Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Sacred Band by Janet E. Morris FROM THE EYES OF…JANET E. MORRIS, SOMETHING TO SAY, BECAME A WRITER. Janet E. Morris had something to say…you know, use her mouth, verbiage, volume, lips moving. So, she ended up…taking up the pen and keyboard. “I never meant to become a writer, but I had things I wanted to say, contributions to make to the way my society was evolving,” Morris said. “I wrote my first novel during the 1970s, when women’s roles in society were being questioned. We who had come of age in the 1960s under constant threat of nuclear annihilation were questioning abuses of power. I sold the first draft of the first novel I ever wrote to Perry Knowlton, the first agent I ever met – High Couch of Silistra, Bantam, 1977 – and with him sold many more books until I left writing and editing for twenty years to institutionalize Non-lethality and the nonlethal weapons program.” That’s pretty intense stuff for a woman who has grown into roles as an author and even more so as an editor. She notes her editing work in the Heroes in Hell series. “There I was commissioned and edited two Nebula -nominated and a Hugo Award -winning stories. With Chris Morris, I have recently created Perseid Publishing, a small publishing house specializing in books ‘for the experienced reader.’” Janet Morris works as a writer, author, and editor for Perseid. Despite all the hats she wears, Morris finds time to write and when she does so it is with tremendous verve. “I only write when a story forces me to write it,” she said. “Because I am analytical by nature, usually I do substantial research on facets of a compelling story both before and as I am writing. Each story itself is my inspiration. I listen to classical music or my husband’s fusion instrumentals when I write or I write in a quiet room when possible, but often my best ideas come when I am doing something unrelated, so I carry paper to write down lines of dialogue or narrative that will key a scene for me when I get back to my desk.” Once she is bound and determined to work on a piece that future piece of artwork becomes her sole focus in the arts and she caresses it with every inch of her mind. “When I am writing a novel, I am always working on that novel, no matter what else I’m doing,” Morris said. “When I wrote full time, publishing was very different than today, controlled by corporations who determined what books they would push and what books they would merely publish. Today there are fewer big companies and more independents, Perseid being one of those; standards of objective “good” or “bad” are nonexistent, and the biggest obstacle to success is attracting those who will like your work among so many competing titles and deconstructed ‘genres’ that the ‘novel’ itself is imperiled.” This is a cover of one of the many works by Janet Morris (courtesy art) The writing process, like any other within the industry, offers its own challenges and burdens. “The most rewarding aspect of writing, for me, is drafting – disappearing altogether, being absorbed into the story, going where the story is, and experiencing it for the first time in an organic process that understands its pacing and its purpose in the way that the universe always understands itself,” Morris said. “For me, the joy of writing is in the metaphysical experience of being transported into another realm of hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, touching other intelligences and being swept away into their knowingness, often wiser than my own. The part of writing I like the least is whenever I’m not actively writing draft. When I write draft, nothing hurts, nothing matters but the story, and I am elsewhere. When I edit, or proof- read, or deal with the day-to-day issues surrounding publishing, this is decidedly non-mystical and non-magical for me.” There have been enough days in the profession for Morris to have enjoyed the fruits of her labors in many forms. “Successes have been many, and for that I’m grateful,” Morris said. “From the Silistra series, which had four million in print by the time “The Carnelian Throne” was first published. We have had some extraordinary creative successes. Sometimes our most valued creative successes are not the same as our most commercial successes, but that is also part of the nature of publishing.” For a long career born out of standing for something, Morris has no plans for that changing anytime in the near future. Her writing is her voice and so shall she be heard. “We always tackle social issues and always write the book we want to read, always write what we choose, at the length we choose, and with the perspective we choose,” Morris said. “ We chose to write The Sacred Band which may well be that quintessential novel that caps a career, we’ll see. We may later write more about nonlethal weapons, but right now we are writing exactly what we want to be writing.” Tempus Unbound (Sacred Band series Book 6) – Janet E. Morris. 