1 Role of Synthesis and DNA in the Consolidation and

2 Maintenance of Long-Term Memory in Aplysia

3 Authors:KayceyPearce1, Diancai Cai1,Adam C. Roberts1,and David L. Glanzman1,2,3‡

4 Affiliations: 5 1Department of Integrative and Physiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095. 6 2Department of Neurobiology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los 7 Angeles, CA 90095. 8 3Integrative Center for Learning and Memory, Brain Research Institute, UCLA, Los 9 Angeles, CA 90095. 10 11 ‡Correspondence should be addressed to: [email protected] 12 13 Key words: 14 Long-term memory, memory consolidation, retrograde amnesia, , DNMT, 15 DNA , 16 17 Major research : 18 Aplysia californica 19 20 21 22 Abstract

23 Previously, we reported that long-term memory (LTM) in Aplysiacan be reinstated by

24 truncated (partial) training following its disruption by reconsolidation blockade and

25 inhibition of PKM (Chen et al., 2014).Here, we report thatLTM can be induced by partial

26 training after disruption of original consolidation by protein synthesis inhibition (PSI)

27 begun shortly after training. But when PSI occurs during training, partial training cannot

28 subsequently establish LTM. Furthermore, we find that inhibition of DNA

29 methyltransferase (DNMT), whether during training or shortly afterwards, blocks

30 consolidation of LTM and prevents its subsequent induction by truncated training;

31 moreover, later inhibition of DNMT eliminates consolidated LTM. Thus, the

32 consolidation of LTM depends on two functionally distinct phases of protein synthesis:

33 an early phase that appears to prime LTM; and a later phase whose successful completion

34 is necessary for the normal expression of LTM. Both the consolidation and maintenance

35 of LTM depend on DNA methylation.


37 Impact Statement

38 Behavioral and synaptic investigations of long-term memory in Aplysia reveal novel

39 functional distinctions among protein synthesis during training, protein synthesis shortly

40 after training and DNA methylation with respect to memory consolidation and

41 maintenance.


43 44

45 Introduction

46 Since the pioneering work of the Flexners(Flexner et al 1963), Agranoff(Agranoff &

47 Klinger 1964) and their colleagues, it has been widely accepted that memory

48 consolidation—the process by which a labile, short-term memory trace is transformed

49 into a stable,long-term trace (Lechner et al 1999, Müller & Pilzecker 1900)—requires

50 protein synthesis (Davis & Squire 1984, Goelet et al 1986, Hernandez & Abel 2008).

51 Moreover, the protein synthesis underlying memory consolidation has been observed to

52 exhibit a temporal gradient: inhibition of protein synthesis during or shortly after

53 trainingappears to be maximally disruptive of memory consolidation; significantly less

54 amnesia is caused by protein synthesis inhibition (PSI) that commences approximately an

55 hour or more after training (Davis & Squire 1984).

56 In general, there has been littleevidence for a functional distinction with respect to

57 memory consolidation between protein synthesis that occurs during training—hereafter

58 “early” protein synthesis—and protein synthesis that occurs within the first hour or so

59 after the end of training—hereafter “late” protein synthesis.Thus, studies have classically

60 observed significant disruptive effects on the consolidation of long-term memory (LTM)

61 whether a protein synthesis inhibitor is applied either immediately prior to, or

62 immediately after, training (e.g., Agranoff et al 1966, Barondes & Cohen 1968, Flexner

63 & Flexner 1968). Consequently, both early and late protein synthesis are commonly

64 regarded as participating in a more-or-lessunitary consolidative process. In particular,

65 protein synthesis is believed to mediate critical late events in memory consolidation,

66 including late gene via the synthesis of transcription factors, such as the 67 CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP), and the consequent synthesis of

68 involved in the construction of new synaptic connections (Bailey et al 2015, Kandel et al

69 2014).

70 One mechanism increasingly implicated in the consolidation of LTM is the

71 epigenetic process of DNA methylation (Levenson et al 2006, Maddox et al 2014, Miller

72 et al 2008, Monsey et al 2011, Oliveira 2016, Rajasethupathy et al 2012). However, the

73 relationship between protein synthesis and DNA methylation in memory consolidation is

74 unclear. Mechanistically, is protein synthesis upstream or downstream of DNA

75 methylation during consolidation? DNA methylation is usually associated with gene

76 silencing. If DNA methylation is required for the synthesis of necessary consolidative

77 proteins, this would imply that a prerequisite for this synthesis is the silencing of one or

78 more repressor genes. On the other hand, it is possible that activation of DNA

79 methyltransferase (DNMT), the family of that catalyze the transfer of a methyl

80 group to DNA, during memory consolidation itself depends on protein synthesis. Of

81 course, these two possibilities are not mutually exclusive.

82 Here, we have examined the potentially distinctive roles of early and late protein

83 synthesis in the consolidation of the LTM for behavioral sensitization in Aplysia. In

84 addition, we have tested the effect on memory consolidation of both early and late

85 inhibition of DNA methylation. We find that LTM can be induced by partial training,

86 which is insufficient to induce LTM in naïve (untrained) animals, after the disruption of

87 LTM by late, but not early, administration of a protein synthesis inhibitor. By contrast,

88 both early and late inhibition of DNMT block LTM consolidation as indicated by the

89 preclusion of subsequent memory induction by partial training. These results point to a 90 functional distinction between early and late protein synthesis in memory consolidation,

91 and suggest a potential role for early protein synthesis in DNA methylation. Finally, we

92 show that inhibition of DNMT disrupts not only the consolidation, but also the

93 persistence, of LTM; thus, the maintenance of consolidated LTM requiresongoing DNA

94 methylation.


96 Results

97 LTM can be induced by truncated sensitization training following amnesia

98 produced by posttraining PSI

99 Animals were given training that induced long-term sensitization (LTS) of the siphon

100 withdrawal reflex (SWR); this training (hereafter 5X training) consisted of five bouts of

101 tail shocks spaced 20 min apart (Cai et al 2011, Cai et al 2012, Chen et al 2014) (Figure

102 1). Control animals received no training. Then, ~ 15 min (range = 10-20 min) after

103 training, trained animals received an intrahemocoelic injection of anisomycin, a protein

104 synthesis inhibitor,or vehicle solution. Control animals received an injection of vehicle

105 solution at the equivalent experimental time. At 24 hafter training the duration of the

106 SWR was tested in all the animals (24-hposttest), after which two of the groups—the

107 control group (Control-Veh-3XTrained) and a group that had received the long-term

108 training plus the posttraining injection of anisomycin (5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained)

109 were given additional sensitization training, which consisted of three bouts of tail shocks

110 spaced 20 min apart. Previously, we found that this training (hereafter 3X training),

111 which isinsufficient to induce LTM in naïve animals,can successfully reinstate LTM

112 following its disruption by inhibition of PKM Apl III—the Aplysia homolog of PKMζ 113 (Bougie et al 2012, Bougie et al 2009)—or memory reconsolidation blockade (Chen et al

114 2014). All the groups, including the two that received the 5X training but not the 3X

115 training (5XTrained-Veh and 5XTrained-Aniso groups),were given another test at 48

116 hafter training or at the equivalent experimental time (48 hposttest).

117 The group given 5X training followed by vehicle injection (5XTrained-Veh

118 group) exhibited significant sensitization at 24 hafter training compared with the two

119 groups that received the 5X training followed by anisomycin injection (5XTrained-Aniso

120 and 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained groups), and with the control group (Control-Aniso-

121 3XTrained). The subsequent 3X training produced LTS in the 5XTrained-Aniso-

122 3XTrainedgroup, as shown by the results for the 48-hposttest.(Notice that the 3X training

123 did not induce LTS in animals that did not receive prior 5X training.)Thus, although

124 posttraining PSIproduced complete amnesia for sensitization at 24 h, it did not preclude

125 the subsequent establishment of LTS by partial training.

