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Fir Ml SBttytU* 1402# •M

VOLUME LXXXH HO. 4S ftED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOKIt 16, MM 7c PER COPY PAGlOtB Smith Challenges [Bishop, Polio-Not Encephalitis Irwin to Prove Caused County Death Interest Statement Logan Boy Had KABMOttT-iiMtMttktir lteflttfli«r y No Silk Shot* No Haggling, w CUNT C&wtotafNM Say Steel kew Virus Cat* to< UNO MANO^Nto~Ml hi Fact Finders aitbtoMthtwoi Ma IK aril Mr. Iratai Tarter 1MM Sat* to'hi SMM That ifooM of Mr. rand, art ertt- Wnta Strike Settfei Mi raMra. "Tito toadotf Mt rAMPNOTDM (AT) - MM NiateuMt ofvortdty.-toM occtpttor. Ow *_ ajjBBB^yM jh^^ _^^_^^^^— 4— M-dkwt BMM.MH today M- dMk B^B^afl^aBBBBaV fJtWB, aaadtoMi* •* aor HWOWMOM naai WBM Mr.MttMMttotoMt mmmmmi tmmw tmmmmmm ta mmmm mmmt- to rwrni by to* Mr. IranBMBW nor naaan M BBW BBB/ latttafrao- gttMJ tad d» tot IMI harpni coaflnaMOfy iaa A BOW PfMtMl hy bfflt Oaa at ftoaBom , Imm A. kl ABBTB* ffMMMaV a^aMMi aim OMM AV^ a> •pMaaekaMathga* •MTI hack KdBj. The to laiwaMto." to «at B *t1MM MM today, M n ofltroikttort (A»WlroaWo) worth UK tmU aa hair ovar th* NOML NIB WHtm—Dr. Savor* OWM of Ida Naw York Untvortlfy Collo«o of Modltlno, who WM aaaMd a TVetr Monmouth Regional Bids winner of fh!« ywr'i Nobol Prlia In Modklna, li »owft at lib In ••lloviia Modlcol Cantor, Now York. Dr. Oofcaa Oa TMOMy day Mtotodto a flw lint yaw «Hk was nimod wtnnor along wtth Dr. Arrhwr Katnbarf of ratoo aai • ' Clear Way for Early Action Stanford Univonity for plonoor roMiroh Into ott la of horodlty. IAP Wiroahoto) fteOMtt F o» cott tronodt to Uk TM towtata l hMa hU - tht toale adacattoMl ptoat Mr. Iraki MM *• Ktffart So- Plan $44,000 Drain Project; TtoNpartMtoNR Low toMbMdm teat atojtt Tto mart MMttt i partaaat of HwJft M Mte> aftto board . eMtUnctlM. «. i matwflaMtlaclaMildtehM. Await Sewer Plant Report IBM to tht MM of ft. IMttM Co.. Byo, N. Y • BtiwoTdl CoMdltovo ptafMd tto bonw> tor i M yaan. Mr. Mater, ajofttoifcr tt o nk Totals •oat lor hlda lor a MPMM Ml- •atoMM^BwS pnvaj BB) projOEi ai a nwnaoj Mamak at COMCO rajartodttat d a M»a»hMpltolatw»*Mot MtoaiiOB, todteajBite Increase QMririeQ h atrMty h M MatatlMll HHI a^a^a^a^aM wa^ar waW J>jiM aWal •JaV oatyia p> piojan wia piy ojtdv ja^MM BM AM II •» Dapodts It Itanowft Cftutar'k » MOIB totaM Ml of «to 4Sito na (at baiMp eroojtoc danjr at M. M M BBfe Mak 4^BW fe ^__^_au ^^^^^^L tm J7»,M4 M of Ikpt SO. It WM raporMd today. tH,MMar i MV In taaBraoi 11, M io TOsto M I kwrMM of 8M7I,7I7 ovtr tha MM* Broodft. toto Rarit M Ity Boudaf wa an WM, y aaIi t•» la ^i^Bt awe t s ^"JkM a» H ^aa» iMtjfMT. It b daiisMd to draai omnl MUUtt towhh h m atrtotito th t am,tadudtof f a Ktyport aMMt cfOM "Alto Moaaouth Coonty NMtawl Ink, Rtd Bnk, WM M Mctton of Divtotoa St. MCttoa to «ot la dw aaw ttt wWdtf iMt JfMT Md MkhM^M ttUt fffifHrMI this which darkg ttaih floofe la Ao- ewx ortwM much M tot. HurtoM It WMT. DapMltt ta tM tMdc totoMd SMXiUOW whOa "VwahNMMliM aia ofwtlit thryww«|St.llM78lalMl •?*• Mac*] ay nio •#. wanaaaaWi Tte jrMr BIM MW MM o/thaFrMbotdTTuat Ananty Eowud W. •. MMSjMVJkMMa •MaWwajkoBBBBMaBT* VJW i waVawml t&BAMHM 1 came wa rtaonon OBK couo' Co. and dw LM« irMWk MM* Cfc « tkw CMMMI ilfflpiaaatal -It baki aoow ittf tf «« • •«a of EduetUoB. Tht ttm anlNt ti efl wB Mareprlott ttt itaft of INI J«MyBMk*Tn»tCa< flat atOBBgto|hm oa ichoer ltor MM. " fnahtht fttdi ofttr tonaal CMaty te- Tbt bank wtmA 1M» I frMtont dapM»t»* podtioa tlMlitakM. hi hNM VM rONttl la a totttr from IM ototo Do- IMMVUM It oBMctod to ol- nttiin. OOUBKII wa DqwdU la Iteckwts Tmtt Co., lUd lavtaai dnhatt (CoattoMd M Plat a) •mountad to $J1 J1WN M IIMJMII » tbt ML. A^^J^A _^^_^^^p^-O^uw— ^^ aBBBBBBM BBM atottBBkfl a^A^hv O^ f^B^^K— a>aaM B^B^B^PWajB^B£ VB^BB^^^^PB^PO^BI BB^ ^paMjaBj fB^^ TJBMBM. VJBVoW «M VBBWOBT Election Day Ref erendums Seminar Sunday Qoting Tramit Plan College Bond "Ma MM* Ma at da TttprttioMtofthtDtUwtrt. Mid upport for tht MWI hi «a (tola icfciwiMi. Md WMtm lUtt- IM Milan hMd par M BB> Mr. I wwmm «• i, , M, .< — yttttrdtjr froatto _ _ ktoak ptcoirttor tt o Man at ctolrmM of tht CIUMM Caaualt-

^^^^^a^ao^f W*> . W WO^BBBBB ^^^W aagtrraUrooai to Nt w JoMMtor Colltf t OpptrtMktot to Mtto tonala trMil l ptoato No w Jtnty Mdtto MicaM n oDeGanlk'> a rottor of ttt Ntw loraty Ta» ParrTOIIJy M. wwimiwIhnomilwr oilml aII ttuoa r—" Aitodttloo. Algeria MPnaMaiBBBfllta^ uo aaaaaTwVa ImA **aha^aVi *|' bm BM wKJMp lotttt hMd i of IM attar BB^BB^BBI Iwka WMMIVI wjtti VMMI B^BVAB troMi ttt Now Jowty CktoOM aMo oflWB St oraflSJf Sjf ADiaV OMunltttt fir TM Rahna andIs tk CMaqr MM dw kMM ot- tta Jtrtty City CO—IMII tor "toMntoowwtorotogitolBi t IK1M. aMBMatoa at t avaaa. toft toad IMM to "TVMI M li «M MMll ttWt -•—»-»adUL FiaaM wM aat BM BWiwrnka to •aanta an* M*^ -^- A. : i at Imoy," la MM, II wM ot TOTAU Stt#MM a Wf otthtNtw Jonoy Mto>MMMl khdUtiM, at Nnr Jonoyi

_to"M MM hrtta BMB •it aaaMi? dM it VOMM aa ttaa to" at N »atotor th o CarMM W. TtntojMot. of tht BM WAMM aHMUM WtoHB Mvl Mton erlito," ho MM. "I MMM ttato TMjayon AoMdattM. MM i. Portoy. Martini aiMMCkyMlMi towUI itowly g Md coachtdtd "dart hi M BTM- (OMMMdMMt}) (CtaUBMdMMMl) Hetbtt IHOTMUVO hat to to- Chaiee Games Tho hndi of tht too tax rt- forrtdtn" i a# ^ Council OK'f Amendment tht totv tltnlfktnt opotoWon tn Tff| w*wtfaMn vrfttttm "JoTMMBWf Valfl NIW MWIWUURY -• ka*> •mk M., HMrikM Id., «B) kt Had," hv Winiim A CtMwtl 7,tM MTM MrilMMt •• U AJMJ^M, Md 0§ ..h% M Cm MM^OwMy^ who totio- MMMMM VMfW9BM|| aoW VNVS •VoTTffMlMWHn9> FlW*ajfw1 MaiPfTW Mid KMV MuMit't Mtlmttt WWM H mlfVt ho «o«od. M . from M k4 rtoV wrttor Md aMraan of dw Now • Jam, M. OJM tta BMBM AM a *****' MM# IfrtBMM- MM to M I) ladaxrtol fanav rVaa OmUitliB MWI WfJfl || fflfVVfv/ m^^^ ^mr9 W^PWOV vaow •••••••• BBOV M ^a »^^^*—

• a_%»aa Ap^pjp^uA _\ ffjaAa^a^ JB^^KABV ktf a^k^al ^^^aa^BM i f M|M *lr « • (omld«ato airy, •^W#TI •••B^PPV'BW aaji v79^HBB^^* ^BUK^ *" aaawM W^BBBBBBPI •d™awWi *aMio»ajww ppj ovw _ —, _ ,— — r ^ -_^>. .wv^pn — J laW BA ABB^L L- OWJAM AaJ 44* W»Ua4 iWwMaMl t LaaMallvt OHaaMM VBMBBI BBB^HBWMI Mf WBA MMMMMM •Ml art; A MCUM of M Mtto ihM tto* rorom t aroax otM WrIW n»W wnvaj *«*«^RBTW* • llMMI Ba!aMMMMl Ml "MWi "WfWfwl m TAW •wwMI of da MafSonrW ViflSty VfaaSJi fff BMA -UM|i teM fMate AM BBM MO( to MiowMwy Mt eoawtlUM •AM (API - Pormor Pmoh JMMM MWtfor CtoNtoa, faMd • m m l •M tta luptrMMteod IMM htoarai *£"A'P ?! ..B *• HIMIM iMfd Mwd Mar to II: M M MM IN" Pini irnit d of da BMOMTt, TM BtoMM dM M Mil MHtatraad' OMapod M MMMW today ai k* MIWVj Vw «• nwral to oomnwrtlal MM, Thli ••ran a airk from • Mil of fcaioti. Mitterrand, 41, U MdMMi OTM It BttMMd M ttO Mlltt by nT tht Itfwv Cilv ttw rtfnm or< Tht chMct otvtttta wa y ter looft t« th* im«M |ra«a of itoa-Commwilit lafthti who pa« da railroad, on tht MM by wty.itnlHlltn, Hid h» did not t* of • •^rOjwBrvjf BJIW^Bj BBJ Mat W, on Iht wwt by Himll •w>«» nptMlim M tht Holt col •ro •Ht«a«k*nly •Bfoica' ta fVoildoat Chariot da •anNo ophyof tt•tittou ii Mnltt wn Rd, tnd nn lh« north hy and •>«• itronfly «fl(l««l of t*o rlaht-wlnf MIOAIOII In nothtoi,' tn4 Itooi 10 Mlvtouol by Itotoml" Ntrvty, OtkhurM. Pint Brook Ud «ir« nlw> Hoi *>• rtlM th» H* i«ld Ho jumaod owt tf hit c«r ond r«n o«ran All MM ••• .f MM BM oxltl onwirillttilta.' Tklt tr*t hKhtdM ih# W•^ 1 lrl»ti|l| # l«Min.l«l liv '••«» inntrMttrv" tM Th» hiwrdwilk. bin 'l'1 l"«»r t|fc a)«rh whilt ullttt whiclisd Into th« «*r, Wtywii', I'IIM Brook »»t nfftf, hot A4%.MIMI»M. irantinutd oll pt|t ]) tnd trtrtt bttwtM JumptdJ Inn Rill. * t< oiiiinufil an !>•«• )) force wltl •.??.. •"• ."••. •; •;--'«••.•••«'"r-;x'* :• ; Jobber 1 Says Vaccine Firm Barred tart-Price Delivery TREKTOH(AP)- Joseph W. Nicholson, former mast torasys for five mate jnat for Milwaukee, tt testified he got II Identical bids inaghttr of Batty Ana Is cemmos practice tor the can- or who mya a msnafncturar kept the vacctoe to January. 1M7, and ttepnta w. dktetosaad their protsgoatots tflm from doUvaring ham vnoctar and Watta's tower bid. After Had- DnoettAvs.dtod heap cbinoi. oa etch etotts*t . . tha i ha shaved tka price. ing out that Wotto could aot de* totaryoalytamaaamM Law." _ Wotto of MtoaWa, K Y. Uvor. Jflehotooa said, he pap t num* aaosdjLgJjar birth, * gas Bright. Mayor feet to the rat- a * L.H. *»- - _.»a ~M 4V. Ihtog tor notamg!'^ testified yesterdsy he cut 1 par bells roprsssatiag oB of tka •amaWaar ptnata, she to sur* Farrafl fights a taatog erandam to this: gMdl t lli ieta•sat frohormn hiHsi Ud to MpptMppy vac- local Idantical bids Into a dram tlvotlg^aMor^lBMABIbw. hntds to Arthar Axotosn aad. me "Licences ONM ho JT- !SJ U ctM to UM City of Milwaukee H and drew eat the winner. OOttlf W) because h» «M aa ont-ef- Nlchotsea testified uadsr craes- a wiaa1toaMasaamorofaUthat M * Iowa bkhter. exambMtloa that oa one occatioa to BMd to the boroogh. »?*L* tovastoB of mo But he laid an official for Pit-he found oat that Chicago was •Tnatrallils*atn»i man-Moore, the manufacturer, in- buying vatciaa at a tower priea .haiatf, theat*Wofhtotheat*Wofhto?w? n toCapoMayCsaatyoBriag' btwlmtred by thtk o hnstMty. They proved to m IM spiracy to fix prtom oa tha potto North Carolina sad officiate of the I mutt get a Ueeaae la urging a "aa" voto w the da notkntwomt Farrol is now appUeanto otill BB r • l>M"t bR 1 VFeundettoaUMM . tht U I. ptoytagOI' Tom.mebara- treat thestate aUCTetattltt * * *** fto*"* "••• their trial to FederaP«fcr*l District I**""iw«rtm«tTorHMltt* > L*•"•• Etea•- AfcVUtTTA IMVU fooftt tob y ffrom ma raeetraefc. ptoa a Mesnaeenst-frai fromm the rnuald- ^^^'ZiS^^hS Coert ettrted Tuesday tad is u- tka aad Welfare, tad tha Federal df famaml Bnmtmmt flnnmm* * pauty tor each pscted to tost at least Bva weeks, jjj^,,- 32 "Ordtoarily, I waaM aot tatolahmnod. ThihTntaSLri'm'Sre too« ^ "* *ctotoa7aat atom aV SS tha thaa to a* bto name mto^andmnn-«i • bilMl to OKtMB • M^Hmnmmt a^-—* W hatltolmi The other firms in tht COM are Canter. Market Merck. Sharps sad Dohma: Parke IN HUTOMC MNtMIM—Grant lro«ea of M Sooth Davis * Co. of Detroit Mich. St.. Reo* lank, (RuJoyi aono of the merahandJie he hat, of ths Into Joaajh Uu>*Co. of , y ClWCIMi^Hldi Th aad Mary Bowao Lawyer. ISA; ~ foraokMTboClolWCIotor.Moia^Holmdoi. Tho Mrs. Davia hnd Hvad here M IOt>yoar^M k«Ml»f formorly hoattd tho oo«t offieo, years. tarvivtog are bar hashaad. oaal oaoo waw wwai by komou makon for tho HotmaWI tt to mere mar Oot\ TawBasBT WUbur Oevle; a mwghtor, Mrs. "iMvoboMto New York, are repmcatiai tha area. Too ahoo b •ooorotoo with aanOjuoa, aoow of Ftora NartaaU of Perm Amber, l firms. art a half years aad, to waioii aro aioo TO ojiipioy iwarawanajita* «nva* iaw»i«i» a brother, Chaiko Lawyer at hot In coaual an*' toorh alothiaf for man anal woman. Joawa TIM, Caltf, art a atator. Mm. Tabihm Davis of Marrto- IBH BBmrnVsmVa wV mmav Denies Part (tog home Transit Mr. dttd abo "the The funeral wUl be atM to- 1 to 11 yowa. straw' that woaht be ptoeed morrow at 11a.m. to the Hi WH go dewa to loot! btotory In Victoria (Continuid) tJdaUatbat aatvtoo, Funanl Heaae, whh Rav. Harry Mthemi " - — omy "•nddtor W. Kraft of the Central Bapttot •Hlhth,. _. "Tvanat and termmal facUHtoa. Church otfldatiag. Burial will Hotel Fire "We hcvo stated tog cars and buam staBsd m wa* ____...... that we have aa destr&SE*X*J2<"J&o to term- can aad bams , could £*JBranswk*S. "" *"** *• S r.7B#,a. op* ttoa: back at the records. FREEHOLD - John Robin, a IMM loag-standtag suburban pas- 5J . expect to ace HttS Baft BTfljM. to* ptousty about JuvanOe de* 1 •Ths Whoa tt WM first defewtont to the Victoria Hotel, „,.t unkarlto. Ihismaksr gdat.e tha lacrOMQd traffic. mat the sew and at the smae tee 'Ml that by chaagtog the loam" **«Lf?* "*" 2"*!"* «* ""a* Hka'aay basmees vas- Mr. thosmshsr atao ktod of mmg to be to- Had aay part to or knowledge of tare there must ELBERON - Mrs. Margaret law bostosss we could get baoi- Hudson County for Its pasltton n^ caa Party -» aapporti Arthur Aa- the Bra. sheet to r'viw that tt to DeWyagaert, 71, died Tuesday to to build totttos at their ex- to regard to the turnpike plea. sad, of thi SPA n the third day of the trial. salary. the homo of her ton, Joha De- what did the auyor ssy? He said: Wyagaert, 341 loath Ltocato PamB ssys: "1 baMrw tha ma* being heard before County Judge He added: Quote •Certsialy tha Rwublicaa "To insure an unconsdoaabto Ave.. wtth whom she lived. jonty favof tavara flwaart* John C. Giordano, RoMet teH""tu "If the referendum fails, the promise to build netded Jetttos rate of tax return from, captive ana WM born to Newem, "I caaam earthy mat ParreU 00 tba aooth Beach Without Coot be know of ao agreement oeta b a r of the AatMaJoea m* owner of the hotel and Frank stated that tht 79,Ne rail com- liagktir of the hto Patrick and to The Bora, nearly tsco the lto> tenets oppose, maliga sad pub- Leagae, but it to pommto. How- CaraveUo IK a lire to be set mutors and the 2.W.MI affected Mtry Dotu Sinaott She former- tt of the rMtoatom Haw atopM licly misrepresent this Itst-diteh ever, a canvass of the SPA i Caravalk). 7th Ave.. Long people In their cemmunitlM can ly lived to Bradley Beach. must a group of aaa bt to Ortek effoft to hold tor Essex and Ber- bershto shows that omy who pleaded no defense shift for thsnualvM btcaase rail ~~ DeWyngaert WM that the people at SM Bright Mia «• i members art tavern < •a. Tbt toasttmgnthe Bra, testified Tues- service It not eeetantl." It MkhaaTs Church, West End. and of ft. mayor eadoned licenses tor 17. fy? How maay toaaka to their day he had bsen paid to set the lbs railroad presidsat warned: and Monmouth Counties, Michael's Hospital QttUd, New-It tht nmatotog IS are aot for fire. "Only tock of - - ff^i others, essential raOrond Coml IMt ark. of their honest sapm CM Mlt Ho MM Leonard Antico, Hill- can bring such a result hut Ifcommatattoa MrvKa vmito par- Awltia. thaa they must be work- CM CM it oocufs every New Jerasy ett>> Beaktoa her eoa, she to sur- "Now, Mr. Mayory, , 1 aatt you CM* MM r Of tht hotel..paid him mMWt art teg for me leetocttoa of ths may- PmV vived by five graadchiMna. what to your answer to CM* W to eat the Oet. t. 1M. fire which *«> depending upon or affected aeuctd. many to such a little town. iaaienger service Tha Matthews, Fraactom and INTEGRITY daman He alto by suburban Mr. Shotmsfctr said tba turn- _. Ustoaod Tee FaetT n r Asbary rmtadous aad is it id'mat Robles, of Chriloa *<>MM make hto pmas mr tta dis-pfte-traasit plan "to not only good 2j* "He aba tains credit tor sea- atopM art I oa tts merits. It to the only prac- «*• tat- STfi Laag Branch, gave him a «*"»«•"•• *•*«« ptoa. tor walto art totttoa.l a this hi plays filled whhoat your «rtfh etfemir, «aej kaairfy iron ivitico* •wvice curtalta»eattiitalaba. , DUI wmch f I , AO ttcihl i em part af Mam hoMteg back sty that they have bom aecom* always, aaal otforino. tho Robtaa claims he never ssw the tag. Major train dtocoKtoaance tha tea. It WM to May mat pUshed without you. m oaaileiaritloa. cheek, ! mat If Ctravello i "b regard to the North thaa » yean." calved aay money from Antico It Sunday ao of tha ttato Deportment of asawall, hag tt aat bee _ At ao fbno dooi eroeel or Voted far Ml . Mr. Palmer Mid tha ptoa. en- was probably for palatlag sad re- (Coatfaued) Coaservattoa and Beonamto Dt> Frank Hstanm art bte oftorts te arico make aay eJhToroaao f* deresd.by Oov. Mayner, and the j*pair work areand lbs hotel bate SM Bright, there wooM not voted for'the hffl agnetog "tha af cream* no new ia MM *•*-*• MtmlmmJ* MM M All three men. along with save bam aay seawall for •** a7awan; a«mamai a^maajmjgmjgmaamaj w^pma railroadt aiaed help." toflattoa. In advertise that Attoatto City m r But at said ha dMt "not BflVtt Bftllmmml Bftrf mBBm! BmMaW of Mtttog the fire to order tocol - he caltod it practicable and "closed" it the h "Ha evaa appeared before the to opboU in war lect tha tosumace. John Bsttao, to sgrtt la the tot f**- nniioMi T* • aard of COOMB FroshoMen Woodrow WUsea Homes. Long of my county." Th atom! the BotauM af Ibt way tho Hmtmilymin Hauotr saM me .JIT whaa yea ahoaM have bom than Breach, has been indicted tor ttw law to tot up, IM. Paitoy _ Jet- lam tamdh **--' to plead tor hate wtth him. •V VmjVJ *amm|aj|mmmj|vw^ to offense, but his aot yetbU "WM loosely drawn" aad at- £7 lit Iht rill-said, visitors to Atlantic Ctty —___.mi-a..^ "- —* - * • *" - ammaa ttoa. I coaM he wrong. Maybe I "To my that you have aat caukto't buy n bathing sett, nart^bBamm1 mMk mmamL wffl He serviced year asstttoi M mayor HOWM is ffpflMBtM For BMkJfOf Ml bt iaaccurato. Thto you tttk voter approval to pledge tbt tawdsat o wtth the "mhtrtatoMe- had tht ttoal count oa how much nave done sad many hoars have John Eo Day _j^_^_» ^k. f^HtgJL* iMmm^h amaflamnmfi by yon to your of. fsprasmttog Anita). thto you. bat ha wU not tot tidal capacity s mayor, bat, I Funeral Home Joha w. Apptogato to k to t Pl to t say. could have bom raruit It to amattag mat • should bs ta offlco for » years LOCAL SECURITIES The ptoa to atoe ceattogant ay. art ha so tostotaatar t perato- oa iMpravtl bf hPaHiliw c( tki frame bM aai am* omwttoas from local brokers do aot tant ta remaintag to office stees rojsomat ocom! fnoaacttoas. They are a guide to the range with- aadthshMebal HudsM tears certsto tt pays aa salary.' to wMea thmoMcaraiM could have baasTaoM or bought tt the wero given. la lea to the bill could lead to a Bright, we canaat get an account- tog Hdsys after ths beech has "**"* Dtv. • BM M •toUae) railnad property. turnpike *. -• .^Lg^gw •o. , •"•*•»# WCmWJPBT Bar wWI BIMBB ^^^~* ^ Asbary Ph. NaTI whHi am .produces about II mll-transportattoa 1 *** J*Jf*-l**mla neighbor M ma way ta "'WawBI . Oiova lioa dollars aanuatly for mtaki* > l pslities to tha county. f.».**.! l ammM.» lha nmyar tajiajlat's oar boy, tor Ou^__^^_, _«_^__^^^ MvaMt^t^rAl dBMa) Ja^nRVBMffmmmY mmmmm I Natl hate the railroads aat that mo Now Jersey — Mr. Palmer replied, "at Mtkao IBtftt* BBTV1CB1 •amj 11 •omWa» ommml BBmVnTB/ -^^_ •^'^aaammm omml hsvs I hsard aayeae say ths rat* Thai •dam wouM tamh ~" sea or say other < 1 womd Mho to Ha MM, "It to 1 >otmo( ttoswkml »Vi encoded traasaoitatton ptoa aaa ^ hw. W»ami amiafAdpssm. ifoaasm mattttroagiytoHud- ama aaeateg." . hot as mo JOHN VANKUJ « ttoa w« be gtveaMMsaday, Oet WoJmw Period rNatl mn County offer at eottmto to M. af H, b* tha LadhnT Jmsmary af HaaaM mett_thle crying an mte» tarn* ft Lamter Oamanay. At l Bmamt • nmmm A^gghmfAmA |_ Ag^ ^K •*•> •»••( ^^i* fj. s teat woofs ammmg. mf aaH* vBlmfaaitfoiB mmffnflr l fetnlmmtmH tnWBV mtimtm. tm arafaav Mr. Ihaomakar MM a "no'\uy votsd to pojoiaM a maM voto toavM the SUM with aa el- -—-* mm^^ ^BBH M Sdh B^^ tor pms of aa mama head. ea> BM offvtsl BBV of •§••" teraative to provMe traaapoi Mem of the

3S8S3 nTtH Theft Is aa tonalaajto a aa «J| nUoV ' " ' hw.ThhmoMsli Worden Funeral Home 0M1 --Mb.}* 21 t stock dtv. wHh a tramemtoat problem,kmm' S M nV VMNt £*» •Jstotsd. "ImsMly impsrtaal, a • Maw gkf aamnmm mam aHm— nUltani na •have a Mrtoaa affect opaa rtamtoBjroTajmMI •MMrtmathni 74W7 iMnmmmt Vnmmmaaf nmmm) 111 ailfJmaM Tito. mTwB atedrt to mo I i._T>a mayorwotaamart to A MW, mm a I am ats af mayar to to hto ttrotom efforts to wa bt m dortai ana portrt M Lay-Away Now for Oiriilmaf tog tha lama faach MHnr£k 300% to to past « yam. atog aa from MOM •a SO WUX H0L0 ANY TYPKWKITKI to Mftwirt art luiirllfil Ha MM The Roglstor PSal« ni wJoov gr^mmnf a} w^Hmwoj llmWJ HAMYC*. - Agk maMaammdl Ikton hnnmaamm* mmamt inadh # w WW^V war oVmmlavvJ, owoW^ lammVaBT •UBBB| (gma; | * TILL CHRISTMAS! IhSMawertothtaMM oa*> ••• WM m* M tar M DrtV dmm1 ^V^MMMm^mdi mma A^a^>A^^^^^ l*»«»*, MIUILT •1 bMaboM. The' at MM CtMke7e7l ta. rwetMteomtoU*. TYFIWWTB15 Wamw caa ^•IwAatem, «««T. " ttsssf "te rajard to M Th§ Adams Mtmortal Hom« a. 29* •^awsi § '4^ommm1 Bmff^hamV. MM to Pfcwalom.CriiiislMw.awls, I newNl4.eaN.pma> •»r ROIIIT A. IIAUN mmnmammammmmf ia% mnmnmVmwl IJnmnmmmVeUI OFFICE ESSENTIALS, Inc *^awanMMBMamamj ^wjf twVBmmBaf IVvTd^rr^ar/9wv

