Two More Sigma Kappas to Be Proud Of
) On Gable Edi:tor The Record _9f IAE p o Box 185t> Evanston Ill. _ Exch 8/~ To Sigma Kappa Parents: Your daughter's magazine is sent to her home address while she is in college and we hope that you enjoy seeing it. But if she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please send her new permanent address to Sigma Kappa Central Office, 3433 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis 5. Two More Sigma Kappas To Be Proud of Nancy Rockoff, AO, is the new vice president Associated Students at U.C.L.A. She was AWS Woman of the Month in January, man of the Bureau of Student · · years, Upper Division Women's Alpha Omicron chapter president, and a Spurs, Chimes, Elections Board, and This spring she trained for the final group selected for Project India. Tina Grogan's AX outstanding record at George· town college includes being Homecoming Queen, Student Government secretary, vice president of her senior class, voted Miss Georgetonian and Most Popular Girl, cheerleader, and a member of Beta Beta Beta-biology honorary, and Gamma Sigma Epsilon-chemistry honorary. SIGMA KAPPA 4ulumn 1963 · :lriangle Beta Epsilon won first place in tht Sorority Division of the annual "Sing Week" competition Delta Sigma house decorations took first prize at Western Illinois with the theme W. I. U. Victor. The chapter also won first with their float "Western Is Doled a Victory." Eta at Illinois Wesleyan has made it a habit to win the annual 1963 All Sing Group of Alpha Delta, I Greek Sing. The winning selection arranged especially for the sing, Josetta Shoemaker, placed third at TeD! was entitled, "My Country." Delta Phi placed first in the Greek Sing at Fairmont State, W.Va.
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