126 Previous work (Montarolo et al 1986)examined the effect of PSI at various times

127 after training on (5HT)-dependent, long-term facilitation (LTF) of the

128 sensorimotor synapse in dissociated cell culture, an in vitro homolog of LTS in

129 Aplysia(Kandel 2001). This work demonstrated that LTF, tested at 24 hafter training,

130 was disrupted by anisomycin applied during a 3-h period that extended from 1 hbefore

131 the onset of spaced 5HT trainingthrough 0.5 hafter training (Montarolo et al 1986).(The

132 5HT training lasted 1.5 h.)By contrast, a 3-h period of anisomycin treatment beginning at

133 either 0.5 hor 4 hafter the end of 5HT training did not block LTF. Considering our

134 behavioral results (above), we wished to determine whether exposure to a protein

135 synthesis inhibitor immediately after 5HT training would disrupt LTF at 24 hand, if so, 136 whether LTF could subsequently be induced by partial training. Accordingly, some

137 sensorimotor cocultures were treated with anisomycin (10 µM, 2 h)immediately after

138 training with five 5-min pulses of 5HT (100 µM; 5X5HT training), spaced at 15-min

139 intervals(Cai et al 2008, Chen et al 2014) (Figure 2A).To test whetherLTF could be

140 induced by partial training following its potential disruption by posttraining anisomycin

141 treatment, three spaced pulses of 5HT (3X5HT training) were used. The experiment

142 included a group of cocultures (5X5HT group) that received the full 5HT training, but not

143 the posttraining anisomycin, as well as a group (Control) that received neither the 5HT

144 nor the posttraining anisomycin. Finally, there was a group (3X5HT) that received the

145 three pulses of 5HT at 24 h, but not the initial 5X5HT training. (Cocultures not treated

146 with a drug at a particular point in the experiment were treated with standard perfusion

147 medium instead.)The application of anisomycin immediately after the 5X5HT training

148 blocked LTF at 48 h(5X5HT-Aniso group; Figure 2B, C). However, three pulses of

149 5HT applied 24 h after the original 5HT training and subsequent PSI induced LTF at 48

150 h(5X5HT-Aniso-3X5HT group). Notice that the mean EPSP in the 5X5HT-Aniso-

151 3X5HT group was not significantly different from that in the 5X5HT group, which

152 indicates that the supplementalpartial training induced normal LTF. These cellular

153 results accord with our behavioral finding that, although immediate posttraining

154 PSIdisrupts the consolidation of LTM, later abbreviated training can result in full

155 LTM.Montarolo et al. (1986) observed significant LTF when cocultures were treated

156 with anisomycin for 3 h, and even for 22 h, beginning 0.5 hafter the end of 5X5HT

157 training; the present results, taken together with those of Montarolo et al., indicate that 158 protein synthesis during a period of 30 min or so immediately following the 5X5HT

159 training is critical for the normal consolidation of LTF in Aplysia.


161 Amnesia produced by PSI during training cannot be subsequently reversed by

162 partial training

163 Castellucci et al. (1989)found that PSI during the original period of sensitization training

164 produced amnesia. We wished to determine whether LTM could be induced by partial

165 training following its disruption by PSI during sensitization training. Accordingly, we

166 performed an experiment using the identical protocol as that shown in Figure 1, except

167 that the animals received an injection of either anisomycin or vehicle ~15 min before the

168 onset of the 5X training (Figure 3).The 5X training induced LTM at the 24-hposttest in

169 animals given the vehicle (Veh-5XTraining group), but not in animals given anisomycin

170 (Aniso-5XTraining and Aniso-5XTraining-3X Training groups) prior to training.

171 Furthermore, 3X training did not produce LTM in animals that received the protein

172 synthesis inhibitor prior to 5X training, as indicated by the lack of sensitization in the

173 Aniso-5XTraining-3Xtraining at 48 h. In contrast to posttraining PSI, therefore, PSI

174 during training prevented induction of LTM by thesupplementaltruncated training.


176 Inhibition of DNA methyltransferase, whether during or shortly after

177 training,causes irreversible amnesia

178 Why should PSI during training be so devastating for the consolidation of LTM? An

179 intriguing possibility is that PSI during training obstructs DNA methylation required for

180 memory consolidation. To test this possibility, we performed experiments in which the 181 DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor RG108 was injected into animals just before

182 the onset of 5X training (Figure 4). DNMT inhibition during 5X training resulted in

183 amnesia at 24 hand 48 hposttraining (comparison of the Veh-5XTrained group with the

184 RG-5XTrained group); furthermore, subsequent 3X training did not induce LTM, as

185 shown by the 48-hdata (comparisons of the RG-5XTrained-3XTrained group with the

186 Veh-5XTrained and Veh-Control-3XTrained groups).

187 Next weexamined whetherDNMT inhibition that commenced after long-term

188 training caused amnesia and, if so, whether subsequent abbreviated training resulted in

189 LTM.Accordingly, we performed an experiment like the previous one, except that RG108

190 was injected into some animals 10-20 min after, rather than before, 5X training (Figure

191 5). Posttraining DNMT inhibition, like pretraining DNMT inhibition,blocked the

192 consolidation of LTM, as shown bythe absence of LTS at 24 hand 48 h(comparisons of

193 the 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh-3XTrained and 5XTrained-RG groups).

194 In addition,supplemental 3X training followingposttraining DNMT inhibition did not

195 induceLTM (comparisons of the 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained group with the 5XTrained-

196 Veh and Control-Veh-3XTrained groups).


198 Inhibition of DNA methyltransferase eliminates consolidated LTM

199 The failure of partialtraining to induce LTM following posttraining RG108 treatment,

200 coupled with its ability to establish LTM following posttraining PSI, suggests that DNA

201 methylation is a prerequisite for the establishment of the occult priming trace accessed by

202 partial training afterposttraining PSI. To examine this possibility, we gave animals long-

203 term behavioral sensitization training and then administered the DNMT inhibitor 24 204 hafter training (Figure 6). All animals that received the 5XTraining exhibited LTS at 24

205 h(5XTraining-Veh, 5XTraining-RG and 5XTraining-RG-3XTraining groups), as

206 indicated by the comparison with the control group (Control-Veh-3XTraining). LTS was

207 also present at 48 hin animals that received the original long-term training and an

208 injection of the vehicle after the 24-htest (5XTraining-Veh group), but not in animalsthat

209 received the 5XTraining and an injection of RG108 at 24 h(5XTraining-RG and

210 5XTraining-RG-3XTraining groups). Moreover, truncated training did not restore LTM

211 in the RG108-treated animals (comparison between the Control-Veh-3XTraining and

212 5XTraining-RG-3XTraining groups).An additional experiment using a different DNMT

213 inhibitor—5-azacytidine (5-aza)—yielded identical results (Figure 6—figure

214 supplement 1).

215 Because the animals were tested at 24 h, which was just before the application of

216 the DNMT inhibitor, it might be arguedthat the subsequent disruption of LTM was

217 mediated by blockade of memory reconsolidation(Cai et al 2012, Nader 2015), rather

218 than by the interruption of ongoing gene silencing per se. To examine this possibility, we

219 performed anexperimentlike that shown in Figure 6, but omitted the 24-htest of the

220 withdrawal reflex (Figure 7). Application of the DNMT inhibitor5-azaa little more than

221 24 hafter the 5XTraining eliminated LTM, as indicated by the lack of sensitization at 48

222 hin the 5XTrained-5aza and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained groups. In addition, treatment

223 with 5-aza precluded the subsequent establishment of LTM by partial training

224 (5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained group). Thus, the disruption of consolidated LTM by

225 DNMT inhibition after training cannot be attributed to reconsolidation blockade. 226 A potential explanation for the devastating effect of DNMT inhibition on LTM at

227 24 his that the memory for LTS is not fully consolidated by this time. To test whether

228 inhibition of DNA methylation would eliminate LTM at a later posttraining time, we

229 performed experiments in which RG108 was administered 5 d after training. Here,

230 animals were giventhe standard 5X training, tested for LTS 5 d later, and then given an

231 injection of either RG108 or vehicle solution(LATE treatment condition)(Figure 8A).

232 All animals were retested at 6 d, after which some animals were given 3X training.

233 Finally, all animals were tested once more at 7 d. The 5X training produced LTS that

234 persisted for 7 d after training (5XTrained-VehLATE group vs. Control-VehLATE-

235 3XTrained group) (Figure 8B). DNMT inhibition at 5 d after 5X training eliminated

236 LTS (comparisons between the 5XTrained-RGLATEand 5XTrained-VehLATE groups, and

237 between the 5XTrained-RGLATE and Control-VehLATE-3XTrained groups), and partial

238 retraining at 6 d failed to reinstate it (comparisons between the 5XTrained-RGLATE-

239 3XTrained and 5XTrained-VehLATE groups, and between the 5XTrained-RGLATE-

240 3XTrained and Control-VehLATE-3XTrained groups).