OM at mt mmft mm medera nmsnl

jm^rg^nkjavjiagmM UAUI OtrOHTl Haw h«BMMOaTMBT IATONie«N IJtmRTYMM iami H J. IH L7100 Pwrmorto at Rait Orsnae Freshman Clam Next Year ft Tomatoe* Set •y KMttU * MTJUJM Despite Bad Weather TRINTON (AF) - 1*BTrON-Ea• (Mttota(tof f ththe IMMai tam

lawwarVl MM^K 19* I at a paWe beer- S.toew waa he wet aat it wffl have 1.1N SBM ataaatt year. K eeld perMaae wffl ap to the MMMta anat. coBetteald' It adarittod Nl Tha New Janey JDt Ma OH year, oat of tteofembu Ctaaal las ItiMMM •ppMPi Mfc Wffl M Ml <_ tract aai la/«a dw atria af ID tab oaJy HI ant year eat •»••• lag tad 4teey aad «wt aattt far - tettmalod MM applicant. "j^ —Dr. IC •{ Ufayar»a CaHt««, The badaet reaaaet anal f. •{ Ufayaa ««, Btmtt After Hm lint wmk h culm* aid tatd aaout IM iMn WIB at ai tfclri fram laft. thakat awrfc wNh Or. Harvay A. Navflla, Uhlfh UUahranHy aravait, i aad CM tint . •n IN CUafM H MBWBJF BwMS peUtkel partm. at lair aiffM'i "Ml«» laraa" «aaar IB tha OM Ualan Hauia, ftad laalt. la fta M Ma Man w$js/c 4t MO tan* DMfltotMM WM# COBVIBI VBT A Tewanip aad that taariaj a the Mr. iJM aaatar It Or. Bmar C lairan, oha» af Mia Ratojan Callaga af iaajbiaorbM. Uokbtf data a htotory. Tht art ant hat natlHd *a aa ara, Ml H rlfht. WlHl.m Ayan, Watt AOaaaartr; OaaaM TarwMltar, AMaahant, IBBBBM caWTiayL *.' potatHtald bat h .-J ^ U ^ *J Rvlt »..— — ..l^.-A- AB..-I - ,1 «• | -BLB-fi I _§! At. I MB^MABBBBBV _^^__V fj) •^•aBMBMBW) aM* ^^mfBBBW POBMT1 >f M M m w 1 «IW vINM **• i^OTHvmifi r««nriVM| prwvfJini IVipOBMfWy #T TwB bMIOjBi MvBjBffB |M "2** **** *' " ^S J to treai ON — ^^^__e. bB^u^L_«_^g_« dt^L^ —-« H^BJ_^_^__^_^^_^L 4T^J2AA>BM^^A ' tfBOaT BJBIS ^l^lBjaa^VJ H^IBBIa' *baw#VJ L Bjaa^B/ B^awa^B^Bvap aaa^aw^a ^a*a o^nj^pavaawarBrvBaj ^a^^waavwv^a'M ' iBM^aaa^fl a^A tm\ aiMa^k aa^iMi a^aan V. L L a far caat «. I MB tMBo pav oast CMB* • a IM aad aavad a ad. *t Ms BfBOBOaMB SMmt BM to On Seoul fcrfreMethodists HI to crop ••MM! WRI MafPOfM 9 i aim Mr. *•**»* a •*•> by For Garbage To Honor I far top •VUVaV FOMBIM CoUedidiis Official Bd. Bishop Banyari to Install HVlaaatMt BBMBItOWI aMIfiaa*. UTTLB HLVBR - Uymaa't muuuuvm-rmm* Day will beobeerved lamlij a St. /oftn'a First Rector itotaaat BHBBMlawJtaMkal B_-a_ - •. tub npMltBMBiqr OMflM la Embory MetbodW Charch. Noel riTHraaMa sn wsmm BM•V ••!• QHla calaei Bltot lc |NIVVW Nllaa, lay leader, will ceadnct IBB* BMBMMBI^BMBMI emff B^BM) VBBMBMI ILV. aad today • the aarvico at 11 a. m. and win LITTLE kUVOt - preach the aermoa. AUaa PU- Mr. Rait waraat pal Weak. Thi i will be made at*. Jcta'iltfMM> WUIiam lawyer aad Philip UN Doctor -Tbtra wH bt aa pal dauch taaday at llaTf. ate will be aatletiat him. what Kt Rav. AKnd U •*> ILMat CMnM «a UMaOi IBC*I NUtta't theme will be, yard, bbkap at Maw Janay. «B oaa aa *tLWa«w« To Give Talk Otadak aiM the eat af rat- Hag Laymen: Hole Timet alt tha pan* to oaadatt flM An. Today." to* ata fat tncka woaU bt aaa Mr Heat. Mr. aad Mn. Robert EadHeh Monday N$t nctor tola the pan*. : OntHdl cat af tha tafft H ptoaa at New Jana/a ait**) pwdag fwwan ia the ttne- 1 aaaa caaM be ajwa lar The atnrfca la a rtto at a> tttiaa. af whkfc na aewaato. daBwaSa* ^a OBVMMBM >MttV* — tatry la awmory at Mr. Bad- Chaatar Of>BTBjavv% ^#9 WBBBvBBl BMMJ BMtVvMMMJ BIB Of BM COBCTBCtBaT • wMeh aatp parity N> par «attylNk7 Hch't mother. regard to at faa'i fl pkk ap the sanuja. BBM* ataja two thna-toM altainctaaa. tt axm ia Ik^ einaJBaddiat Mr. Hi •VTWICV vl iTfymPIUWI IN Thi dal aeratna of the ofBdtlt of part of IM charch wUl bt held at the i >»M2 lathe RadRaak hi the Howl Mat aarviee. The effldal aa library Moaday at I. Now Taik- board iachidet the foUowiar itraek hai toba Und to Bart Vaa Nt Michael R K. Irwla, a medical ate ta a Steward* - Rlchird Collier. officer with the UBHed Ntttoat, Thlt thraaMd aaaaj «• gi' OCEANPOKT - Bart Vaa Fait re. Mariaret Efjabener, an." »le cae of three coa- win apeak oa "The World Health VIOMCM MnBB BM aantao BBIBBB* JWawBialBiBl fmf Robert EadUch, Mn. Chtrtea u bata aaMd caHraua at tha Ortaaitttfea aad tha UBitad Na- MB FfaBCfa Batapa Baaiv TVBV* HaaM BBBJ JBjBtojay V«V« m. Mn. A. P. HaMo, Mn. IcainaM i • the towaato autaae WBtff SfiOttt dflW laat CbOdraa't Faaa. a MtM bad* at wSXS- iBBBMBBtjt tot far flflat l ana. larva* with George Mat, Ottriet LeCtalre, oogh the key* totaactawfcji Mm ara Water Daaajar, potiUd- Mn. Harold Doaa, Arthur lea. Dr. Irwto, who it a talew of • Baayanl pfBBMto IMI Ma 1a year. "" "" William lawyer, Mn. William the Royal NcMy, Loada, re- 1 t Praak Chrtttopaw, apadal Mt.tfceBaakofGaBtoB It tattaMtoi RWH tonw mato U: Joka N. Fraeta, taaaral lawyar, Hanina Shampaaon, etived the dtgraa of The tcheoto to be aided 1 , aad the bata) at OMia Rocfcet Tops •oildtatku; A. J. Dal Vaechlo, Fnnk thtttti, Philip Thmu, medkiaeaadl BMV- _f_f# MB**! »Otaanl aad Dtoceaa Cat- BMBtoitoMM^ Wmt^m «hMl«toM*A* *—- MtnhtU Thorapeoo. Mn. Harold from Loadaa VaivtnHy, at tar- « par caat of IB} _ _ PTil BOMIT aak Btwarak. aadMag dMinaaa, Sr., Mn. Emtee Vaa- thotomeWa Hotpital. la IM. Hi ato *a etato'a tnda aad tada» i the Mdto AtMn Leo- McaoUa PUtatU, tnti arVort, Kepatth VeaPett, Nteh- wu a dettaau to tha World trla, ttaaaa tMUN tor aaa caatlmaa. olai ViaaSchapanB. , Eraett Veor- Health Aatabha to UH, UMThai wm ha tha flrat tbaa k flaw* aBB^aaw* aava wawv ^^m^m Utlractioits HarolItrold Wa'ardellr . MIM Ma- aad IM. He ia a former aeere- tha htotory af ft. Mat < nHafMQMti AaaadaoM la BOIBMI* rit Wllby and Fred Wrltjit ury at the United Xwadaa Com- 5^157 g«J, hta haaTaaT Truitw—Robert Kirftifht Al- mWMhrWHOeiidltrimrpraB.^^-BCBMtL a ^ • - - ~ bat. batteva to "pay*e. y at Palter, Philip Tbomat, A. P.Meat of the Brtttah UaKad Nattoat tow MM IMMI IttM. preddat: Doaald Choa*| r. Ray Weet, Thto babaM ta M to bay a aaw baa. anja m Selected UMta, Noel NUeem aad Art prteaat aae ha aaaa WM ua. AdaK Maad, wm QedTi btoaag «aa tht aad "eaa 1 BM Ei-OffMe memben - Mn. Mtot EUaaheth A. May M aa- to tha pan* aa tato'a far MVlfaMlOl aaw wary. Eight Tat nojaaat i rnaanr; Mn. Karl Ja. i M tor a then of the m ttoa M ednctticia: Mn. Noel Sdtace Chat, wfll tar*a aa to bury garbage, H Pepertmaat of i of the eommit- paad to< Adadtta| Com- waned tho taaal It la * aioa M mlakm, aad Mia Ba^ immitt Chna hm tat UBtad Na- tor the fnatoat aaahtr at paa- alA ^_ia ._A^A * - . A ^ _ BB _d_A_ A the aattary eada by ttt ban Tag. prawmt of tht Mew- ptttoi the II a^atk aarr- Wt Youth FeOownip. They an DaaaM Aa*na **>^ The pattor it the chalrmaa af Smith BH *f tBO OdVBBOOd pfOflUB H OflHaT SWlCM $M M Otfidtl Beard. iwiBbaopaa Freak J. Faaaao. lath wabalMCele- The btermatuto Youth FaV btattoa at CM My Bt fOMBl Gaorat Jeaeta, Joka Marphy aad *nkk> wm meet ta the church at • aad fc» a a. dMBhtry, ~ ama*. haU at in P. M. loaday Chartte Clark, Ml DeU week the M- adaace at AMatto OB/, NTTTII «a Hear _ imiM.n to trat toa •MttJB toaaatal to win act aa FaVfaVaTj araMVaVaWaVaM Oj^prt UI Iw" atva by MMeat T. Dr^Cart^E"*^. Pttty Hmtt, Karta • Mr. bwto. pt kto MUM nuat i program will take place hi rage hearty wad ajaai hat baa feat M CMhartot aX^MttBi •jare. Irt have to apata. nar aadaf aa aato aparatad by la anaj tar tha bead law BK&A. Tat program tor thaaophoaona JaaoEhrhart, IT,of » Farm La defeat Mr. •ana aat: will he made up o( projeeu Ctnoa, tnaaurar. EMOBIOWBI. THOU VlOfO BO MJBI "Let aa da aawNhha atan i the fUht aahM tofMttoa. to. Set 76-Acrc the atadeato with method! of re- • the prof .•indtopaai A Study of Wmu$ fry lh» mlUUpmUkm BB aat i toaaacaadBM ajf ft i at the tad at Mi a*a> Mommtmtk Comity Boord •/ trotkoUtn to WaM BMIW f WBtoJ TOT At 90tf* f to • andaato at Red ^a^ya AAWMI

IANK > to. tor i -UJT-V'Smr •» ••*• JMIWM/ TBB> Square Dance at haw' STOCKS Tih WOULD la • • a ABBiUvT i

laAlaiasai a\atoatt. M aai pay farlha Mi BBHitoB BQT MTe BBI impNaWt j ataaiMall MiMill WBI ha toatay,**»B.BLattM t itotffe. ifldn. Mbart f. Cart- , SIT lay Ava. Mn. CarV Mr. Md Mn. WtMar Vaa, Mr, •d Mn,J«te AatnT Md Mr. MONEY aMnaaa. «• It aaMid by UaMrtaia at IVBJBB, Mm. Inary M. Ailniii, Mn,\^STmmmimWSmmU dw- ajtoJBBtoJV WHVBTA aWBTV* ^BHto^M B^to'l^^H^H •••* •••• ^^^^•^^•^K"

MM, irH aid Mn. taak Caid.KgajMb HMLTIMB aj *t

I ajr MM. 1 The Taaaabto af Maatltpit. tar atamete. wM a total badgM af IHMII.M aitowiMjilfar *air YOU HAD capital la^rivuiial fad or U.l»^ at. then total MMHy Qfat| Na aft iMfltol , Mn. •r.. aad: What to the naaa lar *to dafkit ftoaaaH If ia 1.200000 w t •» att RepwMea taarTat FiiatBirir SPICIAL IM, *ere It HtUmM Om Barda CASH? r»- Bpa^aajw* a aw#v eav aapar a^a^ai^a* aj ^ IOm.fllA.1 for tho difftront •ACM VMM * Imported Sweaten PUMPKINS I at fir %\M AIMIAI—4

• Outer Coats toad atnai* to at irgMMat *M they an MM — W•» ctned ahaut aeedt af aa tat IN*.ta| UM i nwaai •ayan and in tervtag aaly to wPNOMEnM Of tf« B laipnw the let at *a eaeeial Hatrle'a WatormaVa'Jar a baytog aabn. •- -.•••••

After sastog • film, "Mas of aad Mrt. Praak Baajaaaaa.j NEW YOU ^ ht«i 11il|ip«i1 fa to aid nta i« «wt LakM. flt n atorioaary work la tad,Graces , several htadrad Es- Mlat Dorothy reportp s tht Rev. Ipiiat Umos pooled their rasoaroas to Avt.. ta*i byRESlSTOL PI., tad Shrewsbury Ava., tootk MdNTOSH MACOUNS particularly to Chcttaut St. it- Ths "tpsad limit M mUtt par BOOTS praenu a iUttch of Rt. II that hour" tigs dots aot Stan to bo- particularly, truck driver* ther say truck driver. sad while aldtr a ItglilaMta nca count taak track drivers art to the that tevttw tfc.Mil> majority, trader tracks aad big •tet** M thitr nwnptfi is wi art alao wall wbBe Oat MaMtai art coounoa. •UCKUN Drlvtn of task truck* kwdtd b Rat Baak gatag to wait as> KINNEYS with flammabla UqnJdi "otp oato dtoastar has struck, or wil K tht taa" u aooa u thty onttr take the thb t south tatraaea to RectoR r PPI.I , so as to get a good "run" oa tht grade that carries the traffic 0. Prod Host across the railroad tracks. As am u thty get their taak 'ovtr tht hump" thty stop aa tht To The gsa once more because, from the The Mowtoa to a copy ot a railroad crossiaf to Chestnut It, Ml "a £ MrtIra: . JobJobs there is very little interference TowaaMp with southbound traffic until par- ked cars narrow tht roadway at their _oa Thursday Oct south of Chestnut St I. The Mtarwaa read iato ths Tht week-end procetsloB ot record by Township Clerk Daniel colorful JactaStHatt southbound filled tsak truck traf- Ely. fic commences Thursday night, Tola tatter to written to the reaches its peak Saturday aad Your •pMtwMrwllyg«t«"|rn"««fMn you uunttr belief that every part of Heba- fsdei out toward normal Sunday del TtwaaMp to aa totagrtl part up to our hat mirror wtarini ont ot thost evening. of tbt tewaahte; aad that a prob- handionw JACKET HATl Raalsltl hu dasifnad • Every Uak truck that watt OM part of the couth comes back north ovtr tht Bit efrtctly wrnaim aalacMon just to match tht jtckttt you ssme routs sad tht driver har- WnMt Sf HOtaMtl TvWSHHp* mm. (Or a naw ont from our stock.) Such colorful ries back for another load, "hell tteprobtai at beat" ovtr tht same stretch ot •tyNnc teturM, thapat and wti|M$...all to It tilt CQSjdMoat la Old Shrewsbury Ave. aMbjMbOttyou tndthtMn AriMtothlttptandid Estates which pnaemaMy Those empties oftta stage a wan covered by a bond given by naw art of JKlyt Httt by Rtiiitol. You'll ba net, aad tht rtttlt tad Hangingthe builder to the Towaahtp M 11 50 ot their outfit makes such racket that It stems u If a violent thunderclap Is roaring throats "Since early to 1MJ, many to- the narrow pass formed by thedividual taxpayers froai Old Maa- or have raised these questions be- fore the Towasbip Co iThett tadividaato have various aseuraaces that Uoas wan to progress far* ths correction by tht builder of tat

eld WMB VaMev togoaTtiawtonssatogakartfor *aworktabsdaaa.Ratt. deals of st toast oat stcttoa af OTHER RESISTOL HATS FKOM Ml OM Maaar an la tht AT RUMSON Cgitthacai tat basaai by theitwa- •nd IP GOLDIN'S SEA 6IRT st net MI •ay ha l by taa tawa- MftoraiMJuniN al thto atta fast MEN'S SHOP that a at strtat Hghts to a tatlMwalfsnaaa1atlatyl | MOA» nun, ceum MKHAMIC IT. RU 1-1450 Nlvej, QMT catMfsa aat ••^^swa BHB^^^P^^B ^I^ ra ^t^^atja^^t^^tjwv aja^BUBt'i RIO IANK bar eTmeathira af tht CWc As-

dtistaa ratoad thto .

ecscutive conuaitsss of tht CMe IU mod wanted dim, Asawlaltoa todtractaMtt i auKtr it MM thaTowa* "WtwatMHMts -L What Ishato««aaataear that famous fit..• iscc IM vaiisM eMsWsai nv* agaisad at aitotkti toO M with ragarda to i here for trass, etc., 9" brand new walkers "1 What • tattMta tf tat SBdcovarlagtMiwarfcrtaKaB' IsmaMtr b at betog Good It itaafwdaUy important ha "». b Ytow of the

taiMMarafOM to Stridt Ritet Important, too, at actka hat tasa kata It ait tea eounten, broad tea] ttalt, . i*aattfMne»mi«eft*sw» fkigggm Im jta^Mf tianajattl Jtjf fggVaj^an^^al •mMhtrilt,inMtnlji... Ttwatatp hi ths toltnt (TM til found in thaFintia. AU-Wool Westerfidd Ymcutnat

.. and oar cartfeltttfctj, PAIN! SALE



OTHER STRIDE RITES TO I0.9S ACCORDING TO SIZE MM aw •atawaw uatatt a*t)iw ttotmao taaea OOCTORS* PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FOLLOWED Kww Optfi im4f It A. M. ft tf, li-OpM IWy Nt* tM t P. M. I.D.WdJ»MtflS«M Hm I •troo* l«a«4lti ASMIRY PARK? ROUTI 3I-*ASMIRY PARK TRAPPie CIRCU JILi S. WitL •INCI 1191 POITH AMtOYi Ml MtJHi SiTMt Paints, Hirdwtrt, Taals U> •• Hlfjpnlfdjy I flt efMfi It* iNsTrW CsTdJtw It WOAD ITtin SHOE CO. U RED IANK AMPU PARKING AT AU STORIS IWaa Mn. Ii $mv 9m yaar fofortoknitr o •ey, WaU Towaahlp; Mn, Hany Biggest Year tailored to am of Miindnai aatt la| to that ha For Democrats Saaotaky. Freehold; Mn. Aadnw anj.ertb.at* to tap year vacatieaal apfarattoa, sodal pngraai. OAftNORST - Ma •eaMtki, ead apadelty ktansts Mrs. Msrio RseMa, 0Ma«l o( Bay Icaato ia la Bey Seottttag.beys af 11 to ntabliih aew County reedy far what k wMiBtaotchtracter. RALEIGH, N.C wil start a "Dalian Honorary chai. __ with feilew To auk* It poaciMe for more Case. North CaraUaa I Drtvt." r - ScMtaat/S as theyhke, camp, aai beys to Joia Ks raaks, me Mon- ketbaU coach, had a bety Mn. OuilaM J. Pier*. Pair Ha- atverasry year art DMteeratic womaa mnughout v«i, vie. cbatrataa of tht etajaty tab* part to fei-skills, ber la Cub Scouting, Boy Scout- Seattle, W«h., Los Angeles dp lie drive wUl coattaue toroa c•at Democntk Cfc* 1 Msa* sou wifl keve beta afflliatad Eipkxiat It tha aaw pngnm lag tad Espiartag wfU be ukadlat Albaauarajut, N. M. weak aadtr tka chalnuMhip or mouth Coaaty; Mn. Paul Mar- aaa, Long Bnack; Mn. Vatseet aiaiaaiiiiaiaBBiai^PBB Mn. Jaha R. Ktllt of Atluttc • • aaaai ••••aiaatai •••••iiiiiiiiM ••••• •••••••••••i •>••,. Keuper, Mrs.Fraacia J. Mahaaay ! • iuaa•••••••••••••nBaiaaaiaaaaal«Baaa>llBa««aaiaia>aDaB«aacaii ••••••••••••• ^ Tka drive is dealped to eon-aad Mn* Joseph R« Acksnaaag taot MMdeala who would abtAatary Paik; Mn. •envoy coatribule to political Uvtmaa, Deal; Mn. Joka A. parties. PttUloaad Mn. Mil. Aaai, Red Bank; Mn. Oft " " • Ilia Ana etptalM working an Mn. Maaaaqaaa; Mr*. aams. > Awtttat Bartoa, tad Mn. Ethel DMMtU, Mn. Joha W. ,. NatttM, Asbury Park; Mn. Char gat* aad Mn. Sophie Waiaatala, • lira ha Mai*. AtltaUe Hitfdsads; Mttawaa; Mn. Themaa J. • •••• Mn| Joseph Gately. Avon; Mn.Smith, Fair Ham: Mn. Louis • HID BnMat tttlltr, Bctmar; Mn. Jot- • aaati| CotttcbJo, Ktaatkarii Mn. Bit • aaai* eah Delta. Ettoatowa; Mnaaa. a J. Be4eH BeNord; Mn. ... the traditional look MlfM Maaatt, Fair Itavaa; Mn. Recce Boanrta, Loag Bnack; Aljjjtotor. HUMaadi; Mn. Mn-JtheVaaf Hub* aadMn^Aa- I Mn. 1 WM. SCOUT MM It rfSmuat) by Mn. WlllUm K flhitwibttiy* •lair, Jr.,>fa«JtWaT «f Nartfcttn Mt«mau«K Citwty Caan. Mn. JneJe DaFaHo. Laag BnMh; Mn. J. Harald CoMtao, all «f «MH Seatrtt, wifh Rayma*d Aatlant* ff Shrawi. Mettwan; Mn. danaca Maw, ktry, ahalrmaa af itilt yaar't drlvt. wMdl ttarta tamat. "'• * Mn. Rote WtaaaLMM- oxtracto. raw. Tha ma«tiit| wat in Mn. Hair's kaa*a, 41 Wlaipla Ava*. Fair Havaa.

• aaan Board Reaches Stalemate • Bail e * * HI SWlS aaia •' • •ill aaaan !••••• aarit • •ail aaan Over Variance Application • aaaa ThtHMIM • ma« • •••I •nit aaaaa •••I* A deadlock over a Variance re- • •an • aaa< quest aivslapad at the Red Raak Oa* board aaajriw. CherttrJ. • •••a Klfli Mm • •••• Zoalnf Board of Adjust*** ^J^i!T^MT-*?!? • ana k n IK* W toSIM M by ft» mectiag Wtdteedsy night. waweeraa ia* BI««BWpp B ™, nan Or. Uwraaet Burdt*. chaimaa, • ••aa It was bUteved to be the first • aaaa Qalatn, S. M. HaMaaa • aaia time la mon tkaa » yean the tadRudotpk Rltkamm • aaaa beard. coul.d .aa i nach. a ^—._ ,4^ 14,^, rjrttota, owatr ef aaaia oa a reojiaat. • aaia of the PUtttat tea, Shrewsbury • a At was aa tapHcattoa Ava. aad aataa from UaJa P. Taauiao. » ADta aad Mn. • •••• Mi alt b tanl ••an PI. toNcat o a Hajaer store at Newmaa Springs Rd., obiectod •aaii CUBtM n. UM |a to tha request • •Rll aaaan Rd. H* optrttw tte Conumiter't Mr. Tomsiaa, who wu reprt- • IHt j St Mt C MO•cirieT d by BeaedM R. Nkesis, aaaau tha railroad atatiaa. plans a circular driveway la front aiaaa •Car Let of the masonry liquor More for drive-in pwchaaee. aaaaa Mr. Tomalao waats topu t op aaaa* aia» a ttrtMbot boddUi oa the MtlN • aai > lel t Ha proposal tohhav e parktaki g Tbt soaiag beard aow has M aaa>< tor eight can to tha rear of the aaai buiMbjg, aad wU team a fcoutt 95 at the rear of the lot tha appaal aaiiaaHnlly It dt> laat aM. 59 aaai • He presaated a sbaliar reojuest to clouded ia • •ai - at tha hoard's Sept. I aeeUag. aajaac aad that reqant wat deaied. ha wu not ••••» aiiht's • • • •i FoDowiag aliht's • • • » meeting, the board went late **> • a • a ecudve sassioa to cosaidsr the • a • • • • • a variance. Oaa motkan to dsay flat • • • a reqaist eaWand a similar hto. • • IB • a IB • • a ft a a • Rmutt] • BB• I • Mtyar • ISI < tht pn-l IBII - ' aaai GULISTAN FACTORY SHOWROOM W • ••• t • - - - - - r r" *" • aaa» Iht board iMri ao traaUa la aaaan • •aa>> wc^ni a dtdatta aa three aU> •••BM- MULL SAVE YOU HONEY ON CARPETING ar sultan. • IIIK n votad ta neoaHaaBd ia feVe flBMBu-4• aiaa Mayar aad Couacil a variaaea to • •••••< altow the law firm af Abnmoff • •III NUE M RBKUIY A. IM. URMHSUil tad Apy to ate a baiMhM at IN •••••< Bread St.. fcr aMaWTilt fine • aain • BBkn The nasfstoaty kaaaa It la the laaaa nstBsaaai ssae, rwej MI team. laaaa aaaaa t( tht totaahaaa MM^. The • RBBB Brmagratdto • •an aarkiag aa Ike UttM* M. • •oaa Dsaisd was aa nut • ••MB Fieraac* Furpiiia at Alu Httdtag Oe.. -••«» IM Broad St.. far a variaaea to allow a aumber af tparbawnt at St. tor battatts


• «BB« • aan Hat tht tread • aaa. If they an toh o sWaaMia, saU • naaj tte KtVj Of. DttvM Ha li^^tf a • a u w Ir H • • ••• ' af AHtaaaara. *k • •••a Ht writes tott o anal • ••aa • •••• "Th Uh.- «Sk7« " ••• • •••» aai aim aaaaa i iiiai S -•••a • BBBB • ••• • aaia ^^i ^^^^^^^^^^* ^^^^^^^P^ "N^P^! • aaai

lag Is a Uaa." 95 Oim GVUSTAN CAHKT SPECIALS... ATLAKTK Tka total UM 59 SMS «*»» day aMH. Owal sfMhw wM !• AUWOOl (KNAMR CARPIT Jala w. Trwbafg, ataM ar, N. 1. Daaarwatat at OUSTAN AUWOOl AXMMSTDt S7.9S i%v» WSTAN fOOl I NYIOM TWBT CAIPCTMS HfS *

^^VWTBF ^^9^^l^9 V *ear v ^NaTaBTtT# BeavaaBFBtBeraTpBaTaBA^^^Pffv "aT^^^BWJ^Q^V ^POTH^^BV vvVv^^^P^M

Oritntcl SIMMONS and FINE ROCKERS With Paaai CeMtas DRV SEALY MffMt I-Ytar Warraaty Vary IEDDIN6 It to* $43«o$lff.S0 SaejaUHy *rltaa) FOLIME taajMB urn ••• !•••• •••••••••lamtaiaiiiaii •UOMT TMMI •UOtY ANRANMO •«••••-- • •••• miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaii OR YOU MAY USI YOUR IAIV CHARM ACCOUNT •••••a a••••• •aiail •aaaaa •••••a McKelvey of Freehold aati Ihyt KRWNOLO Saf'irMmi fnt (luliiltn'i turnout Hu$t Mmlt in ft**hi4d OULISTAN MILL NltAR OUR STORK • •••••* And fat finr futmlurr hum 4mrrir*'i H'»l M»kfi MIDDLETOWN •••••a •aaaa« aaaaaai •aaai> ••aaaa WANAMASSA aaBaa« 21 WEST MAIN STREET, FREEHOLD, N. J. •aaaia ••••*•' I CUOEN CENTER •aiaai 3*r* Hmin, Vnnafar <*'» .Wa»tf«» » O» ,f tf. In % 30 I'. M. Him MWHWAV II •aaaaaa • a a •••••••liaaiinjlliltaiaaoa ••• ••••••••••••••aa • iiiiuiiaiaalaaaax • •iiemiiiiii lainaiaiiaiaaaaiaii f"- • - *~ tress mt reieav re s a. si, •» MIODLfTOWN u tat to* Kegltttr N. J. tm by Ma K. Cttk aai Htaiy Cky me M*. He atta at tip.

MMM •MAA^tkMA^^ ' WatAA^^^aak tM MMtafeaWat ak ' nnsourgn. rreeoom w avaMuamg a . _ IddK aad a long way ahead. Ha wrltoe stories *at •or the m«d of the aajad, It ramatos ekwiy tot a totfttttf. letta), In the current iasua of The Kay- rn« M i he and the late torn lamyen ten the story of OW Undmjlat «e eaned Uinatlf a stubborn eqaarehaad. , M *IU mM. wtttul tbut*. that rut 1 u tdmitiMa** u mint Uw in>ofr»j*!o»i «mr He came to America to 1106. He work- . MniUMn win WMM Mtinr tto •uwnM uncMlaMW •» ugp trrer vhick auy eeew. ad hard. In lfW, be tot Into a street i Mr *atwmu tt twim la MUn fraa Ha nUtn. right hi front of a saloon. A poHooman r»M« la shot (Me. The squarehead drew a gun MaiM ton by Bull, t am and killed the cop. FRIDAY, OCTOBER M. im Atl».bawajfiT«aUfeeeBte»oe.Hekeptm»»- biintile shot me flrst,^kat that made no dtfforanoe. Bathing Beach for R«d Bank At town State Panltoatlary. CMe was not a good piltav sr. gome of the time be was la aoUtary caafmimiiit Red Bank residents who can't about four feet This will be an ideal getong a awgle sttee of bread each day. •omiumssey take thdr children to ocean beaches spot for youngsters to enjoy the riv- goarta mtnvtod Mi wrists to bars over Ms headtoV m die summer will welcome the erfront This is not the first time the toft him there until the acne In We hands weebeyend area has been used for swimming. endurance. MWI that a small beach will be Ho never had a vUtor. Me never had a OvMaatt. Many years ago youngsters learned For ten yean, he made matters worn for ttnsetf. Thar at the foot of West to swim in the same place. Washington St Ole Undmiist mellowed. He began to ate Maafaif Ir The planned beach area hat been the smart young kUs eommg bv Ole beoame a sfco* It is a credit to tht Parks and approved by the Bureau of Naviga- eabbtor. He repaired oM shoes at a bench at! ear* Recreation Committee to hm come tion. The Red Bank Betid of Health any songs like "The Bird on Nellls'a Haf . op with a small bathing ant for lo-has taken water samples in the beach In political argumenu win other prieooera, Ole cal resident*. area periodically and found the defended the government mat pot him away. TTt tbe bast In the world," ho need to say. According to plant, the beach water to be safe for swimming win be ready next spring. A beach purposes. He served 43 years. The young tough Swede with THESE DAYS Home the bull neck became an old man with a big streak tret SO feet long and 40 feet wide lifeguards will be provided at die ty MORGE E. SOKOLSKY of white in his hair and furrows running from hto toae wfll be cleared tad sanded. Ropes beach by die Parks and Recreation Economics to the outside of Ms chin. Tom ftonyon wrote about and buoys will extend 100 feet into Committee. Although some small It does happen that SOON persons become tempor- ay Hm, And Runyon waa a great writer who was abo die river. . • problems will arise, the beach is arfly important Politicians, acton, stagers, murderers, LORN A K. WHITE aarri&c life. Because of the tidal flow, the mainly for use by Red Bank resi- gangsters—all sorts of parsons achieve the state of Jack Shelly, an Iowa radio commentator, dtscaased appearing to be Important for a few years. Than, ef dents and their guests. the story on the air. A dark Uttte widow who were bathing area's greatest depth wm be course, they, like the net of us, subside la the dust ef rouses glasses beard It Shelly said that Ole had tot oblivion which la, Indeed, Irksome. StCtartSwrieeWI bad a visitor m 40 years, no one had ant him a package The Community Appeal The Immediate problem Is whether la SO yean, and ha had not bat a letter fat M yean. Ibo little widow was touched. She wrote a note toOl e Red Bank's Community Appeal to have or not to have a modern, fancy many agencies may have to curtail •elf-operated elevator and the agitation noaakat an that night starts Saturday. The goal U $48,000. their activities. becomes frenzied. Some important onoi ** IMt He wrote to her. She wrote again. He asked her Money collected will be distributed One problem seems to be that are fearful mat an unattended elevator ae aam dayito* tortt oto please visit him. She did. He told bar mat there was ••Ptay tttl- no hope for him. He hha d been behinb d ban fof r atasssta t re8ident8 foi et e don tion will be aa Invitation fo r criminals tobo p wttlbt to ate agencies-Boy Scwitt, Com- ? ** °° » half a century. Addle was permitted to visit Ole every must cover the needs of six organi' them over their headi and steal ( toJanbad- munity YMCA, Family and Chil- tewels. Of course, the criminals can do thirty days. She became the nearest thing ho had to zations. It is not enough to give a SOKOUKT •"• to draft Service, Inc., Girl Scoots, Rlv- the tamo If the atovator la attended, be- a km. She WM then in ram and in bUzxards. small amount just because it is a ervkw Hospital and the Salvation cause nowadays with full employment and nobody Addle visited the governor. She asked Mm to give Army. single appeal. Remember, partial hungry, the ablest men go when the money flows wm to pnttoaie later oe. Ole a chance. She asked the district attorney. She asked payments are advisable. Many peo- more freely. Running an elevator in an apartment houee Bwy caattetltoM the parole board. She asked the newspapers. She talked These are local organizations de- ple, youngsters and adults, are de- is not the most inviting Job, particularly If the tenants ta. tot to lawyers, candidates, do-gooders, prise* boards, re- pending on local contributions to pet- pending on the generosity of Red are slow to tip. it at porters. She fought for many yean. Ole was led blinking into the aanhght of freedom "ortn tneir services. Here is t chance Bank residents. In fad, tipping is a big Issue In such matters. It Wka a mot tatw'ty, In April tie. Governor Beentoky stopped aO toft for residents to give once to aid six There is no doubt that some peo- is a fundamental, sanctified custom from which one departs at hit pariL In the old day*- It used to be said tMUm » «h*h th." **. abowtnodinx Ole Undquiit back to Swedja wb«a |e ^^ pie. get tired of having an endless granted a full pardon. The stubborn aquarehead got a Last that an untipped waiter put Ms thumb In the soup SL^'HHPJJJ* 4pf> parade of organizations knocking on when the customer came again, but nowadays, we do SHa atist. fob Jn Omaha. He nt with a awumml ef tsUi 'and Of die announced goal of die door asking for contributions. not eat much soup, except out ef cans at home to asm atn. The Stott Uatwntty. some old shoea. #46,000, only $23,783 was collected This is one of die reasons for die the labor of a wife. But a clever waiter can always _°**»._gM?«^ "y *•* He waa afraid to ask Addle to many him. but he -just 50 per cent The tame was get even, like spilling a sauce on a customer's suit orJEiL """ " worked up the courage. She said yea. Later, they moved Community Appeal. Give once to nrr back to Iowa. As Addle says: "We found happtnesa hi true for many Community Appeal help many groups. Without die Com* giving him a table near the kitchen door, or refuting tot a«w him a table altogether. the winter ef We." de, who bad i drives in other municipalities. munity Appeal, die participating i lea Everybody expects a tip and those who, arven soyooe, was rich Jast watchmg AdoVs The youth, health and welfare who had tost a husband yean before, found a good agencies would have to hold separ- around Chrirtmas time, forget the customs of dvlUsa- W* ••» eMr panatt. work provided by agencies partici- ate fund drives. Many other orgaa£> tin, willl know It So,. eosanstencompetentt, oolitepoUte,. attentive,. ~~eosr-* »»»•»*. . » ••*» •**»•• san te Mve for. It want meant to go on forever. Ote gavHspid pating in die Community Appeal is zations, of course, hold their own gette, vaUte-carrying elevator men prefer to go wheng^J^i vital toeac h community. If residents fund raising campaigns. Every par- the reputation Is mat the tips an cenerous and often. Hgbt he went back into cUrkaoos. Ho died a stubborn do not give die financial support son must decide for himself how Those who complain loudest about the service they got an usually the least tippers, If at alt necessary to continue operations, much to give. over Ma grave. It is a big oblong ef granite, ft says: Now I am not absolutely positive that an automatic te big tatters. Underneath, m small letters YOUR MONEY'S WORTH elevator la best for children, certainly not for children **> J» N mm oa on sMo, It reads: "Iroest lNw. On the reared by progressive parents who span the child and - aLaa, §• fMaJI toSBflM. It fBAdt! fAMto L" rab) Its manners. Stash children will go up aad down room knvtBnjhA belo) nvw ansnam fora twvnv^ojsjvno datesf e>w.) e>*jwawnpt wnavvn^p taf ~~ By SYLVIA PORTER aad play In an elevator as though It won a toy and RwwTemltayoawhoraailyi iferOIVt than would be no on* about to speak thorn. Unless a ••an .•imrttoj ttoAmto. tttte aave torn to ekOd is spanked, he never bollevos that what he Is do- •LJ*5» «*• Tt **• **r utoi •»to ttodu is wrong, childm not knowing tight from wrong pnple to woaear (I) Aaawkvaatat to «*watf siiMt to team ef they an told aad the right Is The wickodost of Improperly roared children in ouch aa elevator, vat a good, strong jae save sun a child from eMBOjOMaty. It Ha , as old ago pensions aad other welfare thinks maybe nay everpall become tacnastogly Jiiaatottog to maqrauaiFbr more and men Jobs will not 0 areoa mngj ne m a wasas itief wenat • • • Per: like trained cooks who an Tht wtato BMdaUta to ISN it the domestic anrhot^ or those who aw aw such Jobs, sdsmlate wmhttflnt whkh Bathe Hp aa dayn UM to IMS. Ttftoy tW ** a» for the hoHsowIn te provide her owa ladlgeatton neat yaw stars hasb to aktaaMslaw) ~ SMBI SVB dMa priBMrily vHh i, woe aright ast welll take ourr aatossatlc oleva'1-(-tr sjaawa kta\ Mto aai vaa> (Mr mm earn tad trt Mlbw- It gooood graogracoe at swsthlag akttt as latvUable eaatot, aai knai a*to MS a^AAwJaW MMBW* BBMBtafl 44WA A^iihaW^twMBBKaa^BBBaWA IfJMB naVT V ML • an a_»_aBB_nj ntboewctriBBBMB^B^BBeM •nBW^PBJBT BBBMBBB^ ^^^|^H BBBBlO^^ra^EB^BB^i^^BBBBBBBBBBBBB^BBB^ a^^^^^^^v ^^^^^r « ^^ ^^^^^^ ^v ^^v ^^^^^^^^^^^^y

