Look Ma-No Hands! . The Weather Today - WI ANGELES (JP)-Motorc,clc Offtccr C.D.... rldey Partly cloudy today and tomorrow with oC. ... he overtook Evcre« Cl,.e MlDer, tlrtYIQ St mlls .. Jaour wlthoW .. atcut.q wbeel. casional thundershowers. Not much After ~ the ....natft . BarIde, MdAle4 that COIl­ change in temperature. High today 70-80; .u~te4 ope~ aD 1IIlUfe nhlole. for low 50-60. High yesterday 831 low 70. AboIll thai acetin&' wheel . • • e Barldn- aald the ,outb was ualJlI' a pair 01 pi'" to Temperature at 11 :30 last night was 70. :__ e_~_c_u_ ·_~ ______~ ______~~=~:b~~~h=~~~~=~ =V~o~).~8~O~._k~~D.~~~~~ __ ~~fu~~,~nl~~"~~ IL Swedish Prince Bertil Dines, Prince Makes C~mpus Tour (onlverses With SUI Faculty Taft-Stassen Meeting The bright blue of with its cross flew below Old Glory atop Old Capitol yesterday. The Swedish flag was hoisted to honor Sweden's Prince Bertil and his party. The group stopped briefly in Iowa City yesterday to lunch with President Hancher and faculty members. Prince Bertil, grandson of King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, and son oC Crown Prinee Gustav V. lunched on American fried Results in 'No Deal' chicken and Iowa corn (off the • cob) in the main lounge or the Iowa union. There was plenti' of Talk (ailed After Ed Martin Wier Joins Guard; cortee to satisfy the famed SCan­ u. S. To Exchange Iowa Delegates Eye dinavian yen for that beverare. National Command Prince Bertu and the Swedish Diplomatic Missions Pre-Ballot 'Deals'; delegation of 22 educators. offi­ Steps Out in Fayor of ~ewey cials and dignitaries arrived In Expects Full Quola Iowa City from Rock Island es­ With Jewish Slate O,'VE TI N HALL, (AI) nator Spiff on Candidates corted by members of the Iowa TaCt of hio confe r~d cr tly with Harold E. t nIt night Murray Wier. SUI's all-Ameri­ WASHINGTON (A')-Presldent amid strong indie tion Ihat a Tah·St n-'Varr n coalition WIS (L ISnaee R ...... fonDer ..- can basketball star. enlisted with Truman last night announced the b inzo. ll.l!;ht to op Thom E. D wey. • Itor ., TIae Da.11, I ...... '- at nine other men Monday night in exchange at dlplomaUc missions the GOP eOJlYeDi!oD III PIlIIa­ the local national gu1lrd troop. highway• patrol. The Swedlih b tween this government and the The ra e for th R publi~an p id ntial nomination was a it llelplala reperUIII' al4elll'h*- aM furiou. when Ule party's roaring.ror-victory national Others are: John A. Evans. prince has done his own driving provWonal eovemment of Israel. most con· De a 01 apeei&1 lDlereU lo D&IlJ' 810 E. Davenport street; Edward on his visit to this countrY, and Mr. Truman appoLnted James vl'ntion wound up it . ond day' ~ ion at. :43 p.m. Iowa time. Iowu .....en.) planned to drive on with his W. PQggenpohl. 717 Kimball ave­ Grover McDonald of New York to Th Taft· ta n III ling 00- 1 nue; William R. Englert, 1020 group to Des Moines late yester­ serve as special representative of curr d in tnct t privacy (t r "tumblln, and bumbling" In lor­ Carroll street; Duane E. Latta. Ri­ day. \he United States In headlne the Senator Edw rd M rtln stepped eian alfairs. 117 a. nuol RUGHIS The Swedish 6elegatlon is In verside ; Donald F'. Fryauf. 4'n S. mission to the new Jewish gov­ out as P nnsylvanla's favorite lOll Cheer' Hoover PHILADELPHIA-Iowa's dele. Dubuque street; Leo R. Zeithamel, America ·to celebrate the Swedish rnment. and lhrew his support to Dewey­ pioneer centennial. .And th dele,ates gave a tre­ ,ation to the GOP natiolUll con­ 7~ E. Church street; Robert E. Eliahu Epstein hal been desig­ bringing claims from the New mendous 14-mlnute outburst 01 ventlon. visibly eoncerned by the Svatos. route 3, Solon; Robert G. The broad-shouldered prince, nated by luael. the White House York governor's aides that h cheers and whistles with th& band Important "deals" affefltlnl the Walter. 420 N. Dubuque street. often considered Ihe "world's statement said, as its special re­ would be a sure winn r on an playln, "California ht're I come," early ballot. pre-baUotln, Jocker1n" caucused and Paul F. Wears. route 3, Solon. most eligible bachelor" was intro­ pr senla\ive In the United Stat to Herbert Hoover. The ex-prfti­ for mo~ than an hour yesterday These enlistments bring the duced at B reception preceding the and head of th Israeli mission. Tart and Stassen both told dent said in hil speech that thls afternoon without formally ~.clci­ strength of the troop to 70 men luncheon at the Union. McDonald, 6l, was a member newsmen that they had met and country should help Europe but Inl their stand. t hat Governor and six officers. according to Capt. President Virall M. Hancher. SWEDISH PRINCE BEKTIL and Pre Iden~ Vlrall • KIlO ber stand of Ihe Anllo-American commis- would "only be playing Slalln', The bili st blow to th& top. Harry W. Dick, troop commander. who gave the luncheon for the OD the .tepa of Old Capitol. The Prln and a. 22-m mber Swedl h ston of tnqulry on Palestine in game" if It overtaxed itself In do­ heavy stassen Iowa deleeatioll Total authorized strength is 127 Swedish visitors. introduced Dean 4elerallon slopped In Iowa Ity y t rday fol' a. luncheon visit snd 1946. and is a trustee at the inllo. wa. the withdrawal of Pennsyl­ Emeritus Carl E. Seashore. Sea­ Twentieth Century fund. S tory on tht' P plat- Dewey's Pennsylvania coup was men and seven officers. .. tour 01 the campus. (Dally low n Ph to by Herb Nip n) vania'. Senator Ed MartIn from Under provisions of the draft shore said that the Swedish piO­ Born in Coldwnl r, Ohio. Mc­ form on PAGE 6. the first major break-throu,h on the favorite IOn cate,ory. He bill passed Saturday by congress. neers contributed love of family. Donald now liv s t Bronxvllle, th favorite-son front. It lave pIed,ed support to Dewey and an­ men who join the guard before of God Bnd of countrY to the foun­ N. Y. H is a traduate of [ndl­ him a solid chunk of flrat-baUot nounced he will nominate the President Truman signs the bill dations of American socJety. :lnO university. Harvard, and Jam s H. Durt was In on the meet­ 8upport from the mighty, 73-vote New York governor wh n ArizolUl Tufts college. Tan Indicated he mlcllt COn­ Keyaton .tat d le,ation. Dewey are I!xempt from the draft. This he interpreted to mean "1110r­ inc. pa s on th nomination roll call Local guard units are receiving allty, religion and steadfast patri- Coal Talks Continue; H served 9 high commission r f r later In the night with Gov. men sald he'd gel around 50 of today. otism." • Cor J wish and other refugees Earl Warr n of California. also a th e votes. "Ridiculous .. snorted telellrams from national head­ th opposltion. quarters stating that the Presi­ Seashore sent cordial greetings pr sId nUal candidate. No Poll dent. a former guardsmen him­ from SUI to King Gustavus Adol­ Pension Plan Upheld ~~;~~,';:;; C"m ny ."w... Pavon Vawknberr ay Coup Bel.,. llobert Klau r, dele.aUon se­ self, will delay signing the draft phus of Sweden and to Pripce Duff, S mator Martin's rreat Back r8 of Taft, sta nand creta!,),. would sa, only that no bill for a few days so guard units Bertil·s father, Crown Prince Qus­ rlval In the s-plit Pennsylvanja Vandenb r, all claimed the formal poll was taken. But dele­ may recruit to full strength, Lt. tav V. WASHINGTON (JP)-.Tohn TJ. L wi and soft ('oal op falorR del raUon, hBS spoken tavorably Dewey-Martin arraneem nt would ,atet confirmed that strategy was Burning Munitions help rather than hinder tho other vl,orously discussed. Obvlouly, Col. Fred C. Tandy, adjutant gen­ Tbe prince, Introduced by Sea­ broke up 8 n gotiating lIe~~ion lust nigh t wilhulll ('Olllm'nt. Th y (It notor Arthur H . Vandenber, shore. acknowledged the SUI wel­ ot Michigan al the part,y'a presi­ candldat . the Hawkeye contln,ent does not eral of the 34th infantry division, set another meeting fOI' this mOl'1ling. Hoover told the convention the said yesterday. come and the tribute paid to his Threaleri Tel Aviv dential candid te. want to be waltln, at the post people by Seashore. But he IIe­ The lack of COmlll I;t fl'om eitlu'r HilII' Il tlJp WilY III talk. w 'nt trouble at bom Is not obnoxious while the furious and dead-aerloue National headquarters in Wash­ clared it was his "day for a hllli­ TEL AV1V (JP) - Thousandl of Nobody would .ay last niaht Communisis but "fuzzy minded manlUverln. Is takln, place. ington, D. C. • expects the guard to may indicate progr bS. At lea!il Ih!' 11(' ot [atorR wpr(' . miling when T 1 Aviv r id nts {led from th what happened at the Taft-Sta - day from speech-making." people" IIvlnr in a "half-way Jowa Dewey aupport n Wft'e fill