241 Another argument against the notion that consolidated LTM can be erased by

242 DNMT inhibition is that DNMT inhibitors may injure the animals, or degrade their health

243 or responsiveness in other ways. As a test for nonspecific, health-related effects of

244 RG108, we assessed whether LTS could be reinducedin animals by 5X training following

245 the elimination of LTS by administration of the DNMT inhibitor. We performed an

246 experiment like that shown in Figure 6, except that animals given RG108 at 24 hreceived

247 5 bouts of training (that is, full LTS training) at 48 hrather than 3 bouts of training (partial

248 training) (Figure 9A). As before, LTS was absent 24 hafter administration of RG108 249 (comparisons between the 5XTrained-Veh group and the 5XTrained-RG and 5XTrained-

250 RG-5XTrained groups at 48 h); nonetheless, 5Xtraining after the 48-htest successfully

251 reinducedLTS (comparisons between the 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained group and the

252 5XTrained-Veh and the 5XTrained-RG groups at 72 h) (Figure 9B). Thus, the apparent

253 elimination of LTM following treatment with RG108 cannot be ascribed to a deleterious

254 effect of the drug on the health of the animals. Taken together, our results strongly argue

255 that the maintenance of LTM in Aplysiarequires ongoing DNA methylation.


257 Discussion

258 We have shown that protein synthesis during and shortly after sensitization training is

259 essential for the normal consolidation of LTM in Aplysia. Our results therefore confirm

260 previous results obtained in Aplysia by Montarolo et al. (1986) and Castellucci et al.

261 (1989), as well in vertebrates by many groups (reviewed in Davis & Squire 1984,

262 Hernandez & Abel 2008). In addition, however, we have significantly extendedprior

263 findings regarding protein synthesis and memory consolidation through our

264 demonstration that LTM can be induced by supplemental partial training following its

265 disruption by PSI shortly after the original (full) LTS training, but not following PSI

266 during the originalLTS training. Thus, the present results reveal a novel functional

267 distinction between the mnemonic role of protein synthesis during training and that of

268 protein synthesis shortly after training.An early study in Aplysia indicated that bath-

269 applied anisomycin (18 µM) produces rapid (≤ 15 min), nearly complete (95-99%)

270 inhibition of protein synthesis, as measured by the incorporation of leucine into proteins

271 in identified central neurons (Schwartz et al 1971). Because the pretraininginjections of 272 anisomycin in our study were made 10-20 min prior to the onset of training, and because

273 the duration of the 5Xtraining in our study was ~80 min, thepretraining anisomycin

274 treatment would be expected to produce > 90% disruption of protein synthesis in the

275 animals throughout much, if not all, of the training period. The posttraining injections of

276 anisomycin in our study were made 10-20 min after the end of 5X training; if one

277 assumes a maximum post-injection time of 15 min for the onset of significant PSI within

278 the central nervous system (CNS) of the animals (Schwartz et al 1971)—drugs injected

279 into the hemocoel of Aplysia have ready access to the CNS due to the open circulatory

280 system and lack of a blood-brain barrier in gastropod mollusks (Abbott et al 1986)—then

281 the posttraining injections of anisomycin should have begun to inhibit protein synthesis

282 by > 90% within 30 min after the end of 5X training.Our results indicate that proteins

283 synthesized during training (early protein synthesis)play a specialrole in the consolidation

284 of LTM. Specifically, early protein synthesis causes the generation ofa priming

285 component that allows LTM to be later established by partial training if it is disrupted

286 byposttraining PSI (Figures 1 and2).Barzilai et al.(1989) reported that a 1.5 h treatment

287 with 5HT produces the rapid onset (< 30 min) of the synthesis of several (unidentified)

288 proteins; in addition, the synthesis of some of these proteins depends on gene

289 transcription, suggesting that they represent immediate-early proteins.Thus, the priming

290 component induced by early protein synthesis in our study may be the product of

291 immediate-early gene transcription. In support of this idea, Rajasethupathy et al.

292 (2012)found that exposure to five spaced pulses of 5HT downregulated the expression of

293 the transcriptional repressor CREB2 in Aplysia sensory neurons; moreover, this

294 downregulation depended on methylation of the CREB2 gene, because it was blocked by 295 the DNMT inhibitor RG108. CREB2 is regarded as a memory suppressor in

296 Aplysia(Abel et al 1998)(although see Hu et al 2015); blockade of CREB2 activity (by

297 means of a function-blocking antiserum) in Aplysia sensory neuronshas been shown to

298 facilitate the induction of LTF(Bartsch et al 1995). The memory suppressive effect of

299 CREB2 is due, at least in part, to the repression of CREB1 activation and the downstream

300 expression of immediate-early genes, includingthe C/EBP(Alberini et al 1994, Alberini &

301 Kandel 2014). Thus, the expression of CREB1-dependent immediate-early genes,

302 enabled through 5HT-induced DNA methylation of CREB2, could form the priming

303 memory component revealed by the present experiments. According to this idea, DNA

304 methylation would be upstream from the early protein synthesis required for memory

305 consolidation in Aplysia.

306 The blockade of protein synthesisshortly after (i.e., starting ~ 30 min

307 after)training, albeit disruptive of LTM, as indicated by the absence of LTM at 24

308 hfollowing posttrainingPSI,nonetheless does not preclude the subsequent induction of

309 LTM by partial training. (Note that our results appear to partly contradict those of

310 Montarolo et al. (1986) who observed that anisomycin applied to sensorimotor cocultures

311 starting at 30 min after 5X5HT training did not block LTF; however, the onset of the

312 anisomycin application in our experiments was ~15min earlier than in the Montarolo et

313 al. study, which may explain the apparent discrepancy in results.) In support of the

314 present findings, Shobe et al. (2016) have recently reported that consolidation of the

315 LTM for sensitization is disrupted by posttraining application of the protein synthesis

316 inhibitor emetine to a reduced preparation of Aplysia. Therefore, PSI after training does

317 not disrupt the memory primer, which is induced by early protein synthesis(Figure 3). It 318 seems likely, moreover, that it is the persistence of this primer that underlies the ability of

319 truncated training to reinstate LTM following its disruption by reconsolidation blockade

320 or inhibition of PKM (Chen et al 2014).

321 How can truncated training establish LTM following impairment of memory

322 consolidation by posttraining PSI, and also reinstate consolidated LTMafter its disruption

323 by reconsolidation blockade or inhibition of PKM (Chen et al 2014)?One possibilityis

324 that protein synthesis—in addition to signaling by one or more growth-related factors (Hu

325 et al 2004, Kopec et al 2015, Zhang et al 1997)—during long-term training results in

326 persistent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) (Martin et al 1997,

327 Sharma et al 2003b), and it is the sustained MAPK activity that enables reinstatement of

328 LTM by partial training. In support of this idea,sensitization training that is sufficient to

329 induce LTM has recently been found to cause prolonged (1-h) posttraining activation of

330 MAPK(Shobe et al 2016). But posttraining PSI disrupts this persistent

331 MAPKactivity(Shobe et al 2016), and we have shown that the memory priming signal is

332 maintained despite posttraining blockade of translation (Figures 1 and 2). Although the

333 priming signal cannot therefore be MAPK itself, it could be a signal downstream from

334 activated MAPK. Martin et al. (1997) showed that during 5HT-induced LTF MAPK

335 translocates to the nucleus of sensory neurons; this nuclear translocation is required for

336 LTF. Possibly, the priming signal is a nuclear change downstreamof MAPK. Epigenetic

337 modifications are attractive candidates for the priming signal. Indeed, MAPK-dependent

338 increases in the of H3 have been implicated in LTM in rats

339 (Chwang et al 2006)and snails (Danilova et al 2010). Furthermore,we previously showed

340 that inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) permitted 3X sensitization training to 341 induce LTM in naïve, untrained animals(Chen et al 2014). Thus, persistent histone

342 modifications induced by 5X training may provide the scaffolding necessary for later

343 reconstruction of LTM by partial training during memory reinstatement. Besides

344 MAPK-dependentepigenetic modifications, other candidates for the priming signal

345 include small, non-coding , the expression of which is induced by 5HT training

346 during LTF (Rajasethupathy et al 2012).In future researchwe will seek to identify the

347 memory priming signal.