Hwn to M aw of Ufeteriee.tcAi«M a atilea watea to ef MM.wkt tm tov maHl to teng nt menial Jake Nton which a society of ease —^^^.~^^^P. .S^ JJ^l Aj4ao,wltly«Ulywoslw^li»tautoaBa^eelf-eervtc« rant at at, aamto Mat , Ctotaa ^ otovaten tad the frotieoslve brats wB have te be

^2£~**J**Jm* A •f'Mi oia sm thsir lives. It hn Ian kaown «T "* Hmm * •* ho very good tar the oeuL If the cafldsef A WMI« IK sic ctoinaaaM- oared, porhats the tanato ean bo. WgMawV flMaK g) IHH V*tBHB\ ^^^HeJaafaVa%v4BW BBBBkaBtOkawSAAa aBkSkB»^iBBBUV tftw^Bai BB^Jaa^at talllnt wfcf M (snnnfi wlnwgWlnTIi/ IBI|Wlltnll pmWmmB IwW VVIMJ «MMV MMh IRM to MJf pn- * * * ^^^r^^P^n a«mB*^B^HHBha^ JhufJ B^BaanaWaBBBl JBBBY BBMB^BBBkJB^BaW^a^^ BBAa aBBBL^BAWiA iHawW^ A^^Bh MM ^~B^™ *• *™^^ *• wmmm^^mm wf m>mmm WBO wtm •* Jnltus of their temaonry saceoss m ate., Only those

nton «Me> em to

t aha*. tM«tor CaaittM Ufmiii *M Society when (Madwalten determine who Is significant Awto, tlwr* «r* tattat «tl«t to Mtw. and rates t preferred table. The gnat namee of yester- Par If I am wrta* tt» Aattrt- ir# fiiMiw thtt con. eta lytltm tH arlvato aanryrita, hardly carry a dadbol. Today's notorious bocosM em ito^ mmlpntaiton (r« eipliiitm Me Umtntf torn tomorrow's ordinary and ctkbrlttes rarely outlive thekr •• wrtPl p«eklt * AtHii. m«"" it im i! two cwilurlM ago will k* Old. oreMaganla. Mttow Repker (AT) — "M^rMfttbJaet If to him and be gtad he waato to share his

Asian Doraty. priaHsaw of tha npartK aa *t *»•>»• largest baby aaap) maaufad *• tad Mn. W- htt * bMrtfgl Mr ing thU tdviea to what ijtr, Mr. a* Mn. Caw* Mr. aMJMn. Bn' aai Mrs. Rake fit, htubtnd provtd tha only Mviaf drcuin- NMT tttf tte «# •tuie* In lay Uft «|m ba dM kBt«fei ^dl tMaaf ••••1 a^L n eW fJaW Haw WJi •a l| dM Har hiMbtnd founded his own drildm'a IM Aft^B MAIM gg in mi new 1k» poatwar baiqr booai his bwi> first floor shoe aaction •«• WM du Mod of nun who tt*tf hts butiiitM, wfwra w# STOCK more) OK |I«59000 * talk about It at 1MB*." add Un. Doraty. School atyta» then you eon -I dMa't fteljUiaid. althomh aow and than at thoka a shoe horn at, Soadaar tNahfaict did faal an iodlaattoo to pa« my Hoimdel !' 1 I " L h fdli imad.pWntoiWucher It was attested la what my haabM toldtee , and he aamaj ia iralue my opinion more aad man. Ha of Mnulnashan cordovan manncts wnan it came stands our. SHItUY b May. 1W7, her husband returned from a boat 22195, in natural aaaa trip, dmd (hat night of a hasrt attack In the bed* burgundy or pollahad SHOPS of thsfrLos AnasJaa home. Ivan now Mrs. Dor- ^^t^m ' mk ^AkHiBgJaMaaal ailABaauCaBaB mta"^B^mAaajaMtA 'eMMt^aaiBBi^Bi ft^at aV^^ai block. aay( a ajno^j*»*»» wmamwi tunmrnmnm woman in aar Open Friday, to 9 p.m. • bewildered by the swiftness of Us passing. "Ba had paestd a perfect health awninatloa only she said. "Ha was a big. ruddy- man with wavay whito-hab>aad pkmty of It finod and Front, Rod Bank HBOC Wl 0IIW K CM Mt kM* A* Ha hadn't barn sick for 28 yean. Ho was so vttal-« at all times. "I don't know what I would hare done if I hadn't service to mm over the years, or If I hadn't enjoyed fifS *ifi kahtal W« aBlBrttta ttutlnais friends inou < r home." Mra. Doney had to step into tha breech at oaea and take over control of the firm. She did so win em> eocoaas. Iba comptny will turn out IS million pain MMrlof baby panto this year, do a business above $5,000,000. What was the biggest difficulty In her emergency transidon from sheltered housewife to woman execu- tive* "B buahass. before you get one problem solved, aadiepMtaamtotteessfl they pile op two or three more on you," she said, smit- 1U& Ak* H^M^M\ A^^^^M ^^tfaholtf eftA»a^fl SX^HA BB^aS9A to Osama a. a*ing, "to kaeptng house you are more of a master of vTw wMPI RVIVI y* V F "" risjin ewajraj You can finish one problem before t ... whether W% far • Mvfofi iinwit «r ehetkiai tag to another." •«mwt. a aeneael MM er safe deastW bra. CMM Bat aha aow firmly believes a wot^u can run bar homa wall and ham an outside career aa welL "Some M par cent of our MO employees an wo* aha said, <%nd most of diem are married and have

KEANSSURG-MfflDUTOWN They aomettmes bring us valuable ideas for new tafaat wear baaed on their own experience at home." NATIONAL IANK Since a BOW baby Is bom to this CM Barnes m^^j^^mm&mi aaamg) Amiiai ^aaftaaakaeaift ftaBBSm" ^KB|^^H> a^*t aBae^a^B»E^Bk^ l>8 liwM»i VJal HIV ORnw iww w«P 0 mna| 10 par cent over the 1SSS output, Mrs. Doney (she's childless herself) Isn't worried about tha business ft* jkM m Mmr.we. 1 eomatlmoo fsel the'baby has replaced the auto SYLVETTE ttetoaaaW* iaj d «M taST a stalts symbol la America," she said, "and this V eamral b stale by ttedoesn't seam tome to baa normtl, healthy thing. «MMe aa tteaifla m at a «*• ^t aaa result m parents In a neighborhood com* pattaf la the buymg af expensive things neither they "•ablas ean bo pampered too much. They don't naOy caraabout MdareL "On tha other tend, you can't give them too much tore, eaitttatmyeftteaMr SAD Cafcariltr Mn. AMU Amaa. Dtaato M. DoubJo Play wn WH^m VMS Wm toy Mn. PtoreaM WaM AiJawiaitotts Vlett* Pride «f aad Mn. Artaae Cafe) " attsslel&bsiealr •AT0N1OWM — A ait at Mali ef to Mm.


li iTiy Pay Ms


•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••#••#•••{ 1ED BANK nafTER 8—Friday, Oct. 16, 1959 180th Annivertary Sundayflfr Dedicate

CONVERTS M PAR EAST New Addition NASHVILLE. Teaa. (AP) -An For Bethesda Methodist to Ml ADELPWA Members of At Regional aad na> om ** " ^.A.amlstsre" m peraoae rtcoattcrttad their Bemsada Methodiit dajrck wiU RUMSON-Tka dadkaMaar aSufr^ retailed M™ mark the USth aaaivertary of the 'draan realised" will take i mrNesvoamaad aVJ grtaan It aff to a d m4.e«declsioat to accept Christ rouadiai el the church with spec- Sunday at MI aWegy It iMi up! Kw* u< aort H»M» start m Ike FHd aad Jala the church, the denom- M Rt(UUi Mt <«ek am ktcuiM ial services Sunday. F. Khaey. Jr., Rumtoa-Pair Ht> g FamoajSs •Mtfaa reported. AddJttoaally.»,- Htgh " ' " " Praado E.'Hackay, tavtriana- bat pair wet a Mg ea Two pageants will be . daat.. Md me Beard of BdaeattBdatt w sea*. The prograpg m awe ad. A fellowship supper win be Dr. Maaoa Greet; President of VadaatdaVdd y mat N eightg h grade by PreacPh h mll * year, bbut wN be utMAaa 1 !• !••• • .III. ^Mt ^all. auailil t are tktaklal g tthha ttaagatg a lastBaaU att a leleaaaa w papartt a f ALL-DAY BANKING [the Adakmla Art bouse. UBjert uttvtrtiqr, wiu QSW lor 41 mbwtM each day barnre »• aest yeayear. Mf. M. . Rev. Amtrt K. Ltytos, tht aum address at the cere- tea eptamgoff schethi ThThe »Itaeaa»Ita y addal hat arranged the aioaUs honoring the osmpM oe>rasMii graders are taught tora a T*a hiosogy daat wee magbt William Smith of Long branch, of a aew addRhm aad mt hour aad a «tarter Saturday by Mtsram Reraa. a Ramam Pair fomforme r superintendenp t of MOBrtaovam. m of me high acbooi A mj: mouth County SchooU, wiU -oralag. "The Rumaoo-Falr Havea Ra- guest speaker at 1:30 p. m. tional High School steads aa art- On Pr. Rev. Dr. WUUam Gufflck, tu- deneeof the foresight, ptaaaJag, Mr. Hockey pnitad George A. aona. Mr. Heekey aatd. ea .perlnteadent of the New Bruns- erchants Park co-operation, hard work aad cour- Keuey. who Is ttachm- g -tbeCeepaft«TeTeetb)WoltvgMOU T b Ril i a wick District of the New Jersey by tte Educate Tettmgfin- Conference of the tort who recognUed tht need for Tbe superintendent poitted out lee la Prmtttaa. / Church, wiU tpetk at 7:30 p. m aa aapaaded school," Dr. Kiaaey mat tht course It the same g>ea ' • "•• Pagesntt will be presented; be- RED BANK FAIR HAVEN said. It am* grade ttadaata lachid- North CaroKaa aad North Ca* The increase ia mt grammar aad eoavenattae. ctmt SUto flrat played toman Hot, tha demand for a new'cur Thnt gradt papDt la Little Htym UN. ricuhim aad me riot m tioaal costs were .2» Ugh school according to the ta- k HrftHWAY #31 SUNStT AVI, ASBURY PARK Hah School bafld- daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Patrick la a referendum Au|. M, ISM, of aa Kaataa, Mate St, waa celebrated me citizens of Rumsoa aad Pair aturday at aa' Havaa voted to create a regiaaal A dosi»s prog run together wimpartjf. Guests Inrtudad Barbara district. The regloaal dii...^t riaEmlaarEl y dnwlagdl ss wwii acacJaaaacJaa- etaa,, Paul aad Carmea Fates, the Rumsoa Hb* Sated by ma board la A August, Jedy. George I aad began operatioas ia• UNutj, aatadd a referendum to K*q Debbie aad Barbara, SHADOWBROOK GARDENS JaQT, INS. amprovme a• lbeaa d issue for me mtBsV Uaaa aad Doaaa The Raaid af lag prelect wst held Dec. SKath, y aad Michael LOCATED AT merited Dr. Weaey to MIS. The bond Istue wet rs|ictod Michael aad Jeanne Doviao, Kar- SPRUCE DRIVE thraaiiart study to dots •rtbt votert. aad BiUy Krsuuky, SHREWSIURY •lie of the aaw school, me potaa- aad Uada Harrtag- tial aad achlevemeat of seudoatt a the months that followed, a i You're invifad to taa tha ultimata in luxury living, custom quality built la the two commuaittet aad me Committee WM formed to*, Ruth tad Uada Mayaee, te tupaorp t a Barbara Gee, Kathy " " homes. Madarataly priced. Built on a high and dry one-half aera lot Mod for curncuhun " e PacP t FFinding Commiltat Kelly, close to school and transportation minutes from Red Bank. Thraa and & Cyadkta lour bedroom ranch with full baiamant. I'/a baths, twa ear garage. Dr. Grose, a res- of the achool would ran between fatac of teli Oversized porch. From $2),S0O t» and let students, aad stated rfthe c that students m Rumsoa aad Pal After carefully reviewing me Havea demonstrated aa proposal, the committee suggest- average potential aad a ed that It be ritrtmlwed to the Carat HI IC fMOTQ. A bond hwue of Si.- A curriculum council competad wu ippfovM by taw of admlnittrttort. teachers, WrMN YOU UUO by persons worked for over The aaw sddltioa aad the raao- year to develop a aew currieu- vatkm of high A Country i>m. cembkMd to give regtoaal so> The Regional Board of Edaca-, 11 new clasarooms, aew iWAUft catioa appointed James Swacfc- aclaaci facilities, a aaw gymaat Furniture hamar of the firm of Serlmeati. tarn, auditorium, library, cafe- Swackhamer aad Peraatoal to teria, aad new music, art, home pita * Jw.."£?^l>'?gwjy?l Miamlct. and todustritl art Include the naovatiaa of Dr. Kiaaey commented, Tat clUtaas of the commuaity have EASY DIRECTIONS PATTERSON AVE. . . for the Urgnt that they are Witt- lag to provide the best for their WATCH FOR election of . . . children's education. It is now THE SIGNS to the admmlstratioa, staff, LOCATED AT UNPAMTID aad student body to demonstrate Fmmrimg thm Shan't Lmrgmt that we hive a truly superior ColUctUm of Emriy Amniem SYCAMORE AVE. bith school AND I FURNITURE Rev. Caton George A. Robert- fmmtotn tt PATTERSON AVE. IMTHI aw, rector of St. George's by- ^ (be-Rlver Episcopal Church. wUl offer the dedteatioa. Rev. Wll- Short Arta UatB Elmta of Holy Croat Cath- FOR IHF0W4ATWH olic Church will dtUver the mvo- camm, aad Rev. Donald MacLeod of the ea%caaal Chorch of CALL 1 ANEW Itaty Commaaioa, Pah the beaedKtioa. SH 1-W55 Architect James Swackhamer AFTER f:« CALL PR«4NI wtti ereteet the keys to the Board of Education. Beard Preaideat OpeaDaHrSaX Arthur L. Adsmaoa will accept CA24M0 Tmm ami Hmn. III Ike bulldiag what speeches £3210 •ClenlVtB will fjtj fjasiTVffW *ll H. Mmtoa. mayor waav waataajr tee atad ••at • Pair Htvaa aad vice president of awr satiama teat Sets, tmtt aad the board; Mayer Peter Ctrtmai eam«Va«a«aeat, Cam) It lam*. ORGAN M Romsoa, Dr. Kmaty, OMygJ ^gW wmM ^^g-^gj •*-& afgW eammt CmrlM Nkaols. praatdaat ef tht

Mr. tad Mrs. Jeteph Mtalcaoci tad caildna, PatrieU aad Ricky off ifuody AVIJI Nltgart Pane,

er Itth btrmd t the dtusMer forgot he owned Percy Maitoa, II Hrtt St. a water heater

IMPORTED, The maw ttlh all you need lo know about the BULKY kind of mutk you'll art out of K. Until ht h««rd hli nrifhbor trlplnf iboat rannins, A fiamelaa* aleetrk wattr hsttsr k M safe at> And itn't it lovely lo look at? And wouldn't oat of hot water, Mr. Darby had forgotten he it is dependable. Heavy lavuloMMi - too, botloai owned * water heater. Mr. Darby inntalied an and ildet - make* it Htora efteient and keeps H it tract your living room? oleetrle watrr hwtcr f..r years ajro. And he haan't cool to the touch. Water is heated once and stays You can put it there for Jutt IIS. Thai I* your given it a thought aincr. Why nhouM he? Auto- hot until used. No costly rtheatlag is nectaaary. down payment for the new Hammond Eurtvoke. matic rontrola do all the work. To get hot water, Because there arc no flasMO, fMRMt or 9m, it can th«r heating more economTcal. en, wWe teioatiea of avNavert end ait to ut, we'll bring it io you! Pick up me ohont th« diahos Md laundry. Mr. Darby never worries about hot water. Do youT right ww. aerdtfaiH la araw, v, boa* and shawl IfJtTi AMAbMal "**• a tmajj tmmml maMdMmTfRAItBai too Vour ftoddy Kilowatt Dooior OvJOsamjaatTV^BFai */^BFN fmj V^MaS Tv^SfViwap m^alS«V^t^PwW>««t^ll^g*V*J JCP&L CAUflt MMf Jmoy Cofjtral Pswor t% Lagkt HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIO of ASm RY PARK AVK. and M\IN HIHKrT A M H I' K Y l» A K k Opea every eveamg 1st) I P M.i Ssmrday MM liN P. I Mm Get Added g SS Coverage 1 Ktay turn For'Old Folks, man JMMX - lift, wtt at th* tint At Off Cdl OffiM M Met ths dUbOtty workreaatn- • DRY CIIAWNO • eata. to taUMy Ugh. 1M la aaa BedeKEANSBUHB OCbrgt - s COMPUTE To eusHty lor the ai HI K m **»y Hr tta faner hi Bedel hut night (old marian of • PLATWORK IAH|RY SfRVJCl lithe regular Democratic Club of M-7» WHTfl St. esseBts, a ptnea Met aaveX Keaatburg that hla Incumbent Republican oppoaentt i M^SST aaaSf MBI no time for eM lacreaahig proporUoa of £ ' paopto la New Jertey with lorkMNiai i a Mtttr of vital [*• ' jllmporUaet ta our todoty. There SUN , For a farmer who It ei - i BO moral JuBtificattan for of as* or elder, win MS work laqulnMM ai at'CM. impaetd apoe our matur* dttaest MldDirTOWN CHOPPIN lit* a rttuK of toclal Inaquttlti |1M, lad who U dWM over which may hav* no oatroV Itka fodal aKWtty law, tka flnt matt at can nattp payraart atpbi wlUb.AprU.im. aihauatln ttety «f*tbt Ia iddWoa. payMati at Oat vt record baa ehowa that

el ny ReaaMoM appt> i oUMe «MI la Itr cere - deat aaytUai kv tha eUtr r»MMaeae tier over. Mdi«(tMMat*or«oMty.Tht wutffli aaaw that they hava yat at am M JAIL to apoatar ar latmdac* any la*> MDOLBTOwN - MagMratt Parkway Stretch Watloa that would be * W. Oflbtrt MsBtoa yeetwday to tu group." iMiirti Jofea Htaly. TR Roberta Mr. BedtU aaid WOt whieh would hava extended rtat caatral Drn «> M4ap la M coaatr W 1 of Safest in the World ea a dtouidtity ccadact chtrat. la eracUl anas aad property Iha cenplatat «u mate by Mr. PARAMUt-lW Wai piac* wai eomptatad Aug. X. VM,tax dtdoctioaa for tha aatd ad|bt Sally's irih, wte «M ha (I I tha OardM HMt Ptrkway Traffic on tht parkway ttctta hav* hahj«d had they aat heaa MYRON KOZKKY ASSO. toaltnrt at Mr. whichJka It » tht Haw York incrtawd almott « par ctat ia "hamatniag by lea> ts tha aeeood yoar. laton." alacti la The Feeder Road aad otter* travel. toll wctioni of tb* VtyuU* park- 8ml Andrew Carnegie •M-mlUion way were built aad an operated contributed $M to ttart tha flnt «yl. 1157. by tha Ntw Jeney band at PMaaylvaBla itatt (M- a eaBtd the Authority. vertttytalM. _. ftadtr Road bad not llTK* Prau Sfays Lanflar lalattltraffieaecMMaay- t aJBMltadMdad nadwayt. fTOtYHOUt TaaalaAaySuHYav'va 1M9 IMMV neon nu Mt over ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - X. S. SMITH CO/S Evtr Warnl ' i IK-year period aa traffic ia- Mn. Chria Travia, Jr., wUl read steadQy aad MMMtlal- 'Aagelo tbs Naughty One" tor SARAN MBH aHy Craah Proof Tr The Feeder Road stretches the youagtten between the tgta ottr aaw •B•Bataat ya aww ontt parkway tram tta artgbtal of four and eight at tomorraWs thtM«haN aa off. Xkaaka nlaua at RL 17. Faranui. to itory hour, apaoMred by the teTaateatlflo Mai at i K. J.-N. Y. Nat at Maatvale. Civic AtaodaUoa SWIMMING POOL COVERS MCvMtmrkkadwttB FWW The children may borrow book* •0%l>rMl. ttk**p a tta pnaa Mat* Thrawty. if they hav* eHher their own or

Dialiatd tot tat*, M nrk- * pareafs library card. ^K — — ———a mm^mm^ iL. waya Throway Feeder CM ajpfjaj pOOT • « • pfOTPSfl IMJ to... we tttoday . eo ahow* oat of the Owattferav" hi the na- in toittiur *uktMutTw*t MI M tlea. It mtaadt thnagh aatthem t>»Bit-A4< Bergen County ma* N mUei from the Hudtea River. Tht Partway-Thrawajr Halt pro- CUSTOM MADE SATURDAY UMUf TO TW ttAU Jeney tad a Ntw York SPICIAL! rat* poiati aorth from West- Nunrj UTIUTY I14UN IIUJN llak-up creaatd a Steve Canyon II i W UleMN HIM! aveST HELMETS uitr IMJI When it was opeaaf Jahr J, 1167. the parkway - OMT MM AvaBaUt lar Asy ita H. t.Tanwijrlhk I•tauW> M»w* ejMB^RBVa«Mk* ••*WW9m! attbeatatehW ThjaJbraMy' tg ajar *niia f* ir** Mmm LMCBJMWMMMUMI B^MMI $ models priced from ^ •Cm aaar tarlaj VaBty, M. V, Y CA 24400 It Wkfta fe, lad X. S.tteTIH. We . SH7-MI1 OLtNAllH IATOHTOWM ^16,990 (NMisaWXJL) NO DOWN PAYMENT FOR VETS! LOW Mm PAYMBfT FOR

• UUitT-lhr. tm Utor MnaMr TUB VLfT . . . Mat aa. It of Uviag aatot, T Urge rooaa, !14t aataMa ea» r. IMtnci rMrOtun. tuu w fiaetel 44* duvl The easiest harpM nm MUM IM I iaattoB*a,>tvania*d 1H k«M, priotdat 16.990

m MJCR .,. MN way to cook rf aptca al ea sat flsart 4 tad- WM.1I ~ tmTTVi

17.350 for a family of

TH flUMMNCK . . . MM M* MI twelve... «*Mf (BHMJ^ pCMM M Majr < WhaVl K • «Wtf «• »iml gapjambtrbdat FW»ff of WMMB who cooks iigejriaii^lag tajl: thm 1 day>ByaartoB|rfcr« ton haartr 'I jpdCtYc •17.990 Aoooior toaj^aMabi atwtUgivaup. biffamUy mottMr. Uallkoo a a fliwstyp fliw s run,^M oaoaW malts on arrtt •toetr totkk nafnaa art fa tin* ooatarfwith poto and pans; iM^ lUmalaaa sWctric oven kcompMalikcompM r fdoaolairi iltiRMlattdd on alll siix tidssid . You«MonlY« y thaexaat haat yon atadand no more. Htatfmemmyy llkattllkattww imporlMt WMh a faaly «f tirttra, a makog a wnrM of different* la kltehea eoaforoafortt aa't WMU It M MMNHR etatnlac. Then are no flameaAMI t ios aratieTeataa tmuMeotamn a ooff hohott uair. that carry greaaa aad dir4irt allll oretar he r kitchenklth . Spilled foods burn right off the lurfsct onlta. Ask

•00 Vs JCP&L IN THE tXCWSIVE ASmiKY CAMUS SECTION Of NEPTVNEi *«i*»ii mm rertvkv •• aca MMII IHf Mtll am MhlW tutt la IhMitu »««IM . , , no . . . |UH|« • •nan u OMIIM «M . N.»I u ». ntH.r J lU MOM "-I T«M ~~1M~9dim.9n.HtM Drivers m SAM WITH A Int Broad, Says Editor

BOB WHITE BUKK •Vita icyMBBBBII ___. _ Ik OrOrtat t IteM. MAt Mm. «mal>TMdHr AMoc iamd,

i Wa'taataM." WuMatfta la fta wt PBJMl_ tkt'a aaa* a>

ifStSMCA mtNKR BMI Ha MV tkt aVivtn ara W«M« "At I IBM iZTto kTaaaaoka* carakd danti . __^, caM MMMl MaV MMMal B i Ot tOUn AIw «WrlaniMtlw«mtM,«i their MIMcft na*. SUM* $1.1*40 BUIaorl ifNOlM IWtUHfK .'*'*: • A.i-. nu> nm — MTCNAHC to thw tt « ara ***** - mumun WHM tejMto/llMl* : aaoma • ca •* nom aad tMy. V t ifMPOftD 1917 NICK 1H7 ilM^alflimMlD^eaaitoaitMHMiafal ». VlaiarlaM ww Wtadt. aad (at dak> ckaV

"Lift la aavtr daE Far to- ILfflM tl^MJt ILIfMt Idtap la tht Hoiaaaniw OoMlltoa AI ftOVH STOMS to ika fJaek MOia. waartoj kto koala tad a aUaar*a buna. .Tkat tanofaM««oaldBi««r ifUNKK IMS NICK to BM, if I wtnai a am fATONTOWN oWl eanonr'wMM OMUntUN AOTMUOO- nunni i IOUB - on ami •n wrnm — CUM CAB MM iU Hi WAV ASWRY PARK I1.MMI Aborn Given Directorship —SPIC4AL "LOW COST* HIYS— MW YOUC-Edwwd Akara, -MM. mommkn., FMrHana. K MM Mdor of tht Mtato MaM Car*.


af TMCt, \at~» BMjar aradw at nhhit catkw, awtll that Una M aoanfta ftcaMw ay MBH M. H* wn aw* S» 1* DWHoa ef ttw CDBfiay. Meal- •v n • •jirtjCTPr PI pvBi pnvr •Mt •( KM NtttoMl CKttt A»

Stolca HEW Y rahay Oowt km Wtdawiay mai ficnTHB A irdtr. Edward J. M|tr. H, of M WIBH Avt., Katatairt. Mt mt- r—Hd tltor ta lawttltattoi hu B« abaail • ytar aad a*katf. HBMBBMI Akldl a&flBfr BhalaBaT aUfail todfladaw « w to»t BBNMM. vai dMt)B).«LdlB Mi to PBW M. mrtk Km. am MB at. Nw VMU May < UN. *ffaafi B^BVMBTBBWBI faaMl gaut AA dJaaaMal J l to «M Dtf»T JMMM CMBBMBV fll K. Y.

VMBltdBlMMI Hw MBJI at Ud tta rwarMi ffiWW a^af Baft AaMat Mai laMak it ta


pile Map am floorbetuty ! M NATO

CMC, far to may yttn. And |r. Mvw ai

JUi... iwiM aad enjoy them I CAMEO ii beautftl

MMMIMMMZ gfg» k^lBBaMjIto < JM. MfcMM »WHP v wSIV t^Vfll AT MMM^M^M MB^MI 4MB> IIM BMiaaJaM Mitai

EaiMlHtofii. M tatond MM

PMWI B SHERWOOD ailUd RUAS... CARKTS... SUV SHOT (Ae mi nftk HIGHWAY 35 ^ ^ *-*« *»*> MIDDLETOWN P fttut if Rid M^tf MM^BMI rflilrtct MM OWN DARV 11, f P.m. - tATUWAr TK « ». M. j H If pfVMm M EATONTOWN HM MMIMU Mr flaui IN MAni IT, N MWT. II M^B7 it^B^CTwlBBji ^^t b fWl FREE PARKING OS 1-1300 ktt lavHtd *• «MiltortN MM AMWIY PAIR RATONTOWN Mr ctrrt«rt la Ik* *IM OfIN t A. M. TO II P. M. •n tavlitd. IN tud. *•****• *ml*J* •"* flrt- Mr, OngTa fir WilrtilMJthm witt ft* '•MH^' MR «ps Mnk MRflne IN ALL THE WORLD..

t a«ty. Cam* t«a aw i* CawHtar frfcnl 1_ t-A_ At. A . 1M- -1 -.> NO HNER CMC IS TAKEN IS tfWfntf rlA VWtfRTMfa Rll TVfn« ARC * R*J link h U WITH YOUR LAUNBRV t MY GLEMWK

ontkM li 32 Members Installed iMkawOlM THAN AT beea irtiariidtor Nov . M. TMf winUtdfaMtr.witkMn.OMe- By Red Bank Hadassah bngaadMn. Oaha aa dafc> KUMSON-Rad leak raailaitltni mmjMU mtuttat Mn. Cart factor, eat- wfll b. Mn. Own y Md Mn. Laoaaitf Dudg. ^^ PbjrBWa Udla ttvar; Mn. Man* WIMT HHtwwkt . Pun wffl ba

LHt Mn. Martn Wtecr Irs. Holloway

Mn.|abM POINT KBAMMT-Tba PB^ Btttnai Mamot. Mn. DwrM Mtclitito el H§* Radt. Mn. Aba Pkw, MnMn.1wb*Pnd. Tabt a RaMn, tuM CMMna la Meawm Ilimia. Mn. JHUM Lariqr. Mn.toy at MI I Comrtycom«y tMA^B#ai %dVkBl^BW Ml dj^A RtfoM, OptiOTf Mn* - .MnM.n booh t of Mn. Joba IMIgwajr, Mn. Rab^i SMeeff tevM Mn.^ SpMkm tor tht avaataf wffl Mn. . b« Mn. Haelar Raid, attla *i» tahia •BdMn-lbrn Tka *S** •"•!*•< at tta ITA aad Mn. • ma FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY Mn. Al Km, Mn. . to CALL SH 7-2800 Mn. Raai wB bMaB oOean. M ajwi'Mn. . paMre'a inl 44-76 WHITE ST. RED BANK UMt «Bvefi Mrs. Mmait daadag. ito Mn. Fmarane'i topic wfll ta Mn.laoebttKbt.MnMMn . at dRA aad Mn. Vaenhi Mn. •d Mn. MBITT SHRUIS -,Mn.Mat Mn. Oaarai Omit, PLANT NOW! • MITOtWLM UM& Mii Joba LMMdMn. • UWNWrfUB fUNIB Mn. Rtktrt OrtMbtrt, Miw • nuirnu Mn. ~ Milt "U«« aad Drhw ol Oml OLD WAGON FARM wil ——OS 14294-

Presenting the completely new

The car of your life for the time of your life! Tkan hm M*ar HHliIM me BHmmV mmMVI 9HP0 Vv B Vv «W*

sTOni tW t»• •••

i# liMiwwl vMliac* JwM a)aw Vwrial NH aj MBJBMBBBJ •aaa) MWIB) IBJM> Opw ika dter aai m nat map aw la Naw INMrMMMaat^y/WlMnaiaweilN A I>II^ 5 G fma art*! SEESE: la la CHRYSLER LAWES AaiftajAa BIA fttanAAAla dlMAeiAa. SB) dkB^^BdBdkdft^kB^^^B^a

It! RIVER HOAD MAURICE SCHWARTZ ft SONS, 141 W. Front Strut IYCAMUKK AVK. SH 14300 PAM NAVIN i * ?s^|2^^2iiik^s^B^^B^iS^ili^Btei^£ii^^^^^^^^rfi U-TrUey, Oat M. 1«9 ths eld DENNIS THE MENACE WOOD HAMI Storm Sash it $tiU Tht Best!

