Lower Lillooet River Six-Mile Site; Garibaldi Obsidian Industry;

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Lower Lillooet River Six-Mile Site; Garibaldi Obsidian Industry; 'THE• Publication of the Archaeological Society of British Columbia ISSN 0047-7222 Vol. 32, No. I - 2000 SERIALS SERVICES RECEIVED AUG 16 2000 Lower Lillooet River Six-Mile Site; Garibaldi Obsidian Industry; .. Areas Field Notes; Deep Cove Dig; Permits 2000 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF A MIDDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published four times a year by the Dedicated to the protection of archaeological resources Archaeological Society of British Columbia and the spread of archaeological knowledge. Editorial Committee President Editor: Heather Myles (274-4294) Andrew Mason (874-9221) [email protected] andrew_mason @golder.com Assistant Editor: Helmi Braches ( 462-8942) Membership [email protected] Field Editor: Richard Brolly (689-1678) Leah Pageot (687-7754) [email protected] [email protected] News Editor: Heather Myles Annual membership includes a year's subscription to Publications Editor: Monica Karpiak (215-1746) The Midden and the ASBC newsletter, SocNotes. [email protected] Production & Subscriptions: Membership Fees Fred Braches ( 462-8942) braches@netcom. ca Individual: $25 Family: $30 Seniors/Students: $18 Send cheque or money order payable to the ASBC to: SuBsCRIPTION is included with ASBC membership. Non-members: $14.50 per year ($17.00 USA and overseas), ASBC Memberships payable in Canadian funds to the ASBC. Remit to: P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 Midden Subscriptions, ASBC P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station ASBC on Internet Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 http://home.istar.ca/-glenchan/asbc/asbc.shtml SuBMISSIONs: We welcome contributions on subjects germane to BC archaeology. Guidelines are available on request. Sub­ missions and exchange publications should be directed to the Affiliated Chapters appropriate editor at the ASBC address. Nanaimo Contact: Pat Knowles--<[email protected] Copyright President: Lorrie Hayden (250) 754-6862 Monthly lectures at Malaspina College, 900 Fifth Street, Contents of The Midden are copyrighted by the ASBC. Nanaimo, BC It is unlawful to reproduce all or any part, by any means what­ soever, without the Society's permission, which is usually gladly Victoria Contact: Shirley Cuthbertson (250) 382-0288 given. Contributors this issue Internet: http://www.museumsassn.bc.ca/-bcma!museums/asbc Meetings on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30pm at the Richard Brolly, Maurice DePaoli, Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria. Douglas Hudson, Natasha Lyons, Alan D. McMillan, Rudy Reimer. The British Columbia Heritage Trust has provided fi­ ARcHAEOLOGICAL SociETY OF BRITISH CoLUMBIA nancial assistance to this project to support conservation meetings in Vancouver featuring illustrated of our heritage resources, gain further knowledge and in­ lectures are usually held on the second crease public understanding of the complete history of Wednesday of each month from September to British Columbia. June at 8:00P.M. in the Auditorium of the Vancouver Museum at 11 00 Chestnut Street. New members and visitors are welcome. Admission is free. a THE IDDEN Change Table of Contents Another changing of the guard on the ASBC executive took place at the annual general meeting on 14 June 2000: Andrew Excavation at the Six-Mile Site 2 Mason, Paul Ferguson, Gary Roger, Charlotte Stenberg, and (DkRn 5) Leah Pageot were elected to the positions of president, vice by Douglas Hudson and Maurice DePaoli president, treasurer, recording secretary, and membership secre­ tary respectively. Congratulations to you all! Recent Publications 6 What is remarkable about this newly elected team is that The Garibaldi Obsidian Indus- 7 every one of the five has a degree in archaeology or anthropol­ try at the Marpole Site (DgRs 1) ogy, and Andrew moreover works as a consulting archaeologist. by Rudy Reimer The Midden has been produced primarily by archaeologists for Field Notes 10 some time already. This is indeed a change from the beginnings of the society, when the majority of the membership, and the ex­ Plant Technology of the First 12 Peoples in British Columbia ecutive in its entirety, were made up of laypersons. What does Review by Natasha Lyons this mean? Is the ASBC being taken over by the professionals? For my part, I welcome this change because it means that the In the Wake of the 13 ya'aats'xaatgaay ['Iron People'] society is alive and well. Change set in a long time ago, when the Review by Alan D. McMillan active involvement of our largely lay membership waned, when we didn't do our own digs any longer. But the interest in archae­ The Deep Cove Dig 14 ology is undiminished, and the strong archaeological presence on Permits 16 the executive ensures that the ASBC keeps abreast with what is Cournes 20 happening in archaeology. The "new blood" revitalizes the soci­ ety and, I should think, is an assurance that our society is