348 Our demonstration that LTM can be fully established by abbreviated training after

349 being disrupted by posttraining PSI echoes recent findings for contextual fear memory in

350 mice by Tonegawa and colleagues (Ryan et al 2015). These investigators

351 usedoptogenetic stimulation of hippocampal neurons that had been active during fear

352 conditioning to restore LTM after the induction of retrograde amnesia by posttraining

353 treatment with anisomycin. Similar to our finding that LTFwas absent at 24 hin

354 sensorimotor cocultures after 5X5HT training followed by exposure to anisomycin

355 (Figure 2), Ryan et al. observed an absence of learning-induced long-term potentiation

356 (LTP)(Herring & Nicoll 2016)in hippocampal slices from anisomycin-treated animals;

357 this synaptic disruption correlated with retrograde amnesia.Despite the lack of persistent

358 synaptic changes widely regarded as hallmarks of consolidated memory (Bailey et al

359 2015, Dudai et al 2015), some aspect of LTM nonetheless enduredin the two studies.

360 Ryan et al. (2015) did not test whether LTM could be induced by optogenetic

361 stimulation subsequent toPSI during fear conditioning, nor did they propose a specific

362 storage mechanism for LTM. Our datapoint to DNA methylation as being essential for

363 the consolidationof LTM. Prior work in mammals also supports a critical role for DNA 364 methylation in memory consolidation (Halder et al 2016, Levenson et al 2006, Miller et

365 al 2008, Miller & Sweatt 2007, Monsey et al 2011, Oliveira 2016). More relevantly,

366 Kandel and colleagues reported that RG108 blocks the establishment of LTF in Aplysia

367 sensorimotor cocultures, and that this effect is due, at least in part, to blockade of 5HT-

368 induced methylation of the gene for the transcriptional repressor CREB2 (Rajasethupathy

369 et al 2012). The present results elaborate upon this idea; besides showing that the

370 consolidation of LTM in Aplysiarequires epigenetic suppression of one or more memory

371 repressor processes, our results suggest the intriguing possibility that this suppressionmay

372 depend on early protein synthesis. Although little is known at present regarding the

373 potential role of protein synthesis in DNA modification, a report that activity-dependent

374 induction of a specific gene, Gadd45b, is essential for DNA in the

375 mammalian hippocampus(Ma et al 2009)is consistent with this idea.Furthermore, in their

376 study of the epigenetic regulation ofmemory consolidation in Aplysia, Rajasethupathy et

377 al. (2012) found that DNA methylation of CREB2 was regulated by a neuronally

378 expressed Piwi protein. Perhaps the early protein synthesis mediating the consolidation

379 of LTM involves the expression of Piwi in Aplysia. In the absence of direct evidence that

380 protein synthesis triggers DNA methylation in Aplysia, however, it isat least as

381 plausiblethat the process of DNA methylation is upstream, rather than downstream, of

382 early protein synthesis in the consolidation of LTM, as discussed above.

383 Given, as our results indicate, that the consolidation of LTM in Aplysia depends

384 critically on the silencing of one or more genes whose protein productsact to

385 repressmemory, whatare potential candidates for this memory repressive function? An

386 obvious candidate, of course, is CREB2 (Bartsch et al 1995, Rajasethupathy et al 2012), 387 but there are others. For example, phosphatases have been proposed to subserve memory

388 repression in mammals. Miller and Sweatt(2007) found that infusionof a DNMT

389 inhibitor into the hippocampus of rats immediately after contextual fear conditioning

390 blocked the consolidation of fear memory as assessed 24 hlater, and that this effect was

391 due, in part, to DNA methylation of the gene for protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). Another

392 phosphatase that may subserve memory repression, and whose gene may become

393 silenced by DNA methylation during learning, is calcineurin (protein phosphatase

394 2B)(Baumgartel & Mansuy 2012). Calcineurin activity suppresses the induction of

395 hippocampal LTP (Winder et al 1998, Winder & Sweatt 2001). Moreover, genetically

396 overexpressing calcineurin in the brains of mice disrupts the consolidation of

397 LTM(Mansuy et al 1998), whereas genetically inhibiting calcineurin enhances

398 hippocampal LTP and LTM in mice (Malleret et al 2001). In addition, Baumgärtel et al.

399 (2008) reported that calcineurin activity is inhibited in the amygdala during the

400 consolidation of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) in mice, and thatthe level of

401 calcineurin activity during learning determines the strength of the CTA memory.In

402 Aplysiathe effects of genetically inhibiting or overexpressing either PP1 or calcineurin on

403 LTM have yet to be examined. However, both phosphatases modulate the CREB-

404 mediated response to extracellular stimuli in Aplysiasignaling pathways (Hawkins et al

405 2006). Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of calcineurin has been shown to facilitate

406 the induction of the LTM for sensitization in Aplysia(Sharma et al 2003a).

407 Besides demonstrating a role for DNA methylation in memory consolidation, the

408 present study shows that ongoing DNA methylation plays a crucial role in memory

409 maintenance. This finding resonates with those from recent work in mammals (Halder et 410 al 2016, Miller et al 2010, Mizuno et al 2012), as well asin invertebrates (Biergans et al

411 2015, Lukowiak et al 2014). We do not know the identity of the gene or genes whose

412 persistent methylation underlies memory maintenance in Aplysia.The gene for CREB2 is

413 one possibility; but a recent study using sensorimotor cocultures foundthat a long-lasting

414 increase in postsynaptic CREB2 expression mediated the maintenance of LTF beginning

415 48 hafter the induction of synaptic plasticity(Hu et al 2015), which is inconsistent with a

416 role for the continuous silencing of the CREB2 gene in the maintenance of sensitization

417 memory.Interestingly, Miller et al. (2010)observed persistent DNA methylation of the

418 gene for calcineurinin the anterior cingulate cortex of rats trainedcontextual fear

419 conditioning. The notion thatongoing suppression of calcineurin activity via gene

420 silencing mediates LTM maintenance in Aplysiais attractive in light of previous data

421 implicating calcineurin activity in the inhibition of LTM(Sharma et al 2003a);

422 nonetheless, to date no evidence supports a role for calcineurin in the maintenance of

423 memory in Aplysia.

424 A unique and fascinating aspect of the present results is that they enable a direct

425 comparison ofthe effecton the persistence of a single, specific form of memory—LTS in

426 Aplysia—of inhibiting DNA methylationwith those for two other manipulations that have

427 been purported to eliminate consolidated LTM, inhibition of PKMζ(Sacktor 2011)and

428 reconsolidation blockade(Nader 2015). Previously, we showedthat although inhibition of

429 PKM Apl III, the Aplysia homolog of PKMζ(Bougie et al 2012, Bougie et al 2009), and

430 reconsolidation blockade both disrupt the consolidated LTM for behavioral sensitization

431 in Aplysia(Cai et al 2011, Cai et al 2012), the memory can nonetheless be fully reinstated

432 using truncated sensitization training (Chen et al 2014). By contrast, as shown in the 433 present study, the LTM for sensitization cannot be reinstated after its disruption by

434 inhibition of DNMT (Figures 6-9). This finding indicatesthat the ongoing DNA

435 methylation of one or more genesis a precondition for memory maintenance, and,

436 moreover, thatsome essential priming component of LTM, one whose persistence enables

437 LTM reinstatement, must be impervious to the disruptive effects of PKM inhibition and

438 of reconsolidation blockade, but eliminable by inhibition of DNMT.

439 In summary, we have found thattwo functionally distinct periods of protein

440 synthesis regulate the consolidation of LTM in Aplysia. The earlier period occurs during

441 training (and, possibly,extends into the immediate posttraining period as well); it involves

442 the production of a memory priming element. The later period starts within 30 min after

443 training; proteins synthesized during this posttraining period are required for the normal

444 expression of LTM. Nonetheless, inhibition of the synthesis of these late proteins, albeit

445 disruptive of LTM, does not impair the priming element, whose occult presence permits

446 LTM to be established by supplemental partial training following its disruption by

447 posttraining PSI. Finally, we have shown that both the consolidation and maintenance of

448 LTM in Aplysiadepend, in part, on gene silencing via DNA methylation. Future work

449 will be required to determine the identity of the gene/s whose DNA methylation is

450 required for the induction and persistence of LTM, and whether this methylation is

451 triggered by early protein synthesis.