with volunteers by the end of "I made four speeches yester­ they left and there wa~ no si'l1 (,f Il new \m'lIk in thl' lalkH. W t reront I t Y terdoy when a len m tinl. Stassen told r port­ home to totalitarianism." understood to have pressed tor thls month and stop recruiting for day," he said, before introd\lcing TIl renewed D gOtilltiotl8 had bppn s lI l'gestl'll by II pre idt"lllial munit ons-lad n I..ST benched by ers: "There II no deal. The situa­ H eautioned that overloadlnl the Immediate ndorsement 01 the tion Is unchanged. I'm still in a ,ear. The Associated Press re­ inqUIry board· al'ly eliterllay. I r b 1 lrgun Zvai Leuml flghtera Am rica with burdens of for Ip New York governor In view of Dr. Gunnar .Y(estln, education lind th race tor the nomination," ported. tree church movement represen­ rell f nd Incr ased armam nts Martin'a.. wIthdrawal. Meanwhile Both sideR told th board they Rus Reform East threal ned to explode alter b .lnr 1\ would be playrnl "Stalin'. ,~.," There were between 90,000 and tative in the delegation. Westin were willing to r um wtks Imd e all1'e by lsr.. U r Il .1101· H dd that Taft-Sla...... Ted Mil I of Corydon wanta to 100,000 vacancies in the national Is a professor at the Universiy of the board sunested they try for Til sudd n fir • r ullin, from ticket 11 ·'imposslble.'· RUlsl,,'. bope, Hoover said, lle in jump .board the Vandenber, lUard when the bill was voted Upsala In Sweden. an agreement betOl'e th board t gul r army mortar fir, threw Thul It was lert compl t ly up an Am rlcan economic ollapst. bandwagon on th first ballot. G C He .ald lhe world crJai.I is Saturday. Westin spoke ot the interesting makes its report to th Whit erman urrency the four-hour battlt' between in the air what candldate Taft­ Tan Men Bol. First state reports Indicated this experiences the delegation hlls House late today. frgun .o nd Lh Ilrmy lnto strang Stnssen-Warren coalition mlJht d per than some m y think and total will 'be reached by volun­ had in America. Once, he said, a eonru lon. back-if such a coalition cluall,. it 1 up to the Republican party Stassen IUllpprle.rs In the Iowa The conferences were resum d B IN Drough had just upheld lhe $100 A I It r mad~ public last night fight rs driving down crowded. for the "coalition" candldat • I forealgh t and von." Vandenbera and the . teerlnl e()Jrl­ The decrease In ~nrollment wiU learned at luncheon from Dr. M. monthly pension plan that Lewis by lhe SOviet II ws agency from AUenby road away from the I While the pace 011 th dicke.rlnl Today th re wLU be an alpha­ mittee did not conlact him. not be felt until the fall semester Willard Lampe of the school of wants for aged members of. his Marshall Vasf; lly D. Sokolovsky. waterfront were unarmed was ,rew 5t adily hott r. the conven­ beUcal roll call 01 ata , and MorrlaoD- paqler Fray ) of 1949. he said. religion that SUI has the "only United Mine Workers. the Russian connoander in Ger­ interpret d by some to mean that lion Itself lave a rousinr welcome nominations can be mad then. An open split developed yeater.. Las spring. approximately 1.300 state university in the world with C a a lop era tor spokesman many. to the British commander, a. deal had been made with the to House Speaker Martin of Mas­ Edward Martin told reporters day be~ween delegates Bill Morri­ students were In the 19 to 25, sln­ an interfaith school of reli'ion." :::harles O'Nelll said Judge Golds­ Gen. SiI- Brion Robertson. said it gov rnment to end the 1lahUng sacbusetts. Martln defended spir­ he understands Alabama will live son of Iowa City and HarriaoIl Ile. and non-veteran classifica­ "It was worthwhile to go to Io­ 'oorough's ruling hasn't changed was hoped the British would not that began early Monday. Itedly the record of the GOP-con­ way at that time lo Pennsylvania, Spallller, Iowa NationJlI c:omm1t­ tion. Probably less than one­ wa City if only to learn of this the operator's position: that the try to stop lh retorm in its sec­ trolled 80th conue&S and blasted 10 he can make the nomilUltln, teeman. third of these students are attend­ school." he said. pension battle is up to the toruste tor of B rHn. MAN, Ill, MISSING the Truman administraUon for speech for Dewey. The callSe of the dispute wa. tM Inr the sunur.~r session. McCarrel "I surely think I would consider seatinr of 16 pro-Dewey d~leiatH >Dce the opera tors pay thei r 10- Berlin is governed by the four CHATTANOOGA. TENN. (JP)­ said. a professorship here." Westin :ent tonnage royalty contribullons powers...... ,...... from c.oraia over protests of taa. A 10l-year-old man was report­ Talt Iroup. Morrison I, the IOWII said, in commenting on the uni­ to the disputed welfare f.und. ed missing yesterday. versity. Letters weI' sent to the western Behind Convention Scene. - member 01 the credentJ.ala com­ The contract negotiations broke powers less than two bours after "Uncle Joe" Vandergri[t left his millee and voted with the majo..... $25,000 Gift fQr Alter the luncheon Prince Ber­ off a week ago when the operators the IirsL high level conference home early Monday and hasn't tH, President Hancher and Ihe ity in the 26-24 decision upholcl1q walked out saying that Lewis among the Caul' powers in more been seen since. his dauahler, the national committee'. PN\'iOua group walked up the hil from the wouldn·t talk contract terms. The than three months broke up with­ SUI Cancer Study union where they viewed the cam­ Mrs. Fred C. Whitner, told police. Iowans at Convention decision in favor 01 the pro-Dnr­ pension dispute was at the 'oottom out agr ement on a relol'm com- "He gets around good. and tbat's ey forces. pus from the approach to Old of their disagreement. promise. The University of Iowa will Capito!. lust the trouble," she said. By R. BRUCE HUGHES Span.ler, towa's HJ)re.ntaUve receive a $25.000 grant for courses Prince 'Berlil and President ------Congre man Tom Martin of Iowa. City is much in evidence on the natlollal commlttee, voted in cancer study. 'DIe Associated Hancher, in a conversation durin I around the Iowa delegation, although he i not a delegate himself, with the Taft forces. 'l'be aed.... ~ess reported yesterday. the campus tour. discussed athle­ Wherry Speaks to GOP National Convention llartin arrived Sunday after the Iinsl work of congr had be_ Uals committee acted al a court of The grant was announced by tics. hurried through. He'said he thought. the congressmen bad dOile hleher appeal from the natioDal committee. The Taft lon:es DIU'­ Oscar Ewing. federal security "Do you have much in athletics .. a fine job" despite the pl'ellll of last·minute bills. administrator. after recommenda­ around here?" asked the Prince. sball~ strength In the effort .. tion by the 111111011111 advisory can­ President Hancher explained • • • win the Vitally needed U' votes. cer council. that SUI "had quite a bit" and Anotlter cOJlfJre ~'9an, Jan'tl Dolliver of Farl Dodge, si:dlt. Spangler. former -.tIoaal Dean Carlyle Jllcobsen ot SUI talked of Iows's basketball. foot­ congressional di8t,;~ repre.entative, brougltt 1&iI da¥gltJer chairman and still national' .... health sciences and aervices said ball. swimmin, and tra~lt teams. Peggy to tile convention wiU" Aim. rat counsel. had counted OIl Morri- the purpose of the grant is to The pr~nce's motor caravan was She had participated in a mock national convention at Oberlin 101\'1 vote in the extreme17 c:~ ",Ist the university "to Improve scheduled to leave Iowa City for college where 'he is a student. That convent jon nominated Sen. balloting, reaarded It a tot be­ and extend tlle university teach­ Del Moines at 2 p. m. yesterday Arthur Vandenberg. Asked if she thought the Michigan Senator tween the two leadina CIIIdWa... inl in relation to problems of afternoon. But reporters and would win the real test e replied : for nom.i.oaUon.. cancer control snd cancer ' re­ others held up departure of the II Tlte salling at sclto '" • AI Oberlin lI0el, ,0 gou tlte naliofI..· Oat" , search." "ae.. Swedish visitors until nearly 2:30 We've been. ,;ght mod 0 tlte time so for." SJ>lngler, acCOltecl Yorrt.. The Irant. he said, was part p. m. . Dolliver himse)1 declined to name his favorite lor the noJDlDa. of the U.S. health aervice's pro­ outside the creclentlalJ comm1tt.e Attorney Eskil Carlsoll. former tion. His !!Qn. James Dolliver Jr., attended the navy pre-flight room after the vote alld aceuMd l1'am to "strenathen instruction member of the Iowa state board him of revenin, lowa'i Itaad _ In eancer contro!." school in Iowa City and no. is a senior at Swarthmore collqe . . of education. and 'Bert Eo $lo1pe • • • the matter. Manilau aald SpaIII­ of the Des Moines Register and ler "VLrtual17 read me out of 1M Tribune arrived in tlrne to escort Jim Ricbards, Des 1tfoin~ sergeant at arpts, and a. group of Iowa State President other lowl} pUllODS found themselves trapped in a hotel elevator parb'," the Prince and bls party to Des Morrbon lllitl, h.