BEAMIT Group among élite achieving Nadcap Welding accreditation – Additive Manufacturing commodity.

Remarkable achievement for BEAMIT: Nadcap Welding accreditation with merit, the highest standard in Additive Manufacturing to serve Aerospace and Aviation industries.

Fornovo di (, ), 26 April 2021 – A very rich spring for BEAMIT Group with a number of remarkable achievements, and still more to come. After proof-pointing the high-performance AM process for Ti6242 alloy, acquiring UK-based 3T Additive Manufacturing and launching 3D printed super duplex together with strategic partner Sandvik, BEAMIT outstanding capabilities continue to unfold. BEAMIT has been successfully audited by Nadcap PRI Task Group and gained a merit mention on welding and Additive Manufacturing. BEAMIT team was extremely pleased to be recognized all along the process as fully consistent and highly professional: no negative findings were raised, taking the company straight into its first accreditation among top class organizations in the world.

Following AS/EN 9100 certification obtained in 2015 to work with the most demanding industries such as Aerospace and Aviation, during April 2021 BEAMIT has been accredited for Nadcap Welding – Additive Manufacturing commodity – as a result of great teamwork and several years meticulous preparation work along with deep knowledge of strategic project management. Luca Bicchierri, Global Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Manager BEAMIT Group, said “Top management commitment has been key throughout the process. The enthusiasm and determination to succeed was disseminated into every function and every department, at all levels in the organization. One Mindset, One Voice based on several years of experience in the Aerospace Business”.

BEAMIT has a recognized capability to satisfy every industry and every customer regardless from dimensions and location around the world: with a well-established fully integrated value chain and a robust strategic vision, the company has reached unprecedented notoriety for its high standards and has rapidly become one of the most advanced additive manufacturing service providers in the world.

Michele Antolotti, General Manager BEAMIT S.p.A. said: “This is yet another important milestone for us in view of the industrialization of AM within the most demanding fields of application. Alignment of our quality management system and processes with Customer’s requirements is a top priority for leveraging the adoption of special processes in the AM value chain and scale up the reliability of the whole system.”

The merit mark gained for consistency by the team managing this process throughout all delicate key phases tells that BEAMIT Group is now ready for the next leap forward.

-END- About BEAMIT Group BEAMIT Group is one of the most advanced Additive Manufacturing service providers in the world to serve the most demanding industries: a truly global Additive Manufacturing (AM) hub offering a fully integrated value chain. Based in (Parma, Italy), BEAMIT has been operating in the field of AM with metal powders for 24 years. With close to 60 dedicated AM systems distributed in over 7 facilities between Italy and UK today the Group counts over 140 employees.

BEAMIT Group specializes in high-end metal AM components for demanding industries like Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Racing and Industrial Engineering, and holds many relevant quality certifications, including AS/EN 9100:2018 for Aerospace, IATF Automotive, Nadcap accreditation for Heat Treatment Processes and Laboratory and Nadcap Welding accreditation – Additive Manufacturing commodity. In 2019, Sandvik Group, global leader in hi-tech engineering and metal powder with the widest range of alloys for Additive Manufacturing as well as remarkable expertise in AM printing technologies for advanced metal components, acquired a significant stake in BEAMIT. In 2020, BEAMIT acquired a significant stake in PRES-X, an innovative start-up in the field of special post- production processes for 3D printing. BEAMIT then acquired 100% of Italian AM service bureau ZARE. In 2021 BEAMIT Group has acquired 3T Additive Manufacturing (Newbury, UK). 3T Additive Manufacturing holds some of the highest quality certifications for deliveries to Aerospace and Medical and is an approved supplier for serial production by many leading OEMs across the UK, Europe, US and Japan. Today BEAMIT Group has a turnover of €22 Mio.

For further information: - - -

Media Contacts: Giuliana Massimino, Head of Marketing and Communications, +39 333 3868023 or [email protected]

Photos: 1. AM Engineers Simone Baldini and Liberato Lappone, BEAMIT Group 2. Section of plant with machinery BEAMIT Group (Rubbiano, PR)