""Y MA026_Pujehun, Southern Province Febena Naiagolehun Faima Kamasu GUINEA Jaiama Mofuwe Bongor Madinawo Dama Masam Langrama Sumbuya Yameama Wonde NORTHERN Gamayama Jowi Gaura Lugbu Bathurst Niawa Gandorhun Mani Town EASTERN Jimi Vawahun Sierra Leone: Ebola Bo BANDAJUMASEWA Koiva Kpanda Y Kpejewa Bogboabu Outbreak - GSM SOUTHERN Bagbo Njala "" Kemo Momajo Tuala Gegbwema Bandajuma Koya Mobile Phone Network Gondama LIBERIA Mano Foutah Kobeibu Coverage in Ngaiagoehun Pejeh(Futa Baoma Fula peje Momajo Sowa Felegoma EASTERN Gambia Pujehun, Southern Mogbavai Gbongay Kundorwahun POTORU_II Kenema Malen Province N ' Potoru 0 "Y 3 " ° Map shows the GSM mobile phone 7 Tunkia network coverage for districts in Sierra Kongohun Dandabu Leone, based on data received from Gorahun the ETC. This is a combined coverage Barri map for all networks operating in the Boumu Bum Saba country. Panga Samba Note that no data was received for 3G Kabonde coverage in Sierra Leone. Bonthe Combined GSM Mobile Phone Bandajuma Network Coverage Pujehun ""YYonni Blama (October 2014) Massaquoi PUJEHUN_II Galliness Perri Y Kongo "" Africell Tower Location Gbondapi Fuhiko ZIMMI_II Zimmi 2,000 Gbongeh Pujehun Movugba Fonima ""Y Elevation Makpele Borders Panga (metres) National Kwamebai krim 0 Krim Settlement Province Capital District Chiefdom Hoya City Yakemu Town Coastline Mesima Kpukumu Baryeh SOUTHERN village River Physical Roads Lake Primary Mono Kpaka Transport Secondary Sakrim o Airport Tertiary ⛡ Port Soro 0 5 10 15 Gbema Fairo km LIBERIA Data sources OpenStreetMap, Steward Project, COD-FOD Registry, Logistics Cluster, ETC, Africell Created 2 Nov 2014 / 18:00 UTC±00:00 Semabu Map Document MA026_Telecoms_District Town Projection / Datum WGS 1984 UTM Zone 29N Bo N ° Glide Number EP-2014-000039-SLE 7 Produced by MapAction Supported by www.mapaction.org Sullima
[email protected] The depiction and use of boundaries, names and associated data shown here do not imply endorsement or ´ acceptance by MapAction.