What is Astrology ?

One of the wonderful assets given by the creator to human kind is the divine science of astrology. It reduces and unfolds the uncertainties of life, and helps people move in the right direction. The various aspects of human life is what astrology deals with; such as education, career, marriage, family, children, health, social status, finance etc.

Astrology helps us to plan our future. The astrological remedies help to reduce the impact of malefic planetary influences in a person's natal chart, further harness the significations ruled by the beneficial planets.

Astrology is both, science and art that provide an interpretation and influences of the stars and planets on humans. The principle of determining planetary positions and periods are universally applicable because it is based on mathematical systems. It blends numerous techniques and data for making predictions, and that makes it an art.

Astrology is the only divine science, which helps one to peep into the future. Among many branches of astrology, horoscope reading is the salient one, which is based on the time and place of birth of an individual.

Astrology is based on the natal position of planets that gives a complete picture of the life of a person. In astrology, horoscope is believed to tell us how much malefic influences are there, how and when will they manifest, and if there are any remedies.

Astrology is a much larger body of knowledge that throws light on the nature of reality. As said astrology is very scientific and intends to bring something superior to what people thinks. It is a karmic analysis that helps to change ourselves for the better. Astrology aims to get in touch with the sublime and natural qualities of the soul, and establish our relationship with God. Vedic astrology is transformational in nature, aimed with helping the process of growth, evolving consciousness and overcoming limitations.

Astrology helps you know the essence of life and let you learn the proficiency and talents you have carried into this world. It further helps you to contribute your skills and share these qualities for the well-being of this world. Astrology helps you to lead a peaceful and happy life; experts believe that every person born for a reason and it becomes visible as he contributes his/her qualities to this world. It is only through astrology we can analyze the period when situation is most likely to occur in our lives. Astrology is a path that points out the effective measures and directs us to enrich our lives. This helps in building a better and happy life for ourselves. It also helps us to choose friends and people who are compatible to us in the long run. Through astrology-compatibility analysis, it leads us to true love of our lives for a happy married life.

It is important to know the science of astrology rather than fearing it since it has great influence in our lives. Understanding the importance of astrology will only help an individual lead a happy life. ********

Is Astrology a Science ?

Sun is a BIG MAGNET. Sun attracts Earth with a magnetic force which is pure science. Earth attracts Moon with a magnetic force which is a pure science. Sun attracts other planets with a magnetic force which is again pure science. All the planets attract each other with a magnetic force which is also a pure science. This occurs on the basis of the magnetic theory that when a magnet attracts an iron particle the iron particle gains some magnetic properties and can attracts other iron particles.

Now these magnetic force affects all the living things [human being, animals, and plants] exists in the Earth and creates vibrations [para-magnetic effects] in their body or mind like sound effects which is again pure science. These vibrations may create some beneficial or harmful effects on the living things. If the effects are harmful then living things fall sick or face challenges in their life and this is totally supported by pure science.

Now effects of different GEM STONES create vibrations [dia-magnetic effects] in our body which can be used to neutralize the effects of para-magnetic vibrations created by different planets on the basis of a scientific theory frequency modulation.

Now biologically human body consists of NINE Endocrine Glands which are associated to NINE Planets. These Endocrine glands are connected with 14 nerves and communicate with each other with a small organ called endorphin which is also known as Neuro-transmitter. GEM STONES are used basically to create balance in this neuro-endocrine system. In this way Astrology can be used in therapeutic purposes or to remove negative energies from human body to resolve life challenges. So Astrology is 100% pure science. It has FOUR major areas. They are as follows:

1. Astro Gemology 2. Astro Palmistry 3. Astro 4. Astro Psychology

Astro Gemology

Human body consists of 13 systems out of which 12 systems are physical systems and 1 system is metaphysical system. 12 systems are associated with 12 zodiac signs. The metaphysical system is also called Chakra System or Neuro-Endocrine system which consists of 9 energy centres or 9 Neuro-Endocrine glands. These energy centres or glands are connected with 14 nadis or nerves. These 9 chakras are associated with 9 planets.

