LIBERTO'sseeds and BULBS
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LIBERTO’s SEEDS AND BULBS BULB SEEDS 2018 /2019 There is a general tendency not to equate bulbs with growing them from seed. Unfortunately, there are many myths involved in raising bulbs from seed. People generally think that they take many years to grow and flower but that is only true for very few bulbs, usually in Amaryllidaceae. The majority of bulbs in other families will flower within three years of growing and many in their second year (relate that to how many years does an herbaceous perennial or a shrub need to reach adult size from seed!). People also believe that bulb seed is hard to germinate. Fresh bulb seed, especially of Mediterranean taxa, is usually guaranteed to sprout (and in most cases without specific germination techniques like cold stratification). Don’t be afraid to try some new bulbs from seed. It is very likely that this is the only way to find some species and you can fill a whole pot with flowers for the price you’d pay for one bulb or less! Please scroll to the end of the catalog for sowing and ordering instructions. Listings of orange color, are new items in the 2018/2019 list. Albuca – An interesting genus from South Africa with peculiar flowers, the following are all spring flowering species and they tend to stay evergreen, keeping some leaves during winter but then coming back to full growth in spring. I like to sow their seeds in autumn and in case of a frost I protect the young seedlings. Keep the adult bulbs relatively dry during winter. A. acuminata, 3€/20seeds A. aurea, 3.30€/20seeds A. glauca, 3€/20seeds A.polyphylla, 3€/20seeds A. sp. Spring Valley 3€/20seeds A.sp. Crackpot Hill, 3€/20seeds A. tortuosa ‘Thraskei’, 3.30€/20seeds A.acuminata A.sp. Spring Valley A.tortuosa ‘Thraskei’ Allium – A mix of different species here, including winter and summer dormant plants, but you’re serious about your garlics, then you’ll be able to find many details online. A favorite species of mine is A. pskemmense, with its thick hollow grey leaves and tall flowerheads of white flowers, something between a plain leek and an architectural piece. A. convallarioides pink form, 3€/20seeds A. falcifolium, 3€/20seeds A. fistulosum, 3€/30seeds A. hyalinum, 3.30€/20seeds A. komarowii, 3€/20seeds A. pskemmense, 3€/20seeds A. 'Red Mohican', 3.30€/20seeds A. unifolium, 3€/20seeds A. unifolium 'Eros', 3€/20seeds Babiana stricta purple forms mixed, 3€/30seeds – Definitely not a rare species, but this is a very easy beginner’s babiana to grow (and then get hooked for life with the genus). Bellevalia – Mediterranean bulbs that look like Muscari but bigger. Easy to naturalize in the garden and having beautiful inflated seedpods after the flowers are gone. B. dubia, 3€/20seeds B. pycantha, 3€/20seeds B. romana, 3€/20seeds B. trifoliata, 4€/20seeds Bulbinella – Winter growing rhizomatous perennial that flower in early spring with upright, candle like spikes of flowers in different colours. They can flower after 2-4 years from seed. They will clump up in time. B. cauda-felis, 3€/20seeds B. latifolia subsp. doleritica, 3€/20seeds B. nutans, 3€/20seeds Calydorea pallens, 4€/20seeds – A small Argentinean beauty, this summer growing Iris relative has big (for its size) light blue/purple flowers with recurved petals. Keep dry in winter. Chasmanthe floribunda var. duckitii, 3€/20seeds – Rather than the classic orange Chasmanthe, this is a yellow relative of the well-known species that leafs out early in the fall and flowers in early spring. Stunning massed. Cyanella hyacinthoides, 3€/20seeds – An interesting member of the Tecophilaeaceae from South Africa, this very late flowering beauty, sometimes into early summer, has basal leathery leaves that develop in winter and ever expanding panicles of small blue flowers. Takes about 3 years to flower. Cyclamen – A small selection of Mediterranean Cyclamen, these are all winter growing and autumn flowering species apart from C.persicum that leaf out early but flowers in spring. C. africanum , 3.50€/20seeds C. graecum, 3€/20seeds C. hederifolium, 3€/20seeds C. persicum, 3€/20seeds Cypella herbertii, 4€/20seeds – A rather evergreen bulbous perennial from South America with beautiful orange yellow flowers for a long time in spring and summer. Dichelostemma – Relatives of Alliums from the West Coast of the USA, I enjoy these for extending high above all other bulbs to expose their peculiar flower heads. One species, D.volubile has twisting flower stems in order to climb through shrubs of the chaparral in California. One of the few ‘climbing’ bulbs. D. congestum, 3€/20seeds D. multiflorum, 3€/20seeds D. volubile, 3€/20seeds Dipcadi serotinum, 3€/20seeds – A late winter/early spring flowering species from the Iberian peninsula and northern Africa, with chocolate colored on stem