Synthesis and Fluorine.Hydfoxyl Exchange in the Amblygonite Series
Caiwdian Mineralogist Vol. 14, pp. 357-363 (1976) SYNTHESISAND FLUORINE.HYDFOXYLEXCHANGE IN THE AMBLYGONITESERIES SPENCER E. LOH,|, ^rxn WLLIAM S. WISE Departmentof Geologicalsciences, university of california, santa Barbara, ca 9|106 ABSTRACT Souurernr, The amblygonite series includes the solid solution La s6rieamblygonite consiste en une solution solide between the end members, amblygonite, LiAIPO;F, entre les p6les extr6mes,I'amblygonite (LiAlpO4F) and montebrasite, LiAIPO4OH. The moit comrrion et la mont6brasite (LiAIPO4OH). La compositionla composition range. is between Ambl6 and Amb5o, plus courante que I'on retrouve dans les pqmatites where this series occurs in Li-rich pegmatites. richesen Li se situe entre Amble et Ambrol Ih com- The end members and four intermediate composi- positions limifss st quatre compositions interm6_ tions were synthesized by standard hydrothermal diaires ont 6t6 synttr6tis6espar voie hydrothermale d tochniques at 600'C and 2 kbar water pressure. All 6@'C et 2 kbar de pressiond'eau. Tous les six para_ six ell param€ters vary linearly across the com- mdtresde l4 maills varient de fagon linGaire. positional I-es ai_ range. Amblygonite cell dimensions arg mensionsde la maille de I'amblygonite sont, a 8.103, a p 5.103, b 7.221, c 5.5064, a L14"22" 98.54'. b7.22L,c 5.506[, aLl422t, p 98.b4',^y 6ZTfz'iww t 67'02'; and montebrasite, a 5.185, b 7.161, c mont6brasite,a 5.185,b Z.t6I, c 5.OOA, 5.040A, a ll2"I8" B 97"51" .t 67"52'. These !t c 112"18r, cell P 97%It, Les paramOtresae cescomposGs dimensions indicate that the unit cells of the pure purement!.97"52'.
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