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OffshoreWind industry

Connection established

At times, connecting offshore wind farms to the grid poses a real challenge. However, technical solutions do exist, and there are many manufacturers that offer them.

Ports safety ContraCting Special economic Patient One-stop conditions stabilised solution Innovative marine and offshore solutions

Drilling and piling of large Installation works with diameter monopiles jack-up platforms Wind turbine erection Accommodation units Grouting activities EPCI contracts Offshore site investigation Directional drilling Jacket installation Foundation and wind turbine (pre-piling / post-piling) maintenance and repair services Foundation and wind Installation of turbine logistics transition pieces

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Adv140515_OffshoreWindIndustry_200x280mm_final.indd 1 15/05/2014 16:11:22 editorial

Looking across the borders

he days when each country could do its not happen. Load fluctuations could be compensated own thing in the offshore wind sector for, wind energy generation in strong winds would not T are over. Due to the massive expansion have to be throttled back and an integrated European in European waters, the industry is becoming increas- electricity market would stabilise the market prices for ingly international. For example, individual countries EU electricity. do not always have a suitable port that can serve as a The Kriegers Flak installation site is demonstrating base for construction or maintenance work. An optimal how things could work in the future. In the three-border logistics chain knows no national boundaries, and this region of the Baltic Sea between Germany, Denmark has port locations around the North Sea chomping at and Sweden, a number of wind farms belonging to dif- their bits (see page 36). ferent countries will be connected to each other as well The flow of electricity is also oblivious to national as to several national power grids. An “offshore inter- borders, so grid connections will have to be planned connector” will be created. with a broader view towards Europe in the future. Projects like this are a source of hope and reason European interconnectors were a dominant theme enough for OFFSHORE WIND INDUSTRY to take a at the EWEA in Barcelona, and not just there. The closer look at grid connections and cables. European Elections that took place at the end of May are also causing many people to see things through European-tinted glasses again. This is a good thing because the energy turn- around is not a German, British or otherwise national topic. The energy turnaround needs to be addressed at the European level. It makes no sense whatsoever to build new gas-fired plants in the UK, while the same types of plants are being shut down in Germany, due to economic inefficiency. If the European electricity Katharina Garus grid across national boundaries were stronger, includ- Editor ing offshore energy, then absurdities such as this would [email protected]

3 Cover photos: TenneT (3), Siemens, Vattenfall, ABB

project update � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 6 news � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 8 imprint � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 9


Daniel von Preyss, Impax Asset Management The Director of the private equity infrastructure team explains the reasons why some funds invest in offshore wind farms and others do not � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 14

spotlight cables

Connection established At times, connecting offshore wind farms to the grid poses a real challenge� However, technical solutions do exist, and there are also many manufacturers that offer them � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 18

Interconnection interrupted Failing cables almost bring the whole operation to a halt� Systematic investigations has helped to improve One-StOP SOlutIOn the situation � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 22

Photo: Van Oord Photo: Van Contracting 56 Specialists are upgrading IS leSS MOre? There are countless cable ships� However, there are Converter technology 30 not many ships for laying power cables� But the hand- picked specialists are upgrading their fleets � � � � � � � �26 Photo: Siemens science & technology

Is less more? The sheer size of the converter stations is proof for the huge effort to transport electricity onshore� Aren’t there more straightforward options? � � � � � � � � 30

4 offshore Wind industry 2|2013 contents Photo: bremenports

SPeCIAl eCOnOMIC COnDItIOnS Patient stabilised Ports around the north Sea 36 At least 80 injured and four deaths have resulted from the construction of offshore wind turbines in the North Sea, but activities to create an unbroken rescue chain lifts instead of cranes have sped up considerably � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 48 Weather windows are a bottleneck� Installation vessels with large capacity cranes are another� Both could politics & business become unnecessary if a new installation method catches on � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 34 At a glance The construction of fail-safe information and logistics & operations communication technology in the middle of the sea is pioneering work � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 52 Special economic conditions The problems in Germany with offshore One-stop solution have affected the ports of the German Bight� In con- The Dutch offshore Gemini is about to trast, at British ports the wind industry has already reach financial close� Van Oord has joined the taken on the role of economic powerhouse � � � � � � � � 36 € 2�8 billion project as general contractor � � � � � � � � � 56

Socket out of service events/dates � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 60 The worldwide first high-voltage DC converter for an � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 62 offshore wind farm was out of operation for several wab internal months � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 44 outlook � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 66

5 Mainstream Renewable Power has kicked off Phase 2 The first turbines are of its floating Lidar cam- installed at Vattenfall s paign by deploying a floating DanTysk offshore wind farm. Lidar on Neart na Gaoithe.

alpha ventus surpassed the mark of one terawatt hour of generated power. EDF Energy Renewables offi- cially inaugurated Teesside.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has re- stricted night piling activities at Westermost Rough. The decision follows a number of complaints from East Riding residents about vibration and noise.

The survey vessel RV Neptune has started its work on Gwynt y MÔr. Neptune joins as an additional vessel to assist in the survey work that started earlier this year. Meanwhile the installation of all 160 foundations has been completed. Pre-Examination Phase of Dogger Bank Teesside A&B has started.

In early July, Van Oord will start with the installation of the 43 foundation piles for Eneco Luchterduinen.

OffshoreWind industry

6 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Project update

The Danish Energy Agency has prequalified Statoil, E.ON, Vattenfall and Dong Energy for the tender of Horns Rev 3. The work on the cable con- nection of EnBW Baltic 2 to the grid is progressing at full speed. More than half of the project s cables are now lying on the seabed.

Avantha Group Company CG has performed the marine load-out of the high-voltage offshore substation for Butendiek . Meanwhile Naturschutzbund Deutsch- land (NABU) filed a com- plaint against the construc- tion of Butendiek.

The transformer substation for Amrumbank West has been installed.

FoundOcean has completed grouting operations at RWE Federal Maritime and Hydro- Innogy s Nordsee Ost. graphic Agency of Germany (BSH) has issued a construc- tion and operating license for OWP West.

The Gemini consortium signed all construction, operations and financ- in operation ing contracts with a total partially in operation construction budget of under construction nearly € 3 billion. planned 7 This year, the Windforce Offshore Confer- ence will be held together with the exhibi- tionnews for the second time.

Windforce 2014 opens its doors

The three days in Bremen will be the most important days of the year for anyone interested in offshore wind energy, according to Windforce Managing Director Jens Eckhoff.

One of the central offshore wind participants and 8,000 visitors. In 2012, the organisers began events of the year, the Windforce Panel discussions, an excursion as holding the Windforce Offshore 2014, will be taking place from 17 well as networking events, such Conference in combination with to 19 June. as the Windforce Dinner and the Germany’s only offshore exhibition While international experts Windforce Party, will round off every second year in Bremen. hold discussions in the conference the programme. The patron of this area of the Bremen exhibition year’s event is Germany’s Federal centre on topics such as markets, Minister for Economic Affairs and projects, environmental protection Energy, Sigmar Gabriel. and research, exhibitors will be “Windforce 2014 will provide presenting the entire value chain information on the current factors of the offshore wind industry in driving the offshore industry, trends the exhibition halls. Three hundred and innovations as well as market Opening hours Exhibition: exhibitors are expected to attend, developments,” says Jens Eckhoff, June 17 June 19, 2014: including manufacturers, plan- Director of Offshore Wind Messe 9 a.m. 6 p.m. ners, operators, service and logis- & Veranstaltungs GmbH. “We deli- tics companies, research institutes, berately chose topics for the con- Opening hours Conference: suppliers, and insurers. ference programme that focus on June 17: The organisers, Offshore Wind developments in Europe,” he adds. 4 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Messe & Veranstaltungs GmbH and The Windforce Offshore June 18 June 19, 2014: Windenergie-Agentur WAB e.V., are Conference has been held in 8 a.m. 5 p.m.

expecting around 800 conference Bremerhaven for the last ten years. Photo: Windforce

8 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 newsnews

Offshore renewables in imprint bid for future talent Publishing company: BVA Bielefelder Verlag GmbH & Co. KG As part of its commitment to of Norstec to gain insight and Richard Kaselowsky Niederwall 53 public engagement, offshore experience from experts and 33602 Bielefeld renewables industry alliance student ambassadors from some of Germany

Norstec is launching a new skills the world’s leading offshore energy Publisher: pilot The Norstec Academy, fo- and supply chain companies. Prof. Dr. Bernhard von Schubert cused on engaging and informing Norstec Academy ambassadors, Publishing Manager: the next generation of offshore graduates and apprentices who Lutz Bandte wind employees and creating a work for Norstec signatory com- Editors: community of positive advocates panies, will also be taking part in Dr. Volker Buddensiek (responsible), Katharina Garus, and future champions. the carousel programme of events, E-mail: [email protected]

Participation in the pilot phase which include site visits, tours and Freelance authors: of the Academy, due to commence “meet the expert” talks. Ambas- Jörn Iken, Detlef Koenemann, Torsten Thomas at the end of June, will initially be sadors will explain the types of Advertising: through a competition. Student activities they are engaged in and Martin Haase Phone: +49/5 21/59 55 90 entrants are being asked to submit the opportunities open to them E-mail: [email protected] entries about their interest in the since joining the sector. Students Yvonne Fedeler Phone: +49/5 21/59 55 81 offshore renewables industry. Stu- who are successful in the competi- E-mail: [email protected] dents who submit the best entries tion will become members of The Customer Service: will win the opportunity to spend a Norstec Academy and join the wider E-mail: [email protected] week on an industry “carousel” pro- community as part of the long term Layout: gramme designed by signatories focus of the initiative. Bernd Schulte zur Wissen, Virginie Beclu DSV Deutscher Sportverlag GmbH, Cologne, Germany

Print: Dierichs Druck + Media GmbH & Co. KG, Siemens provides 150 Frankfurter Str. 168 34121 Kassel Germany turbines for Gemini Translation: Raymond Culp, Timothy Hanes, Übersetzungsbüro Hartmann, Jeremy Heighway, Thomas Schickling, For Gemini offshore wind farm, For Siemens this is the first Mark Wigfall the largest Dutch offshore project, order for an Website: Siemens will deliver 150 wind tur- plant in Dutch waters. “With the www.offshorewindindustry.com bines with a capacity of 4 MW and project we are entering one of OFFSHORE WIND INDuSTRY is an independent jour- a rotor diameter of 130 m each. the most important emerging nal. Material in this publication may not be reproduced, The wind power plant with an offshore wind markets in Europe,” reprinted or stored in any form without the publisher s written permission. installed capacity of 600 MW is to said Markus Tacke, CEO of the be located in the North Sea, 85 km Wind Power Division of Siemens above the coast of Groningen. Energy.

9 news

7,000 6,890

north America 6,000 Asia europe farshore farshore farshore nearshore nearshore nearshore 5,282 5,000

4,000 3,663

3,139 3,000

2,000 1,909 1,282 1,133 1,000 816 630 720 469 260 78 96 0 Source: IWES 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

The globally installed offshore wind power capacity has nearly reached 7 GW. Offshore wind approaching 7 GW worldwide

In the new Wind Energy Report Germany 2013 2,000 MW under construction, the country is gaining Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy grounds in the offshore market. System Technology (IWES) researchers confirm that Offshore R&D activities in Japan resulted in the offshore wind energy is increasing worldwide. While installation of several prototypes including floating the UK is leading with 50 % offshore market share, 2 MW offshore turbine installations. European manu­ more than 2 GW are under construction in Germany. facturers pushed the limits of offshore turbine dimen­ Japan enters the offshore market with prototypes of sions preparing for further growth of offshore wind floating turbines. energy worldwide. Prototypes with rotor diameters The globally installed offshore wind capacity has from 150 to 164 m and corresponding capacities of 6 to reached 6,900 MW, with 90 % of turbines being in­ 8 MW have recently been installed. stalled in European waters. The UK is pushing ahead The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and with 776 MW capacity added in the large offshore Energy System Technology has recently published wind farms , Lincs and Teesside which is the “Wind Energy Report Germany 2013”. The report half of the 1,600 MW added capacity in 2013. Germa­ gives a comprehensive overview on wind energy devel­ ny completed the installation of the wind farms Bard opment in Germany and includes an update on global Offshore 1 and Riffgat. With 620 MW installed and offshore wind energy installations.

