Ewing Young: the Southwest's Premier DEDICATION Mountain Man

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Ewing Young: the Southwest's Premier DEDICATION Mountain Man 57 Official Arizona State Historian Marshall Trimble's .• Action-Packed True Tales of Early Arizona! The Arizona Trilogy - Volume I Front cover art: A Running Bucker by Frederic Remington Table of Contents Meet the Author ... 4 Oher books by Marshall Trimble: Arizona Place Names ... 6 Arizona Adventure In Old Arizona The First American Revolution ... 11 Marshall Trimble's Official Arizona Trivia De Anza and the Road to California ... 19 Ewing Young: The Southwest's Premier DEDICATION Mountain Man ... 27 To my son, Roger Frederick Trimble, "J. Goldwater & Bros." Commerce on the Colorado ... 38 born Aprill8, 1979 The Battle of Picacho ... 44 No honor or event could ever match the total joy The Last Campaign of Lt. Howard Cushing ... 51 and happiness you have given. Boom Towns and Mineral Mania ... 61 Ed Schieffelin Finds His Tombstone ... 65 Wyatt Earp and the Cochise County War: Reconstruction Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data of a Myth ... 73 Trimble, Marshall. Arizona Adventure Opening of the Southwest's Last Frontier ... 91 Bibliography: Arizona's Lost Mines and Treasures ... 101 Includes index. 1. Frontier and pioneer life-Arizona-Addresses, essays, lectures. Jim Roberts and the Pleasant Valley War ... 107 2. Arizona-History-Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Title. Buckey O'Neill: Arizona's Happy Warrior ... 116 F811.5.T74 1982 979.1 82-11871 ISBN 0-914846-14-0 Tom Horn: Legends Die Hard ... 123 Arizona Rangers: Last of the Old West's Hard-Riding Heroes ... 130 Printed in the United States of America The Power Brothers: The Old West's Last Gunfight ... 139 13th Printing© 2006 Gail Gardner: Arizona's "Poet Lariat" ... 148 Copyright© 1982 by Marshall Trimble. All rights reserved. This book, or any Bibliography ... 153 portion thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, except for review purposes, without the written permission of the publisher. Index ... 154 Golden West Publishers -Maps- 4113 N. Longview Ave. Early Expeditions ... 5 Phoenix, AZ 85014, USA Trappers, Traders and Troops ... 29 (602) 265-4392 For entertaining excerpts and complete Table of Contents for all Golden West titles, visit: www.goldenwestpublishers.com cans. Hispanics could travel the lonely trails of Comancheria unmolested. Parallels between Colonel Juan Bautista de Anza and American explor­ Ewing Young: ers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are many. The latter duo played a well-deserved and significant role in the opening of the West. It is tragic that The Southwest's Premier Mountain Man the deeds and exploits of de Anza aren't given a footnote in most American history books. Actually, de Anzaout-performed his American counterparts. Mountain men ...They've been called a peculiar product of the He not only created a trail to the "great and glowing West," he returned to American frontier, a reckless breed of adventurers to whom danger was a his point of assembly, organized a colonizing party and successfully retraced daily commonplace; explorers who took tribute of the wilderness and his path to the promised land. wandered the outerwest with all the freedom of the lonely wind. These fur trappers and traders, during their brief but exciting heyday between the 1820s and 1840s, explored the vast reaches of terra incognita, including the Colorado Basin and Gila River watershed, establishing routes that would eventually become highways for cities and commerce. The demand for beaver pelts provided the inspiration that made these restless adventurers brave the unknown wilderness in a quest for crafty, fur­ bearing critters that provided a world market with hats and other apparel. They alternately traded, lived among and fought with native tribes inhabiting the regions, had deadly encounters with savage grizzly bears who attacked without provocation and faced thirst and starvation in desolate deserts and sometimes left their bleached and forgotten bones in obscure places. By the time the exuberant cry "Manifest Destiny" caught the imagina­ tion of impetuous, but less adventuresome Americans, an advance guard of mountain men had explored every nook and cranny of the far western mountains, rivers and valleys. Roughhewn mountain men such as Kit Carson and Tom Fitzpatrick skillfully guided U.S. soldiers across the rugged unknown terrain during the War with Mexico in the 1840s to capture New Mexico and California. Had these armies relied upon their own limited knowledge of the country, the results might have been costly, altering the course of"ManifestDestiny" and history. Agents representing the aggressive British Empire had aspired to seize California during the interim between the declaration of war between the U.S. and Mexico and the arrival of American troops on the Pacific Coast. Others, like Jim Bridger and Joe Walker, led wagon trains ofimmigrants to California and Oregon after their trapping days were over: In the 1860s, the