48709 – Read Tempus Unbound (Sacred Band series Book 6) – Janet E. Morris online in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle and other supported format. Book Details. Title : Tempus Unbound (Sacred Band series Book 6) Author : Janet E. Morris Genre : – Pages : – ISBN : n/a. Read Tempus Unbound (Sacred Band series Book 6) – Janet E. Morris. Read book is easy. Full supports all version of your device, includes PDF, ePub, Mobi and Kindle version. All books format are mobile-friendly. Read as many books as you like for personal use. Tags: tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) pdf, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) – janet e. morris, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) epub, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) mobi, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) kindle, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) read online, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) read online pdf, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) online pdf, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) pdf online, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) pdf, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) book, tempus unbound (sacred band series book 6) online. The Sacred Band by Janet E. Morris. Hooray! You've discovered a title that's missing from our library. Can you help donate a copy? If you own this book, you can mail it to our address below. You can also purchase this book from a vendor and ship it to our address: When you buy books using these links the Internet Archive may earn a small commission. Benefits of donating. When you donate a physical book to the Internet Archive, your book will enjoy: Beautiful high-fidelity digitization Long-term archival preservation Free controlled digital library access by the print-disabled and public † Open Library is a project of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. When you buy books using these links the Internet Archive may earn a small commission. Share this book. by Janet Morris, Chris Morris. 0 Ratings 1 Want to read 0 Currently reading 0 Have read. This edition was published in April 2010 by Paradise Publishing in USA . Written in English. Two Sacred Bands, united for the first time. The Sacred Band of Thebes lives on, a world away, in this mythic novel of love in war in ancient times. In 338 BCE, during the Battle of Chaeronea that results in the massacre of the Sacred Band of Thebes, the legendary Tempus and his Stepson cavalry rescue twenty-three pairs of Theban Sacred Banders, lovers and friends, to fight on other days. These forty-six Thebans, whose bones will never lie in the mass grave that holds their two hundred fifty-four brothers, join with the immortalized Tempus and his Sacred Band of Stepsons, consummate ancient cavalry fighters, to make new lives in a faraway land and fight the battle of their dreams where gods walk the earth, ghosts take the field, and the angry Fates demand their due. An adventure like no other. The Sacred Band Paperback – 9 June 2011. I had read the Thieves' World anthologies in the 1980's and some of the novels. I had just recently finished the Beyond novels before reading The Sacred Band. Even though I missed a story or two between these novels, it was not a problem to read The Sacred Band. I was amazed how when reading The Sacred Band, the writing style or voice of the author so matched the way the Beyond novels I had just read which also matches my recollection of the tone in short stories too. I was worried that it wouldn't since it had been about ten years between the writing of the Beyond novels to The Sacred Band as well as the cover looking so different as if maybe the Stepsons had been reimaged. They have not and that's great. It's a reflection of the authors' inclusion of the Sacred Band of Thebes in their story. Reading this book was interesting because the authors kept pushing the story so I never wanted to put it down. That's why I feel inclined to write a review--in case any of what I'm saying helps you to decide to buy this book. If you read Thieves' World before and liked it, you ought to enjoy this book. If you've never read Thieve's World before and you like and are bored of the typical boy-becomes-a-man-while-saving-the- world-from-evil stories, then here is a story with love and hate, loyalty and betryal, gods and monsters, magic and faith, balance and imbalance. So the story isn't about one thing and like I said, I didn't want to put it down. At about 600 pages, I felt I had some meat to sink my reading teeth into which I like to do. I enjoyed chewing all the way to the end where there was no gristle or fat. Yes, as another reviewer noted, the authors use some words that I'm not familiar with but that is a good thing. [Psst, "avatar" isn't a name. It's used in the stories to refer to the gods "user interface" on the mortal plane of existence--a body the gods can control without having to manifest there themselves--like when you control a character in a first person video game.] Also, for the people that have read Thieves' World before, I thought the handling of so many of the classic characters from Sanctuary was top notch. I thought the handling of the gods and goddesses were done in a way that made sense which some of the anthologies weren't able to do if I recall correctly. “Sacred Band Series (9 Book Series)” by Janet Morris. Morris has written, contributed to, or edited several book-length works of non-fiction, as well as papers and articles on nonlethal weapons, developmental military technology and other defense and national security topics. Janet says: ‘People often ask what book to read first. I recommend “I, the Sun” if you like ancient history; “The Sacred Band,” a novel, if you like heroic fantasy; “Lawyers in Hell” if you like historical fantasy set in hell; “Outpassage” if you like hard science fiction; “High Couch of Silistra” if you like far-future dystopian or philosophical novels. I am most enthusiastic about the definitive Perseid Press Author’s Cut editions, which I revised and expanded.’