10 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Hyosung installs 5 MW prototype in Korea

A prototype of the aeroMaster 5.0 drivetrain concept. Designs that use this offshore wind turbine, developed by concept already exist for 1.5 and 2.5 MW aerodyn Energiesysteme GmbH in Ger- onshore turbines. A second prototype of many, was installed in Korea at the end the 5 MW system will be set up later this of February. The Korean conglomerate year by a Chinese manufacturer. and manufacturer of wind turbines The aeroMaster 5.0 is the third off­ Hyosung Corporation set the system shore system in the 5 MW class to be up on Jeju Island south of the Korean introduced by aerodyn. A fourth offshore Peninsula. design by aerodyn with 6 MW and an The aeroMaster 5.0 has a rated power integrated drivetrain (SCD) will also be of 5 MW and a rotor diameter of 139 m. It put into operation this year. According has a modular drivetrain with a medium­ to the German engineering company, The prototype of the aeroMaster voltage generator. The system was de­ more than 10 % of the world’s installed 5.0 from the engineering company veloped using the proven aeroMaster turbines were designed by it. aerodyn was installed in Korea. Photo: aerodyn

Dong tests bucket foundation

Dong Energy is utilising technological innovations for dustries, are used in the offshore wind sector. If this type the construction of the offshore wind farm Borkum of foundation turns out to be suitable, then it will lead to Riffgrund 1. For the first time, the company is testing a reduction in construction time and costs. In addition, the a bucket foundation (jacket suction bucket), on top of new technology allows quieter installation. which it will be installing the 78th turbine. The suction bucket jacket is also scheduled to be The prototype of the foundation is a three­legged installed later this year. Dong will be integrating a jacket with bucket foundations that will be anchored to measurement system in the foundation that will provide the seabed using a suction technique. The installation will valuable data. This data will also be made available to be the first time jacket suction bucket foundations which the participants of the British Offshore Wind Accelerator have already proven their worth in the oil and gas in­ Programme (OWA).

Harnessing the wind Bladt Industries is the market leading specialist in complex steel solutions for the offshore wind energy sector. We contribute with first class steel structures, expert knowledge and essential hands-on experience to wind energy projects all Read more about Bladt Industries11 on over Europe. www.bladt.dk The Gicon SOF will allow installations in water depths news of up to 500 m.

on 1 July. Comprehensive technical and environmental testing of the model is scheduled to begin in the middle of next year in the German Baltic Sea near the offshore wind farm Baltic 1. The SOF can be completely as­ sembled onshore, towed to the in­ stallation site together with the tur­ Funding bine and installed without the help of additional installation vessels. for floating The stability of the foundation is equivalent to that of a solid foun­ turbine dation, so there are no additional mechanical requirements on the secured turbine. “For nearly two years, Gicon has pursued the project goal of building a working model of the Gicon SOF The Gicon Group is receiving a many s first ever floating wind and installing it in the Baltic Sea; grant of approximately € 5.25 power plant is now on firm we have done so at our own risk and million for its floating offshore financial footing. The total in- with significant expenditure of our foundation SOF from the Ger- vestment volume for the SOF is own resources. Funding has now man federal state of Mecklen- approximately € 18 million. been approved, securing the project burg-Vorpommern. The notifi- ESG, which is a member of the financially, which will allow us to cation of the funding decision Gicon Group, will begin construc­ concentrate fully on the challenges means that the manufacture, tion work on an identical pilot plant ahead,” Managing Director of Gicon

installation and testing of Ger- at Volkswerft Stralsund shipyards Jochen Großmann said. Graphic: Gicon

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind launched

After approval by the European ing, installation, commissioning developed by Vestas and is already Commission the offshore joint and service related to the new in use since 2013 in the Swedish venture forged between Vestas V164­8.0 MW turbine as well as 48 MW project in Kaarenham. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries all marketing, sales and after­sales The Board of Directors of MHI (MHI) was launched. service related to offshore wind. Ac­ Vestas Offshore Wind consists of The joint venture called MHI cording to the new website of MHI representatives from both compa­ Vestas Offshore Wind is responsi­ Vestas Offshore Wind, the joint ven­ nies and is chaired by Masafumi ble for the design, further develop­ ture also offers the smaller Vestas Wani, Chairman of Mitsubishi ment, procurement, manufactur­ V112­3.3 MW turbine, which was Heavy Industries Europe.

12 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 www.skylotec.com news HIGH France awards second PROTECTION offshore wind tender

France has awarded its second opment centre in Rouen is sup­ offshore wind tender. The four posed to be put into operation this corporations GDF Suez, EDP year. Between 2015 and 2017, the Renewables, Neoen Marine und suppliers of foundations, electrical Areva will work together to build sub­stations and installation and offshore wind farms with a ca- maintenance services for the wind pacity of about 1,000 MW. The farms will be selected. start of construction is planned In 2018 the production of the for 2019. 8 MW Areva turbines will start The companies GDF Suez, EDP in Le Havre. The construction of Renewables, Neoen Marine and the wind farms in both regions Areva are planning to build and is scheduled for one year later. In operate offshore wind farms in the 2021 the wind farms are expected area of Tréport in the Normandy to be finished. The Tréport wind (500 MW) and the Isles of Yeu and farm will be operated and serviced Noirmoutierat in the Loire region by the ports of Dieppe and Tréport, (500 MW). For the new projects, while the offshore wind park of two new companies in Rouen and the Isles Yeu and Noirmoutier Nantes were established. Local will be handled from the ports of partners will also take active part l’Herbaudière and Port­Joinville. in the production and installation of components for the wind farms. The new firms “Les Eoliennes en mer de Dieppe­Le Tréport“ and Le tréport “Les Eoliennes en mer de Vendée” shall stimulate exchange and co­ OFFSHORE MASTER operation between the involved More safety in corrosive environment parties. The projects will create ‡ Field approved. presumably 6,000 jobs in the area. ‡ All fittings in sea water proofed stainless For the wind farms, the project steel quality to ensure an even better off- partners will use the new turbines shore suitability. of Areva, with a capacity of 8 MW ‡S, M-L, XL - three different sizes for perfect comfort. each. The new research and devel­ ‡KLJKJUDGHsalt spray tested.


13 “The problem is the risks in the construction phase“

Some closed-end investment funds have already invested large sums in a range of offshore wind farms, others have not. Daniel von Preyss, Managing Director of the Private Equity Infrastructure Team at Impax Asset Manage- ment Ltd in London explains the underlying reasons.

OWI: Mr von Preyss, what is rights for developing wind or pho- their managers interested in the Impax business model? tovoltaic farms, for example. renewable energy? Daniel von Preyss: Impax is von Preyss: Infrastructure is a company which specialises in OWI: And who provides you just a fixed asset. It doesn’t matter green investments and manages with the capital? whether it’s a bridge, toll motor- a total of € 3 billion. Almost € 2.5 von Preyss: Predominantly way or power station. However, billion of that is tied up in funds pension funds that are looking for these funds like to invest in renew- which are invested exclusively in long-term investments and want able energy, if the funding condi- listed companies around the world. to support renewable energy. How­ As far as private equity is con- ever, investors also include insur- cerned, we manage € 450 million in ance companies and banks, such as two additional funds which we in- the European Investment Bank. vest in renewable energy through- out Europe. In this segment, which OWI: Thare are also large I represent, we purchase project infrastructure funds. Are

Daniel von Preyss

has worked for Babcock Brown, Deutsche Bank and Citigroup. At Impax Asset Management Ltd. in London, the business school graduate manages the private equity department. Photo: Torsten Thomas Photo: Torsten

14 offshore Wind Industry 2|2014 Interview | Financing

Money is no object The financial crisis is over and liquid assets are frothy again. Investments in offshore wind farms are very popular with the banks and capital companies.

There were plenty of double- tor, Northland Power, recently ­Energy, has also managed to takes at the latest financing reported that ten international hook a few prospective equity­ workshop run in Bremen by banks and export insurers want capital investors. “We’re in Mummert & Company. Not only to invest € 1.1 billion. This negotiations with stakeholders did the crème de la crème of the includes newcomers from Japan, in Canada, Abu Dhabi and Japan. banking scene declare an end France, Spain and Canada. Dong has its eye on investors to the financial crisis, but they The appetite of experienced who want to purchase in at also considered the financing of banks is also growing. “The least 50 % of a wind farm. It is risk-laden offshore wind farms financing of our first project also conceivable that we will to be a growing and lucrative has since been fully recouped. lower our equity ratio to 30 %,” market. “The liquidity is there We are partly financing two ad- says Volker Malmen, Commer- and offshore wind energy is ditional wind farms,” says Nils cial Managing Director of Dong very attractive because of its Driemeyer, Senior Vice President Energy Renewables Germany. steep learning curve. However, for Renewable Energy at HSH Goldman Sachs has also pro- the outlay is considerable and Nordbank. vided Dong with fresh capital. the monitoring is taking longer This is based on the precon- The American investment bank than planned. It’s not yet priced dition that government-owned acquired 19 % of the Danish in,” says Henrik Meyer, Renew­ banks, such as KfW-IPEX, the state-owned company at the ables Director at Commerzbank. European Investment Bank and beginning of the year. Bankers worrying about their large credit insurers such as In light of meagre inter- margins, is a sign that the world Euler Hermes are on board. This est rates for invested capital, of finance is in order. will help make the situation less shares in offshore wind farms The offshore sector can look fraught for project companies. glitter like gold. Anyone only forward to new players. “Banks “Instead of the current standard prepared to take on low risks with no previous experience are credit lines of € 50 million, they can count on returns on their getting involved in financing,” will start to range from € 75 to equity capital of 7 % to 9 %. But says Dirk Mous, Director for € 125 million, and the number the returns are based on when ­Infrastructure and Renewables of banks involved will therefore you get involved. “If investors at the Dutch bank NIBC. Mous decrease,” says Gernot Blanke, a come on board during the finan- has his sights on the 600 MW shareholder of wpd AG. cial close, returns can be as high Dutch Gemini project, for exam- The largest global offshore as 10 % to 14 %,” says Blanke. ple. Its Canadian majority inves- wind farm operator, Dong Torsten Thomas

15 InTErvIEw | Financing

tions are stable. But a conventional von Preyss: Yes, of that I’m von Preyss: Many British ports infrastructure fund is not set up to certain. Many pension and are already owned by infrastruc- deal with development or construc- infrastructure funds are looking ture funds. They’re naturally tion risks. The managers prefer to for big projects. In essence, it’s interested in developing their busi- purchase a turnkey wind farm. very simple. Funds which have to nesses, and pension funds are look- continue to invest money naturally ing for investment opportunities. OWI: Could that be the reason want to do so in the most efficient When this potential can be tapped, why funds haven’t embraced manner possible. We’re not talking it is definitely appealing. offshore wind energy? small sums here, more like € 150 von Preyss: There are some to € 500 million. On this scale, OWI: Are infrastructure and financial investors, such as various pension funds are involved pension funds primarily Blackstone, which have invested in the offshore wind farms of Dong concerned with security and in offshore wind farms. But the Energy. acceptable returns? projects are very large in terms of von Preyss: Yes, you could put it their funding volume. We have to OWI: One speciality of the like that. It’s also a matter of hard diversify, and can’t put all of our British market is that op­ assets such as wharves or build- eggs in one basket. Impax could erators install their own grid ings which offer investors a certain perhaps invest € 50 million in an connections. These then have level of security. offshore project, but then we would to be resold, because the libe­ be just a minority stakeholder. Our ralisation of the energy mar­ OWI: Do you believe the fund prerequisite for investments is that ket requires the separation of managers will start to show we have control. production and transmission. more interest in offshore von Preyss: That’s a very good wind farms and project fi­ OWI: Hasn’t the financial deal considering it is ultimately a nancing in coming years? crisis made it desirable to regulated monopoly. That’s why von Preyss: Financing is natu- invest in large offshore wind many capital companies want to be rally heavily driven by the risk projects? involved. assessments of banks. German von Preyss: You’ll have to ask the banks are very happy to offer investors themselves. But Canadian OWI: Is there more interest financing based on the guaranteed pension funds in particular are in this than in a wind farm feed-in rates. However, project quite happy to invest hundreds connected to the substation? financing is not an option if the of millions. That would be a good von Preyss: Yes. On the one hand, market risks are very high. For match in terms of volume. They the investment volume is smaller example, if operators have to are active in the UK, for instance, and thus appealing to more compa- sell their own green certificates and are interested in turnkey nies. On the other, there are fewer because subsised periods are too projects. The bigger problem is, risks. That’s why demand and short or when technical risks crop who bears the risks during the competition for operating the grid up. It is up to the industry so construction phase. connections is very high. resolve these issues.

OWI: In other words, interest OWI: And what does the port increases when the offshore infrastructure scene look The interview was conducted by wind farm actually exists? like? Torsten Thomas.