ubiquitous Walker would lead a party of gold prospectors up the Hassayampa River finding rich placer strikes in the Bradshaw Mountains. By and large, the history of the fur trade in the Southwest regions has been left out of the mainstream of American history. Trappers like Walker, Bridger, Fitzpatrick and especially Carson have become American legends and folk heroes, their fame coming primarily from exploits in the northern Rockies and Sierra Nevada. Contrary to popular myth, the Mexican border­ lands had a great impact on industry. During the early 1830s, the heyday of 26 - Arizona Adventure Arizona Adventure- 27 the business, a third of the total furs shipped east came from the Southwest. this time the U.S. had not located any of those fabulous gold and silver mines And when discussing the Southwest fur trade, an obscure individual stands in the Far West. out above the rest. His name was Ewing Young. The thousand-mile journey to Santa Fe was fraught with danger. Most He was a tall, strapping carpenter from Tennessee. Like many restive of the travelers were merchants, ill-prepared for the vicissitudes of the trail. souls of his time, Ewing Young wested to the Missouri frontier and, after an One stretch required crossing 60 miles of desert void of watering holes. unsuccessful attempt at farming, he formed a partnership with a trader Rattlesnakes were a constant menace, as were the warlike Plains tribes along named William Becknell, who would become known as the "Father of the the way. Certain necessities, such as water, wood and native range grasses, Santa Fe Trail." In 1822, they led the first wagons west across the plains of New Mexico. Santa Fe at the time was a remote adobe village lined with dirt streets, nestled against the towering Sangre de Cristo Mountains. During more than two centuries of Spanish rule, trade restrictions against foreigners had prevented commerce between the enterprising Americans and the citizens of New Mexico. Following the Mexican Revolution in 1821, Americans like Becknell, \, who had been out on the Plains trading with Indians, were invited to sell their wares in New Mexico. Thus began the long and mutually profitable Santa Fe .., Trade. ' Like others of his genre, Ewing Young had no aspirations ofleading the course of empire, but saw, instead, a business opportunity in the raw, untamed land. Before he quit the region in 1831, he was a central figure in the fur trade in the Southwest. He led one of the first American expeditions into what was to become Arizona, was the first to trap the Salt and Verde Rivers and was the first American to explore the Gila River to its mouth. Ewing Young is one of the most elusive figures in Southwest history. This quiet Tennessean, who played such an important role in the fur trade, Trappers, might have gone unknown had it not been for a few letters, documents and Traders ., journals written by his contemporaries. No photographs or composite and Troops drawings exist, and he kept no journal. The uncharted region that some 40 ' years later was to be called Arizona, was then a part of the Republic of were vital. Further west, the wood gave way to ever-present buffalo chips, Mexico and only Mexican citizens could trap legally. Therefore, Young's which were used as fuel for cooking. entrepreneuring was shrouded in mystery and remains so today. While many After completing the journey, which took about ten weeks, the heavy Americans gave up their citizenship to obtain the licenses, Young remained wagons rumbled into the pueblo of Santa Fe to be greeted enthusiastically by staunchly proud of his and refused to compromise. the Mexicans with cries of "Los Carros" or "Los Americanos." Since the Ewing Young began his great adventure on the morning of May 25, arrival in late June or early July coincided with the welcome arrival of the 1822, at Boonslick, a rude frontier town near Franklin, Missouri. There, summer rains, a myth grew among the simple natives that the Americans several wagons laden with trade goods, he embarked on an historic journey were responsible for the rain as well as providing much-needed trade goods. to Santa Fe in the Mexican Republic. The picturesque village, located on the slopes of the steep, dark Sangre "Mexico." There was magic in the word, conjuring up visions of de Cristo Mountains, was in a delicate enclave of scenic beauty, picture breathtaking scenery, romantic pueblos and beautiful, dark-eyed women. perfect, as if the setting had been placed in position by an artist. And, there was a spectacular profit to be made in the trade. Interest was The dusty plaza that marked the "End of the Trail" was the traditional sparked the previous year when Becknell returned to Franklin and dumped gathering place in the Hispanic Southwest. On the north side stood the several rawhide bags full of Mexican silver on the street. Keep in mind, at ancient Palace of the Governors, a rectangular, flat-roofed adobe structure 28 -Arizona Adventure Arizona Adventure 29 with a ramada in front and a courtyard in the rear.
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