453 Materials and methods

454 Behavioral training and testing. Adult Aplysia californica (80-120 g) were supplied by

455 Alacrity Marine Biological Services (Redondo Beach, CA, USA) and housed in cooled 456 (12-14°C), aerated seawater. The behavioral training, testing, and drug injection methods

457 were described in our previous study (Chen et al 2014).


459 Cell culture and electrophysiology

460 The cell culture, electrophysiological recording, 5HT training, and anisomycin treatment

461 methods were like those previously described (Cai et al 2011, Chen et al 2014).


463 Drug preparation. The protein synthesis inhibitor, anisomycin, was prepared for injection

464 as was previously done (Chen et al 2014). The DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitors

465 RG108 (Sigma, St Louis, MO) and 5-azadeoxycytidine (5-aza; EMD Millipore, Billerica,

466 MA) were dissolved in DMSO to a concentration of 25 mM to make a stock solution. To

467 inhibit DNMT, a volume of 100 μl per 100 g of body weight of either RG108 or 5-aza was

468 injected into the animals. The specific times at which the intrahemocoel injections were

469 made are indicated in the relevant figures.


471 Statistical analysis.SPSS 22.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY) was used for the statistical analysis.

472 For the analysis of the behavioral data, a repeated-measures two-way analysis of variance

473 (ANOVA) was first performed on the overall data. Once the repeated-measures ANOVA

474 showed a significant interaction, one-way ANOVAs were carried out on the separate test

475 times, followed by Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) posthoc tests for pairwise

476 comparisons. For the synaptic data, the EPSP amplitude of the posttest was normalized

477 to that of the pretest for the same coculture. The normalized data were expressed as

478 means ± SEM. One-way ANOVA was performed on the overall data, followed by 479 Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) posthoc tests for pairwise comparisons. All reported

480 levels of significance represent two-tailed values unless otherwise indicated.


482 Acknowledgements

483 This study was supported by research grants to DLG from the National Institute of

484 Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH R01 NS029563), the National Institute of

485 Mental Health (NIH R01 MH096120), and the National Science Foundation (IOS

486 1121690). We thank S Apichon, B Cheema, ME Kimbrough, V Kong, D Miresmaili, EJ

487 Moc, A Rangchi, R Sumner, X. Zhao and A Zobi for assistance with the behavioral

488 training, and S Chen, A Bédécarrats, FB Krasne and WS Sossin for helpful comments on

489 the manuscript.





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672 Figure Legends 673 Figure 1. LTS can be established by truncated training following its disruption by a

674 posttraining PSI. (A) Experimental protocols. The times of the pretests, training,

675 posttests, and drug/vehicle injections are shown relative to the end of the fifth bout of

676 sensitization training (time = 0). The time of the intrahemocoelic injection of anisomycin

677 or vehicle is indicated by the red arrow. After the 24-hposttest, animals in the Control-

678 Veh-3XTrained and 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained groups received truncated sensitization

679 training (3 bouts of tail shocks). (B)The mean duration of the SWR measured at 24 hand

680 48 hfor the Control-Veh-3XTrained (n = 7), 5XTrained-Veh (n = 6), 5XTrained-Aniso (n

681 = 5), and 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained (n = 6) groups. A repeated-measures ANOVA

682 indicated that there was a significant group x time interaction (F[6,40] = 210.9, p <

683 0.0001).Subsequent planned comparisonsindicated that the overall differences among the

684 four groups were highly significant on all of the posttests (24 h, F[3,20] = 456.7, p<

685 0.0001; and 48 h, F[3,20] = 250.6, p< 0.0001). SNK posthoc tests revealed that the initial

686 sensitization training produced significant LTS, as indicated by the increased mean

687 duration of the SWR, in the 5XTrained-Veh group (56.7 ± 2.2 s) at 24 hcompared with

688 that in the Control-Veh-3XTrained (1.9 ± 0.9 s, p< 0.001). The mean duration of the

689 SWR in the5XTrained-Veh group at 24 h was also significantly longer than that in the

690 5XTrained-Aniso (1.4 ± 0.4 s, p< 0.001), and 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained groups (1.7 ±

691 0.7 s, p< 0.001). The differences among the Control-Veh-3XTrained, 5XTrained-Aniso

692 and 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained groups were not significant at 24 h. The mean duration

693 of the SWR in the 5XTrained-Veh group (58.2 ± 1.8 s) was still protracted at 48 h, and

694 was significantly longer than that in the Control-Veh-3XTrained group (1.1 ± 0.2 s), as

695 well as that in the 5XTrained-Aniso group (1.2 ± 0.2 s, p< 0.001 for both comparisons). 696 LTS was induced in the 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained group by the three additional tail

697 shocks applied after the 24-hposttest. The mean duration of the SWR in this group at 48

698 hwas 49.7 ± 3.4 s, which was significantly longer than that for the Control-Veh-

699 3XTrained group. In addition, the mean duration of the reflex in the 5XTrained-Aniso-

700 3XTrained group was longer than that in 5XTrained-Aniso group, but still significantly

701 shorter than that in the 5XTrained-Veh group at 48 h(p< 0.01). Asterisks, comparisons of

702 the 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh-3XTrained group, the 5XTrained-Aniso

703 group, and 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained group at 24 h; and comparisons of the

704 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh-3XTrained group and the 5XTrained-Aniso

705 group at 48 h. Pound signs, comparison of the 5XTrained-Veh with the 5XTrained-

706 Aniso-3XTrained group at 48 h.Plus signs, comparisons of the 5XTrained-Aniso-

707 3XTrained group with the Control-Veh-3XTrained and 5XTrained-Aniso groups at 48 h.

708 Here and in subsequent figures one symbol indicates p< 0.05; two symbols, p< 0.01; and

709 three symbols, p< 0.001. Error bars in this and subsequent figures represent ± SEM.


711 Figure 2. Partial training induces LTF following its disruption by PSI immediately after

712 long-term training. (A) Experimental protocols. The initial training consisted of five 5-

713 min pulses of 100 µM 5HT (5X5HT) spaced at 15-min intervals. Cocultures in the

714 5X5HT-Aniso and 5X5HT-Aniso-3X5HT groups were treated with anisomycin (10 µM,

715 red bar) for 2 h immediately after the 5X5HT training. Three 5-min pulses of 5HT (100

716 µM; 3X5HT training) were given to cocultures in the 5X5HT-Aniso-3X5HT group at 24

717 hafter 5X5HT training, as well as to cocultures in the 3X5HT group at the equivalent

718 experimental time. (B) Sample EPSPs. Each pair of traces shows EPSPs recorded from 719 the same coculture on the pretest and posttest. Scale bars: 10 mV, 100 ms.(C) Graph

720 presenting the mean normalized EPSPs, measured at 48 h, for the five experimental

721 groups: Control (n = 13), 3X5HT (n = 12), 5X5HT (n = 16), 5X5HT-Aniso (12), and

722 5X5HT-Aniso-3X5HT (n = 7). A one-way ANOVAindicated that the overall differences

723 among the five groups were highly significant (F[4,55] = 7.9, p< 0.0001). SNK posthoc

724 tests showed that the mean normalized EPSP in the 5X5HT group (216.6% ± 30.6%) at

725 48 hwas significantly larger than that in the Control (113.1% ± 11.1%, p< 0.01), 3X5HT

726 (90.8% ± 17.9%, p< 0.001), and 5X5HT-Aniso (76.1% ± 16.4%, p< 0.001) groups. The

727 mean normalized EPSP in the 5X5HT-Aniso-3X5HT group (196.5% ± 26.8%) was also

728 significantly larger than that in the Control (p< 0.05), 3X5HT (p< 0.05), and 5X5HT-

729 Aniso (p< 0.05) groups. None of the other differences among the groups was significant.


731 Figure 3. LTS cannot be induced by partial trainingwhen PSI occurs during the original

732 (5X) sensitization training. (A) Experimental protocols. The times at which the pretests,

733 training, posttests, and drug/vehicle injections occurred are shown relative to the end of

734 the last training session. The red arrow indicates when either anisomycin or vehicle was

735 injected into the hemocoel.(B)The mean duration of the SWR measured at 24 hand 48

736 hfor the Veh-Control-3XTrained (n = 5), Veh-5XTrained (n = 8), Aniso-5XTrained (n =