16 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 2,000 grouted connections installedInTErvIEw | Financing in offshore wind turbine foundations

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www.itwwind.com spotlight Cables | Market overview

the subsea cable is properly lined up on carousel. Connection established at times, connecting offshore wind farms to the grid poses a real challenge. However, technical solutions do exist, and there are many manufacturers that offer them.

he German offshore wind A solution for every problem farm Riffgat is connec- AC export cables have three cores. Each individual core ted to the grid. Finally consists of the actual copper or aluminium conductor, even though this may the inner and outer conductive layers for controlling not sound so spectacular, the fields as well as high-voltage insulation made out it was quite a hard task. Connecting the 30 wind tur- of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). A fibre optic cable tbines to the grid 15 km off the coast had become a real is integrated in the submarine cable for data transfer obstacle. The wind turbines were already operational of measurement and control signals. The cable core is and ready to go last summer, the power line was not. wrapped in galvanised steel wire to protect it against The main problem was old munitions that were mechanical damage. The undersea cables will be located along the cable route. “It was the first time that calculated and adjusted individually for each connec- a cable had been laid in such close proximity to a muni- tion. They have a diameter of up to 25 cm and weigh tions disposal site in the North Sea,” says Alexandra approximately 100 kg/m. Bangemann, Project Manager for Riffgat at nkt cables. If the distances to the coast are greater, as in the They were in charge of implementing the grid link to case of the German cluster connections, then the losses Riffgat on behalf of TenneT. The project included project become too great if the electricity is transported as AC management, technical planning, production as well as current. In these cases, a high-voltage direct current complete installation of 51 km of 155 kV export cable. (HVDC) connection is necessary. Prysmian recently

18 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 spotlight

landed a rather large ‘fish’ using a 159 km ‘fishing line’. the internal cabling. The situation will be different in the The deal will bring € 250 million into the coffers of the future if floating wind turbines need to be connected. cable manufacturer. The reference is to the grid con- “The cables will have to be flexible. This is a whole new nection of the converter platform BorWin gamma. The challenge,” Norman says. Up till now, cables have been project involves delivery, installation and the commis- designed for a service life of 25 to 30 years in static sion of a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) 320 kV ex- applications. With floating structures, the cables hang truded submarine and land power bi-pole connection, flexibly in the water and are constantly in motion. rated at 900 MW and the associated fibre optic cable The experts at JDR see the greatest potential for system, comprising a 29 km land route as well as an development in insulation of undersea cables and higher undersea route of 130 km. voltage. “We have 33 kV cables down pat. The rest needs However, before the wind energy can be transported to be researched,” Norman says. The cable insulation can to shore with an export cable, it has to be collected from certainly be improved in terms of impermeability, in the individual wind turbines via the internal cabling particular in view of the higher voltage. The higher the of the wind farm. According to Andrew Norman, CEO voltage in the cable is, the higher the water permeability of JDR Cable Systems, cabling offshore wind farms is of the insulation becomes, Norman explains. This is a generally not such a large technical challenge. At least problem that the oil and gas industries have never had to enne t t this is the case with conventional systems like the wind deal with and it presents new challenges, even for com-

Photo: farms Greater Gabbard and London Array, where JDR did panies that have plenty of experience in these areas.

19 spotlight Cables | Market overview

How deep is deep enough? Plenty of experience The grid operator TenneT recently completed a The amount of cable installed in a single offshore research project that looked at the depths needed wind farm is enormous. Nexans supplied 140 km of to lay offshore cables. The goal of the study was 34 kV cable just for the cabling within the Gode Wind to find out how deep the anchors dig into the 1 and 2 wind farms, for example. And that is just part seabed of the North Sea. They were looking to draw of a framework contract between Dong Energy and conclusions about the necessary depth for laying Nexans, in which a total of 900 km of cable for con- undersea cables to eliminate the risk of the cable necting offshore wind turbines in various projects is being damaged during anchoring. included. The experiments showed that the anchors Dirk Steinbrink, Executive Vice President of High penetrate to a maximum of 0.8 m in the types of Voltage & Underwater Cables at Nexans, commented: seabed typical for German North Sea regions. To “We are delighted that Dong Energy values the qual- avoid any risk in the future, the Federal Waterways ity of our products as well as our more than 40 years and Shipping Administration will set the reference of experience with offshore cables. As the supplier for value for coverage of sea cables to 1.5 m in traffic these offshore projects, we are happy that we can do separation zones as well as the rest of the exclusive our part to promote the energy turnaround.” economic areas. In terms of experience, ABB is on par with Nexans. The previous depth requirements for laying The Swedish company has manufactured XLPE cables cables resulted from safety values that had been since the late 1960s and has delivered more than determined in a general manner. The value for 3,000 m of polymeric insulated submarine cables. ABB traffic separation zones, for example, had been 3 m. performed its first submarine installation in 1953, and The seabed conditions along the cable routes often in 1973 the company connected the Finnish island of made it technically difficult to bury the cables at the Åland to the Swedish mainland using three 55 km long required depth. XLPE cables rated at 84 kV. In the areas of export cables as well as cabling within wind farms, the company’s list of offshore wind references is long and (NSW), which belongs to General Cable. The former includes projects throughout European has an impressive track record of supplying public waters, such as Humber Gateway in utilities and the industry with cables and accessories the UK, Thornton Bank, DolWin and for low, medium and high voltage up to 550 kV for Lillgrund. more than 130 years. NSW’s submarine power cables The list of major manufactur- are designed for various medium and high voltage ers also includes nkt cables as well applications, such as offshore wind farms, the oil and as Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke gas industry, island connections, static tidal and wave power applications, as well as lake and river crossings. NSW’s experienced project implementation team of- fers installation capabilities to meet even the most three copper cores, a fibre optic challenging requirements of interconnection, export cable and plenty of insulation and and infield sea cable projects. And the offshore wind reinforcement these are the main energy industry has many such challenges to solve, as components of an undersea cable. the example of Riffgat shows.

Katharina Garus Photo: Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke

20 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 spotlight Cables | Market overview Interconnection interrupted

In early 2011, cables, mostly in British offshore wind farms, were cause for alarm. Otherwise an almost ig- nored component, the failing cables nearly brought the whole operation to a halt. Systematic inves- tigations have helped improve the situation. Photo: General Cable

22 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Spotlight CableS | DamaGe

ables that had with a single instance of cable dam- only just been age receiving up to € 2.5 million, laid were already that premium can disappear quite Cdamaged. The news portal ingenieur. quickly,” he explains. de, usually rather brief in its report- ing, dedicated almost two pages to dangerous anchors the cable damage in UK wind farms. At the time, engineers employed by The internal cabling connecting the the operators, the installation com- individual turbines to each other panies and, of course, experts from was hit the hardest. According to the insurance companies attempted Nick Medic, then Communications to find out the root causes. “Most Manager of the British wind energy cases were discovered during start- association RenewableUK, cable up,” Medic explained to ingenieur. damage amounted to 80 % of de. “This means that the damage had the total number of insurance occurred in the installation phase.” claims in the offshore farms. These findings made the causes Three years later, the situ- more or less clear. Damage to the ation has significantly im- inter-array cabling could be sepa- proved. rated into two categories: external Ralf Skowronnek, head impact and internal fundamental of the renewable energy errors. In the first category, the legs team at insurance broker of the jack-up platform destroyed Marsh, is familiar with the cables when they accidentally the debate about inter- propped up their legs on the cable array cables, however, trench. Commercial and leisure and points out, “In 2011, vessels also represented a risk to there were just a few farms the cabling. Although navigating in the North Sea, and they through the offshore farms is for- were smaller sites in the bidden, this is difficult to enforce UK, Denmark and Benelux.” on the high seas. Moreover, an an- In other words, the data from chor cast from a vessel to prevent that period are very limited, and drifting can also result in damage. the premiums for each wind farm At the Sheringham Shoal offshore were lower because of the smaller wind farm, for instance, the cable farm sizes. These factors should be was lowered only 0.5 m into the considered before we become too seabed in some places too shallow shocked about that 80 % share of to be safe from anchors. damages. Over the last few years, signifi- However, he does not deny that cant technical improvements have cable damage was an issue for insur- been made. Vessels at construction ance companies. “If we consider an sites now use GPS technology to insurance premium of € 25 million navigate within a few meters of their

23 Spotlight CableS | DamaGe

planned path. Satellite navigation the subsea entry point, the Peflex Luckily, these procedures can be also allows independent and stable locks into place and is clamped and improved. In a presentation at the vessel positioning so that virtually fastened into place with Inconel Offshore Cabling convention, Tom no anchor space is needed. DP2 (dy- strapping and banding. The system Schmitz, Director of Project Sup- namic positioning) vessels stay at can be assembled without divers port Engineering at Norddeutsche their programmed position using and ROVs, resulting in significantly Seekabelwerke (NSW), made some only their propulsion systems and lower costs. suggestions: “The procedure of are then moored in large empty areas choice should be concurrent laying without needing to cast anchor. As detecting errors and trenching. Suitable cable pro- a result, one of the main causes of The second damage category is tection needs to be added immedi- damage has been eliminated. harder to analyse. One cause can ately after the cable is laid, and the The plastics industry has also be the technology used to lay the whole procedure should be moni- become involved in the issue. Con- cable. In principle, the laying proce- tored in real time using a monitor- ventional cable protection systems dure in the sediment is always the ing system with documentation of can be adapted for offshore use same. First, a tool that is not unlike cable position and laying depth.” with little effort. E.on equipped its a plough tears up the seabed, then A transportable measuring system Humber Gateway offshore farm with the cable is laid and the trench is could be helpful in this phase, but it a Peflex cable protection system backfilled. A possible source of mis- would be especially useful for detect- for both the inter-array cabling takes could be that the cable trench ing the extent, location and, if possible, and the export cable. Peflex was is covered with fluid material. Un- cause of any damage that may occur. designed by Pipeline Engineering. favourable sea currents could flush Wirescan of Norway is one company According to the company, a cable the cable out of the trench, leaving it working in this area. Their patented protected in this way withstands without protection. It would then be LIRA technology is a non-destructive loads from the swell and from tur- easy prey for fishing vessels using testing method which does not com- bulence caused by ocean currents. bottom drag nets or moored leisure promise the cable or other equipment. It is designed with a series of in- vessels. If things go wrong, funda- LIRA (LIne Resonance Analysis) is terlocking polyurethane vertebrae mental errors like this one can gen- based on the transmission line theory, half sections that are interspersed erate enormous costs of up to two using the estimation and analysis of with elastomeric sleeves. Used with million euros per day for a 400 MW the complex line impedance as a func-

J-tube and J-tubeless connections at farm. tion of the applied signal frequency. Photo: TenneT

24 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Spotlight CableS | DamaGe

heavyweight: the sea cable of the alpha ventus wind park, for example, measures only 18 cm in diameter but weighs about 53 kg/m.

The LIRA Portable detects changes in physical impacts. Author Maryruth Even if, at first, the term seems a the impedance of the cable insulation. Belsey Priebe therefore states in an bit strange in this case, the benefits These changes are caused by physical essay, “So given the reality that no of such a system quickly become impacts on the cable, water infiltra- solution is perfect, other compa- clear. As always when applied to tion and overheating. nies are looking to develop smarter technical systems, the term “smart” cable technology that can make the here mainly refers to communica- Longer service inevitable failure and maintenance tions. An intelligent cable consists of life requirements for cables much sim- unconventional hardware combined Improved cable protection is only pler and more cost-effective.” with sensors and monitoring units. one of two solutions to enhance the A cable is actually low-tech, and Intelligent cables make it possible to service life of inter-array cabling. a conventional cable on its own is continuously monitor the cable and The other strategy is based on the not particularly equipped to lo- display fault locations. The most insight that so far no cable on the calise or pinpoint the cause of an important feature is the ability to market can guarantee a hundred error. “Smart cable technology is the link this information to an Internet- per cent protection against major answer,” Belsey Priebe concludes. based evaluation. Jörn Iken

Expertise in Subsea Cable Installation Repair Maintenance Survey

References: Gwynt y Môr OWF, West of Duddon Sands OWF, London Array OWF, Greater Gabbard OWF, Walney OWF, Lincs OWF, Horns Rev OWF, Gunfleet Sands OWF when it comes to connecting windpower offshore www.ctoffshore.dk Specialists are upgrading

There are countless cable ships. However, there are not many ships for laying power cables. But the handpicked specialists are slowly upgrading their fleets some are converting older ships, others are more into new builds. The cable manufacturers are also bringing themselves into play as turnkey providers.

he laying of cables across form a handpicked and sought-after group amongst the oceans is a pretty vola- cable laying companies with regard to offshore tile market. The boom, wind projects. which started in 2000, Compared to telecommunication cables, there are was followed by a longer no more than 10 companies in Europe which can lay downturn. Today, the industry is booming again power cables which are as thick as an arm. And the old tand is investing in new capacities. This applies, in acquaintances regularly meet at the European offshore

par ticular, to specialists for power cables, which wind projects with their urgently needed special equip- Photo: ABB

26 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Spotlight CableS | SHiPS

the aMC Connector now called lewek Connector is one of the largest cable laying ships in the world.