If two babies born on same year, same month, same day, same time & same place, they will be associated with same zodiac sign. So according to astro concepts these two babies would have same gemological phenomena. But in real cases this has been observed that there are lots of differences in their fortune. This is because of their ruling chakra or energy centre. Using the horoscope we can detect their ruling chakra or planet and get perfection to determine their gemological aspects.

So according to Astro-Gemology we have to consider both ruling physical system & ruling energy centre. This combination will help us to get accuracy in the determination of human fortune.

Astro-Gemology can help us to define characteristics, career path, financial stability, family life etc. of a person and give us 100% accurate results.


Lo Shu Magic Square is known as Lo Shu Grid in Chinese Numerology. The Lo Shu Square 3x3 is a magic square. Chinese literature dating from as early as 2800 BC tells the legend of Lo Shu or "scroll of the river Lo". In ancient , there was a huge flood. The people tried to offer some sacrifice to the river god of one of the flooding rivers, the Lo River, to calm his anger. Then, there emerged from the water a turtle with a curious figure/pattern on its shell, which at the time was considered to be a very auspicious . It is also known as laxmi yantra in India. This square was remarkable because every horizontal, vertical, and diagonal row added up to 15. Fifteen is the number of days between the new moon and full moon respectively. The number five is highly regarded in ancient china and this magic square contained a five number in the center of this Lo Shu Grid.

One of the oldest ways and methods to calculate personality traits is the Lo Shu Grid method. The seat of Chinese numerology, the Lo Shu Grid has been used by traditional Chinese men and women for more than 4,000 years in determining an individual's personality. At first sight, the method looks complex, but the reality is that Lou Shu Grid is very simple to use and understand the meaning.

To use the Lo Shu Grid Method, people need to calculate their number. To calculate the number, the birth date is used (day, month and year). Lo Shu Grid method doesn't sums up all numbers. Instead, the method puts all numbers from the birth date in a grid. Every number has a designated spot in the grid. Zeros are not used. For example, all 1s go in the middle bottom square, 4s go to the top left box, 2s to the top right box etc Every number symbolizes a specific trait that people poses. Once all numbers are added to the grid, individuals can read their personality traits, both weaknesses and strengths. What about the Missing Numbers? For e.g., if the birth date of a person is 13-04-1962, he/she possess qualities related to number 1, number 4, number 3, number 9, number 2, and number 6. It is nearly impossible to have all the numbers in one grid. Some numbers are missing. The missing numbers from the grid show the lessons individuals need to learn and focus. For example, missing the number 7 indicates a lack of interest in spiritual matters. These people have a hard time being left on their own and find it hard to learn from their own experience.

Numerology does a great job at uncovering some of life's mysteries in relation to your personality, your odds at being successful, your choice of spouse as well as how other people see you. The triple number 888 is one that's seen as positive and progressive. If you've been seeing this number a lot lately, prepare for a world of abundance and opportunities coming your way in a short while.

The number 888 is all about positive changes. This is especially true if you've been hit by misfortune after misfortune over the last couple weeks, months or year. The universe and your angel guides are conspiring to change the status quo and give you a chance at succeeding in your endeavors for once. In addition, the triple number 888 is seen as the number set of completion and infinity. Upon closer inspection, one can see that the number 8 is actually two zeros stacked up against each other to form a number that can turn in on itself. It also closely resembles the Chinese symbol of Yin and Yang which essentially looks at the world as well as the universe as something that has a dual and eternal side to it. This number set basically is giving you a clue into how the world works; it does this by announcing to you that you should take the good and the bad and make everything work in your favor.