-ever, be \'at.­ when the aoor ja~ed . This has been frequent in overcrowded Hurt As Car Overturns Moines. Celebration in bonor of M "Jtrictly in accordaDCI with the dele,ation begins there today. • elevators. The grotlp climbed out, however, to their embarrass­ AMES (JP) - Charles E. Friley, the merltl of the cH.puta." ment and the enjoyment of persons waiting for the elevator. But Morrison J, reprded .. wanlnl Iowa State collele president. was OaEBlt AUIY ATrACKD the mishap lm~ed the elevator out of service. IlIjured yesterday when the car ATHENS (A»-Prtllf dispatches toward Dewey. and SpanJler Ie ... out·abd--out Taft aupporter. he was drivlnr overturned on from the litCond army c:orpa at • • • A .. big rom411ce" ;s rumored bet_e" DOft BZu, tlte Meanwhile, Stuaen forces with­ Hllhway 89, about ~ miles north Kozane said this morning Greek 10" _/ governor WM 1'$ a.cti141 0$ m~l PD{le for tlte 10tUa grollI', "tid In the 23-member Iowa deleptloD of De. Molones. army units moving from Konltsa beId conferences with lleuteDanta Attendants at Iowa Slate col­ Glo,;a Green, 17-y_f.old. do"gltter of IUinoU' Govtr1lor (hWlt. had been attacked from Albanla of C~omla'. Governor WarnIte lere hospital where he wal taken with heavy artillery and mortara. Don was taking a lively round of kiddin~from Ha.wkeyes who were trying to match up ... luncheon date for the hopin, to lncreaae the boDd "iI .ald Dr. Friley received four frac­ The ~orreepondent bf the news­ two, friendship between the two tore.. tured rib. and a fractured collar paper Embros reporleil that auer­ • • • Botti ''Ubed1'' camps are laIowa bone. r111al wlthilrew into Alblinla and 8ftBADING ms ARMS WIDE, 8en. Kenneth 8. Wherry of Nebruka '-I...... , the GOP AnQther or the younger politicians getting find. experience at to be conslcleriq awitchJal vote. Friley was ,Ione lh the car. later reentered Greece ~ar u&Ioaal coDvenUon In Pbiladelphia yeslerda, thu German recovel'7 is the lle7 lo atopplq eMIlJDlUliam. the National convention is Lowell Doud, 17.year-old SOD of Slate if and who the IOIna pta fouIIa enroute back to t-rP" ·from Des Amarandos and attaotea a t1ank .t.IUa'oaP the crowd at tile meel.in& was thin. Wberr,'s elllPballc dellv,," brouaht • rCMUld 01 appIa..... Senator Doud. Th~r. home .town, incidentally, is also named for eUhI!r one, aDd look 011 ... 14otn", _ _ ,----- oftM Grttk1tbopal _.-...-_ ' _. ~ I _(~ ~C)'J:O>. ~u~ _ . • odMr .. ame.. , ... !, lEMON-AID FOR TRIBE - By Alan Mover • 16 Women Mov,e U~· 'n In Western . Open. . " To

Berg Notches " I LeW Cards Clip Br·aves; JIler BE Musial Gets S Hits ., FOOl Lopsided Win Iftl BOSTON (JP)-Stsn Musial's approl qpkies ·Favor To Hold Missouri CHICAGO (JP)-Four fanner fifth con5ecutive sil\ile, With the Don Palmer Hits Sizzling 68; champions and the meet medallet audito bases loaded in the ninth, clinched Satur( the St. Louis Cardinals 5-2 win yesterday stroked into the second fhampion by ~alley INet .Meet o~ round of tbe 19th Women's Weal­ o'cloel o'Jer the tall-place Boston Braves of Old last night before a 29,064 crowd. ern Open golf tourney as only ope .(ops Amateur Medal, Honors Mun That perfect batting performance mild upset was recorded in the OKOBOJI, IA . (IP)-Don Palm­ boosted 'the National league's top 16-match inaugural pay-ort ses­ JDOuth jllY, al 5 10 12 Odds ~!~d~~~ 1I14.1~1. cJ., rf ~ 0 5 Torleson. Ib ol 0 0 open champion, and 81\()'lhtr slipped to 5 to 12 for his 25th and is open to youngsters up to 15 Slaughter. II .. 0 llillliotl. 3b...... j 3 33 and 35 to lead a field of 132 them were Bill Pew, LeMars; Jim BASEMAN Alit> CENrsR.­ N01t/lJl. fl .• • 0 0 M. MCC·ck. 1.[ 3 0 1 Iormer champion, Helen Dettwllil­ last-maybe - heavyweight tiUe years of age while juniors must golfers seeking to qualify for the Rasley, University of Iowa play- FieLDER He Moorl!. cI .. . 1 0 0 Ru ...II , d ... 4 0 0 er, Indio, Calif. defense. be from 15 to 18. COUI-ON'''' ill1; Lang. 3b .... 5 0 I Mas( . c ...... 0 0 32 places in the championship er and Tom Chapman. of Sioux Jones. lb ...... I 1 Park...... 0 2 Miss Ber« had the day's bea The weatherman, usually co­ SUT SllfC£ HE Illce co,.. . . 3 0 0 Volselle, p.. 2 0 0 Players who were 18 before bracket. City. Chapman had a 37-88. performance over the 6, 4M. operative with Uncle Mike Jacobs' ,tJRNeo Bteeheen. p " I 2 Shoun. p .... . 0 0 0- the first of tbis year are not dl­ Trailing Palmer by four strokes Among those failing to qualify ~uc. p .. .. . 0 0 0 yard Skycrest Country ventures, took a dim view of the glble to compete in the tourney. PltrHeR IIE'5 e. were veterans Milo McWilliams, was Sonny Dean, Iowa City golfer BEeN Sf.(j(J61N6 future. He predicted considerable '[otalt .... iI9lili I 'latah .... » -;; 8" eourse which was .wept /17 The tournament, sponsored by Cherokee, and J. B. Harris, each and winner of the Iowa junior LIKE All st Louis ...... 010 010003-5 fUStywtnds. cloudiness today with scattered the Iowa' City Tennis association, with 72's. championship just last week. He OU1FIPi.()fR Boston , ...... 002 000 000-2 showers and thundershowllrs El'n>rs-llarlt. Stanky. RUns batted In­ The sturdy Minneapolis red­ is open to all net players from Defending champion l'~red Gar- posted an 83. " Schoendlenst. Elliott. 111. McConnlck. Musial 2, Slaughler. Two ba.e ~­ head, open winner in 1941 IDd throughout a warm, humid day. Iowa City and the vicinity. The I d 11 . t ' h t ·Other QualifIers: There was some hope of clearing don, the Be man ons w 0 op- ) .. u. 1I<,a .on. !Je8 Moln ••. ~7-~1I-76 Holme.. Elliott. Stole" base - Musial. 1943, was only two over par lor winners and runners-up in both pled Jacobs from his throne last Robert Mann. Spencer. 37.3~76 f;I ...llices - M . McCormick. Vol..,lle. in mid-afternoon. The title fight F. J. Day. Counol\ Bluffs. 35·4l- 76 DQuble PJay...... TorgclOh (unaaaisted). the 12 holes she needed to e1illlJ· divisions will be awarded mect3fs ~ear at Davenport, finished con- 'L'ed Leu\orbacn. \"oon !1apids. iIII-.lI-76 Oark to Stanky to Torgeson. Le!t on goes on at 8 p.m. (Iowa time). base...:..st. LouJs 10, 'Boston 6. Ba_ on nate Mrs. Jac Ochiltree at St. by the Missouri Valley tennis con- siderably further down among the John Campbell. Osk.loo.a, 38-~76 SIb~CkEY It a postponement is neCe5- Joe Hume, Des Maules, 38-38-76 'baJls.-Voloelle 3. Strl~e outs-Breel.een Charles, Ill. ference. tJ qualifiers. Rill Wolters. Storm Lak ~. 40.~7-77 WAS FIRS, 10 3. Vol..,Ue 4. Hits -off Volselle 11 In sary, the fight will be held to- Gordon tinished his t irst nine Blgln Beal'll. Keokuk. 38-3~77 PREOIC.,. A 8 '" Innings. oU Shoun 1 In 0 InmnllS. Miss Dettweiler, 1939 champion, The two winners In tbe Iowa Hogue 0 In 1:0 Inning.. l.oslog plleher­ 1IIOI'roW' nil'ht, also In Yankee C. J. ~ay. Dubuque, 37· 40-71 • zoomed to a six-strOke lead at the City play-offs will represent with an even par 36, but had Maur.ce .. orman. "'lOtril Lake, 40.37- 77 ptrCliiNG FurURE Vol..,lIe. Umplre ...... Robb. Stewart and !Radium. I Woody Bowman. Waverly. 38---'''' FoR i.E"fo1ON HenHne. 1'1",."..2:25. M,endance-29,0S4. nine-hole turn in her walk-awlij' trouble on his secon d roun d ,past - H. B. Heu. Rock Valley. 39-3\1-78 Walcott cash from south New tbls district In the Missouri Val­ AFiER SEEING lay tournament In St. Joseph, ing a four-over-par 41 for a 77 Heine Jenson. Cedar Rapids. 37_41- 78 over Mrs. Nathaniel Kanrich, Jersey may slice the price to 1 to Arlhur Koch . WaterlOO. 39·4Cl-78 HIM PI.AY Glencoe, III 2- by fight time although the cur­ Mo. July 5. total. Jael< TIIellman. Des Moines. 37· 41- 78 IN -n-IE / Big Nin, Swamps Others who tied with Jacobs at c. Blrdsal. Clarion. 40-33-73 Mar«aret Gunther of !llelll· . All entries are due not later v NAV'!. xen! odds still fluctuated. It Dick 1i0BO< . Rlnux Clt 79 phis, Tenn., Monda-y', top culi­ S1!emed likely that Louis would than Friday and must IJe sent or par 73 were Hal Chase, Des :...... :B~IIl~S~m~lt~h:...