ment. After all, the transport and laying of cables are Know-how in the joint one of the key tasks when building offshore wind farms. venture And not just anyone is tasked with this: “It is a very Blue Offshore Marine Services has just built one of small and very special market. Currently, there is great these opulent cable feeders with unwinding function. demand for ship capacity and equipment. But this cannot The carousel has a diameter of 18 m and holds a total of be easily conjured up, as all cable layers are very busy,” 2,200 t undersea cable. The steel construction will adorn says Matthias Mroß, Shipbuilding Engineer and CEO of the barge Stemat 91 of Stemat B.V. The Dutch company the German Renewables Shipbrokers, with a look at the is supporting Visser & Smit Marine Contracting (VSMC) current situation. in laying the export cable for the Nordergründe project The ships are special for several reasons at once. On in the German North Sea. Business for VSMC is boom- the one hand, they need a modern DP2 system for precise ing in general, and in April they were also awarded work in the ocean. This dynamic positioning automatically the contract for the export cable of the Dutch project keeps the ships in the correct position. On the other hand, Luchterduinen. deck space and tonnage aplenty is needed for the equip- VSMC is a 50/50 joint venture between VolkerWessels ment. This applies to special tools like tranchers, which Stevin and Royal Boskalis. Both companies see large po- automatically travel across the seabed and jet the cables tential, and their cooperation has pooled their know-how with jet nozzles, or ROVs for checking the laying work. and special equipment to achieve a larger market posi- The cables themselves are another factor. “They are tion. Both companies have already worked together for especially produced for each project and reeled onto a cabling within the wind farm of Meerwind and Nordsee Specialists cable carousel depending on manufacturer’s specifi- Ost in Germany and for two projects in the UK. Thanks cations. Depending on the lengths, the carousels can to this cooperation, VSMC has two DP2 cable layers with are upgrading have quite a large diameter and must fit onto the deck,” the Stemat Spirit and the Ndurance with a turntable says Mroß. capacity of 5,000 t each. Five further special ships are


We don’t want to make a big show of it. But you really cannot use a run-of-the-mill trailer to transport a 60 meter long blade for a wind power plant. Especially for the challenges in this market – no matter whether you are transporting tower segments, nacelles or extremely long rotor blades – you need intelligent and powerful transport solutions. Goldhofer offers robust and economical special systems for this purpose to ensure smooth and secure transportation. You can count RQRXUH[SHULHQFHDQGFRPSHWHQFH:HZLOOĺQGDVROXWLRQIRU\RX Invest in your future. Goldhofer – The Original. the cable layer topaz installer was used amongst others for the Sheringham Shoal offshore Wind Farm.

added to this for the cable business. So they are well cable laying, the DP2 multi-purpose vessel had still to equipped. be converted to become a cable layer and it had to be But the competition is also at work. Some players, for widened to 25 m for the cable carousel to fit. SeaREX is example the Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke (NSW), have responsible for jetting. The self-propelled undersea tool begun to charter suitable ships on a long-term basis with a capacity of 1,600 kW is one of the most powerful and to convert them for cable laying. The subsidiary tranchers worldwide. The investment has already paid of General Cable not only manufactures connections off, as NSW is producing and laying the export cable for cabling within offshore wind farms, but also offers for the Baltic Sea wind farm Baltic 2 as turnkey pro- laying them. For the Global Tech 1 wind farm, NSW vider. The order from the 50Hertz Transmission GmbH has worked together with Global Marine Systems Ltd. amounts to € 195 million. (GMSL). The equipment, including the cable layers The Prysmian Group also has the turnkey keyword CS Sovereign and Cable Innovator, came from the UK. on its agenda. The cable manufacturer had already The cables were jetted with a self-propelled underwater bought the GMSL subsidiary Global Marine Systems vehicle. The Excalibur trencher might be a little older, Energy Limited for € 53 million at the end of 2012. One but it still lives up to its name with a capacity of 900 kW of the acquired ships is now being converted to a modern and a jetting depth of 3 m. cable layer. For this purpose, the Cable Enterprise is now being converted from a moored cable barge to Keyword turnkey a DP2 ship with a range of extras. In addition to new NSW also wants to prove itself as turnkey provider with accommodation and a large deck, the equipment in- its own equipment. For this purpose, the cable manufac- cludes a new cable tank for the laying of HVDC cables. turer has already invested almost € 20 million into the “The Prysmian Group has been aiming at expending its barge Nostag 10 in 2009, which is also suited to work in ability to offer turnkey products and services to the off- the mudflat due to its low draught. The ship is operated shore wind farm’s growing market for some time and by NSW together with the Schramm Group and the civil now it is investing again in this field,” Marcello Del engineering company Tagu. Brenna, CEO of Prysmian Powerlink states with regard In order to also be equipped for the open sea, NSW to the new line of approach. He also has more control has dipped into the coffers once again and chartered over the supply chain in mind, and a larger share in the

the M/V Aura with a long-term charter contract. For installation business. Photo: RohOs3

28 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Spotlight CableS | SHiPS

new building instead 15 new ships to increase the fleet of special ships to 50 of conversion vessels. One ship will be a brand new cable layer, as Siem He will need to share this with other entities, who have has landed a very big fish. The RWE AG commissioned already gained merit in the field. Instead of relying on a the company to lay the cabling within the wind farm for conversion, the Dutch hydraulic engineering tycoon Van Nordsee One. The project is one of three sections with Oord has ordered a completely new cable layer, which is almost 1,000 MW. So a lot of work for the contractors. being built on a Romanian shipyard of Damen Shipyards. “We have our own cable layers and have already And there is no lack in comfort with regard to laying. With been involved in offshore wind projects, but this is the a length of 120 m, the ship has a deck capacity of 8,500 t largest order for us so far”, says Muck. He is probably and the cable carousel carries no less than 5,500 t, which also waiting for the cable manufacturer with anticipa- means there is sufficient undersea cable on board. tion. “The cables of some manufacturers can be bolted Lars Muck also does not think much of conversions: into a special tank, of others they must be reeled onto a “Of course you can do it, but it is not great,” says the carousel. This depends on the torsional strain, as other- General Manager of Siem Offshore Contractors. The ma- wise the armouring will tear”. rine offshore service provider is in the process of building Torsten Thomas

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1404 Anz IS Sun & Wind Energy_final.indd 1 08.04.2014 09:38:26 Science & technology | ConverTinG

is less more?

The BorWin beta converter station was installed in the German Bight at the end of April. The sheer size of the structure is proof for the huge effort and expense required to transport electricity onshore. Aren t there more straightforward options?

ffshore wind was this long stretch from the generator raises the question of whether elec- developed based to the grid. It is initially rectified to tricity transport actually needs to be on onshore wind DC, inverted to AC and stepped up to quite so complicated. oenergy. As a result, the perfect fix for 33 kV, all of which happens directly many issues has not yet been found; in the wind turbine. step-by-step producing electricity out at sea often The electricity then flows changes has different requirements than on through the AC wind farm grid to Quite simply, generating electricity land. This becomes especially ap- the transformer substation, which far out at sea is something complete- parent if we take a close look at grid transfers the now 155 kV power to ly new and we cannot change every- connections for wind farms located the converter station to be turned thing at the same time. The first off- far from shore. From the BorWin into 320 kV DC. The power then shore wind farms were erected near beta converter station, which was flows through the subsea cable to shore and it seemed advisable to use installed in the German Bight in late the shore, where it is converted again the power transmission technology April, the distance to shore is 125 km, into AC at the second converter sta- that had been tried and tested on- and the Diele converter station is an- tion and sent to the high-voltage shore. The wind turbines send their other 75 km onshore. The electric- grid. The fact that each conversion power to an AC grid and therefore

ity is converted several times over is costly and results in some losses need a converter so that they supply Photo: Siemens

30 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 science & technology

“clean three-phase current” just as onshore wind turbines do. The principle has proved its worth, and now wind farms are still being built in the Baltic Sea and around the British Isles that trans- port their power to the shore at high the six jack-up legs of the voltage (132 or 150 kV) using HVAC BorWin beta converter cables. These wind farms are invari- station are lowered at ably located near shore. the site, jacking up the However, the large offshore structure above the water. wind farms of the future will be situ- to its right is the BorWin ated more than 80 km off the coast, alpha converter station and the German Bight is currently installed in 2009. serving as the testing grounds to

2013-01-30_windenergie_172x120mm.qxp 04.02.2013 16:35 Seite 1

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Sea cable Land cable

the diagram shows a grid connection for offshore wind farms that are more than 80 km away from the supply point onshore.

find out what this will mean for However, power is the product cesses reaches such high levels in electricity transmission. “Usually, of electricity and voltage. Maxi- a very long cable with strong AC AC is still possible for cable lengths mum power is only reached when power that electricity transport is no of less than 80 km, but at that point electricity and voltage are simul- longer worth it. The only solution the break-even is reached,” explains taneously at a maximum that is, then is DC transmission. Dietmar Retzmann, Director of Tech- when the phase shift is zero. As High-voltage direct current nical Marketing and Innovations soon as a significant capacity is (HVDC) transmission requires just HVDC at Siemens. If the cable is any involved, power and voltage are two transport cables instead of longer, DC is the better solution. displaced from each other. The three. Moreover, you can lay one larger the capacitor, the stronger cable with +320 kV and the other Cable as a the phase shift and the smaller the with -320 kV potential so that a po- capacitor active power. tential difference of 640 kV can be Every conductor that AC passes The power splits up into usable used. A current of “only” 1,250 am- through has not only ohmic resist- active power and apparent power, peres is thereby sufficient to trans- ance but also capacitive reactance, which does not perform work but is port 800 MW. Lower amperage leads because it acts as a capacitor. This, only the product of reactive power to lower ohmic losses. however, only makes itself felt when and voltage. “The cable acts as a However, this also means that the cable is a certain length. large capacitor that needs so much the frequency converter found in As an example, each of the three reactive power that, at the end of every turbine is redundant. A trans- copper wire bundles in an HVAC transmission, hardly any electric- former would potentially no longer subsea cable has a cross section of ity is left,” Retzmann explains. The be required. In theory, it would be 1,600 mm2. For a length of 80 km, same is true for the conductor’s sufficient just to rectify the power this results in a volume of 128 m3, inductance, since every vibration produced by the wind turbine’s AC which is filled with charge carriers causes a magnetic field to form and generator and send it to the offshore like a large capacitor as soon as the then disappear. This is another cause converter station. electricity passes from A to B. of phase displacement. This, however, is easier said While the electricity alternates than done, since wind farm grids its direction several times per sec- dC transmission can stretch out several kilometres. ond, the capacitor is therefore con- for long distances In order to limit losses, a relatively tinuously charged and discharged. A portion of the energy that is to small current with high voltage No work is being done at this point, be transported is only stored in the (24 to 36 kV, depending on the sys- but electricity and voltage no longer conductor and does not reach the tem) flows through the grid, as with fluctuate in phase; instead, the other end. It is easy to understand wind farm grids onshore. However, phases are slightly displaced from that the apparent power resulting the relatively small generator inside

each other. from capacitive and inductive pro- the wind turbine cannot generate Graphic: TenneT

32 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Science & technology | ConverTinG

this voltage, so the generator volt- standards. Before the next step to- into the wind farm’s AC grid. This age needs to be stepped up to the wards a DC system is possible, DC could be the first step. desired medium voltage instead. A technology needs to be integrated Perhaps one day, wind farm grids transformer substation is therefore into the AC world. Right now, HVDC will be designed as DC grids. An off- still necessary. transmission is “jammed” between shore DC system would mean that two AC grids. wind turbines would be designed norms and There really aren’t any easier so- and certified in accordance with standards only lutions? In fact, there are, but con- standards that do not yet exist to- for AC grids verter stations certainly won’t be day. Protection technology for such The reason why things are not getting any smaller. There is only a DC grid would also need to be de- simpler is that the grids are speci- one thing that could be simplified veloped. Work is already underway fied to AC out at sea, just as they electricity transport from the wind here, but it will take some time. For are onshore. Norms and standards turbine to the converter station. now, we have no choice but to con- only exist for this type of electric- The converters inside the wind tur- vert power more frequently than is ity transport, and wind turbines bines could be done away with and actually necessary. are also developed based on those the AC power could be fed directly Detlef Koenemann


If you invest in expensive wind farms, you want the turbines to be sitting on the right, durable foundation. Especially offshore wind turbines that are exposed to high dynamic loads need to be installed on a well designed foundation. Therefore, they need to be strong and resistant to the dynamic actions from waves, wind, vibration, bending moments etc. Longevity is thus a major requirement, as you do not want to replace the offshore foundation or wind turbine installation. Our ultra-high strength grouts are easy to apply, long lasting, fatigue resistant and volume stable. They can be installed in a wide temperature range, as low as 0 °C and up to 30 °C or above. The BASF experts have implemented our latest technologies in these grout formulations to ensure that.

