Sandino Says He Will Kill All Americans Prmariesin
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■■ V(s; KS'-i.*.‘*.-:i-V .' .'I. ■■.. .^-ij?>!:'r -V.' »r^* ' .-■--- ■; o '■^■> ■•■•-■'-y . ' ' 'll'-'.‘ ' ■/" ■ — ’. 1.. ’-'-i'r-'-";; ' ,. TUB WKAtlfK^^ //•” v'fe .fcr 'O.: S. 'Wei(tlieir’liBiiift^lii'.V.J ' ' . .MiM* HarcB ' ' ■ ' ■'•■ <•' .!': \ •■ v; - , Bocal'shower^ tbnij^t' imd nrday nfondiig., . - - . , W/^ « 7 *rvr»>£i •- • I. ■■■I- l^■■.lfc■^ U '...l"i .I.1U..'1 ■•. -V- -v if : ' I ■ V ■- itfff • ^ • (ElOHTBBN PAGES PRICE tUKBB C B I«^ (Classified Advertising on Pa<"'' 16) MAN<:HESTEiR, CONN*, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1928. ^' J' (’»)OTVTT S tat? ] SANDINO SAYS PRM ARIESIN Capture of 5 e^ g by Nationalists Near HE WILL KILL OREGON TODAY ALL AMERICANS A SMITH TEST C-'- Robert QlioL His F ife, Two Leaves Letter After Raid; Few Catholics There So Poli Modem Youth Skeptic (M dren and a Gaest, Es Calls Us Pirates and ticians Wonder if Senator College Head Asserts cape Injury as Walls Cave Threatens to Kill All U. S. Reed Can Win the Politi In— Town In PniMc St cal Race. Andover, Mass., May 18.— Skep-^htj wishes to. think his own way Citizens He Finds. ticism of the modern youth was through things praised today by President John Makes Mistakes Sound o f Explosions; Rad Grier Hibben of Princeton Univer “ This means that naturally he Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, May Washington, May IS— The rival sity. will make many mistakes and reach IS.— Following close upon news of presidential candidacies of Gover Speaking at the celebration of possibly many false conclusions, icals Are Blamed For Ont-; the 150th anniversary of Phillips but if the spirit remains and pre a battle between Unit d States nor A1 Smith and Senator James A. vails he is bound, with an enlarged Reed clash head-on in Oregon to Andover Academy, he said: marines and guerillas north of “ In my opinion the most out vision and the deepening of his rage. Metagapla in which one marine was day, and leaders of both parties in standing feature of the youth of tor- view of life, to attain results both Washington are watching the out day is one which affords the of thought and of conduct which killed, Harry Amphlett, manager of may form a valuable contribution New York, May 18.— While come with an intensity of interest brightest hope for the future. the American-owned La Lus and “ It may be described as their at to his day and generation.” Robert Elliott, Sacco-Vanzeltl exe Los Angeles mine, announced the wholly out of proportion to the titude of general skepticism, that is President James R. Angell, of cutioner, whose home was almost receipt of a letter from the rebels small number of delegates involved. skepticism in this sense, that the j Yale, called for higher salaries fori completely destroyed by bombs this- Oregon is a dry state. It is also young man of today refuses to ac-1 teachers, threatening death to all United cept truth already formulated'and “ The greatest single obstacle to morning, remained secluded .in one of those states wherein the j States citizens residing in Nicara presented arbitrarily as an author-j the development of American edu- vrhat was left of his dwelling, po gua. The letter was signed “ San- Klan rose to a position of power- lice-today-were running downfall - ' ful influence. And it was m Oregon itative dictum. He demands a rea- —------- dino,” the leader of the revolu- son for the basis of his convictions' (Continued on Page 3) available clues to the near tragedy. tionary army. ' that the Legislature enacted the Amphlett, who is on his way to famous parochial'School law, which The driver of a milk wagon, vyho New York, made a trip to the Pis directed that ali children be sent saw four men in a red touring car Pis river district where he found to public schools as distinquished ‘HOME MADE’ HOME H F n CATHOLICS two blocks from the Ellidtt borne that the rebels after their first raid, from secretarian and religious Peking,capital of the North In Richmond Hill, Queers, abbu£ had returned to the mine colony schools. ern forces in China, is abqut 20 minutes before the explosion, and destroyed all the machinery. Religious Issue to fall before the advancing ■was taken to police headquarters in Amphlett also found a letter from Therefore, the party leaders htre forces of Chiang Kai-shek, WRECKED BY FIRE ECOMMUNICATED the hope that he might be able to the outlaw chief which said, in reason that if there is any state leader of the Southern or Na identify pictures in the Rogues Gal where Gov. Smith’s being a tionalist troops, according to lery. - part: dispatches. Above are