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How to Sign Up for Storage

Managed Service supports Storage. You authenticate Google using your regular or use configured Service Account.

This article explains the following:

Signing up to MBS with your regular Google Account Signing up to MBS with Service Account Signing up to MBS with your regular Google Account

1. Go to the Storage Accounts (https://mbs.cloudberrylab.com/Admin/editAccount.aspx) page and click Add Account.

2. Select " (Google Account)" from the accounts .

3. Click "Sign in". 4. Select or add your Google account on the Sign-in pop-up window. 5. Click "Allow" for giving CloudBerry Lab MBS all necessary permissions. 6. Paste the needed "Project ID" from your Google Cloud Storage account to the corresponding field of the "Specify Cloud Storage Credentials" screen. Click "Save". 7. Specify destination: you need to choose or create bucket in your Google Cloud Storage to use for backup. Click the Save button to save changes.

Signing up to MBS with Service Account

To start using Google Cloud Storage via Service Account you need to have a configured Google Service Account. Below is the manual on how to create Google Service account and sign up with Google Cloud Storage account in Managed Backup Service.

Preparing Google Service Account

1. Go to Google Cloud Storage (http://cloud.google.com/) website.

2. Click on the "Try it now" button in the top right corner of the screen or on "Tools for modern applications" banner.

3. Sign in with your Google Account or create new if necessary.

4. You will receive an offer to create a new project. If the project isn't created yet, you can create it. 5. Now you have to enable billing so that you will be able to create buckets where to store your data. Go to menu "Billing" ("Billing and settings") then press button "Enable" and follow instructions.

6. Now you can create a bucket.

7. Next step is creating Client ID. Go to menu "Credentials" and press button "Create Client ID".

8. Choose "Service account" application type and press "Create Client ID" button. 9. The system will generate the key file which you need to download and save. Note that it's preferable to use the .p12 format as it works like a charm. On the other hand, .json might cause problems ane better be avoided.

This key file and the email address from Service Account are required for connection to Google Storage Account with MBS.

Using Google Service Account for signing in to MBS

1. Go to the Storage Accounts (https://mbs.cloudberrylab.com/Admin/editAccount.aspx) page and click Add Account. 2. Select "Google Cloud Storage (Service Account)" from the accounts box.

3. Enter your Service Account Email and upload a Binary Key file (see step 9 of Preparing Storage Account). 4. Specify the destination bucket or create a new one. 5. Click Save to apply data.

Now your Managed Backup service account is connected to Google Cloud Storage and you can continue working with Managed Backup service.