When you see the number 888, try as much as possible to prepare for change in your life. You can do this by doing a bit of spring cleaning, changing the way you dress or even using a different route on your way to work. It's not enough that you've seen this tripe digit number showing up in your life; you must actively change your energy and habits in order to be in alignment with whatever's coming your way. The number 888 is also a sign that you should do everything in your power to make sure that your finances are in check. This is because coming into a small fortune as a result of seeing this number set may cause you to act in a reckless manner which may end up in you losing the windfall that the universe just sent you. Make sure to double check all your transactions to make sure that there aren't any missing zeros or misused funds. 888 reveal it when your thoughts and vision for your life are in alignment. It serves as a reminder that whatever you're doing is right and that you should keep at it until you get your break. In addition, you might want to consider starting new relationships, signing contracts and agreements once you see this number set since you're more likely to be successful going forward thanks to the backing that you are about to receive from your angel guides and the universe in general. When 888 appear in places such as your birth date, endeavor to life your life with a purpose since you've already been given a loving push by the universe by default.

Importance of Horoscope

According to Astro-Gemology, in the Horoscope, the favorable and unfavorable events of an individual are indicated based on the planetary positions at the time of birth. The nature of horoscope, method of prediction, and indications of good and bad are highly diverse in different cultures and countries of the world. The pleasant happenings of the life, mishaps, fortunes, mother, father, siblings, progeny and spouse-related questions can be analyzed from the horoscope. Questions pertaining to the marriage timing, favorable periods of life, struggling phases of life, approximate time of death etc. can also be addressed with the help of horoscope. According to Astro-Numerology, Human birth consists of TWO dashas or doshas. Effect of the particular planet at the birth time of a child is known as MAHADASHA. Effect of the particular planet in the consecutive years at birth time is called ANTARDASHA. The combination can give beneficial or harmful effects in health & prosperity. HOROSCOPE is the blue print of our planetary dashas during our whole life. It is very important for us to protect our health and financial losses or career instability.

If there is any harmful effect defined in our horoscope for a particular age, ASTRAMEDICINE can help us in the prevention or recovery from this unfavorable phase.

Astra medicines consist of botanical substances or products, yoga postures & chromatology along with GEM STONES. Physicians are capable of giving remedies to their patients in case of any viral/bacterial infections or injuries but can't prevent or foresee any disease prior to it happens. They are not also capable to balance our physical body when it is not determined by medical tests. Financial losses and career instability can also be overcome by using Astra medicines.

Horoscope is a very important document for a human being for maintaining good health and disturbance free life.

Corporate Astrology

Role of a Corporate Astrologer has become more important in the present scenario. Now a day's all corporate and leading multinational companies have started taking help of Corporate Astrologers for maximizing their efforts and for global leadership. For astrological points of view Corporate Entity is ruled by various individuals who include the CEO or Managing Directors. The horoscopes of these key persons become of paramount importance for its smooth running operations and its growth prospects. If these aspects are taken care of at the time of appointment of the key managerial people then there will be very good chances of success of a body corporate. The analysis of the horoscopes of the key persons of the organization helps us in identifying the areas of investment and selecting the line of business. This is very important for the success of the project. The availability of the project finance, once the project has been decided again depends on the sentiments of the stock market and economic conditions. The Horoscope analysis of the new entrant for the management team gives an insight which is so significant that it cannot be overlooked. None of the present management or scientific tools for recruiting personnel can substitute for the horoscope analysis. Not only the horoscope tells the basic capabilities but it also tells whether the person in question could be able to use his or her capabilities for the benefit of the project. While the strength and weaknesses of the persons under consideration can be evaluated through the horoscope analysis Corporate Astrology does not help only in chartering the course of lives of persons but it also helps in chartering the course of Business enterprises, Institutions and Nations.

We at RATNAJEEVAN [Mobile: +91-9874342146] offer a very important and comprehensive corporate service which is very useful for corporate sectors. Contact us with full confidence along with birth details of your key persons which could make you well satisfied and you can explore your business growth and leadership as well as financial stability many times over.

Mr. S.M. Raza is offering personalized and in-depth business and finance predictions and advice. Astrology is a very good means of finding out many financial patterns which are not visible to outsides and sometimes even to you. Business and enterprises run on the ideas and efforts of visionary people. The talent in a person sometimes is the only limitation that holds him down. Planets do influence our profession. You may be highly talented, but if you are in the wrong business that doesn't suit your talents or temperament, you'll feel restless and suffocated. Based on the planetary combinations it is possible to know what professions will suit you best and when. Vedic Astrology can guide you in this area. We will provide you better suggestions according to planetary configurations to flourish your business. The financial astrologers provide an insight into the profit yielding transactions and the best suited time to do the same. Those people who have suffered losses and want to recover them, money astrology is totally useful.

