Announcing Another World Beater
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radio April 1970 communication Journal of the Radio Society of Great Britain Announcing another world beater THE NE W K W 200 0B e T W O-SPEED VFO DRIVE SSB TRANSCEIVER: 180 watts P.E.P. 10-160 Metres complete with AC PSU, VOX e IMPR OVED VFO READ-O UT P.T.T., I.R.T/I.T.T. e NE W, PRECISE METERING plus the usual KW Quality and Reliability e ATTRACTIVE PANEL LAY O UT Write for illustrated detailed specifications on other KW Equipment Ocher K W Products: including the KW 20008: KW Vespa Mark Il; KW 201: KW 1000 and K W Antenna Switch our list of KW Tested Trade-ins. (3 position) KW E-Z Antenna Match Unit, K W PEP Meter, K W Match K. W. ELECTRONICS LIMITED S WR Indicator K W Low-Pass Filters, K W Trap Dipoles, K W 1 HEATH STREET, DARTFORD, KENT Balun, K W Du m my ELECTRONICS Load, K W Q Multipliers TELEPHONE: DARTFORD 25574. CABLES: KAYDUBLEVV DARTFORD LIMITED radio April 1970 communication Volume 46 No 4 Price 4s CONTENTS EDITOR A. W. Hutchinson, AMAIE 215 Current Comment EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 216 QTC Clive Woodley, G3XPU 218 A Droitwich-locked frequency standard—D. H. Guest, GM3TFY DRAUGHTS MAN Derek E. Cole 224 Living with silicon—P. G. Martin, BSc, G3PDM EDITORIAL PANEL 2.37 Obituaries J. P. Hawker, G3VA G. R. Jessop, G6JP 238 Technical Topics—Pat Hawker, G3VA R. F. Stevens, G2BVN 243 Harmful interference to the amateur service—C. J. Thomas, GW3PSM 245 TV1 Tips—B. Priestley, G3JGO 246 QSL Corner—A. O. Milne, G2MI 247 Four Metres and Down—Jack Hum, G5U M 253 The Month on the Air—John Allaway, G3FKM 258 Your Opinion. Looking ahead 259 Society Affairs. Comment 260 Contest News 262 Contests calendar. Special events stations 263 Mobile rally news. Mobile rallies calendar RAEN News—S. W. Law, G3PAZ FRONT COVER The two-stage Delta-N launch 264 Club News vehicle which launched Australis- Oscar-9 into orbit on 23 January Photo: NASA 269 Members' Ads Radio Communication (incorporating The RSGB Bulletin) is published by The Radio Society of Great Britain as its official journal and is posted to all members of the Society on the first Tuesday of each month Contributions and all correspondence concerning Radio Communication should be addressed to: The Editor. Radio Communication, 35 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2AE. Tel 01-837 8688. Closing date for contributions, unless otherwise notified: 7th of month preceding month of publication. ©RADIO SOCIETY OF Advertising, other than Members' Ads, should be addressed to: Mrs P. D. Harvey, Sewell GREAT BRIT AIN 1970 & Sons Ltd. 4 Ludgate Circus, London EC4. Tel 01-353 4353 LO WE ELECTRONICS WELLINGTON STREET, MATLOCK, DERBYSHIRE Matlock 2817, 2430 after 6 p.m. Bill G3UBO AGENTS Alan G3M ME 4 Southwick Street, Southwick, Brighton. Southwick 4.887 Sim GM3SAN 19 Ellismuir Road, Baillieston, Nr. Glasgow. No 'phone yet. FT 500 FR 500 500W PEP Top band to 2m. VOX, PTT, MOX. 100 and 25kHz marker RIT, The no compromise AM, FM, SSB and C W Metered ALC. All the usual optional extras receiver for the man who wants the best. £160. fitted as standard, £250. With extra 6 xtal CW filter £270. FT 250 FL 500 240W PEP 240W PEP VOX, PTT, MOX. 100kHz marker. RIT Metered Companion to the FR-500 for transceive or split ALC. Again, usual extras are standard. £160. frequency. Matching it in quality and perfor- psu £45. mance. £145. FT 154 FL 2000 120Wi,PEP All transistor except driver and PA. Both AC and 111111111111•111101 DC power supplies built-in. Specially designed To complete the station, there is the FL-2000 for mobile. VOX, PTT, MOX, 100kHz marker, linear. 1200W PEP. input. Comfortable legal limit RIT. £215. output. Built-in SWR meter, etc. £110. Hear them —any band, any part of the world, any time. Try them —at Matlock, or any of the Agents. 206 RADIO COM MUNICATION APRIL 1970 Before we sell pu a Shure microphone we try 10 ruin 11 just to make sure that you never will Microphones have to be rugged.Think of This savage testing, backed by stringent quality the punishment they take. That's why control, ensures that every Shure communications Shure Safety Communications microphone will give you reliable performance. Microphones get a tremendous going And will go on doing so even under conditions over before we dream of selling them. where other microphones would pack up. Always use Shure, the microphones For full details of Shure microphones, We drop them. We vibrate them. that never fail to get the message through. SEND