scenes “ I have the honor to inform you Catholic might militate against him Another clue in possession of the politically it will be in Oregon. in Peking,with the Legation Rhode Jsland Residents Get police is a pocket-knife found on that oh this day your mining prop street gate at the top (left); Early Morning Blaze Boms erty was reduced to ashes. This is Less than ten per cent of the state the lawn of the Elliott home;. A is Catholic, and that the religious the Grand Hotel just outside the legation quarter (lower le ft); the famous summer palace of the emperor in cheek-upi showed that it did not be in accordance with my command the hills near Peking (right, above), and the beautif ul Temple of Heaven (below, right). and it represents a tangible pro issue has burned brightly in the Out Interior, of Autumn Official Notice From the long to any member of the Elllatt test against the warlike invasion state was exemplified by the rise household., , , your government has made in our of the Klan and the enactment of WIFE NUMBER 3 , Vatican Today. Pieces of iron and a battered territory without more right than the school law. St. Bit-by-Bit House. wheel which may have been a part FEAR FILIBUSTE NOBILE RETURNS of a timing device indicated that the that of brute force. Gov. Smith has never been in the GETS 2’s FORTUNE Galls Us Pirates State. Senator Reed has campaign bombs were timed with a clock. ed it, and is said to have a consid The two-story stucco house at Providence, R. I., May IS.— Prac Police l*i'otectioii. “ In case the government of the Queer Jumble Up of Wives Fol TO SPITZBERGEN United States does not order the erable personal following there. WILL DEFET BILL 93 Autumn street just south of tically all of the fifty persons who At the sanie time authorities Some of the Democratic leaders lows Claim for .$25,000 for withdrawal of the pirates from our Porter street owned by Paul Kru- were recently excommunicated from were compiling a list of all officials here anticipate a close battle. Lusitania Tragedy. territory there will be no guaran pin, was badly wrecked by fire the Roman Catholic church for cit in Queens who have taken part ih First Real Fight the prosecution of murderers dur tee in this country for the North ing Bishop William Hickey to ap Americans residing in Nicaragua. Incidentally, the Oregon primary Naval Ship Building Caught Boston, Mass., May 18— A Weather Fine But Ship Both shortly after 7 o'clock this morning. ing the past two years, so that ar At the beginning I believed that the furnishes the first clear-cut test of queer jumble that gives to An alarm was turned in from Box pear before the civil, courts to de rangements could be made for po-, Smith against Reed. In California, people of North America were not wife No. 3, the right to $23,- 73 at Lancaster and Wellington fend his administration of parish lice protection lo prevent further in agreement with the abuse com there was a three-cornered fight be In Jam and May Be De 900. payable by the German ered hy Fogs— Found No bombings. tween Smith, Reed and Senator Roads, Hollywood, at 7.15. funds, today had received official mitted against Nicaragua by the government because of the William Shreg, superintendent of Walsh of Montana. Smith polled The house was of bit-by-bit con notice of the excommunication. government of Calvin Coolidge, but death of wife No. 2, was un- New Laiid. a Sheffield farms milk^ depot near more votes than Reed and Walsh feated. eartheff today when Mrs. Ar struction which made it possible J Rhode Island courts decided all ihe Elliott home, told phlice.-today I am now convinced that the people combined in California, and Walsh of 'North America applaud the in- thur Luck,, through counsel, for the flames to gain headway the' Suits in favor of the head of the cue of his drivers .was held up; by was so decisively defeated that he PrGvldeQ.<;p (Rocesie, ask ^ appointmeut of herself rapidly.- .No; ,,2'‘^cony»:aM -four men in' a red tbnrlng car' about (Continued on Page 3) subsequently withdrew from ■'the Washington, May 18—.The $274.- as'executrix of her husband’s Klng^s Bay, Spltzbergen,'May^lS. The notices were written in Eng three miles from the scene of the race. No. 3 company respondeu ‘ with lish and signed by Archbishop P. 000,000 naval ship building bill, de estate. ■ — The Italian North Polar explora its pump and No. 4 with hook and bombings shortly after, the explo Reed-stated at the time that he The second wife of Luck and tion balloon Italia, commanded by Fumasoni-Biondi, apostolic d.ele- sion. The driver was immediately wished the Montana Senator had signed to put the American Navy ladder and chemical tank.