• BJOMVABU unit permtta you to can lor your wto- QOw iranNB MBB BBW W pVOJVtHlt QVCanjTd a • PRICES are about that of metal • NEW one-story houses mak* It *aay to put them up aad take them ' • BEAUTIFIES your houa* by carrying out your color EXTEMOR scheme instead of using FLUSH DOOM shiny metal*. ONLY MEASURE YOUR WINDOW OPENINGS AND CALL US ~PlaoTT WIDTH • . . THEN RZMHT ... m THE VERT OPKMHO WHERE SCREEN SHUTTERS $3.93 n y VM THICK JwST AttfVfli • SUtMT IMfMTANT iAMAOf • CAN M Far •ftfaialng your aha* OHwPMTAHIS, m**iMr* y*ar wrtaMo BtUt,IUTt, TODAY'S ser**n *r storm sash.

NOTI—-SIMS and prttM Business Mirror HOME! ar* ftfarad •« a pair tate. By SAM DAW SOS AF BUSMSSS ANALYST aaas M mded for OMJT 24 »27" oJtpolr quickly la DM fidustiy or an- SoMothljr mde By SAM DAWSON 24"x2»" othar. Example: Soma yean tha TABLE LEGS NEW YORK 4.71 M M 24"xH" . to school aad thk cak tfca kbor employment hav* to ba read with IT 4.71 IM \ IM 2 24"all" . •.TIpotT aU those thkgs la triad. „. 2» 30"»MVi" 1.11 H The report fcr Qctoo*r wul But there1* stffl another thing. 24"x7l . HUB** 3!"»37Vi" 4.tl glv* a more aecarat* vtow o( Mechanisation k making it pos- what tha iM (trim aad othtr 4.M sible for many plank to make 2l"x3»H. 44tp*Jr heton an doing to tte «M more products faster and with 4JI ks* man. Quito naturally, thk 3J"x47Vi" 4.U REPLACE 7.11 p* 4.71 The Mad etrike la cauttaf aa k kM than welcomed by all tha 7.71 pair ayfnaalni auinber of mail and m tha plant before th* SfxHVi" 4.72 THAT ROTTED woroea to ba laid off hi plank iew machine* came along. 3J"x58'A" 1.11 H"x4f" „„ •42 pair Wood Extension Uddm wban ataal supplies nave run This is one of th* issues divid- W'xVVt" 447 SPUT-RAI. low or IM out But thaaa work- ing management and kbor In th* 34"x3«!6" .447 an know that when deal la on*i**i SVIK*. 3"W tJipoir haad agate, thajfU be back oa .447 POST Management aaya tt can tan H 20 ft . 49* 3o"«47Yi Ml 2l xl9" . M7po> tha Job. oat ateel with kt* expense tt tha Ml Part of tha trouble goas deep- union would glv* up some of Ik 2l"x«l". IMfpair ar, TIN economy k producing aO. working role* which manage- Ml 2 Hole Post H need* or waata to COONUM ment calk aa Inefficient uaa of Ml ir'x*7". U4tpoV withoat the use of an thoaa look- kbor. Management (not nace*- 1144 pair tog (or work. tarUy the steel industry) has a 3 Hole Post. * I* lf"x7lM. 'the aaawtr usually grwa to WOfd fOf it* FMIMfo6QmR|t 2 HOU COtNRS mi INDS, 4Mb i.ff 444 pair 31 (his hi to counsel patience. In Labor says It would be losing 3O"»I7" . tiia* coaauawr dtmanda wiU bard won right*. Some of th* 444 paw ^^Bkn\^SBnl SBBRSB) MaHBaU UAVBskBsMaUalkdR^Ek men believe that without the CQBJPUTE WiTrl rMRBWPOV 7tpl TM* la arnal contort to oka, maay of than would kee WINDOW war. IUNM, IIKTPMCr HAMWAM. out at work aaw. Aalh*- eWrkkj. labor ha* a word f •LASS IN 30"x43" , 744 pair V-JOWT MAH09ANY ten AM NUIY. •n growkg «P STOCK Economist* point out that tha Aaothtr aaawar la that than la hktory of mechanisation has been PLYWOOD always a eertaia oat of that la time it actually creates PLYWOOD 4M4J . Mlo** work bacamo they an mer* Jobs. If not necessarily in JO11.*!' . IMftpoV kbs. Dotat seasonal wark, a* k 0M pkat to. question. But that HOMASOn fanning, they mm fraai anal take* Urn*. Aad the union maa rm* nkTWvVV * MN*W NAMCVVRMI wMs a family to feed right now J2"x2l" . . 444 pair taste for the loag wait ir»ir . 444 pair work out. . 444 pair H MULHPLYMQ FISH Rfjf. 27c Sq. Ft. 3i «ir. . 444 p* I for their labor damkp BAST CAMDEN. N. J. (AP)-| war . 444 pair Tkt car* aad fosdiag of ir«4r 7Jt* YOUR CHOICE MDf*l IMR If raBpto* 31"«47" caa develop who* ft* NOW Your choice of Inaar* _t*WS Sft MtWMI SHEETROCK and MM. 142 poV MHO •ftat It jutt M Joffrey MeLaughHa. 14. J2 «W" IHpoV Only 3*f»w.rr. iMporteat M your the tw* aaaaO fkh oa a bet. sad 1 hk hobby uaa 12 xir •42paw choice of doctor or 1M4* namDwavn togktwtthaaordi ordinary Bah MRTS YOUR CHANCS-. ll'laU" , p kwjrcr. fkbfcowl. 32"x*r . Now ha has olgbt DONT MIIS IT! 11.14 Hr lifc aRtoa* oi^LaflAlaaaBkAl laieafcai *W *k*k- IIJIpow HM lift) MMNNI My • lf> ceo* pet WAU M. irwr. oaaowwola**** «trv* k that .1144pa* bkkk Ha ha* adi ITxTT HOMASOTE at B) varktk* of fkh and so ter • DINS • RASHUNT ROOMS . O.Mpa* na tato eaty oa* nal arsb- 34-X2T 4«* Only TV? m *+ w. lem. t DOPANSrON ATTICS... OR H* caa pick out aad MaatKy Kncou+mnimn pivweot ANYBCOli WHM YOU WANT A war Mch broad bat ha has traabto 14-iir 4.Wp* UOptr 4iU Rod Ink, N. J. epeUkg th* naaaos. MMMHi ITl PlMNilMa\ 1 war fcWp* VOw 1W BtlA UVMOt ON TJIpdr 9JMY B) Mall M STOO 14100 UHi4l" WINDOW UNIT •Weiei • ^VHHiVJ p We Give Quick, war 944polr HORSIS war CLOSE-OUT Reliable Service! i»eiNe IMtp* «r Uof a wr Nm •yuofirwa* war 1144 paw 00MPWI BOiMUa! NVN^ kftavem war HJlpa* NAVY TO R4STAU. CBrOfBUWNITI PACM Mf.4.ff k •of. lit MVI" laVMpa* N M H M a7l" IMIpa* I/0»J/J-l4 lJ| 14.91 Til. IN 7-0411 $.145 $149 war . 7.14 p* 1US ^*Mh war p war tJtps* 1?4tS war MM pa* war 1141 p*


t4N»)lN IMIp* MMIUR9.7I war IMIpa* war 1141 p* war 1441 ps* , 17.1lpa* ASMMY •AM war sole '6" RID BANK LUMBER * SUPPLY Co. YM MM ftMrv* oad ol«k *p olrfTno, t(**miKln, "YOUR LUMBILI SUPUUtAMCIT' COtNOI WAU AND MAM fltMRI

IT COiTI NO MOM TO I00R •MNTtOCK YOIM LOCAl TIAVH AMNT "«4I>'IIM" IN e*. DAN.Y to I P.M. - AU DAY fATHMAV . . 1.44 M. "i«"al44" . I.M *«. SH MSOO l#;tAMK. K. J., TODAY. OCTOBn II, INI 7e It* COPY K. of C. Opposing SceCwMFUU College Bond issue 550-Home Builder rmnm an: - n» K J. TV Iniiutryi W$'U Asks 1st Permits "" " COMCfl It CIMM Own Horn* vato n tta MM*- OP) -A aw> aitftoday "Ma Delay Street BB> aWJ IHf ***** Ha an Vacation On a talaadan

by tbt It Ctaaatf NattoMl Book. Xod Baak, wkkk ptoM to bofld t knackk k taa tta aapport of offlct at CUatoa PL aad Now patmcal partita. a* ar data* a ah or tunSpriafiM. tat nil- ttettM ncattd tsitto a A Cactew — VaWaftan raaa^ M« twa-b«y it tin L»tf« Slhrar Ura kawa far dtdlaaHaR prafram ca|y, aad WM dMctttd T at *• M*Ma MaMa» Amy mV kndiy at 2 p. m. OM af prafr«ai'» M|W|Ml will ba Hn pr««tatian by Kap. Janai C. AiidilmlaM af a 4f Tko oppttcatlea PJad lat alpt, data aw CHMIIHI , fl«flW'lMUUDHMMJ©iaIJtftlUJ!'All! wf tfta flra ctmpaiiy. Sba, a ram, MaT flivi H» J«M It4iatl.pl, lira cWtf. «MJ Samaal Wkala*. Rnf Aid Squad aaprala, wba wfll rah* M a* lS4aat ptla aWad by tka awffltry. Matt «f ma wark aa tka bay wat " baUdhf; ptrato. vtietd at tkt botrtac. ^isHraWHtwa Brief. MSJ fytwa) aaafJi #f tlia «r# campaay* To ka an. Ttan wan attar dtonaa PUIMTOJ) (AIVTi. crta pataUy to tenBaBy adoptod at tta ant roplar ie Romp Jury to View Crash Scene Shop Center ^41 aaa_«lQM Tta taal taw aas» ant If by ceal pa. Ptdet i NOKIH M0HI1ICK (AP( ) —day wka tto track amaabtd ttat it wouM aoTttte "^ Drug Store n> •MI MBBB) a—an'_^^a^ ^^^^ l^^^» ^^^^t_ aW aaW TTidening M GaBUy Sftod Mtteratratttobnattta over Oardn PL aad bapnvo aada,told Tt a Ktpjattr ktar ttat kan talay to vtow octtaaaadat It afln. A ttt atrttt M raqutttod by ml- af • flaiy baMMk CIMB y pfaiatMtT aao aiaa oo* Is Planned "tbm aspaata ta ba aaaM ajaaa* h Planned aa from Treat* Kato Coikgi • U " EATOKTOim - A aodt y, tta attaat WM to NEW SKREWtBUKY — Tta Coaaty VIIMW, wtrakfltoi olbacta." arid na fmn waald bt A tetk cM. llada Mollov o. Ha atbttawMM aata a par- Bnaca a* nap af d» Ou*a c to at totomcHw at «rWy of oorvka oaal iMpaottoa af tta i BTB3BS3: MHCHVft IWaWM WSS Wat Onp. dkd Tuaadty it Tin ba lotMHtkid by MB On«- an Ihrtaj oa at road. OOdala •wit rmmMmf Wm M WMBMQt 1 aad JMan U a a cbuw~ liAnfanan? ataaB^btn^l awnaannnJ aad tta aa» nearda' nrakuktl' Mid th* intantt ham law dan." UMN CAT) - A It WM dbdoMd at yntortVi dbafc Aaottar of tta gMo itjwtd b ittaeat SBBTCSfS •lathi af ttt Wiw Jamy Wgh- docMtdaottoi .HnpkBlMMMai •TMM av vMi |OI aad aw Ha aatt « MarptMni body, ktaak- ^^^--^^j^ —-^.^ ^^^A^^—M aai todtybyrtermM Tta _ y, probably weald ta Pnpn PajaW JlPaVln as Hop at at m ibt foaoaad. WM It Gwa.BMrtHllk. tag tka docWoa, taid It waald"wKklaawtak." a eaatap at At law MaM wkfck carria awat laantotttat it Ma k hap,tta ( lYacat wTaffiCt ii caffaaty OM atcaamd •aw at «M but Two attar lomtirai teat wialkt MM- nod aa4 pakt far tka lajraw at bat wffl Bt taib ton. i*t track. 11 at Tnatoa. m Tta iMatotlUfa ka H.la.otNt» wlajon ot tta * iaat la it N Sator Pat, drivtr of atU am la at Vator't Ha Rtaatoo I a Pakt aad Mot. Now- al taatar at ' to pton at| MMM Oataral knpM apia ta-f Ctarpt af 4atk bj PtoMtor a t aow atort can lor KarKaill KX. Bamiara,, wtwhoa wwaai ta tatt a atl !Mrtartottawaak.kawanr.cMt luaar aaja *«raap 9% m aavMi/Bi By*.A.MaMa,aalataktlBltaiaM i _. j < % • flfi p tt i aokag arw of appraximk. towa, aaaaaacad ttat tta canty anal tlHolamaal tta wnwwa, 1kaiaal Maa ••a ftaariy ateaaai It aa* a (tola- aad ea«rata| aa. aaah fcai^^aBBBBBl ^^^ IfMBBBBanal BBBBWlftW tbl* ^M^B^^ *L AJU^^I^ . • **' wmm aaaac aja cnsa aacu MiBara aaaa waa ^PBMC tab) • not af al i IOC dttaaaM TMlk M RtMckek. W«klM)Jtt» MaaaMaaaal A aaaaaaa MKa la aml^bta^a *INaaaaap Va^aaVaatt ala a^a^a^aaa^aaj a> flaaaj^^^apa^ a^aw aa aa^B^aav^B' a>a^a^awa^Bj •^aajaa^aaa aaja J-aarnst faeB._ TtacancBtoiwaanfi Tlwi la) wi notdat N trafflt Tta layoat wn Ma a pn-al at itM toi mm pand to to *• kaMBfNttm AapMtafatawJaHa Rcade Drops 4 Known Dead BMUf4RV ajakWw HBlsMMxtall Inaaanaam) pS•* aaat aa aaanaaa* toMMnMttotattor Mda«Mtdnaf mil dtod at a ana Of AF Planes tttoaarta wM da,to tta His New Plan wlBcarryi ay tta kwnatat Krnr Oalaad NEW I RAHMOUKa B^(AP) I coawiUc i Contry Oak attarkai tta a» Bra wH ant aap'a 1MT aaatog a Mr. MatatttaUNwartanMtta Man Hurt Tntdvatanr tta rtfoiBai i taataafco rcaMda cataadd la taatt Tta aton wU ahk atoctado toctadt Tta enrto fcava aMaat aafipBv aa aan ma, aaa. paw an tta anttara paran at aapt la a Bary Mat wkkk m atpjaJ. tmlaau ayphaa. baby •net to a prtor takt flltd Ma BMMataf (ta an to ta Wd aR ant BM aky tor la alia. At ant dapartaMbi. at Manaj Mvtr am In Crash toar aa wan UML Aaaag otfctr faftHttw oMand NEW notiwnuny - oat nalactd ky a at* cnitaraarndtoni Jaly. •aard.wnakii wort at atooa to M -tod wa » daya lar ttoaV. aad 1 ptoa way tta Unato api a at-MM nt anf faVrtnlaJ MnQf BaV na waa tafafJMa] BT patioi m Tta tton wU tarn anral da-tMM *w* tovtew ftt Now Yak Ihmy can wkkk «« trawl la pnoff caan •••** af tta •toanraway. Iwffea aa ana of W aeian nn7nn> Tta aaH etaipo ttattta or. •nn ta «ii* IMM la ^awaaaaaaap* aM inn. atoto akua WM aattoday tor to tta aaafc a( paala la tta Tkt atkar drhar WM Mkart wtaara drraan awaator nrttaMttthalan t at ttt mw to pid tor tta ctaractor of ttatartaa Vafcy WA aaattaw ton ttptnoa,Mr aad tta wttan at Legal Aid MB. Pa- Khar. Aaatfe O» Ml tana AapoctaltoMafc trJa BnwB Hnv aja>w?aTJ>TpwJaTJ nnffrTl BNCktatJaBMNorraj ajawj np MBBBB tataoratnltrdoUvtrkA. Processes 121 . Ma Tta aton win taaador tta M- •Ml DM. T to ttt) wpt Md Okcka, », Una Parry, WM ae- parvWn ot Mr. Applications to tmnriattdbytin AFCA Seeks Fuel Hen Elect . • aaa MMMKaai nil taa !y» *».««?««• 250 Members Nem Truck Ruhr Treasurer BBBnt fe h Found hnnnnn^ BBB"BB# BBnat'nW nna afanalU

Avtnp tat an) Mr ttt Mr. OHM MM U lainWlnt. toattoraayi.wl

3UiiT.CMay«ll2 SMtoiMlftalMMMl Daily Papers Win Attar*

NEW MUMWICX (AP) — Denial StrUtf

•n ••• BB? aamm m Hnflnal ^pM—BainM A^thMaM fAaMM CopinMelae VIHtTaT EMBBBBBBrf JB^BBJWBr >TM*t PORTIAND, On. (APH>aa> #MMa paaiy B* MMfaaa* #f« CiMl lights Troth. n*T I^V B^BBBBBJ Ef^BJMBBBB| WnB BBBB to ta«t pan aat at a later \tui Daaa, Mr Itevp, m tto Pna Brad twa If Burned Nn at ap. Ttay an WMI WM OBM pan 01 ON NOB* mmaun MACT - A aa-lg nrttttMhanl- aaatkM to ta taM Prtk, 1 Aa> M atoto. lit OBMMI' fir* to af Onan MattotMadkal Bnaanal HMpMal aMtoday M tMtar at VaafiPl nWIMMnr) aYaTa ftTfli VBWTI a^Mlk a0 •VB^BMBB anaanit k_ _ WaW yOM

Has Schedule all meottag acaodatt al a coy- EATONTOWN - lltlMll by OUT Lady of Fatfma Ctab, It nwomea'e Camette Church, won iatrodaoed Mn. at the opening atsattag Jaat weak. prop Mn. James FbuMtM.il caM aad Jota Pettrtak. Wttow omtt. They Include: Nov. II. White auction in the Chun* Mn. Joeeph LoRoy. chair, will be ettitted by Mn. Joha Kilpttrlek. Dee. t. Chrittmu program w> 4tr the ehtlrmeaihlp of Mn. Ed- werd Sole*. Jaa. II. Father* eJ(ht BnOV •000 CAUSE—Mn. TWme. A. Vottori. ridht, prod, on Bernard aad Andrew of Cferh> •anr of Uto Rwatoa Woman'i Ovb, Brotonh a chock for to support R, tin Brother* Acadeaqr, Lmenft. $410 to Mn. William H. Zllbjor, prutdont ol the Mart- m apeak. Mrs. Pay earned me bora Stata Hoiattal Aiuiliary. The amount reprotenh Fob.*. Guest alght taetodtag Mn.Jaba)K, pnnUt (ram MM akm'i aari party *"4 homa-tfylo _•• doty. Meter Cobmha air It laihlM ahojw atafod »••*•«>" Rum»»n •>"dtr m* eh*ir> Edward Mary** Catholic Chorea. Mn. Jaka I. menMp •( Mn. Mm V. »l« .aal Mn. Wllllem F. Olton, Amboy, wm apeak. Mn. VflHam J,, ^ Jr. Mta. Mania Tj^Sai. Feb.». Marat Otu Ban, On*- Mn. ManM «. : . tal Bioak tea. for the baaaftt of Michael P. MwMt, *„. wmmtr catechetical eebooL Mn. Fraadi McDenMtt ie chairman. High School Teachers Feted letter; Stoatoy March U. Dear of ReeoOeettoa. Rosemarie Ferro Cullen-Dwyer Nuptials Mn. Cert thiiejaaM ie chairman. art L. ReyaeMa, pakUtltyi Mr, deleted by Mn. Arther M. Lupta- At Opening PTA Meeting and Mn. Jamee R. Graeae, rep- reotattttvea to the aaard of ad- Red Bank High School Parent-Mr. Dudley and Mn. Benjamin Wed in St. Anthony's In Holy Cross Church April 13, NomlnaUni commit' M report, aad mataUattoa of Teacher Amodattoa'a opening H. Aahln, program chairman, Mn. Wilaoa C. Rich. Jr., aad ta St. Aathaayi CarnoUc- Mn. McDonald wu RUMSON-Mr. aodMn. Thorn- Michael Berlin, Red Bank, the •»» aMmben. Mre. Walter T. meeting, a buffet supper in the The 1HM* budget wu ap- Ml*!* CftWIaHS no VMMat 1MB ran K9Q fljWHi Greeae ia membenhip cbalrmu. Kbooi gymaaalum, honored *e proved u reed by the chairman, mothers; Mrs. Otto R. Taoradiko, aa CuBea of 111 Black Petal Rd. mafto Ferro, daughter at. Mr. cbool. aad to a May I. teachen. Mon thu 2N panata MM. Irving Krakowitch. Iaclud- nJ^ty; IcamouthCouatyCaaoDcYeuag aaaooate the marriage of their The bride wu jlvea la mar- BleeUea of efflcen. aad Mn. WIBtam Ferro af M riage by her father. Her matron mctaer-deughter " ' ed ta the budget wai a provl- god Mn. Avo., idastCam. She hat beaa em- Mite Barbara Marie no of heaor wai Mn. Olao Stranlera to to be Mre. Vtaoent Fatw, president, aioa for a ipedal gift for the and Mn. DtvM H. Al- •tide of Ji toyed u a secretary ta me of • to Robert Job* Dwyer, ofMailet Her brldeemalde wen heM ta May. guest*. Royal Htatae, eehool'a etudsnt body. len, year book: Mn. Job* W. aaa at Mr. aad Mn. eea of the Circle Chevrolet Corn- any m Red Beak. oea of Mn. Grace Dwyer of 17 Ml J< iBuih.Ro aad Mn. Joeeph Graham, chaimaa. high achoti principal. Iatrodaoed Mrs. Aahin Invited poreato to Martin, McDaaald. the nest meeting, Nov. I. Dr. ', MlVe WeWTwW C. Haw Ir, «t a Mr. McDoaaht am andaatod Panajy St. Oct 1 la Her/ Own Sayreville. CathaUe Youth ac- the and High school girls served supper. Robert A. Ho««. student activity aad Mrs. Wake* Rev. mm Middtotowa Towaahta High CaftoUe Church. The bride'e aowa ol white eUk ( Kirk. A.Tartot«, director for Monmouth College. B. GiUede. immedtate past proa- Odatad at the double ring ear- cbod aad St Joha'a UnrvenHy taffeta WM etyled with a iceicell- clwr , al aaatotaace, Robert Dudley, high ecbool so- 1 Rev..Joeeph A. Sullivan, pas- enwveaniaj a#Mam>/« wamjia WMWWI ^"^ aoj ^-* Branch, ident Wtoge of Pharmacy.* He to a tadtaped aeeklinkli e end a akirt thit *•** *•*• Jama J. McCooaen. aad eotobntod the auptial etal etudlea teacher, reviewed*'* will be Par- Fall acUvloee will get uadar lember of Phi Detta CM frator- end celebrated the nuptial mass tarminated in a* chapel-length uaiMaat paator aad apiritnal di- HI( the objectives of the stats col-cuts May Not Know." way with the aaanal baaar Satw> ilty and the Monmouth Coaaty mat touowou. Mn lace train. Her elbow length rector of the chib. Mra. Georgia Maaoa waa the lego bond Issue, and urged mem- Under the direction of Mn. day, OcOc t "H ' WilloWill w StreeStt ^tholic Youag AduK Club. veil wu attached to a white taf- The dub will receive Conor- bership support. Printed mate- orgaatot. aad Miss Rose Pigna- Hftiker was the organist. HUMS. health chairman, Schoolhl . ActMttae have beca Ho to employed u a pharma- feta pillbox cap, and her flow- ite Commuaioa Sunday at the rials explaining importance tare, the aotaiat AB white ftow- 1st tatene at the Modem Ph» ers wen white chrysanthemums. 1:45 a. n. maaa. fjraMMHB^W^ QVCIJnKEVdlaMaeaaMmAaMJl BBf4t>A the toeue wen distributed Ing eye screening tests on the edulta. Mcy. Kaaasherg. The honor attendant won a student bodV. as requested by the Mr. Metttoff oatUaad the Ja» Buck Smlth'a. East of emerald greentea,, styled ETIQUETTE of Education. The volun- M program, aad laid half of the Board Mr. Ferro gave hii daughter teen wervere trained bv Dr. Syd- moettaga wttl be aaekd. aad the foaekirt Her bow atytad heed- Li ntrriomft* Htr ion WM BWNI M. Kramer, Red Bank op- ether half "working eewa meet- TUCKERS piece wee emerald green velvet 1 tace AMY VANDERBILT ings." The first "town meeting ' The bridal attendants wore the tometriit who also Is serving aatta. Tht iHttd BMQOq 9 bodlct "the Shmpenuken" a consultant to the program. will be Nov. It. The eabjact tame etyled drees, but la bunt "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: will be "Good Teachen, How to bad • eabrtoa aaeklkw, trianed i« BBBBMDAJ eW Baaaa^mmm Willard Browning, principal of W nnvi •¥ •Ba^VrTV Z* Hf JT!!!?1 haii0oiy a year eto our fint child When the paator from the church *£"&£ Get Them. Moke Them. Use School. Invlt- broidery, aad me skirt wu edged piece*. All carried bouquets ef m born aad wo ant annouacc- atteada the weddtag receptJen, to ed parenu to a epeeia! orotnm Them aad Keep TTjtm bronse colored Aryeaathemume. maay (rlendi and ta toco aad tormtaatod • a ca- Worid'i lightest mwu M mt of Miia Elltabeth A. SpoakenwatbeDr.JobaTheo- Raymond Eckhott of Rumson -tutivee who an located all over after the best man hu proposed IMW, J bold, superiatoadeat of the Now sjbedraMiagjm trata. The bride's clan will hold Monday ekmbta tier uaatoa veil waa at* pre>sriapBd wMu beat maa. The ushers wen At ^^y „* iAo would have a toaat to the groom?-Mn7T. Zff,n York School System; Dr. Rob- Room 211 at I o. m. tacbad to a eoraact ef tace, aoed Gerald lir M oth f rf *SLS uS2I!!i. » *•* to*"** •» *• H.. Suten Island, N. Y.". j£r Johll d.mj paarta aad aiialai. aad her cree- bra . . . t Morgan. MionetowB. birthM«4K . To« ouMr» chagrin*!«••*(*, nearl••••iny alaili _.*».*• . &. . «•_!. Summit Schooto. Vtacaat Ask the clergyman to aay grace Nations headquarters will es- coat amp " KeeZdtrt * th• e toastS to offendffd . IIflf Itt otaltoln theh roltee thah t ththe WorlWld ^^Jua. » to a sit-down collation. Other- Health Organization plays la pro-"» Mr*».by.l01*t w?..V?y Fane et Red wore gnteful. wise, don't ask him, u people motmg world peace. commualttea to ptaa acwM per- atator'a atM at M green velvet with a cor- Her ceckteil toagm aawa . a year later, our eecoad «ui be scattered and already Mn. Fatto Introduced offlcen aage of yettow oreUda. The wM head the coaared Souffle'] child i duo aad being tto earn ir*Uag aad It will be dmVuldmVuIt tad the following chairmen Draw bridegroom's mother wu dressed driaJttag Mn.. proud parents we an eaxieue to etfe ta dMta. htmtlfrd to Navy Mat, aad bar to. bo aura to get their attea- Krakowitch, budget; Mn. aaa. health aad achoal Ao Fairr Havaa acaaal I piece, trimmed ta voOiag. aad into without maktat oar friends "** Mn. Joha Gerruto. Mra. Wator jjmctoa aad Mra. aad relatives feel responsible for EdlfVd MPWNf Wfjft 9K0$9f her aoaegay' DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: end by-laws: Mn. Harold E. Wll- gift wtmta a year? - dieirmca. asatoted by Mrs. Rue- Shnwabary When eatortaiaiag ear mtatoter «•"», aaajberehJp: Mn. Inrtn M. B.. Knoarvlllo. Tom.1 sea. Mn. TerdUf. Mn. Howard, Tta irHa—ilal wan aanwM ; Township. The bride waa gradd- and Ms wife for dinner et our Gordon, publicity; Mn. Joieph Pint bibles. It stir np LeRovLR , puMicatiOMbliti : MMn . PevP - Mrs. Morris Adama, Mn. RaUa Tenaa Fern, aaaoer atotor of uated from Red Bank CethoHc . home, would It be proper for me Keyea aad Mn. George Barmt ton Wheeler aad Mn. Jpka R. High School aad to employed by J^jL,,.. ,„, w to oak oar minister to ask tht the brlde'a mat; Cathy [the PradaMtal laeuraaco Cea> ft Jf^*1!* btoaalag, or to It rightfully the Ayers, Jr., ways aad means; left llamwaiaM* t%. decide. Send out the announce- WflCS PARTY Woodward, the hrida'a am • HaJWaWI. IN place ef either my husband or Mn. Robert Reed, Founden COLD WAVES ments and undoubtedly some wui ««abiaePhMpi.aiofRed high me to do thla?-N. M.. Chicago.' day; Albert Newman, aafoty. OCEANPORT-A will 1 HAIR CUTTING It la usual to ask a visiting ChariM Spelcher, represenU- pertv for the Woman's Soetory laoy Caatnl Power five to the board of educaUoa; of Chrieuaa Service at the Malk- AND SHAPING telegrams. clergymea to offer the benedic ta cacktail aaay. Uoa. Mn. Albert Gradln. parent-edu- odtot Church will be heM toatabt AH cation: Mn. Joha A. Petillo, Mn. ta the church baU. Mrs. C. Par- OurWi«Hy "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: TwMr AVKUMMY PARTY Anthony DoStofano and Mrs. Max her Van Brackto Recently I wu critictocd b^ to weroyaOow We are expecting our fint ba- Pokus. hoapHallty. and Mn. Ash- Memben wm OTTO'S OCEANPORT—The auxiliary of by In April. Since It to our first cauee I omitted the bleaalBg at in, Mn. Bernard Maalow aad Etoettoa Day. Nov. 1, with the The brlda'i a diaaer party in my home, jPortaupsck Chemical Hoee Com-1 wut to send oat mrw. fint serving at 11:11 a. m. ll PP. "•I*"* • e"rd *"* ••'meats. Other thea"mo toamedl. wkkhih wu attendetddd bby closl e ;| fashioteeWeno show Nov. UUr tan the Foun-ttFeua- at*, familyfimllv.. Iis it propenroner to aoaaaad Meade aad a minister wh a rarmge at arcMde. The bride- tohMotolto Loaf Braaeh. Mn. then to •«„», uncleTaad aear relative to one of the guests. I gnam'a mother ta Ernest Hoffmea aad Mre. Fred rrlawk? Just enctr* whn ehonkl am aot a member of a church Beth Shalom Sisterhood a aaver Fllippaae en chairmen. Mn. be induded?-Mn. J. L., Tutoa, do aot ahan the beliefs of FMapaae to i. cbano of tkket rj«. the chareh, a fact which It well- aahw. Puhkmwlllbethownby Yos, It Is proper to aaad man know* to all those present, la- Accepts 5 Into Membership MMrod Speetor of Red to all of the people you meatioa eluding the minister, Fall aad winter activities for rummage sale L I AHtttaiy memben will model, I. BBVBl BHal mwwMh that la my wwn h_ f Servtog on the prlie committee of the ofad a mother daughter program. "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: home I am allowed to do things1 m*inMn er'a toot DaLereaaaana. The, Riveashern Ptat waan win be Mn. Edward Bndy, Mn. Our first child died last week my owe way aad that it wwM.Cot*fte»J»" •»• Shalom wen Bta Paieuccl. Mn. Elmer Claa- Elmer Claa- trwr Hving ten daya. Some ejfts cey aad Mn. John Boyle. Save arrived In the Should these be returned, U I barg, aad John VUm, Uaaardo. with two of them? trip to New What about gifts received me bride wan a batae hit MrthT we do hope to more cMMren.-T. S., Chicago" "Will you lieese print la your am aun that yew fitoam wMdHaeeornctf If my The ualt wtt held a cake aale His tartan waa devoted to me would like yoy u to keep these lit- to comet woalda't my Oct. *: Ita h>« at l» Atatoa a. tle gifts and would be ta eourtoayy to me.. omit 7. • end a-, a athM* memaar aay. which ta me Jowtoh harvest by their ntan. They wilHlI hopenape, me bleesiag whoa I am me eole *>>l»WP affair. JJan. M, aad a card MMtvel. aa I do, that men will •Meaaa bbee gueei et dweorr-S. B., Knee- party, Fob. S. eHM MfSe NaWty «)W CITATION aews af another baby oa tta way, ill T" SpriaSri g aoUvittoU t wM M. Nat •padded am, but a af pn> Havo yea trace, cerde that BOUPPLB. lea II • Curtains * aMllmimat mM you, lift jjaa, flm BkJ)^« Bataae *V^—_ yea, aMhe yea wttatty aof" • Draptritji MVI mm mm feet. Aad all wMh the Hatav Slipcovers t* tto tifwm'i leaaa laUl a l M wM BePVa ••"8., a ^ • l«cJiprMds on. They an dlaetayii also ay nilnad dtatag can, hoeplHto f, m. • 1 TaiCA, •htr. it « • Unani aad ehlps of the MMtory lea Traaaport Service, by depart- vemtiea, lamamaaavSal ha esma • Vanttian Hinds wmaam iMam? ami am Uy of France hoy Hva graose of the Cimallc, aaa an eMarmaa. IWlM MM rftttMawfll fltlMMe If pen an totoreatoi ta n>