~D~u~bu~q~u~e :... ~79~ ____...:... ______-:- _____'-- ______fler with 76, erased Dot KIeJ&, enter the ring a solid choice over given to Iowa net Coach Don Pacific's Tbinclads of Long BeaCh, Calif., 1948 Cur. Jersey Joe, who lost a disputed Kldtz at the Iowa fieldhouse. EVANSTON, ILL. (JP) - The tis cupper, 7 and 5. split decision to the champ in De­ Players will be notified by the Big /Nine swept to 12 firsts and cember. If you like Louis by a Hawk mentor as to playing time II tie ~or another to wallop the Favored proiessiona\ 'Babe Did· knockout you must give 7'h to 5. Saturday. Pacific' Coast conference, 9211{ to tikson Zaharias of Denver, Colo., Indians Hend Ypnks 5-2 Defeat SI}%, last !light and win its third seeking her fourth open title, b\!U. Despite the r ain, the city According to Klotz, play will be ed out Carol Diringer of Tiffin, bristled with out-ai-town visitors. in singles competition only and straight dual track meet title in Ohio, 5 and 4, finishing three oller Hotels were reported doing capac­ there is no entry fee for either the a-year' series. par for the 14 holes. ity business and choice $50 ring­ boys or juniors. One world record and a meet mark were bested by the Western side seats were s ellin ~ at twice DiMag Blasts The fourth ex-champion to WiD Klotz indicated that the top Wilson's, VFW 3949 conference track men performing was professional Betty Jarneaon their face value. There still were netsters at the St. Joseph tour­ before a crowd of 61000 in N()rlh­ of San Antonia. Tex., who clime plenty of tickets left. ney will be sent to the National [MAJORS~ western's Dyche stadium. back alter a feeble qua.li.fying 85 Twentieth Century Sparling juniors event, to be played in Win City Loop Tilts 16th Homer Wilson's Sid Goldberg pitched ATIONAL LEAOUE AMERICAN I;EAGUE The 480-yard 8huttle hurdle Monday to whip Peggy Kirk of club officials clung to earlier pre­ Kalamazoo, Mich., In July. N W L "PCT. GB W L PCT. GB relay tea-m lItlampered the dls- Findlay, Ohio, 2 and 1. Miss Kirk dictions that 55,000 fans would see From Kalamazoo, the winneu CLEVELAND ,(JP) - Sam Zol­ three hit ball in the first game Boolon ...... ~4 24 .1186 CI.v.land ...... 'lIi 19 .fi8 8 \\ ta.nce In 66.8. 'l'he I\.llCepted PIUaburrh ...... 32 24 .li7l 1 New york ...... 33 24 .~~ 4 'as had a qualifying 79. Miss Jame­ the f ight, paying "somewhere be­ will meet the cream of the dak pitched the Cleveland Indians of the second round play in the d k 11 ib SI. Louis ...... 32 25 ... llI I \i Phlladelphl...... 34 26 . . ""orl IIlR as we e son, who also was three over \lIir tween $800000 and $900,000." Yes­ Eastern juniors crop later In to a 5-2 victory over the New City league last night to shackle N.w York ...... 20 ~6 .ijn Hli Bo.lon ...... ~8 211 .519 7, ~ Amerlean collegiate record Is terday's rain has killed all talk of Cochran's, 7-2, at Kelley field. Phllad.lphla "7 3·' 4n8 7 ' ~ n.Croll ...... ~ K 29 .~Ol 8 , lor 17 holes played, won the open July. York Yankees yesterday in his Brooklyn ...... 24 :_, 0. '1.~." 7 1Lz Waohln-ton...... ~R 32 .44K4 II \~ 0"8 ..6 by T_na~~~ in 19'0... a million dollar house. Wil son's big inning came in the in 1942. first appearance in a Cleveland OInolnnati ...... 2 11 S4 .139 9 ~~It~::1 1 .: :::: : .:::: : i~ ~ :Z l~ Only other recor d was set by Five local net aspirants will see first of the third. Dean and Benda ::: Two matches went an extra Louis and Walcott took only action this weekend at Des Moines uniform since his recent acquisi~ Chlcar. . ·y·.. .i~~d ·.. f;.~IJt ••~ llt . .111 10 • R IC Northwestern's Bill Porter in the li«ht exercise. trying to hold walked, Guzowski got on when 8t. Louhl 5, Boston 2 Yesterday I elu. h dl H' l' holes as Mary Agnes Wall o~ Me­ in the Hawkeye Holidays tennis tion from the St. Louis Browns. Clnclnn .. U fl. Philadelphia 4 BOlton 11. ChI •• ,o 6 120-yard high ur es. IS !me tbelr edge until rlDl' time. 'Riggle, Cochran third baseman nominee, Mich., and Shirley Spori fine tournament. Making the trip are The victory enabled the Indians nhl ...... 1 N.w Vorl( (... . I... nedl Phllad.lphla 1. SI, lAIul. 6 was 139 comp8Ted with a meet When he finished his boxing' errored and Spencer dr ove them I 'B kl Rldd l (M 2) Wasblnrton ts, Det.rolt .. I of Detroit, Mich., registered l·up Mike Trueblood, Bruce Higley, to increase their first place mar­ Pit Iburrb T!d ay .:o;il::;;. • u- CI.veland 5, New York 2 Irecord 'of , 14 flat by OhIO. state S ohores at Pom:pton Lakes, N. J., in with a smashing triple to left­ decisions on the J 9th green OVer Keith Boyle, Blil Jenna and Don gin in the American league pen­ Pltt,burrh al Brook/yn-JUdd/. (8·2) New V.rk T:~6.~v:'~I~:e(~lrhl)_LoP'I Bob Wright in 1942. Porler was Monday, the champ said he field . Goldberg and his mates VI. Barn.y (1-4) • H 1 Ann Casey of Mason City, la., Weston. nant fight to three-and-one-hal! Chicaro a' New York (2) - Schmit. (4-3) V,. Bla.k (2..(1) the only double winner. e Q so 'Would come in at close to :U5 wcnt on to score one in the fourth (6·7) and Hamner 11 -2) VI. Ian ••• (11 -4) W.ohlnrtoo at D.tr.II-Uaefner (2·5) t k th 220- d low hurdles and Dorothy Ellis 01 Inll'lanapoUs. »-Dds, four pounds heavier Trueblood, 1947 South Dakota games over the second~place and lwo in the seventh inning to Ind lIarlun, C»· 2) ... Trout (7·6) 00 e yar respectively. Yankees. SI. Loul. al Bo.lon (nl,M ) - 1'o"el B08to" al Chlcaco-Galeh.u •• (1·3) ".. in 23.1 far off record time. than for hIs last flrht and the singles and doubles prep cham­ win. (5·R) ••• S"ln (7-'1) Hayn •• C5·6) , Calif I ' d te MrS. Jack Germain of Allan· Clnolnnall .1 Phllad.lphl.. (nl,hI) - Phlladelphl. al 81. Loull (nleht) Southern orn as spee s r, heaviest of his career. Walcott pion, is one of the lop Hawkeye Zoldak gave up eight hHs and Cochran's only runs came in tic, Iowa advanced to the_ad R,:a:r.:.:r.:n:. b:.~rr~.::..r~( ~:.:::. 2:.....:,:::".~R.::.ob:.:e:.:.rl::.~(c;.~1:.:.)_~F_o.:.,W_I_or_(_S._1 )_v_"._F_"_"_,,_ln_(_S._6_l ___ Pell-Mel Fa tton, 1'a n on ly in the will weiKh about 195 poundS. varsity hopefuls for next spring. needed help irom Russ Christo­ the first when they bunched two round with an easy 5 and ( 'fit. 440-yard sprint relay, which was At 34, the same age as Walcott, Higley, who transferred from pher in the ninth. Christopher of their three hits and a walk for tory over Mrs. Harold Foremaa Louis admits he has lost speed but Grinnell college this summer, came to Zoldak's rescue with two the two tallies. won by fhe 'Big Nine. He said his of Glencoe, m. Mrs. Germa1a insists he still hits as hard as ever. is a local produot. He was. run­ on and two out and got Johnny The College Inn, VFW 3949 legs "tightened up", preventing will meet Miss Berg toda,. Lindell to pop to Joe Gordon on Iowa Stars Get (oaching Jobs hitn irom running in the 220-yard If he goes through with his an­ nerup to Don Lewis, Hawkeye game was called at the end of six Mary McMillin of Green BR1. nounced plans of waiting for Wal­ aee, in last. year's Iowa prep h is first pitch to end the game. innings because of rain, with the Many Hawkeye graduates in dash which Indiana's Chuck Pet­ Wis., who upset Mrs. Zabarias In cott, a counter puncher, to come singles finals. Joe DiMaggio collected three of Vet's winning 10-2. Red Young­ athletics and physical education ers won in 21.6. the semi-finals of the 1946 West· the hits yielded by Zoldak, includ­ to him, it may be the dullest fight Boyle is rated one of the best strum hurled for the Vets, giving have nailed down coaching jobs Seydel, Welty Bow out er Amateur, gained the second in the annals of the ring. prep doubles players in the state. ing his 16th homer at the season up only one hit in the six innings. for next f all, according to a re­ I Litwhilet/s Homer Dips rpund with a 2 !lnd 1 verd\\l\ O'le't which enabled him to tie Cleve­ . If Louis gets hit with a good He is co-holder 01 the distriot, Ray Sullivan was nicked for ten cent athletic department survey. .I In Olympic Ring Semis Pa triela Devaney of Grosse 1a1e, land's K.en Keltner for the league Reds in Tenth, 6-4 right hand befor e he finds his state and Mississippi Valley con­ hils in the rout. Two of Iowa's recent stars, Ross .. _-- (IP) - Mich. Today, Miss McMillin again leadership in that department of PHlLADEUPHIA Danny chance, there may be a new ference titles. And erson and Keith Keller, have KANSAS CITY, MO. (IP)-Don Litwhiler's tenth inning homer is pi tted against Mrs. Zaharillll. glay. It was DJMa(s fifth four­ ohamp. If he scores first, Louis Jenna, another city l1igh pro­ Riverside Takes 30-12 aC-Shea 5. Kabel and Paul Benjamin hit Macomb, Ill. 'as head basketball It hila America between the eye. wi1h more romcmoe ••• Drews 2. Byrne I. Zoldak 5. Strlke­ City high's Liltl ~ l!uwks will To Whip Browns, 7-6 oul ....Drew. ~. Byrne •. QumP

TOday ~'i1d Thursd~y A Woman Is son and Warm and Deadli er 'l'ltan Steel!

