TOKYO Sep./Oct. 2000 NUKE INFO Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center No. 79 3F Kotobuki Bldg., 1-58-15, Higashi-nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo 164-0003, JAPAN URL: e-mail :
[email protected] JAPAN'S PLUTONIUM POLICY AND MOX PROGRAM FULL OF CONTRADICTIONS Protest in front of MITI against the agreement reached between Japan and the UK to return the MOX fuel with falsified quality control data. UK and Japan Agree to Return BNFL’s MOX to take place within 2~3 years. In total, BNFL On 11 July 2000, during her visit to Japan, agreed to pay 6.4 billion yen to KEPCO as com- Ms. Anna Walker, the Energy Director of the UK’s pensation for damages incurred due to the fal- Department of Trade and Industry, met officials of sification. The sum includes the shipping costs. Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Indus- Both parties noted that it was necessary to secure try (MITI), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), domestic regulatory approvals and international and the Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO). consents based on relevant existing treaties Following the meetings, Ms. Walker signed an CONTENTS agreement to have the mixed plutonium-uranium MOX fuel to be sent back to the UK 1-2 oxide (MOX) fuel with falsified data returned No Nukes Asia Forum held in Japan 3-4 to the UK. (See NIT No. 76, pp. 1-2; No. 75, pp. Energy in Japan 5-7 1-3; No. 74, pp. 8-11.) Following the agreement, DATA: Workers' Exposure 8 KEPCO lifted the moratorium on signing any MOX Workshop Announcement 9 fuel and reprocessing contracts with BNFL.