Ero Exchange (Level 2)


“I support the Hong Kong police. You can all attack me now. What a shame for Hong Kong.” – Yifei, August 2019

Liu Yifei, the Chinese-American leading actress of 2020 Live Action film , openly showed her support to police brutality and oppression of freedoms in Hong Kong through her post on a Chinese social media site.

Mulan is a ... a HEROINE rather. She is a young Chinese woman who joined an all-male army, showcasing her independence and bravery. Everyone was excited to watch this film until the leading actress, Liu Yifei, voiced out her support for the Chinese government— making her a hero of her own country, but a villain of the world. Criticism erupted across social media, along with the hashtag #BoycottMulan. Pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong called to boycott the film, now joined by activists all over the world.

Ever since, she has not changed her stance.

We all have freedom of expression. However, in the business world, public image needs to be a priority. Every key person’s statement and action reflect on the company’s reputation. With the power of social media and PR, a hero could be a villain with just one Tweet. ▼ ▼ ▼Exercises:

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Ero Exchange (Level 2) Answer the following: 1. Who is your favorite fictional or real-life hero? Why? 2. Would you boycott a product or service if the owner or a key representative displayed a controversial view or conducted unethical business practice? 3. Do you agree that while freedom of speech is a fundamental right, it is not absolute, and therefore subject to restrictions? Why or why not? 4. Do you know any business which received backlash due to its people’s behavior in public? Give an example. 5. Would you be willing to openly express your honest opinion in public? Why or why not?

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