t-'p-SCATTEROOOD RIDES HIGH' ...... t...... , aAllNtt., IIII/NaTOll .., • .IOIAID The Scream-Lined JOY Ride oflbe Yearl PLUS THE LAVGIIJNGEST COMEDY YOU'VE EVER SEEN - NOTE - "Forelrn OorreSltOriae.'" Shown at 1:00, f:30 oil 8:05 p. m. "The Gan,.ter" Shown at 3:00, 6:30 anel '9:15 p. m.

;. 1'I'D f)AIL'IIOWAM , ".wllDA"• .rmn II, lNl-PXO 'l'RIl1ll J~ . Prof. lewis Mumfora. 4uth-or. Fuel Sh~rlage. ~aces How To Catch a Crook in Two Easy Lessons Husbands Take Warning! .' 'GI S' I , Thl d T Ik U. S,; 011 Officials Wives 'Get the Iut' to Rea"ange Furniture, ,.0 Ive esslon S Ir a Urge Winterization learn Tricks From Recent Articl By SISTER VIRGINIA ANN These wann surnm r days in Womt'll m to bne th om r on th m rlt t '\Vb n it com , Lewis Mumford, anthor and teacher, will giVI' tlll third slim­ Jowa City drive out the memory to monng tb furniture around.

mer session lecture Friday evening at 8 p.m. Hiliubje'1 will be of cold, ruel-short days experienc­ Many a tragie mplaint from II me~ ml.n" h th raint und ed during th past winter. "~oon~atjons of World Order." or" be' moved the furtliture around gain!" Government authorities are If the weather is good, the lecture will be d!!\ivel'~d on the WI: t k eping those days in mind, how­ E,· n in th small Ulliv ",ity housin!l' unit u h barracks approach to Old Capitol. Oth rwise it will be goiy n in l1ucbride ever. Warnings are comln, out of apart IU! nt nd trail the" little many difftr· auditorium. Mumford will also conduct an informal roundtahle W hington that "another fuel fa­ ent,,' a~ to arran the fomish------:...--­ Saturday moming at nineJ * * * mine" is due next winter. ings. o'clock in the senate chamber An oil shortage xtendlng lnto The American male doesn't To Advise of Old Capitol. ----; 1953 is highly probable, according lmow It yet, but lIOII\eda~ he'. 10- Selected Mumford has taught at Dart­ to Max W. Ball, director () ~ the ing to come home and find the mouth college, Harvard univer­ oil and gas division of the Depart­ bedroom wh.ere the Iivin,-room State Y· Teen Group sib', and Leland Staruord univer­ ment of the Interior. used to be all btcaUle hll wife sit1 but he is better known as a Authorities rePOrt oil produc­ lea~ a trick or two from "Let's Eliubeth Winbicler, advisor to writer. lIis son, Geddes, was killed tion off 725,000 barrels from the Ch.n,e The Rooma Around," an Iowa Clly h.ip school "Y-Teen" In Italy in World War II and this 6,150,000 bal'rels a day needed to article by Arline Murk Mey r In Ielrls. has been .ppolnted advlsor factor has Colored a 11 his recen t supply the nation. The gap be­ the June issue of American Hom to th aute planning committee of ,writings. tween production and need. Indl­ MJlgarlnf'. th 1949 "Y-T~" conf renee, It Son Killed coles a potential oil shortaae this atllele at FaalllAlttr has b n announced. Mumford wrote the "Values for winter, they point out. She sUru off with the first re- Miss Winbl&ler accompanied bellious indication that somethln, nine girls trom two lowl City Survival" in 1946 and "The Story According to Interior Secretary ls afoot in the minds of tbe Amer- hip schools to tht 1948 confer­ of Geddes" In 1947. The first of J . A. Krug, at the pre nt produc­ I.can housewif . "Does the thoupt en~ held at Grinn 11 June 13 these was dedicated to his son and tion and consumption rates there consists of a collection of papers of cl anilll bouse malte you lhri- throulh Jun ZOo will not be nough all, ,as and vel up Inside beeal1M of the dull and addresses related to the deep­ coal to go around. Thls applies Unlvfl'llty hlah hool d lelates er meanlngs of tbe war. famlUarlty of your roolllll?" were Marc Kurtz, M h'a Colony, The book was in fuliillment of a not only lor n xl winter, but "for Tht. ls whf're the fun .tarts. several winters to come." Ulllan Murphy and B tty Bam s­ promise to his son. Its spirit and The trick is to mentally remove ]owa City RiCh iChool ~1 8a purpose are revealed in the fol­ To count rnct the fuel shortage, the labels 00 your rooll\a. Th government agenCies ar urging w r La Donn Stubbs, Janice lowing sentence in the foreword: bedroom is the ~droom only be­ Kratt t, Call n Ahr ru, Lor tla "I trust my words will make that conservation steps be ta\<.en cause the architect marked It s Frei and All Lord. aense to the returned fighting this summer. Proper winteriza­ such on yo~r blueprints. Why Ov r 240 Ilr from htgh schools man and to all those civilians in tion of homes and business bulld­ not use this lunny room with two every land who have in any way ings is advised by the Construct­ throuihout th ltat att nd d the wide windows lor the room you confer nc . shared his privations, his miseries, ion Research bureau of New YOl'k. spend mOlt of your tima In-your his dangers or his sacrifices." The basic steps, the bureau says, IIvin, room I After all, who Other Works Study Tire Youl are storm windows and doors, sunUpt when they're ulHp? Among his other books are weatherstripping and closing Eat at.,...... Burney, Robinson ''The story of Utopias," "Sticks Doze and Learn More, racks. Thl'n there'. that dinJnl-room. .nd Stones," "The Golden Day," The government Is stressing In­ wlthln-th -lIvin,-room IUuatlon. "American Tast~," "The Brown Magazine Says sulation of buildings as a me ns of Loolc what you c.n do with th Say Nuptial Vows Decades," "The CUlture of Cities," conserving fuel this winter. lIvln, room fireplace. (If you "Men Must Act," "Faith for Liv­ Yn a doubl.. rlni c r mony at Tests run by the National B~r­ have ol'lel) Move the dlNn' Ing," "The Condition of Man" and B en dozing in class lalely? ? :30 p . m. Jun 18 at th First "CIty Development." You may have th riltht ld a, au of Standards show that four room accessories to the firepiace inches of mineral wool betwe n nd and think of the pI lu.nl Presbyt rlan church, M rtha A humanist with deep interest according to research inlo teach­ Ellub Ih Burn y was marrl d 10 In all problems of modern culture ing during sleep, r ported In the roof and living quarters and fm­ me Is betore a roarin, fir . Ini of hollow spaces with Insula­ Cu't C.... e JUtebea Robert RobInson. Til R v. P, • nd civilization, Mum1'ord has July issue of Science IJIustruted . H wi son Pollock oWclated.. taken a great interest in the prob­ tion will save upwards of 35 per However, accord In, to the IU­ The article claims that it's as­ cent of fuel burned In the averase thor, there are a lew thlnp that Mrs. Robinson Is th d uchl r lems of higher education. He ier to learn during 81 p becau. e contributed to the volume, "The house. cannot be chan,eeI without a few of Mr. and Mrs. WiUl m Jam. light, outside sounds and other lua' at YOllr bud,et. Your kH- 'Burney, 309 F' irv! w av nu, nd :University and the Future of distractions can'l interCer . Facts 'America," and has served on com­ ch n Is one exampl . For thlt Mr. Robinson I 1h son of Mr. are memorized although tempor- br ak!81t nook which Is a cltch- and MI'S. Au&u t Robert Robinson mittees on higher education with arily forgotten. ' Dean Earl J . McGrath of the State Personal Notes III nd not th~t pita nt com r I Of Craham, T xa .. University of Iowa. The "mind writer" is on mach­ you wanted. c.n .dd som thin, to ;Maid of honor WAI Mis. Donna ine usad In sleep t aching. It is your kitchen If turned Into I Leiu Eub nk, Omaha, N~b. Mr. a record playcl" with n special Ann M. Canedy, A4, LeWiston, 1ll'Ul1l, private den. Whlle you're Rob rt J . Wh I r, lawn elly, was clock to start it atter the subject Po., Chi Omeio sorority presid nt, watch In, the jam bubbUni on the ~st man. Followln, th c re­ Town 'n' Campus is asleep. A whispering ~p aker left by plaJ'le yesterday for White ranle, wouldn't It be nice to lit In many, arc plion was h ld at the in a sponge rubber pi1l()W im­ Sulphur Springs, W. Va ., where a comfortable chair Ind !lnlm up Alpha Xi Delta hou • 'f plants the fucls to b It!urned. she will attend the Chi Omega na­ the family mendln,? Th bride was rraduated. from ' ALPHA DELTA SIGMA - Foreign language I.essons, Morse lional convention at the Green­ Therefore, a man had b Uer be- the Unlv rslty of Towo wh r she f.lpha Delta Sigma, proCessional code, multipli aUon tables and briar hotel. war when ilia wlte c-tJ that "I'm wa. affiliated wlth Alpha XI Del­ advertising fraternity for men, has chemical formulae mlghl on day Bonnie HaneY, AS, Glenwood. IIolnl to chanle th lurnltur " ta, social sorority, Phi B ta K p.