
•i'ft •'.•• •-'. Fir Ml SBttytU* 1402# •M VOLUME LXXXH HO. 4S ftED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOKIt 16, MM 7c PER COPY PAGlOtB Smith Challenges [Bishop, Polio-Not Encephalitis Irwin to Prove Caused County Death Interest Statement Logan Boy Had KABMOttT-iiMtMttktir lteflttfli«r y No Silk Shot* No Haggling, w CUNT C&wtotafNM Say Steel kew Virus Cat* to< UNO MANO^Nto~Ml hi Fact Finders aitbtoMthtwoi Ma IK aril Mr. Iratai Tarter 1MM Sat* to'hi SMM That ifooM of Mr. rand, art ertt- Wnta Strike Settfei Mi raMra. "Tito toadotf Mt rAMPNOTDM (AT) - MM NiateuMt ofvortdty.-toM occtpttor. Ow *_ ajjBBB^yM jh^^ _^^_^^^^— 4— M-dkwt BMM.MH today M- dMk B^B^afl^aBBBBaV fJtWB, aaadtoMi* •* aor HWOWMOM naai WBM Mr.MttMMttotoMt mmmmmi tmmw tmmmmmm ta mmmm mmmt- to rwrni by to* Mr. IranBMBW nor naaan M BBW BBB/ latttafrao- gttMJ tad d» tot IMI harpni coaflnaMOfy iaa A BOW PfMtMl hy bfflt Oaa at fto aBom, Imm A. kl ABBTB* ffMMMaV a^aMMi aim OMM AV^ a> •pMaaekaMathga* •MTI hack KdBj. The to laiwaMto." to «at B *t1MM MM today, M n ofltroikttort (A»WlroaWo) worth UK tmU aa hair ovar th* NOML NIB WHtm—Dr. Savor* OWM of Ida Naw York Untvortlfy Collo«o of Modltlno, who WM aaaMd a TVetr Monmouth Regional Bids winner of fh!« ywr'i Nobol Prlia In Modklna, li »owft at lib In ••lloviia Modlcol Cantor, Now York. Dr. Oofcaa Oa TMOMy day Mtotod to a flw lint yaw «Hk was nimod wtnnor along wtth Dr. Arrhwr Katnbarf of ratoo aai • ' Clear Way for Early Action Stanford Univonity for plonoor roMiroh Into ott la of horodlty. IAP Wiroahoto) fteOMtt F o» cott tronodt to Uk TM tow tatal hMa hU - tht toale adacattoMl ptoat Mr. Iraki MM *• Ktffart So- Plan $44,000 Drain Project; TtoNpartMtoNR Low toMbMdm teat atojtt Tto mart MM ttt i partaaat of HwJft M Mte> af tto board. eMtUnctlM. «. i matwflaMtlaclaMildtehM. Await Sewer Plant Report IBM to tht MM of ft. IMttM Co.. Byo, N. Y • BtiwoTdl CoMdltovo ptafMd tto bonw> tor i M yaan. Mr. Mater, ajofttoi fcr tto nk Totals •oat lor hlda lor a MPMM Ml- •atoMM^BwS pnvaj BB) projOEi ai a nwnaoj Mamak at COMCO rajartod ttat da M»a»hMpltolatw»*Mot MtoaiiOB, todteajBite Increase QMririeQ h atrMty h M MatatlMll HHI a^a^a^a^aM wa^ar waW J>jiM aWal •JaV oatyia p> piojan wia piy ojtdv ja^MM BM AM II •» Dapodts It Itanowft Cftutar'k » MOIB totaM Ml of «to 4Sito na (at baiMp eroojtoc danjr at M. M M BBfe Mak 4^BW fe ^__^_au ^^^^^^L tm J7»,M4 M of Ikpt SO. It WM raporMd today. tH,MMar i MV In taaBraoi 11, M io TOs to MI kwrMM of 8M7I,7I7 ovtr tha MM* Brood ft. toto RaritM Ity Boudaf wa an WM, y aaIi t•» la ^i^Bt awe t s ^"JkM a» H ^aa» iMtjfMT. It b daiisMd to draai omnl MUUtt tow hhh m atrtoti to tht am, tadudtoff aKtyport aMMt cfOM "Alto Moaaouth Coonty NMtawl Ink, Rtd Bnk, WM M Mctton of Divtotoa St. MCttoa to «ot la dw aaw ttt wWdtf iMt JfMT Md MkhM^M ttUt fffifHrMI this which darkg ttaih floofe la Ao- ewx ortwM much M tot. HurtoM It WMT. DapMltt ta tM tMdc totoMd SMXiUOW whOa "VwahNMMliM aia ofwtlit thryww«|St.llM78lalMl •?