Lent term: Week 5 News February 2018

A note from the Head of Monmouth School Boys’ Prep

On Monday morning I was delighted to be invited to Monmouth School for Boys to attend the Headmaster’s assembly and I took a couple of ambassadors from the Boys’ Prep along. It was a special event because Hallam Amos, Old Monmothian and and rugby star, returned to the school to present the rugby awards. I was delighted to note that not only was Hallam a fantastic rugby player he also achieved a remarkable set of Grade A*s in his GCSEs and A Levels and is currently combining his rugby career with a degree in Medicine at University. What an accomplished young man with a broad set of skills; a role model to the pupils at Monmouth School Boys’ Prep if ever I saw one!

Top stories Many thanks to FROGs Dr Wall is very grateful to FROGs who have provided the funds for him to buy a set of dataloggers for use in school. They will be used primarily in Science lessons but also in Maths lessons when the boys are learning about data. Thank you all for your support in FROGs fundraising - it really does benefit the boys! Wearing red for Wales and Velindre Top stories continued... Science Quiz Team Success Last Friday, Captain Srinivas led the intrepid Monmouth Boys’ Prep Science Quiz team, of Ojas, Hugh & Cameron, to the illustrious Oxford University for the Quiz Club National Science Quiz UK Grand Final held at the University’s Museum of Natural History. With this year’s rivals in the heats and semi, Redmaids as well as Downsend and Westminster were snapping at their heels. For the whole of the first round our team was the only one not to drop a point. They maintained this lead almost all the way through the next two rounds until Downsend, from Surrey, just sneaked in front and managed to keep ahead to win the competition, with our team a very close second and last year’s winners Westminster in third. This puts the boys in the top eight in the UK out of the thousands of children who entered this year and is the second time we’ve been runners up in the two occasions we’ve entered! Well done, boys.

Photos from this week...

Hallam Amos visits Dr Wall tests the dataloggers Year 2 boys come to visit

Next week

Saturday 3rd February Monmouth School for Boys 11+ General Entry Assessments Boarders’ Activity: Laser Zone Sunday 4th February Cross Country Relays U11 Abberley Hall 2.30pm Tuesday 6th February Whole School Chapel Service 9.00am Associated Board Music Examinations – The Grange Wednesday 7th February Football v Cathedral School, Llandaff U10A,B&C U11A,B&C Home 2.00pm Thursday 8th February PIII Parents’ Evening - from 5.00pm House Cross Country - First Race 2.00pm Friday 9th February Break up for half term holiday After school activities and After School Club as usual