up to 80cm high. Ferraria – South African members of Iridaceae, these get great reviews for their exquisite flowers but rather mixed feelings for their perfume. You need to grow them to decide for yourself. Winter growing, summer dormant and they tend to send their bulbs to bottom of their pots. F. crispa dark burgundy, 3.30€/10seeds F. crispa dark form with yellow edges, 3.30€/10seeds F. crispa vanilla scented form, 3€/10seeds F. crispa var. nortieri, 3.30€/10seeds F. divaricata brown edges, 3.30€/10seeds F. divaricata soft brown, 3.30€/10seeds Freesia – An interesting selections of species of mainly species that used to belong to the genus Anomatheca. F.leichtlinii has a great fragrance, better that most varieties you’ll find at your local flower shop. All are summer dormant. F. laxa 'Joan Evans', 3.30€/10seeds F. laxa red form, 3.30€/10seeds F. laxa ssp. caerulea, 3.30€/10seeds F. laxa white form, 3.30€/10seeds F. leichtlinii, 3€/30seeds F. viridis, 3€/20seeds Geissorhiza – Small south African iridoid beauties, with flowers that open in full sun and have the most exciting combinations of flowers. Summer dormant. B200 G. inflexa subsp. erosa, 3.30€/20seeds B201 G. splendidissima, 3€/20seeds Gladiolus – Probably the most well-known genus of South African Iridaceae and quite likely the most varied. These are all winter growing species and flower in spring, including G.byzantinus which is widespread around the Mediterranean. G. byzantinus, 3€/20seeds G. carneus, 3€/20seeds Herbertia pulchella, 3.50€/20seeds – This beauty from South America with clear blue flowers looks dainty but it’s one of the most easy winter growing bulbs you can grow and flowers within 2 or 3 years of sowing. Stays dormant in summer. Hesperantha, 3€/20seeds – Winter growing South African Iroids, this genus surprises me with how different individual species can look. Easy and flowers within 2 years from seed. H. bachmanii, 3€/20seeds H. cucullata, 3€/20seeds H. oligantha, 3€/20seeds Hyacinthoides – The Spanish bluebells (H. hispanica) are woodland bulbs under late leafing trees or semi-shady situations whereas H. vicentina is a more sun loving species and much shorter. All propagate fast by bulbs. H. hispanica blue, 3€/30seeds H. hispanica pink, 3€/30seeds H. hispanica white, 3€/30seeds H. vicentina, 3€/20seeds B260 Hypoxis hemerocallidea, 3€/20seeds – If you thought Hypoxis species are small, you haven’t seen this one. With a rhizome that can reach the size of a volleyball and long Hemerocallis like pleated leaves between which rise stems of yellow flowers for a long time in late spring and summer. Goes dormant in winter but doesn’t have to stay dry. Ipheion – Starflowers are perfect for naturalizing and multiply fast to form beautiful clumps that get covered in flowers in spring. Summer dormant but can take some summer moisture. I. 'Alberto Castillo', 3€/30seeds I. ´Charlotte Bishop´, 3€/30seeds I. ´Jessie´, 3€/30seeds Iris – The following are great Mediterranean species for the dry garden, but Louisiana and Siberica Irises need moist soil in the summer to thrive. I. hoogiana ‘Amphion’, 3.50€/5seeds I. hoogiana 'Hippolyta', 3.50€/5seeds B281 I. louisiana varieties mix, 3€/20seeds B282 I. orientalis, 3€/20seeds I. sibirica varieties mix, 3€/30seeds I. unguicularis ssp. unguicularis, large flowered form, 3.50€/20seeds Ixia – Another group of winter growing species from South Africa. I. flexuosa pink form, 3€/20seeds I. hybrids mixed, 3€/50seeds I. maculata orange, 3€/50seeds I. pumilio , 3€/20seeds I. scillaris, 3€/20seeds Lachenalia – A big genus of South African Hyacinthaceae, sometimes with scented flowers. Summer dormant bulbs tend to dry up if the pots are out in full sun so I transfer them in a cold shady spot. L. alooides var. bicolor, 3€/20seeds L. alooides var. pearsonii, 3€/20seeds L. arbuthnotiae, 3€/20seeds L. bachmanii, 3€/20seeds L. liliiflora, 3€/20seeds L. mutabilis, 4€/20seeds L. nervosa, 3.30€/20seeds L. orthopetala, 3€/20seeds L. pallida, 3.30€/20seeds L. unicolor, 3€/20seeds L. unifolia, 3€/20seeds L. violacea, 3.30€/20seeds L. zeyheri, 3€/20seeds Lapeirousia divaricata, 3€/20seeds – Lanceolate leaves and branched spikes of intricate light purple flowers with darker spots. Summer dormant. Massonia – Well known among bulb collectors for their large ovate leaves that hug the ground and beautiful short spikes of flowers. I treat them like Lachenalias, keeping them in the shade during summer, but they are generally tough things. M. echinata, 4€/20seeds M. pustulata green form, 4€/20seeds M. pustulata spotted leaves form, 4€/20seeds Melasphaerulea ramosa, 3€/20seeds – Dangling green flowers on 30/40cm branched stems, this vigorous bulb can turn into a weed in your bulb pots if you let it go to seed. Simply remove flower stems once it’s done flowering or keep it away from your collection to set seed.