- postponed. the meeting, scheduled be planted gently in the minds chapter pledge trainer, will join 11 am in her eye. It I. on wo- po, honorary scholastic tral rnlly, for last night, until June 30 at of sleepel's, pl'edicts th' maga­ Miss Canedy there Friday. Both manly trait lhal cannot be cor- and Omicron Nu , honorary hom 1:31), room El()5, East Hall. zine. women will return to Iowa City reeled! . economics frat mlty. The bride. Judson S. Brown, prort'. SOl' of the following Tuesday. rroom. also a gradu tf' ot the unl. SPANISH WAR VETERANS­ psychology al sur said yest rday QUITS Ql1EEN CONTE T veraJty. Is a m mlJ r of Chi Ep I· Spanish War Veterans and Auxili­ DES MOINES IA"-Pat Sullivan lon, honorary civil ngln ring thal experiments of thi s nature Mr. .and Mrs. J. P. Memler and ary will hold their regular meet­ had not been conduct d here. IOWA'S NO. J IIt:'fU:1IVE, It.W. Nb rr 11 (on tabl ). chief 0' the low~ bure u or crIminal Invtltl- 01 Red Oak hIlS withdrawn from Ir 1 rnlty. daughter, FlOSSie, 1130 Rarsons pUon. !lllll l'ror. It.I .. lfollotl1b (ct'Il(('r), director Or the II ace ofn en' hort cours tltl week In the the hawk ye holiday. queen I:on- After July 1, Mr. and Mra. Ro­ ing at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the "We'd have to see how bl~ Johnson County court house. avenue, motored to Dixon, Ill ., Iowa. t}nloJ1 , IItlllOIl tr-.. t~ a \I d~h"'\.or, u In" N. I'. ~veU, h riff at Dennl n, as a IlbJeet. e lOry test, coowt offltlals IIld yester- blnson will b at hom In Rtver- their sample was ond how rigor­ Saturday to spend the weekend at ous their methods w re before we Iud Plcturr. on ' ;\1:(' 6. (Oily IOWlin Photo by n rb Nlpjk)n) day. ton, Wy o. W.C.T.lI.-The Women's Chris- could soy how valunbl thes the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Merton --~~------~.~~------tian Temperance Union wUl meet experiments were," he soid. Memler ond son, Don. While tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at the home Brown remember d a past lhere, they took a tour through ot Mrs. Ernest Bright 220 George the Illinois state highway ottices Patients 'Punished' by Pallid Paint street. Leader will be Mrs. E. 1". experiment in which 0 man r ad whel'e Mr. Merton Memler Is the Greek to his child b fore lhe Wickham and devotions are in infant could talk. Later wh n lhe assistant . dlstrict enaineer. They charge of Mrs. R. G. Popham. returned lo Iowa City Monday. * * * * * * Also to have a part in the pro- child took formal Creek less~ns Psychopathic Changes Brown to Green gram are Mrs. B. J. Lambert and he absorbed the language ea. 1 r Mrs. David Minish. Topic of the lh?,n could have b.een expectad. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bartholo­ Remot!t·ling has dlolllll'cl tht' Sound Illootini and floor drains mew, 22\40 S. Clinton street, are lesson for the afternoon is "safe-I . Succe ss t~l e~perll~ents s ~ch as SUI p. yt'l",p,lthk ho pital'fi isola­ huve also been added. 'guards for Women." I thiS are qUIte hkely, he saId. the parents of a four pound son, born Monday at Mercy hospital. tion roullls, and "lhllil" II'W a,,· '''fhl! " w color scheme of th ]J arane: has lwtl n greal Wycho. rOOIll , alone, has h d a ar t I­ Be aVolunteer! WOMAN'S CLUB - The Iowa loglcul t'lf('t"\ upon Ihl' p(jti~l1ts," fe·t upon the patients," Miller Woman's Club will meet for a pic- K· ht f C I b A daughter, weighing seven • mg S 0 0 urn US occonlinll to Wilbur R. Mill ". ~:Iitl. "We could never convinc ruc at City park tomorrow at 6:00 pounds, thirteen ouncer, was born hospital t1ir{'t\ol". IiI' pati!:lIts th y were not belni p.m. Members are directed to the to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dennis, The h" pital (':11\ now haJl(ile plllli h~ when they were put \n second shelter house in the upper To Honor Pusater'l Route 2, Monday at Mercy hospi­ 200 IDt>f!! "alil'lIts annunlly aillL' illJlli' rooms. They would carry JOIN YOUR LOCAL UNIT part of the park.. tal. The Marquette council of the th 1 c'I11 $2n,B3!1 IClllllljt'lini, ac­ on for huurs and disturb th r st cording to MIIlI'r, IIf the ward. Now when they ar WYLIE GUILD-Wylie Guild of Knights of Columbus will honor Gus A. Pusa t ri, stale deputy­ Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carrel and 'I'WO s(luth wartls or tIlt" hOjJi­ plal('d in the remodel d rooms ~he Presbyterian church will hOld tal, Cunll('lly open ward flJr (·on­ they qui ·t down In about 15 min­ OF THE NEW .NATIONAL GUARD - NOW! a pot-luck picnic Friday at 6:00 elect, at a testimonial dinner Sun­ daughters, Sally and Sherrie, 434 ... valesl' nt !lOlliI'll " hove b '('n l:OI1- ute and have 00 difficulty in p.m. at the home of Miss Pearl day evening, C,C. lUes, past slate Third aVenue, motored to Des vert d into sun('r\li ~ cd clo r1 going to sleep." SPanswick, 824 Rider street. deputy, announced yesterday. Moines Sunday for '8 family re­ Cletus Hogan, local grand union at the home of J. P. Carrel. wards, Anoth r r oture of the remodel­ Partitions have bern I('IDUV'O REBEKAH-The Iowa City Re­ knight and chairman, has -d ruoms is on automatic ven\lIol­ a tram th south ward. which III ,­ Serv." bekah lodge 416 will meel at 8 arranged the program. Principal " Dr. and Mrs. Jean Bordeaux, ina: sy~tem, which regulates th viousl)' . ('parn\(~j (';leh room into p.m. tomorrow in the I. O. O. F. speakers will include the Very Los Angeles, CaJil., ere the guests temperature or the room. The IIlr fiGHTING ORGAMUnON building. Mrs. Kenneth Vincent, Rev. Sylvester D. Luby or Du­ of Dean t.lOd Mrs. Bruce E. Mahan, separat un L. Alll'rations huv in th room chang s complet ly B ... Aow also \) ell m;Ide UII th' hllnpurd1l's. noble grand elect, and Mrs. E. Vir­ buque, state chaplain, and Dl·. 303 Melrose avenUe. Mrs. Bor­ ev 'I"y 15 minutes, Mill r stated. II you act quiclJy, there mAy IlilI be a place gil Bowers, vice-grand elect, will Clem D. Kerrigan of Davenport, deaux, the former Mary Virginia The r gular screens Iwve b en re­ The hospital's treatm nt room tII._ •• placed by dctclltiun scr{'cns which for you in the ,,~w Natiooal Guard. BUlyoU 11..., (I"" recite. Plans will be made fOl" in­ a member of Ihe supreme board Coleman, was a member of the has been convert d into two sep­ can withstand 500 IJOlJlttl . o( jJres­ must act Mte, becawe the Natioaal Guud stallation in July. The I.O.O..F. of directors of the Knights of Col­ modern language staff at the uni­ arat ' rooms, and plans are under­ sure without d~ln;Ig '. 'I'lw. e new ••' .. Fo. annual home picnic at Mason City umbus. versity while a graduate student W;Ji to install a beauty parlor in has room oo1y for u.. hHl • •• DMIIl who are and the July encampment at Clear screens placed in back of the win­ the women~' south ward. Other Deputy-elect Pusateri will an­ here. potential leaders ••• mea who WaDl t.o MtW lake will be discussed. dows "will IIminate the dnngcr Iuhne plans for the hospital In­ nounce his appointment of 18 dis­ of e 'cap and brC;lkngl"," Miller clude remodeling of the IIYmnasi­ their country with pride in the militMJ trict deputies and the sto te execu­ Mrs. Alvin Kregel, Mrs. Cora ,...t ... * ...... said. um nnd recr ation room. traditions of the National Guard. Name IMysteryl Cast, Live and educational committees. Hudek and Luccia Roggmann, all The small rooms w 'I'e previous­ , of Garn~villo, Iowa, spent Satur­ Tickets Still Available Among lhe 200 perSllns plan­ ly bu ill with wood '11 Hoors and ning to attend the dinner in Hotel day with Anna J. Meyer, 121 N. ,plaster walls ;In,1 Wl'r IJllintp.ll:l r .. toe * Yair .... The cast of "Mystery Story," a Jafierson will be knights and Van Buren streeL drab brown and tan, accordinll lu , THROUGHOUT 'IE DIlliE .Ino STITlS OstoUlce here to see the rarest sight in the them on top again, and it is in a •• ~ Iowa City, Iowa Under the act of co... ..Board Of Trhsteel! Leslie G. Moeller, the truc meaning of the threat ning words was explained to her . In a large.-.cale realignment of profits ranging orUy ll'Om 5 .,12 ...... (>f 2, world, 11 conservative party that - March 1879. Moson Ladd. A . Craig BaIrd. Paul R. gay, relaxed way that they look In photogl'aphy jargon " blow up" meallS to enlarge a picture. he~ economic policy, Argentina ~ Olson, Lester Brooks, Steve DInnIng, is prospering. forward to the young people's percent. 