IfaMej wBjfwtVt 01* M wVMfMf WWR Oft) aana. II mWmam order) mmt to Laymaa'i Nattoaal Cam- mmlmftmm tm* laM lau^ jehV1 •wiWff NB«II M WW •nw •treet, Dept. AV, New York M, SM MAaa^bMejajtHJ AMB Now Van, IN

flay Hejmerjr •• Mkbt • e e TUCKERS HONEY BEE FIOWEB INTERIOR DESIGNERS MOMMOUtH PUTtM- The Tondtr Trap," rh« Urtt fiN a*e*etlo* of HM MM- RUMIU T. HOOMIIS moufh Pteyen. to ko kola1 Oai 2* In the NavMlRk LlWory •hoelor, wlH b« • koM. fit for (ho MIW-Mwtmoyfti AMslllery of r»e a«mlly «na) ChlMron'i fervlso of Mam< 444 B10A0 IT. IffMWtwVtV m»uth County. Pictured, center, i« Mn. Chariot M. Preiton •! Fair Haven, wka BRUABU MNCK tUt 1«T Urn** !• P)H Rank N I IHtMM r>«. Roar Nrtmej deei one of the leed relei In the play, foliif o»er produotlon 0*0101(1 wltlt Mn, lob- eft I. Yeeaer, (eft, euaillary preilo'e/», end1 Mrs, A. A, Sefcuefi, kene^t thtlmtn, SN 1-4020 I •—- • in in, expect Storm of Jttl, TIM. UK SAT Hafi mm fc«t Saav On 'Elmer Movie ••,—1 PoMah tIMci, 7JS, (U)Nen fefetfeat Oaatiy «• oot MM-lt S H0UYWO0D (APMteoBBBy Tilt, KM. dw book. "Ho waa a nHstaaa £oi lltf. aamftlebaedmMmr. "Tbamala (ttWaamer _ _ VIIA Wj^^ftmeaSaia^ai aflmi aa^ lak aaoaednl m «M BOOB," twofca • (BSianhteTaaBBjaa* MAWavQ|B MOM UkW •rfvVIVvJHR'J BJlfjEj EEw fBJ (4) I Cld Be Y4k - Kaitaoa Raniml aald. "la ike awria ba la martly UyatM7:N: arm* abont «evle BMeaUty to oaa pictara-'Etmcr Geatry.'" (4) Jaefc Paat Doamk M:«; Lata Honor FOB- la keaotag wlm code nojoln- * ».». Lata TWa la dealed by Pnteolaat BMati. Oaatnr wm be paaMMd ttralfttt. Mwrtaa, who aay malr curnat (ItlNawBaad'WeBmer far aabw reBglaB ter bto beat in<-Um*m aad Dattlah 7:M. eritldam af urn. aad vMaace |a dsrinB. Tba tabaraada be baa U:H; Uy Latt Her- tttmt la baeed aa moral leaaoas Mt-ANewa IcNBtad bena dowa at the aad iwFaaatiol:N. atoaa. Bat It la aaoaraat ttat tba| (4) Joyce Bracken (II) Hmrjr Morgaa SUK-It Startad WMk A XHt the Mm aad be aoaa tba error (DCartooaa U:U-(I)MOVM T:M, U:M; Day af OM bbl way*. Thb la aaomtr way (7)MflalcBiaaa UsIMU) Nmbtal tha film dttfere from the book. "•"afBeE. 01) FOB At Oaa _. w p leaden are by BO U4»a)M HASLET WB«* Bay RwtkMra (U) Movie Btacr Ooatry" m Lmrla'i IIP WABC TU W«M *f <4) Dr. tte twinw lio>- 0) Ban* aad AUaa O)Tia BajBBia na. A IAT. Mm. Sayt Or. Robart W. Spike, woae nut. TII D*M lt»- (4) Newa T< M* IttMQI aMd Hkdh BmHitf ' m^BSafAW SafBm^EmL IAl flf* af na Brsadeatt- litt- (tt ikMawlk Htar DaUah i:lti il:Hi Vtgwm h*wm mart* by ths anthor lilt- (I) Aa Tha Worid Tana lt«#N oftfta (4) Dial 4 110). (i) Nm; ifam NaUooal CBuaefl of ChuKhaa: SUN. Caitaaaa IM It Suit- Nobel Priae. Be told of oae Call- (I) Movie »«- <1) Biwiaf Prayar "I am am OBT mWrtry baa ad WHk A EBJB 7:«, l*4e; (aram aaetor who offaral to lead (7) Memory Laao vaHdtty aad tatafrity to s»-(9Nm Mot hi Jaaate Piiaaa kM. a lyaeb mob afatort Urn aad (I) Film Ui (Oaatnr'*) ebHak k«0 aaethor from Mahw who aoeabt (ll)Orawlag ATLANTIC ItlMII) Newa SAIVtDAYBlOtNMO twy aaod far m,, ki a trnw ttet k»- 0) For Batter or Wana M*- 0) Piavtm WQBeaBForADajr •" CO «• Ua i«a Day

Said Break*: "Pm aara «Bm TlH-1 m ba a tot of chaithmaa who waa't Uke oar pfctBte. aipaeUI. TiM-CDtaarlaa ly tha awaartm. It thay doa't. (DWalfaa Tt«- (I) PnMan; Cad to icaaa la a mammoth teat with are €7) Gala Storm Jaaa Slmmoas Braartlaf la tba Unit Nvata Affair *% Juk >Urll*« (I) Film Drama TiN-(7) g y S % mamwrot tba law Almoa Sam- Donlkr Baalc Xuttiaa ••*- 0) Ctptaia Kaaaano 4:]|,B:M.lMobatarlN>l:M, JUDOS FOB TED ITEELt Rmkfut Cl«k andtaaeo BfePayoK ttea-<4)Tiiatli*oiiiri KM. weat Mm. BtkOTt «. (4) Horn* aad Oaita FAIR HAVEN - Mn. Lab (4) Yoaag Dr. WNTC Hwrflimt BtrUUr 0) Nlabt Court (I) EaeydopaidU GOLLMGVOOD CBCLB McDoaaM of M Battm Rd., toe- v.m, uiifc MsM- 0) Haokla aad Jaokla OMk, alaXiaot be aortnyad aa (4> Howdy DM* toi eamle chaneten or u ffflabo (T) OMraM RabbU n aa to cait dUnapeet ea re- 0) Mlxhty Mow* 1:41. SAr-KKdM Show l:», Ta- (4) Raff aad KaMy Nati maaao 4:1a, T-.lt, lfct* Ordan Wrltkt >ll^<4iMSejBBi (l)Movto Rnokt' aaiwar to tUa la mat Km: - - - (U) Cowboy &Maa to Kffll:ll.fcll. ftH. Mill! TfcMta (U) Abbott aad GOUBDB (Dy tl Wl l McfMcfwtw n at Im (II) FaH Oraraaa (Dntt tcM. SAT. * SUN.-tady CkattM» M-WUt Iteitla MMk. Mafct (IS) Jimior Tern laya Lover 3:M, 4:M, ftM, I UtM- CD Perm to Venco (U> Fhyaical Cattero IAT. k SUN^-PUtow Talk Bll BB*U»U « Mt-cnUfeotlUiey UtM- 0) Laaa Raamv MB. M;!!. (I) OKtaW Datoctlv* Jilt, *•***. *». ** <4) draw Boy FREEHOLD MeOmu •« Im (II) Iaduatry aa Panda 7:11, MtM. BUaad llawRocketWBTnw- (DRIderaafDaam (•) Movie 01) Nn» Hariam SAtt-PBf Story hm, **, al 7:«, M:UM Joba Peat Jaaaa Valley (U) Gtaat QaartaAaek Bmt «4 aril 11:41- 0) Movte l« (U) Boao The CtowB dab V.*.VkM. B«fe M4 Itif OD Tknuaji Tia SUM.-Maa Who Uadi SAT.-«l6»a Show 1.11; Hun Womaa 1:11. IcH, ft«i Mb> Rocket WU TmaJ kN. fcM. JabaPaalJaaae 4:11, l:». PREVUE-Tbat EM of Wem- aatt:*, THE OLD MILL 8UH/-That Emd of Weai OrBNBVERYDAY WHT6 (.«:•, t:M; Faea af a Jack ASSOCIATION SNrra k»k StSS. 1:11. Su II i vci n s At Tlata* Falk PRESENTS Cmttrolfy locotoi fa ATCAM.TON Tkm Ymm* Mtoena • JV«a» ChiUrm'$ Th**n ICAEMVAf. tJONMOUTM OOUNIY AND NATIONAL NEW! ON THE ROM AND HALF HOUR AL KENNY SLEEPING KR MMDUTI OUJVn ™ AH TwW LISEJB4T PMtMBf . • . BEAUTY Italian mti Ammkm food FarFMbarUVI PBBPVWANC: E SH 1-0218 PRIVATE ROOM P LUNCHEON OQSBI \m Sore ibien .9-9000 I? W. MONT ST. • DINNER m CMM fa mU mg f7«lb/ ffwfj • PIZZA « Try Oav FriwWy Mntkee gpa ^JOHNNY'S ItCMCM PCM 4t eiOHMOOTM It. IT! AT ll* P.M.


-Fii. let, tm ATBJISWN WUT MAk NiW JttUY KI Mill WMYmnTIIUBBBAY •tHAJl«l»HP.M. WlCteWII ROUTIII, *.MIU NORTH OP ASIURV ORCU ffmMYaadMTUIMY T • IV dEbmaBB dKljkflBB a^BaEf wB^RmM M aB_a_hsamj m^hftL • Wk BM-_^BHkmaBaf EmTaaaB. AM. ^^^B^w^ap ^^^^^wj^ ^^^^mr ^^^^waw ^^P w^^^^^^^y ^^^^aav V va ^^v^^^^^^^mmBmaj aoVajBaa' MA.atltMA.m\ —••k— •wmm)



MO COVmt CHAMM •wMtyn waw W#^PW# w^ wwamr vaamavw w CHAMPAGNE The CONTINENTALS •tIDAY Nlt>HTt THi MO IANK REGISTER DAEY-44Afl. SUNCMPTION IA1V HMB^r^V*^R^Lf^m^n I BVwW^e^P*V ffOM *•• ~ ' T A. M. at It Mamab) II M*Mfc« IIMI COCatTAH. UMaMwrnt • M*MW0 f-ai— ••» M • I Iv^V « AJ AA.- AAdk wwninwj wwwww ffBajaarfrnjaj , t „..., *«W aaa at w* otaaa MM* J ye-ajffci d] ft * w * ADVENTURER •"••tfTfTw IMII , „„„„, ...I.. . "••• Leu fken I mei. par me*t» ... . I.M m'oU CA I-Tlff • OPEN ALL YEAR-7 BAYI A WEEK • •'W^tJ W#^y •...,,., , twT Feed WiCTIVI NTTIMIU I, If I* M—friday, Owt U. HW IP KWK MUilUI mmmm Today's Comics and Crossword funle Sheinwold's Bridge CROSSWORD PUZZLE Meat _ HSSU S-Ufti wKfc By ALFRED SHEINWOLD UJ. Masters Team! Your opponents seldom con-' elder it worth their while to dou- ble a non-vulnerable three-bid for THI HANDS penalties. Hence you can be at brash as you like when you are not vulnerable. The situation MOBflB changes radically, however, when you are vulnerable. As we see in today's hand, a tv.i By WALT DISNEY vulnerable three-bid may be BAST MICKEY MOUSE doubled for penalties. For this 4AUHS reason, the opening bid should • KlOl be baaed on f.Jrly solid values. 4 10*4 e> X Q } 71 For year shutout bid you still need a hand that often no de- *KQJI742 fensive value. The difference Is that you need a strong trump wit and a total of six or seven playing tricks rather than the five or six tricks that suffice for AlVm- - a non-vulnerable three-bid. Opaiegleos- You are willing to be doubled en high cardi — aces and Wags. The opponents could use their wins ftve trumps, a dub. tad a •ess and kings for a contract diamond, for a penalty ot oaty of thsir own if they chose not to to JWL Yon not enjoy to I? tabled on trkka in your Ml points, bat he doss not cry Crump soft, tor those tricks might nil eyes oat East sad West be useless to the opponents could have made game In no- SECRET AGENT X9 By MEL GRAFF any other contract trump or dubs, worth about 100 Sacrlflee Pays points, if they hadn't doubled In our illustrative hand East South. The shutout bid saves 100 doublae for a takeout, and West points Instead ot say- passes for penalties. West Is to-r II I, Clubs - N I 4, What do win tricks, your partner will aUB frasacsd by the fact that he has DAILY strength In South's trump salt. you say? win only nine tricks. Your bid ~ i so, South is not hurt Be Partner opens with three Answer Bid (oar You Is blended as a sacrttee, SUMS •p fairly ojalddy wHh both vataer- don't expect to make tola since the opponents should turn ta diamond trick. He The nest player your partner should have about easy time making four hearts - Yoabold: -AMIS, and no moral. Hearts-K SI, -K cards. Bvsn'if both red kings Dramatic, Different Class Favorita WORLD TODAY By WILLIAM L. RYAN of note If he would put an end Printed Pattern (Assacmtod Press) to his constant whining about the They're getting downright United States and his habit ol h*—mMln" m Havana these stirring up Anti-American agita days. lion to cover up his own abort- NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT md GEORGE CRANDALL For example, Jutes Dubols, the KTCspoadsnt ot the Chicago It would be healthy If he aban- Tribune. Is now entitled to eat doned hie attempts to regiment again. the young people of the country This decision of the Cuban into foosi stepping, disciplined Federation of Hold and Restaur- little mobsters, taught that their ant Workers Undoubtedly was duty to the state is to squeal on referred tint to the highest an- neighbors and relatives. tnonty. it naQ lorotQucn its It would be logical for Castro to take steps to prevent Cuba members to serve food or drlak ' M . to the Chlcagoan because it dMa't trom drowning in aaaa of seonom- like what he had been wrltmgfK- rad"' tw.pt ittd' taconptCtfict. about the rate ot Fidel Castro. There are n tot ot boys m the This change of heart the Cohan government trying to do part of the patriotic r Stan's Jobs. the Walters' Union coincided with Fidel Castro someday might the arrival in Havana of dele- •*« persuade bis »yearold tttes to the annual convenlloe o brother Rant, who (My a churl would magnificent Ms of that this an* to chief ot the armed forces, to aaytsJag to do whfa the dedsiea. eat off Ms posy toS satl or that K was Inspired by any- the swashbuckling atage of the dan the purest of mutation at an end. After aD. MARK TRAIL By ID DODD motives. there to sertoua work to be done. Alessj With Caatro Above an, It would be a heart- ' written abry i satag development it Fidel Caatro would stop trytog to awnte the the Cuban revohi- press and Us critics. And maybe the New Year's Day there's hops. After an, one crMc fan at the FUgencto Batista dte- is being allowed to tttorsMp. If ever a nation had BtSai Quick to cut, tape together. Pat- mstmg of the Marlboro Indepan- tern «74: transfer two isxM-lach the appearance ot aorae logic hi the upper reaches of the Castro daato was held at the home of Gayest st say school assembly Chriitmu scenes. revolution, is it possible now that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kooevaky - m» whirty sUrtdrass with a Send Thlrty-flve Cento (coins) Sunday afternoon. Preasnt were cardigan neck and pert collar. for this pattern - add S cents the logic will be carried a tew aca farther? Mr. and Mrs. Mck Karpowtts, Easy to saw ta checks, plaid, or POGO By WALT KELLY for each pattern for flrst-ctesi ft would bo a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hltts, Mrs. pfwi iceii ay wnjis. lomonow s mailing. Send to Edward Lagter. Walter Johaa- pattera: Woman'a dnsa. RED BANK REGISTER if Of UM TWnMOtWm WOUM get • sea. Daniel Bertram aad Printed Pattern M44: Girls' Nttdtecrtft Dipt., bit of a ahave and gat out of AMML SUes I, I. II, IS, M. Site II P.O. Box 111, Old Chelsea Sta- ualform. A prime minister to yartsja^ea; W tion, New York II, N. Y. Print TV. first meoung of the 11WIW HIV IHMII'J UwB Plainly PATTERN NUMBER, Which Cuba had" Central School wUI bo kakt rouble C Printed directions oa each pat- NAME, ADDRESS and BONE. on Tuesday. At • pa. m., I bien afflicted so many times bo- ^g ten part. Easier, accurate New! Newf Newl Our INI re. will be a fum an the ecottegel Laura Wheeler Needteerafl Book Pistol sad Beard Issue. The meattag wiB lead TMrty-eva (< is ready NOW) Crammed with It would bo noteworthy, too, H start at •:». Dr. Ruth Boyte wUI for thla pattern - add II cents exciting, unusual, popular da- Castro would lay aside the pMoi speak. pattern for first-class signs to crochet, knit, sew, em- Send to Marina MerUa, broider, quilt, weave - fashions, the city, or that rifle with the Deadlock, a famous Eagllah RED BANK REGISTER home furnUruags, toys, gifta, teleacopie sight he laws to carry mare, was pattag a carl whoa Pattera Dsat.. m Wast lam St baiar Mis. la the book FREE with him when he vantores out* purchased for hreedlag pBTpssts. New York II, N. Y. Print ptemly - 1 ejnUt patterns. Hurry, side Havana. ttegtess, wmaer ot the Epson NAME. ABMEM wkh MMt, M cents for your copy. It would ho even awe worthy lerby, was bar eon. SOB and STYLE NUMBER.