IN THIS COUPON TODAY We fry them. We freeze them. We steam them in Turkish baths. Communications To: Shure Electronics Ltd., 84 Blackfriars We drag them behind fast moving cars. Controlled magnetic hand Road, London SEI. Tel: 01-928 3424 microphone providing a clear, crisp, I'd like to know more about Shure Microphones for We subject them to all kinds of torture. highly intelligible voice response. Communications D Professional Recording Sand. Rain. Infra-red. Ultra-violet. Rugged and dependable, Amateur Radio Li ProfessionalEntertainem] Acids. Alcohol. Salt spray. Wind. ideal for outdoor-indoor PA., Electrostatic fields. High altitude... and communications. Please send use the facts: Frequency response 200 to 4.000 cps. High impedance. High output. and still they work Model 414. NAME Amateur Radio ADDRESS Provides optimum radio communications performance from single sideband transmitters as well as AM and FM units. itC3 Response cuts off sharply below 300 cps and above 3,000 cps, ensuring maximum speech S F-1 LJ FR E intelligibility and audio punch to cut through noise and interference. setting the world's standard in sound I Model 444. RADIO COMMUNICATION APRIL 1970 207 RAISE YOURSELF ABOVE THE QRM WITH A VERSATO WER COMPETITIVELY PRICED INTERCHANGEABLE RANGE AESTHETIC DESIGN UNGUYED DESIGNED TO APPROVED CODES OF PRACTICE POSITIVE TELESCOPIC LOCKING TILT OVER FACILITY S.A.E. FOR OTHER MODELS AND PRICE LIST HIRE PURCHASE FACILITIES AVAILABLE POST & WALL MOUNTED SERIES 25 TO 60 FEET MODEL W.40 MODEL P.60 Strumech £80 £127 Engineering Limited Delivered Delivered Structural Er Mechanical Engineers G3NJI. S T R U ME C H Portland House Coppice Side • Brownhills Walsall Staffs England Tel. Brownhills 3651 208 RADIO COMMUNICATION APRIL 1970 TRE MEN DOUS VALUE in TRANSCEIVERS! Send for the specifications .. and see for yourself what HEATHKIT offer BUY A POWER SUPPLY AT THE SAME TIME AND GET EXTRA SAVINGS DELU XE ALL BAN DS 80-10 M TRANSCEIVER, SB-101 Normally Kit K/SB-101 £200. 14. 0. Carr. 9,- Normally Kit KHP-23A £30. 18. 0. Carr. 11/- SPECIAL e 2 2 0 PRICE do 4 CARRIAGE 20 - ECON O MY ALL BAN DS 80-10 M, H W-100 Normally Kit K/H W-100 £137. 8. 0. Carr. 111- Normally Kit K/HP-23A £30. 18. 0. Carr. 11 /- SPECIAL £ a PRICE did ve CARRIAGE 22/- CREDIT SINGLE BAN DERS TERMS H W-12 A, 22A, 32A AVAILABLE Normally Kit K/H W-12A £62. 4. 0. Carr. 11/- Normally Kit K, HP-23A £30. 18. 0. Carr. 11i- SPECIAL . O ') IV Kee PRICE CV 4.0 9.0 CARRIAGE 22/- 'b e Normally Kit K/H W-22A or K/H W-32A £65. 10. O. Carr. 11/- / / / \ ,2see -,", o ..../ Normally Kit K/HP-23A £30.18. O. Carr. iii- Oe ..., // <e> SPECIAL /././ PRICE£ 86 •1 6 • 0. CARRIAGE 22- , •sç's a' Send for Specification <>lie' ee , .... ../ DAYSTROM LTD, 4° e «.. ••• 00 \t« G 4, HEATHKIT DIVISION x> .% GLOUCESTER, GL2-6EE \> C\•‘:- F"0. et' RADIO COM MUNICATION APRIL 1970 209 your crystal calibrator pips or zero your "S" meter) and an 'ln circuit" E MS AC EMSAC 2 Metre Converter position. The circuit is a pl-network. 90I. P. 8. P.416 CNI Low nolse 2 Metre converter with IF (output) of 28.30MHz for 144-146MHz EMSAC 4 Metre Converter Input. Two 6CW4 Nuvistort in a = Mode circuit provide the RF emplificatiOn. CN3 Low noise 4 metre converter with two 6CW4 Nuvistors in the front end. I2AT7 triode mixer end cathode follower for low impedance output. 12AT7 12AT7 triode mixer and cathode lollower for law impedance output. OAKS M etal Oscillator/Multiplier. Measured noise factor better than 34E. Band crystal oscillator uses 42MHz crystal. The I.F. (output) is 28.100 to 28•700MHt width minus 4dB or better over band. The Converter is complete with crystal lo lune between 701 and 70.7MHz. Complete with crystal and valves. 138.66MHz) and all plugs and sockets. The overall dimensions e x 4 X 4. Overall dimensions 6 x 4' X 4'. 1701. P d P. 4/6 1701. P. & P. 4/6 CM/ I metre converter as above In an attractive case with built in power supply. PSI The matching power supply for CN1 and CA3 gives 25ma at 150V, and 1 overall dimensions tir wide, 7" deep, 4r high. 2601. P. ,1 P.6/6 amp at 63V, This is a separate item and may therefore be used with other Input end output connections on EMSAC convertors are being standardised equipment. It ls connected to the CNI or CN3 by a three pin connector to BL types. S0239 will be available to special order only. and lead (supplied). 60/. P. A. P. 4/6 EMSAC Basic Antenna Systems CN2 2 metre Converter es above with a power supply mounted in a cabinet. GVI All band Vertical. Er X T s 41" (hloh), complete. 280/. P.