811bMriptlon rllee-B,. carrier In IoWI Kathryn McNamara, Richard DIce, Kellh II • • also lifted nearly all restrictions There also are restrictions GIl CIty 10 cents weekly or $7 per year In A. Glasgow. That is the story here, and it is swimming races, excuse me, the _vince: IIx monlla $a.8&: three montht on importation of goods from the movement of this capital fioIIII '1.10.. 1Iy maU In Iowa $1.50 per " ...r: TelephoDei for me the only story here. nominations on Wednesday. Ovcrheard /I'hile sittil/g ilt a barber chair; "J'd li ke to het:tr - .. JIIOIItho $a.go" three montho $2. And Bu.ln.... OMc...... 4191 Britain, France, Italy, Holland, the country. The new orcht ". For a while :;omething about And because of this, I miss 1110)'(, lc ,~,~ ~ maU rubscrlpUon. sa per ,.ear; IIx Editorial Office ...... 4191 /I·om Walla/'(' fIIul from the Wallace for Pr6sidc1I.t Belgium and Spain, vides that all profits atlsinl !nil! month, " .25': three montlts ".2:5. Society Of.flc. • ...... 4193 the atmosphere, the family parties something. There seem to be very par/!J." accompanying th e delegates, the few persons here who are ready A third measure announced capital which entered ~ tender, round faces of the youths to cry i! their roan doesn't win, • • • after tlle markets had closed fol' since Jan. I, 1948, may 1M! iIIIIt­ ted abroad freely aad tJtat III Our American PoliUcal Heritage - and maidens, shining above the or even il he does - for at the WOI'd comps that :r.Jrs, Edna Lamb, lIfaurice River, N. J ., ate the day was establishment of a Taft and Dewey buttons, bother­ usual convention the more emo­ 1 G chel'l'ystollP clamK in 30 minutes during a L'ecent national clam new exchange rate of five pesos capital also may lane at IIJI Americans LHlve one essE' lliial definition of p o li t i('a l d(,JllorJ'~(, y. ed me, pLucked al memory, and tional ladies shed as easily at eating conlest. l\f!- ·. lJamb now bellI'S th title of "National Clam to the dollar for dollars coming time. Traditionally, it is "nJlr by I'cpresentatives ele tl'd by a tllajoJ'it Y then I hi.ld it. This convention is victory as at defeat. Eating Champion of the nilcd, tates." ------~------.... of the people." In the light of what i. happening now in Phila· for all the world like the opening I remember them crying when She brokr Ill st year's l'crOl'll by 44 clam~ The former champ, deJphia, it might be appropriate to re·examine I.hat 1JclirJ'. for the season of one of those they spoke the nerne ot J"andon Izzy W ei ntl'!l.u b, made a rather poor showing tllls year with a . WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR • i This is a R e publicBIl year. Borring a polilical accident, like huge, Victorian seaside holeLs of in 1936. But this isn't a crying high of 144. molw>ks. Eisenhowcr's accepting the Democratic nomination, Lb e man nOI11 - the age of innocence. convention. hate to be rude, but wOllldn 'L want either Edna or to 8:00 •• m . MornIng Chapel 3:00 p .RI. Muslc.1 Varielles 1. I Izzy 8:15 a.m. New. 3:30 lI.m. New! mated .by thc Repu~lican s this week will be out' n cxt Pl'esident. There is rcsll'uined millth You don't cry when you've Just my h ouse fOl' c1inn r. 8::10 a.m. Mol'nln. s ..... nbd. 3:35 p.1I\, "amoUl! Opera In 1ll0llrl1lsl And baITing several political miracles, thaL man will not b s{'lrrt- among the elders, and JOY among t:~ a.m. Politics 01 the i'ar !:aSl 4:30 p.m. Tea TIme Melodla come. into a fortune. The expres­ • • • . :5'0 a.m. News ':00 p.m. ~hlldrel\'. Hoor • , ed by It. majol'i ly of t he A mcric;] n people. the young, and one looks around sions, in the lobbies and in the 10:00 a.m. The Bookshel! 5: B )I.RI. MIIsleal MOOd s Speaking or clam remil1Cls me of King crabs for !lome rea on or 10:15 •. 1'11 . Aftd Breakfast Co flee 5: 30 p.m. Up·Ta·Tho-M.lnut. NOWI - Hc will be a ppointed, almo·t el cted, by a handful 01 politi- fol' Ihe litlle placards asking elevators, remind me strongly of H):4& a.m. Pause- Cot' Poetry Sport, ciap '. bridge foursorocs to sign up and the way people look when they anothcr. A lot of people (lon'L know about · King crabs a nd it's ll:oo •. m. Jolinson County News 8:00 p .RI. The Dinner Hour 11 :lO . '.m. lAtin American Rhylhm 7:00 p .RI. Great Epl"""e. In ~ U.S. News magar-ill t:' in a recent article pointed ouL that ill only announcing that there will be are watching a minor fight on hi.gh lime some one did ROO1elhiug about it. By way of bringing 11:30 .,t!I. Jlfel'."'. Musl. Hour 12 : 4~ p.m. ReligIous NeWs Reporter n:Oo p.m. Cain"". Shop state " only one-thil'd of the r gistel'ed R epUblicans vot ed. J mo~ent, to see a c?aracter III bappy to be doing what they are EVl'n if you lmow about t he King crab, you have probably for· j:oo p.m. Mtlsftal Chats 9:45 p.m. News g doing, gay in a moment that is goU n l'Hlt this is th lime wh n King crabs hold, their annual ' :nrI p.m. oTllhnllon County News 10 :.00 p.m. SIGN Of? Of the total cJ! 496 delegates chosen by votel'S ill tir e (lOP pri- ,Wthhille bPb3n tsfgothbOUllB dlllll thsrOtUgth 2:10 ,.m. lIeeent and Contemporary . l "3 J II bl ' t d ttl' leo y 0 e e evue ra- comfortable, and without strain. cOJ1VenLioll of( the coast of Alaska. Musfc ntlln~8, on y 1:J (we or/na 1/ 0 19a e 0. SltPPO)' pm' lOll al' ford, intoning: "TenniS, anyone?" cmultdates .. .. . This is lhe happicst Republican Some of ns may have a tendency to get this conven tion confused ',Vh e l'emalllJllg 498 COllV('ntlon d I gat es bave bron app llltecl, convention I have seen' it is the \\'ith those in PhiladE'Jphia this year. 'fhe difference in th se with or witbout the 1'ormf!lity of statr convcntions, by local pad.y first one in a good m~ny years J~e Sad, Sad Case of convcntions l'csts in thc fact. thRt the politicians meot only once WHO Calendar WMT Calendar p.m. b ORSes.. with rio responsibility xcept to themselves. These straw- that is at all like a party. In '36 every fOlll' years with the idca or choosi ng a. candida.to for -presi­ (NBC OuUel-) , (CBS o.tW) .f • men deJegates will follow the ordcrs of their bossc . there was something about a de- dent. ~n Alternate Delegate 1:00 a.m. News. Alex Dreier 1 :00 • .m. News, "'ldmatlt Ony 548 convention voters Ill'e required to n ominate. That's 50 pression; in '40, in this same city, T ; As con/t'ast ed td 1Jolitical conventions, the ]{ ing crab ,ncetina 9:00 a.m. The Fred WarIng Glee Club 10 :00 a.tl\. Arthur Godlt~y less than the m achin e~ alone control. In other words, if ewry pri- it was a question of who to put and Orche.nrt 12:00 noon Voke of Iowa By ARTHUR EDSON takes place CVC1'y yem' anci do cs so in the interests 0/ reproduc­ 11::10 A.m. Across The Keyboards iiOO p.m. Dbuble or Nothl", mal·y-elected dele~Bte w(, re instructed to vot fOl' tll samc man, up to ~ose to Roosevelt, and the CONVENTION HAItL, PHILA­ 12:00 noon Farm N.". •• P lambeelt 3:00 p.n,. Hint Runt tion. 1:00 p.m ...... • .. Ille or NOthlnl, Harry Von 4:00 p.m . Rop. P\alfo\'tl\ R!lQII(\\a'MII there stili wouldn 't be enongh votes to buck the mach ine groups. Rcp u~lLcans then felt so low ~he DELPHIA: (.IP)-You want to know You wouldn't 1hink a King crab has much romance in his life, zen ~ : 48 p.m . Lowell Thorn.. A('.cording to public pinion polls, the only indices available WlllIue h berals took over; In 44 who the forgotten man is? He's 5:00 p.m. Harmony TIme ' :00 p.m. Amerlean M~\)d'Y RO\l~ ' • but in his own little ha)'d·shl'lled way, b e gets along. 6:00 p.m . Standard Melody P arade 8:00 p .m. Your Soog ana tAl". an altennate delegate a national 1::10 p.m . New., M', 1., Nelllen short of a national primary, tIle genera.l public want" 'taosen. there was the w.ar. to CSl'l'ying out a ritual which has b en going On for a good many 9:00 'P.m . The Whl1ltler politicaL convantlon. 1:00 p.m. A Day In the Lite ot Dennis 9:30 p .m . Convehtlon PtPtroe"'..,\M1_IIIIn". Polit:iclans and commentators concede him, small chance. n ew ey, Now something has happened; yeal's, millions of female crabs and bach lor c1:ab paek Up' and go Day 10:30 p.m. Favorite Story ~ lias to pay his own way. 1:30 p.m, 'lChe New Jae1< PeRTI Show second in the populal' choice, i facing a strong "stop·him" move- the delegates themseLves don't to Alaska each summer. 'Phis S{, I'V CS the dual 'Purpose of mating 8:00 p.m. DUffy's Tavern, Archie the m en t' from pal·ty big-wigs. quite understand it, but suddenly Amtwhen he finaUy arrives, what MII't'. 