THE RYATTS fly CAL ALLEY REVEREND By BILL VMALLEY 1RNTYEPBC0PAL tr. Stmday-School Church Roll Rad Bank aaday aaaaa an at«, T. I. Holy Euctorlst win to cdtbnt- win to iw M. 11 aad U a tto darek Course StarU ed at I a. a. Suaday. A family I,!,*, Call Slated service will to teld and church Da Rev. Dr. ill, M and 11 o'clock a da 4:M to • p. at, aai from Ctorbs S. •t UN I:U KEYPORT-Rar. NoraaaR. KEYPORT - Tto aamul mi i meeta at MS. Rev. Rjtey, putor of ft. Joto'a Men- Charles H. Beat will offer tte Mtolp-a. and II a. a. tervkn an atari later* caU of St Joto'a Methodist from 4 a I p. a., «i fcaJotatCtoreh, k Church tota t for Thursday, Oct. morning prayer and deliver a ser Baptisms an at U:» p. a. Ksat Stwlty tot toot t • d M|^ Tto annual services ere a I moo at tte 111. m. service, dur- I EMM lM-tt-«Wtot are you cfeag tore, aril putteipete ia 3?*. Uay-lctool." aa part of acoa- ioaoestabUsted tradition in tteing which a second kindergarten Tto Mlraeutoui Medal Noveta achMrtlce. tto 7:41 eTcbok tjlaaaui teaeten' tnaag UJtftr at MM, 1 have toot vary Jealous for church ttot hu served the bay.is maintained for children of par- toM Mtadtyt at 7:M p. a. a. ta tto ctoreh. A enaUadcrtakaabacaaN tt« Loci, tto 0«i of totta; lor tto pooptoof shore area nearly IN years. ents wishing to attend church. _iatPti»etnslW>vtaa»St At fc» tad 11 a. a., dapUctto "Whit Can Churches Do About Members will attend tto Mon- Anthony a toMTuttdt y at 7:» sssabatof DMCtaKklekaal will -**••* to obbbtd fna tto laraal tovoaraaaa tkyoovaasat...nail. tvea rectory tad fUtad tat tafbn tto pngraa b tlitfi to 1 only, aa left." (R8V) Delinquency?" will be the topic mouth Convocation ia St. Georges be told bite taacten of a panel discussion featured for •by-tto-River, Rumaon, at 4 p. m, aad NIowaMp baO kr thraaoraar baptism takes place. * • e I ffOVwaM WOTVDDOM lal MMT q It will to augmented tto afternoon The Deltas will meet it 7:3t p. a. A.M. E.ZION el* through eighth grade under by ftta strips aad recordings. EUjtk iHWtraJ tto Lord with ia alibi. Iattoad pastor of Lay readen will moat ia tto Red Bask the dlreetloa of Mlaa Mary Aaa Our Lady of tto Miraculous Med- Rev. George Jt y al evety Monday at I p. a. a Harold Matka, superintendent, of glTlag a atraHht answer about towfaarn l aad tte Upper Montclalr Methodist church at I p. a. Monday and Sufldty-Khool. supervised by Of ftUgMtt to* iCtolCB. has aiwoimced that ttvtnl teach- afraid to waa. We eaa almost hoar kU ttare Church, will tott o evening speak- Alcoholics Anonymoui wiU meet trs. Ctsrt Csrtsr, aatb tt 1:30 from sack department an ia tte parish hall tt I p. m. aplaaang oa Mi breast. His bid torpit y wu aa er. Rev. Mr. Jacktoa't brother, m. Rev. Charles E. Bourne At 7 p. •., tto leaior Hah plaaniag to take u extei who Uvea ia Had*, Is a member Miss Frledt Reinitt wiU b preach at tte U a. a. serv- Chorea School wiU Beet b Ito HOLY COMMUNION allU itatpti to jttttlfy hla potalaaet aadUdtag. EPISCOPAL course being offend at tto Had- of tte church. guest speaker it i meeting of tte e. chapel Mowed by tto weeny dMfWd Methodist Church, aad Allow la WoadorUad wu akin to float toratlf Woman's Guild tt 2 p. m. Tues- Pnyer meetings tn held it 0 aoatbg of tto Wettmtaator Son- Pair Havsa Rev. Doaald A. MacLeod, recItha- t tto church school is absorb* Uotf to) torloa n but oar world U not that kiad CHURCH OP CHRIST day. Tbe tik will te on mental . a. Wedsesdtys. tor High Pe&mtkip la tto youth avolvad u aa aa- health. parlor. tor. wiO adabbbr Holy Etcher, W a woadoruad. Taara bring a etrtala Idad of Red Bank Tot HOBt MMMOM SNMB will tat Suaday tt I t. a. Ha abo to teaeten toat * . Blblt classes an conducted Sun- A touan Janet wUl te teld ta At I p. •.. a apodal eerviee hold a bate sab lattrdtyr Oct bad b prayer and tank p H days at 101. a. Ctorbs Brown, tto parish tall tt S Tott- wtfltototflattoctorchaaBcto- j on the staff of tto pragraatve I aaoi. la faot »Uk4-tMkiH like EUJak'a ia auok r. win speak tt tto 11 day under tte ed at ary at wtfch no New Jersey Me- lot church acaooi service tt f.U Rtv. Edward O. WtMta, Pair IC1MI1XB ICBOOt* Ilka qatokq . twai? i t koeppt ppulluff w down aad dom a. a. ttrvict. Each Sunday tt Circta Promos Htvea. wlB to tto Rant preach- eonk Xttlaa wU to prose*. Dr. thb tervtot tto Lorft Supper ta lervbat for Wi Webttorwwl preach t AMI a. m.. Patter MacLeod atUlwatroaafiUedlaralaUd . er tt tte 11 a. a. aervke lav JwUU admtabtedtab r CoouamtoC a aadd Cebbratioa of tto Holy Sucker- day. Oct.». "Ufa' RotOy Wb Thb| Red Beak TtoUHtaatkEUtohoatofklaaModofplty fna tto BEbta tat tt 7 tad 10 a. a. aad tervba for Gad." George 1 "Ufa's Greatest Loa" b tte If lotting Mai aot that tovaa tkouttad ottora wort Memben witt attend tto netnd Youth Fellowship maatt SaaJay will to presented Suaday evening of telling it 7:30 aad 10:30 a. a.qutrterty missionary maaa meet- data, BntHoat of tto Kttttat, wMat 7:31 p. n. Jota HopUaj la by Rtv. Joto F. otjaally aa fattaM aa to,aa d by atadag Ma book «t I J» The tewing gn i la par to tto totobt, aai Onod Jr., tt tto I tad II ing in Harris Temple, A.M.E. la tkto MMtnalB. Having fallowtkip via tto MJd^eek Bibb ttudy begins ttjbh ton franT lit. m. untU Zion Church, Camden, tt 111. m. toritn Charles Elliott wlU reed a. tsrvtota Sunday. Usten st (:3* p. m. A study in church his- p. m. Wednesday. tte Scripture Mid-weak Euctariat ia admia- hlthnl U »tUli|o«letiraferaaU ptty. WeraUplag Thursday, .Oct. 19. iatered Tuctdsys at »:N a. a..0 a. m. will bs WilUsra Morgan, tory is being conducted. Tte Sea Scouts meet In parish Barney DeLotch, William Strsc- wttk ottora Mapa tto hhwa away. toll at t p. m. Wednesday. eaer tad William Kaceo. Usten Beaton Roy Haaaa FAITH REFORMED Chib (Young Mtrrtad Couples) |at 1:31 a. m. IT. GEORCE'S-BY-THE-RIVER Tte Inquirer's Cbst will meet Haslet will aeet b Fellowship ten. A at It a. a. wlB teKennet h Brow- Pint Chrlatlaa Church EPISCOPAL in tte church at I p. m. Thursday Tte Meat Chib will meat Tuts- er, Xtaneth Cobnut, Thomas TD9 tMHlHWf progran of touan dtaciag will at I p. m. Arthur Kaadrkk Morftatown, W. Vs. Ruaaon when tte Trintgle Club will meet starts Sunday at %•» a. a. with tetttoytl Witaoa, ST., and Wsrrsn Elliott ia parish haU. There wUl to t celebration of Rev. Theodon G. Muller, pastor. . p.. au-Monthly I burch acteoi meeta tt 1:41 a, a. A confirmation class for chl! Junior high fellowship meets |HMy Communion Sunday at t| Services are told to, the North EIMM POST CHURCH OF CHRIST, a. m. bi tto chantry. dren will be told tn tte parish Centorvttb Pin House oa Middle Saaday at I p. a., toUowedb yMuoafc t» Give scramsT haU tt 4 p. a. Friday. Tte Teen- high fellowship tt 4: JO Morning prayer and address by! Rd. Sundsy-tcbool wtt neoa on- Red Baak tte atebtsat abbter, Rev. John age ctntota win meet then at 1 Stptemter. V 1 I p. a. *?*!£_? .!! TtThee AcolytAcolytee guil guildd atemeatba Wtnvlf-J"•'if" Wad- .'*"y *""""• Tto New Jtney laataic Kil Services at 311 Broad St arc Barton Andrew, wUl toa t Bible ctoss aeetaga an held »*» .•ftjgy A.!**g »*•>~i~» «7:3-» •.*0. _p. _a. lac»..»k. «_..inaBwaataat p tt i p. a. Sun-jheld Sundays at 11 a. a. Suaa-. m. Tto girls' choir will sing 1 Mtaky, Ueewio Sundays at 7:M p. a. at fee ¥ •P^.™!""" «TWJBBB ^ la tto director. at ctoTSd Bsnkjdsy-school meets at 11 a. m.|tbe offertory', "0 Odd of Might." WESIMIN91C.il home, of Lymaa Parks oa IS 7:JT:» p. a., bederthb tntatag Wednesday evening ttstlmooylhy . the organ prelude will Jate choir retotnale an teM|patted ta FVtstold; TuaadtyTt FtMBytillwal CMaTCa* y Btaek PRESRYTERIAN Chestnut Dr., Hastot I pjL-Ruth drde (Mn. Ma at kM p. A detagndsn at Tnaaa MUOB- meetingi s an a11t 1:155. _ . te "Allegro Vivace and Air," by MldHetown y O p. a., IMtti Ntttani Day dtav CeteMtot Gladys HonOofae Senior choir awawrsab Thursdays atr ta tto Red Baak Methodist ScotSt t abl ato ta aaiitiaistid toat at- »» Broad Handel, tad tte poethide wiU te At tte service Sundsy st 10: SHAKER-Ql Woaaa'' t AaedttioAdtti a wM aaa t talattalt • p. a.PW. PeUx Mobter of Church; I p. a., church school Tto EBttat wM pay out- St.. is open dally, from noon to "Caniona," by Gabriell. At theu m. tte speaker will te Rev. Red Bank tto Ffctaiaa bnttdag. Rev. A. Mtaaauth College la tto choir Wsdttsdsy. 1:19 p.tide tto ctaidi bean tto I p. m 4:30 p. m.. Friday evenings from Mme time this service b being J. George Senty, Milwaukee, Wis. Elder Pnaklb C Moyta, DaaaldMagawwBl to tto apeak director. 7:30 to i:XL and Sundays from M, U thi church,, ttep preschool t representative of tte Board p. «.. 2 to 4 p. m. to cber, wttl condoct a atrvke •Hour of Renewal," and t: 30 p. Rev. Dr. Ctoriat 1 Webster. ||departmentd , unded rte tt edi directioi n of National Mitiloni. He is sen , and giiidaatt at M Wiheeday 1:31 a. m.-Sarah PRESRYTERIAN "Let's The healing and redemptiveLj Mn. A. Arthur Kerr. Jr.. winIng u tte building fund ctmpal of iaitractbo ttKCUtlVQ bOftrd at tto cfcarca, II Circle (Mn. Lawrence Berghad- Shrewsbury i f Really Wb Tab Country for power of ththe ChristChrit . TruthTth, wililll La* b tte guild room. Tte low- director. During this service a a. Sunday Thunday. I:M p. m., ctopd Mn. Floyd Q. Marietta) of tto Church school meets tt 0:30| God." George Etsdab. president te explained in tte biton-termon (r Khool, directed by Mn. Har- memtera of tte congregation wto North tense Ave. choir rehearsal; 7:Jt p. m., Boy of Atonement Woaea'a Haaclttlna wU aad 11 a. m. Sunday. Rev. Joto of no Kilties, will to tto solo- entitled ry Clayton, Jr., will meet in ttewill te serving u calk™ will CALVARY BAPTIST b tte boat of Mn. afford War-Ut Collins, pastor, will preach oa Scouts atet, aad I p. in., chan-1st. and Cterbs R. ElliElliottt , grand stt ChrChristiai n Science services Sun- pine room, and tto middle school, commUtioned by Rev. Harba tick, m WM Pratt St. River tte theme. "You Have Bean cel choir rehearsal, and Friday. Red Bank historian, will read tte Scripture day. under tte direction of Harrison Durfee, pastor. Rev. John B. Oikhint wU to Plata. ICeUed," at tte 1:31 and 11 a. a 7: Jt p. a., tto Junior Dotn meet baton. Dr. Cart P. MaeOar. mln- Matthew's account of tto heal. with Mr. aad Mn. William Mor- Woodman wUl meet ta Ralph HtU Sunday-School will meet at Si in charge ot tte service Sunday MS p. a.-Tte Afbratoa Clr- Ister ot music. wUl te tt the or- ^ a. m. Tte annul Men's Club Harvest ;i: 2-4) is Included in tte passages at II a. a. Sunday-school aeeta ing of tte leper by Christ Jesus MlRober| Canterburt MeKey eHall wil.l give a re- Senior Youth Fellowship will I:M a. m. wfll at? %% J-ljal IB to teld on tte to be read from tte King ' Owen Borden meet Saturday at 7 p. m. In th: e ureh Ott- 1 PILGRIM BAPTIST Version of the Bible. Rtv. Mr; GUchriat will preach (Mrs. Lout W. Auga-Mn. tkba " iP ? Saturday from 10 Red Baak JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Memorial carillon at 10:30 a. m. church. Plant are being made for tto Woodstowa Baptist Ctoreh, P.. Bbdtbun). Mn. Ralph L. a. m. to 4 p. m. Primary Morning Prayer and sermon by a htyrlde Oct. 21 at 7 p. m.. to Rev. Hoary L. Morgan, pastor, PRESRYTERIAN Mdttowa. Sunday it SiM p. a. •Merer, hiaior chain rehearse from I to!.win conduct tte service Snooty "Way Spiritual Paaaa toTim e the rector, Rev. Canon George be followed by t Halloween par- port! Dante (Mn. *« a. n. Saturdays. of Patty?" b tto tMaof a public Rumton A. Robertshiw wUl tea t II a. m. Tto choir ot tte Rod Baa cavch it 11:31 a. a. Revival ssrvfces ty in tte home of Mn. Arthur wUl sing at tte service. CataaaMn. Mr. aad Mrs. Datter Robiaaoa address to to given la Kingdom "Tte Sanctity of the SsbbathTh. men aad boys' choir, un- B. Dorr, Fellowship adviser, jwiO to toM tt 7: JOp. a., tad Day" wiU be die theme of tte a,, the direction of MarshaU C. allot), Mn. O. Cbytoa. win bad a of tte Jua- waWtf* MTI Hall. M Broad St. sit I p. m Tte Men's Club will meet Mot- ~ tor High ~ Sunday sermon by Rev. Harvey s^^ orfMtol day, Oct. II. New officen will D.TaffrMn,Ed-ttlp.n. b Tuesday evealag at 1:11, BiUe C. Douie. Jr.,, pastorp , al tte •:»wiU sing "He, Watching Over Is- be elected. I. Oavta, ctore" h" ptrtarj iwU of tto Tto Yawag Adult Miattoaaritt, study wU to held tt M Broad and 11 a. m. servicesservices. Tte Board of Deacons wUl meet A. K. Ttwere, Jr. High FanewabJp, tto ttlw^iiTRnth Hugtesilaa chant. St aad » Pearl St, Rod Baak. to "Adagio for Wednesday, Oct. 21. ssid he wUl set forth some basic Mn.Ob|l wUl hold a ebtekea dinner Sat- and Ct Uaeoa St, Fairview. A Strinp," Barter, and tte organ Ave.. LkV meetmgof ttei urday a tte church haU. betweenparbr talk win bVgivaa tt 10 Stilprincipbs shout tte observance poethide, "Fanfare," Wyton. wean (Mrs. ska wul late alaea at I p. toon tad I p. a. Marys Ft, Red Beak, tt ttejof Itndsy•^ whte_^_^h shoul. d te kepi-- ti Then wiU to a meeting of tte Ftlr Htvea laWapaBawkMow* 9 V aTtSaaWawtaaaA laitMt i TWTWadayd . oawsm_B>wRHa« OJB •• MBSOaT/i fawBjtl Laymea't Suaday wiB toob - Wedaeadays activities include later, D. N Maatl Pwatt, Ml Rtver Rd., RAPTUT erendum to appear ea tte hal-| TtieManMaKhe trved tt tto 11 a. a. ttrvlce. wethtge of tte Morning Circle "Tnbbg Children For Life.' ITrl MOwUMUtll COBWJCMIOI WlO "YM Hive Beta CaawT tathe ! I overcome Pair Havea, tad 1:10 p. m.-Es- lot Nov. 3. hold its fall meeting b St. ther (Mn. Fndtrtck E. Engb-lat 0:30~t. a.; tte Mission Mies. Layman's Sunday win toeh - Church school will meet it 1:30 sermon topic of Davti Mardock Mn. Rath A. Btrctay), Mn. fc* t. ».. aa adult group forjstrvtd at tto 11 o'clock service FA1TH George's Sundty, tt 4 p. m. Fol-Otten of tte tatty taktag part ire Rktori T. Kirr. TO Sprece Dr. Hatbt a. m. in the sepents departmentslowing tte service and tte meet- 'An Introduction to Bible Study" Rev. Joto E. will preach for nuney through Junior high. WUHaa Scott. W. Rayaaad Van- false Pair" Sundty-echooi for children ing, tee wiU te served by tte at I p. m. aad a card party andjoa tto topic, "To Serve or toB e Senior high class will meet at i Horn, ud BwwJMtjlti f* WAffMt T:»» p. a.-Aa aaraal n- fasMon show, by tto Boy Scouts. Ssrvtd." Attitttag a tto ttrvlce three yean old and bdoiag women of St. George's. Jr. Sotoist ta Mehrtt Oriaaer. those entered ta tte teh 10:3* a. m. Senior high fellow- wSl to toM a tto church «• p. a. win ta Mn. Edward Ostene Churc,h School b at koi a. a meeta b CentervUb ship will meet at 7:11 p. m. CENTRAL BAPTIST appetites? of Rev. Joto EdwtaPtnca), Thomas Morford, JJ. aad far ttost entered b tto Men's chapter ot NCUPM will aad Adult cba tt10 . jgjf j^ ^ B3SMANUEL BAPTUT r. aad Edward Mines. Mrs. Er- Atlantic Highlands Tte Friendship Chib HtOtwtea MVCSth Ok* WjnW |ftaM MMttl hold a "workshop" Tuesday tt Rev. Harry W. Kraft, pastor, camh. wla aamd fron MM a wK present, I p. ra party will be held Tuesday « S IM. I WaPxtd Today Whan Jesus ta tto fin house. • will preach at tte 11 a. m. serv-p. m. la Fellowship tan. TKU1H Elder Retort Van Rotea witt Christian Education Council »iU ice Sunday. Sunday-school starts I p. a.-1to Eveaag Cirda tt 11 i. m. tad tt 7:30 Waked." Ftowen wttl to aeet Ttetdty at I p. m. A Junior choir tat beta toratd IN : aa Mows: p. a., precedetraced*d by a pnyer by Mr. aad Mn. Stiaby'Hege- preach tt tto 11 a. m. service at 1:41 a. m. under tte direction of Mrs. Oer- which wiU to led by men tf tte Circle IV will meet in tte home A family night will te teld GUATBOOK Mary (MnMn. , RoberRetort WW.. Uptoa- anting tagbat" ' " at 7 p. m of Mn. Rotert Lee. t Blossom tld Cupptas and Mrs. Thtnta In. Piaaa* BB.. Whtttas). Mn. Tto pastor, Rtv. Howard M. Er-I church. A nonary will to eon- Sunday at I p. a. followed by Rebterdt. Reheartals an Fri- Ctoreh School wlB meet tt0:3 0ducted ta tte teat of Mrs. Oar- Rd.. Rumion, Tuesday at I: IS CAN UDLEASK TOO John It Peaoa, 117 Davta La., vb, wUbrtag tte mttsags atl a b tto Edacatioa toUdbg youth fellowship meeting at «:»|dtya at S:M p. m. Dtvid Mur- s trd J Carriage Dr. P- »• lUvtr Flmtt!! NMMI (Mn. Robtft both ttnrtoii. Last Saaday tto officers of tto tnd tte family worship hour tt dock is leader of tto tew Youth! You can be bead freaa nay KraajMtn. UvKK).Mn, stt:4lMlddlitoan Youth PeUowship Coaflraattoa cba one meets Tte FaU School of Faith tad 7:10. Choir for chUdrea over Jl yam tte boat of Charles Gang, Ufo will te teld Wednesday, at (tbe appetite if yen will ton JaaaK Ml t. a. Then in cbssea for HI wen bstalbd. Rev. ' Next week's schedule: Beard of 4 itt. Rihttnik an TAnadtyi Virginia Ave.. it 7:30 o'clock to-lI p. m. Rev. Dr. Frederick Bron-I with t receptive, onpreja- Dr.. Rachel ages. Newton aad Rev. Mr. trustees, Monday. I p. m.; Phil- at f:~3t p. a. Tto two chain win (Mn. Robert !*• «ti)TMldl Mflr Tte oauttriy butboa mtttag ' i meets tath e par-terns.| Bbomfield. will bid tte athea group. Tuesdsy, I p. a., ui stag st services oa al-diced thoutiit to the troth RBataatijalas^fraakaSi ^*^^^ of "Tte Rob of tte ji R CtasOy). Mrs. Rietord|of tte church will be held tonight at 7 p. tte home of Mn. Thomu Pill terntts luadan. contained in tkJtgrotl kooa, fcadtytthool teaeten wU H. Lit- at I o'clock. aaa*s ^^ajaaatioaaat e alk. IS East Garfield Ave.: bead Science and Health with Key aty "Tte Nursery Child" it a Oreb three will meet Wednes- practice. Wednesday, 7 p. m., fol- fb tpnyt its haul OMkatytr, vice p •APTttTPCLU to the Scriptares by Mary Wtdtuday at I p. a. asstag b tto taste af Mrsda. y b tte home of Mn. Kenneth lowed by pnyer service it 7:41 toy MdBNnta. tnaanr aai j Peten, IB Locust Pobt Rd., Lo- Port Monmouth Baker Eddy. aVaWIVAI, Oirb meet at Ctortat Ptdrto, S ConeO Dr., tt p. m., snd tte church quirterty cust, tt 1:11 p. a. butiness meeting st 0:13. Icaarck tack Thunday: tto PU-ITte Fstowii," walltist asa-l* •• •• Wsdastdty. 0:411. a. Iwdayt. Robert Mb> You aay read or borrow tarvwa toll at M JaHaa A«t.griat (girb age eight through 11 dty at 7:» p." a. Tto mbrj. Mn. P. MantaH Ptaret, asm- ik# laAAa^aalaftft. •>^au\aka> SA*!!! ahaba^a^aaW afeaK LUTHER MEMORIAL H. mwiMi puior, win pivwcn «• Science and Health free of Lawreace. aaa 'yean) at 1:M p. a., aad ttelyouth Ipnttattto tor of tte Board ot Domestic Mis-I New Shrewsbury stoat of tte Rtforaed Ctoreh ta MISSOURI SYNOD •World Peace as Praptesbd hi Chirac tt any Chtatiaa Sci- bttlli.a|Co!oabb (girls age U toII ) tt|«nt. Mala Street win tddnat tte Guild 111 New Shrewsbury as Bibb." Tte Senior Youth F< ence Reading Room. Tbe for Chrbtba Service on USA tata t topic of tte bwehlp wUl most in ite teat of rat aVi groapt an tavHsd. regtrdba of toMbase r Friday aai lattrday tote Sundty by Rtv, "In Communion there book can be purchased la tad. tt I p. a. ctoreh affiliation. ' - Hail. 'try activltbi ia Ktatueky ta tte Strength" is tte sermon topic o*f MfII tVeratn eMd Mrst .Ave A«Mf. at tE 1:3. MshOMy1 p. ai green, or blue btadsaj at $3 Tte award of TrotttotwiU assetOre house at I p. a. Thursday. Isaac C. Rottaatorg. tte artas ea fowth Sunisys tt I p. a. Tte Royal Omtoatdnrs win church witt observe Layman t Rev. Dsnlcl D. Rttaheimer tt Mr. Mlatt wttl conduct tte Ribb and will be ant postpaid on : Tuesday tt I p. a. at tto Moadty at I ^ a. a tto ptt-Tto local guild ta sending a 11:451. m. Sundty. aadty-Sctool Suodty. Atatatstg no pastor ta study tour tt 7:31. receipt of check or aunty ofMn.F.I Ckrtotau tes aad gift usti cloth- it 0:30 t. m. _, . Mr. Mbtt witt to in etoras of kkj to AaavUb. Ky. tte service wttt to Jack Wetobr • 31 a. a. at Trot Vbe Prayer Ave BtaMJbjuar. who wfl tovett o Tte adult Infonaatba eeriea|tbe " " "~ " haai bbotorat of pnyer ttrv- er. Otil Ctarte wto w« tte reedwill continue etch tut day tt liM b tto toao of Mr, boaid — . II. tt • p. a. taPaMowtki p REPOAMATMN LtmanAN a. m. snd each Tutaday tt I p. a. Mn. We? I. Modtntor wll ta Edwta West Loot Branch p Tto ditcuaioa serlee b dssigaed at fill p. a. QiristianSciena 1 AU aVUffn |SOJC«»AL Hay wM to toldEPintBs. "Pioptattba ot tte Church ton wto wIR bed tto nsfialvttor those wto dtsin to become tcteei and Bibb' MAMWO evtry loaday at I a. a. aai taag wtt to tto atraoa toptopii c commualcant members ot Lutter mtw PJkntl W wMto cab - b at Mill CALVARY BAPTIST tt tto 0:30 aad II i. m |t:» a. a. Memoritl. Wednesdty eveabg ti dun Chib, Haraoty Rd. 10014 at lilt a. i a. a., i by Rev. W. Robert OswaM. Saa- Tte cba ta Chrbtba Edoca- I p. m. tte Sunday-lchtol leech- d^ttttoaaAwtoaHttyCoav day acktal begbt it fell a. a. SatT at till a. ttaa, oabr tto dlnettaB of Mn. en will mast ia Mn. Htrry (AY auaba wM to tt I a. a. a» Tto Latter League aota Sun- ^ mM OV fa) Cirlion'i horns in Uoeroft. , tan lot tS4)» TmVZ aT.*aai Ray Wefcfc wte b ceaductta1g dty tt 7:31 p. m. tai at pas- a. a. Aba. Frtday. tm^ »fMk» Tto vtaar ta Pr. E. V."Raet to Speee' tor's ebafor te w •MtWeWj pVaifSf aaWj MnRHI M OT Senior Youth Fslbwthto wlU OCEANV1EW COMMMWrY ^"^SoL ghaehird" na htal •Otata-Walttn. • ---,--^~ •»»• ••>• *e^oatBj •tlojBfiatjiwi taa aaaai II a. a. aoaat *t ftnt luadty Rev. Paul Sain will eendaet tto KMtt •tip, m. > «et Suaday oveabi atfll ta 101 MCM0 ST. " " _\ mm ^HM|AA >wi faBBBBWB awtaafl •••«»•"*» mmm nbtacl lanosy tt II a. of tasi MtT whoa Hth> Com- tw BRfc •tarwatajf OT WaRM*) IWvi WMtt Hal. Ctark Ooaaa tot _^Bh AA B^aBhB, a^Hat_*mA^^I —wA IHk a Rtrotlt af no Afriei la- Ksaaeth N. Gsmbto, Jr.. tte m. luaday trtool atiti tt *» paatoc, will preach it tto II a. a. a. a. tto II t •. attvbe. Rev. Ctorbs atcnafy*larvtot Sunday. J^aawawBwB BH BwRft IwBBBB* r •TVJHBBWR* V wftW I^B^^RT t |aad aantry meet tt r.4 i. a.l bai fa II a. a. atrvtae laasay, TteLaabaAMwiaiMMtrwa. Mr. Oaabb will offer Ito met-1| kalt at MB laaSMMam Aaa a ' ~ Nt. a. •aaa tt a at7:11 p. THE RED BANK PtOYTEMAN CNUKN «tj4la. j PWenVVJOTi nyer aad Blbb|| Tto ytnag psapb't ttrvtat b Yeoag. _ will to toM ta I llHn tvttgtMttle ttrv- bjnibb'i tome it I p. a. Wtd-|| CHARLES I. WENTR*. D.D.. N btt7:Mp. a. aad Mn. Yattf. an tat Soaar CW- IAROENT RUSH, D.D.. Attoebt A ajkla aBaiv la ito "Jet Cadib" Ttaay tt I p. a.. P. Hit ta tto church it Had Latheraa Church TaWIkwa wVTTPSaaanrlrVa WioalNn WeakT* akafltOTOTi CARL F. MUELLER, Doc. Muttc. Mtatatar tf 1:41 p. a. ftadiyi. Rtv. Mr. tt I p. a. day at II a. a. Chun*, A CordM MARY ANN IT AMES B A , Director of Rdlgieus MARrS EPOCOPAL Bsmett wttl bit agaia about Uft meets tt 1:41 1. m,, aad West Ktyport la Africa tt tte 7 p. a atrvlce. cmttTIAN minster Fellowship meets at 7 Awit$ You M NEXT SUNDAY, OCTOIER II Rev. at-^-—y. * Uallal lal *—- Tte mwwetk prayer aad Bibb m. daily IMIIreervkey «e• tacbdt:MAM W IflCWfHtty. study asttag willte teM i t I Church ttrviee aai Sanity- Tte Obtaert meet Tuesday tt CALVARY Morning Worship—9:IS end 11:00 Caaaualta, I t. a.i iekarca p. a, Wtdaetdty tcteoltnteMtt It t^ta. WaV|I |p. ai. Aa "itawat new" tab Sermon by Dr. Webtrart tonaai iball byl arvtot tt» oaWJaaV wvawBwWJHr aaaWfl|H 10 WM to towb y at Gbtadtn Stt* •PRv ilw/f VI^WWIMI a. a., tai Ctonir •tat. a. 9t urday, Oct. M, tt fcM t. a. a "CAN Wl II CHRISTIANS WITHOUT * ' otll a. a. onlta4p. tte chapel _ or ^^^^^ra aa* aaataaaRi oaaoaaBBi 0;« A.M^RIbb Ittoal Nlrdf CHURCMMIN?" aaatll taati B^au%Oaaa aadaaat EPISCOPAL wal M| OaMfpaakar wM tRl JPfwt/W Wl aa>... •OBMt SB AaMfwBtB) twRwatataagii B'aaaBBflBBBBBBTyV ^awt u1a1 aBT*BBBBWj VJ^^^F^^M. ' ^t^aatUftV/ M II a. a. UUPll Rtv. lUVt HUH Htainii SpoeUI Evoning Worship Sorvlct totiiotl «• MM « II a. a. awawawBBBawBBwfl l A Chapel HIU MOwWCwJ fn# fWWWlnJ KIHWR\ Rtv. PraacH Sttvi lw>lfwMM| MM B Tbtoa Pint A aaa Soadtyt. I Md 0 t m,; afawatl* UMA^ mM New Local Mssnalc Brethrea b AHsadsnee, "#tWoll;MAM-*MomlnW MOTav M i ftorvlr* aatiilra IMIII BBOJ Baaaaal all ducts services Sundty at I p, ._days, 0 s m., std Fridays, 7:30 tad Wednesday! si 1:M aad I 7:w) PM—Kvtfilnx Xnrvlr* Strmea by Dr. Wtotten I. m. •fTYlCf will M NNI II §tOT P. Loll Ratlly Win This Country (or todl" with Rtv. Hiywwi L RELMMOVS SOCim OP ^MlAla>a4amai * M — dwrca tototl meeu 111: JO 1 FRIENDS (Qwaton) Wttk-dsys sarvirss Include Wil" IMp, inTm, 4o I* Aaia^aftlait Maraag ssrvlcs M II o'ctock ghrcwihury Holy Communion tt I 1, a. "HfXMN*> PMTM THI The a«Mla Is terdltlly || pitwllwnt irvbo it 7:M ! Tte society m#»u awry lus Wedaetasyt snd frldsys. terviiet, tuadavKliool will start it 1:41 WOM O* UN" . ROttaf WatkoMty •Idiy it II1. m. bi wontto, Tte For Holy dsyi, Hoiy Cum Rsv. Peal N. Smith. Fitter a. a. for all grades, Mn. AnTMa,a, fflutlot li al 0 a. m 'sea w. ptcktoa is puaitt ar Plrtl-diy school m*sts tt H1. a. Butdey-Khont it TOMOIWw S CPIMCS

kiagof spadw. East pity* tow, tad Watt wins tto first trick. DIWM And Tunic Wait doesn't have to toegrea t Sheiawolds Bridge expert tose e that a shift it called for aad that Diamonds la ttof rlitil Fittin suit to told. Eut nukes M* two red kings, aad tto contract la defeated. foOow a sou is to find out wher* It it totter to beat tto oppoa- to't going aad get there ahead THI HANDS eatt than to Ut them beat you. of him. Tto same thing It true Th» advance sacrifice will often of aacrifica bid*. Do your sac- pat you to tto more advantage- rifldag before tto oppontnts ous position aad earn you a plus •peak their piece. rather ttoa a mteat aeon. After the opening bid of three DAILY QUESTION apades. East knows that Us op- With both rides vulnerable, tto poacota should to fee-cold for at player at your left opens with MICKEY MOUSE least game to hearts. West's three spades. This Is followed opeaiag Md atowa a toad with •AKQ1I74S by two pisses. You hold: Spade* ao diftaslw atraagth. East may till"- A 10 I 4, Hearts - K I I. mate Ma ace aad tto two Uaga, Diamonds - K 10 «, Onto - mmat> JtaWdnrnWlaV tmitom^hmiiaV mmamlwk. III* till 10 I 4. What do you say? If East tamely peseta, forth Answer: Pass. IfyoudouMt, will bid four toarta. Ttoa East partner will almost surely bid will have to sacrifice at tour a tuit of bit own. You tope to apades. beat three spades, tot you dent Tto trouble with sacrfflctag at to encourage a bid by tate Is mat South ia given the op- poftttsy to 4touMo oc lo poM okllMB* ha *•!•«» am^ktatbketMl aalm •BuTB^BBr BBBIW/B^BBBT sll^BmB^S^KBftnBBBB SSU^H Qa Tarn' lint acrlan toarta. East wM probably to play ataiatt Maryland, Fullback Jack OaUiM want Myaida. will go down one or two tricks, etapeidhg oa bow tto deft CROSSWORD PUZZLE *— **•••'••»*• Acnoaa Tto advantage of tto early aae- SECRET AGENT X9 By MU GRAFF iMct la that South may foal Uke •peaking hit piece. That is, to •My bid five hearts instead of olMbUns four wMdogV It to. ht

ii Dfl MVIS MOOmMI «M Hfttl contract, Watt ttauld open tto kmg of tpmmi. If n, to gnat If Are toatto toeonet tto final •QBtract. Want sjwwld OHM Two-way costume! A faaht oaw tank tops a atoata wtm Jolly Santa Htads pretty curved neck. TaaJe I acarf tie, throe ojuartcr sleeves* Flattering to larger flguree — elegant forday , night Tomor- row's pattern: Mitees' drees. Printed Pattern MM: Women'* Sites M, 31. «, 42, 44, «. « Site M outfit: t% yards JMach. NUBBIN By JIM BVIWETT md CEOHGE CRANDALL Printed directions oa each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. uBS- lead FIFTY CENTS (COmt) tor tWt patten - add M ceata tor each patten for first-data mailing. Sead to Marian Martto. BED BANK REGISTER Patten Dept, 28 West 1Mb St. "•WEe* New York 11. N. Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE aad STYLE NUMBER.

JOB Campbell, a tourtag golf professional, formerly played basketball for Pardto.


•anta Haada - large tad email to decorate your home sad tor

Santa Haada can to made to (alt or other fabrle or painted an cardboard. Patten ttfc to> (fades traasfer I beads tyrt to 1 1 Uxll toetot; dlrectieaa. mum I A * ••««#-•• -rw. POGO By WAIT KELLY tor each pattora tor flrtUiass •ailtog. leadto RED BANK RSOISTER Neadlecraft Dept. P.O. Bos III, Old Chelsea Sta- ttoa, New York II. N. Y. Print •lately PATTERN NUMBER. NAME, ABtWESg aad ZONE. tktmmrl mmBmwt Immmvi a*Wa ItwM fwwi niffi nvwi ur IVP f -sntaM Wktmammai maVkasmmtMtafoilw »--*- lafvvn w eMMtT nviMcran BOOI b fWBJBfai«^Mama fWWmmTwmVII f*^*^*^*^AUtmrnM I Vm alga* to crochet, halt, sew, em- broider. •**. weave - fashions, •MwM wtftuWBnftf lOySf BftAV baser hUa. la tto book PREE STARTING MONDAY, OCT. 19 BONNIE By JOE CAMPBELLMARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDEBS md KEN UNIT (4K?




BARRONJc H •^•J^'^^W^JLJ^WW'K^M ^** JLvvl^"JL*J^^^ JARMON, m awb a^vv^RR^jt ***^H. 8H 14014 « CAM700 09 14SIS


"«S iffSbl HAMMOND •Hyn vWl OTVFB IK feSrJX ORGAN STUDIO Prtcm Start O KIM Amntynunc At $1345 ID INK WTO UNITS It L NIMM« Spridfi M. IM iMk SH l4Nt «5rV5l


WE nun •BgW"