For more information, go to www.master-builders-solutions.basf.co.uk The tower sections are fitted with a scaffolding on land. A lift raises the individual compo- nents aloft. Even the nacelle is mounted with the lift. Lifts instead of cranes Weather windows are a bottleneck. Installation vessels with large capacity cranes are another. Both could become unnecessary if a new installation method catches on, the offshore installation lift.

nstalling an offshore wind tower section rolls along the same path onto the turbine with no crane at transition piece, which is equipped with four mount- all. What at first sounds ing points for the installation mast according to surreal could become a Berg, this is the only structural adaptation necessary reality in about five years, for the otherwise entirely conventional standard according to Mario Berg. By that time, tower sections, components. inacelles and rotor blades could be installed by lift. Berg is the Director of the German engineering firm reaching for the sky, Berg-idl GmbH. His company has developed and pat- step by step ented the Wind Lift Tower. Instead of using a crane, indi- The scaffolding on the first tower section now becomes vidual tower sections are placed one atop the other with the bottom part of an installation mast which takes a lift mounted on a self-erecting installation mast. shape around the tower over the course of its construc- The process unfolds step by step: First, all of the tion. Later, the mast and scaffolding can be dismantled tower sections are fitted with a scaffolding on shore. and re-used both for the construction of additional A lifting car is then attached to the lowermost tower wind turbines and for maintenance. The scaffolding section. The tower sections, once equipped with the around the tower segments serves incidentally during scaffolding, are rolled onto a jack-up barge on wheels. transport to protect against surface damage which could

Once they arrive in the construction area, the bottom lead to corrosion. Graphics (2): Berg-idl

34 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 SciEncE & TEchnology | InstallatIon

The lifting car raises remote control to position the second section of the the rotor blade precisely in tower into the air. Once Visit us: the hub. Up top, a techni- raised, it is shifted to the WINDFORCE cian merely has to tighten side and hydraulically em- Stand C 21 down the nuts. placed. The tower and the The fact that compo- installation mast assembly nents are never suspended are now a bit higher. “The when aloft is supposed to cranes in use today have www.seaports.de make the construction of difficulties with the current offshore wind turbines lifting heights and loads,” says Berg. Wind Lift Tower’s using the new assembly method less dependent on the lifting car can hoist more than 500 t, and lifting heights weather and thus faster and cheaper at the same time. of more than 150 m are possible. The system is designed Berg estimates a purchase price of € 6 million for the to assemble 10 MW turbines, says Berg. Wind Lift Tower, which is designed to install a wind Once the tower is erected, the work of the system turbine within two to three days. And according to Berg, is far from done. Even the nacelle, including two ro- the lift can operate 365 days a year. tor blades attached on land, can be raised into the air Now, the question remains of who will step up, money with the lift. The vertical forces generated during lift- in hand, and bring Berg-idl’s concept into reality. “We ing, as well as the forces between the lifting car and have some very interested parties,” said Berg. But “big, the installation mast are completely absorbed by the heavy industry” is on the conservative side, he added. auxiliary mast. Currently, installation using a crane is considered the And even for the crowning final rotor blade no method of choice. However, Berg is pinning his hopes crane is needed. In a collaborative project, Berg-idl and on installation firms that want to lower their costs and the Institute for Integrated Production Hannover (IPH) crane companies that are looking for alternative busi- developed a gripper for use in installing rotor blades with ness ideas. He is also hoping to get shipyards excited the Wind Lift Tower. The gripper, together with the rotor about his idea as well. After all, all of these potential blade, also rides skyward along the installation mast. The clients should be interested in cost-cutting potential. gripper can be controlled and tilted up to 15 degrees by Katharina Garus

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35 logistics & operations | PorTs

Special economic conditions

thyborØn port s focus is addressed towards the planned construction of near coast offshore wind parks.

The problems in Germany with the energy transition in general, and with offshore wind power in particular, have affected the ports of the German Bight. In contrast, at British ports the wind industry has already taken on the role of economic powerhouse.

he development of elec- ments. On 25 May, the German technology conglomerate tricity generation in the Siemens confirmed its intention to invest around  160 North Sea has created million (around € 196 million) in the construction of a wind special economic condi- turbine production facility. The plan is to build construc- tions at the ports on the tion, assembly and maintenance facilities at two locations British, Danish, German, Dutch and Belgian coasts. And in the port of Hull, including the “Green Port Hull” at the tthe construction of the offshore wind farms is still only Alexandra Dock. This is a major expansion of Siemens’ in its early stages. The German projects in particular original plans from 2011. Associated British Ports (ABP) due to the years of delays are only just getting off the will invest an additional  150 million. ABP emphasized ground, with the start of the actual construction phase. that the two investments would lead to a significant eco- As only a fraction of the plans for the German EEZ have nomic upturn, with the direct creation of 1,000 new jobs. been implemented so far, the North Sea ports can look Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the an- forward to brisk business over the next few years. How- nouncement from Siemens. He said: “This is a massive ever, the competition is strong, and not all ports will vote of confidence in our long-term economic plan. This profit equally. investment is going to create lots of new jobs and op- The newsflash of the year: the port of Hull, in the north- portunities, meaning more financial security and peace

east of England, secured a large share of the total invest- of mind for families and a more resilient economy for of Thyborøn Photo: Port

36 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 at the offshore-terminal 1 of the base logistics & port of cuxhaven monopiles and transition pieces are shipped for the offshore amrum- operations bank West wind farm.

our country.” Green Port Hull should be ready for opera- made headlines in recent weeks. At the end of March, tions in 2016, in time to participate in the third round the company’s own crane erected the tallest turbine of bidding. The effects of the large investment will be in the Netherlands near the town of Lelystad on the felt across the entire Humber region at the confluence IJsselmeer. Wagenborg maintains another two termi- of the Rivers Ouse and Trent. nals in Eemshaven, close to Delfzijl. Activities focus on offshore logistics. Good news all around The Orange Blue Terminal (OBT) in the Dutch town The company Royal Wagenborg, which maintains two of Eemshaven was awarded the contract for the handling terminals at Delfzijl in the Netherlands for supplying of 77 foundation structures for the Borkum Riffgrund 1

Photo: Cuxport the offshore wind farms and construction sites, has also offshore wind farm. The structures will carry Siemens

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37 logistics & operations | PorTs Photo: Buss Port Logistics Photo: Buss Port the temporary storage of components demands the allocation of large storage areas by the ports. Photo: bremenports

turbines with a rated capacity of 3.6 MW. OBT is re- Global Tech 1, Riffgat as well as the Alstom Haliade in sponsible for the planning, coordination and execution. the Belwind offshore wind farm. To further strengthen Operational aspects will be handled by the Hamburg- its market position, Verbrugge has entered into a co- based company Buss, together with its Dutch partner operation agreement with the Sarens Group, another Uniteam Projects. OBT sees itself as the “link between heavy lifting specialist. land and sea”. The monopiles, each weighing 700 t, will be manufactured in Aalborg, Denmark, before be- seized opportunity ing transported by heavy-lift ship to Eemshaven. From For structural economic reasons, the German island there the jack-up vessel Pacific Orca will carry them to of Heligoland kept its eyes open for economic oppor- the construction site. tunities, and seized one when it presented itself. The Bremerhaven witnessed some spectacular crane German energy company E.on selected Heligoland for work when Mammoet, which specializes in heavy loads, its maintenance port and the topping out of the adminis- attached four legs to the installation vessel Aeolus, the trative building was celebrated in January. The installa- newest installation ship in the fleet of offshore special- tion work for the offshore wind farm Amrumbank West ist Van Oord. The platform-legs are 139 m long and was already underway as the scaffolding was being weigh 920 t. Mammoet Terminal operates two sites, removed. Schiedam, and Terneuzen on the River Scheldt, and is There is not much to report from German offshore considered the global market leader in the handling of ports such as Brunsbüttel, Cuxhaven or Bremerhaven. heavy loads. “Energy transition: lull in offshore activity in Bremer- Another logistics service provider is Verbrugge haven” read the headline of a German news magazine Zeeland Terminals B.V. The Dutch company oper- in February. The magazine criticized the back-and-forth ates three terminals in the ports of Vlissingen and politics of the German government, which has left in- Zeebrugge. It has a long list of reference projects: vestors feeling insecure for months and has affected the London Array, Greater Gabbard, Sheringham Shoal, German ports. With the collapse of the German fishing

38 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 OffWIND shore INDUSTRY You go off shore, we go inside. OWI – your inside look to the European off shore wind industry.


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logistics & operations | PorTs

1 39 38 37

36 Ports around the North Sea 2


4 35





1 Skagen 21 Vlissingen 2 Thyborøn 22 Terneuzen 7 3 Esbjerg 23 Zeebrugge 6 31 22 4 24 12 8 Rømø Oostende 30 11 10 29 5 25 9 Heligoland Dunkerque 15 13 6 Stade 26 Harwich 14 16 7 Cuxhaven 27 Lowestoft 8 Bremerhaven 28 Great Yarmouth 9 Brake 29 Grimsby 10 Nordenham 30 Immingham 28 18 11 Wilhelmshaven 31 Hull 17 27 12 Norddeich 32 Middlesbrough 13 Emden 33 Hartlepool 14 Delfzijl 34 Sunerland 26 19 15 Eemshaven 35 Blyth 20 16 Harlingen 36 Aberdeen 17 Amsterdam 37 Peterhead 21 18 38 IJmuiden Fraserburgh 22 19 Schiedam 39 Macduff 23 24 20 Rotterdam 40 Lyness 25

40 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 40

OffshoreWind industry 1 39 38 37 Offshore


2 for Sure


4 35



32 We take care of your offshore wind 5 logistics:


28 18 17 27

26 19 20

all along the north sea shore small and large seaports are positioned, in order to 21 www.buss-ports.de 22 serve offshore wind energy as construction 23 and service ports. 24 25

41 Detailed information on selected North Sea ports supporting the offshore wind industry options (y/n) Distance to [km] suitable port handling installations o&M storage Development rail Major road Helipad reference customer (offshore wind industry) country port owner operators base base space land links Container Terminal Free Hanseatic germany rWe, eurogate yy y y 5 9 10 eurogate container terminal Bremerhaven Bremerhaven city Bremen Labrador Port Free Hanseatic germany FBg yy y y 5 2.5 1 WeserWind, senvion, areva Wind, powerblades Bremerhaven city Bremen Offshore Terminal Free Hanseatic germany Blg logistics group yy y y 5 5 5 Blg logistics group ABC-Halbinsel city Bremen Orange Blue Termi- Harlingen 3 to n33; under netherlands Buss port logistics yy y y 0 areva Wind, geosea, Hochtief solutions, Jp Kenny, Mpi consultants nals Eemshaven seaport 34 to a7 construction great Yarmouth great Yarmouth port EastPort UK United Kingdom yy y y 4 4.3 6.5 n/a port company company Harwich Hutchison 0 to a120; acted as main installation port for gunfleet sands, greater gabbard and london array. United Kingdom yy y y 0 13 International Port ports 83 to M11 support operations for a number of other projects. seaports of Port of Nordenham germany rhenus yy y y 0 10 15 several niedersachsen city of Havenbedrijf netherlands yy y y 0 0 0 land turbines parts Westermeerwind 2015 Port of Amsterdam amsterdam amsterdam niedersachsen Port of Brake germany J. Müller group yy y y 0.1 1 30 J. Müller Wind service & logistics, sgl rotec (lemwerder) ports niedersachsen ambau, Bard engineering, cuxhaven steel construction, DeWi-occ, Dl Helicopter, pne Wind, Port of Cuxhaven germany cuxport yy y y 0.4 3.5 12 ports otto Wulf, offshore Marine services anker-schiffahrts niedersachsen gesellschaft, epas, eMs Maritime offshore gmbH, ag eMs, enercon, nsW nordseewerke, oWs offshore Wind Port of Emden germany yy y y 0.1 2.5 10 ports eVag, Jakob Weets solutions spedition niedersachsen niedersachsen 0.1 to B 72; Port of Norddeich germany ports, reederei ny n n 0.1 1.5 Frisia-offshore, Dong energy, ag eMs, tennet, repower ports 36 to a 31 norden-Frisia niedersachsen 10 to a29; Port of Stade germany Buss port logistics ny y y 10 14 areva Blades ports 60 to a1 Jade-Dienst, Port of niedersachsen Hydraulik-pneumatik-Kontor Jade, Jade Werke, neptun schiffahrts-agentur, Wiking Helikopter germany Jade-Weser logistik, yy y y 0.1 0.3 6 Wilhelmshaven ports service, Motorenwerke WHV, navitek, neue Jadewerft, turbo-technik reparatur-Werft rhenus envision, test facilities, and installation port (test turbine). JD contractors (preparation work at Municipality of thyborøn port Port of Thyborøn Denmark yy y y 0 50 0 Horns rev 3), Fugro (geotechnical/preparation at Vesterhav nord and Vesterhav syd. rønland lemvig authority offshore park is situated 1 km south of the port. Zeehaven Zeehaven Port of IJmuiden netherlands yy y y 0 0 20 oWeZ, prinses amaliapark including maintenance luchterduinen 2015 iJmuiden iJmuiden

fleet and the slow death of the German shipbuilding port” in Ostend. The vision is to use the port for both industry, these ports have all either just come out of a offshore and onshore activities. According to the plan- structural crisis or are still in the middle of one. ners, the advantages of the energy port are its direct sea The example of Ostend, which was no less affected access, no limitations on transport and storage, ability by structural changes in the maritime industries, shows of jack-up vessels to operate in the harbour area, 24/7 how things could be. The port was used to build the operations and no negative impact on the surround- Belgian offshore wind farm Thorntonbank. The location ings. The decommissioned areas of the port are already of the port was ideal as the construction site can be being partially used, for instance to store foundation reached within an hour from the northern quay. structures on areas suitable for heavy loads, including At the end of March this year, a consortium consist- 2,800 t gravity foundations. ing of the software specialist 3E, MOP Urban Design and i-propeller presented a master plan for an “energy Jörn Iken