737 6), and Aniso-5XTrained-3XTrained (n = 6) groups. A repeated-measures ANOVA

738 showed a significant group x time interaction (F[6,42] = 40.9, p < 0.0001).Planned

739 comparisonsindicated that the group differences were highly significant for both 24-

740 h(F[3,21] = 43.9, p< 0.0001) and 48-h(F[3,21] = 45.4, p< 0.0001) posttests. SNK posthoc

741 tests revealed that the 5X training produced sensitization of the SWR in the Veh- 742 5XTrained group (mean duration = 50.1 ± 5.6 s) at 24 hcompared with the results for the

743 Veh-Control-3XTrained group (mean duration of the SWR =1.4 ± 0.4 s, p< 0.001). In

744 addition, the SWR in the Veh-5XTrained group was significantly longer than that in the

745 Aniso-5XTrained group (2.2 ± 1.2 s, p< 0.001) and the Aniso-5XTrained-3XTrained

746 group (4.0 ± 2.3 s, p< 0.001). The differences among the Veh-Control-3XTrained, Aniso-

747 5XTrained and Aniso-5XTrained-3XTrained groups were not significant at 24 h. The

748 SWR in the Veh-5XTrained group (mean duration = 49.8 ± 5.8 s) remained sensitized at

749 48 h, as indicated by the comparison with the reflex in the Veh-Control-3XTrained group

750 (mean duration = 1.2 ± 0.2 s). The SWR was also significantly prolonged in the Veh-

751 5XTrained group compared with that in the Aniso-5XTrained group (mean duration = 2.0

752 ± 1.0 s, p< 0.001 for both comparisons). The three tail shocks applied after the 24-

753 hposttest did not establish LTS in the Aniso-5XTrained-3XTrained group. The mean

754 duration of the SWR in this group at 48 hwas 2.2 ± 1.2 s, which was not significantly

755 different from that in the Veh-Control-3XTrained and Aniso-5XTrained groups. The

756 SWR of the Veh-5XTrained group at 48 hwas significantly longer than that in the Aniso-

757 5XTrained-3XTrained group (p< 0.001). Asterisks, comparisons of the Veh-5XTrained

758 group with the Veh-Control-3XTrained group, the Aniso-5XTrained group, and Aniso-

759 5XTrained-3XTrained group.


761 Figure 4. DNMT inhibition during the original (5X) sensitization training precludes the

762 ability of subsequent partial training to induce LTS. (A)Experimental protocol. The times

763 of occurrence of the pretests, training, posttests, and drug/vehicle injections are shown

764 relative to the end of the last training session. Either RG108 or vehicle was injected into 765 the hemocoel at the time indicated by the red arrow. (B)The mean duration of the SWR

766 measured at 24 hand 48 hfor the Veh-Control-3XTrained (n = 7), Veh-5XTrained (n = 7),

767 RG-5XTrained (n = 8), and RG-5XTrained-3XTrained (n = 7) groups. A repeated-

768 measures ANOVA indicated that there was a significant group x time interaction (F[6,50] =

769 73.6, p < 0.0001).Subsequent planned comparisonsshowed that the overall differences

770 among the four groups for the 24-hand 48-hposttests were highly significant (24 h, F[3,25]

771 = 197.9, p< 0.0001; and 48 h, F[3,25] = 82.8, p< 0.0001). As revealed by SNK posthoc

772 tests, the SWR exhibited sensitization at 24 hin the Veh-5XTrained group (mean duration

773 = 54.0 ± 3.4 s) compared withthat in the Veh-Control-3XTrained group (mean duration =

774 1.3 ± 0.3 s, p< 0.001). The differences in duration of the SWR at 24 hamong the Veh-

775 Control-3XTrained, RG-5XTrained (3.6 ± 1.3 s), and RG-5XTrained-3XTrained (1.9 ±

776 0.6 s) groups were not significant. Sensitization of the SWR was maintained in the Veh-

777 5XTrained group (mean duration of the reflex = 55.3 ± 3.6 s) at 48 h, as shown by the

778 comparison with the Veh-Control-3XTrained group (mean duration of thereflex = 1.6 ±

779 0.6 s, p< 0.001). There were no significant differences among the Veh-Control-

780 3XTrained, RG-5XTrained (mean duration of the SWR = 3.1 ± 1.2 s), and RG-

781 5XTrained-3XTrained (mean duration of the SWR = 5.7 ± 4.4 s) groups at 48 h,

782 indicating that the three additional bouts of tail shocks given to the latter group after the

783 24-hposttest failed to induce LTS. Asterisks, comparisons of the Veh-5XTrained group

784 with the Veh-Control-3XTrained group, the RG-5XTrained group, and the RG-

785 5XTrained-3XTrained group.

786 787 Figure 5. Posttraining inhibition of DNMT precludes later induction of LTS by partial

788 training. (A)Experimental protocol. The times at which the pretests, training, posttests,

789 and drug/vehicle injections occurred are shown relative to the end of the last training

790 session. The time of the intrahemocoelic injection of either RG108 or vehicle is

791 indicated by the red arrow. After the 24-hposttest, animals in the Control-Veh-3XTrained

792 and 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained groups received 3X sensitization training. (B)The mean

793 duration of the SWR measured at 24 hand 48 hfor the Control-Veh-3XTrained (n = 8),

794 5XTrained-Veh (n = 8), 5XTrained-RG (n = 7), and 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained (n = 6)

795 groups. A repeated-measures ANOVA showed that the group x time interaction was

796 significant (F[6,50] = 64.7, p < 0.0001). The overall differences among the four groups for

797 the 24-hand 48-hposttests were highly significant, as indicated by a one-way ANOVA(24

798 h, F[3,25] = 82.6, p< 0.0001; and 48 h, F[3,25] = 69.2, p< 0.0001). SNK posthoc tests

799 revealed significantly greater sensitization in the 5XTrained-Veh group at 24 h(mean

800 duration of the SWR = 53.1 ± 5.1 s) than in the Control-Veh-3XTrained group (mean

801 duration of the SWR = 2.1 ± 0.9 s, p< 0.001). The differences among the 5XTrained-RG

802 (mean duration of the SWR = 1.7 ± 0.7 s), 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained (mean duration of

803 the SWR = 2.2 ± 0.7 s), and Control-Veh-3XTrained groups at 24 hwere not significant.

804 Sensitization persisted in the 5XTrained-Veh group at 48 h(mean duration of the SWR =

805 48.3 ± 5.0 s) compared with the Control-Veh-3XTrained group (mean duration of the

806 SWR = 1.6 ± 0.3 s, p< 0.001). The failure of the 3X training to induce sensitization in the

807 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained group was shown by the lack of significant differences

808 between this group (mean duration of the SWR = 2.8 ± 1.2 s) and the Control-Veh-

809 3XTrained group at 48 h. There was also no significant difference between the mean 810 duration of the reflex in the 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained group andthat in the 5XTrained-

811 RG (2.3 ± 1.0 s) group at 48 h. Asterisks, comparisons of the 5XTrained-Veh group with

812 the Control-Veh-3XTrained group, the 5XTrained-RG group, and the 5XTrained-RG-

813 3XTrained group.


815 Figure 6. Inhibition of DNMT with RG108 eliminates established LTS in Aplysia. (A)

816 Experimental protocol. The occurrences of the pretests, training, posttests, and

817 drug/vehicle injections are shown relative to the end of the last training session. Either

818 RG108 or vehicle was injected into the animals at the time indicated by the red arrow.

819 After the 48 h posttest, animals in the Control-Veh-3XTrained and 5XTrained-RG-

820 3XTrained groups received 3 bouts of sensitization training.(B) RG108 treatment at 24 h

821 after training abolished LTS. There were four experimental groups: Control-Veh-

822 3XTrained group (n = 6), 5XTrained-Veh group (n = 6), 5XTrained-RG group (n = 6),

823 and 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained group (n = 6). A repeated-measures ANOVA disclosed a

824 significant group x time interaction (F[9,60] = 22.9, p < 0.0001).Subsequent planned

825 comparisonsshowed that the overall differences among the four groups for the 24, 48 and

826 72 h posttests were highly significant (24 h, F[3,20] = 13.8, p< 0.0001; 48 h, F[3,20] = 28.6,

827 p< 0.0001;and 72 h, F[3,20] = 27.9, p< 0.0001). Animals in all three groups trained with

828 five bouts of tail shocks exhibited significant sensitization at 24 h, as indicated by SNK

829 posthoc tests. Thus, the mean SWR was longer in the 5XTrained-Veh (45.7 ± 6.9 s),

830 5XTrained-RG (42.2 ± 6.7 s), and 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained (47.5 ± 6.5 s) groups than

831 that in the Control-Veh-3XTrained group (2.0 ± 0.7 s;p< 0.001 for each comparison).