IfN CMWHOUf 3^ ^ J i'^.-V.M. Rambltr Stltct Uitd C«n

ALWAYS 60 A.I SEE AND Mfc tan RECONDITIONED TEST DRIVE IIWMtft USED CARS THE '60 FORD Ml M •« W Ml W Mrti imCHRYUM is ON HAND TODAY! IM 10 Can tnm J2S to $W 9000 TRANMvRTATtON' FORD MIILDS THE WORLD'S MOST ISAUTIRJLLY PROFORTIONBD CARS HIM. »:. MM 1910 Ramblor Now On Diwlayl it i_ V1 CIRCLE lAVtNQM KROLL MOTORS, Inc. Chtvrdtt C». JL..lu_.JI X •'. IH I.IIM AUTHORIZED FORD DIALER •MACTMMt 471 IROADWAY LON* BRANCH CA 2-3*00 OfIN TIL « f. M, t. SH 74040 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN COLONTAL SPLIT LEVEL Fair Haraa, N. J. WE SHao>akU74S32 LOW AGENCY IN mmaRN CHARM- laerB4*e_alii«iee._Aduiu aalr. It. Red But. FOUR-ROOM BUNOAUJW - UnhMted atiaporch, garage. Rivar view. Ua- HAZLET TWIN SABLES APARTMENT! thro* ule tar emeu children, too aoar wa- PUNI and four ronm*. boat dotk, elevator, ter. Immediate oeeaiaaey. |r* axMk. uvu« •r ateirwir •> large petto on river. »H l-at*. year e l.aea prelrrredTwrH* I* M Bat- l.m tmiara feet of bvtai tptee. tsettered patio, eeater haU *ataca, fonaa) diiini nan. -!•- p af U% aad AflB)l* fttaa *» tw* HiaHLANDt, tlvt room., flnt floor. tin Ril.. Fair Haven. M«Mt»u . MMM witWith Bowlhai to U *M balk At- rurnlthed or unfuniltrie.1. AU utUI RUMION - Flre-room (iirnlaliM ana*, fOyCTt CfldMQJW *C1UMBJ9M JiVnK fOO0( DlFM DaMfOwMBSf J)f MtBC* (|JR|IW-S| I lltl Included, flit per month. HI 3- tn monthly plui utllltl.e to June four FHAi 1JTI-J. Mth. Ott Agency, T Hlgblud Av.. RUM lart« cleaett, rawdrra Idtahe*, keadry room. CoaveaJeat to i' on 1-1140. , two aad a half batht, fall •xcauumr vtum - A«r»*m* *» KuinoN - Living room, bedroom. pins center, highway 35, and Garden Stale Parkway. bath kitchenette, STO month. Private UNCHOFT - Fine colonial on horM batemeat. two ar girage. ThU porch. tatranoo, near but, atoree, aecond floor. farm. Spafjloii* rooma. m bath*. Pri- wUlttle* supplied. RU 12154-R, vacy, yrt CIOM to everything. Van a big heap*: Beautifully lead- ??2S VIM Agency. Una Rd., Holmdtl WH ti.iwStilfftSk.'rSi THREE ROOHI and nth. nirnutwa. FHA OR Gl 30-YEAR MORTGAGE acre with trece. 3 heat, hot wiiar aupplM. private en FAIR HAVEN - Four- bratkhtt rooa, tmt aafcaaoja. trance, middle-aged couple preferred PORT MONMOUTH BUNOALOW - bains* IVfrrtory Mektr. Pai- Sataa vtjoaj. lafoa *^aaa,, w*a" «» mmith. CO 4-ota. Four roomi. bath, Ufifurniahafi. Auto- ( matic not water heat. After r a. m. VETS NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOMY CAPE COD fA(T KBAIttBl'RO — Dupfcl houee I Modem four-ram apartment, no heal Urtag rote, with fireplace, Urge ar electrieaupelled. Oi 1 lta ONLY 3 LEFT OUT OF 52 UtdNa, two, good bedroomi potteitlaa. ItMN. af tMMa fro* tm*> par •MALL APARTMBMT-rumUnad or TNO ttmto— TH unfunHtherl, complete kitchen, bath, WANTED TOREN T both. amWttwd teccad floor, full „ wtt tew waTwtJltw«M eaemlal •OM bualnee* eectlon. triDIO APARTUENT-rurnllhtd or WANTED TO RENT with option to buy COMPLETE PRICE—$16,690 Bacelttnt Pair Htv- S raaeh oa aboat IU aeret it bat*> . iinturnlriud. Ml kitchen, bath. three or tour-bedroom houaa la Fair tf wtt • tv, . ROOM AEARTMENT-Furnllnta Haven or Rumaon. Write "WTR". Boa $11,784. Two fcedroonw. living room, kitchen. 511 Red Bank. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Writ* "Apartment". Bot 111, Red Buk kATOrlTOWri — 3'i rooma furnl* DIRECTIONS: South of MODERNBSD COLONIAL Heat, wet.r aupplled. Immediate « FURNISHED ROOMS aupaney. t» month. 1H MM attar Rt » on Bttbaty Rd. Thai it aa old eetadal bcautl- gi t Pen. MODERN MOTEL ROOMS MARC HILL (North cU U OBMBOT movit) hilly neovttad aad modemlxed, RED BANK vicinity. Tam-ioam fur- FOR 4, 1100 MONTHLY ihaioathff lot with a white hath. •watt. tH 14m. SOLE AftiNT pkhet feoca aear the river.Cta - AIR ooMDmomto MODBKN room fureletoed tatrtactt. talk, attctrla rana*. Verr con W. M. FRIEDLAENDER lag room. „ MfuUW MeMaZ A? l-Mif. THE ADVENTURER OOBANtHtflvT, S« IETHANY RD. HAZLET porch. SPACE ^Vsdr~_Hatw. Onir' Secoad floor hss four bedrooms s<|. ft VnfuniMwd lit naaMi COHtt 4.1144 Xiichen. balk AdulU. tad hath. Good basement, mod- * Kl O-MH. nc en oil fired stcem heat. RIVER FRONT — Furnlehed. Badraam. ROOM — _ RIVERFRONT - llvlnc room, kitchen, bath. Near Ma- prlvlleiee II deilred. Parklna. Con- ALLAIRE ft SON AGENCY, INC. car garage, ind asking Almost Iff wkk. Lovely vlaw «oj. ri pete ITS, «H I-OOM. enlent. Call before I, IH 1M7I. Blkh Fibd . Rl'MfON — ITnniralthed three nan*, ATTRACTIVE one or two roomi pri- Monmoutli County'i OUoit Real Estate Firm 8Maj. Deep witar. Bulkhead. Five:bed- l roomt (OM ttpatain); Uviag room, modern Utehaa. full ctOar. with fireplaoi, sot-«,,. Two tiled batfcf. thaa Mi gafeeatt* ***** -—j^p. ll«l^BspTl*Tr t*W( •PBB^rTaT4*BVV^ *w«wJ| til yard n cata you with lo add oa. Tuet ll». Aiktag Prte' a cioos dioiag room, modera hitch- Large Hvhai loon* WoovbaitBag Will ehaxe ROOM WJTH BOARD eame arlrwaa* lil.tit. We tawkey . yOUK-WCOIt fumlahed apamnM. Uitv g7w* ka*xa la awn haaie. Coarteleai ea. three badroomi aad bath, icatiaa. «H Tim INDOOR SwTMalTNO POOL- ttiaa MBpiitd. All Impnvtmanu. Ca«. Men. dft*>J4*w*M.aal a> ll»»IIW. I URNIimV ROOM — Medium elM. 0ag-b«4reera Cant Cod for BUSINESS COUPLE. Urjt Uig eadoted porch, gw- Fl RinBrTCD fourroom apannest, ell Red Bank, atalubla elnile peraon. room, UtdMw, bath. IWM lot, many met. Plenty of room for Home with teu Mgik hat water haat. frlfUalre. •*- tTtllltlaa. Private entreace, lavetnpr. ta Aikltt turn. tan*. three b faa .elactria aiuellad. MI HOB •Ink, raPffcarator, bath eon¥enlaat Hwie are Wear bul. etallon. Partly. «H 7-2401 RIVER OAKS - RKMHED _ UtllHiea. one Mock William C. Waterman, Real Eitate Manager EXCELLENT VIEW-$ll,Se* Very aitraetiva Alien from Fort Weamouth. amir 4. Nice ranchtr. Immadia#aU> tfat^aaBBTcaBmBtM *jr OI eeuala. H Walt Hill Ate., l«9 Iroad Street SHadyiide 1-3410 Aa older bungalow, living room, Cteanportit. U 1nm. — RIAL UTATI rot SAU Three bedroomt. LUvial g Mom! THREE-ROOH tlKFURKMHEn apart- dialBf room, kitchen, three flreplace. Di ment, attractive, elertric range, re- HOVISS FOR SALE Mftratsr. food locatlaa M Red lank. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE roomt aad bath, oil beat, almost itMfn. KnciMQie. _Batimwt„ . Bmlneaa woman praferrad, IH 1-OMl ranc. Beauttful rear yard. Ill,- •MjUft_ U Mat - - HtCOMC rWOPBRTT _ TwoftWI** SHREWSBURY Mt OtTaltttfcV. aHeAHiMhl Maj" M ft***- "Urn Um*. waaiMplat UIA FOUR ROOIil AND bath, unlumlloed houa*. BUHMH tecllon. Call aay d»». convenient ineallog. an utllltM. Oc INVESTORS ATTENTION—Thli AU BRICK IUMCM. tuner II eeeoaewer. tR 1 »»J afur I FOR SALE OR RENT BERG w OF m WB« - wW*Mt • a. Charming thrtebedrocca ranch, In TWO>YEAROU) SPLIT LEVEL newly dei itedi boautlful Buttanwted Dr. mtlag. Oon VETERANS *** S2S5 venieot to *v*nrthlng. All *Hetne SpadoM lot, living room, din- iaa hat kltehe*. dialog roam, largt llvlag NO DOWN PAYMENT Exciting Listings . W*t> COMMnOAL UNTAU room with fireplace, large roereatfon TneVkalt)'pea. tovteorr room. 1(4 bath*, eleven Urge clooete. uw ruu, FRICB one and • half baths, Broken protected. COITBL* ROM. itM aa. It. with •ir coodltlnod. gu heal, hill b**t . rmr way to our office. Map aad AT m dee, three bedroomt, twa betha, neat. KtcalMm Mulaeai leoaOoe Will mem, conblnttlon Norm window*, Inapect every home In tltli prtta ruajt. dea, patio and batemeat, bigRUMS0 N RIVERFRONT. PTVE divide. 47 Monmouth «.. Had Baak. large two-car garag., let lUna), nlce- thtn Ineaact thle hone. If you laundry, batemewt, fnm> Otly •H 1-1(» er XV l-MUi landeeaped. Immodlale poeeiielon think thl* two-bedroom reach nwrtgaga ivtiliMe. Jutttl7,NI. ACRES - Hi** baak. Big boat- rntad i*r •- - "| •ottdaweod brill I- AppUbroolc Agtney FOR REUT—Two aultea af sfflaee avail- them all, we proml** ant to fore* yea boute. Rail. Saady beach. Mag- •Me In The Tuller hulMnc, Bath on to bbuur It. Thar* li * living mm nificent treet. li rooms. Four liver aide ej baMtaf. OM * ateaa wit.Jhi fireplace, completely taupatd RT. 31 MTDDLETOWN. K. J. THE roomi on nrat floor. Tha athat twa WILLIS COKOTBR AOBKCT irjdam kitchen, full llaed family nd ttoraga epa (Tnte-lni CooelJered) RUMSON- r«nt. Aleo More ea Whlt« It. ROMA COURT. Uacroft. Haw . Country-teaihore llvlag at IU Call IH Mim Flva total*, to* bath*, all baa* boat tied home la a Shv.riy.id. 1-4477 Attach**; garag*. rait baamiat Mat- MONMOUTH COUNTY OFFICE bett Thra»btdroom raaeh, e>- SH 1-8700 •wtjrfcbMhood. DeUghtM 1 eamMaauoa kltchw aM dretttt. UtAta. Bretkfatt area. Ut lOaMt. IH 1-ittL cellent coadlUoa, on Oaw-half anRBWnVRY — HOUSES FOR RENT CAPE COD three-bedroom, brocttwar THE BERG AGENCY acre la laadtcaptd beauty of a 804 River Road and farag*. lMtim property, take "MnaMUaM tortlc*- wmr nucnoN or J35E rer.onca. at «'• per .eat. SSSJM. Wily eommemlty. Uviag HALL BROS. Fair Haven, N. J. Furnlahad tad tiafunlahed, ImrawU- OSborne 1-1000 tte eccupaBerTltrawM telohjrA4»*tT, THMn-BBDMOOIf RANCH. Attractive dlaiag room, m hathr. Wtiher octanport AT*., ooeanptn. Can ar tail lit. » Mlddlotowa.N. .1 Rotifers SHwdytidw 7-4100 home locatM la nlca reeUentlal ana. "ii; 'Vraad dryer iadaded. Atteehad 1 1 aear ochooU a*d akcapoa). Ckallr ** ifrM UtCtltM. «««Mlt>t RX^ WANAMAMA — ro, 4Mag area. li5d COLONIAL It) a atttlag •iMwi »8f LJit, lwawVwjawXwXTet , . Near aero with tan net'!*?'''tl iovair in*.TitMH* « y living roemT rerraatloa room, ft mot at aaart- WSWwS tratl. TVoe kiiliatm.. On* full-two **. Homey ¥. iMl WOUPT MtwMMaMal U 11 - Ulraa. tn I- epaiWa* liKchta. two bidinan. aad BBTPIIBTPIICM MflfMM Matfe tUM Hf Mb***. akNlrM nag*, ahualwiai half bath.. Walni nan. Kltcbet wltk ' attic, tow laae*. Const«ne« SpirM SEVERAL FURNKHBD aiMl mlunleJl iwalng*, loair preaervad 'lancet Llvtng roam with fire. hath, with taputM* and tocaMdtod « a 4.***. Blwaaw A. WM*V**TMBM aWaWa •d raatali la all elm and prlee •ard.Tt« t-tlal-M. Den averlk»bn .| lake. ~ fca>aTtXSMpjT » »* eIM W rmiei. Ill* Wtiurtlre A»a«r. I4M IS*>ytar«M Colonial. CIOM MM dawa. Tba B Agoacr. UtT V. a arlB. BOIiaa. Hew atadaL nvB-BOOH houee. gtrag*. at Ft**- car garage, bow tuca. Oalj W, MtddMoom. oa 1 Ocean Ave, BM BrlgM. OHM hold, Mr uumie*. eloelr lewdacaped. rlvar, a faw mlnaUt to ocean,"* - Hall fna. •TlDnLBTOWN - Two-bedmoM ranch era." Oak MI M Froaj Hwy. raTdaan. wln4aw. «a*T atoMt* OLD SHRCWSBUItY - Mew n 1110 Three . badroom ranch, n» » tan waat at Beaatea'a Oanwr ballt-re* Hwtiidln|_c*dar apart' bur tcr*. Three bodrwaaaa. ttt m- Tn'ee naJreera ranch, (MB. (ardar third bedrcam. bath. Laiea Metag raaaa wHh rlre- HOURS POR ML* R.mtnn. Flva Corner*, MlddMowa. light Opaa aatardar and taadar rti meata la teeartei balhltag. Houaa Of 1-atn ar IK t-MN. ariimaai Other Maaa. Bveratt M. 1 wttk braikful ait*. Huge raar porch. Thoraa Ce. (M t4akt nmmtHBD BVUDALOW a feature* tatr IOHLAND* — Three none, bath, Baak. Uviag roam, dmlng Baicmont. Baeetttnf heaUnc. Tw»ear around floor, no children, fumlebad, cnen, two bedreemt. bath, oaa-oar batht, two flrepltxia.^ Each garag*. mm1.PB) — Ban "Bra*. HOMES FOR BETTER LIVING iiaturnUbad *•>. TK «»ll iNIBURO — Feur-badraaa* heuat. • Haathe old. fnir bedraami. large porch aad lit owa eatfaace. hatha FtaLT AtR COWMTrOrrB'. . THREE • ROOM BUNO«U>W. Utility KIAHIRl'ltO — Law taxeo, IOTM Attached •*»«*. An tklt fee tHM rocim. Ilia bath. Clreplaaa. hit water meaOury water rifhta. Owner. HI. WALKER & WALKER M t Four-car girage oa •eat. gsrage. Tn mllea »evth el K*d *^'^B^JS!5i * HO. t Warden Ave . VlT ITTM. Bank. ITS monthlv, oecupancr Navan. UtUON — Ckaralng I•tar-bedroow m fSMtt. HAVW •AW.r AttBRICAN - ker IM. Ml Mitf. Cape Cod with river right*.I*. Ba**mtnt. Fully r.Bbtmd. Cttler hall. !«•*» REALTORS all baeeboard Ml nt*waterr bboato . Tan* living roam wtth flrepUee U'gSr FOUR ROOM heuee m Port Moanauth HOLMDEL Ot U* TMITHimW. NNea r Maewaola. Prlctd dining root*. Madam kitchen with aw heat, all ronvanlenaao. Call OI 1 o aril at lll.Pl*. The Brook A|taey. MIDDLETOWN ESTATE AREA breakfain area. tNehwttfctr. InllaaH HIGHWAY 35 SHREWSBURY Hil after I p.m. "CLOVER HILL" lank luiMIng, Atlantic Hlgklandt. AT IM-yetr-old Dutch ceteoiil. Mod-poi.-h. Uvalem. Fear kadrtetM aad •Itlt. new bain taaUM. Matter kadmaj fl'NOAtOW. furaiehed. wtnttr moctha la tho Cauauf Hilf wltk taadeck rail btaetAcat SH 1-5212 Tw* bodrMmi. living room, kitchen indivMiiaUv atjied hoawi m MM a« erniMtioa fetturee pre-Rtvolu- path, all heat, garage. Ui I1I7I. rora aaa to flva acrot «P).aaa te »•).. UEONARMO — Near beach, tranapovta Two-car girtg*«t. Ki. m twi, and ea high iieuad. Threa-bod' Uonary charm. Beamed celliagt, cote. Tmrtrmg tree*. Aaklng pmig tttT KEANmilRO IHeroom hi Quality. Charm and UeatM roam iMer harm, modern anatty plae - Hall Bra* laa heat, aarage, lain Mot. IN kltehon, ma btto, la* *stta b»dr**mt wide pine floorlag. flrepltcet. OPEN 7 DAYS taurel A«e. Tell efl.r CKt (-dnjo. nrectloBa — Take ReMe U. aa* ailie oa third flaw, tcrwawd peraa. ate WOOhED __^_. emad of PIMeaat Veller Hgat. turn •teem heat. PHA appralced at H*,*m Four bedroomt. twa bath*. Two- fvVOSEDRUOM HOl'iE on Hop. R,l aharp right toward Wait on Clout sffered et HI.M* mr «*lak Mle The New •hrewatrarr. Wt* •anith. Inloi. Hill Rd.. iranaH % aine la Clover Hill. umisiLVM piatlon el tl Meamautn t, R>I| B, > BreM Atencv. Btnk *MM*>a, Atlaatlc car garage, btmt, four bn> n CALL BUILDBB.. WH Hlihland*. AT 1ITIT. •tails. Over » aeret with An yM >MrfMr MMI ha^»e •• *a rt«jM iriaa? {OTTAOE — (rremore Ave, lUirnTi RirvtON - Bmlneie aaw d areperty tturr- HI! raome, two bethi, fnrigt docks, eeafa*ry-old treet and BBBBaaBi alamBBl *SI*ABT*BB *B%BB A *•**"**•*§• B7*A*TA m I 1H» ar 1H MOT ^ Hirte-bedrom hone, all hat water a|«H*p tTwffJ ffVtff faflf 41 tf^VV 4JII RUMSON Meat, em* two-bedf»wp l i am>hal gakatamm alMBB • —-l^am HILLTOP LODOE eompbteir rutnl«hi.l r.ar. Italtt lot. tain I - _. thrubt. CoavaaltMt tecitioe. 1 Ideal Inr hacnebir, 9*4 rooma. fire FIRST TIME rt.lt*. Ike Irak Atmey. Baak B« p ^ !**! WffW tn*»pVlV*HVwl glare, automatic heat HI »»ao mg. Atlantic HlthiaMa. AT l-ltlt. mm. t. fferef.. oil hoe^wit- bw •••oe. wMntltwl 4 AVAILARLE NOW - One hedrmrii OFFERED NEW MONMOUTH —Thru tiireim emXmmV ' BBV^*T*BfJMa|pWBBTa^BW ami aaBBfeTe*W kungalow. unfumMwd. Taarlr. Re the fire* tn Inapert It! Bltellem •PW. Uvtog ranm. dlarag room. OLD SHREWSBURY TOWN- Bwwv* *>^^r«wnlwVIW Tn ^^rTT •II I-KM r.iM.ntlal wotloa of Rumaon BMIdly nleMlfW kitchen, retreat!** not*, ao*. firBANPORT - rurne*ed twe-k*l. conetruettd three - etary home en IS S ham*. t»il»n pw. Maar trai First HsUag aad likely to be Utt II4.M0. ' room railage, garate, Mt alaa mm acre warned M. Bntranr* hell, large Inn. KhreM. gIB ana. OS MIM, •lee. winter reitiaj. CA FigM. living room wim firtpitc* *ad dlnla| BBLPORt) - Uli-rmm rtnrh, atUehed New (eight years) foar^edroom RUMSON HANCH-RIVH VIEW ronm, hllchtn, butler't pantry, lava garage, me huh. full cellar, tluae.1. Capt Cod. Meal kxaima aa laad-"' maorra BUT YAUIB -<*>« ATLANTIC MlrjHLANM - tory Four bedroom*, two bath* en •am eambmaltar'*, coWralr a UVIN6 AN0 MNIW COMBINATION. FlRiftACi, COM. nnve. Urn threekedroora wlanilahad •acaad fbar A lew miner repalrt KB INM IILtM. SeparaU Uviag eel, MJaMaa •* »"• ••"•• — *• iutiee, |l» umlMr. nacctatnr, etherwlaa In good condition. _.t.r, raar bedroeaw Two tiled PACT MOOHN KITCHIN wHh •rMWaif bar, (iloa -,•»,. ATI.ANTir HNHLANtW - Iceali DMaeht<{ t«*.oar gtragt with four UONO BRANCH aathi1 . Coattr hall M «. llviu ream -— . (s,r( Acting prtM Nine name. I we tut bathe, m-ctr " "•IT Pmr, fiimeiiel, »niir pedroom ho«ae. garag* with tnrae reom-balh *aa< 2 Mra*MM, wae, laria MTMivt. tjwtak; (MtMiMt play* mam. Adlalnliig let Main. Me Vinni.ETnWf* • Twnwadraaaa u«. *ee*n. tchMli. Halle*. and tatboi tkrouihtut, Imw ceem, warittha^ •«• lawteVy. AHaofcatj feraej*; kwr water fumiaked hem., pw. GLAZEBROOK att aecutaiacv v«M|lgpjt bavi VERA M. MORRIS AGENCY 1 hMt; V^ tare IM«JMW*M*1. Cawvawletrt rMafien, Aiktnf F. A. GEHLHAUS ^•w^ ^trvt^a'^^BW'^B'an^r • eBawsrvjeee^pej^ptjtTt* ^na^aw m Hwf. » UBONARPn, M. I. AGENCY fl»,Ma. IKen in >lue ana WhHe But Terminal! Avtmia at Twa Rivtn •u,ooo. AT I44M -• M Dow UUabjeal airvlee COLri NICK - IWUtML SHKEWSIURY—1 ACRES RU I4N4 RU MTM•mop ar wiilil awaatrr ttlti**. ft*- ^ntrao flM batfraamc, Hvhu M ... aharmtlti. dlglrwatlf* gggbMI E. R. SNYDER A CO. r»lll«n lawm, VTOOI an. U.ry>bary— fireplace CnmhlnalHn kMrh.ndlmtl.. ra Full remr. attached garage Available Urge road freaug* .r2!.-rJ! *>-" "* .Miff 4-reem MMII wt«i foyer, Mt batewoiiT a pw Art. II, IIM monthll on nertr leeee ROWCROFT tin aWlttaWaASlttafeWBB alMlal 9*eW>.>B> afialff-•• Ba>la*a*lA • B.B. •!•"•• mtlaami ftueeell II. Bonia Afeney, aN River RHILmHO LOTS - LarH aM Maall. I Weot Mam H. wMi"ePwi>www tinif*e ••farwlr •|*]lwl* flJ* riflVIT w>fW»WtwWTI»"ft rlrad rnr_Havn. IK Ttan acreage, buamatt piapenm ~ II*M a JCVEN ROOM*«AI»CH "»' lap >l«.r lotatian. llw.ni foraai MwfM«a arlta of |17,M0. Piaia aacllaa. Three twrii heiirontne. Gtorg* V. IS aalMa, , tttl,tt , llllvinv f ranm wMh fire- "StS^FtW. fl-PT. RANCH blirel i , dinindii i room,, lglarge lamilv ronm FReekeld "" "~ ChffaM MACOff PBU. - Mtaj *tt aalprt - HMdeHMdm kllrkllrWaW . gagaragearar g , MM'g c ttatt (MM T*. kmtat* latAMM, Mttui dlMBf per mMlh Weerl Nemeta Aeewv IN Three bedrwm . tH rtmodT pilirty laelud** W franl at. Red Bank art IBMa. r*an aM, I' Ihrtatt* a*n*«. l^*Jg*%^SS THRBi • RMStSoBTraMh »>MrMtS"*it.~iimiin apaaaaM H Mdt.krlah NINE Htm ra«MoMe wMfc mowy «M eV hi—~- . IM Mr moalh with vearlr acre. Mrrfa »ag*Hat palla, attach*atta ) laraga, fail awamewt, eurawaam m talk. Cawrtf had efttraM* feyw. Ni lett*._tH f Ma •malKa*. eJawTgad btPMt Maar two-ail etlraa. Aaaame « • eeM < tA llJ Pill tllalaui rwfl wtHlflvy River I roeme. «h™-»~. Iw.rwinupv" Sl7lt **"*• " 1 i ranch in Ma 4rnal B|||M9|a9t WJaH aTflfPwTWfl gofJfVvii • iel ' •>nuu.wi • • * J CffTTAOB • tethldtd In tree* and thruhherr UvMg noa HBgBBJBwB^CI, vaTerov 1V**n fhrdi fw# full ire* J> I It'. fireplace Irktml ran*. Btee. rflrfft ^HWwl^HnwW ^Vvl I'M' I IMU' trie rant, and tldtw.ther Twn h»i PTr***r aTw*V' BBB^ggaB PtgyB •»--»•-w - •*•'—— -•* P nai. hie tieih Bteemenl. ritrage eluded m price. Im reduced I* M,. UmHt. t PW MARVELOUS PAMfLV LtVIN* • *W HNM hmlty rtnek hoot., livmg aan)d dmHtg rnoeae. •in. nelahMrhiM llnlr 114*** Man *Jr) MmuM m tr*> priced I* ll|ae*t t.f. Till Iftga, femur ronm I daublle t f IS • v K Imwni, Realtw, a>re«**ur» River Mb> melwt.d «Hh «MI farHrllH ImmMltl* tar*. Mth.. hnrh.n Fill Illeil ha»iiit.t>i all I inlT lleuea eauM be nmiiht with email dawn have ike Mr - - fWir. t Inn air eimdllMmor, I rar 1 Mrm.nl tr MHH wHh aplkm la btr, *m*alliaf ol **k *WAB^ta*akrwAal a^*a%awaflaa*ahwl BBmtfatkt %*M*» fertvi fare** ele.lrk »r« #>v.rl Tini IgJTTUIBTTMIe BITATBtTATB BeautifuBeauti l LM *vVOrWITTaw BBJ Vf^O^BjTlf/a/BBI BPBJ*/o^eFmBaBfeByeem BBmaTV wjffj| 4T*vVWTr dnare IWiitllv law tl MM a lie Rllvtr renrh httme, oeat rltter. ill I »3,i HALL BROS. a* l.«ee .lntel>h II Mrr'ii. n.i rrepiaairepiaa* in the living rmim. La rge Mn'niR'NItBii nl.liiftJtoblB' 'tat , «, nelhe tdeened Family dmwt r"**) Urge keMiea, OWME0I III.9M. f\.l,r rKNIUHRII •Illailll. r<*la|> iinnh r-M IM • \* Aikiiig gnnaa Five btdrttaM*. ^iiftt 111 River Read, Fair Have. nir>lr wndaaapad aa pea arre rain •m*> K Daw**, R*tiiM, tarawebtirr. htlht. Five Cornel*, Mlddlrfow*) aatel.. /area ilvMg ram. ton Ne*<•». f ^^ REALTOR - MSUROR Ma'eMae.. Ml kawmaM, airr naMiila«nia«M «* UvreaeeT temirlag•Jgi. H*4rlnr, M INwhexi, IV. kerhii RrTW n«e erne tiee* •w•awll DrDr.ell. ftftwaar HlMtorrltoMM rjii k»mg M . all rrnnt. RoBad Beak m f»""ii tuttut me pepp mmm mmm Ummm We •MAUi rtrttarARgM pli>. lit|p| f>nn ritr Mill MNtllLY itaurrietaurr]] ||« W.n rrnori i mm . MM Hank Nri.e Walrtrttagl nf. . fe)llh'^ T»>> h.rf •IIM 1 MiMw lei III. lull. 11.,1 »,,.., . 1 MNTiWFT AH**' "thle I* Ik. MICEO AT |II,SN. oie MMIII. rintfri rinrk home hulH liiet mr »nu in rm Trir.e .w 1.. II, fnwrwt, Iwoatf ltr*|e l4fe. ^l« | , heltia. MM p.' mM KilMaMi prie* Aim eerlr Ameriet* metm »ll>>hun It Weet final ai.i.i.» h Ml. meHMlMmte rn«ia|«e ewimmlng batht. III.W. NAUTY ON A IU0MT .ri lunt ill II AAn ^ paai. tereeg. nuMtaiwirxg «'ir •• •»•• Nntel, Tavern, ««iturir,t. Ml, IIKIlhlMlH ••xrn t.nwe i ratirh, |r reilaeoH prlrr Ai»> !•>•• arreae*. WEtLSOIlT CAM COO M kn4iupin§ «v.W« <•() fUoj. M(itl»i i«« In «l *P4 tthja? hentei flam III aM up Mar- all. T*rmi irrMftfd. I,mi. giiier P.M I < Im WHi Ne»itlln wi>ringt Re Mn *ttle. CENTRAI. AIR C0NWTI0NIN4, rlrtt flow ft'i**'*.* e*m|.*ii«i r.t>» reer leaM na BaTtTB ARBA All kflel e«ioai*i I tlp bt*rt*mi <>•• rmm. fire»ie.e awing riwitt "Mnmie 4.rate hrl'lwn flreHt.. in for I ltr«a koditom an. BwHi. FMA •|>ffdliadj. b»,Cer< lw» kadrwMM tatki fM) waler '.'|riai> HANK BaiMg t< •)• l~.me .ma hum IM. Mm tpt't m '•• mMeled ,.,.. .i.,..|i,,§ ,„„,, *o»" w— m T^Mr" | , IF- tinirar ' "t/1 9 ^^'luw.l tMdr'wfMI en.t nath, lull fcea* "i heal atawkw «• a«a«ai leaee IMtna* ttMl. a Ml* |ll.*a* IW«IMI it kedroam ranch. ', tue w*i*. Down ••ymoiit |l,w00. Aihlitf 114,WO. I1 at •Mathii J~M Mwiuj*, Meallat !.!*? *."'•'" ''••"•• ' •> »••« »" '•"i (>mr Hi Ml IKaewl A. A'm •Hejlie ll,i.,,n A I i,on „, AT I. tmlln l« Mail. A.. Fair Haven Win emulder otaler realtl el •"-«"»'.g »te»'»ie»<» M*Ml Fiaepoer l Avt I." y ->»• M. Ftaae HU I aWii IH I Mot. I *!•* ar Blee* * tlM. ue t!\,,,. in laeat h'M•v %mm*X •'•%, **"" Rofrtori n WiUAury Wllli.m S. Garrison REDDEN AGENCY RlLlGlOUi

WEART-NEMETH °« AGENCY RadBtak AGENCY •«*»•»•«••• IMMACULATE RANCH with Uymca-a Sundty wU bo Ot> -Tia Fear Etodi of Low wffl •erven at UM ft» ud 11 *. m. be the memo of the earmeaarmea SUBSim- S ESS. mtTSfZjS; i Ml WEST FRONT STREET M 77BroaJ9froet Red Baal rim k the theme. A. AMn Whtttog, Charco School meats at t-.H. MM MMIMMM « SM MM SBadvsids 1-08M > ttidyside 1-3M0 win preside. SpMhan are Har- The Vmag* YMfc FeOowahip ?£«ff%ZZ*S> mr2&i old E. WiUitms, Robert Oenbie win meet at the Baptist FtUow- *>Hour Serrlea RED BANK COMNIAL aad Ucy Bnubhaw oblp htU gaaday tvankg at 7:». Suodi)r4cbooS i aatHoat at •:» Mr. BBata a tad MrM . NNowtoa will "RESULTS COUNT "Ite Dioidfaataiai of Tb« Chancel choir witt praMBt Betaf a Chriatlta y a recitalil at I p. m. WOT UNO BRANCH - Waft. m J p McElwtla U ia charge <* devo- . . . IYF meats at I p. m. for fllm,fllm, Uom,, ud Mary Teejaa anandd An- tagjfctaoceto new ptrochlel ma wM Brealac*, W ^» mf*t D baaeaea• ^ t Thai It a • »*» "ChriitUhri a fjrmboh." MYP maott ddrl a AtUaooa, nhaihiBoatth . toUM* OwBorandoo*. Ihoae ttat wU aaaoU oafr to 7 m. gttdai ef Baroppo will Tka mas of the church wfll by RicharRh d MocUe. bold a wort-dty tomorrow, Waaloy FaOowihlhlp ma* it I COMMUNITY Fort Moamoiith

RHD BANK- •fMS^^M JNR HML Mi A. Doaald Magaw. paato?. cattd. Three hadreoi atthaSiBdayier»teiBtlla.B. tog, A bargain at H7.IM. D. ZZrT<£r£ SSrSsx HAVEN - A roil Joha Battoa, maoti "Tho at V.n p. n. h Fat mi*waak fellow-%JS? •Up amrtca Wodaoaday at 7:tt RacaptloaiefDtwmaabtnwm REDDEN A«NCY VANVUET A6ENC Oor.tanaBM at f>.« LfawIU. Hobadd •• "• *-. Aadrew A. Borkbardt FAIR HAVBN - Far the grow- Reliton WaUrbury WH 64484 _ „ _. ,! .„. wU preach OB the topic "Grow- togfaauly. FoartedtoomXape Whath aad gakfeat baHday ^ fi«- ,t«» U7*B. REALTOR ALKER « WALKER MarianM Ckmea. or DOUROR cosy flreplaee, taiga row Roitf Our Spt^fcrffy! dkto a> 16 WEST FRONT STREET ocnoaed porco. RED BANK. N.J. March Eoltatioa" a* the port- SH 7-3500 both day* of Suk- MOOBRN CUfTOM RANCH - ANCH HOMEMar STANLEY K. DOWNS 1m bate, patto. Urge the tecood day, Soday, Yoam at 7:11. flatwSaSfnea . iw¥i wiu IK«MW m pnoMoMai T^§ ^ LAWLEY AGENCY REALTOR HEALTOM "Hoe*, of Charm aad Vaha* Joel N. fmllrhaitay wffl deUver Mba • Pottory • Cat a *ermon at M;e» a. m. m Hate Hwy. 11. tad laal SRadreid* M017 ChildroB of the Hebrew school ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL SH.dy.id. 1-6262 Sycamore Are. Shrew*! will bold a Sukkot party Suaday Little Silver at Sp. m. Rev. A. Allan Attenborangh, COLONIAL SPUT-LEVEL. bedrooms, namttoB rector, will administer Coramun- D&D ROSE GARDENS 1 old. • BAFmr Sumky at • and at 11 a. m. Vutge ana. leTfiteBBB.. Low BBKimBtioa Acnaf * J: u fn. to the pariah howa. eWcroat modeb. from W,m storm wladowaad *«"-I^| the 7-.4S p. m. service. for UatedattHJH. Ope* daily sad ' ' -at Scoutmaster Elmer Meyer will Offer* Shrewa- SATURDAY conduct a msettag of Boy Scout Atlantic Highlaad* Troop Ml la the education bond- RANCH HOMS. tHREWIBWRY - AeaioaliBitely dmrch School meets at t:J* oolal riaeh. Two tile ing at 7:10 p. m. Toeaday. . m. Rev. 0. E. Taytor, will SB MISS POLAROID bHlh 11aaSrape<1..lBv The midweek prayer moet'jg -De»". Kttchea. with cy, nrae m» preach ea "Maa Who BaUevet" HBBBI nnnasBi r tad Bible study Mtiion will be at the 11 a. m. eervice. Thi* la BfOBlaca. DWai r held at 7:M p. m. Weoneedty. Layman'* Sundty aad. taking IN PERSON Seventh tad eighth trade pa. UtcheaV , tfahwasher.Z 4 bedrooms, RED BANK AREA-Owaar1* part m the ectlviUe* are John IH tiled bath*. J ear garage. A. Scott, Robert N.Schnebel aad The i 7:N p. m. Friday. Elbart A. Frlmpar. The Intermed- iate Methodist Youth Fellowship WIDE SELECTION ** meat at till * m. aad Saa- NEW 3000 OF EXCLUSIVE HOMES Ltaeroft tor Monodkt YoooV Feflswahto at to the TO BUY OR SELL church hall at t: 45 a. m. F. 'The official board meet* at S Howard Lloyd win have as his p. a. Monday. REAL ESTATE WANTED sermon topic at the II a. m. env- oTdds aad moro for eaiyOMto. ies "The Brotberood of Maa." Mtoj Evelya Laytoa will lead the mm Offer* nvited. QatUty Keyport ADAMS AGENCY choir ia the anthem. "Ia Christ oa nearly Laymea Suaday wffl ba oboerv- THE MEISTRICH Thar* is No East or West1 IIE. BeratePt RadBaak ad at the »« a. n. eervtee. M aero of gnoad, wtth frontage SH MM-Opea Sevea Day* The Ltdtei' Aid Society 1* com- *tartiatl:)la.m. oa dead and ttraat maMai It pMtag pbus for Its aaausl bs- perfect* aatoblo lor ehUdm CUM for U-U Nowaan Spriogi Rd\, comer tar aad kmeheon Saturday. Oct ysar«Mi win b* held tomorrow from I to N a. m. agaT Waft to oehool aad traiaa. tJNn-ARIAN SHadraid* XaaMhurg Red Beak WATERFRONT -«dsr borne THOMPSON at *• taaday-echool wU) be at II a. •a togaaa. wtt about *4 acre NEW SHREWSBURY CAFE COO AGENCY a. m. aad the regalar tervtea hi ef laal Easy eomnrattat from m. Service win be at the Red a. mi. it. 'tma to Red Bank CommuaKy Adorabto Capo Cod wtt atpaa- tobaappreciated Caababoagat ' MM* June Adter . atdMMothoditYoathFel- INDOOR PICTURES ocaaod pbt alajaat aa acre. Opta lowaBto BJMotmg at I p. m. A • of the " • WkM UtaMlMM •••• aad Boord of 1U4 kMMIUM be held at I p. a*. MMMB Vttll TIM WITHOUT FLASHBULBS WITH THE HUNO NEW 7 Room SpW-Levd


OW wTMaM VaM PNM W$ BWK • aVaHM wMMwV ^^—^—^—^ J_T ^—JUm-^B— ^—^-—^ BBMBBBB MMW BBMSBBBIk" BBBBial •'•anMEfVBf Efl VffvJaMMimTV B^B^BBBMI BBBWJWBO BVWV eiHajamv BMaaaM MEWE* BBBBBVWJW* BBjgBa_^MM| •*-• fji_M Jia^B^Mf BBBJB1_*_> alBBBBBI


•^••# IS P#fdjw# flVM II «OA» ITHfT <« MM OMMM* »• AlW II, fmoMH. *• Hl^ A 4 snumLnB sa^^ao ahu CLEANERS Uwr.nc. j. * II tftlkf li«M M MM EASY TERMS ON OB CREDR MM fmtmi M HWM REALTOR ««iMM«M»i« Mvlr tliKM OSborne • HJOTO suFntn * T»PI MrcBBwrtf • u Iv ayfinf 9tfitl AFFUANCES a STEREO a TV * JEWELRY a Red Rank -- SH 74121 4MM TM IU'I | AHM». M. M. MM?