Astrology - No Birth Details

There are lots of people in the world who does not have any birth details due to different reasons. Due to these unfortunate problems these people are facing lots of unethical challenges in their life. So they have to recover themselves from these unwanted circumstances by drafting a detailed horoscope.

In this scenario Astrologer has to assume their birth date & time as 1st January, 1900 at 12:00 AM. In this case numerical study tells that they have a mahadasha of the planet KETU. So the horoscope will be made on KETU mahadasha. Now day of the week at birth time is Monday. All of the antardasha would be calculated on Monday 12:00 AM. Now if somebody has the specific birth date but does not have the birth time, we have to calculate the dashas on his birth date and birth time as 12:00 AM.

In case of those people who have lost their birth date, they have to put a Cat's Eye stone in their body along with the specified gem stones according to the malefic antardasha calculated on the birth time associated with the current birth years.

They also have to wear a copper ring in their ring finger so that all the gem stones work positively. Copper will absorb the toxins from the human body and it is required because of gem stones will work perfectly in a toxin free human body.

Gem stones will create different colour vibrations in our body which will remove all the negative energies created by the malefic effect of the planetary positions at the current time of birth.

Use of copper ring and gem stones together will not only save our life but also recover us from all the challenges we are facing in our life. But gem stones should be worn with a proper prescription from a certified astrologer unless it will create adverse effect in our body which will put us into more problems in our life.


This paper presents a brief overview of an important application of astrology in field of medical science. In this scientifically and technologically developed world when the medical science has immensely progressed, there are a number of unanswered queries that could not be justified. Astrology can assist to diagnose these problems and answer them scientifically. Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are the key planets responsible for the soundness of the mind. When these planets along with fifth, sixth house in the horoscope of an individual is afflicted by any means then mental illness occurs. Astrology plays a key role to guide and enlighten the man and his thoughts to get the right approach and put in the best efforts to improve and achieve the goal. A person's horoscope gives plenty of clues to what makes him sick. All of the signs have their positive and negative qualities but the water signs are more susceptible to mental illness. Water signs are sympathetic and thoughtful of others as a rule. They can be turned inside out and they can just as easily feel sorry for themselves. Afflictions in water signs produce depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol addiction, bipolar illness or schizophrenia. Science is progressing with the research day by day. There is need that astrology should be taught to every student to improve the deeds and make conscious efforts to improve our self. It helps us to know our self, our weakness and strengths. It informs about the weak parts of the body to take possible care of health and be a better part of society to make this world a better place to live.

Astrology is a useful scientific tool that needs keen observations to help a man to know about him and the bio-medical problems like psychological and neural disorder. It is confined in twelve houses of the horoscope but has a vast horizon with variable impacts on life due to minor changes. Neurological and psychological disorder can be well predicted by natives birth chart. Astrology can help to seek remedy, strengthen the diagnosis and treatment of all bio-medical problems and disorder.

ASTROPATHY is the emerging science in the medical field. Astropathy claims to cure known and unknown diseases without any existing modes of therapies in conventional methods. Astropathy protects you from any kind of negative energies. Negative energies create harmful effects in our body which causes different kinds of obstacles in our life like academic failures, financial loses, and relationship problems, family problems, legal problems, lack of concentration, memory loss, drug addiction, depression, anxiety etc. Take the astropathy solutions before you move into the unexpected phases in your life. We are here to defend your life from unethical periods or incidents. COME & JOIN US AT YOUR EARLIEST. DO NOT THINK MUCH TO INVEST IN THIS EMERGING AREA. SECURE YOUR HEALTH & WEALTH TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE SMOOTHLY.

MR. S. M. RAZA, a licensed astropath in the area of astro-gemology and astro-palmistry. He is very popular throughout the world as a successful astropath. He is the only astropath who can provide you authentic & reliable gem solutions. His trusted service gives you a certificate on any kind of gemstones. He can guide you without any birth details. If you do not have the correct details of your birth date & time, do not hesitate to call PROF. (DR.) PARIKSHIT CHAKRABORTY on +91-9874342146.