*• Mac*] ay nio •#. wanaaaaWi Tte jrMr BIM MW MM o/thaFrMbotdTTuat Ananty Eowud W. •. MMSjMVJkMMa •MaWwajkoBBBBMaBT* VJW i waVawml t&BAMHM 1 came wa rtaonon OBK couo' Co. and dw LM« irMWk MM* Cfc « tkw CMMMI ilfflpiaaatal -It baki aoow it tftf « «• •«a of EduetUoB. Tht ttm anlNt ti efl wB Mareprlott ttt itaft of INI J«MyBMk*Tn»tCa< flat atOBBg to|hm oaichoer l tor MM." fnahtht fttdi ofttr tonaal CMaty te- Tbt bank wtmA 1M» I frMtont dapM»t»* podtioa tlMlitakM. hi hNM VM rONttl la a totttr from IM ototo Do- IMMVUM It oBMctod to ol- nttiin. OOUBKII wa DqwdU la Iteckwts Tmtt Co., lUd lavtaai dnhatt (CoattoMd M Plat a) •mountad to $J1 J1WN M IIMJMII » tbt ML. A^^J^A _^^_^^^p^-O^uw— ^^ aBBBBBBM BBM atottBBkfl a^A^hv O^ f^B^^K— a>aaM B^B^B^PWajB^B£ VB^BB^^^^PB^PO^BI BB^ ^paMjaBj fB^^ TJBMBM. VJBVoW «M VBBWOBT Election Day Ref erendums Seminar Sunday Qoting Tramit Plan College Bond "Ma MM* Ma at da TttprttioMtofthtDtUwtrt. Mid upport for tht MWI hi «a (tola icfciwiMi. Md WMtm lUtt- IM Milan hMd par M BB> Mr. I wwmm «• i, , M, .< — yttttrdtjr froatto _ _ ktoak ptcoirt tor tto Man at ctolrmM of tht CIUMM Caaualt- ^^^^^a^ao^f W*> . W WO^BBBBB ^^^W aagtr raUrooai to Ntw JoMM tor Colltft OpptrtMktot to Mtto tonalatrMil l ptoa to Now Jtnty Md tto MicaMn oDeGanlk'> a rottor of ttt Ntw loraty Ta» ParrTOIIJy M. wwimiwIhnomilwr oilml aII ttuoa r—" Aitodttloo. Algeria MPnaMaiBBBfllta^ uo TwaaaaaVa mIA ^aV**ahai *|' mb BM wKJMp lot ttt hMdi of IM attar BB^BB^BBI Iwka WMMIVI wjtti VMMI B^BVAB troMi ttt Now Jowty CktoOM aMo oflWB St oraflSJf Sjf ADiaV OMunltttt fir TM Rahna andIs tk CMaqr MM dw kMM ot- tta Jtrtty City CO—IMII tor "toMntoowwtorotogitolBi t IK1M. aMBMatoa at t avaaa. toft toad IMM to "TVMI M li «M MMll ttWt -•—»-»adUL FiaaM wM aat BM BWiwrnka to •aanta an* M*^ -^- A. : i at Imoy," la MM, II wM ot TOTAU Stt#MM a Wf otthtNtw Jonoy Mto>MMMl khdUtiM, at Nnr Jonoyi _to"M MM hr tta BMB •it aaaMi? dM it VOMM aa ttaa to" at N »ato tor tho CarMM W. TtntojMot. of tht BM WAMM aHMUM WtoHB Mvl Mton erlito," ho MM. "I MMM ttato TMjayon AoMdattM. MM i. Portoy. Martini aiMMCkyMlMi towUI itowly g Md coachtdtd "dart hi M BTM- (OMMMdMMt}) (CtaUBMdMMMl) Hetbtt IHOTMUVO hat to to- Chaiee Games Tho hndi of tht too tax rt- forrtdtn" i a# ^ Council OK'f Amendment tht totv tltnlfktnt opotoWon tn Tff| w*wtfaMn vrfttttm "JoTMMBWf Valfl NIW MWIWUURY -• ka*> •mk M., HMrikM Id., «B) kt Had," hv Winiim A CtMwtl 7,tM MTM MrilMMt •• U AJMJ^M, Md 0§ ..h% M Cm MM^OwMy^ who totio- MMMMM VMfW9BM|| aoW VNVS •VoTTffMlMWHn9> FlW*ajfw1 MaiPfTW Mid KMV MuMit't Mtlmttt WWM H mlfVt