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To Volume 48 INDEX TO VOLUME 48 Only leading articles are set in bold face type. Absite (povilaitis) 1+t9 Anthonyite and calumetite, two Adler, H. H. and Kerr, P. F. In- newminerals from the Michi- frared absorption frequency gan copper district (Williams) 61+ trends for anhydrous normal Aomine, S. with Yoshinaga,N. 434 carbonates. 124 Applernan, D. E. X-ray crystal- Infrared spectra, sym- lography of wegscheiderite metry and structure relations (NarCO3.3NaHCOa). 404 of some carbonateminerals. 839 with Skinner, B. J. Mela- Ahlfeldite, Cobaltomenite (Gat- nophlogite, a cubic polymorph tow, Lieder) 1183 of silica 854 Akaganeite(Mackay) . 711 with Skinner,B. J 216 Aksaite, the probable chen.rical Aramaki, S. and Roy, R. A new formula of, a new hydrated polymorph of AlzSiOs and magnesium borate (Clark, further studies in the system Erd) 930 AlzO;-SiOz-HzO 1322 Aksaite (Blazko, Kondrat'eva, Armstrong, R. L. New data on Yarzhernskii.l 209 margarosanite 698 Alias, L. J. u,-ithDe Castro,A. H. 1184 Atlas of placer minerals (Trush- Almeriite: Natroalunite (De Cas- kova, Kukharenko) (Book re- tro, Alias) 1184 view) 721 Aluminobetafite (Kawai). 118.3 Authigenic minerals in sedimen- Aluminum, tetrahedrally coordi- tary rocks(Tedorovich) (Book nated, in some natural bio- review) 220 tites: an infrared absorption analysis(Liese). 980 Babbage,W. D. with Tauber, A., Ames, L. L., Jr. Mass action rela- Kohn, J. A. and Winfrey, tionships of some zeolites in C. G. The occurrenceof an the region of high competing enstatite phase in the subsys- cation concentrations 868 tem GeOr-MnGeOe.. 555 - Syr-rthesisof a clinoptilo- Bailey, S. W. Polymorphism of the lite-like zeolite 1371 kaolin minerals. 1196 Amphibole,on brown, irr gabbroic - with Brown. B. E. Chlorite rocks of Koraput, Orissa, polytyptism: II. Crystal struc- Irrdia (Bose) 1405 ture of a one-layer Cr-chlo- Amphiboles, alkali, polymorphism rite.. ...... +2 in (Ernst). 2ql Baker, G. Detrital heavy minerals Amphiboles, orr the microscopic in natural accumulateswith determination of the, in specialreference to Australian grains (Gazzi) 422 occurrences(Book review) 720 Andalusite from kyanite, hydro- Bariand, P., rvith Branche, G , thennal synthesis of (Weill) 94+ Chantret, F., Pouget, R and Andres, F. H , rvith Gentile, A. L. Rimsky, A. 1415,1416 and Cripe, D. M The flame - and Herpin, P.. 1417 fusion synthesis of emerald g4O Barnesite,NazVoOro.3HzO, the oc- Ankinovich, E. A. 1180 currence and properties of, a Anorthite, solid state formation of, new hydrated sodium vana- from some clay mineral-cal- date mineral from Utah cium mixtures (Ruotsala). 792 (Weeks,Ross, Marvin)-.... 1187 1433 t434 INDEX TO VOLUME 48 Barrer, R. NI., Bultitude, F. W. tory work (Beus) (Book re- and T(err, I. S. 711 view) 718 Barth, T. F. W. Theoretical petrol- Beta-alumohydrocalcite (Mora- og1',a terlhook on the origin wiecke) 212 and evolution of rocks (Book Beta-lomonosovite (Gerasimov- review) 221 skii, Kazakova) 1413 Bassett, W. with Boutin, H. Beus, A. A. Beryllium. Evaluation A comparison of OH- motions of deposits during prospect- in brucite and micas. 