PROF. (DR.) PARIKSHIT CHAKRABORTY, a licensed astropath in the area of astro-psychology and astro-numerology. He is a life member of Shree Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology, Rajasthan. He is also a research guide in the area of astropathy. He has invented different astropathy solutions for reliable & quick results. You can meet him at RATNAJEEVAN for any astropathy solution. He is a very good problem solver and can solve your problems within a minute. Please contact him on +91-9874342146 for a quick solution. Do not wait or hesitate to call him. He is here to give you an affordable solution quickly. RATNAJEEVAN IS THE LEGENDARY NAME IN ASTROPATHY. We at RATNAJEEVAN provide astropathy solutions throughout the world. RATNAJEEVAN is the only name in India who provides astropathy solutions. Please contact Prof. (Dr.) Parikshit Chakraborty on +91-9874342146 for more details. Do not wait or hesitate to take the decision.


We are always living in the energies coming from planets and stars. The space above us where planets and stars dwell is called 'zodiac'. The zodiac is divided into 12 parts and each part of the zodiac is called 'sign' or 'rasi'. Thus there are 12 signs in the zodiac wheel. Since we are exposed to the energies of planets and stars, the energies coming from them are absorbed into our body continuously. Hence the energies coming from the zodiac will influence our whole body and in particular, the specific energy coming from each sign of the zodiac will influence the specific part of our body. So the 12 signs influence our body parts. For example, our head receives more energy from Aries sign, so head is influenced more by Aries. Similarly, our neck is influenced by Taurus, our hands by Gemini, chest by Cancer, heart by Leo, stomach by Virgo, buttocks by Libra, genitals by Scorpio, thighs by Sagittarius, knees by Capricorn, calves by Aquarius and feet by Pisces.

All of our body parts are covered by skin. While the planetary energies enter our body through our skin, they leave some markings and lines on our body or skin. For example, the lines on our forehead, in our palms and under our feet are all formed in this way only. When good energies enter our body, we feel peaceful and become healthy and wealthy. When bad energies enter our body, we feel disturbed and are prone to various problems. Understanding the energies whether they are good or bad by observing the marks and lines on the body will enable us to predict the future of a person. This is called 'Anga Vidya' (Science of limbs).

The skin is very sensitive at our lips, in our palms and also at our feet. Energy flows in and out at pointed surfaces. Since our palms and feet are attached to fingers and toes which are pointed, there will be more energy flow in these areas. So, the marks and lines on the palms and feet give clear information about the energies going into or coming out of our body. So it is possible to predict the future of a person by observing the marks and lines of the palms and feet also. Predicting one's future by studying the marks and lines in the palms is called 'Hasta Samudrika' (Palmistry) and predicting the future by studying the marks and lines in the feet is called 'Paada Samudrika' (Footology). In Astrology, we draw the planetary positions in the zodiac at the time of birth of a person and analyze the good or bad energies of planets by their positions and aspects. This drawing is called horoscope of the person. In Palmistry, we can estimate the good and bad energies of planets by looking at the marks and lines of the palms. In other words we can say our palms contain in-built horoscope. With this idea, some people who are experts in Astro-Palmistry tried to build horoscope of a person from the lines of the palm. Similarly, some scholars tried to describe the lines and marks in the palms of a native by looking at his horoscope. Such people are called 'Astro-Palmists'. The science 'Astro-Palmistry' refers to the Astrology part that is directly reflected in Palmistry. Astro-Palmistry is in its infant state because any person who wants to become an Astro-Palmist should be versatile in both the sciences: Astrology and Palmistry which is not so easy. If a mount is well developed and high with 1 vertical line on it, then that planet would be in its exaltation or own house. Similarly if a mount is depressed and underdeveloped, then that planet would be in its debilitation. When favorable markings like trident, conch, fish, triangle, square etc are found on a mount, they represent the mount is receiving good aspects from other planets. When unfavorable markings like island, grille, chain, star, dots etc are found on a mount, then we can understand that the mount is receiving bad aspects from other mounts. In most of the cases, we can see a connection line between two planets when there is a conjunction of planets. The Fate line which generally starts at the bottom of the palm and ascends to the Mount of Saturn generally represents the MC or 10th house in the horoscope which shows profession and earnings of the native. In Vedic Astrology, Rahu and Ketu are considered as planets. When these planets afflict the life of a person, we can find chained formation in Life line, Head line and Heart line.

