Condensation of bosons with several degrees of freedom Condensación de bosones con varios grados de libertad Trabajo presentado por Rafael Delgado López1 para optar al título de Máster en Física Fundamental bajo la dirección del Dr. Pedro Bargueño de Retes2 y del Prof. Fernando Sols Lucia3 Universidad Complutense de Madrid Junio de 2013 Calificación obtenida: 10 (MH) 1
[email protected], Dep. Física Teórica I, Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2
[email protected], Dep. Física de Materiales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid 3
[email protected], Dep. Física de Materiales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Abstract The condensation of the spinless ideal charged Bose gas in the presence of a magnetic field is revisited as a first step to tackle the more complex case of a molecular condensate, where several degrees of freedom have to be taken into account. In the charged bose gas, the conventional approach is extended to include the macroscopic occupation of excited kinetic states lying in the lowest Landau level, which plays an essential role in the case of large magnetic fields. In that limit, signatures of two diffuse phase transitions (crossovers) appear in the specific heat. In particular, at temperatures lower than the cyclotron frequency, the system behaves as an effectively one-dimensional free boson system, with the specific heat equal to (1/2) NkB and a gradual condensation at lower temperatures. In the molecular case, which is currently in progress, we have studied the condensation of rotational levels in a two–dimensional trap within the Bogoliubov approximation, showing that multi–step condensation also occurs.