659 ing and exploratory work Basutoland, kimberlites and as- (Book review) 7l8 sociated inclusions of : A min- Bhattacharjee, S. with Bhatta- eralogical and geochemical charjee, S. B. Occurrence of study (Nixon, von Knorring, cryptomelane in manganese Rooke) 1090 ores, in Balaghat District, Bauer, J., Fiala, J. and Hiichovd India .. lt71 Natural a-silicon carbide 620 Bhattacharjee, S. B. and Bhatta- Baur, G. S. with Montoya, J.'W. charjee, S. Occurrence of Nickeliferous serpentines, cryptomelane in manganese chlorites and related min- ores, Balaghat District, India 1174 erals fourd in lateritic ores 1227 Bibliographies of Clarence S. Bavenite, the composition of Ross on Waldmar T. Schaller, (Berry) 1166 ten-year supplement to the Bayliss, P. and Loughnan, F. C. (Hooker). 1410 Mineralogical evidence for Bilgrami, S. A. Further data on the penecontemporaneous the chemical composition of lateritization of the basalts ZhobYalley chromites ... 573 from New England, N.S.W. 410 - Serpentine-limestone con- Beamish, F. E. with Sen Gupta, tact at Taleri Mohammad J. G. The determination of Jan, Zhob Valley, West Pakis- platinum metals in siderite tan-acorrection .. 1176 meteorites. 379 Biotites, synthetic, physical prop- join Beard, E. H. with Wall, J. R. D., erties of, on the phlogo- Wolfenden, E. B. and Deams, pite-annite (Wones) 1300 T. ... .. 214 Biringuccite (Hoeferite), Nasinite Bearsite (Kopchenova, Sidorenko) 210 (Cipriani, Vannuccini) 709 Beck, C. W. r,vith Vitaliano, C. J. Bismutotantalite, stibiotantalite Huntite. Gabbs. Nevada. I 158 and chemically similar ABOr Belov, N. \,'. and Organova, N. I. 1413 compounds, sYnthesis and Bentor, Y. K., Gross, S. and Hel- stability of (Roth,'Waring), 1348 ler, L. Some unusual minerals Blazko, L. N., Kondrat'eva, V. V. from the "Mottled Zone" and Yarzhemskii, Ya. Ya. 209 complex, Israel 924 Bloss, F. D. with Faust, R. J. Bemer, R. A. with Evans, H. T. X-ray study of lecontite 180 Jr. and Milton,C..... .... 2t5 and Gibbs, G. V. Cleavage Berry, L. G. l12r in quartz. 821 The unit cell of ettrirrgite 939 Bokite (Ankinovich) 1180 The composition of bave- Borisenko, L. F. Scandium, its nite. 1166 geochemistry and mineralogy Beryllium, Evaluation of deposits (Book review) 7l9 during prospecting and explora- Bose, M. K. On brown amphibole INDEX TO VOLUME 48 t435 in gabbroicrocks of Koraput, Cameron, E. N. Optical symmetry Orissa,India 1405 from reflectivity measure- Boutin, H. and Bassett, W. A ments. l0I0 comparisonof OH- motions (Bookreview) .. 713 in brucite and micas 659 Campbell, I. State mineralogy. 'Why, Boyer, Robert (Book review) 1423 whence and whither. 227 Branche, G., Bariand, P., Chan- Carbonates, anhydrous flormal, tret, F., Pouget,R. and Rim- infrared absorption frequency sky, A. 1415 trendsfor (Adler,Kerr)..... 124 Briggs,L. L, (Bookreview). Jr. 1430 Carminite, the crystal structure of Brindley, G. W'., de Souza Santos, (Finney) | P. and de Souza Santos, H. Carpenter, A. B. Oriented over- Mineralogical studies of kao- growths of thaumasite on linite-halloysite clays: part ettringite .... 1394 I. Identificationproblems. g97 Chang, 1,. L. Dimorphic relation - arrd Sandalaki, Z. Struc- in AgrSbS: 429 ture, composition and genesis Chang,P. rvith Semenov,E. L . Il79 of some long-spacing, mica- Chantret, F., with Branche,G., likeminerals.... .. 13g Bariand, P., Pouget,R. and Brown,A. and Lewis,B.. 435 Rimsky,A.. 1415 Brown, B. E. and Bailey, S. W'. Chapman,C. A (Book review) 713 Chlorite polytypism: II. Crys- Chervetite (Bariand, Chantret, tal structure of a one-layer Pouget, Rimsky) 1416 Cr-chlorite 42 Chlorite polytypism: II. Crystal Brucite and micas,a comparison structure of a one-layer of OH- motions in (Boutin, Cr- chlorite(Bailey, Brown) .... 