Amethyst The Vastu Stone Amethyst gemstone offers certain benefits for body detoxification and health. This gem provides benefits similar to tourmaline, such as far- infrared radiation and negative ion emission. While the benefits of amethyst gemstone are controversial, many applications of this stone are beginning to regain popularity. Amethyst is a popular and relatively rare form of quartz. It's a fairly hard gem and can be found within geodes all across the globe. Amethyst is usually available in crystal form or as a mass. Its lovely violet color may come from trace amounts of iron or manganese in its crystal lattice. Many stones on the market are not naturally colored; they are often heat treated to produce a darker shade of violet. Throughout history, the violet, lilac, and lavender amethyst crystal have been associated with royalty. The crystals have also been used for a variety of health conditions throughout the ages, ranging from alcohol addiction and sleep disorders to pain and mental dysfunction. While research has yet to conclude that amethyst actually helps decrease symptoms associated with these health issues, emerging data displays amethyst as a powerful compound possibly helpful for detoxification. Amethyst produces small but detectable of magnetic fields. While high levels of magnetic fields are dangerous (particularly from electronics), the naturally-occurring magnetic fields from amethyst may actually produce favorable results in the body. Since the human body has its own magnetic field, proponents believe that amethyst interacts and exchanges energy with the body. The stone also absorbs and reflects far-infrared radiation, a type of long- wavelength radiation. Although controversial, far-infrared radiation is currently being studied for a variety of health benefits for the human body. Eight of these health benefits include:

1. Cell Regeneration - Far-infrared radiation is known to support healthy cell growth and regeneration. Scientific studies have shown that increasing infrared radiation may correspondingly increase energy levels in the body. This increase in energy is designed to promote the growth of healthy cells, possibly aiding in whole body growth. Currently, the majority of experiments that verify these findings have been conducted with animals; however, results indicate that similar activity may occur in humans.

2. Sleep Support - We also know from experiments with animals and humans that far-infrared regulation may modulate sleep patterns. The low level of heat emitted by amethyst crystals may help provide a sense of calm for the body, possibly providing favorable effects for supporting a healthy sleep cycle. 3. Blood Circulation - Far-infrared radiation has been shown to aid blood circulation, particularly microcirculation among the capillaries in the skin. For a time, scientists believed that the circulation benefit from far- infrared radiation was related to infrared heat. A recent study, however, showed that it actually wasn't heat but the radiation itself that contributed to improved circulation.

4. Fluid Motility - Blood is not the only bodily fluid that improves in circulation ability in response to far-infrared radiation. The radiation increases the motility of lymph fluid and may support normal fluid balance in tissues.

5. Mood Support - In one recent study, far infrared radiation- emitting discs were placed under the pillows of subjects during sleep. Subjects with the radiation-emitting discs hidden underneath their pillows reported a statistically significant increase in overall life satisfaction. This was in direct comparison with those who had a placebo disc.

6. Antioxidant Activity - Almost everyone has heard the buzz about antioxidants, and most of the population is aware of the general health benefits associated with these natural compounds. Research indicates that exposure to far-infrared radiation may increase antioxidant activity within certain foods. 7. Wound Support - Far-infrared radiation may also promote repair mechanisms in skin tissue, especially for patients with diabetes-induced skin damage. Skin damage related to chronic and acute conditions and reconstructive surgeries may also benefit.

8. Bacteria Fighter - Last but not least, science shows that far-infrared radiation may aid in inhibiting bacterial growth by hindering the actions of certain growth-promoting enzymes. Scientists have found that it is far-infrared radiation specifically, and not merely the heat, which inhibits the growth of some bacteria in the body. Regular heat therapy doesn't seem to offer the same effect.