42 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 logistics & operations | PorTs

options (y/n) Distance to [km] suitable port handling installations o&M storage Development rail Major road Helipad reference customer (offshore wind industry) country port owner operators base base space land links Container Terminal Free Hanseatic germany rWe, eurogate yy y y 5 9 10 eurogate container terminal Bremerhaven Bremerhaven city Bremen Labrador Port Free Hanseatic germany FBg yy y y 5 2.5 1 WeserWind, senvion, areva Wind, powerblades Bremerhaven city Bremen Offshore Terminal Free Hanseatic germany Blg logistics group yy y y 5 5 5 Blg logistics group ABC-Halbinsel city Bremen Orange Blue Termi- Harlingen 3 to n33; under netherlands Buss port logistics yy y y 0 areva Wind, geosea, Hochtief solutions, Jp Kenny, Mpi consultants nals Eemshaven seaport 34 to a7 construction great Yarmouth great Yarmouth port EastPort UK United Kingdom yy y y 4 4.3 6.5 n/a port company company Harwich Hutchison 0 to a120; acted as main installation port for gunfleet sands, greater gabbard and london array. United Kingdom yy y y 0 13 International Port ports 83 to M11 support operations for a number of other projects. seaports of Port of Nordenham germany rhenus yy y y 0 10 15 several niedersachsen city of Havenbedrijf netherlands yy y y 0 0 0 land turbines parts Westermeerwind 2015 Port of Amsterdam amsterdam amsterdam niedersachsen Port of Brake germany J. Müller group yy y y 0.1 1 30 J. Müller Wind service & logistics, sgl rotec (lemwerder) ports niedersachsen ambau, Bard engineering, cuxhaven steel construction, DeWi-occ, Dl Helicopter, pne Wind, Port of Cuxhaven germany cuxport yy y y 0.4 3.5 12 ports otto Wulf, offshore Marine services anker-schiffahrts niedersachsen gesellschaft, epas, eMs Maritime offshore gmbH, ag eMs, enercon, nsW nordseewerke, oWs offshore Wind Port of Emden germany yy y y 0.1 2.5 10 ports eVag, Jakob Weets solutions spedition niedersachsen niedersachsen 0.1 to B 72; Port of Norddeich germany ports, reederei ny n n 0.1 1.5 Frisia-offshore, Dong energy, ag eMs, tennet, repower ports 36 to a 31 norden-Frisia niedersachsen 10 to a29; Port of Stade germany Buss port logistics ny y y 10 14 areva Blades ports 60 to a1 Jade-Dienst, Port of niedersachsen Hydraulik-pneumatik-Kontor Jade, Jade Werke, neptun schiffahrts-agentur, Wiking Helikopter germany Jade-Weser logistik, yy y y 0.1 0.3 6 Wilhelmshaven ports service, Motorenwerke WHV, navitek, neue Jadewerft, turbo-technik reparatur-Werft rhenus envision, test facilities, and installation port (test turbine). JD contractors (preparation work at Municipality of thyborøn port Port of Thyborøn Denmark yy y y 0 50 0 Horns rev 3), Fugro (geotechnical/preparation at Vesterhav nord and Vesterhav syd. rønland lemvig authority offshore park is situated 1 km south of the port. Zeehaven Zeehaven Port of IJmuiden netherlands yy y y 0 0 20 oWeZ, prinses amaliapark including maintenance luchterduinen 2015 iJmuiden iJmuiden ource: company data s lOgistiCs & OperatiOns | BorWin alpha

For several months, Bard Off- shore 1 could not feed into the grid, as the HVDC converter BorWin alpha was switched off.

Socket out of service

44 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 NACELLE


OIL SERVICE First the maintenance, then the storms,

and if that wasn t enough, there was also ROTOR BLADE a fire on BorWin alpha. The worldwide first high-voltage DC converter for an TOWER offshore wind farm was out of operation for several months.


irst of all, with 80 machines and 400 MW con- BorWin alpha nected load, was not able to feed into OFFSHORE CONSULTING was scheduled the grid for several months. fto be switched off for maintenance Global Tech 1 was also affected work by TenneT on 17 October 2013. by the outage. As the HVDC con- However, the socket only came back verter is not yet working for this into operation on 5 January 2014. offshore wind park, the operators of “Maintenance got significantly de- Global Tech 1 can use the free trans- layed, as the scaffolding on the plat- mission capacity of the neighbour- SAFETY form had to be taken down again due ing platform BorWin alpha. to several storms. “Safety takes abso- Usually, TenneT is only allowed lute priority with us,” says Henrike to take the platform out of operation REPOWERING Lau, Press Officer at TenneT. On for ten calendar days, according to 23 March, there was also a technical the German Energy Economy Act. ONSHORE CONSULTING defect. “A capacitator had burnt out, From the eleventh day of mainte- and the fire had severely contami- nance, the connected operators are

nated the utility room. This has to be entitled to compensation. Under ap- MAINTENANCE INSPECTION OPTIMIZATION REPAIR cleaned thoroughly first,” says Lau. plicable law, this adds up to 90 % According to TenneT, cleaning is to of the lost revenue. In compliance be completed by the second week in with the same set of rules, TenneT May. The capacitator is expected to can transfer a large proportion of SUBSTATIONS be ready for use again then. the costs to the power customers, as The outage also means several long as the company cannot be ac- months of standstill for the con- cused of negligence or intent. FOUNDATION nected wind farms. The most affect- ed was the German North Sea wind Preventing com- Full service from the same source park Bard Offshore 1. The power plete failure BB a plant built by the Bard Group which The € 400 million converter station hoto: p is currently undergoing liquidation, was supplied by ABB AG in 2009.

deutsche-windtechnik.com lOgistiCs & OperatiOns | BorWin alpha

the € 400 million converter station BorWin alpha was supplied by aBB in 2009. since then, it has connected Bard Offshore 1 with the mainland.

Since then, it has connected Bard readiness of every single wind en- (Research, Development, Design and Offshore 1 with the mainland by ergy plant,” says Richard Schmidt Education for Fire Safety in Unique way of a 120 km long high-volt- Obermöller, Deputy Technical Environments) estimate that the age DC transmission line (HVDC). Director of Offshore Wind Solu- outage of a transformer due to a fire Customer of the world premiere for tions GmbH, which manages the can last between 24 and 30 months low-loss power transmission was wind farm. and cost some hundred million Euro. Transpower, then a subsidiary of The incidence shows the For this reason, Flare wants to mini- Eon, which was taken over in 2010 amounts that depend on the oper- mise the disproportionate fire risks by TenneT. ability of the sockets at sea. This with adapted technical solutions. During peak days in March, Bard is why the converter stations are In addition to the Danish transmis- Offshore 1 produced up to 417 MW. handled with great care. Apart from sion system operator Energienet.dk, During the shut-offs, the systems a ship collision, fires represent the leading institutions in the field of were supplied with power via the largest risk of failure, which are very fire protection safety are also part of diesel generator of the windfarm- hard to insure due to the high costs. the research consortium. This might internal transformer platform to This is also true for the windfarm- result in a standard for the industry sustain all functions. “Compared to internal power collectors. Experts of with uniform codes. hoto: Torsten Thomas hoto: Torsten

TenneT, we must prove operational the new research consortium Flare Torsten Thomas p

46 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Westhofhaven at Vlissingen

One stop shop advertorial Quite a few offshore wind projects are planned in the North Sea. Projects that require a lot of materials that need to be shipped in by sea. The port of Vlissingen is an ideal home base for delivery for wind energy projects.

he port company Zeeland for example in Limburg. Companies branch with a future. Today, the parks Seaports is responsible often look to Zeeland Seaports spe- are being built. This will involve many T for the economic develop- cifically for the temporary storage of shipping movements and extra jobs ment, management and running of the monopiles, transition pieces and simi- also in construction and assembly work. port area of Vlissingen. The location lar. Companies such as BOW Terminals In a number of years, these parks will is one of the company’s strong points. and Verbrugge Terminals are offering need maintenance and replacements. The ports are close to the North Sea the space and facilities needed for ef- Again, this will involve production, and are favourably located in relation to ficient transport to the building sites. transport and jobs. The port company the Netherlands, Belgium, the north of Companies such as Hoondert and VDS has joined forces with trade & industry France, the United Kingdom and even are specialised in the building of large to promote the opportunities presented Germany and Denmark. In addition, the steel constructions; Heerema provides by Vlissingen. Zeeland Seaports is able ports are very well accessible. Broad foundations for drilling platforms, to favourably present the port of Vliss- installation vessels can navigate free- Mammoet is a specialist in the area ingen with all its advantages for the off- ly, unencumbered by locks or bridges. of heavy transport, Multraship can be shore wind industry. This is important because what is true deployed as a towage service, and there anywhere, is true for this branch espe- are many other companies that provide cially: time is money. For the transport great services as well. In short, Zeeland of heavy loads, special ships are needed, Seaports has everything needed to fa- which can only bring along a limited cilitate the building of offshore energy amount of material each time. There- projects. A true one stop shop! The first Zeeland Seaports fore, speedy handling is of the utmost 20 projects have already been executed. P.O. Box 132 importance. Vlissingen presents itself as a success- 4530 AC Terneuzen ful home base. The Netherlands Space and facilities Tel.: +31 (0) 115 647400 Space is another plus of the Vlissingen Joined forces Fax: +31 (0) 115 647500 location. Many wind generator parts It is an image that Zeeland Seaports [email protected] are manufactured in the Hinterland, wants to maintain and reinforce. It is a www.zeelandseaports.com Photo: Zeeland Seaports

47 The open sea is a dangerous workplace. The rescue of casualties is difficult.

Patient stabilised Photo: Skylotec

48 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 LogisTics & operaTions | Safety

at least 80 injured and four deaths have resulted from the construction of offshore wind turbines in the North Sea, but activities to create an unbroken rescue chain have sped up considerably. the first success here: a control centre in Bremen.

orking on on offshore wind turbines is no higher than the rate in an offshore corresponding industrial sectors. wind turbine What is actually more challenging and risky is the is dangerous. time after the accident. What medical aid can come 50, And Acci- 60 or 100 km out into the open seas? A team of experts dents repeatedly happen, including fatal ones. How ever, has been looking intensively at the subject of the res- theW risks are also “felt subjectively”, as the accident rate cue chain for about four years now. And late but not

REGISTER TODAY Connect with the Leading Offshore Wind Market

RenewableUK Global Offshore Wind This event is a platform for 2014 conference and exhibition is leading manufacturers, suppliers, designed to showcase UK offshore consultancies, government agencies 3,500 expertise and innovation. It provides and national pavilions to network PP Participants a forum for global offshore wind and promote their capabilities. markets to connect. 200 www.RenewableUK.com/GOW2014/OWI #GlobalOffshore2014 Exhibitors The helicopter is always the transport of choice when it comes to getting accident victims back to land as quickly as possible.

too late: offshore wind farm operators, the police, poli- Baur, spokesperson for the DGzRS. “In an emergency on ticians, maritime groups, service providers and rescue an offshore wind turbine, corporate health and safety organisations on land are taking concrete steps to pro- kicks in first: it is thus the individual responsibility of vide emergency services without conflicts of jurisdiction each company to have adequate protection and safety and competence. concepts in place, including rescue equipment and an One of the most pressing tasks was the setting up unbroken chain of communication. It is one of several of a control centre to receive calls and coordinate res- solutions for the wind farm operator to work together cue work. About two years ago, the German Maritime with the GMN.” 0éTIPSF,POGFSFO[NJU Search and Rescue Service (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur &YLVSTJPOFOVOE8PSLTIPQT Rettung Schiffbrüchiger, DGzRS) agreed to set this up. Complex rescue situation The DGzRS founded a new company, the Society for The customers of the GMN are RWE, WindMW, 50Hertz, 4DIBéU0éTIPSFEJF8FOEF Maritime Emergency Management (Gesellschaft für ABB, EnBW, DanTysk, Global Tech 1, Siem Offshore and 1PUFO[JBMFNJUEFN&&(FSTDIMJF•FO maritimes Notfallmanagement, GMN) for the Offshore Dong Energy. These companies have meanwhile closed Wind Emergency Control Centre (Notfallleitstelle the relevant contracts with the GMN. An important pre- 0#.$ Offshore-Windparks, NOW). requisite for this was, and is, that the work of the GMN is +VMJ 3FOETCVSH The NOW in Bremen is currently celebrating its financed by the wind farm operators and that they have first birthday and it operates closely together with the their own rescue equipment available on call. XXXXJOEDPNNEF offshore operators. This not only increases the safety The wind farm operators do not have unlimited li-

standards, but is legally anchored this way, explains Ralf abilities for rescue and medical first aid, however. There Photo: WIND eacare

50 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 LogisTics & operaTions | Safety

is a ceiling on what constitutes an acceptable level of company responsibility. For this reason the expression “complex rescue situation” was introduced. It exists when a demanding or time-critical rescue is necessary, individual emergency first aid provision must be carried out or several groups must be coordinated. The respon- sibilities then change, says Baur. “Once complex damage or a complex rescue situa- tion has occurred and an operation by the emergency response team of the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies (CCME) is necessary within the frame- work of state public service provision, then overall responsibility and command falls to the response unit of the CCME. Depending on the circumstances, the NOW is responsible for special tasks within a response field,” explains Baur. Secure and quick communication between all parties involved has a high priority here. The head of the CCME, Hans-Werner Monsees, introduced this emergency response team at a sym- posium in Flensburg: two rescue-at-heights special- ists, a rescue assistant, an emergency doctor and the team leader. The normal means of transportation is by helicopter. The transfer from the boat to the turbine is risky and

Photo: Siemens Jörn Iken demands full concentration.