832 However, although the 5XTrained-Veh group exhibited significant sensitization on 833 boththe 48-h (mean SWR = 43.7 ± 7.6 s) and 72-h (mean SWR = 41.0 ± 7.3 s) posttests,

834 sensitization was absent in both groups of RG108-treated animals after 24 h. Posthoc

835 tests revealed no significant differences for any of the comparisons between the Control-

836 Veh-3XTrained group and the 5XTrained-RG group, or the 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained

837 group, on the posttests after 24 h. Therefore, inhibiting DNMT with RG108 24 h after

838 training erased established LTS. There was no evidence of spontaneous recovery of

839 sensitization over the 48-h period after RG108 injection; furthermore, three additional

840 bouts of training failed to reinstate LTS. Asterisks, comparisons of the 5XTrained-Veh,

841 5XTrained-RG, and 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained groups with the Control-Veh-3XTrained

842 group at 24 h; and comparison of the 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh-

843 3XTrained at 48 and 72 h. Plus signs, comparisons of the 5XTrained-Veh group with the

844 5XTrained-RG and 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained groups at 48 and 72 h.

845 Figure 6–figure supplement 1. Inhibition of DNMT with 5-azadeoxycytidine (5-aza)

846 also eliminates established LTS in Aplysia.


848 Figure 6–figure supplement 1. Inhibition of DNMT with 5-azadeoxycytidine (5-aza)

849 also eliminates established LTS in Aplysia. (A) Experimental protocol. The occurrences

850 of the pretests, training, posttests, and drug/vehicle injections are shown relative to the

851 end of the last training session. The red arrow indicates the time at which either the drug

852 or the vehicle was injected into animals. After the 48-hposttest, animals in the Control-

853 Veh-3XTrained and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained groups received 3 additionalbouts of

854 sensitization training.(B)5-aza treatment at 24 hafter training abolished LTS. There were

855 four experimental groups: Control-Veh-3XTrained group (n = 11), 5XTrained-Veh group 856 (n = 8), 5XTrained-5aza group (n = 8), and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained group (n = 10). A

857 repeated-measures ANOVA indicated that there was a significant group x time

858 interaction (F[9,99] = 132.2, p < 0.0001).The overall differences among the four groups at

859 24 h, 48 hand 72 hwere highly significant (24 h, F[3,33] = 145.9, p< 0.0001; 48 h, F[3,33] =

860 145.7, p< 0.0001;and 72 h, F[3,33] = 99.3, p< 0.0001), as revealed by a one-way ANOVA.

861 SNK posthoc tests on the 24-hdata showed that the mean SWR was significantly more

862 prolonged in the 5XTrained-Veh (53.9 ± 3.5 s), 5XTrained-5aza (59.4 ± 0.6 s), and

863 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained (55.0 ± 3.4 s) groups than that in the Control-Veh-3XTrained

864 group (1.3 ± 0.3 s; p< 0.001 for each comparison).The 5XTrained-Veh group also

865 exhibited significant sensitization at both 48 h (mean duration of the SWR = 55.3 ± 4.8

866 s)and 72 h (mean duration of the SWR = 54.4 ± 5.6 s;p< 0.001 for both comparisons with

867 the Control-Veh-3XTrained group). However, sensitization was absent in the 5XTrained-

868 5aza and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained groups at both 48 hand 72 h, as indicated by

869 comparisons with the Control-Veh-3XTrained group. There were no significant

870 differences for any of the comparisons among the Control-Veh-3XTrained, 5XTrained-

871 5aza, and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained groups for the tests after 24 h. Asterisks,

872 comparisons of the 5XTrained-Veh, 5XTrained-5aza, and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained

873 groups with the Control-Veh-3XTrained group at 24 h; and comparison of the

874 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh-3XTrained at 48 and 72 h. Plus signs,

875 comparisons of the 5XTrained-Veh group with the 5XTrained-5aza and 5XTrained-5aza-

876 3XTrained groups at 48 and 72 h.

877 878 Figure 7. Disruption of established LTS with inhibition of DNMT is not a

879 reconsolidation-related phenomenon. (A) Experimental protocol. The times at which the

880 pretests, training, posttests, and drug/vehicle injections occurred are shown relative to the

881 end of the last training session. The intrahemocoelic injection of either drug or vehicle is

882 indicated by the red arrow. The animals did not receive a 24-h test prior to the

883 drug/vehicle injection. After the 48 h posttest, animals in the Control-Veh-3XTrained and

884 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained groups received 3 bouts of sensitization training (3X

885 training).(B)5-aza injectionabolished established LTS in the absence of a posttest at 24 h.

886 Four experimental groups were included: Control-Veh-3XTrained group (n = 7),

887 5XTrained-Veh group (n = 7), 5XTrained-5aza group (n = 7), and 5XTrained-5aza-

888 3XTrained group (n = 8). A repeated-measures ANOVA indicated that there was a

889 significant group x time interaction (F[6,50] = 105.8, p < 0.0001).Subsequent planned one-

890 way ANOVAsshowed that the overall differences among the four groups at both 48 h and

891 72 h were highly significant (48 h, F[3,25] = 385.4, p< 0.0001;and 72 h, F[3,25] = 183.3, p<

892 0.0001). SNK posthoc tests revealed that the SWR in the 5XTrained-Veh group was

893 significantly sensitized at both 48 h (mean = 56.1 ± 2.9 s) and 72 h (mean = 52.4 ± 3.7 s)

894 compared with that in the Control-Veh-3XTrained group (p< 0.001 for each comparison).

895 Furthermore, the mean duration of the SWR in the 5XTrained-Veh group was

896 significantly longer than that in the 5XTrained-5aza (1.1±0.1 s at 48 h, p< 0.001; and 1.6

897 ± 0.6 s at 72 h, p< 0.001) and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained (1.1±0.1 s at 48 h,p< 0.001;

898 and 1.9 ± 0.9 s at 72 h, p< 0.001) groups. The Control-Veh, 5XTrained-5aza, and

899 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained groups did not differ significantly at either 48 hor 72 h. Thus,

900 the erasure of established LTS by inhibition of DNMT (Figure 6) did not 901 requireelicitation of the SWR immediately preceding the drug injection. Asterisks,

902 comparisons of the 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh-3XTrained, 5XTrained-

903 5aza, and 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained groups at 48 h and 72 h.


905 Figure 8. RG108 treatment 5 days after training abolishes LTS in Aplysia. (A)

906 Experimental protocol. The occurrences of the pretests, training, posttests, and

907 drug/vehicle injections are shown relative to the end of the last training session. The red

908 arrow indicates the time of the intrahemocoelic injection of RG108 or vehicle. After the

909 day 6 posttest,animals in some groups received partial sensitization training (3 bouts of

910 tail shocks).(B)RG108 injection at day 5 after training (LATE treatment) erased LTS.

911 There were four experimental groups: Control-VehLATE-3XTrained group (n = 6),

912 5XTrained-VehLATE group (n = 5), 5XTrained-RGLATE group (n = 6), and 5XTrained-

913 RGLATE-3XTrained group (n = 6). A repeated-measures ANOVA indicated that there was

914 a significant group x time interaction (F[9,57] = 66.3, p < 0.0001).Subsequent planned

915 comparisonsshowed that the overall differences among the four groups on days 5, 6 and 7

916 were highly significant (day 5, F[3,19] = 43.7, p< 0.0001; day 6, F[3,19] = 105.1, p<

917 0.0001;and day 7, F[3,19] = 252.5, p< 0.0001). There was significant sensitization at day 5

918 prior to RG108/vehicle injection in the 5XTrained-VehLATE (mean duration of the SWR =

919 55.0 ± 5.0 s), 5XTrained-RGLATE (mean duration of the SWR = 56.7 ± 2.1 s), and

920 5XTrained-RGLATE-3XTrained (mean duration of the SWR = 49.3 ± 6.1 s) groups

921 compared with the Control-VehLATE-3XTrained group (mean duration of the SWR = 1.7

922 ± 0.7 s) (p<0.001 for each comparison). The 5XTrained-VehLATE group also exhibited

923 robust sensitization on day 6 (mean duration of the SWR = 52.4 ± 5.5 s) and 7 924 (meanduration of the SWR = 53.0 ± 3.3 s) compared with the Control-VehLATE-

925 3XTrained group. Sensitization was absent in the 5XTrained-RGLATE group on day 6 and

926 7; thus, there was no spontaneous recovery of LTS during the 48-h period after the

927 application of RG108.Three bouts of training shortly after the day 6 posttest did not

928 restore LTS in the 5XTrained-RGLATE-3XTrained group the next day.In particular,

929 themean duration of the SWR in the 5XTrained-RGLATE-3XTrained group (2.5 ± 0.8 s)

930 on day 7 was not significantly different from that in the Control-VehLATE-3XTrained

931 group, and was significantly shorter than that in the 5XTrained-VehLATE(p < 0.001).