Ions are atoms or molecules with an unequal number of protons and electrons. As electrons have a negative charge, an ion with more electrons than protons is called a negative ion. Because of this imbalance, they naturally seek out other molecules and compounds with which they can combine. According to some theories, negative ion emission could draw certain free radicals out of the body. Many people believe that amethyst crystals emit negative ions and can bring about the benefits of negative ion emission. Here are three benefits of negative ions:

1. Removing Toxic Particles from the Body - Negative ions appear to attract toxic particles. Studies have indicated that the size of the particles doesn't matter.

2. Respiratory Support - If negative ions have the power to draw out toxic particles from the body, it may aid in respiration by removing these particles from the lungs. This could aid those with occasional congestion or other respiratory concerns. More research is needed, especially on humans, to find conclusive evidence for this benefit.

3. Removing Aerosol - Negative ion emission can remove dangerous chemicals like aerosol from the air and your body. Protecting your body from the potentially hazardous compounds is crucial for supporting health.

Amethyst The Saturn Gem

Saturn is the most feared and revered planet among the nine planets. Its gemstones too have a similar attraction and mystery attached to them. All astrologers also give advice that a gem for Shani must never be worn without a proper analysis of the horoscope. Here, we take a look at the Amethyst gemstone which can be used as remedial gem for Shani. This gem is also known as Shani Ratna in Jyotish. Amethyst is a popular gemstone for Saturn. It is a form of Quartz and is counted as a semi-precious gemstone. It is found in almost all parts of the world. It has a rich violet colour and is widely used in jewelery. Figurines made out of it can also be used as Vastu items by the people who have a yoga karak Shani. Amethyst as a healing stone is known to calm and protect the mind. It soothes those who have engaged in constant rigorous mental activity. It has been deemed nature's tranquilizer by many healers because of it's effectiveness in relaxing not only the mind but also the nervous system. It is a great stone to use if you are trying to increase your psychic abilities and enhance your intuition. Amethyst is an excellent stone for meditation and for opening the third eye. It increases your ability to open to new ideas and help open the channels to your higher self. For this reasons many suggest amethyst for those seeking spiritual growth. Try Amethyst to drive off insomnia and promote peaceful and healing sleep. It is commonly used to relieve headaches, sugar imbalances and general edginess. Besides being a stone of tranquility and repose, amethyst is also known to enhance mental strength, stability, and vigor. It also is protective in averting the mind from psychic attacks and transforming negative energy in to that of positive and tranquil tenacity. It is said to also have a relieving effect on stress, grief, depression, emotional despair and ineffective communication. It is a beautiful violet- colored stone also known as a lover's gem, signifying faithfulness and true love. It changes color when the wearer becomes ill. Its radiance is increased if kept close to any poisonous substance. The Greeks believed that those who drank from goblets made of Amethyst could not be intoxicated. The roman women believed that this stone would preserve the affections of their husbands. It is said that Amethyst prevented attacks from the thieves. Amethyst has the tendency to help its wearer in every form. As per its color, an Amethyst represents two major Chakras of our spiritual body, namely Third-Eye Chakra and The Crown Chakra. An Amethyst enhances the divine properties of these two Chakras helping in its wearer to grow with more of spirituality. In Indian astrology, An Amethyst sometime is recommended as a substitute stone of Blue Sapphire to reduce the bad effects of the malefic position of Saturn (Shani) in the horoscope of a native. An Amethyst is found great, if used by scientists, physicians, astrologers, research scholars, mathematicians and those who have great deal of work related to mind and calculations as Amethyst has the divine power to empower the concentration. People born with the sign, Capricorns (Kumbha) and Aquarius (Makara), Taurus (Vrishabh) and Gemini (Mithun), should wear an Amethyst. People born with their phase numbers of 3, 4 and 8 should also wear Amethyst. Wearing an Amethyst may result in sudden upturn in your financial, luxuries, comfort and love life related fortune.