ho «o«od. M . from M k4 rtoV wrttor Md aMraan of dw Now • Jam, M. OJM tta BMBM AM a *****' MM# IfrtBMM- MM to M I) ladaxrtol fanav rVaa OmUitliB MWI WfJfl || fflfVVfv/ m^^^ ^mr9 W^PWOV vaow •••••••• BBOV M ^a »^^^*— • a_%»aa Ap^pjp^uA _\ ffjaAa^a^ JB^^KABV ktf a^k^al ^^^aa^BM i f M|M *lr « • (omld«ato airy, •^W#TI •••B^PPV'BW aaji v79^HBB^^* ^BUK^ *" aaawM W^BBBBBBPI •d™awWi *aMio»ajww ppj ovw _ —, _ ,— — r ^ -_^>. .wv^pn — J laW BA ABB^L L- OWJAM AaJ 44* W»Ua4 iWwMaMl t LaaMallvt OHaaMM VBMBBI BBB^HBWMI Mf WBA MMMMMM •Ml art; A MCUM of M M tto ihMt to* roromt aroax otM WrIW n»W wnvaj *«*«^RBTW* • llMMI Ba!aMMMMl Ml "MWi "WfWfwl m TAW •wwMI of da MafSonrW ViflSty VfaaSJi fff BMA -UM|i teM fMate AM BBM MO( to MiowMwy Mt eoawtlUM •AM (API - Pormor Pmoh JMMM MWtfor CtoNtoa, faMd • m m l •M tta luptrMMteod IMM htoarai *£"A'P ?! ..B *• HIMIM iMfd Mwd Mar to II: M M MM IN" Pini irnit d of da BMOMTt, TM BtoMM dM M Mil MHtatraad' OMapod M MMMW today ai k* MIWVj Vw «• nwral to oomnwrtlal MM, Thli ••ran a airk from • Mil of fcaioti. Mitterrand, 41, U MdMMi OTM It BttMMd M ttO Mlltt by nT tht Itfwv Cilv ttw rtfnm or< Tht chMct otvtt tta way ter looft t« th* im«M |ra«a of itoa-Commwilit lafthti who pa« da railroad, on tht MM by wty.itnlHlltn, Hid h» did not t* of • •^rOjwBrvjf BJIW^Bj BBJ Mat W, on Iht wwt by Himll •w>«» nptMlim M tht Holt col •ro •Ht«a«k*nly •Bfoica' ta fVoildoat Chariot da •anNo ophyof tt•tittou ii Mnltt wn Rd, tnd nn lh« north hy and •>«• itronfly «fl(l««l of t*o rlaht-wlnf MIOAIOII In nothtoi,' tn4 Itooi 10 Mlvtouol by Itotoml" Ntrvty, OtkhurM. Pint Brook Ud «ir« nlw> Hoi *>• rtlM th» H* i«ld Ho jumaod owt tf hit c«r ond r«n o«ran All MM ••• .f MM BM oxltl onwirillttilta.' Tklt tr*t hKhtdM ih# W•^ 1 lrl»ti|l| # l«Min.l«l liv '••«» inntrMttrv" tM Th» hiwrdwilk. bin <J»II. (trtna tnd Dtvlt proptniM l ""It •«>'l'1 l"«»r t|fc a)«rh whilt ullttt whiclisd Into th« «*r, Wtywii', I'IIM Brook »»t nfftf, hot A4%.MIMI»M. irantinutd oll pt|t ]) tnd trtrtt bttwtM JumptdJ Inn Rill. * t< oiiiinufil an !>•«• )) force wltl •.??.. •"• ."••. •; •;--'«••.•••«'"r-;x'* :• ; Jobber 1 Says Vaccine Firm Barred tart-Price Delivery TREKTOH(AP)- Joseph W. Nicholson, former mast torasys for five mate jnat for Milwaukee, tt testified he got II Identical bids inaghttr of Batty Ana Is cemmos practice tor the can- or who mya a msnafncturar kept the vacctoe to January. 1M7, and ttepnta w. dktetosaad their protsgoatots tflm from doUvaring ham vnoctar and Watta's tower bid. After Had- DnoettAvs.dtod heap cbinoi. oa etch etotts*t . tha i ha shaved tka price. ing out that Wotto could aot de* totaryoalytamaaamM Law." _ Wotto of MtoaWa, K Y. Uvor. Jflehotooa said, he ppat num* aaosdjLgJjar birth, * gas Bright.
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