VOLUME 92 FOR MEMBERS OF ST JOHN’S COLLEGE The Eagle 2010 ST JOHN’S COLLEGE U NI V E RS I T Y O F CA M B R I D GE The Eagle 2010 Volume 92 ST JOHN’S COLLEGE U N I V E R S I T Y O F C A MB R I D G E THE EAGLE Published in the United Kingdom in 2010 by St John’s College, Cambridge St John’s College Cambridge CB2 1TP www.joh.cam.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 338700 Fax: 01223 338727 Email:
[email protected] Registered charity number 1137428 First published in the United Kingdom in 1858 by St John’s College, Cambridge Designed and produced by Cameron Design: 01284 725292; www.cameronacademic.co.uk Printed by Esson Print, Royston. Cover photograph by Alice Hardy. The war memorial was designed by Henry M Fletcher and was unveiled and dedicated on 23 February 1923. The wings to commemorate Second World War victims were added in November 1954 and were designed by Edward Maufe. Photography by Alice Hardy, Ben Gallagher, The Telegraph, Nick Kane, Daisy Hutchison, Nicola Coles, Amir Hajizamani, Gotham Books, Polity and contributors. The Eagle is published annually by St John’s College, Cambridge, and is sent free of charge to members of St John’s College and other interested parties. Items to be considered for publication should be addressed to The Editor, The Eagle, Development Office, St John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TP, or sent by email to
[email protected].