Nimrods in Use of Firearms Rumsoo-Fair Haven Reejsaall By Hy Cunninfrulm High School win be ant to strttch|*foetod school oa tbt Shore, Wall tewnshto •Tm willing to totch a thous-" Pro Cagers its win streak to four HERE IT IS ANOTHER WEEK SHOT AND ITS SHOOT Um~ lean ell a falUat apart at the seams aad boys bow toma t safety with morrow when the Bulldogs fact tht whole squad should be time again to talc* a crack at the high school football a gun If it will stop ana boy from ' the safety rain end then «• Open Season tht defending ehamptaa of ths sea tor a loss. games for tomorrow. Each week tome of these schools getting abet." toward Chamber- Conference B Tht Csseys ban s item rldlag That to tbt way Howard Cham- abag at ths same win pace the are making the so-called crystal ball hazier as Satur- berlain enplate the hundreds of lain advises .device huntsmen Tomorrow Matawan Haskte. day afternoon football is wiped off the schedule. Wayne Wesemaa, left, River Rumata's Coach Joe Rosatl Is UM team rods. ThU MM dub hours ht has devoted to acting By The only played seven games that ss an instructor for the New Jer- fin; end U ttw Coach Army IppsUto of Long R hapaeaed last Saturday, aad these upsets The major leagnt of protts- and It was a U-U tie with sey Fire Arms Hunters Safety Branch. Both an loaded with tal- In our book eartaJaly win aake the going much Course. Each week In his home canter. Betferd. steal basketball-The Nattatal Trenton Catholic that tMsgbsr tbts week, b fact, we've bald on over the on Locust Rd.. Locust. Mr. Cham- ent this year, and both are un-th] e undefeated aasaon. defatted. nonls held scorelsst that ytar'ln- ••BPJ aan so iaft aw tins eouo M tM ween tor a berlain holds classes for novice optat Its lab hunters between at ages at 14 I Bank, sayrevttU. nth the Boatoa Cel- ferry Sieg. Riunson-Pair Hav-j ,St Joseph's of Vert tad 21. They most receive a en Regional fullback, to me go«. - • VJAemV nNam^mmmskB anaftil Attmnk. tics favored to retain their World Middletown township High School caused our big- certificate from him baton they CTSJW lOTSR* MSVMWWajR) BBBVJ flBBBBP gest reversal when the Lions, with a brand new spirit, can buy their first boating li- come piayoff time with Ma hard in. upset Princeton. The Little Tigers came to the Town- to bt m tar a- la threat Mr. Chamberlain, the only In- The apSlaetosswMIe ship with a 2-0 record, but Coach Arnie Truex and his structor for the count to this ,|st> at aroane scons'eaty U. ana already hu Instructed nora h\ wtt be a aetioaslrj^aWvtoedl boys weren't letting that bother them in the least When than 108 boys (his yair, and up- (NBC) gaaw at Boston with flw|«r * indT than 'sxaetty Catch Al Fasts hat asaUai to- the little Tigers went home, they had their tails be- land hunting aMaoa woa't begin Celtte entertaining thtlhsV bt doing, tJegwid[gstbtr a flat Meat which. Is be- tween their legs, 27-14. until November. He hu acted Royals. Adhritte|»* Mm for a riot. u an Instructor for tht past four 1move! d nvwbca We selected •rick Township over Toms River sUrt it 4 D. m. (EST.) Rumaca slso has an eatatsnd- chon. mighty years, wing tht knowledge of ing lint that so far has betnl by II points, but the Indians war danced that one tuns acquired u sa official Nat- Sunday, la another nationsl|y||yj trtc televised afternoon boVUtg He own very nicely. Oee-Iejuarterback, was lajand. off the slate with a l»-7 victory over Brlek, who In ional Rifle Aiaodation iastivctor, eraily a team winds np with oot| aad the knowledge of teal $ant Lakers. is taftr thaa Doaath. •fSJVMue •BSBSSJ aHBcBsxi flu eMnflfUBg More von- Western DivWoa h and Saturday ht proved height it f frOQI MeUIJf N yMffl Of with htmttng la the MMdletowa-Red year, play boot to the you caa as furtberl big factor when be fouad three Bask area. Ptotoas. flrattatkeA,tlwnMatawaaloethsflntgaa^ Coach Kastti baa two fine a>| AUeitbtttscat Making tp ths bsckfleld, and !«, la B dtvlskm Oet H To quality as an official NRA center, aad J..V. McCarthy, tack- good becks, an Jim Nugnat at We went along with Matawan against Point Plea- iiutiuctor* you urti accofcuff full, aad Dem Garnta aad Eddie Ryaa aad tht asHback stats. sant and by a 28-0 score at that The Gulls upset our to Chamberlainbli , "spend MS hours „. Jphnsefflt to a?WeyYetCle» When those two treat break-! applecart by taking the Huskies, 194, in their first game oa a rifle note and qualify as ceding tad of a back." Ha tolls Mr. Chamberlain baa•vse mttm at Syracuse, aad ~ tag ap pays or makiag tbt took'At the Osnk pssatoas Forts hu an expert rifleman." It wu how-Ms students to dress la ytUow Middletown since Mil aad caalat St Las*. let. tarn's John MeLanghttn, s Jay Abbas sad Ralph •'Dae" Cor. ef the season. Asbury Park fixed our wagon when the ever, Ms unstinting sift of time whenever possible, a eater proven ley. a pair ef asad racetvars to Bishops defeated Union, 9-0. to youngsters which earned Mm remember "(he good oM cays of Just as tht advent last year ©drugged guard, aad Fred Tharia, the award of Sportsman of thet]o be most visible In the woods. plenty of upland game riajjfoottt F^jayjav apaifad Wn-U <* return to Coach Arnie Traex't team got GGu y RodgersRd , no oae looklk s to tbbt slowlyll . off to a poor start whan Long Warriors to finish last In tht Coach Rosatl says Mstawaa U Branch relied over the Liens like Red Bank High School travels over to meet the n carpet sweeper over a rug. Lions this Saturday and if Middletown continues with Pass or Run Option Is Finest Form Teenage Eastern Division u they did last plenty tough and don't let tbt season. Instead they are e* Point PtcMtUtt score fool asiy*iThea the Lions surprised Shore Its charged-up spirit of last week, the Bucs will be pectedtobeln tht thick of con- one. In. this winning grid followers by coming back Court League tentioh with the CeWca for the sati says he Usttk takiaa the with a n-M win over ths Uttle ready to absorb their fourth defeat This could turn Into Play in Winged T, Deception E Tigers. a real tight game with the Bucs being very victory ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - A games one at a tnae. new eight-team basketball league If the same spirit, atone, with hungry. By PAUL METZEL has been formed by the Recrea- the same charging that wen Middletown M, Red Bank 7 Head Coach, Leal Dan Sachg Out tion Commission here, Police partly responsible for the Prince, Dodgers Full Share of Series tan win, prevail, tbt Bass an in Red Bank Catholic will be seeking its fourth Written tor AP Mtnstmtarsa Of Tiger Lineup Capt. James Egidio of the com- lor a rough afternoon. straight win going against Wall Township. And the BATON ROUGE. La. (AP) - Point Pleasant snd Keyport way Coach Al Forte's team has been going, the Csseys In the previous article we die- PRINCETON (APW>rincetoa|fr^1" Each-Sets New Record Just might turn toto ova* t gasne. The Red RaMtrs an sporting a should make another notch on the victory pistol. Wall cussed the off-tackle slant, and rootball Coach Dick Colman saidh|Ve in town or attend the local NEW YORK (AP)-The totiwhom was with the club alt sea-fine ch* this season, although Township will be making Its 1059 grid debut Open Angeles Coliseum, maligned aa a1 ailback Dan Sachs would be »Me|;d In the high school gymnasluin lesa,• Veto«»pttcW"cart »g-* *"^2i' ^J dates and a "sleeping sickness" postponement held this [option because it is sa p,,,. aktot, wtowtntta tbt vesantory|*»>« **•• ..•**•" to play la Salantays m~^±2£l"atS 1 U. got half fast to three tiltt. club down. Wall Is bound to make numerous mistakes. er nw play. day by the chemptea An attenattag Saturday after, Red Beak CathoaeU, Wan Township fl I think Ifs tbt finest play ta [against Colgate. weeks. and the Chicago WUta SexBfct. f *<** 'winged T footbsH, Aad wlagback Ron Goldman Richard Fosko, local teacheri Ted KhMsawakL a on tht football treat wiU bt Rumson-Fair Haven Regional steaming along with The right halfback again starts and coach, has been engaged by Tht vast structure wu the »ho dkk't JoVthe dub uatfl fadng aot only tbt coaches, definitely will be out of action, Issajor rattan forfee Worl d MrAug- . M, was voted halt a sharel**tht. fans. Jersey Central form takes on last year's Shore Con-at the end but this time he blocks Cotnun added. tht commission to organist and ference B Division champions and this one certainly Mm. He tries to use a body block supervise the games. Vincent,tes rivals anUtttag a ser-by the by thrarlat Ms head aad shoulshoul- Sachs hat an iajured shoulder. Flaa, high school coach, is as- let* melon'of SWMSI.4S. with Doby, eoM by Chicago to Saa should go Rumson's way. Being Peeler-less this season, ders beyead ththe defensivdfi e tad'd's Goldman Is la the Princeton in- sisting Mr. Fosko. each of the three game* then Diego Aug. I. ate nceived DONTSAY the Huskies beat the hapless Neptune 11 for its onlyoutside leg. firmsry with a vims infection. More than M boys have shown half shart. Tbt other half shsrt He may not even be allowed to interest in the league. Captain CfQMfdl BI SBtW phw. Tbt pwy. voted by the to win, while taking losses from Brick Township and Point The fullback starts directly at; tn shared only that end, hist as la me off-tackle see the game. Egjdto expressed the hops that] in the first two ftoMtr John Ctttkaa. FOMIttlCAR Pleasant On the other side of the picture the Bulldogs slant, to try to mike that end tht program will attract an even fa sddttte to Erakine, the Dad- growled their way to victories over Allentown, Red number ef hoys. ...UY think he's going to stock him out The backside or left tickle Chun, Chuck Essegiaa tad Cent Bank and Lakewood, scoring 72 points on the wayonc, e again, but this time he slides blocks the maa over him and Saydtr. as weB aa to assietwt while their opponents were held down to 13. on past the tad [stays with him. Al Lopez Named trainer BID Buhlcr. chibhoiwe at- out Into the flat He must aot| left end blocks the man tendsato John Oriffln sad Nobs 17, Matawan 12 get beyond tevta yards deep u over him for one count snd then ns.n. Tht pnvtoss neord for a full •?*»«• •»« "«••• Another tricky game for tomorrow is going to behe heads directly for the side- across field, getting Top shsre to wteiag pkyer was Wtaekr. the Point Pleasant-Keyport affair. The Red Raiders about S to IS yards deep and NEW YORK (AP)-AI Upas IU.UJ.SS, set by the New York The left halfback i .going right In the area vacated FUR have bean out three times and racked up two wins, blended the Chicago White Son Oantt la MM. The Brooklyn FAOJ and makes a very fine fake by by the safety man. speed aad good pitcMag with his Dodgers of I«M held tbt prevtes DETROrr (APMtaal Chevre- while the Gulls are one for one, and that wu thereaching for At football,aa d then Tht right end, ties in the pat- $ managerial experkece and high ef SMMJ4 tor a teer-s fan Us, whs seared SI goals wHk Matawan triumph. Keyport dropped Its first game to he crosses kis arms aad beads drive directly at know-ho•hew to en™d m„ e tow__ yea._ r share. the Nattoael Hockey Uaajaa Bat- lover to give the effect of•having the defensive tackle but on eM-j | i . jrmTisrt donl- 1149. AaMf (M W|v Wayne Township and then racked up wins over Toms the football. He rent mnmeb. SaV Maaanemaa IB BHPK BjD sjsyapBtTfsjISJ UBWtw BRI m BBP1 aa by while hiding the ball on HRVJBBJ ilelW* ftOV Iatfl WPt J BM DOaBjtffsi a)BC w ptf CMi am^a^ejejBBj e^^v maMnpaw ww| nvvrnmnMSsav^Hvowowa' av w TON JMBT CANT BUT THg aa eligMe receiver. Ms right Mp with Ms right hand Upas. SI. Is aot teeastom alno tad the What gas 4t per seat Asbury Park Is scheduled for an easy one this The cantor Macks me maa ever Ths ejuarterbtck rolls on out rlas. In Ms week, that Is If Neptune plays the same brand of ball lam -—•* when meeting Memorial on home grounds. In three tkenar. 'be rans me ball mmttet. , •^•fwawa maeiy wmt, atne mj outings, the Colonials lost all three with Long Branch racking up a whopping 83-0 win. Memorial is In ths same wintess class. However, one toss wu by only 7-0,1 Mi to Philllpsburg. On paper both clubs seam to be In the 1 NOWONDHPUY same boat and this one could be a toss up. Both clubs | kave nothing. DIICOUNTI TO 40% MeawrUI II, Preefcetd I Remaining on Saturday's slate are the gridders down Ocean County way. Southern Regional plays at Lake- A&B BOAT SALES wood. Both clubs played two games gnd the only dif- SJBBCURVgiQAU SAW ference Is that the Plners won one of their encounters. MtNWATM, R If Lakewood hasn't been softened by Rumson's defeat, they should win number two. Lakewead 19, •satBsia Bsajsaal • River Is 3-1 for the season, while Central Regional hu yet to score a touchdown. Lakewood won a 194 fame and Keyport, 10, over Central. Teeas Rim M, Central RegkMal « •rick Township metis up with Bordrnlown and this Is a tricky one, loo, Brick It 21. whilr Bordcntown lost OFMACKll O'TIONi Ootsptlen It fke «M«t thst two and tied on*. mtiti fhls pity werb. The aaerrsrestk ftkti a hens'. l* A. M, ^^_^ Brick TowasMp II, Bordtnlown 7 off ft tht left htHbetk, hides Hit ball, relit e«» end tlther t*M at paiitt, II he tfclakt ht ttn «aln Kvt SYCAMOM UNIS H-frider, IKI. 10, MV KM) IIAVK yerett lie fuas, IN tfftlWMUIV AVL Antarctica Conferees ony (AP) - Par — UMtod Iktit, Brlkk tadPnact appear k be eUtkaali ceahnace. U-aatloa WMCB DPCUSt tretlyd today to be at u aay Meh gaiherlag the outtet of Itt tpokenus crtditt Improvement k tht ttmoephere nt recent taki t Eiaeehower aad Soviet Premier NttJU S. Khruh- ~ whit the Soviet an ctmkf In- fmalBtfy ta cm tha Da- tf IMt" ta lajji kr awhal pobcy moath at Ctmp TatlvyLaaMt Md. T^ teieaMtlalaiiai •iAM»AI-"t>«i4»a- •MM tfptaaak tttrtkn Iht M WtlNni—Tbt M kak Dawacrtfte dab apanati Ms lltaaVarttri kaf ihjbl for wccem ta what in t* effka I* *• Carltaa Tbaatar balUtiiff . TUM. J. Mtfb,, tkjafj. J -iMlBf la a MiMBT •Wf thtjr ccaaldtr nor* f Stt St t KWtk f bi Kb M \b proved. far Stata Swata, fata KWttMk.t fram bin. Katbariaa MM \VbHt, **• Da**. Hanetd ever Cehimek - Car- Hits tta ttu that fnn ttttab> aratta cammlrraawvaiaa, and UtmiM R. Ntaatfa, Kta1 leak O*mf«r«tte «ktirnm.4 •art JBMM tm ebtr dowa Iht fevkk art 00- A4 l.ft it W1ll!«m HbMliMa, Ma«Mfa far aavaall. Tfca «rbjr laaal DaiMaratl«'« wJdMfce ttoatly makkf «a aftort ta build AJfratl Staacati, far aaaaail, ««d I. Cralf Layta«. far attaitar, www Mf *MMBW MB! Klmmle, 1ft, «mJ Robbie Oflt, a. w tha "Guaa DavM asirtt" tad —•—"- w Bnt«a> B>ataittD %tlra>a adwataftl ******* wet taken. Ten New Members Iatenattoaal co-openttoa k WIATHBB eommittkg AatarcUca to pMce- ful pBipoatt aad buikg the ma- To Football HaJI of Fam* chlaetaBdktrlgOMOtMDitarlMi Mr., ud Mn. Jack toaat of mwhevtabiilka. * that vatt from watttkad X Marioa St. ban rtteratd HI *M Mn the theme of the Soviet from tM Mtk*t vtcttka at Iht Bat they* km mwBBUNswrac of the ThaadnoM ia Miami Beach, tbneof them do. Aatarctle coaftnaea km yttter- Fla. VhDa there ttey vUttd Mr. day u It m the ttaaa of ttttt- aad Mn. Joeeph Fes at Boya- BaBof Fame. meati by tha dtlajtMtat of Ihtlea Beach, former Fair Htvta otte 11 tri Mr. Mn. JantM Myen at Oriaado, Fta. eoaeh **••!! Seme atOoat with tetritoritl it Tale: lum "Stoa" Keck1*.0' eltlnu ia Anttrctict, aoch u Mr. aad Mn. Thomai Line* , Priacetoa tackle Chde, emphuUtd tha mporttact tad daughter Sana have re- which they attach to their ritht nOffWN&e turned to HamOton, Benmda, af- there. But centrally the tone ofter a ttay With Mn. LMM' fith- til the etttaeMBOj wu oat of (otceaied). or, Pwer J. Bichtle. at Iht Molly at MtlMvanUy of the odwin. Pitcher Hotel. They wen gaect* t) kttW-M. of Mr. aad Mn. BJchard H. AmbutMkr Ptal C. DaaWf ttid Mtvyts of Wanhfl AVSM Hi raoM,Nto«. at a eookout bnach. Mr. tad NEW TOBK (APMNatttr BBJOM BM *at kat ak« agneneat hi favor af a treaty Mn. WUUam Ekhele ef Clove- tM aaa MMMVI fe MlMM which weald pledge ell me p laad, Ohio, came oa tor a vWt ^•V W I^PSHBPWffJ Ml *JBWV ttdpttlng coMtrlet to aee A with Mr. Elc&He'i tether aad tam. Ha tail tkt aatka ratify tretka oily for pMCtfal pur- tar. Mtaa Patrick Uaet. MMa af Ik MMd at Georgia Tech; other daughter of Mr. aad Mn. at MM* MBf a «M> VaadMbUt Linn, hu catered Our Lady of S J the Eta* College k CMcotn, iaaoliy Planners Fail Mam., when iht wffl imdy tor FOREIGN CAR M baud It dM to Ma Ma raport • bachelor of adeace degree at CharikTrBaL

Oa receipt of tht report, Elf BMMT coajd order lee- Ji tmotthe IItaahaj •"• •» Seeactd, L. I. dee Oepartmeatto a*a> tor 1M0 AUTOMOMUS af *t M briip court iafuactJoi to ttov Iht ttrlkt f M dy aad necktdHkd Pake have ntamed from at Wett Cottt. when they atteedtd That wwld t«t Iht aunt back tor aett Thanday. to amwwiao tba tveOtMHy ef It*) VQWO, «r> to work. But it woaM aat tat- Amoag thetabjoeti tlated tor the aawal ceavtatioa ef Iht tl« the dltpute. Tha aaioa at- at thtt meatkg anAmericaa Hotel Amodttloa at Our atapry It vary atai •f R» rtady hu vowtd to aMht utk two. tfpUcaUeat tor Mkor tub- " VegM, Nov. At tht coa- faoe- aest' wmter whea the » daya dr»Moto.^jropeiod inUer M of the coavaatioa they wriianri. aad propmed motored to Lot Aageltt, taa of tcfaool fadUtwi k Fraadaco aad up the ceatt to tht dktrict MCK MATTHIW5 Bam W. Karkw tttoad pkat. Mr. Pake k eerviag With Giant Wing ban pntftttd thtUftt to advtoe board offlc- tecoad year at prttMeat of at HDEaADBa^PaVA 4B%BP^**^1I WftldBM wraloai of tht tM«led ditpatt kk fajartkt tkt achoei anttar. New Jenty Sate Haki Aanct- REDBMffiWTftWPORTSiCL M-TheManeltntihya to tht fact Badtn. Fear dayt At at: of tttUiaeajr wc«ad na yttttr- VOLVO • flllOT Keyport i (Coatkoed) Polio ktermtd that iu BffBfiWw tor 14N7 -Iht X^onalry Meet km a fktJopta ttttlM wUk .(OMtkaed) federal eewtr aid caa aat be pro- Meed a hattk MM BM Bfltll DISM fOP tllS SSW y y have received atato ap Air Ptret ever Ontoa - Oat M fa, tkafWtrimMt durlaitht tk of Oeeee CeMty. patriotic veto tor f -^__- - «_ ^^ *••rid" Wa r II. oWdtd thb e todet-d CnaieUmaa AKaa D. WaUkf The MM Ma MI tmt ktU try kr ttkkkg tea ctow to Ik ALWAYS 50 CAB MMMMW **—'* W m\ * LEBM POOCT (APMMt let- reported that the pita* probably UCU awr CiHamta - Tht L*»*»r» «"¥*•.-. »kkMIPdI IMVJMMH •e*f •a ftw. per cm^Tm^m**.'U+ot will bt ready "wHak five or tn •MM MMIM atwiM^MatK Mk for werktra. UMJf ua mt MMM at ftt- dtyi." TO CHOOSE ROM MM MMM Mt •ML— ^ * T.-- __»J atuMk MM " " . ' M " ^^ ^^^^T^T. ^^ t BMTMT WMMMjM; MMJMe B~MMj BMMMMMMMmf amamtammHM MMlfl mtldl B^H #^mMMl MBJ A a^a^^MA ^h^A^MkM^bM •«•& * ready (trot ^^ ^ ^^^B A^h ^^K ^^^^ ^^^^^•^^^•gy ^VWJV W^V*^V *™^^" ^^^* BBVa^MjdL VJkj WM 9VJ^HIM^ Mrdl^M^H^W# vB/aaH It hu beta etUmotedthetnM> att bt Infutiea. M 4^4 2GJ*m 5* 5* •*•*»• «"•"• «< •» tafllU*" km «ed thtMclTwpk- vatkm of the ttwer pkat wfll COM tmm it tntM 'WomlB't It be Iraalc," Ttyler Ttday. aht k k Me- THIS WEEK SPECIALS! Ai 1 retaK of a reeMot by tM _k*aale_l f^^^aJ *" Pokt, Youth kwe a atrike cMtlai u'ua. btlkvtd tokave idewawith 19M MUCK SUPM COMV* ...... SffS Of Ot hedMt tnd coa* dM MM agreed to krrncaDy to WltUoa eatt. filling la aad aradkg HIM al d f OMM laewkeNMtitdn. Her Jtraklaa, Or, lUkh Bu- ™ naS r af^Tfc IN latrt, MM MBM k aa pMatblHty ^.^^^11 ^MM ifH oiM sum M %m ta dt eome r*i«d-|iv. Lightweight OahrW •"•BtMJkg M Ms Mtaey demtad. Blchard mi DOOM im Md tMk k TkaBakahadaawflvrU Ekrat ttarted kMkt at kfkkMUMM of 14 at fetttvak k bto Mb* Oai MBJ» SUefrjuf a Seta I at COM. HI eM ta> tarry M k 1 ark 1H2 CrftYUM «*thmMaf*» R' U firnVM MM) Rutgers' Uamp hiMt/before mt RkaardMtaaaalMBtntBt •_ fxf-w-. IMHMMJ MM* kMMkl Mk •» 1*1* •ffleVf MUT TMMVfVB fJa? CMM* Ttykr bare dewt, tea, 01 what •a*kaitaak* ava9ATl Mmmt fJ Aa^M^aWlBhlI ffJMaHMBToftfl.a —' • •"!• • Hf • • k> MM wJB matt tana Sama* hi tailed *e other laadbkak ta sstg &S iry-i _MMM< ^T-g TiSM/JSSi, wet 12*71 ML. BMI a*M Mam MVJMW SA^^^^ f^^^^v' 2«M*1^^mltk Ma^iMaaM»imMW M arMML

MWAVJM^M^M^M^M; ^M^M^M^M^M^H M^BT BH WJ^TVBBJV V^^HJ^B ^PB^B^BnvejMv w^v^mve^i w^^^^^^p/ w^^ w^v W^W^W^R a •HTMRI BMMM Mf tmka VHMJ. mWmM. M^ -; |24tl M Cekn • Ml Cekn mid It weald give aawliyin To Waters! Oman* auke-whlp" over worken. Tht TtNoaty af MWJ \mmfcmS aad JkJkM ai MfSWIMIJf Av#<» WSS MS ll amMNMBMfiaaknl l awugj n W\my BmMMMBM •Htm >*JSOTW4 BVTI amfVBjn FOIOGNCMS r^e vMHM^Mvva ^MJM^MWJMSMB MV^MM^B^ ^MHHTMW* dMOipUTH MR MUM M MftMIMl M U 14414 dw kMMt Kr wMfcm MT • Thettrka at the MM ttoetj RENT A CAR or MVMk Meet H. total *****? MM mark tf Mt MBMad TRUCK f.MM HERTZ LEVME VIRNNA, AwtrlaJAPj-Twel wtraett ef tlw KaraoMiiri ant-1 tint baie far DM DelnM Tlaon •Mt Mkktic tveat. ike Harvard- h b MMatadedd frofrom eV| 44VM OdMMMBoft Avt CAltMM 1 k HN. Had 1 ill bHUai tver- Yak crow r«#ttu. will be held ly M4 eccuMd m raplM aa worn- ^P*»^M MM—MM-WMJWM •10 tor t,4U umai oa the Thtmee Rl»»r k priMHi»r charged witi h theft, | W.UMJ CWciao Whllt IM, Uadtt, COM, Jvat tl. taid yiMtrday. Red

.' Finish FBI Pistol Course WkM tkty «M osrpa,jaadMbsLacr B. Etm to Any tktm MIDDLEtOWN — fcM seat. Jr. Herbert Rad Craat members of tba Rad Uak tad Runuca Feilee Departments go, Raymoad Pattarsaa. Riohard s***~ J** ^rf"??* Bf^*** Mrs. W. Scott. Rad Baak. plated a practical pistol caaraa Meknaaa. FiuUsa Whtta. i*Caaair bald dwfh^aaajiaj §»»• Tuesday, gkraa * the Fadml J. Brooks, Jr.. Joseph Sea- Bureau of Investigation. Joseph Cehrer, Jr., Fetor TO WSTAU nciosi Waataa* All members ecored juaUfvins nti. Paid P. Lang. WttUam Vohmtser kaNnsctoia for carpe marks la the eonraa, fat faak >. Michael OriaaL Robert D. HOBban. aad ofnotit ort tha UTTU Sp*/ER - Uahop At- Police Chief Oaorfa M. Clayton aad Parktaglot Offiear county Rad Croat were guests, fred P; Bastyary d MB it tt Mid. Guest eBMktr Mai Mar- 11 m. SundaSd y service Sunday The two-dty ceuna wu held rving L. Knkowitch did not tire Joria" CmasArea St Jeha's Episcopapp l Chureh M the farm of Michael Catena, ecause ha wu working on a field Oaaatt m- tad willl toatalitotl RRev . A . AAlal a NutswampRd. Twenty maa took we. chided Everett RadMf, Ocean Attaahoraaah aa rector. Mshop Beayardaruidos* part each day. Rumaoa qierqoaliflerae warwane Capf^Townahtot , ' aatfeata the rectory Zarr aad Patrolman **•»«• Red Rank, tint aad parNat haaaa X. SMB. John B. Shea, $» of the chaptor. The practical pMu course was 9* set up by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover aa tratalai for agents. The two-day course was tba fatal phase of a course started n May by Chief Clsyton. This week's firing Is the wiadup of NEW FACTS ON Red Bank's US* training, tha chief said. Members of the Rad HEARING LOSS Bank department fired twice FROM LEADING In additiea to using tha Jl caliber service revolver, the asea EAR PHYSICIAN also received tastnettai la tha ate of the machine gua, gat gaa CM ytm and gas bomb. at Chief Clayton, himself a grad- •ls uate of the FBI trttatag school kttringtenf In Washington, arranged thai week's inatruetion with W. O. I. Can a hearkg lost be car* Simon, agent in charge of tha surgery of any Uad? FBI in New Jersey. Maay of the policemen had "ex- t How can a bearing lose af- fect your health? cellent" ecores la the firing, tba chief said. j. Will a hearing toes aver •go away byltsetf?- 4 How caa you taO « yosr The poUcemea ftred at targets child has ahaariag loatr from diitaoces of eevea yards to SO yards. S. Just how good era hauiag aldaavsilible today r Participants fired neat the COOttt-Mean** from Rad lank and Rumion take part In prone, kneeling tad staadmg po- MM Moral aWon of Invaattfation pistol caursa. In the top picture, Joseph P. sitioas. and sun from bahmd bar- eUlnia^baadradt of other ricades. They also practiced tha ejueatiOBB about hsaringlosa Carrif, Wt, MrawiM taper* from the FBI's Newark office, discusias a silhouette quick draw and firing wtth both and deafness ia t aewFREE torfet with Mlehael J. Carnally, senior resident agent at the Red Bank FBI office; hands. booUetimiuabla wJthoat cost JUe] lank Pallaa CWaf Cjecfft H. Clayton, and Jamas Snider, an FBI agent who also Chief Clayton said the sta- Coma la or write for your ptrtiefptrtd to tfct ttarae. In bottam picture, Mr. Carrif gives last second Initruc lonth coune will be rtptttad copy today. every year for Red Bank polka- TO fi H* men. Red Bank policemen who com- Air Force Toll, yun *• *" Tm* *" h' SURPRISE'TO PODRES pleted the course are Chief Leroy McKnight. Capt TO The accident rate has been CHICAGO (AP) - Sitting on Hid Center liam F. Patterson. Jr. Capt Mti aiaaaauus. SSM^ 3,471 reduced from 44 major accidents w bench before the first game Frank J. Mam. It PhUp K per 1M.6N hours of flying time U. Charles B. Joaee Mi cataaaat Avaaaa CHKMQO (AP)-Aa Air Force ia M7 to M ia INI. Iteher Johnny Podres said: "I Detective LL H ASBURYPARB Ml. fch ever thought wed be in the otever tal S.«n pflott aad erles." The next day he re- jr PR 4-2208 m accidents. The MacNair for a victory v. Cook, and Aka» S. Curebia, m the White Sox. Jr., Detective George H. Claytst, tthri t larger Air Force In «•* ay coaatry It tha world Oreneu Exereiae Jr., Patrolmen Raymond B. ~ " "" DARMSTADT, Germany - Ar- TwoHMrdt of the —**•— my Pvt Thomas D. R. MacNair, apppu , , he saidi . son of Mrs. Beatrice Ackley, Hsweter, ha added, the over-ell Hubbard Park. Red Bank, rate m the Air Force N. J., recemly participated wilt »d Signsl Battalion in "SI* Step," a NATO Command pot Mai. Om. Joseph. D. CaUara, bt Germany. Tba exercise, conducted unde aBBu^gajy W Ojpjaj aw arajei^Raf BHW ^^_ai^**Hi — combat cooditions, wa flM Ja^LMt ftsl s% Mfc M MehtbT "*••** ' ta teat the efficiency o * U establishing am &t tfa# dUsY ItltW VsaUal itlMCeV ^^ Ntt* pg an effective commun kata system.

ta April. INI. It a clerl i battalion's Company A ii 12.95 Orion Pile Lined Oat. CaMara A UN graduate of Valley Fort Air Academy, he attendei Si Rider College before entering tb That at aagr glvaa BMtaaat tha Amy it May, 1K7. iUr Faraa hat MSI pitta. ah> POLE HELM POLES ZIPPER JACKET KLASn. WIs. (AP) - Afte h> a Stay ia this country to collec i mads for his work, the Rev. An •Jaata draw Smoiea, a Franciscan pries to«w • taaahmr. ana fled Communist dominatei tha Air Pont id, baa returned to a mil ska ha feuded In Buenos Aire Mothers! 8-99 WILD BIRD FEED It's Time to • 100% Waal. V Wear Ca«4ad Go "Buy-Buy" Mt Una. eWe, 2 Walt P««Vatt SUNFLOWER SEED Watat KiajiMiaii Sim M H 44 BUD FEEDING STATIONS snmuurs noes rvinsmms BABY NEEDS & GIFTS tea Itm mi A*ui tot fMMM9 SHIAIS % TRNMMIM SAWS

• PM MUHm—Utr CNAIM a • Infants' Shirts, sii«s 6-mo. «e l>/j yrs.. 1 CotcW" MRD-BAVfSON CO..,. Inc. • Infants' Bl.nk.ts, 100% OHon I.ftft7.fl W 14W Long Sleeve • Infants' Bunting 1ft tt 7.H IN W. HOMT ST. Knit Sport Shirt • Baby Basbt with Heed lift

SWIATER SALE! • Pads for Basket LH AUWOOL 2,98 • Eleetrie Steriliier 10.tl

• All Aluminum Baby lath 2MB

• Infantseat, deluia l.tB PAT IOONI- OMLON JA0O SWIATIRS • Infants1 Training Panti, sizes 2 te 4 .ef iy.fi naajaaa aaa—IIHIINIHMWI«nnieMs J • Infants' 3-pe. Orlen Knit Beetle Sets l.tB mm • Fl-nn«l Slteping Bag |.f| HOT HEWS SHOP, inc. Strttt tit* awd Aiktry fmk U atdMt 17. in IANK IN 7-1 70S y sum:.»«,«/ ru™ «4 r»,h