811d gettin.g crabs away from their work which consist of crab­ 8:30 p .m. RepubUcan National Conven­ Othel' polls ind ica.te that political leaders would prefcr 'raft. it is all right again, it is all right, does he find, . A seat far bal:k in a tIon big hall, and no chance to vote tor bing all. day long tltl'011gllOUt th Yl'ar. But the ame "leaders" have indicated that, in tIl(' ('vCIlI of' the do you understand? A ppal'cntly thc femal (,R dOll't relllly get away from it all be-. expected Taft·Dewey deadlock, a stampede will b' Il'll to some The twisting of postwar events anything. ('allfo,C thev invariabhr aITive two weeks befol'e the mcn·folk and l'eJ iahle, party wol'lr-hol'se like Bricker or Martill. has made everything all r ight, Yet when I just sit al:ollntl and ~l'ab about 1h unreliability of mcn. Eithcr way, thc fi.nal decision will be made by tile pJ'imte fil'- and in lhe enormous happy polite- wandered When Ih (' si.c-lc(J(JCfl bachelors stop dallying aJnd firlaUy dO' OFFICIAL DAILY ness of the hnrdly-moving but BULlOIl around, a8ki~ . - I . rangE'ment of a dozen 01'80 Ilolitical bosses--c"l'n if not in a never-jostling crowds here there "What do you . show llP, th ey c1'('a/e 0 scelll' by dancing around rather uncer­ "smol~e- fill e d room" of' ITHrding memolY· Votcs oj' drlrgates is just the proper blend ot delight think of this '; tainly alld il! genoral makillg fools of themselves. (so'C/1,\l c1 popularly cho~en) will be swapped by the bloe ill reo and restraint which is a suitable convention?" the This is probl! bly du(' to t he ann ual he 's-a.jolly-good-Iellow con­ tum for pl'oUli~l't1 fayorS- ll nd ultimately' the COllven t ion will demeanor for those who have sud- answerwas vention atmos pJJ(:' I'P and 1Il1d oubt('dly results in /lo me pretty big "unanimously " name a candidate. denly received an unexpected that-back seats, han~o\' c n;. I imagiJl!' a hllll~ov e l' King crab is about the crabbiest Mea1~while, ".~1)onlaltco1ts" de/ltonstmtions 1m th e Jlool' mnll legacy. no. votes and all creat1ll'e ou CHlh. indicate the lJC)'sonal popularity dJ an IJspit·anl .. but 110 1'O/CS Everybody visits all the candi- -they love it. Des pitl' thl' ol)viOIlS wrak spots in a gatherin.g of this sort, it _V_('J_iL_._XXI__ V_ ,~N_O_._!_2_8 ______w_ edn_es_dJl._y,_J_un_e_23_,_I_NI will be changed by the 110i C. The p(([J call ll'Y gil ,rs dr(({Jatcs dates' campaign headquarters. In Paul A. Wie­ must work ou I, to a fairly d('c!'nt dl'grce of efficiency b(lc~use """"" SOlltcfhing /0 do while lh eil' lead<'I's bargain bchind th e sl'cnes 1940 hcre these headquarters gand, of Wiahita cvcry ycal' a gl' at many l itt le King crab come into the world. an.d determinl' Iltc rcsults. (usually a ballroom done up with is attending his .EDSON UNIVERSITY CALENDAR lillJ'l'Y Dangherty, who managed the pre.convention campaign posters and a string band) were first convention. getting bored with this talk, talk, Dwight H. Green on the tirst bal- WedMsday, June 23 9 >8. m. Physicallf

OFFICI!l OF TID REGISTRAR OFJo'ICE OF STUDENT AFl'AJII All university IItudents expect· All renewal applications lot,,,,, ing to receive a degree from ·any LaVerne Noyes .lehQi,/lrship. 'CUt , colleile -of the university- at the scholarship, Student Aid Icholar· Aulust, 19~ convocation, must sliip, and I club lebolllftb.·. I file the three-part degree appllca­ be turned In to the OUice of ~­ dent ANairs befpre r aon form in the office of the Re· J\ilY t_ gistrilr before II p. m. June 30, in order to be conslder-td flit. 1948. 1948-49 academic yMr. ~ ,. Applications received alter June 30 cannot be ac:t.pWd lor grad"_­ TD1'IIOOK DII.... W ~n in AUiusL The annual Ichool teI¢IMk .. play JR heint{ bl'lrt m .tl!I! __ IOWA MOONTAlNEEU floor of East ball from J~ n. The .htth aqnual lIUIaJMr out- June 28. ~: L. I "' ; . , >. F •••• • 'l1JI: DAILY lOW Use 'Daily Iowan Want Ads Cons'ruc~n of!f~w Ancient Glassware for Pharmacy Museum , . ' State Off ce Bulldmg Tornado Rips CLASSIFIED RATE CARD APART:'::: of Rlver_I~=ma:~:::= ent. Halted Until ~pring Through Two CASH RATE aide. Dial 9590. I Must be employed. Exchange DES MOINES IJP) - There will 1 • I Dap-.'tOo per Ua. per WANTED: Student man to share references. Phone 6937 alter 6 be another delay, at least until CIa,. room Swnmer and PaU. Cook- p.m. next spring. in the beginninc 01 Iowa Counties I CoDleCuU~e 4&,_150 per nne per 4&,. ing privileges. Phone 2'105. construction of the long awaited EMERSON, IA. ~ - tine ~­ • Co_utl.e clap-lle per WOK WANTED state office building, it de,'eloped n was injured, some fann homes SINGLE and double 'rooms for yesterday IIae per 4&,. BABY sIfting and sewing. CaU . d ma~ and numerous farm out- Flpre 5-worel "vence per 1IDe men. Close in. Call 2037. "'9. Attorney General Robert L. buildin sm bed in a tornado MialJ.mum Ad-Z LiD... 1 ROOM apartment until Sept. I. Larson told a special committee I t sl ed n rth lerly rnn.s P hone 6787. PEBSONAL SEBVJa3 in charge of the project at a two south,.. lOlA:. ~ n li es CLASSIFIED DISPLAY closed meeting yesterday it is y rday. .Se per Coltlllbl IDoIl 3 ROOM apartment until Septem- RADIOS. appliaDcel, ~ &lid questionable whether tbe group County Sheriff AI Or 18 tor a MenU. ber. Write Box 6P-I, Daily .uta. Electril!al wlrIDe. repair-Ihas authOrity to contract for other Iowan. 1nI. Radio repair. J..a.m Elec:triI: than a completed building. CaDceu.tfon Deadllne 5 P. III. - UldG.ift. p~ H61. The rea [ t e r the committee &espcmalble tor One lDoorrect ROOM with cooking privlleges. obtained agreements from most oC lnaerilon Onl, GrQduate lady. Write Box 6 ~O DOES IT the low bidders on the major IIrID&' Ada to DaU, 10".. 0-1, DaiJ,y Iowan. PAINTING and general repair. porhon of the work to hold their ....n ... Offlee. ElIat Ball. _ SMALL apartment, s tu den t Phone 3133 afier 6, Bob Clark. oUe... open until next Feb. 15. DIAL 4191 couple. Write 6N-l, D ail y None of the low bidders refused AIm John n, mother of Iowan. ASHES aDd BuhbJab haulJDa, in follow this plan but the com- Ralph Johnf()n, was injured when ~====:::::::::=-::======mittl'e was unable to contact all the Ralph J ohn n (arm home, FOB sAiB WANTED: Girl to share apart- n.. HU. of them immediatt'ly. ment. Close to ca mpus and

Everr&blnl' In Pboto Supplies LOST AlII) FOUNb 100M AND IOARD By GENE AHERN yOU LEAN RAScAL AND KAAVE! (.lOW ELSE COULD At SCHARF'S LOST: Diamond ring. Ladles' rest SAYING 'YOU DEI-IVDRATED.. MY IT BE DONE, 'I'OU low" Clty'a Larl'eH room, Schaeiter Hall, FrlQay. WAT~LON IN MOM;AN:>r/ DENSE DULlARD ? ... Camel'll Store Reward. Dial ;t689. YARD .. , WHAT BALDERC»Sf.lt- YOU SAiD IT WAS 9 8. Dubuque Dial 57U ... 'IOU UPROOTED MY \ WORTH $21) 10 SPITE LOST: Brown-striped plastic ORIGiNAL VI NE, 'TWEN MC>REAN, RATHER'TIIAN ~;iili~iiiiii~ii~~~i Sheaffer pen. Return to Geo~&e PLANTED ANOTHER HAVING PAY I4tM 2S¢ WEEKLY I . A. Paulik, N-166, Hillcrest. Phone A MElON, IN ITS PLACE!'" GROUND RENT" L ON T7Pewl'Uen I Ext. 3 1 ~7 . . .. AND 10 THINK I PAiD MEL.DN ! and LOST: Black Sheaffer "Lifetime" /W····AWP-FF= A4dlDK Machin. pen last Friday. Reward- Ext. both 4308. 8tuurcl " Portable now LOST: Wallet Sunday. Mail per­ ~va1lable sonal.Pll pers to 320 J efferson, D. Prohweln Suppl, 01. J. jamison. Pbolle 1474 We Repair AU Mall. LOST: Gray and gold Parker pen­ cil between Union Cafeteria and r-.:-:; - -- -- Schaeffer Hall. Na me " AJi<;t1 G. WAJIITED TO RElIT Ha~a ld so n " engraver! int ~oJd . Pindj!r please call same at Hytch­ STUDENT couple need apartment inson House. Reward.. I I by August 16. Furnished or _ • __ _ unfurnisbed. P hone 6-0511, Ext. REOENTLY- Lacties' wbite gold' 8037 !rom 6 to 8 p.m. Hamilton wrist watch. Qall 4191. HELP WANTED WANTED 'TO BUY .. KX--rC-n-ee-d-s-c-ompetent secretary I OLD HOOVER v~cuu rri 'cleaner. .., jUld wan b~ learn ra~q aalelt t'hone 6~32 ! I •

• THE DAlLY IOWAN. WEDNESDAY, JUK~ 2;), l :,4;:i-:'.:\.a:: ::r~r

Stern Policemen's -- Dads Collect S286 Russia Veloes Ll nasi In First-Day Drive for J GOP Lists Platform Highlights aaIs! 'Tears Flowed Like Wine' pOrt For Swimming Pool Control Plan abo' -- In Gas Demonstration LAKE SUCCESS lIP) - RUJSia', The Community Dads nnnounc­ ?fit h Vl't" YI" ,tcnlay killed a sec· To Yote, On Files Damage Suit, * * * ed last nighl that $280 was 01 - urity ,,"unr il nlnjority decisiQI - * * * lected yest rday in lhe first d