932 Asterisks, comparisons of the 5XTrained-VehLATE, 5XTrained-RGLATE, and 5XTrained-

933 RGLATE-3XTrained groups with the Control-VehLATE-3XTrained group on day 5; and

934 comparison of the 5XTrained-VehLATE group with the Control-VehLATE-3XTrained on

935 days 6 and 7. Plus signs, comparisons of the 5XTrained-VehLATE group with the

936 5XTrained-RGLATE and 5XTrained-RGLATE-3XTrained groups on days 6 and 7.


938 Figure 9. Animals can relearn following elimination of LTS by DNMT inhibition. (A)

939 Experimental protocol. The times at which the pretests, training, posttests, and

940 drug/vehicle injections occurred are shown relative to the end of the last training session.

941 The time of the intrahemocoelic injection of either RG108 or vehicle is indicated by the

942 red arrow. After the 48 h posttest, animals in the 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained group

943 received a second round of full sensitization training (five bouts of electrical tail

944 shocks).(B) Sensitization retraining produced LTS in animals following erasure of LTM

945 by RG108. There were four experimental groups: Control-Veh group (n = 6),

946 5XTrained-Veh group (n = 6), 5XTrained-RG group (n = 4), and 5XTrained-RG- 947 5XTrained group (n = 6). A repeated-measures ANOVA indicated that the group x time

948 interaction was significant (F[9,54] = 61.4, p < 0.0001).Subsequent one-way

949 ANOVAsindicated that the overall differences among the four groups at 24, 48 and 72 h

950 were highly significant (24 h, F[3,18] = 33.3, p< 0.0001; 48 h, F[3,18] = 70.7, p< 0.0001;and

951 72 h, F[3,18] = 54.9, p< 0.0001). SNK posthoc tests performed on the 24-h data revealed

952 that the initial training produced significant sensitization in the 5XTrained-Veh group

953 (mean duration of the SWR = 50.8 ± 6.1 s), 5XTrained-RG group (mean duration of the

954 SWR = 57.8 ± 2.3 s), and 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained group (mean duration of the SWR =

955 54.2 ± 5.8 s) compared with Control-Veh group (mean duration of the SWR = 1.2 ± 0.2 s;

956 p <0.001 for each comparison). The SWR of 5XTrained-Veh group also exhibited

957 sensitization at 48 h (mean duration = 49.2 ± 5.2 s) and 72 h (mean duration = 45.2 ± 5.6

958 s) compared with the Control-Veh group(48 h, mean duration = 1.2 ± 0.2 s, p< 0.001; and

959 72 h, mean duration = 1.2 ± 0.2 s, p< 0.001). Sensitization memory was significantly

960 disrupted at 48 h in both the 5XTrained-RG (mean SWR = 1.3 ± 0.3 s) and 5XTrained-

961 RG-5XTrained (mean SWR = 2.2 ± 0.7 s) groups by the RG108 injection immediately

962 after the 24-h posttest(p> 0.05 for the comparisons with the Control-Vehgroup).

963 Retraining after the 48 h posttest reestablished full LTM. The mean duration of the SWR

964 in the 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained group at 72 h (55.8 ± 4.2 s) was significantly greater

965 than that for the Control-Veh group (mean duration = 1.2± 0.2 s, p< 0.001), as well as for

966 the5XTrained-RG group at 72 h (2.5 ± 1.0 s, p< 0.001). Asterisks, comparisons of the

967 5XTrained-Veh, 5XTrained-RG, and 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained groups with the Control-

968 Veh group at 24 h; comparisons of the 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh,

969 5XTrained-RG, and 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained groups at 48 h; and comparison of the 970 5XTrained-Veh group with the Control-Veh and 5XTrained-RG groups at 72 h. Plus

971 signs, comparison of the 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained group with the 5XTrained-RG

972 groups at 72 h.

973 Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest A 3XTraining

-105 -95-85-80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 Aniso / Veh Minutes Hours B 70 ***## 60 *** 50 +++ 40 30 Control-Veh-3XTrained SWR (s) (s) SWR 5XTrained-Veh 20 5XTrained-Aniso 5XTrained-Aniso-3XTrained 10 0 Pre 24 h 48 h A 5 X 5HT Aniso 3 X 5HT

-140 -80-60-40-20 0 1 2 24 48 Pretest Posttest Minutes Hours

Pre Post 300 B C ** *** * Control 250

3X5HT 200 150 5X5HT 100

5X5HT- 50 Aniso 5X5HT- Pretest) (% amplitude EPSP 0 Aniso- 3X5HT Control 3X5HT 5X5HT

5X5HT-Aniso5X5HT-Aniso -3X5HT A Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest Aniso / Veh 3XTraining

-125 -115 -105 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 Minutes Hours

60 B *** *** 50 40 Veh-control-3XTrained 30 Veh-5XTrained

Aniso-5XTrained SWR (s) (s) SWR 20 Aniso-5XTrained-3XTrained 10 0 Pre 24 h 48 h A Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest RG / Veh 3XTraining

-125 -115 -105 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 Minutes Hours

B 60 *** *** 50

40 Veh-Control-3XTrained Veh-5XTrained 30 RG-5XTrained

SWR (s) (s) SWR RG-5XTrained-3XTrained 20


0 Pre 24 h 48 h Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest A 3XTraining

-105 -95-85-80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 RG / Veh Minutes Hours B 60 *** *** 50

40 Control-Veh-3XTrained 30 5XTrained-Veh

SWR (s) (s) SWR 5XTrained-RG 20 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained 10

0 Pre 24 h 48 h Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest Posttest A 3XTraining

-105 -95-85-80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 72 RG / Veh Minutes Hours B 60 *** *** +++ *** 50 +++


30 Control-Veh-3XTrained

SWR (s) (s) SWR 5XTrained-Veh 20 5XTrained-RG 5XTrained-RG-3XTrained 10

0 Pre 24 h 48 h 72 h Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest Posttest A 3XTraining

-105 -95-85-80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 72 5aza / Veh Minutes Hours B 70 *** *** *** +++ +++ 60


40 Control-Veh-3XTrained

30 5XTrained-Veh SWR (s) (s) SWR 5XTrained-5aza 20 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained


0 Pre 24 h 48 h 72 h Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest A 3XTraining

-105 -95-85-80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 72 5aza / Veh Minutes Hours B 70 +++*** 60 +++***


40 Control-Veh-3XTrained

30 5XTrained-Veh SWR (s) (s) SWR 5XTrained-5aza 20 5XTrained-5aza-3XTrained


0 Pre 48 h 72 h Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest Posttest A 3XTraining

-105 -95-85-80 -60 -40 -20 0 5 6 7 RG / Veh Minutes Days B 70 *** *** 60 +++ +++***



Control-VehLATE -3XTrained

30 5XTrained-VehLATE SWR (s) (s) SWR 5XTrained-RGLATE

20 5XTrained-RGLATE -3XTrained


0 Pre Day5 Day6 Day7 Pretest 5XTraining Posttest Posttest Posttest A 5XTraining

-105 -95-85-80 -60 -40 -20 0 24 48 72 RG / Veh Minutes Hours

B 70 *** *** +++ 60 +++*** 50


30 SWR (s) (s) SWR Control-Veh 20 5XTrained-Veh 5XTrained-RG 10 5XTrained-RG-5XTrained

0 Pre 24 h 48 h 72 h