moving Conferences inside back cover forward. In this spirit, I wish the new executive well in their work for the ASBC. Helmi Braches Past President Cover Page Please note that the During the ASBC visit to the Simon Fraser University 2000 Field School at Index for Volume 31 will Deep Cove, Christine Aberley, a member of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation par­ appear in the next issue. ticipating in the excavation, recovered a valve of a toggle harpoon. To the left is teaching assistant Monica Karpiak. See more on pages 14 and 15. Photo by Fred Braches. The Midden 32/1 EXCAVATION AT THE SIX-MILE SITE (DkRn 5) By Douglas Hudson and Maurice DePaoli Introduction traditional territory of the Douglas Band Mitchell site (EeRJ 22), the Gibbs Creek Between June and August of 1999 ar­ or Xa'xtsa Nation. site (EeRk 7), and the Bell site (EeRk 4) chaeological activities as part of a field (Stryd 1978). school were conducted at what is com­ History of Archaeological In 1986, Brian Hayden of Simon Fraser monly known as the Six-Mile Site Research University continued excavations at the (DkRn5), Lower Lillooet River. The Most of the archaeological fieldwork in Keatley Creek site, considered to be one project was a coordinated effort between Lillooet territory has generally been con­ of the largest and most thoroughly inves­ the University College of the Fraser Val­ fmed to the area around the Fraser River. tigated pithouse sites in North America. ley (UCFV) in Abbotsford and the In­ In the late 1880s George Dawson, of the Work has continued at this site since then. SHUCK-ch N'Quat'qua Nation as repre­ Geological Survey of Canada, noticed Diana Alexander ( 1987a, 1987b, 1989), sented by the Traditional Use Study/ some burials on a wind-eroded terrace at working with members of the Fountain Cultural Research Department of In­ Lillooet, but he neither recorded their pre­ and Pavilion Indian bands, produced an SHUCK-ch Services Society. Langara cise location nor excavated them. The first ethnoarchaeology for the Upper Lillooet. College was also invited to participate. Dr. person to conduct archaeological surveys The patterns she observed are thought to Douglas Hudson from UCFV was the co­ of the Upper Lillooet area was Harlan hold true for most groups on the Cana­ ordinator and primary instructor for the Smith, under the auspices of the Jesup dian Plateau. project; Stanley Copp (MA) from Langara North Pacific Expedition, in the late Until now, there has been no full-scale provided additional field instruction for 1890s. His field notes were published un­ excavation of a site in the Lower Lillooet part ofthe project. Maurice DePaoli (BA), der two titles, The Archaeology ofL ytton territory. However, there has been some staff archaeologist at In-SHUCK-ch Serv­ in 1899, and The Archaeology of the inventory of archaeological resources ices Society, acted as field assistant and Thompson River Region in 1900. While done in the Harrison/Lillooet region by First Nations liaison. The work was com­ his collections concentrated around the Sneed and Smith ( 1977), May and Lues pleted under Heritage Conservation Act town ofLillooet, he explored the Lillooet (1976), Wales and Murray (1975), and permit 1999-103. River area, and recovered artifacts from Hudson (1994). Millennia Research The work conducted under this permit around the town of Port Douglas on the (1997) performed an archaeological over­ was the first of what are hoped to become lower Lillooet River near Harrison Lake. view assessment of the Squamish Forest three or more field seasons at this site. The Lillooet area was then generally District, which includes the Lower Total time in the field was approximately ignored until1957-1958, when Len Hills, Lillooet. Impact assessments were con­ three weeks. Limited excavations and site working for the BC Department of Mines, ducted in the Ure Creek area by Wilson survey were the main activities carried out recorded a number of sites near the town (1990) and Albright (1991). The Sloquet during this period. of Lillooet. He collected several surface Creek area was thoroughly researched by and cut-bank artifacts, which were do­ Quirolo and Hudson (1996). Surveys of The Site nated to the Royal BC Museum (Stryd the lower Lillooet River Valley were per­ The Six-Mile Site (DkRn 5) is a village 1978). Hills conducted the first subsur­ formed in 1997-98 by Douglas Hudson site composed of at least I5 cultural de­ face examination as a shallow test unit in and Maurice DePaoli (DePaoli 1998). pressions located on the west side of the a storage pit at the Keatley Creek site Lillooet River about 8 km above its entry (EeRl 7) in 1960. Site Methodology into Harrison Lake. Both house and stor­ The first archaeological excavations in The field school excavation focused on age depressions are represented at this site. Fraser/Lillooet territory began with sur­ only one of the depressions during the More depressions may have been eroded veys conducted by Amoud Stryd in 1968 1999 field season (Cultural Depression #6 away by the L!llooet River.
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