The construction of fail-safe information and communication technology in the middle of the sea is pioneering work. Some operators also employ people tracking for security reasons.

t often looks quite communication structures at sea. Af- of 20 years, plant operators are also simple: in the con- ter all, the goal is to obtain informa- responsible for maritime surveil- trol rooms of off- tion not only on the water but also lance and the safety of personnel ishore wind farms a few employees back on land,” says Project Engineer in the project area. In order to give sit in front of monitors or a digital Karsten Müller. Müller works at the employees in the control room screen. They monitor the electrical WindMW and helped to develop the an overall grasp of the situation, all systems of the power plant, respond control room for the Meerwind wind of the information must be pooled to error messages or switch on the farm. The area to be monitored is a and processed through interfaces. lights for a helicopter to land on a full 40 km² and lies 24 km northwest One way this is done is through a transformer platform. Radio calls of the island of Heligoland. higher-level system that transmits crackle over the loudspeaker. Expe- all of the information through de- rienced captains monitor an area of Bundling fined interfaces, and then combines the sea from land and give instruc- information and clearly displays it. tions to ships’ crews. Ultimately, control rooms not only This requires a lot of work, be- “Indeed, it is pioneering work control and monitor the wind tur- cause each manufacturer provides

to build a network and bidirectional bines. During the operational period a monitoring system which comes Thomas Photos (2): Torsten

52 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Every ship movement and position politics & in a wind farm can be sent to the screen by radar. business

part and parcel with its technology. we built our own TETRA network to you always have a signal, and there That applies not only to the wind ensure a safe working environment are no dead spots. You can also es- turbine, but also to corrosion pro- at sea, and fortunately we were able tablish priority for emergency calls,” tection, lighting and substations. to use the high transmission tower explains Volker Köhler, the Manag- Depending on the monitoring strat- on Heligoland,” says Müller. This ing Director of MarineSoft GmbH. egy, the control system can quickly decision has already paid off, as Some operators also use so- grow to include 30 or 40 systems the completed project has not had called people tracking for security and theoretically consist of as just a functioning undersea cable to the reasons. This is either part of their as many monitors. “That’s why our mainland for months due to the sig- own safety philosophies or a re- goal was to clearly depict as many nificantly delayed grid connection. quirement imposed by suppliers. In- systems as possible on one big All of the data flowing between the dividuals are monitored using either screen,” says Müller. wind farm and the mainland are sent RFID chips or GPS modules which During operations, the data traf- over the radio. display the locations of employees fic between the mainland and the or tool boxes in real time. wind farm alone is not normally a People tracking How and whether this form of problem, because fibre optic cables for safety monitoring is used is always de- are part of the overall infrastructure. This wireless technology can do pendent on the operators. In the Without a complete network con- much more. For instance, the hand- communication systems in place nection, however, or in the event sets can automatically send an alert at Meerwind and Global Tech 1, of cable damage, the situation is al- over the marine distress frequency this option is available for security together different. Operators there- if they land in the water with their reasons. In answer to a query by fore have to find a viable alternative owners. A so-called dead-man func- OWI, Dong Energy stated that up to to the fibre optic network for use as tion can also be enabled if the devices now, it has relied upon team leaders a redundancy during the construc- are not moved for a certain period. and their planning. “There are also tion phase. This pioneering work “Unlike the normal mobile networks wind farms that automatically track often makes use of the TETRA stand- ard. This digital directional radio technology is often used by govern- ment authorities because it cannot be tapped and is virtually fail-safe. Special TETRA handsets can not only make calls over the internet, but also transmit large data packets via directional radio signals. Building a corporate radio net- work far from the coast is anything but easy, however, because first a radio mast for the antennas must be built. Its height is crucial to the range. “At peak times in the con- struction phase, there were up to 350 people in the field. That’s why

53 politics & businEss | ConTrol CenTreS During the construction phase, traffic in a wind farm is abundant and must be monitored.

where employees board ships and check their certificates or the valid- Dreller of in-innovative navigation. where they disembark. That, at least, ity of their mandatory safety train- Sensitive radar antennas installed in makes it clear where the employees ing. SeaPlanner can also automati- the wind farm capture the necessary are. In other projects, the systems cally compare operational plans for information. The shipping traffic in are only activated in emergencies,” employees and ships, or the trans- the construction and subsequent op- says Köhler. port of components with weather eration phases is then visualised in predictions for a project area.” This the control rooms. Monitoring protec- software is used on several gas Part of the information also tion corridors fields off the coast of Australia and comes from the ships themselves. The SeaPlanner from SeaRoc Ltd. of- records 25,000 movements of em- This applies to all vessels exceed- fers a complete solution. The web- ployees every month,” says Dominic ing 500 GT, which are required to based software is already used in sev- Stratton of SeaRoc. be equipped with an Automatic eral wind farms in the UK, Belgium The specialists at in-innovative Identification System. This AIS and Germany. Its modular structure navigation GmbH come from the automatically transmits the posi- makes it highly versatile for the inland waterway shipping sector. tion, course, and unique identifier management of wind farms. The Nevertheless, or perhaps precisely of the ship at certain intervals. In SeaPlanner visualises and records due to this background, they have addition, the radar systems moni- all of the spatial information, such made a good business of supply- tor a protection corridor around the as shipping traffic and the status of ing marine monitoring systems. On wind farm. When ships penetrate structures. In addition, special zones the list of their customers are such this zone, it automatically triggers can be monitored where cables are names as Riffgat, Butendiek, Global an alarm. This concept is designed currently being laid, and anchoring Tech 1 and Borkum West 2. “In in- not only to issue a timely warning is prohibited, or where diving opera- land waterway shipping, it is much of potential ship collisions, but it tions are taking place. more difficult to monitor narrow also reliably detects even very small Another module is called the waterways, locks and bridges. Our boats not equipped with AIS. Such Personnel Manager. Starting from expertise is in aligning movements ships might be piloted by curious the very first day, this tool can track on the radar with digital charts very recreational boaters, for instance, or every employee movement on the accurately and interpreting that fishermen hoping to fill their nets in maritime job site and automatically information reliably,” says Claudia restricted areas. Torsten Thomas

54 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Created and produced by

In search of solid foundations

&ŽƌŐĞŶĞǁƌĞůĂƟŽŶƐŚŝƉƐĂŶĚůĂLJƚŚĞƐŽůŝĚŐƌŽƵŶĚǁŽƌŬĨŽƌ LJŽƵƌĨƵƚƵƌĞďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ 29 October 2014 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Across the globe, governments are changing their policies ƚŽĂĐĐŽŵŵŽĚĂƚĞŽīƐŚŽƌĞǁŝŶĚŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJŐƌŽǁƚŚ͘ĞƐƉŝƚĞ ƚŚĞĂďƐĞŶĐĞŽĨďŝŶĚŝŶŐŶĂƟŽŶĂůƚĂƌŐĞƚƐƚŚĞƌĞŝƐĂŐĞŶĞƌĂů ĐŽŶƐĞŶƐƵƐƚŚĂƚŽīƐŚŽƌĞǁŝŶĚƉŽǁĞƌŝƐĂŶŝŶĚŝƐƉĞŶƐĂďůĞ ƉĂƌƚŽĨƚŚĞĞŶĞƌŐLJŵŝdž͘



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OE14_Adv_OffshoreWindIndustry_200x280mm_fc_2mei2014.indd 1 05-05-14 08:57 politics & business | COnTraCTinG

With general contractors the risks lie in one hand so, no question of who bears which risk in the installation stage. One-stop solution The Dutch offshore wind farm Gemini is soon to reach financial close in addition to being a first for offshore wind: Van Oord has joined the € 2.8 billion project as both general contractor and, together with turbine supplier Siemens, investor.

ometimes it is ne­ Ten international banks are lined up to furnish the cessary to go beyond debt capital, including banks from Canada, Spain and conventional wisdom in Japan, which so far have not been involved in the off­ order to build trust with shore business. And Gemini is no small fry. With a rated investors and tap into capacity of 600 MW and 150 turbines from Siemens, new financial sources. Dutch project developer Typhoon the wind farm will be the second largest offshore wind Offshores seems to have succeeded in doing so with the power plant in Europe after the London Array, with the Gemini wind farm, located 55 km north of the Dutch biggest project financing to date. island Schiermonnikoog. After financial close, Typhoon will no longer be part of the project but will have prac­ unconventional financing tically provided the investors with a practically turnkey Northland Power, the Canadian majority shareholder

ready wind farm, including financing. that holds some 60 % of the rights, does not provide Photo: Vattenfall

56 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 Ports for Your Wind Energy Ventures all equity capital, which in total amounts to € 500 million. A further unusual aspect is that Van Oord, the general contractor, and Siemens Bank Brake are, respectively, contributing 10 % and 20 % of Cuxhaven the financing. Although both companies are still Emden keeping their financial commitment confidential Norden since negotiations are ongoing, apparently, just Stade a few formalities remain to be completed. A few Wilhelmshaven Dutch public utility companies also hold equity See you at stakes. “Basically, the equity capital is there. This Windforce 2014 new equity structure gives investors and financ­ hall 4 stand C21 ing banks more security,” says Guido Kumbartzky, 17 - 19 June Head of German Operation at Typhoon. Bremen To achieve this is one of Van Oord’s tasks as a general contractor. Indeed, besides all cabling, engineering and awarding contracts, the company www.nports.de | [email protected] is also responsible for several other aspects of the project. The EPC (engineering, procurement and CWind Sun & Wind May14 Ad_CWind Sun & Wind May14 Ad 07/05/2014 13:28 construction) contract, amounting to € 1.3 billion, also includes the installation of 150 foundations and turbines, the converter substations and the supply station onshore. Siemens will supply the turbines and provide servicing for 15 years, while Van Oord will enhance its already impressive fleet of vessels. The installation vessel Aeolus, built at the Sietas shipyard in Hamburg, already left the docks in late April, and a new cable layer is cur­ rently under construction in Romania. new strategy As EPC contractors, the Dutch company is pursuing a new strategy in the offshore wind business. Un­ like the so­called multi­contracting, which involves numerous subcontractors, the risks and responsibi­ lity for the budget here, are in just a few hands. This method is meant to minimise the many interfaces that occur in multi­contracting because of the large number of trades involved. Basically, future opera­ CWind provides a wide range of services to help our clients realise their offshore wind projects. tors need to negotiate a large number of individual o Project solu�ons services and make sure everything complies with o Vessel charter the law. The financing banks and insurance com­ o Turbine technicians o Training services panies are also always concerned about who bears

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Proven solutions for the offshore wind farm industry politics & business | COnTraCTinG Van oord, as an epc contractor, had previously secured quite a number of deals. At belwind, the Dutch company has relocated the electrical infrastructure and has pro- vided the foundations.

