrant the accuracy of the information contained herein and are not liable for any loss, damage or expense sustained whatsoever by any person caused by use of or reliance on this information.