42 Bassett). 659 Chromites, Zhob Yalley, Further Brunner, P. with Feitknecht, W. data on the and Oswald,H. R.. 1420 chen'ricalcompo- sition of, (Bilgrarni) Bullard, F. M. Volcanoes:In his- 573 tory, in theory, in eruption Chrysoberyl structure, refinement (Farrell, (Bookrevielr').... 219 of the Fang, Newn- Bultitude, F. W. with Barrer, ham) 804 R. M. and Kerr, L S. 71I Chrysocolla, the nature of, from Burley, G. Polymorphism of silver Inspiration Mine, Arizona iodide. 1266 (Sun) .. 649 Bustamite and wollastonite, com- Cipriani,C. and Vannuccini,P.. 709 parison of the crystal struc- Clark, G. VI. with Kopp, O. C., tures of (Peacor,Prewitt) 5gg Harris, L. A. and Yakel, Butler, J. R., with Flinter, B. H. H. L. A hydrothermally syn- and Harral, G. M. A study of thesized iron analog of pollu- alluvial monazite from Ma- cite-its structure and sig- laya... 1210 nificance 100 Clark, J. R. and Erd, R. C. The Calafatite:Alunite (De Castro, probable chemical formula of Alias).. 1184 aksaite, a new hydrated mag- Callis, C. F. with lrani, R. R. nesium borate 930 Particle size: measurement, Clarke, R. S., Jr. with Desautels, interpretation and applica- P. E. Re-examination of leg- tion (Book review) 1413 randite 1258 1+36 INDEX TO VOLUME 18 Classification of the pyrochlore Crystallography of rneta-autttnite group (Van der Veen). 1420 (I) (Ross) 1389 Clay and clay minerals-Proceed- Dachille, F. with Miller, W. S., ings of the ninth national con- Shafer, E. C, and Roy, R. ference (Srvineford, ed.) (Book The System GeOz-SiOz. 1024 review) 138 De Castro, A H. and Alias, L' J. 1184 Cleavagesof BeO and olher min- de Souza Santos, P., with Brind- erals having the wurtzite ley, G. W. and de Souza structure (Frechette, Cline). 1381 Santos, H. Mineralogical Cline, C. F. with Frechette, V. D. studies of kaolinite-halloY- The cleavages of BeO and site clays: Part I. Identifica- 897 other minerals having the tion problems wurtzite structure 1381 'f. I{. D.' Clinochlore, synthesis of, at high Deams, with Wall, J pressures (Segnit) 1080 Wolfenden, E. B. and Beard, E. H. 2l+ Clinohumite and associated min- Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A and erals, paragenesis of, from Zussman, Rock forming Wolf Creek, Montana (Hein- J. minerals. Vol. 1. Ortho- and rich). 597 ring silicates (Book review) 218 Clinoptilolite-like zeolite, synthe- Denningite (Mandarino, Wil- sis of a (Arnes) I37+ liams. Nlitchell) 1+I9 Coon.rbs, D. S. Acceptance of Desautels, P. E. and Clarke, R. S., the Mineralogical Society of Re-examination of leg- Arnerica Award for 1962 450 Jr. randite 1258 "Coulsonite," discussior of, by Detrital heavy n'rinerals iu natural Arthur S. Radtl<e, Arn. N{in- accumulates rvith special eral. 47, 128+ 1291 (Perrv) 948 reference to Australian oc- "Coulsor.rite," reply to (Radtke) 952 currences (Baker) (Book re- Cowgill, U. M., Hutchinson, E. G. view). 720 and O. An ap- Joensuu, Diarsenides, Co-Ni-Fe: Compo- parently triclinic dimorph of sitions and cell dimensions crandallite from a tropical Roseboom) 271 swamp sediment in El Pet6n, Differential thernral analysis of Guatemala 114+ corrosive materials, appa- Crandallite from a tropical swamp ratus for controlled-atmos- sediment in El Pet6n, Guate- phere (Pickering).
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