The Director of the offshore wind division now intends to put this strategy into practice with some se­ lected subcontractors. Some German subcontractors also figure among the suppliers for Gemini. Rostock­based EEW Special Pipe Constructions, for example, is to build 75 monopiles, with the Dutch Sif Group producing the other half. The contracts for the two converter substations were awarded to a Belgian consortium consisting of CG, Fabricom and Lemants, while nkt cables will manufacture the export cable in their Cologne facilities. Van Oord is already planning to finish another project this year, the 129 MW Dutch Luchterduinen wind farm. The company is responsible for the foundations and the cabling. While the Sif Group is once again responsible for the mono­ piles, the export cable laying was awarded to German­Dutch cable specialists Visser & Smit Marine Contracting (VSMC). “We are very pleased to have signed such an important contract,” Arno van Poppel, VSMC’s CEO, said in late April.

expensive lessons learnt To date, only few players have ventured to take on the role of general contractor. Those that did paid a price for their daring. For the English wind farm Greater Gabbard, the US company Fluor Limited had to write off a large amount because it could not stay within the agreed amount of 1.8 billion US dollars. Bard Holding already failed completely after their first project as a general contractor for turnkey offshore wind farms. which risk in the installation stage. Project financing is Areva Wind and Hochtief Solution were close to easier when experienced companies carry the burden of signing a contract in August last year for Windreich risk as general contractors. AG’s 400 MW MEG 1 wind farm as EPC contractors, In its role as an EPC contractor, Van Oord has in the both companies were about to launch a new era and past only taken on individual tasks, but not the instal­ create a track record as reliable partners with clear ideas lation of a complete wind farm. However, Managing of their responsibilities and risk distributions. The con­ Director Johan van Wijland already laid out his strategy tract was never signed, however, because Windreich in an interview in 2012. “We expect that the companies went bankrupt. Currently, both companies are still work­ with a good performance, track record and reputation ing together on the Global Tech 1 project, and Hochtief will continue, and as a result investor confidence will is engaged in a joint venture for Baltic 2 in the Baltic grow. Furthermore, we expect that installation compa­ Sea. Although there is still great interest in MEG 1 as an nies that are not performing well will not survive. Part of important follow­up project, both companies have stated the market will remain in a multi­contracting mode, but their lack of interest in equity capital participation.

an increasing part will be taken by EPC contractors.” Torsten Thomas Oord Photo: Van

58 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 □ □ □ □ □ □ you are employed in: oftherenewable Sector energy industry Best description of yourBest company/organization: and onlyindigitalform. swe_market exclusive isonlyavailableby subscription issues Icancancelsubscriptioninwritingatanytime. price of€345.Priceincludestax.A�er receivingsix I willreceive sixissuesofswe_market exclusive ata □ Subscribe by fax:+49(0)221/2587249 swe_market exclusive privat Architect Retail/Installation Manufacturer/Industry Bioenergy Photovoltaics

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swe_140_swemark_ja � events

Think European At the EWEA 2014 demands were made which really should be obvious for an event organised by a European association: aim for European solutions.

rtur Trindade said it succinctly: “We at the rostrum: “We don’t need to expand the renew- have to stop thinking as Portugal.” The ables until we have solved the grid problem.” It seems A Portuguese Secretary of State for Energy, crazy that the UK is building new gas-powered plants who, as a Portuguese politician, tried to make up for the while the already existing ones in Germany cannot lack of attendance of a single Spanish politician at the run, due to economic unviability. “It’s absurd,” said EWEA 2014 in Barcelona, thus moulding the flowery O’Connor. He demanded that the EWEA develop a solu- language of various other speakers into a clear and yet tion, and not just one for the European wind power sec- self-critical appeal. tor but one which is both comprehensive and has been Eddie O’Connor, Co-Founder and Chief Executive of developed in close cooperation with the PV sector.

Mainstream Renewable Power, also found clear words Katharina Garus Photo: EWEA


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Windforce 2014 OBMC (Offshore Business June 17 19, 2014 Meetings & Conference) Bremen, Germany July 3, 2014 Parallel to the trade fair, the conference will feature more Rendsburg, Germany than 40 presentations on current topics affecting the The 6th Offshore Business Meetings & Conference is a industry, excursions allowing a practical view of develop- forum to make contacts. ments in Germany, and a panel discussion focusing on www.windcomm.de/obmc2014 political issues. www.windforce2014.com Offshore Wind Power Substations 2014 Global Offshore Wind 2014 August 20 22, 2014 June 11 12, 2014 Bremen, Germany Glasgow, Scotland The two-day conference for experts is accompanied by a RenewableUK presents the association s 13th annual workshop day. offshore wind energy conference and exhibition, this time www.offshore-windpower-substations.com with a truly global focus. www.renewableuk.com/en/events/conferences-and- exhibitions/global-offshore-wind-2014

6th Annual UK Ports Conference June 25, 2014 London, England The UK ports industry will gather to discuss the many challenges facing port owners and operators. An excellent opportunity for updates on the policy and initiatives pro- posed by the European Commission and UK Government from expert speakers and industry leaders. www.waterfrontconferencecompany.com/conferences/ Offshore wind conference ports-policy-2014 Science Meets Industry 4th International Conference Offshore Foundations Technical and operational experts from the industry together with researchers July 1 3, 2014 Bremen, Germany from academia share their knowledge. Amongst others the participants can discover new instal- lation tools and methods for monopiles and jackets, September 9th, Bergen, Norway. review case studies and lessons learned from deep water foundation projects, gain experience with flange See full program at norcowe.no connections and evaluate floating designs. www.foundations-offshore.com

61 internal

The going will still be tough

The recent compromises made to reform the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) were certainly positive and came as a surprise even to the wind power industry. Nevertheless, inves- tors will probably take a “wait and see” approach before putting money into the offshore wind industry. Ronny Meyer, Managing Director of WAB, believes that everyone involved will want to make sure the new EEG is a regulation they can rely on.

WAB: During the meeting of Germany’s state premiers with Chancellor Angela Merkel on 8 April, finding agreement on a new EEG draft did appear successful. Was that expected? Ronny Meyer: On one hand, we didn’t expect them to find agreement. But on the other hand, the politi- cal parties involved and the states too had already talked through many points when they negotiated the coalition agreement a while ago. So it might not be so surprising that all sides agreed to the draft EEG. But I wouldn’t say it was successful.

WAB: Why not? Meyer: The media is portraying the situation ac- curately as a true compromise between what is wanted by some states and Sigmar Gabriel, the Minister of Eco- nomic Affairs and Energy, and what the industry needs.

So there aren’t really any clear winners or losers. Photo: WAB

62 offshore Wind industry 2|2014 WAB: How much influence did the industry be halved instead. We are assuming that cuts will be have on negotiations? in the region of 0.5 €-ct/kWh. The exact conditions are Meyer: We have to say clearly that the northern still unclear, but there will be a reduction in subsidies. German states showed a united front, both for wind power on land and offshore. They decisively defined WAB: How should these reductions be the political process and were strong advocates. In this evaluated? respect, the outcome of negotiations can be attributed Meyer: It is striking that investors who have already to their successful work. The same holds true for bio- received approval for grid connection had to sign sup- mass fuel in Bavaria because reforms were politically ply contracts for main components before they were negotiated between the states. Industry associations given this approval by Germany’s federal network had the opportunity beforehand to submit their points agency in the first place. Because this already puts a of criticism to the drafting process. set price on a large share of the costs, future operators will have to recoup their expenses in other places. This WAB: Part of the compromise was the con- could be difficult. But despite the headaches involved, tingency of 1.2 GW being added to the grid we can go along with this compromise. capacity target of 6.5 GW for offshore wind farms by 2020. WAB: Can that be interpreted as the industry’s Meyer: If subsidies are granted only for an in- contribution to cost reduction? stalled capacity of 6.5 GW, then we might not reach Meyer: The contribution is actually much higher, the designated target in the end. There is always a but not during those two additional years. If we look certain failure rate for infrastructure projects because at the potential for reducing costs, it depends on the the financing hasn’t come through somewhere, for volume of installation. But even if expansion is moder- example, or other risks have cropped up. Without the ate, costs will come down. All the renewable energies contingency we wouldn’t be able to fully achieve the started at high cost levels and that applies to offshore intended goal for expansion. wind energy too. I think the potential for cost reduc- tion, that so far has been considered simply theoreti- WAB: Is this enough to let the industry work cal, will materialise by 2020. at full capacity? Meyer: The offshore wind sector wanted more at WAB: Is there an estimation of when all the one point or another. If the conditions are right, we facts on remuneration will be laid out on the think 6.5 GW are very realistic. We’re more worried table? about the goal of installing 15 GW by 2030 because Meyer: After the cabinet decision, the parliamentary such a long-term plan can lose momentum in terms process will begin and the agreed compromises will of establishing and expanding an offshore industry in be incorporated into the new EEG draft. This means Germany. Political goals in the UK, for example, are we must expect that the members of the Bundestag much more clearly defined in contrast. involved in the legislative procedure will make some changes in the draft. WAB: What do compromises on the accelera- tion model and degression look like? WAB: The new EEG is supposed to go into Meyer: The acceleration model was extended by two force on 1 August 2014, but for all practical years, until 2019, but not with the original promise of purposes the offshore industry will not have 19 €-ct/kWh. Sigmar Gabriel says the degression will taken another step by then.

63 internal

Meyer: Investors no longer rely on what politicians policy-makers have set up this framework on time or say. They have broken their promises too often in the whether they have been too late in taking action. past. We know that investors will first wait to see the law enacted, black on white. Then they will start WAB: The first open competitive bidding is making investments again and placing orders. expected in 2017. Does this mean that the next hurdles will start to pile up? WAB: So no final decisions would be taken Meyer: Wind power on land is already leaning away until then? from reliance on fixed subsidies and heading towards Meyer: Even though investors are still working on obligatory direct marketing. This is a change in the their projects in the background, I don’t think anyone system and the next step would be to develop models will throw a switch until the new EEG becomes law. for competitive bidding. This is a new situation for investors. In the offshore wind sector, such a rapid WAB: What are the specific implications for change in the system when lead times encompass suppliers and the offshore industry? all of ten years is not feasible. If policy-makers want Meyer: It means more delay. The offshore sector has competitive bidding to start in 2020, they should have been pushing for rapid regulation. Given the long lead launched that plan in 2013. But the fact is, nobody times, no one will invest € 1.5 billion in an offshore knows today how competitive bidding can work here. wind farm if it isn’t clear what comes out of it at the At the very least, there is nothing in written form yet end. That’s why we have always pushed for a quick and we advocate not rushing into this. Otherwise we’ll solution because otherwise businesses start laying find ourselves back in the situation where investors off manpower and reducing work contracts. This is don’t know what the future holds for them and have exactly the situation we have now and it is a question to start waiting again. That’s exactly what we want of how long businesses can hold out. Keeping workers to avoid. Politicians must understand that a system employed on short-time contracts is a tool that should change definitely has to take long lead times into definitely be used now to better answer this question account. at the end of the year. The interview was conducted by Torsten Thomas. WAB: Do industry-related associations already work towards this, and do they call for politi- cal support in these terms? Meyer: We founded the Bündnis für Arbeit [Alliance for Work] in Bremen, for example. The alli- ance looks to see if workers in other business areas can be loaned out, or whether the crisis caused by the About wAb delay in policy-making can be turned into an oppor- The WAB Wind Energy Agency is the leading tunity for workers to gain qualification skills during business network for the wind energy industry in this compulsory break, for example, or whether the Germany’s northwest region and is the national money for short-term contracts can be paid for longer point of contact for the offshore wind energy than twelve months. The last option was also avail- sector in Germany. able during the financial crisis. As an industry-related www.wab.net association we are very active on all these issues. But Follow WAB on the overall framework has to be right. Now we’ll see if

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Windforce 2014 200x280 OWI englisch 19-05-2014.indd 1 20.05.14 14:49 Photo: Gicon outlook

Dancing on the waves Floating wind turbines are on the advance especially there, where the sea is so deep that conventional foundation struc- tures reach their limit. In Japan and the US first projects are realised as well.

Enemies of metal Offshore wind turbines are stationed in an unfavourable environment: the salt from seawater, together with oxygen, form an aggressive alliance, from which no surface can be safe. The only help lies with a proper corrosion protection. Photo: TimeMAX

For all eventualities The risks in realising an offshore wind farm are tremen- dous luckily, just about anything is insurable. That way, the money can flow, even if it may come to difficulties during installation and operation. Photo: Hiscox The next issue will be published on September 5, 2014 For further information see www.offshorewindindustry.com

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532455 I HMC – SMM – Anzeige I Motiv: Offshore I Datei: HMC_532455_SMM_AZ_Offshore_200x280 I 4c Euroskala, Offset I Format: 200 x 280 mm I Beschnitt: 3 mm I Titel: OFFSHORE WIND INDUSTRY I DU: 31.10.13 | Dieses Dokument ist ohne Überfüllungen angelegt. Diese sind vor weiterer Verarbeitung anzulegen. VISIT OUR STAND 149